Naked In School: TyshalaWednesday free porn video

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I woke up feeling the lingering warmth of Brian's lips on mine.

When I opened my eyes, however, I was alone, on the floor and sore as all hell. I managed to lever myself up and I was in the shower trying to wake up all the way when Mrs. Redmond told me he was downstairs and they were holding breakfast for me.

I looked at my clothes. One uniform skirt and one pair uniform pants — none of my other bottoms fit anymore. I took the skirt because it was easier. Not because I've been told I have good legs. I was going to be naked all day so it didn't matter if I wore a uniform shirt or not. And since everyone knew I was prego now, it didn't matter if I wore something that showed the bump. So the cute top with the cleavage was just the first thing my hand hit. That I liked. That still fit right and almost looked good. Not to impress him.

I came down to the kitchen and heard something frying.

Mrs. Redmond looked up, smiled, then looked away quickly. "There you are! You took so long I decided to start without you. Philip? You too! I've made coffee!"

There was a distant acknowledgement.

I looked at Brian who was looking at me. Then he realized I saw him looking at my chest and he looked away blushing again. "Uh, morning Ty."

"Yeah. Morning."

Mrs. Redmond gave me a plate of food, some vitamins and a glass of milk. "Hurry up. I want you two out on time." She put a plate in front of Brian as well.

Mr. Redmond came in grabbed the coffee pot and searched for a travel mug. They went through a very married argument about how he never washed them and she never put them away in the same place twice. They got it sorted out before someone got scalded. As he headed for the front door, he paused. "Shay-Shay, I need to worry about this one yet?" He pointed to Brian.

"No." I said.

"Alright. I'm late tonight." And was gone.

We ate without much conversation and got out of the house in plenty of time to get to school. The crowd in front of the lockers had gotten an early start with the freshmen.

"Well, we're here, so we might as well go next." Brian said with a shrug. "Same as yest-"

"Hey, Shay-Shay?" Stephen interrupted us. "Let me do it today."

I couldn't help it. I looked a Brian first to see what he'd say. Brian had his back turned and was already undressing. "Sure." I said finally. "Whatever."

Stephen was taller than Brian and a lot less hesitant. He felt up my breasts as he took off my bra. "You got some big titties, girl!" He squeezed the nipple and got squirted for it, much to both our surprises. "Whoa! Aw, man! That's kinda hot!" He did it again.

I stopped him before he got to happy with it. "Excuse me! Do you mind?"

He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry." He gave my breasts a sort of apologetic massage and then moved down to my skirt. He cupped my butt much longer than necessary and stroked my legs. "You still fine, Shay-Shay. That baby's all right here." His hands brushed over my stomach. "I mean, from the back, you can't even tell, can you?" He called over his shoulder. "'Eh, yo, Bryant! Check it out?"

I heard Bryant's laughter behind me. "Dog! Who you get in the Program for a day? You trying to tap that ass?" I looked over my shoulder and his expression changed. "Oh snap! TyShala? Oh, yo, no disrespect, right?" His eyes drifted back to my naked behind. "Damn, girl."

"I notice neither of you were interested yesterday!" I pulled away from them both and bent over to pick up my clothes. Stephen had simply dropped them on the ground and I nearly fell over trying to stoop down to get them.

Brian's hand steadied me. "That's why I hung them yesterday." He shook his head and scooped the whole pile out from under me. Stephen and Bryant both sheepishly apologized and helped me up. Both of them let their hands brush my tits and butt more than necessary.

I got to Homeroom without further groping. It may have been my imagination, but people didn't seem as freaked out by me in the hallway. I still didn't get any Reasonable Requests but people weren't going out of their way to avoid looking at me either. It almost seemed normal. Homeroom itself was pretty normal. I pulled out my book and got another chapter finished before I had to gather myself to head to Sociology.

Or, rather, before Brian gathered them for me. "Can I ask you something?" He asked as he unnecessarily helped me with my books.

"You just did." I levered myself up. If I have trouble standing now, what am I going to look like in three months?

He rolled his eyes for once. "Come on! Look, do you have something against the Program?"

I had to stare at him for a minute because I couldn't believe those word came out of his mouth. "Are you for real? You mean, other than, I'm in it?"

"Everybody has to be in it."

"But why do I have to be in it now? Why couldn't I do this next year? Why I got to do it like this?"

Clearly he hadn't thought of that. "Oh." His brow furrowed, then he got the bright idea. "Well, just get dressed! This week won't count and you'll have to do it later anyway." There wasn't enough exasperation in the world. I pushed past him and headed to my next class. "Well?"

I stopped. "Dumb ass! I was trying to hid this!" I gestured to my stomach. "It doesn't matter if I get dressed now 'cause everybody already knows!"

"So it's not the Program, it's being pregnant."

"Are you just stupid?" I shook my head.

"Whoa! Wait up!" He almost had to walk quickly to catch me. "Ok, yeah, that was kinda dumb. But, you won't ask for relief and you won't let anybody do a Reasonable Request and..."

"I won't let?" I practically screamed, stopping suddenly. "You see anybody asking?"

"Well, not right now but..."

"Not right now, not yesterday and won't be none tomorrow! You the one everybody wanna touch! They don't even want to look at me!" I ran into the nearest girls room.

He followed me in. "You're supposed to be in the boys room this week."

"Leave me alone!" I hollered from the stall, trying not to cry again. The two girls who had been in there cleared out.


"Don't call me that!"

"Jeez! Sorry! TyShala! A couple of the guys told me that they want to ask but they — they think it's a Black/White thing. Only I didn't think any of the Black guys had, y'know, gotten a request either."

"Nobody's gotten one 'cause nobody's asked!"

"Well you've been scowling at everybody."

"Oh I'm sorry I'm not happy about it. There, I'll smile." I came out to wash my hands and smiled as wide as I could manage. "See?" I almost add 'happy miz kizzy' but I didn't think he'd get the reference. I moved past him and got to Sociology still un-touched.

