Whole Lotta Rosie free porn video

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I’d had a successful morning; already taking orders from two large customers when I arrived at the small seaside town in the South-West of England. I phoned my next customer to ask if he was available to see me; but his assistant told me he was out of the office and wouldn’t be back until about 2.30.

As it was very sunny and hot I decided to sit on the small beach and soak up some rays for an hour or so with a sandwich and a takeaway coffee from a small wooden hut on the Promenade.

There were more rocks than sand but I soon found a small cove next to the promenade to sit in and relax while I ate my lunch. I’d only been there a couple of minutes when a young woman lifted her pushchair down from the path onto the sand not far from where I was sitting.

At first I was a little bit miffed as I was looking forward to some quiet time all to myself but as long as she stayed far enough away so from me I’d be okay.

She hauled the buggy through the sand until she was only about 10 feet away. ‘Nevermind’ I thought, ‘I’ll just finish my sandwich then do some paperwork in the car’.

As she spread a pink blanket on the sand she looked up and acknowledged me with a smile. Maybe I’d wait a few more minutes – I thought as I opened the packet of sandwiches.

She was young – certainly no more than 20 and she was what we call ‘fuller figured’. My eyes went straight to her bust as she lifted the baby out of the buggy. Her tits were HUGE and they nearly tumbled out of her low cut pinafore dress when she bent over.

‘Hmmmm’ I thought as her dress rode up her legs as she knelt on the blanket and spread some toys around for the baby, ‘perhaps this could get interesting’.

I desperately tried not to stare at her massive tits; but it was difficult as they wobbled and shook as she rubbed cream onto the baby’s arms, legs and face.

My heart nearly stopped when she stood up and unbuttoned the dress and let it fall to her feet revealing a very skimpy green bikini! The pants were quite high-cut and emphasised her long legs and thick thighs…but the top….well; what there was of it…hardly covered the important bits. Two thin straps which looked like thin pieces of string were attached to two tiny squares of material that just about propped up her melons.

I was still trying not to stare but it was becoming increasingly difficult for a red-blooded middle aged man like me.

I said earlier she was ‘fuller figured’ and she was, but….what a figure! She was the first woman I’d ever seen that I could genuinely describe as hour-glass or Rubenesque. She was about 5ft 6 with long black curls that cascaded down past her shoulders and onto her huge chest a bit like the singer Nora Jones. I presumed the baby was hers by the way she handled and fussed over him so was surprised to see she had a slim flat tummy with no obvious stretch marks; which then curved out into hips and a gorgeously large arse. She was very pretty with small pouting lips and a cute turned up pixie nose.

For someone who was trying not to stare I did make a lot of mental notes.

As I sipped my coffee the young lady took a long swig from a 2litre bottle of Cola then proceeded to smear herself with sun cream. I can only apologise but I got an instant hard-on….I couldn’t stop myself. I nonchalantly raised my nearest knee to her as I tried to disguise the lump in my trousers. It took her nearly five minutes to rub the lotion all over her body including a delicious minute when she squirted a big blob of white cream onto her luscious bosoms then slowly rubbed it into the rippling flesh.

All I could think of was the glorious wank I was going to have later that night in my hotel room.

When she was happy she’d covered everything in sunscreen she took another long swig from the Cola bottle then sat down and began playing with the baby.

I looked at my watch and knew I should contact my customer soon but the sight next to me on the beach was proving difficult to tear myself away from. Although everything the young woman did was possibly quite innocent as she kissed and played with her baby I was getting incredibly horny when she knelt forward making her tits dangle then she would be on all fours with her gorgeous arse pointing towards me and best of all; when she stood up and held the baby at arms length as it took its’ first tentative steps – I was greeted with the marvellous sight of her tits bouncing and swaying with every movement.

I know it’s wrong but I even sneaked a couple of photos onto my camera-phone in readiness for my hotel wank later in the night.

Eventually my phone rang and shattered the silence in the Cove. The young mother suddenly looked in my direction so I waved an apology as I answered the call. It was my customer calling me to say that he was unable to see me. I can’t say I was too disappointed as I made another appointment for the following week.

As I drained the last of my coffee I wondered how I could now stay on the beach without making it too obvious that I was ogling the young woman only ten feet away.

