La Punition D'Alex free porn video

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Vous voulez discuter de l'histoire avec nous, parler de TG ?: [email protected] (Arnaud) ou [email protected] (Alex) La punition d'Alex Chapitre 1 "Mais c'est quoi ce bordel? Je rentre du boulot ?puis? et le repas n'est m?me pas pr?t? Depeche toi de me faire a bouffer pendant que je vais matter les infos en attendant Audrez..." "D?sol?e Alex, je rentre a peine et je suis compl?tement crev?e mais je m'y mets..." Alex ?tait un jeune homme de 26 ans. Intelligent, il avait r?ussi gr?ce a ses ?tudes a obtenir un poste assez important malgr? son jeune ?ge. Macho, il avait toujours trait? les femmes comme des salopes uniquement bonnes ? satisfaire les hommes, et devant leur ob?ir sans discuter. Depuis 3 ans maintenant, il vivait avec Audrez, une jeune femme de 22 ans, vendeuse de chaussure, qu'il avait rencontr? dans une boutique. Il fut alors rapidement s?duit par sa beaut? exceptionnelle, puis sortirent ensemble, pour finalement se marier. Ainsi, m?me si tout allait pour le mieux entre eux deux au d?but, la situation s'?tait d?grad?e par la suite. En effet, tendit qu'Alex ?tait romantique et attentionn? au d?but en lui offrant des fleurs et lui dire constamment par sms qu'il l'aimait, la routine commen?a par s'installer... Et le temp?rament d'Alex envers les femmes finit par reprendre le dessus. Ainsi, de plus en plus, Alex traitait sa femme comme sa bonniche, en lui demandant de faire toutes les taches m?nag?res ? la maison, vaisselle, m?nage, tandis qu'il la regardait faire, excit? de la voir faire ca dans des tenues l?g?res et qu'il regardait la t?l? pendant ce temps la... Audrey en avait marre d'?tre ainsi rabaiss?e... Cela faisait trois ans qu'elle subisait le caract?re d'Alex, trois longues ann?es. Il est vrai qu'Alex ?tait assez riche et qui lui offrait une vie de r?ve. C'?tait le principal dillemme d'Audrey: comment se d?barasser d'Alex en gardant ce rythme de vie. Divorcer? trop hasardeux. Le tuer? non vraiment pas pour elle... jusqu'? deux semaines o? elle trouva la solution sur Google: une potion lui permettant de transformer Alex dans un corps si humiliant pour lui. Les ?tapes de la transformation ?tait finement d?crites. Ce soir l?, Audrey devait encore faire le m?nage et amener la bi?re ? monsieur Alex. Arriv? ? la cuisine elle glissa la potion dans la bi?re de brasseur de monsieur. Puis lui amena. Pendant que Audrey se baissait dans les moindres recoins pour nettoyer les poussi?res, Alex sirotait sa bi?re en mattant son petit cul. Il voulu glisser sa main dans son pantalon pour s'exiter encore plus mais il ne pu le faire... il essaya de bouger l'autre main mais ne pu le faire non plus. Que se passait-il? "Audrey, je ne peux plus bouger!" Dit Alex avec un ton un peu paniqu?. "Alex, j'ai quelques petites choses ? t'expliquer..." Chapitre 2 "Tu vois" continua Audrey "tu me r?pugnes maintenant. Tu es devenu le typique male macho, celui qui consid?re la femme comme son objet." Alex r?pondit "?coute on a d?j? eu ce d?bat Audrey, c'est juste que ..." Audrey le coupa "tais-toi! Tu ?tais faux, tu as toujours ?t? faux. J'en peux plus de ?a, de cette vie.. mais tu me connais bien, j'aime ?tre avec toi enfin avec ton argent, voil? c'est dit..." "T'es vraiment qu'une pute ..." Dit alex avec d?dain. Audrey gifla Alex qui ne peut rien faire ? cause de sa paralysie "C'est marrant que tu me dises ?a car dans quelques temps, les gens qui te verront penseront exactement la m?me chose de toi" Alex sentit d'un coup son corp devenir un peu plus chaud "Vois-tu Alex, j'ai mis une petite potion dans ta bi?re. Une potion qui te transformera inexorablement en petite nana, en petite pouf qu'un macho comme toi aime tant." "Tu d?railles.." "Ah oui? concentre-toi, tu ne trouves pas que tu flottes un peu dans tes v?tements?" "Je... tu..." Alex se rendit compte que ses v?tements devenaient un peu plus grand comme Audrey le disait, peut ?tre c'?tait la bi?re. Apr?s tout Alex pensait qu'Audrey ?tait parfois hyst?rique... "Bon tu as mis quoi dans mon verre, putain c'est pas dr?le!" "Je te l'ai dit Alex, une potion! bient?t le grand macho que tu es sera une fr?le et jolie jeune fille . Bient?t tous tes v?tements seront bien trop grands pour une midinette comme toi! Bien s?r d'autres choses vont t'arriver mais je t'expliquerai cela ? la fin de ta transformation. J'ai d?cid? de me d?barasser de toi de la fa?on la plus saine possible. Bient?t Alex n'existera plus et..." "Tu vas me tuer! c'est ?a tu as mis du poison dans mon verre!" "Mais non Alex! haha tu as d?j? senti ton 'r?tr?cissement', il continue en plus... mais tu sens aussi tes fesses qui deviennent plus ronde, ton visage qui devient plus doux? Alex sentit ce que disait Audrey, il regarda, ses v?tements ?tait encore devenu plus grand ... ou alors il ?tait plus petit... son visage n'avait plus aucune trace de barbe, ni de poil... ses mains... ?taient devenu tr?s fine... et son post?rieur, il ne pouvait le voir mais il sentait bien que quelque chose se passait. Audrey le regarda .... tout chez Alex changeait, il ?tait maintenant androgyne et on pouvait facilement le confondre avec une fille... Elle savait que la paralysie allait s'arr?ter dans quelques minutes.... Pendant ce temps l? Alex ne faisait que r?tr?cir et perdre de plus en plus de ce qu'il avait de masculin... Chapitre 3 Apr?s quelques minutes, Alex senti qu'il pouvait bouger sa main puis l'autre... Audrey se retourna pour prendre la t?l?commande, c'?tait le moment, le moment pour lui sauter dessus, pour lui faire comprendre qui est le maitre. Alex sauta de la chaise et agrippa le cou d'Audrey... celle-ci ne bougea pas. Alex