Apocalypse How
- 4 years ago
- 41
- 0
Author’s Notes:
This story shall have squick, human/demon hack and slash violence, (though I will work to limit the gore) and other potentially icky things as it progresses. You have been warned.
This story continues in the same universe that began with ‘A Bargain Made’ and ‘A Bargain Made: A House Fallen,’ though about eighteen months later. I intend to try to fill in important pieces as needed so that this stands alone as much as it can, but you might want to read the others as well.
The sorceress looked down at the mayhem in the village in anger and shame. The demons were herding people as the people wept and tried to huddle together. They were chained together in groups before being led onto wagons. Others were being readied to be marched down the road, while still others lay dead or dying in the village where they fell, some being fed upon by some of the more feral creatures in the demon’s army with blood, gnashing of teeth and zeal at the prospect of a fresh meal.
Maylin Xon considered them the lucky ones. What was happening to those being herded and marched wasn’t for the faint of heart and was far worse than going back to the earth from which they all came. The only positive about what was going on was where it was in the world. This peninsula was sparsely populated overall. There were several villages and settlements that didn’t qualify as large enough to be called villages dotting the region. There were three small cities on the whole landmass, but, by the time Xon arrived two at least had already been overrun or corrupted. She didn’t know yet what became of the third.
Even with a mix of magic and science, it was going to take time to build an army to take the world.
Xon was certain that’s what was happening. The tells were there in the subtle shift of ley lines that pointed to this place. When she took it upon herself to investigate she could sense the hints of more conventional power being used as well. She already knew what the Council’s response would be if what she suspected was so. They wouldn’t want to believe it was her. They wouldn’t want to believe she was a threat. Some simply wouldn’t care. In the end they believed themselves safely ensconced in their own paradise, impervious to everything, so, so what if the world that rejected them burned? They had no investment in that world.
Unlike Maylin.
Looking down at the ruined village, she could see and hear the people below as though she were with them all, so she watched and listened as one of the female creatures surveyed those preparing to be marched. She still looked human mostly, but her skin was a ghostly pale and her eyes nearly burned red and her white hair fell to her shoulders. She moved her nearly nude, leather-clad, hourglass frame like a predator, eying each, looking for some qualities known only to her. She orbited the line twice before pausing at a trembling young girl with round cheeks and brown eyes, Her clothes and body were dirty from having been dragged about.
A flick of the creature’s finger and the shackles fell away. The girl recoiled slightly, pondering escape before remembering the creatures around her and what happened to those who tried to flee. She tried to shrink away instead, pointless as it was.
‘Leave her alone,’ the older man pleaded with her, his rugged face contorted in impotent desperation. ‘Take me instead. Do whatever you want to me, just leave her alone.’
Maylin weaved her magic carefully in her mind, fingers drawing runes and that energy extending outward to thread through them all. She wanted to know their thoughts. Whatever she could glean from about how they had come to be here as they were or where they hoped to go could help her. She suspected that so long as she remained passive in her presence and did not try to influence those minds she would not be detected. She couldn’t afford an engagement she wasn’t sure she could win.
The once-woman looked the man over, unable to decide between disdain and amusement. Her eyes narrowed to skits. ‘We already have you. She already has you. Be silent or be fed to the beasts.’ She turned her attention back to the young girl, smiling a smile that revealed longer, pointed incisors. The girl examined her captor with morbid fascination, if for no other reason than it kept her from focusing on how dire her predicament was.
The creature allowed it and played with it. ‘Do you think I’m beautiful?’ She stepped back, spreading her arms. When the young woman said nothing for fear of saying the wrong thing, her captor continued. ‘I am beautiful. I have been remade. I have given my soul to Her and in return I have been given beauty and power. I have been given purpose. Feast upon the sight, girl. No more will I toil in pointless work to just keep the meager place I have in the world. Now I will help conquer it to hand it to Her and worship at her feet as she rules, or those that follow me will use my body as a step on that path.’
She swallowed so hard her throat hurt as a cold pit descended and hollowed out her stomach. ‘If you say so.’
Quick as the blink of an eye, the once-woman was nearly nose to nose with her prey. ‘I do not have to say so. It simply is.’ Her attitude shifted almost as quickly as she moved ‘Ah. I caught you again. That is the second time that those eyes have drifted to my breasts.’ Her voice became a conspiratorial whisper, ‘I promise not to tell your father.’
She grinned when both of their cheeks reddened in embarrassment. ‘What is your name, girl?’
The girl pointed her chin outward in defiance.
Another flick of the creature’s wrist.
‘Calla,’ erupted from her lips.
