The Party Part 3 free porn video

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It seemed that I was waking up every hour. Maybe it was because buzz was touching me or pressing his cock against me. Maybe it was the guilt feeling I was constantly having with what has happened in the last few days. What was becoming of me? Four days ago I was rob, buzz's best buddy from way back. Now I was nancy gibson and supposedly his fianc?. I had even let him fuck me in the ass and was wanting it again earlier tonight. I actually had asked him to fuck me again. And then he had me talked into giving him a blowjob which I never did do but found myself licking his cum out of the facecloth that he used when he jerked himself off alone. I know that seventy-five thousand dollars that we agreed to would help me a lot and it didn't seem that big of a deal. But I just don't think I can do it. Maybe if I quit right now, I could escape with a little dignity in tack. Buzz could just tell his office that we broke up or that maybe he caught me cheating and ended our relationship. That way I could go back to being rob and he could still keep his job. That's exactly what i'm going to do. I'm going to tell him I can't do this anymore. Buzz pressed himself hard against my ass. I felt his cock slip between my cheeks and poke me at my hole. "buzz" I said moving my butt from him and his cock slipping away. "what's the matter nancy" he said half asleep and shifting himself against me again. "don't,,,, I don't want too." "aw come on nancy, just a quickie before I go to work. I really need it. Don't you feel how hard I am?" with that he pushed against my ass cheeks, his cock riding up along my crack. He draped his hand over me and touched my nipple. He was lightly dry humping me. "buzz, for god sakes will you stop?" if he could have seen my face he would have noticed my guilt. I wanted to end this charade, and knew how upset he was going to be. I was going to have to tell him now. I just can't have him thinking he's going to fuck me again or anything else for that matter. "nancy" he whispered." I have a nice morning hard on with your name on it." shit, what a thing to say. I flipped the covers off of me and got out of bed. Who does he think he's talking to? Some sleazy chick that he picked up at a bar? "where are you going?" he said as he flipped to his back, his cock standing straight up. "i'm going to take a shower and then we have to talk. I really mean it this time buzz. We really need to talk about this." he shook his hips making his cock bobble in the air and had that devilish grin on. "sure nancy, anything you say" he wiggle his cock some more. He wasn't taking me seriously. Maybe he thought this was all fun and games and a piece of ass is a piece of ass but I wasn't going to play anymore. I stormed too the bathroom and slammed the door shut. "what a jerk" I thought as I turned on the shower and stepped in." I just can't wait till I tell him and his mother. Ha ha, wait till they see how it feels to be on the losing end now. So what if they don't like it. So dam what!" i was smiling as the water splashed over me. For the first time in days I felt that I finally have control. Everything was coming together, just like it was always suppose too. I was scrubbing my face really hard, wanting the make-up to wash down the drain. The make-up was representing a person that I really wasn't. I needed to see "nancy "washed away forever. Climbing out of the shower and standing in front of the mirror, I could still see that even with the make-up off didn't make me look any manlier. In fact, with my hair cut the way it is and the way vicky had plucked my eyebrows in a thin arch, I was far from manly. I just looked like a girl without make-up. I wasn't going to let this get me down. My hair can grow back and my brows will fill in. I don't really care anymore, rob was back in town. Draping a towel around my waist I opened the door of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom. Buzz wasn't in the bed anymore as I quickly walked out in the living room. "buzz?" i could see a note lying on the bar nancy, I couldn't wait any longer. I had to get to work, maybe next time you'll be more considerate and not take so long in the bathroom. You knew I had to get to work and I think you purposely took longer then you needed too. Anyways, my mom phoned while you were in the shower and told me to tell you that she has sent a taxi to pick you up. She said to leave everything here and she would come by later to pick your and my things up. I'm not sure when i'll be home, but you owe me one. What did he mean "i owe him one?" shit, I wanted to tell him I was calling this whole thing off and he leaves without even saying good-bye in a pissed off mood to boot. Imagine him mad at me. I just stood there holding the note for a second then huffed." i'm not going to any doctor, fuck that. I ?m not doing anything but go home and forget about this nightmare" i walk back into the bedroom and then it dawn on me that I had no clothes to wear. I mean my clothes, rob's clothes. I sat down on the bed and held my head with my hands. "i just can't believe this" I said loudly." I have to wear the god dam skirt again." i was crying inside as I stood up and went to the bathroom to get the skirt and blouse I hung up on the back of the door. It was like the wind was knocked out of me, I felt so defeated. As I was holding the skirt and blouse in my hand I looked up to my refection in the mirror. I was ashamed of myself for being tricked into this and how I let it all happen. I had to stay calm and compose myself. It's really not a big deal.Whats one more day as nancy? What choice do I have anyways; i'm still going to have to wear that skirt to get home. I went in the bedroom and picked up my panties from the night before. My cum was still fresh and wet as I slipped them on. I thought back on how buzz had jerked me off with my panties i tried not to think of the weekend past as I finished getting dressed and then walked back into the bathroom. Picking up the brush on the counter, I started brushing my hair the way pam had cut it. It bothered me to look in the mirror and see nancy come alive again when I started on my make-up. It scared me to see that I was such a natural at putting it on. I lightly covered my face with the make-up and didn't put too much on. I just wanted enough to take the edge off and look feminine. I didn't want any trouble going out in public looking as a man in drag. The phone rang as I just finished putting my make-up in my purse. I quickly ran to pick it up, hoping that maybe it was buzz phoning, maybe to apologize. "nancy gibson, your taxi is waiting outside for you." "ok, thank-you, i'll be right down. " my heart fluttered knowing I had to go out dressed alone in public by myself. I took one last look around the room as I slipped my heels on. Picking up my purse, I sigh,,, already wanting the day to end with me home and in my own apartment. My clicking of my heels down the hall to the elevator was a constant reminder of me being nancy. As the elevator doors open I watched my reflection in the glass, I knew I was blushing as the doors shut and moved to the ground floor. The lobby was crowded with people coming and leaving as I walked towards the door. A few men walked in and held the door open for me. I smiled slightly and thanked them and made myself outside. "miss gibson? Are you miss gibson? I looked at a man holding open the back door of a taxi. "yes,, um,hi," I blushed hearing myself being called miss. I sat down and swept my feet into the back seat as he shut the door. I caught him staring at my legs and smile as he walked around to his door and hopping in. "i have instructions to take you down to "clarence street". That's way over on the other side of town. It's not really a nice neighborhood. I wouldn't let a young thing like you go there by herself. Are you going to meet someone there?" "i'm sure i'll be fine thank-you." I glance at his eyes looking at me through the rear view mirror and then looked out my window as he started to drive away from the curb. I was tapping my fingers on my knee thinking of how I was going to tell buzz that I had changed my mind. He should really understand, after all, it was suppose to be just the party and I did that. At least I held up my end of the bargain... I was feeling quite sure of myself. "so, you had no classes today?" "excuse me?" I was startled as he broke my thought. "school, you didn't have to go today?" he was peering at me through his mirror again. "i'm not in school, haven't been for a while." "oh, i'm sorry; it's just that you look so young. I have a daughter that looks like to be about your age and she's in grade eleven. "i have you know that i'm twenty ?five years old" I snapped back at him "oh really? Guess you got a little cheated in the development department." he chuckled. It was then that I looked down at my chest. I forgot to stuff my bra. All that you could see was the collapsed cups under my blouse. "and I might add, you have the hips of a little boy." he laughed, smacking his hand on the steering wheel. I didn't know what to say as I again realized that I didn't have the padded panties on and that my belt was around my waist, not up high like mrs. Markus told me to wear it. He kept looking at me through the mirror, shaking his head as he giggled and drove. I just sat there looking out the window. I was so embarrassed and ashamed. It was about thirty minutes later that he pull his car to a stop. "ok missy, here you are." he said as he turned around in his seat and looked at me with a big grin." i just huffed and opened the door and got out, slamming it shut as he took off, leaving me in some exhaust fumes. Looking up I seen the sign of the doctors office and walk towards the door, feeling self-conscious about the way I looked. I really felt like some guy in drag. I didn't want to look this way. If anything, I wanted to look just like I did at the party and then go home. I just couldn't believe forgetting to prepare myself properly for going out in public... Opening up the door, I walked in the office. My cheeks were flushed as I slowly walked up the nurse's counter. Eyes of everyone in the room watched me; I just knew what they were thinking. "hi, can I help you?" the nurse said looking up at me. "yes, um, i, um, miss nancy gibson to see the doctor." she looked down at her appointment sheet. "oh yes, just take a seat and i'll call you when she can