Rosie free porn video

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Rosie Part 1 Rosie was my daughter's best friend from the age of six. They shared a birthday, and given her particular family circumstances, she came round to our house a great deal. She was always different. Elfin, very pretty, she had more energy than anyone I have ever known. She was funny, hyperactive and extremely intelligent. She loved gymnastics and riding her pony. When she cycled round to our house in her jodhpurs on her way back from the stables, which was next door (the Georgian estate had been split in two after the war- we had the house, Helene delaCroix had the stables and land), everything seemed to light up. And she was a terrible tease. She loved practical jokes, and when one of us was caught by her japes, her laugh was unstoppable. Her bad relationship with her bullying father meant that we developed a close relationship, she would hug me and sit on my lap, chattering excitedly about her day, and what she and her girlfriends had been up to at the stables. She liked to pretend that I was half-witted, and used a special voice when talking to me, like a mother talking to a child. "Keep up, Unka Dwoo" she used say (Unka or Nunka being her "slow voice" version of "Uncle Drew"). While this sometimes irritated me, I couldn't help being swept away by her energy, vivacity and beauty. She had an insatiable appetite, though she remained tiny, and was stick thin (a high metabolism, constant riding, and ballet and gymnastics meant she was super fit). She would often tease me about the contrast; me usually overweight and unable to resist food. "Maybe I should take charge of your diet," she would say, laughing, "you could be skinny, like me." She laughed, the whole house lit up, and everyone laughed with her. Sometimes, she would stay with us for longer periods after an argument with her father, and she would arrive in a different mood. Surly and withdrawn, she would only talk to my wife and daughter, quite deliberately ignoring me. Passionate, even at a young age, about fairness and justice, she would talk about how men were responsible for the world's problems. When I demurred, she would smile at me wistfully, and say "oh you don't count, Nunka Dwoo." Visibly cheering up, she would make her favourite joke. "But you probably CAN'T count!" And she would then return to her normal self, telling rambling and hilarious stories about Arabella's enormous bottom being the same as her pony's, or how Justine had friction burns on her "special place" from her nylon tutu. Miss Helene or "Madame" featured prominently in Rosie's discourse, as she ran the riding school and gave ballet lessons in her Orangery. Rosie managed to persuade a very swanky girls boarding school to give her a full scholarship, so we saw less of her as a teenager, although she and my daughter stayed in touch. She would sometimes pop in for tea after a visit to the stables, and would entertain us with stories of her progress at school, her gymnastics prizes, her dressage (which she loved, but had to give up because her father couldn't or wouldn't pay), her complex battles and victories over "the bitches" at school. Ultimately she became Head Girl, a huge achievement for a scholarship kid, and it was clear she had single-mindedly converted her teachers and classmates into a huge Rosie Fan Club. The day after leaving school she visited us to tell us about her upcoming University course, and some other family news. At eighteen, she had matured into a stunning beauty. Her elfin face, as beautiful as ever but a child's no longer, was still framed by unruly brown hair piled high on her head; her lovely brown eyes, still sparkling, somehow appeared knowing, worldly wise; and her body, tiny and taut, was augmented by exceptional curves. As my wife made tea in the kitchen, Rosie snuggled into my lap, in an echo of our easy earlier relationship. But, to my extreme embarrassment, the combination of her scent, the soft womanly feel of her bottom in my lap, and the curve of her large breast pressed against my arm caused my blood to surge, and I found myself with an erection. Rosie's reaction was unusual. She turned to look me full in the face, a mischievous smile on her lips, a sardonic raised eyebrow and a sparkle in her eyes. "What's up, Unka Dwoo?" she asked. Torn between excitement and deep shame, I was unable to speak. As my wife came in bearing the tea tray, Rosie turned back round to face her, snuggling up in my lap, for all the world as if she was an innocent child once more. But she knew what she was doing. Every time I thought I was regaining some semblance of self control, she would imperceptibly shift in my lap, or push a breast a little more firmly against me, immediately sending a fresh surge of blood downwards, reducing me once more to incoherence. Ostensibly, she was talking about her upcoming course at our nearby University; modules of the newly formed Law and Gender Studies faculty. My wife struggled to take in her descriptions of matriarchal law; alternative relationships and societal rebalancing; political and legal structures to enable and encourage alternative relationships; using social media to undermine the patriarchy; the use of role reversal in creating a new male iconography and other such rubbish. "That's nice, dear" said my wife, clearly meaning the opposite (my wife was very straight laced). Every now and then Rosie would include me in the conversation by making double entendres and piling on my discomfort. "Is it hard, Nunka?" she smirked, when at one point I confessed to not understanding what she was talking about. Of course it was! I lapsed back into a chaotic point half way between terror and ecstasy. My wife was putting up with the usual Rosie flow of excitement, jokes, stories and political discourse (and blissfully unaware of my distress) because she wanted to know about Rosie's family news. Her parents