Helen And The Elf free porn video

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Sharon, she whom Helen had nicknamed 'the Elf,' a name Sharon had gladly taken to herself, rose naked from her bed at dawn. Pattering downstairs on her tiny bare feet, she entered the kitchen, still holding the warmth from the Aga she'd banked up with logs on the previous night. Skipper rose to greet her from his bed in an alcove by the big stove, and the Elf opened the door to the yard outside to let him pass through.

Her next task was to place more logs in the Aga, for the stove, their only source of hot water for heating and bathing, was never allowed to go out even in the height of summer. The water in the kettle she'd stood on the hob before going to bed was hot, and the Elf took it the gas cooker and bent to turn on the supply from the big gas bottles outside the kitchen. Lighting the gas under the kettle, she soon had it boiling and she tipped the steaming water on to the leaves (themselves a revelation to Sharon, who'd thought tea came in little bags) in the tea-pot and went into the coolness of the larder for milk.

Sipping her tea, the Elf felt the weight of responsibility on her shoulders, a frightening sensation. But she felt proud too, and pleased that her friend had entrusted her with caring for the farm and its animals in her brief absence.

The Elf smiled. Never would she have thought that she, a streetwise and quick-witted Streatham girl who'd lived all her young life on the fringes of the South London underworld, could have settled so well to rural life and come to enjoy the solitude of Helen's remote farm whose nearest neighbour was four miles away across the moor. She never ceased from blessing the day Helen had found her, drenched and miserable, hitch-hiking on the slip road of the motorway. She'd seen the car stop and heard the gentle voice inviting her to enter and had accepted eagerly but with her usual streetwise suspicion. The weather continued to be foul, her chances of a lift to her destination, further down the motorway than Helen was going, seemed to be at vanishing point, and she accepted her Good Samaritan's offer of a bed for the night with alacrity, intending to travel on tomorrow.

Now, as she sipped her tea, the Elf ran through the early morning programme in her mind.

First she must milk the cow, Crumbock. She remembered how Helen had smiled when she'd told her the cow's name, saying that Crumbock was a traditional name for a cow. That had been news to the Elf, for she'd only had the vaguest notion that milk came from cows and had never thought of cows having names. Anyway, she would milk the cow and then turn her out to graze in the field bordering the yard. She would feed their chickens, and collect their eggs from wherever the foolish birds had chosen to lay them, a task the Elf enjoyed immensely, treating it a sort of Treasure Hunt.

Skipper would need feeding next, and she'd also put down some biscuit for the semi-feral cats inhabiting one of the barns. Then she'd feed Percy, and at the thought a warm glow of anticipation swept over the Elf. 

At once she felt guilty, a feeling she'd never had before she'd met Helen. Once their work had been completed, and Percy installed in his new, permanent quarters, Helen had told her, in that gentle way of hers, that Percy had been punished enough, that he'd continue to be punished as long as he lived or his mind held out, and it was wrong and cruel to gloat over him. All the same, knowing what Percy had done to her friend, and to so many others in his career, the Elf couldn't resist relishing his utter helplessness and his total, domestic animal-like, dependence on them for all his simple needs.

Draining her mug, the Elf slipped on the sandals which were all she ever wore except whenever she went beyond the farm premises and went outside, shivering deliciously at the touch of the cold air on her bare skin. At once Skipper ran to her side, and she walked briskly over the beaten earth of the yard to the cowshed, her hand resting on the big dog's furry head, to enter the smelly warmth of the cowshed.


Returning to the grateful heat of the kitchen, her skin blotched blue and red with the cold, the Elf drank a full mug of creamy milk, still warm from Crumbock's udder. She couldn't resist a giggle at her old self as she drank, the old Sharon had always bought milk in cardboard cartons or plastic bottles from a supermarket and she'd had no idea milk could taste as good as this. Perhaps tomorrow when Helen returned, she would allow the Elf to assist her in making butter and cheese from the surplus milk Sharon had religiously poured into the big churn in the dairy and stirred as she'd been directed.

But now it was time to feed Percy, he would be hungry, and the Elf knew that, pathetically, being fed was now the high point of his life. ?gHuman beings eat; animals are fed,?h she quoted to herself with a giggle, remembering Helen's words.

