Confidence free porn video

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Confidence ---------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Christian's finally got a date, but he's worried his extreme lack of self-confidence will ruin things. It turns out his date had plans all along to help him with that. ---------------- Christian didn't consider himself a particularly vain person, but he wasn't used to this sort of thing either. He stared at himself intently in the reflection of a passing shop window, seeing his hunched over body in jeans and a sweatshirt, as he walked with his two friends, and one of them noticed what he was doing. "Thinking of buying a new bra?" the one asked him jokingly. Seeing he was staring into the window of a lingerie shop, he was embarrassed and quickly countered, "no! I'm just looking at my face, I have this huge zit on it." "Eh, who cares? It's not like anyone cares about your face," the same friend prodded him. "Hey! Be nice Mark," the other friend replied, defending Christian, "he might have someone who cares..." she raised an eyebrow and smirked at Christian. "Jen! Come on," Christian replied. The three of them were in college, walking back to their apartment building together. He had known Mark since high school, which was a good thing because he probably wouldn't have become friends with him now. He was brash and kind of a "bro", entirely unlike Christian. The two of them had met Jen in college. Mark tried to hit on her, but after a hilarious rejection witnessed by Christian, and some timely jokes, the three quickly became friends. "Ohh, big man has a date, huh?" Christian sighed. "Yeah, I do. She's really hot too ... I don't know how it happened. I barely got to asking her before she agreed." Mark tried to comfort him, "It's cool man - it's barely noticeable. It's not like she's going to see it and run away." "I dunno. I guess so," Christian said, still uncomfortable. He didn't have much confidence in himself, and was already worried about what to wear, and what to do during the date. He rarely went on them, generally being the meek type. He looked over at Christian, in his letterman jacket and jeans as well, standing tallest out of the three of them. If he had Mark's looks, thought Christian, he'd probably feel a little better about himself. As it is he didn't think he had rugged good looks or anything, but next to Mark he looked like a nerd. He touched the pimple on his cheek, and Jen's eyes went wide. "Don't touch it!" She smacked his hand away from his face. "You'll make it worse! Just wash your face and it'll go away in a few days." "But it's tonight, remember," Christian sulked, "it's going to go so badly..." "Dude just man up, it'll be ok. She has the hots for you man." Mark gave him a strong pat on the back, knocking Christian forward. "Mark, you know that won't do anything. Christian just needs to get his mind off of it, so he doesn't get anxious. Here, don't move." The guys stood as Jen dug through her purse. She was a bit of the girly type, wearing a sundress and flats, with her auburn hair loose down to her shoulders. She found what she was looking for and quickly went up to Christian, face to face as they were about the same height, and held his chin as she dabbed something on the zit. "There, what you can't see won't bother you, right?" "What did you do?" Christian asked. Mark laughed. "Is that makeup? I don't know if your date's gonna find that sexy, heh." Christian was about to respond when Jen cut him off, "Calm down, it's just a tiny bit of concealer. It just hides tiny imperfections like this. See?" She held up a compact mirror for Christian to see himself, "you can't really notice it much anymore, right? Movie stars use it all the time, you know. Just leave it alone, now you're less likely to think about it because you can't see it. So now, you just focus on your little date tonight, okay?" "Good luck man. I'll be rooting for you." Mark pumped his fist a little. "Alright, I guess I can give it a try. It is a lot harder to see it now, so I do feel a little better." "There you go, just relax ok? Have some confidence in yourself, you'll be fine," Jen reassured him. ------------------------- Christian sat nervously at the dinner table. It was a nice enough place, well within his college-level budget, but he was thinking about his face. Looking across at his date, it didn't seem like she noticed his zit or the concealer he had over it. He was going over scenarios of what to say in his head when his date spoke. "Hey, Christian, are you okay?" "Oh, huh? Yeah, totally fine. Sorry about that, Samantha, just thinking about something." He stared at her, thinking how lucky he was to get such a hot date. He wondered what she saw in someone like him. "Hey, I told you, call me Sam, it's more casual sounding. And what were you thinking about?" Sam knew what she was thinking about, that he seemed to be just right for her experiment. Not that she didn't like Christian, it's just she wasn't really looking for a relationship right now as she was too absorbed in her studies. She was a graduate psychology student at the same college Christian attended, and was working on a project that was secret even from her advisors. "Right, Sam. Just, y'know. Stuff. Where we're going next," Christian thought quickly. "Ooh, where did you have in mind?" "How about a movie? There's one I want to see. Ah, but if there's something else you want to see we can watch that too." She giggled at his awkwardness. "Just relax a little, I'm having fun, there's no need to be nervous." He was so timid and unsure of himself, she was elated that she'd be able to test her new toy out, perhaps a little later in the evening. She might as well enjoy a movie first, she thought. "Ah heh, right," Christian said, blushing and scratching his head. They ate dinner and talked about various things. Christian found out about her major, and that she had used to be in biotechnology but she was more interested in people's thought processes more than processing their thoughts, and she switched over to psychology, but not before picking up a lot. She turned out to be quite the smart person, already having a Bachelors in both majors, and having won various awards for her