Her hand, nails lengthened and pointed like her teeth stroked the skin of her cheek.’You are also beautiful, Calla.’ She judged the way Calla’s eyes darted from hers before coming back, ‘Have you not been told that?’ She brushed the other cheek tenderly. ‘Is it the scars of adolescence just parted that keeps you from hearing the words? You are beautiful. So much makes you so. You have a fiery spirit and a powerful heart. Look into my eyes, Calla,’ she tempted. ‘Look into my eyes and know the truth about yourself.’
Calla couldn’t help but look deeply into those eyes. The more deeply she looked, the more forcefully they pulled her in. She could hear her own heartbeat and the thunder rush of blood through her veins.
Do you feel it, Calla?’
She heard the voice in her mind, but answered it with her own, though she felt disconnected from it, as though she was talking to herself from a great distance. ‘Yes.’
That is your power. It is in your hammering heart and your will. Feel the heat of your power well up inside you. Do you feel it?
She took a deep breath, relishing how her lungs tingled. ‘Yes. I feel it.’
Feel everywhere, Calla. Feel it in every part of your body.
She took another breath to pull it through her.’I feel it’
You would make a fine tool for Her.
Calla sighed in want before shame rushed in to fill the void. ‘It’s wrong.’
Is it? The voice in her mind mocked her. Touch Her power and then tell me that again.
The creature’s hand pressed to Calla’s heart and Calla was overwhelmed by the power and majesty of Her. Doubts were snuffed out as she basked in it. Resistance faded wallowing in Her perfection. Her power had the same lack of limitation as her knowledge. She saw just a hint of Her face. It teased her in the same way her captor had, but she was so beautiful Calla wanted to cry at the promise of her.
What are you compared to Her?
Maylin saw what Calla saw and it took everything that she had not to send a reaction through the threads she’d woven below. She knew that face even by only the shadowy hints that were offered.
Calla knew what the answer was even as she found reality again when pain cut across her chest. She looked down to see her top ripped away from her h
eart, breast exposed, nipple proud against the air, wetness dampening her thighs as the, long, sickly nail dragged over the flesh in yet another tease. She hissed from arousal as much as pain. Everything felt good. Everything drove her. She panted as her eyes met those of her her corrupter.
With a depraved smile, the pale thing unclasped herself from the front, exposing her large breasts, the nipples black with whatever fetid poison following the veins halfway up her flesh. Calla tried to hold to the tattered shreds of who she was, but she couldn’t stop herself from biting her lip.
The once woman sneered, enjoying his humiliation. Not that it mattered, as whatever would happen to him would happen, but she enjoyed that breaking of him. ‘See, Father? She wants. She wants to be owned. She wants to be owned by Her. She wants to give herself over to submission and purpose.’
Let her throw me to the beasts. ‘Fight it, Calla. You are strong. You can fight what’s happening.’
‘And fucking,’ the creature added. ‘She wants Her creatures to rut and live in pleasure.’ The thing tilted her head. ‘What do you want, Calla? Do you want to belong to Her? Do you want to own your beauty and your power in a way this world will never let you? Or do you want to keep living, hand-to-mouth, hoping a man will look beyond your blemishes and take you.’
She snickered, her voice dripping derision. ‘Or that your father might sell you to some other father’s son in return for fresh eggs each morning, and knowing you will never know the wetness in your cunt that you feel right now even at the promise of what is to come. It is better than you can dream. Feed from me and taste of Her.’
Nails raked Calla’s exposed breast before that wicked voice touched her body and soul again in equal measure. ‘Submit to Her.’
With a whimper at the words and the promise, Calla’s head dipped with the speed of a striking snake and she latched onto her left nipple, suckling like a starving infant, letting the thick, black ooze coat her throat like warm syrup. She could feel it create weight in her belly and sing to every nerve in her body. She needed more and more. ‘Enough’ didn’t exist in her lexicon anymore. More sex. More submission. More Power. As much as She allowed is what Calla would take and wield for Her. Calla bit the flesh in her mouth to bring forth more poison in a long spurt.
The once-woman cradled her head, ‘Mmmmmm…bite more. Take more. Feast, Calla. Embrace it. That feels so delicious. Hurt me and feast.’
Calla’s teeth found purchase again and she bit, rewarded with more demon milk and more whimpers of demon pleasure. The thought of rubbing herself flitted through her consciousness and, without actively deciding to, her hand darted up her modest, earth tone dress, ripped away any semblance of protection cloth gave and rubbed herself, hand hard against her mound. Her hand was slick in seconds and she screamed a scream of ecstasy, muffled by a mouth full of breast. She bit down again and the fresh eruption filling her mouth drove her to a new peak.