Putting her empty mug on the draining-board to be washed up later, the Elf bent to take the slop bucket from the cupboard under the sink and peered into it doubtfully at the greasy remains of the mutton stew Helen had made for the Elf's evening meal of the day before. There were stale bread-crusts, already spotted blue and green with mould, in the bucket, and half a pint of sour milk that the Elf had poured in earlier. She could see bacon rinds from yesterday's breakfast and used tea-leaves from the pot, in short, anything and everything edible that would otherwise have been thrown away. Helen, and the Elf with her, prided themselves on not wasting food, a cardinal sin, Helen had told her. Well, Percy would eat anything – not that he had any choice in what he was fed. The contents of the bucket, along with a shovelful of the cheap pig meal they'd bought for him, would fill his belly and keep him from feeling hungry for several hours.

A thought struck her, and she hurried back outside to the vegetable garden. Whilst feeding the chickens, she'd noticed a small cabbage, its leaves limp and brown from the first frost of the coming winter and she cut it from its stalk and went back with into the kitchen where she chopped it into pieces and put them with the rest of the swill.

The bucket swinging from her hand, the Elf went out again into the yard. In the few short minutes she'd been indoors, the October sun had broken through the clouds, shedding its warm rays over her diminutive bare body.

The long shed which housed the pig sties was the last of the maze of outbuildings beyond the farmyard, set a little apart and downwind of the rest. Low and squat, its yard-thick stone walls bled inwards the heat they acquired from the sun all through the coldest nights, and the air inside was fuggy and warm as the Elf unbarred the outer door and slipped inside to walk down the stained concrete floor between the twin row of sties on either side. Percy lived in the last sty on the right, and he'd heard her coming in, for the Elf could hear him moving about in his filthy straw,  snuffling and grunting in anticipation.

Continuing past Percy's sty, the Elf came to the hopper holding the pig-meal, and at the sound of the little shovel scooping up the marble-sized pellets, the grunting and snuffling from the sty doubled in volume. The Elf grinned to herself, wondering if Percy knew the true nature of the pig pellets, their sickly sour-sweet smell reminding her of the meths drinkers in the park near to where she'd lived in Streatham. They were the cheapest available, made from finely-chopped straw and the pressed pulp of sugar-beets mixed with used cooking oil to add consistency, with industrially-produced protein powder and those trace elements essential to the long-term health of pigs. The diet lacked salt, but Helen said that was a good thing. The Elf agreed, but not for that reason; she liked to toss little salty scraps into Percy's sty and watch him snuffle about for them in the straw matted with his own trodden-in droppings.

Picking up a stick, the Elf stirred the mess in the bucket vigorously and the grunting from the sty rose to a crescendo of eagerness.

When Percy heard the wooden box the diminutive Elf needed to stand upon being dragged into position beyond the front wall of his sty, his excitement knew no bounds. The Elf mounted the twelve-inch high box nimbly and tilted the bucket over the edge of the concrete wall, watching the contents slither downwards into the dirt-encrusted metal trough below.

Percy's head was already low in the trough, snuffling down her offering before the Elf had climbed from her perch. Putting down the empty bucket, she dragged the box on to the bare concrete floor of the neighbouring sty and climbed back on to it. Leaning on the top of the dividing wall, she looked down at the creature noisily feeding from the trough in the next sty.

  As always when the Elf regarded what Helen had made of Percy, she was filled with admiration for the older woman. She'd known that her friend was what the Elf had called an 'Animal Doctor' – a Veterinarian - but she'd no idea that profession required surgical dexterity on such a scale, nor did she know that prosthetics could be fitted to the bodies of animals, a speciality Helen excelled in, both making manufacturing and fitting her own such artificial devices.

What a magnificent job Helen had done on Percy, thought the Elf, pleased that she'd been allowed an insignificant part in the operation. She stared at the oblivious creature at the trough, admiring his hairless head with the long, blunt  jaws Helen had given him and his broad, flat nose with its widely separated, cavernous nostrils. To insert a steel ring through the cartilage dividing Percy's new nostrils still seemed to the Elf as good an idea as when she'd first suggested it, equal to her notion of having an alphanumeric serial number tattooed on his right thigh below his rump. Helen had agreed; such things added verisimilitude, she'd added mysteriously, sending the Elf straight to the dictionary.