limited work in biotech. She in turn found out Christian was a bit of a nondescript person. Other than his obvious lack of self-confidence, he had only few friends, no family in the area, and enough money to live comfortably, as his grades in high school were good enough to pay for most of his tuition through various grants and scholarships. He was an English major, and had no idea what he was going to do with it. It was perfect, and she only felt a little bad. Sam felt Christian could be a pretty hot guy if he cleaned up and some confidence. His face had boyish good looks with no facial hair, he had nice brown hair that would look good short but he wore it a little shaggy instead, and his clothes were too-big pants and a loose polo shirt. Oh well, she thought. She'd make him sexy and confident, but not in the way he would think of it probably, she grinned. They finished watching the movie and Christian walked with Sam back to her apartment building. He was excited because she had been teasing him during the entire movie, touching his leg, putting her head on his chest, and he felt he really had a chance with her. They stepped up to the entrance to her building and they began to say their goodbyes. "Hey, thanks for going out with me, I had a great time." "Me too, Christian," she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "good job with the concealer by the way, it really hides that mark well." His face fell, he'd been caught, right when he completely forgotten about it. "I, uh, it was my friend, Jen, she said-" She looked into his eyes. "It's okay! Don't worry about it." Christian thought he caught a strange gleam in her deep blue eyes, but it was gone before he could figure it out, but suddenly he felt relaxed about the whole thing. "In fact," she continued, "you should keep wearing concealer on any part of your face you think needs it. Having nice looking skin will help you feel a little better about yourself. It also makes your skin look cute, and I like cute." He smiled and stammered, "Ah, um, ok. I'll do that then." She smiled, her invention had worked. She had developed some special contacts that would send a special signal, interrupting the right synapses in the brain and letting her say whatever she wanted to her target, which they would then consider truth. She knew it could be very powerful, and so she'd been careful to keep it a secret, and she still wanted to test it thoroughly. She would give this guy a workout over the coming weeks for sure. She decided to push things further and see if he went along with it. She had a large kinky streak in her, and it often got in the way of her testing, but she couldn't help herself. "Alright then Christy, call me?" Christian looked confused. "Christy?" She blinked as she looked at him. "Yes, that's my pet name for you, it's cute. Hearing me say it makes you feel better about yourself so you don't mind, right Christy?" She pouted at him with puppy dog eyes. "Yeah, Christy's fine. I actually kinda like hearing you call me that." Christian felt a little better about today and stood up a little straighter. "Alright then, that's settled. Remember, Sam, Christy," she pointed at him then herself, "I'll see you next date then, bye!" The two waved to each other as she left, closing the gate behind her. Christian walked home feeling great about the night. He was thinking about when to set up the next one, and he also had to get around to asking Jen how to get some of his own concealer eventually. He wanted to look cute for Sam. ------------------------- "So how'd it go, big guy?" Mark asked Christian as they walked with Jen to class. He answered excitedly, "It went really well, I have another date next week!" "Whoa, movin' fast, man. You're really into her huh?" "Yeah, it's like every word she says is like music to my ears!" The three of them laughed and Jen looked over at Christian. "I see you got yourself some concealer of your own. That wasn't so bad, right?" Mark was surprised. "Whoa dude, still wearing the makeup? Do you have a purse to put it in?" He chuckled alone as neither Jen nor Christian found it very funny. "Don't make fun of him. He's secure in his manliness, enough to do this. Besides, I don't see you with a girlfriend." "Hey I can get one whenever I want! I just choose not to right now," Mark snapped as he folded his arms. Christian spoke, "Sam didn't mind either. She liked my skin looking nice. It also makes me feel better knowing that pimple isn't so visible." Jen followed up, "See Mark? He's just trying to feel better about himself. Don't put him down. He's got another date soon," she looked over at Christian, "you just worry about where to take her, okay?" ------------------------- Christian had worried greatly over where to take Samantha on their date, but it turned out to be for nothing, as she surprised him with dinner in her apartment. He walked into a room lit by candlelight and the dinner table set with a meal she had made herself. "Hey there Christy, lookin' good." She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Wow, Sam, did you make all of this?" "That's right, just for us. I thought it would be a nice surprise. Do you like?" "I do, I mean, it's awesome looking." Christian stared at the meal set before him. They sat down to dinner and made small talk. After some time, Sam changed the subject over to Christian's face, "that concealer is really working out for you - your skin looks so smooth." Christian felt embarrassed. "Ah, thanks. Actually, the thing I was using it for is gone now, but I still use it for other stuff, like bags under my eyes. It just works so well." "I think you're doing a great job with it, you look so cute." Christian saw another glint as he looked into Sam's eyes, but it was gone again. "Your skin tone as a whole is a little uneven though, probably because you don't have anything to blend it. I bet it bothers you." Suddenly Christian felt insecure about it. "What? Does it look bad? How do I fix it? Oh I guess I shouldn't be asking you..." Sam got up quickly and shook her head. "No, no. I know what will make you feel better, follow me." The two left their mostly-finished dinners and headed to Sam's bedroom. Christian became nervous as they entered, as he didn't expect to