see you." i walked over to the chairs in the waiting room and sat down, my eyes wandering around the office. I ended up picking up a magazine that was lying on the table and was thumbing through it, barely looking at the pages. I just wanted to get this over and done with. I heard the nurse's heels stop at the half door leading to the doctor's office. "nancy gibson?" my stomach was fluttering as I stood up and walked towards her. Again I felt everyone watching me. "would you like to be called nancy or rob" she asked writing down notes on the clip board. I could have died as everyone shifted in their seats and chatted to each other and laughed. How could she have said that in front of everyone? My eyes glanced around as I finally made the long journey across the room to her. An old man just smiled at me and gave me a wink. I felt sick to my stomach, pushing by the nurse and then standing out of view of everyone. Well, should we call you rob or nancy? Still blushing,"um, nancy is fine." "very well nancy, sign this and come with me" i quickly looked down and read something about them being able to retrieve my medical files from my old doctor. I jotted down my name and followed her down the corridor to the door at the end. She lightly knocked on it. "doctor? Nancy is here to see you ." she turned the handle and stepped back," go ahead nancy, she'll see you now." the nurse just smiled as I walked past her "you must be rob" the doctor said as she stood up from her desk. My name is dr. Wendy yates." she walked around her desk and came to meet me with her hand out for a handshake." you can call me wendy" i shook her hand and blushed the way she was looking at me. "no need to be shy rob, just have a seat." she took the clip board from the nurse and then shut the door. "so, should I call you nancy or rob? In my own professional opinion, we should start using your desired name. Do you think so?nancy? "um sure, that would be fine" I said standing next to the chair at her desk "no please nancy, not there, sit over there so that you're more comfortable." wendy said as she pointed over to the corner of her office where a plush leather examining chair sat. It almost looked like a dentist chair but nicer. Wendy walked over to me, placing her hand on my back and guiding me to the big chair. "here, you hop up there and we will start by me asking a few questions. I want and need to know the "real you" to help your transition." transition? What was she talking about? Wendy walked to her window and closed the blind, just leaving a small enough space to let some sunlight in. And proceeded to walk over to her chair. Picking up a remote, she pressed a button which started some soft music coming out of the ceiling. "um wendy, there's not really going to be a transition." I said debating whether or not to tell her about the deal with buzz and his job. "your right nancy, I guess it isn't really a transition for someone like you. You have been feeling this way for so long. I understand what you're saying." she seemed to think before she started to talk again. Her eyes roamed over me, studying. "i should tell you that mrs. Markus told me quite a lot about you and I just have a few questions that I have to ask before we can go any further." I moved slightly in my chair." ok sure." thinking that I might as well just let her do what she has to do and then I can get out of here and go home. That's all I wanted to do, just forget all of this. She smiled and took a small breath. "i see that you chose to come here dressed as a female rather then a male. How does it make you feel to be dressed in public? Do you feel embarrassed to have people view you as female?" shit, that was as easy question, I hated this, all of this. How can I say this to make it sound right so that it doesn't get back to buzz and what he did to secure his new job. Plus, I don't want mrs. Markus to get in any trouble with the doctor. "um...It's not so much," I thought for a second" it's not so much people looking at me as a girl. It's how young they think I am. That bothers me, after all, its just clothes, you know what I mean? It's not a big deal." wendy didn't answer as she wrote some notes down on the clip board. "so being seen as young is more bothersome to you then having them seeing you as female." she looked at me." do you think that being flat chested is the main reason behind that? "well, yes, i'm sure that's what it is." I blushed. "so, if you had breasts that would make you feel more comfortable with yourself. More complete." wendy was still looking at me for some kind of reaction. "i guess I would be more comfortable being dressed this way if I had boobs." "you seemed tence, do I make you nervous?" I looked at her and then looked away. I wanted to just tell her the truth. "i don't know wendy, it's just been a long weekend, and i'm just tired and want to go home" "you just never have been this far nancy. You're just so undecided right now. I recognize this with my other patients. I have something that may help." "what does she mean about "being this far" I thought. Wendy stood up from her chair and walked over to her desk and brought back a little flimsy piece of something. "i thought of this a few years back and perfected it to suit each patient. It's a patch, almost like the smokers patch when they want to stop smoking but this one has a mixture of medicine specially formulated for you." I sat up in my chair slightly." what's in it?" this was going a little further than I wanted now. I didn't want any medicine. She walked up to my chair." don't worry, its not as bad as you think. Mrs. Markus told me about how you liked her little what she calls" happy pills" I added a little in this patch as well with a balanced amount of hormones. The adminersation of hormones through the patch is much more effective then taking the pill form. Trust me; you won't even feel a difference. It will just wipe away all your fears and make you feel more confident and soften your thoughts." I know I gave a little bit of a face as she stood next to me and looked down. "just lean up for a second please" she smiled. I sat up and leaned forward a little, holding my arm out for her to put the patch on. I figured i'll just pull it off as soon as I got home. Wendy peeled back the patch and slipped her hand inside the back of my blouse and pressed it against my skin. ."is that where you suppose to put that thing? I always thought it was suppose to go on my arm?" I protested. Wendy just laughed softly." I found that it was better for the patient not too be reminded of her treatment by having an ugly patch on her arm. It's more hidden this way, plus you don't have to worry about it falling off. You won't even know it was there." she gently pushed my shoulders back into the chair and then walked back to her chair. "now, where were we? Um,,,ok,,, you grew up with your mother and sisters and your father left when you were young, right?" I was still thinking of that stupid patch she just put on me as I tried to see if I could feel it or not. I was going to have to get buzz to take it off as soon as I seen him "i'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said wendy" she smiled calmly at me. "i was just asking how it was growing up with all females in the house with no male influence." how did she know about how I grew up, jeeze, how much did mrs. Markus tell her? "i never knew any difference, what you don't have in your life, you don't miss." "but that's not true is it nancy? You did know there was a difference. Everything that was taught to you was from a female perspective. When it came to talking with men, you thought differently. You thought like a woman." my mind was spinning. What the hell is she saying? Jesus christ I got to get out of here. This is getting really weird. I slump my shoulders back into the chair frustrated. "you were always jealous that way of your sisters weren't you nancy? You found it hard as a child not to begin developing like they did. They became popular at school while you were teased and pushed away from your peers. Especially when it comes to having breasts. You didn't have them and you felt cheated in that way didn't you nancy?" "what was she doing to me, trying to make me feel smaller than I already did feel? What does she know about how I felt growing up?" "don't worry nancy; i'm just trying to bring it out of you. It will feel better once you let it all out. Just try to relax and listen to my words." I let out a heavy sigh. What choice do I have anyways? I'll just let her do her thing then i'll go home. Wendy talked about everything, loosing me with her big words and philosophy. My eyes lids became heavy as the soft music in her office was putting me asleep. She went on and on till her words were a blur to my mind. I felt her hand touch my shoulder."nancy, you just rest and i'll be back in a moment to get you." my eyes opened for just a moment as I nodded ok and then shut them. I was so tired; maybe a little nap would do me some good. I remember hearing my name being called from a distance. I felt dizzy and numb as my crusted eyes opened up. Mrs. Markus was standing in front of me with the doctor. Buzz was behind them both as I looked in wonderment and confusion. "how are you feeling nancy?" mrs. Markus said as she came closer and softly combed my hair back with her fingers. My mouth was so dry, I couldn't answer. "don't try to speak sweetheart, i'm so proud of you." she said as she stood back up. Buzz walked up to me and leaned down close to my ear and whispered. "i can't believe you did this for me rob" I couldn't understand what he was saying. I tried to sit up a little in my chair. "just sit still nancy; everything will be alright in just a couple of days. You were a very good patient." wendy said smiling as she got behind me. I was so groggy and my body ached as I focus on the two mounds sticking from my hospital gown. "i wanted so much to scream .What are those bumps? Why was I in a hospital gown? Was I in an accident? Did something happen? Where are my clothes? I tried so hard to think what had happen but couldn't make sense of anything. "she should be fine. A little sore and tender for a few days but she should feel much better tomorrow. Just take her home and let her sleep." wendy then slowly pushed me down hall and out in the waiting area with buzz and pam right behind. I was so out of it I couldn't even lift my head. "i have her room all set up. She'll be very comfortable." pam said. I must of past