Family Stan Kelley Chapter 4
- 4 years ago
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During our flight to Denver, Kelley entertained herself by reading my answer to her journal. It took the entire trip for her to read and reread what I'd written, partially because she couldn't believe what she was reading. I struck up a conversation with our seatmate. Millie was married, the mother of three daughters and was on her way to Denver to attend a reunion with three college roommates. She didn't volunteer how many years it had been since she left college and I didn't think it...
Kelley grilled me for an hour before she let me go back to sleep, and when we got up, she had more questions. By the time Kenny and Patricia picked us up on Sunday morning, she knew as much about them as I knew. "What are their most distinguishing features?" she asked as she spread marmalade on her toast. I only had to think for a few seconds before answering. "She's a leaner and he wears small wire-rimmed glasses." "Glasses are not a feature. They can be changed," was Kelley's...
Kelley was beside herself. I tried talking to her, but she refused to listen to me. She went into the bedroom, leaving me to clean up the mess in the living room. When I went into the bedroom, she was asleep, or pretended to be. I went into my study, and read the new case for Business Management class. It involved the merger of two small circuses. One was older and had a well established travel circuit. The other one had not been in business as long, but its equipment and animals were in...
Timing is everything. I'll always remember July 1, 1992 as a watershed moment. Kelley and I reached a new understanding. She listened to the chauvinist way I'd treated Wanda, and yet she helped me write the fifty words that Mr. Oldham demanded. It was her desire for me to be the first man to sleep in her room and I was glad to oblige her. Kelley was very much aware that her period was due at any time, but she took the chance. She was apologetic when it happened, like it was her fault. I...
It was Thursday afternoon and I was trying to work on a Managerial Accounting assignment that was due the following Tuesday. I was finding it difficult to concentrate. I needed to finish it today because it was highly unlikely that I'd have any time on Friday afternoon, and it would be impossible to study after coming home from St. Louis on Sunday. I rationalized that I could put it off until Monday afternoon and let my mind wander, considering my plight. Kelley's weekend at Pontiac had...
Kelley Sue was horny – very horny. She'd just spent an hour talking to her boyfriend, Tom, through a chatroom since he lived some distance away from where she was, and the end result was always the same afterward – she was amazingly horny and needed to get off with a strong cum. The bad part was that in less than fifteen minutes she had to do her shift on the dorm's front lobby desk. Kelly Sue didn't know what to do, but she got her hair brushed, made sure her blouse was buttoned from where...
Kelley -- what a babe you are. You know that now after all that we've shared and experienced together, but I know for several years there, you had no idea what you did to me each and every day that we worked together. I will never forget the first time we met and I was "in lust" from the moment my eyes first saw you. Well, you know you're attractive. You won't admit it, Kelley, but you know it. And I wish you'd take more credit for how sexy and attractive and yes, how hot you are. But,...
Jerry Bastian the Baltimore office manager met my flight and we stopped by a hotel to pick up Neill. He'd arrived the night before because he had a longer distance to travel. I found Jerry to be a congenial man. He was helpful, answering our questions concerning locations and surrounding neighborhoods of the two buildings. I commended his knowledge of the area and he admitted that he'd always lived in the city. Neill was a good choice to appraise the structures, and estimate the costs to...
Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible fate Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible journey Prior: Megyn Kelley – Dancing Melons (Broadcaster Blonde MILF Bitch has been nabbed and is being held by Pro Football player Michael and other players at a rural location. Michael has her strung up and is working over her legs with a power washer, he blasted her breasts and now……….) “AHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Megyn screamed as her sensitive flesh stung from...
Kelley Likes a Little Pain There is this lady that I work with that lives in the neighboring suburb with her husband and two c***dren that I sometimes hookup with. One of these more recent hookups happened recently and I'd like to share it with you. Her name is Kelley, and she supposedly comes over to my suburb in Saturday mornings to go to yoga classes. This one Saturday in particular she stopped by. I should stop here and say that any time she comes over to my house, or on the infrequent...
Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible fate Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible journey (Broadcaster Blonde MILF Bitch has been nabbed and is being held by Pro Football player Michael and other players at a rural location. Michael has her strung up and is working over her legs with a power washer.) Michael laughed at her struggles. “Wait til we get to your cunt and your tits. You are going to be red as a beet all over. “ Michael watched with...
Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible fate They let go of her legs and she fell in a pile to the floor. Everything was spinning. Megyn’s life was spinning out of control. SMMAAAACK across the face. “Snap out of it.” Laughed the cruel voice. Her ankles were tied together and then roped behind her head and arms. Her arms were tied and she was hoisted up hanging from a rafter. “Wait, what are doing? What’s happening? She hung like a...
****************************************************** Disclaimer: Ok this is inspired by a true story. It is even referenced in the story. Any resemblance of the characters to real people, living and/or dead, or other fictional characters from other stories is totally unintentional, yet coincidental. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's a coincidence. This story deals with some transgendered issues, and of course sex, so if you don't want to read a story about that, well, don't....
By Shamus Stan entered the dressing room. He didn't know why he was there. All he knew was that there was this feeling, a compulsion to go meet the hypnotist from earlier that evening. Doctor Drake was a young man from his appearance, some would say a hunk. He was very young to headline a Vegas show. Stan knocked on the door and Drake opened the door, warmly greeted him and ushered him into the well furnished suite. Stan felt odd by the circumstances. This evening was a strange night...
Based on some truth.An older man, let’s call him Stan, and I had the same workout schedule and were in the gym at the same time almost every time. Both Stan and I would sit naked in the steam room after our individual work outs. Stan had a 70’s porn mustache. It took a month or two before Stan and I started to masturbate in front of each other. It took a year before I broke the ice and spoke first. I asked Stan if he had any videos of him and his wife having sex. He did not have any. He...
Chapter 1 It was the middle of summer and the sun was beating down. The heat in the classroom was verging on the uncomfortable. Stan idly looked out the window, trying to take his mind off Veronica. The girls were all dressed in blue skirts and white shirts as per school policy. The length of the skirts seemed to be open to interpretation, however. Not that Stan saw much leg from his seat. What he did see was Veronicas back, the way the sun shone on it almost made the thin fabric transparent....
Stan and I became cock buddies at high school. I have referred to early incidents in earlier stories. We first started by discussing Matron, she was, after all the only woman, in a school of over 1050 + boys and staff. A mature and attractive woman , we would watch her with interest. I started our relationship by mentioning that looking at Matron bending over in her tight white uniform gave me a hard on. Stan then told me he had one as well and moved around to show me the large bulge in his...
"Hey, Stan," I greeted him, putting a bag in the car. "What can I do for you? I'm getting ready to head out now." "Well, Katrina," he muttered, covering his face with it already angled down. "Do you think I could..." I pushed back my bag and slowly pulled myself out. "What, Stan?" He couldn't make eye contact, and I saw him dancing around a bit too. "Um, I was just hoping... that maybe..." "What, Stan? I love you to death like my son's BFF, but I need to hit the road," I warned him, crossing my...
MILF"Well, Katrina," he muttered, covering his face with it already angled down. "Do you think I could..." I pushed back my bag and slowly pulled myself out. "What, Stan?" He couldn't make eye contact, and I saw him dancing around a bit too. "Um, I was just hoping... that maybe..." "What, Stan? I love you to death like my son's BFF, but I need to hit the road," I warned him, crossing my arms. He still couldn't form a full sentence or even speak for a moment after that. Although,...
As the proceeding story told you, I wasn't a virgin when I met Stan in fact I was quite the sexual deviant. But, contrary to your dirty minds, outside of Bob and Julie, oh yeah Hans, I was far from sexual active. Other people didn't interest me so I was more or less sexually infrequent with anyone else. Then came college. That is where I met my true love. Stan and I met thru mutual friends at college, dated for weeks before we had sex, and no it wasn't mind altering sex, but very nice and...
