Rogue reliving without regrets
- 2 years ago
- 64
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With sirens blaring and crowds of people crying out for help, the Brotherhood of Mutants had decided to make a ‘statement’ in Central Park… One that involved a great deal of noise and property damage. Avalanche and Blob were busy tearing up the walkways and street lamps while Pyro set trees on fire, laughing it up while they scared off groups of people, who scattered and panicked to get away.
“That’s right homo-inferiors, this park belongs to the mutants.” Declared Mystique with her fist raised high, watching on in cruel mirth at the throngs of panicking people. With the place up in flames and her heavy hitters tearing the famous park to ruins, this would be more than enough publicity for their cause.
“That’s right losers, this is our pad now.” Chuckled Toad on top of a light post, eyeing a fly buzzing around his greasy hair before he snapped at it with his tongue. “How about you run off and… Uhm…”
“Quiet Toad.” Sneered the blue skinned woman, her hands at her hips eyeing the frog man perched over her head. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and scare off a few children… You’re good at that.”
“WE HAVE A BETTER IDEA!” Looking up, the Brotherhood found the shadow of the Blackbird jet hover over them, its canopy doors open where Cyclops jumped off the exposed catwalk and fired at Blob’s stomach with his optic blasts, making it warp and ripple like a Jell-O mold and forcing him to drop the lamp post he uprooted from the sidewalk. “How about you leave the exterior decorating to the professionals.” Landing behind their leader; Storm, Beast, Wolverine and Rogue stood ready to fight.
Colliding into a full-on brawl the two groups of mutants fought in the center of the park. Storm had conjured a rain storm to put out the fires, making Pyro furious as he aimed his flamethrowers at the floating weather goddess. “Bitch! You put out my fires, you’ll burn for that!” Ororo looked down with a knowing smirk, slowly lowering herself down to the ground where the red clad pyromaniac sneered back at her. A pathetic spurt from his wrist mounted fire nozzles let the man know his fire had gone out in more ways than one. Slowly raising his hands up in surrender, he gave Storm a sheepish smile. “Uhm… Truce?” Smiling back, Ororo’s eyes lit up, just when a bolt of lightning sparked between her outstretched fingers and shot between Pyro’s legs. Making the man dance before passing out, his leg still twitching.
Beast was making short work of Avalanche, even while the ground shook beneath his feet to the point of almost cracking open. A fissure forming between his simian feet and throwing off his balance. “Whoops! Watch your feet Blue, don’t wanna fall in.” Thinking fast, he grabbed a chunk of some nearby debris and hurled it towards the man’s ankles with enough force to knock him off his feet, sending Avalanche spinning and cradling his bruised leg. “Dammit! Why you blue bastard, when I get my hands on…” turning around to get back up, he wasn’t prepared for the right hook that knocked him out cold.
“Hey Hank, got a minute?”
Looking over his shoulder, Beast found Wolverine diving and ducking the attacks from the bloated mutant Blob, who was trying to crush him with the flattened remains of a car like some gigantic fly swatter. “Heh, gonna squish you GOOD.” Getting out of the way in the nick of time, Logan rolled to stand shoulder to shoulder with the blue furred scientist. The pair now staring up at the Blob lifting the car over his head for another strike. “Looks like quiet the pickle my friend, perhaps he needs a fastball special?” Nodding back, Logan curled himself into a ball while Beast easily lifted him up and tossed Wolverine straight at Blob’s face. Looking up at the absurd act, Blob found an angry clawed wolverine heading straight for his face like a cannonball. The impact sending the morbidly obese strong man rolling backwards and falling onto his back with the same weight as a crashing tree. Regaining his bearings, Fred Dukes looked up to where a pair of claws pointed between his eyes. Biting his lip nervously. “Hey bub, wanna bet your eyeballs can’t be pierced?” seeing the razor-sharp points aiming for his peepers, the Blob passed out… Right before passing wind.
Tumbling off the Blob’s fat form and waving his hand in front of his face, Hank was no better, trying desperately to pinch his nose to keep down the stink. “Aww JEEZ… Gonna smell that for days!”
With most of the brotherhood out of the way, Cyclops and Rogue had Mystique detained on the ground, the shapeshifter having no means to struggle against Rogue’s superhuman strength while Cyclops prepped a pair of cuffs to keep her down. “Get off me! This isn’t over.”
“Sure it ain’t sugah.” Smirked the Soutrhern Belle, easily keeping Mystique from overpowering her and escaping. “Say where’s that useless Toad of yours?” Feeling something land on her back, Rogue was unprepared for the pair of hands that clasped around her eyes. “Peeka-boo, I got you!” The instant Toad touched her bare skin, he regretted it. Feeling a wave of dizziness, he fell off her back, nausea overtaking him just when he looked up to see Rogue stand back up to her feet and wince. Bringing her hands to her forehead, Rogue felt Toad’s memories flood into her; knowing instantly what he had been doing the last few days, where he went and what he ate… Especially recently! Turning to look down at the man, she now had a slice, green complexion just like him. Her eyes had become yellow and her lips swollen. “TOAD!!!” Rogue wrung her gloved hands and stared daggers at the shivering man.
“Eep!” Turning, he made a break for it, running and hopping away in the hopes of escaping into the trees. “YA’LL NOT GETTING AWAY FROM ME YOU VARMENT!” Flying off into the air to pursue him, Cyclops tried to call her back but found himself pre-occupied with a now free Mystique taking on the form of a grizzly bear. Stuck between chasing the two down and fighting for his life, Cyclops chose the latter when Mystique charged his way.
