Rekhaaaaaa free porn video

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I had just landed up my first job in Mumbai (immediately after college) and had moved into a one bedroom flat (apartment) in Andheri. It was a family friend’s flat and I was in the process of purchasing it from them (with financial help from my parents and Bank) as my parents had moved to native place to spend their old years. My flat was on the fifth floor and there were four flats per floor in our section. I am 5’11”, well built, exercises regularly (daily) and 25 years of age. The excitement of the job, new flat, living independently, were all too much for a young excited guy like me to handle. Over time, I learnt more about the other 3 flat owners, neighbours of mine (on my same floor). One flat was occupied by two old Parsis with their k**s in USA. The other flat had a middle aged couple (in their 40’s) with high school going k**s, two boys (17 and 15 years old) and one girl (aged 8 years). Both the parents were portly and busy with their own lives. The last flat had a couple with a small k**. The surprising fact was that the husband named Shekhar was 5’2” thin and dark, while his wife was about 4’4” in height, named Rekha.

The first time I met Rekha was when I was on my way to office in the morning and she was sweeping the front portion of their flat. I saw her backside and did not pay much attention as I thought the person must be some small k**. I rarely saw Rekha or her husband outside their flat. They seemed to live all the time inside their flat. Later in one of the society meeting which I attended, I supported her husband (who was the treasurer of the building) when a few flat owners were casting aspersion on his handling the accounts. The flat owner’s politics was at play and poor Shekar was being belittled there. The meeting had ended in a chaos (as usual) and Shekar had appreciated my support. While returning back after meeting together with Shekhar, he busy explaining the politics at play in the building, he invited me to his house and when I went in, I was introduced to his wife Rekha. Initially, I was taken aback at her height and did feel and question myself on whether she was a midget, which she was not. But she had a kind face, thin, wide expressive eyes, nice nose and pouting lips. She was thin, small body structure, boobs matching her body and shapely butts. Overall a nice lady. I just exchanged pleasentaries and had coffee with the family and left. There was no sexual interest or any interest at that time. Besides me she just looked like a small k**. I was about 75 kgs and she looked hardly about 40 kgs. Somehow, I was put off totally with her at that time.

They realized that I was all alone and used to see me working hard, going to office in the morning and returning late at night. It was only on weekends (I had Saturday and Sunday off) when I was at home. I used to be too tired for any fun frolic at that time. The weekend was spent on cleaning my clothes, the house and just relaxing. In college I had a steady girlfriend and recently we had broken off as she wanted me to follow her to Delhi, her hometown, while I wanted to stay on in Mumbai. So I was also in a way heartbroken at that time.

Sometimes Shekar used to invite me to their house for lunch or dinner. I used to play with their 2 month old k** and generally have a good time with the family. Once I was about to leave for office, when I heard a shout from their house, I saw Rekha rushing out and on seeing me, pulled my hand in and crying asked me to help her son. I saw the son, bawling, with a cut on his head. It seems he had fallen from the bed and shekar had already left for office. I immediately picked up the k** and asked her to lock the door and accompany me to the hospital. All the time there were tears pouring out of Rekhas eyes. We rushed the k** to the emergency ward of Cooper hospital and while the k** was being checked, I was consoling Rekha. Her head was resting on my chest and I was caressing her head. The doctor finally came out and stated that we would have to admit the k** as he suspected some hairline fracture. Rekha stood stunned and the doctor asked her to be in control like her husband (the doctor assumed that I was the husband). I asked Rekha to be steady and arranged for all the details and paperwork for admitting the k**. Once that was done, I asked Rekha for her husband’s office number. She knew the company name and I traced the number and called the office. I got shekar on the line and informed him. Since his office was in Colaba, it took him about an hour and half to reach the hospital. All these time I was sitting beside Rekha, holding her hands and consoling her. When shekar came, he took over and after a few minutes I took leave.

That day I was late for office. After office work I rushed back home and saw that their door was locked. Immediately, I went to the hospital and saw that both of them were near their k**. The k** was kept under observation and the parents were standing nearby. I had brought some snacks and fruits and I offered it to them. I arranged for coffee and some food for them before I left. Next day morning again, I visited them in hospital and carried with me a thermos full of coffee and also some snacks from the local restaurant. The parents were happy to see me and I couild finally see some happiness on Rekhas face. The k** was fine.

Next day evening, the family was back home and I had by now become a part of the family. That Saturday, around 10.00 A.M. Rekha knocked on my door and asked whether I could care for her k** as she had to go shopping and shekar had office on Saturdays. She did not want to take the k** with her as he still had bandage on his head. By this time I was feeling comfortable with Rekha and also enjoying her company. I was now used to her smallness or is it petiteness. I said yes and till she came back, I was beside the k**. On her return, she asked me to hang around while she prepared food. When the k** cried, she immediately rushed to his side and then started breast feeding the k**. Initially she covered her breast but due to the k**s hand movements, the sari slid down exposing her breast and I had a glimpse of it. She playfully asked what I was looking at and I shied away. She had beautiful round breast with a peach like nipple. The nipple was really big and thick. It looked juicy. The k** later slept and we both had lunch together enjoying small talks. She was a good conversationalist, funny at times. If she enjoyed a good joke, she would laugh loudly till tears fell from her eyes and her whole body would shake. It was fun watching that and I started sharing jokes, small juicy tit bits with her. She learnt about my family, my ex girl friends etcc.., while I learnt about her family. She was from a rich family and highly educated. When I saw her family photos, I was surprised to see that her parents and brothers and sisters were all tall and looked normal. She blushed when I enquired about that and said that she was born cursed. From the time she was born, she was small and there were times when her parents were very worried. She has been born like that and she would have to carry this burden to her grave. Her eyes were filled and I felt distressed at her anguish. I wiped her tears and just remained with her for sometime.

Without even realizing, we were getting closer. I could see a change in Rekha. She was more comfortable with me and the world, her shyness and self consciousness was slowily fading. By now, more than a year had passed. The k** was growing fast and I was the ‘Kumar uncle’ for the k**. My job was going well and life seemed good. Rekha was my good friend and we used to share a lot of fun. Shekar was a good friend and all of us were very close. They used to keep a spare key of their house with me and my house spare keys were with them. Now-a-days most of the time, I spent at their house with Rekha and family and also was her contant companion for shopping etc.. I was also getting fond of her and being dependant on her. WAS IT INFATUATION OR LOVE…, I WON’T KNOW.