constata avec horreur: sa femme ?tait-elle soudainement plus grande? sa main entourait ? peine son cou... et devait il se mettre sur la pointe pour pour pouvoir ?tre ? la m?me hauteur? D'un seul coup le pantalon d'Alex tomba laissant apparait ses nouvelles petites jambes, jolies, ras?es, tellement f?minines ... Audrey se retourna avec un sourire diabolique... elle regarda Alex. C'?tait tellement dr?le, elle devait baisser la t?te pour le regarder... et Alex de lever les yeux et se tenir sur la pointe des pieds pour tenir t?te maintenant ? Audrey. Audrey prix alors le bras ? Alex et le tordit "?coute moi bien, c'est fini, m?me si tu essayes, tu n'arriveras pas ? jouer le macho devant moi... regarde ton corps" Audrey approcha Alex d'un mirroir, tu vois quoi. Alex fut ?tonn?, une ?trang?re ?tait entre les mains d'Audrey ... cette ?trang?re c'?tait lui... de long cheveux, un visage poupin, il vit sous sa maintenant tr?s grande chemise un bout de sein qui d?passait. il eu ? peine le temps de voir son entrejambe pour voir son gros sexe disparaitre laissant place ? une petite chatte ?pil?e comme un ticket de m?tro. Alex tenta de remonter son pantalon. En se regardant dans le mirroir, il ne vit qu'une petite brunette qui essayait de se faire passer pour un homme. Alex ?tait maintenant une fille...compl?tement... Audrey lui dit alors en la lachant "Dis-toi une chose Alexia, ta transformation ne fait que commencer!" Chapitre 4 "Non mais c'est pas vrai, c'est moi cette petite connasse? Ou sont pass?s ma virilit? et mes muscles, ma taille de 1m80... Je suis a pr?sent une fille qui parait ? peine adulte et ressemble ? une petasse... Exactement le type de fille que je consid?rais uniquement bonne pour un coup juste le temps d'une soir?e... Audrez tu n'es qu'une pute, d?p?che toi de me changer ou je sens que je vais..." Alex fut pris de col?re de voir sa nouvelle forme et l'humiliation d'?tre ainsi chang? par sa femme qui ?tait en train se marrer de voir la t?te de son ancien mari en train de se regarder dans le miroir et cherchant un grain de masculinit? dans sa posture et toucher ses nouvelles formes honteux... Il se jeta ? nouveau sur sa femme qui l'arr?ta tout de suite et commen?a ? lui tirer les cheveux et le mettre ? terre..." "Que tu vas quoi Alexia? Mais que veux tu faire contre moi ? pr?sent? M?me ma cousine de 15 ans plus de force que toi, que veux tu faire face a moi physiquement?" Alex se sentit alors humili? d'?tre ainsi rabaiss? par sa copine dont il se voyait encore la forcer ? se mettre ? genoux en rentrant du travail pour le sucer... "Non Audrez l?che moi piti?! " crie-t-il d'une petite voix fluette..; sa voix aussi avait chang?... bien chang?... il fut effray?. "Alors dit que tu n'es rien d'autre qu'une petite pouffiasse et je te lache..." Alex se mit ? chialer de douleur mais aussi de honte d'?tre dans cette situation, lui qui ne pleurait jamais d'habitude, puis dit s'ex?cuta ? dire ces paroles un peu d'entendre sortir ces mots de sa bouche avec cette nouvelle voix si aigue... "Je suis un....une... petite pouffiasse" "Tu ne t'en sortira pas comma ca Audrez...Meme si tu m'a transform? ainsi, je suis toujours moi ? l'int?rieur et vais tout raconter... Les gens comprendront bien en leur disant que j'ai disparu et que je pourrais leur montrer que je suis bien Alex! " "Tu te trompes Alex ! Ca fait parti de mon plan aussi... Oui, les gens vont bien se rendre compte que tu as disparu mais je dirais simplement que l'on ne sait pas ce qu'il t'es arriv? et les gens finiront par penser que tu es mort on ne sait trop comment... Ainsi, je pourrais r?cup?rer tout en fric et ne pu te subir comme mari! Pourquoi tu ne diras rien tu te demandes? et bien essaye de penser ? quelque chose que tu as envies et essaye aussi de penser ? tes attirances sexuelles..." "Tiens c'est bizarre c'est quoi cet espece de brouillard dans la tete que j'ai eu d'un seul coup?" Une envie que j'ai en tete et mes attirances sexuelles? Laisse moi fermer les yeux et r?fl?chir... Hein?? mais c'est quoi cette paire de botte noire en solde que je vois dans un magazin pour femme et cette bite en train de sucer que je vois?" "Attends et repond moi: combien font 40 * 3 " "Tu me prend pour quoi? ca merde j'en sais rien du tout!! Mais qu'est ce qui m'arrive! " repondit Alex en rougissant "Voila, tu commences a comprendre? comment veux que tu que les gens qui te connaissaient croient que tu etais Alex? tout ce qu'il verront sera une petite connasse stupide et n'en croiront pas un mot et te prendront pour une folle.... Et pour la suite tu te demandes? Moi je restes dans notre grande baraque et fais donc r?cup?rer tout le fric que tu avais mis de c?t? pour acheter ma boutique et devenir directrice... Et toi? Bien sur, je ne veux plus de toi ici, je ne suis pas lesbienne, donc tu vas degager d'ici... Quand ? ton boulot? je vais te pistonner pour que tu puisse etre embaucher dans ma boutique et tu travailleras ensuite pour moi comme vendeuse, sous mes ordres...tu pourras ainsi voir ma copine de boulot que tu aimais tant matter... Tu te rappelles, ses seins si ronds, ses fesses... ses... mais je suis b?te, ?a ne t'excite plus ?a ma grande?" Alex essaya de se concentrer mais il n'arrivait plus ? devenir excit? par cette fille Audrey "toi ce que tu aimes, c'est les mecs, un sexe d'homme qui te domine, te force ? sucer... tu as maintenant une nature plut?t de domin? ma petite, de petite salope hein. Tu te doutes bien que ta transformation n'est pas fini mais ce n'est plus de mon ressort, cela d?pendra de quelqu'un d'autre. Tu te rappelles d'Arnaud? Ton ancien stagiaire que tu exploitais et que tu as refus? d'embaucher? Oui il a 23 ans et il est un peu