After my last break up, she'd finally decided to take control of her life and start looking for men she wanted instead of settling for whatever came her way. Since she was young, she had always lusted after men but the opportunities to make her fantasy a real relationship never truly worked out.Stan are IT tech was your typical guy a work ,glass ,thin , tall ,pocket protector, nice butt just normal Tech Geek not the kind of guy I get the hot's for. But what the hell it's time I started...
So once I turned Stan on to the joys of fucking, he just couldn't seem to get enough. I had gotten a job doing housekeeping at a local motel and between what I made and his Navy paycheck, we managed to rent a little single wide in a park across the street from Judy's house. We would spend most of our days working and our nights smoking a little weed and tending to his youthful sex drive. He seemed to get an erection at the slightest touch. Sometimes he would have to stand night watch at the...
"I will, you lovely MILF, congrats, you won, I wanted to turn you down, but you're beyond dazzling, and I'd never stand a chance coming back out here. I knew it the second you left." "Enough chit chat, fuck me already." "Wait, you're on birth control, though, right?" "No, but I can get a morning-after pill if I need to tomorrow, you've made us drift past the point of no return here, so stick that schlong inside that pussy and make love to me." "Yes, Katrina," he muttered...
StanAfter the couple sessions we had with Judy, she became a bit obsessed with my Stan. I could understand because her hubby was still out at sea and would be for another six months. I loved Judy and since Stan had zero sexual contact before me, I wanted him to experience everything possible. Because she was my best and most trusted friend, I was absolutely willing to share. Besides all that, I was really turned on by watching him with her and at his age, there was plenty of Stan to go around....
I always wanted to see how Stan would be with Judy if I wasn’t around. I guess I was curious as to how my prize student would do on his own and I had to admit, I just wanted to watch him fuck her without knowing that I was watching. I talked to Judy about it and, as horny as she stayed, she definitely was up for it. We developed a plan where I would tell Stan that I was going shopping and Judy would call him and say she thought there was a leak under her sink and would he come and take a look....
Uncle Stan was a handsome thirty something man. He was single and a big ladies man.He had a beautiful muscular body that he showed off all the time. He taught Paula tennis and helped teaching the younger ones how to swim. He actually taught all of us to swim and as I got older I realized he did a lot of touching. Jean was also taking tennis lessons from him. One day Jean came running to me by the pool dragging me into the pool house. She was so excited she could barely talk. Once she calmed...
With the latest events involving my friend Judy, Stan and I both realized that we enjoyed her being part of his sexual education. I had been married twice before and slept with several other guys besides my ex husbands, sometimes more than one at a time, so I was experienced. Stan, on the other hand, had only been with me and then Judy so every new thing we tried was an adventure for him. He was open and didn’t question anything we did. I loved him but I also viewed him as a bit of a boy toy...
After our little session with Judy, Stan and I started becoming more and more experimental with our sex life. He was curious and was coming up with all kinds of new things that he wanted to try. He was a like a k** in a candy store and young enough that he had almost a perpetual erection. There was an adult bookstore just outside of the base where he was stationed and he would go there on his lunch break and come home in the afternoon with all kinds of ideas, some of which I was interested in...
Stan’s ashes came in a box neatly wrapped in very plain brown paper. Much like the plain wrap uniform of the man who delivered it to the New Jersey door of my sister Marlo’s house. As the driver handed me the package, I became curious how he might have reacted if told of the contents, but realized he must deliver countless items far stranger and more grotesque than this. My mind reeled with the possibilities. Was it befitting the grandiose life of a famous New York City restaurateur Stan had...
