Megyn Kelley Terrible Journey
- 3 years ago
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What a Day thought Megyn as she took the elevator down to the parking garage. The news day starts early with intense preparation. Then there is always the expected unexpected as news breaks through the day. Exhausted she wanted to get home to a relaxing bath. Megyn always watched her attire. She had to or somebody would catch in a bad light and the press would jump on it. Today she had on a knee length light colored dress, matching jacket and white blouse. Blonde, beautiful and...
During our flight to Denver, Kelley entertained herself by reading my answer to her journal. It took the entire trip for her to read and reread what I'd written, partially because she couldn't believe what she was reading. I struck up a conversation with our seatmate. Millie was married, the mother of three daughters and was on her way to Denver to attend a reunion with three college roommates. She didn't volunteer how many years it had been since she left college and I didn't think it...
Kelley grilled me for an hour before she let me go back to sleep, and when we got up, she had more questions. By the time Kenny and Patricia picked us up on Sunday morning, she knew as much about them as I knew. "What are their most distinguishing features?" she asked as she spread marmalade on her toast. I only had to think for a few seconds before answering. "She's a leaner and he wears small wire-rimmed glasses." "Glasses are not a feature. They can be changed," was Kelley's...
Kelley was beside herself. I tried talking to her, but she refused to listen to me. She went into the bedroom, leaving me to clean up the mess in the living room. When I went into the bedroom, she was asleep, or pretended to be. I went into my study, and read the new case for Business Management class. It involved the merger of two small circuses. One was older and had a well established travel circuit. The other one had not been in business as long, but its equipment and animals were in...
Timing is everything. I'll always remember July 1, 1992 as a watershed moment. Kelley and I reached a new understanding. She listened to the chauvinist way I'd treated Wanda, and yet she helped me write the fifty words that Mr. Oldham demanded. It was her desire for me to be the first man to sleep in her room and I was glad to oblige her. Kelley was very much aware that her period was due at any time, but she took the chance. She was apologetic when it happened, like it was her fault. I...
It was Thursday afternoon and I was trying to work on a Managerial Accounting assignment that was due the following Tuesday. I was finding it difficult to concentrate. I needed to finish it today because it was highly unlikely that I'd have any time on Friday afternoon, and it would be impossible to study after coming home from St. Louis on Sunday. I rationalized that I could put it off until Monday afternoon and let my mind wander, considering my plight. Kelley's weekend at Pontiac had...
We pick up where we left off.... And Kelley is not done getting her delights from her Papa bare!!! Up until now, it has all been building up to.... Well read what comes next!!!---------------------------------Kelley closed the door as she stepped into the basement bathroom. She giggled as she sat down on the cold seat. She had just lived out a fantasy she had had since early in her teens when her friend Brenda told her about her father drinking too much and climbing into bed with her! Kelley...
--This is the second in a series of stories about a Widowed father and his only offspring. If you don't like family taboo, stop here and go read someone elses story. If that intrigues you, then you may want to start with the first story, but I think you will get the jizz...I mean gist of what's going on if you just start reading now! Enjoy!!!---------------------------------After having his daughter, Kelley brought home by a police woman after she was caught doing "lewd and lascivious" acts in...
Kelley Sue was horny – very horny. She'd just spent an hour talking to her boyfriend, Tom, through a chatroom since he lived some distance away from where she was, and the end result was always the same afterward – she was amazingly horny and needed to get off with a strong cum. The bad part was that in less than fifteen minutes she had to do her shift on the dorm's front lobby desk. Kelly Sue didn't know what to do, but she got her hair brushed, made sure her blouse was buttoned from where...
What does our little fallen angel have in mind now? Well, maybe you should read.-----------------------------Kelley thought about undoing her father from where she had him shackled, hand and foot to their basement gym, but decided against it. He had gotten to enjoy his time with her... she now wanted to have some fun of her own! She looked over and saw the cheval mirror that he had given her for Christmas a couple of years back. She had had it in her bedroom, but it was such a tiny room, she...
Kelley -- what a babe you are. You know that now after all that we've shared and experienced together, but I know for several years there, you had no idea what you did to me each and every day that we worked together. I will never forget the first time we met and I was "in lust" from the moment my eyes first saw you. Well, you know you're attractive. You won't admit it, Kelley, but you know it. And I wish you'd take more credit for how sexy and attractive and yes, how hot you are. But,...