Jumping from tree branch to tree branch Toad panted, trying to escape the angry southern beauty making a bee-line for him in the air. Even as far as he was already, he couldn’t escape her and found himself grabbed from behind and tackled to the ground. With his arms pinned to the ground, Toad was forced to look up at the angry woman pursing her lips in frustration, her green, glossy complexion showing she had taken on all of his powers… And she HATED every second of it.
“H-hey, no bad feelings right Rogue? That’s a good look for you.”
Sneering with almost blind fury, too angry to think or make a retort and getting madder by the second, Rogue did something that surprised them both. “Uhm… rogue?” Opening her mouth wide, wider than she ever thought possible, she bit down on toad’s head and began to pull him down her throat. Ignoring his struggles and muffled please she gripped his shoulders and gulped him down more and more. The neckline of her costume ripped open, unable to cope with stretching for more room while the tear travelled further down, exposing her slimy green cleavage and upper naval. Her neck bulged larger when his mass slid past her lips, her mouth just stretching wider to accommodate his shoulders and shoving him even deeper down her throat on his way down to her stomach. It all seemed impossible, like a dream. Yet here she was grabbing onto Toad’s flailing legs and forcing the rest of him down. When his feet finally slipped past her lips, she rolled onto her back, rubbing her now exposed distended stomach and groaning from being fuller than she ever had been in her entire life!
Slowly opening her eyes and getting up off the grass Rogue shook her head sleepily and looked around. “Mah goodness, how long was I asleep?” Sitting up she felt a weight pulling her down, when she looked down, her eyes shot wide open. Her stomach had become a distended orb that hung from her middle, totally exposed thanks to her costume splitting open and gurgling angrily, trying to digest its contents. Blushing a deep red, Rogue buttoned up her jacket to keep her dignity and cover her exposed breasts and picked herself off the ground, cradling her heavy middle. “What on Earth caused this?” Remembering what seemed like hours ago, she remembered when she chased Toad after she absorbed his powers, and then… Gulp.
“Uh oh… RIBBUT”
Looking around she took to the air and flew back to the group, finding that the X-Men had already gathered up the Brotherhood of Mutants and were in the middle of bringing them on the Black Bird for departure. Spotting the flying woman approach the jet, Cyclops had already settled an unconscious Mystique into her chair when he addressed her.
“It’s about damn time you got back Rogue, did you get Toad or… WHOA! What the hell happened to you?!”
With the rest of the team looking at their friend, Beast and Wolverine nearly dropped an unconscious Avalanche on the deck of the Black Bird. Rogue’s skin had taken a pale green color, slick and glossy it almost made her look deathly sick. Her green and black had ripped open, exposing her front except for the leather jacket she had buttoned up as a top, her gloved hands holding her stomach steady and rubbing sore spots that churned and growled. Looking towards her teammates, Rogue didn’t know what to tell them. What was she going to do? If she told them she ate Toad alive then she’d be cut from the team, heck she might even be kicked out of the Institute! Breathing in deeply she explained herself. “That pond jumper gave me the slip when he… Uhm… Kicked up a flock of pigeons.”
“How did that give you a swollen stomach?!” Wondered Storm, shaking her head at the sight of a potbellied Rogue looking back at her sheepishly. Seeing a lone bird fly by, Rogue eyed the thing out of instinct and shot out her tongue, snatching it up and swallowing it whole. Leaving a few stray feathers to stick out of her mouth.
“Ouch, at least it’ll wear off, right?”
“Ah hope so!” Spitting up a feather, she burped and made her way into the Black Bird. The rest of the team taking their seats and making plans to head back to the mansion. Sitting heavily into her chair, Rogue went to sleep hoping that the short trip would help to digest her meal.
The next day…
Looking at herself in her vanity mirror, Rogue took in a deep breath and sighed. The good news? Her stomach finally deflated and no longer bulged out like she had swallowed a bundle of balloons. The bad news? Posing back and forth and getting a better look at herself from the front, sides and behind, she found out where all that mass went off to after she finally went to sleep last night. The terms ‘thunder thighs’ and ‘booty’ came to mind, among others things that best described her new figure. Her hips had grown wider and her thighs had thickened quite a bit. Her once heart shaped rear had become a full apple bottom that stood out from behind her. Looking down at her stomach, it had certainly diminished yet the view was now obscured by her much larger bust, her top now looking like it had grown into the E cup range if not larger. Giving her stomach a rub she groused to find that she lost her abs, now sporting a soft middle. And if that wasn’t enough she was still green and froggy.
“Guess that Toad is here to stay… How ahm I gonna live through this?... RIBBUT.”
Going through her cloths she opted with a pair of daisy dukes without a belt and a button top tied at the front. Normally she would have worn much more but figured that with her new greasy green complexion and her sudden 80-pound gain, the rest of the campus would give her a wide berth. Huffing in annoyance she stepped out into the hallway from her bedroom and made her way to the gym on the main floor, hoping that maybe JUST maybe she could work off her added weight. “Ah wonder if the liftin weights can be set to a few tons?”
Making her way down the arched stairs and stepping past a few gawking students, Rogue huffed in annoyance until she finally made it to the school gym and went straight to the treadmill. Running for hours and ignoring the stares from some of the others who had been there before her arrival, she continued to keep herself pre-occupied with her workout. “Damn Toad, y’all just HAD to give little ol' me your powers, didn’t you? Now I’m not so little anymore…” After a couple hours of heavy running and breaking into a sweat, she moved onto weights and began making her reps. Her increased strength made the act trivial, but she was hoping that if she lifted a couple hundred pounds enough times then maybe she’d burn off her new weight in… Oh… A week? Hopefully?