out because when waking up I was being lead by the hand into mrs. Markus's house. "that's a good girl, your almost there." my feet were moving sluggishly as I slowly walked into her house. She maneuvered me through the living room and then to the bedroom. She laid me down. "this is going to be your new room for a while nancy. I decorated it myself with you in mind, but you get some rest now. I'll check on you through out the night." pam looked at me and smiled as she turned off the light. With my head spinning I instantly fell asleep. I awoke the next morning clear headed but extremely sore. I quickly looked down and realized that it wasn't a dream and I had breasts. How could they have done that too me? Tears came to my eyes as I moved my hand up and slightly pulled the gown open. A quiet whimper came out of my mouth. I had breasts, real breasts... I looked at them, back and forth my eyes darted. Just then pam walked in carrying a vase of flowers. "hello nancy" she smiled as she placed the vase full of flowers on the dresser." aren't they just beautiful? Buzz sent them." "what happen to me pam?" my throat slightly raspy. Pam walked towards the bed." what do you mean dear?" I choked on my words." I have breasts." "yes honey and we are so proud of you. The way you handled yourself at the doctor's office. I just can't tell you how pleased we are that you were willing to go this far to help buzz." I looked at her, trying to think of the visit to the doctor." I agreed to have this done to me pam? I don't remember much of it at all. To tell you the truth, I can hardly remember anything since the party." she sat down on the edge of the bed and took my hand in hers. "oh honey, that's the medicine working. I'm sure you'll remember more as you recover. Now, let's say we get you up and get the blood circulating again. We want to look our best even in the worst conditions." she pulled back the covers and took my hand, helping me as I slid my feet out on the floor and sat up. I could feel the new weight on my chest shifting and pulling against my skin. A sharp stabbing pain was in my side. "that's it nancy, now just stand up, don't worry I have you if you fall." pam smiled at me as I ready myself to stand. "my side, it hurts pam" "your ok hon, just stand up, your alright." she pulled up on my arm lightly. I strained to get up onto my feet and steady myself as she held me. "let's get you out of that silly hospital gown and freshen you up. Then you can relax in the living room." I just nodded as pam walked me slowly to the washroom and stood me at the bathroom counter. She reached up and untied the gown and let it fall from me. Pam smiled as you both looked at the reflection in the mirror. "oh nancy, aren't they just beautiful? And look at how she tucked your sides in." she gleefully said. I stood in a trance looking at what wendy did to me. My breasts looked perfectly suited for my size and she had somehow tucked in my sides to make my hips look fuller, more feminine. "wendy told me as soon as the hormones kick in, you will soften and smooth out even more. She also said that your boobs might even grow a little more, especially if it runs in the family. Was your mother busty nancy?" I thought of my mother and my three sisters, all of which were top heavy. I remember my sisters would complain how guys would just be interested in their chests more then their minds. "yes pam, she was, my sisters were as well." "well you might be blessed with a c cup if not a d cup if you're lucky. Now get yourself washed up and meet me back in the bedroom. I have something you can wear." "yes pam, thank-you." I said squirting some tooth paste on my brush. I watched my breasts jiggled and sway back and forth as I brushed my teeth. It felt so strange to have something tugging every time I moved. I finished up and walked back out in the bedroom. Pam was holding a red satin robe. "here nancy, you can wear this for now. You don't want to have anything irritating your breasts right now. In a few days we can fit you with your own bra." she gently helped me slip my arms through the robe sleeves and tied the front with the satin belt, making sure it wasn't too tight against my waist. "do you see how nice it fits on you now? We won't have to worry about any padding anymore. Come nancy; let me get you something to eat. I bet your starving." the cool satin actually felt nice against my breasts as I followed her to the kitchen. She watched me with a close eye making sure I wouldn't stumble. "so nancy, maybe you should eat something light for now. I think its best we nurse you back slowly." "yes pam, I think your right, um, is buzz going to drop by today?" she turned to me and smile, placing a glass of orange juice in front of me. "miss him already dear? I blushed,"no, well, yes, I mean, I need to talk to him." "you'll have plenty of time to talk with him sweetheart. Let's just concentrate on you getting healthy again. Grilled cheese sound ok for you?" I sipped my orange juice and sat the glass down. "yes, that would be fine thank-you." my eyes glance down to the front of my robe. I just couldn't get over the fact I had breasts. It seemed so embarrassing with them sticking out like this. I closed my robe tighter together and looked up to mrs. Markus smiling at me. "it's alright nancy. In no time you will get use to them. I'm sure you will just love the way you look when you're feeling better. Now you eat your sandwich and i'll get some make-up. Remember what I always say "looking good is feeling good." she said sitting down my sandwich and walking out of the kitchen. I was just finishing up when she walked in with her make-up bag. "so are we all set?" I nodded yes and pushed my empty plate away as she pulled me out from the table." I bet that feels better to have something in your stomach. Now i'll add some color back to your face and you'll just look like your old self." pam worked away on my face. I was watching everything she picked up off the table. "i can already see a difference nancy. Buzz will be so happy to know your feeling and looking better. Could you slip the robe off of your shoulders nancy? I want to wet your hair and get the tangles out of it." I loosened up the belt and pam pushed the robe down. Just above the top of my boobs. "jeeze, I wouldn't have even noticed. What a wonderful place to put it." "put what pam?" I asked wondering what she was talking about. "your patch, I didn't even notice it, it blends in so naturally with your skin." "what patch, what are you talking about?" I felt a slight panic attack. "that's where wendy placed your hormone and medicine patch. She was telling me about that the other day. Such a marvel idea and you don't have to remember when to take pills." "i don't remember anything about a patch." I said feeling somewhat trick. She sprayed a mist of water over my hair. "you have such soft and wavy hair nancy; it's going to look so lovely once it grows out." she said starting to comb it out. "um,, pam, I don't think it will grow out that much once this is all over. I mean this was going to be just till buzz secures his position. I feel so weird doing all of this, especially with the implants and hormones." "well we really don't know how long its going to take do we? I just don't get you nancy. Your acting like being a girl is terrible or something alien. But look at you, anyone can tell this is so right for you." she carefully pulled my robe back onto my shoulders. "go into the living room and we'll watch some tv. I'll get us some coffee." I slowly stood up and made my way to the living room and sat down on the couch. I was feeling a little better now that I had something to eat. Picking up the remote, I looked up at the tv. And was shocked to see a framed picture of buzz and I standing together in our hotel room. It made me feel warm inside seeing that we really did make the perfect couple. Buzz was so handsome in his suit and that gown I was wearing looked so beautiful on me. Pam came out with our coffees and noticed me looking at the picture. "don't you just love how it turned out nancy? You were just glowing that night." I blushed and turned the tv. On, not saying anything. For the rest of the day I just relaxed while pam did her daily routine of cleaning and straightening the house. She brought me lunch and later some snacks. She was so busy and I felt guilty not being able to help. "did buzz phone yet?" I asked as she passed with the vacuum. "no he hasn't. He probably won't be calling at all being so busy with his new office. I would think probably tomorrow. You just have to be patient nancy, I know you miss him but he's a very busy man now." she had it all wrong. I didn't miss him. I mean, ok, just a little bit but I needed to talk to him. I dazed out for a second as I tried to think what is was that was so important to tell him. I fell asleep for a while and was awoken by pam telling me dinner was ready. I wasn't even hungry as she helped me up and walked me to the kitchen. I did feel much stronger then I did earlier. We both sat down and started to eat our dinner. "i was thinking of taking you shopping tomorrow if you're feeling better nancy." "shopping?" I took a bite of my potato. "well it's just that I thought if you were feeling better it would be a good time to get you some clothes of your own." "but I thought I could just wear your nieces pam." I said looking at her. "oh don't be silly" she laughed." not only are her clothes outdated but you're slightly larger in the bosom. She was only a 34b and by the looks of it your at least a 36c and growing." I slowly took another bite full, taking in the fact that I now had breasts. "after dinner, I want you to go up and lay down. I want you to get a good nights rest." "yes pam, that sounds like a good idea. I still feel tired. "that's because you had such a busy past few days. I'm sure tomorrow you will feel a 100 percent." we finished eating and pam helped me to my room and tucked me in under the covers. "you have a good sleep and i'll see you in the morning." pam said bending down and kissing my forehead. The next morning I was feeling great. I was happily humming in the shower as I soaped myself up. I even smiled at the way my boobs would jiggle about with every move I made. This really wasn't that big of a deal. So what, I had boobs. At least the clothes will fit properly now and I won't have to stuff the bra with stockings. I just can't wait to see what clothes i'll be getting today. "is that you singing in