Sudden Fear free porn video

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Sudden Fear By Brian Houlihan Copyright@2002 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved [For Michael D.] "Look what I got Mom! I caught her in the woods, tryin' to get away." I was slumped over Tracy's shoulder. Then she dumped me onto the floor of the TV room, in front of her mother Cindy and her big sister Tonya. I had attempted to escape this nut house in high heels thru the woods. The beefy young woman had quickly caught me and subdued me. Subdue as in punched the shit out of me for a few minutes to make me more manageable. Of course I was terrorized with fear but had pretty much resigned myself to a beating. They were just too big, fast and powerful for me. I only stand 4' 10" and weigh 120 pounds. All three women are huge. HUGE. And Mean. I glanced up from the floor. Cindy's face had the legend of distaste. Tonya looked delighted. "You little bitch! After all we've done for you. Take her out to the yard. I'll get the rope." "Goody," Tracy squealed. Out in the back yard, the sun was setting and you could still see pretty well. "Strip her!" Both girls quickly removed all of my clothing. Then Cindy was tying my hands behind my back. The rope felt thick and strong. Then another rope was tossed over a branch of one of the big trees. Suddenly my arms were yanked up behind my back. I had to stand on my tiptoes. It was painful. "Tonya, get the wine out of the frig. And the weed." It sounded like we were going to be here for a while. Suddenly Cindy pulled my hair and yanked my head back. Her face was an inch from mine and hers was contorted in anger. "You dumb fuckin' cunt. I'm going to teach you a lesson. Ever been caned before?" "" "No Mommy!" "No Mommy." I had never heard the phrase "caned" before. But it had an ominous ring to it. Knowing how sadistic she was. Then a very thin rattan cane was held in front of me. It did not look that powerful. "Kiss it faggot." I kissed the cane. Then she walked away. Before I could get too frightened, I felt a sharp swish of the thin instrument slice into my left thigh. Seconds later an incredible, excruciating pain shot thru me. My whole body shook with extreme pain and I howled. Giggling. The girls were giggling. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Overwhelming, stinging stinging pain on my legs. My body was jumping and crying out in horror. I was screaming, bawling, screaming, crying, pleading. "No! Mommy! No. Please. Oh God it hurts. Ow! Ow! Please! No! I sorry! I sorry!" WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! "Oh God it hurts!! Please, please stop! Please! Don't! It hurts! I can't take it! Please stop! You're killing me!! Please! I'm sorry!" Giggling and laughter. It went on for at least an hour. They would stop for a while and I would literally pray that it was over. I could hear them drinking and smell the reefer they were smoking. Then... WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! "OH GOD HAVE MERCY!! Please stop!! Please!" WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! "Are you going to be a good girl?" "Yes. Yeas. Yes. I sorry. I sorry. Please have mercy Mommy!" WHAP! WHAP! I must have eventually passed out. I woke up in Cindy's bedroom sleeping on the floor. Sobbing. A blanket tossed over me. I didn't sleep all night. Bawling and in pain. I had a vague memory of food being cooked. They were actually barbequing as they caned me all night. I could smell pork chops and hot dogs being cooked. I remember the pain was so severe that at one point I was actually praying that I would have a heart attack and die. No such luck. "Mommy! I came! I came just from watching her! I just came in my pants!" "I know. So did I! Isn't it great?" When I finally got up off the floor the next morning I was still in extreme pain. I could hardly walk. When I made it to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. My whole face was swollen and red from crying. My back and legs had ugly purple welts all over. Those bitches. What sadists!! But I had learned my lesson. I would never attempt to escape again. Ever. I'd prefer to get shot than go thru that again. So how did I get here? It all started out perfectly normal. I was going through the worst period of my life. About a year prior to this time I had been working as a bartender at a small bar in a German neighborhood on the North Side of Chicago. It wasn't a high paying job but I got along with the boss and his wife and I got by. Then one day they told me they were selling out. My job was over. I had been there six years and I knew all the regulars. But like a fool I had never really considered what I would do if this fell thru. Now I was unemployed and looking for a job. It wasn't going well. Maybe because of my age or my small size, but the places looking for a bartender, the new trendy places, took my applications but never called me back. Maybe they were looking for a young kid to fit in with all the Yuppies moving into the neighborhood. After six months my unemployment compensation ran out and I was really getting desperate. Then one Sunday I noted an ad in The Chicago Tribune: Help Wanted. Unattached male for Handyman/Caretaker. Flexible. Open-minded. Possible live in. 773-555-9744. I called the number the following day. A woman with a deep voice answered the phone and set up an interview for 1 pm that afternoon. The location was way out on the South Side, near Ryan's Woods. I gave myself an hour and a half to find the place. I couldn't find it. She had said she lived right next to the woods. But the location she gave just looked like part of the woods. I had to find a pay phone and call her again. She sounded very understanding on the phone and said that people often had trouble finding the place. Then she gave me a few landmarks to go by. A cemetery and a billboard. It seemed like I was walking deep into the woods. And suddenly there was a house. A big dark house. It looked intimidating. But I really needed this job. I rang the doorbell. Then a voice on an intercom I had not noticed. "Who is it?" "'s Mike. I called on the phone. About the job?" "I'll be right down." Then a looming shadow coming down the hallway. It is about 6' 2", 275 lbs. A man or a woman? When she opens the door I see that she is a big, intimidating woman. "Michael? I'm Cindy Gonzalez. Please come in." Her big hand engulfed mine as we shook hands. Then I followed her down a long hallway. She wore a form fitting Western style shirt, tight jeans and combat boots. Scary. That was the first word that came to my mind. Nonetheless, her big ass looked good in those jeans. I watched it swaying down the hallway. The house was quite deluxe. Although it looked a bit nondescript from the outside, inside it was rather classy. Thick carpeting, expensive furniture, artwork on the walls. I followed her into a large combination den/office room. There was a thick Oriental rug on the floor and a large antique desk with a laptop computer on it. Bay windows looked out on a big woodsy yard. "Have a seat." She closed the door behind us and took the seat behind the desk. I was sitting in a chair in front of the desk. Although a very big woman, I noted that her face did have a certain beauty. Latin features. A faint mustache on the upper lip. Her jet-black hair cut short. No lipstick or makeup. Mannish. I couldn't help but notice she had big tits and liked showing them off. Two buttons of her Western style shirt unbuttoned, revealing a deep cleavage. There were several large framed photographs on the walls. All of women. Big, masculine women. "You wore a suit. I like that. Shows respect." "Thank you." Here she picked up a few papers from the desk. "I need to ask you a few questions to get an idea of your fitness for this position." "Okay." Her eyes glanced up at me and I felt caught in a penetrating stare. I began to get nervous. There was something off, something scary about her. "How old are you?" "Forty." "Height?" "Uh...four feet, ten inches." "Weight?" "One twenty." "Single?" "Yes." "Do you live alone?" "Yes." "Who is your closest living relative?" "My aunt Suzie in St. Louis. We're not close. I was an only child." "Education?" "High school graduate." "What high school?" "Morgan Park. On the South Side." It seemed odd there was no application to fill out. Just these questions. "Are you attracted to females?" "Yes." "Males?" "No." "How often do you masturbate?" "Uh... (lying) bout once a week." "Are you ever constipated?" "No." "Do people call you Shortie?" "No." "Faggy?" "No." "Pansy?" "No." (Where was this going?) "Um...excuse me? I don't understand these questions. I thought this was for a handyman position?" "It is. But actually it's more of a handy maid/maid servant type of position." "I don't want to be a maid." "What size briefs do you wear?" "Briefs?" "Yes briefs. Underpants. I assume you're wearing underpants?' "Yes." "What size?" "Uh...32 waist. Why?" "We need to know your panty size." "Panties? I don't wear pant..." WHAP! It happened so fast that I saw stars. With lightening speed she had quickly risen from the chair, loped over to me, and slapped me on the side of the face. Very hard. It had knocked me to the floor. My face stung and tears were coming to my eyes. My head was ringing. I was now sprawled out on the floor. Looking up at her. She was standing over me. From this angle she looked like a skyscraper. An angry skyscraper. A slight frown. "These are Yes or No questions. Strip. Take your clothes off. I need to see your body. Take some measurements." Sudden terror. My heart was thumping wildly in my chest. I felt like I was in the room with a psychopath. She obviously had no regrets about hitting me very hard on the side of the face. No conscience. "Do it! Now! Or I'm going to get angry." I struggled to my feet and then I tossed my suit coat on a chair, then my tie. With shaking hands, I began undoing the first two buttons on my shirt. She had returned to her seat and was gazing at me unemotionally. As if this was normal procedure at a job interview. Then I bolted for the door. Got that one open. Running as fast as I could. I have never ever been so scared in my life. The front door seemed far, far away. My heart was thumping a thousand miles an hour. Finally I made it there and turned the doorknob. Nothing happened. I could hear giggling behind me. I tried to kick the door. Nothing. No windows about. Suddenly a vise like grip on my neck. A horrible chill ran down my spine. Then a weird wrestling hold. A full nelson. My head bent down. She is incredibly strong. Still giggling. "Ooooh this is going to be fun." Bashing my head into the door. Several times. "Bad girl! Bad, bad, bad girl!" Each time she said the word "bad," she would bang my forehead into the heavy wooden door. And it hurt! Pain on my arm. She was pinching my arm. Very hard. "Ow! Ow!! Please pl...please stop! I'm sorry." Then she slapped me on the side of the face again. Now I was crying. Terrified. I was on the floor again. Looking up at her. Then her boot was covering my face. She was stepping on my face. "Are you going to be a good girl now?" "Yes! Yes!" Grinding her boot into my face. I could hardly breathe. She was actually standing on my face with one foot. My heart thumping like a trip hammer. Then she removed her boot and smiled down at me. As if we were playing some sort of child's game. She pulled me up. Incredibly strong. My whole body was shaking wildly, tears streaming down my face. Pulling my hair. Staring at me. "Are you scared?" "Yes." Big smile. "Good." She picked me up like a rag doll and tossed me over her shoulder. Walked me back into the office. Stood me up. And then undressed