KennedyChapter 22: Duel Arcane free porn video

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Kennedy got another hour of sleep before it was time to get up, but she was awake when Amy came to wake her. They showered again, both holding each other's eyes.

"I was scared the other night," Amy told Kennedy. "Scared for you. I saw you stagger. I thought you were shot."

"It was a dart from a tranquilizer gun. It didn't work."

"I don't pretend to understand what went on, after that. I saw you standing there, so brave... but so alone. I wanted to run out and grab you and drag you back, but Deb just laughed and told me 'watch the mojo.'"

Amy shook her head. "I didn't see anything, but I heard -- weird things."

"Jurassic Park," Kennedy agreed. "Amy, I tell you true, there's an explanation for all of this and I tell you equally true you could go your entire life without knowing it and being better off for not knowing."


"Deb and others," Kennedy told her.

"Rosalie and Marcie?"

"Rosalie, mostly."

"And I don't want to know about it?"

"I could lie, you know," Kennedy told her. "I tried that with Ruby, but it got her killed. I never tried it with Harriet, so... maybe that's a vote for truth. I swear to you, if you ask me, I'll tell you, but you'd be nuts to ask."

"I don't think I understand."

"Understand this. Both of us are standing here in the shower, rubbing our breasts and looking at the other. We've both been doing that for about five minutes. You have hard nipples; I have hard nipples. You really don't want a Carnival girl, Amy."

"Sometimes, Kennedy, our bodies tell us things that we don't want to hear. Like maybe there's a time to hold tight to our principles -- and other times it's carpe diem."

"Well, if we don't stop here soon, I, at least, am going to be working out with a silly-ass grin on my face."

Amy laughed, reached over and flipped the valve for Kennedy's hot water to all the way off. Kennedy jumped two feet into the air when the frigid water struck her, and came down with nipples that stuck our more than ever before -- but no silly-ass grin.

The day went normally until four o'clock, then Kennedy was called down to the office. Lauren was there, Ferinc, Mr. Glastonbury and Pipes.

Pipes spoke first. "My friend is concerned about Clarice. He was not pleased at all to hear about this latest episode. He talked to your father, Kennedy, and he has asked Mr. Glastonbury and myself to coordinate a response."

"And I speak for Lauren Tredegar," Ferinc interjected. "We too have had enough of this. When I leave here, I'm flying to Sunnydale, California, where I will visit Professor Walsh, who, we're fairly sure, has a direct link to whoever is behind this.

"I will explain to her that Camp Wanakena will join with Mr. Pipes and Mr. Stuyvesant in seeking an order in open court, forbidding agents of the government to come within a half mile of Camp Wanakena, or two hundred yards from any attendee, staff or camper. Mr. Pipes assures me that he is quite familiar with the legal forms required and that it will make such hostile visitations extremely expensive in terms of publicity and will almost certainly result in sentences for contempt for anyone involved."

"Just so long as it stops," Kennedy said darkly.

"It will," Mr. Glastonbury told her. "Have no fears, it will. Your father has made it quite clear to a half dozen US senators and two dozen congressmen that it stops or he's going to go public with what he's learned about what they're up to."

Mr. Glastonbury looked around at the others sitting around Lauren's desk. "They are running a rather empirical program, starting from scratch. They don't know the good guys from the bad guys and have ignored the advice of several people who told them to be careful. They have discovered our enemies. They can tell when they find them, because there are piles of bodies, broken lives and shattered dreams. When they come here they are humiliated and sent packing.

"Even dim bureaucrats have finally managed to put two and two together and realize that there are two sides and they need to concentrate on the opposition, not their allies. Or, at least, that's what they told Mr. Stuyvesant."

Pipes kept silent throughout. Kennedy looked at him and raised her eyebrow.

He laughed. "My friend is also upset, because he'd been assured that Miss Kennedy was not the target of any Federal investigation. However, the fact is that his influence decreases dramatically beyond the boundaries of New York City and Albany.

"On an unrelated topic, I talked to my niece at lunch. She said she was doing fine, although the air horn warning woke them all up. Then she gave a Cheshire grin. Miss Kennedy..."

"Lauren, I'd like to say a few words at dinner about decorum," Kennedy told her. Lauren looked at her, clearly wanting an explanation. Kennedy shook her head. "It's just for us, okay?"

"And Clarice?" Pipes insisted.

"She and her friends have started to prepare early for the Friday night talent show. I would advise you not to ask."

"I have to, Kennedy."

"They want to practice modeling. Think Victoria's Secret catalog stuff."

He blinked. "Oh," he said weakly. "I think I can report she's fitting in well, then?"

"I think, honestly, she's one of the saner girls here, Pipes."

Again he blinked. "I'd like to tell that to my friend. After Dwight, he's... concerned."

"Clarice is the opposite of Dwight. It's what happens when you're fed up with a certain class of attitude. It isn't anything your friend would appreciate learning about, though. Was he happy when he learned that Clarice knew the origins of Fatso's nickname?"

"No, he wasn't happy. On the other hand, he was the one who slipped."

"Yeah, well, sometimes it's not a slip, okay?"

"I'll bow to your wisdom."

Ferinc got things back on track. "I have a long drive to the airport followed by a long flight. We will do what we can to prevent any more repetitions."

