B?atrice : Engagement free porn video

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B?atrice : Engagement

L'action se situe en suite directe du 3e chapitre de B?atrice : les d?buts

Chapitre 1 : Premiere rencontre, la demeure

Finalement, ce n'est pas une partie de plaisir de conduire completement nue ! La p?dale d'acc?l?ration ?a va encore mais les deux

autres, elles sont dures ! D'un autre cot?, cela m'empeche de penser constamment ? ma peur de croiser quelqu'un et qu'il me voit

ainsi, surtout une patrouille de gendarmerie, cela ne m'amuserait pas du tout ! Autre probl?me, c'est mon si?ge ! Si mon anus remplit

bien son office, pour mon vagin, c'est impossible et le sperme de mon maitre est en train de tacher mon fauteuil ! Ce sera toujours

la honte pour moi si je n'arrive pas ? avoir cette tache, je me souviendrai tout le temps de notre premi?re fois sur ce parking de


Tout ? coup la voiture de mon maitre s'arrete avec les warnings, je suis oblig?e de piler et me fais un peu mal aux pieds, je peste

int?rieurement. Je le vois descendre et approcher de moi d'un pas d?cid?. Ma porti?re s'ouvre me rappelant qu'il fait bien plus frais

dehors qu'? l'abris dans l'habitacle.

- Descends !

Je m'empresse de sortir nue debout sur le bitume.

- Au pied !

Je fr?mis inqui?te mais je pr?f?re ne pas le provoquer en cet endroit et me mets vite ? 4 pattes. Je le vois sourire satisfait.

Il se penche ? l'int?rieur de ma voiture et coupe le contact puis referme la porte avant de verrouiller mon v?hicule sur la voie de

droite au milieu de nulle part.

- Tu vas filer dans les herbes ? l'abri et m'attendre compris la chienne ? je serai de retour d'ici 10 mn pas plus ! Tu as compris

ma petite ? toi aller dans l'herbe ! toi te cacher et attendre moi !

Je rougis de honte de l'entendre me parler comme cela, comme si j'avais du mal ? comprendre ce qu'il me dit. Tout ? coup, je pousse

un cri de douleur, surprise par une grosse claque sur mes fesses.

- Allez file fifille ! file !

Je m'empresse de descendre ? 4 pattes dans le foss? pour gagner le champs proche de ma voiture et m'allonger dans les bl?s.

Je me choisis un coin d'o? je peux surveiller la route. Je vois mon maitre remonter dans sa voiture et celle-ci s'?loigne au loin,

rapidement, me laissant seule dans ce champs avec ma voiture ferm?e sous mon nez. Jamais je ne me serais attendue ? cela !

Qu'est ce qui peut bien lui avoir pris ! Le temps passe tr?s lentement quand on attend ainsi sans bouger. Et si encore il n'y

avait que cela ! Comme je ne bouge pas et ne fais aucun bruit, la nature au lieu d'etre calme est devenue tr?s agit?e, un vrai

concert, mais pas du tout symphonique ! Je sursaute sans cesse au moindre bruit approchant, moi qui ai horreur des guepes, plusieurs

ne sont pas pass? loin de moi, et nue je me sens tres vuln?rable ! Et quand les bruits sont plus forts, je panique compl?tement !

Je me dis qu'il doit y avoir des mulots dans ce champs et c'est bien la derni?re chose que j'ai envie de voir venir ? moi !

De ce fait, je commence ? bouger et ? faire moi-m?me un peu de bruit en me disant que cela ?loignera surement les betes craintives.

Comme elles ne peuvent pas savoir que je suis plus craintive qu'elles, ce sera toujours cela de gagn? !

Un petit bruit me ravit alors, jamais je n'avais imagin? jusqu'ici que je serai heureuse un jour d'entendre une sonnette de v?lo.

Mon maitre est de retour ! je file vite au pied sur la route, il ouvre ma voiture et plie son v?lo pour le mettre dans le coffre.

Je me demande pourquoi il fait tout cela ! Il approche de moi et me m?lange les cheveux sur le crane en me caressant la tete.

- Je t'ai adopt?e en tant qu'esclave ma petite. Maintenant, il va falloir que j'adopte la chienne !

Je le regarde les yeux ronds inquiete, me demandant ce qu'il veut dire.

- Tu vois cette route ?

