Ahhh Rosie…. free porn video

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My name is Rosie, I work in a diner. I’ve been in this town all my life, I’m 29, basically still a virgin, not quite but nearly. I haven’t dated in, ohh it has to be at least 6 years. Not that I haven’t had the opportunity. I’m no glamour but I’ve looks enough.

It was just after I met him and fell madly in love with him, that dating other men became unnatural for me… He comes in here everyday and over the years we’ve talked a fair bit, he still doesn’t know that I’m in love with him and I can’t tell him, we’re best friends you know…. Pfff, I want more and I can’t tell him yet.

I’m actually a pretty shy person in all truth, he‘s the only one I feel remotely comfortable talking to, but some things still have to remain silent between us.

He’s had so much on his mind for the last year, he had a really bad marriage, he wasn‘t ever happily married, I knew this and so did he…. The woman he married ran off and left him about a year ago and he’s been down, unhappy and unable to trust for a long while now, so I haven’t wanted to push anything, but now I think I must, just this one time.

I’m not getting any younger and the biological clock is ticking, way to fast. I’m afraid that if I wait much longer it’ll never happen, with this man I love. Today there just seems to be an urgency within me, like I know if it doesn’t happen soon, I will have missed my chance.

Its five o’clock and I have one hour to go before I can get home and change for the surprise party the town is having for him. Yeah its his 40th birthday today and even though he told me it was nothing special, and that he didn’t want to celebrate, the single women in the town decided that he had to have one, and believe me there is a few of us singles out here…

I watch him walk across the street from the window, by the table I’m cleaning, as I watch his graceful stride, you can see the strength that emanates from his body, and my mind drifts over fantasies that I want to become a reality. I shake my head and watch as the sun glistens off of his hair.. The night shadows readying to close in around him..

Dr Ashley Cato does this every night at this time, he’s the Doctor here and unless there’s an emergency, he closes shop at the same time… I know his routine it’s the same thing everyday, much the same as mine.

It’s a simple life we live here and I enjoy the quiet time in the evening just before the sun goes down. If I sit on my veranda at just the right time I can hear the old Mexican woman, Mrs. Retarno, down the road, she sings her grandchildren to sleep in the old tongue, at the same time every night, its such a beautiful sound.

You can hear the dogs that whine for their dinner, in the distance, it always brings a sigh to my lips. As the sun dips into the horizon the bird’s last mournful chirp is heard for the night… I love this town, it’s small, its quiet and its home to me.

Yeah sure we have our problems here, just like any other place. The local teenagers who race their cars late on a Saturday night. Bill the old Sheriff, who never seems to chase them, just makes sure they all arrive home safe each night. There’s no crime really to speak of – too many people know each other and someone is always watching. It’s a life you get used to and accept, if you don’t, why you just move on.

In three more steps he’ll be at his car, I move to the doorway as I do every night and wait for the wave that he’ll give me just after he opens the door…. Aahhh there it is, the wicked smile, the wave. I wave back wistfully, as I do every night and then he’s gone turning the ignition and driving away… it’s the simple pleasures in life that I enjoy in this town, but it’s the love of that man that I crave, that keeps me here….

I’m wearing a simple outfit tonight, black pants and a white silk halter top that my younger sister sent me, she moved away at 18 and life seems to treat her well in the city. A black cardigan that hasn’t been worn for years, is going to be worn over the top of it all, It comes down to my knees. I picked it up from the dry cleaners at lunch and the poor old thing actually looks brand new.

Normally if I wanted to chase a man I’d wear something a bit classier, but I don’t think I want to remind him of the ex-wife, besides its just not me. The halter-top is a bit more than what I would normally wear, but I figured if he wants me he‘ll take me any way he can have me.

Tanya the ex-wife was all class, we all knew, the ones who’d lived here forever, that she wouldn’t stay, and we were right, she had city girl stamped all over her, she ran off with a sales rep who passed through town, she’s happy with him and very pregnant. Poor Ashley I don’t know that he’ll ever survive it, I hope for our sakes that he can.

