Diary Pt4 free porn video

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The next morning, I woke up with a silly grin on my face. I stretched lightly and searched for my companion. Deep down I dreaded the morning after, knowing things wouldn't be as simple as they were last night, but I was ready and willing to face the new day head on, whatever it may bring. I couldn't even imagine how wrong I could possibly be. Jeanie, whom I had spent the night making glorious love to, was standing at the end of the bed holding her diary in her left hand, pointing it accusingly in my direction. Her expression was different. I had never seen her look so cold as she had in that specific moment.

I did the only thing I could do. I gulped. Hard.

"'Morning honey." I said with a strangely squeaky voice that didn't quite seem like my own.

Jeanie's frown deepened as she threw the diary toward me, making it land with a soft plop on my sheet clad stomach. "Care to explain?" She said in a barely controlled voice as she continued to gaze intently in my direction.

I resisted the urge to cringe, holding her gaze. "Umm..." I shrugged, looking down at the leather bound notebook. Picking it up carefully, I looked at it from top to bottom, from back to front, and then laid it back down. "What is this?" Did I mention I was really bad at acting? Well, at that moment I would have given just about anything for a drop of talent.

Her eyes narrowed to such a frightening degree that they almost looked closed. Her blood was boiling, that much was obvious and I realized that I never ever wanted to be a target for her anger again. That is, if she ever spoke to me again after this day. With a menacing growl, she whispered through clenched teeth, "Though you try your best to act like it, not even you can be that stupid!"

This time I actually did cringe. I opened my mouth for a moment, to say something, but when nothing came out I made a great imitation of a fish before snapping my trap shut. Thinking about her words as she hurriedly made her way around the room, gathering her belongings, I frowned, "Hey, I resent that." My words fell on deaf ears as she silently got dressed, arranged her wild hair and prepared to storm out of my house. Looking at her going from one corner of the room to another and back, she reminded me of the Tazmanian devil. One heck of a temper those two had. My breath caught in my throat, making me choke when she glared at me, as though sensing my wayward thoughts and my irresistible instinct to chuckle. The chuckle got choked down, and I quickly scrambled out of bed myself. I couldn't let her leave like that. Not only was she the best sex I'd ever had, she was my best friend, and I think...well, I don't know what I think, but I knew I couldn't let her leave. She was already on her way out of my bedroom, when I got entangled in the bed sheets and crashed down on the floor with a loud thump.

I heard her footsteps pause for a moment, and then her sweet voice ring through the house, "Did you hurt yourself?"

Joy leaped through my chest at the kind question. There must still be a chance. She must still care for me...somewhere deep down. "Yeah, I fell and hit my head," I answered pathetically. My head was actually beginning to throb and a caress from her would have done wonders.

"Good!" She yelled, and I could hear her footsteps gaining speed again.

I groaned as I got up and went after her. I guess that caring part of hers is buried really deep down. I reached the living room just in time to see her open the front door. Before I could stop her, she slammed the door shut in my face. I stumbled back and only by sheer luck I managed to level myself on my feet.

How could a morning that should have been troubled by completely different issues had gone so wrong? I was miserable; my head ached, my heart ached, and my libido...well, that was actually recuperating quite nicely after last night. I simply couldn't help the lecherous grin that spread across my face. Groaning, I slumped against the door, moaning in pain when I hit my head in exactly the same spot I had hit it earlier. Luckily for me, I didn't need a well functioning head in my line of work.

Well, I was alone again. Back to my lonesome self, in a huge house that constantly reminded me of Jeanie. "Might as well start gathering a bunch of stray cats.." I mumbled to myself.

I spent the rest of the day moaning my pitiful state, thinking about things and how they had gone so terribly wrong and trying to think up a way to get Jeanie back. I knew she would probably not answer my calls for at least a few days and I decided to let her cool down for a bit before trying my luck. My bed seemed so empty now that she was gone, and I didn't care how much of a cliché that sounded. I write fiction, damn it! Two women...two writers...sheesh...what have I gotten myself into?

