La Punition D'Alex free porn video

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Vous voulez discuter de l'histoire avec nous, parler de TG ?: [email protected] (Arnaud) ou [email protected] (Alex) La punition d'Alex Chapitre 1 "Mais c'est quoi ce bordel? Je rentre du boulot ?puis? et le repas n'est m?me pas pr?t? Depeche toi de me faire a bouffer pendant que je vais matter les infos en attendant Audrez..." "D?sol?e Alex, je rentre a peine et je suis compl?tement crev?e mais je m'y mets..." Alex ?tait un jeune homme de 26 ans. Intelligent, il avait r?ussi gr?ce a ses ?tudes a obtenir un poste assez important malgr? son jeune ?ge. Macho, il avait toujours trait? les femmes comme des salopes uniquement bonnes ? satisfaire les hommes, et devant leur ob?ir sans discuter. Depuis 3 ans maintenant, il vivait avec Audrez, une jeune femme de 22 ans, vendeuse de chaussure, qu'il avait rencontr? dans une boutique. Il fut alors rapidement s?duit par sa beaut? exceptionnelle, puis sortirent ensemble, pour finalement se marier. Ainsi, m?me si tout allait pour le mieux entre eux deux au d?but, la situation s'?tait d?grad?e par la suite. En effet, tendit qu'Alex ?tait romantique et attentionn? au d?but en lui offrant des fleurs et lui dire constamment par sms qu'il l'aimait, la routine commen?a par s'installer... Et le temp?rament d'Alex envers les femmes finit par reprendre le dessus. Ainsi, de plus en plus, Alex traitait sa femme comme sa bonniche, en lui demandant de faire toutes les taches m?nag?res ? la maison, vaisselle, m?nage, tandis qu'il la regardait faire, excit? de la voir faire ca dans des tenues l?g?res et qu'il regardait la t?l? pendant ce temps la... Audrey en avait marre d'?tre ainsi rabaiss?e... Cela faisait trois ans qu'elle subisait le caract?re d'Alex, trois longues ann?es. Il est vrai qu'Alex ?tait assez riche et qui lui offrait une vie de r?ve. C'?tait le principal dillemme d'Audrey: comment se d?barasser d'Alex en gardant ce rythme de vie. Divorcer? trop hasardeux. Le tuer? non vraiment pas pour elle... jusqu'? deux semaines o? elle trouva la solution sur Google: une potion lui permettant de transformer Alex dans un corps si humiliant pour lui. Les ?tapes de la transformation ?tait finement d?crites. Ce soir l?, Audrey devait encore faire le m?nage et amener la bi?re ? monsieur Alex. Arriv? ? la cuisine elle glissa la potion dans la bi?re de brasseur de monsieur. Puis lui amena. Pendant que Audrey se baissait dans les moindres recoins pour nettoyer les poussi?res, Alex sirotait sa bi?re en mattant son petit cul. Il voulu glisser sa main dans son pantalon pour s'exiter encore plus mais il ne pu le faire... il essaya de bouger l'autre main mais ne pu le faire non plus. Que se passait-il? "Audrey, je ne peux plus bouger!" Dit Alex avec un ton un peu paniqu?. "Alex, j'ai quelques petites choses ? t'expliquer..." Chapitre 2 "Tu vois" continua Audrey "tu me r?pugnes maintenant. Tu es devenu le typique male macho, celui qui consid?re la femme comme son objet." Alex r?pondit "?coute on a d?j? eu ce d?bat Audrey, c'est juste que ..." Audrey le coupa "tais-toi! Tu ?tais faux, tu as toujours ?t? faux. J'en peux plus de ?a, de cette vie.. mais tu me connais bien, j'aime ?tre avec toi enfin avec ton argent, voil? c'est dit..." "T'es vraiment qu'une pute ..." Dit alex avec d?dain. Audrey gifla Alex qui ne peut rien faire ? cause de sa paralysie "C'est marrant que tu me dises ?a car dans quelques temps, les gens qui te verront penseront exactement la m?me chose de toi" Alex sentit d'un coup son corp devenir un peu plus chaud "Vois-tu Alex, j'ai mis une petite potion dans ta bi?re. Une potion qui te transformera inexorablement en petite nana, en petite pouf qu'un macho comme toi aime tant." "Tu d?railles.." "Ah oui? concentre-toi, tu ne trouves pas que tu flottes un peu dans tes v?tements?" "Je... tu..." Alex se rendit compte que ses v?tements devenaient un peu plus grand comme Audrey le disait, peut ?tre c'?tait la bi?re. Apr?s tout Alex pensait qu'Audrey ?tait parfois hyst?rique... "Bon tu as mis quoi dans mon verre, putain c'est pas dr?le!" "Je te l'ai dit Alex, une potion! bient?t le grand macho que tu es sera une fr?le et jolie jeune fille . Bient?t tous tes v?tements seront bien trop grands pour une midinette comme toi! Bien s?r d'autres choses vont t'arriver mais je t'expliquerai cela ? la fin de ta transformation. J'ai d?cid? de me d?barasser de toi de la fa?on la plus saine possible. Bient?t Alex n'existera plus et..." "Tu vas me tuer! c'est ?a tu as mis du poison dans mon verre!" "Mais non Alex! haha tu as d?j? senti ton 'r?tr?cissement', il continue en plus... mais tu sens aussi tes fesses qui deviennent plus ronde, ton visage qui devient plus doux? Alex sentit ce que disait Audrey, il regarda, ses v?tements ?tait encore devenu plus grand ... ou alors il ?tait plus petit... son visage n'avait plus aucune trace de barbe, ni de poil... ses mains... ?taient devenu tr?s fine... et son post?rieur, il ne pouvait le voir mais il sentait bien que quelque chose se passait. Audrey le regarda .... tout chez Alex changeait, il ?tait maintenant androgyne et on pouvait facilement le confondre avec une fille... Elle savait que la paralysie allait s'arr?ter dans quelques minutes.... Pendant ce temps l? Alex ne faisait que r?tr?cir et perdre de plus en plus de ce qu'il avait de masculin... Chapitre 3 Apr?s quelques minutes, Alex senti qu'il pouvait bouger sa main puis l'autre... Audrey se retourna pour prendre la t?l?commande, c'?tait le moment, le moment pour lui sauter dessus, pour lui faire comprendre qui est le maitre. Alex sauta de la chaise et agrippa le cou d'Audrey... celle-ci ne bougea pas. Alex