Jerry Bastian the Baltimore office manager met my flight and we stopped by a hotel to pick up Neill. He'd arrived the night before because he had a longer distance to travel. I found Jerry to be a congenial man. He was helpful, answering our questions concerning locations and surrounding neighborhoods of the two buildings. I commended his knowledge of the area and he admitted that he'd always lived in the city. Neill was a good choice to appraise the structures, and estimate the costs to...
Kelley Likes a Little Pain There is this lady that I work with that lives in the neighboring suburb with her husband and two c***dren that I sometimes hookup with. One of these more recent hookups happened recently and I'd like to share it with you. Her name is Kelley, and she supposedly comes over to my suburb in Saturday mornings to go to yoga classes. This one Saturday in particular she stopped by. I should stop here and say that any time she comes over to my house, or on the infrequent...
--Widowed 12 years ago, Stan has raised his female c***d from age 8 to now. He has foregone all of the opportunities to date other women to focus upon making life perfect for his daughter, who is now 20 and is quite the handful!!!---------------------------------Professor Stan thanked the police officer and said goodnight as he watched her walk back to the patrol car parked in his driveway. He smiled until he closed the door. Then slowly he turned and looked at his daughter.Kelly had always...
It was eleven-forty-five when I left the apartment, combing my hair and knotting my tie. Gladys kissed me goodbye, opened the door, and told me to have a good time. I told her to put some clothes on. Other than her soft voice, Erica was totally different, taller, blonder and older than the picture I had developed in my mind. "What did you expect?" she asked, motioning for me to take the passenger's seat. The car was a Pontiac Firebird, red exterior, matching interior and a sunroof. "I...
Last month Amy, Brooke, and I, agreed that we would rent a boat and go on an outing at the lake. Amy and Brooke would invite a couple of boys and they would like to watch a boy have sex with me. It is a big lake, surrounded by woods, and there are lots of little coves where we can swim and have privacy. Before leaving for the lake, I talked to the girls about what would be allowed and what they were willing to do. “Girls last month you said you a boy and have sex. I will probably do that so...
Chapter 1: I Don't Believe In That Shit. Fate, destiny, karma, whatever you may call it, it's unavoidable. The powers that be determine who you are, what you do and how you do it. Your job is to just sit back and enjoy the ride so to speak. It's the one universal force which we cannot escape... Well fuck that. There is no such thing as fate, we have no destiny, and Karma will not come and bite us on the ass. Belief in this shit is purely for those who feel the need to blame a higher...
"Fate is not a game of chance" — Extract from 'The Games of Gods and Other Powers' by Scholar-Priest Bi-Tan, Grand Library of Aimsmouth. The shutters of the Only Inn banged and clattered as winds battered Mount Orion. Storm clouds circled the mountain in a brooding ring and within them screamed the assembled storm host. Lightning flashed. Thunder sounded. Great bellows rung out. The main door of the inn crashed open and Khor, King of Storm, strode in. He was a giant of a man, with wild...
Hey friends, I’m Yash. Now, first things first. I’m not a professional writer, nor an experienced person. I’m just a regular guy pouring every drop of his brain to yours. Back to business, This goes back to my late teens. I was a good guy, good in academics, good in football, and good at heart. The only thing my parents worried about was my physique. So, I joined a gym. I was a lean guy, but I was fit. I had muscles (no abs, and no chiseled body), and people liked my company irrespective to...
Accepting fate by Salma Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and yes it has scenes in it which is for a mature audience only. I knew it was time for my mother to leave me alone, I really did not want to go and she saw it in my eyes. She gave me a hug with tears in her eyes, "You are his wife now, and he is your lord and husband remember that." I cringed at the words, lord and husband. I remembered the leering look on Mr. Johnston's face, the look of lust when my mother bought me...
A Chosen Fate By: Monsta Edward Smith was having a sandwich at a diner during his lunch break. The salty gooey cheesesteak at Ned's diner called to him from time to time. Even though his doctor would likely recommend against it, Edward sometimes answered the call. Ed was only 24 years old but he already had elevated blood pressure. He wasn't overweight by much, he just had a high stress sedentary job. His wonderful newlywed wife had been gently urging him to improve his health ever...
THE RINGS OF FATE "David, I'm going to the mall, keep your eye on Susie?" mother called up the stairs. "O.K. mum," I called back, my heart rate picking up. As soon as she was out the door I searched through her bedroom for the rings that I'd seen her and dad use. Dad was an archaeologist, he had obtained these rings from an Arabian associate, they were very, very special. "Where are they?" I searched frantically until I came across the ornate little wooden box in dad's...
