Rosie2 free porn video

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Rosie Part 2 A year had passed. Rosie's last case as a lawyer had been to take apart the haulage firm whose driver been the other party in the M3 smash up. She won a massive settlement, of course. Throughout the lengthy trial Rosie moved back to London, while I mourned and moped and and occasionally compensated by intense bursts of housework. I also took refuge in comfort eating and drinking increasing amounts of Scotch. I had no desire to go out or rebuild my life. I was torn between my loss and my futile, illicit passion for Rosie. She, it seemed, was too busy chasing her revenge to spend time with me. However, the trial came to an end, with its spectacular result, and Rosie phoned to say she was coming for the weekend, and maybe a bit longer. I made a special effort, cooking a full roast, and breaking open one of my best bottles of claret. She arrived quite early in the morning, and after a quick peck on the cheek, she rushed to her room. "I'm meeting the girls for a ride" she said over her shoulder. "Can you squeeze them in for lunch too?" "How many?" I asked, trying hard to keep any resentment from my voice. I wanted a little bit of Rosie time to myself. "Just my four little helpers. You can thank them for all the work they did at the funeral." With a click of heels and the swish of jodhpurs, she was gone. "My luggage is in the boot. I'll be back at two." Of course, I rose to the challenge. I unloaded a surprising amount of luggage from Rosie's sports car, and then tackled the kitchen. More vegetables, Yorkshire pudding and a meringue would feed six. I did manage to polish off most of the first bottle of claret, though, and by the time the girls arrived, nearer three o'clock than two, I had been through an emotional kaleidoscope. I was also more than a little drunk. There was a lot of giggling when the five young ladies arrived at my door. Led by Rosie, they poured in through the hall. Jumping into my arms, Rosie gave me an enormous hug, followed by a big kiss on the lips. "Nunkie, I've missed you so much!" Flustered, I put her down, only to be surrounded by her four prot?g?es, all hugging and kissing. "Nunkie Dwoo! What have you been up to? Why haven't we seen you?" "Nunkie! How fat you are getting. Your bottom is nearly as big as Annabelle's!" "You naughty boy. How are you managing without Rosie to tell you what to do?" In some confusion, I retreated to the kitchen, leaving Rosie to pour out the wine and sit at the head of the dining table. Over lunch, while I quietly carved and served the roast, Rosie quizzed each of the girls about their "A" level exams, and plans for the future. Annabelle, a striking blonde, was five or six years older than the others. She was at least six foot, and although it was unfair to call her fat, she was of Amazonian build. Besides riding, she loved the Gym, and she had spent a year at Sandhurst, but had decided to become a Doctor in civilian life, not the Army. She was in her last year studying medicine at the local University. In the run up to the funeral, it was always Annabelle who took over when I couldn't lift something, and Rosie was proud that Annabelle was stronger than most men. It was a standing joke amongst the girls that she had a fat bottom, but in her tight jodhpurs it seemed to me that it was very firm, all muscle. I admit I found her intimidating, with her piercing blue eyes, impressive breasts and muscular physique. Georgie was a Romanian orphan, brought to the UK by a charity in the wake of Ceaucescu. Like Rosie, she was whip smart, and had the ambition to follow Rosie into the Law. She kept her black hair cropped very short. She very rarely spoke, lacking confidence in her English in amongst these chattering girls, but by herself she was very clear thinking. Having experienced the mess that men had had made of her native country, and experienced some of their most appalling excesses herself, she was the one who was most supportive of Rosie's strongest political views. She would talk passionately about the establishment of the Gynarchy, and theories about the elimination of masculinity. Maria's father had been the Brazilian ambassador to the UK, and she now lived with her divorced mother in our local town. A beguiling black/Hispanic mix, she came across as a feral party animal, with a reputation for breaking the hearts of all the local boys. She concealed a ferocious drive, with the ambition to be a psychotherapist. She was always kind to me, explaining that it wasn't my fault that I had been born a male, and comparing my kindness to Rosie with her and Rosie's fathers selfishness and egotism. "You always look after Rosie so well. You always do what she asks you to. I want to help men be like that," she said. In reality, she was so gorgeous, just about any man would do what she asked, psychotherapy training or not. Molly, unlike the other girls, had no academic ambitions. As a young girl she had experienced