La Punition D'Alex free porn video

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Vous voulez discuter de l'histoire avec nous, parler de TG ?: [email protected] (Arnaud) ou [email protected] (Alex) La punition d'Alex Chapitre 1 "Mais c'est quoi ce bordel? Je rentre du boulot ?puis? et le repas n'est m?me pas pr?t? Depeche toi de me faire a bouffer pendant que je vais matter les infos en attendant Audrez..." "D?sol?e Alex, je rentre a peine et je suis compl?tement crev?e mais je m'y mets..." Alex ?tait un jeune homme de 26 ans. Intelligent, il avait r?ussi gr?ce a ses ?tudes a obtenir un poste assez important malgr? son jeune ?ge. Macho, il avait toujours trait? les femmes comme des salopes uniquement bonnes ? satisfaire les hommes, et devant leur ob?ir sans discuter. Depuis 3 ans maintenant, il vivait avec Audrez, une jeune femme de 22 ans, vendeuse de chaussure, qu'il avait rencontr? dans une boutique. Il fut alors rapidement s?duit par sa beaut? exceptionnelle, puis sortirent ensemble, pour finalement se marier. Ainsi, m?me si tout allait pour le mieux entre eux deux au d?but, la situation s'?tait d?grad?e par la suite. En effet, tendit qu'Alex ?tait romantique et attentionn? au d?but en lui offrant des fleurs et lui dire constamment par sms qu'il l'aimait, la routine commen?a par s'installer... Et le temp?rament d'Alex envers les femmes finit par reprendre le dessus. Ainsi, de plus en plus, Alex traitait sa femme comme sa bonniche, en lui demandant de faire toutes les taches m?nag?res ? la maison, vaisselle, m?nage, tandis qu'il la regardait faire, excit? de la voir faire ca dans des tenues l?g?res et qu'il regardait la t?l? pendant ce temps la... Audrey en avait marre d'?tre ainsi rabaiss?e... Cela faisait trois ans qu'elle subisait le caract?re d'Alex, trois longues ann?es. Il est vrai qu'Alex ?tait assez riche et qui lui offrait une vie de r?ve. C'?tait le principal dillemme d'Audrey: comment se d?barasser d'Alex en gardant ce rythme de vie. Divorcer? trop hasardeux. Le tuer? non vraiment pas pour elle... jusqu'? deux semaines o? elle trouva la solution sur Google: une potion lui permettant de transformer Alex dans un corps si humiliant pour lui. Les ?tapes de la transformation ?tait finement d?crites. Ce soir l?, Audrey devait encore faire le m?nage et amener la bi?re ? monsieur Alex. Arriv? ? la cuisine elle glissa la potion dans la bi?re de brasseur de monsieur. Puis lui amena. Pendant que Audrey se baissait dans les moindres recoins pour nettoyer les poussi?res, Alex sirotait sa bi?re en mattant son petit cul. Il voulu glisser sa main dans son pantalon pour s'exiter encore plus mais il ne pu le faire... il essaya de bouger l'autre main mais ne pu le faire non plus. Que se passait-il? "Audrey, je ne peux plus bouger!" Dit Alex avec un ton un peu paniqu?. "Alex, j'ai quelques petites choses ? t'expliquer..." Chapitre 2 "Tu vois" continua Audrey "tu me r?pugnes maintenant. Tu es devenu le typique male macho, celui qui consid?re la femme comme son objet." Alex r?pondit "?coute on a d?j? eu ce d?bat Audrey, c'est juste que ..." Audrey le coupa "tais-toi! Tu ?tais faux, tu as toujours ?t? faux. J'en peux plus de ?a, de cette vie.. mais tu me connais bien, j'aime ?tre avec toi enfin avec ton argent, voil? c'est dit..." "T'es vraiment qu'une pute ..." Dit alex avec d?dain. Audrey gifla Alex qui ne peut rien faire ? cause de sa paralysie "C'est marrant que tu me dises ?a car dans quelques temps, les gens qui te verront penseront exactement la m?me chose de toi" Alex sentit d'un coup son corp devenir un peu plus chaud "Vois-tu Alex, j'ai mis une petite potion dans ta bi?re. Une potion qui te transformera inexorablement en petite nana, en petite pouf qu'un macho comme toi aime tant." "Tu d?railles.." "Ah oui? concentre-toi, tu ne trouves pas que tu flottes un peu dans tes v?tements?" "Je... tu..." Alex se rendit compte que ses v?tements devenaient un peu plus grand comme Audrey le disait, peut ?tre c'?tait la bi?re. Apr?s tout Alex pensait qu'Audrey ?tait parfois hyst?rique... "Bon tu as mis quoi dans mon verre, putain c'est pas dr?le!" "Je te l'ai dit Alex, une potion! bient?t le grand macho que tu es sera une fr?le et jolie jeune fille . Bient?t tous tes v?tements seront bien trop grands pour une midinette comme toi! Bien s?r d'autres choses vont t'arriver mais je t'expliquerai cela ? la fin de ta transformation. J'ai d?cid? de me d?barasser de toi de la fa?on la plus saine possible. Bient?t Alex n'existera plus et..." "Tu vas me tuer! c'est ?a tu as mis du poison dans mon verre!" "Mais non Alex! haha tu as d?j? senti ton 'r?tr?cissement', il continue en plus... mais tu sens aussi tes fesses qui deviennent plus ronde, ton visage qui devient plus doux? Alex sentit ce que disait Audrey, il regarda, ses v?tements ?tait encore devenu plus grand ... ou alors il ?tait plus petit... son visage n'avait plus aucune trace de barbe, ni de poil... ses mains... ?taient devenu tr?s fine... et son post?rieur, il ne pouvait le voir mais il sentait bien que quelque chose se passait. Audrey le regarda .... tout chez Alex changeait, il ?tait maintenant androgyne et on pouvait facilement le confondre avec une fille... Elle savait que la paralysie allait s'arr?ter dans quelques minutes.... Pendant ce temps l? Alex ne faisait que r?tr?cir et perdre de plus en plus de ce qu'il avait de masculin... Chapitre 3 Apr?s quelques minutes, Alex senti qu'il pouvait bouger sa main puis l'autre... Audrey se retourna pour prendre la t?l?commande, c'?tait le moment, le moment pour lui sauter dessus, pour lui faire comprendre qui est le maitre. Alex sauta de la chaise et agrippa le cou d'Audrey... celle-ci ne bougea pas. Alex