She kept suckling, even as the creature gently eased Calla from her nipple. Bite marks could be seen orbiting the blackened areola and the thing smiled at the black coating Calla’s tongue, dripping from the corners of her mouth and down her chin. Calla wobbled on her feet, eyes glassy as though she were drunk. She let herself be led several steps forward before being stopped away from the others, so they could have a full view as they looked on in shock, disgust, and, on a few faces, the morbid fascination that Calla herself felt.
‘Take off your clothes.’
That seemed like a good idea. Calla wanted to be naked. She needed to be. She shed them, mostly with the creature’s help, but, eventually, she stood there in that haze, nude and waiting. The thing ran her black tongue down Calla’s breastbone before swirling around both both breasts, letting her teeth nip as she went before her tongue went over that soft belly and her nose teased that thick thatch of hair.
Hot breath against her pussy snapped her from her dream state enough to look down and see the once-woman waiting. Calla spoke without being asked, slurring her words. ‘Make me like you.’
‘Call out to Her. Offer yourself.’
As soon as that tongue buried itself inside Calla, extending farther into her than any human tongue ever could, she jerked as though electrocuted and screamed to the sky, ‘I am nothing. You are all.’
The orgasm that came with her declarations never ebbed. ‘Make me something. Make me Yours.
She humped herself against the mouth working her. ‘I am Your servant. Change my body and fuck my mind. I give You my will. I give You my soul.’
Calla’s convulsions increased and the once-woman withdrew from her, bringing her gently to the ground as she watched Her work with excitement. Calla’s skin bulged and caved as the body under it changed. She twisted and contorted, her face a study in pain, confusion, and lust as her limbs and torso lengthened.
The changes slowed, then stopped as Calla stared into nothing for long moments before blinking rapidly to show her awareness. The once-woman extended her arm, her smile actually approaching warmth. ‘Welcome, Sister.’
Calla rose smoothly, taking stock of herself. She still looked human, save her eyes with the irises black as night. Her body felt hard and ready to inflict pain or endure it. She stood a head taller than her seductress. ‘Thank you, Sister.’ She felt her face, feeling her fingertips glide over porcelain, unblemished skin. What remained of the person she was that still lived felt pride. ‘She is generous and merciful.’
‘She is,’ the other agreed. ‘I am Nata,’ she began sweetly before hardening only a little. ‘The meat you were did not deserve my name.’
‘I understand completely.’ She looked around at some of the lesser creatures, ‘Fetch me something that will fit until something proper can be fashioned.’ It felt good to watch them scurry.
‘Do not cover up on my account.’
She looked at Nata hungrily. ‘Rest assured we will play later, and you will teach me.’
She surveyed the line again, looking down upon all of them, even those few that she was not now actually taller than. She closed on her father, watching him as a cat would watch the mouse she was just about done playing with. ‘Do you like what you see?’
He consciously kept his eyes on hers.
‘I won’t let you be thrown to the beasts because you were trying to be helpful to me,’ she told him before slamming into his jaw with the back of her hand. He crumpled to the dirt, almost taking those he was linked to to the ground with him, ‘but you were told not to speak.’
Nata narrowed her eyes with a sinister smile. ‘Are you sure you’re doing him a favor?’
She didn’t take her eyes from him. ‘It hardly matters. He always wanted a son anyway. Isn’t that right, Father? Did you think I was blind to your disappointment? To be stuck with a daughter and an ugly one at that? How you have suffered me.’ Her face was a mask of contempt. ‘One way or another, you shall not suffer much longer.’
She watched with satisfaction as he withered under the weight of her words and finally looked away.
Maylin carefully pulled her magics away from the group. She was tempted to try to plow through the growing hoards just to see how far she could get. She thought, with some satisfaction, that she might even be able to make it as far as the witch. But, as much as the vision of the conflagration pleased her mind’s eye, she knew it was too foolish to attempt. She knew she needed help.
There was some personal satisfaction to be had with knowing where to get it.
To Be Continued…
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“So, what went down in Frederick in our absence, anyway?” I asked Charity after we came together at last. Judging from the look on my bride’s face, her post-orgasmic bliss was shaken a bit. We were naked as we basked in the sweaty slickness of each other’s flesh against our skin. Charity looked even more like her Creek ancestors as she nestled her head against my chest, loath as she was to discuss politics when we had just shared such primal intimacy with each other. I caressed her belly, of...
