A Dinner Invitation free porn video

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We had been friends for several years. Not close, intimate friends, but the social contact was regular enough, and, from what I could ascertain, the enjoyment of the contact was mutual.

I have to admit that I had always had the hots for Natalie. Her pretty face was framed by a mass of curly, brown hair that cascaded down past her shoulders. Her lips were full and she always wore a bright red lipstick, which looked sexy as hell. Her breasts were fairly small, and the snug fitting clothes she wore, which showed off her slim body nicely, made them appear very appealing, and I could never help but fantasize about what they looked like unclad.

Once, when I had dropped by her place, I found her outside painting the trim around the front door. She was wearing an old tight-fitting tee shirt and it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. As we talked I couldn’t help but notice her nipples harden, and they showed beautifully through the thin material of her shirt. This, of course, only stoked my fantasies.

She had a vivacious personality and loved to laugh, and I regularly pondered about what she would be like in bed. I knew I wasn’t wrong in thinking that she would be passionate and enjoy the act of fucking immensely, and I had made it my goal to find out if it was true.

And as far as her private life was concerned? Well, there was an obstacle in the way of my desire to get her into my bed. She was married. In spite of that there did seem to be a glimmer of potential to get around the hurdle. There had been numerous times when I was speaking with her that she alluded to arguments between her husband and her and, although outwardly it appeared they were having a good relationship, it was becoming increasingly clear to me that they weren’t.

Although she was always very open with me on any subject we talked about, I could never bring myself to ask about the soundness of their relationship for fear of crossing a line and offending her and possibly ruining our friendship. Just the same I couldn’t help but wonder if she was getting the sex that I thought she must have been in need of, and that I would be more than willing to provide.

Now, her husband, Cyril, on the other hand, was quite unlike his wife. Whereas she was outgoing and gregarious, he was pretty much of an introvert, often appearing to go out of his way to avoid engaging with other people. Don’t get me wrong. He was a pretty nice guy but was just very slow in opening up. When you got to know him better he had his own quiet sense of humour, when he occasionally, and with difficulty, allowed it to show.

Something I always found odd about him, and it was even a little unsettling at times, was that he would never look me in the eye when we spoke. It was almost as if he could read my mind and the thoughts that coursed through it concerning his wife. In all likelihood it was just that my body language was a little too overt when I was around her and he picked up on it.

I never could quite figure out what she saw in him. Perhaps, and this was pure speculation, his appeal to her was simply that he had a big cock and was good in bed. However, somehow I didn’t think that was likely. Regardless, we got along alright, but I felt that he always exuded an undercurrent of mistrust towards me, and quite rightly so, for I dearly wanted to fuck his wife.

One Saturday morning, I had dropped over to borrow something I needed for a home maintenance project. The visit wasn’t unannounced as I had called thirty minutes before to see if they were home and if I could borrow the item, which I knew he had.

He answered the door in a very friendly manner and said, “Come on in. Natalie’s in the shower but made coffee for you right after you called. She told me to make sure you had some.”

I came in and sat down on a stool at the kitchen island, and a few minutes later she came into the kitchen. She was wearing a bathrobe and sat down facing me on the stool next to me. The bathrobe was fairly loosely tied at the waist and if she had had large breasts there would have been a good showing of cleavage. As it was, there was plenty of flesh showing, and the sexual effect of the display of the curves of her small breasts caused my cock to swell.

“I hope you don’t mind me dressed like this but it is Saturday, after all. It’s the day that there’s time available for a girl to do all the little things she needs to do for herself in the shower.”

She followed that up with a mischievous looking wink at me.

We launched into our usual sort of conversation, with her laughing and obviously enjoying herself. I was also enjoying myself immensely just by being in her presence, and particularly because she was dressed the way she was. There was no question that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and I couldn’t help but wonder what else, if anything, she was wearing beneath the casually tied bathrobe. And, did what she had said about doing the things she needed to do in the shower imply that she had just shaved her pussy? The thought of it caused my cock to swell even more.

While Cyril was busying himself with something on the other side of the island, she crossed her legs and the robe parted exposing most of her thigh, including the inner side of it. If the robe had parted much more I would have known if she was wearing anything else, and probably even if her pussy was shaved. She made no attempt to rearrange it and continued sitting that way.

A minute earlier I had laid my arm across my lap in order to hide my by-now-obvious hard-on, but I now decided that it was time to counter her display by letting her see the bulge in my pants. Shortly after I had moved my arm away I saw her lower her gaze and was delighted that it lingered there for longer than just a glance.

Cyril had moved close to the island a couple of times and had obviously seen her exposed thigh. Each time he cleared his throat, and inclined his head and cast his eyes towards it, indicating to her that she should cover up. She paid no attention to him, which quite obviously irritated him as he started knocking a couple of utensils around noisily behind the counter top in an aggravated manner.

When he wasn’t looking, my gaze regularly shifted down to her bare thigh and I knew that she was aware of it. At one point, just after Cyril had left the room for a minute, as if to emphasize whatever it was we were talking about, I reached over and put my hand on her knee. I let it linger there longer than the simple gesture would normally have taken. After several seconds she placed her hand on mine, and at first I thought she was going to remove my hand from her knee. Instead she just left it there. Emboldened, I moved my hand, with hers still covering it, up onto her thigh and squeezed it, looking at her to gauge her reaction. I received a small, inviting kind of smile in return.