constata avec horreur: sa femme ?tait-elle soudainement plus grande? sa main entourait ? peine son cou... et devait il se mettre sur la pointe pour pour pouvoir ?tre ? la m?me hauteur? D'un seul coup le pantalon d'Alex tomba laissant apparait ses nouvelles petites jambes, jolies, ras?es, tellement f?minines ... Audrey se retourna avec un sourire diabolique... elle regarda Alex. C'?tait tellement dr?le, elle devait baisser la t?te pour le regarder... et Alex de lever les yeux et se tenir sur la pointe des pieds pour tenir t?te maintenant ? Audrey. Audrey prix alors le bras ? Alex et le tordit "?coute moi bien, c'est fini, m?me si tu essayes, tu n'arriveras pas ? jouer le macho devant moi... regarde ton corps" Audrey approcha Alex d'un mirroir, tu vois quoi. Alex fut ?tonn?, une ?trang?re ?tait entre les mains d'Audrey ... cette ?trang?re c'?tait lui... de long cheveux, un visage poupin, il vit sous sa maintenant tr?s grande chemise un bout de sein qui d?passait. il eu ? peine le temps de voir son entrejambe pour voir son gros sexe disparaitre laissant place ? une petite chatte ?pil?e comme un ticket de m?tro. Alex tenta de remonter son pantalon. En se regardant dans le mirroir, il ne vit qu'une petite brunette qui essayait de se faire passer pour un homme. Alex ?tait maintenant une fille...compl?tement... Audrey lui dit alors en la lachant "Dis-toi une chose Alexia, ta transformation ne fait que commencer!" Chapitre 4 "Non mais c'est pas vrai, c'est moi cette petite connasse? Ou sont pass?s ma virilit? et mes muscles, ma taille de 1m80... Je suis a pr?sent une fille qui parait ? peine adulte et ressemble ? une petasse... Exactement le type de fille que je consid?rais uniquement bonne pour un coup juste le temps d'une soir?e... Audrez tu n'es qu'une pute, d?p?che toi de me changer ou je sens que je vais..." Alex fut pris de col?re de voir sa nouvelle forme et l'humiliation d'?tre ainsi chang? par sa femme qui ?tait en train se marrer de voir la t?te de son ancien mari en train de se regarder dans le miroir et cherchant un grain de masculinit? dans sa posture et toucher ses nouvelles formes honteux... Il se jeta ? nouveau sur sa femme qui l'arr?ta tout de suite et commen?a ? lui tirer les cheveux et le mettre ? terre..." "Que tu vas quoi Alexia? Mais que veux tu faire contre moi ? pr?sent? M?me ma cousine de 15 ans plus de force que toi, que veux tu faire face a moi physiquement?" Alex se sentit alors humili? d'?tre ainsi rabaiss? par sa copine dont il se voyait encore la forcer ? se mettre ? genoux en rentrant du travail pour le sucer... "Non Audrez l?che moi piti?! " crie-t-il d'une petite voix fluette..; sa voix aussi avait chang?... bien chang?... il fut effray?. "Alors dit que tu n'es rien d'autre qu'une petite pouffiasse et je te lache..." Alex se mit ? chialer de douleur mais aussi de honte d'?tre dans cette situation, lui qui ne pleurait jamais d'habitude, puis dit s'ex?cuta ? dire ces paroles un peu d'entendre sortir ces mots de sa bouche avec cette nouvelle voix si aigue... "Je suis un....une... petite pouffiasse" "Tu ne t'en sortira pas comma ca Audrez...Meme si tu m'a transform? ainsi, je suis toujours moi ? l'int?rieur et vais tout raconter... Les gens comprendront bien en leur disant que j'ai disparu et que je pourrais leur montrer que je suis bien Alex! " "Tu te trompes Alex ! Ca fait parti de mon plan aussi... Oui, les gens vont bien se rendre compte que tu as disparu mais je dirais simplement que l'on ne sait pas ce qu'il t'es arriv? et les gens finiront par penser que tu es mort on ne sait trop comment... Ainsi, je pourrais r?cup?rer tout en fric et ne pu te subir comme mari! Pourquoi tu ne diras rien tu te demandes? et bien essaye de penser ? quelque chose que tu as envies et essaye aussi de penser ? tes attirances sexuelles..." "Tiens c'est bizarre c'est quoi cet espece de brouillard dans la tete que j'ai eu d'un seul coup?" Une envie que j'ai en tete et mes attirances sexuelles? Laisse moi fermer les yeux et r?fl?chir... Hein?? mais c'est quoi cette paire de botte noire en solde que je vois dans un magazin pour femme et cette bite en train de sucer que je vois?" "Attends et repond moi: combien font 40 * 3 " "Tu me prend pour quoi? ca merde j'en sais rien du tout!! Mais qu'est ce qui m'arrive! " repondit Alex en rougissant "Voila, tu commences a comprendre? comment veux que tu que les gens qui te connaissaient croient que tu etais Alex? tout ce qu'il verront sera une petite connasse stupide et n'en croiront pas un mot et te prendront pour une folle.... Et pour la suite tu te demandes? Moi je restes dans notre grande baraque et fais donc r?cup?rer tout le fric que tu avais mis de c?t? pour acheter ma boutique et devenir directrice... Et toi? Bien sur, je ne veux plus de toi ici, je ne suis pas lesbienne, donc tu vas degager d'ici... Quand ? ton boulot? je vais te pistonner pour que tu puisse etre embaucher dans ma boutique et tu travailleras ensuite pour moi comme vendeuse, sous mes ordres...tu pourras ainsi voir ma copine de boulot que tu aimais tant matter... Tu te rappelles, ses seins si ronds, ses fesses... ses... mais je suis b?te, ?a ne t'excite plus ?a ma grande?" Alex essaya de se concentrer mais il n'arrivait plus ? devenir excit? par cette fille Audrey "toi ce que tu aimes, c'est les mecs, un sexe d'homme qui te domine, te force ? sucer... tu as maintenant une nature plut?t de domin? ma petite, de petite salope hein. Tu te doutes bien que ta transformation n'est pas fini mais ce n'est plus de mon ressort, cela d?pendra de quelqu'un d'autre. Tu te rappelles d'Arnaud? Ton ancien stagiaire que tu exploitais et que tu as refus? d'embaucher? Oui il a 23 ans et il est un peu