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Hers January 10 th 2003

Dear diary,

He wasn't in the best of moods again today. I didn't catch most of his rantingbut it was as usual about work. I know he hates his job. Why doesn't he dosomething about it? We don't seem to be close anymore. We never talk or maketime for fun. Can three years of marriage really do such damage to a relationship?

I don't think ill try and talk to him about it tonight. He'll probably godown the pub soon anyway, and then I can clean up.


I was so mad today, I've been working all day and she's done nothing, absolutelynothing in the house. I have even had to make my own tea. George 'the boss'recons I'm going to get laid off soon. I don't know how I'm going to cope,I wish shed get a job and help. Its not like we have kids, that'd be hard seemsas we never have sex.

January 20 th 2003

Hers Dear diary,

Today he really scared me, he came home three hours early and told me he's "packedthe stupid fucking job in" he put his fist through the wooden door in the frontroom. I ran to the kitchen in fright, he just followed me smashing plates andcups on the floor. Screaming at me it was my fault we never had any money.I don't even do the house expenses I didn't know what he was talking about.


I tried to tell her today I really did. What sort of man would I seem liketo her if she ever found I can't manage the finances or hold a job down. Shedoesn't care. She never offers to help or get a job or anything. I even haveto cook and clean myself. I wish id never married her.

Her's January 29 th

He's been drinking all day. He's reluctant to go and look for another job;I think he has been lying to me. I don't believe him when he says he's gotinterviews he comes home drunk. I'm sure I could smell perfume on him today.Diary what am I to do? I feel trapped. I can't talk to him; he refuses to listento me saying I'm going on at him. I just want things back to the way they were.


I couldn't go to the interview today. I looked in the wardrobe and I hadnothing to wear. The lazy fucking cow won't even do the washing. She knew Ihad an interview. I told her I had to go see my mum today. Least she couldhave done was to help. I couldn't go in what clothes I had. Rags more likeit not clothes.

I met this women in the bar today, she listened to me, it seemed like sheunderstood. She said she had a suit I could use tomorrow. I was so grateful.Why cant my wife be more like that.

Her February 15 th

Dear diary,

I was right all along, he has been seeing someone else, I followed him todaydown by the supermarket and into the pub. She was sitting there waiting forhim. I'm going to question him about it tonight. Things just seem in such amess how can I put things right?


I met Julia again today, she had even bought the suit with her, bless hershe's so thoughtful. If I weren't married to that idol cow id definitely proposeto her. I wish she was more like Julia.

Her February 16 th

I was wrong to question him; he's had such a hard time. The fighting andthe arguing isn't worth the waste of time. I shouldn't have flew at him. Iknow now its all my fault. If only I hadn't flew at him, at the time I justwanted to hit him and hurt him. I never thought he'd hit me back. He didn'tmean to he swore he didn't mean to it was a reflex action. Kind of like thereflex action I had to hit him I guess. I should get some makeup tomorrow.


That stupid cow, she came flying at me today, really lashing out at me.I hit her. God I know its wrong but it felt so good. Talk about stress relief.I might say some horrid things about her, truth is I do love her. I just wishshed make more of an effort.

Her February 27 th

Things were really quiet for a bit I thought things were getting better.I thought he'd stopped seeing that woman, how wrong was I.

Like the silly cow I am he caught me following him. I didn't know he hadseen me till he came home tonight.

Diary I'm in so much pain.

My lip is cut and swollen, my eye is all bruised yet again and the bruisingon my arms is horrific. I feel so scared. I am going to pack my stuff and leavetomorrow.


I saw Julia again today. it was a chance meet though. She was telling meshed found a nice man. I was so happy for her but also a little jealous. Iwent to 3 interviews and by the time I got in to be seen the position had goneeach time. I was so mad when I came home the last thing I needed was more ofher horse shit. I know I shouldn't hit her but it feels so good and so right.She needs to be taught a lesson. She can't make me so miserable all the time.Some days I wish shed leave but I do love her.

Her February 28 th

How he sobbed today when I had my bags packed. He explained that he was angrythat I didn't trust him. He told me he was meeting her to tell her it was over.He was right you know I do read too much into things.

He says he has a job down the scrap yard. Starts on Monday, I hope thingsimprove for us now.