Destiny's Welcomed Fate Talking across the cyber lanes; sharing desires, and speaking of dark things,daring whispers. Such secrets are only safe when shared with a hidden stranger.It was then that I began this twisted plot to gain my desires and at the sametime quench the mysteries you sought answers for. It must have seemed quite innocent when it arrived... it was meant too.Or perhaps simple blind luck, a commodity that had so often escaped you inthe past, how could you question its plain...
Liuzhou Intermediate People's Court pronounced its verdict, the two were guilty of intentional homicide, the defendant Lu Yuqiao (female) was sentenced to death. He Zhikun also received the death sentence and was carried out a week later. Lu yuqiao would try to appeal her death sentence. A few weeks later Yuqiao’s mouth closed over my penis and the sensation made it go erect immediately. Opening my eyes I make direct eye contact with this beautiful you woman whose sucking my dick. She only...
Laura knew something wasn’t quite right the minute she entered their apartment. The upside down coffee table and a scrawled sign on the television that shouted, ‘WATCH THE TAPE’, tipped her off. ‘Oh, brother. Must be time for another mission improbable.’ Grabbing the remote control, she turned on the TV and pushed play. The screen filled with the dim shape of a man lying face down with wrists bound behind his back and his ankles tied together. The lifeless hands frozen in a claw shape and...
The Worst Possible Fate Copyright 2000 By Scott K. Jamison Tammy Fey had two problems. The first was the physical fact that he had been born male. Obviously, disgustingly male. Tammy hadn't been able to convince any doctors that he was worthy of gender reassignment surgery, and his efforts to disguise his maleness on his own just hadn't been terribly successful. To soothe his wounded spirits, Tammy wrote stories. Glorious, wonderful stories in which men were granted the...
Usama's Fate By JRD It was a Grand Convocation of the Fae. All types were there: Elves, Gnomes, Brownies, Leprechauns; at least a few of every type of faerie was there. And all were clamoring to be heard. Finally, Oberon stood and yelled, "ENOUGH!" In a moment's time the clamor was gone, and the hall was silent. Oberon continued, "The rules stand! The Fae will not reenter the fate of humanity. Any who do so will answer to me!" then he and Titania were gone. As most of...
Beautiful fate By Jungle Jane I guess you could say that my fate was sealed the summer I was thirteen years old. I was short, skinny, and awkward. I had just moved from Chicago, to a small Midwestern town, and I was having problems fitting in. I certainly did not fit in with the cowboys, the jocks didn't want anything to do with me, and I didn't want anything to do with the nerds. I was pretty much on my own at an age when kids need to feel they belong to...
The Ring of Fate - by Acid Dreams CHAPTER 1: The Ring of Fate Tommy looked at the ring one more time, not sure if he could accept such an expensive looking artifact. The lawyer looked at him sternly and told him that if he was not available to accept it, it was to be destroyed. Tommy wondered what his uncle was thinking when writing his will, but decided that the ring would do better with him than with no one. "I'll take it," Tommy told his uncle's lawyer. The lawyer smiled...
Altered Fate By Shagufta Hanaphie 1. a. Deepika meets Alok I was studying in the first year of engineering college at that time, so was Alok. The first time I met Alok he was struggling with some luggage he was trying to get to his hostel room. I carried it for him till the boys' hostel gate, as he walked behind looking quite embarrassed. I wondered at the frailty of the poor guy, he seemed so weak and shy. He thanked me profusely the next time we met - I think it was in the canteen. I...
The Fates by Janet Stickney [email protected] The only way to overturn cruel Fates is to use the truth Destiny is fate aggravated by chance. That's what dad always said. As I dressed I knew that it was true. Why else would I be pulling on a skirt? I finished dressing, joined my mother for breakfast, and thought about how the fates had been so kind to me. My name was Jeff Grant. I'm 16 now, yet this all started when I was 15, just out of school for the summer. I...
The Fates by: Janet Stickney [email protected] The only way to overturn cruel Fates is to use the truth Destiny is fate aggravated by chance. That's what dad always said. As I dressed I knew that it was true. Why else would I be pulling on a skirt? I finished dressing, joined my mother for breakfast, and thought about how the fates had been so kind to me. My name was Jeff. I'm 16 now, yet this all started when I was 15, just out of school for the summer. I had no plans...
It was very late at night and she had just finished a personal session with her favorite vibrator when she swore she heard footsteps in the hallway outside of the bedroom. “Jeff? Is that you?” She called out, frowning. Her husband normally told her when he was returning from an engagement early and the last text she got was over an hour ago saying good night. It couldn’t possibly be him, right? Jennifer was naturally scantily clad in a silk nightgown that barely went down past her thighs....