Ahh but anyway my musing have caused me to be late I must leave for home now.

Its twenty years later from when I wrote that in my diary and I never did get to write what happened that night…. But I still remember it like it was yesterday, it was a night that changed my life forever, in many ways. I learned appreciation and to be so careful for what you wish for because you might just get it, even if it’s unexpected….

I remember getting to the party on time, just before Ashley arrived. I saw all the women there all dressed up and out to get him, yeah it sent my jealous eyes to squinting but I just reminded myself that they looked more sophisticated then any of them actually were. The men dressed fairly casually as they always did in this town, unless there was a wedding or a funeral to attend, even Christening’s weren’t that special to the men….

The lights were turned down low and Old Bill had called to tell Ashley he wasn’t feeling well, as we all knew he would, Ashley came over straight away. We surprised him, and he forced a smile to his lips, I knew right away he wasn’t happy about the party.

He looked like all he wanted to do was leave. He was searching around the room for someone and smiling false greetings to people he really didn’t want to see. Then his eyes found me. His gaze locked with mine and rested on me, for the first time that night, the devilish twinkle he was keeping hidden, burst forth and made me feel so special, tears welled in my eyes briefly as my hope was renewed.

I remember seeing him striding across the room towards me, that he had a quizzical look on his face, my smile was wide and my eyes glistening.

“Are you okay” he asks me as he wiped a tear from my eye when he finally reached my side.

“Yes I’m fine” I replied looking deeply into his grey eyes.

“You’re crying, are you sad?”

“No I’m not sad, their tears of happiness.”

He smiles with a furrowed brow and asks “Why are you so happy”

“I think because you seemed happier as you walked over here, and it made me happy.”

All the love I felt for him shined in my eyes as he looked back at me, I decided then and there that there was no holding back for me. I had to show him how much I cared about him. He frowned a little at first, a sure sign that he was thinking, and then he ducked his head and leaned in towards my ear and whispered, ‘you and I have to talk later, will you follow me home?”

At first I was afraid he was going to tell me that it was never going to happen between us, and my heart sank as my head went down with a small nod. He raised my chin on his finger, I still couldn’t look into his eyes, he whispered,

“Look at me please my Rosie”

I looked up and he said “its okay, I’ve known for a while and we need to talk”

Oh great I thought, but then he smiled and said all would be fine if I went back with him and heard him out. I agreed despite my embarrassment. He leaned in and with soft warm lips he gently touched his
to mine. I felt my tears begin to swell again and hoped and prayed that my waiting was finally going to be over.

We didn’t talk anymore for the rest of the night. He had to mingle and thank people for coming, he opened presents and ate cake. Some of the younger kids got drunk around us, but we didn’t talk. He’d come and stand near me or watch me from across the room, silently willing me to look at him. I always did and I think to myself even now that I must have looked like a shy little girl to him way back then…

I remember driving to his place in a cold sweat and feeling nervous about what was to come. I didn’t know if he wanted me, or if he wanted to say it could never be anything more than friendship, or one night of passion for us both.. I was willing to give him what he wanted or needed regardless of if it could last or not. One night was better then none. I remember thinking that I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me, before I closed my eyes briefly and prayed to God to allow us one night, just one night together.

When I got to his place, the lights were turned on and as I drove up his long drive I thought god I wish he didn’t live so far out of town. He lived only three miles from the centre of town, but out in the country, it may well of been a thousand.

The roads were dark and my nervous already taught. He was sitting on his veranda when I pulled up and he un-stretched his 6 foot 3 inch frame and walked over to my car.

My hands shook as he helped me out and he rubbed them, as he looked into my eyes, he surprised me with a kiss of such passion that I melted against him. He pulled back and looked into my eyes and asked if I wanted this to go further

“Yes.” I whispered “with all my heart.”

He picked me up and carried me straight to his bedroom where he began to make love to me slowly and with all the passion that I had ever felt for him over the years.

He stripped off my clothes piece by piece, he asked if I was nervous, I was. I was shaking all over, between kisses he asked me how long it had been since I had made love to anyone, and I answered by saying, “since the day you moved to town.”

