In Silent Water free porn video

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The sun’s fierce light bore down mercilessly on the shimmering water, the relentless light scattered into a million crystal shards, each blinding ray intent on finding it’s way into Walter Hansen’s tormented eyes. He scanned the light gray instrument panel quickly, noted the threat receiver still blinking intently, and he looked at his airspeed indicator. 460 knots. Altitude so low the altimeter was bottomed out. He glanced out the canopy and could just make out wave-tops as they roared by in blue-brown streaks, he guessed he was low enough to be sucking sea-spray directly into the battered Pratt & Whitney engine, but it really didn’t matter anymore. The A-4 Skyhawk had been hit by God only knew how many rounds of small arms fire on it’s way outbound from Haiphong Harbor, and Hansen watched with growing alarm as the engine’s compressor pressure began to climb and the fuel flow gauge pegged out at max. Not much fuel left. He had nursed the jet back to the coast and was hoping he would have enough JP-5 to make it back to the Constellation. He’d heard stories about how pissed off the sharks were in the South China Sea, and he really didn’t want to find out if those stories were true.

Sweat was running down his face, and he reached with his right hand to the little silver air nozzle beneath the right side of the canopy and directed the tepid airflow up onto his face. It didn’t help, but he saw a flash in the middle of all the reflected sunlight just as the threat receiver began howling in earnest, and he instinctively pulled back on the stick and turned toward the threat – presenting the lowest possible aspect to the threat – and popped off a canister of chaff and a couple of flares. He saw a line of tracers arcing up and watched as the bullets disappeared off his left wing, and he jinked to the right in a tight snap-roll, then again hard to the left in a counter-roll. He pushed the stick down hard and dove toward the water – and there they were, right in front of him. Two North Vietnamese patrol boats. Lines of tracers arced up from their bow platforms toward his jet, and he – knew – he was caught, that there was nowhere to go.

Hansen slammed the throttle all the way to the stops and made sharp, hard movements with the stick as he dove toward the two boats, and he moved to line up the first boat in his gunsight as he closed on it. But too fast – he was past it, and then the second boat shot past and he pulled back on the stick to level out. He looked down at the radar altimeter just above his right knee – it was bottomed out again, he must be back down in the waves again – and he shot a quick glance to the upper left panel and saw his airspeed was inching up toward 600 knots. Shit! You didn’t take a Skyhawk trans-sonic a sea-level – at least no one had done so and lived to talk about it. He eased back on the throttle, pulled back on the stick to get out of the wave-tops.

He felt the rounds slam into the aircraft somewhere aft, and he yanked back on the stick now, and felt the old bird reach for the sky one last time. Fire warning light! Pull the bottle. Exhaust gas temp off the scale now, compressor pressure pegged, fuel warning light going off now. Secondary fire light going off – just a few more seconds and she’s going to come apart. Quick! Altitude? 8500 feet and climbing. Get on the radio, now!

‘Boomer five-oh-five, twenty-five from point x-ray on one-ten radial, just ran into two patrol boats, about ten offshore, packing it in now – gonna punch out.’

‘Boomer five-oh-five, radar contact, good luck.’

There it is – the short and sweet of it. Straighten your spine, keep your neck straight or it’ll snap off when the ejection seat fires, get the cover off the ejection seat handle between your legs and – PULL!

The dank smell of sweat and testosterone blows away with the canopy, the near quiet of the raspy turbine sound in the cockpit is ripped away into the violent airstream as the ejection seat explodes beneath your seat and hurls you into the maelstrom – and then – it is quiet – and you’re falling through space. Why does that feel so familiar? Why?

Falling. Falling toward coffee colored water full of sharks. Pissed-off sharks. The water looks malignant now, not passive, and you feel afraid. The water is reaching up for you, ready to pull the life out of you. Noise, motion . . . The ‘chute opens and the seat falls away, and you feel the survival pack and life raft fall on their tether, yanking you down. Toward the water.

There she is.

You watch the old Skyhawk in her agony, flames spilling out from behind ruptured panels on her skin as she tumbles toward the water below, her light-gray form still elegant as the sea reaches up to claim her. She hits the water in a spray of foam and she is as quickly gone.

