Summer of 1992Chapter 5 Taming Kelley
- 4 years ago
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Kelley grilled me for an hour before she let me go back to sleep, and when we got up, she had more questions. By the time Kenny and Patricia picked us up on Sunday morning, she knew as much about them as I knew.
"What are their most distinguishing features?" she asked as she spread marmalade on her toast. I only had to think for a few seconds before answering.
"She's a leaner and he wears small wire-rimmed glasses."
"Glasses are not a feature. They can be changed," was Kelley's retort.
"Okay, I saw a speck of grey in his beard," I answered, knowing I'd made a mistake before I'd finished the sentence. This was the kind of thing Kelley would have fun with, searching the guy's face for the speck of grey while trying to make me laugh at her.
I watched her file that bit of information for future reference before clearing up another question. "What's a leaner?"
"Haven't you ever run into a leaner? They speak softly, and lean into to you so you'll be able to hear them, or so it would seem. Patricia's a tall girl, and that makes the lean look exaggerated. She also wears her hair in a braid."
Kelley inspected her toast, decided it passed muster, and took a bite. She looked cute, sitting cross-legged in a chair across from me. Her hair was brushed, and she was wearing a T-shirt, but that was all. "Small spectacles, and a speck of grey? Are you sure it wasn't a drop of milk from his cereal?"
"Kelley, these are nice people, and they're taking us to brunch. You're not going to embarrass me today, understand?"
She got out of her chair, and came around the small table to position herself in my lap. "How do you know they're nice? She's a single woman, alone in a strange town. Women alone need help. She may be planning to use you, but you're too gullible to think of something like that. I'm just trying to protect you from being taken advantage of," she said as she offered her toast to me.
I took a bite, trying to identify the flavor of marmalade, digesting the warning she'd given me about being gullible.
"Am I too heavy?" she asked.
"Am I too heavy for you to carry me back to bed?"
"What are you waiting for?"
"Give me another bite and I will."
She did, and I did. Luckily, we made it to the lobby in time to meet Kenny and Patricia. I introduced everyone, and we stowed our luggage in the trunk of a new BMW.
The first thing I noticed about Patricia was her hair. It was bundled at the back of her head, held in place by a single elastic band that looked like a 'something blue' garter, to be worn by a nervous, first-time bride. The garter was a shade darker than her shirt, which was tucked into long-legged jeans. Her only jewelry was a small pair of diamond earrings and the diamond engagement ring. Kenny was dressed casually, too, but I didn't notice if his clothes were color coordinated.
They had chosen a chic restaurant in the airport to have brunch. It was near our departure gate. When Patricia discovered that she'd given no consideration to where Kelley needed to catch her flight, she apologized for not asking.
Kelley and Patricia became acquainted quickly while Kenny and I held back, observing his fiancée and my girlfriend spar verbally.
As I watched the interaction between Kenny and Patricia, I became convinced that they were a good match. He was reserved; she was quietly outgoing. He was obviously successful; she was a leaner.
Hearing the ladies boast about their men was making Kenny just as embarrassed as me. We soon learned that, at twenty-seven, he was the top broker in his office. Kelley countered by giving me credit for her success the day before.
Brunch took over two hours, first to be seated, chat while we perused the menu, order, to be served, to eat and have coffee after the meal.
I checked my watch, concerned about making sure Kelley found her gate. Patricia said not to worry, and volunteered Kenny's services to escort Kelley to her gate on time to catch her flight. And when I got up to call Victor, Patricia said not to worry again. "My car is at the airport. I'll take you to your apartment."
Kelley and I had one last minute of privacy while we said goodbye. A tear was welling in the corner of her eye. "This time with you has been too short. There's so much more I wanted to say. Two weeks is too long to be apart. Will you call me?"
"Shut up and kiss me, please," I said, and as we kissed, I watched Kenny take Patricia into his arms a few feet away.
We exchanged carry-on bags, Kenny taking Kelley's and me taking Patricia's. As we watched them walk away, Kelley turned, smiled and mouthed something to me.
