Trois Petites Histoires De TG free porn video

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L'?trange voyage de Julie de Granlac Julien occupait un emploi aux archives, pour l'?t?. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de travail, parce que qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de visiteurs et le jeune ?tudiant en histoire ?tait un peu d?moralis? par l'atmosph?re fig?e des lieux. ?a lui donnait l'impression que tous ces t?moignages du pass? ?taient venus mourir en s'?chouant dans ces rayonnages, o? ils n'int?ressaient plus personne. Enfin, presque plus personne. Lui, Julien, adorait fl?ner parmi tous ces tr?sors oubli?s. Souvent, il s'?clipsait discr?tement pendant l'apr?s-midi et allait se perdre dans les couloirs du grand b?timent, pour explorer ? loisir le foisonnement des temps r?volus. Un jour, il ouvrit ainsi un carton d?bordant de papiers qui n'avaient, de toute ?vidence, jamais ?t? tri?s. Plongeant la main sous la masse des documents, il en extirpa un cahier. ? en juger par l'?tat de la toile garnissant la couverture, il devait dater d'au moins deux si?cles. Sur la page de garde ?tait trac? d'une belle ?criture ?Journal de Julie de Granlac?. Et en dessous, en plus petit: ?En souvenir de Julien, l'ami irrempla?able dont je suis n?e?. Intrigu? par la similitude des pr?noms et par le ton ?trange de la d?dicace, Julien feuilleta le cahier. Mais il ?tait enti?rement vierge, ? l'exception de la premi?re page, sur laquelle n'?tait ?crite qu'une seule phrase: ?Le 26 juillet 1774 commen?a mon existence de femme; ce jour-l? ma m?re arriva au couvent o? l'on m'avait dispens? si bonne ?ducation; ce jour-l? aussi, Julien disparut corps et ?me et naquit Julie...? En lisant ces mots, Julien ressentit une sensation de tourbillonnement. Son c?ur se mit ? battre follement dans sa poitrine et tout s'obscurcit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julien se r?veilla avec l'impression de s'extraire d'un tunnel long comme une ?ternit?. - Julie, Julie! R?veilles-toi ma ch?rie! Au-dessus de lui, se tenaient deux jeunes filles en longues robes noires, aux d?collet?s orn?s de rabats blancs, portant de stricts tabliers bleus, et des coiffes d'un autre ?ge sur la t?te. Julien redressa le buste et il sentit quelque chose de dur qui l'enserrait. Comme si une coque maintenait son torse. Il portait un corset! Il baissa le regard et vit sur son corps une robe identique ? celles que portaient les jeunes filles! Il mit sa main sur sa t?te et palpa la masse abondante d'un chignon enferm? sous un l?ger bonnet aux bordures de dentelle. Une religieuse couverte de longs voiles noirs accourut et lui passa un petit flacon sous le nez. Julien sentit sa gorge soulev?e par un haut- le-c?ur et cela acheva de lui faire reprendre ses esprits. - Ce n'?tait rien de bien grave,? dit la moniale, ?seulement un coup de chaleur qui lui a fait perdre ses sens. Allons, relevez-vous Julie, Madame votre m?re vous attend.? Julien se mit debout et suivit la bonne s?ur. Tout en avan?ant, il d?couvrait le corps dans lequel il se trouvait. Il le devinait, sous les nombreuses couches de ses v?tements. Il sentait des seins remplissant son corsage, des fesses charnues sous ses jupons, des cuisses pleines habill?es de bas frottant l'un contre l'autre quand il marchait. Il voyait ses bras potel?s et ses petites mains fines comme des pattes d'oiseau. Confront? ? cette invraisemblable situation, Julien puisait dans ses connaissances historiques pour tenter de comprendre o? il avait ?t? projet?. Il devait s'agir d'une institution pour jeunes filles de la noblesse. Pendant l'Ancien R?gime, elles recevaient dans ce genre d'endroit la chaste ?ducation des religieuses, avant d'?tre rendues ? leur famille une fois en ?ge d'?tre mari?e. De toute ?vidence, Julien ?tait l'une des pensionnaires. Il fut men? jusqu'? une vaste cour entour?e d'une galerie. ? c?t? d'une arcade, se tenait une grande femme dans une splendide robe du dix- huiti?me si?cle. Julien resta plant? devant cette inconnue au beau visage, ne sachant que dire, ni que faire. - Eh bien Julie!? lui dit finalement la religieuse d'un ton impatient, ?Saluez votre m?re voyons!