It’s so quiet up here, you’re thinking. Almost peaceful. You look down past your boots at the water below, and you want to stay up here in the air where it’s been so nice and safe. The shimmering waves reach for you, the blinding shards of sun dance past your outstretched hands, and you see them. Dark forms lazily arcing through the water, just beneath the surface.

And the patrol boats. About five, maybe six miles away, arcing through the water toward you. You reach for the little radio clipped to your harness, and are reassured to feel that it is still strapped snugly there.

How much longer? How long until I hit?

About 2,000 feet – or so it seems – make that 25 feet per second in this dense air. What’s that, 80 seconds, give or take?

I wonder how warm it is?

I wonder if it’s as warm as my blood?


You’re sinking, salt water runs up your nose and you remember the tank at Whitby Island, the ditch drills – slamming into the water and going inverted in a heartbeat – what was it they said, exhale slightly through your nose, force the water out? Don’t panic, don’t get tangled up in your ‘chute. The May-west will pop any second now, feel for the knife, get ready to cut any lines that you’ll inevitably get tangled up in.

It’s dark water, not much sun getting through the mud and salt. Ears are popping . . . am I going up or down? Feel the vest . . . is it inflated? Yes? Good, gotta be going up. Light? Is that light?

Your head breaks the surface, and water coats the dark gray plastic of your helmet’s visor, creating fluidly shifting prisms of light in your eyes, and the breath you’ve been holding bursts forth in a spasm of cough and the overwhelming need to vomit. You feel something tugging at your waste, and you’re afraid to look, afraid of the dark shapes you know are just out of sight, never out of mind. You turn and see the yellow-orange life-raft bobbing on the waves, and you work your way out of the parachute harness and swim toward the raft. You reach the webbing that hangs down into the water and use it to wiggle up into the raft, and your breathing comes easier once you’re in the womb of the raft. You reach up to the radio on your chest and turn it on.

‘Boomer five-oh-five, in the water and no company visible.’ You hold your breath, waiting for the voice on the other end of the precious circuit that means life.

‘Ah, five-oh-five, that’s a roger. Pop some dye.’

You reach into your survival vest and pull out an olive colored canister little bigger than a can of beer and pop off the safety, then toss the dye-marker out into the water, and the water around your raft turns a vivid florescent green. Someone once told you the stuff repels sharks.

‘OK five-oh-five, we got you. Charlie is about three miles out and a little off course. Some fast-movers are coming in to keep you company.’

‘Roger,’ you hear yourself saying between spasms of vomit. You swallowed a ton of sea-water, and it burns as it flows up and out your mouth and nose on it’s way back to the sea.

The air all around you ruptures and ripples as the first F-4 Phantom screams overhead, the
concussion of the sonic boom almost knocks you out of the raft but you feel elated, and you want to rise and shout at the patrol boats you know are about to get toasted. A second Phantom flies past somewhere behind you, but you hear a new sound. An artillery shell whizzes overhead and hits the water several hundred feet away, and that concussion does in fact knock you out of the raft. You take on more water while vomiting and almost lose your grip on the raft.

Another round lands in the water, this time much closer, and as the high explosive round goes off you feel your body compress as the sound waves move through the water. It is at that moment that you feel the shark grazing along side of your body, it’s coarse hide feeling like 40 grit sandpaper as it slides along. In an instant you feel yourself levitating out of the water and are back in the raft. You hear a huge explosion in the distance, and then hear one of the Phantom pilots screaming on the radio:

‘Jolly Three, we’re hit, ah, wait one – punching out! Jolly One, watch that lead boat, they’ve got some kinda SAM on board.’

After a moment you poke your head above the edge of the raft and can see the stricken Phantom cart-wheeling toward the sea behind a curtain of flame and black smoke, and you look around hoping to see a pair of ‘chutes blossoming when another round lands behind you and your raft tumbles through the air. You’re in the water again, and you don’t need to be told that the hissing you hear is coming from your rapidly deflating raft. You look skyward, there’s a large dogfight shaping up as a couple of Mig-17s arc across your field of view while another pair of Phantoms roar over – coming from somewhere out of the east.