plus jeune que toi. Oui oui m?me si tu es plus petite tu es encore plus vielle... mais attend de voir ce que te r?serve Arnaud, il arrive dans 20 minutes haha" La sonnette de la porte s'activa Audrey sourit et dit "oops je crois qu'il a de l'avance!" Chapitre 5 Arnaud ?tait un jeune homme brilland qui avait crois? la route d'Alex... depuis il ne pensait qu'? une chose: se venger. Il ?tait un de ses anciens stagiaires et le d?tester au plus haut point. Alex l'avait toujours consid?r? comme un petit gringal?. Il ?tait rentr? en contact avec sa femme un soir sur un forum... il se confiait de plus en plus avec elle et fantasmait tout deux comment se d?barasser le plus simplement d'Alex... Arnaud trouva la situation id?ale pour orienter Audrey vers une solution de transformation sexuelle. Arnaud pouvait alors accomplir deux choses qu'ils aimaient: se venger d'Alex et surtout accomplir son d?sir sexuel en changeant un homme en femme et l'humilier le plus possible. Avant d'ouvrir la porte, Arnaud ?tait rest? sur le perron, ?coutant la petite voix d'Alex se transformant de plus en plus aigu... rien que d'entendre, Arnaud ?tait d?j? de plus en plus excit?. Il d?cida alors de sonner, dans sa main il portait un sac rempli de fringue et quelque flasque de potion... Audrey lui ouvrit la porte. Il d?cida de l'embrasser sur la bouche en d?duisant que la petite femme d?rri?re dans des v?tements trops grand devait ?tre Alex qui le fusillait d'un regard noir. Alex sauta alors sur Arnaud. Ce dernier lui parraissait maintenant ?norme... un vrai homme... Arnaud l'agrippa de vol?e et lui dit "t'en veux aussi petite pouff" puis il l'embrassa langoureusement. Puis il la retourna, lui enleva ses v?tements brutalement. Alex se retrouva toute nue devant sa femme et Arnaud. Compl?tement humili?, il ne put rien dire et instinctivement il cacha son petite sexe de femme et ses seins. Audrey pouffa de rire et Arnaud eu une bonne ?reciton qu'Alex remarqua automatiquement. "Bon je vais ? la cuisine Arnaud, je te laisse avec notre petite pouf' d'Alexia... ? toi de finir le travail" "Oui ma belle" dit Arnaud en l'embrassant. "Allez Alex, ?a ne fait que commencer, tourne-toi que j'admire tes belles fesses! " Et ?trangement Alex s'?x?cuta... Chapitre 6 Alex ?tait maintenant dos ? Arnaud. Il ?tait effray?. En quelques minutes, il ?tait pass? du gros macho ? la petite femme qui tournait le dos ? un ancien stagiaire. "Alexia" Commen?a Arnaud "je vais maintenant t'expliquer ce qui va se passer "comme l'a dit ta femme, enfin Audrey, ta transformation n'est pas finie. Je vais t'expliquer. Comme tu as pu t'en apercevoir, les femmes c'est plus tellement ton truc" Arnaud prit alors un playboy dans son sac "tu vois ?a" il d?signa une jolie blonde dans un poster "?a ?a m'excite, toi par contre.... t'en penses quoi" "Si... si ... elle est belle" dit Alex avec une petite voix "Oui allez Alex tu trompes personne, je sais tr?s bien que ?a t'indif?re compl?tement, par contre ?a " Arnaud d?ploya le poster d'un rugbyman compl?tement nue" ?a, ?a te fait mouiller maintenant? hein , avoue! dis- le!" Alex eu alors un mini-choc ?l?ctrique, il sentit de l'humidit? dans sa nouvelle petite fente... oui cet homme nu l'excitait compl?tement: son sexe, ses bras muscl? , son torse. Alex se pin?a les l?vres pulpeuses qui ?taient maintenant siennes. Arnaud repris alors: "nous allons faire maintenant un jeu: je sais que tu n'es pas encore pr?te ? me sucer la bite " Alexia fut choqu?e d'un langage si vulgaire "mais je peux toujours te forcer... mais je ne suis pas un violeur" dit Arnaud "je te propose alors un petit jeu. Pipe ou potion? Tu vois o? je veux en venir: tu as le choix: soit tu choisis la potion, soit de me faire une pipe, ? toi de voir!" "et si je refuse... je peux toujours" "si tu refuses, c'est tr?s simple, ta femme se fera un plaisir de te foutre ? la porte illico-presto, en restant ici, tu as encore le choix, peut-?tre de redevenir un homme" Alex ?tait effray? par la proposition, il dit ? demi-mot "je prend la potion... mais ... mais ?a va me faire quoi? vous m'avez d?j? transform? en femme... et " "?coute moi b?b?, tu verras bien ok" dit Arnaud Alex prit alors la fiole qu'Arnaud lui tendit et la bu d'une traite. Il ne sentit rien se passer. Arnaud se d?shabilla. il ?tait maintenant en boxer devant Alexia qui ?tait toute nu. Arnaud bandait comme un cheval en rut. Il s'approcha d'Alex, lui carressa les cheveux, les seins passa sa main pr?s de sa petite chatte lui touchant ses petits poils et pris fermement ses fesses. Arnaud n'avait plus sous sourrire sympathique. "?coute moi bien salope, la potion que tu viens de prendre ? augment? ta libido significativement, ta seule envie est maintenant de me l?cher la queue, de la prendre dans ta petite bouche et prouver tes talents de suceuses... le jeu va donc un peu changer, si tu veux vraiment me sucer la bite, il va falloir boire toute les potions que j'ai apport?". Alexia fut horrifi? mais aussi ... toute mouill?e... Chapitre 7 Arnaud sorti alors sa queue puis se mit a se branler devant Alexia, qui ?tait ? genoux devant lui... Il prenait son sexe et caressait la joue d'Alex, elle ouvra la bouche mais Arnaud ne mit pas son sexe. Sans comprendre pourquoi Alex sentait cette chaleur entre ses jambes et une envie irr?sistible d'avoir quelque chose ? l'int?rieur, il commen?a ? se caresser le clito tout en etant compl?tement tremp?e... Puis il se dirigea vers Arnaud ? quatre pattes et dit alors: "Ta queue... je veux sucer ta queue!" dit Alexia compl?tement humili?e d'en ?tre r?duit la ? cause de leurs jeux... Arnaud se branla de plus en plus bel qui ?tait encore plus excit? de savoir que cette petite saloppe ?tait