cancer, which led to the removal of her womb. The irony is that she was the most maternal of the girls, deeply caring and definitely the mother of the group. Irish born, she was the eldest of six sisters, and had a full time job helping her mother, who was the family breadwinner. Her father was no longer welcome at home, but was often seen on the streets of town, having been thrown out of yet another pub or betting shop. Molly was not a big fan of alcohol, and her Catholicism seemed more centred on Mother Mary than Jesus. Despite her tribulations, she was always cheerful, and her freckly Irish skin would light up when laughing at one of Rosie or Maria's outrageous jokes. As Rosie led the conversation towards one of her favourite themes, that of how women were gradually taking charge, and how her "girls" had the world at their feet (or "under our butts," as Maria laughingly put it), I sat quietly, mesmerised by Rosie's flashing brown eyes and animated gestures. Always caring, Molly chipped in. "But what about the men? What should we do with them, in this new world of yours?" "There will be no men," whispered Georgie. "The time for men is past. We will find things for males to do. But there will be no men!" Rosie favoured Georgie with her broadest smile. "Exactly, Gee-Gee, you are absolutely right." She turned to look at me. Four other faces swivelled in my direction. "Nunky Dwoo. That was a lovely lunch. So sweet of you. I need to talk to my girls about something private. When you have finished clearing up, perhaps you would like to bring the coffee through to the sitting room for us." I gaped like a fish. Rosie had always been a bit bossy with me, but never issued direct commands before. And in front of a bunch of eighteen year olds! "B-but" I stammered. "Chop-chop," she cut me short, "haven't got all day." And then she favoured me with her most dazzling smile, as if to say, "it's just a game, just for my posse. Play along...." So of course I did. Half an hour later, when I took a coffee tray through, the sitting room was quite a sight. Georgie was curled up on the sofa, her head on Annabelle's lap. Annabelle was absent-mindedly stroking her short dark hair, like a cat. Maria and Molly were reading a Cosmo together, Maria's head leaning in on Molly's shoulder. Rosie sat in my large rocker, making notes on an iPad. "Ah Nunkie, there you are. What took you so long?" The girls all chimed in. "Poor Nunkie, so slow." "He can't help it. He's only a male." "He's so fat now, he can only move slowly." "It's his bottom, it's like a big anchor." "Come on now, girls, be kind." Rosie looked up at me. "Nunkie, I want you to sit down here on the rug." Clumsily, I sat down. My head was at the same level as Georgie's, and I could see her black eyes boring into me with an unreadable expression. Hatred? Excitement? Cruelty? I looked up from a forest of boots and jodhpurs, and above them the faces of Rosie's crew. I had fortified myself in the kitchen with brandy, and my head spun a little. Rosie's voice cut through the fog. "Nunkie, dear, we're worried about you. You need taking care of. So that's what we are going to do. We're going to take care of you." "Wha-what do you mean?" I stammered. "Well there are going to be some changes around here." Rosie smiled. "We're going to help you get into shape, and restore some purpose in your life." "We love you, Nunkie, and we want to help," Molly said. "Now come and give me a hug." I shuffled over to the sofa on my knees, and was enveloped in the warm embrace of Molly and Maria. While I was being overwhelmed by the girls, Rosie and Georgie had opened a briefcase on the bureau and pulled out a pile of legal documents. "We need you to sign these" Rosie said. "What am I signing?" "Oh, just a power of attorney for the court case." Molly pulled me tight against her generous breasts, while Maria whispered in my ear. "Don't do it, Nunkie. Don't leave us. Stay here. More cuddles. More Molly and Maria!" Groaning, I tore myself from their embrace. I didn't get up, largely because a straining erection would have been even more obvious, and shuffled over to the bureau on my knees. Behind me, Molly and Maria kept up a constant refrain. "Oh! Come back Nunkie. Come back to Mummy Molly. More cuddles for Dwoo" in voices blending schoolgirl teasing with motherly affection. I glanced over at Annabelle, who had a quizzical smile on her handsome Viking face. She raised an eyebrow at me, as if to say, "What are you going to do now?." I knew what I was going to do. Do what Rosie wanted, sign the documents and get back to the comfort and excitement of the girls' embrace. As I signed the papers, without even looking at them, I once again noticed Georgie's enigmatic stare. She muttered something under her breath as she signed as witness. It sounded like "we've got you now..." "It's bedtime for you, Nunkie Dwoo," Rosie stated flatly. "Bella, would you do the honours?" Overriding the chorus of sighs and other expressions of disappointment, Rosie