constata avec horreur: sa femme ?tait-elle soudainement plus grande? sa main entourait ? peine son cou... et devait il se mettre sur la pointe pour pour pouvoir ?tre ? la m?me hauteur? D'un seul coup le pantalon d'Alex tomba laissant apparait ses nouvelles petites jambes, jolies, ras?es, tellement f?minines ... Audrey se retourna avec un sourire diabolique... elle regarda Alex. C'?tait tellement dr?le, elle devait baisser la t?te pour le regarder... et Alex de lever les yeux et se tenir sur la pointe des pieds pour tenir t?te maintenant ? Audrey. Audrey prix alors le bras ? Alex et le tordit "?coute moi bien, c'est fini, m?me si tu essayes, tu n'arriveras pas ? jouer le macho devant moi... regarde ton corps" Audrey approcha Alex d'un mirroir, tu vois quoi. Alex fut ?tonn?, une ?trang?re ?tait entre les mains d'Audrey ... cette ?trang?re c'?tait lui... de long cheveux, un visage poupin, il vit sous sa maintenant tr?s grande chemise un bout de sein qui d?passait. il eu ? peine le temps de voir son entrejambe pour voir son gros sexe disparaitre laissant place ? une petite chatte ?pil?e comme un ticket de m?tro. Alex tenta de remonter son pantalon. En se regardant dans le mirroir, il ne vit qu'une petite brunette qui essayait de se faire passer pour un homme. Alex ?tait maintenant une fille...compl?tement... Audrey lui dit alors en la lachant "Dis-toi une chose Alexia, ta transformation ne fait que commencer!" Chapitre 4 "Non mais c'est pas vrai, c'est moi cette petite connasse? Ou sont pass?s ma virilit? et mes muscles, ma taille de 1m80... Je suis a pr?sent une fille qui parait ? peine adulte et ressemble ? une petasse... Exactement le type de fille que je consid?rais uniquement bonne pour un coup juste le temps d'une soir?e... Audrez tu n'es qu'une pute, d?p?che toi de me changer ou je sens que je vais..." Alex fut pris de col?re de voir sa nouvelle forme et l'humiliation d'?tre ainsi chang? par sa femme qui ?tait en train se marrer de voir la t?te de son ancien mari en train de se regarder dans le miroir et cherchant un grain de masculinit? dans sa posture et toucher ses nouvelles formes honteux... Il se jeta ? nouveau sur sa femme qui l'arr?ta tout de suite et commen?a ? lui tirer les cheveux et le mettre ? terre..." "Que tu vas quoi Alexia? Mais que veux tu faire contre moi ? pr?sent? M?me ma cousine de 15 ans plus de force que toi, que veux tu faire face a moi physiquement?" Alex se sentit alors humili? d'?tre ainsi rabaiss? par sa copine dont il se voyait encore la forcer ? se mettre ? genoux en rentrant du travail pour le sucer... "Non Audrez l?che moi piti?! " crie-t-il d'une petite voix fluette..; sa voix aussi avait chang?... bien chang?... il fut effray?. "Alors dit que tu n'es rien d'autre qu'une petite pouffiasse et je te lache..." Alex se mit ? chialer de douleur mais aussi de honte d'?tre dans cette situation, lui qui ne pleurait jamais d'habitude, puis dit s'ex?cuta ? dire ces paroles un peu d'entendre sortir ces mots de sa bouche avec cette nouvelle voix si aigue... "Je suis un....une... petite pouffiasse" "Tu ne t'en sortira pas comma ca Audrez...Meme si tu m'a transform? ainsi, je suis toujours moi ? l'int?rieur et vais tout raconter... Les gens comprendront bien en leur disant que j'ai disparu et que je pourrais leur montrer que je suis bien Alex! " "Tu te trompes Alex ! Ca fait parti de mon plan aussi... Oui, les gens vont bien se rendre compte que tu as disparu mais je dirais simplement que l'on ne sait pas ce qu'il t'es arriv? et les gens finiront par penser que tu es mort on ne sait trop comment... Ainsi, je pourrais r?cup?rer tout en fric et ne pu te subir comme mari! Pourquoi tu ne diras rien tu te demandes? et bien essaye de penser ? quelque chose que tu as envies et essaye aussi de penser ? tes attirances sexuelles..." "Tiens c'est bizarre c'est quoi cet espece de brouillard dans la tete que j'ai eu d'un seul coup?" Une envie que j'ai en tete et mes attirances sexuelles? Laisse moi fermer les yeux et r?fl?chir... Hein?? mais c'est quoi cette paire de botte noire en solde que je vois dans un magazin pour femme et cette bite en train de sucer que je vois?" "Attends et repond moi: combien font 40 * 3 " "Tu me prend pour quoi? ca merde j'en sais rien du tout!! Mais qu'est ce qui m'arrive! " repondit Alex en rougissant "Voila, tu commences a comprendre? comment veux que tu que les gens qui te connaissaient croient que tu etais Alex? tout ce qu'il verront sera une petite connasse stupide et n'en croiront pas un mot et te prendront pour une folle.... Et pour la suite tu te demandes? Moi je restes dans notre grande baraque et fais donc r?cup?rer tout le fric que tu avais mis de c?t? pour acheter ma boutique et devenir directrice... Et toi? Bien sur, je ne veux plus de toi ici, je ne suis pas lesbienne, donc tu vas degager d'ici... Quand ? ton boulot? je vais te pistonner pour que tu puisse etre embaucher dans ma boutique et tu travailleras ensuite pour moi comme vendeuse, sous mes ordres...tu pourras ainsi voir ma copine de boulot que tu aimais tant matter... Tu te rappelles, ses seins si ronds, ses fesses... ses... mais je suis b?te, ?a ne t'excite plus ?a ma grande?" Alex essaya de se concentrer mais il n'arrivait plus ? devenir excit? par cette fille Audrey "toi ce que tu aimes, c'est les mecs, un sexe d'homme qui te domine, te force ? sucer... tu as maintenant une nature plut?t de domin? ma petite, de petite salope hein. Tu te doutes bien que ta transformation n'est pas fini mais ce n'est plus de mon ressort, cela d?pendra de quelqu'un d'autre. Tu te rappelles d'Arnaud? Ton ancien stagiaire que tu exploitais et que tu as refus? d'embaucher? Oui il a 23 ans et il est un peu