were divorcing. When asked why, Rosie stood up abruptly, her expression changed. "All men are brutes!" she exclaimed. Waiting for her traditional coda, "Not you Unky," I was disappointed. She looked straight at me, hard, and repeated herself. "All men are brutes. But they can be tamed." The years went by. I sold my accountancy business, and looked forward to a cosy, conventional if rather unexciting retirement. Rosie became a successful lawyer, constantly in the press for a number of high profile cases, covering human rights, conditions in women's prisons, eye watering divorce settlements and a host of other issues. She was kind enough to let my daughter stay in her house while completing her PhD in fine art, although we rarely saw her. Then tragedy struck. My wife and daughter were getting on badly. My wife longed for a grandchild, and my daughter seemed in no hurry. She brought home a succession of wispy young men, but no relationship seemed to endure. After a noisy row on the telephone my wife stormed out of the house, muttering something about ingratitude. I never saw her or my daughter again. A car smash on the M3. The driver and passenger, engaged in a heated discussion, were crushed by a lorry. Death was instantaneous for both. I went to pieces. I couldn't focus, felt unable to take decisions about the funeral or anything else. So Rosie stepped up. She had grown up with us. She was my daughter's best friend. She knew us. In the two weeks before the funeral, Rosie was amazing. She moved into my daughter's old bedroom (hers too, when she was staying with us ), and took charge of everything. And she gradually nudged me into some action. She started each day with a visit to the stables, her old hunting ground. And even though I had no appetite, she persuaded me to make her breakfast. Every morning I would cook her a full breakfast, and she would emerge in full riding kit, jodhpurs, boots and immaculate make up and eat with gusto whatever I served her. "You must eat too, Nunky," she would say, and although I wasn't hungry, she would fork scrambled egg and smoked salmon into my mouth, saying "eat up, Nunky Dwoo. You must do what Rosie tells you." And then she would leave me in a delirious state, with her scent all around me, and her sheer presence displacing the ghosts of my former family. So for a week I found some purpose. Shopping for food, cooking and washing up, keeping the house as spick and span as my wife used to. In the evenings we would discuss funeral arrangements, and then settled into a facsimile of domesticity, she working on her legal brief, me pottering about the house or fetching her tea. We would haltingly talk about my daughter, although I found it very painful. Rosie's self control amazed me. Although also distressed, she held it together much better than I could. She regained much of her former enjoyment of life at the stables, with endless gossip about the girls and their horses. While her conversation was indiscreet and hilarious, mixing innuendo, speculation, physical descriptions and stories, she maintained a marked physical reserve from me. There was no curling up in my lap. On the rare occasion that we touched, it was always at her instigation; her little game of feeding me, or gently laying a hand on my shoulder. Every time it was like being shocked by a bolt of lightning. After riding one day, Rosie had to go to London for work. In contrast to her immaculate turn out at all times, she was quite untidy, so I cleared up the various items she had left around the house. It was my wife's custom to change sheets every week (I love clean sheets) so steeling myself, I went into Rosie's room to change hers. It was a shock. Clothes were strewn everywhere. Her worn underwear lay on the floor and the bed, and her shoes were unlaced or unzipped and not cleaned or polished. I set to. I sorted and cleaned her boots and shoes, marvelling at the tiny size of her feet and the extreme height of her heeIs. Even her riding boots had heels. I think she felt she needed heels to compensate for her diminutive stature, although I always thought her personality did an excellent job of that. I washed, dried and ironed her shirts and other machine washable items and folded them into the empty drawers that we always kept for her. My heart pounding and, feeling more than a little sick, I went to hand wash her delicates. It was impossible to avoid the scent that emanated as I gingerly carried them to the laundry room. The scent of her soap and perfume mingled with her unmistakeable fragrance. The essence of Rosie! With a wrenching sense of guilt I held a pair of her briefs to my nose. Sick. Pervert. She's only a girl. Your daughters friend. How could you? Overcome with a complex tangle of emotions, I did the washing, replacing her hand pressed laundry in her chest of drawers. Keeping aside just one pair of silken panties, I went to my bedroom, and wearing them over my head, the heavily scented gusset pressed against my face, I masturbated. Oh God, oh God. What am I doing? I cleared up the mess, deeply ashamed of myself. Tucking the panties under my pillow, I showered, tried to pull myself together and awaited Rosie's return, a large glass of whisky in hand. When she returned, late, I was drunk. She was in one of her black moods. The judge had been patronising, and clearly favoured the other side in his summing up. As she always had when in that frame of mind, she ranted about how men were ruining the world. Feeling paralysed by my earlier actions, I could only feebly agree, offering her anything I could to help calm her down. A cup of tea? A bowl of soup? A whisky? A foot rub? A bath? She opted for the latter. Nearly an hour later, she reappeared, seemingly refreshed. She was wearing a dark silk kimono, her make up was perfect, her hair was piled up and held by chopsticks. She looked like a Japanese cartoon. She smiled at me, the twinkle back her eye. "Unky Dwoo, you've