He groaned and pushed my breasts up with his ever so soft hands and leaned down to kiss and nibble on my nipples, he rolled them around on his tongue and drew them deeply into his mouth.

My head was dizzy and my legs shaking when he lifted me easily off the floor and placed me in his bed. I remember the smell of his sheets and how they reminded me of him sitting at the diner talking with me over coffee and raisin toast.

I was embarrassed, mortified really, by how wet and ready I was for him. He placed his hand between my thighs and I whimpered like a beaten dog. He shushed me gently and told me it was ok and that he was very happy that I responded to him that way. It made him feel like a whole man. I assured him that he was in my eyes and he entered me with one slow, long, powerful, thrust.

I felt as though I was being torn in two. I could feel him sliding all the way into me, it was such a snug fit and I thought his length would travel inside of me forever. Just when it became unbearable to me and I was beginning to think he wouldn’t ever fit properly inside me, he held still, embedded in me the entire length, it was still so very painful but bearably so.

He held me in his arms and soothed me with words and hundreds of light kisses. He told me how good he felt being with me and how right I was for him. I cried in his arms as my dreams became a reality, he was so sweet in his loving and patient in his desire for me to adjust to his length and size, he was so caring and thoughtful, in those few minutes it took for me to adjust to him. I fell forever deeply in love with this man, more so then I had previously thought.

I cried again as he started to move with in me, not from pain but from pure bliss and I told him this.

We made glorious love that night, after our first rocky time together, we loved and we fucked and loved some more. Through it all we whispered words of love to each, and built a stronger love. It was as if we both knew that we had only a limited time together to make these feelings more secure. So we did, in any way that we could.

We made passionate slow love again just before I had to leave, he wanted me to stay but I couldn’t, I had the breakfast shift and had to start at 6 a.m. As I left his marvellous house and bed he kissed me again and offered an apology for not talking things through like he wanted to, but refused to apologize for the way we spent the time, instead, we agreed to met that night and talk first before anything else.

I laughed softly, not really believing that we would ever talk, but humouring him just the same. I smiled so brightly at him as I reach the car and got in. He closed the door and I wound down my window. My eyes shone with love, with all the love I wanted him to see. I wanted my love imprinted on his mind for the rest of the day, something that when he stopped and paused in his thoughts that he could see and believe. Ash needed to believe in someone and I was her, I knew it was so, and had since the day he moved to town. 6 years of waiting were starting to pay off.

I watched him watch me, through my rear vision mirror as I drove out and down the long road home, I was so amazingly happy and there was an excitement inside of me that was bursting to be allowed out. I was smiling and remembering what we had been to each other that night.

We had been friends and lovers and soul mates, and so very much more. His life had been so sad for such a long time and recently mine had been so unfulfilled.

I closed my eyes briefly as I remembered the look of pure pleasure that had crossed his face the first time we both came with each other. It was the last vision I had before I heard the screeching of tires and the breaking of glass…

Feeling the numbness wash over me in a haze, I remember seeing another two cars around me, I wasn’t sure what happened and I didn’t feel any pain. I could see my own blood on hands that gripped the steering wheel.

I knew I was upside down, I was afraid and I couldn’t feel any pain, I tried to move but it was if my body refused to listen to my brain. I was calm, calmer then I have ever been before in my life.

I saw a blackness beckoning me on and I wanted that place, I knew peace rested there and all I could think of was reaching it and laying my head down to sleep. But when I was close to it, that peaceful place I would see those eyes, those beautiful grey eyes would appear before me, with that loving glint that they had and I’d so recently seen.

I could see the darkness again, but those eyes, those eyes where way to hypnotic. They seemed to beckon to me again and again, keeping me from my peace. I was trying to talk, to say something, I knew that there was something that I had to say, to do, he had to know before I could sleep and rest and heal, but my voice was just not there.

I tried to focus on what was around me, I could hear someone crying, I didn’t know who and then grey eyes distracting me begging me to look deeply into them and I would fall again under his hypnotic spell.