plus jeune que toi. Oui oui m?me si tu es plus petite tu es encore plus vielle... mais attend de voir ce que te r?serve Arnaud, il arrive dans 20 minutes haha" La sonnette de la porte s'activa Audrey sourit et dit "oops je crois qu'il a de l'avance!" Chapitre 5 Arnaud ?tait un jeune homme brilland qui avait crois? la route d'Alex... depuis il ne pensait qu'? une chose: se venger. Il ?tait un de ses anciens stagiaires et le d?tester au plus haut point. Alex l'avait toujours consid?r? comme un petit gringal?. Il ?tait rentr? en contact avec sa femme un soir sur un forum... il se confiait de plus en plus avec elle et fantasmait tout deux comment se d?barasser le plus simplement d'Alex... Arnaud trouva la situation id?ale pour orienter Audrey vers une solution de transformation sexuelle. Arnaud pouvait alors accomplir deux choses qu'ils aimaient: se venger d'Alex et surtout accomplir son d?sir sexuel en changeant un homme en femme et l'humilier le plus possible. Avant d'ouvrir la porte, Arnaud ?tait rest? sur le perron, ?coutant la petite voix d'Alex se transformant de plus en plus aigu... rien que d'entendre, Arnaud ?tait d?j? de plus en plus excit?. Il d?cida alors de sonner, dans sa main il portait un sac rempli de fringue et quelque flasque de potion... Audrey lui ouvrit la porte. Il d?cida de l'embrasser sur la bouche en d?duisant que la petite femme d?rri?re dans des v?tements trops grand devait ?tre Alex qui le fusillait d'un regard noir. Alex sauta alors sur Arnaud. Ce dernier lui parraissait maintenant ?norme... un vrai homme... Arnaud l'agrippa de vol?e et lui dit "t'en veux aussi petite pouff" puis il l'embrassa langoureusement. Puis il la retourna, lui enleva ses v?tements brutalement. Alex se retrouva toute nue devant sa femme et Arnaud. Compl?tement humili?, il ne put rien dire et instinctivement il cacha son petite sexe de femme et ses seins. Audrey pouffa de rire et Arnaud eu une bonne ?reciton qu'Alex remarqua automatiquement. "Bon je vais ? la cuisine Arnaud, je te laisse avec notre petite pouf' d'Alexia... ? toi de finir le travail" "Oui ma belle" dit Arnaud en l'embrassant. "Allez Alex, ?a ne fait que commencer, tourne-toi que j'admire tes belles fesses! " Et ?trangement Alex s'?x?cuta... Chapitre 6 Alex ?tait maintenant dos ? Arnaud. Il ?tait effray?. En quelques minutes, il ?tait pass? du gros macho ? la petite femme qui tournait le dos ? un ancien stagiaire. "Alexia" Commen?a Arnaud "je vais maintenant t'expliquer ce qui va se passer "comme l'a dit ta femme, enfin Audrey, ta transformation n'est pas finie. Je vais t'expliquer. Comme tu as pu t'en apercevoir, les femmes c'est plus tellement ton truc" Arnaud prit alors un playboy dans son sac "tu vois ?a" il d?signa une jolie blonde dans un poster "?a ?a m'excite, toi par contre.... t'en penses quoi" "Si... si ... elle est belle" dit Alex avec une petite voix "Oui allez Alex tu trompes personne, je sais tr?s bien que ?a t'indif?re compl?tement, par contre ?a " Arnaud d?ploya le poster d'un rugbyman compl?tement nue" ?a, ?a te fait mouiller maintenant? hein , avoue! dis- le!" Alex eu alors un mini-choc ?l?ctrique, il sentit de l'humidit? dans sa nouvelle petite fente... oui cet homme nu l'excitait compl?tement: son sexe, ses bras muscl? , son torse. Alex se pin?a les l?vres pulpeuses qui ?taient maintenant siennes. Arnaud repris alors: "nous allons faire maintenant un jeu: je sais que tu n'es pas encore pr?te ? me sucer la bite " Alexia fut choqu?e d'un langage si vulgaire "mais je peux toujours te forcer... mais je ne suis pas un violeur" dit Arnaud "je te propose alors un petit jeu. Pipe ou potion? Tu vois o? je veux en venir: tu as le choix: soit tu choisis la potion, soit de me faire une pipe, ? toi de voir!" "et si je refuse... je peux toujours" "si tu refuses, c'est tr?s simple, ta femme se fera un plaisir de te foutre ? la porte illico-presto, en restant ici, tu as encore le choix, peut-?tre de redevenir un homme" Alex ?tait effray? par la proposition, il dit ? demi-mot "je prend la potion... mais ... mais ?a va me faire quoi? vous m'avez d?j? transform? en femme... et " "?coute moi b?b?, tu verras bien ok" dit Arnaud Alex prit alors la fiole qu'Arnaud lui tendit et la bu d'une traite. Il ne sentit rien se passer. Arnaud se d?shabilla. il ?tait maintenant en boxer devant Alexia qui ?tait toute nu. Arnaud bandait comme un cheval en rut. Il s'approcha d'Alex, lui carressa les cheveux, les seins passa sa main pr?s de sa petite chatte lui touchant ses petits poils et pris fermement ses fesses. Arnaud n'avait plus sous sourrire sympathique. "?coute moi bien salope, la potion que tu viens de prendre ? augment? ta libido significativement, ta seule envie est maintenant de me l?cher la queue, de la prendre dans ta petite bouche et prouver tes talents de suceuses... le jeu va donc un peu changer, si tu veux vraiment me sucer la bite, il va falloir boire toute les potions que j'ai apport?". Alexia fut horrifi? mais aussi ... toute mouill?e... Chapitre 7 Arnaud sorti alors sa queue puis se mit a se branler devant Alexia, qui ?tait ? genoux devant lui... Il prenait son sexe et caressait la joue d'Alex, elle ouvra la bouche mais Arnaud ne mit pas son sexe. Sans comprendre pourquoi Alex sentait cette chaleur entre ses jambes et une envie irr?sistible d'avoir quelque chose ? l'int?rieur, il commen?a ? se caresser le clito tout en etant compl?tement tremp?e... Puis il se dirigea vers Arnaud ? quatre pattes et dit alors: "Ta queue... je veux sucer ta queue!" dit Alexia compl?tement humili?e d'en ?tre r?duit la ? cause de leurs jeux... Arnaud se branla de plus en plus bel qui ?tait encore plus excit? de savoir que cette petite saloppe ?tait