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‘Lillian, how many times do I have to say that I’d love to hire you as my professional dresser? You’ve always been good at that sort of thing, dressing, making clothes, being mommy-ish. And you would still be in the wedding pictures. The photographer is taking shots of the entire wedding day and one might be in the magazine. Especially, if you dress right, not in those old rags you wear to every other event that you attend.’

As always, my perfect model sister Abigail Jane Westwood, aka. Abbi West knew exactly what to say to make me feel as inferior as possible. ‘I would have had you in the wedding, but Monique just doesn’t make dresses that would look good on you. You may be tall but your hips and breasts make it impossible to make the bridesmaids dress look good. By the way what do you plan on wearing?’ UHHH, she is sooo self-centered. ‘I plan on wearing the same vintage lace gown I showed you last week, Abbi,’ I replied exasperated.

‘Why don’t you buy something else? I saw the perfect dress in Designer Wearhouse the other day.’

‘Abbi, I know that you have a hard time understanding that I love my job, even though I don’t get paid much, but I do. I love my low paying position at The Learning Train. I can’t afford anything from that store, unless you are willing to help me pay for it.’

In her ever so beautiful way, my sister rolled her eyes and said ‘I’m not helping you. I told you, you are never going to freeload off of me.’

I have never, ever wanted her to support me. ‘Abs, I’ve never asked you to support me or help me in any way, but this is your wedding. If you want me to wear what you want, I need help. It was hard enough paying for the plane ticket and hotel,’ I said. It was hard, almost all of my savings had gone to getting me to Barcelona and a room in the hotel where all of our meager family was staying.

‘Lillian, I told you I hate when you call me ‘Abs’. Please stop it before I tell Uncle Frank and Aunt Abigail. You know how much they hate it when you make fun of me,’ she whined with a smile.

Uncle Frank and Aunt Abigail were my father’s brother and sister-in-law and had raised the two of us after our parent’s went to prison for abusing us and killing our little brother John. They were absolutely enamored of Abbi and treated her like the daughter they never had. Their four sons protected her at all costs. I was there but, I had to fend for my self.

You see Abbi is 5’10’ tall, blonde with ice blue eyes and a perfect body. I am 5’9′ with red hair, green eyes large breasts, hips, and thighs. I’m not fat but, I could not be a model. All Abbi has ever wanted to do is to be a model. That is all she has ever worked for. Sometimes I understand her desire to rebel against what happened to us. But it makes me sad that she lies about the four, inch long scars on her back. She should be proud that she survived having our cracked out parents try to stake a sheet to her back.

I’ve been sewing since I was four years old. Our temporary foster mom taught me how. She said she was teaching me to sew the good times together and cut out the bad. Sewing was very comforting to me while I was growing up. Living with my aunt and uncle I learned to love photography and drawing. Those became my hobbies, while they were carting Abbi to beauty pageants, their sons to sports, I was at home playing with a camera my grandmother found for me at a rummage sale (our grandparents had a little more affection for me, but everyone was still attached to Abbi) or drawing in the sketch books that I bought with the money I earned doing minor sewing jobs for the people in our neighborhood. Let’s get back to our story.

‘Abbi, is the only reason you called me here, directly from the airport after a 16 hour flight, to criticize me? I would love to get to the hotel and get some sleep. I have a lot of plans for tomorrow since it is the only day I’ll have free for doing these things.’

‘No. I wanted to make sure that you know to behave yourself during the pre-wedding festivities. And to ask you to pleeease be my dresser on Saturday,’ she said the latter half with her big puppy dog eyes and baby voice that she knows gets to me.

‘Fine. I won’t tell Juan and his family about how you fell off stage in your first beauty pageant and showed the judges the where a piece of stage equipment scratched your butt. And yes, I’ll help you dress on Saturday. May I please go get some sleep now?’

More eye rolling, ‘Yes. Go. Sleep. Enjoy what ever it is you plan on doing tomorrow.’ I left gratefully and went to the hotel.