“Mr. Clarke, I presume? I’m Theodore Lansing, Mayor of Charlottesville. This is Sarah Whitman, President of the City Council. These are Councilors Warren Buckner, Agnes Culver, Godwin Marx, Bubba Joe Mackenzie, and Ira Sanchez. On behalf of the Free City of Charlottesville, welcome to our fair city. These are your companions, then?” the most prominent of the city fathers of the depopulated Virginia community, greeted us formally now. “I am Reverend Adam Clarke, a Prophet of Heaven, and this...
Later... The Oak Room, Charlottesville, Virginia “This is one helluva reception, if you don’t mind a Prophet saying so,” I chuckled as I looked around me at the banners welcoming my party to Charlottesville. “Only the best food and drink for an obvious man of God and of destiny. Other clergy have come and gone, but none have aided entire cities and even one whole county in rising from the ashes. That is no small potatoes, Reverend Clarke. Clearly, Divine Providence has brought you here to...
“So, are you two ... an item, then?” I teased Mayor Theodore Lansing of the Free City of Charlottesville. “Well, lately yes, but I naturally wonder if a Prophetess with an angelic father will have any time for a mere mortal like me,” Lansing answered with a self-deprecating joke that poorly concealed his real insecurity. “Oh, hush, you! I wear the pants in our relationship and you know it! I always have! Why on Earth would I want to give that up, sugar? At least with you, I get to boss...
Two weeks later... Free City of Charlottesville My cock dipped in plenty of juices from the dripping wet gash of Sarah Whitman after I entered her for the seventh stroke. Somehow, we were both increasingly drawn to each other and we just had the urge to couple, something particularly difficult to resist until we yielded to it at last. We hadn’t neglected our other partners by any means, but we had fucked a lot over the past two weeks, since just after the banquet thrown in my honor. It...
Two weeks later... (Temporary) Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “So, we need to figure out a strategy to deal with the damn ASF for real now. Things got pretty crazy already, with the fall of Blacksburg. Those cunts were insane, but Eckart is even more dangerous. His present assault on Richmond just proves how much of a threat he is to us all. The sniper practice is a great start, but we need to take things even further. By the time that Eckart crushes the various gangs that...
28 March, 2014 An Abandoned Methodist Church, Charlottesville, Virginia “Do you, Ted, take this woman, Sarah, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” I asked Mayor Ted Lansing according to the rather unorthodox wedding vows that Sarah and he cooked up together. She had always been the dominant partner in their relationship, so...
The Oak Room, Free City of Charlottesville, Virginia 28 March, 2014 “So, what do you think of your sister-wives?” I teased Sarah, who winked at me. “Hey, they’re my sisters already, so who better for sister-wives? Why should sibling rivalry and jealousy prevail over sisterly bonding and bondage, among other things? Why can’t I share men with my sisters and drain their balls repeatedly together with them? Why can’t we share that kind of delicious intimacy?” Sarah punctuated her query by...
Wow, my firstborn daughter, I thought as I held little Adah in my arms before turning her back over to the midwife. My sweet wife, Xia Delan Clarke, so petite as always did not look as if she could have endured that grisly business of labor to bring our baby into this world, yet she clearly did. She was drained, sweaty, and weak from loss of blood, but she managed a faint smile as the doctors attended to her. Then Michael came over and touched her forehead, somehow granting her some of his...
The Adam Clarke Divinity School, The University of Virginia, The Free City of Charlottesville, 1513 hours (3:13 pm) local time 18 April, 2014 “And so, my dear students, remember this: it is your sacred duty and honor to build the new world that will follow Doomsday. It is you who will have to do much of the hard work of rebuilding hearth and home, town and country alike. It is you who will bring back civilization to Old Virginia. Just recall that this isn’t the first generation who will have...
Saturday Morning, 19 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville, Virginia I awoke and wasn’t alone, of course, but that was especially common on weekends, including the sight of my naked and heavily pregnant wives with me in bed. Just because Autumn and Hannah, in this instance, were almost ready to give birth didn’t mean that they lacked a libido. Far from it, in fact. As I might have noted before, they were even hornier than in the past. My blonde nymph and my...
Tuesday, 22 April, 2014 Regional Operations Central Command, Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “The decision to hold ROCC sessions here in your temporary housing was pure genius on my part, wouldn’t you agree?” Mayor Ted Lansing fished for praise as we sat together with the other principals of the Command. “Naturally, Your Honor. Now, can we get on with the business at hand?” Lancaster County Sheriff Stuart Lopez urged us with the nodding approval of the other local...
Thursday, 24 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “And there she is, little Zillah Clarke! Seven pounds, six ounces!” I heard Bonnie exclaim as she held up Autumn’s baby girl born to me. “And here is young Lamech Clarke. Clever dig at the Bible there, to name sons and daughters after the line of Cain rather than Seth,” Ryan remarked as he cut the umbilical cord for my son by Hannah. “Well, it’s more my dig at those who use the Bible to condemn polygamy, even...