avant Alex ce gros macho virile et puissant... "Si tu veux me sucer bois cette potion Alexia, de toute fa?on as tu le choix?" Alexia r?fl?chit alors alors qu'elle etait en train de voir cette queue...que pouvait il lui arriver de pire? il etait deja une petite saloppe? il ne voyait pas trop qui pouvait lui arriver de pire, et de toute facon, il ne pouvait pas resister ? l'envie... "Cette potion me fera quoi?" demanda Alex en fisant le sexe d'Arnaud "Cela va te rendre plus jeune, 18 ans et 2 jours pour ?tre pr?cis... alors" Alex essaya de r?sister tant bien que mal mais vouloir sucer la queue d'Arnaud ?tait trop fort. Elle s'?x?cuta, ses traits devinrent encore plus fin et plus jeune. Ses seins devinrent plus fermes, plus doux... Elle devint m?me encore plus petite. Arnaud se branla de plus belle et rentra sa bite dans la bouche d'Alexia jusqu'? la gorge "Oh ?a m'excite tellement de savoir que la fille plus jeune qui me suce c'est toi Alex. Et tu sais quoi, je pourrais te prendre en levrette, mais pour ?a, il va falloir boire une autre autre potion. Tu te rappelles les blagues sur les blondes que tu faisais? tu vois o? je veux en venir?" Alex r?fl?chit encore moins cette fois-ci, le go?t de la bite d'Arnaud l'avait tellement excit? qu'il but d'une traite la potion... Bient?t la petite brunette devenait une petite blondinette platine. Il ne fallut que quelques secondes ? Arnaud pour passer sa bite ? la petite chatte d'Alexia. Il la bourrina sans m?nagement. "Tu sais Alexia, maintenant si tu veux que je continu, il va falloir que tu boives cette potion. Tu te rappelles ce que tu disais sur les filles de banlieue? et bah avec cette potion tu vas en devenir une, enfin une vraie caricature de banlieue" Alexia h?sita, elle pouvait encore rester une simple blonde... mais l'envie ?tait trop fort et elle but goulument la potion. Tout d'abord Alexia ne remarqua rien puis elle vit apparait des m?ches bleues et que ces cheveux devenaient blonde platine, un anneaux apparut sur son nez et un tatouage en forme d'?toie sur son ?paule gauche. Chapitre 8 Pendant ce temps l? dans la cuisine, Audrey entendit les bruits de 'sexe'. Au d?but elle entendait simplement Arnaud qui humiliait Alex. Elle entendait la petite voix d'Alexia qui suppliait de redevenir un homme mais maintenant elle n'entendait plus que des "han han han" tr?s f?minin. Puis... d'un coup elle entendit une voix diff?rente, toujours f?minine mais plus jeune puis... plus 'racaille' ou fille de banlieue. Audrey pouffa de rire. Elle d?cida de rentrer dans la pi?ce... elle vit tout d'abord Arnaud nu et seulement les jambes d'Alex d?passait... elle s'avan?a et vit toute la sc?ne. Elle ne put qu'escquisser un ?norme sourire. Devant elle, il n'y avait plus le riche et pr?tentieux Alex mais une blondasse d'? peine 18 ans qui jouissait comme une pute. Ses longs cheveux platines et ses m?ches bleues recouvraient son dos, ses fesses rebondissaient au rythme des coups de bite d'Arnaud. Audrey se pencha vers la jeunes Alexia. Alexia fut humili? et lacha instinctivement "vazy! kest'? regarder!" Avant de s'apercevoir de son phras?... Alexia commen?a ? pleurer. "Toujours excit?e la petite pute?" demanda Audrey "maintenant, si tu veux qu'Arnaud te laisser jouir, il va falloir boire cette derni?re potion. Cette potion va finir de fa?onner ta transformation, le principe c'est qu'elle va te rendre compl?ment superficielle, fan de strass et de pailette pas cher. Elle va aussi diminuer consid?rablement ta confiance en toi, assez pour que tu ne sois plus capable de commencer des projets ou r?ussir ta vie. Et enfin, elle va te pousser ? faire toujours les mauvais choix en mati?re de gar?on... tu vas toujours tomber amoureuse des sales types, des gros machos et aussi des bad boys qui vont trainent dans ton quartier, ceux qui te forcent ? les sucer dans le hall d'immeuble. " Alexia voulut r?sister, elle y arriva presque mais Audrey pris la bouche d'Alexia entre ses mains et glissa la potion entre ses jeunes l?vres pulpeuses. D'un coup Alexia sentit au fond d'elle que tout s'?croulait, elle baissa d'un coup le regard. Arnaud se retira de sa petite chatte puis approcha sa bite pr?s du visage d'Alexia puis explosa de plaisir ce qui se traduit par une gicl?e de sperme dans les cheveux, les yeux et la joue d'Alexia. Alexia prit alors conscience de sa position de petite banlieusarde nymphomane, timide et d?prav?e. Elle se releva et demanda timidement en regardant le sol "vouzall? me r'changer hein?" "Mais tu crois quoi petite souillon?" dit Audrey "Tu sais qui on est? tu oses encore nous parler!" Audrey tendit des v?tements ? Alexia qui commen?a ? pleurer et dont les larmes se m?langeait au sperme d'Arnaud. Elle lui tendit alors des vetements. Il s'agissaient de vetement d'ado, un haut rose playbo, un jeans fashion taille basse et des bottes Jennyfer puis lui dit: "Bon il me semble que tu en assez eu je trouve Alexia... Te voila ? pr?sent puni pour ton comportement de macho envers les femmes.... A pr?sent, tu vas me faire le plaisir de d?gager, je t'ai trouv? un petite studio dans la banlieue... j'espere que tu te feras pas trop "embeter" dans le m?tro en rentrant vu ton alure, l'heure et aussi les gens qui trainent ? cette heure ci. En m?me temps tu es le genre de bille qui aime ?a maintenant hein? les bons gros machos tu aimes?.. Allez a pr?sent habille toi et casse toi sale petite pouffe... Je vais continuer la soir?e avec Arnaud..." Alex s'habilla puis regarda Arnaud et sa femme le regardant d'un air satisfait... Le melange de sperme ainsi que les larmes qu'il avait de se retrouver dans une telle situation lui fit alors couler son maquillage dans les yeux puis s'en alla... FIN