"Still, it wouldn't hurt to be eternally on guard," Mr. Glastonbury told them.

"Yeah, whatever."

In a few moments, Kennedy was alone with Lauren. "Do you want to give me a preview of what you want to say tonight?"

"Sure, Lauren. We're turning into guys. It's disgusting. We drool at each other. We undress each other with our eyes. We pursue with more enthusiasm than we should. I think some of the fence-sitters are making choices based on what they think is popular, not what they really want."

"That would be a difficult topic to discuss, given that at least half the girls are more than fence-sitters. They're in the other camp. Remember, it was you who wanted Clarice in Charlotte's cabin."

"Yep. And I'm not worried about Clarice. Like I said, she's self-confident and self-sufficient. She plans on knocking a few eyes out on Friday -- and then hold them up in a mirror so they can see themselves drooling."

Lauren grimaced. Kennedy smiled at her. "Lauren, they're going to rehearse. There are, I think, a half dozen of them, who are going to go wandering around in nighties on rehearsal days. All of them are nesters who are tired of getting hit on. They want to rub people's noses in it."

"I'm not sure how that's going to work."

"Because it's a parody. It's ironic. It's going to be humiliating to the droolers when they tell everyone at the end that they aren't available."

"And what is your plan?"

"Simple. We're not guys. A nice general speech about respecting each other. Nothing about... sitting at the table in your cabin and making love to your friends."

She sighed. "Go for it. I'll think about the other, as well. You're right. I might be able to run a couple of years like that, but eventually someone would get pissed and that would, very messily, be that."


"Are you really okay?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure what Rosalie did, but instead of the dart putting me to sleep I wanted to go out there and bash a few heads. I knew better, so I stayed put."

"What can I do to repay you for protecting the girls?"

Kennedy laughed. "Once, Lauren. I'm adventurous about some things once."

"I'm crushed that you could even think such a thing!" she smiled when she said it.

"Well, I need to get up to the cabin. Amy is much better, but it's supposed to be my job, too."

"See you at dinner."

It was funny, Kennedy thought later. Clarice and her friends modeled nice dresses in the rehearsal. Kennedy had no idea why someone would bring any dress, much less a nice one, to summer camp. Of course, she had the same difficulty about the concept of bringing sexy underwear, too. It was clear that Clarice and her friends were going for a major surprise.

Of course, this year there was no Ferinc and no clever idea for something Kennedy could participate in.

Marcie and Rosalie appeared half way through the evening. "We've been talking," Rosalie told Kennedy.

"Okay," Kennedy said. Marcie couldn't get in much more danger than she was already in and Rosalie wasn't in a much better position.

"We want to do something with you. Both of us."

Kennedy decided to yank their chain. "Okay," she agreed. "I'll have to ask Amy though if you can use her bed tonight, though."

She said it with as straight a face as she could.

Marcie giggled, while Rosalie blushed. "Maybe later," Rosalie said, clearing her throat. "We meant a skit or something."

"I can do many things," Kennedy told them, "but I can't sing, I can't dance, and while I can read a line, I'm not much of an actress either."

Marcie seemed the most surprised. "Surely you can think of something. You're Kennedy!"

"Kennedy, yep, that's who I am. At my high school they call me the crazy girl from Scarsdale who likes poetry. You see, in their eyes, liking poetry means you're crazy."

Deb had been a few feet away, and she cleared her throat. "Crazy girl who likes poetry, eh?"

Kennedy looked at her friend and nodded.

"Well," Deb replied, "that it just so happens I have an idea. What's really cool about it is I don't have to do much of anything. Been there, done that already."

"What do you mean, Deb?" Kennedy asked.

"A few years ago I got really carried away with water color art. I would do three to five pieces based on a theme. I did three pieces from 'Annabelle Lee.' That's a poem by Edgar Allen Poe."

Rosalie looked at Deb and decided she had to say something. "I'd think 'The Bells' or 'The Raven' would be better."

"Annabelle Lee needs a pair of lovers, a wicked kinsman and a narrator. That's four. Artwork, that's me. Five."

"What do you mean by art?" Kennedy asked.

"Oh, call them sets. Backdrops for the story."

Kennedy shrugged. "Deb, there's no way we could do even one full backdrop in the time we've got, even if we had help."

"No problem. Aunt Lauren has a projection gizmo. I can project the paintings the size of a scene flat; that's no trouble." She waved at Kennedy. "Do you know the poem?"

Kennedy shook her head.

Deb started reciting the words and Kennedy listened. When Deb finished, Kennedy nodded. "That's just great. Of course, it all depends on the visuals. There's not much scope for acting."

Deb giggled. "Which is why I thought of you, Kennedy, as narrator."

Rosalie and Marcie both giggled.

"It's always good, Deb, to be thought about," Kennedy said, trying to make it seem like she wasn't laughing too.

After the rehearsals, Deb asked Kennedy to come down to the office to see her artwork. There wasn't much to the idea, beyond a good speaking voice and decent artwork. Kennedy was impressed by the pieces, particularly because in one of them there were two lovers fleeing a demon. It was clear from the picture that the two lovers running were Rosalie and Marcie and the pursuer was Professor Walsh.