One day, as I was to go to office, I heard the k** cry loudly. I felt something wrong and banged their house door, I heard Rekha’s anguished sound. On realizing it was me, Rekha asked me to open and come in. When I entered, I saw her lying outside the bathroom door, tears running down her face. She had a gown on, which was raised to her hips. Her k** was sitting beside her and trying to wipe Rekhas tears and himself crying loudly. Probably the k** realized that something was wrong. On seeing me, the k** was pointing to Rekha and saying –‘mama…. Mama….. I immediately took the k** and Rekha explained that she twisted her ankle while coming out of the bathroom and it was paining real bad. When I ltried to lift her right leg, I found that her ankle was broken, her feet was hanging down. Immediately I realized the gravity of the situation. I consoled the k**, and putting him on one side, arranged for a small plank on which I placed her leg and strapped it to the plank, so that the leg holds and does not move much. Then I asked the building watchman to call a taxi. I approached the other neighbour and informed them of the situation and requested them to take care of the k** which they immediately agreed to do so. When the taxi came, I lifted Rekha and carried her in my arms. The watchman was nearby assisting me and we entered the taxi. I reached the hospital and called for the stretcher. In the hospital, it was found that she had a dislocation and fracture. While the doctors were setting the dislocation right, I was beside her and she was holdng my hand strongly, not letting me go. Finally, her leg was plastered and she was also given pain killing d**gs. I had called her husband Shekar and told him about the k** being with the neighbour. Shekar came to the hospital and had the k** with him. I took leave that day to help shekar and finally after spending about 5 hours in the hospital we all could go home. On the way back, I carried Rekha while shekar carried the k** as I was a big huge man and for me Rekha was a light person.

It took Rekha about four months to recover from that fracture. On Saturdays, I used to spend all my time with her as Shekar had to go to work. The first Saturday, Rekha was lying on her back, when I visited them. Being the first week, her husband had pots and pans kept for her toilet needs, which he used to clear on his return. On Saturday, when she saw me, her face lit up and jokingly asked me on whether I could carry her for her toilet needs. I said yes, why not. She was fed up of all the pots and pans. When she felt the need she called me and I carried her to the toilet. She had a gown on. I placed her on the commode seat and then helped her rest her legs. Since she had to raise her gown, I lifted her while she folded the gown to her breast. Now she was feeling real shy and asked me to close my eyes. I smiled and said – why now, I have seen your boobs and also now seen your hairy cunt. She laughed nervously and said- Kumar, don’t embarrass me further. Please look the other way. I turned my face and when she was done, she told me that she was ready but asked me to take her to the front room sofa. I carried her to the sofa and laid her on the sofa. While carrying her, her hands were around my neck and our face was very close to each other. While I was focusing on finding my way carefully around the room, she was staring at my face intently.That day, she sat on the sofa with her legs stretched out on the table, while I sat on the ground with my back resting to the sofa, beside her. One of her was resting on my head, caressing my hair, while I was browsing thru’ a magazine. We started chatting and slowily it went to our personal life. I got up and sat beside her. I turned towards her and enquired – “I am curious to know on why have you not trimmed or shaved your choot/cunt”. She was taken aback with my question. With a shy smile on her face she enquired –‘how many choots have you seen till now’. Her frank question floored me initially and I looked at her dumbly. She followed that question with – ‘have you shaved your private areas’. Her small hand was on my lap at that time and for the first time I was feeling hot for her. I started imagining on how the sex would be between me and this small delicate person. If I was on top of her, would she be able to bear my weight. All these wild thoughts were running thru’ my mind at a fast pace. Seeing my looks, she said –‘kumar, why are you quiet’.