I remember a sad smile and a tear falling again from my eye as I remembered that I had fulfilled my dreams with that man Ashley that I loved so much. I reached out and I touched his face, my hand had no strength to it and dropped away to land somewhere near my head. When I looked clearly at him for the brief moment I was allowed, I was horrified to see the blood from my own fingers stain his hansom face…

My last thought and vision was of him and how much we could have shared together if only we had reached each other sooner. If we had only realized in time, what we were to each other, for I could feel myself slowly dying, just as surely as I knew it was my blood dripping from me onto the seats of the car a
round me.

The next thing I remember is hearing his voice calling to me over and over again, I could see him sitting down beside me with closed eyes, his hands in mine, his head on both of our hands.

I could see me lying there in a hospital bed. I knew then that I had died. I was looking down upon us, he was telling me all that he wanted me to know that night we made love.

There was an old man standing beside me, with his strangely youthful hand on my shoulder. I glanced up at him and saw tears in his eyes, I choose to ignore him so I could hear the final words that Ashley was speaking to me.

He told me that he had known for all those years he’d been married that I was the love of his life. That with all that had happened he wished so desperately that he had done something more a lot sooner with his life so that we could have been together for longer.

He thanked God everyday, for that one incredible night of love that we shared, he told me again that he loved me and that we would meet up again in another life and that, when we did, we would be together forever once again. He told me that because I was lost to him now that he had no choice but to say goodbye.

He leaned over and kissed my dry lips, just once, it lasted a few seconds and all the love he felt for me was sent to the other me, the me that was standing above him. I felt the touch of his lips on my own warm ones and felt fairy wings dance in my heart and knew for sure that we would be together again, somewhere somehow, I just had to wait for him.

The old man at my side squeezed my shoulder and asked if I had one wish to grant this man what would it be. I turned and looked into that angelic face and smiled through my own tears.

“Send him the one woman who can love him for all eternity. The one woman that can take away his pain and make him love passionately and who can share all things in life with him, the good and the bad.”

The old man reached down and hugged me then he kissed my brow and said

“Have a pleasant journey, my child.”

Then I was staring up at a dark black head bowed in grief over me. I noticed for the first time that it was peppered with grey, I couldn’t help but to reach out and stroke that beautiful mane of hair and through a gruff parched throat I said.

“You better love me well in this life or you can forget the next one”

I still laugh at the look on his face to this day. We don’t talk about it much, it’s always just a really hard thing for us to both talk about. It’s as if, if we voice it, it may happen again, and life is to precious to gamble away. So we smile and remind each other with a look or a word of how we feel towards each other..

He told me as I spent a further 6 weeks in hospital recovering that I had actually died a few times on the operating table and that when I had gotten to the hospital I should have been announced dead on arrival. But he kept telling me to watch his eyes and think of our love, as he held my hand and tried to inject his love into me.

I told him about the grey eyes that kept calling to me when all I wanted to do was sleep. He smiled and said naught but that he was glad his eyes were grey.

I think I scared him with that one.

When I was released from hospital he told me a few kids had been racing each other and both cars managed to hit mine. The boys weren’t as badly injured as I was and they moved away from town not long after that. I often think of those boys and hope they are well.

Ash’s life and mine hasn’t been the easiest lives to live. After the accident, I was left badly scared on the face and body, that wasn’t quite so painful to deal with, but I couldn’t have those children I so desperately wanted. I often imagine that that night of love we first shared would have produced one, but I try not to dwell on it too much. Besides over the years we’ve adopted 8 children and we have two grandbabies from one of our precious gifts and another one on the way.

I own the diner now too and Ash has our eldest son Paul running the practice most of the time now. Paul is 28 and doing really well, we adopted him when he was 9, we fell in love with him straight away, as we did all of his brothers and sisters….

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On the surface, Silent Hill, Maine is what could be considered an archetypal, peaceful, New England tourist town for relaxation. Chiefest among its industries are tourism and, to a lesser extent, agriculture. A small town with a population below 30,000, its key industry, tourism, is in a state of steady decline. Now, it's more a small, rural retirement town. However, Silent Hill is anything but ordinary. Although it appears at a glance to be an innocuous rural town, this has brought about an...