quieted the room. "You've got plenty of time to play with Nunkie later. To celebrate our new arrangements you can all kiss Nunkie good night when he's ready for bed." Annabelle brooked no argument, and I was marched to my rooms. "A nice shower, and then it's bedtime. We have a little present for you." I showered and brushed my teeth, coming back to my bedroom in my towelling robe. Annabelle was standing by the bed, and there was a large box waiting for me, wrapped in a pale blue ribbon. "Open it," she said. "It's from all of us." Inside was three pairs of pyjamas. Made of shimmering satin, there was something a bit strange about the cut. The chord fastened at the back, and ran not just around the waist, but also in a vee at the front running into a single line between the legs. I clumsily struggled to put a pair on while preserving my modesty, and eventually Annabelle ran out of patience. "Here, let me do it," she tutted. She pulled the trousers back down again, and gently taking hold of my erection, she slipped it in between two layers in the front of the gusset, a sort of internal sleeve. She then tightened the chords at the back. This had the effect of flattening the front so that my cock was clearly outlined straining upwards, while my balls were pushed up and outwards by some internal arrangement. The rear chord drew the material up tightly between my cheeks, stimulating the entire area, while increasing the apparent fullness of my buttocks. I felt ridiculous and very excited at the same time. Because it was Annabelle, matter-of-fact, no-nonsense Annabelle, treating this as a normal everyday event, I seemed to have no opportunity to protest. The matching top was very short, coming down to just below my chest, and leaving my back and tummy exposed. I felt ridiculous. They weren't pyjamas. They were harem pants! I felt absurd. But I could neither deny nor hide my excitement. Annabelle went to the bathroom to shower and change, handing me the Cosmo that Molly had been reading. Placing a pillow on the middle of the bed, Annabelle commanded me to lie face down, groin over the pillow. "Read this" she said. "Rosie will be testing you later." The magazine was headlined "Special Edition. Lavender Love," over a picture of a pouting Cara Delavigne. One article was titled "Sappho was right! 10 reasons why Males don't measure up." I lay on the bed, face down, reading the article, my satin pyjamas intensifying the erotic sensation. The drawstring of the trousers stimulated the nerves between my buttocks, so I found myself pushing my bottom slightly in the air to increase the feeling. Unable to resist the temptation, I gently started to hump, the silken sleeve built into the trousers caressing my aroused member. I tried to concentrate on the Cosmo article, but in my befuddled state, could only focus on a few phrases, which seemed to excite me further. "Why girls prefer cunnilingus to penetration." "The key statistic: more women cheat with women than men." "Women bosses: work and play." At this point, the bedroom door burst open, and the girls tumbled in, giggling and chattering. "So, Nunkie Dwoo, you like your present then" smirked Rosie. All at once I was surrounded, girlish hands stroking the fabric, accompanied by the usual mocking commentary about my weight and the size of my bottom. One finger traced the line of the chord between my cheeks. "So sweet, Nunkie, such a cute big girlish bottom you have." I couldn't prevent myself emitting a groan. "Oh he likes that. What a naughty little boy. What a naughty little botty boy!" "Turn over, Nunkie, we want to see the full ensemble." Reluctantly I rolled over, the pillow below me pushing my groin upwards. Immediately my satin-encased 'man'hood was the centre of attention, led by Rosie, who started to give a lecture about the origins of the male organ, and how controlling it was the key to female advancement. As she expounded the theory that males were imperfect because of their Y chromosome, and that the penis was a birth defect, a deformed and degraded version of the clitoris, she was lightly stroking the front of my pyjama pants. She continued to talk fluently about the use of feminine fabrics as a training aid, about "feminizing" the penis. She lightly gripped my testicles, and talked about how sensitive they are, and how vulnerable they made males. As she squeezed, she spoke about the control of genitalia, about the relative merits of confinement, chastity and castration. She encouraged the girls to feel me, the shape of my throbbing organ in its satin prison. And of course, notwithstanding the extreme nonsense she was spouting, the physical effects of her manipulation had their inevitable result. With my hips forced upwards by the pillow underneath me, the drawstring around my genitals and between my buttocks, the feeling of drowning in a sea of feminine beauty and, of course, the gentle stroking of my member by the young lady I adored, with a series of explosive convulsions, I came.