get to see her room so soon. He followed her over to her vanity and she dug up what she was looking for. "You see this? This is a powder foundation. This will go over your skin and the foundation and smooth everything out." Christian looked confused. "Isn't that just makeup? I don't know if I need to go that far..." Suddenly he was distracted by a strange light, and he had forgotten what had worried him as Sam spoke. "It's not like that. You're wearing concealer anyway, it's not a big deal. Besides, wearing it will let you feel confident about yourself. Don't you want that?" Christian looked convinced. "You're right, I will feel a lot better if I'm not worried about my skin." "Here, let me put this on for you." She proceeded to lightly put some of the powder on his face, while giving him instructions on how to do it himself. "There, doesn't that look better? Don't you feel better Christy?" Christian looked noticeably more relaxed after he looked at himself. "Yeah, that does look so much better. Thanks, Sam. Hm, where did you buy this from?" "Oh don't worry, you can keep this one. I have another." Christian looked happy. "Really? Thanks!" She had actually bought this especially for him, though she didn't let him know that, of course. "Now come here, cutie." She reached over and kissed him suddenly. He kissed awkwardly, feeling nervous and never having kissed her before, but she led him in their sudden make-out session. This continued for a few minutes before she stopped, he was nervous and a little horny, and wondering what was going on, when she looked at his eyebrows and said, "It's a little distracting, but you should clean those up a bit. Doesn't it make you a little anxious when they are all messy like this?" "What? What do you mean?" Christian's heart rate went up a little as he wondered what flaw she was pointing out now. He was grateful for the help but it always made him anxious. "Your eyebrows I mean. Let's go to the bathroom, come on." She dragged him to her bathroom and pulled out a pair of tweezers. She stuck her thigh in-between his legs and gave him a deep tongue kiss again, riling him up, "now this is going to hurt a bit, but I promise you'll like it." She proceeded to thin out his brows a fair amount, making them almost half as thick, but being careful not to thin them out too much just yet. "There. Do you like it?" Christian considered his reflection in the mirror for a moment. "I do, it looks great, thanks." "You should maintain it like this. If it gets messy you might get anxious about it again." The thought of messy eyebrows made him anxious now as he replied quickly, "Don't worry, I'll keep it up." "Good," she replied, and continued to make out with him. Feeling a little kinky, she stayed in the bathroom with him, pressing him up against the sink and rubbing his crotch as they made out. She was careful to wind down and break it off before he got off though, leaving him feeling horny. She had discovered that the effects of her device worked a little better when the target was mentally dulled in some fashion, and he didn't like to drink, so this would get the job done. She could tell he was sad it ended as they left the bathroom and were finishing up their date, and she decided she would cheer him up. "Hey, Christy, before you go, I do have another surprise for you." Christian felt a little bad. "Aw, Sam, you don't have to do that. You did all this stuff already." Another flash from her eyes and Samantha had his attention again, "don't worry about it; I know you'll love it. Here." She pulled out a box and handed it to him. He opened it up and saw a pair of shoes and a smaller box. "Shoes?" Samantha explained, "I know you have a thing about how short you are. I mean, we're about the same height, and it is a little awkward, so I thought you might like these shoes. They have a thicker sole so they'll help your height. You are nervous about your height, aren't you?" Christian was much more nervous about his height than he ever was. "I'll try anything to help me with that. Let me try them on." Sam smiled as he watched him put on the shoes. The women's tennis shoes were a perfect fit. "They fit great! I love them." he smiled and kissed her on the cheek. With their one and a half inch thick soles, he was a bit taller than her now. "As long as you wear those you can feel confident about your height. I'll take your old shoes, you don't need them anymore." "I really do feel better now, thanks." He handed her his old shoes, which she planned to throw away after he left. "What's in this other box," Christian said, as he opened it. Inside were a pair of gold stud earrings. Sam explained before Christian could ask, "I thought you might want to get your ears pierced. I think earrings look sexy, a little rebellious, you know? I hope it wasn't too much." "No, no no. It's fine. I've never had my ears pierced before, but I love any gift from you." "Ooh I know, I'll take you to get them pierced next week. We can go to the mall together! How does that sound?" "Anywhere with you is fine, Sam," he smiled. "Alright then Christy, it's a date!" Sam gave him a big tongue kiss and let him out the door. Christian had never felt better about himself, and she planned to keep it up. ------------------------- "Hm, I'd say she has a little influence over you already. I like the new style!" Jen complimented Christian. "I dunno, man. It's getting a little... weird," Mark said, concerned. Christian attempted to convince Mark, "I don't think so. Sam really likes it, and I've never felt more confident about myself." He strode confidently with his two friends, now standing at about the same height as Mark thanks to his new shoes. Jen agreed. "I think he looks cute now, a little like a pop star. You're just jealous," she teased Mark. "Feh, no I'm not," Mark responded dismissively. "I guess whatever you're into man, it's cool." Christian smiled big. This week he found it was much easier for him to talk to people in general, at least as long as he had his face made up and his shoes on. He didn't stutter at all, even when talking to women, though they did give him strange looks when he introduced himself as Christy, and he felt himself not feeling shy in the least. However, if he forgot to wear his