I looked at her intently and finally blurted out – ‘lady, you may be small, but you are one sexy bitch’. Saying this, I bent forward and kissed her on her lips. Her lips were nice to feel but her mouth was shut tight. I looked at her and saw her glaring at me. I said – dear. Don’t be angry with me. I never had any wrong intention earlier, but lately, I have started liking your companionship and your delicate small size. I am only afraid that I don’t end up hurting you’. We sat quietly for sometime and then she asked in a low voice –‘can you take me back to the bedroom’. I got up and lifted her. She now had her hand wrapped around my neck while I made my way to the bedroom. When I laid her on the bed, she had her eyes closed. I was in two minds, should I leave or should I stay. I realized that our relationship was now heading towards a critical juncture. The k** was playing in his pen. I sat beside her and caressed her face. Finally, I could control myself no longer, I bent down and kissed her lips again. This time, I could feel a small response, a shivering from her side. My tongue went into action and slowily I forced her mouth open. My tongue was probing her mouth and she was responding. Her tongue was now playing with mine and her hands reached out and pulled me on her. I kept kissing her. This position was not assisting a free play, so while kissing I slowily lifted her and made her sit on my lap with her legs astide. Her fractured plastured leg was rested on the bed. We were kissing passionately and she could feel my hardness on her buttocks as she sat astride me. I slowily raised her gown and removed it totally. She was not wearing anything underneath and was totally naked. She looked like a small girl with round boobs and peach like nipples. I was now caressing her boobs while she was trying to remove my T’shirt. I took it off and now my chest was naked for her. I hugged her tightly to me while kissing and the feel of her boobs pressing against my chest was amazing. Her nipples was like a pointed spear trying to penetrate me. We stayed like that for some time. Then I slowily lifted her and with one hand tried to remove my pants. She helped me to get it out alongwith my undies. She rested my erect lund between her clitoris and with one hand was massaging and pressing it on her choot. I was busy by now tasting her nipples. The nipples was in my mouth and I was twirling it with my toungue and also sucking on it Since she could not move much I had to be careful not force any sudden action. One hand of mine slowily slid towards her choot and I started playing with her cunt lips. I inserted one finger in her cunt which was by now soaked wet. I raised her and our next effort was to get my lund totally in her choot. This was a difficult exercise and her choot was tight, one of her legs was plastered and I had to be careful, not to exert any pressure and I had to slide her on top of my lund. The penetration started slowily and after a few efforts of going in and coming out, I had slid my long shaft in her. Once the whole lund was in her choot, she squealed with joy and said-‘kumar, finally can fuck now’, Saying this, she embraced me passionately. Now, I was lifting her and lowering her for the fucking action. We were now kissing each other, playing with each others nipples, she was a horny little lady. She was biting my nipple sometimes and it was an exquisite pain. I started fucking her more strongly and slowily we started building a rhythm. I could feel her getting excited as now she was scratching my back and holding me more tightly. She was whispering –‘ah.kumar aur jor se….aah….Finally with a loud shout we both released out liquids simultaneously. I could feel her shiver, shudder and orgasm. She lay limp in my arms for some time while my lund was shriveling inside her cunt. Aftersometime as I lifted her of my lund, I could see that her juices had flown on my lund and her cunt was dripping. I laid her on her bed and slowily prised her leg ope, without hurting her fractured led. I went 69 over her, my head between her cunt / choot while my lund lay limply near her head. Her cunt juice mixed with mine was flowing out and I slowily twirled my tongur around her cunt lips. I kept on sucking hard and playing with her clitoris. My fingers were now moving in her cunt and meantime, she was busyholding my semi erect lund and trying to take it in her mouth, I went on kissing her cunt and sucking it till she started her moving her cunt to reach my face as deep as possible. Her build up of emotions had started. My lund was slowily reaching a excited and in no timeit was throbbing hard. Since due to her small stature, she was not able to reach and suck my lund, I tuerned myself anfd was on top of her balacing myself on my knees and hands. She saw my exercise and said –‘kumar dear, don’t worry, come on top of me, if I can take your whole lund in me, I can easily bear your weight. Since her legs were open only in a v form and the right leg was fractured, we had to be careful. I found her cunt opening and started sliding in. The resistance was more now. After a hard effort, I was able to penetrate my lund in her choot. I had raised myself and was fucking her when she opened her hands and started palying with my nipples. My excitement mounted and I could see that she was on the verge of her orgasm. I started pumping harder and suddenly she shouted. I realized she had cum. It was a deep throaty sound. I was going strong and finally I too came with a shudder. I fell on top her and bit her juicy nipples. Then I asked Rani, how are feeling now. She coyly smiled and said-‘I can never believe myself that I am having an affair with you’. It was lunch time and the baby had to be fed. So I wearily got up and fed the baby. After that, I lullabied the baby to sleep and then served food for her and me. She had asked me to get her gown but I declined and said that from now onwards I want to see you naked always. I was also naked and walking around non challantly. I fed her with my hand and she seemed to be enjoying each and every moment of it. Finally, I helped her clean her face and hands, gargle her mouth and rest. After clearing the dishes, I lay beside her with my arms around her. Being near her naked figure was building up my excitement and now I had a semi erect cock. She looked at it and said –‘ask him to rest now, once I am well we can fuck in all ways to our hearts content. But my lund was getting bigger and finally I raised myself and sat over her face on my knees. She lovingly took my lund in her mouth and started sucking it. She said –‘is this desert’. I said yes and I was humping on her face. Her whole mouth was stretched to the limit and she was sucking my lund strongly and also playing with my balls, squeezing and cuddling it. After sometime, I could see that she was tiring but I was all excited so I started shagging my lund and she was kissing it from time to time. When I was ready to cum, I said open your mouth full and spurted. A few drops landed on her chin and nose while all others rushed in her mouth. She swallowed the cum and the sperms on her nose and chin, I wiped it on her face. Then I slept beside her and licked her face. She complained-‘she was feeling all slutty’. I laughed. We again kissed and then slept off. She woke up and then with a start woke me and said –‘wear your dress and get her gown too as it was time for shekhar to come’. We dressed up and then we again kissed. When shekhar came, we all sat together and indulged in some small talks and then I was gone.Now we only had Saturdays for fun and both of us used to eagerly look forward to the Saturdays. Sometimes when I used to get really horny, I used to visit her before going to office, waiting for Shekhar to leave and either she used to suck me off or sometimes give me a fuck. But it was a difficult period for both of us. Finally after 4 months her plaster was off and she was mobile.

The moment it was Saturday and sheklhar had left, I was in her house. She was in the kitchen cleaning dished. I slowily crept behind her and then lifted her off her feet. Initially, she yelled and dropped her dishes thinking it was some stranger, but seeing me she smiled. I had her turned towards me and her legs were around me and I was carrying her all around. I was kissing her passionately and she was saying – kumar wait, we have thje whole day’. But for me, I was all horny. As usual she had a gown and nothing underneath. Imagine me all 5’11 and 75 kgs weight, holding a small person of 4’5’ and about 35 – 40 kgs. I was wearing a lungi and t’shirt. In one motion I had taken off my dress and undressed her totally. I could feel her rib cage in my hand while her nipples thrusting at me. I said – ‘God made you small and sweet for me so that I could crush you in my love for you’. She laughed gaily and said – ‘by the time I finish of with you, you will have been squeezed and nothing will remain in you for any of your other girlfriends. She was nibbling away at my ears, eyes, face and what not, while I was busyplaying with her small body, round boobs and her cunt and anus. All the time I was still carrying her. Finally I placed her on the dining table and positioned my lund at her cunt/choot. She looked at me and said-‘kumar careful and do not hurt me’. I smiled and holding her waist, I thrust forcefully into her. Boy, was she tight. Her eyes were closed and body was arching back on the table while my lund pushed through that tight choot, piercing it till my balls hit her sides. She was moaning – Kumar ah…..slowily ah… careful, it hurts….. She was all creamy and mushy inside. I went on fucking her harder and harder. One of my fingers was playing and fingering her anus. She was moving side to side as I kept thrusting my lund in and saying loudly—kumar, that’s it… no more…. Ah….. Finally, i could feel my bags filling and ready to shoot. I lifted her off the table and said- dear, take my shots now and spurted my sperms in her. It went firing in for some time and I could see her arching her back and exploding with her cum. It was as if both of us were matching upto each other. I was spent and with my lund still insude her, I carried her to the bedroom and lay back on the bed. She was on top of me. Like young love birds we played with each other and kissed each other.