With half the day already spent, Rogue was both tired and sore. She stopped lifting. Putting the 300-pound bar bell down on the rack, she sat heavily on a nearby stool and leaned forward to rest her arms. Her stomach felt less soft but when she sat back up to stand she frowned when it growled furiously. “Oh, come on! How can ah be hungry?! Ah ate that Toad yesterday and that should have set me for ah month!”
“What did you eat mon cherri?”
Turning, her frown deepened when she caught a smirking Gambit leaning against the doorway of the workout gym, eyeing up her new curves and holding back a chuckle. “Why I do believe you had yourself a terrible day yesterday.”
“Remy not ONE word out ah you, not ONE.” Crossing her arms, she turned her back at the man, pouting angrily at being seen in her state.
“Oh, come now petit, it’s not so bad.” Waved the Cajun card dealer entering the room. “If anything, that shade o green now matches your uniform, no?” Feeling the man lay his gloved hands over her shoulders to calm her down, only made her madder.
Spinning around and grabbing the man by his chin, she glared into his red eyes, fuming. “REMY! What did I just tell you… About…” At that moment, Rogue realized she wasn’t wearing her gloves, but unlike last time and every time before that… Nothing was happening. Bringing her other hand up she began tracing her fingers around his chin and face, the act making her cleavage press up against his chest and give the man something to be distracted with while she felt up his skin. Lightly tugging at his ears, pinch his cheeks and then finally wriggle his nose between her fingers.
“Remy… Ah can TOUCH YOU!”
Looking deeply into his black and red eyes, Rogue’s nostrils flared. A smile nearly cracking her face when a series of ideas came rushing through her mind. Ideas she felt she would never get the chance to do with her powers in the way, but now her powers had changed, and she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Speaking of mouths, Gambit was more than a little surprised when Rogue leaned forward, grabbing him by the scruff of his coat and pulled him in for a smoldering hot kiss.
A chuckle from some passing students in the hallway made Rogue stop only briefly. Eyeing the gym, she spotted the broom closet and pulled Gambit with her towards the door, shoving the man inside and closing the door behind her. Now she had the privacy to continue.
Caught off guard and shoved against the wall, Remy Le Beau had an amorous Rogue trying desperately to explore the back of his throat with her tongue, her hands reaching everywhere they could touch after pulling up his shirt and trying desperately to undo the fly of his pants. The instant Rogue discovered that she didn’t absorb Gambit’s powers from her touch OR send him into a half hour coma in doing so made her want to throw caution to the wind and take what she wanted after so long, added weight be damned!
“Uhm… Mon Cherri aren’t we moving a bit fast?”
Pulling away for only a second, Rogue stared into his eyes with a hungry look. Never leaving his eyes she swiftly undid the knot holding her shirt together and tossed it behind her, her top landing on the handle of a broom, knocking it over. Her daisy dukes and panties were the next to come off, sliding them down her long legs and kicking them to the side and out of her way. Grabbing Remy’s hands and pressing them against her now larger bare breasts, her stiff nipples nearly pierced his palms. “Why don’t YOU tell me how fast I want it Sugah!” Leaning forward for another kiss, she smiled against his lips when he stopped resisting and began groping her tits. Finally feeling bare hands that weren’t her own feeling up her chest and begin roaming down to squeeze at her ass. Making the woman coo and moan. Once she had gotten Remy’s pants undone, she stopped kissing him with a wink of her eye to pull them straight down and bundle them around his ankles, going down onto her knees. Prying his underwear off and gripping at his growing erection, Rogue practically drooled with lust and kept the man pinned to the wall with just her free hand, while her other hand began to guide his length to her mouth.
Rogue sucked and slurped around his length, taking him to the hilt and back, enjoying the faces he made when she took him deep. The scent and taste of the man that flirted with her endlessly in the mansion set her into a sexual frenzy and despite the hang ups of Toad’s powers, the one she was benefiting from the most was his powerful tongue. Feeling Remy’s hands grip her hair, she knew she was doing a number on him. The way he throbbed in her mouth and the gasped of air when she licked up his length.
Finally, she was given the freedom to act out her own desires, no longer having to worry about hurting someone simply for leaving her gloves off or not covering every inch of her in cloths just in case she accidently rubbed shoulders with another body. Now she could finally be able to touch people and feel their smooth warm skin against her own, and right now the person in her grasp was VERY warm.
getting close to his climax, Remy was gripping at her scalp and wincing from the intensity of her sucking, it was almost like she was trying to eat him alive. “Rogue…” He gasped through clenched teeth, looking down to see her let go of his erection and hefting her breasts up to wrap around his cock and engulf him in her cleavage, letting her tongue swirl around his tip. Overstimulated and at his peak, the man finally cam hard into the green skinned woman’s mouth, forcing her to swallow his seed down for dear life. Collapsing against the all, Remi panted and gasped when Rogue let go of him. Looking up with blurry eyes he found her licking up what was left of his release.
“More!... I want MORE!”
