- 4 years ago
- 29
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I woke with a start. I had crawled onto the bed with the girls and dozed off. I looked around me at the tangle of flesh. Both girls snuggled, contented, on either side of me. My eyes moved to the clock by my bed. It was 3:30. Shit! I had a half hour to get these girls out before I broke down into a quivering mass of insecurity.
Tina stirred, saw me awake and moved up to kiss me.
‘Hello lover,’ she purred. ‘What can I do for you?’
Her hand wrapped in a smooth motion around my cock. Horny little minx.
‘Get out,’ I replied.
Her hand pulled away quickly. ‘What?’
‘No offense, pet,’ I said. ‘But I start early at work. Hazardous waste disposal. And if you two stay here I know I’ll end up fucking you and being late and that could cost me my job.’
‘It’s okay. We have to work tomorrow too. We won’t make you late.’
I shook my head. ‘Sorry. Can’t. Come by tomorrow night though. Say around nine. Bring some dinner.’
Allison squeezed me. ‘I believe the man should take the girls out for dinner.’
‘Do you want to spend time driving and waiting for service when we could be fucking?’ I asked.
‘Ooooo. Good point. Anything in particular you’d like us to pick up?’
‘Surprise me.’
The girls got up and put their clothes back on. It only took a few minutes, but it felt like they were moving in slow motion as I watched those minutes pass on the clock.
Allison grabbed a glass of water and Tina followed suit. Then they both needed to pee. Jesus. Leave already.
I walked them to the door. Allison gave me the first hug and kiss good-bye.
‘I’m looking forward to tomorrow night. Well, I guess tonight now,’ she said in a sexy voice.
‘Me too,’ I said, trying my best to sound like I cared. Get out. Get out. Get out.
She squeezed my ass and gave me a mischievous grin. I squeezed hers back and added a slap for good measure. She let out a happy squeak then let go.
Tina stepped up next. ‘I’m going to be thinking of you all day, you know?’
‘I know,’ I said.
She slapped my arm. ‘Stop it. You’re a little too cocky for your own good.’
Jesus enough with the banter. Get out.
‘If you don’t like it, you don’t have to come back tonight,’ I said.
‘Yeah. Like that’s going to happen,’ she said. ‘We’ll be back and this time we’re staying the night. I want you first thing in the morning.’
Shit. That could complicate things. 3:53 and this isn’t an exact science. These bitches need to leave now!
‘I can’t wait.’ I kissed her passionately then turned her around and guided her out.
I watched them walk to the elevator. They smiled and waved as they waited for it. Fuck they’re hot. I can’t believe girls like that actually bought my act and came back with me. They’re way out of my league. It’s a good thing they don’t know what I’m really like. Shit. What am I going to do when they come back tonight? I can’t keep this up. I … fuck!
I quickly shut the door as the elevator dinged. Even if it hadn’t arrived I would have ducked back in. The stuff wore off. I paced back and forth in the apartment.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. That was crazy. What was I even thinking? Did I really act like that? How did they not laugh in my face? I’ve got to get rid of that stuff tomorrow. Jesus. What if someone finds out I took it? I could get arrested. Where the hell did I get the nerve to steal that stuff in the first place? Who does that?
They may already know. They could be after me now.
I dead-bolted my door and put the chain on. Then backed away into my bedroom.
Stupid, stupid man. Did you really think you could pull this off? You don’t deserve them. They’ll wise up today and just not come back. Or worse, they’ll come back and see just how pathetic you are. If you’re lucky the worst they’ll do is laugh in you face. If you’re not, I can easily see a Facebook status about me going viral.
So what do I do? I could call them now and cancel before they find out. Fuck. I don’t have their numbers.
A siren in the distance made me spin toward it.
Is that the cops? Are they coming? Can’t be. No one checks the garbage now. Not until Monday. Okay. I’m safe until then. I’ll stay here, stay safe. Make plans to get the hell out of town tomorrow. But what do I do now? Try to sleep? I doubt I can. I’m so strung out.
I got in bed nonetheless. The shadows in the room seemed to shift, making me think someone was there. I felt like I did when I was five and was scared the boogie man was in my closet or under my bed. I wrapped myself in the blankets and even covered my head.