avant Alex ce gros macho virile et puissant... "Si tu veux me sucer bois cette potion Alexia, de toute fa?on as tu le choix?" Alexia r?fl?chit alors alors qu'elle etait en train de voir cette queue...que pouvait il lui arriver de pire? il etait deja une petite saloppe? il ne voyait pas trop qui pouvait lui arriver de pire, et de toute facon, il ne pouvait pas resister ? l'envie... "Cette potion me fera quoi?" demanda Alex en fisant le sexe d'Arnaud "Cela va te rendre plus jeune, 18 ans et 2 jours pour ?tre pr?cis... alors" Alex essaya de r?sister tant bien que mal mais vouloir sucer la queue d'Arnaud ?tait trop fort. Elle s'?x?cuta, ses traits devinrent encore plus fin et plus jeune. Ses seins devinrent plus fermes, plus doux... Elle devint m?me encore plus petite. Arnaud se branla de plus belle et rentra sa bite dans la bouche d'Alexia jusqu'? la gorge "Oh ?a m'excite tellement de savoir que la fille plus jeune qui me suce c'est toi Alex. Et tu sais quoi, je pourrais te prendre en levrette, mais pour ?a, il va falloir boire une autre autre potion. Tu te rappelles les blagues sur les blondes que tu faisais? tu vois o? je veux en venir?" Alex r?fl?chit encore moins cette fois-ci, le go?t de la bite d'Arnaud l'avait tellement excit? qu'il but d'une traite la potion... Bient?t la petite brunette devenait une petite blondinette platine. Il ne fallut que quelques secondes ? Arnaud pour passer sa bite ? la petite chatte d'Alexia. Il la bourrina sans m?nagement. "Tu sais Alexia, maintenant si tu veux que je continu, il va falloir que tu boives cette potion. Tu te rappelles ce que tu disais sur les filles de banlieue? et bah avec cette potion tu vas en devenir une, enfin une vraie caricature de banlieue" Alexia h?sita, elle pouvait encore rester une simple blonde... mais l'envie ?tait trop fort et elle but goulument la potion. Tout d'abord Alexia ne remarqua rien puis elle vit apparait des m?ches bleues et que ces cheveux devenaient blonde platine, un anneaux apparut sur son nez et un tatouage en forme d'?toie sur son ?paule gauche. Chapitre 8 Pendant ce temps l? dans la cuisine, Audrey entendit les bruits de 'sexe'. Au d?but elle entendait simplement Arnaud qui humiliait Alex. Elle entendait la petite voix d'Alexia qui suppliait de redevenir un homme mais maintenant elle n'entendait plus que des "han han han" tr?s f?minin. Puis... d'un coup elle entendit une voix diff?rente, toujours f?minine mais plus jeune puis... plus 'racaille' ou fille de banlieue. Audrey pouffa de rire. Elle d?cida de rentrer dans la pi?ce... elle vit tout d'abord Arnaud nu et seulement les jambes d'Alex d?passait... elle s'avan?a et vit toute la sc?ne. Elle ne put qu'escquisser un ?norme sourire. Devant elle, il n'y avait plus le riche et pr?tentieux Alex mais une blondasse d'? peine 18 ans qui jouissait comme une pute. Ses longs cheveux platines et ses m?ches bleues recouvraient son dos, ses fesses rebondissaient au rythme des coups de bite d'Arnaud. Audrey se pencha vers la jeunes Alexia. Alexia fut humili? et lacha instinctivement "vazy! kest'? regarder!" Avant de s'apercevoir de son phras?... Alexia commen?a ? pleurer. "Toujours excit?e la petite pute?" demanda Audrey "maintenant, si tu veux qu'Arnaud te laisser jouir, il va falloir boire cette derni?re potion. Cette potion va finir de fa?onner ta transformation, le principe c'est qu'elle va te rendre compl?ment superficielle, fan de strass et de pailette pas cher. Elle va aussi diminuer consid?rablement ta confiance en toi, assez pour que tu ne sois plus capable de commencer des projets ou r?ussir ta vie. Et enfin, elle va te pousser ? faire toujours les mauvais choix en mati?re de gar?on... tu vas toujours tomber amoureuse des sales types, des gros machos et aussi des bad boys qui vont trainent dans ton quartier, ceux qui te forcent ? les sucer dans le hall d'immeuble. " Alexia voulut r?sister, elle y arriva presque mais Audrey pris la bouche d'Alexia entre ses mains et glissa la potion entre ses jeunes l?vres pulpeuses. D'un coup Alexia sentit au fond d'elle que tout s'?croulait, elle baissa d'un coup le regard. Arnaud se retira de sa petite chatte puis approcha sa bite pr?s du visage d'Alexia puis explosa de plaisir ce qui se traduit par une gicl?e de sperme dans les cheveux, les yeux et la joue d'Alexia. Alexia prit alors conscience de sa position de petite banlieusarde nymphomane, timide et d?prav?e. Elle se releva et demanda timidement en regardant le sol "vouzall? me r'changer hein?" "Mais tu crois quoi petite souillon?" dit Audrey "Tu sais qui on est? tu oses encore nous parler!" Audrey tendit des v?tements ? Alexia qui commen?a ? pleurer et dont les larmes se m?langeait au sperme d'Arnaud. Elle lui tendit alors des vetements. Il s'agissaient de vetement d'ado, un haut rose playbo, un jeans fashion taille basse et des bottes Jennyfer puis lui dit: "Bon il me semble que tu en assez eu je trouve Alexia... Te voila ? pr?sent puni pour ton comportement de macho envers les femmes.... A pr?sent, tu vas me faire le plaisir de d?gager, je t'ai trouv? un petite studio dans la banlieue... j'espere que tu te feras pas trop "embeter" dans le m?tro en rentrant vu ton alure, l'heure et aussi les gens qui trainent ? cette heure ci. En m?me temps tu es le genre de bille qui aime ?a maintenant hein? les bons gros machos tu aimes?.. Allez a pr?sent habille toi et casse toi sale petite pouffe... Je vais continuer la soir?e avec Arnaud..." Alex s'habilla puis regarda Arnaud et sa femme le regardant d'un air satisfait... Le melange de sperme ainsi que les larmes qu'il avait de se retrouver dans une telle situation lui fit alors couler son maquillage dans les yeux puis s'en alla... FIN

