Helen… Ch. 18 free porn video

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Helen woke up and discovered that Harry had gone from her side. Things slowly came to mind about the party and she began to recall the last events slowly which explained the smell of stale sex around her and on her naked body. She sat up and held her head in her hands, not just for the hangover but also what had happened, as things got wild and out of control. She brushed back her hair to one side and looked around before getting out of the bed.

Harry came back into the bedroom with a tray bearing gifts of bacon sandwiches for both of them. It was not only a gift as such. It was also a peace offering. She found her robe and covered her body as Harry laid the tray carefully on the bed. ‘Help yourself babe,’ he told her. All that Helen could do was fold her arms in disgust, not just for herself for letting things get out of control, but also for Harry for letting it happen. ‘There are still a few people here.’ He explained, tucking into the greasy sandwich.

‘That Australian girl made the breakfast for us.’

That Australian student was the problem. She had manipulated both her and Harry to take part in a threesome, of which Helen began to regret. At the time it seemed fun, something she had not done before and it was different. Harry enjoyed himself too. Having two women making love to him and then watching her and the unknown girl partake in lesbian sex.

Helen felt sick. The stench alone began to turn her stomach along with the smell of greasy fried bacon on the sandwiches, which Harry seemed to be enjoying. ‘Have fun?’ she asked, staring directly at him.

‘I know you did babe. You were lapping it all up… literally and physically. I see you liked the taste of another woman. You surprised me. Didn’t think you liked that sort of stuff. I enjoyed it. It was fun,

well the bits I could remember that is…’

Helen picked up a pillow and threw it hard at Harry before storming out of the room to the bathroom.

She found it difficult to do her ablutions with the two unconscious bodies in there, but atleast she tried as long as they remained unaware. Then the Australian student stormed in as Helen sat contemplating on the toilet. ‘Oh sorry,’ the girl apologised politely. ‘I was hoping to take a quick shower before going.’ She gave Helen an appreciative smile. ‘You were brilliant by the way.’ Helen remained unmoved by the unwelcome comment. ‘No really. You were amazing. I never even had a threesome before.’

Helen was surprised. That made two of them in the same situation, only the girl seemed very pleased about the first time experience. ‘You mean you never had another girl before?’ Helen asked.

‘Yeah. It was different. Exactly like my mates said it was like, but in the flesh it was even better, you know what I mean?’ She was still wearing the kitchen apron that barely hid her breasts. Helen nodded her reply, both thinking and looking at the student. It was both their first time for a threesome tryst. She wondered who taught who what to do. Or was it Harry? The sexually manipulative lover.

Harry walked into the bathroom for a brief moment. He gave the student a quick squeeze around her naked hips. She squealed her delighted reply, much to Helen’s disagreement. Helen remained calm. She had no other alternative after what had happened. ‘We have to get rid of these bodies.’ He said. Referring to the drunken people scattered around the apartment. ‘Last time I’m holding a party in here. It’s a mess.’

‘Isn’t he a cutie?’ the student remarked. Helen never really liked the Australian accent and the sound of the girl’s voice made her shiver. ‘I’m really pleased you invited me Helen.’ She said. It was bound to happen. An open invitation posted on the snack bar wall. A bad idea now, Helen thought. She did not even know most of the people who attended the party. Infact, she never expected to see so many turn up.

Helen raised herself onto her feet from the toilet basin. ‘It was a pleasure I’m sure.’ She answered the girl and began to wash her hands as the student desperately took her place on the toilet. The student looked at Helen, sighing with relief as she let her bladder contents release noisily. ‘So, what are you studying at uni?’ Helen asked.

‘Art. I’m in my first year. Originally from Brisbane.’

‘I’ve never noticed you before. I’m studying psychology.’

‘Oh my God! Did you have the guy who topped himself?’ The girl asked. She was obviously making reference to David’s suicide, not knowing that the term ‘have’ meant something more than just lectures.