When Kennedy heard that Deb had painted the three pictures years before she met any of them people in them she was stunned. The paintings gave Kennedy a lot to think about.

When Kennedy and Deb got back to the cabin, Marcie and Rosalie were still sitting at the table, their heads down, deep in conversation.

"Want to see something magic?" Deb whispered with a giggle at the end.

"I have a feeling I know what you're talking about, Deb. Sure, go ahead. My ego will stand it."

When they were several yards from the two younger girls, Deb laughed softly. "It's going around, I guess."

"What's going around?" Kennedy asked.

"They don't see us."

Kennedy looked at Rosalie and Marcie and frowned.

Deb tugged on Kennedy's hand and pulled her back to their room. "No, it's not really magic. Hormones, Kennedy, not magic."

"You mean..." Kennedy stopped and giggled.

"Yes," Deb said, then laughed herself. "The other day, you and Mr. Waterman made a mistake about my tears."


"I saw the two of them married. It was a gloriously beautiful church wedding, with bridesmaids and everything. They were so lovely in their dresses and they kept looking at each other the same way they are now. It's as if the rest of the world didn't exist."

"And the tears?"

Deb slapped her thigh and laughed. "I always cry at weddings."

Amy stuck her head in the room. "What are you two laughing at?"

Kennedy waved towards the main room.

Amy smiled. "Rosalie and Marcie?"

Kennedy nodded.

"Good for them! But I'm not sure why you're laughing at them."

"I'm not laughing at them, I'm laughing at kismet, fate, whatever. I'm laughing at how foolish it is to assume what someone else is thinking," Kennedy replied.

Amy nodded. "Kennedy, I know this will sound strange, but would you sleep with me tonight?"

Kennedy looked at her. "Be still, oh my heart!" Kennedy whispered, half to herself.

Deb put her hands on Kennedy's shoulder. "Go, girl."

Kennedy got up and followed Amy towards the other bedroom. Rosalie and Marcie had stopped talking, and were exchanging shy kisses and were no more aware of the rest of the universe than they'd been before. Kennedy could only smile as she remembered the year before when she and Deb had made love to each other at just such a table.

Amy closed the door behind them, then sat down on the bed cross-legged. "Can we talk, Kennedy?"

"Sure, Amy."

"I don't know what I want," Amy said baldly. "You, I think. Then I think about Monique and I want to cry. It's not even a month, and already I'm looking at someone else the same way I looked at her."

"Amy, I like you a very great deal. I thought we worked this out last year. I'm content to be your friend."

"And if I'm not content with that?"

"I'm not a very good choice for a girl who wants to nest."

"You've said that. Now, I want you to look me in the eye and tell me why you're not."

"As you may have noticed," Kennedy said dryly, "I'm a trouble magnet. Monique, from what I understand, didn't die because she was your friend."

"No, Monique's mother sent her downstairs to get some milk from a store across the street. It was in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. It was New York, but it wasn't that bad of a neighborhood. Some gang bangers were desperate for money to get high on and she had some. Ten lousy dollars!"

Kennedy reached out and touched Amy's shoulder. "Ruby died because of me, Amy. The guy who killed her brought her to me, so he could kill her in front of me. He killed his own aunt, right in front of his uncle, to hurt him as well."

"And you killed him."

"I killed him," Kennedy told her flatly. "He was gone a few seconds after he killed Ruby.

"How did you kill him?"

"Amy, we're getting to that dangerous place."

"I'm not stupid, Kennedy. I know that guy last year wanted you, not Deb. If I'd sent a woman old enough to be my grandmother packing after talking to her for a few minutes, I'd be bragging to everyone about it -- but you didn't do that. And you didn't say anything to anyone about last year, either. And those guys sneaking around the other night... They were after you, weren't they?"

"Like I said, I'm a trouble magnet.

"Do you really want me to tell you the truth? Knowing that if I do and you tell people, you could get yourself and them killed? Your family? And that the truth is something so far from what you believe that you'll have trouble accepting it?"

"So what? I don't know if I could like someone very much who kept that kind of secret from me. Even as a friend. Like I said, I'm not stupid. I know there's a lot going on at this camp besides girls getting it on with each other. I don't pretend to understand, and I make a point of not being nosey about that sort of stuff, either. But that doesn't stop me from being curious."

"And if I told you that Camp Wanakena is run by a gypsy who has convinced her fellow gypsies that she's fleecing the parents of rich kids... would you believe that?"

"Fleece how? This camp has more activities than most summer camps I've read brochures for; they pay the staff better, and the cost is very competitive. Plus, there are scholarships for inner city kids from New York. That's how Monique got here."

"Damn," Kennedy whispered. "You should have told Lauren."


"She'd have fixed it up so she could come last year."


"Why? Because Lauren is a gypsy with a soft heart, a romantic by nature. Like I said, her fellow gypsies, most of them, think she's stealing your parents blind."

"That's bizarre! Don't they do any research?"

"Amy, the average gypsy is a lying, cheating, thief who thinks that everyone else is the same way. Deb told me last year that her family is encouraging her computer studies in the hopes that one day she'll turn on the money spigot at every ATM in the country."

"That's crazy!"