shoes or his face powder, he became a social wreck, even worse than he was before. After forgetting it once he had resolved to never forget again, as he couldn't stand the feeling. ------------------------- The next weekend Christian and Sam were on their date, walking through the mall. Christian was holding various bags, all for him, as Sam walked in front of him, smiling happily. "Those earrings look SO cute on you Christy! Looks like I have good taste." Christian and Sam laughed. "It really matches your hair. You're totally rockin' it!" Sam took Christian with her to a salon before heading to the mall. It took another special look for her contacts, but he left with a new haircut, a manicure, his own bottle of clear polish, and funny looks from a patron or two. Touching his new haircut, he remarked, "I love it so much Sam, I'm glad you convinced me. It makes me feel really cool!" His previously shaggy brown hair was now cut into a cleaner bob-style, the high neck, clean cut bangs and light brown dye job making it decidedly feminine. Sam was already growing bored with her little game, and decided this weekend to kick it up into high gear. "Let's go back to your place, I wanna see how you look like in those clothes, and then out of them." She smiled teasingly as they left the mall. At Christian's place he had quickly forgotten about any playtime with Sam, as she distracted him with various new commands he needed to follow in order to remain confident about himself. He walked back and forth in the apartment wearing what would be his new style of clothing, short shorts and an oversized t-shirt, tucked in loosely in the back and hanging off one shoulder, wearing his new dark brown ankle boots with a one and a half inch heel. "No, keep your shoulders back. Stick out your butt more. Seriously, no one will think you have any confidence at all if you walk like that! One foot in front of the other, there we go!" Sam trained him how to walk more confidently, and after a good amount of practice he strode with the confidence of a sexy woman. The sight of Christian changing so quickly made Sam horny, and it was too much for her to deal with. She commanded Christian to lick her pussy and she came easily, getting a sexual thrill off of the power she had over him. Afterwards, Christian touched up his makeup and prepared for his friends to come over. Sam told him to invite them, as he mentioned them before and Mark seemed to be getting unnerved, so she decided to take care of things before they really get out of hand. The doorbell rang, "Christian! We're here!" Jen remarked. Mark followed suit. "open the door dude!" Christian opened it and responded to their surprised faces, "Hi you two! Thanks for coming by!" "What?" Mark said bewilderingly. Samantha stuck her head into view. "Hi! You must be Christy's friends." "Christy?" Jen said, equally as confused as Mark. The two viewed a strange glint in Samantha's eyes, which was gone as soon as they noticed, "come on in you two, we have lots to talk about." Mark and Jen felt strangely compelled to do what she said, and Christy closed the door behind them. ------------------------- The trio of friends walked down the street, with Christian confidently striding in front, eating some ice cream they had bought from the local liquor store. The cashier had called Christy 'miss' and had quickly apologized when he had determined that it was in fact a boy. He was left confused, however, when the other two didn't think it strange at all and called him 'Christy', watching him walk out in his short shorts and women's boots. There are all kinds of people, he figured. Mark found himself strangely accepting of Christian, or 'Christy' as they now called him. "Your hair looks really nice today...dude." "Thanks," Christy turned and smiled confidently. Watching him do that made Mark a little flustered and he turned away. Jen looked on disapprovingly. She would normally find the situation very funny, but at the moment she was feeling jealous that Mark was apparently fawning all over Christy like that. She wasn't sure why she was feeling competitive with a boy, but over the last couple of days she had been secretly trying to one up him. If Christy wore short shorts then she wore short skirts. If Christy dyed his hair light brown then she would be blonde. She trudged behind the group in her 2 inch heels, wondering how to get more attention from guys like Christy was doing lately. As they arrived at their usual spot where they split up, Christy gave both of his friends kisses on the cheek. Mark gave him one back before he could think about it, and quickly turned red and walked away. Jen felt extremely jealous over the kiss, leaving in a hurry as well, but Christy never felt better, Mark's kiss reassuring him that he was exuding the self-confidence he wanted. ------------------------- Christy spent more and more time with Sam as she had placed more conditions on him for his self-confidence to sustain. She was molding him into something entirely what he was not, and she found herself getting constantly horny, and she started taking it out on him sexually. She had introduced him to various sex toys, and she regularly used a strap-on on him. She had eventually bought Christy his own dildo, and he had used it nightly. One day she even brought home some hormones for him which she had acquired through various connections. She told him it would be necessary for him to take if he wanted to make his clothes fit better. She remarked that they didn't quite fit his body right, and that until then he'd probably feel awkward about it. Ever since then he's been noticeably uncomfortable with himself when he sees his body in a mirror, and never forgets to take his hormones. A couple of months had passed since then and the hormones had just started doing their work. Christy's skin was slightly softer, and his nipples had become puffier. Christy was starting to feel better about his body, though, and one night Sam was feeling particularly frisky and dragged Christy into the shower with her. She had him eat her out, and she had worked him up to the edge but didn't let him get off. Looking at Christy, Sam saw a perfect opportunity to really push him, as he stood moaning from the sexual pleasure