plus jeune que toi. Oui oui m?me si tu es plus petite tu es encore plus vielle... mais attend de voir ce que te r?serve Arnaud, il arrive dans 20 minutes haha" La sonnette de la porte s'activa Audrey sourit et dit "oops je crois qu'il a de l'avance!" Chapitre 5 Arnaud ?tait un jeune homme brilland qui avait crois? la route d'Alex... depuis il ne pensait qu'? une chose: se venger. Il ?tait un de ses anciens stagiaires et le d?tester au plus haut point. Alex l'avait toujours consid?r? comme un petit gringal?. Il ?tait rentr? en contact avec sa femme un soir sur un forum... il se confiait de plus en plus avec elle et fantasmait tout deux comment se d?barasser le plus simplement d'Alex... Arnaud trouva la situation id?ale pour orienter Audrey vers une solution de transformation sexuelle. Arnaud pouvait alors accomplir deux choses qu'ils aimaient: se venger d'Alex et surtout accomplir son d?sir sexuel en changeant un homme en femme et l'humilier le plus possible. Avant d'ouvrir la porte, Arnaud ?tait rest? sur le perron, ?coutant la petite voix d'Alex se transformant de plus en plus aigu... rien que d'entendre, Arnaud ?tait d?j? de plus en plus excit?. Il d?cida alors de sonner, dans sa main il portait un sac rempli de fringue et quelque flasque de potion... Audrey lui ouvrit la porte. Il d?cida de l'embrasser sur la bouche en d?duisant que la petite femme d?rri?re dans des v?tements trops grand devait ?tre Alex qui le fusillait d'un regard noir. Alex sauta alors sur Arnaud. Ce dernier lui parraissait maintenant ?norme... un vrai homme... Arnaud l'agrippa de vol?e et lui dit "t'en veux aussi petite pouff" puis il l'embrassa langoureusement. Puis il la retourna, lui enleva ses v?tements brutalement. Alex se retrouva toute nue devant sa femme et Arnaud. Compl?tement humili?, il ne put rien dire et instinctivement il cacha son petite sexe de femme et ses seins. Audrey pouffa de rire et Arnaud eu une bonne ?reciton qu'Alex remarqua automatiquement. "Bon je vais ? la cuisine Arnaud, je te laisse avec notre petite pouf' d'Alexia... ? toi de finir le travail" "Oui ma belle" dit Arnaud en l'embrassant. "Allez Alex, ?a ne fait que commencer, tourne-toi que j'admire tes belles fesses! " Et ?trangement Alex s'?x?cuta... Chapitre 6 Alex ?tait maintenant dos ? Arnaud. Il ?tait effray?. En quelques minutes, il ?tait pass? du gros macho ? la petite femme qui tournait le dos ? un ancien stagiaire. "Alexia" Commen?a Arnaud "je vais maintenant t'expliquer ce qui va se passer "comme l'a dit ta femme, enfin Audrey, ta transformation n'est pas finie. Je vais t'expliquer. Comme tu as pu t'en apercevoir, les femmes c'est plus tellement ton truc" Arnaud prit alors un playboy dans son sac "tu vois ?a" il d?signa une jolie blonde dans un poster "?a ?a m'excite, toi par contre.... t'en penses quoi" "Si... si ... elle est belle" dit Alex avec une petite voix "Oui allez Alex tu trompes personne, je sais tr?s bien que ?a t'indif?re compl?tement, par contre ?a " Arnaud d?ploya le poster d'un rugbyman compl?tement nue" ?a, ?a te fait mouiller maintenant? hein , avoue! dis- le!" Alex eu alors un mini-choc ?l?ctrique, il sentit de l'humidit? dans sa nouvelle petite fente... oui cet homme nu l'excitait compl?tement: son sexe, ses bras muscl? , son torse. Alex se pin?a les l?vres pulpeuses qui ?taient maintenant siennes. Arnaud repris alors: "nous allons faire maintenant un jeu: je sais que tu n'es pas encore pr?te ? me sucer la bite " Alexia fut choqu?e d'un langage si vulgaire "mais je peux toujours te forcer... mais je ne suis pas un violeur" dit Arnaud "je te propose alors un petit jeu. Pipe ou potion? Tu vois o? je veux en venir: tu as le choix: soit tu choisis la potion, soit de me faire une pipe, ? toi de voir!" "et si je refuse... je peux toujours" "si tu refuses, c'est tr?s simple, ta femme se fera un plaisir de te foutre ? la porte illico-presto, en restant ici, tu as encore le choix, peut-?tre de redevenir un homme" Alex ?tait effray? par la proposition, il dit ? demi-mot "je prend la potion... mais ... mais ?a va me faire quoi? vous m'avez d?j? transform? en femme... et " "?coute moi b?b?, tu verras bien ok" dit Arnaud Alex prit alors la fiole qu'Arnaud lui tendit et la bu d'une traite. Il ne sentit rien se passer. Arnaud se d?shabilla. il ?tait maintenant en boxer devant Alexia qui ?tait toute nu. Arnaud bandait comme un cheval en rut. Il s'approcha d'Alex, lui carressa les cheveux, les seins passa sa main pr?s de sa petite chatte lui touchant ses petits poils et pris fermement ses fesses. Arnaud n'avait plus sous sourrire sympathique. "?coute moi bien salope, la potion que tu viens de prendre ? augment? ta libido significativement, ta seule envie est maintenant de me l?cher la queue, de la prendre dans ta petite bouche et prouver tes talents de suceuses... le jeu va donc un peu changer, si tu veux vraiment me sucer la bite, il va falloir boire toute les potions que j'ai apport?". Alexia fut horrifi? mais aussi ... toute mouill?e... Chapitre 7 Arnaud sorti alors sa queue puis se mit a se branler devant Alexia, qui ?tait ? genoux devant lui... Il prenait son sexe et caressait la joue d'Alex, elle ouvra la bouche mais Arnaud ne mit pas son sexe. Sans comprendre pourquoi Alex sentait cette chaleur entre ses jambes et une envie irr?sistible d'avoir quelque chose ? l'int?rieur, il commen?a ? se caresser le clito tout en etant compl?tement tremp?e... Puis il se dirigea vers Arnaud ? quatre pattes et dit alors: "Ta queue... je veux sucer ta queue!" dit Alexia compl?tement humili?e d'en ?tre r?duit la ? cause de leurs jeux... Arnaud se branla de plus en plus bel qui ?tait encore plus excit? de savoir que cette petite saloppe ?tait