Wiping her lips clean she pulled Gambit down onto the ground and in one swift motion, spun around and straddled his waist. “Time for the main event Sugah.” Breathing hard with an almost manic smile Rogue gripped his still hard erection and guided it towards her pussy. When she sank down on his erection, her mind exploded. Penetrated deep, she moaned out loud. Her little black toy under her bed NEVER speared this deep into her, nor did it feel this good! Grinding down against him and pressing her hands at his chest to keep herself steady, Rogue lost herself to being so stuffed. From there, her actions became more frantic, bucking and riding over him to reach her own peak when she felt that Gambit might reach his own. Tossing her hair with her hands and lolling her head back and forth, her breasts swung heavily with her pleasured reactions. Seeing the man in her grasp try to hold her steady, she leaned down and smothered him with her breasts, closing her eyes when she felt him lick at her cleavage and nipples. She was so close now and feeling Remy grip at her hips, ass and breasts only brought her closer to orgasm. “Almost… So close, so… “When it hit her, her world turned blank. Moaning out loud she was caught within the crashing waves of mind-blowing pleasure, her eyes rolling back and her strength leaving her when multiple orgasms crashed against her psyche. Overwhelmed she collapsed heavily on top of Gambit, resting her head on his chest and fluttering her eyes from the sensation.
“Damn mon cherri… You needed THAT bad…” Panting and holding the now exhausted woman laying on top of him, Remy noticed Rogue kissing his chest, making her way up his neck to kiss at his chin and face. But for a moment he noticed a strange glassy look in her eyes when she looked at his face, an almost drunken smile on her lips, just when he heard her stomach growl. Caught off guard he didn’t expect her to open her mouth so wide, or to pull his head into her open maw!
Opening her eyes and yawning into her hand, Rogue looked around and found herself alone in a dark room. “Wha…? Remy? You here?” Scratching her hair out of her eyes she sat up, stopping when she felt her balance shift. Looking down she gasped, it looked like she had almost doubled in weight! Her thighs were thick and round, tapered by broad hips that seemed wider than her shoulders. Sitting up she could feel the shelf of her now rounder ass meet with the heels of her feet. looking down, her arms now soft and padded, her hands cradled the massive orbs of her breasts, which had now ballooned to full G cup size. Below the slopes of her cleavage her belly bulged out in front of her, heavy and curved it hung low, obscuring her naval and inner thighs.
“What the HELL happened to me?! Where’s Remy?”
Looking around she found his clothes and shoes but not much else, shaking her head in confusion she let out a burp and suddenly she remembered what had happened. She had dragged Gambit into the broom closet with her, seducing him to take her now that she could touch him. For what seemed like an hour they went at it, the first bout of orgasms had sent her to cloud nine, making her light headed and blissful. When she began kissing up his chest and neck she was overcome by the taste of his sweat and skin, and then… Gulp.
“I… I ATE him!” However long she had been asleep, she had nearly digested her former flame and packed on the massive meal as bulk onto her now overweight frame. She had no idea what to do, what could she do? In the last two days, she had swallowed two people whole and she didn’t even mean to do it. Getting up off the floor she gathered up her cloths and frowned to find that she had outgrown them, forced to wear her daisy dukes with the button and fly undone and tying the shirt top to just its barest, revealing her deep cleavage and round belly. When she opened the broom closet door just a creak she found it dark out, the lights were turned off and the gymnasium was empty.
“Thank goodness, everyone’s asleep.” Gathering up Gambit’s casual clothes off the ground she snuck out into the open, quickly trying to return to her room. She could feel her large breasts swing heavily and her wider ass sashay with each step. When she had finally made it to her room, she locked the door behind her and leaned against the door. “Phew… Coast was clear.” Making her way towards her desk and mirror she turned on the light to get a better look at herself. Much to her surprise her sickly green skin had cleared somewhat, but now her face seemed softer, rounder. What really got her attention were her red and black eyes staring back at her. “Great, guess Remy’s here to stay.” She felt ashamed of herself, before she only had to worry about bumping into people to get them hurt. Now she was flat out eating them! “At least he died happy…”
Straightening up, she picked up a pin to do up her hair, only to see the thing glow bright like a tiny flame between her fingers. Blinking at the tiny metal object, she suddenly realized what she had done and ran for the window, tossing the pin out into the air and wince when it exploded like a cherry bomb off in the distance. Surprisingly it didn’t wake up too many students, the odd call for quiet from a few down the hall was the only reaction to the tiny explosion. Frowning she went back to her desk, being extra careful not to set off another explosion with her newfound powers. “What ahm I gonna do? Should I tell the X-Men?” Giving herself a pose to get a better look at herself her frown deepened. “Pff, if ah did that, they’d kick me out for sure, absorbing powers is one thing but ah just ate two people… And look like it too!”
A low growl from her stomach made her glare down at herself. “Oh, fuck off! How can ah be hungry?!” Giving her soft middle a shake with both her hands, Rogue huffed and looked inside her closet for anything that would fit. Thankfully she found a nightgown that fit her snug and something to tie her hair back, but sadly none of her bras fit and her panties clung to her like a skin-tight thong. “I’ll just make myself something small and work my way towards a diet, with some luck the rest of the team will think Remy ran off or something.”
Stepping out of her quarters she made her way down to the kitchen, eyeing the hallways to make sure she was alone. She thought she was Scott free when she turned the corner and found Emma Frost sitting by the kitchen table, nursing a cup of vanilla tea. “Why good evening Anne Marie, did you get woken up by that little boom too?” Pursing her lips into a haughty smirk Emma swirled the small sugar spoon to mix her tea before taking a sip, eyeing up Rogue’s expanded figure. “Or did you have a taste for the roast ham in the refrigerator?”
Frowning back at the platinum blonde woman, Rogue answered. “Hello Emma, just dealing with mah new appetite, damn Toad hasn’t left mah system yet.”