"That's so sweet," Patricia said. I'm sure she thought it was, 'I love you' but she would have been wrong. I laughed, knowing that Kelley was mouthing, 'I found it'.
We had the same seats as the day before, only this time there was a young gentleman already sitting in the center seat.
"Would you mind changing seats with my friend?" Patricia asked as he got up to let her take the window seat. Who wouldn't trade a middle seat for one on the aisle? Not this guy. He grumbled, saying something about staying in his assigned seat.
I was putting our luggage in the overhead storage when I glanced at a lady sitting across the aisle from our seats. "Would you and your friend like our seats? The middle seat isn't occupied?" she asked.
Overhearing the offer, Patricia was back in the aisle in an instant, and the exchange was made before the disgruntled gentleman had a chance to complain. I wound up with the window seat, and this time, instead of having a vacant seat between us, Patricia was seated next to me.
We talked about everything, our weekend with our mates, our studies at school and even about our foibles. She sat with her head laid back on the seat, leaned toward me to whisper confidentially, and listened intently to everything I had to say.
I was captivated by her eyes, and she didn't seem to mind my gazing into them. Her tongue was also something that held my attention. I wanted to remember to tell Kelley that Patricia's tongue was one of her distinguishing features. No, I mustn't. Kelley would never understand how I could be intrigued by a girl's tongue. Patricia had a unique way of using it to emphasize certain words, and to coat her lips with moisture, or to poke it out one corner of her mouth, impishly.
I don't know when it happened, but several minutes must have elapsed before I looked down to see her hand covering mine on the armrest that separated our seats. Patricia's eyes followed mine, but she didn't move her hand. Instead, she made a facial shrug, covering her bottom lip with her top lip, and raising her eyes to peer into mine.
When we landed, I thanked the women for changing seats with us by helping them retrieve their bags from overhead storage. We had to wait for a large bag that Patricia had checked. She explained it was one reason for her trip home.
I'd never had such an intimate talk with a female where so little personal information was exchanged. All that I'd learned was that the phone number she'd given me was Kenny's apartment, and that she'd made one short visit to her parent's home to pack some fall clothes into the bag that she'd checked. She wasn't planning to go home again until Thanksgiving, and Kenny was too busy to come to Pontiac for a weekend.
I'd revealed very little about myself.
Her car was a Subaru station wagon. She explained that she'd traded cars with her mother so she would have enough space to bring her stuff from home. "Otherwise, I'd have had to rent a trailer."
"Call me," she said when she dropped me off at my apartment. The way she said it, leaning toward me, sort of pleading, made me invite her to my Friday night pizza and beer get-together. She said she would be delighted to come.
I knew the second I entered my apartment that Gladys was there. I could almost smell her, but that's not what gave her away. The kitchen had a sterile look, like it had been scrubbed from ceiling to floor. The other hint was the way the folding tables were moved to the side so the two air mattresses could be placed sided by side in the living room.
"Damn!" I said, remembering that Patricia had not returned my library book.
Victor stuck his head around the corner, looking like he'd seen a ghost. Gladys was right behind him, equally surprised to see me.
"I thought you were going to call," Victor said.
"I got a ride," I said, grinning at the two of them, wanting to assure them that I didn't mind that Gladys was there. They relaxed and Gladys disappeared, probably into the bathroom to put her clothes on.
I went into my bedroom, and was not surprised when I found the bedding had been changed, my dirty laundry bag empty, and everything spotless. I dropped my bag and went to my study to find that Gladys had cleaned it, too. Marcie answered on the second ring.
"Hey, did you have a good time in Saint Louis?" she asked in a cheerful voice that told me she'd gotten lucky recently.
"I had a splendid time, thank you for asking."
"Was Kelley glad to see you?"
"Did you do anything? I mean, did you do anything outside the room?"
"Shut up, this isn't about me. Tell me what happened."
She went on for five minutes about a telephone conversation she'd had with Jeannie, the classes she was finding difficult, and how her roommate wouldn't keep her side of the room picked up.
"Yes, honey?"
"Tell me."