built up, a rare moment without his hair done and foundation on, without his boots or earrings. With the hormones coursing through him and none of his confidence crutches, he was particularly vulnerable; as they stepped out of the shower and dried themselves off, she decided to strike. Touching his sides gently she whispered in his ear as they looked at their reflections in the mirror, "is it me or have you put on a little weight?" Christy was taken by surprise. "Huh?" "I'm just saying, I noticed your waist is a little thick there." "I-I guess so. I don't eat a lot." He looked down, blushing. "Well I'd think you'd worry about your figure a little more. I mean it kind of stands out and all." "Really? I-I-" She cut him off, "I guess it's all that paying attention to your face. Though look at you. Those shaggy eyebrows, and those pale lips - I'd say you could try a lot harder to look better, but that's just me." "S-Sam, stop...stop it." Christy's eyes were watering now, and he looked away from the mirror. However, Samantha was relentless. "You just don't try hard enough. I'm just stating the truth. I mean look at you right now, you look like nothing. Just some weak little nobody. Even when you're dressed up, your hair's flat, your face is plain, and you still look short. I don't know how you have any confidence looking like that. You just plain shouldn't." "Samantha! Why are you saying these things to me?? I-I know I look horrible..." He was full-on crying now. "I-I, I just don't know what to doooo!" Christy sunk to his knees, and Sam knelt over next to him, "there, there, Christy honey. I'm sorry I was so harsh just now. I didn't mean there's nothing you could do. In fact I can help you. I can make you more confident than you ever were before." Christy looked up with reddened eyes, choking down sobs. "R-really?" Sam's eyes glowed. "All you have to do is follow these things, and you'll always feel confident." ------------------------- Christy stood in front of the bathroom mirror. Ever since his talk with Sam he was feeling much better about himself. He tightened his corset, and smiled, happy with the way it made his waist much thinner. It had been a few more months, and his waist was already down from 30 inches to 26. He was also satisfied with his hair, which was now a more blonde color than before, and teased out. The feeling was quickly going away as he noticed he didn't have his makeup on, however, and he started on it before his anxiety hit him. He put on his foundation and some light pink blush, dark eyeliner and pink eye shadow. He was going out to a club tonight with Jen so he put on the mascara heavily, and drew on his eyebrows. He was glad Sam convinced him to wax them off; they looked so much sexier to him when he drew them on. He finished it off with some pink lip gloss, and headed out of the bathroom, feeling much better about himself once again. "Hey Christy, are you finally ready to go?" Jen walked over from the couch to meet Christy at the door. Samantha had convinced the two of them to room together. Christy was elated but Jen felt awkward, she was still jealous of Christy but Sam did make a valid point that she needed a roommate, especially after her last roommate suddenly decided to leave. "Sorry, you know I take a long time to get ready. You're looking ready for action today too though aren't you?" Jen pretended like she wasn't doing anything different. "Hm, maybe. It's no big deal." The truth was to her it was a very big deal. She was constantly having a secret battle with Christy to outdo him. It no longer occurred to her that she was trying to compete with a guy on who can look sexier. Instead it became more of a constant in her thoughts, especially since Christy had moved in. She had carefully selected her clothes, hair and makeup to be one step sexier than Christy's, and because of that she wore an extremely tight corset, pulling her waist in to 20 inches. Her micro mini skirt barely covered her ass, and she had to be careful when she sat because she no longer wore panties after finding out that Christy wore thongs. She stood tall in 5 inch spiked heels, and her hair was a platinum blonde, teased up higher than Christy's and falling in loose waves to her middle back. Her makeup was also trying to outdo Christy's, and she had her eyebrows tattooed on in a thin black line just above where her actual eyebrows would be. Her makeup was dramatic and dark, with false eyelashes extending outward. She wore a mauve colored lipstick, topped with a coat of gloss, and her earrings were a pair of large gold hoops on either side. She didn't particularly care to dress this way normally, but for some reason whenever she was with Christy, which was much more often nowadays, she just had to do this to be better than him. They headed to the club and Christy was a flirt machine. Whereas before he'd rarely talk to anyone, he was now chatting it up with every guy in sight. Soon he was grinding on the dance floor, drink in hand, and Jen could barely follow him before he was out of sight, man in tow to make out with. Nights like this were rough on her, she thought, because she was always desperate to outdo him. Soon she began her own night, hitting on any guy who'd talk to her, and feeling them up on the dance floor. Before too long she was completely wasted, and giving blowjobs to two lucky gentlemen in the men's bathroom. She didn't mind though, because at least she was still better than Christy. ------------------------- More months had passed, and Christy went on countless dates with Sam. Though you couldn't really call them dates anymore - they were more like 'girls' night out'. Most of their dates consisted of going to salons, shopping, and talking about guys they found sexy, but Christy enjoyed it very much. The night still ended sexually, with Christy eating out Sam as usual, and Sam doing him with her strap-on. Through this time Mark found himself falling in love with Christy, much to Jen's chagrin. Over time he had stopped thinking of Christy as a man completely, and so fell head over heels for him. They often hung out together, and sometimes Christy would make out with him, but he was often a tease, sometimes literally, as he would run a manicured nail across