there?" pam said as she opened the bathroom door." my little girl is feeling much better today I see." "good morning pam." I said shutting the shower off."i feel just perfect. Could you hand me a towel please?" she slid the towel between the curtain. "do you need any help nancy?" I took the towel and wrapped it around me, modestly covering myself and opening the curtain. "no thanks pam, I think i'll be just fine." "ok nancy, um, I laid out some clothes for you. "pam, thank-you, thank-you for everything. "aww, your welcome nancy. I'm just glad your feeling better. I'll meet you downstairs when you're finished." "ok pam, I shouldn't be too long, i'll hurry." I dried myself off and carefully started on my make-up. For some reason, I wanted to make it look perfect. I mean if you're going to put make-up on, then it should look nice. Being told that I had nice eyes, I wanted to accent them more. I made my lashes thicker and fuller with my mascara. Buzz use to always comment about girls eyes. He loved that part of a girl. A little eye shadow, blush and glossy red lips finished my look. I was so pleased as I combed out my hair. Maybe pam was right. If I did let my hair grow out, I could do so much more with it. I sprayed a little perfume on me and walked to my bedroom. Pam had laid out my clothes that I wore at the doctor's office. They had been washed and iron but I was still disappointed that it was still the same clothes. I did notice a different bra. It had to be pam's because we were about the same size now. I was careful slipping it on so not to irritate the stitches. The way the bra held my boobs was much better. They felt snug against me, supported. I slipped on my panties and it was then I was reminded of who I really was. My cock was shriveled up against my balls. It just looked so foreign to me. It just didn't fit anymore. I least I didn't need to be embarrassed with it bulging out through my skirt. Pam had placed a new pair of pantyhose still in the package which I tore open. It was so convenient to wear instead of the stockings. Slipping on my skirt and blouse, I was ready to go. I looked in the mirror wiggling my foot inside my heels. This felt so right. I think everything is going to be ok now. Pam was waiting for me at the front door. "your just glowing nancy. You look wonderful I smiled" thank-you pam. "i have something for you that you left at the hotel nancy" "what is it? I asked. "your rings, remember? I gushed as I took them from her and slipped them on my finger. She smiled and opened the door as we both walked out to her car. Pam drove us to the biggest mall in the city. I couldn't believe how excited I was. Usually I hated going anywhere near a mall but that all vanished as we got out of the car and headed in. "nancy, theres a darling boutique I want to stop at first. It will have all the intimate things for you and they will fit you properly with a bra. That's so important for comfort, let alone support. I just smiled and nodded as we walked together through the crowded mall. I just loved how the older men sitting in the middle of the mall would look at us. I felt so happy being noticed. "here we are nancy." she said as she opened the door of the boutique. I followed her in and glanced at all of the manikins and half body shapes with beautiful bra and panty sets. Long plastic legs were displayed all around with an assortment of stockings with different colors and designs. "may I help you ladies?" a young woman asked. "hi, we just love what you have in your store. My future daughter-in law needs to be fitted with a bra. I told her how your store specializes in that." "yes, that's not a problem. Just let me take your measurement and i'll show you what we have. Is there anything particular that you were thinking of?" she asked reaching down under the counter for a measuring tape. "i would like something nice, maybe a little flirty but with good support." I blurted out. Pam was pleasantly shocked the way I spoke up. I could only blush at her and smile. "i know exactly what you mean. Just lift your arms up and i'll take your measurement." I lifted my arms slightly as she slipped the measuring tape around my boobs and snuggly pulled it tight. "almost a 36c. Follow me to the back and i'll show you what we have. I think you'll just love what I have in mind for you." pam and I both followed her to the back of the store. "just give me a minute, feel free to look around." with that she disappeared in the back room while pam and I browse the shelves. "oh nancy look, I just love these." pam excitedly said. Pam was holding up a little sheer black panty. "don't they just look so sexy?" "do they have my size pam?" "we have all sizes". The saleslady said coming out with some boxes. "i would just love to have that set. Is that ok pam? "you can have anything you desire. This is your day nancy." we spent about an hour in the boutique. The saleslady took my hip size for the panties. I was sort of glad that the doctor tapered my waist in. At least I did measure a hip size though it would be nice to have them a little bigger. Everything the saleslady showed me I wanted. By the time we left the store I had seven different assortments of bras and panties. I liked the push-up bras the best. I even talked myself into buying a garter belt and stockings to match one of the sets. We continued to browse the stores.Everyonce in a while we would stop and go in and pick up a few small things. "i really would love to get some jeans pam." "you have such lovely legs nancy. Why would you ever want to cover them up?" "i don't know, it's just that if I wanted to do something outside or play around, I would have something appropriate." "well we could have a look, but I still like to see you with some nice skirts and dresses. I know that buzz always likes a girl wearing that." we stopped outside a store that was "chick" and upscale. The different styles were so fresh and fun. "let's have a look in here. I'm sure we can get everything we need in here." pam said opening the door. The loud music was playing through out the store as we looked at the skirts hanging on the round display hangers. "oh look at these nancy?" I looked at what pam was holding up. A nice black school type pleated skirt. I smiled as she placed them in our basket. We added a few more different skirts to the basket and then came to the jean isle. "please pam; let me at least try a pair on. I would really like to have a pair." I pleaded. "are you sure? I'm not agreeing to this. Isn't there a nice pair of slacks you would want instead? " I just held them against me and looked at her. She smiled and nodded yes. "you go ahead and try them on nancy, i'll pick out a few tops for you till you come out." I squealed with delight and rushed off to the change room in the back of the store. There was only one room left empty which I scurried in and shut the door. I wiggled my skirt to the floor and slid the jeans up. They were a little snug on my thighs but did up ok at my waist. I was happy thinking that I was gaining a little of my old self back with jeans on. "here nancy, put this top on so we can see what you look like in your new jeans." pam said standing outside the change room. Opening the door slightly, I took the black cotton top from her. I quickly unbutton my blouse and took it off. I was so bored with my outfit. I have been wearing them for so long now. Finally I had my own clothes I thought pulling the top over my head and giggled as it got hung up on my boobs. As I tucked it in my jeans and smoothed it out I noticed the writing on the front. I blushed as it read "sassy" in sparkles. "come on out nancy. I want to see how you looked." opening the door, I stepped out. "look at you nancy. Your right, the jeans do look ok on you. I thought for sure it would take away some of your feminine looks." I blushed again slightly as she maneuvered around me looking and tugging. "we have a small problem here nancy. " "what pam? It feels fine." "come look in the mirror nancy. Just stand there and i'll show you." I walked to the one mirror close to the change room and stood in front of it. It was ok and I just loved how my breasts stretched the lettering of the top out. I could just imagine how the guys will just drool seeing me in this. "what's the matter with this pam? I think it looks great." pam placed her hands on my shoulders and turned me half way. "look how baggy the bum is nancy. You can't wear these like this." I groaned seeing how flat my bum was. Everything was so perfect with the clothes fitting me except for that. Tears came to my eyes. Pam seen my reaction and rubbed my shoulder softly. "don't worry nancy. Give it time and i'm sure you will fill it out nicely. Let's get you the jeans anyways, that way we can see how you're coming along in the next few weeks." I felt so heart broken standing in front of the mirror. "here nancy, put this skirt on. The way it's shaped will make it look like you have a nice tush. I'll tell the saleslady that you will be wearing your new clothes out of the store." I nodded and took the skirt from her and walked back into the change room. Slipping my jeans off and then pulling up the skirt. It fit me fine and it was nice how it flared from my hips covering my flat bum. The beige color seemed to match my top perfectly. I guess this wasn't so bad after all. I opened the door of the change room and saw that pam was at the front, paying for my clothes. Making my way slowly through the store, I would stop and pull out a dress to see how it would look. "there's always next week nancy?" pam shouted." we don't have to buy the store out today." everyone in the store laughed as I slipped the dress back in its place and walked up to pam. "i guess we can leave something on the racks." I smiled. We left the store and stood in the mall with all our bags. As pam started to talk to me it felt like my mind was drifting away. My face felt flush and I was feeling hot. "you ok hon? You're not looking very well right now. Maybe we should sit down for a bit." "i, um, I think i'm ok pam. "maybe you had enough excitement for the day. I'll take you home and we can go out shopping some other time. Here, let me take some of your bags." "thanks pam, maybe I should go home and rest awhile" we headed back to the car and then drove home. Pam helped me out of the car and took me into the house, sitting me down in the living room. I felt so winded and flush. "i'll get you some tea nancy. You just rest here." I just nodded and sat