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Les mois pass?rent, Julien s'accommoda de sa nouvelle existence. Il s'habitua ? son corps f?minin et ? ses contraintes. Il ?tait une jeune fille, dans un si?cle o? le pouvoir, avant tout, appartenait aux hommes. ? 19 ans, son p?re d?cida qu'elle ?pouserait le Chevalier de Granlac, de 15 ans son a?n?. Durant sa nuit de noces, elle se retrouva couch?e sous le corps large de cet homme qu'elle connaissait ? peine. Il p?n?tra sa chaire de sa virilit? et elle aima cela. Quelque temps apr?s, elle constata qu'elle avait cess? de saigner. Cette d?couverte la fit sourire. ?tre enceinte la remplissait d'un bonheur que Julien n'aurait jamais soup?onn? pouvoir ressentir. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Alors ma mie, vous venez? Nous allons ?tre en retard si vous tardez encore! Son mari passa pr?s du berceau o? dormait leur enfant, puis s'approcha de Julie. - Ah, je vois! Vous voil? encore en train d'user votre plume sur ce maudit cahier. Ma foi, je finirais par ?tre jaloux de ces pages qui vous prennent si longtemps ? moi.? dit-il en passant une main douce sur le cou gracieux de sa femme. - Il ne faut pas mon ami,? r?pondit Julie en levant les yeux vers son ?poux et en lui souriant. Julie avait beaucoup de tendresse pour cet homme. Il n'?tait pas tr?s fortun? et il avait des mani?res un peu frustes. Mais il ?tait bon et droit. ?Ce ne sont que quelques mots qui m'aident ? me souvenir d'une personne qui m'?tait tr?s ch?re, et que je ne reverrais plus jamais... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dans les sombres couloirs, Cyrille, le vieil archiviste, cherchait le stagiaire qui n'avait pas reparu malgr? l'heure de fermeture. Il commen?ait ? se dire que le jeune tire-au-flanc s'?tait tout bonnement accord? une demi-journ?e de libert?. Il avait d? quitter le b?timent en d?but d'apr?s-midi, par une des issues de secours, pour ne pas ?tre vu. Cyrille arriva finalement dans l'all?e o? Julien avait travers? les portes du temps. L'endroit ?tait d?sert. Il n'y avait l? qu'un vieux cahier tomb? par terre. Cyrille le ramassa, l'ouvrit et lut la premi?re phrase: ?Le 26 juillet 1774 commen?a mon existence de femme; ce jour-l? ma m?re arriva au couvent o? l'on m'avait dispens? si bonne ?ducation; ce jour-l? aussi, Julien disparut corps et ?me et naquit Julie...? Puis Cyrille lut la phrase suivante, puis la suivante encore. Il feuilleta le cahier dont toutes les pages, de la premi?re ? la derni?re, ?taient noircies d'une ?l?gante ?criture f?minine. Cyrille parcourait de temps en temps quelques passages et se sentait de plus en plus intrigu?. Sa curiosit? piqu?e, Cyrille glissa finalement le manuscrit sous son bras pour le lire tranquillement chez lui. Il ?tait impatient de d?couvrir le destin de cette myst?rieuse dame de Granlac. Au-del? de tes esp?rances C?dric n'en revenait pas. Ce qui lui arrivait ?tait impossible. Il courait dans la maison, les mains coll?es ? ses seins pour contenir leurs ballottements. Il s'arr?ta devant la grande glace de la chambre. Ses yeux fous d'inqui?tude regard?rent son reflet, ce corps qu'il n'avait jamais vu de sa vie, ce corps de femme! Il n'arrivait pas ? croire que ce corps ?tait le sien. Son cerveau refusait l'?vidence. Il repartit en courant, perdant un peu plus son sang-froid ? chaque seconde, l'esprit compl?tement troubl? par la panique. Ses longs cheveux sautaient sur ses ?paules, ses chairs remuaient, et il y avait ces seins mous qui s'agitaient devant lui! Toutes ces sensations nouvelles donnaient ? C?dric l'impression ?trange d'?tre poursuivi par son propre corps, comme si ce physique de femme ?tait en train de l'engloutir. C'?tait comme un cauchemar! Il alla devant la glace de la salle de bains. Il esp?rait de toutes ses forces se voir enfin lui, C?dric, un homme de 25 ans. Mais non, c'?tait toujours cette m?me femme qui apparaissait dans le miroir. C?dric avait envie de pleurer. Il admit enfin la r?alit?: il avait vraiment ?t? transform? en femme. - Tu pourras courir partout C?dric, ?a ne changera rien.? lui dit son ?pouse en le rejoignant ? pas tranquilles. ?Je t'ai enferm? dans ce corps et rien ne pourra t'en faire sortir. Tu es une femme d?sormais. Et pas la peine d'essayer de cacher tes seins, idiot! De toute fa?on tu es ? poil, on voit tout,? ajouta-t-elle en riant. - Vraiment, tu n'aurais pas d? me tromper ainsi, pendant toutes ces ann?es,? continua la femme de C?dric. ?Te voil? bien puni maintenant que je t'ai fait changer de sexe. Mais oublions tout ?a. Je sais aussi me montrer compr?hensive. Et puisque tu aimes tant coucher avec d'autres que moi, je vais te satisfaire... C?dric regarda son ?pouse, sans comprendre. Celle-ci reprit avec un sourire f?roce: - Je vais te satisfaire bien au-del? de tes esp?rances! J'ai fait venir des hommes, beaucoup d'hommes et ils vont se faire plaisir avec ton nouveau corps. Crois-moi C?dric, pour chaque coup de queue que tu as donn? ? une autre fille, tu vas t'en faire enfiler dix entre les jambes! Le poids de la justice Alex ?tait de ces gens qui ne comprennent pas pourquoi on vous interdit de coller une balle dans la t?te au type louche qui s'approche trop pr?s de votre voiture. Il ?tait pour une justice exp?ditive, histoire que les voyous n'aient jamais envie de recommencer. Un jour qu'il chassait dans la for?t, Alex d?boucha sur une clairi?re. Au milieu, il y avait un vieux puits cern? d'herbes folles, aux pierres vermoulues couvertes de mousses. Alex connaissait bien la r?gion, mais il n'avait jamais entendu parler de cet endroit. Il s'approcha du puits et regarda dedans. Une ?trange brume verte tourbillonnait tout au fond. Alex prit peur mais il n'eut pas le temps de se reculer. Une langue de brume bondit vers lui et avala son corps. Alex se sentit tomber dans un gouffre. Sa chute dura si longtemps qu'il finit par perdre connaissance. Quand il se r?veilla, tout avait chang?. En regardant autour de lui il vit une immense plaine couverte de bl?. Il ?tait au bord d'une route parfaitement rectiligne qui semblait faire comme une entaille dans cette mer jaune s'?tendant ? perte de vue. Alex regarda son corps et un frisson d'horreur gla?a sa poitrine. Il ?tait devenu une petite jeune fille aux v?tements us?s et poussi?reux. Il se trouvait maigre. Il avait faim. Le puits avait projet? Alex au c?ur de la grande d?pression, dans l'Am?rique du d?but des ann?es trente et il s'?tait retrouv? dans le corps d'une fille, l'enfant d'agriculteurs ruin?s qui avaient pris la route de la Californie. Alex sentait en lui les sentiments de cette fille. Il avait ses souvenirs. Ses parents, ? court d'argent, l'avaient abandonn? en chemin, comme on se d?barrasse d'un chien lors d'un d?part en vacances. Dans un endroit d?sert ils l'avaient fait descendre de la vieille Ford et avaient red?marr?. Elle avait na?vement couru derri?re le v?hicule, en appelant, esp?rant qu'ils allaient s'arr?ter, revenir. Mais la voiture bringuebalante n'avait m?me pas ralenti. La fille n'avait pas ?t? trop surprise d'?tre celle dont on se d?leste quand l'occasion se pr?sente. Ses parents ne l'avaient jamais aim?. Quand ils posaient les yeux sur elle ou qu'ils lui parlait, elle avait toujours l'impression d'?tre quelqu'un de souill?, comme si elle n'?tait pas quelque chose de convenable. Elle n'avait jamais su pourquoi. Au bord de cette route, Alex ressentait cette impression terrible de ne compter pour personne. Alex, ? bout de forces, fut finalement prise en train de voler une pomme, dans la ville voisine. En ces temps troubl?s, la justice ne plaisantait pas avec ce genre de choses. Il ne fallut que cinq minutes au juge pour lui donner cinq ans de prison. Le soir, dans sa cellule, un gardien la viola. Puis un autre. Le troisi?me eut l'imprudence d'entrer sans avoir retir? son arme de son ?tui et Alex, folle de douleur, s'empara du revolver. Le chef accourut et commen?a ? parler d'une voix douce ? la pauvre fille. Il s'approcha doucement d'elle et, quand il fut assez pr?s, il l'assomma d'un violent coup de poing. Alex, le visage tum?fi?, repassa d?s le lendemain au tribunal, et fut condamn?e ? 20 ans de travaux forc?s pour tentative de meurtre sur un repr?sentant de l'ordre. Depuis, Alex porte une robe en tissu ray?. Elle est encha?n?e au bord des routes avec les autres prisonni?res, s'?chinant sous un soleil terrible ? des travaux de terrassements. Si elle survit ? sa peine, elle sortira de l? bris?e, vieillie et toujours aussi pauvre. Souvent, Alex se dit qu'il vaudrait mieux qu'elle meure avant.