I can’t go eight hours like this. The drug. If I take it will this feeling go away? No. The eight hour wait would still be there. But maybe not. Maybe it’ll work faster since I’ve tried it already.
The scared part of me started to get desperate for the drug, but the thinking side reminded me if I took it, I’d just have to go through this again. Still, the urge, the fear, the insecurity was so strong I almost gave in to it.
I grabbed a sleeping pill from the medicine cabinet instead and dry swallowed it.
Work. Work. Damnit. I’m so strung out, there’s no way I’ll sleep.
Five minutes later I was out.
The dreams were almost worse than being awake. Monsters chased me. People laughed at me. I was exposed to the world as the pathetic man I was. When I woke my sheets were drenched in sweat. I still felt uneasy, so I stayed huddled in the covers despite the uncomfortably wet sheets. Around noon I began to feel better. The drug had worked its way through my system and I began to think straight again.
Woah. What a trip! I’ve been insecure before but that was crazy. Worth it though. I’ve never had a night as hot as that. Now the question is: do I try to do it again tonight?
The girls want to spend the night. If I don’t take the drug then they’ll probably notice I’m not the same guy right away. I could try to fake being more confident, but who knows how that will turn out? If I take it though then what do I do in the morning? One solution hits me almost immediately. Mike said prolonged use of the drug keeps you confident but results in a longer pathetic state. If I take the drug now and then again in eight hours then I should be good from 8pm until noon tomorrow. Then I curl up in ball until 4am. The smart move would be to just take one dose and tell them they can’t stay the night. I’ll be so confident I can probably pull it off.
I decide to go with the two doses, but I’ll make the second one half strength. Sunday morning should just be cuddle time, not the hardcore stuff we did last night. Damn that was hot! Okay, Jeff, time to take your medicine.
I bought the mini-fridge that afternoon and some lockboxes for the drug. A lock on the fridge would raise questions. I put the fridge in a corner of my bedroom and hoped it would blend into the background.
Mike called at three.
‘Did you fuck them?’
‘Hi, Mike. I’m fine. How are you?’
‘Did you fuck them?’
‘Yes, I fucked them.’
‘You lucky dog. They were hot too.’
‘You fucked the Italian chick didn’t you?’
‘Yeah, but a completely drunk slut doesn’t compare to a threesome. You know you’re teaching me all that confidence stuff right?’
‘Can I have some fun with it first?’
‘Yeah, yeah. Enjoy your new superpower for now. But eventually, you’re sharing.’
‘Got it.’
A knock at my door surprised me at 7pm. I looked through the peep hole to find Tina standing there, looking nervous and upset. Her little black dress had been replaced with a yellow sundress. That ended just above her knees.
When I opened the door she looked at me with worry.
‘I know I’m early. You’re not upset with me are you?’ she said, giving me the puppy dog eyes. ‘Please don’t be upset. I jus
t had to see you.’
I wasn’t upset, but I was worried. The drug hadn’t kicked in yet. ‘I … I’m not upset.’
She leapt into my arms. ‘Oh thank god. I’d be devastated if you were. I just want to make you happy.’ She put a passionate lip lock on me that almost made my knees buckles. Shouldn’t I be making her knees buckle?
‘Can I make you happy?’ she asked as she started to unbuckle my pants. ‘Please?’
Was she actually asking for permission to suck my dick?
‘Uh … go right ahead.’
She dropped to her knees and fished for my cock with what looked like desperation. When she pulled it out, it instantly disappeared into her mouth. The cool thing to do was stand there and shut up, maybe pat her on the head and say, ‘Good girl’ or something.
‘Why are you doing this?’ I asked. Fuck, I’m an idiot. At least I had the sense to shut the door.
She looked up from my cock with a curious look on her face. She noticed I wasn’t in control. She had to. She slipped my dick from her mouth, but kept pumping it with her fist.
‘I … I’m not sure,’ she said. ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day. Well, most of the day. Some stuff at work held my attention for a while. But I’ve been wet all day. And then after work the need to be with you just, I don’t know, overwhelmed me.’
‘Overwhelmed you?’