She was on top of me, playing with my nipples and fondling my lund and balls, caressing my face. She went down and took the shriveled lund in her mouth and was sucking it. The efect was there, one instant it was shriveled and the next instant it had grown in size. She looked at me adoringly and then positioned her choot on the lund inserted herself. I was just lying back enjoying the sensations. Now she was riding my cock. This small dainty creature was bouncing up and down on my cock. Her boobs were moving with the rhythm and I reached out to play with it. But she brushed my hands down and in turn had her hands around her boobs sqeezing and looking at me in a slutty way. Rekha suddenly emitted a loud piercing cry and shuddered and fell on top of me. She just lay there even though my lund was still hard and in her choot. I raised her face and kissed her cheeks. She said, I am tired riding it, let me rest. I said – OK. With my lund still in her, I turned her over on her back and now I was on top of her. I pulled her legs over my shoulders and then penetrated deeper inside. She shouted - ah… you will reach my mouth this way….I kept on pumping harder into her. Her boobs were staring at me with the nipples getting harder and harder. I was playing with it, tweaking it and also pressing her boobs. Finally I could feel her choot contracting and trying to extract my juices and I exploded. We both came together. It was her third orgasm and probably fourth for the day and the day had just begun for us. I tumbled on the bed and then lifted her and made her sleep on top of me. We both relaxed and shared some intimate moments. We dozed off and when we woke up it was time for lunch. I helped her cook and during one time we became horny and as the curry was boiling, we made love. We were both naked and she was astride me, her legs around my waist while my lund deep in her choot. We also managed to close the gas in this position. Fucking and cooking all became one action for us.

That day, I tried anal penetration but it was too painful for her and we left it midway. Actually, with all the lubricants and oil, she was in pain. I felt bad and the rest of the day, was spent fanning her anus, caressing it, kissing it and helping her forget the pain. But the end of the day, she gave me a wonderful blowjob and after that we kissed passionately.

Our affair went strongly. We were always together and Shekar seemed to enjoy seeing his wife’s new found energy, enthusiasm and freedom. Most Saturdays we used to go for outing and see movies, parks etc…Before leaving we used to have a big fucking session. Then relax and we were out visit museums, cinemas and bars too. We also visited gorai beach and had rented a shack. That day, she wore bikini for the first time. I was in shorts. The moment I saw her in bikini, my lund sprung up. She could see the bulge in my pants. She seductively walked towards me and started fondling my bulge. Then she sat down and opened my zippers. My lund sprung out and instantly she took in her mouth. She was fondling my balls and sucking my lund. Her teeths were slowly pressing against my lund and her toungue was moving around it. Occasionaly she used to suck hard the lund while pulling her mouth out. Then again try to envelop my whole lund in her mouth. My hands were on her head forcing her mouth in and with a spurt I came in her mouth. She was choking but somehow managed to swallow my whole cum. I lifted her and we kissed. Then we ran towards the beach. We also visited the amusement park. She used to be thrilled on the rollercoaster. Wherever we had a chance and whenever we felt hot we tried to make love. WE were one hot couple. And one day she broke the news that she was pregnant with my baby. I was afraid of the consequence for her as she and her husband were dark and I was fair. They both were short and I was tall. But she laughed my fears of stating that her family side was all tall except for her plus a few of her siblings were fair too. There were times when we used to discuss my marriage and my attraction for her. She was very practical and said that whatever the outcome, she would always be there for me. Her husband had no idea about our attraction for each other and for delivery she left for her home. I was sad as I wanted to be there for her delivery. She also wanted to be with us but as per customs and insistence of her parents she had to give in.

I used to regularly check up with her husband on her health and I was worried. Before she left we could see that the baby was growing bigger day by day in her womb and I was afraid of the affects on her. She used to write to me and sometimes call me (discreetly) and keep me informed. Shekhar also left by the end for holidays and I was left biting my nails.For the next one month there was no call from them nor any information. Finally, I called their residence and enquired – The phone was picked up by her father.When I asked about her there was a silence and then I was told that the c***d was delivered fine but Rekha passed away during the delivery. I was shattered. The phone slipped out of my hand. In some ways, I felt responsible. Was it my doing or her destiny or what.. The whole day I was like a zombie. Finally, I packed a small bag, took a few days off and left for Rekhas hometown. When I reached there, the whole house was in mourning. I met shekhar who looked more frail and thin. He burst out into tears when he saw me. Tears were pouring down my eyes too. There was a huge garlanded photo of Rekha in the hall. I slowily walked towards it and looked at that dreamy soulful beautiful person, who had made my life a paradise for a short time. I stood there numbly. Soon I was escorted to a bedroom where in a cradle, there was the happy coodling sound of a baby. A normal fair chubby girl. I stared at her for a long time with a pain tearing my heart. I wanted to announce to the whole world that it was my baby and wanted to carry it away. But that would have messed up everything.

By evening I was planning to return back, but the family insisted that I stay with them. When the k** (Rekhas eldest son) saw me, he playfully ran towards me calling ‘kumar uncle…kumar uncle… I took him in my lap and sat in the verandah for a long time. Yes, rekhas family were rich. They seemed to be lords there in that village. I saw the sunset and suddenly felt the presence of somebody near me. I looked up and saw an middle aged lady (in 30’s), good looking but dark and normal built, looking at me intently. I knew that she was Rekhas eldest sister with whom rekha was very close.

My eyes was still filled up. She sat beside me and with a sigh said – nobody can change destiny. She handed me a letter and said before going for delivery, Rekha gave it to her to pass it onto me. Rekha had confided everything to her. She took my hands in her lap and said –‘you had made rekhas life wonderful with the short time you spent with her. She was always the ugly duckling and creep of the family and she carried that feeling with her till she met you. Even her marriage with Shekhar was arranged because no other normal guys were ready for her. But She was full of life after she met you. She was a very different person who came for the delivery here, not our Rekha. It was as if she was cured of all her illness”. By this time my eyes were flowing. Even her eyes were filled. She said =’I don’t know what Rekha has written in the letter for you, but remember that your baby will be my baby from now on. Don’t worry about her. This secret will remain with me and you and if anything happens to me, my other sisters and brothers would be informed about your connection wih our family. Till then let it be a secret between us for everybody’s happiness. You will always have a place in our heart. Shekhar has been a good guy for Rekha and for us Shekhar will always be Rekha’s husband and father of her k**s. She said a lot of other things but I was all brokendown inside. The letter still remains with me and I read it sometimes to remember my past when I think of my daughter.

I don’t know when I slept, when I woke up in the morning and bid goodbye to my baby daughter and the family. On reaching Bumbay, the first thing I did was to take a long leave and visit my parents. My parents were concerned on seeing my state and I spent a lot of time with them.