tidied my room for me. How kind. How embarrassing. I am a messy girl." She didn't look embarrassed. She certainly didn't look messy. I, on the other hand, could only mumble. "I'll take that whisky and foot rub now." For the next hour, I knelt on the carpet, kneading her diminutive feet. At first in silence, and then as she plowed through my whisky, she relaxed and began to talk. About the law, how she hated the way the system was created by men, for men, and how she was frustrated at every turn in her attempts to change it. How she was thinking about changing career. How she wanted to work with young women, to teach them to take power, to flood the system with so many strong empowered women that the system could be changed. She went further, developing the view that equality was no longer the aim, and the world would ultimately be a better place if women were to take charge. She started to talk about the ancient matriarchies of Mesopotamia, where goddesses were worshipped, and cunnilingus was a sacred rite. From my position on the floor, I could sense that Rosie was becoming excited. I stopped massaging her feet, and looked up at her. Her legs were apart, and her hands were inside her kimono, and she was gently playing with herself. She looked down at me through heavy lidded eyes. "Unky Dwoo. Would you like to worship me?" Utterly bewitched, I moved my face between her thighs, gently kissing her silk panties. She gripped the back of my head with both her hands, rubbing herself against my nose and lips. The movements became more frenzied, the gentle moans became louder, until she reached an orgasm. After a pause, she spoke. Quite steadily. "That's enough Nunky, I would like that soup now please. And pass me a cigarette, if you would." On later reflection, I realised that she didn't touch the soup. But my time in the kitchen gave her time to regroup. By the time I returned, she had regained her poise: calm, relaxed, and smoking a cigarette held in a very elegant jade cigarette holder. She immediately regained the upper hand. "Thank you, Nunky," she said, somewhat dismissively, "for the foot rub." And then adopting her "slow" voice, she dropped the bombshell. "Now I want you to talk to me about my underwear." Somehow, I managed to stumble through some (entirely bogus) explanation of how I had always hand washed my wife's underwear, and it felt natural to do hers, especially as I liked a tidy house. I don't know how, but I managed to avoid confessing to my theft of her one pair of panties and my self abuse. With a little smile, she looked deep into my eyes. "Well I think that's very sweet, Nunky. You can do it again sometime, if you really want to. But I think you ask me first, don't you?" Over the next few days, I never regained the initiative. In the run up to the funeral, I found that I had plenty to do. While never exactly issuing commands, I found that Rosie began to take it for granted that she took all the decisions, and my role was to follow instructions. She had decided that four of her favourite girls at the stables should be serving girls at the wake, and they were constantly in and out of the house as the preparations reached fever pitch. They all clearly adored Rosie, and I was bemused to find that they all followed her lead in addressing me as Unky Dwoo in their attempts at her "slow voice." I don't know what she had said to them, but every day one or more of them would say to me that Miss Rosie had some laundry that needed doing, and I soon learned that I then had to ask Rosie if I could do her laundry. She would make sure that one of the girls was in earshot, and ask me, "Do you mean that you would like to wash my panties?" To which the expected answer was "yes, please Rosie, may I wash your panties?" If I tried a less embarrassing formulation, she would stand silently, smiling at me while gently tapping her shoe, an unspoken, "I'm waiting...." Each night was torment. If I tried to sleep without masturbating, I suffered erotic dreams all night. Needless to say all featured Rosie. If I gave in to my weakness and did play with myself, I found myself reaching for the hidden panties. I was racked with guilt and lust. The night before the funeral, everything was ready. The girls had left for the evening. The mood was somber. We started to talk about my wife and daughter, our collective memories of trips to the beach, an art gallery visit to London, a family holiday in Cornwall. I noticed that Rosie was crying, something I had never seen before. However dark her mood, she had always reached for anger, not sorrow. "I loved her, you know. Really loved her. Her argument with her mother was about me. I killed them. It was my fault." I was struck dumb. It all made sense. "That's why I'm here. To look after you. To make up for the guilt." Before I could say anything she pressed on. "I'm sorry, and I know I have a funny way of showing it, but you are very dear to me. You're her father." With that she curled up in my lap, just as she used to. I suppose I should have been angry. Maybe I should have thrown Rosie out of the house there and then. My daughter had been having an affair with Rosie. My wife knew and was furious. That had directly led to their deaths. Strangely that was not my response. I was actually cross that my wife had kept it from me. She probably knew that I would be more accepting. And of course I was utterly besotted with Rosie. My instinct was to comfort her in her loss, rather than contemplate my own. Deep down, I knew, of course, that Rosie was a world class manipulator, and that she had engineered my emotional dependence on her. In just two weeks. Although in truth, she had had me in the palm of her hand for 20 years. I sat for an age with her curled up in my lap. At last, tears no longer flowing, but glistening on her cheek, she looked up at me, her brown eyes full of mischief. "So what do we do now?" she asked. "You tell me," I replied.