‘I can’t explain it. But I realized how much I need you, how much I need you to want me, to show you that you should want me.’ She sucked me for a few strokes that made my eyes roll back. Then she jacked me off again so she could speak. ‘I’m doing a good job, aren’t I?’
‘Fuck yeah.’
The smile on her face was priceless. ‘Baby, you’re never going to want to let me go.’ Her mouth enveloped my cock again and sent me to a blissful place. Her tongue made my cock feel things I would not have believed. It wasn’t long until I erupted. As my cum shot down her throat her body started to convulse. She bit down a bit, but nothing too painful. I realized she had just orgasmed from me shooting off in her mouth. Holy fuck.
She slowed her pace and finally slid my glistening clean cock back into view.
‘Mmmmm. Yeah, I needed that,’ she cooed.
She needed that?
‘What about you?’ she asked.
‘Excuse me?’ Is she asking if I needed a blow job. What man doesn’t need a blow job?
She gave me a mischievous grin. ‘Have you eaten yet?’
I laughed. ‘No, not yet. You were supposed to bring food at nine, remember?’
That fear and worry suddenly filled her face again. ‘Oh my god. That’s right. I’m so sorry. Do you want me to go out now and get something?’
‘Where’s Allison?’ I asked.
‘At home, I guess. I didn’t tell her I was coming here. Are you mad at me for not bringing her? Do you want me to get her?’
Was this one of those clingy girls who thinks you’re in a relationship after just one fuck? My friends have dated girls like that. I wished I could date a girl like that, but now experiencing it, I could see why they complained about it.
‘Why would you think I’m mad at you?’ I asked.
‘Because I didn’t do what you told me to. I wanted to, but I wanted to be with you so badly. Please, don’t be mad. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll cook dinner if you want. Just tell me what to do.’
How could a girl this hot be this insecure and desperate?
Just then her phone rang.
‘It’s Allison,’ she said. ‘Probably wanting to make arrangements for coming here. Should I answer it?’
‘Of couse,’ I said. Why was she asking my permission to answer her own phone?
‘Hey Alli. Actually I’m already there. Really. No, it’s not like this afternoon.’
Did she fuck someone this afternoon?
‘She wants to know if she should come by early since I’m here.’
‘Uh sure.’ Sure? Wait, the drug hasn’t kicked in. What am I saying?
‘He says, ‘Sure.’ Oh and can you bring take-out I’ll split the cost with you. Wait.’ She covered the mike. ‘Do you want me to cook for you?’
‘I don’t have much here to cook.’
She nodded. ‘Yeah. Take out. Okay. See you soon.’ She hung up. ‘She’ll be here in half an hour. What would you like me to do until then?’
I chuckled. ‘You sound like you’ll do whatever I ask.’
Her head dropped submissively. ‘I will. I’ll do whatever you want if it’ll make you happy. I just want you to like me.’
I lifted her chin. ‘I do like you, Tina.’
She exhaled. The smile on her face seemed to glow. ‘Tell me how to please you.’
If she hadn’t just blown me I’d have fucked her right then, but I needed some time to recover. I still couldn’t believe what she was saying, but from her actions she seemed to be telling the truth. I wanted to put it to the test, but was worried that she was testing me, seeing how much I’d take advantage of her. If I told her to do the wrong thing would she call me on it, call me an ass and leave? Fuck. A secure guy wouldn’t care about that. If she pulled those kind of mind games, he’d just throw her out and move on to someone else. But I wasn’t a secure guy and I didn’t want to lose this girl just yet, but would giving her an order make her like me more or less? Damn it, drug, kick in!
‘What do you think will please me?’ I asked. Let her take the lead.
The worry returned. ‘I don’t know, and I don’t want to guess wrong and upset you.’
I could make her clean my place. But making her my maid may piss her off. She’s probably talking about something sexual. Idiot. Of course she’s talking sexual. She said she’s been horny all day. Oh wait!
‘I’m going to lie down. Will you give me a massage?’
Her face lit up. ‘I’d love to! I brought some edible oils for the sex, but it’ll work for that too.’
Soon I was in my underwear receiving an amazing massage from a hot Asian girl. The cool thing was, I knew this would end with a ‘happy ending.’ Of course as I was getting the massage, I realized that a confident man would have stripped completely. I basically used her body last night and she gave me a blow job a minute after she arrived and here I was not wanting to offend her or push things too far. I sucked!