Life has flown by. I got married and I am still in touch with Rekhas sister. My daughter named Smitha is growing up well in Rekhas household along with her brother. Shekhar has settled down in rekhas hometown, looking after rekhas family business. I get photographs of my daughter every year and once I visited the family and met everybody. My daughter Smitha (around 4 years then) shyly came towards me and then ran off. Rekhas sister then told me not to visit them as the daughter seems to look more like me and this would cause suspicion amongst other family members. I am not sure whether Shekhar realizes that Smitha is my daughter, but I never ever received any correspondence from him later.

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Milla la travestie soumise Partie1

Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28...

2 years ago
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Our MMF Fantasy Thats Gonna Cum TruePart

She’d never been so nervous in her entire life. Part of her kept waiting for her feet to turn around on the sidewalk, but the hand clasped around hers helped her make it through those big glass doors. His hand was strong, confident-it felt like he was ready for this-so much more so than her. It was one thing to chat online, or even exchange phone numbers and pictures. But now…now they were 700 miles from home walking into one of the nicest hotels in New York City, and each step brought them...

1 year ago
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Glorias Sex Diary 71908 part two

Last week, my boyfriend David and I had sex in the hardware store that his dad owns. It was all captured on the surveillance video. Both Mr Chang (my boss, David's dad) and Mr Kwan (Mr Chang's brother-in-law) had both watched it. Mr Chang seduced me into having sex with him on the same table that his son and I had sex on the week before. Even though Mr Chang had cum inside me, he left me unsatisfied and hungry for more. He left, but now Mr Kwan had arrived. How about that for a recap? I lay...

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 13

~~Beatrice~~ Beatrice had no idea Dolareido had so many dark, hidden corners. “You Carthians. It will never cease to amaze me how much you want to adapt the modern,” Jacob said. “Modern?” The two of them were deep into North Side, and probably near the edge of the city. It was a big city; she’d never been out this far. “That you would take a car, instead of this!” The crazy Nosferatu gave that weird chuckle of his, and jumped. With the old, dark robes he was wearing, he looked like a...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 122 Trust

"Can I come in?" It was the night before we were taking Betts to Purdue. I was lying in my bed about to grab a couple tissues before I made a mess. Betts stuck her head up through the staircase opening. I kind of forced my cock down with a pillow on my lap and squeaked, "Sure." Betts came right to my bed and sat down beside me. She looked at me and where my pillow was. "Did I interrupt something?" "Betts." "I know boys masturbate like all the time. Bet you didn't know girls...

1 year ago
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After IT The First 40 Days A Commonwealth Struggles to AriseChapter 4 Inventorying the Assets

(Day 18, June 9, the highway between Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska) As the caravan rolled down the Parks Highway, survivors at each town along the way met it. Cantwell, Talkeetna, and Palmer were also State Trooper posts. At each post, people joined the caravan, including seven more State Troopers, and a Park Ranger from Denali National Park. One helicopter, and two light planes were among the police assets headed to Anchorage. Other pilots in the villages would volunteer to fly ahead and...

1 year ago
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My first time with man and wife

A few friends and I were sitting around chatting about what to do with a free night, We decided to go to the local bar and have a few drinks, while there, we had a couple sitting next to us at the next table so I started to chat with them and the man didn't like to dance but his wife did and I asked if she wanted to dance and we did and she was very nice to dance with. Well after a few dances and rubbing of bellies as we say, my friend woke up and she felt it and liked to push against it and...

2 years ago
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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 6

THE PRESENT I started to climax! Big!! No huge!! At the same time the dog’s huge knot shot like a bolt from a gun right into my ass and flooded my intestines with hot, almost scalding, cum. Sperm. Watery spunk. It was like an enema shooting into my bowels. If I died right then I would have found heaven. It was painful. Oh yes it hurt like hell. But it was a good hurt and with the dog still shooting his sperm into me I climaxed again and again, Even with the big heavy dog on top of me my...

2 years ago
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Naughty Student And His Father 8211 Part II

Dear Friends, I am writing this experience after a long time and hope all ISS readers will appreciate this true incident which happened with me during the summer vacations. I hope to get feedback from the readers. You can send me the reviews at This is in continuation with my earlier posting Naughty Student and His father just a brief intro I am Delhi based lady who is teacher by profession. I teach class XI and XII as posted in my last story Ramesh came after 4 months and called me. I was...

1 year ago
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SusanChapter 30

While Ken and Jeff had raced over to the SPCA hospital, Andy and Kelly were driven down to Bellevue. When she told Sam Duncan what had happened, he picked up the microphone of the radio connected to the police net and spoke a few words. Like the Collins' Rolls, it, too, was equipped with hidden red light flashers and a siren. He had traveled only a block when a police cruiser cut in front of them and, with its siren wailing, cleared a path for them to the FDR Drive, and then downtown. Jim...

1 year ago
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Abigail Mac 1700 695000

I've been jerking off all night to Twitter bitches, but I recently came across a porn star on Twitter that I've seen in many videos that made me jizz my fucking pants. If you're not using Twitter to follow porn stars, I don't know what the fuck you're doing. If you didn't know, Twitter lets adult creators post NFSFW content like Reddit. Of course, they do this to gain fans, but you can use this to get more fap sessions out of the day! Why would you just use Twitter to look at dumb-ass trending...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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In Love With A Cousin Sister

Hello everyone I am going to tell you a true story of how I fell in love with my cousin and how that love made us do unexpected things with each other. For comments and chat anyone can contact me on this mail id The story starts when we both were 22 years old. I am a slim average fair looking guy living in Hyderabad. She was of same age fair curvy with a good shape and size of ass and boobs to attract any guy, living in a small town but fashionable. We were not very close or in touch...

4 years ago
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Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3

Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3 Sam woke up and found that it was still dark. He needed a few minutes to figure out where he was and what he was doing. The first thing that he realized was that he wearing a nightie; then, that he was lying in bed next to his friend; and finally, that his friend had thoroughly fucked him a few hours ago. He actually thought for a minute that he had had some sort of dream, but the mild soreness of his asshole convinced him of the reality of the...

1 year ago
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Out Of The Woods

It's all my fault. No matter how much I blame the GPS it was still my mistake. Trusting technology over common sense got us into this situation. Damn! I can call it a situation, but it's more serious than that would ever convey. We're lost. Stranded and freezing. We could soon die, if we don't do something. If I don't do something. It's all my fault. The sandy surface of the California shore was burning our bare feet as we crossed down closer to the tide line. Daphne was kicking the sand up...