When I heard Cyril coming back, and before he could notice what I was doing, I removed my hand from her thigh. Shortly afterwards she got up off her stool and moved past me, ostensibly to get something. In the process, she brushed hard against me and I felt her breasts push into my back as she moved. It had unmistakeably been deliberate. When she returned to her stool she crossed her legs again and, once more, let the bathrobe fall open.

Half an hour had passed since I had arrived, when Cyril said to me, “I hope you liked the coffee. She sometimes makes it too strong. That tool you wanted is just by the garage door.” There was a lack of warmth in his voice.

I took that as an obvious hint that he wanted me to leave, so I got up, cheerfully thanked them for the coffee and the chat, and started for the door.

“How would you like to come for dinner tonight,” Natalie said from behind me as I walked towards the door.

She was still sitting at the island, and, when I turned around, I saw I still had a full view of her. She had uncrossed her legs and was sitting there with them slightly spread. The bathrobe was still open, and I’m sure I would have had a view of her pussy had it not been for the dimness of the lighting in the room.

“That would be really nice,” I said with enthusiasm. “Could I bring some wine or something?”

“Sure, and if you’re not still using it you could bring along your tool.” She gave me another wink.

As I closed the front door behind me I noticed that my shoe lace was undone and I knelt down to tie it. As soon as I did I heard voices inside. Loud, upset voices.

“Why didn’t you talk to me first about inviting him to dinner? I don’t feel like having company tonight.”

“You never feel like having company. When was the last time we had anyone here for dinner? You’re such a stick-in-the-mud. He’s fun to have around. It’ll be a good change for us.”

“I don’t want him here. I saw how much you were paying attention to him. And what was that about, allowing him to see your leg like that?”

“I’m at home for god’s sake! Can’t I be comfortable? And is there something wrong with my leg?”

“I could almost see your cunt for Christ’s sake! And if I could, it was obvious that he could too. As he was leaving it was plain to me that you had given him a hard-on with your antics, as if you didn’t notice! What the hell do you think you were you doing? You were acting like a slut!”

“So I’m a slut am I? Well, we’ll see about that then. And while we’re at it, I’ll have you know that it was a refreshing change to have a hard-on present in this house. I can’t remember the last time you had one, let alone used it!”

“Fuck off!”

“You fuck off! He’s coming for dinner and that’s it!”

They were really shouting at each other by this time. I had heard enough and thought it best I quietly got out of there.

I turned up for dinner at six o’clock not knowing what to expect. Cyril answered the door and I could feel the chill in his reception.

I made a sincere effort to be cheery. “Hi Cyril. This is really nice of you two to ask me to have dinner with you. It’s pretty lonely at home at times.”

As I came into the entrance-way I was surrounded by the marvellous smells of cooking emanating from the kitchen.

“Something sure smells good. I’m really looking forward to this.”

As I was taking off my coat I said, “Oh, by the way. I didn’t quite finish my job. You don’t mind if I hang on to the tool until tomorrow sometime, do you?”

“You can keep the damned thing if you want,” he said coolly.

I was determined to keep up a cheery tone in spite of being somewhat uncomfortable. When I sat down in the living room he brought me a beer and one for himself. We started talking, and although he was civil towards me his tone remained cool. I tried my very best to be upbeat but I could feel the strain between us building. Natalie was nowhere to be seen and I hoped she would turn up soon to inject some balance into the situation.

“I’ll be down in a minute,” I heard her call from the bedroom.

I was sitting with my back to the stairs when I heard her coming down. When I looked at Cyril his eyes were open wide, as if in shock and disbelief.

“Sorry I took so long, but I couldn’t decide what to wear.”

I felt her hand on my shoulder as she walked past me into view, and my eyes must have suddenly developed a look similar to his.

She was wearing a very short, frilly light green skirt with dark, sheer nylons which showed off her legs beautifully, and to add to the effect she was wearing high heels. The skirt was so short that a hint of the lacy band of the tops of her nylons showed a little when she moved. She had on a blouse of matching colour which rode low on her shoulders and was cut very low in the front, exposing so much of her breasts that her nipples were almost showing. It was immediately evident she wasn’t wearing a bra. To top everything off, around her neck was a green velvet neckband which, contrasted with her pale skin, gave an air of charged sexuality to her that I hadn’t felt in her presence before.

“You look lovely Natalie,” I managed to say.

Cyril was silent, the look of incredulity still all over his face.

“Why thank you Kelly . I haven’t worn this outfit before. I’d been saving it for a rainy day and I thought today would be a good time to show it off. What do you think dear?”

She gave Cyril a sharp look and continued. “I think it suits a woman like me. Don’t you?”

Icicles were dripping from her words and there was no doubt she was alluding to him having called her a slut earlier on.

Cyril swallowed audibly and didn’t speak. His face had reddened noticeably though. I couldn’t gauge whether it was from anger at her words or still from his surprise at her appearance.

The coldness was gone from her voice when she next spoke to me.

“I see that Cyril was good enough to have brought you a drink. I’ve got a few snacks for you that I prepared as well.”

We both watched her walk to the kitchen and return with a tray of snacks. She proffered it to me first, leaning well over as she did, giving me a fine view of her breasts as the blouse sagged slightly away from them. I took what I wanted and she moved over to Cyril, putting the tray down on the coffee table in front of him.