"Relief?" Mr. McKenna asked and when I shook my head, waved me to my regular seat.

Brian passed on relief and took the seat beside me. "So, what is it, then?"

"What is what?"

"I mean, I know you don't want to be stuck in the Program now, but you are, right? And even if you get out of it this week, the secret's out and everybody knows about the baby, right? So, why not, y'know, enjoy it?"

Boys are incredibly stupid.

I couldn't think of any way to respond to that question. Why don't I just enjoy being shamed and humiliated in front of my entire school? Why don't I just act like the slut they all undoubtedly already think I am?

"Mr. Loving!" Mr. McKenna's voice rang out. "If you make a pregnant woman cry in my class, I will find a way to make you pay." He grinned at the rest of the class. "My wife cried everyday during her last two pregnancies. I can't stand the sound of it any more. You, young man, are going to have to learn to tread more lightly if you're going to be her partner in all this."

Which did actually start the water works. I got out of class as quickly as I could and made it to the boys room. There was only one stall and I locked myself in it. A minute later, Brian was on the other side of it.

"TyShala, I'm sorry! What did I say?" He pulled on the door. "Come on, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I wasn't trying to upset you. I just..." he paused for a minute and I blew my nose. "I just don't want the whole week to be a drag for you."

"A drag?" Talk about understatements!

"Y'know. Kind of a downer. When I saw you were my partner, I was really hoping..." He stopped abruptly. "Look, I'm really sorry if I said something wrong, ok?"

I sat there, sniffing. The tears had stopped already — they rarely lasted long when I gave in to them. He really had been trying to be nice the whole time and I wasn't making it easy for him. And he did do nice little things like hang my clothes and carry my books. How classic! He carried my books to class for me. Next he'll be asking my Father ... well, Mr. Redmond. He won't ask my father a damn thing. "Brian. I'm gonna ask you something. You promise to tell me the God's honest truth?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Do you think I'm a slut?"


"So how you think I got pregnant?"

He sputtered for a moment. "I don't know! You just ... he ... I mean, obviously you had sex but that doesn't mean you're, y'know ... Look, shit happens, right?"

And this qualifies as shit.

"Would you go out with a girl you knew had a kid?" I asked him.

"You can't use me." He said.

"Why not?"

"I'm the one who tried to kiss you. Remember?"

God, I wanted to kiss him.

And then everybody will know I'm a slut — prego by one guy, making out with another.

Someone knocked on the bathroom door. "TyShawla?" Mr. McKenna called out. "Unless you've got some kind of emergency, you need to come out now. And, since he's not supposed to be in there, I'm assuming you don't know where Brian is."

"Crap!" Brian said softly.

"Two minutes, Ms. Brown. OK?"

"Ok!" I yelled out. I waited a minute; Brian waited with me. "You should go back." I said finally.

"You're my partner. I go when you go."

I was getting really tired of this 'nice guy' act. "OK. You can stop now."

"Stop what?"

"This nice bullshit. Nobody's that nice. You overplayed your part. You can stop now."

"I'm not acting."

"Bullshit!" I did come out of the stall then and had to push past him to get to the sink. "You got to block the door?"

"Oh, uh, sorry! But I'm not acting. I just like you." I almost managed a laugh at that. "Seriously. I do!"

"What, you a glutton for abuse?"

"No. I just..." He shrugged. "Ok, I guess, kinda. I don't know. I liked you before this week."

"I didn't know you before this week."

"I knew you."

"How you gonna know me, I don't know you?" I stared at him until he realized he was now standing in front of the paper towels.

"I noticed you. We have every class together practically and I'd seen you in class and around the school and in Drill and I liked you."

"You ain't say nothing."

"I..." he blushed again, "I didn't think you'd noticed me."

"I hadn't." It was spiteful but I said it.

"Yeah." He blushed again and turned away. "Well. I'd noticed you." It's hard to turn away in a bathroom where one full wall is mirrored. Not only was he blushing, but something had woke up Mr. Happy. I was very glad he couldn't tell that I was blushing. That couldn't be over me. "And I was hoping I'd get a good excuse to talk to you."

"Well you have and I'm not nice so stop."

"Stop what?"

"Stop trying to be all ... sweet. All nice. You don't have to act nice and all. I'm not buying it!" I marched out of the bathroom and back into class.

"Ah, the lost are found!" Mr. McKenna smirked as we returned to our seats. "Next time, don't pass on relief; it's much less disruptive." The whole class snickered at that and Brian went from pink to scarlet. "Mr. Loving, while you were ... busy ... we got to the 1967 verdict of Loving vs the State of Virginia. Are you related?"

"Related to what?" he looked thoroughly confused.

"To the couple in the '67 Supreme Court case legalizing interracial marriage. Which, ultimately led to last year's decision legalizing same gender marriages but we'll get into that in the next chapter as we discuss Civil Rights in the new century. So Brian, does this," he gestured to Brian and I, "run in the family or merely a coincidence?"

Whatever comes after scarlet, Brian turned that. "Uh, we're ... she's not ... uh..."

"Uh, this," I repeated Mr. McKenna's gesture, "is just the Program."

McKenna actually blushed slightly himself. "I'm just teasing, TyShawla. I know better than to get involved with student relations. See Senor Downey for that. He has quite the reputation for matchmaking. Now. Brian — homework tonight. Find out if Richard and Mildred are relations of yours and how that's affected your family if they are. Everyone else, read the rest of the chapter and answer problems 1, 3, 5 and 7 in the chapter review. There's the bell, so you're dismissed. You two, wait a moment." He waited until the rest of our class had left and closed the door. "Ok, I admit I've been giving you two a bit of a hard time. So if I go too far, just tell me and I'll back off. I'm just teasing, no offence intended, ok?"

Brian and I exchanged a look. "Yeah. Whatever." I shrugged. "It's not like anyone would believe he's with me like that."

