Rosie free porn video

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Rosie Part 1 Rosie was my daughter's best friend from the age of six. They shared a birthday, and given her particular family circumstances, she came round to our house a great deal. She was always different. Elfin, very pretty, she had more energy than anyone I have ever known. She was funny, hyperactive and extremely intelligent. She loved gymnastics and riding her pony. When she cycled round to our house in her jodhpurs on her way back from the stables, which was next door (the Georgian estate had been split in two after the war- we had the house, Helene delaCroix had the stables and land), everything seemed to light up. And she was a terrible tease. She loved practical jokes, and when one of us was caught by her japes, her laugh was unstoppable. Her bad relationship with her bullying father meant that we developed a close relationship, she would hug me and sit on my lap, chattering excitedly about her day, and what she and her girlfriends had been up to at the stables. She liked to pretend that I was half-witted, and used a special voice when talking to me, like a mother talking to a child. "Keep up, Unka Dwoo" she used say (Unka or Nunka being her "slow voice" version of "Uncle Drew"). While this sometimes irritated me, I couldn't help being swept away by her energy, vivacity and beauty. She had an insatiable appetite, though she remained tiny, and was stick thin (a high metabolism, constant riding, and ballet and gymnastics meant she was super fit). She would often tease me about the contrast; me usually overweight and unable to resist food. "Maybe I should take charge of your diet," she would say, laughing, "you could be skinny, like me." She laughed, the whole house lit up, and everyone laughed with her. Sometimes, she would stay with us for longer periods after an argument with her father, and she would arrive in a different mood. Surly and withdrawn, she would only talk to my wife and daughter, quite deliberately ignoring me. Passionate, even at a young age, about fairness and justice, she would talk about how men were responsible for the world's problems. When I demurred, she would smile at me wistfully, and say "oh you don't count, Nunka Dwoo." Visibly cheering up, she would make her favourite joke. "But you probably CAN'T count!" And she would then return to her normal self, telling rambling and hilarious stories about Arabella's enormous bottom being the same as her pony's, or how Justine had friction burns on her "special place" from her nylon tutu. Miss Helene or "Madame" featured prominently in Rosie's discourse, as she ran the riding school and gave ballet lessons in her Orangery. Rosie managed to persuade a very swanky girls boarding school to give her a full scholarship, so we saw less of her as a teenager, although she and my daughter stayed in touch. She would sometimes pop in for tea after a visit to the stables, and would entertain us with stories of her progress at school, her gymnastics prizes, her dressage (which she loved, but had to give up because her father couldn't or wouldn't pay), her complex battles and victories over "the bitches" at school. Ultimately she became Head Girl, a huge achievement for a scholarship kid, and it was clear she had single-mindedly converted her teachers and classmates into a huge Rosie Fan Club. The day after leaving school she visited us to tell us about her upcoming University course, and some other family news. At eighteen, she had matured into a stunning beauty. Her elfin face, as beautiful as ever but a child's no longer, was still framed by unruly brown hair piled high on her head; her lovely brown eyes, still sparkling, somehow appeared knowing, worldly wise; and her body, tiny and taut, was augmented by exceptional curves. As my wife made tea in the kitchen, Rosie snuggled into my lap, in an echo of our easy earlier relationship. But, to my extreme embarrassment, the combination of her scent, the soft womanly feel of her bottom in my lap, and the curve of her large breast pressed against my arm caused my blood to surge, and I found myself with an erection. Rosie's reaction was unusual. She turned to look me full in the face, a mischievous smile on her lips, a sardonic raised eyebrow and a sparkle in her eyes. "What's up, Unka Dwoo?" she asked. Torn between excitement and deep shame, I was unable to speak. As my wife came in bearing the tea tray, Rosie turned back round to face her, snuggling up in my lap, for all the world as if she was an innocent child once more. But she knew what she was doing. Every time I thought I was regaining some semblance of self control, she would imperceptibly shift in my lap, or push a breast a little more firmly against me, immediately sending a fresh surge of blood downwards, reducing me once more to incoherence. Ostensibly, she was talking about her upcoming course at our nearby University; modules of the newly formed Law and Gender Studies faculty. My wife struggled to take in her descriptions of matriarchal law; alternative relationships and societal rebalancing; political and legal structures to enable and encourage alternative relationships; using social media to undermine the patriarchy; the use of role reversal in creating a new male iconography and other such rubbish. "That's nice, dear" said my wife, clearly meaning the opposite (my wife was very straight laced). Every now and then Rosie would include me in the conversation by making double entendres and piling on my discomfort. "Is it hard, Nunka?" she smirked, when at one point I confessed to not understanding what she was talking about. Of course it was! I lapsed back into a chaotic point half way between terror and ecstasy. My wife was putting up with the usual Rosie flow of excitement, jokes, stories and political discourse (and blissfully unaware of my distress) because she wanted to know about Rosie's family news. Her parents