Comment ne pas la voir, je suis nue ? 4 pattes sur le bitume de cette route, il faudrait que je sois aveugle ! Nos chiens doivent

nous trouver vraiment idiots !

- Tu vas avancer sur elle ? 4 pattes en bonne chienne, je ne te dis pas la distance mais cela fait 10 mn pour un aller retour

voiture plus v?lo.

Je vois un petit sourire sur son visage quand il me dit cela et qu'il me voit en train d'essayer de calculer combien de temps

il va me falloir pour y aller ? 4 pattes.

- Le premier portail que tu verras sur ta gauche est celui de ma r?sidence, il te suffira alors d'attirer mon attention en bonne

chienne errante pour essayer de te faire adopter par moi !

Je l'ecoute effar?e tout en continuant d'essayer d'estimer mon temps de trajet. Je me dis que je n'ai pas fini de sauter dans le

foss? si cette route est aussi passante que celle du parking de notre rencontre. Mais tout ? coup la lumi?re se fait dans mon

petit cerveau ! Quelle idiote je suis ! C'est si simple pour ce trajet ! Je finis par me dire que je suis vraiment bete !

Pourquoi calculer un temps de trajet ? 4 pattes ? partir de ses indications, je n'ai pas de montre pour faire mon trajet! Je

ne saurai jamais combien de temps se sera ?coul? !

Mon maitre voit l'?tincelle dans mes yeux et rit !

- Bien ma petite, tu as compris qu'il ne fallait pas te torturer l'esprit inutilement ! la seule chose importante je te l'ai dite :

le premier portail ? gauche !

Et riant encore, je le vois s'installer au volant de ma voiture et disparaitre ? l'horizon. J'ai du mal ? y croire ! Je suis nue,

abandonn?e sur une route de campagne, et devant cheminer ? 4 pattes !

Je me dis autant ne pas trainer, pas envie que l'on me voit ainsi et je file sur la route sans oser quitter ma position, de

peur que mon maitre ne me guette de loin. A peine ai je fait une cinquantaine de m?tres que je me dis que le bitume et moi, nous

n'allons pas etre de bons amis ! Cela m'irrite les mains, les genoux et mes orteils ! je file vite dans l'herbe sur le cot?,

au diable les insectes ! il me faut vaincre mon arachnophobie !

Comble du bonheur, apr?s quelques minutes de trajet, il me faut escalader le talus de l'autre cot? du foss? ? toute vitesse et

j'ai tout juste le temps de m'aplatir au sol dans les hautes herbes pour ?viter qu'une voiture venant dans mon sens ne me voit.

Je suis toute contente de me relever sans souffrance, en voyant une magnifique ortie me narguer ? quelques centim?tres de mon nez!

Je ne suis vraiment pas une fille de la campagne ! Encore moins une chienne de ferme on dirait !

Je reprends mon p?riple, digne des chevaliers de la table ronde ! Finalement eux, ils n'avaient aucun m?rite, ? cheval, avec

des gens pour les servir ! J'aurai bien aim? les voir nus dans la campagne ? 4 pattes ! ils auraient moins faits les fiers !

N'est pas le plus courageux celui que l'on croit finalement !

J'arrive enfin en vue d'un portail, j'ai completement perdu la notion du temps ! Juste eu le temps de croiser 2 autres voitures !

Heureusement, j'ai r?ussi ? chaque fois ? me cacher bien que ce fut juste, ayant pris plus de pr?cautions avant de m'allonger

quelque part que la premiere fois. Mais bon manque de chance, le portail n'est pas du bon cot? de la route. Je m'aplatis le plus

possible pour le passer sans etre vue des habitants des lieux et me dis que je ne vais jamais arriver ? bon port !

Quelle est longue cette route ! Mais peu de temps apr?s, c'est le bonheur, je vois une belle r?sidence dans les hauteurs sur

la gauche, cercl?e d'un mur assez haut mais ne pouvant la cacher avec le d?nivel? du terrain et enfin un portail ? gauche !

Enfin, la fin de cette route de cauchemar ! Je me pr?cipite au portail compos? deux belles grilles et je vois en haut sur le cot? de la

maison mon maitre, en terrasse, en train de boire un verre bien install? dans un transat !

Je regarde la sonnette et me dis que si je l'utilise, il saura que je me suis lev?e et donc ce sera mauvais pour moi !

Pas d'autre solution, je me mets ? aboyer le plus fort possible, alternant les WOUA WOUA et les WOUF WOUF !

