Class FloatChapter 2 free porn video

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I lay on the wagon bed for a while enjoying the glow from my sexual liaison. The late September air was cooling, so I finally dressed and headed back to the house. I don't know if anyone noticed how gingerly I was walking. Sex with Danny was tremendous but he did make me sore down below. I worked on my homework for a while before heading to the bathroom for a good long soak in a tub full of steamy, hot water. Wispy strings of translucent semen drifted out of my hole as I soaked away the pain and stiffness from my body.

There was an awful lot of sperm leaking out me. I hoped Danny was right that we were safe. It would be mess if I got knocked up. Danny was older and obviously sexually experienced. I comforted myself that he probably knew what he was talking about.

I expected to feel different when I woke up the next morning, but I didn't. There had to be some way people would know I was no longer an innocent. I expected Mom or Dad to comment at breakfast. They didn't.

At school before home room, I made a point of going by Danny's locker on the way to my locker. I spotted my lover talking with a group of his friends.

"Hey, Danny," I commented as I reached them. Danny turned to face me briefly.

"Hey, Sarah," he remarked quickly. I expected a kiss or a hug. Danny turned back to his friends and resumed talking with them. I was disappointed but hid it. I headed off to my homeroom. I was anonymous as ever during my first couple classes. I had a spooky feeling as my math class gathered at the start of third period. People were looking at me and whispering. I could feel it even though I couldn't spot anyone actually doing it.

The eerie feeling of being the butt of gossip continued the rest of the morning. I found out I wasn't crazy when my friend, Katie Hanson, sat down across the table from me.

"You won't believe the crazy ass rumor I just heard," Katie said. "A couple girls were tittering that you went all the way with Danny Garrity. I told them in no-uncertain-terms that you wouldn't have anything to do with a pussy hound like Danny Garrity."

"Umm ... well," I stuttered. Pussy hound?

Katie stared at me for a second. I don't have a good poker face. Katie's eyes grew wider. "You didn't!"

"Well ... uh..." I admitted. "I did."

"What! When?" Katie demanded. "What happened to waiting for a boy who loves you?"

"Umm ... well..." I stuttered. "Danny's really cute and ... well ... he said I was pretty and..."

"His tongue is magic," Katie commented. "He can sweet talk girls into almost anything. What did he tell you? 'You're so pretty. He's worshiped you from afar and just couldn't get the courage to tell you? That he has dreams about you?"

"Well ... yeah," I acknowledged. Katie knew exactly how Danny talked me into making out with him. Almost to the word. I had a sinking feeling.

"At least tell me you were safe," Katie said. "You DID insist he use a condom."

"Well ... I did ask him to," I explained. "But he..."

"Oops, I forgot?" Katie said. "Did he pull that one on you? Danny gets off having unprotected sex." I hung my head and nodded my acknowledgement. "At least you didn't fall for his 'You can't get pregnant your first time.' That one's just stupid."

"You can get pregnant your first time?" I gasped.

"Of course you can," Katie stated. "Didn't you pay attention in health class two years ago?"

"They didn't tell us much," I protested. "It was a long while ago and..."

"Oh, sweet Jesus," Katie said. "You allowed Danny Garrity to go all the way and screw you without any protection. Please tell me your period is happening soon or you just finished it."

"Well..." I stuttered. I was well and truly fucked now.

"When is your next period due?" Katie asked.

"About two weeks from now," I said. Katie looked disgusted.

"That miserable fucker!" she snapped. "He better not have gotten you knocked up. He's already knocked up Whitney Phillips last spring."

"She's not pregnant," I said.

"Not anymore," Katie said. "The Phillipses insisted Garrity pay for her abortion."

"Oh, God!" I asked. "How screwed am I?"

"When did this happen?" Katie asked. "You could get Plan B contraception if it wasn't too long ago."

"It was last night."

"You didn't even get a date out of that asshole?" Katie said. "Last night was a school night. I thought you were going to work on the homecoming float."

"I did," I said.

"It was at your house?" Katie asked. "When? After everyone went home?"

"It was," I confirmed. "Are you sure I could get Plan B? I thought I would need a prescription for that. I'll die if my parents find out about what happened."

"Plan B is over the counter," Katie said. "You have an older sister with a license. You should ask Allison for help."

"This is so embarrassing," I said.

"Not as embarrassing as showing up at school with a big belly," Katie retorted. "Is that what you want?"


"Get Allison to help you get Plan B," Katie instructed. "With any luck, you won't catch from last night."