"You bet. And Rosalie out there... she's a witch. So is Steffie. Except Rosalie is, so far as I can tell, a thousand times stronger than Steffie. She's engaged to the king of the gypsies, not that she had any say in it. He's planning on having her use her magic to rub out those who oppose him. Rosalie's father plans on having her rub out the king instead, so he can get himself appointed regent, then he'll rub her out and be king all by his lonesome."

"I know I'm repeating myself, but that's just plain nuts! Is it true?"

"Cross my heart, Amy, I swear."

"Magic? A witch? Two witches?"

"Did you hear Jurassic Park music the other night when those guys were here for me? Did you hear the crashing trees, the swishing of leaves as if something huge was walking through them?"

"I thought it was the wind playing tricks."

Kennedy shook her head. "It was Rosalie playing tricks."

Amy was silent. "None of that is about you, though, is it? Except peripherally."

"That's right. Tomorrow, I'll get Rosalie to show off for you. Magic is real, Amy."

"And what about you?"

"Could you describe Mr. Waterman to me?"

"You're changing the subject again."

"No, we're coming to that. First, you have to understand the world as it really is. A world where things you think are fairy tales or boogeyman stories to be told around the campfire are real."

"And what has Mr. Waterman got to do with that?"

"Sometime go down to the boathouse and ask him to take off his hat. Try not to run screaming back up the hill when he does."

"He's ugly? I figured he got burned when he was younger. That's why he doesn't show his face."

"He doesn't show his face for the reason I just said. He's a Sofai, a water demon."

"And he works here at camp? A demon?"

"That's right."

"And no one notices?"

"Well, I noticed. It's a good thing for him that I wasn't carrying my sword the first time I saw him, because I'd have lopped off his head a second later. A lot of people I admire and trust explained to me that not all demons are bad."

Amy rocked back, clearly thinking. "Are you... a demon?"

"Well, no. Still, that doesn't mean I'm like you and the rest of the girls here, either."

"You're really strong; I know that."

"Amy..." Kennedy unfolded her legs from the bed, and moved a few feet away. She crouched down, jumped up, tap-danced for a fraction of a second on the roof, a half dozen feet over her head, then landed lightly on her feet.

"Bet you can't do that!" Kennedy said with a laugh.

"No, I don't think I can," Amy said cautiously.

"Over in Charlotte's cabin is the sister of the guy who killed Ruby. She found out I terminated his existence, so she sought me out. I had no idea who she was; she walked right up to me and slid a knife into my stomach."

"Oh God! At least it wasn't too bad!"

"Amy, it was a six inch blade. It went all the way in, and made a mess. Ten minutes later I'd stopped bleeding and the wound was closed. The next morning I was pretty chipper and the next evening I fought a pretend-duel with my sword. I didn't even feel a twinge."

"That doesn't make any sense."

Kennedy sighed. "It's why Ruby and I broke up. One night at Faire, I fell down a hill. I had cuts and bruises, and there was no way I could stop the doctor they had from seeing to them. I was pretty sore and I told Ruby we couldn't make love because I hurt too much. The next morning we showered together and all she saw was a few fading bruises and what looked like scratches. She assumed I'd lied the night before, that I didn't want to make love to her any more."

"And you did?"

"Well, cut me and I bleed. Bruise me and it hurts. I enjoy making love to my willing partner. It's just that I don't bleed or hurt long, but my heart breaks as easily as anyone else's."

"What are you, then?"

"That night, I didn't fall because I slipped. I fell because a vampire leaped on my back and sank his fangs in my neck."

Amy blinked, her jaw dropped in astonishment. "You're a vampire?"

Kennedy couldn't help giggling. "No, Amy, I'm not. The technical details of how a vampire creates a new vampire are a little gory. First, they have to drain your blood. That takes a few minutes. He had about two seconds and then he was gone."


"It's called 'dusting.' When you kill a vampire it's just like in the movies. Some movies. It turns to dust. That's how I could kill the vampire at my New Year's Eve party and there was no trouble. There was no body."


"If I could lasso a vampire, particularly one who's been around for a while, I could ask it what it fears the most. The answer would be given as a sneer, mostly, braggadocio of the worst kind. They're not afraid of people like me! No, of course not!

"The person they fear, and they do, believe me, is called the 'Slayer.' The Vampire Slayer. There's a lot of magic involved, a lot of other things. Slayers heal fast, they are much stronger than normal. Sort of like me."

"Sort of? It sounds just like you!"

"Trust me, Amy, sort of like me. I can jump about six feet up into the air. The one Slayer I met could get up about twenty feet. I'm what's called a 'Potential.' When the current Slayer is killed, one of us Potentials gets tapped for the job. I just have more than average skills."

"Does that make it more or less likely you'll get the job?"

Kennedy shrugged. "I have no idea. About two years ago I think I was close to being promoted, but I think that the powers-that-be decided I was too young."

Amy looked at her, then reached out her hand and touched Kennedy's. "There's something you're not telling me."

Kennedy smiled. "Slayers and Potentials have folks called 'Watchers' who do just that. Watch over them. Mine is Mr. Glastonbury. I'm always telling him the same thing. He's of the opinion that there are some things even I'm better off not knowing. Like, for instance, what the record survival time for a Slayer is. The average is a couple of years, but I'm pretty sure that some of them get killed really quick. Not so long ago two vampires broke into the house to kill me. We're not sure why, but they thought I'd been Chosen as the Vampire Slayer."