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Fantastic Anal Sex With Petite Maid

Hello, all. I am a 20-year-old boy residing in Bangalore. I live with my parents. So, we have this maid working for us for several years now. She is a cute petite girl. She has got the perfect ass. Tight but jiggly at the same time. A trimmed pussy too! Who does not love it to be clean and trimmed?! She is a freak in the bed. She is hardly even 23 years old, her husband left for another woman after getting my maid pregnant. She’s running rounds to the court every weekend nowadays and still...

2 years ago
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Coming Home to La Petite ValleyChapter 3

The next morning I headed out for the trail on the other side of town. I didn't figure I would have to wait more than a day or two before the judge and his officials were coming down the trail into town. I camped three miles outside the town in a little patch of trees. I could observe the trail coming and going. I hadn't anymore than set up my camp when I saw six riders coming toward town. They looked as if they had ridden a long way. About the same way as Abby and I did when we arrived....

4 years ago
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Initiation Swing Party Weekly Initiates Petite S American

She was a very young looking girl although we were told she was definitely id checked and over 19years of age, I saw the Party Organizers take a couple pics of her id as they always do but I didn't think she looked like she was older than 16. She could not have weighed much more than 100 pounds and I could not help but wonder if she would be able to handle the guys in that room! Altogether there were 12 guys and five girls including myself (I'm a 21 yo Asian Domina 5'3" 110# 34b -...

3 years ago
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Petite Stepdaughter Pt II

Lana had graduated from college but had not yet found a job; to be polite, Laurel asked me if it was okay for Lana to move in with us, but, of course, that was a given…I mean, it was her daughter, right? I certainly wouldn’t say, “No.” However, after I said, “Yes,” and as Laurel and I were kissing, despite my conscience, my dick started getting hard as I was thinking about young Lana being in my house…taking a shower…masturbating in her bed…bringing a boyfriend inside to fuck him in the middle...

2 years ago
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Petite Sister Begs For Anal

Hey, everyone! I’m Andy, Eighteen-year-old and my height is 1.8m because I play basketball at school. Now coming to the sex story, this happened after my last board’s exam. I had sex with Nasem continuously for the past two days and I returned home late at night, tired and exhausted. As I crashed onto my bed I heard my sister (Tina) calling me. I turned over and witnessed that she was standing topless in front of me. I could clearly see her petite boobs hanging on her body. Even though she’s...