Je m'epoumone mais cela reste sans effet malgr? mes efforts!

Je peste et commence ? perdre espoir, j'esp?re qu'il n'y avait pas un temps limite pour moi venir et que je n'ai pas ?chou?!

Apr?s avoir r?fl?chi un peu, je me d?cide ? longer le mur pour en faire le tour, sur le petit chemin qui le longe. Je me dis

que cela me rapprochera peut etre de sa terrasse et que je pourrais peut etre enfin attirer son attention.

Cette fois, ce sont les morceaux de pierre calcaire qui m'horripilent et avec lesquelles je ne suis plus du tout amie !

Rien n'est fait pour les petites chiennes comme moi dans ce pays ! J'esp?re que les animaux sont bien prot?g?es au niveau de leurs

pattes ! Je finis par arriver au premier coin du mur et je vois avec bonheur que le chemin continue le long du mur, une fois le

virage pris. J'avance encore un peu lorsque j'entends du bruit dans les taillis. Je me fige effray?e, on dirait qu'il s'agit d'une

grosse bete. Je prie pour qu'elle passe ? l'?cart et ne vienne pas dans ma direction. Tous mes sens sont en ?veil, la tension

s'est empar?e totalement de moi et je hurle quand tout ? coup je me retrouve nez ? nez ou plut?t nez ? museau avec un gros danois!

J'ai toujours ?t? impressionn?e par ce genre de chien mais vu de la position ? 4 pattes, je peux vous dire que c'est infiniment

plus effrayant ! Je panique et fais un mouvement en arri?re pr?te ? me relever pour m'?loigner de lui.

- Pas bouger ! Sage ma fifille !

Je vois alors mon maitre qui approche devant moi, derri?re le danois, venant de gagner le chemin par une petite porte situ? dans

son mur de cloture.

- Il n'est pas m?chant, c'est le chien de mes voisins, si tu te releves, tu rentres chez toi compris !

- Oui maitre mais il me fait peur !

- Allons allons ! C'est un de tes cong?n?res, il va falloir t'habituer ? eux tu sais ! Tu es un peu sauvage on dirait !

Le danois passe derri?re moi et me renifle les fesses. Je suis bien ouverte de par ma position et je n'ose pas bouger par peur

qu'il me morde. Je sens alors horrifi?e sa langue qui passe sur mes levres et m'ouvre le sexe.

- Pas bouger ! Il est en train de t'?valuer pour savoir si tu es montable par lui !

Je l'?coute horrifi?e, je me dis qu'il ne veut tout de m?me pas dire qu'il me prend pour une femelle.

Je crie ? nouveau alors qu'il me prend les hanches entre ses pattes avant, me coincant bien et montant sur mon dos.

Je n'ai pas le temps de r?agir que d?j? je sens un bout chaud se positionner entre mes levres et alors que j'allais supplier

mon maitre de l'?loigner de moi, je sens sa queue glisser en moi, s'allongeant et grossissant dans mon vagin, m'emplissant en

trois petites pouss?es. Je suis morte de honte, humili?e, prise par le danois sur ce chemin devant mon maitre.

Il semble lui tres heureux de me voir ainsi prise, quel salaud ! Jamais nous n'avions parl? de cela !

Je peste contre moi pendant qu'il me prend, jamais je n'aurai du etre si faible, j'aurai du me relever ! Et encore, est ce que

cela aurait servi ? quelque chose, je suis nue et pieds nus surtout, je n'aurais jamais r?ussi ? aller plus vite que ce chien et

cela n'aurait fait que retarder les choses et les rendre peut-etre encore plus douloureuse !

Je le sens qui gonfle en moi, une esp?ce d'?norme boule qui se forme dans mon vagin, ? son entr?e. Le danois continue de me pilonner

et je m'entends g?mir malgr? moi. Je rougis humili?e, je suis en train d'?prouver du plaisir avec cette bete ! Qu'est ce qui

m'arrive ! Il pousse encore plus en moi et me pilonne ! Ses jets de sperme en moi me surprennent et d?clenche mon plaisir !

Je jouis sous lui alors que son sperme trop abondant sort de mon vagin pour couler au sol ! Je suis sans voix ! Sous le choc de

ce qui m'arrive et de ce plaisir intense qu'un simple chien m'a donn? !