avant Alex ce gros macho virile et puissant... "Si tu veux me sucer bois cette potion Alexia, de toute fa?on as tu le choix?" Alexia r?fl?chit alors alors qu'elle etait en train de voir cette queue...que pouvait il lui arriver de pire? il etait deja une petite saloppe? il ne voyait pas trop qui pouvait lui arriver de pire, et de toute facon, il ne pouvait pas resister ? l'envie... "Cette potion me fera quoi?" demanda Alex en fisant le sexe d'Arnaud "Cela va te rendre plus jeune, 18 ans et 2 jours pour ?tre pr?cis... alors" Alex essaya de r?sister tant bien que mal mais vouloir sucer la queue d'Arnaud ?tait trop fort. Elle s'?x?cuta, ses traits devinrent encore plus fin et plus jeune. Ses seins devinrent plus fermes, plus doux... Elle devint m?me encore plus petite. Arnaud se branla de plus belle et rentra sa bite dans la bouche d'Alexia jusqu'? la gorge "Oh ?a m'excite tellement de savoir que la fille plus jeune qui me suce c'est toi Alex. Et tu sais quoi, je pourrais te prendre en levrette, mais pour ?a, il va falloir boire une autre autre potion. Tu te rappelles les blagues sur les blondes que tu faisais? tu vois o? je veux en venir?" Alex r?fl?chit encore moins cette fois-ci, le go?t de la bite d'Arnaud l'avait tellement excit? qu'il but d'une traite la potion... Bient?t la petite brunette devenait une petite blondinette platine. Il ne fallut que quelques secondes ? Arnaud pour passer sa bite ? la petite chatte d'Alexia. Il la bourrina sans m?nagement. "Tu sais Alexia, maintenant si tu veux que je continu, il va falloir que tu boives cette potion. Tu te rappelles ce que tu disais sur les filles de banlieue? et bah avec cette potion tu vas en devenir une, enfin une vraie caricature de banlieue" Alexia h?sita, elle pouvait encore rester une simple blonde... mais l'envie ?tait trop fort et elle but goulument la potion. Tout d'abord Alexia ne remarqua rien puis elle vit apparait des m?ches bleues et que ces cheveux devenaient blonde platine, un anneaux apparut sur son nez et un tatouage en forme d'?toie sur son ?paule gauche. Chapitre 8 Pendant ce temps l? dans la cuisine, Audrey entendit les bruits de 'sexe'. Au d?but elle entendait simplement Arnaud qui humiliait Alex. Elle entendait la petite voix d'Alexia qui suppliait de redevenir un homme mais maintenant elle n'entendait plus que des "han han han" tr?s f?minin. Puis... d'un coup elle entendit une voix diff?rente, toujours f?minine mais plus jeune puis... plus 'racaille' ou fille de banlieue. Audrey pouffa de rire. Elle d?cida de rentrer dans la pi?ce... elle vit tout d'abord Arnaud nu et seulement les jambes d'Alex d?passait... elle s'avan?a et vit toute la sc?ne. Elle ne put qu'escquisser un ?norme sourire. Devant elle, il n'y avait plus le riche et pr?tentieux Alex mais une blondasse d'? peine 18 ans qui jouissait comme une pute. Ses longs cheveux platines et ses m?ches bleues recouvraient son dos, ses fesses rebondissaient au rythme des coups de bite d'Arnaud. Audrey se pencha vers la jeunes Alexia. Alexia fut humili? et lacha instinctivement "vazy! kest'? regarder!" Avant de s'apercevoir de son phras?... Alexia commen?a ? pleurer. "Toujours excit?e la petite pute?" demanda Audrey "maintenant, si tu veux qu'Arnaud te laisser jouir, il va falloir boire cette derni?re potion. Cette potion va finir de fa?onner ta transformation, le principe c'est qu'elle va te rendre compl?ment superficielle, fan de strass et de pailette pas cher. Elle va aussi diminuer consid?rablement ta confiance en toi, assez pour que tu ne sois plus capable de commencer des projets ou r?ussir ta vie. Et enfin, elle va te pousser ? faire toujours les mauvais choix en mati?re de gar?on... tu vas toujours tomber amoureuse des sales types, des gros machos et aussi des bad boys qui vont trainent dans ton quartier, ceux qui te forcent ? les sucer dans le hall d'immeuble. " Alexia voulut r?sister, elle y arriva presque mais Audrey pris la bouche d'Alexia entre ses mains et glissa la potion entre ses jeunes l?vres pulpeuses. D'un coup Alexia sentit au fond d'elle que tout s'?croulait, elle baissa d'un coup le regard. Arnaud se retira de sa petite chatte puis approcha sa bite pr?s du visage d'Alexia puis explosa de plaisir ce qui se traduit par une gicl?e de sperme dans les cheveux, les yeux et la joue d'Alexia. Alexia prit alors conscience de sa position de petite banlieusarde nymphomane, timide et d?prav?e. Elle se releva et demanda timidement en regardant le sol "vouzall? me r'changer hein?" "Mais tu crois quoi petite souillon?" dit Audrey "Tu sais qui on est? tu oses encore nous parler!" Audrey tendit des v?tements ? Alexia qui commen?a ? pleurer et dont les larmes se m?langeait au sperme d'Arnaud. Elle lui tendit alors des vetements. Il s'agissaient de vetement d'ado, un haut rose playbo, un jeans fashion taille basse et des bottes Jennyfer puis lui dit: "Bon il me semble que tu en assez eu je trouve Alexia... Te voila ? pr?sent puni pour ton comportement de macho envers les femmes.... A pr?sent, tu vas me faire le plaisir de d?gager, je t'ai trouv? un petite studio dans la banlieue... j'espere que tu te feras pas trop "embeter" dans le m?tro en rentrant vu ton alure, l'heure et aussi les gens qui trainent ? cette heure ci. En m?me temps tu es le genre de bille qui aime ?a maintenant hein? les bons gros machos tu aimes?.. Allez a pr?sent habille toi et casse toi sale petite pouffe... Je vais continuer la soir?e avec Arnaud..." Alex s'habilla puis regarda Arnaud et sa femme le regardant d'un air satisfait... Le melange de sperme ainsi que les larmes qu'il avait de se retrouver dans une telle situation lui fit alors couler son maquillage dans les yeux puis s'en alla... FIN

