Liliane Chapitre 3 free porn video

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Avant toute chose, désoler pour la longue période entre le chapitre 2 et 3.
Ce chapitre n'est qu'un fantasme.
chapitre 1:
chapitre 2:

Le soir Liliane et ma mère rentrèrent de leur journée shopping. J'étais très gênais mais en même temps excité je n'arrêtais pas de regarder Liliane d'avantage lorsqu'elle vidèrent leur sac d'emplette Ma mère partie dans sa chambre commencer à ranger tandis que Liliane me montrer ces achat puis je vis une robe en cuir rouge. Dernier article qu'elle sorti, vu la longueur elle ne lui arriverais cas mi cuisse et elle avait un large décolleter fermer par un lacet. La robe était aussi rouge que la couleur que mes joues adoptèrent, je ne pus contenir mon admiration quand Liliane en me regardant et en tenant la robe dans ces mains me demander ce que j'en pensé. Je bégayer légèrement en sentant mon cœur battre fort sous mon torse.
- Je.. je... la trouve très belle, je suis sûr qu'elle tira super bien et...
je me tût sentant mon sexe soudains à l'étroit dans mon jean. Liliane me regarder droit dans les yeux en souriant. Elle plaquant la robe contre elle la tenant avec le menton et sa main gauche tandis que sa main droite passer de manière sensuelle sur le cuir.
- Et ? Dit elle d'une voie sensuelle.
- Rien euh... je suis sur qu'elle tira bien.
Je baissa la tête. Je l'entendit rire légèrement.
- Et si tu m'aider à ranger tout ces achats ?
- Euh oui bien sur.