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My Fathers Slut cont My Brothers Slut

The next morning as Mallory headed downstairs she could hear the usual family chaos going on in the kitchen, a sound she had lived with for as long as she could remember. The twins were dressed and ready for school and her parents were on their way to breakfast with friends, which left Mallory to lounge around the house before she had to leave for her first class. She indulged in the quiet before guilt nagged her into cleaning up the breakfast mess and straightening the house a bit. She was in...

4 years ago
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I want Her so Badly Part 1

She is the epitome of sexy; her short black hair, those piercing light green eyes, her thin 5"8 frame with soft subtle curves at her ass and chest. I want to ravish her. She looks over at me and smiles. "Hey, Em, I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be right back, 'kay?" "All right," I say smiling back. I watch as she walks towards her bathroom, that cute ass swaying. It kills me knowing I can't have her. We are friends, plus I have a boyfriend. But most of all, I'm a girl. But nights like these,...

1 year ago
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The Kidnapping of Justin Bieber

Justin soon fell asleep, dreaming about the girl. He hadn’t even learned her name, but she stood out to him from the thousands of screaming fangirls he saw daily. Poor Justin felt sad because he was sure he would never meet her again. Maybe he wasn’t right on that count. Might as well find out, eh? James Roberts was feeling depressed, which wasn’t a surprise either. James led a hollow shell of an existence; living with a deep hole in his soul that he felt nothing could fill. He had divorced...

4 years ago
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Our Neighbors Surprise

Not to make light of a terrible hurricane that caused horrible destruction to the fabric of our society and to our beloved city, but as far as I can recall this is exactly what happened (though of course I?ve changed the names) when we rode the storm out, so here?s our story.We live in New Orleans, and love the city. My name is Sherri and my husband Dan and I moved there five years ago, but we?ve built our retail businesses there and have made lots of friends, so when Hurricane Katrina arrived...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 5 Jill TrimbleChapter 5

Bobby rode his bike to Jill’s. His mother was still upset about the picnic she was going on with Prudence and Ted. He knew that, because she had burned the pancakes she served him that morning. He hoped she calmed down enough to have some fun. He had an assortment of tools in his bag because he wasn’t quite sure what he was going to work on. Jill met him at the door in exactly the same outfit she had been wearing the last time he came over. Since he had made specific comments about that...

1 year ago
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Glory Hole

My latest encounter at the glory hole.I went to the pron shop to jerk off and took one of the booths that was in the middle of two, that way I could see through the glory holes at someone one on each side.Both sides had some guy with cock in hand stroking away. I had my pants down, grabing my balls and stroking my cock. Seeing the other guys getting hard only made me harder then usual.Instead of just jerking off and leaving, I finally got up the courage to invite a cock thru so I could jerk it...

2 years ago
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She The Picasso Of Seduction 8211 Part 1

She: Bhaiyya.. Please.. Please mujhe aj chod.. Please.. Mere badan bhatti ki tarah jhulsa hua h.. Me: Didi, abhi nahi please, mummy bahar h. Samjho. She tried to kiss mine on my lips. I turned and it landed partly on my lips and rest on my cheeks. I resisted I didn’t know how much more I can but I did. Lust was starting to take over my body. I was resisting not because I didn’t want to have her right there on my study table. My mom was there, just a wooden window between us and my mom. The...

3 years ago
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Father And Daughter Continue With A Third

After that first weekend with Myia, we continued our father/ daughter incestuous relationship. We were careful not to let her son catch us. As for my wife, she was hardly ever at home and when she was she occupied a room on one side of the house and me on the other. My house is a six-bedroom ranch style of about five thousand square feet.I had converted one of the bedrooms to a home office. Tanya, my wife, occupied one bedroom. Myia and Brandon each had a room of their own.It turned out that my...