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BrideChapter 10

The first thing she did on our return to the flat was to water and feed the tomatoes, then she went up to change out of those incredible trousers and into the only slightly less sexy denim mini skirt that I'd said I really liked. A light blue shirt with the top three buttons left undone contrasted beautifully with the short blonde hair and I told her she should've been a cover girl, She giggled but I could tell she was pleased, "I'm nipping out for a couple of minutes mum" an idea had...

2 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 17

Mom was waiting for me at the back door when I walked in. She asked, "Have you had a shower yet, Kyle?" "No, I haven't." "You need to be quick about getting cleaned up and dressed. We need to leave for church in ten minutes." I glanced at the kitchen clock. It said 8:38. "I thought I didn't need to be home until 9 in the morning," I said. "One of the ushers at church is sick. They called your father this morning and asked him to fill in. We need leave in ten minutes," Mom...

2 years ago
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Twin AngelsChapter 7

Very early in the morning, we fired up the radar, turned on the AIS, and warmed up the two diesel engines. We had backed “Wings” into the berth, so it was very easy for daddy to put her in gear and ease her out of the marina. Manila harbour is very busy, and like most everyplace in the Philippines, the boats and ships were in a terrible hurry. I kept watch on the bow, and Samantha kept watch astern, as we motored down the bay. We had headset walkie-talkies, so we could talk to daddy over the...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Jeromes black cock

The night before had been amazing and unforgettable.I awoke in early morning, with a severe headache shattering my brain.I was lying in the big couch of our living room. I looked around and saw Jerome lounging back on my favorite recliner, as he smoked one of my favorite cigars. He was staring at my naked wife, lying on the carpet.My still fuzzy eyes drifted down his black nude body, until I saw him stroking his hard dark cock lazily with his other hand. The guy was really massive.I understood...

2 years ago
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Mixed Marriage Part 2 of 2

They humped and they dumped. They kissed for some time, and finally Max removed his appendages from inside Hannah and lay beside her. He held her and their mixed cum seeped out of her and puddled on the bed.----After the bachelorette party, Ella and Carly were back at Carly’s place. And like Hannah and Max back at Hannah’s house, they talked about some private, personal, unexpected things.“I still can’t believe what we did,” Ella said.“Forget it. Just some wild, crazy fun. It doesn’t mean...

1 year ago
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An Affair To Remember

I was 17 when I graduated from highschool and I immidiately joined the navy to see the world free. Free indeed and 6 months therafter I was in a Philippine naval base in Subic to be stationed there after touring for days in Okinawa and Taiwan. I had girlfriends before but nothing was realy serious and like what all the soldier boys do at liberty, or off days, I have visited all the houses and nude clubs around the base. The girls there have gorgeous bodies but no offense intended almost all of...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 39 Jennifer

July 1980, Milford, Ohio We arrived at Jennifer’s house to find it empty. “Dad’s at work and Mom’s out shopping. She’ll be home for dinner.” “So, what did you have in mind? We have a lot to catch up on.” “Sex and talking! I prefer sex first! It’s been a year since I was with you last!” “I did promise to fuck you silly, if I recall correctly! In every possible way; and no hole left untouched.” “You did. But you know what? Right now, I just want you to make love to me. Like the very first...

3 years ago
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Caring for JulieChapter 1

It was a cold rainy night in early February. I had a fire going in the fireplace as it made things cozier with the foul weather. Around 2200 hrs, I heard the doorbell. Going over to the front door and turning on the porch light, I saw my neighbors daughter, Julie. She was standing there in the rain in her nightgown and was obviously VERY PREGNANT! Background Before I get too far into this, let me tell you who I am. My name is Jim Thompson. I am 6’-0” tall, 180 lbs, forty-seven years old,...

4 years ago
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My sph fetish comes true

Another story I found and loved...After a yr of being with my wife I confessed to her about my sph, she actually took to it very well and was glad I brought it up as she has always thought it was tiny and didn't know how to tell me, we often talk about it and situations where I would be stood naked in front of a bunch of her friends with them all pointing and laughing at my small cock on one of her girly nights, we would try and plan a night where that would happen but always chicken out. I...

2 years ago
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Black Bullies from High School Fuck My Wife

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head. My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average 62 year old married, white man at 6’ tall, 185 pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending himself. My wife Sheila is a 60 year old white...

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Fools Top

At different times before and during the summer, I had planted some cauliflower, broccoli, beetroot, onions, pees, rhubarb and various potatoes in a glasshouse on my mountain top. I had setup and calculated their respective growth cycle well. Already four wooden crates were filled with vegetables. The tomato plants were still giving generously and I plucked the ripe ones. With care I placed the crates on the platform to bring them down the mountain. Early tomorrow morning the platform would...

4 years ago
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In Plain Sight An Escorts Story

Let’s get a few things straight right from the start. This isn’t a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting where I’m going to stand up and tell everyone how many men I fucked and how much I love sex. It’s also not some ‘woe is me, everyone feel sorry for me’ story either. You see, I fully understand my decisions and even though you may not agree with them they’re my decisions. To be perfectly clear I’m not naive and I know how lucky I am to have navigated the potential pitfalls of the escort lifestyle....