Il tire d'un coup pour sortir de moi et s'avance vers mon maitre. Je fixe alors ?bahie sa queue, longue et pointue, et cette boule

?norme ? sa base. Je comprends pourquoi il m'a fait tant d'effet ! Je rougis encore plus en voyant ce sexe qui vient de me faire

jouir. Mon maitre, amus?, lui caresse la tete.

- Bon toutou ?a oui! Tu as bien aim? mon beau ? La chienne t'a donn? du plaisir Val?re ? Allez file, rentre chez toi !

Il lui tapote la croupe indiquant une direction et le chien disparait, retournant chez lui. Il s'approche de moi et s'accroupit.

- Je ne savais pas que tu etais en chaleur fifille ! Tu te tapes toujours le premier chien que tu vois ?

- Ho non non jamais maitre, jamais je n'ai fait cela ! je vous le jure !

Il me caresse la tete et le dos comme ? une simple chienne.

- Je te crois fifille ! Sinon tu me l'aurais dit ! Je suis fier de toi ! Je t'adopte comme chienne aussi ! Allez suis-moi!

J'avance soumise ? 4 pattes derri?re lui, soulag?e d'etre enfin adopt?e. Il referme la porte derri?re moi et je me retrouve dans

une pelouse, un peu sauvage mais qu'est ce que c'est agr?able apr?s la route et le chemin. Mes genoux et mains appr?cient ce

changement. Je remonte derri?re mon maitre vers la terrasse, regardant r?guli?rement sur ma droite avec angoisse. La mont?e me

rend de plus en plus visible de la route. Cela ne semble pas du tout etre un probl?me pour mon maitre, mais comme il me l'a d?j?

dit, c'est moi qui suis nue pas lui! On oblique sur l'arri?re de la maison et je ne me fais pas prier pour aller dans cette direction.

Fin de ma peur d'etre vue par un passant et puis je suis curieuse et me demande ce qu'il y a de ce cot?.

Ma curiosit? ?tant la plus forte, je passe meme devant mon maitre. Je d?couvre alors avec plaisir une piscine avec une petite chute

d'eau ? une de ses extr?mit?s. Tr?s jolie !  et une vaste terrasse carrel?e couleur jaune, c'est vraiment tres beau, avec quelques

arbres pour apporter un peu d'ombre. Dommage qu'il fasse si frais, pas possible de se baigner en cette saison !


Je pousse un cri surprise dans ma contemplation, je suis glac?e et d?goulinante d'eau froide ! Je tremble et me secoue pour essayer

de me d?barrasser de cette eau. Mon maitre a ouvert un robinet et est en train de m'arroser avec son jet !

- Il faut bien que je te nettoie apr?s ta saillie ma petite ! Allez tends ta croupe et vite !

J'h?site un peu, c'est si froid mais je sens alors une terrible douleur embraser mes reins ! Un coup de martinet brutal vient de

heurter mes fesses et ma chatte ! Je me tourne rapidement croupe offerte au jet terroris?e et je crie de nouveau ! Un second coup

de martinet vient de tomber sur ma croupe ouverte me martyrisant mes levres ! Je pleure sous le choc et sens beaucoup le froid du

jet qui me fouille et me nettoie. Je hurle quand il enfonce le bout du tuyau dans mon vagin et l'y laisse une bonne minute pour

nettoyer mon vagin. Je suis tremblante quand enfin le jet cesse.

- Roule toi l? dessus pour te s?cher ma petite !

Mon maitre me montre une vieille serviette qu'il a jet? ? terre mais je me garde bien de faire la difficile et me frotte vite

dessus, me mettant en boule dans la serviette pour me rechauffer.

Mon maitre s'accroupit alors et m'attrape la tete. Sa bouche se pose sur la mienne et sa langue se met ? fouiller ma cavit? buccale,

je lie ma langue ? la sienne et me redresse me love contre lui pour un long baiser.

Il me caresse le dos, la croupe, taquine mes tetons tout en continuant notre baiser et je fonds litt?ralement pour lui.

- Je crois que je vais te garder tr?s tr?s longtemps ma petite !

- J'en serai tr?s heureuse maitre !

Et en plus je le pense vraiment ! Nous ne sommes que samedi midi mais j'ai d?j? v?cu avec lui bien plus de moments forts que dans

le reste de ma vie, courte, mais tout de m?me !

- Allez ma belle, il est temps de manger ! Je veux avoir mon esclave pour me servir et d?jeuner avec elle !