My day got better from there. They accidently double booked my room and I had to be upgraded to a suite, free of charge. I took advantage of the terrace and offer of a free bottle of wine. Dinner from the restaurant was superb. And the light from the sunset was perfect for sketching. I drew a wedding dress with out even noticing what I was doing. When I looked down I realized that is was the wedding dress of my dreams. It had a simple a line skirt with a scoop neck bodice and long sleeves. The back came down under the shoulders. The sleeves were long and flowing. The neck, waist, and bodice were decorated with golden embroidery. It was breath-taking.

The next day I took my camera, my sketch kit, and the few Euros I had and went wandering. As I was walking down a small street I saw a man deeply involved in painting a portrait. I asked if I could snap a few photos while he worked. He grunted a yes and I began snapping away. I started over his shoulder and worked my way around catching glimpses of his face but, never the whole picture. Until he looked up. When he looked up my breath was lost. I was looking into the most handsome face I’d ever seen. Black hair, chocolate eyes, an aristocratic nose, and deep skin were accentuated by luscious lips. Our eyes met for a moment and I raised my camera, took one last shot, and prepared to flee. As I turned he took my arm and asked, ‘Como te llama? What is your name?’

It took me a full few seconds to catch my breath and answer ‘L-L-Lillian Ann Westwood.’

He gave a brief chuckle and said, ‘Well, Lillian Ann Westwood, how about I, Angel Pedro Vega de la Cruz, take you to dinner tonight?’

My mind badgered me with a ‘Say yes, stupid’ and eventually my mouth said ‘I’d love that.’

‘Meet me in front of the Angels Hall Cathedral at 7:00 and wear a nice dress. I have some place very special I want to take you.’

‘Okay. I’ll meet you there,’ I managed to get out before turning and running. It was already 4:00 and I needed to shower, do my hair and make up, and figure out what to wear. I nicest dress I had was the one I brought was for Abbi’s wedding and my other nice dresses were day dresses for the pre-wedding events I was being forced to attend as one of the few bride’s relatives.

As I was walking back to the hotel I passed a vintage shop that was displaying a tux in the window. Inspiration struck. I ran in and haggled the sales lady down to a reasonable price for the tux and silk napkin. I always had needles and thread with me, I never knew when I was going to pop a button or rip a seam. I got back to the hotel just in time to cut the napkin in half and sew them to the tux jacket so that they covered most of my breasts and bra.

As I stepped out of the shower I heard a knock on the door. I answered it to discover the hotel hair dresser at my door. ‘How can I help you?’ I asked.

‘I am Angelina, the hair dresser here and I am here to make you over. I have also brought some jewelry for you,’ replied the diminutive woman.

‘But, who’s paying for this? I don’t have the money to pay you,’ I replied.

She shook her finger at me and said ‘You don’t worry about that. I am being paid by someone else and they wish to remain a secret. Now let us see what you are wearing so I can do you up beautifully.’ She pushed me back into the suite and found my out fit on the bed. ‘Que belisima. How beautifu
l! Did you add the extra fabric to the lapels? De acuerdo. Of course you did. It is genius. Now sit down so I can do your hair and make up. Maribel will be up in a second to do your nails.’

She pushed me into a chair in front of the make up mirror in the dressing room. ‘Your hair is beautiful I know exactly what to do with it,’ and she did exactly what she felt like as Maribel arrived and gave me my first manicure. When Angelina was finished my hair was back in a luxurious braided knot with a few tendrils curling down my face, neck, and back. ‘Now take off your robe so I can do your make up. I want to match it all the way down to where your jacket will hit,’ she said.

‘I can’t,’ I replied.

‘Go on don’t be shy. I’ve seen women undressed before. You will be nothing new. Go on, undress,’ she said.

I repeated ‘I can’t. It’s not because I’m shy about being nude but, because I have scars I don’t want you to see. They are too horrific. I wouldn’t want to scare you.’

‘Go on, tell me about them. They won’t be so painful for people to see once you’ve unburdened yourself to Angelina’s ears. Angelina keeps everyone’s secrets secret and might know ways to make the hurt disappear. Poof!’