Je l'aida je pris certains de ces achats elle en avait plus du triple que ma mère et je la suivais jusqu'à sa chambre. Je l'aider à ranger. Elle me fixait l'ambiance était très lourde je n'osais pas croiser sont regard. Puis elle brisa le silence.
- Sa c'est bien passé le lycée aujourd'hui ?
- Oui ça va. Même si c'était un peu long.
Elle me jeta un regard, regard qui devint dur elle s'approcha de moi, je recula et me trouva adosser à la porte de la penderie. Elle esquissa un léger sourire puis me lança sur un ton autoritaire que je ne lui connaissait pas.
- J'ai quelques petites choses à te dire mon petit Lucas. Tout d'abord sache que j'ai horreur d'une chose. Que l'on me mente.
- Je … je te mens pas.
Elle soupira fort : Que l'on me mente, et qu'on me coupe la parole. Tu étais au lycée aujourd'hui ?
Je me racla la gorge je la regarder. De la savoir autoritaire m'exciter mais de le vivre j'étais dans un état terrible exciter et terrifier à la foi.
- Oui... Oui j'y étais...
Elle m'attrapa fermement le paquet avec sa main malgré le jean et le caleçon je sentais ces ongles ce planté dans mes bourses et ma verge sa deuxième main viens ce placer sur ma bouche pour contenir un gémissement bruyant.
Par réflexe je mis mes mains sur ces poignets. Quel erreur, elle me serra d'avantage. Je gémissais dans sa main et une larme coula sur ma joue
- Lâches !! les mains le long de ton corps.
Aussitôt avais je obéis elle relâcha sont emprise.
- Depuis quelques jours je suis très remonté de savoir que tu souille mes dessous salle. Du coup je voulais te prendre sur le fait. Je pensé te faire une petite morale te dire que ce n'est pas bien. Mais … mais ce que j'ai vu en direct aujourd'hui à dépasser toutes mes pensées. Tu t'es donner beaucoup de peine pour aujourd'hui tu as juste oublier une chose la cam de mon ordi dans le salon. Je pensais que tu étais un ado mais en faite non tu es devenue un homme. Alors comme un homme je vais te punir. Demain je te ferais un mots d'excuse, ta mère part à 6h30 à 8h emmène moi mon petit déjeuner au lit.
Les bruits de talon de ma mère claquèrent sur le parquet du couloir. Liliane me lâcha et recula d'un pas je la regarder elle baissa ces yeux sur mon jean et murmura.
- On va bien s'amuser je sens.
Ma mère arriva au niveau de la chambre je me tourna face à la penderie légèrement dos à la porte. Elle nous demanda ce qu'on voulais manger Liliane lui répondit et je rajouta que sa me convenais. Elle parti alors dans la cuisine.
- Vu comme je te connais tu pourrais te branler toute la nuit alors je vais remédier à sa. Tourne toi.
- Oui maîtresse.
Dis je en me retournant, je n'étais pas préparé à la gifle que je reçus qui étais plus impressionnante que douloureuse.
- Ne m’appelle plus comme ça. Jamais ou alors je te punirais très sévèrement. Tu m'appelle par mon prénom tout le temps. Sauf dès que nous serons seul, là alors tu m’appellera Madame. Compris ?
- Oui... oui Madame. Dis je en hochant la tête.
Elle sourit puis ce pencha et sortie la valise de sous sont lit. L'ouvrit et en sortit une cage de chasteté métallique. Elle défit ma ceinture et sortie mon sexe ainsi que mes bourses.
- J'y crois pas !!! Fît elle surprise. Tu as jouis ? Avec l'ongle de sont index elle passe sur mon gland qui tressaute, puis elle me regarde dans les yeux.
- Je n'aime pas le gaspillage mais aujourd'hui je ferais une exception faute de temps. Elle att**** des mouchoirs et m'essuie rapidement.
- Ne bouge pas. Elle plaça le coockring en métal de la cage à la base de mon sexe et mes bourses puis emprisonne mon sexe avec un peu de difficulté car il recommence à grossir au contact de ces mains. Elle place ensuite un cadenas et emprisonna mon sexe.
- Rhabille toi. Dit elle en sortant sa chaîne de sont haut et en venant y placé la clé. Va mettre la table maintenant.
- Oui Madame., dis je en rougissant. En sortant de la chambre je sentis sont regard sur moi. J'étais paniquer moi qui réfléchissais à comment faire pour attiré sont attention je ne m'attendais pas à une telle situation. Que j'ai étais imprudent, entre ces culottes dans lequel je jouissais et la cam de sont ordi. J’arrivai au salon et je mis les couverts je m’efforçais d'être comme d'habitude mais elle occupait d'avantage mes pensées et des que j'y pensé de trop la cage ce rappelai à moi. Liliane nous rejoignit quand le dîner fût prêt. A ma grande surprise elle fit tout pour détendre l’atmosphère en ce comportant et me parlant comme d'habitude. Une foi la table débarrasser je parti me coucher. Liliane avait eu raison de m'encager car je n'avais qu'une envie c'était de me masturber qu'elle frustration de ne pouvoir bander comme d'habitude de ne pouvoir me toucher jusqu'en ma faire jouir.