4 years ago
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1 petite asian milf vs 5 big black cocks

Slutyasianwifey had a fantasy, she wanted to be gangbanged by bbc right in front of her husband.After searching and making some contact online she decided to invite over 5 bbc’s. So on the day they came over she dressed up like a little slut wesring just a short skirt n white top without her panty n bra. When they came in they stared at her petite little body. They where all way bigger then her. They gave her all kinds of compliments wich made her a bit shy. They went to sit down on the sofa...

3 years ago
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Coming Home to La Petite ValleyChapter 7

Some one shouted that there was a horse coming on a dead run. It was lathered some when it was yanked to a standstill in the yard. It was a girl of seventeen or so and was looking around for Jacob. "Jacob, we just got word that raiders have robbed our wagons and set our people afoot. They are taking our cattle and all of our equipment. You must do something." "Where?" "I don't know. I think the other side of the last town before this one. They are taking them north and west." "Were...

4 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 5 Petition for Enslavement

Unemployment took its toll. After approximately three months of not being able to make a mortgage payment or pay down any of my credit cards, unpleasant things began to happen. First, the finance company came and repossessed my car. I received notice from the bank that my home faced foreclosure if they did not receive at least two months payment by the end of the month. Charges had begun to appear on my credit card statement for merchandise I had never purchased! Since I was a little girl,...

3 years ago
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Le Petite Mort

You lift the hardwood lid, and are at first struck by the delicate scent of my perfume, then as your eyes adjust to the poorly lit interior, you are struck by how peaceful and composed I look. My red hair is neatly arrayed about me; it cascades down the pink satin pillow and beneath my shoulders. My silk blouse lays slightly parted--the top buttons undone, allowing you to see the hollow of my cleavage, and nestled within, the crucifix you gave me oh so long ago. You eye strays to the small...

2 years ago
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Petition for the Dissolution

Georgia Plummer walked into the lobby of the four-story building, across the marble tile floors, past the polished limestone walls, and to the stainless-steel doors to the elevators. She didn’t bother to stop at the information desk, she had instructions that told her that the office of Smith, Brown & Wilmott, Attorneys at Law, LLP, was on the fourth floor. The security guard at the information desk, hearing the click-click-click of her heels as she walked across the lobby, smiled at her,...

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Beautiful Petite Woman

Dali Wine Bar & Restaurant. This is one of the best bars in Dallas, Texas. The decor is wonderful, matched by great service and food. The high-class ambiance of this bar will make you frequent this bar many times in the future. Dee looked up and locked eyes with me across the bar. I was dressed in a expensive dark suit. Late fifties, gray hair, and sunken cheeks, which gave my face the illusion of danger. My eyes are bright with drink, and they are interested. She didn't smile, but she...

4 years ago
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The Petite Math Teacher

Ms. Daniels, age 28, is slender in size and probably only stands about 5’2” tall. She has Light brown hair which is always kept at shoulder length and is usually curled under or flipped out. Her skin tone was very light but milky smooth and when she looked at you with her smoky blue eyes it almost made you melt. She always dressed very conservatively and never showed off any skin. Normally she had on a full length skirt which fell to the ankle and a regular looking blouse which covered up...

3 years ago
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We follow what happens when a petite bi guy that dresses as a tranny is regularly fucked by his neighbour

The best thing about living by yourself in the suburbs of a city, is that you have all the varied amenities of a city, with plenty of quiet roads, dark alleys, and gardens to melt into which serve my sexual leanings very well! If I explain to you a little about myself and exactly what my sexuality is, perhaps you’ll understand more fully? My name is Adrian Cooper, I’m 27, single, 5ft 6in tall, and weigh 10-stone (140lbs). Although I’m very slightly built, nature has been...

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La Petite Mort

There you are again. It’s Friday evening.You’ve gone out with the office crowd.Those numpties, delinquents, and losers that think they are the bee’s knees.You’re aching. You want cock. No, not just cock but a good fuck.Certainly not the sort you could have ten times a day from ‘Great Dave’, ‘Always score Ian’, or any of the rest of them. You want a man who knows how to please a woman! Is it that hard? 'Did I say hard?'But does he exist? Since you moved to London you've done it how many times?...