While the massage felt great, I just kept wondering whether I should pull off my undies and when the right time would be. I needn’t have worried. After doing my back and legs I felt her fingers begin to pull my tighty whiteys down. She’d gotten halfway when her phone rang.
‘Should I get it, sir?’ she asked. ‘It’s probably Alli.’
Sir? ‘Yes,’ I replied.
She hopped off me and grabbed her phone. ‘Yep.’ She answered. ‘Hey! You’re here? Okay. Jeff, what’s the buzzer code.’
‘Four fifteen.’
‘Four fifteen. You remember the apartment? Cool. See you in a bit.’ She hung up. ‘She’s coming up. Would you like me to finish the massage?’
She’s asking my permission for everything.
‘No, let’s eat. I’m starving.’ I reached for my pants and heard her giggle. ‘Something funny?’
‘No sir. It just seems like a waste to put them on when they’ll just be coming off right after dinner.’ She had a point. ‘It just seems rude to greet Allison in my underwear.’
Tina nodded. ‘Yes, sir. Sorry.’
‘Don’t be sorry. Could you let her in though?’
‘Yes sir!’
It was as if getting orders from me made her happy. My home phone rang. I answered and buzzed Allison in. As I put on my pants on an interesting idea came to me.
‘Tina?’ I called.
‘Yes sir?’
What’s with the ‘Sir?’
‘See the chair closest to the door?’
‘Before Alli gets here I want you to sit in it, lift your skirt and play with yourself until you cum.’
I heard a soft thud as she jumped into the chair. When I emerged from the bedroom she was frigging herself madly, a look of lust in her eyes which intensified when she saw me.
She wasn’t wearing panties. I looked around for where she had put them, but it seemed she had arr
ived without panties. I shouldn’t have been surprised after last night.
Her breath came in short gasps as she locked eyes with me.
‘Like this?’ she asked.
‘Yes. Just like that.’
Damn, she looked hot. My hard-on was already coming back. She squirmed and squeaked as she played. She looked at me with longing, like she wanted me to come touch her. I was tempted too. So tempted. But I was also loving the scene and I knew she was here all night.
‘Just make sure you cum before she knocks on the door or else,’ I warned.
‘Or else?’
Fuck. I didn’t have an ‘or else.’ Why did I say that?
‘Or else, I’ll have to punish you. Maybe spank you?’
‘Fuuuuuuucccccckkkkk!’ She came hard. I think the thought of the spanking did it.
Then we heard the knock. She gave me a pleading look and I knew her legs would probably give out if she tried to stand right now.
‘I’ll get that,’ I said.
‘Thank you,’ she said, catching her breath.
I opened the door to find Allison in a tight red dress. Her tits and ass filling their respective parts of it nicely. She had Chinese food.
‘Hey lover,’ she greeted. ‘Dinner,’ she said, waving the bags. ‘And dessert,’ she said, wiggling her body.
‘Makes me want to start with dessert,’ I said.
‘That works too.’ She kissed me and walked in. ‘I’m surprised to see you with pants on.’
Tina giggled.
‘I could have sworn I just heard Tina orgasm,’ Allison continued.
‘You did,’ I said as I followed her to the kitchen. ‘But that was a little show she was putting on.’
‘My, my. She’s gotten really bold today. First the office and now a little exhibitionism?’
I looked back at Tina who was blushing and then to Allison again. ‘What exactly happened at the office?’
‘You should have seen her. I mean, Tina’s great, but she really let’s the doctors boss her around. Dr. Grant, in particular, treats her like his personal slave. Makes her do things like his dry cleaning, and she never complains. Until today.’
‘Oh really?’ I said.
‘Oh yeah. I don’t know what got into her, but he was telling her to do stuff and talking to her like she was a kid. Nothing new. But she just laid into him. ‘Listen Dr. Grant. I’m twenty-three, not six, and I’d appreciate if you talked to me like an adult. And not just me, the rest of the staff too. We’re trained professionals, we do our jobs well. The way you treat us borders on harassment.”