Staring down at him, the Elf wondered once more if Percy realised he'd been neutered, 'gelded' as Helen had called it as she'd plied her gleaming instruments in his groin, explaining that this should be done to all male animals not required for breeding purposes. Percy, in his prime, had often been seen with his latest young female trophy; there'd been more than one scandal about the way he'd treated them, but they'd all been silenced by his expensive lawyers or paid off in the end. The Elf, holding his soft, heavy testicles in her hand as her friend worked, remembered her vindictive joy at that moment; Percy would never trouble any young woman again. Then she'd thought of Lefty, Big Al and 'Razor,' and how pleasant it would be hold their testicles as they were removed by Helen's scalpel, and she'd vowed again to settle accounts with them some day.

The Elf continued her study of the gross body lying in the filthy straw. Percy's trunk Helen had left as it was, but she'd greatly shortened his limbs. Percy's legs now ended where his knees had been, and his arms just below his one-time elbows, now permanently locked. No part of Percy's limbs were any longer capable of articulation and, thanks to some  clever work amongst the tendons in his armpits and shoulders and in his groin, the movements fore and aft of his four new legs was limited to a mere twenty degrees from the vertical, and much less than that in the horizontal direction. Percy could walk, slowly and clumsily, on his four short, stumpy legs, but lying down was difficult for him; he would fall the last few inches to land in his straw with a thump, and standing up again was a matter of scrabbling for purchase with the blunt terminations of his altered arms and legs.

Other things had been done to Percy under Helen's scalpel. The ducts draining his eyes into his nose had been widened; now, when he wept – and he probably did still weep on occasion, in despair and self-pity – his tears went straight into his nasal passages to emerge from his gaping nostrils in a flood of mucus and salt water. The muscles of his shoulders had been modified to prevent him lifting his head above the horizontal, a task made even more difficult for him by the thick roll of fat at the back of his neck. Now, only by dint of rolling his eyes forward in their sockets, could he raise his vision beyond the patch of floor immediately below them. He could wander about his sty without colliding with its walls, but he couldn't see upwards to their tops, four feet above above the floor of his sty unless he lay down on his side and craned his neck, a difficult position for him and one he couldn't endure up for many moments.

Helen had done something else; she'd made him doubly incontinent. It had been no part of her plan that he should escape his life-long punishment by deliberately withholding his urine until his bladder burst. Now Percy's body relieved itself at the behest of his body, not his mind, and even as the Elf watched, his rapid feeding caused him to defecate, loudly and abundantly, as he ate.  She smiled, looking down into the six feet by four feet square sty with its stinking, churned up mixture of straw and trodden-in excrement. In this cramped space, behind its four dirty concrete walls with no view of the outside world, Percy would spend the rest of his life in filth and boredom, and she breathed in with a sort of relish the odour arising from his sty, the smells of sweat, dung and rotting, urine-soaked straw.

Percy had nearly finished eating, the steel ring in his nose clicking noisily on the metal bottom of his trough as he snuffled down the last scraps. Turning clumsily away, grunting softly in satisfaction, his huge, sagging belly almost brushing the floor, he lay down with an effort in the filthy straw, presenting his wide, dirt-encrusted back and broad, flabby buttocks to his watcher, who regarded the sight with satisfaction. Percy, thought the Elf, had been once a very naughty boy indeed; he had stolen from the widows and orphans, he had robbed her friend Helen, it was right that he should be made to pay for his sins. And it had been so easy to 'disappear' him, as she thought of it, snatching him from his big house in the midst of his servants had been child's play.

Now everyone thought he'd decamped, never to be heard from again, or had done away with himself in some lonely spot where his corpse would never be found.