I knew when I woke up I was so wrong for acting that way last night. I beggedher to stay with me told her wed work it out. I lied though I told her I hada job, If I hadn't though she would never have stayed.

Her March 16 th

Two weeks he's supposed to have been working, he never tells me anything.I saw two red bills today I daren't open them though he'd go mad. Maybe he'sjust a little behind not working for a while. I still can't talk to him butthings seemed to have settled down.


Slowly I feel like I'm sinking, loosing all control. I can't keep the liesup any longer. She doesn't know how to make me happy. I'm so depressed allthe time. I sat in the toilets today and even thought about slitting my wrists.I'm getting desperate. I need to talk with her and sort things out.

Her March 19 th

He's drunk again. I'm hiding here in the bedroom in case he takes it outon me. I'm so scared. I don't know what he's breaking.


Had a few drinks, I'm in a horney mood, think ill see if she's in the moodfor once.

Her March 20 th

He's just left for work. I can't get out of bed. I knew he was angry lastnight. I don't know where to go from here last night was so horrible. He kickedthe bedroom door off its hinges and dragged me by my hair into the bathroom.My heads still sore.

He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers. I cant explain how terrifiedI was. It has been a few months since we had sex but he cant expect me to wantsex after all that's happened, sex doesn't fix all your problems. He pinnedmy head over the bath and raped me. Yes he raped me. He thrust himself insideme even though I was screaming out "please, please no please don't this tome". He didn't listen. The bruising on the inside of my thighs hurts me somuch. There's a trickle of blood that's gone all hard on the bedding. Thisis the last straw I'm waiting till I know he's left before I go. I don't knowwhere, I don't have any family and what few friends I have live over 400 milesaway. I just don't want to stay here with him any longer.


Oh my god what have I done, its going to take some swift talking to get outof this one.

Her March 21 st .

He got on his knees today and pleaded with me, I knew I had no where elseto go so I stayed. I guess it was my own fault. I can't deny him sex all thetime. No wonder he went with another woman. It can't really be rape if yourmarried anyway can it?

We are going out for a meal tonight as a symbol of a fresh start. This isthe most excited I've been in months.

I really think we might be getting somewhere.

Her April 23 rd

Dear diary,

It was my birthday today, he forgot. I'm going to leave it till tomorrowbefore I say anything. See how horrid he feels. after such a good month youwould have thought he would have made an effort.


Its her birthday today, I don't want to mention it think ill just wait andsee things are hectic and I haven't any money anyway. She never remembers mineanyway. The doctor said I was depressed he's given me some pills I don't thinkI need them though.

Her April 24 th

Dear diary,

I've just come back from the hospital. I never should have gone on at himlike that. I guess I deserved it. I can't believe how much of a cow I was tohim. I never thought how upset I had made him.

He's knocked my two front teeth out, he didn't mean to though he threw somethingand it hit me. He said he didn't mean to hit me with it.


I wanted to cave her face in today. She wants big elaborate things and I'vegot £2.50 to my name. ranting and raving about fuck all she's lucky sheonly lost two teeth.

Her May1st,

Dear diary,

It's bank holiday today.

I haven't dared to leave my room.

I know I should have cleaned the house up but I didn't know he wanted usto go out.

I feel so horrid.

He came upstairs and grabbed me from behind. For a second I felt so scaredof him I tried to pull away from him. He was only showing me affection.

He squinted his eyes at me. "Scared are you, ill give you something to bescared about, you lazy fucking idol slut" and he dragged me down onto the floor.

He put his hand up the back of my dress and ripped my panties down. I triedto laugh at first, trying to turn it into a joke.

Bad mistake.

"How dare you laugh at me, you are a useless fucking dirty whore, ill showyou what I do with useless fucking dirty whores" and he pushed my face deepinto the floor as he unzipped his trousers.

I tried to clench as tight as possible but it was no use he used his fingersfirst, pushing them deep inside my ass. I've never had anything inserted insidemy ass before it was horrid. I felt so sick. I tried to pull away from himbut he pinned me down even tighter rubbing my face into the carpet.

Then came that moment, I feel so violated, he sodomised me, he raped mybum hole so fast and vigorously I threw up, I was sick on the floor, he didn'tcare at that point he rubbed my faced in the regurgitated slop coarsely soit hit the floor.