McKenna had an odd expression for a moment. "Ohhhhhhh." He finally said. He looked at Brian and shook his head. "Hopeless." He muttered. "OK. That's it for me. I just wanted to make sure you guys knew I didn't mean any harm."

"Yeah." Brian stood up. "It's all cool, Mr. McKenna." He grabbed my book bag before I could and headed to our next class.

As soon as the bell rang, Ms. Grant gave a pop quiz. Math was easy compared to boys. Math had solutions. You might have a variable but if you have all the tools — if you know whether you're adding or subtracting or whatever, you can find the unknown. Boys are just a series of unknowns without any guidelines telling you what to do. Math problems I can do; boy problems can't be done.

I finished the ten problems before she called time. And she had us pass the test to the student next to us — I exchanged with the guy on my left, not Brian on my right — and I actually got 100%. At my old school that would have practically guaranteed I was going to get beat up at lunch. Here, people acted like it was a good thing.

Brian leaned over. "Maybe you should tutor me. I don't get math at all."

"Maybe you should just stop!"

"Most people cheat during the test not after." Ms. Grant called out and we shut up.

There were still no reasonable requests on my way to Music. I did notice that Brian went into the class two doors down. For a minute, I was sort of sorry that we didn't have this class together but then I got a grip. Ms. Shadowgard had Beethoven today and all that piano gave me a headache. The brat seemed to like it. I decided it liked piano mostly to irritate me. Ms. Shadowgard let us out a couple minutes early. I could have just gone straight to Biology.

But Brian was my Program Partner. It really didn't matter that he was trying to pull some scam on me. I should wait for him. Not because I want to see him. I don't. I didn't care to see him at all. But, as my partner — my program partner — I should wait for him. His classroom door was open and I could hear someone speaking in rapid fire Spanish. Senor Downey saw me by the door, glanced at his watch and motioned me into the room. I sat and listened to one of the advanced Spanish students read from a novel. Then Brian read the next page until the bell rang. The whole class was in Spanish; no one said a word of English until Brian came over to me and picked up my books.

"Hey!" He practically beamed that smile at me. "You waited!"

"Whatever. Let's go." I got two steps out the door when I heard someone call me.

"Hey, is that... ? Tish-shaw-luh? Wait up! I got a request!" I stopped and turned around. I vaguely recognized the boy — then realized it was the boy that had been so excited by my near-fight with Claire on Monday. He glanced at Brian then back at me. "Can I look at your stomach?"

It sounded odd to me. "Why?"

He colored faintly. "I just want to is all."

I waited; he waited. "Well?" I finally snapped. "Look!"

"Cool." He grinned and got on his knees. Then he started very slowly stroking my stomach like he was tracing the stretch marks. He followed them around my stomach, down my thighs and across my ass. A surprising number of people stopped in the hallway to watch.

Another thing I'd forgotten about. I'll have stretch marks forever. A roadmap of scars that will show everybody that I'm too stupid to keep my knees shut. Still, his fingers gliding over them felt wonderful. I'll bet Brian's fingers would have ... Do not think about Brian's fingers. Or his hands. Or his lips or tongue or ... The boy asked me to spread my legs and I did. His fingers moved around my inner thighs.

"Are these all from the baby?" He asked softly.

"No." I was breathless and had to take a moment to steady my voice. "I used to be really big. I lost weight last year."

"Wow. Don't lose any more. Can I touch it?"

You're already touching it, I thought, and said "whatever."

His fingertips brushed the hair of my slit. My knees shook. His fingers probed a bit deeper and he pushed my thighs a little to get me to step a bit wider. "Oh wow..." I could just hear him say. I felt his breath on my lower lips.

"I gotta get to class." I said, mildly panicked. I know what Ms. Wagner says, but nobody's ever done that — not to me at least — what if they don't like it? What if something's wrong with it? What if the little brat broke something or breaks something on the way out?

The guy stood up and shrugged. "Ok. Thanks." He picked up his books. "Hey, are you gonna ask for relief in Bio today?"

Oh God NO! "No. Why?"

He shrugged and glanced at Brian. "I just thought ... nothing." He walked to class with us.

I was thrilled to see that Ms. Wagner had the overhead projector set up. Meaning that Brian and I had to be in our regular seats. "Program people — Relief?" she asked and I shook my head but Brian stopped.

"Can someone volunteer to do someone who ops out of relief?"

Ms. Wagner looked at him blankly. "I beg your pardon?"

"If someone opts out of relief — like if I say no — could another program person say yes and do me?"

"I don't see how..." She seemed to think about it though.

"I mean, like it wouldn't be for me, right? They'd be taking their relief by doing someone else?"

"OK. I see where you are. But the point here is to release the physical tension created by long-term arousal. So I don't see how..."

"But what if, like I'm not really aroused so I say no. But my partner is dying to do me so that's the tension. I mean just any relief, isn't really the same if it's like that, right?"

She looked at me. "And you think Ms. Brown is suffering from unrequited 'tensions'?"

"No. No! No, not that, I meant me — I mean, I could — if she — I just think..."

"Let me put it this way Brian. We are not forcing sexual activity on individuals — despite what many people think. And if a Program student opts not to alleviate any perceived sexual frustrations, so long as they do not ignore the rules on Reasonable Requests, then they are in their right to do so. Now, in the classroom, if I had a legitimate reason to use one of you for say a live example of oral technique that would be different. Then it would be for the benefit of the class. But Relief is for your benefit — whomever is the reliever or the relieved. In other words, Mr. Loving, you're going to have to solve that one on your own."

Brian looked utterly embarrassed. "Yes, ma'am."

"Now, would you like relief today?"

"Not after that." He shuffled over to the seat next to me.

She started class — a film on cell division and reproduction. We covered how two parents each contribute a trait as either dominant or recessive and how all that determines if the baby has brown eyes or blue eye or whatever. Then she split us into pairs — me with Brian, of course — and had us figure out what our traits were (based on our parents and a list in the back of the text book) and, if each pair had, like a dozen babies, what all the kids would look like.