After long pause, "Adam has an apartment in Cambridge. All the rooms are crowded, and he has a roommate, but..."
Another pause, shorter this time, "I stayed two nights, but I wanted to get back in time to take your call. You didn't call before, did you?"
"No, honey, I just got back."
"Good," she said, and we listened to each other breathe. I saw no reason to ask more questions, 'how was it?' or 'are you going to see him next weekend'?
I don't know what made me tell her; I guess I wanted to share something. "I met someone."
"Sammy, don't start with me. I don't want to hear about it."
"Okay, I won't, but don't call me in a half an hour, wanting to know all about it because I need to talk to Kelley, and I have studying to do," I said, already wondering what I was going to say to Kelley about Gladys being in the apartment.
"Call me next Sunday. I'll want to hear everything by then," Marcie said as we ended the call.
I went into the living room, and found it had been put back in order. Victor and Gladys had left. My car keys were on the kitchen table. I was alone.
Thinking that Kelley wouldn't be home yet, I phoned Kalian Shelton.
"I wanted to make sure our meeting is set up for tomorrow night," I began.
"There's no need for another meeting. We've already met and the paper is written," she responded.
"Can I get a peek at it before class on Tuesday?" I asked, struggling to maintain my cool.
"I'll ask the others if it's okay to give you a copy," she said.
Knowing what the answer would be, I decided to try a different tactic. "Say, would you like to come over and have something to eat with me?"
"Are the cafeterias not good enough for you?" she asked, sounding mildly interested, like she was stringing me along.
"I'm a hell of a good cook," I said.
"What do you cook, pizza and beer?" she asked, teasingly.
"What's wrong with pizza?" I asked, and heard her giggle.
"What time?"
"I'll order the pizza to arrive at six, but you can come any time."
"Okay," she said, adding, "Goodbye," before hanging up.
Shit! She thinks it's a date, I said to myself as I dialed the number for the Harvey home.
"My father wants to thank you," Kelley began.
"I didn't do anything but hold a tape measure," I countered.
"Believe me, sweetie, you did a lot more. I was getting a little cranky. Two weeks between visits is too long. I need my fix of you more often."
"I'll be home week after next. Wanda is coming here next weekend," I reminded her.
"What does she want with you?" Kelley asked before catching herself, and adding, "Probably the same as me," she laughed.
"I have something to confess," I blunted out.
"Don't tell me. She raped you in mid-flight, and now you're a member of the mile-high club."
"Really, Kelley, can't you be serious for a few seconds."
"I'm sorry, honey. It's just that I don't trust a leaner."
"Gladys was here. Everything's spotless," I said, concerned that there would be follow-up questions about my flight with Patricia as my seatmate.
For a few seconds, Kelley was speechless. "Everything's spotless. What did you do? Did you kick her out? Did you tell her not to come back? Talk to me, Sammy. I've got to know what you did about this."
"I did nothing. By the time I got off the phone with Marcie, Victor had gotten her out."
Another silence followed. "It's Victor's fault. I never should have agreed to let him stay there. What are we going to do about this, Sammy?"
"We're ... going to do nothing."
"If I'd been here, I'd have done something, but I wasn't. Gladys changed my bed, did my laundry and cleaned the entire apartment. I may leave a grocery list for her to fill next time."
"Next time?"
"Yes, next time."
"I suppose you should arrange a way to pay her," Kelley said.
"You're the best, sweetheart."
"You know that I only want the best for you, and I do trust you."
I told her that I knew that she trusted me. We hung up, and I called a local florist to arrange for roses to arrive at the Harvey office the next morning. I had the card signed, 'Your devoted tape measure holder'.
Kalian arrived five minutes before the pizza. She was dressed casually, but I could tell that they were her best togs. She was wearing more makeup than usual, and her hair was arranged differently than I'd seen before.
Kalian seemed surprised when I got two cokes out of the refrigerator. I even surprised myself by supplying clean glasses. We sat at one of the folding tables, and were eating our second slice of pizza when she broke the silence.
"Did you have a good trip?" she asked.