As she leaned over, her skirt rode up behind her. Her stockings were lacy holdups and, in addition to seeing the pale bare skin of her legs above the stocking tops, to my absolute delight I was also treated to a glimpse of the bare cheeks of her ass, which, along with the backs of her thighs, neatly framed her naked pussy.

When she sat down her face was radiant, her wide smile made perfect by her full red lips, and her makeup applied in such a way as to give her eyes a slightly cat-like appearance. She had crossed her legs and was leaning over slightly against the arm of the easy chair, exposing to me her entire leg right up to a hint of the lower curve of the cheek of her ass.

Everything about her said ‘fuck me’, and I felt my cock quickly hardening.

I complimented her again on the way she was dressed. “You really do look ravishing this evening Natalie. It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken with a woman who was dressed in such an alluring way. I’m certainly impressed.”

I could almost feel Cyril fuming at my comment.

She smiled broadly.

“Thank you again Kelly . I thought that if anyone would appreciate it, it would be you. And I like that word. Ravishing. It has a certain ring to it.”

She turned her head and again looked sharply at her husband, and I saw his face redden once more.

We sat there for about fifteen minutes, Natalie and I talking and having an animated and fun conversation, while Cyril sat there staring at her and not saying a word.

She eventually got up and said, “Who’s for dinner?”

She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye then deliberately lowered her gaze to my crotch, where my cock was making a pronounced lump in my pants, and said, “I’m ready to eat anything.”

Dinner was delicious and the wine flowed freely, with Cyril drinking more than his share. We were soon into a second bottle, and a third was eventually opened.

Cyril remained morosely quiet, while Natalie and I were talking and laughing as if he wasn’t there, peppering our conversation freely with sexually loaded double entendres. She was constantly getting up to either serve me some more food or pour some more wine and invariably showed me her tits each time she did. By the time we finished dinner my cock was so hard it ached.

Eventually Natalie suggested, “Why don’t we take our wine and go sit in the living room where we can be more comfortable?”

When we stood up from the table Cyril stumbled as a result of the amount of wine he had consumed. He almost fell and as he caught himself I heard him mumble quietly to himself in a slurred voice, “Aw for fuck sake. As if things weren’t already bad enough.”

I sat on the couch and Cyril sat in his usual chair a couple of metres away, facing me. When Natalie came in she sat down next to me. Very close to me in fact. Her skirt was hiked above the tops of her lacy holdups, once again exposing her pale, bare upper thighs.

“Oh damned,” she said. “I left my wine in the dining room. Could I have some of yours?”

And with that she leaned into me, her face very close to mine, and reached across me, pushing her breasts firmly against my arm and chest in the process, and picked up my glass from the end table beside me.

As she pulled back she asked, “Would you like a sip first?” and started raising the glass up to my lips. At that moment she managed to slop a little wine out of the glass onto my lap.

“Oh hell! Look what I’ve done Cyril. I spilled Kelly’s wine on him. I’m so sorry Kelly .”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, but she had already leaned away in the opposite direction, exposing her ass to me, and grabbed a tissue from the far end table.

When she leaned back she twisted around, facing me, and started to dab at the wine spot which, of course, happened to be directly on the large lump in my pants.

As her dabbing turned to rubbing she suddenly exclaimed, “Oh my! What do we have here? It looks like there’s something else here that also needs some attention.”

With that she dropped the tissue and placed her hand on my throbbing hard-on and started rubbing its length gently with her fingertips through my pants.

The wine spot was almost immediately joined by another wet area as pre-cum started soaking through my shorts and pants from my aching, swollen cock.

She didn’t bother looking at her husband as she pulled down my zipper and slipped her fingers inside my pants and deftly into the fly of my boxers, onto the soft skin of my very hard cock.

“This is a lovely surprise,” she said, still not looking at Cyril. “A rarity around here, in fact.”

She removed her fingers and used both hands to undo my belt and pants.

“Lift yourself up a little would you?”

As I did she slipped my pants and shorts partway down, allowing my cock to spring free.

“Oh! This is more of a surprise than I thought!” she said as my cock stood proudly erect in front of her.

I glanced over at Cyril expecting to see him leap out of his chair and come flying at us. Instead, he was just sitting there, his face beet red and with that same look of shock and disbelief all over it.

I looked back at Natalie and watched as she placed her fingers on my cock.

“You paid me a compliment earlier, Kelly, by telling me that I looked lovely and alluring. Well, I have to return the compliment by telling you that I haven’t seen something this lovely and alluring in years.”

Her voice had become husky and as she spoke she ran her fingertips along the large swollen vein that snakes along the top side of my cock. Her fingernails scraped it lightly as she traced along its length, and my cock jumped in response to the sensation.

She then placed her thumb and two fingers halfway along my shaft, held it firmly, and pulled its soft, pliant skin back tightly, causing it to strain against the swollen, reddened head and making it appear even larger.

“What a beautiful cock,” she said quietly.

It was then that Cyril broke his silence.

“I’ve had just about enough of this bullshit,” he croaked. “Stop it right now Natalie. I mean it.”

His voice was dry and thin sounding, and if there was a threat intended in what he had said it was very unconvincing. Natalie paid him no heed, and neither did I. I was now far too engrossed in what his wife was doing with my cock.