Same as Kennedy
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Jason invited his uncle and aunt for dinner. “I have something interesting to show you that I am sure you will find entertaining.” Jason said. “We have a trade delegation from one of the remote planets to meet, we will be happy to see you all tomorrow. Come to the palace and bring the whole household. The chef wants to make some new foods from Earth that he has been working with. “I am pleased to hear Winston is back with you and I hear from Nora you had quite an adventure,” Alana...

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Duel Wielding

The fiercest of the fighting was over, but she knew she couldn’t relax, there were still stragglers on the battlefield and she had long since lost her light skirmisher retinue, a team of chosen lowborn who prevented people getting in close or behind her, preventing the weaknesses of plate armour from being exploited so she could wreak havoc on those before her. At her best In the heat of battle only the most skilful of foes could break her guard, but as it stood, any idiot with a knife could...

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Cat Fight 10 Duel

Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill's body guard and mate Mikos Glac -...

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An Illness A Duel A Runaway Horse

“How much further?”“Not far,” Eliot grinned, hoisting the pack on his shoulder, “you’re gonna love this. I swear.”I wiped my brow, grabbing a branch as I leapt over another slick dip in the trail. The sun was warm, and the snow was long gone.  But the ground this time of year was still glazed in ice, all pearly and hard as enamel.“You sure you know where you’re going?”He stopped, squinting around the dense evergreens, his thumbs hooked through the loops of his jeans.“You know, now that you...

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Submissive Cum Laude Chapter 3 Duel Of The Dommes

*BZZZT BZZZT* Her phone rattled in her pocket. Brianna had turned off audio alerts until she felt better, but left the buzzer on just in case something important popped up. She pulled out her phone and found an incoming call from Alex. Of course... They'd talked about having a session tonight. “Hey bitch.” “Good afternoon, my Goddess. How was your day?” “It was a day. Not feeling the greatest right now.” “Oh... Sorry to hear. I could come over and give you a massage if you like? From...

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The Duel the Damsel the Deception and Debauchery Part Three The Deception

That night was a storm of firsts for me. I was once involved in a group-sex thing but it wasn’t anything close to a premeditated orgy and didn’t have Kiera, the Princess of perversion, conducting everything. I gave in to the decadence and left my inhibitions at the door. The rest of that night was a blur of naked, tangled limbs; of tongues and hands; and of hard cocks and drenched pussies.I was eventually exhausted and Glade, my on-again lover, took me to his camp. Kiera, insatiable as always,...

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Law of the BloodChapter 21 The Duel Or Tit For Tat

Athea looked at the people surrounding her and smiled. It was time to open the gate of the corral. “What Hassika just said isn’t wrong, but it’s only a part of the truth. You’re humans; you’ve a different outlook on things than my brother and I. You’re facing a war and trying to find a way to protect your families. Now look at my brother. Vernya isn’t our home; all he had to do to protect his family is to leave. But even if all of you flee to rescue yourselves, and the ones you love, he...

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Gods of GardheChapter 8 Duel with Blunt Swords

"No way! I'm not gonna do it any more. I'm tired, and my head hurts!" Chad lurched to his feet rebelliously, resting his forehead against the bole of a tree at the edge of the clearing. He knew that he was being childish about the whole thing, but he'd sat crosslegged on the mossy ground until he could hardly move, staring at the quarterinch nugget of raw gold until he felt like his eyes were permanently crossed. A throbbing ache bounced back and forth inside of his skull, and even the...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 200 The Fated Duel

Sanosuke: We got all five, just like you wanted! Now it's your turn! Come on down from there! (There is seemingly no response.) Kaoru: He's not doing anything... Megumi: It's because he's so high up. It'll take some time to release the gas in the balloon and come down. Kenshin (thinking): Enishi... (Sanosuke turns on Saitou.) Sanosuke: Hey. Now that we have a minute, I want a word. From now on this is their fight. It doesn't mean anything if they don't settle it themselves. So...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 2 Portugal and Spain

I do not intend chronicling the campaign in the Iberian Peninsula, although it brought fame and fortune to Arthur Wellesley and added fresh lustre to the reputation of the British army. There are those far mightier with the pen than I to describe the battles, so I shall just touch on the points of the campaign were I was involved. The 69th arrived too late for the Talavera campaign, and so spent our first six months in Portugal getting more intimately acquainted with the topography of that...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 The Rectory at Laverton

On my return from the overnight stay at Devizes I re-joined my men in the abandoned school house that lay just a stone's throw away from the Rectory itself. There were two large classrooms that easily accommodated the 60 or so men of the company, a headmaster's office, which I used for the company office, and two smaller rooms, one used as my bedroom, and the other used by James McMurdoe. There were privies, and a water pump, in the courtyard, and the place was a perfect billet for me and...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 The Rectors Wife