"Yes, have you been to Saint Louis?"
As I'd expected, the answer was no.
"We toured the Gateway Arch. It's over six hundred feet tall and..."
"We?" she asked.
"Yeah, I met my girlfriend there."
She put the slice of pizza she had been eating on her napkin and stared at me. "I thought you were on a business trip. You missed our meeting on Saturday for what, to meet your girlfriend in Saint Louis?"
"She had business there. I met her to help close a deal," I said, hoping that I wasn't sounding defensive. I clearly was.
"Mr. Oldham, you missed a very important meeting in order to go off and meet your girlfriend. If you think two slices of pizza is going to make me take your side, you have another think coming," Ms. Shelton said, standing up, as if to leave.
"Sit back down, Ms. Shelton. I have something to show you. SIT DOWN!"
I looked back to see her take her seat as I ran to my study. "Read this," I said when I returned, handing her a copy of the paper I'd written.
I had another slice of pizza and finished my Coke while she read the three pages.
"This is completely different from the notes you gave us. You lied to us," she said, accusingly.
"What did you do, try to write a paper by copying my notes?" I asked, having trouble maintaining a straight face.
"No, we changed everything around," she said. Now she was the one on defense.
I saw what she was going to do with my paper, and grabbed it before she could put it in her pocket. "I'll take that," I said.
"Take it, I remember every point you made," she said in a threatening tone that sent a chill up my spine.
"How did you get to be a senior, Ms. Shelton? Have you been stealing others' work for three years?"
Her sinister smile told me that there was some truth in my accusation. "While you're traveling every weekend, I have to work very hard for my grades," she said, her voice pity-laden.
"I'm sorry to put you in this position, Ms. Shelton, but right now you're my only link to the other two. Get Gordon on the phone," I demanded, knowing that once I convinced the big guy to go along with my plan, Casey would follow.
"He doesn't like for me to call him unless it's something important," she protested.
I knew I could obtain Gordon's phone number the same way I'd gotten her number, but I suspected that he wouldn't talk to me.
"What's his number?"
"I can't tell you. I'll call him," she offered.
We went into my study, and I set up two phones on the same line. Gordon answered, and when she couldn't make him talk to me, I took over.
"Gordon, I want you and Casey at my apartment tomorrow evening at seven. Ms. Shelton will show you where it is. Be prepared to discuss the case for thirty minutes, and then we'll write the paper together."
"The paper's written. You skipped the meeting so don't try to horn in on the credit now."
"Tell him, Ms. Shelton," I said, hoping she would know what to say.
"He's written a completely different paper. I've read it, but he won't give it to me," she told Gordon.
"So what?" Gordon asked, his voice exuding disinterest.
"Professor Ballard has my paper, Gordon. He also has a copy of the bogus notes I gave Ms. Shelton. If you're as smart as you try to make out, you'll come to the meeting on Monday evening."
It was Thursday afternoon and I was trying to work on a Managerial Accounting assignment that was due the following Tuesday. I was finding it difficult to concentrate. I needed to finish it today because it was highly unlikely that I'd have any time on Friday afternoon, and it would be impossible to study after coming home from St. Louis on Sunday. I rationalized that I could put it off until Monday afternoon and let my mind wander, considering my plight. Kelley's weekend at Pontiac had...
We pick up where we left off.... And Kelley is not done getting her delights from her Papa bare!!! Up until now, it has all been building up to.... Well read what comes next!!!---------------------------------Kelley closed the door as she stepped into the basement bathroom. She giggled as she sat down on the cold seat. She had just lived out a fantasy she had had since early in her teens when her friend Brenda told her about her father drinking too much and climbing into bed with her! Kelley...
--This is the second in a series of stories about a Widowed father and his only offspring. If you don't like family taboo, stop here and go read someone elses story. If that intrigues you, then you may want to start with the first story, but I think you will get the jizz...I mean gist of what's going on if you just start reading now! Enjoy!!!---------------------------------After having his daughter, Kelley brought home by a police woman after she was caught doing "lewd and lascivious" acts in...