Après un long moment sans trouver le sommeil je me faisais plus attentif au bruit environnant, les bruit qu'on entend que lorsque le silence est présent. Silence qui ce brisa quand j'entendis ma mère et Liliane passer devant la porte de ma chambre. Elles s'arrêtèrent et j'entendis Liliane.
- Julie... tu te lève tôt demain matin.
- Je sais, mais j'ai envie de toi la. De sentir t'es lèvres sur ma peau, puis me lécher. J'ai envie de te goder.
Des bruit de baiser ce fit entendre. Toute les deux gémissaient.
- Ju.. ta main et brûlante.
Elle gémissaient silencieusement certainement en ce mordant les lèvres.
Je me leva et alla très discrètement derrière la porte je ne pouvais rien voir mes entendre ma mère et Liliane échanger des baisers et des caresses à 1 mètres de moi m'excitais mon sexe était de plus en plus serrer dans la cage. Je les entendis partir dans la chambre à Liliane puis j’endentai quasiment plus rien. Mon cœur accélérait mon souffle aussi. Mon sexe déborder de toutes partie ouverte de la cage ce n'étais même plus douloureux à cause de l'excitation. Je me caresser comme je pouvais durant quelques minutes puis pousser par une soudaine envie. Je sorti de ma chambre silencieusement tel un ninja. Je m’avance vers la porte entrebâille éclairé par une faible lampe de chevet. Je m'approche et la j'ai une vue. Qu'elle vue !!! Liliane positionné en levrette en mordant sont oreiller et ma mère lui tenant les mains dans le dos et la prenant avec force et rapidité avec un gode ceinture. Liliane étais harnacher comme si elle portait elle aussi un gode ceinture. Ma mère la pilonnait et malgré le coussin ces gémissement était bruyant. Elle restèrent comme ça un bon moment puis Liliane m’aperçut elle ce figeât un instant puis s’avançât pour faire sortir le gode de ma mère. Elle ce redressa plaqua ma mère sur le lit.
- A mon tour ma salope lesbienne.
Ma mère était allonger sur le dos, la tête vers moi elle pouvait pas me voir. Liliane lui leva les jambes et les mis en arrière elle les tenaient à une main et de l'autre après avoir cracher dedans et lubrifier cette bite en latex ce guida en elle. Elle poussa d'un coup en elle ma mère ce mordit le poignet en gémissant dedans.
- Je vais te défoncer comme une chienne.
Sa main libre vains prendre le seins de partenaire et elle le malaxa fort en commençât à aller et venir en elle ma mère gémissaient. Au bout d'un moment à force de me caresser comme je pouvais je jouis dans ma main en regardant Liliane dans les yeux je lécha ma semence. Elle prenait ma mère encore plus fort. Elle ne ce retenais plus et les deux ne retenez plus leur cris. Je retourna alors dans ma chambre elle baisèrent durant toute la nuit.

J'espère que sa vous à plus. N'hésiter pas à critiquer. La suite prochainement ;).

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Right after supper, Monday night, the phone rang. I had my hands full of dinnerware that I was taking to the kitchen, so my mom answered the phone. "Larry, it's for you." I assumed that it was Clara calling back to let me know about whether she could go with me to the movies Friday night. "Hello." "Larry, it's Denise. Can you talk?" "For a little while. Kate and I need to clean up the dining table and do the dishes." "I meant can anyone hear you?" "No, I can talk." "My...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Just passing through

After Faith, I decided to do something more with the medallion, showing how it passes from one person to another, in 3 short tales. I was in a rather dark mood as I wrote this one, so you've been warned. If anyone else wishes to archive this, please contact me. Altered Fates: Just Passing Through By Morpheus Mother Catherine looked down her elderly nose towards the dirty old man sitting on the ground in front of her. Disgusting, she thought, that any human would let themselves...

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Gentle Robert Becomes A New Eve

Gentle Robert becomes a New Eve By Kresha Matay My parents died in an automobile accident shortly after I was born. The probate court decided that I was to be raised by my mother's younger sister, my Aunt Lilly, in accordance with my parent's will. My Aunt, barely an adult herself, just twenty-one years old, was my only living relative. Little did the court realize that Aunt Lilly unfortunately lacked the necessary knowledge, experience and most importantly, attitude to raise me...

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A Modern Succubus Chapter 2t

A Modern Succubus: Chapter 2 I must have lain there for an hour, caressing myself and feeling this new-formed girl lap away at my new-formed pussy. It was absolutely perfect, but something was nagging at me. It all seemed... well, too perfect. I couldn't understand how I was taking this all so calmly. "That's enough," I stated, pushing her off of me and standing up. She just kneeled there, staring at me like a sad puppy, looking especially confused in her now oversized...

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Private Freya Dee Prefers A Cock To A Dildo

Freya Dee can’t find her favourite dildo in Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving, her prized and biggest asset has been left at the house of Jack 23 and must be returned to her as soon as possible! Of course, a girl like Freya isn’t shy of showing her gratitude for such a favour, and dressed in her lingerie and stockings, she awaits the lucky Jack with her legs spread ready! Pussy eating, cock sucking, and an incredible anal fuck that leaves Freya’s perky tits covered in cum, you’d be...

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Why Cant We All Just Get Along

Copyright© 2005 The grey haired gentleman stopped twenty paces ahead of the rest of the colonists. The representative from the native tribe stopped also. Slowly the imposing native began circling, its tail twitching. The scientist stood his ground, waiting patiently, only turning where he stood to watch the native, who resembled a miniature Tyrannosaurus Rex - about a foot taller than the man. The man in the deactivated camouflage cloak stood near the rear of the group of colonists,...