‘Yes. It was a big shock to everyone I suppose.’ Helen checked her face in the mirror. A shower was definitely needed, as she felt the dried remains of Harry’s cum on her forehead. More of the memories flashed back to her about what actually happened. She and the girl sharing Harry’s spunk as he came on both their faces, after taking turns in blowing his manhood. That was after they had given each other oral sex until they both released their juices for tasting in turn, and before Harry himself fucked them both generously.

Helen looked at the girl again. ‘Brisbane?’ she asked. The girl replied with an excited nod and smile. ‘It’s a long way to come to study isn’t it?’

‘Yeah, my parents are originally from Coventry. They told me all about England and so I had to come here. I might even stay when I graduate. Australia is so boring.’

Helen was still wondering who had inspired their sexual activity. Maybe it was a combination of a wild party atmosphere, booze and of course Harry. It did not matter any way. What was done was done, and the girl was not getting another chance.

Later, after all the drunken bodies had been kicked out gently back to wherever they had come from, Helen could finally have the shower she desperately needed as Harry cleared the mess around the apartment. She was unaware that the student was still there until she burst into the bathroom, fully clothed, her brown hair tied back into a pony tail. Helen stepped out of the shower and the girl threw her arms around her, hugging her and then kissing her on the lips. ‘Thanks for a great night Helen. See you around uni.’ No sooner had she entered, she had dashed off again, dampened from Helen’s freshly showered body, which made Helen step back again for another shower, to get rid of the stench of stale and cheap perfume. It was quite obvious the student from Brisbane was happy about what happened.

That evening a wall of silence fell between Helen and Harry. Neither of them really knew how to make comments about the situation. It was total avoidance on each other’s behalf. Then Harry noticed an article in the newspaper, ‘Businessman and his sons go missing.’ He read it carefully and slowly and it mentioned the O’Grady’s. Their departure from life was finally noticed. Police were trying to contact friends and relations and atleast Harry felt comfortable with being neither. He decided to keep the article from discussion with Helen. The less said the better things would be.

He looked over her shoulder has she prepared the evening meal, taking in the aroma of the spaghetti Bolognese sauce. He could not resist a quick squeeze of her breasts and the quick feel of her posterior. Helen found it intimate, and pleasant as always, but there was still something bothering her. That sharing with the student, his encounter with the law in more ways than one. And poor Saskia.

The question was, could Harry be a reliable trusted partner, full stop? Or was he going to be trouble and another lothario like Jack, who was hopefully now well rid of. That however, raised its ugly head a few days later.

Somehow Jack had managed to obtain Helen’s new phone number. Again and again he would call her pleading for her to rearrange a new relationship and all that she could do was cut off the calls without a reply. As if that was not enough, the Australian student turned up at the university refectory. There were thousands of student
s and out of the blue one lunch time she appeared at Helen’s table. ‘Hi, may I join you for lunch?’ she asked, holding a tray of food and drink. Helen was not the type of person to reject the request of a ‘passing’ acquaintance. Helen was part way through her lunch and it did not take long for the student to catch up. She had a voracious appetite, and then the chatting began. Helen did not even know her name.

‘You know I’ve been trying to catch you for weeks…’

‘Hold on.’ Helen stopped her. ‘What do I call you? What is your name? If you have mentioned it before, forgive me for letting it slip my memory.’

‘Oh sorry, my name is Dahlia. Dahlia Andrews.’ Knowing that made Helen feel a touch closer to her passive ‘friend’. Although she still was not sure if she wanted to be any closer than they had been. ‘Yeah, I wanted to contact you for weeks. I think you’re a cool person and very generous for what happened…’ Helen raised her hand politely, not wishing to discuss that generosity ‘that happened’. Harry and she were now over it and there were definitely no wild parties planned again for the future.

‘I was just wondering. Could I ask a personal question?’ Dahlia asked. Helen nodded chewing part of her meal. ‘Oh good.’ Dahlia was delighted, although it depended on the question whether or not her delight was going to be sustained by the nature of the question. The passing weeks gave Helen the time to recover and consider some kind of friendship, offering Dahlia help wherever possible.