were divorcing. When asked why, Rosie stood up abruptly, her expression changed. "All men are brutes!" she exclaimed. Waiting for her traditional coda, "Not you Unky," I was disappointed. She looked straight at me, hard, and repeated herself. "All men are brutes. But they can be tamed." The years went by. I sold my accountancy business, and looked forward to a cosy, conventional if rather unexciting retirement. Rosie became a successful lawyer, constantly in the press for a number of high profile cases, covering human rights, conditions in women's prisons, eye watering divorce settlements and a host of other issues. She was kind enough to let my daughter stay in her house while completing her PhD in fine art, although we rarely saw her. Then tragedy struck. My wife and daughter were getting on badly. My wife longed for a grandchild, and my daughter seemed in no hurry. She brought home a succession of wispy young men, but no relationship seemed to endure. After a noisy row on the telephone my wife stormed out of the house, muttering something about ingratitude. I never saw her or my daughter again. A car smash on the M3. The driver and passenger, engaged in a heated discussion, were crushed by a lorry. Death was instantaneous for both. I went to pieces. I couldn't focus, felt unable to take decisions about the funeral or anything else. So Rosie stepped up. She had grown up with us. She was my daughter's best friend. She knew us. In the two weeks before the funeral, Rosie was amazing. She moved into my daughter's old bedroom (hers too, when she was staying with us ), and took charge of everything. And she gradually nudged me into some action. She started each day with a visit to the stables, her old hunting ground. And even though I had no appetite, she persuaded me to make her breakfast. Every morning I would cook her a full breakfast, and she would emerge in full riding kit, jodhpurs, boots and immaculate make up and eat with gusto whatever I served her. "You must eat too, Nunky," she would say, and although I wasn't hungry, she would fork scrambled egg and smoked salmon into my mouth, saying "eat up, Nunky Dwoo. You must do what Rosie tells you." And then she would leave me in a delirious state, with her scent all around me, and her sheer presence displacing the ghosts of my former family. So for a week I found some purpose. Shopping for food, cooking and washing up, keeping the house as spick and span as my wife used to. In the evenings we would discuss funeral arrangements, and then settled into a facsimile of domesticity, she working on her legal brief, me pottering about the house or fetching her tea. We would haltingly talk about my daughter, although I found it very painful. Rosie's self control amazed me. Although also distressed, she held it together much better than I could. She regained much of her former enjoyment of life at the stables, with endless gossip about the girls and their horses. While her conversation was indiscreet and hilarious, mixing innuendo, speculation, physical descriptions and stories, she maintained a marked physical reserve from me. There was no curling up in my lap. On the rare occasion that we touched, it was always at her instigation; her little game of feeding me, or gently laying a hand on my shoulder. Every time it was like being shocked by a bolt of lightning. After riding one day, Rosie had to go to London for work. In contrast to her immaculate turn out at all times, she was quite untidy, so I cleared up the various items she had left around the house. It was my wife's custom to change sheets every week (I love clean sheets) so steeling myself, I went into Rosie's room to change hers. It was a shock. Clothes were strewn everywhere. Her worn underwear lay on the floor and the bed, and her shoes were unlaced or unzipped and not cleaned or polished. I set to. I sorted and cleaned her boots and shoes, marvelling at the tiny size of her feet and the extreme height of her heeIs. Even her riding boots had heels. I think she felt she needed heels to compensate for her diminutive stature, although I always thought her personality did an excellent job of that. I washed, dried and ironed her shirts and other machine washable items and folded them into the empty drawers that we always kept for her. My heart pounding and, feeling more than a little sick, I went to hand wash her delicates. It was impossible to avoid the scent that emanated as I gingerly carried them to the laundry room. The scent of her soap and perfume mingled with her unmistakeable fragrance. The essence of Rosie! With a wrenching sense of guilt I held a pair of her briefs to my nose. Sick. Pervert. She's only a girl. Your daughters friend. How could you? Overcome with a complex tangle of emotions, I did the washing, replacing her hand pressed laundry in her chest of drawers. Keeping aside just one pair of silken panties, I went to my bedroom, and wearing them over my head, the heavily scented gusset pressed against my face, I masturbated. Oh God, oh God. What am I doing? I cleared up the mess, deeply ashamed of myself. Tucking the panties under my pillow, I showered, tried to pull myself together and awaited Rosie's return, a large glass of whisky in hand. When she returned, late, I was drunk. She was in one of her black moods. The judge had been patronising, and clearly favoured the other side in his summing up. As she always had when in that frame of mind, she ranted about how men were ruining the world. Feeling paralysed by my earlier actions, I could only feebly agree, offering her anything I could to help calm her down. A cup of tea? A bowl of soup? A whisky? A foot rub? A bath? She opted for the latter. Nearly an hour later, she reappeared, seemingly refreshed. She was wearing a dark silk kimono, her make up was perfect, her hair was piled up and held by chopsticks. She looked like a Japanese cartoon. She smiled at me, the twinkle back her eye. "Unky Dwoo, you've