I have the most horrid carpet burn on the side of my face. It is nothingthough compared with the feeling of shame and utter humiliation I feel at thehands of the man I once married for love.

My bum is bleeding and I have such horrid lasting cramps, I hope I die.


I know it so wring but I saw red, she hasn't a clue about me or my life.She thinks not giving me even the slightest bit of compassion or love willmake me beg her. How wrong she was. I enjoyed watching her suffer today.

Her May 2 nd ,

Dear diary,

I've been awake a few hours now; I'm still scared to leave my room. He'sdownstairs I know it; I can hear him moving around.

I haven't a clue what he's doing. I don't care as long as he doesn't comeup here again. I should have left when I had the chance.

He changed so much in such a short space of time. I know some things horridlywrong. He never talks to me though, how was I supposed to help if I didn'tknow.


Its about time I taught her a lesson, I'm sick of crying myself to sleepits about time she knew how it all felt. How it feels to be trapped with noway out. Like your sinking slowly and there's no escape.

Her May 3 rd ,

I'm trapped.

Last night he came upstairs and started working on the windows, He's nailedthem all tight shut and painted the outside with black paint. I'm so frightened;I'm still shaking with trepidation. It'

s hard to keep shacking though when your legs are chained to the bed. Nottightly just enough so I cant reach the door.

He's put a sad little bucket in the middle of the room. I'm guessing that'sfor me. I need to get free. I need to reach a phone. He's gone mad.


A day or two like that and shell know, maybe ill have some fun while I'mat it. I know its wrong but it feels so right. How is she going to understandunless she feels what I have felt?

Maybe I should go and speak with her; the thing is I don't know what to sayto her. I'm lost for words. Would she listen to me anyway.

May 5 th ,

Dear lord,

The post man came today; I heard the letter box rattle. I screamed out asloud as I could, I'm pretty sure he heard something he must have done. I hopehe did. If he did, he didn't come and save me from this mad man.

The screaming was a bad idea. I can barley hold this pen in my fingers dueto the whipping I got. He came up and thumped me, right in the face. Then heordered me to lye face down on the bed. Lord I was scared. I was so terriblyfrightened. I watched him unbuckle his belt as slowly as he could. Then hecame over and waved it in my face threateningly. "How could you, you stupidcow. Don't you know what you could have done?"

It was so much more than a threat and I knew it when I felt the cold harshleather lashing across my pale sweat dampened skin, I have never been so terrifiedin my entire life as I am at this moment please, please lord deliver me fromthis insane man. Have you no compassion for your flock, I am a lost sheep,sire please find me and rescue me. The bed sheets are sodden in my blood andmy back aches so much from the lashes. Please lord have mercy on my soul, ifI only get one thing that I ask for in my miserable existence let it be anend to my terrible torture.


The fucking bitch, I could have killed her at that point. Doesn't she knowwhat she's doing to me? I'm trying to teach her a lesson.

I can't even talk to her she refuses to listen. It doesn't matter how niceI am she doesn't care. She doesn't love me, she doesn't care about me. Whata big mistake this whole thing was from the day we met neither of us has everbeen really happy.

Her May 6 th .

Today he came and stood in the doorway watching me for a while. He neithercried nor smiled. I wish I could have known what was going through his mindat that moment in time.


I'm going to have to let her go soon, I have to admit I was turned on though;I've been watching her walk over and pee in her little designated bucket. Ifeel a little dirty thinking like that but wow it really did feel nice.

Her may 7 th

I was so relieved today, he finally untied my tethering. I waited till hehad left the house and here I am under the bridge miles away in the rain. Imight not be that safe but I'm safer here than at his house. I think ill tellthe police tomorrow I wont go to our local station just in case he's waitingfor me.


I'm so scared of what she'll do now, in the cold light of day I was so wrongand I know it. I should never have been so silly. I wish I could find her andexplain to her I'm not well. Show her my prescription. Promise to take my medicineI hope it isn't all too late. How could I have even conceived of doing it letalone carrying it out? I was out of control totally insane. I hope she's ok.

May 8 th

How absolutely stupid can one man actuary be?

How many tears can one man cry?

How many times should one man say sorry before he is forgiven?

I went out this morning as soon as the sun rose. I went out to find her.For hours running round in the rain I hunted. I was soaking wet and tired whenI spotted her faint little figure following the tracks stumbling along on herown.