"I'll die if I get knocked up," I whimpered.

"You'll deal with whatever life hands you," Katie replied. "You're strong and capable. You WILL handle whatever comes your way."

"I guess," I allowed.

Allison and Mike were screwing when the bus dropped me off at our house. Mike drove, so the pair in the next room had a ten minute head start on their fun. I went on-line to search for pregnancy info while my big sister screwed her boyfriend next door to me. I found an ovulation calculator on-line. It predicted that yesterday and today was my "very fertile" times. I continued searching on-line about fertility and pregnancy. I found a couple interesting facts.

"MYTH: You can't get pregnant the first time you have sex

It may seem like the odds are in your favor, but there's no reason to risk it: You are just as likely to get pregnant the first time you have sex as any other. 'In fact, some statistics say that 20% of people get pregnant within a month of starting sex, ' says Dr. Yen."

"Your probability of conception is increased when you have intercourse multiple times in your fertile window. While it is true that sperm concentrations decrease slightly with increasing intercourse frequency, frequent intercourse is still more likely to result in conception than infrequent intercourse for couples with no male factor fertility issues. Each additional act of intercourse within your fertile window increases your probability of conception for that cycle."

Allison was next door getting screwed. I was already totally screwed. Believed the 'Can't get Pregnant the First Time' myth – check, did that. Allowed a boy to have unprotected sex while I was very fertile – check, did that. Allowed him to have unprotected sex with me multiple times – check, did that. Orgasmed as the boy came in me – check, did that the second time. Was there anything I did that made it less likely that I would be knocked up on the only night I ever had sex? No, not that I could find.

As normal, Mike split about fifteen minutes before our Mom came home from work. I headed straight over to Allison's room when he left. My sister was sprawled on her bed, still naked from her afternoon fun. I noticed a sheen of juices on her pussy. No white semen, just her own lubricating juices. At least Allison was smart enough to be safe.

"Allison, can we talk for a few minutes?" I asked politely when my sister saw me.

"Were Mike and I too noisy?" Allison asked. "Sorry about the noise. You know how it is."

"Yes, I totally know how it is," I agreed. "That's what I wanted to talk about."

"You and Danny Garrity?" Allison asked. I nodded agreement. "He was really into you last night. His flirting was getting outrageous. Did he ask you for a date Saturday night?"

"No," I responded.

"Really? I'm shocked," Allison said. "From the way the two of you were necking at the end of the night, I would have sworn he would have asked you out."

"We went beyond necking last night," I stated.

"Second base?" Allison asked. I shook my head no. "Third base?" I hung my head. "Please tell me you didn't let that boy in your pants."

"Everything we did felt so good and..." I explained.

"You went all the way with Danny Garrity?" Allison repeated. "Please tell me you made him use protection."

"That is why I need to talk to you," I said. I tried to straighten up and look my big sister in the eye. Allison stared at me in disbelief. I continued. "It all felt so good last night. Everything I allowed him to do was wonderful. I let things get carried away."

"No protection at all?" Allison queried.


"Shit!" Allison snapped. "How bad is this? When is your next period due?"

"It's as bad as it can get," I stated. "I was researching on-line while you did Mike this afternoon. The web says I am very fertile yesterday and today. My next period is due October 13th." I watched as my sister mentally counted backwards.

"SHIT!" Allison snapped when she reached the same conclusion as the information I found on-line.

"Can you give me a ride into town tonight after dinner?" I asked. "I'm told you can get Plan B contraception without a prescription. It's my only hope."

"Of course!" Allison said. She shook off her surprise and began questioning me about how I allowed something like this to happen. I told the whole story, without embellishment. Allison agreed to help me get Plan B contraception after dinner.

I was embarrassed as hell going into the pharmacy but Allison insisted that if I was old enough to have sex, I was old enough to purchase my own birth control. The Plan B boxes were kept behind the counter, so I had to ask the older lady clerk to get it for me. She was very understanding with me.

"Make sure you take this as soon as you get home, dearie," she directed. "Insist your boyfriend use protection the next time. It is much safer with proper protection."

"Um ... we had it but kind of ... got carried away," I answered.

"That happens at times to the best of us," the clerk replied. "In case this doesn't work, talk to your parents, a counselor at school or the local woman's clinic for help. Help is available. You aren't alone in this."

"Thank you," I said genuinely. "It's been a tough time for me." The clerk got an alarmed look on her face.

"The boy didn't force you, did he?"

"No, it was consensual," I answered. The concern drained from the lady's face.