I didn't wait to get started. I e-mailed each and every contact I had with a formal announcement that Copely Services was in business. I attached a copy of my rates, mirroring Dave Thomas', as well as my experience history and my new business phone number. I had subscribed to a new cell phone plan which gave me a bulk rate on any U.S. calls. I ordered some business cards on line that I designed myself from the templates provided. I kept the appearance simple and straightforward, hopefully...
Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex The men closed in on her. They were all around, everywhere she saw men. Hands pulled her skirt up to the top of her thighs. A hand reached under her dress, the man laughing. “RIPPPP.” Her blouse was ripped off and wrapped around her neck. Next her bra disappeared. Megyn felt hands grabbing her breasts. The black bitch pulled up her head. “Snow White, you get ready for some heavy ghetto fucking.” A rough hand yanked her straight up by her...
Over the next year or so, Stan had become my willing plaything. I noticed everything that really got him turned on and I pushed it as far as I could. I got so turned on knowing that I was giving him a thorough sex education that my own orgasms were amazing. After sharing him with Judy, I was obsessed with watching him. He was more than willing to do my bidding and I was always ready to give the orders. While he was at work, I would spend time thinking of new ways to excite him, thereby turning...
This is a rewrite of an earlier version. I hope you agree that this is much better. People look at me and think I’m a man’s man. I’ve been told by a good number of women (and some men, too) that I’m ruggedly handsome. I have no idea exactly what that means, other than some of the people who told me this let me know clearly they wouldn’t mind getting physical with me. OK, I like sports. I’ve been in the military most of my career, and take care of myself with daily workouts. My wife, Rowena,...
Wife LoversMy name is Stan, i am 18 years old and a nerd, glasses, slightly over weight and bad acme, I love Dungeons and Dragons, playing my Xbox and playing World of Warcraft (WoW) so going through school i was left mostly alone. I think kids didn't pick on me because i am 6'2 and have long brown head banger hair, its past my shoulders and i have been told i look like i am ready to kill someone. Going through high school i was quite and talked to no one, i just did my work as fast as i could so i...
She looked down at me with the cutest smile as i stood up, my cock pointing straight out at her. Her eyes instantly went to my cock and her mouth dropped open. "Stan, I don't think i can fit that in both my hands let alone my pussy." i grinned and run my finger up the bottom of my shaft to the head of my penis, collecting a huge amount of pre-cum on my finger tips. "try this." i told her as i reached my finger out to her. She smelled it then touched her tongue to my middle finger....
Stan was my third husband, I met him while visiting my friend Judy in Florida. He was a young sailer, barely nineteen, and I was twenty four and married twice before. I guess you could say that I was his first real love and absolutely his first sexual experience. We had been dating for almost a month before we had any intimacy at all. He was so sweet to me, which was charming but I was a woman in my mid twenties and needed some dick. It occurred to me that Stan was probably a virgin and I...
Shadowing Stan © 2005 Deanna Lea I walk in your night time shadows; steps behind you. In the past my shadow was a dream floating secretly in your mind. Yes, I do know your secrets. I hear your heavy breathing as I come closer, tonight you walk quickly, wanting to run, but tonight our shadows become one. I hold a steady pace knowing your steps will slow, I always catch you, and catching you is what you want. Tonight two shadows merge, and it's a good thing Stan, because...
What a Day thought Megyn as she took the elevator down to the parking garage. The news day starts early with intense preparation. Then there is always the expected unexpected as news breaks through the day. Exhausted she wanted to get home to a relaxing bath. Megyn always watched her attire. She had to or somebody would catch in a bad light and the press would jump on it. Today she had on a knee length light colored dress, matching jacket and white blouse. Blonde, beautiful and...
It was eleven-forty-five when I left the apartment, combing my hair and knotting my tie. Gladys kissed me goodbye, opened the door, and told me to have a good time. I told her to put some clothes on. Other than her soft voice, Erica was totally different, taller, blonder and older than the picture I had developed in my mind. "What did you expect?" she asked, motioning for me to take the passenger's seat. The car was a Pontiac Firebird, red exterior, matching interior and a sunroof. "I...