Her manner relaxed me enough to open up. ‘ When I was little my parents were highly addicted to drugs and one day when I was four, my sister Abbi was two, and our baby brother Jonathan was just a year old, our parents were extremely high and they went after us. They smacked us around a few times then when Abbi was down, they tried to stake a sheet to her. They got the spikes in about an inch when I threw a shoe to distract them. Abbi got the stakes out and ran for it as I distracted them. They took a knife and stabbed me in the back as I tried to run. I got a way, sort of, but ended up with a scar from hip to should on my back. As I lay bleeding they took Johnny and swung him against a wall repeatedly, then went after Abbi again. I ran in front of her and they picked me up and threw me on the lit stove. I managed to roll off but, I was still on fire and I chased them to the front door screaming for help. They ran out side and down the street. I fell down the steps and that put the fire out. I had second degree burns over most of my body. I went inside to check on Johnny and Abbi. Abbi was okay just bleeding and scared. Johnny was still breathing but unconscious. I called emergency and they came and got us. Johnny died that night from his injuries. Abbi had a few stitches and I had to stay in the burn unit for a month while my burns and cuts healed. My parents had been caught that day trying to buy more drugs. The doctors told them what else had happened and my parents were put away for life. We went to a foster home until my grandparents made my aunt and uncle take us in. They knew that family, even family that was biased, was better than foster parents. I’ve always been careful about letting others see my scars.’ I began sobbing.

‘Ohh you poor bambina. Angelina will make you look so espectacular that you will forget every hurt. Now get rid of that robe and let me get to work,’ she ordered with a gentle bossiness. I did as I was told and she applied concealer to the scars that would peek out of the jacket even a little bit and then did my face so that I had a hard time recognizing myself. Angelina and Maribel helped me into my outfit, shoes, and jewelry and escorted me down to the lobby. They ordered a cab for me and paid the driver. Angelina gave me a wink that told me that the anonymous backer of the hair and make-up was also backing the cab ride.

I met Angel where he told me to meet him. He gasped when he saw me and then held out his hand for mine. I laid my hand in his and he took it and kissed it. ‘You look so beautiful. I could drink in your beauty all night. Come on. Let us go before our reservation is gone. I’ll drink more of you on the way.’ He helped me into a horse drawn carriage and we rolled down the street.

He held me close and whispered that he’d love to paint me some time. I told him that I’d only be in town until Saturday. He replied ‘We’ll have plenty of time, trust me.’ For some reason, I truly believed him. We arrived at a stunningly beautiful bistro and were led to the best table in the house. Dinner went by in a haze of meaningless conversation. Meaningless conversation punctuated by meaningful glances.

As we were walking back to the carriage he leaned in and kissed me. At first I was hesitant but, as I felt him putting passion into the embrace, I kissed him with everything I had. His hand reached for my breast and I let it linger there allowing the rapture of the moment wash over me before pulling away and saying ‘I’ll not be a one night stand. Any one who wants to get involved with me has to understand a few things about me. And has to care about me enough not to run when I tell them these things.’

‘Is this about your scars?’ he asked. I looked at him and asked how he knew about them. He gave me a look and I realized ‘Angelina and Maribel told you didn’t they? How do you know them?’

‘Angelina is my madre and Maribel is mi hermana. They don’t really work for the hotel. I asked them to go help you get ready. I wanted to do something nice for the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. By the way, I think you are incredibly beautiful and strong. And I can’t get enough of you. Please let us go to your hotel room. We can talk. It will only go further if you want it to.’ It was the most sincere offer I’d ever received. I trusted his word implicitly.

‘Oh Angel. Your mom was the kindest woman I’ve ever met. I feel like she helped me get so much closer to you. Let’s go.’

We made it back to my room and began to talk. He asked me about what I do in real life. ‘Are you a photographer? I see your camera and I know that you were snapping avidly at the other artists on the street. Or are you an artist?’ he asked noticing the drawings I’d left lying about the room.

‘Neither. I teach art in an early childhood program in New York. I’ve been sewing since a couple months after my parents… well, after my parents left. Photography and drawing followed a few years later. My grandparents bought me my first camera and art kit when my sister started doing pageants. They wanted to make sure there were plenty of pictures of her for the family,’ I said somewhat bitterly.

‘Your sister?’ he said quizzically.

‘Yes, my sister, model extraordinaire, Abbi West. The most beautiful woman in the world is my sister.’