Quickie Sex
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La petite baise jouet

It's late in the evening and you find yourself bored and horny. The usual online porn isn't really doing it for you tonight, so you decide to lurk on some public sex forums for a while; the kind where perverts and nymphos connect to meet up in bathrooms, parks, and the like. Other than boning a couple of old girlfriends in public places (a parking lot with one a few years back, and a graveyard with a girl you dated in school) you don't have much experience with this sort of thing, and other...

Group Sex
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Excess Part 1 and 2 a petite brunettes first inte

Excess was packed. The deep thrum of bass was like a racing, hedonistic heartbeat. There was a decadent, almost erotic vibe; hundreds of perspiring bodies pressed up against one another, cavorting luridly in the half-light of the club.I‘d seen her almost immediately; dancing with two friends and ignoring the persistent affections of a couple skinny white boys. Of course she would; she was perfect; she wouldn’t go in for that. She wasn’t classically pretty; she wasn’t tall or blonde and didn’t...

2 years ago
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Petite Problems

All of my blog entries and stories are based on real events. Names, dates and locations have been changed for privacy. I hadn't done any escort work for a while and I was having a bit of dry spell. I had just joined Facebook. I was slow on the uptake as far as social media is concerned. Why would I want people to know what I had for breakfast? It wasn't long after setting up my profile I started getting requests from old friends and family. On request stood out because the message attached said...

3 years ago
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La Petite Mort Part I

Rebecca thrummed her fingers against the table top in a mindless tune and eyed the door in front of her worriedly. For the nth time in the past two hours she checked her watch, and then the large digital clock pinned above the counter, and wondered if the guy she was meeting today would be another no-show. The bells above the door chimed and she looked up anxiously, only to deflate when a woman pushing a stroller bustled into the café. There was no one behind her. Another glance. Her watch now...

4 years ago
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My petite Muslim wifes first experience cont

She tried to resist but Lawrence overpowered her easily! She pulled back his thick dark forskin to unveil his throbbing pink mushroom helmet! Tentatively she stuck out her tongue and with just the tip she had her first taste of a black cock! She licked round his helmet a little before Lawrence told her to use all of her tongue! My wife stuck her tongue out flat and pulled that thick black cock onto it! She licked his cock all over before popping his helmet into her mouth! She struggled to put...

3 years ago
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Patti Petite Ron Jeremy and my first wild crazy

I love women! I love asses! I love my ass! So, the following true story is near and dear to my heart, or cock, or maybe they are the same ;) She was my employee, she was older, she overweight, she was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So when she and I were talking in my office and she suggested that she suck my cock, I gladly accepted of course. She gasped when she saw my big cock and dove for it. That wasn't unusual in those days; I was young, hung, horny and not bad looking. Her...

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Drunk Surprises Are The Best 8211 Night With Petite Girlfriend

Hi, this is Sid again. This is my second story on the site. Both are real incidents. If you have not read the previous one, you can check it out. A little bit about me first. I am 5’10 tall and have an athletic body with an average sized penis. I am from Mumbai. Coming to the story. One night my girlfriend and I were invited to a nightclub for an event organized by one of our friends. We decided to get a few drinks before and then meet everyone at the nightclub. Once we got there, it was a very...

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My neighbors petite hot wife

My wife and I are pretty good friends with the neighbors that live across from us. He's a very well educated scientist and works for a large company near us. From time to time he's away overnight and occasionally for several days at a time. His wife is a MILF of the highest order! She takes very good care of herself and is very petite. She has a curvy hourglass figure, firm breasts that just beg to be fondled and a tight ass. Often when she's out walking her little dog she'll stop over and...

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Petite Party Slut Darshana

I opened my eyes after a hand slapped me across my face. The alcohol was still stemming in my system and I was still noticeably high. I looked around to find myself in the bedroom of my good friend’s house. Ohh yes, Pratiks house party! Too.much to drink, I tried to find the source of the hand that slapped me. Lying on face down was a petite girl with a short skirt which was pulled up to her upper thighs and a skimpy top which was sticking to her body maybe due to sweat. Even with all the...