Feigning concern the platinum blonde crossed her legs, leaning forward with that same smirk. “Oh poor dear, did you know female toads can eat their body weight in food? At least you didn’t inherit his warts.” Watching the plump southern belle rummage through the refrigerator Emma continued. “Then again, your powers don’t turn off like some of my more… Gifted students, maybe YOUR powers are mingling with HIS.”
Hearing Rogue bump her head, Emma leaned back and sipped from her tea again, hiding her mirth when Rogue turned around and glared at the chalk white telepath. “Ah don’t need no tea tottin blue blood tellin me ah can’t control mah powers!” Glaring down at the White Queen, Rogue’s anger diminished when Emma took a better look at her.
“Since when did you have red eyes?”
“You’re eyes Rogue, they’re red.” Giving the plump southern woman a closer look Emma noticed that Rogue’s once green eyes were now black with red dots. Curious she looked inside the woman’s mind with her telepathy, gasping when she looked over the sordid details of what happened in the gymnasium’s broom closet. “Oh… My… Goodness!” Clasping a hand over her silver lips, Emma Frost gasped at first before falling into a chuckle. “You ATE Gambit?! Gaaasp… And Toad as well?” Leaning back into her chair her laughter was uncovered by her hands which returned to her hot tea at the table, taking a sip with her smiling lips. “So, Toad’s powers did a number on you, didn’t they? Personally, I won’t miss the greasy midget, but Gambit? Oh, there will be hot water for that.”
“Oh, how ARE you going to keep this a secret? Or explain away the extra pounds on your derriere? If I could only be the fly on that wall when Xavier pries the information from that pickle jar you call a skull and walls you up to keep the rest of the staff safe.” Wringing her hands excitedly she tapped her feet in excitement. “I can already hear the discrimination, the jabs and jeers… I guess it’s true, you southerners will eat just about anything!”
“Emma!” Finally catching the White Queen’s attention, Emma Frost looked up with a haughty smile to find Rogue glaring down at her, what broke the smile on Emma’s face was the low growl coming from Rogue’s stomach. “I’m hungry…” Without warning Rogue opened her mouth and shot her tongue out to slap right between the White Queen’s eyes, catching the woman off guard when she was pulled straight into her open mouth. Her cries muffled inside Rogue’s mouth and her struggling arms held tight in Rogue’s strong grip. Opening her mouth wider she pulled Emma deeper down her throat, grabbing her by her shoulders and lifting her up. Gulping her down to her waist she grabbed the kicking woman’s legs and swallowed again, slurping her down to rest heavily in her now bloated stomach. Rogue’s nightgown was already at its limit before she began swallowing Emma whole, the neckline snapping open to expose her cleavage and tear down the middle. Becoming almost skin tight on her expanded figure.
Staggering back to lean against the wall Rogue groaned, pressing her hands against the struggling form of Emma Frost in her stomach before the kicks and punches finally died down. Slumping down to the tiled floor, Rogue moaned at being so full, her night dress now clung to her skin tight and the odd sounds of stitching creak could be heard. She didn’t mean to eat the woman but what choice did she have? If the telepath ran her mouth off she’d be doomed. Still, it also meant that now she had eaten three people and she was big enough as it was.
“Well, guess it’s time to head for bed.” Wincing after picking herself off the ground, Rogue waddled her way towards her room, cradling her full stomach and pausing only when it made loud churning noises. Making her way down the hall, she easily made it to her bedroom and dropped herself heavily onto the bedframe. Turning over onto her side she continued to rub circles around her swollen stomach, sleep finally claiming her when she was too tired to calm her insides.
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Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk With a gentle tap of the hammer against the delicate chisel, I knocked off a tiny flake of stone from the black marble. The tiny shard tumbled down from the face of the statue, landing on the perfect breast before slipping off the edge to fall to the courtyard’s flagstones. I shivered, my heart pounding in my chest. I stepped back, my milk-heavy tits swaying before me. A year of carving and sculpting, of slowly peeling back the...
It was a chill night. The mists crept up from the lowlands to slip silently over trimmed and manicured grounds. Catherine peered through the open doors of her bedroom to the attached balcony. She watched as the gray wisps of the night mists slowly converged on the ancient stones of the castle. Fear fluttered in her chest as she listened for footsteps in the hallway outside her apartment. Hearing no sound, she continued to dress while nervously biting on her lower lip. Cathrine knew that her...
Lisa Forrester looked like the typical woman working a nine to five job. She was a secretary for Josh Rogue, an up-scale Manhattan real estate lawyer and she loved her job. She looked like your average beauty, long brown hair that fell in waves around her face and stopped just below her shoulders, and bright brown eyes that looked into you instead of at you. She was quite petite, standing at five feet even and weighing one hundred and twenty pounds. Even though she looked it, she was anything...
Your long red locks of fiery red hair flow behind you as you skip along the rooftops above the bustling streets below, the glow of neon, and roaring sounds of the crowds below mask your movements along the roofs. It's only a small distance to the ground where the people are gathered, taken in by the signs and sounds, the smells of the spiced foods. Yup, you love a good tourist trap like this, so many fat wallets loaded with the local currency. You'd be able to swap these out for nice clean...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is what I hope to be the beginning of a series of stories. Be patient, and I will get it done. If you want to egg me on for whatever reason, then review the story and say something on the order of "Hurry up and finish the story you idiot!" Though I would appreciate if no one called me an idiot or some such. ;) And now, Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1. Preface: Of the Orders of Magic Magic has existed throughout the history of mankind,...
Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1: The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II By SsiRuuk25 The morning came to soon for Larisa. She had lain awake last night for several hours, unable to cry, yet unable to get to sleep. When she finally did, her sleep was filled with nightmares. Finally, early in the morning, the nightmares stopped and Larisa was able to sleep peacefully. Then the sun shone in through the barred window of her cell, shining right in her eyes. Larisa tried...
The city of Mellor was full of dark mages, self proclaimed nobles, Werewolves, drakes, vampires, witches ... basically a lot of evil creatures. There were also greedy merchants, hunters, knights and sanctuaries. I even knew of a courtyard with a huge oak tree and a dryad. She sometimes hunted the night with her bow. As for me, I was a rogue and roamed the night. My prey was the evil nobles or greedy merchants and sometimes even a dark mage. There were also a few dark elves that lived on the...
Made into a Public Fountain.The Rogues Public PunishmentI'd been caught with the other three rogues and led helplessly arms bound behind my back and half naked through the city streets to the public square before you, a growing, jeering crowd of all ages, many male but mostly female, and boys and girls; all enjoying our humiliation and helplessness before you. We’d been caught almost in the act. We had a half a dozen girls we’d overpowered helpless bound, gagged and spread in a variety of...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Work was slow and I was thinking about my other job, my boss there was amazed to how much men came to see me and how much money comes in. I did not really care about the money, I was able to be me and no one knew who I was cause of my stage name and I always wore a masque. My fiancé called me to tell me he would not be home until late, his cousins and friends were kidnapping him for the night, which was fine I told him I had to go to my second job anyway. He did not know I stripped on the...
Introduction: This is the first in an ongoing series of stories set in a fantasy world. It follows the antics of a group of unlikely adventurers as they set off on a saucy adventure to slay a dragon while staying one step ahead (or 8 deep) of the dragons agents. The Rogue * * * * Were you to look up the definition of the word scoundrel, Im sure youd come across an image of one Sarah Kettar. As beautiful as she is devious– and rest assured, she is quite beautiful– Im convinced Isira herself...
[This is a work in progress... as such it is not completed...] [Your patience is appreciated...] The sun settles upon the bustling city and it is only then, all manner of questionable characters come out to play. Of course that is what the proper people say and luckily for you, you do not consider yourself to belong to that particular and quite boring group. After all years of practicing "the craft" have taught you many lessons about what others, both friends and enemies alike, consider being...
Please note I am not an English native speaker: I tried to be as accurate as I could, but I guess there will be some mistakes or some 'unnatural English" left. Sorry for that. Hope it will be good enough, nevertheless.My wife (from now on “M”) and I have been married for 10 years. Our sexual relationship has always been satisfactory, even though sometimes I would like to experience a little more transgression.13 years have elapsed since when we met and I’m still strongly attracted by her.As far...
Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1: The Tome of Severius the Roman Part III By SsiRuuk25 Laura took a long hard breath as Sir Wilson stepped into the room. It was quite a large room, so they were still quite far apart. Four other knights stepped into the room. Larisa, with the large book still held under her arm, stepped back. One of the other knights spoke first. "See, Sir Wilson, I told you that Faulkner was not a good candidate. And ever since the ceremony, we've...
He proceeded to tell me he was fascinated by my contradictory profile; classy pic of a reserved lady yet passions including oral and anal sex, threesomes and gangbangs, interracial encounters, one night stands with a stranger, some realized and some not as yet, that were far from ladylike. Our chat continued and he queried whether I would ever want to live out my latent desires. When I replied that I would, he asked me, a virtual stranger, if I would agree to meet him that night at Bob...
Body Hoppers: Insatiable Appetites By Toxic Allie Dedication: To my good friend Liz. You are my mentor and big sister and my favorite body hopper. And my partner in crime. * * * * * * * * * * * * "Allie! Come here!" Liz called out in her sing-song like voice. Liz was a pretty girl. She stood about 5'8". Long brown hair that fell to her back. Deep green eyes. At 24 years old, she could pass for 19 if she tried. She was sitting on a bench in the park. She was wearing a flowing...
This story will borrow places from a game mod called A Dance With Rogues that was made by this cool girl called Valine. It’s a great mod. If you have the game Neverwinter Nights, I highly suggest you try out the mod. Just google it. Anyways, the protagonist Miriam’s world (or rather the world Valine created) is a world where might generally makes right. Kings and Queens rule city states. Mercenaries and magic abound. Yep. That means, no guns, computers, air conditioning, or Wal Mart. So in...
Warning: this story is intended to be read in game mode only: reading it without pressing "Start Game" in the sidebar can result in choices that make no sense, sudden switching of characters and gender, infinite loops, and other such issues: this is your one and only warning. Welcome to "Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Starship". In this story/game you will take on the role of a daring ROGUE TRADER in service to the Imperium of Man, humanities galaxy spanning empire of steel, faith and blood in...
Hi Friends, This is Neel () again from Hyderabad. My height is 5.5″ and the size of the dick is 7 and thickness is 2 1/2 centimeters. This story happened when I am doing my +2 and at that time I used to stay in my relative house. In the same compound on the back side of our house there was a single bedroom where a couple used to live. They are very young and the guy used to work as medical rep and the heroine(Menaka) of the story is a house wife.You know in those days mobile phones were not...