Je me redresse aid?e par lui, toute contente, la faim commen?ant ? me tenailler l'estomac et heureuse de cette invitation ?

d?jeuner de mon maitre.

A suivre...

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The Naked CraneChapter 4 Return Engagement

While I walked silently toward the breaking waves with my new friend, I was surprised by the emptiness of our stretch of beach. In fact, I considered it luck, that during our fun little romp on the towels behind us, no one happened by. I was so involved with the moment that I neglect to keep track of who was coming and going along the beach. That can be dangerous out here if you don't want to se your name in the police blotter of the local paper for indecent exposure. But now as I looked,...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 12 Rules of Engagement

The five young women sat at an outside table at a nice restaurant in downtown Sarasota named Maurice’s: Edie, Kat, Amber, and their new friends Crystal and Melody. They were more upscale than the restaurant, and their looks and demeanor captivated the attention of everyone that walked by. Each of the girls had ordered a salad. There was some talk about the summer jobs that the latter two girls had taken: Crystal as a part-time waitress during the dinner shift at TGIFridays restaurant, and...

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PalimpsestChapter 25 Engagement

Everyone asked came to see the debuts of Debra and Laura. Mary and L after two days in bed making delicious love and creating Mary's new destiny, Marianne after working solo for a change and accumulating clientele, Margie relaxing and fattening up and studying the internet about education and doing some writing at her father's log cabin taking the train into town and being picked up at Union Station by Marta, joined Roger, Joe, Marta and the two performers at Choice. Of all the amateurs,...

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John N JulieChapter 6 No Prior Engagements

Julie: On the way to the downtown stores, John's cell phone rang and he answered it. "Yah. What? Those idiot cops towed the car off?" He turned to me and said, "Just now, the cops impounded your car. That was about the worst mistake they ever made in their miserable lives. We'll look at rings and then I am going to do something I have never done in my life." It scared me, when he made such a bald statement. Before he could tell me what, the cab driver turned his head and said, "Hey,...

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PalimpsestChapter 29 Engagements

"You're amazing L," said Danny outside the restaurant. "I like you too, Danny." "Could we continue this evening?" "Are you married," L teased. "I divorced the greedy bitch before ... the inheritance happened. I swear she wanted to bump him off after sweet talking him in his hospital bed. Unbelievable! My uncle whispered to me I should dump the bitch. He wouldn't provide for either of us. I told him I planned to after her demonstration, but not for the money. 'Do it for the...

2 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 18 Naval Engagements

The arrival of the City of Bangkok was more than just an opportunity for hilarity at the name; for Samantha, it was a chance to check out her station in the new Planetary Control Centre, hidden deep under an otherwise anonymous Martello some distance from Camp Shackleton. No sooner had the young Civil Service cadet taken her station than the controller reported six contacts. Pinging the IFF quickly revealed not only the anticipated CSS City of Bangkok, but also brand-new Patrician corvettes...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 22 Holiday Engagements

Dave heard the slow flying jet and looked up from where he was reading on the patio. He saw the distinctive design on the tail fin and recognized the plane as an Atlantic Airlines Boeing 777. Given the low altitude and size of the plane, it looked like it was crawling across the sky. The aircraft radio for the patio crackled, “Circle Airport, Atlantic Airlines Flight 2, Salt Lake City to Raleigh to Sarasota is overhead. Crew will report in later.” Dave laughed. He recognized Ken’s...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Ex Who Became Engaged

We both knew about this and wanted to have some fun before marriage and there we were happily fucking around. One fine evening we both we out on a drive in my car and she got a call from her mom saying that a boy’s family is coming to see her the next day and that she should take off from work.She was ok with that and hung up the call and she told me the same and said she wanted to have sex with me before her meeting the boy. It was already 10 pm and so it was difficuilt to find a place for us...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 25 Dutch gets engaged

Later that same evening Dutch managed to get Rosa alone. Kathy had been pestering him to let her sit on his lap while perusing the computer and as much as he loved the idea of her ripe body astride his lap and his erection, he had more important business to conduct. And so at the risk of hurting her feelings he ordered Kathy out of the "office" and after she had slouched on out, mouthing silent protests he and Rosa were alone at last. "Didn't want her rubbing herself all over you did...