Kelley Sue was horny – very horny. She'd just spent an hour talking to her boyfriend, Tom, through a chatroom since he lived some distance away from where she was, and the end result was always the same afterward – she was amazingly horny and needed to get off with a strong cum. The bad part was that in less than fifteen minutes she had to do her shift on the dorm's front lobby desk. Kelly Sue didn't know what to do, but she got her hair brushed, made sure her blouse was buttoned from where...
What does our little fallen angel have in mind now? Well, maybe you should read.-----------------------------Kelley thought about undoing her father from where she had him shackled, hand and foot to their basement gym, but decided against it. He had gotten to enjoy his time with her... she now wanted to have some fun of her own! She looked over and saw the cheval mirror that he had given her for Christmas a couple of years back. She had had it in her bedroom, but it was such a tiny room, she...
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Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible fate Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible journey (Broadcaster Blonde MILF Bitch has been nabbed and is being held by Pro Football player Michael and other players at a rural location. Michael has her strung up and is working over her legs with a power washer.) Michael laughed at her struggles. “Wait til we get to your cunt and your tits. You are going to be red as a beet all over. “ Michael watched with...
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Patricia Jackson looked at the clock on the kitchen wall, it was after10.30 am, and her son, Andy had still not gotten out of bed, Patricia wasbecoming increasingly concerned about her s*******n year old son'slaziness since he returned from college over two weeks ago, he spent mostof the day in bed and most of the night sitting up watching television,no doubt watching some dirty movie she thought to herself angrily, heshould have got a summer job like the rest of his friends, and donesomething...
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It had been a long week for us lots of headaches and problems to deal with but we got through it and now it was Saturday night and Patricia and I needed to unwind I thought dinner and dancing at our favorite club would be just what the doctor ordered! Patricia wanted to shower first but she always uses all the hot water so I crept in while she was shampooing her hair slipped behind her and took over doing her hair for her I loved doing her hair massaging the shampoo into her lovely sexy long...
So we received an envelope in the mail it was real fancy embossed in gold leaf and everything I looked at Patricia she looked at me and shrugged so I opened it the cover said “Your Invited!” I opened it up and there read “To our home warming party!” It was from our friends Tommy and Suzie Wong he had made a fortune in the market and had bailed out before it crashed only an insider tip had saved him from disaster so it seems they just moved into a new highrise building The Millennium Tower in...
The address on the package said 1313 Mockingbird Lane I thought to myself that's funny because it was the same address as the Munster's in that TV sitcom back in the sixties that show was so funny I laugh at the reruns even now...So the addressee is named Miss Patricia Yang so I pretty much know that shes Asian...and single...the package is from Victoria's Secret and I wonder what sexy type of clothing she purchased I begin to imagine her in all types of naughty lingerie as I drive to her...
Patricia had traveled to New York City to be in Times Square for the New Years ball dropping she wanted to see what all the fuss was about she had a few friends who were from Manhattan and they told her she had to experience it at least once in her life well the year is 2017 and soon to be 2018 Patricia had had a bad year dating she had met nothing but losers and Momma's boys she was frustrated and sexually denied she needed a break from it all and the long trip from California was just the...
Patricia was fed up with her life. She had married at 18 to the most handsome guy in her high school the day after graduation. But over the years she had grown and he had stayed the same guy she knew in high school. In addition, he had not wanted her to succeed at work and start making more money than he did. He discouraged her from trying too hard at work, telling her that she should focus her efforts on being his wife. Her husband had also been her only sex partner in her whole life. To make...
"The captain has turned off the seat belt lights, feel free to move about the cabin." The voice continued to drone on, but Patricia turned to David and touched his arm. "That's it, they said it! Now will you tell me? Master?"David turned toward her and smiled. "You really were waiting that whole time, weren't you?"She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Well, of course. And you promised that once we were in the air and they made the announcement, you'd tell me what this trip was all about....