me. Smiling at me. "If you re a good girl and follow Mommy's directions, then I won't have to hurt you." Soon I was naked. She was examining me closely. Then pulling on my dick and balls. "You're tiny. Tiny dickie. A little shortie with a short dinkie. I don't like hairy nuts. We'll have to take this off." Then she was behind me. Touching my ass. I felt like a side of beef. A very low-grade side of beef. Then her finger in my asshole. "Ow!" "Tight pussy on Mommy's girl. We'll fix that too." Then she was stepping back and admiring me. It was so weird. Naked in front of her. My head stopped ringing. She had a strange smile. "You're actually kind of cute. This could work out. I'm going to have a glass of wine. Can I get you one?" "Yy...yes. Thank you." "You're welcome." She was so unpredictable and frightening. My plan was just to accommodate her. Agree to whatever she asked. Why was she treating me like a girl? Now she was acting as if we had sealed some business deal. Me naked in front of her. She removed a bottle of wine and two chilled glasses from a small refrigerator in the wall that I had not noticed before. Where was this going? Was I to wear some maid outfit for her fantasies? Try and wait until she falls asleep and plot my escape? She filled up the wineglasses and handed me mine. My hand was still shaking. "To your new job!" "To my new job!" We clinked glasses and gulped our wine. She was smiling at me. She sat down. Seemed very relaxed and pleased with herself. "What are you thinking, Michelle?" Michael is my name. Never been called Michelle in my life. But don't argue with her. "Frankly, I'm scared." Bigger smile. "Good. That's good, hon. You do realize now that you're no match for me. I could kill you now if I wanted to. You have no chance of escape. And you won't be stupid enough to attempt that again, will you Michelle?" "N...nno Maam." "Mommy. You call me Mommy." "Yes Mommy." Still smiling and sipping her wine. "May I sit down?" "No." I gulped more of my wine. "You realize, of course, that I'm going to punish you? After your escape attempt, I have to set the tone. Obedience. I give the orders, you obey them. That's your job. In a nutshell." "Yes Mommy. I understand." Then the oddest thing happened. I began to get a hard-on. "Oh, Michelle likes that idea." So embarrassing. "Come here." I walked over to her. She grasped my hard dick. Her hand was soft, it felt wonderful. "Oooh what a big pee pee on the naughty girl. It's so big and hard. How many women has this frightened?" She was squeezing it and laughing uproariously. I have a very small penis. "Put your drink down Michelle. Playtime's over." I put my wineglass down on her desk. In one quick motion I was over her lap. She positioned my hard dick and balls in-between her powerful legs. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Searing pain on my ass cheeks. "OW!! OW!! S TOP! OW! PLEASE STOP!!" Then silence. I could hear myself crying and sobbing. Her hands stroking my ass and my thighs. "Shhhh. Calm down Michelle. Mommy's got to punish her bad girl. This is for your own good honey." WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Screaming and wailing and bawling. My ass was beyond pain. I could hear myself moaning and sobbing and crying very hard. It really, really hurt. Then she was pinching my leg. Very hard. I started screaming and scrambling to escape. Then my arm being twisted behind my back. Extreme pain. "Oooh Michelle's a tough tomboy girl. She's fighting Mommy." WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Screaming and bawling and moaning. More pinching. Giggling. I can hear her giggling between spanks and pinching. I am in agony. It seemed to go on forever. A blur of pain and wailing. Time passing. It could have been twenty minutes or five minutes. Then I am aware of still being over her lap. My cries and sobs are beginning to finally subside. Her soft hand is stroking my fiery ass and legs. "All over honey bun. Naughty girl's punishment is all over. Yeah...Michelle 's pretty ass is all red and hot, huh baby? Yeah, I know. Mommy had to teach the bad girl a lesson. "But Michelle's not gonna be a bad girl anymore. She's going to obey Mommy and be Mommy's good girl. Huh, babe?' "Yes Mommy." Was that me? Did I just whisper that? "Good girl." Now her hand on my balls. Stroking them. My ass. Touching my asshole. So weird. Pulling on my scribbled up dick. "Mommy can have lots of fun with a good girl." My dick is hard again. Why am I hard? It still hurts. Still sobbing. But she has me rock hard again. "Does Michelle want to be Mommy's Good Girl?" "Yes Mommy." "Okay honey. Stand up." She helps me to my feet. "Now let's go over here to the corner and think about the lesson we just learned." She pushed my face into the corner. "Keep your nose in the corner, dear, and think about your punishment. And how much you want to be Mommy's Good Girl. And don't you dare touch your hinie. Or your widdle dinkie." I stood there catching my breath. Like coming out of a terrible nightmare. But my dick was still hard. I could hear her behind me pouring herself some more wine. I was still sobbing and hiccupping. What was I doing here? Would I ever get out of this? A lighter being lit. Then the distinct smell of marijuana. Weed. She is getting stoned and looking at me crying in the corner, my naked red ass gets her high. Seemed like I was standing there about half an hour. She had time to smoke two joints at least. "Okay Michelle, come on over here and sit in Mommy's lap." She was sitting in the straight backed chair with a huge Cheshire cat grin on her face. The air was thick with the smell of weed. I was afraid she was going to spank me again. But the last thing I was going to do was resist her in any way. Just before sitting down on her lap I noted that she had removed her pants and panties. Formidable thighs. Kissing me on the side of the face. "That's my Good Girl." Then she was pulling on my dick and balls. Slowly, sensuously jacking my prick. "Feel good, Babygirl?" "Y...yess Mommy." "See? Good girls get treats from Mommy." "Oh...ohhhh..." "Are you going to shoot a big sissy load for Mommy?" "Ohhhh OH GOD!!!" I came like I have never cum in my life. It went on and on. She kept slowly jacking me off and smiling at me. Then I collapsed in her arms. "That's my Good Girl. My you really shot a big load for Mommy. Michelle likes Mommy playing with her little dickie bird, huh?" Coming out of it, I could hardly breathe. "Yes Mommy. Thank you." "You're welcome, Honey bun. Now drink your milky like a good girl." That is when I noticed that she had apparently aimed my prick to shoot off into my empty wine glass. There was about a half inch of my cum in the glass. Of course I drank it down. I was scared of her. "Good Baby. That's good protein for a growing girl. Did you like that honey?" "Oh yes mommy." "Good. So did I. You gave Mommy a big cum. Just from punishing you. Lay down honey. I want to show you." She lifted me off her lap and had me lay down face up on the rug. Then she slowly descended upon my face. I was scared. Her cunt and ass looked huge. They were huge. Her pussy was very hairy and stinky. And wet with cum. I seemed to be buried in the darkness of her warm hairy cunt. "See how wet you got Mommy's hairy pussy? Lick it all clean for Mommy Michelle. Clean it all up or Mommy will have to punish you really, really hard." I followed orders. Happily. Her cunt scent was very strong and overpowering. But also very sexual. She sat on me for a long time. Her pussy hair was very wiry and kinky and seemed to capture a very mature, strong cunt odor. I started out slowly and progressed to licking her harder and harder. She began grunting and petting my hair. Like a puppy. Then she was pulling my hair. "Ohhh yeah! Yeah faggot boy eat that pussy! Eat it up gooood." Suddenly she was pulling my hair really hard and then slapping my head hard. I just kept eating her. She kept riding me. "You eat me, (WHAP!) Soo fuckin goood. (WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!) Ssssuck it Sissy. Suck it sooo goood! (WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!)" My face was drenched in her juices. It went on for a long, long time. She was multi orgasmic and kept cumming and cumming. Slapping my face, head, and pulling my hair, hard. This may sound weird. But I actually felt good about myself for the first time in many months. I was good at something. Then I heard a door closing. "Mom! We're home!" "In here girls!" I couldn't believe it. This was getting weirder and weirder. Two people had entered the room. I couldn't see them. Cindy was beginning to come down from her orgasms. "Who's that?" "Whoa. God can she eat cunt! This is Michelle, our new maid." After a few more moments, Cindy got up off of my very wet face. She stood up. Now I could see the other two people in the room. Two very big girls, each at least 5'10 and north of 180 pounds. Latin features. They appeared to be teenagers. I'm lying there naked with a rock hard dick. They stared at me like I was a new Christmas present. They were dressed casually in baggy jeans and sweats. Both had their mother's features of big tits and ass. "Michelle I want you to meet my daughters, Tonya and Tracy. You're going to be babysitting them." "Hi. Nice to meet you," I gasped. Still trying to catch my breath. Talk about being embarrassed! "God, he's so tiny", said Tonya. "Like a little doll." "Teeny weenie dick too," Tracy said. All three burst out laughing. "Yes, Michelle has a small clitty. But it sure shoots off a lot. Back on Mommy's lap Michelle." The last thing I wanted was to annoy her and get beat again. Obediently I got up from the rug and sat back down on Cindy's large lap. The girls were fascinated by me. "Michelle is a very talented cunt lapper. You're going to adore her. Now Mommy has to milk her new employee again." She was slowly jackin me off again. "Have you got a present for us Michelle? A big present?" Again I shot my load into the wine glass. "Good girl! See what a randy girl she is? I want you girls to get used to milking her. Now drink your milky, Michelle." She put the cum filled wine glass to my lips and I happily drank it down. The two girls watched this fascinated, as if I were some sort of science project. "Now I'm going to show Michelle to my room. She's all tuckered out from her spanking and playtime. She needs a nappy nap. Say bye-bye Michelle." "Bye-bye." Cindy carried me downstairs into a very large bedroom. She tucked me into a big double bed and I must have passed out. *** "Wake up, Michelle. Dinner's ready." I must have been in a deep sleep, thinking the whole episode was just an oddball dream. My heart sank when I opened my eyes and saw Cindy smiling at me. It was real! I'm still here. She had changed into a pair of sweatpants and matching sweatshirt. "Here, Honey, step into these panties. I'll pin you in the back." In a daze, I stepped into the very large, transparent panties that she was holding open for me. "I'll run to the store in the morning and get you some proper clothes." The panties must have been hers. They dwarfed me, but weren't too bad, with the safety pin fastening them in the back. I got to wear my own white shirt. I took her large hand and she walked me back upstairs, like a little girl. The four of us ate in the large, modern eat in kitchen. Cindy had cooked beef stroganoff with jumbo shrimp, explaining to all that we were celebrating my new job. We all drank wine and everyone acted as if this was the most normal household, eating dinner with a 40 year old man dressed in Mommy's underpants. After dinner we retired to the large living room and watched TV. After the 10 pm news, Cindy turned off the