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda 8211 Part 2

Hello Dosto mera name jay hai aap ne meri agli story “dost ki maa ko choda” padhi hogi ummid karta hu ki aap ko wo story achhi lagi ho or aap is story ko bhi bahut enjoy karenge.mai Gujarat ka rahne wala hu, Mera mail id hai to mujhe mail jaroor karna. Agar koi ladki or bhabhi mujse chudwana chathti hai or phone sex karna chahti hai to bhi mujhe mail kar shakte hai. meri yeh story usi aunty ke sath hai jiske bare mai maine aapko agli story mai bataya tha. usna name sumita hai. or vo dikhne mai...

3 years ago
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He asked for a hand job

"Just tell me your name, little bitch…""Ana…" I blubbered, almost in tears."Well, Ana… you have no other choice to take...” He said.I kept sobbing quietly, as he held his knife to my throat and held my arm trapped behind me in a hammer lock, almost hurting me.He had pulled me into that dark lonely alley from the street.I was jogging trying to reach a nearer park. My full boobs were covered by a tight sweater, my long shaped legs in black yoga tights. But then I realized I had missed the right...

2 years ago
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A black man takes advantage on me

One Saturday evening I was home alone and absolutely bored because Victor was flying abroad for three days at least. Bored but… horny…I started to touch myself through my wet thong while watching some porno. I finally came, screaming out in a wild orgasm.I had a shower and rested again on the sofa just naked, touching my swollen wet pussy lips very softly, as I watched now a romantic movie. My cell phone rang. My good girlfriend Laura was also home alone, her loving hubby had gone to visit his...

4 years ago
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Using Mom

I do not remember my age but I remember everything else. I ran into my parents room and they were both on the bed, mom on all fours and dad right behind her. He must have just finished nutting and was pulling his cock from her. I was right there as his cock came out. I saw all the white cum in mom's gaping pussy and some even dripped down onto her bush. Then they noticed me and everyone rushed to cover up and I ran out of the room. But that image of mom's beautiful cum filled pussy was forever...

4 years ago
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Orc Dominion Rebellion Afterward

Thanks to everyone for sticking with my story all the way from its beginning to its conclusion. I really appreciate all the comments and feedback I get, and strive to incorporate it into my storytelling. Rebellion was the story I never intended to tell. It was originally going to be just three chapters, which would cover the 18 year gap between the end of Zentara and the beginning of Elfish Descent. However, after the first chapter was negatively received, I wrote the second chapter to repair...

3 years ago
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After The Movies Continued

Hi guys this is part 3 of my stories, at the Movies. This is going to be my last story for a while. Please tell me what you think. Once we had got back into the car, we made our way home to the estate where we live. There was a bit of flirting going on, but it was very tame. The drive was short, and there wasn’t enough time to do anything more. We had enough for then, we decided, and both of us needed the rest. We made small talk, and listened to the radio. When we pulled into the driveway I...

1 year ago
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The RiflemanChapter 28 Character sheet

Main Character William Viking, 19 year old blind man. Been blind all his life Sandi Bedford, 21 year old blond, works for a computer consultant company. Her uncle is a US Senator. Nancy Jenna Maria Holland, 23, African American, Nancy is a trauma nurse at the local hospital. Dogs Golden Retrievers Traveler Star, Lady, Jessie Cody Friends Earth Senator John Bedford, 49 year old Senator from Idaho Cody Bedford, 8 year old son of John and Suzie Bedford Doctor Lisa Suri, William's...

3 years ago
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Finding myself Part 4

(With apologies to anyone who has been waiting over 2 years for this story to continue!) I stirred slowly, not knowing whether Miss Allie was nearby or just talking through my earphones. I was still stuck, handcuffed to the bed with a double-ended dildo in my mouth and blackened eye goggles. But I knew she was there when I felt her straddle me. Then she fiddled with the dildo in my mouth and there was my customary drink of her strong overnight urine trickling thru it and down my...