I hadn’t spoken a word since sitting down, and in particular had been avoiding saying anything to Cyril. The last thing I wanted to do was to antagonize him even more than the situation was obviously already doing. But now, with him seemingly paralysed with inaction, and with his wife’s fingers toying with my cock in plain view of him, I felt it was time to have some input into what was going on.

“Why don’t you take your top off Natalie? I’ve wanted to see your breasts for years and I think this would be a good time, don’t you?”

She stopped what she was doing to my cock and sat back on the couch.

“I’d love to show you my breasts, Kelly. In fact I don’t know why I’ve waited this long.”

She undid the three or four buttons on her blouse and, looking directly at Cyril, she pulled it open and slipped it off, throwing it across the room in his direction.

“Natalie !” he croaked again. “Put that back on. You can’t do this.”

“Oh really? Just watch me.”

She turned towards me with her hands cupping her breasts.

“Well? I hope they meet your expectations Kelly.”

“They’re gorgeous Natalie,” I replied as I leaned over and sucked one of her nipples between my lips.

I felt one of her hands on the back of my head holding me to her tit, and as I suckled it her other hand found my cock and started stroking it.

When I eventually stopped sucking and kissing her tits I sat up and glanced over at Cyril. His face was almost contorted with what I thought was rage, but, to my amazement, he had is hand on his crotch rubbing it. In spite of his anger he was very obviously aroused by watching his wife, half undressed, stroking another man’s cock while he played with her tits.

It appeared that Cyril was obviously incapable, or, by this time, unwilling to interfere, and Natalie’s words electrified me when she said, “I think it’s time I sucked your cock, don’t you?”

Without a further word she leaned over, cupped my balls with her hand, and after running her tongue around the head of my cock and lapping up the pre-cum which was oozing from it, she lowered her head further and took it deep into her mouth.

“Natalie,” I heard Cyril saying in a rasping voice. “For Christ’s sake you slut, stop that immediate... ly..., ” and his voice trailed away to nothing.

I watched through half closed eyes, savouring the exquisite sensations, as her mouth slowly moved up and down on my cock, knowing that her husband was also watching what she was doing from only a couple of metres away. But I was beyond caring. A movement across the room, however, caught my eye and I looked over at him in time to see him pull his half-hard cock out of his pants and start jacking it off, his eyes glazed and his face a bright red.

After Natalie had sucked my cock for a minute I put my hand on her forehead and gently pulled her off me. She didn’t let my cock out of her mouth willingly though and protested with garbled little mewling sounds before she released it.

“Come on. Stand up. I want you to take your skirt off for me. I want to see what you look like naked.”

She stood up in front of me, her back to her husband, unzipped herself from behind and wiggled the skirt down and off her hips and onto the floor. She was now wearing only her stockings, high heels and the green velvet neckband. The hair on her mound was shaved into a stylised v-shape which pointed invitingly down to the pouting lips of her pussy, which were shaved bare.

She turned completely around for me, proudly showing herself off.

“You like what you see?”

“God, yes!” I replied.

“Did you hear him call me a slut? Well that’s what I feel like right now. A wanton slut. And you know what else? I like the feeling.”

She stepped back a little, shifted her feet well apart, spreading her legs in the process, and, bending over at the waist, placed her hands on the couch on either side of my hips and lowered her mouth onto my cock. Her ass and exposed pussy were facing her husband and I knew he had a view between her legs of her sucking my cock.

Before I came I pushed her off of my cock once again, got up and stood in front of her, and in a few moments I was also naked. She moved to me and put her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately, her tongue probing between my lips and toying with my tongue. I placed my hands on the cheeks of her ass and, gripping them, pulled her tightly into me. She responded by grinding her hips against me.

She broke our embrace and lay down on the couch on her back, spreading her legs wide for me.

“Now it’s your turn. I’ve sucked your cock. Now eat my cunt. Eat the cunt of this willing slut.”

I crouched beside her and she flipped one leg over my back. Positioning my face between her legs I proceeded to lick and eat her cunt. She came quickly, and intensely, squeezing her thighs tightly around my head.

She was still breathing hard from her orgasm when I got up and moved over her in order to satisfy my ultimate goal of finally fucking her. As I moved I saw that Cyril was now standing, still pulling on his now fully-hard cock, and had positioned himself so he could watch as my cock penetrated his wife’s cunt. He appeared to be in another world as he watched his wife about to be fucked by another man.

Holding my cock, I slid its head up and down her slit several times, watching it become liberally coated with her abundant juices. And then I pushed my hips forward. My cock entered her easily, and as she wrapped her nylon-clad legs around me she groaned, “Oh this is good. God how I need this. It’s been too long.”

As she spoke I heard a grunt and glanced back towards Cyril, a little nervous about him standing more or less out of my sight. It’s tough for a guy to defend himself when his cock is buried to the hilt in pussy. However, I needn’t have concerned myself, for as I cast my glance around at him I saw his cum spurt from his cock onto the carpet.

My attention returned immediately to the joyful and intense act of fucking his wife. She was every bit as passionate as I had imagined; writhing and bucking beneath me, all the while mouthing deliciously salacious phrases, urging me on in my efforts to satisfy both herself and me.

An hour later, after Natalie and I had totally satiated ourselves, I got dressed and was about to leave. Natalie was lying on the couch with her legs spread and I could see my cum running from her cunt. I leaned over her and she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me to her, and once again kissed me passionately.