"Remember, take this immediately when you get home," she repeated. "If it doesn't work, get help. You are NEVER alone in this."

"Thank you for being so kind," I replied. I paid for my purchase and headed out to my sister's car. Allison and I talked a bit about my experience with Danny the previous night and got the low-down on Danny's reputation around school. He might be easy on the eyes, but he wasn't anyone I should consider boyfriend material. Allison said I was lucky to be rid of the dick. I took the Plan B pill as soon as I got to my room that evening.

That directions with the pill reported that Plan B contraception worked in about seven of every eight cases. It also warned that if I was already pregnant, this pill wouldn't help at all. All I could do was hope Danny's sperm hadn't found my egg yet. The package said the only way to tell if Plan B worked was for me to have my period in two weeks. If I didn't get it, I was well and truly fucked.

I was on pins and needles for the next week. I helped out with finishing the Homecoming float. Danny never showed to help. He virtually ignored me in the halls at school. I returned the favor to the bastard.

A week later, on Friday morning before 2nd Period, Austin Burnett shuffled over in front of my desk.

"Um ... um ... Sarah ... uh," he stuttered. The poor boy looked totally nervous. I gave him a big smile. "You know the ... uh ... Homecoming Dance?"

"Yes?" I confirmed.

"Do you have ... um ... you know ... like a..."

"A date?" I added to relieve Austin a little. "I don't have a date."

"Would you ... uh ... you know ... go with ... me?" Austin finally managed to say. Austin didn't have the dreamy looks of a Danny Garrity but he didn't have that nasty personality either. Austin was pretty average looking tenth grader with a little more acne than he probably wanted. He was also a real sweet heart.

"I would be honored to be your date to the Homecoming Dance," I replied.

"You ... you will?" Austin gasped. His smile grew and his chest puffed out. "Cool! I guess we can talk next week about when my mom or dad brings me over to pick you up. Thanks, Sarah."

"I'm looking forward to it, Austin," I replied. The elated boy floated off to his own seat. I had a good feeling about accepting Austin's offer of a date. I should have paid more attention to boys like Austin. I wouldn't be worrying about being knocked up if I hadn't blinded by Danny Garrity's looks and smooth talking.

I fretted about the possibility of pregnancy over the weekend. Monday morning Austin caught up with me before home room. We got to talk for a few minutes before heading to our respective homerooms. Every day Austin stopped by to talk a bit. I found he was funny and engaging. By Friday afternoon, the two of us decided to go to the football game together that night – not as a date, just as two friends.

We had a good time cheering for our team. I enjoyed spending the evening with Austin. I especially enjoyed a play in the third quarter. Danny Garrity had gone across the middle for a pass. The other team's safety clocked Danny good as he stretched out for the ball. I didn't explain to Austin why I cheered on that play.

Austin showed up Saturday evening with his dad to give us a ride to the school Homecoming Dance. Austin and I talked, danced and hung out with our friends. We both had a great time. Danny Garrity showed up escorting Amber Stevens, a tenth grader I knew a little. I watched across the room as Danny put the moves on Amber, the moves I knew too well.

Dumb luck put me in the girl's restroom at the same time as Amber later in the evening.

"I see you're here with Danny Garrity," I commented as we washed out hands.

"I am," Amber confirmed. "I am having the best time. He is so sweet to me." She giggled. "He makes me feel so ... so sexy."

"Be careful with that," I remarked. "Danny's line on girls is so smooth. Look out for him. He's dangerous."

"I'm sure you're mistaken," Amber said. "He's a sweet, gentle guy."

"If that sweet, gentle guy gets you pinned down naked, crazy with lust to screw, make sure you put the condom on him yourself. Do NOT trust him to do it." I reached Amber.

"Really?" she gasped. "I can't believe that. Are you sure?"

"Been there, done that," I retorted. "I didn't get the souvenir rubber afterwards."

"I am sure Danny doesn't intend anything like that on a first date," Amber said. "Thanks for the warning anyway."

"Just protect yourself," I said.

I rejoined Austin. The DJ put on some slow music, which suited me fine. Austin started out with his hands on my hips and a few inches between our bodies as we started dancing. I wrapped my arm around his back and pulled him against my body. I wanted more contact with my date. I enjoyed the contact. I knew Austin was feeling it too. Rather quickly a lump formed in his pants. I didn't mind bumping into it occasionally. I was turning myself on. My nipples pressed against Austin's chest and rubbing him had me so aroused.