I suddenly had an idea …GENIUS!

Then I had a second idea (which is unusual for me)….even more better GENIUS!

As carefully as possible I adjusted my stiffy and began thinking of tanks and politics in a bid to make it go away. It kind of worked so I stood up as coolly as possible; but I probably looked like an arthritic pensioner as I slipped twice in the sand.

“I’m going for an ice cream.” I nervously said to the young woman as I stood next to her staring down at her glorious cleavage, “would you like one too?”

She peered over the top of her large sunglasses; “That would be nice; thanks.”

“An ice cream or an ice-lolly?” I asked; quite pleased with myself at finally making conversation.

“Hmmmm?” she thought for a moment; then replied with a heart melting smile; “A strawberry Mivi would be nice, thanks.”

I strolled to the wooden hut like the King of the World.

Two minutes later I returned with my gift of a strawberry and ice-cream lolly for my new friend.

As she took it from me she patted the blanket which I took to be an invitation to join her.

“I’m Lou.” I introduced myself. “Do you live around here?”

“I’m Rosie and this little cherub is Jim.” The Rubenesque beauty told me; “and yes we do, over there.” She loosely pointed her hand towards some houses a couple of hundred yards away.

We chatted like long lost friends as we ate our ice creams. She was a single mum – her boyfriend left her when she was pregnant; Jim was 7 months old, she was 19 and she wanted to go to College to study child care. I immediately admitted to being married and had two sons – both older than her! Then I talked about my job – but not enough to be boring.
I couldn’t take my eyes off her as Rosie played with the baby which made her breasts sway only inches from my sweaty hands.

It could have been my dirty mind but Rosie sucked and licked her lolly in a very suggestive manner….simulating very good oral sex.

By now my cock was pretty much under control but my mind was racing. My seduction techniques are very rusty but I was sure I was ‘getting the come on’, especially when she constantly touched my arm or leg when she was talking to me and she made absolutely no attempt to cover herself up and at one stage theatrically re-arranged her breasts when they were in danger of spilling out of the tiny cotton bra which must have been made out of Velcro as it stuck to her boobs like glue.

As we talked Rosie kept taking large sips from the large Cola bottle and offered it to me a couple of times. Eventually she took one large swig and suppressed a burp then coolly asked me to look after the baby while she took a pee.

I was surprised at her candidness but obviously agreed. But what really amazed me was when she stood up and looked around us and when she was happy that there wasn’t anyone else in the vicinity she pulled her bikini bottoms down below her knees and squatted in the sand between the pushchair and the small promenade wall.

I made no attempt to look away as she pissed into the sand and was mesmerised as the bright golden liquid gushed from her hairy pussy making a dark puddle in the soft sand. Her pubic hairs were like long black twisted silken threads and only covered the area above her dangling labia and clitoral area as the flesh between her legs looked naturally bald.

Rosie kept her eyes tightly closed all of the time and looked very relieved as the last drips fell to the sand. With a satisfied sigh she stood up and pulled her pants back up.

“Phew.” She heaved another sigh as she sat down again on the blanket, “I needed that.”

I don’t know what the expression was on my face but she giggled and said, “I didn’t embarrass you did I?”

“Oh no.” I quickly lied and corrected her in a flustered manner, “no…not at all…it’s just….no, not at all.”

Rosie looked absolutely beautiful as she giggled at my discomfort.

There was a minute’s prickly silence until she nervously asked me, “Do you fancy another cup of coffee?”

“Yes, that would be good.” I replied without thinking, “I’ll go and get them.” I then started to climb to my feet.

“No silly.” Rosie whispered and grabbed my arm, “Back at my house.”

My young friend packed her bag and quickly put her dress back on. I carried the pushchair and bags across the sand as Rosie carried her son.

My heart was pounding and my stomach in knots as we walked the short distance to her small terraced house in silence. Once inside I was pleasantly surprised at how clean and tidy it was and how tastefully the rooms were decorated.

I went to the upstairs bathroom to pee while she organised the coffee. As soon as I’d finished I couldn’t help myself and opened her wash basket. There were three pairs of soiled panties close to the top – a black thong had a delightful grubby white stain in the crotch. Then I found gold….a bra; a very sexy bra – black with pink lace. I checked the label – 36 GG. Bloody Hell….I didn’t know they made bras that size. I fought with my conscience and decided not to steal anything….but the soiled panties were very very tempting.