tidied my room for me. How kind. How embarrassing. I am a messy girl." She didn't look embarrassed. She certainly didn't look messy. I, on the other hand, could only mumble. "I'll take that whisky and foot rub now." For the next hour, I knelt on the carpet, kneading her diminutive feet. At first in silence, and then as she plowed through my whisky, she relaxed and began to talk. About the law, how she hated the way the system was created by men, for men, and how she was frustrated at every turn in her attempts to change it. How she was thinking about changing career. How she wanted to work with young women, to teach them to take power, to flood the system with so many strong empowered women that the system could be changed. She went further, developing the view that equality was no longer the aim, and the world would ultimately be a better place if women were to take charge. She started to talk about the ancient matriarchies of Mesopotamia, where goddesses were worshipped, and cunnilingus was a sacred rite. From my position on the floor, I could sense that Rosie was becoming excited. I stopped massaging her feet, and looked up at her. Her legs were apart, and her hands were inside her kimono, and she was gently playing with herself. She looked down at me through heavy lidded eyes. "Unky Dwoo. Would you like to worship me?" Utterly bewitched, I moved my face between her thighs, gently kissing her silk panties. She gripped the back of my head with both her hands, rubbing herself against my nose and lips. The movements became more frenzied, the gentle moans became louder, until she reached an orgasm. After a pause, she spoke. Quite steadily. "That's enough Nunky, I would like that soup now please. And pass me a cigarette, if you would." On later reflection, I realised that she didn't touch the soup. But my time in the kitchen gave her time to regroup. By the time I returned, she had regained her poise: calm, relaxed, and smoking a cigarette held in a very elegant jade cigarette holder. She immediately regained the upper hand. "Thank you, Nunky," she said, somewhat dismissively, "for the foot rub." And then adopting her "slow" voice, she dropped the bombshell. "Now I want you to talk to me about my underwear." Somehow, I managed to stumble through some (entirely bogus) explanation of how I had always hand washed my wife's underwear, and it felt natural to do hers, especially as I liked a tidy house. I don't know how, but I managed to avoid confessing to my theft of her one pair of panties and my self abuse. With a little smile, she looked deep into my eyes. "Well I think that's very sweet, Nunky. You can do it again sometime, if you really want to. But I think you ask me first, don't you?" Over the next few days, I never regained the initiative. In the run up to the funeral, I found that I had plenty to do. While never exactly issuing commands, I found that Rosie began to take it for granted that she took all the decisions, and my role was to follow instructions. She had decided that four of her favourite girls at the stables should be serving girls at the wake, and they were constantly in and out of the house as the preparations reached fever pitch. They all clearly adored Rosie, and I was bemused to find that they all followed her lead in addressing me as Unky Dwoo in their attempts at her "slow voice." I don't know what she had said to them, but every day one or more of them would say to me that Miss Rosie had some laundry that needed doing, and I soon learned that I then had to ask Rosie if I could do her laundry. She would make sure that one of the girls was in earshot, and ask me, "Do you mean that you would like to wash my panties?" To which the expected answer was "yes, please Rosie, may I wash your panties?" If I tried a less embarrassing formulation, she would stand silently, smiling at me while gently tapping her shoe, an unspoken, "I'm waiting...." Each night was torment. If I tried to sleep without masturbating, I suffered erotic dreams all night. Needless to say all featured Rosie. If I gave in to my weakness and did play with myself, I found myself reaching for the hidden panties. I was racked with guilt and lust. The night before the funeral, everything was ready. The girls had left for the evening. The mood was somber. We started to talk about my wife and daughter, our collective memories of trips to the beach, an art gallery visit to London, a family holiday in Cornwall. I noticed that Rosie was crying, something I had never seen before. However dark her mood, she had always reached for anger, not sorrow. "I loved her, you know. Really loved her. Her argument with her mother was about me. I killed them. It was my fault." I was struck dumb. It all made sense. "That's why I'm here. To look after you. To make up for the guilt." Before I could say anything she pressed on. "I'm sorry, and I know I have a funny way of showing it, but you are very dear to me. You're her father." With that she curled up in my lap, just as she used to. I suppose I should have been angry. Maybe I should have thrown Rosie out of the house there and then. My daughter had been having an affair with Rosie. My wife knew and was furious. That had directly led to their deaths. Strangely that was not my response. I was actually cross that my wife had kept it from me. She probably knew that I would be more accepting. And of course I was utterly besotted with Rosie. My instinct was to comfort her in her loss, rather than contemplate my own. Deep down, I knew, of course, that Rosie was a world class manipulator, and that she had engineered my emotional dependence on her. In just two weeks. Although in truth, she had had me in the palm of her hand for 20 years. I sat for an age with her curled up in my lap. At last, tears no longer flowing, but glistening on her cheek, she looked up at me, her brown eyes full of mischief. "So what do we do now?" she asked. "You tell me," I replied.