What have I done really? I tried to think rationally. I didn't kill her favorite cat, I didn't commit a terrible and heinous crime...all I did was read her journal from when she was a k**! What was so wrong with that? Well there was the fact that I didn't tell her, and kind of hid her diary from her. And maybe I should have told her about it before we had sex...I'm sure we would have laughed and laughed about it for hours. I covered my face with my hands, shaking my head back and forth like a demented puppet.

Finally, I sighed in defeat. It had turned dark and I needed the rest. I was physically and emotionally exhausted and the preparation for tomorrow was starting to take its toll. I didn't plan on just letting her go. At least not that easily. And I had to have my strength with me after her temper display of today. She was a feisty one, and I liked it. Call me a masochist, but I enjoy a little spice in my life. Now I wonder, did she take her diary with her?

After actually spending an hour of searching for that diary, and coming up with nothing, I finally fell into a restless sleep. I kept dreaming of that scene over and over again, and every time I saw Jeanie's face it would get scarier. At first, she only had a pair of fangs, but then she actually grew horns and a tail. I won't even tell you to what image of her I woke up. Was my u*********s trying to tell me something?

The following morning I tried to get my house and my head back in working order. I tried calling Jeanie a couple of times, but always got her answering machine. After leaving a pathetically sappy message, I decided to try my hand at some writing. Since this whole Jeanie episode began, I had stopped writing, finding myself constantly preoccupied with something else; once it was her hair, then it would be her nose, lips, eyes, and several other anatomical parts that I enjoyed studying. It was truly torture. She was finally mine, after all this time, and then this happens. Me and my hiding skills. I couldn't even do that properly. I'm surprised I found my way around her body. That same lecherous grin appeared. Oh yeah, and I would find it again and again, if I have anything to do with it.

So after taking a round trip down the gutter and gathering some material for my new novel, I sat down to write. Here I was, in front of my computer, writing program all ready to go, and nothing. Absolutely nothing! I put my hands on the keyboard, and even tried simulating the sound of typing, but to no avail. My brain was...dead. That was it...I was brain dead. I had finally gone and done it. Thinking the same system of repairs would work on my head like it did on my computer, I started slapping its side. But nothing worked. Eventually, I stopped, taking my head in my hands, rubbing the sore spot. It was all Jeanie's fault. She had sucked all my creativity out of me. I was a barren wasteland because of HER!

Picking up the phone, I decided to let my tormentor know the result of her actions. She had probably had all of this planned, trying to drive me insane. When the machine picked up, I said furiously, "I can't write anymore! Are you happy now? You've stolen my lifeblood, my career, my life!" Overdramatic? You bet your ass! Then I hung up. If she was so intent on torturing me, then I would give her a taste of her own medicine. I would call her so many times until she would pick up just so she wouldn't have to hear my recorded voice anymore.

From that moment on, I called her every few minutes, leaving weird messages after every single beep. She will get tired of this soon enough. I just knew it. Besides, I had nothing better to do so might as well use my time productively. After a while even I was starting to go a little crazy...imagine that. My messages became stalker like, and I snickered at the thought. She already thinks I'm a crazed stalker, the least I can do is substantiate her assumption.

"Jeanie? Are you there?" That was my 30th message.

"Jeanie? Pick up." My 40th.

"Jeanie? Jeanie? I know you're there." 50th. At that point, I'll admit, I may have gone a tiny bit over board. She wasn't answering and I probably was freaking her out so badly that she would never return my calls again. So I stopped. And then I sat in front of the phone waiting. You see the kind of life writers lead? Now do you understand why most of them go cookoo before the age of 40? Well, it seemed that I was right on my way.

It took two more days but that phone call finally came. She called. And she was screaming so loudly that I practically threw the receiver on the floor when I first picked up. I let her exhaust herself for a bit before I even attempted to join in on her monologue. "Jeanie?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes, who else would it be, you nutcase? How could you leave 100 messages on my answering machine? Are you crazy? I was gone for a couple of days just to come back to that! What is wrong with you?"

I cringed and bit my lip in thought...oops. How could I have known that she wasn't home? I automatically assumed she was giving me the silent treatment and not answering my calls. And I'm the crazy one?

"I only left about 50 messages," was my pathetically sounding response. "Can I see you?" If there is one thing you can say about me is that I'm at least persistent. I might be crazy, but I'm crazily persistent.