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Cuckold fantasy scene

This is one a few fantasy situations generated between myself and a couple who were exploring the possibility of a threesome or a cuckold situation!This was too good to be true; here, in the pub once more were Mike and Linda. I can't say how happy I am to see them, especially after last weeks games!I blushed a little as I recalled my behaviour. I remember how crude my flirting became after a while, rubbing my stiff prick into Linda as we danced, and Mike was watching. Somehow, I did not think...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ariana Marie Faces The Mandingo Challenge And Cums Out On Top

Ariana Marie is a stunning beauty that does very filthy things. With her perky natural tits and a tight round ass, she keeps us wanting more wearing white lace lingerie and sexy sheer stockings. Ariana is up for a challenge today, a MANDINGO challenge to be exact! She starts by worshiping his massive BBC, licking it all over and taking it deep down her little throat. You can tell that this slut really loves having cock in her mouth, she almost doesn’t want to take it out but can’t...

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Bad Day Gone Right

To say it had been a rough day was probably the grossest understatement of the year. Everything just seemed to go wrong. There I was, sitting on the side of my bed, headphones in, staring out the window. I felt the bed dip slightly behind me, guessing it was one of the animals I thought nothing of it. That is until a pair of arms wrapped around me, causing me to jump and coming face to face with Caleb. His brown eyes held their usual playful glint and I had to resist the urge to run my fingers...

4 years ago
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The Royal Genies Chapter 03

Harson pulled away from his sister, and looked down on her. Large amounts of his cum remained on her skin, as the remnants of a good night’s work. Harson sat on the edge of the bed, and looked down at his erection. He concentrated, and he felt relief as it softened. His wish was working perfectly. Harson picked up Lexia’s lamp from Sofia’s bedside table, and rubbed it. Clouds of yellow smoke poured out, and Lexia formed on her knees, with her head bowed. “Oh good, you’re learning,” Harson...

3 years ago
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Amish No More Chapter 3

A point of clarification, I mentioned earlier that after Maud's Tribunal I made no claim on her person. On paper Maud is the community property of the Sanctorum. For practical purposes she is now Arthur's personal secretary... perhaps his lover. She is also a cook and housekeeper on occasion and Maud is forever a slave. As community property it is my right to have Maud if I so desire as may any Master or Grand Master. Maud has been with Arthur these past four months and before that...

3 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 19 Swords Pistols and Guns

Today, Shelley was at my side. She had awakened me rather interestingly, showing up in a black babydoll negligee, hose, and bedroom heels. I was glad that she didn’t try to awaken me by immediately sitting her delightful bottom on my face, which might have given me a strangulation reflex. Instead, I was aware - I slept naked - that someone was licking my chest, and discovering male nipples could be erogenous as well. I realized that I had to square the morning greetings with my preference...

1 year ago
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From Sex Deprived to Sex Addicted Pt 12

Tiffany rubbed her hand up and down Stacy’s back as her best friend sobbed. They were seated on a curb outside of Mari’s house as the noise of the party roared on inside. Tiffany wasn’t surprised that Nick fell right into her trap. Her aunt Sheila Davis served as Nick’s therapist and revealed all of Nick’s dirty little secrets to her after their two sessions. Apparently Nick had trouble controlling his sexual urges around pretty girls and he had a particular desire to have anal sex,...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT14 Blacken

Lisa stopped and turned toward the young man who had just spoken to her. At first she was confused because she had no idea who would know her up there on the roof deck of her new condo, much less what handsome young black stud would be talking to her. So as she stopped her run, the identity of the speaker was still a mystery to her.She felt a quick and sudden reaction in her stomach and abdomen to the remarkably well built mocha body coming up the steps of the pool as water glistened, cascading...

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FLIGHT 19 Julia takes the Beep Test

Julia really thought about ignoring Peter and just lay there still recovering from her orgasm. A second round of knocking and the sound of Peter calling her name, dragged Julia out of bed via the chair, so she could pick up her robe, and slide to the door.She was still uncertain but when she looked through the little peephole and saw Peter, she decided that she needed a cock and it was going to be his. She opened the door and in he came. He looked immaculate in his suit with his dark hair swept...