Patricia watched him from her upstairs window his golden brown skin glistened in the afternoon sun she watched his muscles rippling as he skimmed the debris from her built in pool her hand strayed to her panties and she rubbed herself through the fabric soon this was not enough and she slipped her hand inside and her finger found her clitoris she circled it with her finger as she imagined Juan the pool boy on top of her his big bronze colored cock driving between the lips of her hungry wet...
Patricia was in her favorite bar one night just relaxing and having a few drinks it had been a long week and she needed to unwind a little her boss had been a bigger prick than usual and pissed off though she was she needed the job it payed well and was close to where she lived she would deal with the asshole in her own way in good time she planned to seduce him and then leave him crushed and broken in the end...At least that was how it turned out in her fantasies...The bar was kind of slow...
Patricia decided she needed to go see her gynecologist it seems she developed this problem where her clitoris would stay erect and sensitive all the time it rubbed on her panties when she walked and she would even have orgasms walking down the street wow that is great you say not so great when you begin moaning in public your hips gyrating to the pulses sent from her clitoris no this had to stop she could not live this way afraid to move the wrong way in a business meeting or with a friend out...
She lay beside me breathing softly her hair a dark fan across the alabaster silk of her pillow case one breast partially exposed and looking so inviting but I stay my hand for she will wake and the spell will be broken her tiny foot peeks out from the sheet and I long to kiss her delicate toes and the sole of her foot so soft so sweet she is I can't believe she lays beside me yet there she is...Patricia and I met in the most unlikeliest of places we were both in India on holiday I had always...
Her name was Patricia don't call her Patty or she would rip you a new one! I knew it wasn't her real name because she had come over from Hong Kong China I'm sure it must have started out as some impossible to say Chinese name or one that she felt didn't quite fit her new life here I'm just speculating as her real reason is known only to herself and I respect her privacy and have never asked her about it...Her father was some kind of political figure over there and he seemed to be one over here...
Patricia was walking by her bedroom window when movement caught her eye she turned to see what had attracted her and there across the way in the house behind hers was an open window shade inside the room of that open shade was a man he was exercising and that normally would not have given Patricia pause but this guy was doing it in the nude he was built amazingly well his body toned and hard from obvious years of working out and the thing that drew her attention really was his cock it was hard...
She saw him up there sitting on a high throne of red and green velvet and she thought well why not her boyfriend had broken up with her two weeks ago seems he found another girl to lie to...Barry had been a good lover but he was never her friend not really Patricia always knew what a con man he was but the sex had been so great that she overlooked a lot well Barry was gone now and she was lonely and kind of horny too so when she decided to sit on Santa's lap it was not just to ask for presents...
Patricia saw him on the side of the road he was tall and dressed in leather he had a biker look about him but he was clean shaven with just the hint of stubble across his handsome face he had on mirror sunglasses that reflected the sun it was what had caught her eye as she tooled down the highway she was going to visit her aunt in Washington and it was a long drive from San Diego but she liked road trips a great time for reflection a time to clear your mind and think things through she had just...
It had been a long trip two thousand three hundred and forty nine miles to be exact from New Jersey to Arizona and my ass was sore and my Harley needed gas and a good wipe down! It had seemed like a fun idea at the time I had to take some time for myself clear my head... and I had always wanted to see Arizona and being single the only one to convince to go was me and I had really needed to get away it had been a long year lots of bad shit happened lost some friends to the road and to the gun...
Series 5, Episode 8: Patricia Grant (41) – Dagenham We open with our familiar high image of the United Kingdom – from high up in orbit ... The whole of the British Isles in one shot. Then our top-heavy cartoon character version of Charley, our host, appears infront of us ... She points down toward the landmass below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” She giggles, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at...
Patricia is fucking my brains out tonight pulling out all the stops her body soft but demanding I could barely keep up with her and that usually only means one thing she is going to ask me to do something I probably won't enjoy doing and this is compensation sex not that I am complaining mind you Patricia's compensation sex is always unbelievably hot and especially dirty she'll do things she normally doesn't ask for but knows that I like!... Tonight she wants to be tied up spanked and then ass...