I ran to her calling out her name, "please darling, I never meant to hurtyou. I'm ill, I'm sick please sweaty, ill confess ill go to prison if that'swhat you want." Still her face was white she was so scared as I got closershe started to run. I was catching up with her, if I could just hold her andexplain.

I heard the distant rumble of a train. Please darling come down it isn'tsafe. Ill leave I swear ill leave, I tried to catch up with her to stop herbut now I look back I think I scared her all the more. She ran in front ofthe train without even checking the tracks.

I'm gathering my things together before I head towards the station to givethem an accurate account of the last few days. I'm just looking for her diary.


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Anas Quest Fort of Fear

You are Ana of Grane, a peasant girl from a small village on the western frontier of Erotilia. One day, while walking around the woods, you found an abandoned suit of armour and an old longsword. You took it as a sign and began your new life as an adventurer. Now, you journey around the world in search of treasures and adventure.

2 years ago
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Year of fear

This is not really a sex story I involves sex, it involves a destructive year with my husband. But here goes Last year my husband of three decades caught me in an affair, because of family concerns about his mental stability, it was decided many years ago that if I let my husband enjoy being married he would not be compliant with other peoples wish, he would be wanting to get off work and come straight home. This was a plan that was developed by my father in law, I found out it was developed by...

2 years ago
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A runaways worst fear

I have a confession.I ran away from my Master. I'm not talking about Antebellum slavery ran away- I didn't have run through the woods, and avoid being chased by dogs and gunmen. I didn't have to hide out in people's basements to avoid being taken back by slave catchers. I didn't have to forge papers stating that I was free when I really wasn't. No, no, not that kind of slavery. Lower your NAACP flags for another day. I'm talking about the BDSM type. You know, the one I consented to. The one I...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 16 Power Strength and Fear

It really wasn’t that difficult. Once basketball season started, I simply picked up Brian in the morning so he and Whitney could train during before-school fitness time. The days were long, but if she and Brian could withstand the pressure of training in the martial arts at the same time they were practicing basketball, I was willing to add a couple of hours to my day. It became my routine to drop the two at school at six-thirty and then join Dave for breakfast. Occasionally, that meant...

1 year ago
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Runaway DreamChapter 1 Remembering Fear

It was dark when I woke up and it took me a second to remember where I was. Curled up in the passenger seat of a Honda Civic. The engine was off and it was quiet. There was some light, more grey than any real color, coming from the windows and I blinked, looking around. I was in a parking garage it looked like, underground and not very full. A few cars scattered here and there, but most of them crowded against a distant wall. The light was coming from a couple ramps mostly, daylight. I...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 19 Fear

I handed one Coke to Molly. She smiled at me, and our hands touched momentarily as I passed the paper cup to her. I sat down next to her, and gestured for Eric to come over by me. He crouched down at my side, up close so we could converse above the music. "What's up, bro?" he asked quietly. "I think we might have trouble," I murmured. I was turned away from Molly, who had returned to watching the dancers. "Find Josh for me, would you?" "Sure thing," he said, and he stood up and...

1 year ago
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Dulling the PreWedding Fears

‘Dulling the pre-wedding fears’ (or ‘Your wedding day can be perfect if you listen to the portents!’) by Pacifist91w Note and warning: This story is fiction, any resemblance between these characters and anyone is coincidental. This story contains an explicit lesbian scene and some mildly demeaning terms. ‘||’||’ Karmella VanWolden had done more than her share of work to ensure that her wedding plans were on track. She didn’t believe that anyone who was fair could call her a Bridezilla. She...

2 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 48 Hope and Fears

Time: June 29, 8243 4:03 AM I had a delightful twenty days at Dakar, keeping a light load on my regal schedule and spending most of my time swimming, hiking, and horseback-riding with my wives. We even managed two overnight camping trips, one by the lake up north near where Salt Lake City used to be, and one high up in the mountains. The beauty of the northern lake is remarkable. It's so difficult to believe the area took two direct fusion blasts 8243 years ago. Three days ago an...