"He'd have your eyes and my hair." Brian said before we even got started. "And your cheeks!"

"Why you say that?"

"All the guys in my family have the same hair and your eyes are darker than mine." I rolled my eyes and set up the graph she wanted us to use. "What color will your baby's eyes be? Brown?"

I shrugged. Terrence had green eyes. If the little brat looked anything like him, it was going to be beautiful.

"What color were the Father's eyes?"

"Green." I said without really thinking.

"Ok." He took my note pad from me. "Mom brown, brown dominant I'd guess and Dad green, green recessive. You've got dark brown hair. What was his?"



"Yeah. None-yone business! You don't even know him." I took the pad back and wrote light brown in for the Father. "Ok, what next?" We went down the book's list of features: skin tone, height, finger length, ear lobes, dimples. Every time Brian kept trying to coax Terrence's traits and fill them in the chart. I kept scratching them out and putting Brian's stats in.

Actually, it was sort of fun.

Finally, Ms. Wagner had everyone hand in there class work but brought Brian and I upfront again to work ours on the blackboard. We set up the chart while she played with a computer. When we were finished, she looked it all over.

"Ok. Good, good. So, class, based on this, Brian and Tishshilla's children will have what color eyes?" We all yelled out brown. "Could any child have any other color? No, correct. Could a grandchild have a different color eyes? Yes! Why? This double-recessive, right. Good. Ok. Let's see ... What's all this?" She pointed to our notes and all the stuff scratched out.

"That's the baby's father." Brian offered happily.

"Very good!" Ms. Wagner practically crowed. "We have P3 here." She began filling in a second chart. "Dark hair, green eyes, dimples, sounds cute. Someone has good taste in men." She filled out the chart and then turned back to the computer. "Now, let's see if I did this right." She muttered to herself as she keyed in information from the board. "Ok, hit the light for me again. If I did this right, and the information we have is accurate, Tishshilla's child will look something like this." She clicked a button and a computer-generated image of a child appeared on the screen. It had dark brown hair in loose curls and light brown eyes. It had my nose and Terrance's skin tone.

My knees gave out and Brian caught me before I actually fell. Around me, I could hear the class ooo'ing and aw'ing and asking to have theirs done next. I was too busy looking at my kid. Really. That thing on the screen really truly looked like a blend of me and Terrance. I hadn't thought about what it would look like. Just about how much I didn't want this, how mad I was a Terrance, how angry I was with myself.

The image warped and recast with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. It looked really familiar. Brian's hand stroked my stomach. "Faiza." He whispered. Then I realized it; that must be what Brian and my 'child' would look like. He held me tightly, which was a good thing because I was really shaking.

"I think Mommy may need to sit down." Ms. Wagner said. "Why don't you two head to lunch early. Everyone else, come up front and we'll plug in as many combinations as we can." People began flooding forward with requests. Brian made sure I wasn't about to fall and got our books. We propped me up as we made our way down the empty halls to the cafeteria. He sat me at a table and went away. When he came back, other people were coming in and he had two trays of food; he put one in front of me.

I ate it without even noticing what it was. 'It' wasn't just an it; it was a baby. It would look like something. It would look like me, partly. And partly like Terrance. It would sound like something. It would have that baby smell. It was one thing, when it was in my stomach, making me sick and ruining my clothes and my life. But seeing that face — those tiny fingers...

"What's wrong with you two?" A voice snapped me out of my fog. I looked up to see the naked juniors sitting down across from us. "You look like you've just seen a ghost!"

"Kind of." Brian said in a weak voice. I looked at him and was stunned to see that he looked as shaky as I felt.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked but he just shook his head. I remembered the word he whispered. "Oh yeah. And what does 'faiza' mean?"

He looked pained, like I'd jabbed him with the fork instead of asked a question. He muttered something and left the table in a rush — nearly knocking over Brittney in the process.

"Well!" She huffed as she sat. "Finally alienate your hero?" she snipped at me, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

My hair, like many modern Black girls, is wrapped. This month, at least. Last month, it was braided. I'm thinking about twists when I go back next month. My point is, that it's not long, thin, stringy and blond and I swear some girls do that hair flip to try and show how feminine and pretty they are. Brittney acts like one of them; I really wanted to rip that crap out by the roots.

Especially because she was probably right about Brian.

"Brit, don't be a bitch!" The junior naked girl said.

"What? I'm not the one growling at people and acting like a rabid dog."

"You're also not the one who's..." my defender paused and looked at me. Then she looked back at her food. "Anyway, all I know is, I would have been mortified if I had to do this on my monthly! I think you're really brave to do it like this. I mean, if they'd told me that, I'd have just died! I swear!"

I tried to remember her name but I really couldn't. But at least she seemed to get it. "Believe me, this wasn't my choice. I wish I did die."

Brittney gasped. "Oh please! What a drama queen!"

There were three people and the table between me and her which was really good because if I could have reached her, it would have been on. As it was, the guy next to me jumped back and a bunch of people blasted her.

"No, really! She gets all this attention. 'Poor me! Oh boo hoo, I'm pregnant. Pity me.' No one gets pregnant in high school any more. Not unless they meant to. You just want to show off. Well, I don't feel sorry for you. If you didn't want it, you could have dumped it any time before now. There are a dozen clinics downtown that don't ask for names just cash payments." She stood up and grabbed her tray. "Honestly, some people are so selfish!" she marched off.

The table was silent after that.

Brian came back looking confused. "What'd I miss?"

Half the table broke up. "Everything, dude!" I didn't really want to, but I found myself snickering too. Brittney and I were about a minute from somebody getting their ass kicked and he missed the whole thing. Somebody filled him in and I actually found I had some appetite.

I didn't expect Brian's response. "Bitch! Oh my God! What a bitch! Where is she?"

I looked at Brian. He didn't strike me in any way as a fighter. He wasn't doughy, but he wasn't a mass of muscles either. I figured he could hold his own, but that's about it. "Why?" It was snippy but I couldn't — ok, didn't — stop myself. "Like you gonna do something."