You grab another canister of dye and pop the top, toss it into the water a few feet from you. The dye spreads like radioactive blood on a wet tile floor, and you hope the shark hates it enough to look for his next meal somewhere – anywhere – else.

A pair of ancient A-1 Skyraiders thunder overhead, their old propellers beating the air like vulture’s wings, and their cannon fire rakes the lead patrol boat as one of the Vietnamese gunners on the foredeck squeezes off a burst in your direction, and you watch as the seaman disappears in a pink haze, and when the boat bursts into flames you hear yourself cheering. You’re thrashing the water as you yell, and only then do you remember the shark – that sharks are attracted to motion, to signals of distress.

And there it is, a dorsal fin cutting through the water like a scathe, lazily arcing back and forth at the perimeter of the dye, testing the currents in the water and not at all deterred enough to stop hunting. You become motionless, pull your legs up into your chest, and pop another canister – your last canister – and toss it into the water between you and the shark.

In the distance you see two parachutes lofting down toward the water, maybe three hundred yards away. Should you swim in that direction, swim for another raft – yet risk exposing yourself to the shark. You look back toward the fin, and it’s – gone! The water beneath you ripples with electricity, and a dark shape glides by under your feet. Your body contracts, compacting itself more tightly, and you reach for the Kabar survival knife on the left strap of your survival vest, and gently take it out of the scabbard, moving as slowly and gently as you can.

There it is, over there! The fin seems to stiffen, and as suddenly it is coming straight at you. No lazy arcs now, there is purpose in it’s trajectory. You are it’s purpose. Your mouth is dry, and you ready the knife in your hand.

Then . . .

The shark is flying through the air, flicking about in lightning that dances in the air, and it is in that instant of time – gone.

You feel a presence in the water. It is next to you, it is all around you. It is inside of you.

You turn, and she is their.

Her skin is luminous blue-green, mottled by faintly etched deep purple veins that shimmer with purpose, and you realize – somehow – something very beautiful has happened to you. Time seems to have stopped, even the water seems to dance to a slower rhythm.

You can just make out her face. It is human. Maybe even – familiar. But the eyes are off, something’s really not quite right with the eyes, the structure of the bone around the eyes is crisper, more sharply delineated, and the ‘whites’ of her eyes are sky blue, the iris of each eye an electric copper color that radiates – what? Love? No, not love. Knowing.

‘She knows me . . .’

She is smiling at you, and laughs gently as she looks deeply into your eyes. Her hair is incredibly long, and long streams of her copper colored hair drift about in the swaying water.

You haven’t taken a breath in what feels like forever, and you can’t take your eyes off her even though you know it’s a dream. Maybe the shark has taken you, and you’re on your way to heaven even as the form of your hopes and dreams drifts on the surface in front of you.

She drifts on the water like a dream, and her eyes glance down toward unseen forms that drift in lazy circles below your body. She struggles with a choice, then moves through the water until she is right in front of you. She leans forward those last few inches and touches you.

You close your eyes when you feel her hand on your face, and you are among the stars for a moment.

You open your eyes, and she is gone. You are lost in darkness.


‘What the fuck did you do to that shark, man?’

You’re sitting on the hard metal floor of the rescue helicopter, your iron-white fingers clutching the lifting harness that pulled you from the sea as your teeth chatter like a jack-hammer. You can’t remember anything other than her eyes. Something about her eyes has torn it’s way into your heart and soul, and nothing else seems to matter. Something so familiar . . .


‘What did you do to that shark, Lieutenant? Thought it had you for sure.’

You feel the question in your head – but it doesn’t make sense – then your whole body is shaking, and this world goes dark. Again.


You never felt the odd bits of blazing metal that had torn into your left thigh and right calf. No wonder the sharks had come so quickly. You’d lost a lot of blood.