Mark's penis, and then stop and giggle. Eventually Sam found out about it though, and felt bad for Mark. She also didn't like that Christy was becoming a tease, and decided to do something about that as well. "Oh god, you're so good at this Christy!" Mark couldn't help but thrust his hips a little as Christy worked his lips on over Mark's cock. "Mmm, oh yeah baby, you're so big!" Christy thought it sounded cheesy, but he knew guy's liked it when he said things like that. Not that it mattered, Sam had talked him into getting his lips done, and his new ones would drive any guy over the edge no matter what he said. Christy stopped by Mark's place almost daily now to give him a blowjob, he needed to or eventually he'd start to lose confidence in himself and he couldn't stand the feeling anymore. Mark was definitely not complaining and always had time for him to come over. "Oh fuck, I'm about to come, here it goes, NGHH! Ahhh!" Mark shot his load into Christy's mouth, and it filled up quicker than he expected, causing some to spill out the side of his mouth and leak down his cheek a little. He swallowed the load in his mouth and spoke, "Thanks Mark, I'll see you tomorrow baby," and tapped the tip of his penis with his red fingernail, smiling as he left. Mark wondered if he would survive much more of this; since Jen found out, she had been coming to his place almost as often and having him outright fuck her. She said something about being better than Christy but he didn't think too hard about it. ------------------------- Finally the time had come, Sam was tired of Christy, and figured she would push him all the way, as he was mostly there anyway. Her work was done months ago as it is, and she was just getting herself off on the whole situation. The kinkiness of it all wore off for her though, and so she decided to see things through the end. She had met up with the trio of friends, and after having one last time with them, she said her goodbyes, and made them all forget about her. She figured she might have fun with someone else someday, and didn't want to leave a trail of people who remembered her. She made sure they would enjoy themselves though, because as messed up as she may be she wasn't outright mean. Christy would never remember her, but once in a while he, now she, would have a vague memory of a pair of eyes she couldn't place, and feel content. ------------------------- Months had passed since that time, and the friends had moved on with their lives. Not that things went back to normal. The three were having an orgy with a 4th person they had picked up at a club, and getting deep into it. Mark was fucking Christy in the ass; or rather, Christy was the one getting herself fucked. She was incredibly forward nowadays, and always took top when it came to sex. She rode Marks cock as he lay back, and it slid into her deep and quick, as Christy's ass was well-used by now. Her new breasts jiggled back and forth as she moaned in pleasure, her long red nails digging a little into Marks torso. Mark and her weren't going out, Christy was too sexually open for that. Instead he'd accepted that they'd only get together in events like tonight's orgy, and otherwise Christy was out in bars and anywhere else she could hit on guys to have sex with. She often came back to Mark, however, as she had discovered most guys get turned off by a woman who's as forward as her, that and getting past her penis, which was only about an inch now, but it was more than enough to drive away most guys. Next to them Jen was engaged in a 69 position with their 4th guest, eating each other's pussies furiously. In her pursuit to outdo Christy, Jen's body was sluttier than most porn stars. Her enormous breasts heaved as she shifted back and forth, rubbing her body against the other woman's. Her makeup didn't smear, as most of it was permanent now. She had various surgeries to have a larger ass and bigger lips, and she was always dressed as provocatively as she could get away with. As Christy was a sex fiend, going around to bars and picking up any guy she could, Jen found that the only way she could outdo her was to actually get paid for having sex. So she had found herself a fairly safe pimp, and began whoring herself out on the weekends. She always felt superior on those days, as she got paid for giving blowjobs and having sex, and she considered doing it fulltime eventually. For now she lay on the bottom wearing only her clear platform heels, when her partner hit her in the right spot, causing her to yell. Alternating with Christy, the two of them yelled as they approached orgasm. Christy moaned loudly, "Oohhh!" "Fuck!" Jen yelled, slightly louder and dirtier. "Oh god!" "FUCK!" "Ohh! Oh god! Oh!" "FUCK MY PUSSY! Oh shit, fuck me! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" "OH! OHH! OHHH!!!! AAAAHHHHNHNNN!!!!!" "FUCK FUCK FUCKKKKK EYAAAHHHHHHHH!!" The two cried in unison as they came, Jen squirting her juices onto her partner's face and Christy leaking out a weak fluid out of his no longer functioning penis. The four of them lay for a while, sweating and satisfied, and eventually they finished the night out with a couple of drinks. Saying their goodbyes, the woman spoke first, "thanks for the wonderful night, I had a great time!" Mark responded, "Yeah, thank you, I had a great time too!" "We didn't get your name, actually. I'm Jen," she said, extending her arm out to the woman. "I remember. I'm Samantha, you can call me Sam. Maybe I'll see you guys again one day, but I wouldn't wait up." Sam smiled, and her eyes flashed once again. She looked at Christy and felt a little nostalgic; in fact she was only here tonight because she couldn't help but check on the former boy. She had taken it upon herself to make him a confident person, and she did, it just so happened that she chose to make him a sexy, confident woman instead. She cracked a crooked smile; she also had a little fun with her friends, but hey, beggars can't be choosers, she thought. Besides, it had made her unbelievably hot to do those things, she reasoned. As Sam thought about what she had done, Christy couldn't help but feel like she'd seen those eyes before, but she couldn't place where. All she did was get lost in them, and feel content.