‘Wow. Your family must have done a real number on you because I think you are beautiful,’ he kissed my eyes ‘strong’ my nose ‘and incredibly sexy’ my mouth. ‘I want to make sure you know how much more than your sister you are. Please let us make love. Now. Tonight.’ I knew he was telling the truth so I answered

‘Yes. Help me know what it is to be truly loved. I must warn you though, I am a virgin. No man has ever been able to hide his revulsion at seeing my scars.’

‘Mi amor. Nothing can stop me from showing you what you are truly worth. Angel de mis suenos you are worth a million Abbi Wests, a million sunsets and sun rises, a million kisses and a million more.’ Be began kissing my lips gently and cupping my breasts through my clothing. He kissed my eyes and began working his way down slowly unbuttoning the jacket he kissed until he reached where the scars began. He took his time and kissed each and every one of them tenderly. He moved the jacket off my arms and unclasped my bra. He moved around to my back and traced the scar from left shoulder to right hip and all the miniature scars with his lips.

He reached around and cupped my breasts, tweaking my nipples then slid his hands down to unbutton my pants. I leaned back moaning in rapture as he continued kissing my scars. I wanted to cry at his tenderness but I was too busy moaning in ecstasy. As my pants fell to the ground he hooked his fingers under the band of my panties and drew them down and continued his assault mov
ing his mouth to my buttocks and his fingers to my mound. He gently toyed with my outer lips then delved inside.

My knees started to weaken and he picked me up and carried me to the bed where he placed his lips on my nether lips and began his true assault on my senses. I began writhing on the bed wanting something. Something more. He moved up and began kissing my lips again. I tasted my own musk on his lips it was the most erotic thing I had ever felt. Moisture immediately flooded to my already throbbing apex.

I ripped at his shirt and he got rid of his pants. His member was huge and throbbing and incredibly hot. I reached down and held it in my hand. I started stroking it until a drop of precum lubricated it and he surged upwards until he was at my throbbing entrance. He pushed just the tip inside of me and looked at me. ‘It will hurt this first time but, I promise it will get better.’

He resumed kissing me and stimulating my nipples as he pushed further in and met the irrefutable proof of my virginity and pushed past it. I felt a quick burst of pain that was quickly diffused by the pleasure he was spreading else where in my body. He slowly drew out and plunged back in, stroking in and out in a rhythm that set my pulse beating a million miles a minute. The pressure began to build and build until I couldn’t take it anymore, then I exploded. Stars burst behind my eyes as I felt Angel follow me over the edge. His seed spurted long and hard into my womb.

We lay there, exhausted. ‘You know we may have made a baby tonight. And I know that this sounds insane but I know that I want to marry you. I knew that you were special the minute I looked into your eyes. Please say that you’ll consider marrying me. We can go on more dates while you are here if you want to be sure but, I know that you are my once in a life time.’

I was bowled over. I did not let reason rule me as I answered ‘Angel I feel the same way. I’m scared and happy all at the same time. I don’t know much about you or your family, but I do know that these feelings that you create in me make me feel like more than I ever was. I will marry you. I don’t know how we will live. I don’t make a lot of money and I know you must struggle as an artist but, I know that we will make it.’

‘Suena, let us not think of heavy things. Let us think of now and the pleasure we give each other and of the life we may have created tonight.’

We made love the rest of the night and into the morning. He told me that he would put his mother and sister at my disposal for the rest of the trip. They did my hair and make up and gave me chapter and verse on how to act around Spanish nobility and kept me dressed and jeweled enough to keep up with my sister. At night Angel took me on dates to fantastical places and we made love at every opportunity.

The morning of the wedding I finally worked up the nerve to ask him how he’s been able to treat me so much. He said ‘I’m sorry to have kept this from you but, I own the villa where your sister is getting married. I am the Marquis of Rosado and the owner of the biggest shipping company in Spain. I hope this does not change anything between us. I love you and I can always move business to New York. Or if you move, I have the means to help you do anything you want, if you want to do anything at all.’

‘Angel. I love you more than life itself. I don’t care what you do for a living or if you do anything. I would never ask you to move to for me. I will move here. I’ve always had a dream of opening my own boutique and photography studio.’

‘Suena, we can do that. Thank you for agreeing to marry me. What will be the first thing you design?’