I could almost see Jeanie's face as there was suddenly silence. She was probably looking at the receiver in her hand with an incredulous expression, trying to figure out how the heck she got entangled with someone like me. "No!" She screamed and hung up.

I pursed my lips in thought, "Well, we've made a little progress. She's cracking." I smiled smugly and went back to my computer, giving writing another try.

The words actually began to flow onto the screen, but they were slow in coming and not wonderfully poetic, but at least I was writing again. It was a re-entry into the world of the living, and I couldn't wait to see Jeanie again. I wondered, for the thousandth time, if she might lend me her diary from time to time once we've made up. I chuckled at the crazy thought. Maybe I could get her to read it to me. I spent the rest of the day writing with a silly, face splitting grin curling my lips. Can you say, clueless?

After three days of fluent writing, my hopes were back up in the sky. I had called Jeanie from time to time but other than yelling at me some unintelligible words, I barely got a chance to put a word in before she hung up. As the days went by, her screams toned down and I even got to slip a word or two in before she hung up. We were getting somewhere and I couldn't wait to take her in my arms again. Feel that soft skin gliding against my own. That ravenous tongue delving into my depths, making me dizzy with desire. I couldn't wait to hear her moan and gasp into my ear as I took her body higher than it's ever gone before. My dreams were plagued with the image of her. Her image, this time, was of her true form, an angel in stark nudity, waiting for me to stake my claim.

Our last call actually resembled a dialogue. She let me speak for a moment or two before she cut me off. Gathering my courage, I eventually managed to slip a few last words in, "Can I see you?"

There was silence on the line and then her voice, the soft one I had missed so much, returned. "You can do whatever you want." Then she hung up.

Luckily, I'm a woman. If I were a guy, he would have probably misinterpreted her answer and let her mull things over for a while longer, while unbeknownst to him, she would have mulled a cruel break up during that time period. Me, I knew my way around hints. Well, no, I sucked at them actually, but I knew that it was a loud and clear invitation, and I was more than ready to face the storm. I had no idea how true those words would ring.

Dressing in my best clothes, a pair of pants and a t-shirt – I'm a struggling artist, keep your criticism to yourself – I bought a long stemmed red rose and drove to her place. My heart was floating in my chest with happiness. We would finally be able to continue from where we had stopped, before the "diary" incident. I could feel my mouth begin to water. Stretching and cringing at the cracking of a few bones, I got out of the car and went to ring her doorbell. How things have changed, how tables have turned kept running through my mind. Shaking my head of any thoughts, I placed a large smile on my face when I heard her turn the lock.

When the door opened, she took a quick glance at me, and then turned her back and moved back inside, leaving the door slightly ajar. Licking my top lip, I blinked and stared, "Okay..." I stretched the word out, and then made my way inside.

"This is for you," I said charmingly, waving the rose in my hand.

She nodded and flopped on the couch.

OK, this may prove to be a little harder than I thought.

Making my way around the couch, I took a seat next to her, but not close enough to touch. "How are you?"

Who knew such an innocent question could trigger such a bout of profanity from such a tiny thing like her? You learn new things every day.

Letting her get it all out of her system, I simply cringed quietly, cowering back into the couch. I was pretty sure even a sailor would be proud of her...there were a few words I didn't even know existed. It was good to know she had mastered the art of profanity. I would have to take advantage of that one of these days.

"What kind of person does something like that? Huh? What kind of person reads someone else's diary and uses it to get them closer, to lure them in? Did you think I wouldn't find out? I can't believe I fell for your scheme. God!"

I think this was a good place to intervene and share my thoughts. "I didn't use it against you. I just happened to find it and read it, and then you just happened to stop by. It was all a big misunderstood coincidence."

"If I didn't know you better I would think this was the act of a very calculating, cold and twisted person."

I smiled crookedly. "Thanks...I think," I said and frowned.

"I liked you, you were my best friend and I trusted you more than I remember ever trusting anyone else in my life. You betrayed that trust with your stupid carelessness and I don't know if I could ever forgive you for that. I let you touch me!" She was furious again. For good reason, I'll give her that, but hey!