‘Can I move in with you and Harry? Only I’m getting kind of kicked out of my lodgings. Some of my mates think I took some of their things. You know, robbed them. And I’m not that kind of person, trust me. So it was a case of lets all vote and the reply was… she has to go.’

Helen did not expect that request, although again, it had to be an obvious one. ‘That is kind of cruel without evidence.’ Helen replied. ‘Can’t you come to some amicable agreement?’

‘Well that’s not all,’ Dahlia continued. ‘I gave my best mate’s boyfriend a few favours.’

‘Gave? As in did?’

‘Yes, as in blow jobs.’ Dahlia replied. Helen began to think. There may have been no real evidence of Dahlia taking peoples personal items. There seemed evidence however that she had stolen somebody’s lover’s spunkies. ‘The disaster was…’ Dahlia continued. ‘These guys were both gay.’

The plot and scenario thickened. What else would Dahlia do or atleast attempt to do?

An answer to Dahlia’s question could not be decided upon alone. Harry had to be involved and she explained that clearly. The apartment did belong to him, whether it was legal or not. It was their love nest and they had agreed not to share it. Besides, both she and Harry had plans to sell it if possible and find somewhere more convenient.

Harry was selling his wares on the market. The day had turned treacherous with more heavy rain which made customers go into hiding. And then the unexpected visit of Greta, the police detective with a high libido and penchant for Harry’s manhood graced him at his stall. She stood under her official black umbrella and searched through his stock of DVD’s. ‘Hope you are not selling any dodgy ones?’ she asked. ‘There are lots of paedophiles around and I would hate to charge you with aiding and abetting them.’

‘Look, if you found anything like that in my stock, then I’d offer you my wrists for the cuffs, ok?’

‘Ummh sounds tempting.’

‘Ok babe, what is it you want with me now? Found evidence of another dead body in my apartment?’

‘You know what I want.’ She sent him a wanting gaze backed up by a smile. A quick fuck and away until next time. The once in a while steamy session that had to be strictly unattached to business. Harry was now beyond that. No matter how tempting the offer was on a rainy afternoon. He and Helen had made agreements to stay faithful lovers. ‘Well?’ she asked. To Harry it was still tempting and hard to resist. There were no doubts in his mind that Greta was an amazing lover or to be precise an amazing fuck with no holds barred. She was continuously on heat and ready for action and so was he to be honest.

‘No chance Greta. Helen and I are strictly one on one lovers these days. Sorry to disappoint you and all that my love. You gave us a chance of a clean start and that is what we are doing.’ Harry made it quite clear. Greta replied with a resigning look and accepted the situation. She had lots of evidence on him, but could never use it because of her misconduct. Morally, she was pleased that atleast he and Helen were going straight and honest. However, there was something Greta wanted Harry to see.

She reached into her bag and produced a DVD in its plastic sleeve.

‘What’s this? One of your private porno movies for my personal pleasure?’ Harry asked, taking the disk. Greta laughed finding it highly comical that he should be thinking on those lines.

‘No. But you might find it quite arousing. Your girl friend certainly likes her sex on the kinky side as I am sure you will see. It’s a copy of a home movie we retrieved from the Professor’s private collection. Enjoy it or not Harry,’ Greta smiled and moved on leaving Harry with the mysterious content of a home movie. The Professor, a man he never really knew, yet what he did know was that Helen became somewhat fond of him along with her ex.

Harry had just one hour to view the DVD before Helen returned from university. The television set revealed the title, which simply read ‘Helen Cums!’ The picture faded in and there was the whole kinky scene of the old professor forcing Helen into a wild screaming orgasm as she was tied helplessly to a table. He was neither disgusted nor aroused. But it was something he rather not have been shown or told about. The Professor committed suicide for some reason and he convinced himself that Helen was not the cause.

He switched off the recorder and ejected the disk. The images he saw were firmly locked into his mind and maybe it was just Greta being cruel. All these things were heading from both their pasts now. There was a new clean slate ahead. A new life and possibly marriage, children and everything else expected of a descent modern couple. He decided to hide away the disk for future disposal.