TV and walked me back downstairs to the bedroom. The girls disappeared, to their own bedrooms, I guess. Downstairs Cindy stripped me, kissed me on the lips, then tucked me in. Then she stripped off her clothes and climbed into the bed with me. To say that I had mixed emotions would be a large understatement. I felt very anxious, a mixture of fear and excitement. I didn't know what was in store for me but I did know that I was going to do whatever she wanted. She was incredibly strong and obviously got a sadistic thrill from beating me. I must have slept very soundly, from all the sex and excitement. Next thing I knew she was nudging me to wake up. "Let's go Honey. I've gotta take a piss." She took my hand and led me into her well-appointed bathroom, all done in masculine black marble. She sat down on the toilet and motioned for me to kneel down in front of her. "Watch Mommy pee Michelle." I watched as a torrent of piss shot out of her hairy snatch. She pissed for along time. Then I felt her hand behind my head, pulling my face toward her crotch. "Clean Mommy up Baby." My nose hit her wet cunt. I obediently began licking her pussy clean of piss. "Mmmmm yeahnhhh. That's my good girl." She was pulling my hair hard. I kept lapping her. Suddenly I felt her powerful thighs close around my head. "Ohhhh yeah!! Suck that pussy, Faggot!!" All sound was blocked out by her thighs on my ears, but she kept shaking and slapping my head. She appeared to shudder through about three orgasms... Finally, after what seemed like about ten minutes, her legs relaxed and parted. I gasped for breath. I looked up and she had a big smile on her face. "Good girl! You gave Mommy a nice cum." She pulled me up to my feet. Then got up off the toilet. Then held my dick while pointing it at the toilet, waiting for me to piss. I have a bashful kidney. Nothing came out. "We are not leaving here until you pee, Young Lady. I know you're nervous. You just have to get used to it. Think of waterfalls, fire hydrants, dogs pissing." That image did it. I began to urinate into the bowl, while she held me. "Thatta girl!" Then she wiped my dick, like I was a little girl. Again she dressed me in her pinned up panties and my shirt. We went upstairs and had breakfast with the girls before they went to school. They stared at me as if I were a new puppy. During all of this time, I kept thinking, in the back of my head, you can figure out an escape plan later. Right now just obey her. Stay on her good side. I did not want to get another beating. After the girls left for school, Cindy took me back to her bathroom, stripped me and covered my entire body with Nair. She drank coffee while waiting the ten minutes for it to work. Then she put me in the shower and sprayed the nozzle of water at me. I watched all of my guy body hair disappear down the drain. Then she hugged me with a big oversize fluffy towel and made a big production of wiping me off. "You are going to be so beautiful." When I was dry, she caressed my hairless nuts and my hairless asshole. Then she finished her coffee, had me sit down on her lap on the toilet and milked me again. It was wonderful. "Yeahhhhh Michelle loves to shoot her dickie bird off for Mommy. Huh? Huh, Baby?" "Oh yes Mommy. Feels soo good." I shot off into the coffee cup. As soon as she put it to my lips I knew to gulp it down. "Good girl! We are going to have so much fun today." But what was fun for Cindy was not always fun for me. She took me into her bedroom. "Face down on the bed Sweetie." I lay down on the bed. Then she proceeded to tie me up very tightly. Hog-tie me actually. It felt like clothesline type of rope. "I have to go out now Darling, to get some stuff. And I don't want to have to worry about you running off. I'll be back in a little while. Oh, here, this will help you think of me." At that point she put something over my head. A pair of her worn panties. They had a very funky sexual cunt scent. She made it a point to place the crotch portion right over my nose. "Now you can sniff Mommy's pussypants while I'm gone. Bye- bye Michelle. Be a good girl." Totally immobilized, there was no chance of getting out of her tight bondage. It was not terribly uncomfortable. Not yet anyway. I wondered how long she was going to leave me like this. I lay there on the bed, surrounded by her sexy cunt smell. Well I certainly had time to contemplate things. The sad part was that this was the most sex I had had in years. Eating her hairy cunt and watching her jack me off really turned me on. Was I sick? Was I enjoying her sick little sex maid games? As I lay there, tied up, I tried to sleep. I fell into kind of a daydream. I found myself dreaming about Myrna Compton. Myrna Compton was a big, overweight black girl I knew in high school. She was a bully. She liked to bully me, pick on me. It was kind of a weird situation because I enrolled a few days late at Morgan Park High School. It was the first public school I had ever attended and it scared me. I had gone to a Catholic elementary school, Christ The King. And I was scheduled to attend Brother Rice Boys Catholic High School. But my dad had suddenly died of a heart attack right before the school year started. At the last minute my mom decided she couldn't afford to send me to Brother Rice. So I ended up at the public high school, Morgan Park. The public school world was foreign to me and very threatening. This place was huge compared to Christ the King. The big advantage was that it was coed, unlike Brother Rice. But most of the girls looked tough and mean. I was small. They looked right through me. I didn't even exist. Of course that didn't prevent me from fantasizing about them. A lot of them dressed kind of slutty and I loved that. Some of them even boldly kissed their boyfriends in the parking lot. Or even in the hallways between classes. Since I had enrolled at the last minute, my locker was not in the section with all the other freshmen. It was located among some of the juniors. Somebody must have dropped out and I got his or her locker. No big deal. Except on the second day I was there I noticed Myrna Compton opening the locker next to me. She was about 5'10 and must have weighed 210 easily. She was big, big shoulders, tits. Big ass. Cocky. I tried to ignore her. "Boo!" She goosed me in the ass. I jumped about a foot in the air. She loved it. "Hey Shortie! We're neighbors. I'm Myrna. What's yer name?" "Michael." "Okay Mike, nice ta meetcha. What's in here?" Here she grabbed my dick in my pants. I nearly fainted. No one had ever touched me there. I could not believe she just did that. "You got a big dick in there, Shortie?" I pulled her hand away and ran off to my next class, her laughter echoing in my ears. I was very frightened of her. But I was also fascinated by her. She was the only woman at this big school who had spoken to me. She was also the first black person I had ever had any kind of friendship with. I made it a point to get along with her. Because I got the feeling she would think nothing of punching me out right in front of everyone. If she was in a good mood, she'd greet me with, "Hey Mike, how they hangin?" Other times it might be, "Hey Faggot!" Or "Hey Whitey." I just tried to go along with everything. After about a month, she started to tease me. About getting laid over the weekend, was I "getting' any pussy?" I would just blush and smile. Then she started to hit me in the dick and nuts. Sometimes affectionately. Sometimes harder. I found myself fantasizing about her and jacking off a lot thinking about her. But I was still very frightened of her. The idea of asking her out was beyond me. After about three months, she made a move. We were both getting our stuff out of our lockers for the first class one morning, when she handed me a note. Then just walked off. I immediately went into a stall in the boy's washroom and read the note. M, Meet me in the parking lot after school today. Or else. Myrna Of course I met her. I had no life outside of school and no real friends at school. She kept me waiting about ten minutes. Had a big smile on her face. "Hey Babe, how ya doing?" "Good Myrna." "I wantcha ta walk me home." "Okay." On the walk to her house she asked me about my family, where I lived, stuff like that. I wondered what her motive was. I had seen her with boys, big guys from the varsity sports teams. Was she attracted to me? She lived in a modest apartment building with her mother and younger sister. Her sister, about four years younger, was sitting at the kitchen table and Myrna just ignored her. Took two cans of Colt 45 out of the fridge and we went into her bedroom. We sat on her bed drinking beer. Not saying anything. Then "Stand up Faggot." I stood in front of her. She began undressing me, and smiling. I was scared. She removed all my clothes. Then I was standing naked in front of her. She was still fully clothed. Drinking her beer. Then she slapped me in the dick. "Ow!" "Ha. Ha. What a tiny dick. I've seen bigger clits on my sistas." I was embarrassed. Then she was pulling on it. Hard. "Ow! That hurts!" "'Ow! That hurts!' says faggot boy." She was mimicking me with a girlish voice. "Is that as big as it gets?" I was hard now. She turned me on, ridiculing me and humiliating me. Then she slapped my dick. Hard. Twice. I doubled over. "I axed you a question white boy. Is that as big as it gets?" "Yes Myrna. That's as big as it gets," I squeaked. Still staring at me and smiling. "Nervous, Faggot?" "Yes I am." "Good. Undress me." With trembling hands I removed her blouse and her jeans. She kept sipping her beer and smiling at me. When she was down to her bra and panties I got even more scared. Her body was sexy in a big, huge toned way. Huge tits spilling out of a big bra with lot of foundation type wiring. A thick body and a hairy trail leading from her belly button to her cunt. She had on transparent panties and I could see a very thick bush of black pussy hair underneath it. WHAP! She slapped me on the back of the head. "Hey Stupid! I said undress me. That means all my clothes come off." I quickly unbuttoned her big bra. It was tight and sprang off of her tits when I released the 3 eyelets. Then I knelt down and removed her panties. Once they were off, she gently kicked me in the dick. I was hard. Then she casually sat back against the headboard of the bed and spread her large thighs. "C'mere faggot. Get in there!" I happily climbed onto the bed and placed my face in front of her cunt. Suddenly she pulled me into her crotch and mashed my face into her moist hairy pussy. "Yeahhh that's where you belong. Get to work faggot!" I had never eaten pussy before. I was overwhelmed and fascinated. She was so relaxed that it helped ease my nervousness. Her legs locked around me and I settled down to slowly lick her pussy. Her cunt smelled like she hadn't bathed for at least two weeks. A very strong but sooo sexual odor. A wild animal. After a few minutes of licking I began to hear her grunting. "Yeahhh thas so good. Suck my pussy you tiny dicked white boy!" I proceeded to eat her bushy cunt for the next hour and a half. I was soo turned on. So was she. I could hear her moaning and purring. "Gawd damn! You got me hot. You are a natural born cunt lapper! Soul food good, huh baby?" Soul food was delicious. And I wanted more. A lot more. After Myrna came about twenty five times and my face was soaking wet with her cunt juice, she let me up. I sipped my beer and caught my breath. "You were great babe. You really eat pussy good!" I loved her complimenting me. I had never had a girlfriend in my life. After we rested, she placed my hand around my dick and told me to jack off for her. "I wanna see you shoot yer little dick load." I