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~ National City - Earth-38 "There's so many more ways to harm your kind than to simply weaken you." Kara bit the inside of her cheek, forcing herself to remain level headed, despite the burning urge to do... something. Queen Rhea of Daxam had just used Silver Kryptonite to convince Superman that Supergirl, his cousin, was his worst enemy. Rhea was still talking about how amazing her plan was, but Kara could barely hear it through the hazy panic taking over her mind. "Kal," she called, trying to...

4 years ago
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Delberts New Name

Delbert's New Name ? by: Mariko If ever there was a boy who hated his name, it was Delbert Alvin Dedrick. He'd hated his name with a passion ever since he could remember, and he dreamed of someday having a new, much better name. Mother, why did you name me Delbert?" the boy asked constantly. It was your grandfather's name," his mother always replied, "and I've always liked it." This answer did not satisfy Delbert at all, but it was the only answer he was ever given. Delbert...

2 years ago
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Quads Ch 4

Enjoy. **** I thought that my parents would have been very upset with us. But, it was just the opposite. Don’t get me wrong though, they were upset with us, but at the same time, they encouraged us to stay together. Most parents would have been crying, yelling, threaten to disown us, and probable try to have us committed to a crazy house. But mom and dad were very calm, and even shocked us by saying that they were stepsiblings. They shocked us even further when we were given...

4 years ago
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Older Black Stepbro

Older Black Step-b*oMy Dad left us when I was 3 years old. To be honest, i don't reallyremember him much, but i do remember that it made my mother sad. Although inever knew it, we struggled for a few years after the divorce wasfinalised. My mum had me at 32, but was still a vital woman in her midthirties, and soon managed to fall in love again. His name was Cal Wilson,and he was the manager at the time of a local hardware store. I rememberbeing 5 years old and being frightened by him. He was...

3 years ago
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My Wife Melinda Takes Two Plus Eats Pussy Part 8

I stood, hard, and in awe as I watched my wife eat her first pussy. She lapped up all of the cum that ran down from Sara's gaping anus and to her pussy. I was so aroused as Sara and Melinda reached orgasm and bucked against each other's mouths and probing tongues.Dante and Jerome looked at me stroking my cock and laughed. "This poor bitch motherfucker is the only one of us who hasn't cum yet. Let's give him his turn," chuckled Dante. Dante as usual directed the action, "Since your bitch...

1 year ago
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I had spent enough nights at home crying during short term breakups with Scott. I am going to enjoy it while I could just like he always does. My selfish thoughts interrupted by Ann tripping on the chair and stumbling into me. As she caught her self I looked up found myself staring at her perfect C cup tits in my face. Wow. Never noticed how nice they were before. "Congrats on those beauts." I said while leaning in trying to plant my face in her chest. Denied. She smacked me upside the head...

1 year ago
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PervPrincipal Chloe Cooper Christmas Compromise

Chloe is called to principal Green’s office because of her son. The kid sabotaged the protagonist of the high school Christmas play to take the role himself, but was discovered and now faces expulsion, a terrible mark on his record. Chloe would hate to frustrate her son’s dream of going to Drama School, so she’d do anything to avoid his punishment. Sleazy Mr. Green has an idea on how to prevent this: Christmas is right around the corner and Chloe can sit on his lap for some hardcore fun. Chloe...

1 year ago
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Piazza passione

Well it was oy 2 hours in duration but thebuild up and fact it was so special to memade this the most wonderful 2 hours of love ever with myhoney.We had arrived at the piazza bench anothernightand been unlucky as was people there and they wouldnt leave. Last night I went back with him and surprise surprise people were there again.Would I ever get it on there?We sat on the bench of 4 benches and held each other. I whispered of my desires to my honey. As we sat talking quietly I got more excited....

2 years ago
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This is exactly what I wanted

Work has been hell. You pull up out the front of your house and sigh. You see your girlfriend Jennifer's car in the car port. You were hoping to at least have a few minutes alone to jerk it to some porn on your laptop. A perfect end to a perfect day. You have only been living with Jennifer for about a month. Really you don't understand what she sees in you. She is really outgoing and confident in herself and you can barely stand to be on the same room as more than one person. She had picked you...

1 year ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 72 The Hunt Begins

Rebecca The nightmare I had been hoping to avoid had come true. In my wildest dreams I never really thought Angela was in danger. She was so far down the list... In the back of my mind I had to wonder if Amy had known this would happen. She seemed to know so much. Her warning to Jimmy that I would die if I tried to do this without him... One had to wonder. But for now all I could do was to try and make it easier on my young friends as they tried to deal with the knowledge of what had...

2 years ago
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My first sex boy on boy

My mother and father had recently divorced and we moved to a new town for my mothers new job. This was a great thing, my mother had been working as a waitress in coffee shops and we had been poor, really poor. This new job was a new beginning for her and our little family, all four of us. I have two older siblings, a brother whom I constant fought with and is 5 years my senior and a sister who liked to dress me up and was 6 years older. She was mischievous, she once painted my nails and I...

2 years ago
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Taking Annis anal cherry

Anni did not need to lure me cycling for long. She’s fresh UNI student and I fucked her last spring when I was one of the adults on their college reunion trip. I was more than happy to follow Anni and watch how her tight shorts made her ass look even more sexy. It did not made my situation any easier, that she had thin tank top but no bras. - I would love to cool a little. Let’s go swimming Sam.We biked to shore nearby and park our bikes. Anni run straight to water thigh deep and waterd her...

1 year ago
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Oval Office: Me: Madam President, how are you coming along at signing the bill that hit your desk this afternoon? You: I am a little reluctant to sign without fully understanding some of the boilerplate and technical jargon, yet I'm getting that oh so familiar itch. Me: That's highly inappropriate and besides, this desk has probably seen its fair share of christenings. Voters are looking forward to your speech you have been drafting up for tomorrow You: Well, maybe my chief of staff...