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I should have known disaster was on the horizon the night my wife told me that she’d had a call from Monica. It was at the dinner table and my first tip off should have been the fact that everything on the table was from my list of favorites. Meat loaf, scalloped potatoes au gratin, French style green beans and sourdough bread hot from the oven. Midway through the meal Audrey said: ‘Guess who I heard from today. Monica Speers. She moved back to town and wants to get together for lunch.’ ...

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Tempestuous Ch 01

It was a beautiful day, the sun was out, casting its warm beams on the city below. There was a cool breeze that complimented the warmth and carried the heady smell of the lilacs through the air, filling the hall of the big brick church on Gotham Street. The sun shone through the stained glass windows casting different tones on the walls and the floors, illuminating the entire church. It was the perfect day for a baptism. The Stone and the Rush family stood before the magnificent alter inside...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 68 Russian Roulette

Steve's idea sounded attractive. I could see that I could free up some time in a couple of weeks or so but I wasn't sure whether I could justify the trip. I thought I'd talk to Freddie about it first. If I had thought that Tricia getting her chance as a lead collector would improve her humour I was mistaken. She'd been as pleased as anything when she told me that Harry had said she could finally run lead on a collection. She'd been nagging him (and me) for what seemed like months. But...

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CD First Exprience

hi all readerMy name is mayuri from India. I am 29 year old. i had my first expreince in neral with my boyfriend. My friend name is uday. Day Sunday Me and uday book one hotel in neral. I wear my CD stuff in bathroom. and come out in front of uday, uday i already stand without cloth and his penic is so tight, Uday age is 56 but his size is big. i cauth me in his hand and kiss my lips frist. that time i feel like i am realy woman. i response his kiss and he told me suck my dick. his dick is very...

1 year ago
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Surprise Visit

I’m staying in a motel room, doing a little work in my room catching up on some emails, when there is a knock at the door. I am not expecting anyone, so I feel a little funny about getting the door, considering I’m wearing my usual hotel room garb. T-shirt and underwear, I figure it’ll be ok since the t-shirt is long and the underwear is kind of like shorts. To my surprise I open the door to find you smiling, I pull open the door to let you in. As I close the door you kiss me, I can tell you...

3 years ago
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Hot sexy horse rider

I was walking along a old railway line which is now a public footpath when I heard a horse behind me getting really close So I moved over to one side to let it past, The female rider thanked me as she pasted by,I have always had a thing for women on horses must be the tight jodhpurs,boots & riding crop! She had blond hair which was tied back in to a ponytail,white blouse and brown very tight jodhpurs & black boots,she was about early 40’s & very fit. As she disappeared round the corner her...

4 years ago
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The ElectricianChapter 18

Adam stood outside near where Kara’s and his cars were parked, watching the front door. He saw it open and Kara emerged wearing denim shorts and a sleeveless blouse. She locked the door, dropped her keys into her bag and trotted toward him. “Sorry,” she said, “Mom called.” “Which car should we take?” he asked. “I like riding in yours.” Adam dug his keys from his pocket. “Would you like to try driving it?” Kara’s face brightened. “You’d let me?” “I will if you tell me you know how to...

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First Time With Anu

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net This happened when I was in college and my parents had to go out of town suddenly due to an emergency leaving me alone. My mom’s friend Madhu Aunty dropped in from Mumbai. With both of us living alone led to some steamy sex and also guidance from her, that she suggested I apply when my girlfriend Anu comes over. (You can read that story “Sex lessons by a MILF”) At ten to twelve, Anu arrived with a bag full of food. She’d made...

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Angie Tries Many New Things

It was a Friday afternoon and my wife, Karen, called me and said that she was going to go out with a friend. She knew I had a dinner planned with a customer and the kids were gone for the weekend so it was her ticket to have fun. She said her friend Angie’s husband Mike was traveling so it was girl’s night out. Angie was in her early 40’s and I had always thought she might hot if she dressed a little more proactively and was a little more out-going, something my wife has no...

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AbbyPART 3Went for Daviss Class with Just

The Chronicles of Abby: PART 3 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part reveals how Abby teased her teacher, Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties and what happened when she went home with her daddy after that. It was the day Abby would tease Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties. Abby was standing in front of her full size mirror, lifting up her extremely short denim skirt that was picked by her daddy, Matt to wear to Mr....

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Katrina Girls GangbangedChapter 2 The girls take revenge

The family was cut off and had to make do with very little. Two days later they managed to get a ride on a military truck to the damaged Super Dome, where buses were beginning to load up people and drive them to the Astro Dome in Houston. The bus ride lasted more than four hours. Most of the riders were poor black people who had been holed up for the last three days at the Super Dome. Somehow this rich-looking white family had managed to get on the bus with them. They must have cut in line,...

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One Night Stand

You're gonna really love this one. Arnie deserves all he gets, and boy does he ever get it. A One Night Stand by jo The phone rang for the sixteenth time. Somewhere around the fifth ring, Arnie felt a pang of guilt. Then around the eleventh ring, he started laughing, imagining the lady's desperation. He envisioned Marlie, a bit love struck, pleading at the dead receiver for him to "Pick up, pick up." He thought it might be interesting if he did pick up and shout something...