The Making of Patricia by Patricia Anne The year was 1950 and the month was July. On the 4th there were two babies born just after midnight. One was a very bouncy boy who was named Patrick. The second was a beautiful baby girl an identical twin who was named Patricia. Life was good for the two babies but soon the little girl started to develop complications and had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. The little boy was happy and not prone to the problems of his...
Introduction:This is a story written by request of a reader. Contains: Lesbian, threesome, teen, domination, submission, b********y, cum covered, cum swallowing, cum gushing, double penetration, stretching, strapon, anal, i****t.For Patricia.The area I cover as a social worker is mostly rural, so I get to visit quite a number of small villages with their typical rural problems. One of those visits led me to a small farm, which had allegedly fallen into debt and disorder after the death of the...
The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Five - Lady Patricia Gets Some Training Lady Patricia's introduction of new bondage toys to secure Linda continued over the next few days and weeks. She frequently visited Eve at Hidden Pleasures to see what was new or to look at the larger pieces of equipment. While she often went by herself, she brought Linda enough times that Linda became intimate with the workshop post. On one trip she spent most of an afternoon tied face to face...
I was sitting at the edge of the bed when the bathroom door swung open and Patricia stepped out. Wearing only a towel as a turban, her naked body tanned and toned, she rummaged through her bag looking for a pair shorts. She bent over giving me a clear view of her pale buttocks. She turned in my direction. Her breasts bore the marks of a day in the sun with two white triangles tattooed over each tiny breast. Her pink nipples were fat and erect, as the cold air from the air conditioner coaxed...
CheatingTimes were tough that year we had only been married a year when Patricia got laid off from her job the company was down sizing and was moving a lot of it's office people overseas which meant more jobs for people in India and less jobs for people in the good old USA typical corporate greed I knew the company was not doing badly I watched their stocks being a broker I was hip to these things but laid off she was and with just my salary it was going to be a struggle until she located another job!...
I remember my feet drumming on the mattress as a huge cock tried to get inside my little pussy I was trying so hard to keep him out but I seemed to be losing the battle...One night when I was sleeping he came to my room and I woke up with my pajamas off and on my belly my legs were spread wide and he was trying to get his huge thick man cock into my young virgin pussy well I was determined to keep him out and had been successful so far but then he reached under me and began to feel my clitty...
It was close to 11:30 p.m. when my girlfriend Patricia and I pulled into the covered driveway of the hotel. The air was hot and humid as was usual for a typical south Florida summer night. We had decided earlier in the afternoon to stay at the hotel to be closer to the beach. We were both off from work for the weekend and agreed it would be more convenient staying at a beachside hotel rather than drive the thirty minutes or so for the next two days. Waking up to the sound of the surf was...
CheatingThe wedding had been amazing Patricia was stunning in her white lacy and very sexy wedding dress she kissed my face off when we became man and wife the crowd thought we would never break the kiss but finally she let me up for air not that I’m complaining no one kisses like my Patricia she has got amazing lips so soft but they can do wonderful things when she wants them too! The reception was totally amazing as well we entertained the huge crowd with dancing and Patricia even sang a lovely song...
The thick flaps of Aunt Patricia's vagina pulled nimbly through my lips, covered in a moist coating of perspiration. My tongue probed down and inside her, loosing a flow of salty sweet honey from inside her. She was really turned on from watching me masturbate silently for the five or more minutes she'd been standing in the shadows of my room."Oh, Joy..." she whispered, taken back by the intensity of the pleasure I was giving her. It felt so erotic to be surrounded by her body, the fragrance of...
Introduction: A true story of my beautiful wife As I drove the dark lonely road home from a business trip, I decided to call my wife to let her know Id be arriving home by 1 AM, in two hours or so. My wife and I are in our forties, with a great marriage and four kids. We are both in good physical shape- my wife, Patricia is a gorgeous brunette with green eyes, lovely face and nice size 35D breasts, perfect ass and thighs! She picked up the phone on the second ring and thanked me for the call....
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...