2 years ago
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Saved by a cigarette

Anyway, seeing as I hadn't talked to anyone in 3 months I spent about 3 days with my family, sharing pictures, talking with them, telling them what it was like. Also how I picked up a habit of smoking. They were upset but I'm 24 now. They can't baby me forever. I left my family's house and went to my apartment where I was greeted by my two roomates. Jeff and Brad have been my friends since high school. Jeff was tall and had short black hair. His skin was tan and he had blue eyes. Girls...

2 years ago
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Sex with my sweetest cousin

Hello friends, after reading so many good stories I am writing my experience with my cousin. Hope you will like it. The incident happened 3yrs ago when I was 27yrs and she was 23yrs.I am very good looking 5’8″ fair and very gentle to everyone. And about my cousin her name is muskaan fair beautiful and a petite figure. Very sexy to look at. She is my maternal uncle’s daughter, and in her family there are mom dad one elder brother of my age.Muskaan was very much attached to me and close to me...

1 year ago
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Blacked Hadley Viscara My Boyfriend Made Me Do It

Hadley has only been living with her boyfriend for a few months and their relationship has already changed. As an executive assistant she is required to be available at all times and her boyfriend suspects she’s cheating with her boss. He’s wrong at first but after a huge deal has been won and after a few drinks, one thing has led to another. There’s only so much they can do in the office so after giving her the day off he invites her to his house. This hot pairing is about to take a serious...

1 year ago
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First time I sucked a cock

The first time I sucked a cock it was my own. I was very limber and could suck my gut to my backbone. I found if I laid on my back on the bed with and put my legs over my head that my cock head was right at my mouth. I opened my mouth and was able to get the head in. I liked the feel of my cockhead and automatically started to suck. I used my right hand to jack off into my mouth. Unfortunately, when I came my legs when up and I got cum all over my face and in my hair. What a mess. The next...

First Time
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Wo Bhayanak Raat

By : Kumarmannu11 Hello dosto ye meri pehli kahani hai or bilkul sachi hai kese maine apni behen ko seduce kiya or chodawo dikhne me bhi bahut hi sexy hai uski chuchiya bhi badi mast hai jyada badi to nahi hai uska figure 30 26 32 hai uska rang ek dum gora hai or uske honth bilkulpatle hai or ek dum lal hai use dekh ke kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jaye aisa sexy bada hai uska pehel main apko apne bare me bata du mera nam munish hai delhi ka rehne wala hoon or college me pdhta hu Meri behen bhi...

2 years ago
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Perfect WishesChapter 12 Back to School

We were on our way back to the first day of school. Sam and Matty had been home just over a week. Jason spent most of his time at our house, going home only to clean up and change clothes. This wasn't unusual and as far as Sam and Matty were concerned he was a regular part of the household. Melody spent every night at our house when Betty was working. She would run home in the afternoons to spend some time with her mother but would return as soon as Betty left for work. Neither parent found...

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Girls First Time Being Shared

He started taking about her letting others see her naked while he fucked her, and it was obvious by her bodies response that she liked it... but outside of the bedroom she would say it was just dirty talk, and she would never do that. Peter eventually started ramping up the "dirty talk" during sex, and would talk about her getting fucked by strangers or one of his friends... once again it became apparent she was slowly starting to like thinking about it, but she still wouldn't entertain the...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Abella Danger Anal Sex Fantasy Cums True

Horny American nymph Abella Danger has some ass fucking dreams that she wants to have realized more than anything in today’s Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene. She shares her sexual fantasies with Logan Long who doesn’t seems to know how to take the news at first, but after seeing her fucking her ass with a butt plug, he’s more than ready to help make her dreams cum true. The brunette glamour pornstar is extra excited to see his long schlong and gets her ass gaped just as...

3 years ago
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Mein Bro

Vor einigen Jahren hatte ich mich mit einem kleinem Büro erfolgreich selbständig gemacht. Die Mandanten kamen und bescherten mir guten Umsatz. Damals hatte ich nur mit einer guten Seele angefallen, Ursula. Sie war eine erfahrene Büroleiterin und wusste besser als ich, wie die Sachen liefen. Sie ist wohl eine der wenigen Frauen zu der ich nie eine sexuelle Anziehungskraft verspürte. Als sie vor fünfzehn Jahren in Mutterschutz ging, habe ich sie schmerzlich vermisst. Als Mutterschaftsvertretun...

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Verde County

I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. I’m lost in their beauty and my mind wanders to the future. I am really looking forward to meeting up and spending the weekend with Karen, in Estes Park. It really sounds like fun. Especially now that I am rid of that loser, Joshua. I can’t believe I wasted one of my 28 years on that jealous, cheap, son of a bitch. I should have dumped him after the first week. I supposed...

1 year ago
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Solutions IncorporatedChapter 5

Claudia Alford was a very attractive young woman in her late twenties. Blond haired and blue eyed, she had kept the figure that had made her the head cheerleader in high school. Seeing Claudia in a bathing suit was often taken as proof that there was a God. Fortunately for the marriages in town, modesty prevented her from wearing anything other than a conservative one piece bathing suit. There wasn’t a man in New Millville who didn’t lust after Claudia and she knew it. Knowing it and acting...

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Just by chance she knocked on my door

Just by chance really > she was in the area doing a raffle.When she knocked on my door during a very very severe thunderstorm and an extremely rain period.She asked if she could shelter on my front porch as her mum was trying to get here to pick her up but she was having car problems and would be some while.As it was not only wet it was freezing cold so I invited her in to sit by the fire and dry off a little.While she was sitting there I brought her a coffee which she enjoyed.We got to...

4 years ago
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The Physical

“It will be fine honey.” My mom made every attempt to ease my nerves. Her motherly voice was hollow, offering little to find comfort in. I knew she was trying her best, but behind the words, she too remembered her experience. “I know, just not sure I want Dr. Andrews seeing me in that way.” I was comfortable with my doctor, but had never revealed much of myself to a guy before. Sure he had depressed my tongue, pressed the stethoscope against my chest, but my mom had done me the disservice...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Jayden Starr Second Appearance

Jayden is on her first day of internship as a runner for a late night TV show. They’ve assigned her to oversee a popular rock band and she has no idea what she’s doing. When she goes to check in on them and introduce herself before their set, she interrupts an important meditation session. The frontman, Small Hands, informs her that his spiritual guru is essential to his performance and to come back later. “White people are so fucking weird” she thinks and when she returns he’s all alone....