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Randy To Randi by Mahohokus My name is Randy Thomas my father name is Harold my mother's Jane. My father is an independent geologist which means he works for himself traveling around evaluating oil leases for drilling. My mom Jane is a stay at home mom who volunteers for various women's groups in our small town. I have just graduated from high school with no idea what I want to do in life. We live in a small town with the only industries being oil and farming, we have one...

2 years ago
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MyDadsHotFriend Athena Anderson 31615

Athena Anderson stopped by her boyfriend’s family business because she’s had a feeling that he’s been cheating on her. She arrives to find her boyfriend’s son, Rion, at his desk and Rion doesn’t seem to know where his dad is either. That’s when Athena asks Rion to cut the bull and tell her the truth. Rion decides to do what is right and confirms Athena’s suspicions, his dad has been cheating on her. Since Athena’s man wants to go around fucking...

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BrownBunnies Diamond Banks Fucking the Repairman

Diamond Banks is taking sexy pictures of herself, she is laying down on the sofa making different poses, the more she poses the hornier she gets, to the point that she decides to get naked and masturbate, first she rubs her pussy, then she fingers herself, she is so into it, that didn’t realize of the repairman coming into the house. When he opens the door, he finds Diamond, legs spread, fingers inside her pussy and moaning from pleasure. He pulls out his cellphone and starts recording...