When I walked back into the lounge my coffee was next to the sofa and Rosie was sitting opposite with the baby clamped to her right breast.

“I hope you don’t mind but he was getting hungry”.

“No…it’s fine.” I grinned as I jealously watched the baby suckling on a thick pink nipple.

We chatted for a couple of minutes then Rosie adjusted the other strap on her dress and pulled the front down exposing her bikini covered boob. Without a care in the world she scooped the boob out of the tiny holder then swapped the baby over.

My hand was shaking as I drank my coffee unable to take my eyes from the huge mammary that was hanging free with a fat pink nipple still oozing warm milk.

When she was comfortable Rosie looked up at me and smiled.

“You like my boobs don’t you?” She asked without batting an eyelid.

I coughed and spluttered, “Yes….they’re magnificent.”

“I think they’re too big.” She grimaced as she lifted the free tit up and squeezed a couple of globs of milk out.

“No….no they’re not.” I garbled. “They look….wonderful.”

She examined it with the determined grace of a nurse then shrugged her shoulders.

“I bet you’d like to play with them; wouldn’t you?” She cheekily grinned.

I didn’t know what to say so just raised my eyebrows and smiled back.

“He’ll sleep for a couple of hours after his feed.” Rosie told me in a matter of fact manner, “then you can play with them if you want.”

Stunned, I muttered, “That would be great.”

We didn’t say another word until she’d winded the baby then took him upstairs to his cot. When Rosie came back down she was only wearing the bikini pants and her dangling tits looked even bigger than when they were encased in the tiny bra.

Her eyes were twinkling and her nipples were sticking out even longer than before as she stood in front of me. Not having ever been in a situation like this I didn’t know what to do.
Sensing my unease Rosie took the lead and straddled my thighs and lifted her tits to my mouth.

“Suck them for me.” She purred.

I leant forward and licked a warm wet nipple making her sigh. It felt as long and hard as a little finger as I rolled it between my lips.

Rosie ran her fingers through my hair then suddenly clasped my head pulling it into her bosom.

“Suck it baby, suck it hard.” She groaned as she began rocking on my lap, pressing her crotch against my stiffening cock.

I soon relaxed and alternated from tit to tit suckling on her nipples just like her baby had done. There wasn’t much left but her milk was warm and very very sweet. My hands were now mauling her fat arse and humongous tits as I licked and sucked and nibbled on her soft tits and stiff nipples while she slid backwards and forwards along my aching shaft.

Gasping for air Rosie clambered off me and knelt between my legs. She looked up with a mischievous smile on her lips and began unbuckling my belt. A minute later and a shuffle of my hips my trousers and underpants were off and on the floor and my shirt was now unbuttoned too. Rosie was soon stroking my cock and running her long nails along the shaft. The silence was deafening as she slowly kissed her way up my hairy thigh until her cute lips were a fraction of an inch from my purple bell-end. She was so close I could feel every strand of the breath from her sweet mouth as she tormented me with her soft lips.

Then she did it….she slowly and softly kissed the length and girth of my cock while she stroked and tickled my knob and foreskin. The only sound apart from our heavy breathing was the ticking of the wall clock as she finally reached the tip with her kisses. Rosie eventually looked up and winked then smothered my knob with her hot wet mouth virtually taking my breath away. She was the Queen of blow-jobs! Her tongue was like wet velvet and she could twirl it around the shaft while sucking at the same time. I had to cling onto the cushions to stop my body from exploding!

After a couple of exquisite minutes of this she changed position and squashed my cock between her luscious mammaries making it disappear inside the soft flesh then suddenly popping it out like a puppet….as she titty fucked me.

The look on her face was very intense as she gripped and scratched my scrotum while she dipped her head forward licking my dick every time it appeared between her huge tits. I didn’t want this to stop ….ever…but knew I was going to blow my load any moment. Rosie must have read my mind as she grabbed hold of my dick and began furiously wanking it against her soft mounds. I tried and tried but couldn’t stop myself…….I shot a blob of spun k across her tits then she slowly squeezed my tube
until the rest oozed out; into a puddle of warm cream. Rosie rubbed it into her skin with her fingers and my softening knob as I gulped for air to refill my lungs.