blankly staring at the picture of buzz and I on top of the tv. What am I doing to myself? This isn't right at all. I don't want to do this anymore. That's what I wanted to tell buzz. I remember now, I have some sort of a plan to get me out of this. "here we go nancy; I have a nice surprise for you as well." I was startled as she walked in the room. She could see the distant look in my face. "i brought you a nice chocolate fudge cake with your tea. Guarantee to take the blues away." I watched as she laid the tray down and saw a huge piece of chocolate cake with deep chocolate icing poured over it. "i know it's a big piece nancy, but you enjoy yourself. You deserve it." pam smiled as she nudged the piece towards me. How did she know this was my favorite cake? I picked up a fork and broke a small piece of the cake and placed it in my mouth. The flavor was so intense as it seemed to melt in my mouth. I quickly took another bite. "oh pam, this is the best cake ever." I said trying not to spill any out of my mouth. "i knew you would love it nancy. I wish I could have a piece but its way to fattening for me. I can't afford the added pounds. But you could use a little weight in the right places couldn't you nancy?" pam smiled as she watched me gulp down another piece. "oh by the way. Buzz phoned and said that he was dropping by after work. He's dropping off jessica at her house and then he'll be right over. I was thinking if you were feeling better, you could put on one of your new outfits for him. You know, just something nice for him to see that you're feeling better." he was driving jessica home? That bitch has buzz driving her home? I wonder if he does that all the time. I don't think I like that at all. She should find her own way home. Buzz should be coming home to me right after work, not being with that slut. "after you finish eating you should rest for awhile and then we'll get you ready. It's so nice for buzz to be dropping home after being so busy with his new job." I finished the cake and sat the plate down. If that bitch thinks she can steal buzz away from me well, she can think again. "its ok pam, i'm feeling much better. I think i'll get ready right now" i'll show her? buzz and I go back for years. How can she possibly think she could steal him from me...? Ha, what a fool she is. I got up from the couch, determined to show jessica who is better. Pam stood there watching me. She knew exactly what was in my mind without me saying. "i'm so proud of you nancy." I smiled and headed to my room. I felt anew taking off my clothes. Images of buzz and jessica were in my mind as I went into the bathroom. I'm going to make myself look so nice, buzz will never give her another look. I smiled at myself through the mirror and ran the palms of my hands over my breasts. "and there is no way buzz can resist these." pam had stocked my bathroom with everything. I pick up a tube of hair remover. I always remembered my mom and sisters used it and I just didn't want to be bothered shaving all the time. I squirted some on my hand and covered everything except for my head and face. My skin tingled as I let it do its work. My mind drifted. Pam never said when buzz would be home. What happens if i'm not ready for him? That wouldn't be good. Pam always said a woman should be ready for her man all the time. Look her best. I hopped in the shower and rinsed off the hair and soap myself up in a nice lather. My boobs swayed and jiggled as I bent my head forward to wash my hair under the spray. I just can't believe how different it felt having that constant pressure against my chest moving all the time. But I was happy that my boobs were this size. It's a good thing wendy didn't make them small. Buzz just loves big tits. Wrapping myself up in a fluffy towel, I stood in front of the mirror. "ok nancy, do your magic" I said looking at myself. Everything I remembered that pam did, what vicky said and what I saw my sisters do came to my mind. I was going to make myself beautiful. This was coming so easy for me to do. I knew exactly what shades and colors matched and reflected my personality. My hands moved quickly applying my make-up on. I didn't want to over do it, just something subtle and nice. After finishing with my make-up, I toyed with my hair... There was nothing I could do with it, it's just too short. I combed a part in the middle then tried parting it at the side. Nothing seems to give me the look I wanted. This was becoming frustrating. Maybe I could get a wig or something till my hair grows out. I mean, I wouldn't have to wear it all the time. "nancy, could you pass me the hair spray? " pam said outside the closed door. I quickly looked for the hair spray and opened the door. "here you go pam. Are you going out?" "yes nancy, i'm going out with wendy. We always go out on tuesday nights for coffee and a little chat. How are you doing? You need any help?" "it's just my hair, I just don't like it. It's just too bland." pam smiled. "here, let me see what I can do. I'm sure we can get it looking nice." I sat down on the toilet as pam combed out my hair, twisting the comb slightly. "what time did buzz say he was coming over?" "he never said but I think he will be home shortly. I told him that you wanted to talk with him." I sat thinking. What was it that I wanted to tell him? Why do I always forget what it is? Oh well, i'm sure it will come back to me by the time he gets here. "there you go nancy. I think your hair looks very nice. And I must say you're doing a great job on your make-up. I'm very impressed." I stood up and looked in the mirror and smiled. Pam did have a knack at making my hair look nice. She's so helpful. "do you need help getting dressed nancy or do you think you'll be ok?" I was still looking in the mirror, turning my head and looking to make sure everything was perfect. "um, I think i'll be fine. Pam, do you have any earrings? All I have are those clip on type from the party and they really don't match with my make-up." "all I have are for pierce ears nancy. Maybe we could get your ears pierce tomorrow, if you want." I smiled." I would like that pam and maybe be could do some more shopping. I would love to get some dresses. I love what we bought today but we never had a chance to buy any dresses." "sounds like a plan nancy." pam smiled as she closed the door with her hair spray. I looked back in the mirror. I wonder if buzz will notice that i'm not wearing earrings. It would really top off my look if I had some. Do guys even notice things like that? I opened the door and dropped my towel as I went to my bedroom. The bags of clothes that I bought were still lying next to the bed. I was going to lay out everything out on the bed just to see what pam picked out for me when I was in the change room. I opened one of the bags and poured the skirts and tops out on the bed cover. The black pleated skirt was a must; after all, it was the first one we picked out. I picked up each top and held it against me. It looked like pam picked every style there was. I had halters, dressy camisoles and your typical tank tops with little cute sayings, all in different stripes and colors. I laid a sheer white camisole along with my skirt. Dumping out the other bag, I rummage through my assortments of bras and panties and then picking up a white lace thong and matching bra. I smiled to myself thinking how the sheer top would show off the lace bra. Buzz's eyes would definitely stick out, that and maybe something else. With that in mind, I bashfully smeared my ass with the vaseline I was given from vicky. Pam always told me to be prepared. Slipping on my panties and wiggling the thong between my cheeks, I took a pair of white stockings and rolled them up my legs. I just loved the way they hugged my thighs and how they made my legs feel so soft and silky. It felt like a constant cool breeze blowing against them. My skirt was my favorite. I smiled happily to myself as I pulled it up and zipped up the back. Just the way it sat on my hips and flared slightly out looked so pretty. I bet my top will look perfect with this skirt. I walked over to the mirror, slipping the bra around my tummy and clasping the back. I slid it back around and pulled it up slowly over my tender boobs. The bra lifted them so nicely together and I just loved the support it gave me. It is quite annoying having them swinging around all the time. Buzz is just going to love this. I smiled, lacing up the small amount of silk ribbon on the camisole. There was no way jessica has anything over me. Just look at how my camisole shows off my boobs, incasing around my breasts and leaving just enough cleavage to be daring. I headed out of my bedroom and went down to the living room, peering out through the curtains to see if buzz was pulling up. I wish I knew what time he was going to be here. Maybe I should phone him. No, he wouldn't like that. But what happens if he forgets to come home. What if that jessica keeps him with her? I paced back and forth, walking into the kitchen then walking back out looking through the curtains. I must have done that for an hour with my stomach fluttering like a bag of butterflies. It was about seven o'clock when buzz finally pulled up in front of the house. Why was he so late? I know he's off work at five so why the two hour delay? I walked up and stood at the front door, waiting for him to open it up. The door knob twisted in slow motion. Buzz walked in and shut the door behind him. He hadn't even looked up yet to me standing there. "hi buzz" he locked the door and turned looking at me for the first time since he saw me at the hospital. "hi nancy, how are you feeling?" how am I feeling? He's two hours late and he's asking how I was feeling. "i'm fine buzz and how are you?" I said, his eyes darting down to my breasts. "what's the matter babe?" he walked to me as I pulled my eyes away from him. I felt his hand slide along my arms. "i missed you nancy. I called you a few times but you were always resting. I didn't want to bother you." I turned my eyes back and looked up at him. "you phoned? A few times?" "of course nancy, I was so worried about you." he was softly rubbing my arms, his eyes looking into mine and then secretly shifting to my tits. He then pulled me to him, hugging me tight. I felt him kiss the top of my head. Tears welled up in my eyes as I hug him back. "oh buzz, I feel so alone without you and then I find out your driving jessica home and then your late." I sniffled his hands went to my shoulders and pushed me back so he could look at me. "don't cry nancy, i'm here now babe, I won't leave you." I felt so stupid and embarrassed that I was crying. I giggled in a brave way as I wiped away the tears. I looked up at him and he was smiling that beautiful smile of his. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. My legs went weak and I froze, savoring his wonderful kiss. He stopped his kiss and I stood motionless with my eyes still shut and lips wet. "come nancy" he whispered taking my hand and walking to his bedroom. I had been in his room so many times before as we grew up. Many of nights we would stay up and talk about things together. But this time it felt different. As I entered his bedroom, it made me feel like I crossed over some forbidden ground. A small desk lamp glowed in the corner the room made me feel so submissively feminine. He twirled me around in front of him and held me tight again, his lips meeting mine. Our tongues meshed together as his hands roamed all over my back. "oh nancy, I dreamt of doing this when I saw you again. You look so beautiful" a soft moan escaped my mouth when he said that. I felt so close and needed by him. My hands fell to the front of his pants as he tilted my head back; giving me soft kisses along my neck and ears. My whole body shivered as I fumbled with his belt and then his zipper. I wanted to please him so much. His mouth returned to mine, kissing me with more pressure. "nancy, you're amazing." he whispered. His pants fell to the floor in a heap he stepped back, his eyes never leaving mine as he unbutton his shirt and pretty well tore it off. His muscles flexes as he bent down, slipping his briefs off. His cock swayed as he stood back up. I felt lost looking at him and he sensed this. "do you care for me nancy?" he asked slowly and quietly I blinked a few times, still unsure of myself "yes buzz, you know I do." I said looking up into his eyes. "then show me how much you care nancy." buzz reached out and gently pushed downward on my shoulders. I surrendered under his eyes and knelt down in front of him. "that's my girl." his voice rasped." show me how much you care." his cock bobbed in front of my face as I fought my emotions. I wanted to do this for him. I had to prove to him that I could be his girl and that he needed to me. I watched as my hands moved up and softly caress his cock. It pulsed as my fingers circled around his hard shaft, stroking him with my breath inches away. His breathing was becoming heavy as my tongue stretch out and touched the head. The velvet skin of his cock pushed my lips apart, opening my mouth. My mind was racing as I looked up at him. His glazed eyes watched his cock slip further in my mouth. "that's it nancy, that feels so good" his encouragement made me moan as I pulled back a little then moved forward, sliding him deeper in my mouth. I placed my hands on the side of his thighs and quicken my pace. I valleyed my tongue for his cock and tightened my lips. His precum oozed into my mouth. My mind flashed to me tasting his cum back in the hotel bathroom. His low moans excited me. My breasts ached in a pleasurable way as I lifted my mouth off of him and licked up the sides of his shaft. I felt his body tremble under my power. My tongue slithered down to the base of his heavy cock, the wetness of the head smearing against my cheek as I showered soft kisses and tiny licks slowly down to his balls, brushing my lips against the soft skin. Buzz reach down and lifted his cock out of my way, exposing his big balls. I hungrily slipped them in my mouth, sucking on them ever so gently. "oh my god nancy." buzz grunted. I strain my eyes up and watched buzz thumbing the head of his cock with his eyes shut tightly. I slip my one hand around and between his legs, cupping his balls as my tongue traveled up his shaft then to the underside of his cock head. My tongue wrestled his thumb away as my lips covered the tip his hips bucked as I slipped him back into my mouth. Buzz's hands fell to my head, twisting his fingers in my hair. "that's it nancy, you dirty little cocksucker." I groaned inside at what he called me. He made me feel cheap. I hate when he calls me those names. Doesn't he understand that i'm doing this because I loved him? I stopped and hesitated. Did I just say I loved him? "don't stop now bitch." buzz growled as he pulled my head back by my hair, forcing his cock deep in my mouth. His cock bumped the back of my throat, making me gag. He rocked his hips letting his cock freely fuck my mouth. His cock was throbbing and hot as it slid over my tongue. I was trying to adjust my jaw so I wouldn't choke me so much and to breathe better. Buzz stopped and pulled his cock out of my mouth. I gasped as he stood back, stroking his cock in his fist. "nancy, show me your tits. I want to be the first one to cum on those luscious mounds." his eyes were still glazed as he watched and waited for me. "buzz,,,thier still too tender and sore. I have to be careful" "don't worry nancy, I won't touch them, I just want to shoot my hot cum on them. You want that don't you? You want my hot load covering your tits don't you?" his hand was rapidly moving up and down his cock. I was feeling a little cheated and used. Is that what he thinks what I want? I mean, I guess I wanted to do it, but I wanted to do it out of caring and love, not because of just sex. He was so insensitive that way. I reached up and undid the ties to my camisole and lifted it over my head. I heard him moan as he saw my boobs jiggle as I toss the top to the side. "take that dam bra off nancy. I want to see those melons." I slid the straps off of my shoulders, catching the cups in my hands. "come on your slut; hurry it up before I exploded all over your fucking face." I was shocked and taken aback as I pulled my bra away, letting my breasts fall free. Buzz stepped forward and jerked his cock faster with more determination as he stared at my boobs. "here I cum nancy, here it comes!!!" his hips jerked as he aimed his cock inches away from my tits. A few more strokes of his cock and then it erupted, his cum shot out in quick spurts. Buzz was growling as he sprayed his cum back and forth over my boobs. I couldn't believe how much cum he had. He jerked his cock a few more times then brought it up to my lips, pushing it inside my mouth. I let my tongue wash over the shaft and moaned tasting his cum. "dam, that was so hot nancy, way better than the last time." last time? I never did this before. Why did he say that? Buzz stood back, his breathing slowing. "thanks nancy, that was great." buzz said reaching down and picking up my camisole." I had to fight real hard not to cum down your throat." I slowly stood up, his cum wet my chest and his taste still in my mouth. Buzz wiped his cock dry with my camisole. "here, clean yourself up." he said as he tossed me my camisole. I gasped catching it in the air. My beautiful new camisole, he just wiped his cock all over it for god sakes. I looked down at it and saw how sticky and crumpled the top was. "that was my new top buzz. You could have used something else." "don't worry about it, it'll wash out." buzz said reaching for his briefs then pulling them up. "your getting dressed buzz? I mean, so soon?" I meekly asked still hurt from what he just did to my top. "why? What else did you want to do?" buzz picked up his pants and slid them on, jumping up slightly and then buttoning them up around his waist. "i don't know, I just thought that maybe we, um, could, maybe lay together." I watched as he picked up his shirt and put it on. He looked at me and then walked to his bedroom door. Buzz flipped on his bedroom light." you have anything to eat?" I jumped from the sudden brightness of his room. Buzz looked over at me and smiled seeing my boobs in the full light for the first time. "nice titties nancy, look how hard your nipples are. I guess sucking cock really turns you on." I blushed deeply, glancing down and seeing my nipples sticking out. The way buzz was standing there, leering at my breasts made me quickly grab my camisole and cover myself up. "shut the dam light off buzz." "what's the matter nancy, i've seen them a million times before, just not as big." buzz chuckled. "i just don't like it, just like I don't like being called those names when I was?.Well. You know." I was starting to feel a hot flash of some sort. Just his whole attitude about everything was selfish. It was always what he wanted and what he said that mattered. My mind was spinning. I was wishing that I hadn't sucked him. I felt more used then ever before. "oh don't start with that. You know I don't mean anything by calling you a slut. It just comes out by accident. Now do you have anything to eat or not?" buzz walked out the door and then down towards the kitchen. I followed, holding my top against my flopping breasts as I tried to keep up with him. "well could you at least try not to call me those names? I really don't like it at all." "yea, yea, whatever. I heard it all before. Now get me something to eat for god sakes." "we have some cake; i'll get you some as soon as I put another top on..." I was feeling slightly better now that he knew how I felt about his name calling. At least he listened to me. I bet I could change him for the better. Keeping myself covered I quickly ran to my room and then into the bathroom. I took my hands away and let the camisole drop to the floor. Almost in a trance I stared at my breasts. Buzz's cum glisten against my soft skin from the bathroom light. I lifted up my finger and gently swirled it around with my fingernail. I watched the cum gathered in the tip of my nail and then brought it up to my lips. My heart was beating fast as I looked at myself in the mirror and watched as my finger slip inside my mouth. My eyes shut for a moment as I savored the taste. I felt terrible for loving his cum, but there was just something about it. What if anyone found out? They would surly think I was sick in the head. I took a warm cloth and wiped the rest of the stickiness off of my boobs. My face was red with guilt from tasting his cum. It was so embarrassing to even look at myself while fixing my make-up. I sprayed a little perfume to cover up the smell of his" man scent". Walking to my bedroom, I picked up a red t-shirt and slipped it on. It stretch beautifully over my breast and had a low spoon neckline and puffy armbands. I smiled to myself seeing that my nipples were still hard pressing against the material. "