‘Hi darling we’re home!’ The cry made Harry startled as Dahlia dashed into the apartment and flung her arms around him. Helen shrugged her shoulders as Harry looked towards her for a reason. The Australian student had decided to intrude before Helen could stop her. ‘Thank you for saving my life Harry.’ Dahlia said excitedly. ‘I would have starved to death on the streets. Kicked out on my ass and left to the rapists and thieves in the night.’

Helen could only laugh at the style of endearing Dahlia used. She and Harry had not yet decided on letting Dahlia share the apartment. Harry was clueless, with Dahlia still clinging to him like a vine.

‘Hold on babe…’ Harry pushed the girl gently to arms length. ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’

‘It’s ok.’ Helen broke in to explain as she calmly dropped her bag on the table. ‘She wants to stay with us for a short while until she finds somewhere else. I said you and I will discuss it. But it seems our friend already thinks we have.’

Harry was personally not opposed to the fact of having two women living within his company. A repeat of what happened last time was definitely not on his mind, although Dahlia’s toast was just right. Not many people know how to make perfect toast. He held up his hands and thought a while. Then he looked at the pretty girl student who was full of life, energy, excitement and of course the downside, a nonstop conversationalist.

‘I agree if Helen does. You keep to the spare bedroom. That is your domain. Is that clear?’

‘Crystal clear! What about my rent? I can do favours.’

‘Favours?’ Harry asked. His mind focused again on the last kind of favours, which Harry did as any normal heterosexua
l male enjoyed. Again though, there was a move away from those activities.

‘Yes! I can clean, cook… anything domestic. I have a very strict mother!’

‘Oh yeah. Sure.’ Harry felt relieved. Obviously Dahlia did not intend to pay cash for rent. Like most students too far away from home he reasoned, she was probably broke and waiting for her strict mother to send some money. ‘Well you’d better move in then. Where is your gear?’

‘That is the problem.’ Helen said with a grin. ‘At the moment, she lives in what she wears. Her nice roomies sold everything of hers to pay for things they believe she stole from them. What you see is Dahlia and Dahlia only.’

‘Fuck! You’re in a mess babe!’

Over the next few days it seemed that Helen had a complete change of heart for Dahlia. Their friendship began to grow and Helen found her antipodean humour satisfying. Although the same age as Helen, Dahlia had a more child-like view on life which made her appear immature, but she knew her study well. The first thing that Helen had to do was find Dahlia a complete wardrobe of suitable clothing from the help of the Oxfam organisation store and anything of Helen’s that would fit.

Eventually the cheque from Dahlia’s parents came through. She offered Helen and Harry some of the money for rent, but they did not need it. Dahlia had now become a part of the household features as well as an apartment roomy. Art being her topic, decorative design was another and she started work on murals of all three copied from photographs and painted on the walls. Helen in the master bedroom with Harry and Dahlia’s in her own room, which was now her home.

Helen watched Dahlia very carefully for signs of thieving which she was accused of by her old roomies. There was nothing. Infact, she had the greatest respect for both her hosts and obeyed all house rules implicitly.

Dahlia’s wild sexual nature had not been tamed during that time. There was one evening when Helen and Harry were making love and like a storm, she dashed into their bedroom. ‘Can I join in?’ she asked standing totally naked by their bed. The timing was right or wrong, as Helen was riding an amazing multiple orgasm and Harry, now being cautious, was about to fill his condom full of a mammoth load of his cum.

‘Jesus! Dahlia! Can you knock on doors?’ Harry was annoyed. Helen was too far into her orgasm to realise what exactly was happening.

‘Look, I heard the noises you two were making. I thought it would be ok to join in.’

‘Not anymore babe.’ Harry was sympathetic with his answer. However, Helen was coming back to reality with a displeasing mood. ‘That was a long while ago. A party. One huge fuck off party that made everyone go wild on booze and drugs.’