"Hey! You let that baboon of an ex-boyfriend of yours touch you and never seemed to complain! Yes, I touched you, and you liked it, whether you want to admit it or not." I sulked. What can I say, I'm a big, whiny, overdramatic, idiotic baby! So sue me.

"Ugh! You are so infuriating!"

I got up from the couch and faced her, "Well if I'm so infuriating, hit me! Hit me if you think it would make you feel better." The words were barely out of my mouth when I felt her fist connect strongly with my face.

I stumbled backwards, nearly falling on my ass from the incredible impact. I touched my eye gently, palpating the reddening skin and wincing with pain. Opening incredulous eyes, I looked at her in shock, "You...you hit me!"

"Well you did say I could hit you!" She answered with a little less venom in her voice. It seems the punch had calmed her some. I was glad because I wasn't sure if I could take another one of those mean right hooks. I'm a writer, hence, I'm a wuss when it comes to physical v******e.

Covering my face with my hand and whimpering like a wounded a****l, I stumbled my way to the couch and crashed down. Jeanie was starting to feel sorry, I noticed from the corner of my good eye. Taking every ounce of advantage out of the situation, I groaned pathetically. Slowly moving closer, she took a seat next to my prone figure, trying to pry my hand away from my throbbing face.

"Let me see."

I sniffed c***dishly and turned my head away.

Jeanie narrowed her eyes and scowled. Call me psychic, but I think I knew my act was wearing a little thin and I lowered my hand, letting her inspect the damage. "You'll live." She finally said.

I grunted and turned my face toward the couch.

"I'll get you some ice."

If it meant that we could overcome this whole ordeal and go back to the way things were, I gladly would have accepted my punishment, bearing my shiner with pride. But things still seemed a little rocky and I had to play my cards right. It was time for me to act like a grown up, or at least try to do a good imitation of one.

Jeanie got back with a pack of ice in her hand, which she placed none too gently on my eye. "This should keep the swelling down."

"Thanks," I grunted.

"I'm sorry that I hit you, but you have no right to play the hurt party here, Danny." She seemingly couldn't hold it in any longer. "What you did was wrong and you know it. Or at least, I hope you know it." She looked at me expectantly.

"Oh alright, I guess I did deserve that punch, on some level."

She glared.

"Fine! I deserved it. I know I was wrong to keep it from you, but I never meant any harm in that. I just didn't want you to think I was some kind of deranged psycho stalking you or something."

"Too late," she retorted dryly.

"You know what I mean...some kind of DANGEROUS deranged psycho."

She chuckled a little at that.

My eye was starting to swell, and I could practically feel it turning purple.

"How's your eye?" She asked, a slight twinge of regret coloring her words.

"It's still attached." I answered sarcastically.

"Well, if you ever do something like this again, it won't be for long." She threatened.

Have I mentioned how much I love feisty women? Yeah, I thought so.

I jumped her like she was the last piece of juicy steak at a hungry family gathering. Her lips were as soft as I remembered. She tasted so good, but I had to stop. We still had a lot to talk about. I think my head had gotten one too many hits by that time, as actual sense was starting to trickle in. I pulled back and looked at her heaving chest that was just too close for comfort, or more like, precisely close enough.

"What about our other conversation that we didn't get a chance to complete?" I asked breathlessly.

She licked her lips with the tip of her pink tongue and answered, "I'm all talked out. Better leave some things for tomorrow, especially since I seem to have completely lost my mind. Might as well take advantage of that while you can, don't you think?"

I swallowed thickly, looking at her intently. "Oh yeah!" I agreed wholeheartedly, nodding like crazy as I jumped her once again. In our hurried fumbling, we managed to land on the carpeted floor next to the couch. Nothing mattered more than reaching and touching her silky skin. She landed on top of me and straddled my waist. She began a slow rocking motion that seemed to mimic our previous love making session. As she got my shirt and pants unbuttoned, she said, "I thought that our love making seemed somehow familiar, and I just couldn't place it. It's ironic really. As I was thinking about it, rummaging through your kitchen, trying to find something to cook for breakfast, the answer literally fell into my hands when I opened one of the cupboards. Remind me to never entrust a state secret into your hands..." I didn't have the time to answer because she captured my lips in another one of those breathtaking kisses she was so good at.