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Elizabeths Story Chapter 8 I get engaged

I arrived on the west coast campus as a scared and naïve freshman in August 2012. UCLA had offered me a full academic scholarship, so my choice of where to attend school was relatively easy.In many ways, I was a bit of an enigma. I was not a virgin, but had only been intimate with one boy, my stepbrother. My relationship with Gary was deeply emotional and complex. You may recall from the previous seven chapters, that my family went through a very rough stretch following the death of my...

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Rob ran past the fountain in the courtyard and pressed himself into the building's entrance to get out of the rain. He found her name immediately, an apartment on the second floor. He pressed the button and waited, hoping. Just before he was about to press again he heard her voice. He recognized it at once, even through the tinny intercom. "Oui?" she said. "Qui est-ce?" "Uh, it's me, Rob. Rob Burton." "Rob - Robbie? My little Robbie?" Rob blushed. "Well, yeah, but I'm not, you...

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VictimVictorianChapter 8 Otherwise Engaged

"Beatrice Dalrymple, just what do you think you are you doing to that poor young man?" Eleanor demanded from the doorway. Corky's prick was still pulsing inside Beatrice's bottom, having just deposited his tribute therein. Beatrice, for her part, was forestalled from her imminent climax by her mother's exquisitely ill-timed interruption. Corky fought down the urge to scramble for cover, and remained in place atop (and within) his paramour. Though the doorway was behind him, his mental...

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A New BeginningChapter 5 Day Two An Arrogant Puppy a Lesson a Deal for a Ghost and the Farm

The next morning was overcast as I stretched by one of the practice rings. Sam and Cat had decided to try and sleep in. I thought about some of the things I had done before coming here. One of the things I missed was the weekend trips to the gun range. My dad had started me on them when I was ten. I shot everything from pistols to hunting rifles. I had even designed modified rifles and pistols last year chambered for caseless ammo I had also designed. I had even competed in a long range...

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Irish Curse 4

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Four He was dying to take a break as he headed back to the room, instantly receiving some hugs from the girls as he entered. "We were all so worried," said April hugging him again. "So glad you're back, Kell." "Devin texted us a few pictures." Hannah flipped around her phone. "I guess Miss Sanchez was more pissed than we thought?" "Ya think," said Walter, tossing up his hands and then sitting down. "I'm so...

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The Unexpected Anniversary Gift Part 2

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit...

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A Day With Home Nurse In My Home

Hi, this is Raja again. Am 25years old boy. My native is erode & working in Coimbatore. Last year my father has a stroke attack & under treatment. So we appointed a home nurse to take care of him. Her name is kalaiarasi from southern part of Tamilnadu. Her age is 24. I hired her through a home service providing agency. I ask them to send kalai to my home & I direct the way to my home through phone itself and she will be stay in my home. I will go to my home on Saturday & Sunday. She is good...

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godess sarita 7 urethral

it was a long week with mistress sara and goddess sarita came home at a early flight and picked me up on her way home.. goddess was too tired from the long journey she sat on the sofa I was kneeling infront I undo her shoes then had to liks her feet covered in sweat as she was too tired I was told to clean the house and she went off to sleep.. I did as she said cleaned the home made lunch unpacked her luggage and putted the dirty coltes for laundry .. when I was done I was kneeling beside the...

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Sex Life of an Electron

by Eddy CurrentOne night, when his charge was pretty high, Micro Farad decided to try toget a cute little coil to let him discharge. He picked up Millie Amp andtook her for a ride on his megacycle. They rode across the wheatstonebridge around by the sine wave and stopped in a magnetic field by a flowingcurrent.Micro Farad, attracted by Millie's characteristic curves, soon had hisresistance at a minimum and his field fully excited. He laid her on theground potential, raised her frequency,...

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The Masked Scorpio

It was a bold plan, and not one without any danger. Evil Master Ogreon had moved his HQ to an unknown location and was preparing a major attack against Island force for whom he had kept both his whereabouts and the contents of his plan a secret.It was only by mere coincidence Scooby had overheard a conversation between two of Master Ogreon's accomplices, being drunk in a bar and bragging about "a big big action against Island force on September the 3rd". That day was tomorrow, so Island force...

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ShesNew Jeni Juice An All Dick Diet

When a cute redhead like Jeni Juice walks through the door and gives you that special seductive look, it is safe to assume she likes to suck dick. In fact, Jeni would be the first one to tell you that there is nothing likea hard cock down her throat. That explains why she looks so happy slobbering and stroking our studs cock. She gets so horny that she has to climb on top and go for a sensual cock ride. Her ass looks super sexy as she bounces up and down on our studs prick, letting her pussy...