Same as Confidence Videos

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Heavy Traffic Ch 06

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Learning a Lesson at Middlesex High Over the Lap Style Part C

The secretaries got spanked and that turned Bonnie on. It also made Dean Perkins very hard. Spanking Julie’s cute tush can do that to you! Then after the crying girls were sent on their way, mascara running down their faces and hands holding their scorched bottoms, Bonnie needed a poke real bad. With the front of the dean’s pants being pushed out, who was better to ask? “Bob, I need it now, can’t wait till later. But how do we do it with me in this tight business suit?” Lucky for Bonnie, Bob...

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Copyright© 2004 by Carlos Malenkov Underwood's the name. Typewriting's my game. Don Marquis lovingly stroked my keys and "Archie and Mehitabel" was the proud result. He made his reputation on that one, he did. Even half-drunk as he was, Papa Hemingway managed to coax "For Whom the Bell Tolls" out of my full metal carriage. F. Scott, totally-drunk as he was, poured his tortured little soul into my keyboard, and out came "Tender is the Night" while Zelda sulked and pouted. And, in...

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Orphan MagusChapter 40

Mom went to open the front door. I stuffed the key into my pocket as I moved into the darkness of the kitchen. I walked over to the doorway closest to the entry and pulled out my phone. I wanted to use the camera feature to look around the doorway and see who was there without letting them see me. “Mrs. Connor, is Seth here?” I recognized the blue hair. It belonged to Stefany from Shirley’s. There were also two brunettes and two blondes. I knew them from school, but I couldn’t recall their...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 5

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The Rest Stop

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TheBus fantasy that never happened

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The Prostitute2

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Book 3 RavlyrChapter 4 A Masque Ball

Natalie was standing in the middle of the room, totally embarrassed, without knowing how Kat had managed, she had gotten Natalie into a tub, washed her hair, and was now telling her to sit down so they deal with all that hair of hers. Bitsy, Kimberly and Kat and were discussing hair styles amongst themselves, every once in awhile asking Natalie what she thought and not giving her a chance to respond. Natalie knew it was rude to stare but she was having a hard time just registering the fact...