Happy with herself she stood up and stroked her pussy through her skimpy panties.

“My turn now I think.” She grinned. “Do you want to watch me play with myself?”

Unable to speak I nodded vigorously. She skipped upstairs making her tits bounce like beach balls. Seconds later she returned with her hand behind her back hiding something.

Like a naughty child she stood a couple of feet away from me with her chin on her chest and defiantly smiled at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Guess what I’ve got?” She giggled.

“I’ve no idea?” I replied.

“Ta Da!” She laughed as she produced a large pink life like dildo…balls and all!

“This is my favourite.” She chuckled, “Do you want to see me use it?”

“God…yes.” I gasped unable to believe my eyes.

She placed it on the armchair then sexily wriggled out of her bikini pants until she was naked apart from her sexy hi-heeled sandals.

My cock was now hanging limply as Rosie sat opposite me and lifted her right leg across the arm giving me an uninterrupted view of her gaping love hole.

Her eyes were like saucers as she stared at me and began rubbing the thick plastic tip along her dripping crack. She took a deep breath as the first inch probed her hole then she bit her lip and her massive chest heaved as inch after inch slowly disappeared into the cavern.

With her large hazel eyes locked on mine she eased the dildo back out then back in… faster and faster the pink toy glided in and out of her cunt like a pink torpedo. The longer and faster she fucked herself the harder she pressed herself into the back of the armchair until it was nearly rocking.

Neither of us said a word as her spare hand alternated between fiddling with her clit and fondling and squeezing her swaying tits …for my pleasure as much as her own.

Soon the hand with the dildo was a blur and her other hand was furiously rubbing her clit which was making her breathing get heavier and more laboured as her face and chest started to turn bright red.

“UuuugggGGGGHHHH…. AAAAAGGGHHHH…….fffuuuuCCCCKKKK!” She growled as she jammed the large plastic dildo as deep in her cunt as it would go without getting stuck in her belly as she came longer and louder than any woman I’d ever seen outside a porno movie.

Still staring at me she eased the sticky sex toy out of her cunt and rubbed it along her bright pink pussy lips and gently stroked her sweaty tits as she regained her composure.

“Are you ready to fuck me now?” She asked in a husky voice.
I looked down and my cock was as hard as iron.

“I guess.” I grinned as I adjusted my scrotum which was now stuck to my thigh.

Rosie dropped the toy onto the floor and slowly walked across the small room like a lioness; each shoulder lifting the relative tit with every step.

Without a word she straddled my lap again and made my cock glide along her hot crack. I knew my cock wasn’t going to be a match for her toy but I was hoping that she wanted the real thing regardless of size at this moment.

I was right. She slid her hand between our legs and positioned my knob at the entrance to her cunt. Her nostrils were flaring and her eyes were glazed as she waited for me to give her permission.

“Yes…put it in.” I croaked. She immediately dropped onto my spike with all of her weight making me moan. Rosie grabbed my head and pressed it against her swaying tits as she began humping my cock like a woman possessed. I’d never experienced anything like this…it was awesome getting fucked off a voluptuous teenage girl.

“From behind,” she eventually gasped after 3 or 4 minutes, “do my doggy style!”

We disentangled our bodies and she replaced me on the sofa but facing away from me. Her fat arse looked wonderful as she spread her legs and gripped the back of the sofa in readiness for a good back scuttling.

My cock found no resistance as it easily slid in up to its hilt. I grabbed her waist and began fucking her with long slow deep strokes making her moan with appreciation.
“Faster.” She panted as I played with her swinging titties. “Harder and faster…..fuck me harder and faster!”

Obviously I obliged! Because I was playing with her dangling tits I responded with short sharp thrusts then I straightened up and grabbed her hips allowing me to fuck her with long hard deep strokes. I even chanced my luck with a couple of slaps to her bouncing arse cheeks.

These were greeted with delighted squeals so I continued slapping her arse with each downward stroke until I felt that familiar twitch in my balls.

“I’m cumming!” I roughly whispered.

“Not in there!” Rosie cried, “On my tits…on my tits….cum on my tits.”