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Kate Gets a Puppy

Introduction: During the past week, Kate had begun noticing the same dog every day as she took her morning run. It was an English Mastiff, and one of the largest shed ever seen. Based on her observances as she jogged by, it stood nearly a meter in height and had to weigh more than 100 kg. Kate Gets a Puppy Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as...

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Karsten gegen die Frauen

Karsten Jürgens war verzweifelt. Seine Frau hatte ihn verlassen und ihren gemeinsamen dreijährigen Sohn mitgenommen. Fast zwei Wochen hatte er kein Lebenszeichen vernommen, bis dann das Schreiben von ihrer Anwältin kam. 1.100 € Unterhalt wollte sie für sich und das Kind. Doch woher sollte Karsten das Geld nehmen. Er verdiente gerade mal 2.000 € netto als Elektriker und davon verwendete er schon 400 € im Monat um die Raten für seinen Audi abzubezahlen. Und den würde er nicht wiederverkaufen,...

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Natalie Portman packs a surprise in his fantasy

Eager to relax after a hard night of work, I laid down on my couch, closing my eyes as I slipped my hand down my pants..."Hey sexy. Didn't I just see you yesterday?"I glanced up and watched as Natalie Portman came walking out of my bedroom and into the living room. I smiled. Somehow, despite her extremely busy filming schedule, and the time spent with her husband and their baby boy, the actress always made time for me. As usual, she looked as though she'd just stepped out of some extremely...

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Play Date

Diane, my wife, and I have developed a very liberal attitude about sex. After a couple of years of marriage she had lost most of her inhibitions and now enjoyed sex and showing off her body. Sometimes she was even willing to share herself for me. We had started with a longtime friend of mine who had always had an eye for her. She had protested but later admitted that she had secretly been hoping to do a threesome with Gary and me. We had converted one of the spare bedrooms into a playroom...

3 years ago
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Helping the Neighbor

Just recently I was home for break, a chance to ease my mind and enjoy the days off. It was Monday morning around 10:30am when I received a call from Mrs. O, my neighbor. Mrs. O had called looking for me to help her out with hanging a big mirror on her wall and that she needed someone strong to do it. Me being such a nice guy, I agreed to go over and help her out for a little while. Now as an inside scoop, Mrs. O is this gorgeous blonde, has a great body, and has the sweetest personality. She...

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A couple of months after my seventeenth birthday, I discovered three things. The first was that I am a lesbian; the second was that I have an eager appetite for sex – I’ll spread my legs for almost any woman, any time; the third was not just that I am a slut, but a bondage slut – that I get my biggest thrills from being tied up and taken by another woman (better still, by women in the plural). The first was not a great surprise, but the other two were! This is how it all happened. I...

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Nature Girl

Naturuum was displeased. You probably don't know who Naturuum is. This was also displeasing. From the beginning of time, Naturuum had been seeking purpose. A creation here, an inspiration there. And then, suddenly, a bright idea came to her celestial mind. LIFE! NATURE! What a notion! So, she moved around the cosmos in quick haste seeding worlds in her image. And she committed herself to a very strict code: that her creation should be her first and greatest priority and celebration, and she...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Jezabel Vessir Third Appearance

Jezabel Vessir is one horny girl. Just look at her! She’s in her front room, making booty call after booty call, hoping for one of her white boys to swing by to rail her tight, pink cunt while manhandling her all-natural Double-D’s! After the booty call fails (after all, it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon!), Jez just sends out a mass text message. It’s easier to catch some fish if you throw out a net…right? Her only problem? She didn’t catch one or two or...

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Lessons in Love Ch 04

Igor accompanied Anne part of the way back to the house, carrying her picnic basket for her. Anne was feeling rather tired after the intense exertion a little while ago. They had rested for about 2 hours by the pool, enjoying each other’s silent company after their private interaction. Igor sent off Victor on a task before coming with Anne. ‘So, you like what we do for you?’ he queried on the way. ‘Yes, I can’t believe that my body was capable of such intense emotions. Thank you Igor.’ ‘You...