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Diary of the Suspicious

Diary of the Suspicious By Xoop "Start here." "Here?" "Yeah." -- * x * -- AUGUST 26 Finally, everything's moved in! Not that there was all that much -- one of several advantages to having lived in a furnished apartment. The only really major things I brought with me were my computer desk and a couple of bookshelves. Even so, it was a real bitch. God, do I ache. Big thanks (again) to Ian. Couldn't have done it without his pickup. And, of course, he's...

2 years ago
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Diary Doodling Bout Sex

Dear Diary: Julie has been after me for some weeks now to find a guy and get laid properly. I would if I could. I mean, it's not THAT easy for a girl to get laid! DUH! Okay, okay, I know just about every guy on campus and beyond would like to get into my pants; well maybe I'm exaggerating slightly, but ... not a day goes by when I don't almost cream in those same pants over a dreamy guy or three. It's just ... well; there must be some sort of chemistry to attracting a member of the...

4 years ago
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Diary entry 62111

Diary entry 6/21/11Hi diary, It's me again!!Adriana is passed out after our wicked sex fest so I thought I'd bring you up to date! Anyway diary, you'll never believe my fucking day! Weird and wild I'd say!!Anyway you remember Rod? I'm trying to forget the creep, believe me! I wrote to you about him back in the spring time, remember? As you know I stopped banging him about a month ago when I found him with his cock in that slutty ho he works with. I do miss that mans monster missile, he is good...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Diary of a house boy part two

April 11 Dear Diary, Wow, you should have been with us last week!!! Mr. Foxx took me along with him to San Francisco on business!!! Talk about a wild place, diary, I actually saw two men fucking out in the open in the park and nobody even gave it a second look!!! Mr. Foxx gave me one hundred dollars and sent me on my way to explore the city when he was at his meeting!!! I found this little place that advertised live dancing in private rooms, and since I'd never heard of anything like that...

2 years ago
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Diary 8211 My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model 8211 Episode V

Read (Chapter ON ROOF) Suddenly my son holds my hand and pulled me from sofa. He also took all camera and apparatus and dressed up. He simply drags me to front veranda. I was stunned and ashamed of my semi nakedness. If any neighbor awoke at this moment they can see me. But I kept quite. He opened main door and stepped up on stairs to go to roof. We came to roof. February’s 4 am is almost dark night and chilly. I shivered with cold and shame. I, a traditional Bihari lady, standing in open...

3 years ago
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Diary 8211 My Son Made Me Topless Naked Model 8211 Episode IV

(Chapter FRIDGE & HANDCUFF) Love and affection flows from my heart. I want to give him some precious gift. I know if I offer him choice, certainly he asks for mother’s vagina. My eyes are closing with sleep but with apprehension I said- ‘Beta’ I want to give you something precious, ask anything I have. Son Said- Ma’ you just gave me most precious photographs of yours. It is enough for me. Foolishly I insisted him- Ok but you can ask for anything I have. Son Said- Ma’ right now you can give me...

4 years ago
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Diary of a Bloodsucker

November 2nd, 1813 Vienna, mierda! I’m still in Vienna. Diary, I had hoped to be back in Almeria by this time. Back home, for the holiday, for the Day of the Dead. (There is no Day of the Un-dead, so I settle for the closest thing.) During the chaos of those revels, that last well into the early morning, victims are easy to come by. A woman or two disappears and no one notices. No one suspects my hand… But, I am trapped here in Vienna in this wine cellar, hiding like vermin, and I have been...

2 years ago
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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 2

Introduction: Friday 9/20 and Monday 9/23 Dear Diary, Ethan gone. He proved himself unworthy and removed himself from the picture. I cant really articulate how I feel about this but every bit of it reinforces this.. self-awareness Im experiencing. Like, I am an entity, a whole, stand-alone person. I used to think of Ethan as a piece of me. An extension of self that I needed, but now I think I felt that way because it wasnt Ok for me to want things. Like, I only ever deserved what I needed. Not...