came in about four strokes. She loved it. Before I left for home, Myrna put her soiled panties on me and told me to wear them for her to school all week. She would check me. I just about flew home. I was so high and so happy. That night, alone in my room, I clasped her funky panties to my nose and relived eating her hairy cunt for her and her telling me how good I was at pussy eating. I was good at something!! I jacked off about 4 times in a row. The next day at our locker she just smiled at me. As if nothing had ever happened. Then later in the day I ran into her in the hallway. She was with a girlfriend. "Shortie! C'mere!" I walked over to her and her girlfriend. She nonchalantly unbuckled my belt and opened my pants to see her panties on me. Her girlfriend's mouth dropped open. "Whose panties are these faggot?" "Yours Myrna." "Good girl." Then she fastened me up and dismissed me. I was her play toy. And I adored it. The following Friday she had me walk her home again. This time I was eagerly anticipating eating her cunt for her. We went thru the same ritual of her undressing me and me undressing her. She sat on the bed against the headboard. "Did you jack your little wiener thinking about me?" "Oh yes Myrna." "How many times?" "Twelve." She lit up. "Heh. Heh. Guess you like Myrna's hairy black pussy." "I love it. I love eating you Myrna." "Good girl. Get in there and get to work." I happily dived into her sopping wet pussy. "Yeahhhhhhh!! Cocksucking faggot. Eat that good pussy! That's good for you." Then one day she had me come to her house at 4.30, instead of right after school. I figured maybe she had some chores to do or something. When I began eating her I noticed a lot of fluid in there. "Notice anything, faggot boy?" "You're extra wet." "That's cum, faggot. I got fucked by a man. A black man with a big black prick. You're cleaning up his cum." Maybe I should have been disgusted. But it turned me on even more. "I guess faggot boy likes eating other men's jizz out of my pussy. Huh?" "Yes Myrna, I do. I love cleaning you up." "Good girl. Now make me cum hard sissy girl." After eating her cream pies several times, one day she had her male friend pick us both up in the parking lot. I couldn't believe it. Tyrone Brown was this big good-looking football player, the star of the team. Very self-assured and buffed. And his girlfriend was a very pretty white girl, Sally Riley. I guess this was some side action for Tyrone. I felt kind of nervous around him, knowing that he knew that I ate his cum out of Myrna's pussy. When we got to her bedroom, Myrna had me strip, then had me undress Tyrone. I was embarrassed but of course I did it. His prick was huge, about 10 fucking full inches. And thick. I was extremely nervous and shaking a lot. "That's what a man's dick looks like, faggot." He was already hard when I got his underpants off. I didn't say anything. Myrna had me undress her. Then we all smoked a joint. Then I watched Tyrone fuck her for about 25 minutes, with Myrna screaming with joy. "Yeah, Baby, yeah! Gimme that dick, babe!" After he pulled out, spent, his big black dick was still semi-hard and glistening with her pussy juice and his jizz. "Clean him up, Shortie." I did and I loved it. I felt honored to clean up Tyrone's big prick. I licked it up and down and then took as much of it into my small mouth as I could manage. It wasn't much. He was huge and delicious. And you know what, he was cool about it. Kept rubbing my hair like a puppy while I sucked him clean. "Oh yeah, that's good Mike. Feels great babe." Then I cleaned up Myrna. We did that about once a month. For three months. Then I think Myrna kind of moved on to somebody else. I would only be asked over about every other month. But the nice thing was Tyrone got my phone number from her and he would call me up to come over and service his big prick. Just the two of us. I think he knew I would never breathe a word of sucking off his big dick. And he liked that. Our secret. His folks lived in a nice house and he had kind of an apartment type room in the basement. He always had plenty of beer and weed. The cool thing was he never called me a faggot or anything like Myrna. He would invite me into his room and then we would have some beers and smoke a j. Just two guys from school hanging out together. Then he would take his dick out and point it at me. His big black rock hard monster prick. It scared me and turned me on incredibly. And I knew what to do. I would slowly caress it and lovingly lick it up and down, and then very gently suck and lick his nut sack. I wanted to make it last forever. I loved worshipping him. Blowing him and hearing him get hot and bothered and bust a nut in my warm mouth. I had never had any homosexual urges before. But now I felt so honored to have the privilege to suck his magnificent penis. It just seemed so right. The way he would play with the hair on my head as I blew him. Now and then he might grunt something out, "Oh yeah babe. Eat that dick. Feels soo fuckin good. Yeah, eat it." I would swallow him when he shot off. He could come for a long time, shooting enormous loads of hot jizz into my mouth. Swallowing quickly, I would keep him in my loving, adoring mouth until he finally went limp on me. It took a long time for his prick to go down. Even then sometimes he had to pull my ravenous mouth off of him. Then we would rest. Then get dressed. Then he'd give me a ride home. Before I would get out of the car, he would squeeze my dick in my pants. Of course I would still be very hard. "Thanks Babe. Appreciate it." That was the only time he would touch my own small dick. I lived for his thanks, his appreciation. Then I would go up to my room, lock the door and jack off like a manic, reliving every second of it, his big black pole in my mouth, the strong funky odor of him, his masculine hands on my head, his grunts of gratitude. I kept coming over and doing him right up until he graduated. He got a full football scholarship. To Northwestern. After they graduated I never heard from either of them again. But they remained the subject of my jack-off fantasies ever since. *** A door closing. Footsteps. Cindy is back. I can hear her coming down the stairs. Then breezing into the bedroom. "I'm home Michelle. Did you miss me?" "Yes Mommy," I said thru her funky panties covering my head. I could hear lots of packages. Then she removed the panties from my head. "There we are. Have you been a good girl while Mommy was away?" "Yes Mommy." She kissed me affectionately on the lips and then quickly untied me. Her face looked radiantly happy. "I bought lots of pressies for a good girl who is going to look sooo pretty in her new things." I sat up on the bed and worked some of the kinks out of my body. "Ooh what's this? I guess you did miss me Michelle," as she caressed my hard dick in her panties. "I like seeing you hard around me. It's flattering." She seemed to have a ton of packages and was buzzing busily about the room, unwrapping things. Apparently she had stopped by at a grocery store and purchased a lot of finger food for a small party for the two of us. There was beer, shrimp, roast beef, olives, and Brie. She was guzzling a can of beer as she unbuttoned her shirt. "Help yourself, Honey. I can't wait to see what you look like in your new girl clothes." My horny memories of Myrna and Tyrone gave me an appetite and I grabbed a beer and some shrimp. Suddenly she was standing in front of me naked, her very hairy bush just hanging there like an apparition. "I missed you too Michelle. Smell Mommy!" She pulled my face into her wet bushy cunt. Her pussy was very wet and excited. Shopping for me must have turned her on. "Do you like that smell Baby?" "Oh yess Mommy." "Good girl. I want you to eat me, but first I have to spank you. To take the edge off." I couldn't see the logic of this, but was quickly over her big lap. She wailed the shit out of my poor beat up ass. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! "Awww Mommy no! It hurts!" This just seemed to make her spank me harder. "You little tramp!" WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! In no time I was bawling and screaming with pain. Tears streaming down my cheeks. Time stopping. Then the only sound was of me bawling and still screaming. Her hands stroking my ass and legs. "Shhh calm down Precious. That's what Mommy needs. Hitting you gets Mommy's cunnie all wet." Even though I was crying and in pain I was aware that my prick had never gone down. Then she helped me off of her lap and lay down on the bed. "Eat me faggot. I need your vacuum cleaner mouth to clean up mommy's hot pussy." Mashing my face into her very wet and hairy bush, I noticed a very strong excited cunt odor. Something had really turned her on. Maybe the thought of me helpless, tired up at home waiting for her. Plus the hard spanking. I ate her cunt for about twenty minutes. Her strong legs scissored my head and squeezed it unmercifully. Slapping my head and face. "Eat it, cocksucker!! Eat my hairy pussy. Yeahhhhh that's what Mommy needs. You eat me sooo goood babygirl!" It turned me on very much. She kept cumming and cumming, with lots of animal grunting and slapping. My face drenched in her juices. Then a brief rest. Then her jacking me off. I came in about two strokes. "Yeahhh!! That's my good girl. Michelle's got a big load for Mommy!! Huh, Baby? Huh? Oh My God!! Look at all that cum cream! From your tiny little dickie bird." "Yes Mommy. Thank you Mommy." For the first time, she didn't have me jack off into some receptacle. She was too horny and not thinking clearly. I came for a long, long time. No doubt due to all my horny thoughts. "Wow!! What a big sissy load. I guess you really did miss your Mommy!" "Yes Mommy. I missed you a lot." Then we both fell into a blissful, post-orgasmic slumber. I felt wonderful. Something about her got me very horny and turned on. The evilness, plus the unknown. When we awoke about half an hour later we had another beer and she proceeded to unwrap all the female clothing she had purchased for me. Her measurements yesterday must have been very accurate because everything fit quite well. Panties in silk and cotton, seamed nylons, two maid's outfits, one very fancy, one for everyday wear. Plus several very nice and quite expensive looking dresses. One white, one polka dot, short skirts, sexy blouses, two transparent. Several Wonderbras with some type of liquid breast fill-ins. High heels and flats. Even a little maid's cap. She must have spent many hundreds of dollars on this clothing. I was very touched. And quite moved, as I obediently modeled the clothes for her and looked at myself in the mirrors. I looked like a real babe, a major babe. "Ohh you look so yummy in that Precious!" she would exclaim, as she patted my hard dick in that particular outfit. No one had ever spent so much money on me in my life. Maybe this wasn't so bad. One outfit even looked like a Channel suit, with the signature Channel trim around the jacket and cuffs. After our fashion show went on for about an hour and I kept thanking her, she put me on her lap and milked me again, this time catching my load in a glass from the bathroom. I drank it down for her, gratefully. "Thas my good girl," she cooed to me. Then the doorbell rang. "That's Jesse. Answer the door Michelle. Put on the leather skirt and answer the door." I obediently followed her orders. Even though I was only wearing the short leather mini skirt, a Wonderbra with the water filled inserts, and flat heels, I wasn't about to argue with her. When I opened the door I was greeted by a short, chubby lesbian woman of about thirty-five, dressed in jeans, boots and a black T-shirt. She had