Love Stories
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Secret Best Friend Fingering In the Barn

Abigail's fingers slid easily up and down inside my panties as I lay back on the comfortable blanket thrown across a hay pile in the loft of our old barn. Gazing out through the broad loft window I could see the sun washing the valley with a golden glow, the tips of the trees twinkling with glints of orange and yellow as my body filled with the fluttery ripples of pleasure Abigail was giving me. We met here late afternoon almost every school day. Our chores were done, leaving 30 minutes or so...

3 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 18 Driving to the limit

Chapter 18: Driving to the limit I left soon after the family meeting. We had arranged for Rory’s dad to drive us to the racetrack, since Mom and Dad were tied up with the grandparents. When I got to Rory’s, I had a surprise waiting for me. Rory was leaning against his mom’s economy car and he was holding something in his hand. “Guess what.” He yelled out as I got closer. “Yo dude, you did it didn’t you, you passed.” I called back. He had a grin from ear to ear holding up his driver’s...

1 year ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 8

Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the shot while she was searching one of the cramped rooms in the Human structure, the telltale sound of a needle rifle echoing through the corridors. She rushed to the source of the gunshot as more followed it, her carbine at the ready. When she pushed her way through one of the narrow doorways, she found one of the Kig-yar firing out of a window that overlooked the street below, his fellow Jackals rushing to get into...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 70

The twins woke me - one sucking my dick, one licking my ass. "Morning, Angels." I sighed sleepily. It was still the best way to wake up. "Morning, papa." They said together. "Come up here." They joined me and we just kissed for awhile. Then I made an Angel sandwich - letting them figure out who I fucked and who fucked me. I cut things short, letting the Angels lick the load from my ass, but telling them to share the rest with their brothers. Then I dressed for golf with Dave,...

2 years ago
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A Roll of the Dice

Her clit throbbing and desperate, she waited, naked and kneeling next to him.  The long, wicked paddle and a pair of dice—one red and one white—waited for her, on the coffee table.  The thick, black collar sat snugly around her neck, a constant reminder that she’d given herself to him, utterly and completely.  She was owned.  His to do with as he pleased.  The little padlock wasn’t even necessary; she loved the collar and what it symbolized, and she would never think of removing it without his...

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Smita my neighbor

When this incidence happened I was enjoying my long holidays after my joining to my new company. Just to refresh your memory about me. I am a well built man with 5’11” height in late 20s, born & brought up at Bangalore, presently staying in kolkata due to my job. This lady was really a slut. Aged around 30, she had two school going childs. Her name was Smita. Her height was around 5’5”, brownish white color with voluminous boobs, beautiful & big swinging ass & flat stomach. She was not less...

1 year ago
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Fan Mail

to: [email protected] from: [email protected] Hi, Wayne, I wanted to let you know how I just loved your story, Adam Comes To Visit. Very sexy. I've copied it to my laptop and read it every day with my feet propped up on my coffee table, knees apart, fingers working away under my laptop as I read your so sexy words. I have to take my shorts and panties off and sit on a towel to read your stories, they make me so wet, my pussy just runs. Keep writing so I can keep masturbating. Anna...

1 year ago
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Fun after work

The endless days of sitting behind this desk were beginning to drive me crazy, I had just graduate college and began my dream career or so I thought. I had been given a job at a major marketing firm a month after I graduated. I soon realized that the job wasn’t as creative and exciting as I had imagined, but I spent most of the day making copies and getting coffee, I was just an overly glorified office assistant. Today was the worst day so far, the hours would not pass I was looking forward...

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Patricia saw him on the side of the road he was tall and dressed in leather he had a biker look about him but he was clean shaven with just the hint of stubble across his handsome face he had on mirror sunglasses that reflected the sun it was what had caught her eye as she tooled down the highway she was going to visit her aunt in Washington and it was a long drive from San Diego but she liked road trips a great time for reflection a time to clear your mind and think things through she had just...

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Kelly the Sweet Slave Ch 01

Act 1 No one has any recollection of her even having parents. An extravagantly rich couple in their early thirties found her, completely unclothed, lying by the side of their man-made lake. Mr. Smith, a naturally observant man, instantly noticed her while he and Mrs. Smith were out on an early morning stroll. As the couple neared her, both man and woman were overwhelmed with pangs of pleasure. Kelly looked like a fallen angel. Her arms and legs were extended as if she were attempting to make...

1 year ago
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Barn Dance

I have this fairy-tale daydream about being stranded with Byron on a lush island. We kiss amid rustling palms and fragrant bougainvillea. Salty breezes wrap our skin as we stroll white sand beaches. We bathe in a turquoise lagoon, laugh, and make love in the sun.Only in a dream can I make love with Byron. I make love with my devoted husband in our bed, in our house at the end of our quiet cul-de-sac. Byron is the man I fuck in sterile hotel rooms and places unimaginable to those who think they...

4 years ago
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Fuck Fest 2010

I don’t want to waste my time in describing me & my fiancé’s physical features. I’ve already mentioned them in the post before. Now I’ll be continuing thereafter. You have already read about our voyeurism & how we were turned on & ended having an incredible sex at my home. There after it became a sort of routine. As we got jobs, it became even difficult to see each other. Though we were working in the same city, to find a day when we both had holiday was difficult. Although she was from a rich...

3 years ago
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Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor

A very heart-felt Thank You to Erik Thread. His help, suggestions, and corrections, make my story a better read for you. This story doesn’t have a hot sex scene, so if that’s what you are looking for, please read elsewhere, then come back at another time to enjoy this short tale. * The sun, low in the western sky, reflected off the windshield of a car in the parking lot. The glare momentarily showed a bright light inside the darkened bar when the door was opened. He didn’t need to turn...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Honour May Naughty Blonde Rides Her Therapist

Vince Carter, master sex therapist, is helping his client, glamour model Honour May, get her mojo back after facing a dry-spell that has gone on too long. Luckily for her, Mr. Karter is the perfect person to turn to empower her back into her old sex-goddess self. The British babe can’t help but notice that her shrink has become aroused. Watching his bulge grow, the blonde babe goes in to stroke and suck his shaft with zero objections from the stiff and horny man. A wild cowgirl ride is...