‘I’ve already designed it. My wedding dress.’ I showed him the sketch that I had done my first night in town. He loved it.

Maribel and Angelina helped me get ready and over to Abbi’s hotel so I could get her ready. The wedding went off with a hitch and Angel met me at the reception. We danced all night and at midnight he took me to the gardens where he kneeled down pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring and said ‘Lillian Ann Westwood, will you marry me and be my marchioness?’

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Workman Chapter 1

"Oh dear," said the housewife leaning into the doorway. She was wearing jeans and a conservative button-down blouse. "Well, you'd better get started. Would you like some coffee?" "No thanks," he replied without looking up. She got a mug out of the cabinet, and just as she started pouring herself some coffee the doorbell rang. While she was out of the room, the plumber surrupticiously rose to a kneeling position and retrieved a packet from his pocket. He emptied its contents into the...

3 years ago
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Crossdresser getting TRAINed

I was home alone when i got a call from a friend that is train driver / railroad engineer. He is 40 years old and spend most time alone driving a train. He asked me if i could not come over, because he is feeling alone. I had nothing better so i visited his flat. So i put makeup wig and some tight dress with thong and heels. I wanted to put stockings but already had heels so i decided just to go with my smooth legs, it was hot that day anyway.He already had prepared some beer and drinks. We...

2 years ago
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How many times you had the fantasies about girl you can’t have? Your dirty mind would draw pictures of you two in different places having wild sex. Well, I’ll tell you my story. I am an average guy. Some girls think I’m hot, some are not. I don’t think so, but it’s not the point. One my friend has a roommate. She is hot. I don’t think any guy can say “no” if she would ask for sex. And I remember I gave promise to my friend that I will never think about sex with her. But isn’t taboo thoughts...

1 year ago
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Annie and the Schoolteachers

To be honest, I was feeling pretty fed up that Wednesday afternoon. I had twisted my ankle the day before, and although it wasn’t that serious, it meant that I wasn’t able to go on the usual cross-country run with the rest of the sixth form. I liked cross-country. Although I wasn’t much of a long-distance runner, the chance to get off the school premises for an afternoon made it good for a laugh, especially as my best friend Helen and I usually managed to have a bit of a chat on the way round....

4 years ago
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House of Dark PleasureChapter 6

Mrs. Wynton had been explaining Doris's duties to her; now they were sitting in the small office where Doris would do most of her work, when Mabel Williams tapped at the door then entered. "Would you like your coffee in here, Ma'am?" she asked in a subdued voice. "Yes," said Mildred, then asked, "would you like a coffee, too?" Doris nodded, glanced at her watch. It was eleven o'clock on her second day--and first morning at Romily Manor. Doctor Marston wanted to see her that...

3 years ago
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RewriteChapter 2

I visited Becky at the restaurant on my way home. She was ecstatic. I had to remind her not to call me Master in public. She did her best not to appear to be playing favorites, conscientiously taking care of other customers in between visits to my table. She had also brought me a new story to read. It certainly wasn't anything I'd expect a mind-controlled sex slave to write. I smiled and began to think that maybe I hadn't completely eradicated her personality with the Pen. She had...

2 years ago
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Motherly sisterly love pt 1

A fictional story with a touch of reality thrown in.I was a typical lad of 13yrs old you know getting taller,hair underarms,hard-ons and of cause something I wasn't bad at wanking, along with sport and hanging out with the guys at school. I had 2 sisters older than me Chelsea 16 and Mandy 18, they where no fun as all they where into was clothes and make up.My parents where ok dad was a bit modern and mum was well cool always wearing the latest fashions, right thats a bit about my family let the...

3 years ago
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Outward BoundChapter 18

April and I were in the housing planning section. We were going over the plans for the incoming contractors and new crew members when the receptionist interrupted us. “Ma’am, Commander Sullivan?” Looking up from the documents we were going over, she said, “Yes? What is it?” “Ma’am, there’s a delivery boy out here. He says he has something important for you. I tried to tell him that I would deliver it, but he insists that he has to hand-deliver it.” April looked at me, I shrugged. “Don’t...