2 years ago
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MagnifChapter 9

The Wxy'n physical peculiarity was that they had perfectly circular round eyes and a smaller mouth. The latter aspect was perhaps the reason behind the Wxy'n most distinguishing feature. They were a very quiet people. The Wxy'n were the last to establish a presence on Magnif. At first, their quietness was an unnerving trait to the other races, but in time everyone became used to their ways and it was not an issue. The Wxy'n Council of Four, two men and two women, were there to meet Jeff...

4 years ago
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The Ultimate PlayboyChapter 4

I moved ahead, my hands rubbing at the cute girl's asscheeks while I aimed myself forwards. Mrs. Robinson came right up to whisper in my ear. "And I mean FUCK her. I want you to split her in half so that she'll never forget it." I could not disappoint my goddess. So the moment I got my other head firmly situated, I rammed in with all the force my hips could generate. Gabrielle screamed in pain as her supertight tunnel was instantly stretched farther than it had ever gone before, and I...

1 year ago
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Fucked Stranger In A Cab

I was travelling from Mumbai to Pune on one Sunday evening after celebrating the weekend with my friend. I smoke too much during the course of two days that I was still high when I was taking the cab from Dadar Mumbai to Pune. I was in a mood to pass out during this 3-hour long journey and sat at the back seat of Mahindra Xylo. The cab was fairly stuffed but the last seat which can occupy 2 fully grown adults as passengers contained just me. I was convinced that there is no one going to join me...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Best Friends sister

Aiden is my best friend. I go over his house almost every day after school to do things that vary from playing basketball to watching family guy. He lives with his two parents and two sisters, both younger than him. They both walked around the house like whores, and man did I love it. Sometimes I went over just to see them. I also spent a lot of time in the 3 k**’s bathroom, because man did that room smell like fresh virgin pussy. They were very friendly so the middle c***d usually sat really...

3 years ago
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This is a pure creative Imaginery story... Unfortunetly it dosnt fit in to the catergys except maby first time???It all started one stormy evening, lightning howling mingled with thunder crashing like a cocanophy from hell. Walking in the driving rain Jane wonderd why the hell she decided to walk to the cinema instead of catching the bus that descision led to 1 of the best experinces of her young life.At 25 she had just risen to the top in the emotionly and hormonuly charged atmosphere of Stock...

2 years ago
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Potential Part 21

I'd like to extend my greatest appreciation to those who read this and give feedback or at least make a comment. To the trolls who open this just to click thumbs down, seriously are you that pitiful? If you make it to the end of this chapter, get your ass to the comments section and give me feedback. Remember, this is a learn as I go hobby. I have no fuckin' idea what I'm doing. Read and enjoy, that's why I do this. Potential by Bistander Chapter 21 Envy or Jealousy...

3 years ago
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Still Not Quite Incest

Sandra looks up and squints against the glare of the morning sun as she sees Tommy's tousled head peeking out of the kitchen window. "Hi darling" she shouts, "I'm out here in the pool" He walks out towards her, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes and Sandra and Sandra smiles to herself when she realises he's completely naked! He smiles shyly at her, pretending not to notice that she too is naked, until she swings her legs up off the air bed and he sees the hairless slit between her...

1 year ago
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What a good StepFather pt1

Maria has an 18 year-old daughter named Charlotte. Stephen hasn't met Charlotte because she has been off at college, but she was supposed to be visiting soon because she was going to have a break from school. Because Maria has to work it was up to Stephen to pick her up. It had been a week since Stephen had sex with maria and he was feeling particularly pent up from his sexual frustration with her on the morning Charlotte was supposed to arrive. Stephen had woke up to an empty bed since Maria...

1 year ago
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The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents

The Visit: Part IIThe crisp late night breeze flowing from my open window seemed like a gentle caress all over my body as I laid on my bed, running my eager little hands over my breast and my hardened nipples. Soon, my hands became blury as I visualized Liam's mouth closing on my nipple. Moaning softly, so I wouldn't wake anybody up in the house, I placed my pillow over my face as I opened my legs some, squeezing my breast with my left hand. My other hand strayed down toward my moist little...

4 years ago
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Blackmail Come True Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 "I need your decision now," he repeated as I stared at the metal canister and the syringe sitting on the counter in front of me. I could see my reflection in the chrome canister. I stood there in the same pink stockings and pink babydoll nightie that I had just wore while my best friend fucked me. I ran my hand through the red wig that I still couldn't seem to remove from my head, looked at the DD breast forms still stuck to my chest, the padded prosthetic vagina that gave...