She climbed down from her perch and left him, taking the slop-bucket with her. Percy would fall asleep with a full belly, the high point of his long and boring day. But in four hours he'd be hungry again, in eight he'd be ravenous, with another two or three hours to wait until the evening when the Elf would return to feed him again. There were a lot of evil people in the world who needed to be punished, Lefty Malone and his two lieutenants, Big Al and 'Razor,' the men who'd raped her and whom she'd robbed in revenge, and she cast thoughtful glances at the empty sties on either hand as she walked past.

Something would have to done about them; safe as she thought she was, there was always the possibility of some chance encounter with someone who'd known, vene in this remote spot.

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Helen ch19

A couple of weeks after we returned from Lincolnshire I was in town one lunchtime when I popped into Costa for a quick cuppa. I was getting it to take-away but still had to suffer the usual less than speedy service. Whilst waiting I was scanning the room (as you do) when I spotted a girl smiling at me. I looked away before glancing back and she was still looking – she was quite attractive with dark shoulder length hair and probably my age – she did look vaguely familiar so when my coffee...

4 years ago
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Helen 6 The watersports threesome

Helen lay in bed, on her own. She was feeling a little sorry for herself, mainly because she hadn’t seen her girlfriend for over a week. She had gone abroad to see a sick relative and Helen had not fancied going, a decision she now regretted. All this meant it was over a week since she had had sex with anyone (apart from her flexible friends, her large collection of vibrators). She was incredibly frustrated. She and her girlfriend had long ago made a pact that, while they were free to have sex...

Group Sex
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Greg finally found his right new home. It was at the right size, right price, and a quiet neighbourhood, the place where he can quietly concentrate his home business. At 28, he was an ambitious young man. The next door neighbour was a couple most probably in their fifties. The man called Tom was a cold man who would pull a long face when coming across people. What sort of woman would fall in love with this kind of man, Greg thought.Helen, his wife, on the other hand, was a polite person who...

3 years ago
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Helens naughty tennis lesson A little fan

A warm sunny morning in the south of England.Dan was sipping his tea while reading the Saturday papers when Helen walked in and did a little twirl, asking,"Do you like my new tennis dress""Looks very good on you, a bit short for tennis though I would have thought""What do you mean, short""Well when you bend over to pick up your ball anyone standing behind you will have a lovely view of your arse''''Oh Dan sometimes you can be such a prude, all the tennis ladies wear dresses like this''''Would...

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Helens Hyperspermia

Hyperspermia The over production of sperm.Panty Boy, CD, Dick Girl, Upskirt, Flashing, Group Sex, KinkyHelen rode in their Luxury Coach RV with Pete at her side. Her idea and his business savvy had made them millionaires.Pete was a washed up, ex pro footballer nearing 50 and living from appearances at Football conventions. He was never outstanding but did have some fame in Super Bowl games. He was in better than average physical shape, yet too many broken bones ended his career leaving him with...

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Helen and Son 2

Ricky's cock popped out of Helen as she lifted herself off him and flopped into the passenger seat. He looked around the parking lot to see if anyone might have seen them. There was just one couple, and they were packing their car at the other end.Helen hadn't said anything. She was sitting with her eyes closed."Are you okay, mom?" Ricky asked, concerned."It wasn't what I expected."Ricky felt deflated, "You didn't enjoy it?"Helen opened her eyes and put her palm on Ricky's cheek, "Oh Ricky, I...

4 years ago
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Helen the neighbour part two

Helen the neighbour part two:Over the coming weeks I saw Helen (with the wife) at various places and we laughed about what happened. Then one day my wife said she’d seen Helen and she had invited us at the weekend for a meal and drinks at her place, so she’d accepted. On the Saturday night we made our way to Helen’s and as expected Helen was a great host, marvelous cook and good fun all evening. I must admit I was surprised that the evening was just the three of us? Not that this bothered me,...

2 years ago
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HELENHelen my Eleven year old Daughter she looked older, even talked older, Eleven going on twenty one in her first term at same senior school where I taught maths.It was a couple of weeks before Christmas my wife Carol of Eleven years decided to find someone else and move out just before she slammed the door on the way out she made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with Helen or myself we were no longer part of her life. I admit Helen is intelligent. Nerdy, studious she would rather...