They’d stabilized you on the carrier, then shuttled you off to DaNang. But you missed all that as you drifted past a dizzying array of stars, you never really woke up during all those tortured moments. And now here you are, somewhere in Hawaii, your legs swaddled in bandages, and IV bottles of antibiotics drip remorselessly into a burning vein in your left arm. Your gauzy eyes are open, but there isn’t much to see in the darkness.

But there is a feeling in the air . . .

A nurse, actually a pretty young woman, is leaning over your chest adjusting the lines that ground you to the earth, and you smell her. It smells like something from a place you might have once called home. She is like someone you once knew, but the feeling is different. You want to say something, but your mouth is so dry. Your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth, and you struggle to move it.

Panic. Don’t panic.

‘Water,’ you manage to say.

‘Oh! It lives. It speaks,’ the girl says with sarcasm born of too many bad Frankenstein movies, yet you feel a straw at your lips, and you pull the plastic into your mouth and furiously pull at the cold water. It sears your throat as it runs down, and you swish some in your mouth a couple of times until your tongue breaks free. It feels so . . . good . . .

‘You smell – nice.’

‘Yeah? Pleased to meet you, too.’ She is looking at you with knowing eyes. ‘How are you feeling today?’

‘Where am I?’

‘Hawaii. Pearl Harbor.’

‘I was in the water . . . a shark . . .’ And suddenly you’re back there, in the water, and you’re f
illing with panic as you watch the shark’s fin arrowing in on you.

‘It’s all right . . . sh-h-h-h . . . you’re all right now, Lieutenant. You’re safe now . . .’

And you’re holding on to the nurse, sobbing, looking for the hole in your memory. Looking for that whole truth. Those eyes. Why can’t I remember anything else. What happened. What happened to me?

Who am I?


The nurse, her name was Sarah. Sarah Henderson.

For some reason, she liked you. You spent a lot of time together while you were recovering. When, after a few weeks you started to walk regularly, you started talking to her about Vietnam, about the missions you’d flown, about the friends who’d gone up North and not come back, you found she listened to you. She cared.

The more you talked, the more she cared. She gave of herself to you, and that meant something. It seemed so unreal, this connection. And the things you talked about . . . The blood soaked cockpits in many of the planes that did make it back. The death you’d visited on targets in North Vietnam – hopefully all military targets – but you really weren’t sure, were you? You sat on that red brick patio in the sun. Talking. Remembering. You could see the ocean as you talked, the palm trees swaying in the tradewinds. It was so easy to talk to this woman. When you looked at her, you could almost forget those eyes that had held you in the sea, that beings smile that held time in abeyance. That knowing laugh just before she touched you . . . and was as soon gone.

Sarah Henderson was flesh and blood, and there was a connection. How could you reconcile connection in this world. This world of death and destruction. Soon the only thing that mattered was this woman’s hand in yours.

In time, you grew well, you walked more as the torn muscles in your leg healed. And your heart healed in that woman’s hands. The connection grew stronger.

Orders. New orders.

Back to Whitby Island. Help train fresh meat for the grinder of this, our first national nightmare. Ask her to marry me? Yes, that is right. Right. And you did, too, with humility and a boundless love in your soul. She said yes. You flew back to Washington state, rejoined the world of war. She transferred just weeks after you left, continued to work as a nurse. You married a few months later, and when your hitch was up you signed on with Delta, moved to Atlanta, started flying 727s. Sarah was soon pregnant, you bought a house, fixed up the baby’s room. Not long after that, you were fixing up that spare bedroom – the one that was going to be your ‘office’ (like you really needed an office), remember – for your second kid.

It was all so easy.

The forgetting.


It started one night in the late eighties. The dreams.

You were in the water, floating in a sea of blood. It was night, and a crimson moon bathed a seascape littered with disfigured bodies. Bodies burned and charred floated all around you in distorted packs, and sharks tore into the feast. They slipped by as you floated in quiet agony, their black eyes rolled back in sated lust as they brushed past you.

She was there, too. Her blue shimmering skin glowed in defiance of the forsaken moon, yet you could see tears forming in her eyes, tears that left no doubt – no doubt – that she was powerless to repeal all the death that had been born of man’s wars.