I was surprised that Cyril actually accompanied me to the door as I was leaving. I had no idea what he was about to say, if anything, as I couldn’t gauge his mood by his face, and certainly not by his lack of words. I thought that maybe he would just slam the door behind me, but he spoke and what he said amazed me.

He was quite hesitant when he said in a quiet voice, “You know, Kelly, if... uh, if you could bring back the tool tomorrow, uh, well... I think I might... I might be able to convince Natalie into letting you stay for dinner.”

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My clothes were set out for me and that did nothing to quell my curiosity, if I was made to wear a dog collar only for example then I knew that sex was on the table for that evening, how ever I was give a polo neck t-shirt cargo shorts a lace thong of my wife’s and flip-flops to wear. At 9:30 Alana came over, she is a long legged tall woman around 35, with very dark hair and white skin, and she also had the most amazing green eyes. Dinner went well I was complemented on my food, and the...

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He placed my hands around his neck and told me not to let go and pulled me very close to him. I could feel the hem of my skirt pull up and his hands grab my ass and all I could do is roll my eyes and moan. We were kissing passionately and his hands felt like they were everywhere. I closed my eyes and he laid me back on his desk and pushed my legs up. He grabbed the waist band of my panties and pull them off in one motion. He knelt down and started licking my clit and lips and I knew was over...

4 years ago
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The Dinner Party Part 1 The Invitation

Yes, the invitations were a little unusual.  Nonetheless, they were unambiguous.  “Accessible” was the key word.  Wear clothing that is accessible, the invitations read.  Anyone accepting would tacitly agree to an evening of touching and being touched.  Only two of the four couples invited accepted.  Now they were here.  The bold ones.  The daring ones.  The ones honest in their curiosity and desire. Charles and Sue arrived first.  Within ten minutes, Mitch and Maggi were here.  The six of us...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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A Spy Too FarChapter 4 The Invitation

Lord Ralph Ainsley was dismayed that since the out break of war and despite all his contacts at the War Office no-one could seem to be bothered to find him a wartime job. He was even more disgusted with Kate his daughter, all she was interested in was horses and having a good time. He thought that at least she could do some voluntary work. Lord Ralph Ainsley now in his late sixties, glanced up from his copy of the Times newspaper, and looked down the breakfast table that morning at his wife....

2 years ago
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The Invitation

John came - Hard. His cock felt wonderfully big and powerful, pulsating in deep waves as his cum spewed forth into Becky’s oh so wet and swollen pussy. His balls were tingling. It felt so damn good, as the second orgasm usually does! He moaned with relief. Becky sighed and shuddered gently beneath him. Her orgasm had come at the same time. In fact, this was her fourth deep, fulfilling orgasm since their session had started. John lay next to Becky on the bed, which was a mess after such a...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Law of the BloodChapter 3 The Invitation

Two months before Roban’s sixteenth birthday he woke up in the middle of the night, not sure about the reason but highly alert. He grabbed a sword from his weapons rack and walked to the door of his chamber. Before he reached it the door flew open and two masked men jumped inside. They were clothed in black from head to toe, with short swords in each hand. The first of them sheathed one sword to take something out of his clothes. Roban pinned the man’s wrist with his sword to his chest before...

1 year ago
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The Invitation

YOU ARE INVITED I am hosting a Married Couples SEX Party and you are Invited. There are a few requirements that you must meet. 1. Must be Married 2. Must be willing to get naked 3. Must be willing to play adult games 4. Must be willing to share your partner If you can meet this requirements send back the R.S.V.P. as soon as possible. The first 8 couples to meet these requirements will be sent a New Invitation with the Time, Date and Place. Hope you can cum! DATE: May 20th TIME: 7:00pm PLACE:...

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Kurts Invitation

This is the fourth of a series that begn with "New Friends at the Beach." The reader may enjoy this story more by reading the earlier chapters.Brad’s unexpected departure earlier this morning to close a business deal left me alone at our beach house until his expected return tomorrow evening. I love the beach, but I really wasn’t looking forward to spending the evening and night alone. There is something slightly ominous about the intense darkness and sounds of the ocean at night, particularly...

2 years ago
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Yummy Muslim Feast 8211 Part 1 A Lunch Invitation

Hello, My Dear Readers, ‘All festivals are good. Celebrating with your loved ones is indeed a joy. But, are the special people we bring home, to share happiness with, really there for the happiness? Or are they inside our homes to feast on a lot more than we want them to have?!’ The story is narrated by Ron, a young Christian boy in his early 20’s. However, a major portion of the same is in the form of dialogues. The plot focuses on a tense conversation with a clear sexual agenda. I have...

3 years ago
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The Invitation

YOU ARE INVITEDI am hosting a Married Couples SEX Party and you are Invited.There are a few requirements that you must meet.1. Must be Married2. Must be willing to get naked3. Must be willing to play adult games4. Must be willing to share your partner If you can meet this requirements send back the R.S.V.P. as soon as possible. The first 8 couples to meet these requirements will be sent a New Invitation with the Time, Date and Place. Hope you can cum!DATE: May 20thTIME: 7:00pmPLACE: GUYS and...

2 years ago
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An Inviting Invitation

An Inviting Invitation By Tina Crawford [email protected] I was nervous driving that day. No it wasn't the construction on the freeway, or that three different people cut me off in less than 5 minutes that made me that way. I was nervous because I was on the way to my first real life encounter with someone I had met online. I've always been apprehensive about meeting someone I've only talked to on the computer and now I was actually in the car on my way to do just that. Meeting...