Same as The Party Part 3 Videos

4 years ago
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The Party part1

"I'm not talking about you," Alice said. "I'm talking about Caroline. I don't care if she is in college. She lives here and will abide by my, our rules. No sex until marriage. I don't want there to be any 'Mistakes' and you know what I mean."I thought back about my mistake. My name is Erick, and Alice was my fiancée when it happened. We were high school sweethearts and had promised each other that our first time of sex would be with each other on our wedding night. On the night of the 'mistake'...

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Heathers Birthday Party

I'm usually a party animal, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for dancing or flirting and especially not taking some random guy into a private room for fooling around! All these were things I would usually be doing... but not tonight, and all because of Drew. Drew was Heather's 18 year old boyfriend, he was gorgeous, Nearly 6 feet tall, with an amazing body, warm chocolately brown eyes and longish, messy, sandy blonde hair. I of course had the hugest crush on him! The weird thing is I...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Wife gangbanged at company party PART2

The following is a continuation of a true story that occurred a few years ago. I won't waste any time and pick up where we left off in part 1. After seeing my sexy wife,Janie gangbanged in a motel after her employers company party, I drove home with tons of emotions running through my head. I was pissed but at the same time very turned on. I pulled into my driveway went upstairs and cracked open a beer, trying to process what the fuck I just witnessed. About an hour later Janie arrived home....

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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The Afterparty

Steve awoke dizzy and confused. His head was spinning from all the alcohol he consumed from the party last night. As he tried to focus his eyes in the pitch black bedroom he realized he was bound to each corner of the bed. He struggled to free himself but the straps were to tight. It wasn't his bedroom; the sheets didn't feel the same and the bed was much bigger than his. Perhaps someone at the party was playing a joke on him. As Steve struggled he noticed the clothes he was wearing were not...

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The couple Afterparty

On the other side next to him sat Mary. Seth whispered something in her ear and he noticed that Mary was blushing. Her lips formed a word, she then sighted and walked off into the kitchen. John looked surprised but Seth ignored his slave. When Mary came back, she bend forwards, with her back to Seth, to put a fresh beer on the table. He hiked up her skirt and saw her thong inside her pussy, just as Seth had ordered her minutes before. Mary put the skirt back and walked away, He noticed that...

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The Afterparty

Steve awoke dizzy and confused. His head was spinning from all the alcohol he consumed from the party last night. As he tried to focus his eyes in the pitch black bedroom he realized he was bound to each corner of the bed. He struggled to free himself but the straps were to tight. It wasn’t his bedroom, the sheets didn’t feel the same and the bed was much bigger than his. Perhaps someone at the party was playing a joke on him. As Steve struggled he noticed the clothes he was wearing were not...

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The Houseparty

You’re hosting a party with six of your closest friends when, suddenly, three girls show up uninvited. Ethan(You): Rich Kid- You are the host of the party, as you live in a large house, and your parents are on vacation. Most of the rest of your personality is up to you. Kyle: Best Friend- Your best friend is a smart, yet athletic, geek. He plays soccer, but prefers to sit around and play video games with the guys. Matt: Lovesick Joker- Matt basically spends his days either pining after girls or...

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The Afterparty

The party was over. Almost everybody had left, leaving you and five of your friends alone. Aside from you, there was Miranda, Nicole, Sarah, Matt, and Tom. You've had a crush on Miranda since as long as you remember. She was perfect in your eyes. She had beautiful brown and you would love to run your fingers through it, or... lace your fingers in it as her head bobbed up and down on your cock. You imagine either option would be pleasant. She had also had a wonderful pair of 36C boobs that you...

Group Sex
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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

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Taking One For The Team 5 Afterparty

______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew his hand over his brow, and the screech of the ref's whistle signalled the...

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Cheryl8217s First Sexparty

The evening was not going well and Cheryl knew it. Only 18, she had almost passed out when a college junior had asked her here. Telling her mother and father that she was going to a girlfriends house for the night, she met her date, Billy, at a convenience store near her home. Just getting in the car made her feel much older than her years. Now, several hours later, sitting on a couch in a crowded fraternity house, she was feeling like fifteen again. A bunch of guys had made a...

4 years ago
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Taking One For The Team 5 Afterparty

Introduction: A little celebration….. Comment if you like/hate/have a comment ,) ______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew...

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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

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Die Pokerparty

Martin Schreiber ist mit 30 Jahren endlich ein glücklicher Mann. In seinem bisherigen Leben - sowohl im Privatleben als auch im Beruf - oft als Verlierer gehänselt, haben sich die Dinge für ihn im letzten Jahr grundlegend zum Guten hin gewendet. Zunächst war da vor neun Monaten die Hochzeit mit seiner knapp zwölf Jahre jüngeren und bildhübschen Ehefrau Marianne, die er durch seine Schwester kennengelernt hat. In der Hochzeitsnacht war die damals Achtzehnjährige noch eine schüchterne Jungfrau...

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Die Gartenparty

Es ist ein warmer Sommertag Ende Juli. Die Bewohner der Buchenallee sind bereits in ihren Häusern, obwohl es erst 19 Uhr ist. Denn heute steht um 20 Uhr die alljährliche Nachbarschaftsparty auf dem großen Gelände der Familie Meier an. Die Familie Meier hat das größte Haus in der Buchenallee und damit auch noch den größten Garten, welcher sich über viele hundert Quadratmeter hinter dem pompösen Anwesen erstreckt. Eine Terasse hinter dem Haus erstreckt sich weiträumig, der gepflasterte Bereich...

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Claudias Partyabend

Die 18-jährige Claudia und ihr Freund Thomas sind seit einem Jahr zusammen. Erst lief alles prima aber jetzt haben sie öfters Streit. Für Claudia war Thomas der erste Mann , Thomas hingegen hatte schon etliche. Er hatte die schüchterne Claudia auf einer Party kennengelernt. Eigentlich war sie nicht sein Beuteschema aber er hatte was getrunken und sie angequatscht. Als er sie in einer Ecke nur knutschte und ihr einen intensiven Zungenkuss verpasste bekam sie einen Orgasmus und krallte sich an...

4 years ago
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Ein kleines Partyspiel

Anmerkung des Autors: Ich habe ein ungefähres Ziel zu dass ich mit dieser Geschichte erreichen will. Aber es gibt noch viele andere Möglichkeiten wie sich die Geschichte entwickeln kann. Also ist jeder herzlich eingeladen Kapitel hinzu zu fügen und ich bin dankbar für Kritik und Ratschläge für meine Art die Geschichte zu schreiben. Diese Geschichte ereignete sich eine Woche nach dem Ich mich von meinem Exfreund John getrennt hatte. Er hatte mich mehrmals betrogen. Als ich das erste mal Gerüchte...