"Bitch! Let's see how she'd handle it!" he snapped back. "And if I'd been here, I would have said something." The table went silent again after that.

Just before she got up, the nice girl pat my hand. "I still think you're handling this way better than I would have! God! Just seeing my sister go through it last year was enough for me. Oh, but the baby's so cute! You should totally come with me next time I visit her!"

I don't want to see mine, why in the hell would I want to see some kid I don't even know? Still, right now, she was the closest thing I had to a girl friend so I smiled. "Yeah. Sounds cool."

The junior naked boy, a guy that got nicknamed Apeman (presumably for his pretty neanderthal brow ridge) pinched her. "Come on, Bert! We've got art and I want to be early. I like posing with you." He leered at her and she blushed.

"Bert?" I asked. "Your name is Bert?"

"Roberta. But he's really Ernest so..."

I nodded. "Yeah, I used to know a guy name Renaldo. Everybody called him Ren. So when he got a girlfriend..."

"Oh God! I would kill anybody who called me 'Stimpy'!"

"She tried to but she ran out of places to hide the bodies." Bert and Apeman both laughed as they left.

It was getting close to class time and I realized that I'd eaten everything Brian had brought me. I looked at him. He carried my books and brought me my lunch. How Loving. It was really hard to fight it. To fight falling under the spell and believing that he really was this nice. But Terrance had taught me. I don't care how pretty that face is or how sweet he is, it's not real. But God! What a face! Terrance was hot but Brian is ... wow. This week should be so unbelievable but I can't even enjoy the view because I know what happens. They take advantage.

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 10

The teens arrived at Amelia’s flat after school. They were talking about seeing Hanford being videoed and interviewed in front of the school by several TV stations as they left the building. “Let’s watch the news later,” Jeremy said. “I’d like to see what he told them.” “Jeremy,” Amelia asked, “you know why I started trying to do a blog on FGM, but when did you get into the human rights stuff you write about?” “Hmmm, that’s complicated. I guess I was interested almost forever. I started my...

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Naked in School Brandis DayChapter 2 At Home

As the bus pulled up to Dee's house, Dee gave her friend a hug and wished her good luck. Dee got off the bus and it continued on the route. Just a few minutes later, the bus stopped in front of Brandi's house. She got off the bus and went into the house. Since her parents weren't home, she went up to her room. Since her parents wouldn't be home for awhile, Brandi decided that she would do her homework, but she would do it naked. Shucking off her clothes, Brandi sat down at her desk,...

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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 12

In the library, Lynette and Tom attended their third period class remotely. After the class, Lynette had an idea. “Hey Tom--instead of staying in here for lunch, let’s try to see how you react to being with kids in the lunchroom.” Tom was very dubious. “I don’t know, sweetie. Look, there’s only about a week left where I have to deal with school nudity and...” “No, Tom, I think this is important ‘cause it’s not only at school. There must be other things that trigger your panic--I know it...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 9

When Kevin returned to his flat, he discovered Amelia and Jeremy sitting at the desk in the main room, noses buried in Amelia’s laptop. Amelia jumped up, ran to Kevin, and hugged him tightly. “Oh, Kevin, I love you so much!” she exclaimed. Then she pulled back slightly and blushed. “Ahh, I mean ... You came so fast when I needed you ... OH! You’re like family, the brother I never had and you look out for me so well and...” “Amelia ... Amelia, sweetie, I love you too, you’re like the sister...

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Naked in School The Teachers Day

Thursday "Your attention, please. There will be a schedule change for Friday. All students will report to the auditorium instead of going to homeroom. There will be a very special announcement that you will not want to miss. Students that are in The Program this week will wear clothes on Friday. Thank you. Friday As requested, all the students at Wolf Creek Middle School filed into the auditorium. This was something that was unusual for assemblies. As they were filing in, they were checked...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 21

It was Saturday morning and the big day had come for meeting the couple whom Tom and Lynette had begun to think of as the Coris superstars. Once again they were able to hitch a ride to Amelia’s house with Harry and Julie and arrived there, to be met by Elliot Hadad, Amelia’s father. “Hi there, Julie, Harry,” he greeted them. “And that large guy there is Tom, isn’t it?” He laughed. “I’m bad with names but how could I forget Tom and Lynette? Welcome. Amelia isn’t home yet but she’s on the way...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 8

Several days before the end of the holidays, Angela received a thick packet of materials in the mail from an independent London school which her research had turned up. It appeared to be a good school, and being independent, didn’t have to run the Program. She had contacted the school for enrollment information, and it had just arrived. Lynette came into the room. “What’s all that, Mom?” she asked, looking at the papers and brochures. “I’ve been checking out some other schools for you...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 17

When they got inside their home, their parents were watching TV. “Hi, Mom, Dad,” Lynette called. Tom echoed her, “Hi.” Angela asked, “How did the rehearsal go?” Tom chuckled. “Mostly okay but Dixon is still annoyed with us cracking up every time Danny pulls another funny stunt in his ‘Little List’ number. She wants us to look surprised, not to laugh.” Lynette remarked, “The numbers I’m in are really coming together. I just adore Amelia, though; she’s so good at her part and a really hard...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 2

“Remember when we told the kids about The Program?” asked Kevin. “Gad, that was one of the hardest things I have ever,” replied Kari. “I didn’t know how to approach telling them about the nudity in school.” “I thought they took it pretty well. I thought they would put up more of a fuss about it.” “Except for Kate. I knew she would think it was a great idea,” said Kari. It was the day before the kids would start school. The family was eating dinner. When they were done, Kari and Kevin...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 15

Kevin spoke, “All right, we saved this part of our presentation for the last because after that death-blow Denise just administered to the viability of your Program, we’ve got what perhaps could be a lifeline. You folks on the Program Committee couldn’t offer a way to do the Program here at Norwich Academy basically because there isn’t one. What if we try to take off the blinders and look at the Program’s objectives in a completely different way? Have a paradigm shift? “You all probably have...