2 years ago
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diary pt1

I bought a house two days ago. I know it’s kind of strange for that to be the first thing you learn about me, but hey, I’m still trying to get used to the idea of having a house of my own, myself. It’s not very big, more like spread out. It has one floor, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a pool…the bare essentials. I’ve only moved in today so I’m still a bit disoriented when it comes to the house and everything in it. Well actually, there’s nothing in it. It’s empty and only now, as...

4 years ago
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diary pt1

I bought a house two days ago. I know it's kind of strange for that to be the first thing you learn about me, but hey, I'm still trying to get used to the idea of having a house of my own, myself. It's not very big, more like spread out. It has one floor, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a pool...the bare essentials. I've only moved in today so I'm still a bit disoriented when it comes to the house and everything in it. Well actually, there's nothing in it. It's empty and only now,...

3 years ago
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Diary of a Jailbird

October 17Dear Diary...You showed up in my first care package, and since I'm not doing anything else, I might as well write in you. =)Lemme tell you a bit about myself.  I'm Casey, Casey Shepherd.  I'm, 19, really tall...5 foot 11 to be exact (yay tall me!), weigh about 150 lbs, slender and toned from playing volleyball and softball, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, 38c, size 10 feet.  In the winter I like to go snowboarding.  If you haven't figured already, I'm a big tomboy.  All...

1 year ago
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Diary of a housemother part one

Dear Diary, My name is Tilly Crawford and for the past ten years I've been the housemother for the Delta House Fraternity here at State U. Another year of school started just yesterday and the boys have been getting ready for fraternity pledge rush week by planning parties and of course the open house to allow the new freshmen to get an idea if they'd like to join Omega House. It was long summer for me diary, I really miss being around the boys and of course my pussy missed the attention it...

4 years ago
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Diary of a fledgling dominatrix 2

Ethan gone. He proved himself unworthy and removed himself from the picture. I can't really articulate how I feel about this but every bit of it reinforces this.. self-awareness I'm experiencing. Like, I am an entity, a whole, stand-alone person. I used to think of Ethan as a piece of me. An extension of self that I needed; but now I think I felt that way because it wasn't Ok for me to want things. Like, I only ever deserved what I needed. Not anymore. Almost overnight I feel -- quite...

4 years ago
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Diary Confessions Tales of Week Two

Introduction: We are step-Siblings of four years and wish to share our journey. TALES OF WEEK TWO TORI-LEE We were officially one week into our life changing journey and I must have had more eye opening experiences than I could ever remember. My mind was going a million miles an hour taking in everything I was learning. Which, at 18, lead my hormones to go crazy. Id never even lived with guys before, so after 7 days sharing a 40 foot bus with my mamas new man and his son I had urges and...

3 years ago
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Diary of a Nazi Rape Squad

My name is Barbara Luttice   My name is Marla Eton.? I?m a 43-year-old Briton, currently living what I consider to be my dream life with Julio, a considerate, handsome, late-thirty-something Italian university art history instructor and avid painter, here in sunny Italy.? Ever since my stressful divorce from a Fleet Street solicitor four years ago, I?ve lived here in the beautiful Tuscan countryside, an hour?s drive from Florence, were I now work part-time as a visiting professor of...

2 years ago
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Diary Entries Of A Son8217s Lust For His Mother

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, narrated as excerpts from the diary. The excerpts narrate the secret thoughts, desires fantasies about various people in life. This story narrates the explicit incest between mom and son. Any person who is sensitive to close incest relations and doesn’t like such stories, please stop reading here. By continuing to read ahead, you agree that you are within the legal age limit and you are solely responsible for what you are reading, and neither the writer...

1 year ago
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Diary of a house boy part one

March 7 Dear Dairy, Boy it sure has been busy around here for the past month or so, Mr. Foxx, he's my boss, has been entertaining a slew of clients and friends, it seems that someone's always showing up at the door!!! Of course since Mr. Foxx keeps me completely naked at all times in the apartment, sometimes the person on the other side of the door gets a big surprise when they see me standing there in the altogether, but more often than not they can't keep their eyes off my usually hard...