‘Sorry about that guys.’ Dahlia apologised. Harry noticed her slim petite body. He suddenly realised he had two fuckable women in his presence and he was still horny. His morals snapped back into order as soon as he realised which of the two women he was supposed to be in love with. Helen lay back on the bed holding her hands on her breasts staring at the ceiling. She had cum and there was the usual evidence on the bed sheet beneath her buttocks. She was annoyed by the intrusion, but far too placated to react or say anything.

Later, Helen thought it was time for a chat with Dahlia before their friendship was ruined. They chose the cafe across the road from the market where Harry was working. He was in eyeshot of both of them. ‘He’s great isn’t he?’ Dahlia said gazing at him being articulate with a customer in the distance. Helen smiled at gazed at her. ‘You’re so lucky to have him Helen. I have to admit to you…’ Dahlia looked down into her coffee and thought before continuing. ‘I like Harry too. And I know it’s not going to be possible to share him between us.’

‘Have you shared a man before?’ Helen had to ask. There was still so little she knew about her.

‘Yes. In the flat before I got threw out. I suppose I intruded. I fucked two girlfriends boyfriends regularly until they both found out. They trashed my clothes and kicked me out.’ The truth was finally revealed. Helen took a deep breath and looked out of the window at Harry, who was oblivious of the conversation. ‘I’m sorry if I’m upsetting you Helen.’

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When Kathy's bleeding time was due and she did not bleed, the two began to discuss what that meant. Eventually, when her stomach began to push out again, they both seemed to instinctively know that she was going to have another baby. This time they were ready for the changes as they occurred. Even little Hannah got to participate in feeling her mommy's stomach as she was told about the upcoming event. They estimated she would deliver the new baby about September 1957. They missed the date...

2 years ago
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Shaadi Me Hui Maa Ki Chudai

Hi, Guys this is puja tiwari from Chinakuri Asansol Kolkata.I’m very hot girl and love to read sex story. Jyada baat ko nhi ghumaati hu Aur sidha story pe aati hu. Mere Ghr me 5log h me hu 2bhai h nd dad h jiski umar 45k karib hogi and meri mummy jo meri real story ki mukhya patra h unka age 38 hai.lekin age k hisaab se wo lgti nhi h ki unki umr 38h aaj v wo 23-24saal ki naazuk si bhabhi lgti h unka figure 34d 28 38 h. Wo gori hai nd itna Achcha figure h Aur Jb hmlog sath me Kahi jaatew h to...

1 year ago
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Making Myself Cum

I walked around my house, horny, thinking that all I wanted to do right now was have a sweet, amazing orgasm. I took a drink of water, thinking about the things I had to do later. Everything involved stress it seems, and masturbation was looking better and better. I stripped down naked to my waist, throwing my bra to the floor and looking at my small round breasts. I grabbed them and squeezed, making my nipples hard as little rocks. I imagined my guy kissing them and sucking them as I played...

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The curtains fluttered in the soft breeze. The air smelt of rain and wet grass. Jonathan shifted in his sleep and turned over onto his stomach. One arms groped and found cool sheets, something that puzzled his sleeping mind and drew it back to consciousness. After his eyes drifted open, he lay still for a moment trying to figure out what had woken him. Kat. He sat up, his eyes adjusting to the darkness as he searched the room for her. The curtains ruffled in a particularly strong surge of wind...

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Walkin Threesome

I had gone to Peter's house knowing full well we were likely to fuck and was as hard as a rock wehn I got there.He opened the door and showed me to his bedroom. My dick began throbbing at the thought of what was to come. On the way In noticed there was a second bedroom with a made bed. "Don't worry that's my house mate Tim's room, he's out" he said as I peered into it.We made our way to his room where he had his TV on top of a cupboard that was next to a wall mirror. Peter flicked the TV on and...

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Money Is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 4 Rachael Has A Suggestion

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 4: RACHAEL HAS A SUGGESTION As it was nearing tea time, Rachael suggested we find a nice winebar and have something to eat, to save having to cook when we got back to the apartment. I agreed. Although I was dressed as a woman, I felt confident enough in my appearance to go to regular restaurants and bars now. We arrived, parked the car and went into the winebar. It was quite busy, but the waiter at the door found us a table for...