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Caught Stealing and fed to Make a Deal

I was 18 and home from college for the summer. I got a job delivering groceries for a large supermarket. I had some regular customers who wanted me to leave their deliveries in their garage when they ordered all non-perishable items, which often happened. Beer, soda, snacks were common orders. One of these customers was Mr. ‘L.’ He was divorced, in his late 40s, average looking. He would always start conversations with me, and lately they were becoming explicit and definitely over the line....

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Incestuous Intentions Part 1

Introduction: Siblings Kas and Devin relive their incestuous pass and create a possible future. This is based on a true story, it has been altered a little and names and locations have been changed. Also I realize my spelling and grammar arent perfect, but if you notice something major I need to fix then please let me know. Enjoy ,) Also, I am aware this story is identical to the one written by KawaiiCandy as that is my other account. I lost my virginity when I was ten years old. My step...

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Tilas Cum Obsession

My name is Tila, and I have a confession to make. I love cum. I'maddicted to seeing it, feeling it and tasting it. I love the way it slidesdown my throat and how I can smear is all over my tits. But I've alwayshad one problem with cum so far, it's never enough. I've done 25 guys in agangbang once, there was a lot of cum but it wasn't enough. I wanna havecum all over my body, in every oriphus, I want my stomach full of cum, Iwanna shit out cum from my tight asshole. I wanna snort cum like...

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The Day I Did A Dalek

It would, I told him, be the best birthday present I have ever received, and Michael, bless him, didn’t even blink. Just told me to find him the blueprints and he’d see what he could do.Which, to cut a very long story short, is how I woke up on the morning of my not-telling-you-th birthday to find a life-sized Dalek at the end of my bed, and painted in my favorite colors as well.Do you watch Doctor Who? BBC America on this side of the ocean, a Time Lord and his time machine rushing back and...

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POV anime wrestling

Now that your warm up ready to rumble,you tell the referee who was stretching that you are ready to choose,the referee with blue short hair,blue eyes,a referee shirt and black bikini responds to you and said ok. Referee:(she hands you a clipboard of the three opponents of your choosing) 1.kanae fujishita:she full of energy and loves to wrestle. 2.Minori Rokujou:she is very skill anything including wrestling. 3.???:you'll see when you pick this one. Referee:So who are going to pick?

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Your Best Friends Mom

Finally! You walked out of your high school for the last time in your life. You can't believe that the school year went by so fast. As you head towards your car you can't help but admire the girls walking in front of you. Since Summer was rapidly approaching with record temperatures girls were showing off their bodies like never before. Just yesterday, the class slut Kassandra had to be sent home for coming to school in only the skimpiest of bikinis. Today, you had the luck to be walking behind...

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MyFriendsHotGirl Annika Eve 22975

Kyle’s letting his buddy and girlfriend stay at his place, but the thing is is they’re nudists, and you know what that spells — trouble! For instance, Kyle’s just chillin’ on his couch one afternoon Annika suddenly strolls around in her bra and panties. He gives her a big WTF, so she goes to the bedroom to change and she comes back butt-ass naked with her big natural tits and hairy bush hanging out! He freaks the fuck out, but Annika calms him down and explains that nudism isn’t about sex, it’s...

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Daddys Daughter

He wasn’t a typical father. He was never a traditional person either. In high school, he was rather quiet and unassuming and shied away from commotion and all the usual outbursts which came with partying and celebrations of any kind. When he met his wife she found out what he liked and didn’t like only because of his softness and also that meekness which seemed to sparkle and that’s why they married and had two children. Nevertheless, their children began to grow up, but unfortunately life took...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 11 More Cherry Popping With an Audience

I opened our new Twister game. I purchased it yesterday in case we needed a bit of time filler. “Rick, thank you for spreading out the playing field. You will go first.” I spun the spinner. “Right hand yellow.” Spin again “Fran, left foot green.” I kept spinning continuing until Rick tried something impossible and fell laughing. Fran helped him up. “Fran, you spin.” Fran and I alternated as spinner keeping Rick busy. After playing six rounds, Rick said, “Team Girlfriend, it’s time I worked...