The waters shook with the echoes of great explosions, and the sky on the far side of the earth grew intensely white. Rainbow hued shockwaves danced through the sky, and the heat grew unbearable as the energy of man’s final assault on man reached like Satan’s fingers through the sky. Sharks danced in the light, their death-lust overwhelming the last vestiges of hope in the sea-nymph’s eyes, and she turned to you, looked at you with infinite sorrow in her eyes.

‘Why?’ she asks you. ‘Why have you done this?’

As she slips beneath the water you wake up.

Why have I done this, you ask yourself, not really sure who you are.

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The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...

4 years ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 6 Nockatunga Waterhole

We had some tea and a few quandong. The dried nut tasted like a rather tart apricot. We were too far west for bunya or macadamia. Joshua told me that they had had little rain, but that the waterhole seemed happy. I told him of my trip, especially the part from Cameron Corner to Epsilon Station, to Innamincka and my disappointment, and to here. A woman offered a bark dish of witchetty grubs and I took one. I expressed surprise at finding them, but Joshua said the women were good at finding...

2 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 38 Watercolor

Joseph and Joshua entered the room where Jordan was being held captive. "You finally made it back," Joshua snickered. Jordan sat bolt upright as they entered. "Just in time to go jack rabbit hunting," Joe smirked in reference to their notorious jack rabbit hunt as children when Jordan had refused to kill anymore jack rabbits out of sympathy. Jordan managed a slight smiled, "I'm never going to live down that jack rabbit hunt as long as I live." "Of course not," Joe informed...

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If I had an Underwater Sex Cam, I know I’d have a lot of fun capturing my sexual escapades at the pool and reliving them later on at home, in the office, and on the bus ride in between. And honestly, after checking out this following site, I think I might actually invest in the necessary equipment. Even if my homemade underwater fuck flicks never made it onto PornDudeCasting, where I think the chlorine would ruin the couch, they’d still be a hell of an addition to my own personal fap stash. I’m...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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The Reflecting Waters

Dave had recently purchased an apartment with his new Fianc?e Kim. The building was in the historic district of their city and was nearly 140 years old. A recent developer had remolded the building and added central air, new wiring, and new flooring, but it hadn't completely destroyed the building's classic appeal. The developer changed the plumbing, but didn't change fixtures, including the unique Spanish bronze fixtures and pitch black bathtub in apartment 3C. It was Kim who noticed the f...

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Silent Snapshot

. . . . It was a typical day at work. He needed to get out of the office for lunch for a change of scenery. He spent the next hour debating in the depths of his own mind if he should stay or go. ‘What the heck,’ he thought. ‘I have been working so hard on this project. And after Bob dropped the ball and got my nuts in a vise with the big boss I need to just take a long lunch and re-group.’ He called his wife but she declined and was complaining about the extraordinary workload in front of...

1 year ago
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Silent Love

As I looked down at my best friend, big Bob, it was hard to believe the condition he was in. Just three days prior, this huge man was tossing logging chains around as though they were toys. A truck driver by trade, Bob was only thirty-five and could out work, out drink, and out fight men fifteen years younger than him. Just three days and now he is lying here in the ICU room clinging to life. Big Bob was brought down by the smallest of things, the H1N1 flu virus. His once massive chest no...

1 year ago
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Silent Seduction Ch 01

**Please realize that this is an ongoing story and will be posted a chapter at a time in order to keep sections from being too long. Also, this tale involves my rendition of the Master/slave relationship… loosely based upon John Norman’s ‘Universe of Gor’. It is not intended to go by the book.** * * * * * * * She cowered upon hard, hoof trodden, earth, nothing more then a heavy chain and a pile of torn, filthy rags beneath a blanket of dusty tangles. Like some old guard dog that was no longer...

2 years ago
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Silent Love

Diane laid back on her mat with her arms straight down at her sides. Her eyes were closed, her breathing deep and soulful. She tried to clear her mind and listen to the sounds of nature around her. Other women lay around her, each on their own mat, trying to find the deep, peaceful meditation within themselves. Occasionally, the soft, smooth voice of the instructor would offer soothing words or explain what to do next. Right now, she was silent, letting each woman relax and clear their mind. ...