2 years ago
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Virginity Finally Lost To Maid Surekha 8211 Part 1

Hello guys. My name’s Harry (name changed). I’m a 24 year old academically well oriented guy who is regarded good looking by most people around but never managed to date any girl due to lack of confidence and moreover due to my ambitious behavior. I could never ever fantasies on any girl and the only reason being that my dick always worshiped the lady I loved for years.. My maid.. My Rani. Surekha Rani (name changed). I found her good looking to work as a maid. Describing her she was quite tall...

4 years ago
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The Prank And Consequences 8211 Part I

Radha and I were childhood friends and though we tried to be more but that awkwardness between best-friend-turned-newly-couple seemed to get the better of us. We used to shamelessly rest on couch from day to night and pull pranks on each other. Her parents trusted me blindly and I used to try living up to their expectations. So once, while she was sleeping/resting in my home, I “accidentally” spilled chilled water (with too many ice cubes) on her face. She was startled and woke up. As soon as...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 544

These are compliments of john a The History of the Middle Finger: Well, now ... here’s something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel knowledgeable. Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned...

3 years ago
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Caring for my daughter Part 1 I dont need any clothes dad

Ava has to stay in hospital for observation for a few days. I learn that the splints on her arms and shoulders are just temporary, however Ava won’t be able to touch herself nor feed herself and needs a carer until she recovers. She’s not happy about that but the doctor insists on the inconvenient splints. “You will thank me for it later, young lady!” the doctor says as he leaves Ava’s hospital room, closing her patient file in one hand with a loud snap. I realize quickly that I can’t afford...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Nyomi Star Interracial Happy Endings

After a long work week, there is nothing like a soothing massage from a sexy Asian womans hands to ease the stress away. Thats why our stud has hired sultry seductress Nyomi Star to oil him up and rub him lovingly. The pretty Asian chick enjoys every second of the sensual massage, and soon she is aching to sample our studs chocolate cock. She reveals her pierced nipples and oils herself up before gobbling his big black dick. Then, she hops on the massage table and takes a wild ride on his thick...

1 year ago
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Awakenings Ch 12

Amy and I put the furniture back in place. After we finished I walked out to my Escape and brought my bags up to the guest bedroom. I'd be sleeping with Amy and Mel, but since there wasn't any spare storage space in their room the guest room was going to be my closet. As soon as my bags were put away we went back downstairs. Mel was just leaving. She was dressed in a pink miniskirt, a pink brassiere, pink fishnet stockings held up by a pink garter belt and pink spike heeled pumps. When I saw...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome MFM bimale

I'd been flirting with Clare for a while in work. I always thought she would be one of the girls that would play around in work, but never actually go through with anything. It was a slow day in work and as usual the subject came round to sex. We were having a cheeky conversation about fetishes and she was telling me about how she'd had the threesome with her husband and another guy. Making sex faces while saying she loved getting it in both holes at the same time. I wasn't sure if she was...

2 years ago
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A Jog to RememberChapter 9

Since school started in one week and I had the money Mom left me, I went to the mall to buy some school clothes and was standing looking in at some of the cute tops that were on display. “Hey Hailey, How’s your summer been?” I spun around to see Josh standing there with a grin on his face and a shopping bag in his hand. “Great Josh, and yours?” “It’s alright. Looks like you have been living in the sun. You have a great tan.” “Thanks. Yes, I spend a good bit of time at the beach or...

4 years ago
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Turned on by Exposed Wife Part 1

I recently had an early finish from work and decided I would do a little cleaning before my wife came home. I finished a few rooms, then felt grimey so I went to bathe and freshen up. Our bath takes an eternity to fill so I lay naked on our bed with the bedroom window open. The breeze blowing over me made my body feel great. Naughty lust fuelled thoughts started to enter my head; I needed motivation.Several years earlier, my wife and I bought a Polaroid camera and took some really naughty...

2 years ago
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The Last Resort Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - The Dorm Part 3 Lorraine pressed the mute button on the console and said to Joy, "I had completely forgotten this silly little incident, but I'm going to have some fun. This is just too good to pass up!" She unmuted and said "Rose, before we move on to the hair rules, I wanted to say how much I love the titty rules! They're all just perfect! I think they'll make my little charlene a very happy girl. She's longed for titties of her own for so long now. And I...