Fortunately Austin and I had a few minutes as the dance ended to calm down after the final slow dance. My date seemed a little dazed at the past twenty minutes.

"I had a wonderful time," I gushed as I hugged Austin.

"Um ... yeah, it was great," he agreed.

"Maybe we could do it sometime again?" I suggested.

"Again?" Austin gulped. "Yeah, again ... maybe, like a, uh ... movie?"

"A movie next Friday night?" I offered. "That would be wonderful. It's a date." I hugged Austin again and planted a hot kiss on his lips. I gave him some tongue. He responded slowly at first but with increasing enthusiasm. Our necking session was cut short when Austin's dad arrived too soon for our tastes. We held hands in the backseat on the way home. Austin walked me to the door. We enjoyed one more intense kiss. I wanted to do a tonsillectomy on Austin with my tongue, but I suspected my parents could be watching us. We said good night.

I enjoyed my date with Austin and hoped this could be the start of something more. He was a sweet, well-behaved guy. I enjoyed his company. I knew he had enjoyed mine. It kind of turned me on to think what Austin would be doing when he got home. He most likely would whack off his hard cock, dreaming of the things he wished to do to me. What a turn on for me. I frigged myself before I went to sleep.

I had a little bit of cramping on Sunday morning. I was pleased when I went to the bathroom to get ready for church. I was bleeding! Thank God! My period was a day early. Danny hadn't knocked me up. I was so relieved. I hopped in the shower and washed up. When I got out and was drying myself I noticed something odd. My nipples were larger and darker than they used to be. I shrugged it off. Like the health teachers at school said, we are developing and changing from all the hormones coursing through our bodies. I guess this was just the latest change. I reported the great news to Allison after we got home from church.

I was surprised Monday morning when I changed pads to find the one I took off didn't have much blood in it. I put on another pad. Normally my period lasted at least three days.

Amber Stevens caught me in the hallway before homeroom.

"Oh ... MY ... God, Sarah!" Amber gushed. "You saved my ass on Saturday night. That prick Danny Garrity started making out with me. That was OK. I allowed him to feel me up. That was good too. Too good. He tried to push me into sex, just like you warned me. I shut that slimy S.O.B. down when he pulled that 'can't get pregnant the first time' shit on me. Thank you for warning me about him."

"Hey, that is what friends are for," I said. "I'm glad everything worked out OK for you."

Austin and I got together more often between classes to talk. We had a single class in common – sixth period Biology. That class gave us an extra couple minutes to talk, which was a bonus. I learned to appreciate his dry sense of humor. Austin and I decided to include pizza before our movie date on Saturday night. Austin and Mrs. Burnett picked me about at six o'clock.

We enjoyed a couple slices of pizza before walking over to the theater, hand in hand. We decided to see a romantic comedy. Austin tried to get us aisle seats in the middle of the theater.

"Let's move to the very back," I suggested.

"We can't see as well back there," Austin protested.

"We can't BE SEEN as well back there," I countered. It took a couple seconds for Austin to grasp my intent. He got a goofy grin on his face.

"The back," he agreed quickly. We found a spot in the back row of the theater. We deposited our coats on the chair beside Austin, towards the aisle. More camouflage and privacy for us. We nibbled on popcorn and sipped our sodas through the previews and ads. Finally the movie got going. A couple minutes in Austin pulled Move 101, the one every boy learns first – the stretch and drape the arm behind your date's neck.

I snuggled against him to let him know I approved. It took Austin a couple minutes hesitation to allow his hand to flop down and lay against the side of my breast. I could feel him shaking. I relieved his tension immediately by grabbing his hand and placing it directly on my breast. I looked over at my date. Austin's face displayed his shock at this development.

I grinned and said, "It's OK. I like this." His face went to a huge smile as he began to feel me up. He was being a little rough, especially on my nipples. "Gentle," I cautioned. "Be gentle."

"Sorry," Austin gasped. He took care as he fondled, caressed and squeezed my breasts. I knew Austin was inexperienced at this but he was turning me on just as well as Danny had last month. In many ways this felt better and less hurried. Danny had a goal last month and feeling me up was just a milepost towards his goal of screwing me. I suspected Austin already had surpassed his goal for the night. He was in no hurry.

I allowed the boobie session to continue for fifteen or twenty minutes. I turned my head to Austin and leaned in. "That was fun." I leaned in further so my face was inches from Austin's. He took my intent and leaned in to kiss me. Our noses mashed together at first until Austin twisted his head a little. Our lips met. Our tongues followed, meeting between our cinched lips.