4 years ago
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An Invitation

An Invitation She stepped down from the carriage, the time was getting closer to midnight by the second. The invite she held in her hand was written in crimson ink.” Who was it from?” she wondered as she continued reading. ‘Join me at midnight for this a special night, tonight the masquerade ball. Meet me on the steps outside Westmall Hall. A carriage will be waiting.’ She was early with no one in sight, the building was dark and silent. “Was it a joke?” she pondered as she waited for the...

2 years ago
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An Invitation

An Invitation She stepped down from the carriage; the time was getting closer to midnight by the second. The invite she held in her hand was written in crimson ink.” Who was it from?” she wondered as she continued reading."Join me at midnight for this a special night, tonight the masquerade ball. Meet me on the steps outside Westmall Hall. A carriage will be waiting." She was early with no one in sight, the building was dark and silent. “Was it a joke?” she pondered as she waited for the...

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Marriage invitation

Hi a reader, my name is Arjun (not real name) as most of my friends are the readers of this site. This is the first time I’m going to write my experience in any site. So errors are to be pardoned by respectful readers. Let me start I’m from Kerala. I’m 23 years old. I’m going to narrate my experience happened last year September, exactly 2nd Sept 2005. I had a friend named Sujna who studied with me from 11th standard. She is average but nice structure, lean, sharp eyes 5’7” tall. We joined same...

2 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 18 Invitation

"I insist," thundered the Emir, "If you are saying that she cannot be put aboard my private aircraft without anyone in Australia knowing it has been done, then I will get a new Head of Security in this embassy." "Master, may you live for ever, it can be done, but it is illegal," protested the unfortunate guard. "Under the Vienna Convention, in what country are we now standing?" demanded the Emir. "Master, may you live for ever, the Kobekistani Embassy and its grounds are in...

3 years ago
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Dinner Invite

Dinner Invite It’s a hot sunny afternoon and you’re driving over to my place for what I have promised to be a great dinner and evening together. You pull into the driveway and walk up to the door. With your finger ready to push the bell you hesitate just a second to wonder what I have in mind that will make this dinner special compared to the other wonderful days we have spent together.  I hear the door bell and walk to answer it and feel my heart quicken as it always does when I know I will...

Straight Sex
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I was with my boyfriend Damien at the canteen when you came and sat at our table with us. You were beautiful, and your smile added more beauty and sunshine to your face. We became close friends.Though I fully trusted Damien, I knew he had eyes for many beautiful girls at the university and had a checkered past at the university. He had several girlfriends that I knew about and I am sure some I did not.As Damien completed his studies found employment, our love was blossoming. You and I became...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Debauchery The Invitation

The Invitation ~Prologue~ I pulled up to the huge mansion in my car. Valet was waiting with smiles on their faces. “Hello.” The young man said opening my driver side door. I grabbed my bag and purse. “Here is your ticket, enjoy your evening.” He said. “Thank you.” I smiled He hopped in my Buick Enclave and drove off, leaving me there standing on the gravel. I paused for a moment and looked around. All I heard was the singing sound of the crickets. I slowly walked to the...

2 years ago
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A Strange Invitation

The invitation was strange. Then again, she smiled to herself, he always did seem to do things a little different than everyone else. Her skin smelled faintly of lavender as she stepped from the shower. She toweled her hair dry. As she bent to wind the towel into a turban on her head, her face flushed at the memory of his strong hands blindfolding her in this very room. It was a night she still remembered fondly. His touch had been so tender, the kiss of the rose so perfect on her skin. She...

1 year ago
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Not Just the Photographer Part 1 The Invitation

PART 1 – The Invitation I’m going back quite a few years with this true story but it is still vivid in my memory for reasons you will perhaps understand. Mark, Jayne and I (John) were having our usual Friday night drink. I’ve known Mark since our school days. Jayne had been his girlfriend for about a year. At one time she’d come to a photography club session I was involved with and posed for teasingly topless erotic shots – sexy but nothing porno. She has a fantastic figure – a figure to...

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The Invitation

i want to dress up as the genderqueer slut that i am..doc martens, fishnets, miniskirt with nothing underneath... or a kilt... and maybe a chest harness unless whomever Im with wants me to pass as femme... id put on stilettos if he'd let me take his arm, because i cant walk otherwise LOL....and be taken out...my cock and cunt freely available under the table.. in a dark corner... or out in the parking lot bent over the hood of a car.. and maybe a tall thin black dude with glasses follows us out...

1 year ago
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One Night Stand 8211 Married Lady8217s Invitation

Hey everyone! Devil back again. So I’ve got this New Trilogy: One Night Stand. Pls do read them and mail me all your comments, suggestions and feedbacks on Coming to the Story: Mr.Kumar is the Main Character of the Story. He’s a 55 Years Old Businessman from Mumbai. Read on to find out what happens when he meets a Woman One Night when his car stops in the Middle of the Road. In his own words… I was at SantaCruz West just 15 minutes from my home and when my car gave a scratching sound and...