1 year ago
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Silent fantasy

I work in a nursing home, filled with several hot coworkers. About half I dream about fucking them. This one fanstey is about the quiet hot blond nurse at late nights. Her name is Kim, she is 5'8", blond hair, curvy body, sweet plumb ass, and sexy big titis, I would say about 36dd. I met her by coming into a station room, and she was playing with her feet. She had taking her shoes off and rubbing her me to stop and stare. Anyway, any we meet, I say hi, and she mumble hi back, so I...

3 years ago
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Back To The HaremLiving Waters

Tuning out in last period, ReligionTeacher, "...blah blah blah blah class... now... this would be the most significant difference between the Old and New Testament..."GonePlease, Sirs, please don’t take me away from the Harem. You desire me in the baths, wet and wanting? I am smooth, like the oils that dance atop the hot mineral baths, perfumed with rose petals, glistening with flakes of gold and silver. The tubs are carved from solid gemstone. Mine is of rose quarts, pink like my gem. My gem...

1 year ago
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Make Love To Me Under A Waterfall

It had been quite a long while since I had been camping. Cooking hot dogs and roasting marshmellows over a fire. As a child, I had always loved going on camping adventures. So, my girlfriend decided to surprise me one friday. She came in the door from work and shopping apparently. She had saved up the money, and bought the supplies that we needed to go out on a camping adventure. Just the two of us.....alone. She had taken three days off, this had been planned ahead. But, I had had no clue...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 28 The Waters

The mood in the Waters car on the ride home was like day and night. In the backseat, Kathy and her brother jabbered away about how much fun they had on the fishing trip, in the front, Sarah sat silently, her arms folded over her chest. Jack Waters just drove and seethed because of his wife's behavior in front of Harry and Ellen. When they arrived at their house, the family went in. Brad and Kathy headed to their rooms and went to bed. Their dad had taken them aside and told them about going...

4 years ago
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Silent Waters Run Deep

I would never have guessed how naughty this girl was, but I'm so glad I found out!We have been friends for quite some time, me and Angela. We met via mutual friends, hung out at parties and at home. Angela is in every way your typical young women next door. A bit on the chubby side, blonde hair at shoulder length, always properly and modestly dressed. Everybody would agree she had the cutest smile on her pretty face. And for me it was certainly that pretty face that drew me to her. She just...

3 years ago
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Silent Intruder

I was looking forward to my sixteenth birthday party with about as much enthusiasm as I would a bad dose of the flu. I'd had a lousy three weeks. Tonight's family get together was a bid by my dear old mum and dad to lift my spirits and, at the same time, celebrate my reaching the official "age of consent". Not that they quite thought of it that way, I'm sure. I didn't think of it that way either, because I'd already done a little bit of unofficial consenting before the event, so to...

2 years ago
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Still Waters

Resolute. A word she had always associated with the admiration of one’s spirit, except when it was spoken by her estranged father. She was not at all surprised by his ability to spin it sideways. He’d called her ‘dangerously resolute’ during one of their many arguments. It effectively planted a seed in the recesses of her then adolescent mind. Buried deep and rooted, it eventually grew into an obsession. She had dismissed the rest of his drivel over the years but always clung to that one word....

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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Silent Approval

Part One I'm a Lieutenant in the US Navy, my names Sarah Wilson, I'm a tall brunette, well 5' 8" actually. I'm quite cuddly. With 38D breasts and I usually wear a size 14 (US) clothes. I wear glasses most of the time as I don't get on with contacts. I suppose you could say in and out of uniform, I'm quite a plain Jane. Since joining the Navy I've worked hard. To the deficit of my personal life, No one ever seemed to make a move on me. So I kept myself busy. Got to work with some damn...