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The weather was cold and windy, nothing new for New England in mid-October. I just finished wiring up a hot water heater in an old triple decker apartment building in Taunton, MA. and decided to hit Hickeys diner for coffee and Danish. Hickeys is a small family diner that is big on taste. I began going there back in the early seventies while I attended Peter Thatcher J.H. also referred to as Peter Torture at times. Gosh, that has to be a good forty years ago. After my coffee break I got on my...

1 year ago
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Helen 5 Legal Assistance

Rachael had worked for the firm for almost ten years, starting in the secretarial pool and working her way up to senior legal secretary. She and Helen had been close ever since Helen's first day at the firm and typically lunched together at least once a week, sharing the ups and downs of office life. Rachael had been Helen's first 'lunch' with the company, in fact - on her first day, Helen had eaten Rachael. So Helen was surprised when her friend dropped the bombshell over lunch that she...

4 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 5 Choice

They drove straight through the mine complex and Helen felt a lot happier seeing more people around her. All the wide-open spaces were beginning to scare her. Almost all of them wore the same overalls as hers and, as Kate had remarked, there were almost no women; in fact she wasn't sure she had seen any. Karl drew up outside a large building and hurried the girls inside. Helen had assumed that he would have a flat somewhere in the building, but they went straight into the first room on the...

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Helen 10 In the Tattoo Parlour

Helen had finally left college, and was now working as a tattoo artist in a local parlour. She was quite artistic, and capable of designing her own images, including the hard-to-master “3D” stuff that was taking the world by storm. Helen had had no difficulty getting employment; she had been chosen out of twenty-seven applicants...she had good reason to feel a little pleased with herself. One afternoon she had been left on her own to “mind the shop” while Phil (the boss) and the other girl who...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Helen Ch 04

Helen had to be quick at finding excuses. It was something she had always been good at and her explanation for the theft of her bag and why she had taken to her bed early that evening matched the questions that Jack wanted to know. The theft was a quick snatch on her way to university that left her feeling depressed, and going home to bed was her way of forgetting all about it. Atleast it got his sympathy. Making love was not on his immediate agenda and he encouraged her to dress and accept his...

3 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 11 Entertaining

Some days later, Karl announced to the two girls after the evening meal that it would soon be his birthday and he would be having a party for some friends, including Jason, his boss, and Hugo, the boss of the whole planet. Frank was told to start planning the food, as they had already discussed, "But nothing too expensive," added Karl, "I'll be spending enough on the drink as it is." They talked the details of this for a few minutes and then Karl said to the girls, "You two can provide...

3 years ago
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Helen part 3a

I’d not seen Helen for sometime we passed whilst driving and waved but we’d not spoken for weeks.. The wife had seen Helen out and about and once or twice popped over the street to see her. On this occasion she was in the local pub with her friend Tracy who she regularly, and I mean regularly went on holiday with. This was half the reason we’d not seen Helen as she was always off with Tracey to some sunny destination.It should have been odd, even awkward socializing in the pub with my wife and...

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Helen the neighbour part one

Helen the neighbour part one.The names have been changed and the story is half true?We've lived in a leafy middle class area for over twelve years, alongside friendly and accommodating neighbours. We socialise with the adjacent neighbours and on speaking or nodding terms with others living close by. A few doors down lived an older couple Helen and Robert. Helen was in her early sixties and Robert was at least ten years older. Both were very friendly and always took time to chat if we met in the...

1 year ago
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Helen 3 Technical Services

Denise was a cherub - all soft and curvy. Truly voluptuous, not flabby or out of shape. With her figure, the golf shirt and khaki pants were almost attractive. She short hair surrounded an angelic face with cottony light brown curls. She could not have been more than 22, 25 tops and at 5 foot 2, looked like something sweet to eat. At least that is what Helen thought when the 'child' arrived first thing that morning to upgrade the computer software. Helen had just logged in when the little...

2 years ago
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Helen 4 The Little Slavegirl

Six months on, Helen was genuinely experienced now. She had done the sex-party scene to death, and (frustrated with her home life) she had moved out and moved in with Sandra, with whom she had (despite the difference in their ages) managed to fall hopelessly in love. The combination of deep, satisfying romantic love, with the complete freedom to shag anyone she liked was just what the doctor ordered as far as Helen was concerned. People were not built to be monogamous, and an arrangement such...