2 years ago
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While The Man is Away

Ok so my man left the other day to work out of town for a week. I hate it when he goes out of town. I always get extremely horny while he is away. My man will be home tomorrow night sometime. All I want to do right now is suck his dick until he cums in my mouth. I how he tastes I almost can’t wait for him to come home. In some aspects I haven’t waited for him. I have these 3 dildos and vibrators that give me a little satisfaction while he is away. Sure the vibrators and dildos feel good and...

3 years ago
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The Story of Jack Foster

Hello, Jack Foster. I am your genie. Instead of staying the bland, unknown loser you've always been, you can be any one of these five people. I can do it for you. Just tell me what you want. One condition: I don't want you to waste this opportunity. So you've got a month to get laid. Good luck!

4 years ago
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Three Little Words0

Three Little Words When I first stuck my cock in my twelve-year-old sister’s mouth she said those three little words, “I love you.” When I first stuck my cock in my thirteen-year-old sister’s pussy she said those three little words, “I love you.” I only have the one sister and Peggy really does love me. She lets me use her any time that I want too and I really mean that. I would stick my cock in her mouth while she was sitting on the toilet. I would fuck her tight pussy while she...

2 years ago
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Hotel Gang Bang

The knock on the hotel door seemed innocuous enough, neither of the occupants of the room had any reason to suspect that it could be anything other than room service. Bill and Anne had travel overnight, catching the red eye from Fort Lauderdale to arrive at London Heathrow early in the morning. They had slept for an hour or two, trying to adjust to the six hour delay from continent to continent. Their two weeks doing Europe started in earnest, tomorrow, with a scheduled bus ride...

1 year ago
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Fucking my friends family

100% fiction! "hey man u coming over today to chill" "yeah man im on the bus now" i got off the phone to my mate i was heading to his place for the day when i got off i smiled and walked off to his house he didnt live far from the stop so when i got to his house i knocked waited and his mum answered wow she is the most hottest nice big tits probally DD she has the nice bad her husband left her once all three boys were born she hates him alot so thats why shes single "hey cassie" "heeey drake...

2 years ago
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Inside The monster stalked towards him. He knew he couldn’t get away this time. He was tired. He was hurting. He was backed into a corner. He looked up into it’s cold dead looking eyes in resignation. It wouldn’t be long now, he knew that, as he watched it raise it’s fist one last time to smack him down and make sure he never escaped again. The fist started to fall, and he flinched away, knowing it would hurt one last time. But the blow never fell. After a second he looked up to see a young...

3 years ago
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Pati Patani Aur Me

Hi..Everybody..I am amit..Aaja me aapa logoko 1 aanokhi aur mere satha huyi true story sunane ja raha hu..Please reply on my email id abot my story. To story start karta hu..Me puna me mere dosto ke satha 1 flate me rentpe reheta hu…Hamare samane wali flate me 1 couple reheta he mr. And miss. Joshi wo 7 salose shadisuda he but they have no child..Meri aur mr. Joshi ki aachi jan pehechan he to wo muze kabhi kabar gar chay nashatekeliye bula te he…Miss. Joshi bhi bahota aachi he..Wo hame bahota...

2 years ago
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Casual Massage To Colleague Turns Sensual

Hi guys, this is curvesaddict. Thanks for your feedback on my previous story. I had a few interesting conversations with the readers. Now, this incident happened a few weeks back and can’t wait to share it with you guys. I am Ram, 24, working as a graphic designer in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. The heroine of the story is a colleague of mine. She is an intern at my company for content writing. Her name is Helen (name changed). As I used to do the...

4 years ago
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Holiday Traditions

Thank you to Linda62953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. * Christmas didn’t mean much to me anymore, it will never be the same. I had lost my wife Mary, earlier this year. Even though it wasn’t unexpected, it still hurt like hell. After two years of chemo and dozens of trips to the doctor and stays in the hospital, Mary and I became closer. Like people have always said, ‘You don’t know what you have until you lose it’, and it really was true. We hadn’t gotten along...

2 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 30

Time marched on. The weekly visits from Amud and Bala resumed without further incident. Janey wore her collar occasionally, even skipping some weekends she was entitled to wear it. Her social life was picking back up and she was just too busy to be tied up all weekend, pun intended. Sally started getting back to normal, too. Thank God! Although I don't think Janey appreciated it. Getting back to normal meant that she now had time to focus on her daughter's life, not just her own...

3 years ago
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Happy Husband Father And Brother

Ye sari kahani 2005 se shuru hai Hello mera name veer age 25 hum himachal ke ek gaon mein rehtein hai mere ghar pe main, meri maa , mera bhai , meri behan aur mere pitaji rehte hain. Hum hindu jaat hain aur hamare paas 80 acer hain apne aur 80 acer mere chacha ji ke paas hai. Hum dono parivar alag rehte hain aur dono ke ghar sath sath hi hai. Unke ghar mein chacha, chachi aur unki beti rehtein hai. Humne sari zameen theke (rent) pe di hai iss liye mere chacha our papa ko koi kaam nahi hota ghar...

3 years ago
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Air Amazon

"AA-TSCD-4289 Three Seven Four requesting landing rights near Amazon tower." From an initial ground-view glance, an object with the appearance of a black-winged robot flew through the night sky. Upon closer inspection, however, one could clearly see it to be a high-tech battlesuit, if one's imagination had conceived of the thing before it zipped out of sight. The suit's size reflected that of a large, yet divine woman whose proportions matched those found in men's magazines throughout...

3 years ago
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A Spanking World

You wake up, surprised you fell asleep at all given your excitement. Today is the day you come of age! As a full adult you now have the authority - the responsibility really - to spank any girl you feel deserves it. You reflect as you're getting dressed. Are you ready for this responsibility? You certainly feel like you've been ready for a while. True, you're still living with your parents in your hometown, but you're making your own money and saving up for a place of your own. Life is...