1 year ago
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Love on the Waterfront

It's late and all the stores are closed. The crowds have dwindled down and nearly everyone has gone home for the evening. I'm down at the Seattle Waterfront Park, at the fence in the darkness, overlooking the water, far enough away from the street so that I can barely be seen by innocent bystanders.The moon is shining on the water and all I can hear is the waves slapping against the piers and the ferry boat off in the distance. Behind me, I hear faint footsteps getting closer. I turn my head...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Over the Waterfall

Over the Waterfall - - - 6 Months Ago - - - "Mr. Adams... Mr. Adams?" "Yeah, sorry." "Mr. Adams, we just need your signature right here." Done. Signed. Sealed. Divorced. Well, there went 24 years. My wife and I waited until the kids finished college, at least. Very amicable. We just split right down the middle. Of course she also got the guy from Newport Beach with Ferraris and a massive house. I got a little apartment in San Jose. Whatever. - - - 5 Months Ago...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Waterfall

I am NOT the simply sharingIt all started one hot summer day in July. My wife, Lilly and I were out with a couple of friends of ours, Amanda and Chase, to have a cook out and a few drinks. We had talked about the idea of inviting another woman into our bed for a for a couple of years - by talking about it, I mean we would talk about it while we were having sex - it always seemed to get us off fast that I could tell that Lilly really liked the idea. But I didn’t really think she would...

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Behind The Waterfall

You are wearing your flowing white sun dress and walking barefoot on the white sand beach... There is no one else around... as I approach, I see your womanly figure walking towards me... you are lost in thought and haven't yet recognized me... your lovely smile appears at the instant you realize that it is me... As we reach each other, embrace, and kiss, I notice that your white dress is quite translucent and the white bathing suit that you have underneath accents your figure in a most...

2 years ago
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The sunlight reflecting off the warm water coupled with periodic splashes as the boat's bow crashed through the waves painted an absolutely beautiful picture. It was about 85 degrees and sunny. The boat's throbbing motor pushed us farther and farther away from land until we could no longer see the shoreline. I leaned over the side to see if I could see any fish through the crystal clear blue waters. A tugging on my arm pulled me back inside the boat and back into the arms of the beautiful...

2 years ago
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Silent Sorrows

Subject: America 2009 – A frightening look at the future for women in America. Word of warning, this is not what I would consider an erotic story but it is a story that should only be read by adults. In fact writing it caused me pain. Even I find it difficult to read. Something inside me made it come out. Call it fear, I hope, or call it a premonition of what is to come. Is it the sad truth of what it may be like to be a woman in America a few years down the road if those currently in power...

3 years ago
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Silent Submission

I’ve always been the quiet shy kid. That and having to move 3 times during high school crippled my social life. I’m 6 feet tall, short brown hair that curls when it gets long, brown eyes and broad shoulders. I’m straight and homophobic to be quite honest. I had a girlfriend back in California in 8th grade but it was really nothing serious, just someone to walk with during classes. In my high school in Arizona, I did manage to meet a few friends in a job club which offered school...

4 years ago
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Silent Night Lesbian

It was late at night, around ten o'clock and that in common was the usual curfew time. The girls could hear local crowds of people from the outside laughing merrily and chatting gaily, as well as screaming about all sorts of nonsense. Folks around town never had consideration for those trying to get a bit of shut-eye indoors, but they never cared. Nobody cared in this town. This town had strip clubs, bars, and various entertainments scattered around that always made people loud at night....

4 years ago
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Silent Romance

She saw him, too. Her heart stopped for a moment when she saw a man with deep brown hair standing at the opposite end of the field. She saw the powerful but gentle muscles of his arms, his strong chin and perfect lips. Then she saw the gleam of a ring on his finger, the children who ran past him to play with her nephew, and the woman who slipped her hand into his as they began to walk towards the party. It was all just a quick fantasy. Nothing would become of it. She turned back to her...

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Silent Night1

I was watching a movie in my bedroom, and soon found myself falling asleep. Before I was fully alseep, a weird wirling sound came from my bedroom window. My eyes popped open thinking it may have been my husband arriving home early to perhaps surprise me. To my shock and surprise, before I could spring out of bed, I was motionless as I took heed to a strange shadow lurking next to my window; it was as if it appeared mysteriously though the thick glass, and was actually standing a few feet away...