Straight Sex
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The Day I could not Say No

Much has been said and seen on here with regards to the Maspalomas, a haven on the South-East coast of the island of Gran Canaria.But let me tell you a little about myself, and why this particular area is dear to my heart, and my sexual sanity.I am a woman in her middling years, past my bloom of girlhood, have borne two beautiful daughters, and although still sexually attractive, my clientèle are older men, with less of a favourable chance of sexual liaisons with Western ladies, though, when I...

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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 9

The rest of the evening was uneventful. We stopped at the bank on the way home and made our deposit. Doug made supper and we cleaned up the kitchen afterwards. I hesitated before giving the DVDs to Doug. I can’t disobey Delon. I don’t dare. But I really don’t want my husband to see the terrible things that he’ll see if he watches them. Fear of Delon won out. I blushed as I handed the DVDs to Doug. I didn’t have to tell him what they were or where they came from. Then I turned without a word...

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Off on a TechnicalityChapter 10

We went back to attacking the Carnoli family's main source of revenue, the protection racket. Our scheme had worked so well up to now that we just stuck with it, on the principle of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." This chase was not as long as some we had been in, so we were not expecting to net as much loot, but a hit was a hit. This was back to the small warehouse style building for a collection point. This time there was plenty of cover behind the warehouse. Shit, could it be that...

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MyPervyFamily Jennifer White Stepsis Took My Rimjob Virginity

OK so this is weird to discuss, but I (Johnny The Kid) fucked my older stepsister Jennifer White the other day. And that’s not even the weird part! Our parents were gone and she comes busting into my room asking me if I want to fuck her. Like any normal stepbrother, I’m totally down. She starts rubbing on my boner, showing me her perky tits & teasing with her nice ass. Then she asks to lick my butthole. What!? I was like no chance but then she says she won’t fuck me unless...

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An exhibitionist wife The early years

The other night Mrs O and I were lying in bed chatting about her love of showing herself off. She told me that it had started while she was at university, it was a standing joke among her circle of friends that everyone had seen up her skirt or down her top they even referred to her as "the best show in town". She then told me a story that blew my mind and had me rock hard.It all began when she was a student, there was a particular lad who she described as a geeky photographer type, forever...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 281

Once everything was in place, Robertson stood by the open doorway of the power room and took one last look around. "Fuck. We're done; let's get the hell out of here," Morales griped. "What's the matter with you?" Robertson snapped. "I told you we were going to take our time and do this job right. You know what happens to guys who piss Mazarella off. You kept your gloves on the whole time, didn't you?" "Hell, yeah. And besides, you've already asked me that. I've got sense...

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My name is rashmi i am happily married woman at the age of twenty eight years i have all the good looks requres to educe any man. I have long queue very fair complextion, long legs, hefty rumps, buxom breasts. I am as sexy as you never before seen any woman. Few people get slipped or striked on the road while seeing my real beauty the insident happend to me on that day when my husband got transferred to the nasik i have been left to my mother in law house that happend afer few months of our...

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Life Altering Events

Hello everyone my name is Pallavi…! I am form Pune and I have written this story to share the life altering incident that happened to me 8 months ago, it’s a bit long I guess but interesting also I guess…. I was working with one of the top automobile company in this country and earned too much, that is when I got married but I always gave the priority to work than my hubby which led to fights between us and the end result of it was divorce. Due to which I was really depressed I mean I had just...

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I am Safe

Hey, this is my first straight story period. My boyfriend wanted me to write about what our first time would be like in my point of view. So, on with the story… ‘I love you,’ he confessed for the millionth time today. ‘And I love you, mon amour,’ I said for the millionth time. Our first time seeing each other and we look at each other like our lives depend on it. He looked at me in that weird way for the third time since we’ve been alone in his room. His eyes go out of focus, darting...