a cute smile and sparkling eyes. In fact, she looked a lot like Rosie O' Donnell. "You must be Michelle." "Yes Maam." "Cindy was right. You are adorable." "Thank you Maam." After I closed the door behind her, she shocked me by embracing me and planting a sexy kiss right on my lips. Tonguing me. Her hands feeling me up as she kissed me. She was a great kisser and I was very turned on. After she broke the kiss, she smiled at me, then casually lifted my skirt and pulled down my panties. I was hard. She took a long look at my hairless dick and balls. Then she bent down and kissed the top of my hard dick. "Sweet." She made a wonderful impression on me. Pulling up my panties and straightening my skirt, I escorted her downstairs to Cindy's bedroom. Cindy was dressed in jeans, lying on the bed, drinking a can of beer. Topless. Her tits are huge. She looked really sexy. And sated. "I see you met the maid." "Very, very nice, Cindy. You're right. She is sexy. And hot. Great kisser too." This comment provoked a fit of laughter from Cindy. "You horndog! Just don't forget she's MY maid. And you are MY GIRLFRIEND." "Yes Mistress," Jesse cooed, planting loving kisses on each of Cindy's very large nipples. "Have you fucked her yet?" "No. She's way too tight. Gotta get her asshole stretched out." "Can't wait to see you fuck her. Then I wanna fuck her." "There's a surprise!" Then they were both laughing. It seemed surreal for them to be talking about me as a sexual object while I was right there next to them. "Are you hard, Michelle?" "Yes Mommy." "Pull down your panties and show us your dickie." I quickly followed her instructions. "Stay like that. I like to see you hard around me." "Yes Mommy." "You're lucky! She is so hot looking!" Jesse exclaimed, while she fondled my prick and balls. I stood in-between them for the next half hour, as they drank beer and toyed with my dick and balls. Jesse really turned me on. I felt very flattered that she was so obviously attracted to me. They had me try on different outfits and model each one for them, with Jesse pawing my dick and ass in each new ensemble. Then Tonya and Tracy arrived home from school. Cindy and Jesse were out the door and suddenly I was alone with "the girls." They showed me the rec room area of the basement, which was kind of a mini gymnasium. There were two large mats on the floor, for wrestling, and a complete barbell set for weight lifting. There was also a big couch and a complete wet bar set up. I was nervous around the girls. They had a menacing quality. As soon as we entered the rec room both women removed their shoes, pants and shirts. Soon they were down to bra and panties. Both had thick figures, with big tits and ass and midriffs. Both were eyeing me hungrily. "Do you like to wrestle, Michelle?" Tonya quizzed me. Challenging. "Not really." BAM! She punched me in the stomach. Hard. I doubled over. Both started giggling. "Let's try that again, faggot. When I ask, 'Do you like to wrestle?' You say, 'I love to wrestle!' "I love to wrestle." "Really?" Suddenly she picked me up and twirled me in the air, letting me drop flat on my face on the mat. She was as strong as her mother. Dazed, suddenly she was sitting on my face. Her cunt had a ripe funky aroma. "Smell my cunt, faggot!" "He's hard! His little wang is all stiff, Tonya!" Her sister had pulled down my panties and was squeezing my dick. "Does my cunt smell turn you on Michelle?" "Yyysss Tonya," I mumbled thru her panty clad cunt covering my mouth. "Good babe. If you're a good girl maybe I'll let you kiss it later." Mercifully, she got up off of my face. Then I began to get up off the mat. No sooner was I on my feet than Tracy grabbed me by the hair on my head and put me into a headlock. Squeezing hard, my head felt like it was going to pop off. Then she let me go. But only for seconds. Then she had my head between her legs in a scissors hold, squeezing hard. "Look how red her face gets!" Tonya exclaimed, enthusiastically. Releasing my head, Tracy jumped up and walked over to a bar on the other side of the room. Tonya was already drinking a beer. "You're really a little pansy, Michelle. You're so fuckin weak." They handed me a beer and we took a break. I decided I was going to have to fight back or get killed here. In the next round with Tonya I got her in a full nelson and pounded her face into the mat several times. This elicited screams of laughter from her sister. "Yeahh!! The faggot got you good Tonya. You got beat up by a pansy! Ha. Ha." Tracy got me in her scissors hold again but I broke away. Then I twisted her arm but she got out of it. Then she got me on the mat with her ass in my face and my legs pulled up into her arms. Her ass was big and pillowy. I think they were both getting turned on. The doorbell again. "Must be Sheila. Answer the door, Michelle!" Happy to have a break, I walked up the stairs and opened the door again. A big black girl in black jeans and a Lakers basketball shirt was standing there. She looked like kind of an angry Queen Latifa. "Who the fuck are you?" "I'm Michelle. The maid." She stared at me. "But you're a guy, right?" "Right. The girls are downstairs." Walking right by me, I followed her downstairs to the rec room. She must be a good friend because she seemed to know her way around the house very well. Tonya and Tracy were sitting on the couch drinking beer. "Hey, Shiel. I see you met the maid." "You guys are a trip. Is she or he, really the maid?" "Yep. She's really the maid. Mom just hired her yesterday." "Where's the beer?" Soon we were all drinking beer and smoking a blunt. They sat on the couch and I sat on the floor in front of them. Once we all had a nice buzz, the girls started to get frisky. "Stand up Michelle." As soon as I was standing, Tonya pulled me in front of her. "Look at this." She pulled down my panties and displayed my hard dick. "See how small his little pee pee is?" "Oh my God!" Sheila exclaimed, "that little wiener ain't never gonna get any cooze." All three burst out laughing. "I'm gonna milk her. Watch this," Tonya said. She was proudly jacking me off in front of everyone, especially for Sheila's benefit. Then I felt Tracy's finger in my asshole. It felt good. Sheila was fascinated. "Are you gettin' close, Michelle?" "Yes Tonya." "Are you gonna shoot a big sissy load for me?" "Yes Tonya." Meanwhile Tracy was slowly finger fucking my ass. I started grunting and pistoning my hips. They loved it. "Come on pansy. Shoot your little dick off!" "Oh...oh.ooooooohhhhhhhh..." I came and came and came. I guess I was really excited, from all the wrestling and sexual tension. It went on for a long time. Dead silence. When I finally came out of it, all three was smiling and happy looking. Tonya had gotten a plastic glass from somewhere and aimed my erupting prick into it. Looked to be about an inch of cum in it. "Good girl. Now drink your milky faggot boy." Still shaking and coming down to earth from my shattering orgasm, I drank the glass of cum. "Ewwww!! He drinks his own cum?" "Always. That's the rule." They sat there in silence for a moment. Sheila looked stunned but Tonya and Tracy were very proud of their little trick. "Lemme try it," Sheila said. "In a little while. She can't cum again right away. Needs a little time to build up more sperm." More laughter. "What are you, a fucking scientist now?" We drank more beer and smoked more weed. Then the girls had me demonstrate my pussy eating ability on Sheila. She had a thick hairy bush kind of reminiscent of Myrna Compton. She came quickly and pulled my hair hard when she orgasmed. I loved it. Then we took another break. Sheila and Tonya were making out. Apparently they were girlfriends. "Thank you Babe. Felt soo good," Sheila said breathlessly. "No problem Honey," Tonya said proudly. "We'll do it lots more." After another break, Sheila got to milk me this time. She had soft hands and gave me a heavenly hand job. This time Tonya worked two fingers into my asshole before I shot my load. Baby sitting could be very rewarding. It was at times like this that I began thinking that things could be a hell of a lot worse. A hell of a lot. *** Life fell into a kind of pattern. I began to really enjoy wearing my various female outfits. And I began to think of myself as a female when I wore them. I liked looking at myself in the mirror and seeing how glamorous and sexy I looked. And I especially liked it when a new guest would enter the house and look at me approvingly. Or hungrily. Jesse, Cindy's girlfriend, enjoyed watching me go to the bathroom. She liked being in there with me. Holding my dick as I peed. Then wiping my dick clean. Then having me eat her cunt while she sat on the toilet. She would bring in some beers and we would be in there a long time together. Then we worked up to me laying down in the tub and jacking off for her. Then she would piss on my face. We both loved it. She also liked spanking me while she sat on the toilet, then she would finger fuck my "boy pussy" as she called it, using a lot of Vaseline for lube. She adored me cumming for her. Then comforting me as I came down, kissing and caressing me. Very maternal. I would get a cast iron hard on as soon as I saw her at the house. Knowing we would be "playing" in the bathroom some time later. Jesse loved secrets. After I was there two weeks Cindy presented me with a very expensive looking pair of long dangling earrings. They were really pretty and I felt so femmy and whorish wearing them. Cindy liked finger fucking me while I wore them, watching them sway as I pistoned my hips to her fingers in my asshole. Then she started to fuck me with a small strap on. My asshole would hurt the next day. But I slowly built up my pain tolerance and could take a bigger strap on. "That's my Good Girl! Yeah! Yeah babe. Michelle likes a nice dick up her cunt. Huh? Doesn't she? Yeah. Michelle loves getting her cunt dicked by Mommy. Huh?" "Oh yesss Mommy. Thank you Mommy. Love you dicking me." I adored her talking to me like that while she fucked me hard. It was a drug I couldn't get enough of. But part of her drug was beating me. Whipping me. Caning me. I took it because I knew she needed it to get off. And that after the beating was over we would have great sex. After I had lived there three weeks Cindy had me get all dressed up in my polka dot dress, seamed nylons, 5 inch heels with an open toe, and a page boy wig. We visited my old landlord. Of course he didn't recognize me. When I told him who I was he just about shit in his pants. Cindy loved it and was very proud of my transformation. She paid off my apartment lease and I gave all my furniture and male clothing to The Salvation Army. My biggest test came when Cindy threw a big party at her house. For about 40 lesbian friends. I wore my best maid's outfit and waited on everyone. There were a lot of attractive women there and not all of them looked masculine. Several femme lipstick lesbians. Really attractive women. Jodie Foster and Angela Jolie types. Groping me. Talking dirty in front of me. Eating pussy in front of me. Making out in front of me. Plus, I was the main event for entertainment. After we were all very high and partly drunk, Cindy whipped me severely in front of the crowd. I could see a lot of them touching themselves as they watched me get beat. After I recovered, Cindy fucked me in the ass with my legs over her shoulders. Jesse sat on my face while I was getting fucked. When I shot my little dick off they all applauded. I was a big hit. That was about a year ago. I live here now. I have my own room, an allowance, a used car. I've never eaten so much pussy or had such great sex in my life. This is the best job I ever had. Comments? [email protected]