Last month Amy, Brooke, and I, agreed that we would rent a boat and go on an outing at the lake. Amy and Brooke would invite a couple of boys and they would like to watch a boy have sex with me. It is a big lake, surrounded by woods, and there are lots of little coves where we can swim and have privacy. Before leaving for the lake, I talked to the girls about what would be allowed and what they were willing to do. “Girls last month you said you a boy and have sex. I will probably do that so...
Stan got up from his easy chair, checked to make sure his robe was fully closed and tightened the sash, and went to answer the door. He had hopes of a beautiful woman, a vision of loveliness, being on the other side of the door. He always hoped for this, every time there was a knock on his door, but, as usual, he was disappointed. Standing at the door waiting to be admitted was an elderly man, short, fat, and bald. "Must be a potential client," thought Stan as he invited the man into his...
Stan was ruminating as he walked to his bootmaker's shop, "There is no way that a individual can defeat a gang as large and as entrenched as the Sydney Ducks. The most I can hope to do is slow down their attack on the good things of San Francisco. If the police were seriously interested in stopping that gang, then I would have a chance. Maybe there is some hope in the vigilance committee that is being talked about. If they would hurry and get organized, I would have some hope of success....
Stan was getting bored! He hadn't had any contracts in the last month and he was getting tired of the "gentleman of leisure" life style. Sure, he now had time to visit with the ladies and attend all of the opera he could stand, but enough was enough! He decided to take the bull by the horns and go looking for adventure since it seemed to be avoiding him. He thought that he might find something interesting with a visit to Monterey. He had not been there and it sounded like a pleasant...
Elizabeth knew what the boredom of living in San Diego was doing to Stanly, so she was easily persuaded to agree to his plan to spend the summer chasing pirates. Stanly spent as much time as possible with Elizabeth while he waited for Capt. McFadden to pick him up. Elizabeth was actually glad to see him leave; she'd had about all the "mothering" she could take from Stanly. Stanly had them head for San Francisco; he wanted to order more of the special shotguns and shells made by his friend...
Stanly wanted his wife, Elizabeth, to know where he was going so that she wouldn't worry if she didn't hear any news of him for a while. They sailed to San Diego and spent a few days there while Stanly got to "know" his wife, again. The seamen enjoyed their liberty among the cantinas, so there were no complaints about the short vacation. They sailed north, with a stop in San Francisco to visit the gunsmith who was making the special shotguns for Stanly. Three were finished already, so...
The adventure with the two stagecoach robbers operating together convinced Stan that he needed something better than the Kentucky rifle or the throwing knives as weapons. The rifle was a single shot device which took too long and was too awkward to reload to be of much use in normal combat. On the other hand, the trowing knives were adequate in many cases, but the range was too short and too much room was required for the swing of the throwing arm. A double barreled shotgun would be...
"Stanly, I know how much you enjoy living in San Francisco, but my doctor has said that I am close to developing consumption and I must move to a dryer climate. Can you bear to leave our home and friends here in San Francisco and take me somewhere that is dryer?" "Of course, my dearest Elizabeth. I'll do whatever you need. Do you have a specific place in mind?" "My doctor has suggested some place in southern California, such as Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, or San Diego. Do you think...
Captain Joseph McFadden, the man hired by Stanly to captain the Elizabeth, was a firebrand when in a fight, but was cool and calculating when presented with a sailing problem. In between the two extremes, he was a good fellow and the best kind of leader for his men. Everybody liked him, but, also, everybody obeyed him without hesitation. He and Stanly held a meeting aboard the Elizabeth to discuss their next move. They planned to take on the smaller of the two remaining pirate gangs the...
At the rate Stanly was going, he would soon become the major ship owner on the west coast. He had to figure out a good use for all the ships he captured from the pirates. He would soon have one of the largest navies in the world! The problem was that he didn't have the sailors to man the ships. Once a sailor got to California, all he wanted to do was head for the gold fields. Well, Stanly thought he'd work on the problem, but, right now, there was the more interesting problem of attacking...