Austin and I had deep kissed a few times before. I had enjoyed each time, but I suspected Austin didn't have a lot of experience Frenching. I had made out with half a dozen boys over the past year and a half and considered myself experienced in Frenching. I don't know why, but Austin was the best kisser I had ever experienced, including that shit-for-brains Danny Garrity.

Our kissing marathon continued on. We were lost from time. I know Austin felt me up some as we made out. I rubbed and carressed him too. I even felt his "package" as we made out. I was surprised at Austin's size. I am no longer inexperienced about boy's cocks. Austin had to be bigger than Danny by at least an inch.

Our making out had me so hot. If the theater would have had anywhere that we could have had privacy, I would have dragged Austin there, stripped him and raped him. I suspect though from the hard boner in his pants, that rape would not have been necessary. I think Austin was as hot to screw my brains out as I was to do him.

The movie's musical finale brought us back to the real world. We were a mess – hair disheveled, flushed in the face and sweating.

"We need to get ourselves together," I suggested.

"Yeah, we need to pass Mom's inspection when she picks us up," Austin agreed. Austin adjusted his cock so it didn't tent his pants quite as obscenely. I ran a brush through my hair and then did Austin's for him. The couple minutes of credits gave us time to look presentable and for the flush to drain from our faces.

"Damn, that was something else, Sarah," Austin commented as we exited the theater, holding hands.

"I know," I agreed. "I've made out before but it was never remotely like tonight."

"Do you want to go on another date next..." Austin said. He stopped abruptly mind-sentence. "Shit! This isn't what I really want to ask you. Sarah, would you be my steady girlfriend? I don't want to date anyone else. You're great."

"I would be willing to be your steady, Austin," I answered. We sealed our pact with a deep kiss. It felt like we floated out of the theater on a cloud.

"One thing we need to figure out, Austin," I suggested, "we need to find some time somewhere to get more privacy. First base was fun tonight, but there are other things I'd like to do."

"I agree completely," Austin replied. "The problem is I don't turn sixteen for another month. I'll need at least six months of practice driving before I can get my license. We're going to be stuck with my mom or dad driving us for quite a while."

"Maybe I could say something to my sister and her boyfriend," I suggested. "She and Mike might be willing to drive us occasionally."

"That would be great," Austin said. We kissed again. Too long. A car stopping beside us and blowing its horn brought us to the here and now. It was Austin's dad. I'm sure I was blushing when Austin and I hopped in the back of the car. Mr. Burnett just smiled at us and asked, "Did you enjoy the movie?"

"The movie was great, Dad," Austin replied.

"The most fun I've had in a long, long time," I added. We snuggled together in the back of the car, holding hands. We whispered to each other but otherwise kept things tame.

Mr. Burnett stopped along the curb in front of my house fifteen minutes later. "Austin, do you want to walk Sarah to the door?"

"Sure, Dad," Austin agreed. "Thanks." Austin helped me out of the car and held my hand as we walked to my front door. We paused on the porch.

"I had such a good time tonight, Sarah," Austin said. "Thank you for agreeing to be my girlfriend."

We embraced and shared an intense, deep kiss. We broke apart too soon, but what else could we do? My parents could be watching us from the window.

"I'll talk to my sister," I said. "We can have even more fun if we can get some privacy."

"That would be wonderful." Austin agreed. He reluctantly drifted back towards his dad's car before calling out, "Good night, Sarah."

"Good night, Austin," I called back.

I found time to talk with Allison privately on Sunday afternoon after church. I stuck my head in her door and politely asked, "Do you have a couple minutes free, Allison?"

"What's up?"

"A couple things," I answered as I stepped into her room and shut the door. "Austin Burnett asked me to go steady with him."

"Cool!" Allison responded. "I hear he is a nice guy, if a bit of a nerd."

"You hear?" I questioned.

"After the fiasco with Danny Garrity, I thought I should check out who has been dating my sister," Allison said. "I am the big sister and I don't want you to get hurt again like you did with Danny."

"Well ... OK, I guess that is an acceptable reason to check up on my boyfriend," I allowed. "By the way, isn't Mike a bit of a nerd too? Isn't he planning on going to the Pennsylvania College of Technology?"

"True," Allison agreed. "Though Mike does know there is more to life than keyboards, hard drives and mice."

"I know he does," I retorted. "I hear you emphasizing that point to Mike when you have sex after school way too often."

"Sorry about the noise," Allison said. "I guess it is a little distracting."