4 years ago
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Petite Priyanak Drilled

Hello guys. My name is Ram ( name changed ofc). I am from Vizag , a beautiful city in the south. I have recently started to think about relationships and would love to go on dates and have a LTR with a single girl ( 18-21 preferably). Btw I am 20 years and study in a well reputed college. Please understand that I am looking for a girl who isn’t judgemental about my stories and pretty comfortable with my fantasies although I wouldn’t force her on them. The girl in this story is a girl called...

4 years ago
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petite evil part 1

When i was four years old i started wearing stockings on my bare smooth legs. I didnt have any hair on them at all yet as i was an extremely late bloomer. Sitting at the shoe store with my gramma i would take the nylon socks they give you to try on ,which are nylon knee high stockings, and pull them up past my thighs. I had very very petite girly legs with very balanced curves that drew your eye very hard to the depths of your sexuality to fight the demons that plague men their entire lives....

3 years ago
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My Petite Mami

Hi, I am Ashish Nair aged 25 a Malayalee by birth, brought up in Gujarat so a Gujarati. This is my 3rd story a true episode in my life like the previous ones. My previous stories were 1. My first sex lessons 2. I teach my cousin sex For new readers an introduction of myself: I am a Malayalee by birth; we had our land and house in Kerala and both my father and my mother had their share of land in kerala. The ancestral house of my father was in his name. My grandmother used to stay there and...

2 years ago
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Mature petite brunette coworker Judy

Coworker JudyMy first job starting out as a teen was at a greenhouse. We did various tasks that included planting, selling, and delivering plants, flowers, and floral arrangements. I remember Judy's first day as if it was yesterday. She was a petite tanned older mature lady in her mid to late fifties. Judy's body was what most teen girls would kill for, perfect tight little ass, thin hourglass body, complimented by a nice set of tits under her tight t shirts that she wore. Judy and I got along...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 La Petite Mort

IntroductionLove and affection come in many forms.  I’ve experienced them all, from the playful love through new experiences; the unwavering selfless love of a years-long friendship; and the deep, maturing love of a committed romance.Throughout all these experiences has existed the delicious fire of eroticism.  The burning passion of two ships passing in the night, aware of each other for only the briefest of encounters.  An understanding gentleness, touched by the sweetness of childhood...

4 years ago
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Petite Personal Trainer

As much as he wanted to grab the bouncing titties above him, Marcus did not have the strength to make his hands leave the comfort of the soft hip-flesh and climb up the ladder of ribs. Lying on his back, he was content to watch the girl grinding on his crotch cowgirl-style as tirelessly and intensely as the day they met, moaning her throat raw as she wrung freshly produced cum out of his loins. It had been an exhausting, wonderful year; the passage of time only measured by the length of his...

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Pretty Petite Latina

Stephany was a very young, petite and skinny, dark complected Latina, with brunette hair, and even though she was 18 years old, she was flat-chested, but did seem to have a little something there. She had a great little figure and even though she had skinny little legs, she really had a nice firm little butt. She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw...

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My Petite China Doll

Anita was her name; I got to know her in one of those seedy karaoke clubs, when I was assigned to work in Guangzhou by my company as the project manager for the extension of our plant there. After looking at the new plant’s building drawings for about a week or so, my mind went blank and I had a hard time concentrating on work any further because I could not have my normal sexual relief like I used to get from my girlfriends at least twice a week back home in New York. I am well hung, 9 inches...

1 year ago
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My Very Naughty Petite Wife

We met when Fee was 35 and still married, we lived in the same close but were just on good morning terms and the odd chat about mundane things, Fee had to pass my small house every day on her way out and back but at the time I wasn't sure if she was interested, I have always had a thing for petite near flat-chest well educated girls so I started to play her. She commented on my very muscular body and asked how old I was, at the time I was 44 to her 35, she mentioned that she was going through a...

1 year ago
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Big surprise from petite brunette with nice size breasts

I was at a conference and it was boring as usual. The second night I went to the bar ordered a drink and sat there sipping on it. The bar was crowded and when a very petite brunette asked if anyone was sitting next to me I was so glad. She introduced herself as Marci and I said hello, I'm Ben. She had 2 drinks to my one and with each drink it seemed as though she was getting friendlier. Now I'm an average looking guy nothing to brag about but obviously she saw something she liked in me. We had...

She Males

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