I pulled out and she twisted around in a well choreographed movement. Without warning my cock erupted for a second time landing on her face and running down her cheek as her mouth hung open sucking in warm air to fill her empty lungs. I couldn’t resist and leant forward until my cock was in her mouth and my excess spunk spilled out onto her tongue. Rosie clamped her lips around my cock and sucked it dry.

When she was finished my legs were shaking and I stumbled back until I was resting against the chair. Rosie just giggled and opened her legs again then began flicking her clitty. It took less than a minute for her to arch her back and throw her head from side to side as she too orgasmed for a second time.

We sat like this for a minute or so gasping for air until Rosie broke the silence.
“I’d better see how the little one is.” She told me in a type of code that told me my fun was over.

She stood up and slowly walked naked up the open plan stairs allowing me one last look at her magnificent hourglass body.

When she came back downstairs she was wearing a t-shirt and jogging pants and cradling the baby. She now looked like the innocent vulnerable teenage mother she probably really was.

“I’m back down here next week.” I nervously told her as I fumbled with my cufflinks.

Rosie kissed the baby the smiled and silently shook her head.

I smiled back. For some reason it had been a mad once in a lifetime thing that I’ll never forget. I’ll never know why she chose me…..but I’ll be forever grateful.


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Carlotta By Brian Houlihan Copyright @2000 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved "So..what color today?" "What do you mean?" I was sitting across from my future mother-in-law at the apartment I shared with my girlfriend. "Your panties. What color are you wearing today?" I felt like a bomb had just hit my stomach. She was smiling and giggling. Loving the shock of knowing my secret. "Diane told me. You wear panties. That's interesting to me. ...

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The making of Carlotta

Creating Carlotta - a glamorous, horny she male After many years of dressing and living part time I had reached that age were to be a girl was so overwhelming that I knew I must once and for all find my true self. I had decided to live as a woman - a delicious creature with a difference! I had begun the painful process of electrolysis years before and had a smooth face. I grew my hair out and had it bleached white and cut into a sexy girly cut around my face and high up on my...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 51 Carlotta

My next stop was a school the voracious Maria had told me about, and I never would have found it without her directions. There was a two-story, frame structure of some size and several outbuildings including what I assumed were slave quarters. The "Academy," as it was styled was a school for young ladies, and, as I soon found out, it was for very loyal young ladies whose parents were all rich, Tidewater Tories. When I rode in, the girls were out disporting themselves on the green, watched...

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Amy 4 Amilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraims Daughter Komoristocking

Amy 4: Amilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim's Daughter Komoristocking by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Love You, Pumpkin No more skating, no more stealing, no more smoking. That was the deal Mrs. Komori and I struck on the way home from the police station. Giving up...

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Charlotta The Candy StriperChapter 2

The young, blonde, Charlotte was wearing the brand spanking new pink striped above the knee dress worn by all the candy stripers in the hospital. However, Charlotta had washed it in hot water and it had shrunk prominently now showing her visible panty line. Doctor R. Robin Shepherd, the ‘R’ stood for Robin. She told Charlotta to now call her as the newest member of the hospital staff, Robin. The pretty blond with long hair, now twenty-three became the hospital’s newest candy...

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Charlotta The Candy StriperChapter 3

The spanking had actually stopped. However, her butt was burning like fried meat. She was glad robin was through. Doctor Robin even heard Charlotta sighed in relief. “You must be joking if you think your spanking is over young lady.” Charlotta flipped her long blonde hair around her ears with a look of indignation as she looked back into the stern face of Robin. “Pull your panties down, so my lifestyle coaching can continue to make an impression on your butt in a most memorable...

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Unexpected pleasure 3I think a little more background is called for as I continue with our story. This all took place in the early seventies please bear in mind no internet/mobile phones and all the easy communication we have today. I worked then and still do in the heavy plant business, a more macho occupation you couldn’t find and with what was going on with Rosie and I was to say the least a little groundbreaking. Most of the guys I worked with would never have considered such a course of...

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Rosie Part 2 A year had passed. Rosie's last case as a lawyer had been to take apart the haulage firm whose driver been the other party in the M3 smash up. She won a massive settlement, of course. Throughout the lengthy trial Rosie moved back to London, while I mourned and moped and and occasionally compensated by intense bursts of housework. I also took refuge in comfort eating and drinking increasing amounts of Scotch. I had no desire to go out or rebuild my life. I was torn...