‘I can’t believe I said that,’ Tina squealed. She grabbed a cushion and covered her face with it.
‘Well, you said it alright!’ Allison said, laughing. ‘She told him how she wasn’t going to do his dry cleaning, his personal errands, and anything else not in her job description and he shouldn’t even think of passing the work to someone else. He just stood there stunned. Finally he apologized to her and the rest of us and excused himself.’
‘Yeah. He didn’t fire her because he knew she was right. He just realized his free maid service was over.’
‘I’m glad I didn’t ask her to clean my place,’ I thought out loud.
‘What?’ asked Allison.
‘Nothing,’ I said, blushing. ‘A conversation from earlier.’
‘I would have cleaned you place if you asked,’ Tina said. ‘Do you want me to do it now?’
Allison shot her a confused expression.
‘No, just come an eat,’ I said.
Tina hopped off the couch and came into the kitchen. She began to unpack the food. My kitchen had an island counter with bar stools around it. They each grabbed a stool as they placed the food out.
Allison shook her head as if to clear it. ‘And it didn’t stop there. She spent the day not only doing her job, but pointing out ways we could improve office efficiency. Stuff she’s told me, but never said out loud at work. Things were already better by the end of the day. And the way she handled the difficult patients. Impressive. I’ve never seen her so confident.’
Confident? Hold up.
‘Tina, was this the first time you felt that confident?’
She nodded demurely.
‘But you don’t feel confident now?’
She shook her head.
‘What about you, Alli?’
‘What about me what? Did I get an ego boost today? No. Why?’
‘I … I don’t know. Just curious.’
‘When did you start feeling so confident, Tina?’
‘I don’t know. Around when we started work I guess. 9am.’
She hadn’t taken the drug. I would have seen her. I would have noticed some missing when I took it. So where did the boost of confidence come from? From me fucking her? If that was the case, then Allison would have had it too. So what was the difference? If it was the drug then what was I doing eight hours before she started work at 1am? I was fucking her. I was fucking them both. Then it hit me. I ejaculated into her mouth.
You are what's known as a Guide. Some may call you a conscience, others instinct, others a voice of God. Your basically that voice in that back of people's heads that tells them what to do. You're job this week, is to build someone's confidence. You can do this by influencing someone's actions, until bit by bit they achieve the level of confidence they need to do what they want to do. So who are you going to help?
It had begun as a normal Monday at Westwood High School as students began to file into the classrooms that were scattered all over the place, except the school bully named Ryan and the victim who went by Marty. Ryan was your average school bully with sports background and a past that sounded very stereotypical in most cases, his father was an abusive drunk while his mother was completely oblivious to everything that went on. The only thing he had going for him was his blonde hair, good...
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xmoviesforyouFraternity Girl By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1 - Making of a Fraternity Girl "God you look good," he said to me not for the first time, "we are going to have some real fun tonight, believe me. After tonight, you'll thank me." Kevin walked up behind me pressing his hard on against my ass. He ran his hands up my thigh high stockings and I could feel his breathing increase. His hands went up to my fake breasts and he squeezed the silicone falsies. Putting his hand in the middle...
Monday morning finds four people waking up in states of complete joy. Saturday morning, they were just close friends looking forward to getting together and having some fun. Sunday morning, they had become lovers, especially Jill and Rosy.After giving their virginity to the opposite sex with each other, they shared things between themselves they never shared with anyone else before. They've become more than just lovers, they're sisters now. Or as Rosy defined it, girlfriends who sometimes will...
TransDay in Edinburgh Tom, my hubby and soul mate, surprised me by offering to take me on a shopping spree to Edinburgh. Now if there is something I love more than shopping, it’s shopping in Edinburgh. The day had been lovely and warm and Tom was laden with my purchases. As we entered Princess Street from our fortieth shop, a sudden cold breeze hit us. The crowded street was quickly becoming deserted, as the crowds of shoppers scuttled onto the numerous...
Group SexLaura did feel like she was getting a little old. Though not yet thirty-that dreadful event would happen in about six weeks-she was aware that the slang some of her younger girlfriends used, especially the teenagers, was alien to her, and their musical tastes too. When the Victoria's Secret catalogs arrived in the mail, Stephanie Seymour was nowhere to be seen in them, and the girls that were there, though sexy and attractive, seemed somehow callow, denatured, and remote, as if shot through...
Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters. Also this story features themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story are or about people that read or write...
Debra Keer pulled up to the hotel early, honking the horn on her little Fiat to alert Alex and his crew that she had arrived. Alex and the girls ran out, giggling and laughing, clearly ready for a fun and exciting day of behaving like children, despite what they expected to encounter. Squeezing in the back seat on either side of Alex, Chalise bounced in her seat while Kitty couldn't stop talking about what they expected to see. Cate rode in front with Debra. "I can't believe we're...
As she walked in the front door her husband met her with a hug.“Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all afternoon. They let me out early so I thought you might want to go to the mall or movies while we have some free time.”With a confused look in her eyes she stared at her husband. She could usually tell when he was messing with her and right now he was being completely serious. At that moment her heart began to race just a bit. “I was busy with one of your dares.” She stated.For the...
I’m turning fifty and my new wife is half my age. She is very pretty, built nicely, and loves sex. I do too but realize that I can’t keep up with her youthful libido. Here is how we got together. We worked in the same building and parked in the same lot. Our arrivals coincided quite often and I’d briefly visit with her as we walked. One Friday morning she seemed very out-of-sorts so I asked her what was wrong. She was near tears as she explained that a boyfriend had promised her a weekend at...
Time passed, and as it did, I remained under her spell, a willing prisoner of both the light of love and the dark persuasion of our shared depravity and lusts. Both of us fell into our roles as if we’d been born to them, her as my insatiable mistress and I as her willing pet, both in and out of the boudoir. I became accustomed to the leash she held, both literally and figuratively. In truth, the one time I removed the collar she had placed around my throat, I felt naked and uncertain. From that...
HardcoreI walked into the hallway after my 3rd block class. Looking around, I couldn't find my 5th block class. Finally finding the door to go in, 5 feet away, the teacher closes the door and I'm sent to the cafeteria to get a tardy slip. I go get one because I didn't care nor feel like explaining it was my first day. So when I get back to class I give the teacher my slip and I find my way to my chair. Noticing people sitting around me, except one. I didn't even notice her at first, too bad. After a...
Love StoriesI looked across the restaurant, watching Kate glance around as she came in. I had arrived a few minutes early and the maitre d’ had already seated me in a booth near the back. It’s comfortable there, a little apart from the tables. A good place to talk. Kate had called yesterday to ask if I could meet her for lunch. I picked a quiet, upscale place I frequent. It is quiet and secluded, but relatively easy to find. Kate and I had worked for the same company. Actually, I had worked for her. At...
mmm hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous...he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i he went upstairs and when he...
Two teens, Jane Wilde and Maya Woulfe, are trying on their new school uniforms. Maya complains that hers is too big. Since Jane has some experience sewing, she offers to fix it for her friend. Jane takes out a measuring tape and measures Maya’s charming little waist, then asks Maya to bend over so she can get an accurate measurement of Maya’s nice butt! Next, it’s time for Jane to take Maya’s top measurements, but wait, surely the results will be more accurate if Maya...
xmoviesforyouSara Wesek paused a moment, brushed the dried, crushed soma-tea leaves from her hands. She stood anxiously in the private chamber of the great lord - her lord, her lover - Iosoan Lei. As was her accustomed chore whenever a foreign dignitary was granted audience at the palace, she prepared the great lord's finest tea for host and guest alike; sixteen cups she had gathered, fire hot and water set to boil. Her eyes searched the room, seeking some thing which might cause her delay. She normally...
Blake Blossom is a recent addition to the Property Sex sales team, and coming from Alaska, it’s taking her some time to adjust to the cultural differences in LA. Chuck shows up before an open house to coach Blake in some provocative sales techniques like talking about hard wood, using her big boobs to her advantage, and offering to masturbate her pussy! Chuck shows Blake the whole routine, and has her strip so he can finger and eat her pussy. Turned on, Blake gives Chuck a blowjob, then...
xmoviesforyouI lay on the wagon bed for a while enjoying the glow from my sexual liaison. The late September air was cooling, so I finally dressed and headed back to the house. I don't know if anyone noticed how gingerly I was walking. Sex with Danny was tremendous but he did make me sore down below. I worked on my homework for a while before heading to the bathroom for a good long soak in a tub full of steamy, hot water. Wispy strings of translucent semen drifted out of my hole as I soaked away the pain...