"I guess it's a lot distracting," I answered. "That is the second reason I wanted to talk to you. Austin and I only have one class together during school. We eat different lunches. Neither of us drive. We're having a problem figuring out how to find free time together."

"And this involves Mike and me how?"

"Well ... Austin lives about a quarter mile from Mike's house," I explained. "Could you talk to Mike and see if he would be willing to pick Austin up on the way here on school days and drive you and me to school?" I gave Allison my best pleading look and added, "And maybe a ride home in the afternoon after Mike leaves here."

"Ahh ... the cat is out of the bag," Allison teased. "My little sister has discovered sex is fun. Now you've found a nice boy who you trust. You're horny and ready to try things out with a safer boy."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," I agreed. "Will you, Allison?"

"I guess Mike and I owe you for all the afternoons we've driven you crazy while we fucked our brains out next door," Allison said. "You have kept our afternoon activities secret from our parents."

"I'd really appreciate this help, Allison," I said.

"I'll call Mike and see if he is willing," Allison said. "It's his car and time, after all."

I thanked my sister for her consideration and headed back to my own room. Half an hour later Allison reported back. Mike was willing to drive Austin and me to and from school.

I texted Austin immediately, "MIKE COLLINS WILL DRV US 2 SKL. MIKE WILL CL & CONFIRM." [Mike Collins will drive us to school. Mike will call and confirm with you.]

"GR8 NEWS!" Austin texted back. [Great news!]

"WANT 2 HU AFTER SKL 2?" I texted back. [Want to hook up after school too?]

"PROB. PWOS. WL CALL WHEN ALONE" [Problem. Parents watch over shoulder. Will call when alone.]

I was forced to wait half an hour for Austin's phone call. "You aren't able to get together with me tomorrow after school?" I asked when he called.

"I'd love to, Sarah, but I can't," Austin repaid.

"I thought you were free after school," I asked.

"I am ... sort of," Austin explained. "I watch my twelve year old sister, Anna and my eight year old brother, Jacob, after school most days. My parents are OK with Anna watching Jacob occasionally as long as I have a good reason. I don't think they will buy, "I want to make out with my girlfriend, ' as a good excuse for me to come over to your house."

"This is disappointing," I said.

"We can have time in the mornings before school," Austin said. "Mike called and set things up. My parents are OK with me riding to school with you, your sister and Mike. My parents know the Collins family."

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Classmate Ki Chudai

Hi doston mera naam ramsagar hai aur ye meri pehli kahani hai.Baat tab ki hai jab me 18saal ka tha,merit ek classmate thi jiska naam shree(name shortened) tha.Wo dekne me jyada khoobsoorat nai this lekin ,bohot hi sexy thi boobs bade aur gaand ubhari hui thi.Me thik se to nahi bata sakta lekin uska figure kuch 28.30.32 tha ekdam patakha lagti thi. Jab wo chalti to uski gaand ekdam hilne lagti aur jab wo mere saamne aati to mera lund khada hone lagta.Lekin jyada log use pasand nahi large this...

3 years ago
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Classmate Ko convince Kakre Uske Gand Mari

Hello dosto I’m back again with a new story mera naam Ajay ha or main Haryana ka rahne wala hoon. Mera mail id hai agar koi ladki ya bhabhi mujhse chudna chahti ho to please mujhe mail karain.main ek good looking boy hoon or mere lund ka size 7’inch lumba or 3’inch mota hai. Ye gatna aaj se 1 saal pehle ki jo ki mere ek dost ne mujhe batai hai ki kaise unse apni classmate ko convince karke uski gand mari. Aage ki story mere dost ki jubni. Hello friend mera naam pawan hai or main bhi Haryana...

4 years ago
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Class In Session

Suddenly there was a tight, wet sensation against his cock, slowly enveloping his tip as a soft hand with long, sharp nails wrapped around his throat. He glanced down, fighting to breathe, and saw a fleshlight teasing the head of his dick, drooling with sticky, clear lube. As he watched, the fleshlight engulfed every inch of him, and he choked out a moan as the ridges inside pressed around his length. The fleshlight twisted around him for a moment, doing a complete 360 one way, then back the...

2 years ago
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Class Pet

Milford Boys Academy was not a typical private school. For one thing, it was incredibly isolated in a remote mountain region. Combined with its 5 year program, most students were enrolled for the duration and didn't leave school grounds in the entire curriculum period. The other thing which made the Academy different was the programs it offered; Milford Boys Academy was a School of Magic. Like most of the boys at the Academy, Brad had arrived after his powers manifested at age 16....