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Xenthia Chapter 1 Hypna and Morphia

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. Please leave a review - This is my first work of TG fiction and I am looking for help along the way! Thanks to all those who left comments on the prequel - your supportive words pushed me along when writing this I hope you're enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Please read the prequel to this which can be found on this site as it will explain the situation so far. Feel...

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Riley on her Pallet

Riley Jo Givens woke up that morning with just the tiniest hangover sitting right in the middle of her head. She stuck her pink tongue out and smacked her lips a few times against the sand paper feel, dry and chalky in her mouth. She was alone in the single wide trailer she shared with her mother, Raylee, and her mother’s sometime boyfriend, Carl. The two of them had gone to the casino in Lake Charles for the weekend, leaving her to manage by herself and to care for the menagerie of cats, dogs...

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Banging In the New Year

Now, if you've been into swinging for years, hang out in orgies all the time, participate in one gang-bang after another, well, this may be a bit too lame for you. All I can say was that it was pretty exciting for us. Here's how it happened. Jerry and Amanda have been friends of ours since college days. Amanda and I went to high school together, even dated a bit. Yes, a few fucks back then. Don't worry, both spouses know. But, while our sex was good (still is, that's later on), we didn't think...

Group Sex
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iCarly Elevator Surprises

iCarly: Elevator Surprises Miranda Cosgrove as Carly ShayJennette McCurdy as Samantha ‘Sam’ PuckettJennette McCurdy as Melanie ‘Mel’ PuckettNathan Kress as Freddie Benson"Why is this happening to me?" Sam groaned. She couldn't believe they were stuck in an elevator, due to a power surge, only a few hours before they we're supposed to be making their next episode of iCarly as well."Hey," Freddie exclaimed, "we're just as stuck as you are, and complaining isn't gonna get us moving any faster.""I...

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Accidental Sex Hua

Hello. Mera naam Ritesh hai aur mai Agra Uttar Pradesh ka rehne wala hu, mai 23 saal ka hu aur padhai krta hu. Agar koi bhi lady milne mai interested ho Agra yaa Agra ke aaspaas vo mujhe mial kare pe mai turant reply karunga aur privacy poori rakhi jaayegi. Ye story 4 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha aur 12th ke baad drop leke baitha tha. Meri olony mai bahut aunties thi aur kuch achchi bhi thi aur mai sab se bahut khula hua tha ek dost ki tarah. Aur kyuki mai sabse frank tha toh jisko...

3 years ago
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HomeworkChapter 12

John’s mom, Beth, rang Paula’s doorbell. Moments later, Paula opened the door and greeted John’s mother, “Hi Beth, come on in.” Paula could see that Beth was a bit upset when she asked, “Paula do you mind if we sit down? We need to talk.” Paula invited Beth to the kitchen, “Come on into the kitchen and sit down. I will make coffee.” Beth went with Paula to the kitchen but told her, “Don’t bother making coffee. You may not want me to stay long. It’s about our kids.” Paula felt the back of...

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DorableChapter 16

Josh’s turn: I love my boat. I really do. But that week, post-hurricane, summer, humidity, the smell of decaying vegetation and dead fish and whatever else died out there, and I was ready for land. And interminable, relatively speaking, hot water. And cool, dehumidified air. And a bed with a taut, clean sheet on it. With Gee in the middle of it. Aftermath, we’re side by side, staring at the ceiling, my left hand’s fingers laced into those of her right hand. “Wow!” “I’m glad it’s still...

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Day 2 on the Cruise BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Day 2 on the CruiseRecap Of Day 1 on my cruise last December.I met some girls at the life boat drill. One followed me back to my cabin. She left a short time later. Please read Part 1 - its a great storyMore than a few have asked me to tell you more adventures on my cruise.Here it goes......Only the names may have and may not have been changed.Day 2 on the Cruise.I slipped on my new white swim trunks, after getting out of the shower. I checked my watch. It...

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I NEVER KNEW WHAT COMING hOME 2wks early of HALLOWEEN dressed like DOLLY PARTON was going to do to my life. First I never knew my wife Lisa was having a MARY KAY party that day. I would have never walked into that dressed the way I was. My wife was furious she hid it well in front of the gals but once they had left she let go. WHY WOULD YOU START DRESSING LIKE THAT? I KNOW you want to use HALLOWEEN as to the why but I don’t believe that one bit. SO TELL THE TRUTH ITS OK. What a mistake that...

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Author of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...

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Flying HighPart 1

"Tony's Cafe," he answered the phone. "Bruce, it's me Polly, when you have a minute walk over to the bar. I want to talk to you about this week-end." "Okay, Polly, I'll be over in a few." While waiting on a few customers, my mind kept wandering back to Bruce and myself. Wow, how lucky could I have been to stumble unto this wonderful friend/lover. We never made any demands on each other and remained best friends even after we became lovers. What a...

1 year ago
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Nadine and Jos BlowJob Swap PART THREE

Thursday went much like Wednesday had for Jo and Nadine, Day #2 of Nadine pretending to be a prostitute and Jo pretending to be a weather girl. Despite being up until almost six, Jo got out of bed a few minutes past eleven so she could take her usual drive into the country to visit with her horse, Bucky. As usual, he was as delighted to see her as she was to see him. Later, she arrived at the station, and it took her no time at all to get into her new routine. She arrived about one-thirty, a...

Group Sex
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My StepDaughter1

Let me set the stage for all of you...Amanda was and still is a fantastic girl...she is 18 now and has a brown complex that would drive most men wild...Amanda always gave her all into whatever she would do....I always wanted Amanda to give me all of her, but I think her Mom always made her feel as if she wasn't all that we Men really wanted...although she was....Her Mom was always wrong.... One afternoon, while her Mom took Amanda's two brothers to the skate park, Amanda laid out in the sun...