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A Special Relationship A Special Relationship by Velvetglove     Toni was in a meeting with her design team when her cell phone buzzed like a mini vibrator. It was her super-slim personal one, not her business Blackberry. She stared at it, a hot flush pimpling her neck, as the noise continued, signifying she had received a text message.Around her, seven faces stared expectantly, paused, watching.She lunged at it and flipped it face down as the throbbing ceased.?Yes ?? she snapped at...

3 years ago
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My Teenager Virgin Neigbhor

Hi friends my name is Sameer and I m from Panipat and here I’m sharing my real life sex experience which happened with my hot sexy virgin neighbour Pooja. Let me tell you something about myself and I’m 20 years of age 5 11 tall. I like to play sports so the reason and I have an athletic physic and my road is 7″long. Let me describe you the hot figure of Pooja and she is in her late 19 and she has hot fucking assets with 33 28 34 which I discovered when I took her virginity. She has a pair of...

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Sandys Life Change

Sandy sat morosely at the small table in the corner of the bar. Occasionally, her eyes lingered on any attractive man who walked by.  Her thoughts drifted to Bart, the muscular, big cocked American footballer, who, in that wild few hours in his hotel room, had fucked her three times into sensations that she had only dreamed of. Five years of marriage with gentle, sexually cautious Alan, had frustrated her. Often, after his meagre premature cumming, she would slip away to a spare room to finger...

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Motel Fuckslut

When Helen was tired they all slept in the motel room til the next morning. Helen awoke early and slowly pulled back the covers on Gordon and exposed his cock. Her cunt-smell was still on his cock and she could taste his cum as she started to suck his fat but soft cock and as she sucked he began to get hard in her mouth.As he woke she motioned to him to be quiet as she sucked his fat cock so that they didn't wake her hubby beside them. She wanted to fuck Gordon without her hubby knowing.They...

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The Curtsey part IX

The Curtsey Part IX By Sissy Smith The week went fast for everyone. Jessie was busy training Leo and Ted and things were going her way. Both boys had succumbed to her charm and domineering ways. Jessie was still amazed at how the possibility of sex with her or the idea of a peak at her beautiful naked body would entice a boy to do. It was true, they really did have two heads and neither of these boys was thinking with the one on his shoulders. She now had both Leo and Ted walking...