1 year ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 33 Doubts and Fears

Dave and Ken came out of Ken's office laughing. Ken had told a joke about a blond bank robber who had tied up the safe and blown the guard. It wasn't all that funny, but it was the last of a series of blond jokes. Seeing Andrew loitering around Sue Ellen's desk and talking to Millie, Dave asked, "Are you ready for a little lunch?" "I guess," Andrew answered although he didn't seem to have that great of an appetite yet. Ken asked, "Steaks?" "You bet," Andrew said finding that...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 46 Tears For Fears

November 8, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Do you want me to disappear?” Angie asked as we walked into the dorm after church. “Why? Emmy knows I’m dating you. She’s not jealous. You know she’s coming to visit and she knows you know. It would be REALLY dumb to invite her here otherwise, don’t you think?” “Guys have been known to do dumb things from time to time!” “Not ones who want you to stick around.” “You do remember I told you my High School boyfriend screwed a close friend of mine behind my...

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extract from my siss diary

One night Jess was sitting in her room on her laptop. She was on myspace and was just finishing up sending a message. A pop up came up and it was for a sex site. She got very aroused at the sight of people getting it on. Jess tried to ignore the burning feeling between her legs and tried to finish her message but she just couldn't take it any more!! She jumped up from the chair and nearly knocked it over. She jumped onto her bed and (since no one was home) imedditly took off her...

2 years ago
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Extract from Wifes Diary

I took this from my wife's diary as she told the story much better than I could: She was 55 at the time and I was 58.David my husband, had been away on a training course for a week and he asked me to meet him in the city on the Friday night so we could see a show and have a nice weekend together to make up for being apart for the week. Friday night we just went out for supper a couple of drinks and then went to bed and had a nice reunion. Saturday we did some shopping and went to the show which...

3 years ago
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Giving Gloria the Details

It was Saturday, and I was going to cut the lawn before the heat of the day. As I walked to the garage, Gloria called to me from her yard next door. "Hey...you owe me an explanation...remember?" I walked over to her patio where she was sitting reading the newspaper. "Sit down and tell me who tampered with me and what happened," she said. She was wearing a loose-fitting short yellow nylon wrap robe, and it was obvious there was no bra under it. Her hair was, as usual, neatly brushed, and other...

3 years ago
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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 5

After Leesha left, I went upstairs, and put on my bathing suit. I grabbed the cordless phone on my way out the door, and headed towards the pool. Alex and Sally were laying on a couple of the many lounge chairs around the pool, soaking up the sunshine. I chose a chair on the other side of the pool, and put my dark glasses on to shield my eyes from the sun, and to make sure that they couldn't see what I was looking at. I watched the girls lying in the sun, remembering the events of the night...

2 years ago
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A desperate woman II

I feel the cold metal on the base of my scalp. The voice that comes to my ears is even colder : “Don't try to do anything clever if you want to stay alive!” I lift slowly my hands, showing him that I give up. “Is there anyone else in this house?” asks he intruder. “My mother is sleeping there” I say and my right pointer shows him, slowly and carefully, where is the room. He pushes me,guiding me there. “I want you to turn the lights on as soon as we're in. Got it?” I nod and open the door...

4 years ago
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Shadow and LightChapter 23

Principal’s Office, Moonvale School, 18:30 “There has to be something you can do?” Maria asked. “You must have some idea where our parents are?” “I wish I did Ms Deluca. There is a Hunter pack in Roswell now, looking over everything, and there are two more packs on their way. There are simply no better trackers on Earth,” the principal said. “Is there anything that they’ve reported?” Max asked. “Nothing much. From what I’ve been told there was a trace of a strange odour, possibly a scent...

3 years ago
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Hollys night out Ch 1

Holly’s night out Chapter 1 © 201 by Jennifer O’Donnell Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and I appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including...

Wife Lovers
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At 21 years of age, Mark Bradford had been serving in the United States Navy aboard an aircraft carrier when he received word of his parent's tragic and untimely death. Mark had two sisters, Kathy, who was five years his senior, was married and living in New York. His younger sister Danielle, or "Danny" as he affectionately called her, was or rather had been living at home with their parents. Although still finishing her last year of high school, Danny had turned 18 just the week before. Mark...

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I Managed The Parttime Maid Noori

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

3 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 22

After breakfast the Command Staff representatives were joined in the terminal area by representatives from the Iridien, Monque, Atewa and Dutsuz Worlds. When the delegations from the US, Pakistan and Italy entered, a chill seemed to sweep through the room. Three boarding tubes were already in place with their doors open. The Órarduine were very formal and the last to say good-bye to these delegations. As the delegates involved in the previous night’s harassment shook Sarah’s hand, each was...