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A Family Accommodation

Chapter 1 If you're a divorced woman over forty, I needn't tell you how scarce men are who show you any interest. The amount of sex you get is fully up to you and I don't mean hanging around bars, I mean using that drawer full of sex toys. So, I'd long ago settled into providing for my own sexual entertainment and, while I'd rather have something entering me that had blood flowing through it keeping it hard and swollen, rigid plastic and my own fingers are the reality. Here I am,...

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Cuffed Ch 01

Hey readers! Long time, no talk. Where can I even begin?? I have been so…torn…this past year. I’ve relocated…twice, dealt with a death in the family…I got my first full-time position and quit (it sucked)…so much, so much, but, here I am. I’ve been sitting on this story for over a year and finally dusted it off. I hope it reads well. Now, as for my other stories. I really don’t know if I can continue them. It’s been so long and I’ve become majorly disconnected from the characters…but if anyone...

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No Longer Online

Emma, you enjoy being used by your secret internet Daddy. This had been going on for months. It excites you to be on display for me on your cam. You would perform on your Daddy's command. Playing with your wet pussy and fucking yourself with your vibrators and dildos. You love being called dirty names while you do this for me and I normally obliged. One night after performing for me on cam, I said I wanted to meet. "I want to use my slut for real" was my command. "I don't know if I have the...

4 years ago
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My Dirty Little Secret 9

Introduction: Ali explores why sexuality is actually a spectrum and depends on how drunk someone is. As always, thanks for the feedback, guys. I did notice that you all noticed the horrible errors I made in the last chapter and thats because of my terrible editing and the fact that Id written the chapter over the course of a few weeks and had forgotten the name I was using for Mitch, who is actually Mike. And Quin is actually Dave — I didnt forget that name, obviously, but Ive got this weird...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Lina Luxa BDSM Workout Makes Her Scream

Hardcore anal lover Lina Luxa gets her super hot ass spanked a lot in today’s House of Taboo scene, brought to you by the DDF Network. This leggy stunner from France is doing some warmup on a bike when David Perry enters the gym. He starts spanking her tight small ass and enjoys cramming his fingers deep into her asshole while she keeps straddling and straddling, getting all horny and such! Frenchman David Perry soon slaps her in the face, pinches her hard nipples and gets his cock ready...

1 year ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 33

James Vic showed up on time to sign the contract. As soon as the contract had been signed, and Dan had handed him the first check, he pulled out his cell phone. He paced around the room as he made a number of calls. Dan could hear him making the arrangements for different subcontractors to show up on the job site. After the last call was completed, he said, “I’ll be by tomorrow afternoon to make sure that the dumpster has been delivered. My crew will start the day after tomorrow at eight...

2 years ago
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Strangers In The Park

(This is my first attempt to write from a woman's POV, hope it works. Let me know, help me learn.) I like to spend my time in the park, looking at the birds, listening to their songs, catching the squirrels at their games of love. I sit and watch the children play and wish there were a way to be them. But mostly, I sit and wish. Wish that things were different, wishing I had the answer, wishing at another chance for happiness. My life has become... well, predictable, and boring. I don't seem to...

Straight Sex
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The Skate ParkRain Rain Here to Stay

The Skate Park—Rain RainIt had rained pretty hard Saturday night. Just kinda light showers now, Sunday morning. Forecast had s**ttered showers all week. Just laying in bed, still sleepy, I just started playing with my balls. Real slow and gentle, so I wouldnt totally wake up.I ran my middle finger between my balls, more tickling the hairs than the balls themselves. Dippng down underneath, and towards my asshole, I spread just a bit and pushed my finger to my sweaty hole, giving just a nudge to...

3 years ago
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AngelChapter 2

1995 "Excuse me young man." I turned to look at the speaker. I heard giggles and from the corner of my eye, I saw Angela and some of her friends staring and pointing at me. The sun was shining outside, making the shop seem darker than normal. I wondered what fate had in store for me now. I groaned inwardly at the unintentional pun. The security guard motioned me to one side. "What's the problem?" I spoke warily, aware that, even at this early stage, people were looking at us. The...

3 years ago
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Ashleys Surprising Descent as a Submissive Slut Part 2 Episode 8

The brilliant Latin American morning sun streamed through the bedroom windows of the remote Costa Rican beach resort. The warm, bright rays illuminated my naked body, laid out in the center of the luxurious king-sized bed like a prize. The lush white comforter was piled to one side of the bed, leaving me unprotected from the brightness and warmth of the morning sun. It lit up my 5’8” fit body as if under a spotlight.I reached my petite hand up into the air, half to block the brightness of the...


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