3 years ago
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BethChapter 12

June 22, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke this morning spooned to Rhee’s back. I’ll say ... er ... write it again: I can now understand the attraction of marriage ... or living together. This is very pleasant. I found myself cogitating on sexuality and relationships. While I know that I am not gay – I want my dad too much and I am interested in Brett, I can imagine being happy living with Rhee. But then my brain took a side channel and I imagined living with Rhee ... and my dad. Oooh. I pulled...

3 years ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 6

“Are you okay, Dunc?” Nicolette’s large brown eyes were staring at him, holding a worried look. Her boyfriend hadn’t been the same all day, and she couldn’t work out why. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she was dating an ex-nerd ... now he was acting like a weirdo as well. Sometimes Nicolette wished she didn’t like Duncan so damned much - if she didn’t, she knew it would make her life so much easier. In truth, Duncan’s behavior was due to the recent adjustments of his mind. Immediately...

1 year ago
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My Brother Wants My Ass

I was lying in my bedroom watching porn and rubbing my cunt with a vibrator. I thrust it inside and imagined it was my brother fucking me. The door to my bedroom flew open and Evan stomped in, clearly pissed. He was red in the face and had a raging hard-on. I could see it through his shorts. I snickered rudely. Obviously his date hadn't gone well. He glared at me. He walked in front of me and pulled his shorts down. His eight inch cock hung loose in front of me. “Suck it, Mary.” I hesitated for...

2 years ago
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A True History Book OneChapter 5

Football practice was different from yesterday. We only spent fifteen minutes doing some stretches. The rest of the time was spent doing play drills, making sure that the team knew what my abilities were, as well as me making sure I knew what they could do. There was a little bit of messing around, but not much. I didn’t know why until Coach Thompson blew the whistle and had us gather around. “All right, ladies. That was ... okay, pretty darned good. Mister Davis, do you think that you could...

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Busty girlfriend in bar

Well this is a little fantasy I've had about my girlfriend. This event hasn't happened and won't so I'm just going to put this on here.The night begins in the bedroom at home, I'm watching my delicious girlfriend get ready to go out for a few drinks. She's standing in front of the mirror trying to get her black top over her 34F natural busty tits, her brunette hair is flowing loose over her shoulders and her blak dress is riding up her long legs half way up her thighs. She finally gets the top...

3 years ago
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Winters Heart

Being stuck in a mountain cabin with a beautiful friend isn't bad at all. Being stuck in the cabin without electricity and heavy snowfall takes on a new meaning to being uncomfortable. Especially when you're from the south and hate the cold. That's what happened to Kim and I last year during a week in the Rockies. We thought we'd take sometime off during the holiday season and spend a romantic week in the mountains. I actually thought this would be the perfect setting to propose. You know,...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls JC Wilds Weve Created a Horny Monster

We have a really cute girl here today and her name is “BEEP.” She’s also from “BEEEEP” and according to her, Tyler puts the guys to shame from “BEEEEP” because they can’t fuck and I can confirm this. You see we have shot many girls from “BEEEEP” and we hear this same frustrating theme from all of them and I can see why she says it’s hard to make this nervous cutie cum during sex. Well as all our newbie’s find out after Tyler’s taken them on his stiff cock sit & spin ride is that there’s way...

2 years ago
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How I got to be a BBC fiend

I have always been a little different when it comes to sexuality. I have had bi-curious thoughts in my head since I was in my late teens. When I was 21, I sucked my first and only cock. He was a white man I knew; he was older than me, I was 21 and he was in his early 30's. One day we were together and he told me he was so fucking horny and long story short, I ended up sucking his 7" cock. After that day I ended up sucking his cock quite often until I met my first girlfriend. But you don't want...

3 years ago
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21 ndash Maire Begs Steve to Allow an InShop Blowjob

I had a busy afternoon. Right around 4pm, Steve walked in with his big grin. I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. “Hi” I gushed softly. “Have you been drinking?” I asked, pulling back to look at him.“Yes. Yes. Just a beer and a couple of shots of Redbush,” he said with a grin. “Did Jackie come in?” he changed the subject.I gave him and overview of Jackie’s shopping spree without revealing specifics on what she purchases (on his account). Steve was pleased. I assured him that he was...

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The Catalyst

Sasha Fedoseev pulled out his driveway and started down the road. Sasha was by most accounts a successful man. He had started a corporation in his early 20's and had guided its ascent. His company now had three subsidiary corporations. He employed over five hundred employees through his subsidiaries and the parent corporation he had founded 10 years earlier. The parent corporation had its offices in a building several miles from Sasha's home. It was there that his staff worked. He had...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 216 In Los Angeles Very Good Use of a Bed

Saturday, May 14, 2005 (Continued) The limo dropped us off at one end of Rodeo Drive. I had come fully prepared, $20,000 in one jacket pocket and a paperback book in the other, as I'd had a feeling that I'd need a distraction and that there wouldn't be any science fiction bookshops on Rodeo Drive. Shopping is shopping, which is another way of saying "dreadfully dull". On Rodeo Drive you can make that "insanely expensive in a dreadfully dull way." For example, Julia looked longingly...

1 year ago
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Julie 2 edited

After our first time, Julie and I didn’t get a chance to really spend any time together for a while. She went off to cheer camp for the end of the summer, and her mother did pretty much anything she could to keep us apart for a while, apparently to make sure the birth control had plenty of time to start working. We would still see each other to talk, either at home or around school once school started. But we didn’t have a chance to just hang out together like we always used to do. Finally...

1 year ago
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Daddy in her ass

Daddy smacked my ass as we kissed, me straddling his lap in a chair. Each time I jumped and rubbed my pussy on him harder. "I'm glad you like that" He smacked me again."Daddy" I whispered in ecstasy."get up" he insisted, his tone changing from horny into horny disciplinarian. He grabbed me by the back of the neck and shoved me to the bed, bending me over. His first blow to my behind came as a surprise. I gasped and tried to stand, he pushed me back over and smacked me again. I started to get...