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Erotic story of BINITA 10

Chapter 10: Thakur Protects a RelationshipThat woman next door had to be stopped. Thakur was determined to make sure that Sheila, the neighbor who had spotted him fucking his daughter-in-law did not carry the tale to others, notably his son. The young woman Binita had been wrapped around him and was fluttering like a rag in a storm; she had taken in Thakur's not inconsiderably large cock and her stomach, womb and countless other internal organs were aflame.The precise moment when they were...

3 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 25 Bad Week Gets Worst

"I am Magneto; what are you doing on MY Island?" As Phillip listened to the older man in the maroon armor he could only shake his head as this was a most foul way to end an equally foul week. In front of him and his fellow classmates were their guardians, their protectors assigned to prevent the very thing that was happening from ever happening. Storm; convulsing on the sand while trying to breathe as the very same metal she wore as jewelry was choking her more and more. Phoenix; one of...

4 years ago
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First Threesome With Colleague8217s Wife 8211 Part 1

This is Rajesh again friends and thanks for reading my earlier stories and appreciating my erotica. I am 45 years old and working for a software firm in Bangalore. Girls and ladies can feel free to contact me at As this is too long let me come to the story right away. During the office hours, while I was relieving myself, I saw Raman, one of my colleague come and stand next to my urinal to pee. He wished me and I, in turn, said ‘Hi’. As my wife was in the US for work and my female friends were...

2 years ago
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My guy fucker husband our three some

I am salma 25 from a male dominated conservative society where male are the solo proprietor of women. The society where women are treated like animal & not as human being. The society where women are not allowed even to step out from their home with out the permission of their husbands. The society where close relative are also not allowed to enter in the host home, but to stay with the adjacent room with home, called BETAK, betak have two doors one out side & one inside in the home. I have...

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Nurse Demoness Chapter 4

Mina swooped onto the balcony of her apartment, soaked form the rain. The balcony was on the top floor, the fifth floor, and located at one of the corners of the building. Always left unlocked, the screen door provided a way to avoid her annoying self-righteous neighbor. The man had a crush on her and Mina would have eaten him already had he not been her neighbor. She tired to avoid any demonic actions that would cause alarm near where she lived. The screen slid open, and an assault of rotten...

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After my mom divorced my dad , my mom was sad for about a year and then she met Mr. Bill. Mr. Bill was good to my mother and he changed our lifestyle when mom and him married. We moved into a new big house and mom got a new car and we lived a fairly normal life. Bill was nice to me and I liked him but I wasnt ready to call him daddy as I had a dad and he was still active in my life. I just figured if it made my mom happy that’s all that mattered as she clearly was happier now that Bill was in...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 91 Misaos Resolve

(Okina, heavily bandaged, is sleeping; Misao kneels beside him. Everyone else is clustered outside the door.) Shiro: He took stitches all over his body, 138 in all. The doctor said it's a miracle he's alive... Kaoru: In other words, it's mysterious that he didn't die. Shiro: He didn't let up on him at all... (Flashback. Misao opens the door on the scene.) Aoshi: It's over. (He walks past her into the forest.) Misao: Lord Aoshi!!! Aoshi (without turning around): Get out of...

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The Silken Trap

The Silken Trap Weave the web, but beware that you don't get caught in it. Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As much as I didn't want to do it, I was driven to it, the decision was out of my hands. I opened the door, looked both ways, and stepped out into the night air. With the door closing behind me, the soft whisper of the lock as the door closed behind me, I was, at last, outside. I stood there, terror in my heart, yet with my compulsion pushing me, I...

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Desire Through a Window

There she was. Just like always. Standing in front of her bedroom window. I wondered if she even knew that she was standing where I could see her. Hell, did she even know what she was doing to me? I would sit in front of my window for hours just waiting to catch a glimpse of her through hers. Nine times out of ten, I was able to see her. Today was no different. I came home from work, took a shower, and went to my room. I sat in front of my window and waited. I did not have to wait...