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Die Geschwisterparty

//Hey, das ist meine erste Geschichte hier. Ich freue mich über euer ehrliches Feedback, Tipps und Hinweise von eurer Seite aus. Ihr könnt gerne eigene Kapitel hinzufügen wenn ihr Ideen habt. Ihr könnt mir auch gerne eure Wünsche schreiben, dass ich sie in die Geschichte mit einbauen kann. Natürlich ist das alles nur eine Geschichte und erscheint manchmal etwas unrealistisch. Der Kern der Geschichte soll, wie der Titel schon sagt, eine kleine Party von 3 Geschwisterpaaren sein, die etwas...

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Die Schulparty

Sie hatten sich alle schon so lange auf diese Party gefreut. Die zwölfte Klasse war wie immer mit der Aufgabe eine Schulparty für ihre eigene Stufe zu veranstalten, beauftragt worden. Doch dieses Jahr sollte sie größer werden als die sonst im kleinen staubigen Keller, mit den alten dreckigen Sofas und den ausrangierten Stühlen. Denn dieses Jahr hatten sie ihren Rektor Herr Müller tatsächlich dazu überreden können die Party in der Schuleigenen Aula abhalten zu können, sofern danach alles...

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"Nächster Halt: Friedrichstraße", ertönte es aus dem kleinen Lautsprecher neben der Tür. Das war meine Haltestelle, eine Strasse weiter war die Party - Nadines Party. Ich hatte die Blondine vor drei Wochen bei einer Geburtstagsfeier einer guten Freundin kennengelernt. Wir waren uns gleich sympathisch und so lud sich mich zu ihrer Party in dem großen Stadthaus am Rande des Parks ein. Der Bus kam mit kreischenden Bremsen an einem kleinen Unterstand aus Glas zum Stehen. Außer mir stieg nur ein...

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Mein Name ist Paul, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und bin etwas aufgregt... Mein Freund Flo (Florian) hat heute Geburtstag und hat nicht nur mich, sondern auch M

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Es war ein schöner, lauer Sommerabend. Die Klasse 10B feierte ihre Abschlussparty am Strand auf einem idyllischen kleinen Campingplatz, der direkt am See gelegen war. Die Party hatte sich rumgesprochen, so waren neben den Schülern auch noch einige Geschwister der Absolventen, Freunde und ein paar Eltern anwesend. Es wurde gegrillt und getrunken, ein paar Jungs waren grade dabei, noch etwas mehr Holz für das Lagerfeuer zu sammeln und dieses in Gang zu bringen. Ein paar Mädchen spielten...

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Die Junggesellenabschiedsparty

Die achtzehnjährige Julia fühlt sich beinahe wie im siebten Himmel. Sie kann es kaum noch erwarten, bis sie in einer Woche endlich ihren zwei Jahre älteren Freund Steffen heiraten wird. Ihre beste Freundin Melanie wird bei der Hochzeit eine ihrer Brautjungfern sein. Melanie erzählt ihr, dass Steffens Freunde am nächsten Abend eine wilde Junggesellenparty planen und dazu als Höhepunkt eine professionelle Stripperin einladen wollen. Julia starrt ihre Freundin total entgeistert an, als sie...

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Kleine Netzwerkparty

Es war wiedermal Freitag Nachmittag und ein Kumpel rief bei mir an ob wir uns nicht bei ihm zu einer kleinen Lan-Party treffen könnten. Meistens sind wir dann zu dritt oder zu viert und obwohl ich dieses Wochenende eigentlich keine Lust hatte, meinen Rechner ab und aufzubauen und Treppe rauf und runter zu schleppen, sagte ich zu, was tut man nicht alles für seine Freunde. Bei ihm angekommen, war alles schnell aufgebaut und wir spielten erstmal zu dritt ein bisschen Battlefield irgendwann musste...

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Das Partywochenende

Also ich bin Mathias bin 25 Jahre alt, sportlich, gut bestückt und immer geil. Meine jüngere Freundin Steffi zeichnet sich besonders durch ihre geilen Titten (80DD) und ihre teilrasierte Fotze aus die sie am liebsten mehrmals täglich gestopft haben will.Sie bläst auch supergerne läßt sich aber lieber in ihr Gesicht spritzen als in ihren Mund. Es war mal wider Freitag abend und ich wollte weggehen, da aber Steffi am nächsten Tag sehr früh raus mußte sagte sie mir das ich ruhig ohne sie gehen...

2 years ago
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Its Partytime

‚Phu, endlich Feierabend’, denke ich bei mir, als ich mein Büro verlasse. Heute war mal wieder einer von diesen Tagen, an denen einfach nichts passieren wollte. Ich konnte mir nicht mal an meiner Mitarbeiterin aufgeilen, da sie gerade in den Ferien ist (… denn sonst würde mir, wie so oft, zufällig der Kugelschreiber auf den Boden fallen, damit ich einen Blick zwischen ihre gespreizten Beine werfen kann. Da sie meist kurze Röcke trägt sieht man dann schön auf ihre von feiner Seide eingehüllte...

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Kürzlich überraschte mich mein Frau mit dem Thema Dildo-Party. In ihrer Firma hatte man sich im Damenkreis offenbar darüber unterhalten und sie (Claudia, Mitte Vierzig) fand es einfach spannend. Sie erzählte mir davon bei einem Spaziergang und auch, dass z. B. in der Frauenwelt gerne eine Gleitgel dazu genutzt wird, bei zu ausladenden Innenseiten der Oberschenkel die Reibung zwischen ihnen und dem Slip zu verringern, in dem man Gleitgel aufträgt. Auf jeden Fall interessierte sie das Thema sehr,...

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Vacation with Teens 6 The Afterparty

“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...

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3s company 20s cumparty

When I woke up today, this isn't what I had expected. My girlfriend and I had been discussing group sex. Hosting an orgy. Gangbangs turned her on as much as they did me. Still, this isn't what I had expected. The scene is her and me in the middle of the hotel room on our knees, side by side with young men all around us. You couldn't look in any direction without seeing a penis. What I had in mind was maybe a threesome. What she arranged for us was so much more. The first guy to approach us was...

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Sicher hat jeder schon einmal zu viel ?ber den Durst getrunken. Das erste Mal, das ich noch gut in Erinnerung hatte, war bei mir in den sp?ten Teens gewesen. Ich wusste Alkohol schlicht nicht einzusch?tzen, und versch?tzte mich gewaltig. An alles kann ich mich auch nicht mehr erinnern, gegen den sp?teren Abend wird es undeutlich, bis dann gar nichts mehr da ist. Die Folgen am n?chsten Tag waren nat?rlich katastrophal, das Leiden riesig gro?. Und trotz dieser h?chst unangenehmen Folgen passierte es...

2 years ago
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Beach Club Afterparty

My wife is a sexy and roaming wife. She just can't seem to help herself. I am her fourth husband because she just couldn't be faithful to anyone. We have now been married eight years and she knows it turns me on when she has her infidelities and I always let her cuck me with at least one of these conditions: that she either does it with me watching, listening or her telling me about it just before or right after. One of my favorites parts though is to watch her seduce or be seduced. When she is...

1 year ago
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Super Bowl Sexparty

The goddamn Super Bowl. My husband makes such a big deal out it. Three or four of his buddies show up hours before the game to drink beer and juice up their testosterone so they can yell at the TV. I’ve always been bored. This year I decided to spice things up as only a woman can. “I’ll make you a deal,” I told my husband Bill. “Instead of betting on the game, bet on me.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Well,” I said, “Give me the four hundred dollars you guys always put in your football pool...

3 years ago
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Gaping Afterparty

As I turn the corner she belly flops onto my bed. "Owww! What was that?!?!" She reached under the covers and luckily it was just a textbook I had under there. "So you disappeared for a bit tonight. Where were you?" she asked. I responded with the best I could think of, "I went back to smoke some weed with some guys." "Well good for you. I love your room. I wish I had a single. I have to listen to my roommate make out with boys every other night. Mind if I use your restroom?" she...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 7 Partyville

A week before THE PARTY, the caterers and party planner started to have equipment dropped off at the house. Twenty-five round tables that could each seat eight were delivered along with two hundred folding chairs. The delivery crew set up about a dozen of the tables in the area away from the kitchen and heavily used part of the patio. Dave’s garage and carport became unusable for cars as box after box of other things needed for the large crowd arrived: paper goods, linens, racks of glassware...

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