Two of the clock on Tuesday afternoon found me sat by the side of the small stream, what we would call a 'beck' in Lincolnshire, awaiting the appearance of the Rector's wife. It seemed bizarre in the extreme that I was contemplating having a sexual dalliance with a woman whose name I did not yet know. However, there was a strong possibility that she was bored with her life at the rectory and was merely having a jest with me. Even now she could be hiding behind a shrub somewhere, watching...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 8 The Kennet Avon canal

The days rolled by, and the Tuesday ‘nature walk’ with Susannah became the highlight of my week. After that first assignation, I soon introduced her to soixante neuf, and we spent many happy hours entwined, with heads to groins, licking and sucking at the sweet flesh presented to our questing mouths. Summer strayed into October, with unexpected but welcome warmth, and Susannah and I would cavort naked in ‘our’ dell, where I would coat her nude body with my seed. I can vouch for the...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 9 The Anchor Inn at Burbage

A week had passed since my company had moved to take post at Burbage, a small village alongside the Kennet and Avon canal. The long Indian summer had finally come to an end, with a vengeance, as it had been continuous heavy rain since the day we had arrived. It was now the back end of November and it was difficult to believe that I had been cavorting naked with Susannah, in the warmth of summer, not much more than a month ago. The rain was now sheeting down, the temperature had dropped like...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Ann Kerr

A few days before my birthday one of my men tripped over a canal side bollard and fell heavily, dislocating his shoulder. I managed to push the shoulder back into place, but as it remained very swollen and painful I sent for Surgeon Armityge at Devizes, as I knew he would have some lineament or lotion to assuage the pain, -- Surgeon Major Armityge had taken over from Sawbones Casey as Regimental Surgeon on our return to England. Meantime I bought a bottle of rum from the Anchor Inn and poured...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 An Amorous Interlude

When the pale grey light of dawn woke me I was under the warm body of Jenny Makepeace. It was an awaking that any man would be pleased to receive, and I was no exception. I thought back to when I had first discovered her in my bed. I had obediently slid in between the sheets at her invitation, issued in a throaty whisper, and she had wrapped her arms around my neck. She then pulled me into her bosom and kissed me with abandon, her tongue filling my mouth like an unfurling stair carpet,...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 12 Alarms and Excursions

In some ways the affair, if it can be designated as that, between myself and Jenny Makepeace was continuing along the same mundane course as the battalion's interlude along the canal. We, that is the officers and men of the battalion, had eased into a comfortable routine; guards were mounted and patrols sent out with the absence of any excitement -- as between Jenny and me. The men had become complacent, and their duties were not being carried out with the vigour and exactitude as should...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 13 The Aftermath

Six o'clock on a Christmas morning is not the best time to try and arrange the transportation of dead bodies and prisoners to Devizes, or indeed to arrange to transport anything anywhere. There were several barges tied up alongside Burbage Wharf, but most of the bargees were either drunk, or dead drunk. I found one crew, who were just about conscious, and ordered them to take me, some guards, the bodies and the prisoners to Devizes. The barge captain refused, until I told him I was used to...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 The Court of Inquiry

I had left Adjutant Bywaters in charge of the dead bodies, the wounded man -- whom Surgeon Armityge said was fit to travel and to be questioned -- the captured man, and the pamphlets. I had also written a full account of the events that had occurred on that Christmas morning. The prisoners and my report were dispatched to General Picton's headquarters in Bristol. It later transpired that the men we had captured, and those two who were killed, were the ringleaders of an anarchist movement....

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 15 The Interrupted March

On the last day of January 1815, Jarvis Braxton-Clark got married. It was common knowledge in the battalion Lord Ashford’s daughter was marrying simply to discharge the debt her father owed to the Braxton-Clarks. Jarvis Braxton-Clark was marrying in order to father a son on an Earl’s daughter and advance himself and his family in Society. It was a business transaction pure and simple, and the poor woman had been sold into marriage just as surely as an African is sold into slavery. I wondered...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Waiting for Napoleon

We sailed from Harwich on the 24th April and disembarked at Ostend two days later. The Grand Coalition had been thrown into a complete pother by the news of Napoleon's triumphant return to Paris, when King Louis XVIII had to beat a hasty and undignified retreat. Regiments arriving in Belgium from England found themselves being ordered from one place to another, as Napoleon's intentions were first anticipated, and then rejected, by those in charge. After marching and counter marching for a...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 17 Quatre Bras

You will have read, no doubt, of the battle which took place at Quatre Bras, on the 16th of June 1815? Well I do not intend going over that battle in any great detail, other than how it looked from my perspective. There have been accusations of cowardice, of wrong orders being given, of no orders being given, of mismanagement, misunderstandings, and mistakes being made at that battle -- and all that is absolutely true. We were roused from our beds at dawn, on that warm overcast June morning...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 Waterloo and after

During the night we had the most tremendous thunderstorm, which completely drenched those of us not in shelter, which was most of the army. The thunder was as loud as a cannonade, and at first we thought the French were making a night attack. The morning broke overcast but warm, and soon, with cooking pots and kettles boiling, and clothes drying, we regained our humour, which had been sorely tried during the night. It is a strange thing, although I can recall the slightest detail of the...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 The Heros Return

By good fortune the transports that we boarded at Ostend took us direct to the port of Boston, in Lincolnshire, which is no more than a three day march from Lincoln. We were greeted as heroes through every hamlet and village we passed through on our journey, and on arrival in Lincoln were permitted to march through the city with bayonets fixed, drums beating, and colours flying. I say 'colours', as another King's colour had been manufactured by the regimental tailor, and none but the most...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 20 Hounslow

The time spent in Lincoln was shorter than anticipated because the 10th Foot, the senior Lincolnshire regiment, returned from India in February of 1816. Their Colonel in Chief was a Royal Duke, and ours was not, and so the 2nd/69th was evicted from Lincoln Castle, to make room for the returnees. Nonetheless, my stay in Lincoln, although truncated, was pleasant, and not without incident. The first reason for my pleasure was that I reacquainted myself with the lubricous girls of the Temple....