After his father died, Ramzy El-Najjar used a few of the youngest members of his father's harem, but then steadily sold off all the concubines and replaced them with his own choices from the auctions. His father's wives he had housed in luxury in a separate enclave within the harem and then he set about building his own family as befitted a man of some property. He let it be known that he was looking for a wife and there were a few discussions with the fathers of marriageable girls, but...
Nothing is better then moving into a new place, especial if it is a new building and if it is your first real place. It doesn't matter if there isn't much furniture; it's your place!!! You will lay on the carpet and smell the new smell. When you have some spare money you will buy a picture, lamp, or whatnots for a table or shelf. This is your place and you fix it to suit yourself. As the days pass you see new people buying into the building. Their stuff passing by the window. You walk by...
Jason was apprehensive about starting college, as any freshman would be. His high school girlfriend, Becky, whom he loved dearly, was going to a different college on the opposite side of the country. They had to promised to stay together but Jason was worried; there would be a lot of temptation for her from all those west-coast surfer dudes. He hoped she wouldn’t forget him and made a vow to himself to stay faithful no matter what. But there would plenty of temptation for him as well: Jason was...
After the visit in Rose house, fixing her computer problems, we saw each other a lot of times in her house for quite erotic meetings. She once told me that she thought that my wife was very sexy and that she wanted to have sex with her. She wanted to suck on her big tits and lick her wet pussy. She also got very turned on thinking that my wife did the same to her. I told her that my wife was not bi-sexual but Rose said that we are all bi-sexual deep inside. It was just a question of the right...
2080 New Vegas was created in the foothills above Los Angeles. Indian land that was once a national forest and returned to the tribes. One hundred casinos built in four years. Mega Vegas, Super Vegas, and many more were built across the United States. Debts, insolvency all related to gambling debt became a national epidemic. 2085 congress passed laws to protect and preserve the rights of the Indian Gaming Tribes (The biggest political force in the nation.) Gambling debts were...
I was a regular in the local BDSM club. It was a secret group in the locality who allowed very selective members. I was introduced to the group by one of my college mates. Back then, he only said it was a new kind of fun. I was intrigued. Little did I expect such an experience with a dominatrix. You see, my friend had no idea he has unknowingly brought in a submissive male in the right place. I was always on a lookout for partners who wanted things kinkier in bed and this was the perfect place....
BDSMThe next morning, I woke up with a silly grin on my face. I stretched lightly and searched for my companion. Deep down I dreaded the morning after, knowing things wouldn't be as simple as they were last night, but I was ready and willing to face the new day head on, whatever it may bring. I couldn't even imagine how wrong I could possibly be. Jeanie, whom I had spent the night making glorious love to, was standing at the end of the bed holding her diary in her left hand, pointing it accusingly...
.It was Friday night. I got home from work and my girlfriend told me we were having people over for a small party. So people started to show up around 7pm. Everyone was starting to get drunk around 12am and starting to leave except for John and his girlfriend Kacy. They were going to spend the night because they didn't have a ride and they were hammered. So they went to the guest room and I was going to get in the shower but my girlfriend wanted to have sex really bad so I held off on the...
Drunk sex"They haven't slacked off very much, sir," Moira told the admiral through the ship's comm. "Even after a couple of decades, they're still patrolling between the ships of the attack fleet, and they've got guards in the passageways. I guess they don't figure the support fleet's in any danger, though. They never stepped up security there." "Okay, Commander," Colin told her, "Good work, as always. I guess we'll have to work with that. They're getting too close to the...
We'd fought about it last night. Her Christmas gifts to me were always so calculated, so ordinary and unexciting. It was sadly apparent that she invested little of her time in selecting them, and even less of her mind considering what might please me. Many times, I was sure she'd chosen something that actually served her purpose more than it served mine; such as the time she bought me the snow blower after complaining that I never shoveled the drive. Over the years I began to dread the...