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Tales of a HitchHiker Chapter 2 The Torment

Her captor was gone for quite a while before returning. She wondered what else he would do to her and if he would ever let her go-alive, that is! It wasn’t long before he came back to the bedroom to check on his prisoner. He was not wearing a shirt as he gazed down at her naked, vulnerable body and she could see, once again, the growing bulge in his pants as he was getting very aroused. He reached down and raked his fingers through the thick locks of her generous love nest, tugging several...

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Four Day Weekend

Four Day Weekend Thursday night I'm home and in the door, The airlock to my private little sphere. My boyclothes are my space suit I must wear Outside, to keep me safe from airlessness And hostile rays. Now I can be secure From judging eyes and foolish rules That make my life not better in the least. Now safe, I peel the outer shell away, Select a skirted suit and slingback pumps. This is the true expression of myself That all the outside world will never see. I wash away the...

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Emmas First Time with a Black Dick

Emma had been married to her husband for almost 5 years and had always been a dutiful wife. She often got compliments for her good looks especially about her ass which was round but firm, very unusual for a white woman. Her best friend Naomi had been living with them the past year. Naomi was a free spirit artist type who wandered from job to job and was very outgoing for someone of a Japanese heritage.Naomi had suggested a girl’s get away at a cabin she had been to before, but Emma did not know...

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MomsTeachSex Kiara Cole Reagan Foxx Thankful For My Stepmoms Titties

Thanksgiving isn’t a happy time for every family. For Reagan Foxx, her stepson Kyle Mason, and her adopted daughter Kiara Cole, it’s kind of a drag. The small family is having dessert, but Kyle is only picking at his pie and Kiara is on her phone. Reagan tries to lighten the mood by asking the kids what they are thankful for, but Kyle immediately comes back saying his stepmom’s tits. Kiara can’t believe Kyle would say something like that, but Reagan tries to keep the...

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MyFamilyPies Jessie Saint Can I Find All My Step Sisters Easter Eggs

Sheena Ryder enjoys putting on holiday events for her daughter Jessie Saint and her stepson Jake Adams. Right now, she has hidden eggs for the kids to hunt. Jake is totally into searching for Easter eggs, but Jessie isn’t feeling it. She has her own private way of getting into the Easter spirit. She peaces out to her bedroom and puts in her Easter egg butt plug before tuning into some porn with her headphones so she can masturbate properly. The covers hide what Jessie is doing with her...

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WebYoung Indica Monroe Sera Ryder Pretty Please Sis

Indica Monroe is relaxing when her stepsister, Sera Ryder, excitedly bounds into her bedroom. Sera’s on the phone with a radio station and needs Indica’s help answering a question related to their favorite band. When Indica offers the correct answer, they’re thrilled because that means they’ve won tickets to a concert, which they’ll go to together! Unfortunately, their hopes and dreams are dashed when they learn that they’re only getting ONE ticket to the...

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Thanksgiving at the Robinsons

I could feel my prick spasm and my balls tense as my jism began to rise. I sat there at the table looking around at the faces surrounding me like a deer in the headlights of a truck. I knew that I was about to cum any second but there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I was beginning to pant and I knew that everyone in the room must know what I was about to do. When I'd first accepted Cheryl's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner at her folk's house during school break I'd never even...

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Bailey Visits From Mexico

Bailey was the younger seventeen year old sister of my fiancé’s best friend and future maid of honor. She came to stay with my fiancé, Rolalinda, and myself. Bailey was from Mexico and was a beautiful teenage lady. I had seen photos of Bailey on social media, and while she was an attractive young lady, I didn't really have any designs on Bailey, since I had a live-in girlfriend.  Rosalinda and I picked Bailey up at the airport, and I was surprised that Bailey spoke very good English. Rosalinda...

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Dudley Doright of the Mounties

From out of the frozen Canadian north rides Dudley Do-right of the Mounted Police, defender of truth, justice and the Canadian way. The heroic Constable Do-right and his fellow Mounties stand as a bulwark between law-abiding citizens and the felonious few who would do wrong in the wild and wooly frontier at the closing days of the 19th century. Let's join Dudley today as he rides patrol duty. "Look, Horse! There's Nell down by the river. It looks like she's having a picnic with another...

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