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Helen Space SlaveChapter 6 Mastered

Helen heard Karl come in to the house and he and Frank were talking in the hall below. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but Karl came up to her room immediately after they finished talking. "Frank tells me you want to stay here, and that you understand what is involved?" he asked. "Yes," said Helen, "I am to be your sex slave and you can have my ... cunt and my ... bum and Frank can have my mouth when you aren't using me." As she said this part of her...

3 years ago
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Helen Ch 17

Greta was not the domineering type she said she was. Infact quite the opposite. Harry thrusted into her with long gentle strokes. Greta felt every push deep into her, stimulating those vital parts that made her climax almost instantly. She was a noisy love maker and her moans and constant screams begging him not to stop just made Harry more excited. ‘Oh fuck, faster, faster, faster’ she begged and so Harry obliged. To Greta it was one of the most amazing fucks she had had for a long time. ...

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Helen Ch 01

Here I was, all set to start my retirement with a blank slate when that damn phone call came. Hi all! My name is Cid and I just ‘retired’ from 20 years as a regional manager for an electronics wholesaler. I had enjoyed a fairly successful career and was rewarded financially and otherwise. However the demands of the job cost me my marriage several years ago. Luckily there were no kids so no one else besides us were hurt by it. I was just too wrapped up in my job, trying to meet goals and...

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Helens Hot Boy Lusts

CharactersRandy (12yo) and Helen (49yo)Category & Story codesWoman-Boy storyFb Mb – cons oral anal The Summer heat hung deep on the small town of Rivers-dale and young 12 year old Randy could not wait to finish his summer lawn mowing job at Mrs Henderson's. He had been hired to mow the grass twice a week but sometimes wondered why they had not hired an older boy because he was still quite small and struggled on the up hill parts of the lawn. Randy was a perfect specimen of a boy – lithe and...

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Helen Ch 16

It was almost 6am. Helen could not sleep for thinking about David’s will, which she was adamant that Jayne had manipulated when David was alive. And that made her wonder even more about his suicide. David was not the kind of person who would so easily commit suicide unless he feared what she had discovered. Helen would not reveal his secrets to anyone. He was a friend and another sexual play mate. She had fallen in love with the hawks and the only way she would get to see them again was accept...

3 years ago
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It was more than twelve months since the young women had moved next door in all that time we hardly spoken, just the odd good morning, how are you, the garden looks good that sort of thing. Not at all an unattractive women Helen I found out her name, looked about 5’4” probably carrying a few more pounds than she should, but she still looked good when she trotted off to work in her too tight pencil skirts and 3” patent shoes with bare brown legs. Her clothes all looked rather threadbare but...

4 years ago
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Helen goes dogging pt1

Helen was at her computer chatting over Messenger to Steve. Having made contact with him through a dating site she had arranged to chat with him online, mainly to find out more about his interest in 'dogging', an activity which she knew nothing about. Until his e-mail to her she had never even heard the term used in all her forty-nine years and it intrigued her!Dogging, he told her, was the habit of spying on couples enjoying themselves in cars, mostly in the evenings and with the tacit...

2 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 9 Surprise

Next morning after breakfast, as Helen had expected, Karl turned to Frank and said, "Put Helen up." As she had anticipated, last night's failure to please Karl meant a formal punishment and she was soon stripped and hanging from the wall. What surprised all three of Helen, Paula and Frank was that Karl gave the paddle to Paula and said, "Twelve. Rough side," and then left the room to go to work. That meant that Paula could do more or less what she liked to Helen with only Frank to...

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Helen 2

It was three weeks since Helen’s awakening - that’s what she called it to her self, rather solemnly. She just thought it was some sort of watershed; but if this were so, why had she not repeated the experience? Well, there was the fact that she had had a long miserable virus infection two days after her “good night”. And after that: well, she had felt a bit “off” - just recovery, she supposed. It was natural to feel a bit depressed after flu. This morning, however, she woke up feeling her old...


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