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My First Time In Panties Thanks sis Part 1

This is a true story so it wont be he usual lots of dirty sex stuff. I just find true stories more erotic but thats me. I lived alone with my mom and sister. She was very pretty was my sister, blonde, blue eyes not fat but not skinny either, just a enough curves and meat if you know what i mean. I was a always a horny young man. When my s*s and mom were away i would sneak into my sisters room and go through her panty drawers. She had an assorment of cotton and nylon panties mostly bikini cut....

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The one I call my love

Hi my name is Louie; please forgive me for this is my first story. Let me know what you think. It all started about 2 and half weeks ago. I had gotten off work like I normally do; mind you I’m in the army. I’m 23 years old 6ft 1 weighing in around 190, well built, brown hair and eyes, and an average size cock 7 1/2 inches. Well anyways I had come home and got on Lush like I usual do and started reading a masturbation story. Right away my dick hardened so I decided to lock my door and I took off...

Love Stories
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 22

I looked at Cal open-mouthed. Her. My brother. What the fuck was going on? “Cal,” I blurted out, “why?” Then I ran. I bolted for the door and was through it and off down the drive, running. I didn’t know where I was headed, I didn’t care where I was headed, I just ran. I ran for ten minutes, thirty, an hour I have no idea how far or how long I ran, then it stopped. I felt a sudden searing pain in my left side and the world went black. There was a light, bright, very bright, a long way...

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Enzo dog against

This fiction recalls a series of intensely erotic encounters unfolding at an impressionable age, which opened my mind (and body) to a much wider range of sensual-sexual possibilities than most people (myself included) would have thought I was capable of. At the time, I nearly lost myself in sexual addiction, but managed eventually to get out of that trap without suffering from guilts or complexes, and in doing so, I learnt a great deal about myself and gained a huge amount of self-confidence...

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Duffle Lust

The Greyhound waiting room was already full when Lucy arrived to catch her coach. She was 23 years old, somewhat taller than average, with shoulder-length blonde hair tied into a ponytail, blue eyes and a fair complexion. She was wearing a white tanktop, a pink pleated mini skirt, white anklet socks and runners. On her shoulder she carried a large bulky dark green duffle bag made of a shiny nylon fabric. There was nowhere to sit but Lucy didn’t mind standing as her coach was due to leave in a...

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Beware of Laundry Rooms

I love the early mornings on the weekends at camp. All of the counselorsare still fast asleep in their beds, enjoying being able to sleep in on theirdays off. The birds are out singing, and the camp is completely quiet. Well,almost quiet because I am out indulging in one of my favorite pastimes, snoopingthrough the laundry room. During nine months out of the year I am a closetsissy, enjoying the wonderful feel of satin underneath my everyday clothes.I have a pretty decent collection of toys...

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Step Father Sin8217s 8211 Part I

Michele Madison did not find out until her honeymoon that her husband was a sexual sadist. She was shocked to find that her new husband enjoyed causing her pain just as much as he enjoyed causing her pleasure. This was tough enough for Michele to handle at first, but her confusion was compounded by the fact that she was beginning to like the pain. At first she thought that it was annoying that Bernard had to tie her up and whip her before he fucked her in one of her three, sex holes. But now...

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A Friend in Need Part 16 The Conclusion

A Friend in Need Part 16. Conclusion This final part of my fantasy completes the tale, I must thank my very good friend Christina, who does exist and is exactly as described in the story, petit, feminine, gorgeously sexy, impulsive and very loving. She is fully aware that I covert her body, as she does mine, if we could exchange bodies we would. We wrote this together her doing the male feelings me the female and correcting each other as we went...

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Sun Snow and Sex

Italy is renowned for its thermal spa’s and the springs at Pr?aint-Didier appeared to be just what the doctor ordered! After spending some time outside in hot baths and being pummeled by hot jets I moved inside to sample the ‘rain tables’ which were just …fantastic and then on to the sauna. I was amazed to find the large sauna empty, I made my way to the centre and slowly climbed to the top level and lowered myself down. The wooden slats were indeed hot but I got I myself comfortable on my...

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A Young Girls Introduction To SexChapter 4

Early the next afternoon, Margie and Ellie were knocking on Donny's door with eager, willing smiles on their faces, as they anticipated the excitement to come. They were dressed much like they had been the day before. Both wore tight cut-off jeans and bikini tops that tied with a string around behind them. Their swimsuit tops could barely hold in their nicely full, bouncing teenage breasts. It had taken the two girls over an hour to finalize their appearance. This involved leaving their...

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