2 years ago
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Its all in the mind case files Emily

Author’s note:  This is a ‘spin off’ of my original story – ?It’s all in the mind.? – also available on this site.The story lines I have developed for ?Mind? have had the capacity to take me off in all sorts of new directions.  I find that this can become annoying for the reader, and so I have decided to write some ‘case studies’ as separate stories.As always, this is pure fiction.  Not a word of truth here!!I’m always pleased when any of my readers e-mail me with comments and story ideas.  If...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Cleo Clementine Trick Or Treat Pussy Teasing

Pigtailed ginger Cleo Clementine is out trick or treating this year when she finds a door slightly cracked. The curious babe sneaks inside looking for some extra sweet snacks, but instead finds an empty house. Little does she realize, she is being trailed by the headless horseman! Well, what could be a better way to please a monster than to give him the head he so sorely misses! The little chick sucks his giant cock, slobbering all over it while her pussy gets soaking wet. Then, she hops on top...

2 years ago
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My first blow job0

As the summer grew on so did our friendship. We were always hanging out playing basketball hide n seek with all of the kids on the block to watching movies at his place. One night as we were watching movies he scooted closer to me and put his hand on mine. When the movie ended I went home but I couldn't get that feeling of his hand on mine out of my head for the rest of the night. The next day it was so hot his parents asked my parents if they could take me with them to the river they...

2 years ago
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MousetrapChapter 3

It was quite a fiery debate and Tiff found herself increasingly confused as it went on. Partly it was the fact that they were even considering an offer from the bloody Confed, for gods sake, partly that it was Rajata herself who was, increasingly firmly, arguing for the idea and ... partly ... it was the realisation that Tiff herself was coming round to accepting it. She tried to rationalise this rather starling concept and couldn't ... OK, she acknowledged, guiltily, she had a personal...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Reboot Chapter 3

I rolled my eyes at Ms. Willow's statement about boys and tried to ignore it as she continued on with the rest of the class. Not every boy was dumb as rocks when it came to politics, take Cobi and me for example. We actually paid attention to the presidential campaigns and cared about who we wanted for the next president. But of course, most girls just nodded and listened politely to whatever we had to say while they stared at our dicks. For the rest of the class, Cobi and I put our...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 31

New characters appearing in this chapter and the next: Gwyneth O'Leary Doctor, OB/GYN, Irish, 5'-3" tall, 108 pounds, 34B-23-35, 28 years old, long red hair, gray eyes, some freckles Gwyn and Glanda Mike and Gretchen's Daughters, born 6 November 2051, both have dark Auburn hair and gray eyes Sererena and Saraid Pat and Petra's Daughters, born on 6 November 2051, both have red hair and green eyes Early on Monday morning both of our Grandmothers and our Moms came to visit us. We...

4 years ago
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Coercing Camille

About three months after I installed the cameras a very attractive young mom came in to see the pastor. I had noticed her in church. She had curly strawberry blonde hair with that just slightly unkempt look. She was probably a 34 C, but she had a tiny waist, and well rounded hips making her look much more voluptuous. I was surprised that the pastor turned the camera on for her. Most of his subjects were teen or pre-teen girls. I listened as they talked and she described how she was having a...

3 years ago
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The favour

"Hey I need to ask you a favour. Can you meet me at mine?"Parveen had sent me the message. I was intrigued. Parveen is my fwb and has been for the past year and a half. I told her that I was free and would be at hers in 10 minutes. I walked over wondering what she needed. She seemed serious, and wasn't asking for a fling. I got to her place and rang her bell. She let me in and asked me to sit down. I honestly had no idea what to expect, and honestly I was kind of nervous. "I need to ask you for...

2 years ago
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His first cock

The ad said he wanted to try sucking a cock but he was nervous and wanted someone who he could get comfortable with first. I told him in my reply that I was his man and he wouldn't have to do anything he didn't want to do and could stop at any time.When he arrived I invited him in and showed him to the sofa in my living room where my 70" television was featuring some hot shemale hypno porn.We sat and chatted for a bit and I made some comments on the hot shemales sucking cock on the videos. He...

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