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Big Boobs Nithya Teacher Sema Hot

Hi friends, enathu peyar Palani, vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En veethiyil oru thirumanam aagiya manaivi irukiraal, aval peyar nithya vayathu 30 irukum. Avaluku iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal, aval government school teacheraaga velai paarkiraal. Naan siru vayathaaga irukum pozhuthe antha akkavai paarpen aval sexyaaga irupaal, aval mulai perithaaga irukum. Mulaiyai paarka paarka enaku aasaiyaaga irukum, oru naal aval thotahil kulithukondu irukum pozhuthu naan aval mulaiyai en nanban veetu motai...

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Right Under Your NoseChapter 26

Anna The Belvedere was busy, but I could see a few of our friends up on the second floor in one of the smaller banquet rooms. I took John's hand and started heading up the stairs. As we turned the corner into the room I couldn't believe what I saw. Everybody was there. All of our gang of friends, their spouses or partners, my sisters, even our freaking parents. Well, not my Dad, but if he'd shown up I'd have run. We haven't talked in nearly 15 years since he skipped out on my mom. But...

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Mothers Milk

Salah rode home on the bus wishing he could do something about his horniness. He couldn't masturbate on the bus, of course, and even after he got back to his apartment, it wouldn't do him much good. Even if his cock could have gotten stiff enough, any climax he might have coaxed out of it would have been unsatisfying in the extreme. If he had a woman, that wouldn't help either, unless she was a very unusual woman, able and willing to provide what he needed before the fucking could...

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A Soldiers Journey Through Chastity Chapter 2

When I woke up that Saturday morning, I made a bowl of cereal and opened up Grindr. The moment I did, I was yet again bombarded with messages and taps from several different guys who were clearly all soldiers. Half of the guys that messaged me sent dick pics (of course), and the other half acted like they just wanted to chat. Yeah, right.Well, I figured I'd change my display name and make my profile picture a little more enticing. I took a picture I was certain wouldn't set off the mods, one...

Gay Male
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Bare Bottom

    Mrs. Larson glanced at her assignment book and announced to the class, "Everyone open up your texts to page 135 and read chapter six, I have to go to the office for a few minutes, but I shouldn't be too long!" She entered the Principal Solon's office and said to his secretary, "Hi Georgia, I just received a note form Mr. Solon and he wants to see me right away, is he available!?!" A slight smirk spread over the secretary's face as she replied, "Just a second, Mrs. Larson, and I'll find...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 2

I looked at him and said, “When you feel up to it, we’ll continue on to the Gardens.” He looked up slowly and said, “The proper mode of address is “Your Highness.” I decided to go all in. “Prince Asshole, first, you must be recognizable as human. Until you’ve reached that level, speaking of you as ‘highness’ by me is not going to happen, if it ever will happen.” Anna giggled and Mason had to cough. Neither looked at Prince Asshole. I turned away from him and looked at the pleasant...

1 year ago
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How I Fucked By Juicy Aunty 8211 Part 1

This is gonna be a long sex story. But I hope you will have the patience to read it. Took me a while to put it together but it is completely worth it. Happy reading. I am nineteen. And yet to fuck a girl. Yea, you can begin screaming ‘WTF!’ all you want. Well, that wouldn’t change a thing. Or would it? Let’s get back to the real story now again, shall we? Fine. So…I started seeing porn at the age of thirteen. I was in High school then and always asked my friends for their dirty magazines. I...

2 years ago
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College Cuckold

My parents dropped me off during move-in weekend right before classes started. I decided to go to a state school several states away, just to put some distance between me and my hometown. Not that I had a bad time growing up, but I needed a fresh start. I wanted to go where nobody knew my name. Now here I am: all alone in my college dorm room. My roommate Steven hasn’t arrived yet. We chatted a bit over zoom. He seems like a cool and confident guy. He’s also very attractive. He stands at a...

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Neha Chudne Ke Liye Choot Shave Karke Aayi Thi

Hi friends, I am Rajveer from Delhi, age 26yrs aur mere Lund Ka size 6.5″ hai. my height is 5.5″ n m a romantic person . I love to read sex stories aur Ye meri first story hai ISS par agar moi mistake ho jaye to plz maaf karna. Ye kahani meri aur Neha ki hai ,Neha meri cousin Kavita ki best frnd hai aur ye kahani main uski permission se hi share kar raha hu. Neha nature wise sweet and innocent si ladki hai, par dekhne me kayamat hai Jo bhi use dekhe bas dekhta hi rah jaye. She is so beautiful...

1 year ago
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Let's roleplay at VR Cosplay X! In the past few years, virtual reality technology has seen a pretty big boom in sales and prominence, and it’s largely due to the porn industry. Virtual reality is one of those things that has always seemed just over the horizon, just a few years away from being mastered and mass-produced at affordable prices, with an unbelievable amount of lifelike immersion.This seems to have been promised to us since the early 1980s in the form of sci-fi movies and a few...

VR Porn Sites
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"Piraaaateeeen!!" Der Ruf des wachhabenden Maats im Ausguck zerriss die betriebsame Ruhe auf dem Deck der "Proud of Britain" Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt war es eine ruhige, angenehme Reise gewesen. So angenehm, wie sie für eine junge Frau wie Mary-Ann Davenport auf einem Handelsschiff des frischen 18. Jahrhunderts in der Karibik sein konnte. Sie war die attraktive Tochter des Gouverneurs von Port Royal und die einzige Frau an Bord. Die Zustände auf einem Handelsschiff wie diesem waren äußerst...

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The Birthday Candle

We always had dessert before dinner on our birthdays. It was a stupid tradition, but we'd kept it alive since childhood, and so it had become a symbol of our unofficial brotherhood. George and I had been best friends since second grade, so close not even the attention of girlfriends or the distance of college had been able to separate us. It was in honor of this eternal companionship that I was working a candle into a cupcake I'd smuggled into the pub where we were celebrating George's...

2 years ago
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Lets get two black guys and make a night of it

Me and a friend, Brenda, decided to go out to a club. It had been a few years since we went to clubs regularly. It was fun to have the confidence of being older while navigating the sea of young men looking to get fucked. After several drinks, Brenda said to me “I’ve always wanted to fuck a black guy.” We were both pretty drunk but she sure was surprised by my response when I said “Great. Let’s get two of em and make a night of it.”We scanned the crowd for two fuckable black guys. We spotted...