Friday, 25 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville The road trip to Roanoke was almost under way, but there was one performance left from my “sailor girls” as I enjoyed my final night there in Charlottesville. This meant a musical routine, the last of many performed on my behalf and in my honor. Of all songs, they chose “Sailing” by Christopher Cross, but I wasn’t going to quarrel with their choice. It fit their outfits, after all. “Pleased, my dear Prophet?”...
An hour later Friday, 25 April, 2014 “Do you, Ted, take these women to be your lawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” I watched Sarah officiate the group wedding of her own cuck husband to her very own sister-wives. “I do,” Ted gulped now as his first wife, the Prophetess, winked at him. “Do you, ladies, take this man, Ted, to be your...
Eight hours later, Saturday, 26 April, 2014 En route to Waynesboro “How are we doing on time?” I asked Xia Delan, my beautiful Chinese wife who had recently given me my firstborn daughter, Adah. “We’re halfway there already, in fact. We’re making very good time, probably because we’re going at night and switching drivers to keep at it, babe. I adore you, by the way. Don’t ever forget that. I offered to be your concubine and you would have none of that. You insisted that I be one of your...
Ten hours later... Saturday, 26 April, 2014 Roanoke, VA We arrived after considerable delays in Roanoke, to be met as expected by Mayor Austin Bryce and the city fathers ... and their wives, of course. The Glass girls, some called them: Mindy Glass and her daughters, lovely Korean girls. I could certainly see the appeal of them to Austin, to the point that he married them all, made them his brides. Well, with Schumacher Syndrome as he now had, he could take even more women ... and even some...
One month later... Monday, 26 May, 2014 Roanoke, Virginia “So, they’ve been consolidating their gains and absorbing their new recruits, just as we have prepared this defense in depth. It seems that Charlottesville’s defenses are greatly augmented, of course, and that Norfolk, Lancaster, Stanardsville, Twin Lakes, several others, are really putting their pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together now. It’s a genuine defensive line now,” Austin informed me now. “Very well. Very well indeed. Let’s...
Friday, 27 June, 2014 The War Room, City Hall Roanoke, Virginia “This appears to be it, then. The Nazi bastards have sundered the Winfield Scott Line in six different places with their early pre-dawn assault. We had to withdraw to more easily defended perimeters. Of course, that’s precisely why I ordered a defense in depth, in layers like this. Anyway, we’ve already lost several dozen towns, albeit none of great size yet, to this offensive of theirs. May God help whoever lived in those...
NIS Day 1 – After School - Medway High School 2:57pm, Monday, October, 29, 1979 “I’ve got to run and tell Mrs. S that Sammy and I are going to have her spray paint our bodies Wednesday morning,” Tempe said as the two naked girls walked with me and a few others down the side hallway. I was heading to the varsity locker room with my gym bag, while the girls were taking their gym bags up to their lockers. “I’m going to have her do a sexy police woman’s costume on my naked bod,” Sammy...
Phoenix Rising------------------------An adult tale by Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright 2011 (Nov)Henry is a rich layabout who is just waiting for his twenty fifth birthday so he can claim his inheritance. A massive blowout in a Bahamas casino finds him looking for a little cash and something to allay the boredom. The deckhand job on the small cutter, the ?Phoenix?, turns out to be just the ticket; a ticket on a ride that assumes a serious turn when he starts to uncover the intentions and...
The cycles continued. On the day that our vision was restored, the most destructive girl I knew was creating the most delicious sounds in my ear, sensual kisses and playful bites. “Good morning, my love...” I opened my eyes all at once, because a faint orange glow was evident through my eyelids. It took me a while to recognize what was happening. Perhaps my retinas had gone into hibernation ... Or maybe I was still tired from the extended harvesting outing the previous evening. It seemed...
**************** NOTICE: The full interactive version of this story (with images, music and sounds) can be found here: http://www.tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2902 This story was written mostly for the purpose of demonstrating how an interactive story can be made using the new flash-based tool: Interactive Story Maker (ISM). You can download it from the above link. I hope that some of you great writers will take an interest in using this tool! Note that, since...
The werewolf drifted through the crowd of writhing dancers at the club, Gothic Noire and scowled. Although the moon had yet to rise over the horizon, he could already feel its power calling to his soul right through the brick walls of the club. I’ll have to find someone to fuck soon, or I’ll spend the next month locked in my wolf shape.In the smoked mirrors that lined the club’s walls, his eyes glowed a brilliant predator green, reflecting in the club’s low lighting. He turned his head,...