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Rosie Part 3 My shame was boundless. I struggled to flee. "I'm so sorry. I can't do this. It's wrong. Let me go!" Annabelle gently me held me down, while Rosie hushed me with a finger to my lips. "Shush, Nunkie. You're only doing what I want. And I want the girls to see this. Settle down. That's it. That's a good boy." Her calmness, her reassuring but commanding tone drove all the fight out of me. I sank back onto the bed, sinking into post orgasmic languor, while my pyjama...

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Rosie Part 4 I woke the next morning with a series of unusual sensations. I had slept on a shaggy rug in a silky garment designed to stimulate and torment me. My skin felt as if it were new, smooth and highly sensitive. My bed was occupied by two beautiful young ladies who had spent the night in a passionate embrace, and lay now asleep, entangled and spent. My erection, which had persisted through the night, was trapped in a silken cage, while my back passage was penetrated by a...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 29 Fun With Rosy

Jill's meditation is going very well this morning. After talking about their finances with Gary last night, she woke up still thinking about what he said about creating a business at home. A business they could use to move their whore money into legitimate accounts. Sitting naked, legs crossed, and arms resting on her knees, she's deeper than she's ever been. As she sits in her meditative trance, she loses track of all time and space as she imagines herself being pregnant with the desire to...

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Wholesome ENF

v v v v v v **Please Read Synopsis and Themes** ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thank you for reading Themes and Synopsis, welcome to Wholesome ENF! Where women of all races, ethnicities, and (legal) ages become as naked as the day they were born in mostly innocent (or devious) ways. Feel free to make your own chapters, characters, or message me to recommend one! With that out of the way, who’s getting naked (or mostly, if you’re into EUF) today?

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Whole night long fucking session

Mom was sucking his hard standing penis. The man was sleeping on the bed & his wife was watching them. Yes they were my fathers friend & after my fathers death both came regularly & the man fuck both of them one by one the whole night. I with my elder sister watch them. During their early days of marriage my father & his friend fuck their wives in a bed & change them selves. Now only the man is enjoying both of them. The hard & long penis was moving up & down in moms mouth & she was enjoying...

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Whole Truth

Whole TruthBy: Londebaaz ChohanWith all the homosexual fantasies and experiences; since the day his cock and balls had started to support Morgan’s encounters, he has come to believe that it was not a matter of luck or chance only. He had to think and ponder many ideas for his success to get his cock sucked or take some young ass for the pure pleasure of his sexy cock, always yearning and ready to fuck. Yes, he was gay and believed the theory of ‘Natured’ or ‘Nurtured’ whole heartedly. He also...

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whole fam ily fucks

The incident which is happened when I finished my xii standard during the summer holiday. We lived in the Bangalore . My family consists of 4 members dad(Raghav,48) mom(Radha 45) sister(priya24) and me(Raghul18) . My father working in the MNC company and having the flat in the apartment . My mother was the house wife . My sister pursuing the final year M.B.A .Next me waiting for xii std result and going to join in the college . We have 3 bedroom in the flat me and sister have separate room and...

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whole something new

So I have a girlfriend and we do allot of stuff but like all men I have dreams. Every guy in the world will tell you that there are thing you would love to do that you keep to yourself and don’t tell your chick unless she’s in to that thing. I got to do my dream thing last week and I just could not believe my luck. Let’s start at the beginning I move a few weeks ago and I don’t really know anyone in my area. So I'm on collage and I'm studying accounting but just out of high school so I'm still...

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Whole Day With 19 Year Old Cute Girl

Hello readers and horny girls and ladies out there, after a long break I’m back again with a real incident happened last week with a cute and chubby 19 yr old college girl. This is Rahul again, 28 yr old guy working in boring IT sector looking for some fun filled life. Don’t forget to feed me back at with your comments. Girls and ladies don’t hesitate to contact me to have a very good and fun time which we both will cherish very long. I’m so friendly and flexible and we can have a long term...

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Whole nite sleepless

Hi to all the readers……..this is kiran from ap, the thing wht iam going to narrate is the real thing that happend in my life really..one fine day iam searching for a job in my home town, in that scenario i went to one office to take my interview, there i have submitted my resume and talked to the manager there,in that office there will be one receptionist who have taken our resume, but actually i didn’t saw her face clearly,the manager said that he will get back to us the following day, as it...