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Blood Fear

I ran through an almost swampy deciduous forest area. I say almost because the pools and pockets of shallow water were sand bottomed instead of the kind of muck that results from leaves turning into silt. The sand, a nice, fine Sahara Desert-esque sand, was firm and well settled. Judging by the lighting, I would guess it was afternoon, possibly hinting at the very earliest mellowing of evening. The forest floor where I was running wasn’t tangled with thorn bushes or wild rose or the large...

5 years ago
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Control Through Fear

Control Through FearBy  Sonya  EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected]’s Note:This is the third story to my Lovecraftian horror-sex Anthology-Trilogy.  The first was Witness  To Horror and the second was Hotel Trap.  This story is more or less adapted from two of HP Lovecraft’s stories,  namely  The Rats In The Walls and  the Lurking Fear.  The latter had been adapted many times as a horror films,  in movies like The Breeders  (starring the famous actor Rutger Hauer)  and ...

4 years ago
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The Republic Of Fear

Note to reader: This story follows the fortunes of Roya Ismailov, whose father Hossein Ismailov, is the absolute dictator of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Roya is his eldest and most feared daughter with an appetite for violence and sex. She’s a businesswoman, criminal, fashion model, singer and holds the office for oil and gas within the government. She holds rank within military intelligence and is privy to state secrets and has ambitions of succeeding her father upon his demise. Beautiful,...

3 years ago
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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 5 Fear

Introduction: The new chapter dealing with Tai. Tai let out a deep breath. His eyes were closed tightly. Fear and Courage swirled in him like a whirlpool. He knew he needed to relax he had done stuff like this all the time. Not only that but he faced life and death numerous times in the digital world. So why was he scared of something so simple? The plane around him rumbled and it made his stomach turn. Soft footsteps moved towards him but he gave them no heed. A female voice sounded. Wow you...

3 years ago
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The first time I felt real fear

The first time I felt real fear This happened in the days of squeaky modems, Geocities and DIY websites so perhaps I was naive about the internet. Or maybe I'm kidding myself - I always did court danger. We'd been exchanging emails for weeks, John seemed like a nice guy and it was a long time since I'd been with a man. He was an admirer of t-girls and shared my love of PVC and satin. He kept asking to meet and eventually I agreed. On the night I was nervous and boosted my courage...

3 years ago
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Sudden Losses

Chapter 1 It was early December and in a rare bit of bad weather around Boston as the snow was falling hard. The night was the worst night you could pick to travel. Up to four inches of snow was expected to fall overnight. That wasn't the real problem, the problem was that it was near whiteout conditions in Boston at times. Despite the bad weather there were some hearty travelers braving the storm to get to where they needed to go. In the Tip O'Neill Tunnel things were going smoothly...

3 years ago
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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 5 Fear

“Wow you look like you are about to throw up.” Tai opened his eyes. A beautiful woman in her 20’s sat in front of him. He gazed at her lovely face with absolutely perfect rack. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. He smiled at her slyly. “Yeah maybe out of boredom. This is taking forever.” “Well if we do this wrong it would be a bit of a disaster. Is this your first time?” “Well sort of but I’ve done a bunch of stuff like this before.” “Really what kind of stuff?” The...

2 years ago
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With everyone gone, the kids were staying overnight at their grandparent’s house and my husband was working second shift, I had the house to myself all evening! I was lost in the moment as walked into the house, dropping my coat and purse on a chair, I headed to the kitchen for a glass of wine. Just as I entered the living room, I stopped something seemed wrong. Fear suddenly washed over me. “Am not really alone?” I could feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. My eyes were trying to adjust...

2 years ago
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Monster Lab 2 Bloods Thicker Then Fear

The Swedish born women in a doctors coat wondered pacing back and forth with a finger pursed against her full pink lips. She pulled her bun letting loose her bleach blonde hair. She had flawless porcelain skin and a kind face. She took off her glasses that she used for reading and unbuttoned the top button of her blouse using her hand to cool off, she wanted to just take the whole shirt off and run down the hall screaming in horror, but she was a logicical women, she knew that wouldn't be...

4 years ago
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Walking In Fear

Walking In Fear by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Be not afraid my children, a sign is coming As I swept the huge skirt aside and looked in the mirror, I thought back to how this all started. When I was 16 my life long secret was discovered when dad walked in on me. At the time I had on a short sheath dress, black heels, my hair done in a pageboy, My makeup as well done as I could manage, and I smelled of perfume. There was no denying it any longer, so I...