3 years ago
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Conversational Love Story One

Taking a very short break from my original series, so I’ll leave you all something to get horny over in the meantime! ,) ‘Why are you so miserable? Come on, tell me.’ ‘Well, I’m kinda peckish, but mostly ’cause I miss you.’ ‘Why do you text me so much?’ ‘Because I just want to talk to you, even if only for a moment.’ ‘Why don’t you call me instead?’ ‘Because I never know what to say.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘You make me nervous.’ ‘Huh? How?’ ‘You give me butterflies.’ ‘So do you…?’ ‘Yes, I like you…...

4 years ago
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The Trainer My Reward

The sight of Janeen about to taste her fingers as I walked away from her house yesterday caused an unavoidable explosion in my briefs, but it was my own fault for letting myself get aroused and presuming she would want more sex. She was one of only a few women who had accepted my “pitch” literally and made me honor it. But at least she had the compassion to recognize my needs and invite me back. As I had walked the few hundred feet from her house back to mine I could still smell her on my...

Oral Sex
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JapanHDV Ami Oya Ami Oya and her neighbor go into the bedroom to spend the afternoon fucking

Ami Oya is a hot sexy teen that has had a thing for her neighbor since she was younger. She has always thought about him as an older brother type of guy and she always thought he was very cute. Since she was younger she never thought he would pay attention to her. It has been her fantasy to get to know him some in a close setting and see what would happen. Since Ami still lives at home she is somewhat restrained from doing much as it would be awkward to have him over for the afternoon with her...

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Brandons nervous habit helps out Gina

Everything started a few months ago, if I was stressed at work I would quickly silently get an orgasm out when nobody was in the bathroom. Now it's a normal office setting so I make sure nobody else is in there,( try and predict nobody will go in) and started as a way to calm down in the evenings when I worked late. Anyhow, when I would feel really slutty sometimes I would do it on lunch in my car or in the bathroom but over months I found myself looking forward and doing it routinely. This all...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Gia Derza Rental Disagreement

Gia Derza is visited by her landlord, Evan Stone. They’re friendly towards each other, but Evan firmly says they need to talk. Evan tells Gia that he suspects she’s running a business from her apartment, which goes against the terms of her lease. Gia admits that she offers NURU massage services from the apartment, and Evan tells her she has to stop or risk being evicted. Gia gets flirty and tries to sweet talk him into letting her continue the business, but Evan isn’t...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 2

"Metro Vice, Jamieson," the red-headed policeman said answering the phone and leaning back in his chair, crossing his feet atop his desk. "Tommy? Bill Mayfield. Do you have a few minutes?" "Sure, Doc, what can I do for you?" "I need some information about the drug Nirvana." Tommy Jamieson sat bolt upright, his feet slapping onto the floor. "Meet me at O'Malley's at 5, okay Doc?" "See you there, Tommy." Doc Mayfield slipped his thin frame out of his car and sauntered over...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 197 Aftermath of the SoCalled Castration Attack

Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) Unlike the police, the Principal did want to cause me trouble. I was ordered to go to his office, where he started yelling at me for causing all these troubles. Today's fracas was going to cause him a GREAT deal of trouble, so it had to be someone else's fault, and he was laying the blame squarely on my shoulders. I let him rant and rave, hoping it'd just be a short-term letting off of steam. I spent the time thinking about what I should do if it was more...

3 years ago
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college boy part 2

if you read "the college boy" you know that my wife and i are a retired couple. i am bi and she is into younger cock like the college boy we found at a local college. he is 19 with a nice thick 8" cut cock with a beautiful big,pink mushroom head. i sucked him off the first time and the wife wanted to try his young cock in her old pussy.when he came in we were sitting on the couch in our bathrobes. while he was getting naked we took off our robes and she sat on the edge of the couch and started...

1 year ago
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failed threesum

now here is a fail story that seems so sexy and like every dudes dreams come true at the start. it started as us looking online for females to join us for some fun, after about 2 months of endless posting and searching we finally had a reply on one of our countless postings. it started out with hi and how are you and picture exchanges so we knew what each other looked like. after a few hours of chatting we felt safe enough to name exchange, for privacy reasons lets call her missy, a short time...