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 21 Amy Fairfax

She was a vision. A mass of golden curls framed an elfin faced, cornflower blue eyed, red lipped beauty of about twenty years of age. She wore a diaphanous gown that showed her figure was an equal to the rest of her for beauty. Her bosom strained her bodice, and I swear I could see her nipples erect against the tight fabric. "You certainly sent him off with a flea in his ear, Captain." Her voice was pleasant, and the smile she gave me would have melted the heart of a gorgon. I bowed....

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 22 Heaven and Hell

The next six months of my life were the happiest that I had ever experienced. Even the return of Jarvis Braxton-Clark to the battalion could not diffuse the golden glow that seemed to envelope me. There had been rumours that his attachment to the Yeomanry was at an end. Some say it was because of his complete ineptness, both as a training officer and as second in command, but it was probably because the Life Guards had recently taken over guard duty at Windsor Castle, where Mad King George...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 23 Armityge

Two days after my marriage proposal had been rejected by Amy I was sitting alone in the Officers' Mess at Hounslow barracks. Most of the officers of the 69th Foot and 8th Dragoons had gone to watch a prize fight at Putney Green, and only a handful of duty men were in barracks. I was still in Amy's thrall, and was slowly coming to the opinion that it would not be dishonourable to continue our sexual relationship, at least up to the time of her marriage, but I could not in clear conscience...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 24 Marriage Murder and Money

After my talk with Surgeon Armityge, or Krish, as I now thought of him, I wrote a letter to Amy apologising for my behaviour at our last meeting, and suggesting that we meet to discuss our future relationship. I was too ashamed to take the letter to the Bell myself, as I did not want to face the black haired serving girl, but one of Billy's troopers took it for me. A dragoon, from Billy's troop, would call into the Bell every day looking for a reply from Amy, but I still had not received a...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 25 The Challenge

It was the evening after the Dining-in-Night, and Billy and I were sat in a corner of the Mess talking, about something and nothing, and drinking. Billy could put brandy away as if it were spring water, but I'm no toper, and a glass or two will set my brain muzzy, and I had already reached that state. Billy suddenly gave a groan and got up from his armchair. "I need to void my bowels, Jack, probably some Indian bug still in my belly." "More likely it is the amount of food you stuffed in...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 27 Caroline Vanner

I heard the clock on the tower of Hampton Court Palace strike five. Amy was due to meet me at six that evening, so I made sure the room was tidy, and the fire was giving out a good heat. The rooms at the White Hart were far superior to those of the Bell, as each were furnished with a large, well sprung bed with clean linen, two comfortable armchairs, a table with four ladder back chairs, and in front of the fire place a large thick woollen rug, which reminded me of the fleece at the...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 28 The End of a Duel to the Death

(Kenshin twists the kodachi out of Aoshi's hands and drives the handle into his throat.) Aoshi (thinking): Can I have... lost... Kenshin: It's futile. Retreat! A second blow to the windpipe-- Aoshi (punching him): Not yet--!! (They both fall.) Yahiko: Kenshin! Kenshin: I'm all right. (going spiral-eyed) Well, not really. But I'm fine. Yahiko: Which is it? Kenshin: Better than Aoshi-- (They turn to look at him, collapsed face forward.) Yahiko: Is he dead? Kenshin: No, just...

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Slowly but SurelyChapter 4 Duel in the Sun

A black anger overwhelmed me as I recognized Colin MacPherson on the blanket with Roxie. Spurring Red towards them I dived at MacPherson as soon as I got close enough. I wasn't in any mood to play nice and I caught him with my knee in his chest just as he was rising up. Thinkin' that had finished him I was dismayed to find out he was a lot tougher than I'd expected. I turned towards Roxie to say somethin' but I never got it out. MacPherson's hand grabbed my shoulder and swung me around....

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Submissive Cum LaudeChapter 3 Duel Of The Dommes

Brianna gazed into her bathroom mirror with tired eyes. Her head throbbed with a fierce headache. It had been a long day of classes and there was still so much she needed to do before bed. She opened her medicine cabinet, popped a couple Tylenol and downed them with a glass of water. After a few deep breaths she trudged to the living room and collapsed on the leather sofa. She let her curvy body sink into the luscious furniture as she tried to relax and waited for the meds to kick in. BZZZT...

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KennedyChapter 21 Duel Mundane

The next morning seemed to dawn unusually early, and it was only because Kennedy hadn't done anything strenuous that she was awake when Amy knocked on the door to their room. The two of them joined a half dozen others, including Cindy. Kennedy laughed at Cindy's backpack. "Is it still full of rocks?" "Five more pounds than last year." Several of the girls hefted Cindy's pack and shook their heads in wonder. It was a good workout and Kennedy and Amy were back in the cabin before any...