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A Damaged Teen Slut Ch5

This story is compliant with the rules set by this website's staff. This is a work of FICTION. It does not reflect or imitate any real life individuals or real life events. Any similarities to any individual is purely coincidental. There are four previous chapters to this story, which you can find on my profile page by clicking my name at the top. Obviously there will be details and story developments that you will be unaware of or confused about if you have not read them. Comments...

1 year ago
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Drunk Lesbians Experience Their First Time

The strobe light flashing, lights off, me and my two drunk friends were dancing in my bedroom. The girls were topless and Sierra was unhooking my bra while leaning over to kiss Kara as she whispered, ‘I’m so horny.’  I found myself laying on the bed, Kara was completely naked now and Sierra pushed herself on top of me, winding her tongue with mine and our lips pressed so hard together. Kara mumbled ‘Hey, a little love over here?’ and we giggled, unwinding ourselves and leaning over Kara as we...

1 year ago
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Daniels first time

My name is Michelle and this is how it all started Daniel had been coming over to my house for the last month, I had arranged it with his parents because he needed something to do during the summer. Every Wednesday he came over to clean my gardens and help out around the house with stuff I didn't have time for or couldn't do for myself. I hadn't noticed anything different for the first two weeks but then i noticed that my underwear drawer was disturbed, I have a tendency to just throw...

3 years ago
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Debbies AdventuresChapter 5

Debbie was up early the next morning. She took a leisurely shower and then sat at her dressing table mirror with a towel wrapped around her. She brushed out her copper coloured curls, and her blue eyes narrowed as she examined her creamy white skin, she frowned slightly at the faint freckles that sprinkled over her little upturned nose. She was twenty two years old, and at five foot two inches and with her petite little figure, she could pass from anything from twelve years old to thirty,...

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Dinner Ch 2

“Okay,” Karen had said.I was confused, “Okay? Okay what?”She had looked straight at me, “Okay, we’ll go.”“Go? What? Where? Out that night?”“To your girlfriend’s, to your little game.”That was Karen, the night before, right after I’d told her about Lush, my stories, Pauli, and the planned strip poker game, shocking the shit out of me. I remembered wondering what the hell had just happened!Now, here we were, standing in front of Pauli’s door and I was still wondering the same thing, what the hell...

Wife Lovers
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The Seventh SensePart 13

I couldn’t go back to sleep. I looked at the alarm clock we’d gotten at the Goodwill store and it was four in the morning. I got up and got dressed in the dark. I went to the kitchen and microwaved a cup of water for tea. He was getting stronger and stronger. That much was clear. True, things would need to be tweaked in the future, but the fact was that he could hide if he needed to and manipulate those who would try to detain or confine him. I thought about what they’d try to do to him....

1 year ago
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New Order New OpportunityChapter 5 City Streets

James found himself outside the police, station faster than he would have thought possible. They hadn't quite thrown him down the front steps but they hadn't been too polite about showing him out either. He had no more idea of why they had freed him than of why they had picked on him in the first place. That was one of the problems with being a solitary — you were easy pickings as far as the police, the benefit squads, the tax enforcers were concerned. Maybe they were planning to follow...

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Kissing while sucking

Me and my wife share excellent sexual relationship. The best part I like is kissing hard when I discharge. I have always fantasized about someone sucking me while I am kissing hard. But this was never possible. My wife sucks me good, but I cannot kiss her at the same time, obviously. All the same, she is also equally good in kissing. Once while I was deep into her, I shared my fantasy with her. I told her that I wished she had two mouths – one for sucking and one for kissing. She laughed and...

2 years ago
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The Spirit of EcstasyChapter 6

Tuesday 6 January 1976, 7.15pm We visited her hubby Eric at least once a week and occasionally twice where our busy schedules allowed, for almost four months until the courts finally ruled on Thursday 6 January that life support could be switched off on Wednesday 14 January 1976 at 5pm. The Judge ruled that there was no appeal to his decision but would allow just over a week of life support to allow all parties to brace themselves for the inevitable. Then, the very next day, on Wednesday...

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