I first thank Indian sex stories for their huge support towards me and also thank my fans for their love and affection. Thank You ISS once more. After the marriage of Sex swapping sisters Madhu and Honey with Ravi and Provo (father of Ravi) all became very happy and legal marriage was held to avoid any confusion.Also Honey told her Son Rajesh to move with her DIL Rupa and their abnormal son Prince to their big mansion and Provo also wanted all the members to stay together. Now Honey was...
IncestHi friends, Mayur here, a 19-year-old guy living in Mumbai. I’m 6’3″ tall with good looks and medium dark complexion, been really lucky with girls till date. This is where I’ll describe my whole experience with Archita, the first girl I fucked, in detail. This is where I lost my virginity. This took place in 2016. Apologies for any mistakes committed. Please review my story on my email ID Girls/aunties living in Mumbai who want their sexual desires fulfilled can email me freely. 100%...
Well, some of you seemed tho like the "How I became a motherfucker" story I posted a few days ago. Here is how it all went on. Hope some of you will have a good read!Yes, mum and I had sex for the first time. As exiting and hot it had been, we both had our problems with it. We avoided each other as good as we could. When running into another, we didn’t dared to look in each others eyes. We both were ashamed of what we had done. Had a bad conscience. Moms don’t fuck their Boys. Boys don’t shove...
This was one of my most memorable days. I have been curious for several years, lurking online on some gay and bisexual sites. I never knew if I would be a top or a bottom. I liked the thought of either and would get excited dreaming of what I would do. I met this young man about a year ago and we have chatted and told each other some things we would love to try. I was honest with him and told him I had never been with another man but have dreamed about it to the point that it was consuming...
"And bow," Steve stated quietly next to me. I bowed. The five men seated on a dais in front of us, returned our bow. Each man wore robes that by the sheer number of layers visible looked extremely bulky not that their robes mattered, as we were now in yet another ceremony, the third one since we arrived here two days ago. I might have been in a better mood but after two plus weeks just sailing here I was angry that my government made it necessary for Steve and I to do that instead of just...
While gazing at my reflection in the rustic mirror in the corner of my room, I smirk at myself, thinking I’m such a slut. I’m wearing a tight black dress that highlights my curves and because of its low cut, displays my cleavage, for all men to gawk at. My boobs have always been my pride and joy, cup size C (in my opinion just large enough), and I love the reactions I get when showing them off. Moving down my body the dress stops just after my ass, and lets my long and slim legs walk free. The...
Straight SexAnabelle produced a small bundle of paper's and said, "I have amended one of our temporary contracts of employment to highlight that you will work here for three month's without pay in lieu of your transgressions, sign here", with that Anabelle handed me the paper's and a pen. There was little point in me reading the contract, if I refused she would just call the Police and I would be back to square one, plus I was feeling vulnerable still being naked. I scribbled my signature on the contract....
SpankingCalling Mona home under the pretense that Danja needed her was a crappy thing to do, but Moe reasoned he had good grounds. Still, Mona was furious. The kind of gut-wrenching angry that starts in your labonza and cuts right through to your scalp. He figured he would pour on the charm later and try to get Mona to forgive him. His chances of succeeding were probably fifty-fifty. “To hell with you, Moe Gafferson! You’ve got a lot of crust taking advantage of me like this,” she blazed. “I left my...
Leggy Ashley Lane struts around the PervCity pool table. Billiards make her horny AF, but when she sticks out her big ass, Ramon Nomar instantly knows what game this blonde wants to play. He devours her small tits and plays with her puffy shaved pussy, but when he licks her anus, she falls to her knees. Slurping his hard prick with a blowjob, she raises her arms and jerks him with a two-fisted handjob so intense that he lifts her from her knees, bends her over the table, and slams his cock into...
xmoviesforyouLying on my bed, with my phone pressed against my ear, I listen to you plea with me. “Baby, please, I need you,” I hear you insist on telling me. I hear the want in your voice, making me tremble with need. My fingers roam over my semi-naked body, caressing myself how I would like you to caress me. All I have on are your favourite pair of pink panties. The ones you love so much on me. They fit my perfect ass, as you always love to tell me. “I need you too, baby,” I whisper lightly. “Tell me...