1 year ago
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Class Syllabus

Hello all! I decided to include this document for the enjoyment of my faithful readers who have cheered me on, and voted so generously for the stories included in my novella. The following document includes the syllabus handed out by Dr. Meredith Green to her Exploring Human Sexuality class at the start of the semester. It outlines the topics the class is to cover over the semester on a week-to-week basis, including all the scheduled field trips and some of the class assignments. Also...

3 years ago
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Class Magic

Class Magic By Ariel Davidson Mark and Cheryl Thomas sat curled together on their living room couch watching a late night TV movie. A few years ago they might have gone out to a movie or dancing on Saturday night, but lately they spent almost every evening at home. Even though they were childless and didn't have to worry about the expense and trouble of finding a baby sitter, they didn't feel like going out much. Mark worked as a service writer for a Ford dealership and Cheryl...

2 years ago
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Class Reunion

Chapter 1 It was fast approaching the Winnisimmet High School reunion season. The biggest reunion was the fabled class that graduated John Finn, Melanie Lopez, Willie Pena, Paul Douglas, Katie Eliza, and Juan Alvarez. Those six people had played key roles in changing the face of Winnisimmet in just over six years and were all anyone talked about. Each had their own reason for gossip. Melanie adopting her nephew was a heated debate as some saw it as wrong while others saw it as being...

3 years ago
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Class demonstration of sexx

visit on to see more top rated story like theseMe, Reena and Ajay were very close friends. We were almost of the same school going age. We used to most of the time move together and share almost everything between us. We were teens full of energy and vitality. One day the teacher was teaching us biology class and explaining the human reproduction system. The teacher was telling about the cock, the sperms, the ovum, the pussy and boobs and the whole process of human...

3 years ago
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Class demonstration of sex

Me, Reena and Ajay were very close friends. We were almost of the same school going age. We used to most of the time move together and share almost everything between us. We were teens full of energy and vitality. One day the teacher was teaching us biology class and explaining the human reproduction system. The teacher was telling about the cock, the sperms, the ovum, the pussy and boobs and the whole process of human reproduction. She was explaining the topic with help of sketches and charts...

1 year ago
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Classroom wedgie

This is a story of how everything changed in one day. I was one young man out of 15 others in a classroom of about 30 young men and women in total. We were all 18 years old. It was a normal class in a normal high school but we had a very hot young woman in class called Jayne. Jayne was chubby and her skin was very pale white. Her blonde hair was braided into a ponytail in the back and she had a pretty face with blue eyes and her body was very curvy but she was not fat. Her tits were quite big...

1 year ago
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Classifieds Personal Ads

Dan's wife Debbie was going away for the weekend to visit her sister in Palm Beach. For the first time in forever Dan was going to be all alone. The kids were all grown and out of the house and now with Debbie gone It would just be him sitting home by his lonesome. After Debbie left Dan decided to go online and some fun on Craigslist, just to see what was out there. He had heard from a friend that there were a lot of personal ad's on there with women looking for NSA sex with men so he thought...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Class Episode 01

Hello, class. I’m Mr. Milner, and this is the first day for your sex education class. Now, I can see a few of you giggling nervously because you’ve all been led to believe that sex is something taboo, secret, or even naughty. It’s my responsibility to instruct you that “sex” isn’t something that you do. Rather, it’s something that you are. Now, this is an all-girls school, so I would expect that most of you are of the female gender. Yes, you may laugh at my jokes. I use them to help break the...

4 years ago
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Classified AD

Classified Ad: Jim read with interest the simple and short online wanted posting. Interviewing potential slaves to advance Obeah organization. A lifelong submissive who believed his role was to promote women in general he figured maybe it was worth sending an inquiry to learn further what the posting was all about. It was a week later when his inquiry was answered. Thank you potential slave jim for your interest in our organization. We are a group of business women of all...

2 years ago
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Class Distraction

Ok. So this is something that happened.I have a teacher, I’ll just call her Ms. D. She teaches English. I’m in her fourth period class. She’s in her early 50s, I think. But she’s really pretty. She has this yellow dress and she wore it today. This dress, shows so much cleavage it’s not even funny. So, she’s talking to the class and I kinda start drifting off in my head. She comes over to my desk and leans over, and says, “Brat (that’s me), I can tell you’re not paying attention.” I know some...