‘I love you Mommy! I love you Daddy!’ Natasha Stone giggled with her backpack dangling from her shoulder. She had just finished giving her father a hug and was now waving as she ran off into the classroom. Both parents had their eyes shining with tears… Tears of pride and happiness. Their five year old daughter was starting her first day of school. It was symbolic day for the parents who wished for nothing but the best for their daughter. They didn’t know that as their little girl ran into...
The closed heavy draperies helped blanket the room in darkness. Outside the wind howled with its wolf-like voice. Just that sound made the house seem colder than it really was. "Put your head down and rest," he whispered. "You know you want to. Things will be better in the morning, I promise. Everything always looks different in the light of day." He hated lying to her, but if it could give her at least a little peace in this blackest hour, it was worth it. Things would not be better in the...
First TimeFate: Noun"The Development of events outside a person's control, regarded as determined by a Supernatural power." The last few months had not been going well for Sam, he lost his job and his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. After bouncing around from job to job he landed in a garage. A massive step down from his last job but thanks to a love of Cars given to him by his Father he was happy. He quickly found a kindred spirit in Owen, a fellow Mechanic and car buff, the two became...
THE MIRROR OF FATE By M. L. Powers As I reflect on this story I find it hard to believe that it could ever be possible. However, I am living proof that it was in fact possible. My name is Tommy Gardener. Well more to the point, it was my name. It all began 7 years ago, one night when I was unable to sleep. I had these nights on occasion and usually ended up watching TV or reading in attempt to fall asleep. This night however, I figured I'd install the new CD pinball game...
A Simple Twist of Fate By Bonnie Lea I: Dan was ready. He was alone for the weekend and was looking forward to having a few drinks and maybe to meet someone. It's been a rough week and now it's time to unwind. Stopping at a local cocktail lounge, he relaxed on a stool at the bar. "Kind of quiet so far" he mentioned to the bartender, "but it is still kind of early. After a few sips, Dan noticed a very attractive young lady at the other end of the bar. "Why not," Dan thinks to...
Linked fate © 2011 By Jennifer Morrell This is my second story. I hope you like it and please write a review if you like it or not. Tell me what you like about it and what I can improve, but please keep in mind English is not my first language. Feel free to post my stories elsewhere, as long as you state and acknowledge me as the original author. Linked Fate My name is Jack and this is my story about Rebecca and me. I am a single guy of 25 years old, 6 foot and 4...
Natalia woke up in a dark small room. She was chained to the floor, a shackle around her ankle. How did she get here? The last thing she remembered she was sitting at the bus stop after work. She just finished her shift as a waitress. Natalia then realizes she is no longer wearing her waitress uniform; instead she is in a white simple dress. It comes down about two inches from her panties and a deep V neckline, highlighting her small mounds, her cleavage. It is a spaghetti strap dress that...
The Warning: Fate: The Preface Gaias? Warning:A Prophecy Fulfilled?The Rise of the Dark Creatures Has BegunDanyealle(no sex, plot) Long after the staff had gone home for the night Darious and Modega were still there, sitting in his office quietly talking, waiting for the story one of the primetime news magazines was scheduled to run.? Sure, both of them had seen many people claiming to be vampires since the age of mass media had set in, but all the previous times it hadn?t been the...
Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim's pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was the mother of Jim's first two pets. She had been a drunken whore of a mother who frequently cursed at and slapped her teenaged daughters for no good reason. Jim, as his ultra-ego Bill, had decided Sandra needed...
The great bear savaged as it ate the young king tearing his stomach up and clawed him ripping him to bloody shreds. Later when he had calmed down the bear took human form again the rage had subsided and he looked at his prize as had been promised by his new goddess the dark goddess of love and lust Laure standing there smiling in that strange but rousingly tight and shining attire, Barak walked quickly over to where Ce’Nedra stood screaming and crying at what had just happened and grabbed...
A man who wants a wonderful life lives a terrible life. Tyrone couldn’t sleep. The Christmas lights from the store next door lit up his small room with the glow of the holiday. It was Christmas Eve and with children everywhere going to bed with dreams of Santa Claus and presents under the tree, for him, Christmas was a nightmare. Tyrone turned off the television. He wanted to shoot it and if the police hadn’t confiscated his gun, he would have. He couldn’t believe he got suckered into...
Here's a revised form of my first story. Hope you enjoy! :) The Terrible Ts - Part 1 Talbot POV: The Terrible Ts. That’s what we’ve been called since we learned to walk. Whether it was meaningless pranks to blood-letting fights in the school hallways, nothing deterred us. We were determined to conquer the world, one way or another. Of course, we are still straight-A students and involved in all the sports our high school had to offer us. Our mother, Zona, drilled that into us...