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Naked in School Michael Carver

“Michael, breakfast. Time to get up!” Mrs Carver’s call was unnecessary as Michael had been laying awake for ages. In fact he had scarcely slept a wink the whole night. He had twisted and turned trying to think of something, anything, that would take his mind off the fate that lay before him on that bright sunny morning. The sun streamed into his room through the half open slats in the blinds beckoning him to get out of bed and enjoy what life had to offer. Michael groaned and pulled the duvet...

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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 3 Wednesday

For the first time in a long while, I woke up after a good night's sleep. I hadn't slept that well since Mom left Dad and me. I actually looked forward to going to school, well, almost anyway. I still wasn't enjoying being naked in school. The only part I was looking forward to, was seeing Kathy again. I still couldn't believe I had asked her out for a date. Granted, I was going to be playing basketball, but still, I would have a chance to talk to her afterwards. Somehow, I knew this week...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 4

When Angela finished describing Tom’s psychological history from Toronto to Dr Taylor, she mentioned that Tom also had a psychological evaluation done in Munich, and there were copies of all of the doctors’ reports in Tom’s records that she had brought to the school office. She finished her discussion with the head teacher. “So you see, Dr Taylor, we’ve known about Tom’s phobia for more than four years. And it’s apparently not getting any better; it may even be worse,” Angela...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 13

Their third city was Berlin, where the group visited attractions ranging from the East Side Gallery to the Berlin Philharmonic. They were to stay four days and the accommodations had four quad rooms with two each connecting; this housed eight boys and eight girls. Two double rooms housed the remaining boy pair and girl pair, and Tom and Lynette shared a double. The large quad rooms of the rooming arrangement allowed the whole troop to congregate in one of them in the evenings where they hung...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 8

The scene at Norwich Academy the following Monday morning was quite different from any other morning. The arriving students were all subdued, walking into the building and keeping mostly to themselves. Occasionally a few kids gathered to exchange some hasty comments but broke up just as quickly. Amelia, still moving fairly carefully, went to the office and handed in a note from the hospital that stated that she was not to engage in any strenuous activity or one where her surgical area could...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 5

A week passed quietly; Amelia scheduled her doctor’s appointment for the coming Friday afternoon. One evening midweek, as the three were discussing how their days went, Amelia mentioned that the school had a new head teacher, Mr Hanford. “Miss Pittsdon left the school to move away ‘cuz her husband was transferred to Scotland,” Amelia said. “The new head isn’t very friendly.” “In what way?” Kevin asked. “He’s making new rules and won’t discuss them with students to give reasons. He made...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 20

As the group gathered in the reception hall, a number of people appeared, entering the room from its main entrance. Kevin and Denise looked at them curiously, but Amelia grabbed Kevin’s arm. “It’s the prime minister!” she whispered to him in shock. “The education secretary too!” Wixom entered the room following Grayson, ushering in several other distinguished-looking individuals. Grayson, with Wixom at her elbow, walked up to Amelia and took her hands. “Wonderful to see you again, Amelia,...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 13

“I knew we would have to deal with our kids when we found out about the Program, but I didn’t think we would have to help other family’s kids,” said Kevin. “True,” replied Kari, “but we had the opportunity and it really didn’t cost us anything.” Kevin laughed. “I was just kidding. I didn’t mind helping out. It isn’t the first time we have helped a kid from another family.” “True,” replied Kari, “but I never thought we would be helping out a kid in a situation like this.” Kari was...

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Naked in School MiraChapter 6

Wednesday I woke to the alarm. At least, I was in my own bed this morning. I showered, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. I had about thirty minutes before I had to leave so I planned on having toast, cereal, and a banana. I was seated at the table and about to take a bite of toast when I got slapped on the back of my head. "What did I tell you last night," my aunt demanded. I was drawing a blank. There had been a lot of things that were said last night. "What are you doing...

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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 1

My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 19

I poured water into a bowl and had to bend over at the waist to place the bowls on the ground. Mom told us that proper sluts face away from their betters at the table with their legs apart. I knew the old man was looking at my ass and even though he had already seen me naked I was freshly humiliated by his stares, coughs and sputtering comments about “seeing what I had for breakfast” from this angle. He and my mother joked as if I couldn’t hear their crude comments about my body. “She is...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 14

December arrived, cold and wet. On the first Monday, sleet had begun falling in the early afternoon, as Kevin and Denise returned home to prepare for their evening meeting with the governors and National Program Committee officials. When the teens arrived home later, Jeremy told Kevin that he had arranged for the embassy driver to bring them to the school later. Kevin was packing his laptop as the teens came in. “Hi, Kevin, Denise,” the two echoed, then chuckled. Jeremy looked at Amelia....

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Naked in School Orientation Speech

Boys and girls, I want to thank you in advance for your positive attitudes about participating in the Naked in School program. I know many of you are nervous about taking off all your clothes and walking around school this week with nothing on. I’d like at this time to go over the rules of the program and hope that this will answer many of your questions, and maybe calm some of your apprehensions. At the end of this brief orientation, I’ll be happy to answer any questions and address any...

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Naked In School The Students and The Principal

Monday, At School — The Principal He stared out the office window at the landscape of Bluff Oaks, Iowa, a lush but slightly arid town in Taylor County at the bottom of the state. It was a lovely day, the summer heat had subsided a bit, but the cool of the fall had not yet arrived. It was the third week of school, the first week of The Program. It was either going to be the best or the worst day of his life. It all depended on the eight children coming to his office, two from each class,...

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Naked in School TyshalaMonday

I didn't know it when I got out of bed, but it was the beginning of the worst day of my life. I woke up, sore and still tired like I hadn't slept at all — which I don't anymore, not since ... Well, not in a few months at least. Definitely not since I had to come here. I woke up, sore but typical and rolled out of bed and waddled my fat ass to the bathroom to do the stuff I do there. I dressed in my uniform, now required by all the local schools and walked to the bus stop. The private bus...