4 years ago
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My Biggest Fear

My biggest fear. By: Janet Jean Rating: "M" (Mature) As a Crossdresser my biggest fear is being discovered, being read. Being in an accident and being caught, with my finest lingerie under "boy clothes" or being caught by a neighbor or friend. Can it be as bad as my imagination believes it to be? My name is Jerry Waddell. I have been a Crossdresser since I was 6 years old. My mother and sister taught me everything; I'm an expert at crossdressing in every sense...

2 years ago
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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 15 Pursuit of Fear

A rule of life is, 'Nothing is ever as easy as you first think it will be'. That truism certainly applied to pursuing Megan, as Sean was soon to discover. The Council was eager to put their considerable resources at Sean's disposal to rescue Megan. Of course, a couple of things had to be explained to them before their eagerness manifested itself. Cory had to explain how the other Councils would respond to the results of the Americas Council's ineptness, if Megan wasn't rescued. BB...

4 years ago
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Sudden Urges4

My sudden urges had persuaded me into calling my neighbor, Dennis and to offer my services. Sexually. I had never actually done it before with another man. I'd read about it on porn sites. I'd written a couple erotic short stories about my thoughts and desires. Hell, I'd even played with myself and stuffed a dildo in my ass. But, to actually put it out there. Something had come over me. After that things went crazy for a couple days. It was all a blur. Or maybe I was trying to forget my...

4 years ago
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Sudden Urges1

I was crazy horny. It must have been a phase of the seasons. Spring was coming. I have been married for years and we stopped having regular sexual interactions a few years back. So, I've been masturbating, reading sex stories, imagining more and more erotic adventures. My wife was away on a trip and I was reading porn and thinking about gay sex today. I was riding a butt plug under my clothes. After trying to convince my wife that she could get used to anal sex, I bought her a butt plug but...

3 years ago
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A Mothers Fears

As the moonlight filters in through the window, illuminating my grandson’s face, I sit and watch him in peaceful slumber, wondering what the future holds for him. Such innocence portrayed in his relaxed, serene face. A child born to a country which was free of international threats, his biggest fear being the monsters in his closet. Now as he lies sleeping, I wonder if his youthful innocence will be lost to a nation thrown into war by malicious people who have no respect for the basic ideals...

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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Lust Is Fearless

Hii guys…This is Sunitha again.Sorry for the delay and many more thanks for the response.This is about the story that happened after my husband came back from trip.. If you haven’t read the first part and second parts, please read it in the links given above . This story is bit long mainly contains conversation between me and my darling fil .. They freshened up , I made snacks and tea. We were having it on our sofa , I was on the same sofa where I seduced my fil for the first time, it is the...

2 years ago
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Sudden Abduction1

Tessa woke after a long night of games with her friend Derek. As always, she beat him by a landslide in every game they played before he retired for the night. She woke up early to prepare for work at the local pet shop. She yawned and got out of bed quickly and went to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror she wondered what about her made her unable to tell Derek that she enjoyed his presence. Every time she tried she just couldn't get the words out of her mouth. He was moderately...

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Sudden Abduction0

Tessa woke after a long night of games with her friend Derek. As always, she beat him by a landslide in every game they played before he retired for the night. She woke up early to prepare for work at the local pet shop. She yawned and got out of bed quickly and went to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror she wondered what about her made her unable to tell Derek that she enjoyed his presence. Every time she tried she just couldn't get the words out of her mouth. He was moderately...

4 years ago
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Sudden Urge

"You know, I really think I need some cock right now."I nearly splurted out the hot chocolate I was sipping on. I'd never heard Catríona say anything like that before. She was always ever-so polite and somewhat of a goody-two-shoes. So when she said that, especially in context, it was incredibly hard to believe.I had know Catríona for years. We lived in the same small city in the south-east of Ireland. I'd first met her through local drama classes, and to be honest I developed quite a little...

Straight Sex
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Sharing My Room With Sis 10 Abbys Fear

It was Friday night, bedtime. Another week was over. Abby sat on the edge of my bed in her pajamas, brushing her long, curly red hair slowly. She looked at me standing naked, my dick a beam shooting straight from my body. At this point, it only took the simple thought of my sister to make it hard. Abby gave me a small smile and kept brushing her hair. I climbed into the bed behind and slid my legs under the sheets, my body and dick facing her back. I touched her lower back as she kept...

3 years ago
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The Fear

I was eleven when my Mom died. One moment she was here happy and laughing and a moment later she was dead on the floor. Aneurysm, they said. But you're a boy, you should man up and go forward. I didn't want to, I mean I didn't want to be a boy and even more, I didn't want to man up. Mom was my last hope for me to help cope with what and who I was. I was now alone with Dad. Dad was in the army. He was a Master Sergeant and worked at the nearby base, the training center they called it....

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Extracts Of Fear

EXTRACTS OF FEAR. Hers January 10 th 2003 Dear diary, He wasn't in the best of moods again today. I didn't catch most of his rantingbut it was as usual about work. I know he hates his job. Why doesn't he dosomething about it? We don't seem to be close anymore. We never talk or maketime for fun. Can three years of marriage really do such damage to a relationship? I don't think ill try and talk to him about it tonight. He'll probably godown the pub soon anyway, and then I can clean up. His ...

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SuccubusChapter 4 Manifestation Four The Passion of Fear

I was expecting some sort of dream like I normally have, but nothing like that came about. I slept undisturbed through the night, which was surprising with the amount of people currently in my room when I do sleep. I woke refreshed and feeling energized. I also woke up before anyone else did. Not surprising considering the amount of sleep I got yesterday. I moved cautiously through the mine field of sleeping bodies and made my way to the balcony again. I had left the door open last night as...

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Sudden Transformation

Sudden Transformation by Princess Pervette Someone asked recently, "Are you man enough to be a woman?" Well, let me tell you, I sure am! I had always wished that I could transform myself into a girl. Not permanently, just for a few hours now and then, to see what it would be like and maybe to have some kinky fun. I had crossdressed since boyhood, and I had had that transformation fantasy just as long. Man enough? Let me tell you, if I could manage it, I wouldn't hesitate for a...

4 years ago
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Sudden Male Feminization Syndrome

Hey, whoever's reading this. I'm not much of a story-teller, but I have got a story to tell. First off, my name's Jane. It used to be Joe, then it was Jo for a little while, and that's pretty much what this is all about. I was a pretty depressed little boy. My parents watched sports and my brother played them. At school, all the boys wanted to be professional athletes and all the girls wanted to be performers or didn't have the self-awareness to consider the future at all. All but...

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Not As Bad As I Feared

Not As Bad As I FearedWe joined a "swingers club" a few months ago. I do not think either of us thought it would happen, especially me, that we would have sex while others watched but last night it did.We were supposed to meet a "friend" at the pool hall for drinks and see what happen from there -- but for what ever reason he did not show. Hubby and I both think it was a miscommunication but none the less we were not too disappointed. Auggie asked me if I wanted to go to the "club" and use a...

2 years ago
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Sudden Urges3

Sleep did not come easy and I tossed and turned through the night. The wild adventures stirred desires deep in me. Confusing my life with the erotic and humiliating events which are not yet over. My wife was coming home tonight. The house was a mess, I was a mess. My mouth sore and my ass bruised and worn from all the sucking and fucking. Dennis was taking complete advantage of me during my time of weakness. Still, every time I thought about what he was doing to me it turned me on in a strange...

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Sudden Urges2

Yesterday I invited Dennis, my neighbor over in a moment of weakness. I was horny and tired of masturbating on my own. I had gotten into using a butt plug to increase the experience and imagining what women must feel like when they do anal or suck a cock. I had been looking at porn on the computer, riding my plug when a sudden urge came over me. I called him and offered to suck his cock. When I invited him over I hadn't thought it through. Now he's calling me his bitch and man-pussy. It...

4 years ago
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Sudden Change In Life

This is my first story, please overlook any short comings, hope u will enjoy it. Sameena, was 44 years old. She had two children, elder daughter was 22 years old and who was married and had shifted to another country, her son who was 19 years old was also abroad for studies. She was living with her husband who was having a good post in a well reputed company. They had a house of their own, and a maid. As far as looks are concerned Sameena was a pretty woman, still at the age of 44 she looked to...

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Sudden Surprise Of Pinky In My Room

Hello all ISS readers, I am back again with a new sex story. First of all thank you so much for your valuable comments and feedback on my last story. (please give your comments at ) I am very glad about your response. In this story, I am going to tell you how my friend gave me a sudden surprise by visiting my room and how we had spent time together. First of all, let me introduce my friend pinky(name changed), she is fair, short with perfect figure 32,36,34. Her boobs are the center of...

2 years ago
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So glad to have him back home again, Mary took her husband to Central City for something special. Putanna told her about something called “gloryholes” in the adult bookstores. He’s going to love this. I know he loves to see me get off on other guys…and girls. Traffic slowed them. Eventually they entered the adult bookstore – X ‘R Us -- in the busy central district. Rows of shelves displayed XXX films in VCR and DVC versions. Magazines on one long wall. Glass cases of sex toys. ...