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The Hangman Cometha Revisit

After I wrote the original story, I received some comments and several emails that asked or suggested that I continue the adventures of Tyler Rawlings, his younger brother John and John's wife Molly. I just reread my tale and have decided that maybe those characters haven't completed their story. Because of the suggestions and because I wanted to write another western, I've decided to add a bit more about the lives of my friends and characters. I recommend that you read the first...

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The Island Chapter 3

The Island – Chapter 3 Day 35: I woke up when it was still dark. I heard the sound of tropical insects and a slight breeze brought in the smell of forest. I opened my eyes, but it was pitch black. The island had been covered with a dense cloud the day before, and it not had lifted. The milk from Sheely’s breast yesterday had been incredible. Was this the reason I slept so well? When I woke up I felt so refreshed, even though it was still before dawn. The reason why I woke up was the tingling...

3 years ago
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Experience My Nigerian BBC

My name is Rasika (name changed). I was working as an Asst Manager (Marketing) for a Bank in Kolkata. I was married which was unsuccessful. I was 28 years, very fair, with stunning looks and a perfect figure of 35-24-38. I possessed one of the best well rounded buttocks. Every man who would pass by me was bound to give me a back stare admiring my buttocks. Even at 35 years I had maintained my proportions through regular jogging and yoga exercises.It so happened that a huge export order was in...

4 years ago
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Queen of JariloChapter 4 Contact

Walker pulled up his holographic map as he tried to get his bearings. Everything on this planet looked the damned same, but the slant of the valley and the snowy peaks of the mountains glimpsed on the horizon gave him enough information to work with. “Another one here,” he said, Kaz walking up behind him to pull another seismic sensor from his pack. She stabbed it into the ground, and it lit up on his display, broadcasting its position. While comms were a pain in the ass in such dense...

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The only black kid

Introduction: The adventures of a well hung black nerd in a town of hot white bimbos. Story is inspired by characters from John persons though story is way different than the comics. No racism is approved by the author. Chapter one Craig and Jenny. The bell rang for the last time in coxville High as the kids packed up their books to be put in their lockers or carried back home for homework. One kid was the first out of class, wanting to get home quickly. His name was Craig, and he had made...

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Enter SandmanChapter 9

I remember years ago while in the military, talking with one of the men under my command who had since passed away. He told me about the small town he had come from. The town was a pretty nice place except for the name and a corrupt and lazy police force. I could never forget the name of the town it was too funny. It was called Hell. There weren't any major problems in the town. No murders to speak of with the biggest action on Friday and Saturday nights. Which kept the town's police force...

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Jewelz Blu 500 338000

Jewelz Blu was born in Germany on September 21st, 1994. In 2006, at the age of twelve, she moved with her family to the United States. Jewelz was always a very sexual person. She started masturbating young and lost her virginity to her second boyfriend.Developing a Cure for Blue BallsAfter graduation, Jewelz attempted to attend college. While getting her education, she worked at a grocery store and juice bar. One could say she never left that juice bar. She sure does encourage me to juice...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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my sisters jammed zipper

I should probably just give you a bit of back round before I start I'm 19 year old male medium build 5'6 blue eyes and bleached blonde hair. My sister Melissa on the other hand is 18 5'2 32c slim Blue eyes and light brown hair. Melissa and I have always been very close we could talk to each other about anything, Well almost anything I hadn't been brave enough to tell her how attracted to her I was coming as she was turning in to women. She was getting curves in all the right places she always...

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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 13

"I am quite pleased you made it to the Manor early, Doran. I am feeling increasingly out of my element on the eve of the Conclave." Overlord Doran D'jorus breathed a windy sigh as he shook his head. He nodded his thanks as he accepted the goblet from his host. He took a long pull at it before speaking. "Not that we have all that much more time to prepare, Roquan!" He waved a beefy hand towards the door, which had been left open to admit the cooling evening breeze. "What we have now is...

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