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Whole New World Of Sex With My Friend8217s Mom

Hi everyone, especially to the ladies who are 35 and above love you all, this is my first story ISS so if you find any grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes please forgive me, my name is gladwin I ‘m 23 years old from Bangalore height 6.1 inch’s with a fit physic which I maintain by playing sports because I am sport lover and regular exercise This is a true incident happened in my life and the this is a lengthy story so be patience and read it I ‘m sure you will enjoy it Mail your...

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Whole Night With Stranger 8211 Part II

Hay my name is Kanchan I am 26 years old married my husband is also in Mnc we are very happily settled couple since my school age I was very attractive girl people mature males usually saw me with very sex starving eyes although I was famous among girls despite of that I didn’t did sex with any one in my school age and college as well my father was very happy when I got married with he was in government job on that time we got married and our happily married life has been started since i talk...

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Whole New War

We had pushed the Clar army or what was left of it all the way to the border with Rus. As far as we were concerned the war was over. I had started as a combat soldier until I was wounded in one of the last major battles. I was stuck in Clarmont with a right shoulder wound when the Rus suddenly attacked. This was not Clar troops or advising, it was the Rus army, from officers to privates. There was a slow bulge in the center of our lines as they seemed to keep coming. They had major air support...

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A Shopping Trip Gone Right Ch 05

Over the past several weeks, Kim’s libido had been raging. While she often went ‘shopping’ she had actually bought very little. The sexy, blue-eyed blonde with the dazzling smile had received her share of gifts from admirers. All of them had kept her sexuality at a peak she had not known since high school. Keith complained — he actually had complained last night — that his new kinky wife was going to wear him out. She was slightly peeved by his comment and yet, she knew that she had to keep the...

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Being Helpful Can Help You

This is Paul again(Just like other authors here, this is a fake identity, though the facts are true). For those who don’t know me, I am 22 years old guy from Kerala living in Bangalore working as Software Engineer. I studied in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have a dick of 6 inch. Reviews about the story and invitations to enjoy (from ladies from Kerala and Bangalore) are welcome on my mail ID Thanks for earlier reviews and mails. My family is composed of my Dad Mathew,  mom Susan, with whom I...

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Couples First Swingers Club Experience And It Was A Good One

My wife, Kate, and I are a white couple in our late 20's. I'm a pretty big guy at 6' 290lbs. She's 5'5" 120lbs with perfect b cup breasts. We were high school sweethearts and have been married now for several years. Being that we started dating when we were fifteen years old, neither of us has ever had any form of sex with another person and we have a very healthy sex life. Recently we’ve become more and more kinky and for months, we'd talked about visiting a sex / swingers club to...

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Mornings on HorsebackChapter 6

" ... So just let her go, she'll follow me all by herself," I promised Chris. "Carmy's a good horse, just give her some slack ... There you go ... But not too much. You gotta let her know you're there too." "Uh ... O-O-Oh ... Ow!" Chris was bouncing his butt off the saddle. "You have to relax. Just ride the horse, Chris. Kind of move with her..." I undulated my body in an exaggerated way to show him what I meant, and it was hard to keep from laughing. "Ka-ay ... My bu-utt is...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 5 Songbirds Passion

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Five: Songbird's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Warlock Faoril – The Golden Hunger sailing the Nimborgoth Thunder rumbled in the distance. Lightning illuminated a squall on the dark horizon. Night had fallen and the Golden Hunger rocked, her sea anchor deployed, the crew singing songs on the mid deck, their brawny chests illuminated by several lanterns around the boat. I watched them from...

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By Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, Used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (F/m/M mother, father & son) [Billy’s parents give him a very thorough sex education lesson!] “The time is right, he’s almost fourteen.” said Billy’s father. “I guess your right. Does he know about sex yet?” Billy’s mom asked. Frank and Gail Turner were discussing their son’s need for sex education. A pair of former hippies they had met at Woodstock and...