2 years ago
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Silent Lover

As he sits at his computer she comes up behind him and kisses gently him on the neck. He goes to say something but she puts her finger against his lips not allowing him to say a word she wants it silent. She moves in front of him and takes his hand and pulls him up takes him and pushes him onto the bed she leans over and starts to lift his top up as she does this he raises his arms so that his tops slides up and over his head, she drops it to the side, leans forward to kiss his lips but moves...

2 years ago
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Silent No More

Silence, I hate the silence. I hate what it does to me, I hate that it gives me time to think. I don’t like to churn things over in my head as it makes me start to worry and heaven knows, I'm good at doing that. My Master is giving me the silent treatment yet again. I’m bored of being punished like this and thinking back, the last few times I didn’t do anything to deserve it. He’s pushing me to do something, something that I need to be punished for.I check my phone again but there is nothing,...

2 years ago
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Silent Love 3

On Diane's third night at the retreat, hot, steamy dreamsof her and Emma flowed through her mind. She woke up wet and horny and slipped a hand down between her legs. She thought about what it would be like to have Emma here with her in her bed. Emma's full breasts and curvy hips drove her insane. Diane pictured Emma straddled across her hips and sliding up and down on a dildo that Diane would have strapped around her hips. Emma's breasts would bounce up and down as Diane sucked on her hard...

2 years ago
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Silent night

It was dark in my room and the only light was from the hall that my door allowed through. I was home alone and hot, with slow hesitation I grabbed my breast. Tugging and pulling till I was dripping from my skirt. Moans increased of pleasure and echoed through the halls. I took the lower edge of my panties and rubbed it up and down against my pink pussy. So sensitive it won't stop quivering. I quickly remove my skirt and bra to suck on my tit as my hand continues to fondle. A silent yelp lets...

4 years ago
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"Tiffany! Tiffany!" Mrs. Jensen called out.Tiffany was in her room listening to music. It was the day before Christmas. Tiffany was upset since her mother was going to be working on Christmas Eve that night. Mrs. Jensen was a manager at a small diner downtown and had to work hard since her husband died over 5 years ago. It was only Mrs. Jensen and her three c***dren. First there was Dylan, who had just turned 20 earlier that December and was home from college. Then there was Tiffany, who was...

1 year ago
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Silent Roses

Silent Roses My entire body shuddered and shook as the tip of the rose slowlyglided its way from my neck, between my quivering breasts, down my torso,stopping only to circle my belly button, then down further, pausing just abovethe dark, moist warmth that was screaming for attention. It then made its wayback, following the same trail it had taken down, ending as it traces my lips.I gently kiss it, smelling the sweet, light scent, smiling at the dark, eroticred colour, the way the petals...

2 years ago
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Silent Sissy Cuckold

Silent Sissy Cuckold by Throne Danny stood in the corner of the bedroom, watching his wife Tandy get dressed. For most guys, especially if their spouse was as pretty as her, it would have been a pleasure. Not for him. First of all, he was naked except for a pair of very brief panties, lavender ones, through the filmy material of which it was obvious that he was locked in a chastity tube. Second, his collar-length blond hair had been styled. It was cut into bangs and turned under at...

3 years ago
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Silent Treatment

It was Friday night when my wife, Maxine, came into the room where I was watching TV. I recognized from the way that she was dressed that she intended to do some serious partying. This was news to me, for as far as I was aware, this was just going to be another night for both of us spent in front of the telly. "I'll probably be back late, Darling, so don't bother waiting up for me. I have to go, that's my cab." "But where—" was all I managed to get out before she was out of the room...

3 years ago
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Silent Night

Rachel Brandon sat by the fireplace, waiting for the jolly man that had come to visit her every Christmas since she was sixteen. She waited and worried. Was this the year that he didn't return? Was this the year that she finally got pregnant and had his child? As the night wore on, the 28 year old mother of two wonderful little boys asked herself if she was just wasting her time. It had been 12 years since that first visit, and each year she fell more in love with the man with the white...

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