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The RescueChapter 4 The Coast Guard

It was almost eight by the time the cutter appeared on the horizon. She hove to several hundred yards from the Bottoms Up and the floating debris. By that time, the skipper had told everyone what to expect in the way of an investigation and had requested that the Jensons and Phoebe should get dressed, although he wanted the Meredith family to stay as they were, so that the Coast Guard could see their exact condition as they were rescued. He had made a special private comment to Malcolm that...

2 years ago
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Neighboring seducer

Hi I am Rohit, this is real story ,I started enjoying sex at the age of 21 about me I am 6.01”, fair and strong built , I am basically from Pune but settled in Chennai. when I was in college a housewife, my next-door neighbour seduced me. She was double my age i.e. 36 , a south Indian lady called Sunaina, extremely good looking with great physique. she had one daughter of 8 years at that time. her husband was a travelling sales executive and often on tour. It so happened that my practical exams...

4 years ago
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The Storm

I went on vacation to this this lake resort, by myself. I just needed some peace and quiet, being able to do what ever I want to do. I like this resort I went to, because I'm able to lay on the dock without a bathing suit if I want.Which, the first day I was there, I went to the local store, stocked up on some groceries, a few bottles of wine and a new blow up raft. I went back to my cabin, made some lunch, changed into my cover up and headed to the dock. I brought my radio and the raft. ...

1 year ago
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Big bang theory Fanfic PennyMissy cooper

Summary:What they were doing in Penny's apartment during The Pork Chop Indeterminancy. Points if they do it between the boys coming over to ask Missy out, and have to get dressed to answer the door each time.Work Text:If there’s one thing that both the Cooper twins are used to, it’s getting their own way. Penny finds this out halfway through the first glass of wine, when Missy leans over, puts one finger under Penny’s chin, and turns Penny’s face toward her.“I’m sure I don’t need to tell you...

2 years ago
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My Turn Part 1

 After the amazing time with Ian at the Shard, we both wanted to meet again. Our daily messages continued and we flirted by text.We agreed to meet again, but this next time was to be totally different.I got to plan it all; this time Angel was in charge. I made sure I really got to enjoy the occasion and before we met up, my mind was running with a lot of different ideas and plans. The last time we met, Ian had made sure the day was all about me, so with me planning our next hotel meet I made...

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The Trail WestChapter 6

Josh and Red came to the base of a large gently sloping hill; they'd been following the tracks of ten cattle and three horses for most of the day. It had to be the rustlers trail. Now the two young men stopped to give their horses a breather. "Red, how's Jasper holding up?" Josh asked about Red's horse. "He's mad because I've kept him at walk for the last two hours. He'll do," Red answered. "Diablo's in good shape too. I'm thinking if we cut over the top of the hill we can cut...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 25 Itrsquos not Lunch itrsquos a Buffet

Walking out to the car, her thin robe pulled around her bare body, Niki was glad Max had not made her go to the car naked. His car was still parked at the curb, and the morning light was shining bright as the neighborhood awoke. She would definitely have made a scene, and that would not be good the day before her mother got back. She was sore. So sore. Last night had been quite the experience. She had long lost count of how many times her boys had mounted her, barely coming to when Max had...

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Friends and BenefitsChapter 12

I awoke, stiff with no circulation in my right arm. Of course. It was still trapped under Tina's sleeping form. I slowly extracted it, managing not to wake her, and sat up. I looked around while I massaged some circulation back into my arm. The clock on the VCR said it was four in the morning. The TV was off. Tina must have turned it off, because I hadn't. I couldn't even remember the end of the second movie. Tina slumbered on, looking peaceful. She'd also pulled a blanket off the bed...

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Horse Tail

We were just two guys traveling down the highway. Then... Smack. An accident. Everything went black. Suddenly, my eyes opened. Haziness. "Estuardo, where are you?" I shouted. At least I thought I was shouting it. I heard it in my head but it came out of my mouth as... a horse's whinny? As my eyes came into focus, I realized I was standing on all fours. "I'm a horse?!" Again, stated internally, but emerging as a whinnny. Suddenly, I was surprised by an incredible weight...

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Sexploits vol3

So i've had me a few shags now and think i got the idea, but little did i know i was to be educated by a master. i had just turned sixteen and was staying over my friends house regularly, when his older sister returned home from a relationship break up. there was the initial flirtatious chemistry, but i didn't think i had a chance being as she was 21. So i'm staying over one night and his sister and i are either end of the sofa while he's on the other chair watching a movie. our bare feet touch...

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The Deception of Choice Episode Fourteen

The Deception of Choice. Episode Fourteen, comprising Chapters 33, 34 & 35 Preamble David arrives at the Finishing Centre. So much more freedom there. If he can just hold true to his resolve, all will surely be well. Or will it? Life is never quite so straightforward. Particularly not for David. And freedom is anyhow only relative. "Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage;" Chapter 33. He was above all conscious of how different the sensation was. Around...

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We Find Love After The Shift Has Ended

This is the story of two people who deliver pizza. The story is written by both of us. Mike begins the story and I finish it. I do regular days at the pizza delivery shop. I have been doing this for about six months together with a couple of other uni students, one of whom is a rather attractive young lady. She does leave a button or two undone on her blouse and the guys seem to appreciate getting a good look at her breasts when she bends over. She and I have compared notes a few times. One...

4 years ago
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After the Christmas Party

Hold on, let me get this cork out of this champagne bottle! God, that’s a great sound, isn’t it? Here, give me your champagne flute. Nice. I love how that bubbles up to the top of the glass like that. Small bubbles is a sign of superior champagne, so they say. Alright. There we go. Hey Baby! Let’s raise our glasses of champagne together and toast the end of another year. Can you believe it? So many good things happened this year. We had a lot of fun. Like what? You mean the trip to Key West...

1 year ago
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My Sister Is My Sex Queen

Hi, I am Lara and this is my first story here. before going into the story little introduction about me. Now am completely degree and working as a sales manager. I was in my college when this incident happened. I am regular reader of Indians sex stories and addicted towards incest. Without boring you let me tell you about my sister. her physique is similar to Tamil actress Sneha. She is 3 years elder to me at that time she completed her maths degree and waiting for the results. Me and my sis...


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