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The Horror Of Afon Valley

Seb sighed. The hound was not known for disobeying him, yet here he was, wandering alone into the darkening interior of Afon valley. Trees hunched over the path as darkness seemed to watch his every step. The high stems swayed in the breeze and sucked every photon of light from the ever blackening sky. He didn’t know where he was headed and every now and then he shouted the dog’s name; hoping it would come running to him.“Duke. Here boy!”There was no flurry of hair, no pattering of paws, no...

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RebecaChapter 3

The following new characters appear in the story: Kenneth Farmer, 6’-0” tall, 195 pounds, 21 years old, blond hair, blue eyes George Farmer, 5’-10” tall, 185 pounds, 22 years old, blond hair, gray eyes The guest quarters measured 20’x40’ inside, and were of quarried stone like most of the town’s buildings. It consisted of three rooms with entrances on the long side of the building. The room on each end had a chimney on the end wall. The middle room had its chimney on the back wall and...

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Spying on my roomate

When I was in college I lived with an older roomate. At the time I was 18 and he was 23 and he only lived one year with me before he finished and went away. The house we lived in was on old house with those big old keyholes, every voyeurs dream... And being a voyeur like i am i took advantage of it to the max.The first time i spied on him was in the shower. There, for the first time I got to see his naked body. He was of normal build, not fat nor skinny, a bit tall and had few hair on him (i...

1 year ago
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Virgins PetChapter 3

Gayle knew Eddy was mad because she wanted to go home. But she couldn't handle any more hassles and she knew that if they stayed there in that house, Eddy would be hassling her. He couldn't keep his eyes off her and whenever he got the chance, she felt a hand touching her breast or hip or knee. In the car he tried coming on and she had to let him kiss her. The kiss excited her a lot more than she wanted it to. She'd seen all that stuff in the bedroom. She'd watched Randy really put it to...

3 years ago
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A Paladins WarChapter 31 Memories

Kyra lifted her chin off her chest as she heard someone entering the small hut in which she and Berten had been imprisoned for Aros knew how long. Long, dark legs entered her field of vision, and when she lifted her eyes, she saw the woman who had come in before. How long had it been since then? There were no windows in the hut, and the thick fronds that made up the roof let in no light. How long had she been trapped here? Thoughts were hard to hold onto; her wounds had all closed and her...

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The Old Man and the Sea

KEY WEST TODAY I was sitting in Captain Tony’s drinking a Papa Doble and thinking about life. The hundreds of autographed bras hanging from the ceiling ought to tell you everything you need to know about the ambience around THAT place. The building itself has been everything from an ice-house to a whore-house. The current incarnation dates back to Hemingway’s day. It was originally called Sloppy Joes. But the landlord raised the annual rent a buck. So the owner took the entire saloon, lock,...

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My Sexy Lover

I was finishing up my make-up when I heard her car in the drive-way. I stood all the way up, and pulled my skirt down a little. I quickly looked in the mirror, ‘Sexy enough,’ I thought.  I walked down the stairs and opened the door to Angel’s warm, and inviting smile. We embraced each other, and for a second I thought, ‘I want to kiss her, feel our tongues wrestle in our mouths.’ You’d have to be insane to not want to kiss Angel. Her long legs, perky breasts, emerald eyes. Everything about...

3 years ago
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My busty aunt Rebecca

Note: I reuploaded this because of fixing paragraphs, so that it will be more comfortable to read.“Sorry to bother you,” Emma repeated again.“It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.”With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street.It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 266

Their self-tour of the classrooms was an eye-opener for both Angela and Eric. They knew the Matthews were wealthy, and seeing the opulence of the Retreat certainly enforced that, but the classroom was something beyond wealth. As they stopped in one of the work areas, Angela dropped into the form fitting seat and just looked around her. "It's like ... sitting in a beautiful wooded glen, yet each study area is secluded from the others. My goodness. Even the computer screen seems almost part...

1 year ago
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Super MILF Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I must've slept for an hour or so, and when I woke, the first thing I saw was Susan. She was only wearing her bra and panties. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips. I reached up and cupped her breasts through her bra, and kissed her gently. "When will your husband the back." I said. "He still in Kentucky, I spoke to him just before I got here. I could be with you until around nine o'clock tonight. I have to have time to get home, and shower, before he gets home....

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