2 years ago
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Initiation into being the naughty little maid

I remember with a small satisfied smile that summer month I spent working in a bed and breakfast in Transylvania.       I had met Felix online in a chat room while feeling bored and horny one morning at home.   He opened up a private chat and soon we were chatting away and he was asking me more and more personal questions like my body measurements, then what colour panties I was wearing etc. I enjoyed every minute of it and answered his questions honestly with a ”’lol at the end of my sentences...

2 years ago
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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 8

Everyone heads towards their room, and certainly, Amelia, Alisha, and Saira are disappointed. Manisha and Pratyush reach their villa. Manisha gets a message from an unknown number, ‘Come to the restaurant in five minutes.’ As she looks at her phone, Pratyush grabs her ass from behind and slides his finger between her ass. “Something came up, see you, babe” Manisha turns around and gives a kiss to Pratyush. She then leaves. The first thing Amelia does is visit her sister Olivia. She expects her...

3 years ago
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My Foggy Late Night Story

It was a cold, wet December night. Here I was in my room, feeling exhausted, and laying on my bed doing the whole Netflix and chill thing. I had just pulled a long afternoon and evening event with my college study group. We spent the day as total masochists painfully cramming whatever we could into our tired brains for our finals. It had worn me out so much that I didn’t want to do anything, including exercising, which was another problem I had to deal with since I hadn't exercised in nearly a...

2 years ago
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Raani Velaikaariyai Usher Seithu Oothen

Vathanur ennaum gramathil oru palliyil vaathiyaaraga velai paarthu varugiren, enathu peyar Shanmugam vayathu 40. Ennaku thirumanam aagi irandu kuzhanthaigal irukindrana aanal en manaivi kuthiyai oothu oothu ennaku salipu erpatu vitathu. Appadi salipaaga irukum pozhuthu thaan paliyil velai seiyum velaikaariyai paarthen. Aval unmaiyil sexyaaga irunthaal parka karupaaga irunthaalum avlin muligal perithaaga sexyaaga irukum. Aval peryar raani avalukum thirumanam aagi iunthathu, aval kanavan ena...

2 years ago
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18 year old Annette stood in front of the mirror in her small one bedroom furnished apartment in Memphis admiring her well tanned body before getting dressed. She cupped her wonderful large boobs in her hands and rolled her long nipples between her thumbs and fingers. It felt good even when she did it herself. She let her right hand slide down across her flat belly and rest between her legs on her shaved crotch. She rubbed her pussy mound, which made her whole body tingle. She always felt nice...

2 years ago
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I Hate You Chapter Three

“Daddy!!” I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. He was still packing supplies together that we needed for the trip. He said he would need more because he was taking me with him. This was fine by me but I had a peeve about being late and Daddy was definitely late for work again. Since I was going this time I wanted to try to get him to work on time. I gave up on that theory oh…twenty minutes ago. “What Sweetheart? I’m ready! I’m ready,” Daddy said to me as he walked up to me and put his arms...

1 year ago
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My Very Hot And Sexy Meenu Maami

Ye sab shuru hua jab mai 18 saal Ka hua mujhe chut ki jrurt padi.Mai apne school Ka topper tha.par maine sex me shikari attitude apna liya. Mujhe meri sabse choti Maami dikhayi di. Jo delhi me sarita vihar me rhti Hai. Mere maama sab joint family me rhte hai. Maine unse majak krna shuru kr diya.phle phle normal jokes chalne lge. Dhire dhire mijhe majak krte krte unke boobs dikhai dene lge. Jo ki 38 ke size ke Hai. Unka naam meenu hai. Same to same zeenat Aman jasi lgti Hai saalu. Mai mauka...

3 years ago
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A Slightly Different Picnic

I’m standing in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, applying my make-up. It’s a beautiful day and we decided to have a picnic in the park. I’m wearing jeans, a shirt that accents my curves and high heeled sandals. You come into the bathroom wearing loose fitting pants and a T-Shirt. “ Are you ready to go, baby?“ you ask, as you step up behind me. Finding your eyes in the mirror I smile at you, as you kiss the top of my head. “ Yes, I’m ready. How can I not be? Spending the entire day with...

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Manmoirs The Asian Part 2

The amount of fucking Kira and I did over the next six months was unreal. If there was a place to have sex, we were finding it; At work, in her bed, in my bed, in my car, in her parent's car and SUV, in the shower, in the kitchen, and at a restaurant. We just couldn't keep our hands off one another. There were times where she was so wet that we'd have sex non-stop for a couple hours straight, and there were times when we'd have a quickie and cum together. She even showed me her handcuffs, which...

Straight Sex
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Pete and Owen This story is mostly fictional

This story is partly fictional, we’ll let you decide which parts are real and which are based on fantasy….My wife Erin is in her mid 40’s but this story starts when she was in her mid 30’s. She’s a stunning redhead, transitioning to white and silver with some red still visible. Her body is still amazing. She works out, has always had a petite build and takes good care of herself. Her C cups are firm and perky and her butt is tight, and as a result of all of this, men ogle her everywhere she...

3 years ago
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Awesome Sex With Sister In Law 8211 Part I

Hello everyone, My name is Vinay and this website was my friend in nights when I was not married. This story is a real one. the incidents detailed here took 1 yr to happen. For any feedback, Please email me at I got married approx a year back. I stay in Noida. I work for an IT company. I had a traumatic past and was cheated by my girl friend whom I wanted to marry. She was very beautiful. I always being a traditional guy never indulged in any sex thing. After I was cheated, I decided not to...

1 year ago
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Ponys First Time

Between my junior and senior year in high school, my parents went to Europe for 6 weeks on a vacation trip. They arranged for me to stay with my mom’s sister who was divorced and her daughter, Angie, my cousin and my same age. Since I was very shy around girls, I was still a virgin and really hadn’t even dated yet. I had learned to masturbate though, and did it a lot like most boys do. I spent all my energy playing sports and was pretty athletic. My teammates teased me a lot when we were in the...

2 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition 9

(Two years transitioned ) With my second anniversary just having passed since I came home, I went out with Andy and Leslie and celebrated. They called it a celebration, but I didn’t see what the big deal was. To me, that part of my life was long over now. I got rid of nearly everything from then, and what I didn’t trash or donate, I packed away. My house resembled my current life, personality, and feelings, and that was all I needed. I understood that Andy and Leslie were happy for me, though,...