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Tarun8217s Surprise 8211 Part I

This is my humble attempt to try and describe something new and different. I decided to post this nonetheless. I am from Cochin, Kerala and this is a semi-fictional story insofar that the names have been fictionalized to protect the identities of the characters in this story. It is narrated in the first person perspective to convenience and ease of description. Hope you enjoy it! I’m working out at the gym, late in the evening on a Friday, lifting weights and working on my upper body to try in...

Gay Male
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Late For DinnerChapter 41 Which Is Which

It was 2:50 Wednesday afternoon. Kathy and Mommy were getting ready for special treatment. "I can't believe we have to be completely naked," the usually perky blonde lamented as she rolled her black nylons down her long pale legs. "What are the neighbours going to say?" "I know, Sweetheart," Mommy rubbed her bare calves which were covered with goose bumps. "This is just so, so weird," Christi was beside herself with worry. "Look, I'll go watch for the car and you guys just run...

3 years ago
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Cindy This is a story in continuation of the My first camping trip series. it features the same main character, Cindy, but takes place a few years later. Cindy was 14 now, a freshman in high school. 3 years had gone by since that first trip into her sexual life at this point, and physically, she had grown a bit. She was still fairly short and petite, skinny, 53, had long straight blond hair. She still wore glasses, now a style resembling that of Ashliegh Banfield from the news, black rimmed...

3 years ago
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To Tomorrow

I was sick.A very simple truth that I denied to accept during last few years but instinctively knew. Not some kind of "take-your-pills-and-it's-ok" or "surgery-and-survive" sickness. Something more sinister, more diffused through my body.Maybe even my through soul.One more time I read the e-mail that I was going to send to my boss. I really wanted to talk to him in the face, but it was not possible since he was in Italy and it would take at least one more week till he returned, and I didn't...

2 years ago
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Wanted To See Her Do Him

I’m not sure how many women are willing to admit this out loud, and in private conversations with girly friends I know it’s not just me, but the idea of watching your boyfriend having sex with another woman can be a very taboo turn on. I should know! I’ve been with my boyfriend Paul for just over two years, and we do have a fair amount of sex. Good, interesting sex. I’m 25 now and hadn’t been with many guys, and before Paul I’d never even thought about opening up to all the ‘dirty’ things I’d...

4 years ago
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A Brand New ManChapter 23

The next Sunday morning, The adults-only inaugural service of the New Hebron Assembly (anyone fourteen years and upward now being reckoned as adults) Held in the Grand Hebron Academy basketball court “So, brothers and sisters, here we are. We are the New Hebron Assembly, and today is our first Sunday morning service. I, as you know, am now the Chairman of the Directorate of the New Hebron Assembly, Administrator of Grand Hebron Academy (the ‘grand’ part being my idea), and the head of the...

2 years ago
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My wife is a black cock slut

Life is strange to say the least. Take the situation that now exists between my wife and me. Amber and I have been married almost seven years now, but out relationship has changed more in the last six months than it did in the first six years. Let me explain how my present predicament began. I guess in a sense everything that has happened to me has been my fault. I should have left well enough alone, you see I'm married to a 25 year old fox of a wife. Her name is Amber and I've been with her...

3 years ago
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The Mother In Law Caught Short

We were at a f@mily wedding on the wife’s side at a hotel in Bowness on Windermere in the Lake District. The wedding and reception had taking place and it was now mid afternoon with free time to spend how you pleased before the night do. Groups gathered in the gardens overlooking the lake drinking and gossiping with relatives not seen for some time, other wandered across the road to watch the boats coming and going that sail around the lake and others went for the famous Lakeland ice...

1 year ago
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Free Balloon Animals

Free Balloon Animals Perhaps I need to start out by telling you something about myself first. I make animals out those long skinny balloons. Normally I’m paid by some committee or other to go to a festival or craft show and draw attention by giving out free balloon animals. I seem to draw the right demographic crowd for events like that. Basically the eighteen to thirty-five year olds spend most of the impulse money with older grandparents running a close second. They just happen to...