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An Open Invitation

An Open Invitation - by: Ashley Lorien Well I guess it should all start with a little history, that is, my history. I have been dressing up since I was twelve. Back then it was mostly my moms stuff or my sisters. Now 16 years later, I wonder what will ever become of it all. I guess it all started when I was young and I had a hard time being a 'ladys man'. Now I know it isn't really that important at that age, but as I grew older that sort of thing did take on a big role. I am...

2 years ago
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An Invitation

An Invitation The time has come, the T.G. said, to talk of many things, Of he or she and him to her; of petticoats & pretty rings, Of things that make me Marie Anne And change me from the basic man For male to woman is an effort The time it takes is far from short. So dear friend, I hope to lunch you'll come For food and wine, and clothes to swap? So; Girdles, gossip & goulash or corsets chat & curry? Lipstick, lace and waspies, words and...

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Wedding Invitation

Wedding Invitation There was going to be a marriage. No it wasn't mine, thank God. Ihad already done that nine years ago. The results.... still married, noc***dren, two careers, two separate lives. That is what probably kept ustogether. He is in the oilfield business and travels a lot, we only spendabout one week a month together. If he was around all the time we woulddrive each other crazy and we more than likely would have split up. I'msure he is getting some on the side when he...

2 years ago
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Not Just the Photographer Part 1 The Invitation

PART 1 – The Invitation I’m going back quite a few years with this true story but it is still vivid in my memory for reasons you will perhaps understand. Mark, Jayne and I (John) were having our usual Friday night drink. I’ve known Mark since our school days. Jayne had been his girlfriend for about a year. At one time she’d come to a photography club session I was involved with and posed for teasingly topless erotic shots – sexy but nothing porno. She has a fantastic figure – a figure to...

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The Invitation

Some people are passive, some are aggressive and some are passive-aggressive. For the most part, I fall into the passive category although I've been known to employ passive-aggression when I think it'll get me what I want. Sometimes I can be a real butt, that way. Growing up in a household where the consequence of even the most innocent error was a smack across the side of the head, I learned early in life that passive behavior and a low profile were the keys to survival. My older brother...

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The Invitation

Phil and Nance returned to their suite at the Reefer's Hotel & Resort in Jamaica after spending the afternoon at the beach. While Nancy showered, Phil made them a couple of fruit and rum flavored drinks. He was looking for the can of mixed nuts they'd bought the day before in town when he spied the note. Dearest Nancy & Phil: We have yet to meet, but we have admired the two of you since You arrived here at the Reefer's. Rest assured we are trustworthy And want to get acquainted....

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The Invitation

Sam flipped through the array of contact sites that he was interested in; there were not many profiles that he was really taken by for many showed no picture or gave far too much information. However there were a few that gave the computer image and so little information that he was intrigued, these he did click on for they had that element of mystery about them. Although married there had been no intimacy with his wife in years, they existed together and that was all and it was these sites...

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Dinner Invite

Dinner Invite It’s a hot sunny afternoon and you’re driving over to my place for what I have promised to be a great dinner and evening together. You pull into the driveway and walk up to the door. With your finger ready to push the bell you hesitate just a second to wonder what I have in mind that will make this dinner special compared to the other wonderful days we have spent together.   I hear the door bell and walk to answer it and feel my heart quicken as it always does when I know I will...

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Dinner is Served

As I pulled into the driveway I could barely get the truck in park before I opened the door. After the conversation that I had on the phone with my girlfriend a little earlier, I knew I was in for a treat for dinner. When she offered to make me whatever I wanted for dinner tonight I decided to spice things up a bit with a request that I had been wanting to make for quite some time. This seemed to be the right time, as I could tell that she was in a particularly amorous mood and would be more...

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Dinners with Arnold

An invitation to have dinner with Arnold was a most coveted thing among a certain social set. Namely the well-to-do who had tired of the same-old, same-old dinners and parties and wanted something exciting and sexy. Arnold and his wife Griselda had pulled such a thing off to everyone’s amazement and delight. Refining formal dining and sex at the same time. Arnold’s mansion had a formal dining room with a long table that could accommodate fourteen. Arnold would take the seat at one end and...

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Dinner With Melinda

In this story, the sexual activity will be more consensual, but the story will still have a male dominance theme. Melinda is turned on by male dominance, spanking, anal, oral and a few other things that turn me on. While this story is written for all xnxx readers to enjoy, it is also written for one special xnxx member, Melinda. My name is Ray, I am a married man. My wife Ann and I have been married for twenty years. Ann is 5' 8” tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, small perky...

3 years ago
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Dinner for Two

Dinner for two (part one) For a few years I've had an account on a photo sharing website under the name of Deborah Rhodes. That's not my real name of course. My real name is Richard. Deborah Rhodes is my feminine name. You see, I'm a transvestite (or t-girl as I call myself). By the way I usually refer to myself as Debs. Although I like to dress as a woman, I can't explain why I like it so much. I've always regarded myself as 100 per cent straight. I'm married. I have a lovely...

2 years ago
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Dinner Ch 6

“What we talked about last night, you know I can never do that, right?”Karen was sitting on the edge of the bed. I was awake, barely. It had been an eventful night. “What?” I asked her, confused. My mind wasn’t working so good yet.“Bring a client home… or anywhere else. I can never do that. Anyone I work with, either.”It was coming back to me. I’d gotten an admission from Karen last night that she had wanted to fuck her new client from Moses Lake, the cookware guy. She’d worn a sexy dress,...