Chapter 1There I stood on a small train station in the Midlands, looking to find the exit. Standing on the platform was an old fashioned uniformed butler/chauffeur. He was in the hall bearing a sign with my name on it. I hadn’t expected this and let him know I was the Patrick he was waiting for, and shook his hand. I was wondering what was looking strange about him but could not really get behind it at that time, Except for the fact that chauffeurs where rarely seen anymore these days. Looking...
This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three children. Olivia has dark...
Eddie can very clearly remember when he first thought of his mother as an object of his desire. Oddly, it wasn't even his idea: it was his father's. Eddie normally didn't get along very well with his father, who often seemed cold and distant. But he was secretly very grateful for everything his father taught him that day. Eddie's father had taken him out for a father-son camping trip. The camping trip wasn't his father's idea, but was Eddie's. It was Eddie's mother, Patricia, who...
"The kids are staying with friends tonight, so it'll be just you and me tonight!" Patricia offered. "That's great! I've been missing you, my love!" I replied. "What are you doing?" " I'm just lying here on our bed, naked, thinking about you," she expained. "Really? Tell me about your body," I asked excitedly. "Well, I've got my makeup and lipstick on, and I look pretty hot. My tits are nice and round and firm, and I've been playing with my nipples. They're getting...
This is a story about little Patricia. She is a petite, easygoing but a little shy girl, with nice tits. Big some would cal them, but they only look bigger because she is so tiny... She is a brunette, with beautiful blue eyes and a timid way. It makes her seem and look very innocent, but she isn't...First of all. She disagrees strongly with those that say porn has no educational value. She is an eager porn-addict who sneaked peeks of porn since before puberty. And growing up she searched...
This Monday morning was a special day.Patricia Clark was dressed in her second best business office outfit and was off to the center of town for her first day on the job at a large corporate location not far from the United Nations building.The cosmetically perfect nineteen year old was excessively nervous and shaking inside from the fear and self-doubt of starting a new job in a strange place with no familiar faces around her and totally absent her reassuring parental support system.She had...
MasturbationFor Patricia7777,Our opening conversation, at our first-time meeting; over tea in the lobby of the Maldron Hotel, in Limerick; midway between yours and mine: “Hiya Patricia, Hiya William. Hope you’re both well?” as I lean over to shake the hand of each of you. Patricia, your hand is soft and warm, and does not at all betray the hard work you do. William, your hand is firm but friendly. “How was your journey? Did you have to travel far? From Galway or Mayo, or which county?” William replies...
Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex The men closed in on her. They were all around, everywhere she saw men. Hands pulled her skirt up to the top of her thighs. A hand reached under her dress, the man laughing. “RIPPPP.” Her blouse was ripped off and wrapped around her neck. Next her bra disappeared. Megyn felt hands grabbing her breasts. The black bitch pulled up her head. “Snow White, you get ready for some heavy ghetto fucking.” A rough hand yanked her straight up by her...
Becoming Patricia: Chapter One - Mom and Dad's Acceptance By Trish Lassie As I stood in the checkout line at DSW, I could feel my heart quicken as I wait for the next available cashier. It is not because I cannot wait to wear my purchase, a pair of men's Nike running shoes. It is because I am wearing a black ladies Calvin Klein V-neck knit top with black Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and black one and a half-inch closed-toe wedge pumps or what look more like "flats." I am also wearing...
Sarah was surprised to get the instant message from Megan, Dillon’s twenty-one-year-old girlfriend. She asked if Sarah could come over the following day to discuss a surprise she had in mind for Dillon.Sarah knew Megan to be quite a forthright young lady with a dominant personality and had often fantasied about being humiliated by her. Sarah supposed it would never happen as Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend and it would seem like two-timing, unless it was a threesome, Sarah musedDillon was the...
SpankingIt was the first time I and her brother Lex had ever gone to see Megan at work. As we sat there, I looked around, of course, checking out all the other women who worked with my daughter. I started to think to myself that my daughter looked the best. As I watched my daughter, at some point my thoughts began to become lustful, incestuous thoughts. I noticed how great of a body my daughter has. She is 5'5", dark brown eyes, long brown hair, and a very nice tan. When she would come over to sit...