2 years ago
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Charlotte and the Chocolate FactoryChapter 3 Whats The Worst That Could Happen

"If you think Virana and I are going to stay one more minute in this awful place after what just happened, you're insane!" Mrs. Pepper said angrily. "Like I said earlier, you can't go back the way we came," Ms. Wilco said, pulling a lever on the wall. "And don't worry. I assure you there won't be anymore surprises. Scout's honor." A large red paddle boat appeared from one of the tunnels in the wall and came to a slow stop where Wilco was standing. "I don't believe you," Mrs....

4 years ago
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A New Life Part 2

A New Life Part 2 She suddenly woke up, just like she had the past couple of months. It was dark and for a few seconds, she was disoriented. Where was she? Slowly her mind cleared and it all came back to her. She was in her apartment, the same one she had been living in for the last year. That was when she realized she needed to go pee again. For the last 2 months it had been like this. She would wake up two or three times a night needing to go pee. And because of it, when she...

1 year ago
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A New Way of LifeChapter 10

During the next few months, every night or two I was translated to a new time. Sometimes a few years, sometimes a few centuries. Occasionally a few thousand years. It seems Tiger was trying to keep the legend going and allow me to follow what was happening with the progress, making the occasional remark or suggestion. The amount of changes was phenomenal. They took the basic concepts and ideas and extrapolated them to a sophisticated technology base integrating aspects of all 3 base...

2 years ago
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Annas Life

God, it's so hot. You roll over in bed and groan, closing your eyes as your hands grasp the sheets tightly. Your thin t-shirt is stuck to your body with sweat, clinging to you as you toss and turn in your small bed. Opening your eyes you roll to one side, checking the alarm clock. 7:45. It's pretty early. Elsewhere in the house you can hear your mother beginning to make breakfast. Slowly you sit up, a hand going up to run through your long black hair. Idly you trace the curves of your large...

1 year ago
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In der Falle 5

Mein bisher geilstes Sex-Erlebnis „Ja, ja", meinte ich. Und um eine Erklärung zu geben: „Ich fürchte, ich komme in die Wechseljahre."„Arme Maus", sagte Manfred mitfühlend. Er kam näher heran und schmiegte sich an mich.„Du bist ja ganz nackt", sagte er erstaunt.Ich erschrak. Verdammt, ich hatte vergessen, mir wieder etwas überzuziehen. Aber ich log routiniert. „Ja, mir war irgendwie so heiß. Scheiß Wechseljahre."„Arme Maus", meinte Manfred noch einmal. Zugleich begann er, mich zu streicheln....

3 years ago
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Shes the boss Chapter one

For those who haven't read the Introduction yet, please read it before reading this chapter! It's essential for the plot but if you're happy to skip, feel free to go on reading! But I'm sure you'll enjoy the Intro, it has plenty of action in it aswell :) Love, Empressive xoxo •• •• •• ••••• •••• ••• •• • "Hello Patrick."  This was the first time any of my employees had used my first name, and I had no idea what to think of it.  I stared at her, taking in her tiny waist,...

4 years ago
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14 Days on the Mountain Pt 08

Before you read this work, please note that it is adult oriented and very sexually explicit. Also, it is very lengthy and broken into 10 ‘parts’ that should be read in order. Most of them will stand on their own, but certain nuances of the story will be better understood if each part is read in succession. PART VIII (day 11) I awoke the next morning with a ‘morning woody’ that, from what I’ve read, happens frequently to most men. Tiffany was still sleeping next to me, laying on her side with...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Pleasure

It was another beautiful summers evening. A mild breeze had picked up and it felt refreshing against my face. I had just finished almost three hours of basketball with my friends and had a good workout. When we played, we played hard. We all went our seperate ways and as I stradled my bike I closed my eyes and could almost hear the sound of the surf crashing on the beach; it must have been the wind of course since the ocean was a good ten miles away but in my imagination it seemed so real! ...

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6 love dove love shove

On the way home, Maria and Sonya couldn't stop talking with Jeff about his experience. Roberto, however, didn't say a word. Jeff says his goodbyes quickly, darting into the house. "Mom! I spoke in tongues! I spoke in tongues!" "Slow down, Jeff. Slow down." Sad that she doesn't share his excitement, "I ... spoke ... in ... tongues." Seeing his sadness, Rachel hugs Jeff, "I don't know what that means." "I didn't either." Overhearing the commotion, Sean walks into...