Wife Lovers
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Dinner at Shelly and Johns

Diane felt Geoff tense in her mouth and then felt a warm stream hit the back of her throat; then a second. Using her tongue to massage his shaft as it rested inside her mouth she swallowed and then she sucked on his hot cock pulling it slowly from her lips. Looking up at him from between his legs, she smiled and licked the tip of his manhood for the last time. She slid up his body and kissed his lips, her hand grasping his cock, giving it a playful squeeze. He kissed her back and smiled. ...

Group Sex
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Anitas RescueChapter 4 Invitation

School on Monday was different. Many of the students, maybe most, knew that the kids played in a band, but they had never played a dance at their own school and most of their venues precluded their fellow high-school students from hearing them play. By second period the school bulletin-board had the stories from the Saturday and Sunday papers about the band and the Monday write-up on Tammy's Wheels posted. While they were relatively minor celebrities before because they were known to be in...

1 year ago
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Dinner Date

Dinner Date Dinner Date   Mark?s phone call came unexpected.? Today was Friday and tomorrow was Saturday.? For years, Saturdays in October were for one thing ? football.? He asked if I wanted to go out for a quick dinner on Saturday night and I quickly agreed.? With the kids, it is difficult to find much time alone and I was grateful for the chance to spend a quite dinner together.? ??????????? On Saturday morning, I found a note taped to my mirror.? His instructions were simple.?...

2 years ago
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Dinner-Dessert, No Reservationsby2addickted©It's those unexpected moments that bring the memories that last a lifetime. My wife, Julie and I (Mike) had been married for nine years. Julie had two c***dren by a previous marriage. The c***dren, Jason (21) and Mandy (19), although they were my step-c***dren, accepted me like their own dad. Jason and Mandy lived with us. Their "father" a military man, lived across the state. They loved their father, which I'm glad to say. We went through all the...

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dinner party

My friend Sue wanted to throw a dinner party with a difference. All the guests were sexually liberated or had expressed an interest in broadening their horizons and some knew each other through friends, clubs and from a few selected swinging websites.Invitations were sent; cream cards with black embossed ink and they simply stated, 'Dress for dinner, no underwear allowed, hands must stay above the table, ...you must not react or alert the other dinner guests to anything that you experience over...

2 years ago
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Dinner Date

Dinner Date By CDVeronica My wife Victoria and I recently took a short trip to another city, just to spend some time alone together. We planned to go to one of the best restaurants in the city on Saturday night, our last night in town. Victoria even bought a new dress for the occasion. Unfortunately, she forgot to pack her shoes that would go with the dress. So, we spent much of Saturday afternoon shopping for just the right shoes to match the outfit. I always enjoy...

1 year ago
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Dinner Drinks Snacks

It was a cold evening; Candy was looking forward to coming home after a busy working week, putting her feet up and enjoying a nice glass of wine. Just then the vibration of her mobile phone snapped her from her daydreaming. “Who could this be” she wondered. It was a message from her man Jay to say that good friends of theirs, Sean and Katie had asked them over for dinner and drinks. Candy thought for a moment, “ok the kids are at mum’s for the night, so why not”. she text Jay saying that would...

Group Sex
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No Strings Attached An Invitation

After being released from the hospital in February, it's not until May that my father decides I'm well enough to leave the house. Louise cheating on me and the subsequent five months without sex has been tough, so I decide to go back to the club again to try to meet someone with similar kinks to me. I'm pretty sure I want a terrifyingly, sadistic dominant but I'll be happy if I find a playful submissive instead.I sit at the bar and order myself a whiskey, neat, and I savour the warmth as I sip...

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DeannaChapter 30 Dees invitation

A few days later Marie and Lisa headed back home. It's not like it was an arduous trip, about a 4 or 5-hour drive. It left everyone kind of sad. They'd been around for over a month and it was kind of like we'd gotten use to their faces. Tara and Carol seemed to have a good thing going, so it was almost like Tara didn't know they were gone. Oh, she knew, but her mind was occupied by other things. Dee suddenly missed Lisa, a lot! She had been paling around with either she or Marie the...

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It was a pretty normal Friday evening dinner, at least most of it. My mother-in-law was visiting and we wanted to take her out to a nice dinner. She likes Italian and so do my wife and I (especially lasagna), so we decided on Casa Mia in Kennewick.The dinner was going exceptionally well; the food was great, the service wonderful, and the atmosphere is very classic Italian. The restaurant is even owned by an Italian couple, and they’d gone all out to make the restaurant ‘Italy’.We were nearly...

4 years ago
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dinner party number one

It’s always great fun to dress up, black tie and all that. And the ladies have such a chance to shine on such occasions. Something away from the day to day humdrum of motherhood wear, or just poppin’ down to the shops for a loaf of bread and some eggs apparel. No, a dinner party in formal attire is an occasion, a time to get the long dress, skinny straps, low cut revealing just a bit more cleavage than your man would normal find acceptable, tight to the waist and then slit way up the side so...

2 years ago
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Dinner for three

It was a bright Saturday morning when I woke up with the sun shining brightly through my window. Looking over at my clock, I notice it was 9:00 when the phone rings. It was Rick calling to ask me how I have been holding up since the divorce.  I tell him that it has been hard because I been extremely horny lately and no way of getting any pleasure. He says that he and Erika will be stopping by later on this evening because she has been thinking about my sweet pussy for weeks. My ex husband never...

Group Sex

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