2 years ago
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Outward BoundChapter 8

For the next hour, Susan was jumping on and off the express. She would walk around, reversing directions looking at the reflection in store windows. All the time worried that she was being followed. Sure that at any time, there would be a hand grabbing her shoulder. At one point, she considered heading to her quarters. But halfway there, she realized that would be the obvious place to be waiting for her. She felt that he was running out of time and was beginning to panic. She decided that...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Chudai Ke Bad Uski Gand Mari

Hello dosto ek bar phir mai sonu ap sabke samne ek bar phir hajir hu par pahle mai kuch ap logo ko apne bare mai batata hu jo mujhe nhi jante mai sonu ap sabka dosto chhattisgarh se hu meri height 5’6″ hai or mere lund ka size 6’5″ inch long n 2.5″ width hai or dekhne mai handsome Bhi hu or fair complexion hai or kisi bhi ladki aunty or widow female ko satisfied karne ki jasba bhi hai dosto ap sab ka feedback mujhe mila mai sach bolu to jyada mail mujhe nhi aaye par jitne bhi mail mujhe aaye un...

2 years ago
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Ethan and Chanel 35

After a painfully thorough internal debate, I find my balls and press 'send' to deliver my message. Can I see you tonight? I ask Chanel, knowing she's off modeling at the moment. I walk around my house smoking a joint while I wait to see what she says, and ten minutes later, my phone beeps. It's only been 24 hours... she replies, and knowing she's not eager to see me hurts. She's right, it's only been a day, and I know she thinks we need more time apart, but I disagree. I know, but it can't...

1 year ago
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Basic Training Part 1

The weekend came to an end and it was back to hard work again for our last week. Even though I past Mark, Pete, Joey, Ted, Alex and Brett. We kept our secret to our selves even though we did have a coy smile for each other when we passed in the barracks. By the time the day was over I at least was exhausted and only wanted to sleep and none of the guys woke me. It was not until Thursday night before Friday’s graduation in the afternoon I saw Mark alone in the barrack. I smiled as I saw him and...

3 years ago
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A Trip to the Country

Bradley was, in the opinion of Lady Carrington, the perfect butler. Proper, polite, and he ruled the staff with the iron fist that kept Lady Stirling's household in perfect order ever since the tragic death of her husband. Invisible until needed, the man could predict your every whim and satisfy it instantly. He appeared at her shoulder with the glass of ice water before even she had realized her throat was dry. The heat was oppressive in the drawing room on this August afternoon with its...

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Inga Comes to AmericaChapter 5

I helped her into the car and fastened her safety belt. Then I went around and got in on the driver's side. Before I started the car I reached over and pulled her top up, exposing her beautiful tits. I opened the garage door and headed back to the club where she had been photographed and gangbanged last night. I parked in front this time and after pulling her crop top back into place I led Inga to the door. It was locked and there was a big closed sign on the door. I had to knock and wait...

4 years ago
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Alice and Angela go Golfing 3

I was surprised to see Mark had left his BMW at home and was driving Linda's violet coloured Toyota but when I thought about it, I decided it was a better choice for two ladies heading off for a weekend. Mark concentrated on his driving until we were out on the Motorway then turned to me looking slightly embarrassed. "There's been a bit of a hitch with our accommodation." "How so?" I asked with a touch of concern. "Well the hotel rang me earlier this morning and told me that they...

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It was about mid-morning when Allie sidled into Wyatt’s cubicle. With casual poise, she leaned back against the edge of his desk beside him as he sat working. Regarding him with a deliberate eye, she waited for a moment before she finally addressed him with a curly grin, “Hey, you.”Wyatt, unswayed by her presence, tapped diligently on his keyboard, his glasses steadily reflecting the white glow of his monitor.Allie frowned, still grinning. So this is how he wanted to play today. She crossed her...

Oral Sex
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Hunt at the Club

Short skirt, crop top, hair pulled back, sportin’ deep red lips that sipped at my customized drink. I was feeling hot, and getting into the groove of the scene. My girlfriends surrounded me for the moment dancing in rhythm with the suggestive lyrics. Did I say I was wearing anything under my skirt? The heat of the bodies registered, the smells drifted around me, I was trying to find my prey. But in the chaos of the floor, there wasn’t much hope. Alcohol tainted the scent and I needed to...

2 years ago
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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 3 Surrender

Claire had been hoping that the turmoil in her mind would settle down now that it was over with, but instead she felt conflicted as ever. She tried to put it out of her head anyway, but she knew that sooner or later he would be hungry again and she would have to do something about it. Plus, she still didn't have any facts on his normal "feeding" behavior beyond the poorly detailed testimony of a traumatized college girl. What she needed was direct observation. She didn't want to demean...

3 years ago
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A Good Tounging

Friday 23rd September 2011 1.50pm.well, where do i start? 12 months ago, my wife and i were looking for a flatmate/boarder. a young woman (18yo) came to our place to look at the room. all was ok and she said that she would take it. we were fine with the idea but she left her job and never moved in. so that was it and we went about our normal lives. january of this year we split up and she moved out leaving me with this place. boarders/flatmates have come and gone and life went by just as i...

2 years ago
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Is it Really That BIG Fucked

Scott had to travel and work out of State for a few weeks and told me to "have a good time" while he was away. At 40 years of age and raising two teenagers, I was bored with my usual fuck-buddies and wondered if I still 'had the looks' to attract a younger hunk. I had been day-dreaming at work about a recent hire, Tim, who was single and handsome. Girl-talk around the employee lounge revealed that he had hit on several of the young women, and a few that had dated him said he had the "biggest...

3 years ago
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Internet Passions

You sit down in front of your computer, which has already logged into your favorite chat. Sipping on a soda, you read the unending lines of men hoping to get laid (cyber, of course) and the women constantly scoffing them. Suddenly, you get an IM from a (supposedly) female chatter. pearlygirly: hey, stud. nice pic virwildman: thanx. :D Curiosity overcomes you and you decide to check her profile to see if she has a pic. It comes up in less than a second and you almost choke. In the picture box is...

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The Post Production Party

Wendy used to meet up fairly regularly with a couple of fellow ‘schoolgirl’ actors who she’d shared digs with whilst filming. A little while ago one Wendy’s friends from that time, Emma, happened to bump into another actor, Pru, who was also in the two films and invited her along to meet Wendy and Mary at one of their get-togethers and the following story was divulged to them by Pru. Firstly she asked if the other girls had been at the end of production party on the second film. They all said...