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What The Time Traveler Fears

It happened one morning while I was at work, yet it did happen later. And at the same time much earlier. Something had changed. Not the desk in front of me or the meaningless workload on it. Not the co-workers milling around like aimless ants. No. Something had changed within me. A vibration buzzed through me that no one else noticed. And then, even though I had never been blind, I could suddenly see. Details blossomed around me. Lifting my hand I saw it in all its details. The smooth...

2 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 43 Confronting Fears

By Sunday morning, Mindy was beside herself. She had spent such an incredible evening with Sandy and with Mistress Catherine on Wednesday, and that had gotten her to think hard about her situation. She hardly got any work done on Thursday as her mind continually strayed to the events of the previous night. Being at Mistress Catherine's mercy in the middle of the restaurant had been so exhilarating and intensely erotic that every time her mind strayed to the events she felt her heart begin...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 30 Shadows of Fear

I lost track of time after that. Ashley seemed determined to extract a huge orgasm out of me and was loud and passionate. Lenore watched us couple and then joined in by kissing first me and then Ashley. The next hours would remain forever blurred in my memory. Once Lenore started to kiss me the only thing I cared about was giving and receiving pleasure. Ashley, Lenore and I kissed, caressed and loved every inch of skin on each of the others before collapsing into a sexually contented pile to...

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Blood Sweat and Fears

   He would be arriving shortly to pick me up from work, Usually I had a pretty good idea what he was up to with his late night antics that he has become so accustomed to. My husband and I have been together for about 2 years and we were the best of friends for several years before this. So when it comes to knowing each other we have it down pat.    I was nervous this time, he didn’t give me any clues and he usually stumbles up and I don’t have a hard time figuring out what he is up to. But...

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Blood Sweat and Fears

   He would be arriving shortly to pick me up from work, Usually I had a pretty good idea what he was up to with his late night antics that he has become so accustomed to. My husband and I have been together for about 2 years and we were the best of friends for several years before this. So when it comes to knowing each other we have it down pat.    I was nervous this time, he didn't give me any clues and he usually stumbles up and I don't have a hard time figuring out what he is up to. But...

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Sudden Surprise But Ultimate

It’s about my best friend’s mom and my sexual story. She’s in her early 40s, and not good looking at all. You can imagine an average Indian women, but her boobs and ass were ultimate… Just imagine figure of 44-42-46 (Imaginary) actually their home environment is very casual, and aunty hardly cares about her saree pallu…. It always drops here and there, and the ultimate never ending cleavage could be seen. Though at starting I used to ignore them and I never had sexual intentions, but after I...

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Anas Quest Fort of Fear

You are Ana of Grane, a peasant girl from a small village on the western frontier of Erotilia. One day, while walking around the woods, you found an abandoned suit of armour and an old longsword. You took it as a sign and began your new life as an adventurer. Now, you journey around the world in search of treasures and adventure.

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Year of fear

This is not really a sex story I involves sex, it involves a destructive year with my husband. But here goes Last year my husband of three decades caught me in an affair, because of family concerns about his mental stability, it was decided many years ago that if I let my husband enjoy being married he would not be compliant with other peoples wish, he would be wanting to get off work and come straight home. This was a plan that was developed by my father in law, I found out it was developed by...

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A runaways worst fear

I have a confession.I ran away from my Master. I'm not talking about Antebellum slavery ran away- I didn't have run through the woods, and avoid being chased by dogs and gunmen. I didn't have to hide out in people's basements to avoid being taken back by slave catchers. I didn't have to forge papers stating that I was free when I really wasn't. No, no, not that kind of slavery. Lower your NAACP flags for another day. I'm talking about the BDSM type. You know, the one I consented to. The one I...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 16 Power Strength and Fear

It really wasn’t that difficult. Once basketball season started, I simply picked up Brian in the morning so he and Whitney could train during before-school fitness time. The days were long, but if she and Brian could withstand the pressure of training in the martial arts at the same time they were practicing basketball, I was willing to add a couple of hours to my day. It became my routine to drop the two at school at six-thirty and then join Dave for breakfast. Occasionally, that meant...

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Runaway DreamChapter 1 Remembering Fear

It was dark when I woke up and it took me a second to remember where I was. Curled up in the passenger seat of a Honda Civic. The engine was off and it was quiet. There was some light, more grey than any real color, coming from the windows and I blinked, looking around. I was in a parking garage it looked like, underground and not very full. A few cars scattered here and there, but most of them crowded against a distant wall. The light was coming from a couple ramps mostly, daylight. I...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 19 Fear

I handed one Coke to Molly. She smiled at me, and our hands touched momentarily as I passed the paper cup to her. I sat down next to her, and gestured for Eric to come over by me. He crouched down at my side, up close so we could converse above the music. "What's up, bro?" he asked quietly. "I think we might have trouble," I murmured. I was turned away from Molly, who had returned to watching the dancers. "Find Josh for me, would you?" "Sure thing," he said, and he stood up and...

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Sudden ShockChapter 2

Arriving at the door a bit early, the Maitre d seated me as 'the guest of Miss Susan Smithers.' I hadn't made the reservations, and he seemed quite happy to put me at the table where I would meet her for the first time. The look he gave me while seating me was one of a skeptical type as if I didn't quite measure up. I was immediately uncomfortable. Dressed in my best suit, I was quite over classed by almost every other man in the place, waiters included. I knew that this was going to be...

4 years ago
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Sudden Office Occasion

My name is Nma, I am 28, 5”11, white blonde, shoulder length fair hair, sexy blue eyes, good ass to die for and smooth skin, this is because I use sea salt in my baths. I work as an executive assistant in Innoson Group Of Companies. Let me start from the fact that I have laid my eyes on my boss ever since I first came to the company. He is handsome and he is so hot. His name is Okechukwu, Okey for short. He is 6”8, black, short hair cut, very athletic body and his age is 29.I’ve so many day...

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Sudden Relationship

This is a real story and I have tried to narrate it in the best possible manner. At the end your views and comments are always welcome and appreciated.Let me tell you about myself. I am a married and a rich Guy aged 33 yrs.At the age of 33 I still look like 25.I stay in Nagpur with my family.I am short heighted with athletic built.I love oral sex and I have always experimented with sex. I like company of women who like to show their sexuality.This story dates back a few month when I was...

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Dulling the PreWedding Fears

‘Dulling the pre-wedding fears’ (or ‘Your wedding day can be perfect if you listen to the portents!’) by Pacifist91w Note and warning: This story is fiction, any resemblance between these characters and anyone is coincidental. This story contains an explicit lesbian scene and some mildly demeaning terms. ‘||’||’ Karmella VanWolden had done more than her share of work to ensure that her wedding plans were on track. She didn’t believe that anyone who was fair could call her a Bridezilla. She...

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The Preacher ManChapter 48 Hope and Fears

Time: June 29, 8243 4:03 AM I had a delightful twenty days at Dakar, keeping a light load on my regal schedule and spending most of my time swimming, hiking, and horseback-riding with my wives. We even managed two overnight camping trips, one by the lake up north near where Salt Lake City used to be, and one high up in the mountains. The beauty of the northern lake is remarkable. It's so difficult to believe the area took two direct fusion blasts 8243 years ago. Three days ago an...

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A King and His QueenChapter 33 Doubts and Fears

Dave and Ken came out of Ken's office laughing. Ken had told a joke about a blond bank robber who had tied up the safe and blown the guard. It wasn't all that funny, but it was the last of a series of blond jokes. Seeing Andrew loitering around Sue Ellen's desk and talking to Millie, Dave asked, "Are you ready for a little lunch?" "I guess," Andrew answered although he didn't seem to have that great of an appetite yet. Ken asked, "Steaks?" "You bet," Andrew said finding that...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 46 Tears For Fears

November 8, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Do you want me to disappear?” Angie asked as we walked into the dorm after church. “Why? Emmy knows I’m dating you. She’s not jealous. You know she’s coming to visit and she knows you know. It would be REALLY dumb to invite her here otherwise, don’t you think?” “Guys have been known to do dumb things from time to time!” “Not ones who want you to stick around.” “You do remember I told you my High School boyfriend screwed a close friend of mine behind my...

3 years ago
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Sudden development with neighbor

Dear Readers, it was by chance that I came upon this site and I felt it was great. A few are fantasies and a few are real events which people want to share with the others. To be frank, I never had extra marital affair till just the other day. I think it was just because I became an avid reader of the stories I took the initiative and was a party to the best fuck session of my life. I work in a Govt Agency in Hyderabad and I am married. I am 38 years and having an active sex life. I am 5’11,...

2 years ago
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Sudden Urge

‘You know, I really think I need some cock right now.’ I nearly splurted out the hot chocolate I was sipping on. I’d never heard Catríona say anything like that before. She was always ever-so polite and somewhat of a goody-two-shoes. So when she said that, especially in context, it was incredibly hard to believe. I had know Catríona for years. We lived in the same small city in the south-east of Ireland. I’d first met her through local drama classes, and to be honest I developed quite a little...

4 years ago
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Sudden grow

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* You hear your clock , that sounds like all four riders of the apocalypse. You rub your eyes and sit on your bed. Your hand mechanically picks up your phone, that is laying on the beds counter. 7:02 AM. You groan with frustration. You feel like crap but this college is ruthless. Slowly, as you are still sleepy, you stand up, in quest for the toilet. In the hallway there is a mirror. You like this mirror, it's souvenir from your aunt that lives in Europe. You look in it...


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