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Dueling Narrators Jamie and Lisa2 Kristins 1st time ghosts getting preggo

Dueling Narrators (v2) by Jamie and Lisa Lake Houston, Texas Sunday June 2, 2019 Yesterday there had been a lovely interlude. It existed between the time we helped put her acquired bounty away, Kristin having returned from the grocery, and the time she needed to fill the crusts we had made. During that time we had placed our lover Kristin upon the cool granite countertop and had both of ourselves a very good good taste of the world’s finest chef. She was so delicious; we savored her juices...

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A Fresh StartChapter 28 Dueling

Friday, February 8, 1974 It had taken me five years, three months, and three days to get to this point. Everything I had done since I had recycled was aimed at being here, at this point in my life. Nothing else was important. Nothing else mattered. No matter what had changed in my life, I knew one thing. I had met Marilyn Lefleur at the first party spring semester freshman year at a Kegs party at RPI. That was a constant. Up until that point, we had never had any contact, not even in the...

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Dueling Deputy Dads

Robert grumbled quietly to himself, anxiously scribbling notes, readingtextbooks and tapping his feet, anything to distract him from constantlychecking the dingy clock mounted on the classroom wall. If he were alittle more dramatic, he'd complain that 8th period study hall was killinghim. Instead, he just whined to his neighboring students that it was puretorture. They all sympathized, of course, because they'd all arranged theirschedules so they could end the school day on a relaxing note,...

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Dueling Narrators Jamie and LisaPlaybill Glossary for Story

PLAYBILL Cast of Characters Doctor & Mrs. O’Connor, Punch’s parents Pastor & Mrs. Deveraux, Eva, Lillian and Clair’s parents Katherine and Gabe Saunders, George, Lisa, Jamie (unofficially adopted at 13), and Ethan’s parents, aka ‘the Kinksters’ in light of their 60+ year D-S sexual relationship. Sherri Stuart, Kristin and Steve’s mom, she ran “Miss Sherri’s” a diner in town. Hugh and Monica, mostly appear as ghosts in our stories, Jamie’s biological siblings, whom like their...

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A King and His QueenChapter 34 Dueling Banjos

Ken was slouched down in his chair with a controller in his hand playing a short segment of the game. The imagery was being projected on the wall across the room using an HDMI projector. The image was 100 inches on the diagonal, but sharp as could be despite its large size. At the moment, his warrior was engaged in a fight with a large and ugly looking ogre. He was testing out the learning AI to see if the ogre changed its behavior from fight to fight. Unlike a lot of computer games, the...

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Duell mit der Freundin

Du sitzt mit deiner besten Freudin Mia auf der Couch und ihr unterhaltet euch über Vor- und Nachteil des Frau bzw. Mann seins. "Dann lass uns es herausfinden", sagst du zu ihr. Mia stimmt dir und ihr legt Bedingungen fest. Nach einer Weile habt ihr alles besprochen und seid zu einem Ergebniss gekommen. Es gibt 3. Wettkämpfe, 1. Armdrücken 2. Schere-Stein-Papier 3. ein Wrestlingmatch. Nach jeder Runde darf der Gewinner sich eine Strafe für den Verlierer ausdenken. Wer 2 von 3 gewinnt, steht als...

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The Grand Duellist

Fierre is an 18 year old French Duellist in the city of Demacia. Standing at 5'10 he is smaller than many other fighters his age. Clothed from neck to toe in a skin tight black bodysuit which hugs the plump cheeks of his bum enticingly. Two long silvery white boots, the edges lined with a gold tint. Some leg guards coloured the same with a matching pair on his shoulders running up the length of both his toned arms. A long thin white cape trailing from the left shoulder guard. Lastly a short...

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Duella Dent Mistress of Magical Masks

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Tales from the Batman and Robin Universe Duella Dent, Mistress of the Magical Masks by Steve Zink In the mid-70's, DC published a short series of comic books called the Batman Family. In a string of at least 4 of these books, there was a continuing story with Batgirl and Robin teamed up to...

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Oliver Twist inocente duelista no mundo pervetido

Essa história começa numa casa em que vive duas pessoas: uma linda milf ruiva de 36 anos e um jovem também ruivo de 18 anos. Ela possuí 1,80 de altura, pele branca, olhos verdes, seios tamanho E, cintura fina e uma bunda grande redonda. O menino tem 1,5o de altura, pele branca, olhos azuis, corpo tonificado com um belo pacote de 6 e um pau grande demais para sua idade. Ele está atualmente assistindo um torneio regional na tv enquanto sua mãe está preparando o café da manhã. No dia anterior ele...

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The raid was supposed to be a surprise. Both my company commander and the battalion commander had given me a green light. We were to drop in two assault shuttles at dawn and hit the rogue world training camp. Things went wrong before that and the battalion commander sent a one word text, "NOW!" So we scrambled into the shuttles and dropped. Only they were waiting and we took fire before we even began to exit the shuttles. I lost ten men during the attack and after the last enemy died we...

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