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Andy TaylorChapter 2

It had been the most remarkable day of Kelly's young life. This goddess had not only eaten her cunt but she had drunk her urine. She felt she had to do something so she said, "Mistress Andy, now it's my turn. May I please try licking your cunt? Please?" Andy looked up, startled. Then she realized from the look in her eyes that the girl was absolutely serious. She really wanted to do it. Reluctantly, Andy nodded and stood up. But then, with a little smile, she rested her buns on the...

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Kates bath

With 2 fingers Kate parted her pussy lips and groaned as the water rushed in, the heat of it making her want to cum right then. With the lips pulled apart she began to push her middle finger in and out, teasing herself, feeling her clit swell and her nipples harden. Kate had just thrust another finger into her hot pussy when she opened her eyes with a start and gasped. Standing over her, with a smile on his face and a bulge in his pants, was her neighbour, Josh. Frantically splashing around,...

1 year ago
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Chucks Unfortunate Weekend

"Well, hello there. Damn! Who ... er ... what are you? And what are you doing on my boat?" "Brad, it's me - Chuck." "Chuck? You can't be ... Shit, it is you! Last time I saw you was three months ago. You were a guy then. Now you're ... not. What the hell happened?" "The Black Snake bikers happened to me. You remember Shaneequa?" "That high school girl that worked at Starbucks? The one with the killer bod who always seemed about to pop out of her clothes? Oh, yeah! Black and...

3 years ago
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Slave of the OutcastChapter 10

Back to Charles's house Party "Man that is some story Brady. No wonder I forgot about the whole thing. I was embarrassed. I guess I tried hard not to remember any of it. Dad said that he got a new job in the city and that we were going to start our new lives there. Prior to us leaving Constantinople's Lot, I never remembered any of this. The Halloween incident. Us climbing over the hill," Charles confessing. Brady was leaning his back against the house's exterior wall. Thomas and Alex...

1 year ago
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Brother Lusts Sister 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of my story “brother lusts sister”, you need to read that before reading this. “A women cannot be stopped from doing a wrong thing like involving in a sexual affair, if she is desperate to commit it .It’s the nature of the women, every man must understand this and keep them satisfied, if at all you women to be loyal to you. That’s what I understood through my experience” ………… the time me and my sister finished our fingering and hand-job it was 3am in the morning,...

2 years ago
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Breathless ShadesChapter 6

Time has passed and Belle attempts to thrash about on the bed with what little fight she still has left, each movement still tightening the grip around her throat. She finds herself more agitated as she feels the slosh of Chris’ cum still within her as it settles. Feeling the residual effects still of her attack, that she so desperately walked into. Her attention is quickly disturbed as she hears quiet a knock on the door, almost in fear that it’s her attacker returning for another...

2 years ago
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SWMS Redux Sugar and VinegarChapter 12

My name is Joshua Timothy Swartz. 6 years ago, I lost the person I loved in a car accident, which in many different timelines, happened in different ways. Now in the modern day, I’ve become the owner of my company, and my private nudist island. Thru the company, I have gained a device that allows me to jump randomly from timeline to timeline. I’m out here trying to find my soulmate, but it will not be easy. I exited the gateway and it closed behind me. I had arrived in a park area, similar...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Reagan Foxx Maya Woulfe Alexis Tae Making Your Own Magic

Alexis Tae has come over to visit her best friend, Maya Woulfe, who excitedly shows her a book on spellcasting she found in the attic. Maya and Alexis flip through the book and decide to try some body-enhancement spells on each other. Maya wants to make her ass bouncier, while Alexis wants to have bigger boobs. They strip naked in order to see the effects faster, secretly checking each other out as they do. Maya casts a spell on Alexis’ boobs, after which they playfully examine them to...

3 years ago
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The world is my endless fuckfest

Having now won the election, and in doing so partially told my story, I figured it was time to tell it to the world more clearly. To do so, I'd allowed a journalist, Max Murphy, a long interview with me. As he entered, I was displayed mostly like he and everryone had seen me by now at countless debates and speeches: clad in a mostly see-through top that did more of displaying my breasts than hiding them, and a tiny miniskirt, currently hiked up by the clerk who was at the moment railing my ass....

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