Raman Nair opened his daughter in law's bedroom door and stopped still. The CD player was in full blast and his daughter in law, Menaka was dancing to the tune. He had actually come there to tell her to reduce the volume, but seeing her in her mini skirt and loose T shirt dancing with her breasts bouncing stopped him. He leaned against the door and watched as she wriggled her hips and stepped about her mini skirt half lifting showing her fleshy thighs and the red laced panties. Because of the...
When the first thing that loads up when you're on Karmen Karma's Twitter page is a gangbang, you know it's about to be a super fap-worthy account! I'm used to seeing sluts on Twitter, but I am not used to seeing that much action soon in my review process. You usually have to scroll through a bunch of boring-ass OnlyFans promotions, and some bitches don't even show their fucking tits. Even some pornstars have betrayed their whore roots for gaming or some other irrelevant shit to porn. The only...
Twitter Porn AccountsHello everyone. This is Varun and back with an amazing story with Menaka that happened 6 months ago. Thank you for all the feedback on my previous story, ““. This incident took place 6 months ago when I came back to India from USA for good. It had been a couple of days since I got back and I was under the influence of jet-lag. Because of this, I was awake at night and I was too bored, so I messaged Menaka. For those of you who don’t know Menaka, please read my old story. I immediately got a...
This incident took place 6 months ago when I came back to India from USA for good. It had been a couple of days since I got back and I was under the influence of jet-lag. Because of this, I was awake at night and I was too bored, so I messaged Menaka.For those of you who don’t know Menaka, please read my old story. I immediately got a response from her and I told her that I was bored and wanted to do something. She said we could meet as she was also not sleepy and bored. She got in her car and...
Raman Nair sat in his easy chair reading a novel. A slight sound made him look up and he looked right into the eyes of his daughter in law, Menaka. She stood at the doorway, hands on her hips smiling at him. She wore a tight blue jeans and a tight pink tops that hugged her body and being soft material outlined her black lace bra. The low neck of the tops showed the bulge of her breasts forming and the breasts themselves were thrusting forward invitingly. Nair gasped at her, mouth open wide. She...
Rogues Story – Part One -The Awakening This story couldn’t have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...
Rogues Story– Part Five (a) – Admission. Due to the length of the final chapter, I have split it into two parts. This part is the build-up to the exceptionally passionate end. I hope you enjoy x Rebecca is traveling at high speed, sat in the passenger seat of Travis’s car. Out of the window the motorway is speeding past her eyes, but it is not the passing cars or the road side she sees. In her mind she has replaced these sights with memories of the previous night. She remembers the fervent...
Rogues Story– Part Five (a) – Admission. Due to the length of the final chapter, I have split it into two parts. This part is the build-up to the exceptionally passionate end. I hope you enjoy x Rebecca is traveling at high speed; sat in the passenger seat of Travis’s car. Out of the window the motorway is speeding past her eyes, but it is not the passing cars or the road side she sees. In her mind she has replaced these sights with memories of the previous night. She remembers the fervent...
Wife LoversRogues Story – Part One -The AwakeningThis story couldn't have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...
Wife Lovers"I wonder if you two would prefer to wait. Unless you intend wearing something to fight in. You'd at least need some footwear in that snow." There was concern in Viola's voice as she looked out at the wintry prospect. The day before it had taken her less than a minute to make the distance from her heated car to the heated cottage. By the time she had gratefully shut the door behind her she had been perished. Clementine and Amanda had only just arrived and been hurriedly ushered in...
In the next three years the increasingly intimate couple were to meet seven more times in that wood and seven more times Clementine would lie senseless at Amanda's feet after what were always marathon contests, the latest and most bruising of which lasted forty five minutes. By this time George had been posted back to London and Viola had joined him there three months later. The way Viola's affair with Fox had deepened and Amanda had taken over Clementine had been slow and almost...
"How was your annual chat to Rashumba? I saw you had a nice long talk before she started slicing up your poor old back! It must be great to meet up with her and talk over old times! She gave you her best effort yet, I would say. But you seem OK. They'll never break you, Clemmy!" Alexia and her lover were lying together at midnight on the day of the anniversary. It was bad enough to know that another year had passed and her imprisonment was going interminably on and on, but each...
"It's been a month since your last flogging, Clemmy" said Alexia encouragingly. As she spoke, she was looking at that strong and much whipped back, running the tips of her fingers down the ridge of the spine, making Clementine shiver pleasurably. Her skin might have been thickened and desensitised after the savage treatment it had endured of late, but she could still enjoy those sweet caresses from Alexia! No matter what abuse had been heaped on it, Clementine's back was still a very...
Sam Mendes called Mena Suvari into his trailer, he wasn'thappy with her work, he explained that she had to be a bitch,she hadn't had much acting work and wasn't very good. He told her that her water bottle was gone, she began screaming.That was what he wanted, he told her now I need you to be sexy,get into your part, make love to the camera, Angela was a very sexycharacter.Mena started to massage her tits, she played the virgin in AmericanPie, American beauty was going to make her a star, both...
The dreaded time of her fourth anniversary came around. It was a Friday and that meant her usual one hundred and a further five hundred from Rashumba. The guard gave her the hundred and wanted to go easy, in view of what she still had in store for her later in the day when Rashumba and James came visiting, but she knew Rashumba would spot it if she hadn't given Clemmy her due and so she was sore and softened up for Rashumba's marathon session. Rashumba prefaced her whipping with her usual...