4 years ago
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Entranced and Ensnared part 1 and 2

Chapter 1 "So as you can see, my life is a disaster." I told the woman sitting at the bar next to me, knowing I was a bit too intoxicated to be having a conversation with this gorgeous stranger, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I had just given her my recent life story like badly written exposition. About 3 months ago I'd lost my wife and our unborn child due to an inattentive doctor and I was not recovering by any means. I had poured out massive amounts of "Too Much...

4 years ago
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Streets Of Kolkata The Untold Story 8211 Part 2

“There’s a courier for Ms. Anita Chaterjee.” A short man with darker complexion, dressed in red colored pocketed T-shirt and black trousers. On the pocket of the t-shirt courier company’s name was imprinted. He stood on the doors of Chaterjee mansion, with a box wrapped up in plastic bag of a e-commerce store. Grandma stood on the other end of the door, peeling some potatoes and onions. She was also short of height, but the old age has shorten her more, with quite a lot wrinkles and white hair,...

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Baby Blue

She'll call herself Baby Blue when they're desperate for a name to moan. Stole it from a billboard ad along highway 70. Thinks it was the name for a zoo's newborn seal; bit like that song... Baby Beluga? Blue Jean Baby? Can't say for sure. Doesn't really matter. All that does is the power it seems to hold over men, especially those graying at the temples. They'll whisper it with beer breath, hand on her thigh. Baby Blue. Desperate for the tight gash they no longer get at home.  It’s not really...

3 years ago
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Jap panties

She was wearing a cute-looking sailor suit, and little white panties, which she seemed keen on showing us. She kept bending over and exposing her panties, smiling as she did so, until the audience was going wild. There were about twenty of us in the audience, all shouting her to take her clothes off, but all she was doing was tease us. Then she beckoned to some guy at the front to go on stage, which he did very happily! First she got him to lie on the floor, then she slowly lowered herself onto...

3 years ago
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Search for a fuckbuddy

This was it. The end. There was no going back, no stopping it, even if I wanted to, which I didn’t. My eyes had been screwed tight shut as I rushed headlong to the end, and I opened them to see it happen. With my foreskin flapping up and down around my helmet the moment of release came as the build-up of tension turned to ecstasy and the first dribble of cum appeared at the eye of my cock, and then whoosh – the first jet shot out of the end, to be followed by another before the first had...

2 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 10 Betty

Paul led her into their next class. It was history with Mrs. Brooks. The teacher began by announcing that today they were going to talk about slavery. "What does slavery make you think of?" she asked. She got the usual answer about slavery of Africans in the U.S. and slavery in the ancient world. "What about slavery in the modern world?" she asked. Most of the students didn't know. She continued by asking them what it meant to be a slave. Then she called on Jennifer. "Jennifer, come up...

3 years ago
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Three Virgins And Foursome Joy

Hi readers.. Thank you for finding my story which is not a past but present. Am 40 years old and am slim and fair complexioned guy. I don’t start my day without Yoga and exercise and follow a strict diet. From my teen, I have been a playboy, as out of experience I have learnt that am insatiable to females of all age limit. I have learnt almost every body language and most of the signs female can give to attract a man. But please be informed, all my encounters mostly are oral. I love to provoke...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Roxy Lips Ass Fucking Exploration

See hot teen Roxy Lips gets her ass rocked for the first time in this eXXXclusive premium porn Euro Teen Erotica scene. The naughty little Russian has been thinking about finally exploring anal with her man Oliver Stone, and well, today is his lucky day as he gets to penetrate her tight little puckered hole with his pecker and you get to watch it all happen in 4K. The slim framed brown-eyed babe had been in a deep state of contemplation whilst getting herself all turned on at the thought of her...

2 years ago
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The Journal of a filthy mother Do you want a little Sister

Your sister has always been a bit wild, but she seemed to settle down when she got married. Now however, she’s been divorced and left alone to raise her son. Things seemed rough but now, now something isn’t right. And so you’ve found yourself poking around her place while her son and her went on a trip to NYC, looking to see if your haunch was right. when you found her journal. With shaking hands you open the journal to the start and look at the date, it seems like she started writing a few...

2 years ago
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Anita takes a wild black gangbang

During the week end Ana and I had gone to attend a good rock concert out of town. We had got a nice comfortable hotel room downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white pearl dress that really showed off her tits and curvaceous body. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Aaliyah Hadid I Can Put My Fist In My Butthole

Aaliyah Hadid is an extremely hot and curvy ebony teen. Her tits are perfectly large, her ass bounces with ease, and her pussy is softer than cashmere. She also has quite the strong neck, making her the perfect receptacle for your long hard dick! For todays shoot, this self proclaimed little hoe bared all and rocked our producer’s cock into outer space and back! Seeing her black pussy get pounded was a spectacle, and watching her take a huge shot of cum to the face was just icing on this hot...

2 years ago
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Became my neighbours toy PART 3

I've been busy with work this week so its been ages since I could upload another post.25/07/14 - Last FridayA (my neighbour)P (my partner)J (neighbours wife)My neighbour and his wife invited my partner and myself around for a barbeque since the weather was nice. Everything went as normal (except for A brushing up against my ass a few times), that was up until after we ate and J and P sat on the decking chatting while me and A sat in his shed to have a few beers (he converted it into a day type...

3 years ago
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Tired. Stone-tired, bone-weary, a long week behind me and what I hope will be a relaxing weekend ahead, I lock the car; draping my worn garment bag over my shoulder I leave the carport area. Crossing the yard, skirting the pool and the rows of chaise lounges lined up neatly on the pool deck as I head to our condo, I can’t help but appreciate the special beauty of the night despite my exhaustion. Peaceful. Cool and mild, the full moon huge above lighting everything like mid-day. I'm alone in...

Straight Sex
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The Hotel Weekend Pt 03

You notice some minor movement as you sleep. Stirring occasionally. Lifting your head, realising I’m not there and falling deep asleep again. Your body is sore. In dire need of rest to carry on with the weekend ahead. I let you sleep for an hour, then kneeling next to you and stroking your hair, you wake up smiling. Able to smell something. Food. Ravenous at the thought of food we sit and feast and drink the rest of that champagne and then another. You rapidly perk up, getting more flirty and...

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