Straight Sex
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Introduction: This is another part of some of the fun Ive had with Lisa and Mica. You can read my first experience with them titled BBW threesome by Mae20. Both this one and the last post about me, Lisa and Mica are true, so these are stories of real experiences and happenings. If anyone hasnt read the first part, you can call me Mae. Im a 20 year old BBW who has two fuck buddies that I met on Criagslist, Lisa, also a BBW, and her husband Mica. Its been about a month and a half since I first...

1 year ago
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“This girl must be lost,” Kurt said, having picked out the lone figure coming towards them with his binoculars.Spence grunted and turned his attention towards the tall scrub on the eastern edge of the grassy hill they were camped out on. From where they were crouching, they had a commanding view of the entire escarpment that stretched out for miles all around them. He squinted for a moment trying to focus, before blurting out, “Is she—?”“Topless? Yes she is.” Kurt handed the camo-patterned...

3 years ago
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DreamsChapter 10

Victoria held Josh's arm as they entered the elevator. Jane. standing at the back, saw them as the lift flew up to the thirty-third floor. The couple didn't notice her until they stepped off and into the hallway leading to their offices. "Nice rock," Jane remarked noticing the ring on Victoria's finger. "Thank you," she smiled pleasantly. Victoria disappeared into her office while Jane continued on without a word to Josh. He watched her put her purse in its usual place then went to...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Submission Day Fourteen All Good Things Must End

A Tale of Submission By LindaK Day Fourteen - All Good Things Must End Jane woke up first. Once again they had made a "Linda sandwich" and Jane enjoyed watching her submissive sleep. She was able to slide out of the bed without disturbing Linda or Rick. A shower was definitely in order she thought. While in the shower she felt a small breeze and right after, Rick pressed himself against her back. Wrapping his arms around her at the waist he said, "Good morning hon." Jane...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes

My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...

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Emancipation 03 Anatomy Lesson

"I'm sure Joe won't pass up a chance to be close to Sue's snatch, and I'm questioning how much I DO know so yes, I'd like a tour too ... of my sister's pretty pussy? Yeowww!" [44] "Let me know if I leave out something you want to know more about. Most of what I'm going to show you is right out of textbooks, but some is specific to Sue and my experience with others. I'll avoid clinical terms when I can. If you try to memorize what I show you, it may become too technical and seem it...

3 years ago
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Heaven On The Highway

Hi readers, Thanks to all of you for your responses for my earlier stories and a special thanks to girls and aunties who offered me a best complements and for feedback you can mail me at To those who are reading me for the first time, I am Vikram a good looking 28 yrs old guy with fair and athletic body from Bangalore and am working in a MNC company. Well it’s all happened recently, For Gandhi Jayathi I had an holiday which was on Friday and next two days were weekends so totally I had some...

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Photographic Problems

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents Background Bad News Worse News New Management Sexy Shoot Next Day Truth Will Out The Plan Backfires Afterwards Background My friend Patrick, a photographer, asked me to write about a set of incidents in his life for him. He’s a great photographer and a good story teller, but a lousy writer; thus this commission. Yeah, commission, because he’s paying me to write this story for him. Well, sort of paying me,...

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The Night to ComePart I

—Note: First story, first chapter.  Comments and rates appreciated.  Definitely more story than sex at the moment.  Enjoy.– The woman of my dreams–literally–sat next to me in Psychology.  Patricia, my best friend, is beautiful, sexy, funny, and is seriously the hottest girl I know.  She was also laughing at me as we stood in the auditorium after school one Friday… ‘Katelyn, what’s wrong with you?’ she asked me, after I’d given a scream that sounded like a half-strangled animal. ‘You’re not...

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Black Bred

  I’m married to a wonderful man. We live in a nice house in a good neighborhood. My husband travels on business often and plans on making a long trip this week.  His long trips sometimes leaves me sexually frustrated so I have to resort to playing with my toys. My mind starts drifting as I play with my vibrator. My head leaned all the way back as I rub my clit.  I can see a picture in my head of our new neighbor. He’s black and very muscular. I get the idea from him that he could be very...

2 years ago
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Toni In The Park

This just happened on Wednesday and I felt I just had to tell you right away… There is a state park near us that has a pond and small beach. There are picnic tables and trees for shade close by on the grass. The park officially closes after labor day and there are no longer gate attendants or lifeguards but you can still go in. The weather here, a week after labor day, has still been unusually warm and sunny. I told Toni I was taking her to the park for our next adventure. I told her to...

4 years ago
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First Sex With My Friend Niyati

Hi friends, This is Nikhil from Bangalore and today I’m going to share my first sex encounter in my life with my friend which happened 7 years back when she told me to stay with her in the hospital for the company as her mom was admitted to hospital for kidney stone issue. I am a 26-year-old guy from Bangalore with attractive looks and the fair looking guy… The heroine of the story is niyati(name changed) she was 20 and I was 21… She was plump and very very fair and had cute small cup size...

2 years ago
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I had never been so happy to be home. An hour, just to go to the grocery store to pick a few things up for dinner. I thought I was going to beat the rush by going earlier in the day. Not so much, apparently. Now that I was home, and I still had a few hours until I had to start dinner, I was going to take a well-deserved nap. I put my key in the front door, and found it unlocked. I thought that was odd, but, dismissed it, as I may not have locked it when I left. After depositing the groceries in...

2 years ago
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Cheating Wife Part 1

As Paul had decided to leave his parents sooner than expected, he decided to get the train home on Friday night instead of returning on Sunday as previously planned. In order to make the surprise complete, Paul decided not to call Lisa to let her know of his plans. His train was delayed half way home and by the time Paul made it to a taxi back home it was gone 9:30pm."Shit!" he though to him "This day is completely shot. Oh, well, at least Lisa will be happy to have me home a few days early....

1 year ago
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Emanuelly Raquel 900 192000

How many porn stars do you follow on Twitter? None? A few? So many that you had to open an alt Twitter account to keep track of them all? Well, you better not let the misses find out about all of that. That is, if you can even get fucking laid!If you want to follow yet another sexy Twitter account, then get your ass on over to You will find a whole host of content, tweets, and more that will get your cock locked, loaded, and ready to jizz! See what kind of content,...

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