3 years ago
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Ritual Offerings The Interview

September 22nd, 1:30 p.m. I arrived at the Rosemary Psychiatric Institution, where I’ve been promised an interview with a patient who was admitted over two years ago, and whose mental condition remains unchanged. It’s my hope to learn more about the conditions of her admittance, as the media would only say it was of an ‘occult nature’. Those words were what first got my attention. I was a man with a dream of one day becoming a recognised paranormal investigator, but thus far, had only ever...

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BigCockBully Payton Preslee 30973

Payton Preslee’s tired of her boyfriend’s frat bro, Alex, always taking her boyfriend’s stuff just because Alex is the president of the frat. This time Alex went to far and took his laptop. Payton stops by to see Alex and stand up for her boyfriend, since her boyfriend can’t do it himself. She really wants Alex to ease up on her boyfriend, but Alex won’t agree to…unless Payton shows him her tits. She reluctantly does it, but when Alex takes out his massive...

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Motel Meeting

I'm going to meet a man I've never met before. It's probably a pretty stupid thing to do, but it seems like it will be all right. I've told somebody where I'm going to be, I have a phone with me. The man seems harmless enough. I get to the motel after dark. He had called and told me the room number while I was on the way. I look around for a moment in the parking lot. One of those spread out one-story places that flourished alongside the highway in the 1950's. No tourists now, they're...

1 year ago
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Mommys Girl! I have never been disappointed with any site in the Girlsway network, and I doubt Mommy’s Girl will be any different. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Girlsway, it is an American porn studio that produces exclusively lesbian porn. More specifically, Girlsway tends to focus on narrative-driven, high-quality lesbian porn to be exact. It is, for me anyway, in the incredible stories and extremely high-quality production of the porn where Girlsway really sets itself apart from...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Wife private pool party

I woke up on Saturday morning by my wife as I glanced over. I saw she stripped down to her underwear, this summer was way to hot. I wake her up softly with kisses on her firm thick ass cheeks and make my way up. Removing her sports bra and nibbling on those 38D tits. I get her awake and in doggy stlye ( both our favorite position). I fit in 8 inches and get a good handle on her thin lower back. It drives me nuts seeing her ass bounce and jiggle from my thrust. I pound her and let my balls slap...

2 years ago
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Gangbang for Stephanie

This is a follow up to the story I wrote called “Cards With Friends.” It continues the adventures of Stephanie and her cuckold husband Jason. Please feel free to comment!

4 years ago
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A Boy and His Alien

Henry was 15 years old. He first sat on a dildo last year, his Mom’s, of course, a slender phallus 6” long. It had a startling likeness to a real cock. Not that he’d knew what a real erection looked like. Until his 14th birthday, Mom and Dad had his Internet activity tightly under control, which meant there was only his dad’s flaccid member to go by. He’d never seen Dad erect. Still, he knew exactly what a boy might do with a 6” dildo. The dildo up his ass now was big brother to Mom’s old...

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Danville Divorced Bitches ClubChapter 2

This is a complete fantasy. In my world there are no STD’s nor unwanted pregnancies. This is my take on an old theme. This story is taking its time revealing itself. She didn’t seem to take any notice of her nudity or that of the other mothers. Another yawn, “I think I’m going to bed. You don’t stay up too long.” She gave me another kiss on the cheek, pulled herself to her feet, and sort of stumbling walked back to the bedrooms. The other guys went to their own naked mothers and the same...

3 years ago
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Dads Guide to Surviving a CSection

Children's stories begin with the words "Once upon a time..." Adult stories begin with the words "No shit! This really happened". This is what really happened: We had just found out that we were pregnant with our second child. I say we although women will tell you that there is no "we" about it, that they do all the work. All we men do is have a ball getting the ball rolling - so to speak. But I am here to tell you we men are just as involved as our ladies with the pregnancy. We're...