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Black CaptainChapter 5

Prudence Harper kept telling herself that she wanted nothing to do with this big Captain Happy, of all the curious and unrespectable names! She fidgeted at the table while he was gone. Then, seeing that he did not return immediately, she helped herself to the curried meats and ate ravenously. She was glad he was gone, glad that the door was closed between them, cutting him off from her naughty, disobedient body. But, oh God, she had to admit as the food made her feel more content, he sure was...

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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 10

While Russell was putting his plan together, Spencer Patterson had another go at Cheryl. This time Garry took the sexy brunette teen to a motel where Spencer was waiting. She reluctantly got out of the car. Garry then forced her into the motel room. “We’ll be a little less cramped this time,” Spencer said, as he looked over the beautiful teen in her nice blouse and skirt. “I just bet you give all them high school boys a hard-on. They’re just too afraid to take you down and fuck you,”...

3 years ago
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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 8

Claire’s dreams must have been very vivid that night, because I woke up to her softly moaning in her sleep, her hands pawing at her locked shut sex intermittently under the covers. We had arrived back at the hotel quite late from our adventure, my new fianc?© and I, and had gone right to bed, exhausted but fulfilled. I softly petted her breasts through the covers whenever she stirred. I was sleeping lightly myself. I was conflicted about Claire’s chastity fantasy, and what it meant ...

3 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 1 Where Theres a Will chapter 6

This kiss was different. The first had been a question. This one was a demand. It was hungry. Not overly aggressive, but fierce with desire. Janie moaned into his mouth and one of his hands found the back of her neck and gripped a little harder than he probably should have. Her fingers were twined in his hair again. After a brief eternity their lips parted and their foreheads came together to rest on each other.“Wow,” Will said faintly. Janie nodded against his head. She was suddenly aware of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Crush

He had told himself over and over it was only a crush. He had thought he’d managed to forget her after not seeing her for months, but then the one year reunion came. The airline was paying for their travel from wherever they were to get together and talk with counselors and each other. What would he say in front of the group? What would he say to her? Was he the only one still dreaming about the flames? Was he the only one needing to talk about what happened but wanting to run away at the...

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Telugu sex story 3

Ala breast ni koruktunte tana kllutho kodutundi..mooligindi…ala kasepu kissing ,koradakadam ,massaging chesa…tarvta 2 hands tho vatini press chestho…kinda boddu ni kiss chesa..ala kasepu boddu ni kiss chesa..langa teesesa….pink pantyvundi…ala panty meeda nunde kiss chesa..nalukatho naki naki tadisipoyindi..tarvta korika pai nunde..tanu inka mooligindi…ippudu paiki vacchi jacket teesa..white bra….picchi ekkindi aa scene chusaka…ventane bra kuda teesea….gattiga notloki teesukoni picchi ekkinattu...

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Corruption By Julie O. Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Faith Collins poured herself another mug of coffee and returned to her computer. Like many writers, Faith had a routine she followed while she was working on a book. It was nearly nine at night, but this didn't bother Faith, as she enjoyed working late into the night. Presently she was working on the fifth book of her detective series. To her amazement, all four of her previous books had rocketed to the top...

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HandsOnHardcore Abella Danger Anal Sex Fantasy Cums True

Horny American nymph Abella Danger has some ass fucking dreams that she wants to have realized more than anything in today’s Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene. She shares her sexual fantasies with Logan Long who doesn’t seems to know how to take the news at first, but after seeing her fucking her ass with a butt plug, he’s more than ready to help make her dreams cum true. The brunette glamour pornstar is extra excited to see his long schlong and gets her ass gaped just as...

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Serving Christmas Dinner to Homeless

For quite a while I had thought about helping out at the Salvation Army at Christmas as they need all the help they can get at that time with the homeless. I rang the number in town to offer my services and got a hell of a surprise when an old friend, Jean, answered the phone. She explained that her Uncle Tom was the person who was in charge and she volunteered to help out every Xmas. She explained that they’d be serving lunch to about 30 homeless, she explained that they could only...