Hi my nick name is love. My age is 20 years. Meri height 6.1 ha ma sports loving person hu ma basketball khelta hu meri athletic body ha. Ya meri first story ha. Ma saharanpur ma retha hu. Ma iss ka regular reader hu. Ma iss ki story sa inspire be hua par jyada tar story muje bakwas lagti ha. Ya jyada tar story imagination ha ya ek dusre ki padhke likhi ha jise (ya log story padheta ha or jo inhe pasand ati ha ushe ya thoda sa change karke apni story likh deta ha . Ya log sochta ha ki koi ladi...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
(Author’s note: When reading this story, be aware that when confronted with a very attractive person of the opposite sex, we all respond as we have been conditioned to from our previous experience, or lack of it. The virgin, or a small town women who has only had sex with two men, and who has been with only her husband for the last five years is not in any way as well equipped to parry the carefully crafted seductive efforts of five handsome men to excite her libido so that she becomes sexually...
The leaves whorled restlessly in the autumn winds, tornadoes of seasonal decay that evinced an image of ghastly black birds scritching their way across cobbles in a morbid procession. The stoic trunks climbed to astonishing heights in all directions save for the dingy brown scar of a road that wound its way through the brush and trees. Their barren branched fingers knitted together with neighbors ceaselessly, as if the crackling motions pondered a grisly fate. Behind a thick wall of brush,...
I am Jason Black and I am witnessing a spectacular cosmic event. A wandering planet is entering the solar system of the planet Bella. Bella is a garden world set to terra-form 500 years ago and only recently (50 years) populated by settlers from Earth. The colony here is 60,000 souls and I am part of the defense force assigned by Galactic Patrol to guard against asteroids, comets and other such phenomenon as might be required to protect the planet. The wanderer is quite an oddity, it is...
Prologue Princess Celestia was a grand and we'll loved leader. She ruled over a land of points and dragons alike. She had lived for hundreds of years and so had seen a lot of loss and love. The biggest loss was of her sister Luna who had been born to rule beside her. Celestia was the god of the sun and controls when it rise and lowered her sister was good if the moon. She controlled the tides and moon. Luna felt overlooked compared to her sister and called her out on it in public, in a fit if...
One time when Annie and I were at the supermarket, a group of young guys in their late teens spotted us. Annie was wearing a pair of butt baring short shorts, sandals with 2 inch heels, and a skimpy halter top. She loved to dress provocatively, and I encouraged it. One of the young guys called my wife a whore right in front of me! And I wasn't man enough to do a THING about it! Annie got hired immediately at the black owned bikini bar in Oakland. That wasn't really in doubt because she is a...
Chapter 1 Breathing in the stale and unused air of the empty Chicago apartment a man opened a window before falling hard into overstuffed couch next to it. His heart was still trying to slow itself down from all the excitement; he had escaped, he had finally escaped. After months and months of planning everything fell into place and he ran like a bat out of hell and didn't look back. Jacob lied on the couch, eyes closed, and breathed a sigh of relief he had been wanting to breath...
Chapter Two Sensations overwhelmed the new Jacob as he explored the skin on his arms. The bed was where he was, still naked, enjoying the feel of cool air and a textured comforter. It wasn't until he rolled over that he had noticed just how cold it was. In a much too feminine voice he giggled and wrapped his slender arms around himself enjoying the softness of his own body. Even his new hair held his attention for several minutes, it was long, soft and raven black, much different...
Author's Note: Thank you to those that read the story and leave reviews, I am glad you are enjoying it. I would like to say that I am writing this for another person, I am given key points they want to happen and I fill in the story around those points. As of now the story is going to be around fifteen chapters long, possibly longer. My coconspirator suggested that I post these chapters on this site to get feedback, once again thank you to those who have taken the time to read the...
Chapter Four If shopping wasn't bad enough to get all the essentials Jacob felt like God was punishing him, or rather, women in general, especially when he had to take Miley to go shopping for new razors, he inadvertently gotten the wrong kind and ended up cutting himself rather badly. It had been a week after Jacob arrived at his new apartment when he finally got to the things he needed in the bathroom: a brush, toothbrush, the wrong kind of razors, a certain kind of deodorant,...
Chapter Five A whole month slipped by as Jacob looked for work with little luck. Leon, the owner of the grocery store, did offer him a part time job but Jacob didn't want to take it unless he had to. The kiss with the man made him slightly uncomfortable yet curious but he didn't want his curiosity to get the better of him. Other than finding a little old lady in his apartment building work was scarce. The lady he had met was willing to pay him five dollars a week for getting the...
0700hrs??Master makes contact on my phone with the message 0700hrs??Master makes contact on my phone with the message. ?Meet you at our special place, Fri, 8 O?clock sharp. Usual items required, usual rules apply.? I catch my breath and close my eyes. Friday night is only 2 nights away and he wants to use me again. I so look forward to his contact, usually once a week at my place we fuck and play, he teases and tortures me and he leaves next morning. Recently, he has been booking a room...
John Doe was a talented magician, mostly because his powers were real. His colleagues were all fakers, frauds who did childrens parties. But John had real magic powers that came from two artifacts. The first was his hat, a simple, standard looking magician's hat, but all he had to do was put it on, and anyone he was talking to would instantly go into a mindless trance, and from there, he could basically do whatever he wanted until he took the hat off, at which point the person would wake from...
Mind ControlI checked the shackles as the guards laughed and walked away from the large cell. I hurt all over from the beating they had given me but stood and glanced at those in the cell. They had searched me and taken all of my weapons, well almost all of my weapons. I still wore the tight leather bracers on each wrist. I moved to a stone bench and sat as I thought about what had happened. Some of it was my fault but the bastard I had trusted was the one to betray and drug me. Plus there was the baron...