Before Jessie Harper could really begin relating her ‘terrible week’ to Bradley Terrence she heard the front door of the house click open then click shut again. Moments later the two of them were joined in the living room by Kate Terrence, Paul Terrence and Ingrid Terrence. Paul Terrence was of course completely naked just like his father. He had been a Certified Nudist for the same length of time and hadn’t worn a stitch of clothing in months. Kate and her mother had talked about becoming...
Author's Notes by Bill Hart This was initially intended to be the second posting of the collaborative crossover set in the 'Spells R Us' and 'Altered Fates' universes written by myself and Raven. However, after finally making contact with Raven, we decided my story could be posted first, with his story becoming a prequel of sorts, instead of the lead in. Before I do anything else I would like...
CARNIVAL OF MIRRORS: FOUR FATES By BobH (c) 2004 Cedar Junction, MA, May 16th, 1987, 2:40 pm: Hot dog franks sizzled on griddles, sugar was spun into floss and onto sticks, vendors hawked their wares. The crowds swirled around happily, shouting and laughing, unaware of the danger that lurked among them. Reed Carter rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully and took in the scene before him with the experienced eyes of a predator. The fair had come to town two days earlier, the rides...
The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman By Dr. Phil This is the story of an 18th century English nobleman living in the Caribbean. He is hated by a local pirate governor. The Englishman refuses to sell a small piece of land to the governor who has wanted it for a long time. The Englishman has been protected by his friendship with the captain of one of the pirate ships. Even the governor fears this ruthless captain. One day the pirate ship arrives in port with...
Terrible Twosome! TJ Ryder The attractive, late-thirties teacher in her much mendedtight dress frowned as she looked at the bulletin board at BriarcliffCollege, the exclusive girl's school catering to the very rich, verybad and mostly very depraved girls of the priviledged ruling class. Being always anxious to make some extra money since teachers were considered on a par of servants and chauffeurs by the arrogant wealthy girls and the pay was pitiful, she always...
Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom Cindy saw that the door to my bedroom wasn't all the way closed, so the knock-before-entering rule did not apply. She opened the door and said, "Mom, I... MOM! I jumped to place my back to the wall and yanked-up the bathing suit I was stripping out of, crying, "Cindy! GET OUT!" Ignoring the order, my curious sixteen-year-old marched in, saying, "Mom, what was that?" With the suit clutched in place but not tied, I said, "That was none of your...
Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often. I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...
After a weird sort of a breakup with Samer and even wieder oral sex with Hassan immediately after my break up, I've decided to be alone for a while. I figured it would be best for me to actually decide what to do when there is no pressure to do anything. But the pressure was there, some pressure came from Hassan who was really impatient to see me again; other sorts of pressure were mostly self imposed. The only place no pressure came from was from Samer.But, let me rewind this story a little...
Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often.I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...
BDSMFor a long time I have known that I was not like other guys. My first gym shower showed me that, the black guys cocks the size of grown men at age of 17. I sat and watched, trying not to stare as they walked past me cocks swinging from side to side huge balls, my God huge fucking balls mine looked nothing like these cocks. My first contact came by accident I was playing basketball with a couple of black guys, trying to guard this guy he dunked on me his big dick smacked me in the face as the...
Matty got up much earlier than usual for a Saturday morning. Slowly Matty stumbled into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As she left the bathroom, she noticed Derrick was in the study on the computer. They were the only ones at home. “Hey Derrick, where is everyone?” Matty’s voice surprised Derrick, she usually would still be asleep for a few more hours.Derrick smiled at his younger step sister. What a beautiful and sexy woman she had grown to become. She was 20 and he was 22...
WYATT'S FATE by J R D Trisha Colton ran into the office of Emily Drasberg, ignoring the protests of the secretary who tried unsuccessfully to interpose herself between Trisha and the office door. Trisha stopped cold when she saw Emily. The woman was fantastic! A platinum blonde bombshell with breasts that could've been on a centerfold in one of those "Juggs" type magazines. They must've been an F cup at least. Trisha had always been predominately attracted to men, but this...
Disclaimer: The following story contains numerous adult themes, including, but not limited to, cross-dressing, BDSM, forced sex. It is a work of fiction and any resemblance between any of the characters and anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Again, this story is intended for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. If you are offended by any of the preceding words, please do not read on. Thank you. Nina's Fate by Nina ...