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Comrades In One Anothers Arms

Sergeant First Class Mark Smith watched as the heavily laden articulated carrier approached the truck he was loading. The massive pallet of munitions was headed for the Fourteenth Infantry Division. They were about to make a big push in Charlie-sector. Mark waved his datapad at the pallet's sticker, reading its encoded information. He checked the weight on the datapad's screen and told the carrier's driver, "That's a heavy one. You better make sure it goes near the front axle. The driver...

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Coitus Copious Familius 2058Chapter 10

Cathleen, our 5th child had turned 11 just after Pat and Donny popped their cherries, so to speak. Up until then she had been an occasional watcher at our bedroom doorway and didn’t think much about all the goings on. And, of course, that’s fine. Every child is different. Some will never participate. Some may not end up participating until their upper teens or even into their twenties! Cathleen appeared destined to be one of the late bloomers, if you will. One evening when Cassidy and I were...

1 year ago
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BDSMx adds an X to the usual equation of Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism, and Masochism. What’s the 24th letter of the alphabet doing there? Well, if I had to guess, it’s so you don’t confuse the site with one of those G-rated bondage porn tubes. This is strictly for adults who appreciate the X-rated stuff. That’s you, right? Well, if you’re not looking for something kinky as hell, you may be better off visiting one of the more vanilla sex tubes I’ve got listed here at...

Fetish Porn Sites
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EuroGirlsOnGirls Jill Kassidy Anissa Kate Lesbian Loving Weekend

Ultra sexy French milf star Anissa Kate has invited her hot American gal pal Jill Kassidy to her countryside home for what ends up being a nonstop lesbian loving weekend. Anissa tells Jill to “just relax”, meaning go ahead and try out the sex toys I’ve left for you on the nightstand to get yourself hot and horny, which is exactly what she does, so by the time Anissa sneaks into her bedroom and sticks her hands down Jill’s panties, she finds her soaking wet and raring to...

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My neighbor Pete

Pete and his wife Shelia,both in their mid 50's,had been my neighbors for about a year.Not great friends,Pete and I drank beer across the fence,talked football and sex.One summer day I caught Pete leering at me as I tanned.Wearing a small thong I let him leer.They'de both met a couple of women I date but took no notice to the men who visit.At that point I was servicing several older,married men needing the same thing,regular blow jobs.Pete and my friendship took a turn one afternoon as I said...

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The last uprising part 5

V The Saturday was rather OK. After events in ice rank I was sleeping for twelve hours. I spent all day alone (not mention a dog), because dad brought mom to hospital for tests and Peter... well, he tried to come back home only to sleep, so when I woke up, he wasn't there. I used most of afternoon for research about school's history to find any clues about my transformation. Also, I did notices about questions I wanted to ask Eve and Marta - after Friday's situation I didn't want to...

4 years ago
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Diwali Night With Beautiful Bitch 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, Thanks to all of you for your responses for my earlier stories and a special thanks to girls and aunties who offered me a best complements and for feedback you can mail at To those who are reading me for the first time, I am Vikram a good looking 28 yrs old guy with fair and athletic body from Bangalore and am working in a MNC company Well here its all happened recently. It was Diwali Festival so I had some 5 days leave in my office so I decided to go to my Sister’s house which was...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 72

Brock, Al and Josh stood in the dugout while the Giants took the field. Brock had to chuckle when San Francisco's second baseman had a throw from third bounce off his chest. The guy picked the ball up and threw it to home before turning his attention back to what had distracted him in the first place: a parade of comely women walking down the aisle to sit along the third base line. It appeared the whole group had made their appearance for the series opener and it appeared they had...

2 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 38

Stoney's turn: When I was walking out of the building, headed home, I called Jo. "Hello, sweetness," she said. "Hi, princess," I returned. "Did Kara come over?" "Oh, yes," she said. "We're cranking out the music. Come home and join us!" "I'm on the way. Pedaling as fast as I can." My wife giggled. "Just drive careful. You know how you are!" Ten minutes later I was parking. Locked the SUV, walked to the door. I could hear the music as I unlocked it. It stopped with the...

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