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Naked in Schoola Libertarian Allegory

When I began writing “Kevin and Denise,” I was responding to the idea that a world could exist where kids could be forced to be naked while attending school. These stories—almost 200 of them have been written—are set in such a universe, one which could exist only if the government adopts laws which ignore moral norms and interfere with people’s rights and their personal lives. Of course, that sounds just like our current government, right? The only difference between our government and the one...

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Naked in School MiraChapter 5

Tuesday I woke to the sound of singing. That was odd. Usually, my aunt was yelling at me about one thing or another. Opening my eyes was kind of difficult. My eyes were crusted over with dried tears. Finally working them open, I saw Lisa pulling up a pair of underwear. The towel around her head told me she'd just gotten out of the shower. Seeing me looking at her, she smiled. "Good morning, sleepy head. If you want a shower before we go to school, you'd better hurry up." Jumping...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 25

“Remember our school’s out adventure?” asked Kari. “That was a great trick that we pulled on the kids, wasn’t it?” “And it was a great trick that I pulled on you.” “And have I thanked you enough for doing that?” asked Kevin. “Yes, you have,” replied Kari as she passionately kissed her husband. The end of the school year was coming up for the Krill children and Kari and Kevin decided that the family should take a vacation. They discussed several possible places to go, before they finally...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 18

The following day, the kids chosen as the student mentors began arriving right after Kevin and Denise got to the school. Jeremy and Amelia had recruited a number of candidates and Denise had chosen those who she felt were the best for the role—eight sixth-formers to make four mentor teams. After everyone had assembled in the classroom and introductions were done, Denise reviewed the jobs which the mentors would be doing. “Guys,” she said, “your jobs are very fluid, but fall into two areas....

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Naked in School The ReporterChapter 2 Sunday

Mary pulled up to the entrance to mall; not believing that she was actually going to be nude in the mall. After being in the mall the day before, being nude in the mall was all she could think about. Last night, she laid in bed, nude and had brought herself to a very satisfying orgasm as she thought about her nude adventure that was coming up. While she was in church with the Rogers, being nude in the mall was all that Mary could think about. If anyone had asked what pastor had talked about,...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 6

My bare ass bounced up, and down on the back seat as we rode down the bumpy gravel road to leave Julie’s trailer park. “So basically our punishment is like Jenny’s training?” Julie asked a little too enthusiastically. I was shocked she was considering this without putting up a fight or an argument. She is lazy, selfish, greedy, and generally just like me only not quite as good at it. I would have slammed the door and walked back into that dump the moment I heard I had to take my skirt off...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 6

That Saturday Kevin met Jeremy at the dojang for their weekly training. “Say, Jeremy,” Kevin said as he pulled on his dobak, your mom mentioned that you’ve gotten involved with writing about social problems.” “Oh yeah, I am,” he replied. “I think that governments and even religions have too much control over how people can treat each other, like when we were talking about honor killing—that’s a religious idea gone haywire, and the Naked in School Program, which is a crazy government...

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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 4

Thursday I arrived early the following morning, and met up with Ren, so I could pay him for his services. I could tell he was still apprehensive about Principal Morris, so I suggested he speak with her himself after our meeting this morning. Once I was assured that he would be there to protect Tiffany, I headed off to Mrs. Morris's office having no idea what kind of reception I would receive when I arrived there. "May I come in," I asked after knocking? "Certainly Mr. Crothers, should...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 5

“Oh my god, Tom,” Angela exclaimed as she opened the door. “Mom ... they ... tried...” he began, panting. She saw the distress and terror in his face. “I know ... the school just called. I heard what happened,” she told him. “Come in ... tell me ... are you hurt?” “No, don’t ... think so ... but I ... was gonna ... die, Mom! They were gonna kill me...” he began crying. “Tom, you’re okay now, no one’s going to hurt you. Listen, I called Dad when I heard what happened. We don’t have much...

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Naked in School Homer

Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...

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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 3

Wednesday I had a terrible time trying to get to sleep that night, and subsequently woke up so late the following morning that I had to skip breakfast. I had seriously considered ditching school today, but I knew that if I did I would either be forced to spend more time in the fucking program, or make good on my threat to drop out of school, which despite what I claimed I really didn't want to do. Thankfully I had just enough time to make a quick pit stop at the local convenient store for a...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 33

It was fairly obvious they had a conversation before I entered the trailer about the goals of Slut Summer School and Honey having a new name for the duration. The problem was that half of them hadn’t paid attention and the other half didn’t really believe it was anything more than a joke. My mom had reiterated that we were there to work and that we were working on new attitudes. She had to tell them we had new names to go with those new attitudes but over the laughter and gawking most people...

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Melody Smiths Schooldays

Melody Smith's Schooldaysby Eve AdorerChapter 15 – My Vacation Vocation Supremely aroused as I had become holding the divine Deneel in a tender embraceas the ultimate phase of Maiden Mead making had been given over to me,a long tepid shower was needed to lower the summit of my ardour and saveme from the evil compulsion to touch myself. My body came down from its peak of heat but very slowly. My mind continuedlost in the maze of lust for the remainder of the sleepless night through whichI...