I last masturbated at my friend Stan’s apartment. He invited three friends over to watch me do it. When I arrived we had drinks. Stan suggested that I strip nude in front of everyone. I stood up and began undressing in front of Stan and his guests. Then we all stood around in a tight circle while drinking, Stan or one of his friends would occasionally place a hand on my ass and caress my bottom. My cock was at full attention because of the touching and my nudity. All of the men were looking at...
FAMILY VACATION GONE AWRY(BLACKED)::PART 4Sometime after arriving back at the plantation house all 4 adults each in their own way thinking and contemplating in their minds the events they had just seen and witnessed::Maryellen wanting to go back to Aunt Esters and get her some of that young hot pussy herself:: Irene wanting to go back,and watch,more depraved things,fuck her damn daughter at Esters, and her other daughter being black bull fucked in the massage cabin!! She was afire with lust,...
“Colton,” a familiar voice whispered, “is that you?” Colton was relieved to see that it was Brandon walking toward him. Seeing Brandon almost made him forget about the awful things that had happened in the past few weeks. “I was worried about you,” Brandon continued, “I had no idea where you went.” “I’m fine,” Colton said, trying to be strong in front of his closest friend. Brandon moved closer, and saw the tears on Colton’s face. He sat down next to him, and dried his eyes....
Daddy Fantasy – TristanTristan had his wrists secured to his thighs. He was leaning forward at the edge of the bed with his small feet hanging in the air. His face was pressed into the sheets. He looked like a triangle from the side with his beautiful ass in the air. A blindfold covered his eyes; he felt helpless. His lover was standing on the floor between Tristan’s feet, sliding his cock in and out of Tristan’s tight asshole. Tom varied the speed and depth of his thrusts. Sometimes...
Introduction: Hot rape scene, if you dont want to read The scenes before sex just skip down to sex. Appreciate all comments, especially the ones with your thoughts abou writing style. It was a rainy day, by night it only got worse. Tristan was standing on the pavement, getting wet and holding his jacket over his head. He was on his way home, but he didnt really feel like it. He was going home from the fun evening with his friends, and didnt quite feel like calling it a night. There was a bar...
This is a rewrite of an earlier version. I hope you agree that this is much better. People look at me and think I’m a man’s man. I’ve been told by a good number of women (and some men, too) that I’m ruggedly handsome. I have no idea exactly what that means, other than some of the people who told me this let me know clearly they wouldn’t mind getting physical with me. OK, I like sports. I’ve been in the military most of my career, and take care of myself with daily workouts. My wife, Rowena,...
"At the entrance to the cave, one must step through the the spider's web. Otherwise, you will be caught, never to see what lurks behind it, hiding in the dark," Orpheus warned him. "The spider will descend from above." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLASH The spider is easy to kill. Weak. He had only to shear off one of eight legs. Tristan...
I answered the phone. It was Marisol. "Hey BFF, what's up?" I said. "I am so out of control!" She wailed. "Why?" "I was driving home and I saw Tristan washing his car in his driveway. In shorts and flip flops." "Ooooh! That I'd like to see!" I said. "I hustled home, let down my hair and put on my yellow shorts and the white tank top and no bra." "Those yellow shorts might as be painted on! And your tits might as well be bare in that top!" I snickered over my cell. "I...
DR. STANTON AND MISS MARTIN FIND EACH OTHER (Part of a series published elsewhere) By Alex Dr.Stanton, on his appointment as headmaster at St. Swithin's School ForGirls, made many changes in his staff in order to improve the school's performanceand reputation. Some of these changes had a double purpose, however, beingcarefully planned to facilitate his private ambition in regards to the caningof his pupils. This punishment was already accepted as a proper way to maintainthe discipline so...