1 year ago
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His side Fantasy forced part 2

I'd seen her quite a few times in the parking garage, but only from a distance. Petite, no more than five feet tall with an ass to die for, her shirt concealing what looked to be a fine pair of tits. I had to have her. One day perhaps.Tonight, being very late, the garage was virtually empty, but I could see her car parked on the far side next to a large pillar. Looking around, I saw no-one. There was no sound apart from the echoing sound of traffic outside. Many of the strip lights were out,...

4 years ago
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Best friends mother ff

Susie couldn’t remember the last time she’d got into any serious trouble. She had just turned 17 and was growing up fast. She was beginning to enjoy going out and meeting boys, wild (ish) parties and generally doing what a normal teenager does! However, this time she had, by her own admission, overstepped the ‘mark’ somewhat. She knew that when her parents found out what had happened, she would be grounded for at least a week, probably more. Susie was staying over at her friend Jenny’s house....

1 year ago
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in my mid fifties now. but back when I was a lad of early teen years we had a family move in next door. quite large 6 k**s mother and father the mother being 28 hubby late 30`s I will just call her w to save her identity anyway let me describe w she had long shiney jet black hair to her arse very slim body olive skin colour she was just a cracker. she and my mother became firm friends in and out of eachothers houses going out as a 4some so all were close nit. I suppose this was when I started...

3 years ago
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The Downfall of Ann Coulter

“So, what are your thoughts on this whole ‘King and Queen of Heaven’ business, Fareed. I mean, honestly? Is it not completely absurd that we now have to rewrite the Bible or whatever to reflect the whims of this oversexed narcissist who proclaims himself to be Almighty God? He’s got to be utterly deranged, not to mention depraved, to be pushing for what he has. Do you know that he now has an entire new political party in India, in INDIA, for God’s sake, voting as a bloc for reunification with...

3 years ago
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A Goodnight Kiss

My girlfriend Cristy and I have been together for three years now. Our sex life is out of this world as one can expect from two 22 year olds. My girlfriend is absolutely beautiful, with red hair, brown eyes, a perky butt and 34 D perky tits. She is only five feet two so her ‘assets’ tend to stand out more than normal. She always talks about sex and is always dressing sexy so you can imagine how desirable she is to other men. Lately I’ve gotten her to stop wearing underwear when we go out and...

1 year ago
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BangBus Mandy Waters Mandy Fucks to Buy a House

Mandy was waiting for her ride share when the boys pulled up and offered $300 to cancel it. Tough decision but he cancelled. Now the boys had all the time in the world to lure her. They gave her some money to turn around and wiggle her butt. She refused $500 to show her tits but after she saw how much money they had she negotiated $1000 to show one tit. It was cute. But since they had so much cash why not get more of it? After all she always wanted to buy a house. She got into the van. Stripped...

1 year ago
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ExpeditionChapter 15 Mr Fixit

Man, I need a shave. Pretty bad coming from a still wet behind the ears kid, huh? I need a haircut, too. It's getting REALLY long. Maybe I should shave it ... chrome dome. Oil it up, or maybe, wax it, even. Yeah, wax it. Or maybe a Mohawk. I could spike it and dye it orange. Where did That come from? Get myself spiffed up for the girls. Ah, the girls. I've been noticing them lately. Who is that little blond beauty? She's got a really tight little body. Ricky's sister? No! She's a knobby...

1 year ago
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Treat yourself to a proper fap – (VIP) Porn Braze is a website that’s not your ordinary porn tube, sure it may have a similar layout and its presentation may be pretty much the same as almost every other given XXX domain that fits in the ‘porn tube’ archetype of porn websites, but it’s actually not your go-to fuck portal. For starters, this website doesn’t contain your typical short XXX clips that you can play at your workplace bathroom and fap to covertly in a couple of minutes, just enough...

Asian Porn Sites
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My First Boyfriend

I couldn't stop smiling, my hands were shaking and I started to sweat. I ran from my bedroom into the bathroom to brush my teeth for what must have been the third time. I ran my tongue over my smooth teeth. I sighed a little at my reflection, pushing my short hair out of my face and grinning. Practising my smile. I took a deep breath to steady myself, and as I washed my hands, the doorbell rang. I legged it down the stairs and put my hand on the latch. "Ok," I muttered to myself, "one... two......

Love Stories
2 years ago
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BulletChapter 1

It was a dark and stormy night. Really! I’m not kidding. It WAS!!! I know lots of authors, including Charlie Brown’s dog Snoopy, all have wanted to start their story that way. Me too I guess. But as my story starts, or rather ends, it was a Dark and Stormy Night! Yes, my story begins and has an ending on the same night. “An ending?” you say. Yes, you see, my story begins with me and a bullet traveling at the speed of sound, released from a trigger pull a split second ago. One that just...

2 years ago
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Carolyn Makes Her Way

After tucking my penis and balls away, I started dressing with the basics, panties first, a sheer yellow thing, and then my bra with the silicon helpers we girls so love, and then a pair of black stay up stockings. Next, I stepped into a short green miniskirt which I loved primarily because of house it would reveal my bottom when I bent over and shot pool. After that came my blouse, a long sleeve silky cream colored number that I left the top two buttons open. Dressed now, I went to the vanity...

3 years ago
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Getting a Big Dick PT3 Gay

-Work sucks. (Justin messaged me this week after we returned from the trip. The semester was winding down and with projects, papers and exams all coming due, I didn't have much free time and the time I did have didn't mesh with Justin's schedules for class and work.)-So does school.-Haven't seen you in weeks.-I know. It bites.-It does. Not much longer before classes are over.-Yep, two weeks. But I only have a week before summer classes start. I'm going to take a few.-Had a great time on the...

4 years ago
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Tiros and his Nemesis

Tiros woke suddenly, without knowing why. He'd sent the slave away hours before, aware that she wasn't comfortable in his bed, despite enjoying her encounter with him. They were mostly like that, he thought. Not that he minded. He liked to sleep alone. It was just the bit beforehand that he liked company for. His tastes were a little different from the norm, though. He didn't like to force himself on his women, though he had the right. He liked to ensure that they got their pleasure as he...

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