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Naked in Military SchoolChapter 17

That evening I was at Miss Krystal's home with Harmony and First Sergeant Wexford. It was just the four of us. Harmony and I were naked. Miss Krystal wore a pants suit. First Sergeant Wexford was still in uniform. Fish and raw vegetables for dinner, with juice and whole grain bread. Conversation: dinner was mostly conversation. "Scott," Miss Krystal observed, "you've said nothing." "Ma'am, I have nothing constructive to add," I replied. It was a lie—I had said things like pass the...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 16

Several weeks passed; the new year had arrived. Earlier in December, the Program Committee had taken Kevin’s suggestion and sent a video message to school officials. In it, the narrator reviewed each term found in the Program booklet which could be misinterpreted or had become controversial and explained the terms’ precise meanings. They had paid attention to Jeremy’s blog articles, too, and properly and unambiguously defined the terms in question. Also, Denise had met with a few ed school...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 7

December had arrived and everyone in the school was looking forward to the holidays. Once again, the names of several students in Tom’s home room were read out to be that week’s Program participants, so after they reluctantly stood and grudgingly left the classroom to get naked, Tom left for his study area in the library. Some snickers reached his ears as he left the room, so he just turned, made a “yeah, so what” gesture, and left. The two trouble-makers who had threatened to spread rumors...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 22

“Remember when Kate and Keith said they were placed in The Program?” “I do,” said Kevin. “Even though I knew they had to be in The Program before they graduated from middle school, I thought they weren’t going to be selected.” “I’m glad they didn’t have any problems with The Program. Of course, they had plenty of exposure to The Program.” After almost a school year, she was still amazed a program like this was in effect. While she still wasn’t in favor of The Program, it seemed to have a...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 11

When Kevin arrived at the flat later, the teens were still busy with their schoolwork. Not having many classes in common, only history and math, they were working separately. Amelia was working on a literature paper and Jeremy was studying Spanish. Amelia looked up at Kevin as he bent down to kiss her. “Hi, sweetie, how do you feel today?” “Good, Kevin. Going to school is fun again,” she sighed and stretched. “I think that’s all I can do on this essay now.” Jeremy had looked up from his...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 16

Several weeks passed and Tom and Lynette found themselves drawn into more and more school social and extra-curricular events. Tom was running with the cross-country team and their first race date was approaching. Their chorus class was rehearsing for a concert and Lynette had a brief solo in one of the numbers. Their friendship with Roberta and Simon was burgeoning and one day at lunch Roberta asked Lynette about dating. “Lynette, Simon and I’ve noticed that you don’t seem interested in...

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Amanda Joins The School Newspaper Chapter 2 of Schoolgirl Amanda Learns Discipline

“Finally I found you Amanda. I thought we were going to meet at the end of the school day and instead you just ditch me. Do you mind telling me why” Jenny said, the hurt clearly sounding in her voice. Amanda stopped and turned as her friend caught up to her on the street. They were a few blocks from school although not on the route they normally took home. Amanda looked at the sky but if she was hoping for divine intervention to whisk her away or at least inspire her tongue on what to...

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Naked in School MiraChapter 9

Friday It's a hell of a way to wake up. The sudden falling feeling as you do just that; fall. I'd rolled over and right off the edge of the upper bunk. The resounding thump as I hit the floor woke Lisa. She just blinked and looked at me. There was a sudden knock at the door. "Are you two alright," Ruth asked through the door. "Yeah," I replied, my face flushing with embarrassment. "I just found the edge of the bunk the hard way." "Well," Ruth said, "as long as you're okay....

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Naked in School MiraChapter 12

Sunday I woke to a bouncing sensation. Opening my eyes, I was treated to the sight of Lisa, completely naked, bouncing up and down on my dick. As with most mornings, I was rock hard. 'Morning stiffness', I've heard it called. "Oh, yes." Lisa whispered. Apparently she hadn't notice that I'd woken up. "Oh, yes," she whispered. "Oh, yes. Oh, fuck me, Mira." I reached up and grasped her boobs. They weren't overly large, but they were very pretty and soft. "Mira," she...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 8

The bumpy gravel road to Julie’s house was driving me crazy with the clit stimulation from the clothespin biting into my body. I had never felt such a precisely annoying yet stimulating pain. I wanted to yank it off, and at the same time, I was enjoying it, and I hated myself for liking it. I didn’t want to be turned on by the sensation of having my clit pinched hard to the point of anguish, but I was squirming and struggling not to play with myself openly. If I could just reach down and...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 21

Mom didn’t ask me again how I was feeling about the new discipline. I had a lot I wanted to say or should have said when I had the opportunity, but I was being stubborn and trying to pretend that I wasn’t phased by any of what we were doing. I know it sounds silly. I was standing on a public beach naked except for body paint in broad daylight holding an umbrella over my mother while I stuck my tits out and held my ass cheeks clenched and looked straight ahead and I pretended that this was...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 11

While Tom and Andrew were out doing their workouts, Angela came to Lynette’s room. “Honey, are you set with the clothing and shoes you’ll need for Europe? You’ll have lots of walking, you know, and you’ll need a nice outfit or two for going to concerts. Let’s check out what you plan to take.” While the two were discussing the clothes Lynette would take, Angela decided to mention her concerns about how Tom and Lynette were behaving together. “Lynette, honey, I’ve noticed that you and Tom...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 34

My mother strutted out of the trailer, wearing nothing at all just like the rest of the girls. I can not imagine what the neighbors thought if they happened to be watching a line of naked girls emerge from this dirty trailer on a warm Florida day. Only Kiwi, Buddy, Lewis, and Jenny had any clothes on when we left. The girls carried all the cleaning supplies in one trip, and we waved at Rooster and Flick before we left. It was pretty evident from their satisfied cat-calls and comments that...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 10

We were listening to Jackson Brown’s “Somebody’s Baby Tonight” when we arrived at the McDonalds near my house. We were all singing along with it and having fun. My mom had been a hard-ass all day, but she was letting us sing “Well, just, a look at that girl with the lights comin’ up in her eyes. She’s got to be somebody’s baby.” Singing in a car full of naked girls made being naked with clothespins on my tits and clit much easier to stand. My mom had made me replace the clothespin on my clit...

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Naked in Military SchoolChapter 5

"Wake up, Scott," a strange woman said to me. She was cute, naked, and touching me. "I'm awake, ma'am," I said as I looked into her eyes, wondering what color they were. How do I describe a flawless beauty? Yes, I was in lust. "Ma'am, what do I call you?" "Miss Krystal," she replied. "I'm from the Federal Office of Social Awareness. We have been carefully monitoring The Program here at Mackie, but there isn't a full-time officer from Social Awareness assigned to your school. I...

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