4 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

4 years ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt4

 As we enter into part four of this story, I can't help but feel even more connected with Becky. She is truly, amazing.  So, leaving off in part three when Becky and I had fucked in the shop outside. I fucked her perfect, tight ass and filled her full of my cum. I left her full and leaking on my wife's panties that she was wearing. Such a naughty girl indeed. So that evening at home, before taking a shower, I thought I would follow through with my idea of seeing if my wife would give me a...

3 years ago
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Sisters helping hand Pt4

When l was going back to my van after spunking over Dora and being watched by her husband Neal, l saw Annie going into her gate we began chatting, l informed her that Tina my sister had a girl. Annie started telling me about Sasha getting home at 1.30pm, she had no idea how it was all my fault, she asked if l would talk to Sasha as she seemed to listen to me, so l said l’ll be around the next evening, Annie told me to be there at 5pm for dinner, l was hoping Annie might have invited me to fuck...

3 years ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt4

As my wife still laid sprawled across the bed, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was going in too many directions. One such direction was the extremely attractive neighbor girl that brings us fresh chicken eggs twice a week. Her name is Katrina Winzer. She lives a few blocks down. We’re pretty good friends with her parents. Just finished high school and is taking the summer off while she finds work. She normally stops by on Friday morning before school. With tomorrow morning being Friday, I thought I...

2 years ago
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My First Knot pt4

I turned my head just in time to be rewarded with a spurt of hot, sticky cum hitting my nose and open mouth. "That's right bitch! Eat my cum!" John urged through gritted teeth, as spurt after spurt of his cum hit me in the face. I have only tasted cum once before, and that was my own. I was alone and very horny and figured I'd try it. Didn't really care for it. John's cum was thicker than mine, and tasted much saltier. I liked his cum even less than my own. But, remembering the pics and...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt4

“Look, I don’t know what I’m doing, why I’m even in here, I just… I don’t know, maybe I should go” Miranda says as she walks further towards the back of my living room, turning to face us. “Do you want to see his cock or not?” Jemma replies, pushing me forward away from the door, towards Miranda. “I….I don’t know. Like I said, maybe this is a bad idea. I just, I guess I was just turned on from the thought of whatever you two were doing” Miranda says again, her voice trembling. “It’s ok, you...

3 years ago
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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt4

She felt her dad get back in the bunk. She didn’t know what to think. She knew she smelt of being extremely wet. A person with a head cold could smell that. But, he didn’t say anything. He did stay up front for a long time. She wondered what he was thinking. There were so many confusing thoughts going threw her head. She knew what she was dreaming and thinking was so wrong. Wrong enough that if anyone ever found out, she would be taken away from her dad forever. That scared the...

3 years ago
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Becoming a hotwife Pt4

Following on from my night of unbridled sex.There was so much going through my mind as I drove home. If I was being honest, I was probably too distracted to drive safely. My daze was broken by the phone ringing; it was Dave.I sheepishly answered, not really knowing what to say, or how Dave would react. My fears were immediately eased as he just asked, “How is my little hotwife?” I could feel myself welling up with tears as I told him I didn’t think he’d want anything to do with me after what I...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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My Sister and Me Pt4

And now, on with the show! I couldn't believe what had happened in just the last few days. And now, I was sitting in my sister's living room waiting for her to get home from work. She was bringing her girlfriend into our mini-orgy. It was all a bit mind boggling. I was drinking a beer when I heard a key twist in the door lock and my sister came in. Behind her was her friend, Marty Brewer. If I had been the kind of person who was surprised easily I would have spit my beer out and probably...

3 years ago
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Sister finds my toys Pt4

'Shit,' Chris said. 'How long will she be here?' I kind of gave a little shrug. 'She said two weeks.' This was going to ruin everything. Chris and I had just about settled into our brother/sister relationship. Things were going so well for both of us and now everything would have to be put on hold. Carol had always been the thorn in our sides. She’d always been the one to tattle on us, to spy on us and to generally make our lives miserable. Looks like nothing had changed. Chris laid...

4 years ago
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The Vine Pt4

Recap from pt3 Jill and Becky start thrusting into the chubby girls harder and harder making the chubby girls scream harder. They cum hard and shake hard as they get the hunger of wanting more on their faces. They release their breasts you can hear then as pull off of their nipples. As they sit up and say you want hard and fast, we will give you hard and fast. They sit up and starts fucking the two hard and fast you can hear each slap the other inner thighs. Pop…pop faster as the...