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Wash Away the Blues

“So, where are you? How soon will you be home?” his wife asked with bubbly anticipation. Brad’s features tightened into a wince. No matter how little he had wanted to hear the news, it was far more difficult to deliver it. “Baby, the office called.” Cathy groaned and all the joy left her voice. “You’ve already been gone a week. They can’t be sending you someplace else.” “They need someone in Chicago tomorrow, and I’m the only one close enough to get there by car. The weather is delaying flights...

Quickie Sex
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King DongChapter 5

Bob didn't actually move in with Liz and the girls, or sell his house, despite the fact that they had planned out his entire week ... or at least each night of his entire week. He still went to work and actually spent some nights there at home. While Liz and her daughters did invite him over almost every night, they still spent some nights doing other things. They established a girls' night out, and found that spending time as a family had a lot to offer. They did lots of things together....

4 years ago
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Note: although this can be read as a stand alone story, it works best as a follow on from 'Kon Tiki', to which there is a link below. Hope you enjoy.2: ASYLUM Through the view screen in his private quarters, Major Redford was cursed with a bird’s eye view of the undulating, writhing mountains of flame-coloured gas banking up against the containment field. In twenty four hours the situation had deteriorated rapidly; now only fleeting glimpses of the planet’s blue-green surface could be seen...

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Family TiesChapter 10

Over the next several weeks, Laura visited her parents bedroom almost nightly. Her sexual prowess continued to amaze both her father and mother. Claire remained ignorant of the girl's identity even though she commented twice to Drummond that, in certain ways, their mystery lover reminded her of Laura. Drummond, on the other hand, was developing more and more a taste for his daughter instead of his wife. As their threesomes continued, most of his attention was focused on the girl. Claire...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 10

Index: https://xhamster.com/posts/957456Chapter 10A festival of strong will.The volunteer group helped Christopher move the concrete formwork. They also helped Chris to coat the inside floors with an epoxy finish, and to smooth out the outside rough concrete terraces. They did a few of the upper cabins first. As others gave each of the 24 lower cabins their own identity by painting some walls in different colors. The work progressed fast. At this rate, they could finish all the 30 cabins within...

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Sue in the garden teasing builders

In my eyes my wife is absolutely gorgeous. She's 5'5" tall and has a pair of breasts to die for, They are perfectly proportioned to her body she is a little over weight but still in proportion, at times her pussy can be hairy yet in the summer she will shave it all away which is very exciting for me. This is my opinion.You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself. To cut to the chase, we met...

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Man, I do love the beach! So much female-ass just hangin' out for all to see... I fucking love it! Girls go there half-naked just to flaunt their bodies, and flash as much of their pussies, asses and tits to us guys as they can, and good times are had by all.Once I was lying on this beach I like, checking out the crowds of smoking-hot tourist-ladies, all half-naked, many of whom were indubitably cruising for some big hard vacation-cock for the night to satisfy their horny, vacationing pussies....

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Liberty Girl Onyx

Welcome to Liberty Girl & Onyx. For this CYOA you will be given the option of following one of two characters. Ashley Wilson AKA Liberty Girl: The heroine of Ultra City, Ashley Wilson a geologist who was granted superhuman abilities after being exposed to mysterious meteorite. Her powers include super strength, speed, heat vision, x-ray vision, invulnerability and the power of flight. Simply put, she is basically unstoppable as the superheroine Liberty Girl and her very presence in Ultra City...

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Releasing My Inner Sissy Part 1

RELEASING MY INNER SISSY By Deewet 2018 This story is fiction and contains mature matter. No real people or people under age are deplicted in this fiction. I met Mistress Cindy by accident at an outdoor festival. Sitting alone, like usual, I was watching a band play, drinking a Coke since I wasn't 21, and even if I was, I couldn't afford the beer prices. Of course, at that time I had no idea she was a transformation specialist and dominatrix. She sat down next to me and said...