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step daughter to be part 3

The rest of the weekend was fantastic and Angela was on holiday for the 2 weeks her daughter was home, Angela asked if there was a way that I could take a week off and spend it with her, I said I would try and went in on the Monday morning, I asked my boss and he agreed with it saying if work got too busy he would call me back. I left and drove straight too Angela’s I knocked on the door to find Linda was there on her own as her mum had gone out for the day shopping I smiled and walked in...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 21

At the sound check, Ryan found herself more relaxed than she’d ever been preparing for a gig. It almost made her laugh. Jason’s absence was liberating, and added weight to the others’ argument that perhaps they shouldn’t replace him. She still wasn’t sure, but had to admit the idea was appealing, especially if it meant reduced stress levels like this. She looked up and saw Trout, who was nodding as he adjusted levels on the sound board. Brody was up there, too, standing back so as not to get...

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My Dirty Encounters A girl Growing Up

I like to tell them as I see it, recounting my own experiences, and those of my friends.So, just how easy am I? If I'm in the mood, I will let you, not in a detached manner, but my full commitment, I dont let men use me like a spare condom, I want something from it, so it's a 50-50 affair, you do me and I do you.Driving home from a night out, we pulled over on the motorway, it was dark and alongside a forest, hubby wanted a pee, then the wife of the couple we were out with, decided she needed...

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The March of the RoseChapter 17

The party delayed their departure for three days while Anastasia and Beriwen tended Tristan. Graydon had explained to the rest of the party about the attack and that he felt it was not an isolated incident. He went on to express his concern that perhaps the others could be targets as well. With that information in mind it was decided that the members would not leave the confines of the inn until they were ready to depart. Graydon, accompanied by Dunin, went out to the front gates and...

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Losing My Virginity PT3 Final

This is a true story:After hearing my teacher say she basically wanted a threesome with me and friend, I spent the next 24 hours trying to figure out how I could get my friend to come with me. I never came up with a plan. So the next time me and her met up in the practice room to have sex. I told her about what happened. She was shocked but she was intrigued. I knew then I had her. "We can have sex now. But we need to make sure we are ready for after 8th" I said to her. She agreed with me...

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Away for the Summer Part X

Away for the Summer, Part X by Forsythe This is a continuation of an ongoing story. Please read Parts I through IX before continuing. Further edited versions to the segments of this tale may be found on my Deviant Art account: http://stipanow.deviantart.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After another hour of slowly sipping their wine, Sally finished preparing the pasta primavera with a garlic pork roast side and playfully ducked...

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A Paladins WarChapter 10 Those Who Remain

Ever present, so much so that Maloth barely ever registered their existence, the storm clouds hung thick and heavy over the wide stone docks of Amindaer, as they did the rest of the city. Built to withstand the treachery of the ocean, each of the dozen berths rested on two rows of square stone pillars three feet on a side. Anywhere in the world, the docks would be considered a marvel of design, a sight to behold, but again he barely saw them. Days it had taken for his rage to ebb, a fury so...

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Pool Pictures

Pool Pictures I have always enjoyed taking nude and sexually explicit pictures of my girlfriends and myself and have compiled quite a collection over the years. The relevance of this will come into play later. Several years ago while working at a bank I met a girl named Angela and we became fast friends. It started out with taking our lunch together and progressed to her hanging out at my house whenever she wasn’t with her boyfriend. Over the next several months Angela and I became closer...

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Its a Hentai Life

There are a scarce few moments in history. Moments where a man may bear witness to the world one day. Then on the next declare with clarity of mind and surety of meaning: The world has changed. Moments like these are often accompanied by fire and blood. By the outcry of masses at the sudden revelation that the world’s course was changed by war. Or else it is a change brought upon the world with wonder. When those people of the earth look up to the stars and know with the new day that they are...

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Nemesis Joanne

Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. Well we must keep the GPs happy. The alarm function on my phone went off at 8 AM and that galvanised me into action. I jumped out of bed,...

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Sheila and June the next step

Over the last 9 months or so I've been shagging my neighbour Sheila, and also her friend June. Both women are older than me Sheila by 12 years and June by 7 years(Sheila is widowed and Junes husband works away for weeks at a time). On Friday when i got home from work Sheila was waiting for me as i got out of my car, she asked me if i wanted to join her and June for supper. I told Sheila i would be with them in about 30 minutes as i had to shower and change out of my work things, Sheila told me...

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