2 years ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt4

In no hurry to rise on Thursday morning, when eventually I did, the storm of the previous day's malaise had been washed away by the kind of beautiful sunshine the girls would doubtless have given up their precious cherries for. Though I did like to think that two of them, at least, had enjoyed their time indoors with me. Talking of the girls, as I hobbled from the couch, it was hard not to notice that the bungalow was as quiet as a library. A scribbled note from Sophie on the kitchen side...

2 years ago
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The Sick Day Pt4

His own plight having reached an almost satisfactory conclusion, immediately his attention turned to stepdaughter Lucy. The subject of just about every wakeful and sleeping fantasy throughout a night of intense rest, he'd experienced the first wet dreams since outgrowing puberty. Yes, he was definitely feeling a whole lot better. Sadly, the same could not be said of the girl on his mind, a hacking cough permeating the closed doors of both their bedrooms. Rising and meeting Josh on the...

3 years ago
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Teacher Training Pt4

Manly baritone voices from downstairs wafted up the stairs as they took their seats in readiness for the game of poker. Stealing a lungful of air and a glance in the mirror, the petite blonde was far from sure that the little black mask around the eyes would conceal her identity, especially from those that knew her intimately, like Jack Willis, the former lover with whom she'd shared six blissful months. And if not Jack, Bill Mason and Jeff Andrews, the headmaster and games teacher at...

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Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue Pt4

It was the night before Paul and Jane's wedding and taps were running all over the house and hairdryers blowing a gale as everyone prepared to go out in their gender-determined parties. The men had an evening of revelry planned at the Blue Lion in the village, the women a chinese in the neighbouring town. Stereotypically, the men departed first, the entourage led by Paul the groom. His father Terry, my dad Arthur, Jane's dad Charlie, grandad Harry, two middle aged cousins Jim and Joe and my...

3 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt4

Apparently, he discovered, it was a family tradition on the girls' birthdays to gather in their mother's bed to unwrap their gifts. Feeling decidely under-dressed in just the t-shirt worn for bed, Matthew reached for the boxer shorts, only to be tugged away forcibly. There wasn't time for that, Meg advised. Besides which, both girls had on just t-shirts too, two lovely little backsides half on display, their owners seemingly unconcerned that their pussies flashed visibly as they skipped...

2 years ago
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24 Hours To Live Pt4

Fifteen-year-old Barbie clone Tiffany Standish was clasped tight on his lap, back to his chest, the kitchen knife threatening to sever an artery should any of the women step out of line. The white tank top discarded, Joel amused himself by playing with a pair of peach sized breasts that felt like two stress balls. And oh was he ever about to relieve some stress. The pleated blue skirt remained in place, from time to time riding up Tiffany's thigh when Joel's hands squeezed those sweet...

3 years ago
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Morning Surprise Pt4

Sunday morning, I woke with a slight headache. Too much to drink. I normally spend Saturday night at the police club; I have a couple of pints with my mates, sing a few rugby songs and head on home. Last night my neighbour and colleague Dave decided that we should get an Indian on the way home. We always have a couple more pints to help wash it down, that is always a mistake. My head would pound away for a few hours; I would be forced to go for a run to clear it, have a shower and I would...

2 years ago
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Falling off the wagon pt4

I was so very confused; I was upset at being maneuvered into a position where I had become nothing more than a fuck toy by Ray and his friends. Yet on the other hand I had enjoyed it, I had enjoyed every thing about what had happened. Being taken like that was like being on some kind of drug or something, it was a high that continued for all of those hours. It would have momentary lulls, as one man would slip from me and another would take his place, but I had to be honest with myself, I had...

2 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry pt4

"Are you Ok in there?" My mom said in a concerned voice. "I'm not feeling good Mom, and not going to school today" I replied. "Anything I can do?" She questioned me again. "We need to talk, but after Mike goes to school" I said to her while holding my hands over my tummy as the pain returned. Mike leaves for school about the same time I do. I waited another 20 minutes before getting out of bed and looking for Mom. Dad already left for work, I heard his car pull out of the...

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