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My Horny Collegue Tanisha8230

Hi readers. I’m a regular out here on this web site reading the stories to my hearts content and this time around I thought that I should share with you guys what I had experienced a year and a half ago with a girl in my office. Well my name is Sandesh and i’m in Panjim in Goa and this story is about a girl named Tanisha in my office. We had a large office where I was working for this company and a lot of girls were employed and a whole lot of them were really sexy and had a great figure, my...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 11 MindControlled Teachers Passion

Chapter Eleven: Mind-Controlled Teacher's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson I had such a cocky grin as I passed the “sewage worker.” He probably was a government agent, but he couldn't prove that I stopped time. That I was the source of the strange anomaly they were looking for. Nor could they figure out that my sister was the other one. It was clear they'd tracked it to my college, but there were hundreds of students here, and that didn't count the staff. So I...

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My First Sex Lesson 8211 Seeing My Father Fuck My Mother

Dear reader This is my story on this site and it is a true story. Story that marked my induction into the beautiful world of sex and one which is responsible for making me fucking horny bastard, whose dick is always in search of a hole. The story dates back to almost 30 years ago when I was about 8 year old. I was staying in a small industrial town in India where my father was working in a local industrial unit in the capacity of an executive. He was a simple nice gentle man with perfect...

1 year ago
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Skin Deep II Chapter 16

Epilog The girl was perhaps ten years old. Her face was beautiful, with rich full lips, large brown eyes and high cheekbones. Her black hair cascaded off her head in long curly locks, her skin was soft and smooth, well taken care of, especially for a girl her age. She stood with her hand on her hips and she had a look of fierce anger in her eyes. The man she was speaking to was perhaps 37. He had a brutish good look to him. His frame was strong and muscular and his face and...

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Good Sissy Girl

Good Sissy Girl. I kept pressing myself backwards. Not much further to go now, I could feel the flare really stretching my lips now and that meant I was almost there. As the plug's biggest width popped past my sphincter and went all the way in I shuddered all over. It felt so full. It felt so good. "That's a good girl. Allll the way in..." my Mistress purred at me. I loved seeing her this excited. I loved turning her on. I loved that transforming myself for her turned her...

4 years ago
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Condo Living

I moved into a new condo lately. Just three weeks ago, in fact. It’s a nice place, you know, with all the facilities people like to have. Swimming pool, outdoor of course so only available for half the year. A weight room and sauna and what they called a Zen garden. In truth, it was just a short walkway in a space that could be closed in with huge glass panels in the winter like a greenhouse. There were ferns, a few smallish trees and large rocks and benches to sit on. All told, it wasn’t a bad...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Ivy Lebelle An Insatiable Anal Queen

Thick and curvy Ivy Lebelle opens her ass up to Manuel in “Anal Nymphos Anal Legends #3”. The smokey LeBelle starts the scene with an outdoor tease that ends up in an empty bathtub. She sits on the edge and gives a little wink to the folks watching. Next, Manuel mauls Ivy on the sofa. She spreads her thick thighs and he stuffs her with his fingers. He later moves the stuffing to her asshole, churning it furiously. Miss LeBelle grabs Manuel’s meat and gulps as much as she can,...

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During the Storm

I’d like thank my editor gotwood49. I’m laying here on my bed thinking of you. I just logged off the computer because of the storm, so I decided to take my memory of you to bed with me and write something for us. I lie here with my paper and pen, pressing my pussy into the bed as I imagine your cock underneath me. I write as my hips lift and fall, my pussy getting wetter as I think of your cock sliding in and out of me. Oh, how I want this to be true – to have you under me, letting me ride...

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The Barbarian and the Wench My First Renaissance Faire

I would bring this girl to climax first, leave her panting in the dirt. Taking two fistfuls of hair, I pulled her head away. My cock popped out of her mouth with a sucking sound. “M’Lord, am I not to your liking?” she asked, looking up at me with genuine concern. “You’re wonderful, my love, but I want to see to your needs first.” “But I only want to satisfy you.” “You’ll satisfy me by doing as you’re told.” Rochelle gave me a puppy dog look. “I’ll...I’ll do whatever you want.” This ravishing...

First Time

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