Trouble In The Forest - Book IIIntroduction free porn video

Thirty seven year old Julie Winters and her two children, Travis and Sarah, had been driving across country as they went to join her husband and their father in Arizona. Scott Winters had accepted a promotion with his employer that resulted in a required relocation to Phoenix, Arizona from their home in Cleveland, Ohio. Rather than flying, Julie offered her children the opportunity to drive and see a lot of the country firsthand as they traveled. On the way, on a little side trip to a national park just west of St. Louis, Missouri, they encountered a detour, a rain storm and a large black bear in the middle of a forested side road. Surprised by the bear, Julie ran off the road, immobilizing the vehicle and stranding them in the middle of a very lonely stretch of Missouri back road.
Eventually, they are "rescued" by two local men and offered shelter for the night. Hank Emerson, host, successful entrepreneur and resident hero to the three Winters travelers, provided shelter, a hot meal, and a warm shower for his surprise guests. As might be expected, Hank Emerson was attracted to Julie, even more so as she showered, and decided that some measure of sexual relief may be suitable compensation for providing them shelter. Julie tried to rebuff his advances but was no match for him and ultimately submitted to his desires and demands. Hank turned out to be a much better lover than Julie's husband had ever been. In the midst of this involuntary sex and despite trying her hardest to deny her emotions, Julie Winters experienced an extremely intense orgasm, unlike any that she had ever experienced in her married life. By morning, she has become a willing sexual partner of Hank and, in a heartfelt but surprising admission during breakfast with her children, relates her previous night's experiences and declares herself to be sexually emancipated. Ignoring the shock value to her children, she continues to explain how sexually repressed she has been all of her life and how she is now determined to change her life.
The Winters family structure disintegrated the following morning when Julie discovered that her husband had been having an affair with his assistant. Feeling betrayed, Julie filed for divorce, and using an obscure Missouri law, obtained a large financial settlement from Scott's employer as well as from Scott himself. Making no effort to deny her own responsiveness to Hank's caresses, Julie experiences a sexual epiphany. Apologizing to both of her children for the unenlightened approach to sex that she had held all of her life, and for the Victorian Era values that she had attempted to instill into them, she concluded that her daughter deserved to enjoy her first sexual experience. She had Hank sleep with her daughter so that she will experience sexual satisfaction and learn how good sex can be. Sarah, the daughter, then relieved her older brother of any sexual tension he may have developed.
Getting on with their lives, Julie and her children, at Hank's invitation, decide to accept his offer to remain living with him. The children enroll in school and life began to return to some sense of normalcy. During spring break, Hank invited them to an island in the Caribbean and asked Julie to marry him.

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