2 years ago
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Class Reunion

Driving home from work was always a pleasure for Kevin. It meant that he had survived another day and lived to tell about it. Thus was the life of a police officer. His main objectives every morning was to be safe and to survive his shift, all the while doing his job to the best of his ability. It hadn’t been a busy day for him, two domestic violence calls, three traffic stops, one DUI, and one criminal trespass. All in all, it had been pretty easy for a Monday and he would be getting home on...

3 years ago
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Class Episode 02

Welcome again, class. This is day two of our sex education class. I see a new face here today. Miss... ? Thank you. Miss Williams. Yes, today is a full hand’s on lab, which is the reason for everybody’s lack of clothing. Excuse me? About Miss Samuels? Yes, she was given permission to leave her stockings and garters on, as they will not be in the way in today’s lab. Yes, Miss Martin? Yes, stockings and garters are definitely appreciated in this class, and if you happen to have any you’d like to...

2 years ago
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Class of 2007

CLASS OF 2007 "Would you like to go somewhere and have sex?" That was how my new life started, with a question posed to me and my best friend, Carl, by the two hottest seniors, well, actually graduates now, at the high-school that we would be attending in September as freshmen. We had just gotten out of eighth grade the week before. "Would you like to go somewhere and have sex?" Now I suppose the two of us should been more suspicious, but when you're 14 years old and two, hot...

1 year ago
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Class Room

Hi I’m constant reader of the ISS so I’ve just decided to post my story which happened with me few years ago. Hi my name is Jas and long years ago I had a girlfriend in class X. Her name was Neha. She was a sexy brunette with a voluptuous figure which was quite difficult for her to conceal. Her stats were like 5ft 2inch, fair face, long black shiny hair, hard and big boobs and nice tight ass. We were mad for each other in love or for each other’s bodies. I used to sit in the classroom with her...

3 years ago
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Classroom Barbie

Chapter 1 Mrs. Williams walked into her classroom. Already her class was waiting for her. She smiled at them, but they mostly ignored her, texting under their desks, chatting with each other, playing on their iPod touches. ‘Ahem, class.’ She said to them. It was the first day of the year, and already she could tell the senior class was ready to be done with high school. ‘Alright class, my name is Mrs. Williams and welcome to health education.’ She smiled at them. Mrs. Williams was in her mid...

3 years ago
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Class Room

Hi my name is Jas and long years ago I had a girlfriend in class X. Her name was Neha. She was a sexy brunette with a voluptuous figure which was quite difficult for her to conceal. Her stats were like 5ft 2inch, fair face, long black shiny hair, hard and big boobs and nice tight ass. We were mad for each other in love or for each other's bodies. I used to sit in the classroom with her on the same desk and we used to do naughty things with each other instead of kissing as everyone could see...

1 year ago
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Class pet

100% fiction! As I walked into class I sat down in my seat. The classroom was packed, my big ass in her high heels and medium sized tits was at the front of the class talking about science. I wasn't paying attention instead I was staring at her huge tight round ass, I would give anything to tap that. Suddenly my hot teacher goes would you mind getting in front of the classroom and show the class how the male body works? Sure. So I got up from my desk and walked up to the front of the classroom...

3 years ago
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Classmate turned FB

I just joined this forum as a way of passing time away. Had a ball of a time reading some stories n FRs and again some of the tips which I find familiar. been cheonging the scene for some time now. Felt that its now time to contribute to this forum. Today, I'm going to share with u guys a true story. Something that I experienced a while back. EnjoyThis story began about a decade ago when I just got accepted into one of the local junior colleges in the west area. Just to give a rough idea about...

2 years ago
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Classmate who get to cummed inside me

Justin, a JC classmate, managed to date me on 31st December. Just like for every date, I make sure I dress ready for whatever post-activity action. I wore a baby blue strapless corset top with a dark blue chiffon skirt (more like chiffon skirting because of its length), and you'd have expected, blue 3-inch heels.Justin drove and came to pick me up at 5pm. We drove around town, went for dinner at a nice cozy restaurant, and then decided to shop around the place. Just like always, I'm usually the...

3 years ago
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Classmate Ko Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston , main bareilly se hu aur iss par yeh meri pehli story hai main brown complexioned ladka hu meri age 25 hai aur main married huu mera 7 inch ka lauda hai. Main fit aur muscular huu. Meri height 6’1” hai. Chalo ab story par aate hai main 18 saal ka tha jab maine pehli baar sex ka experience kara maine pehli baar sex apni classmate vijeta ke sath kiya tha. Vijeta ek goori ladki thi jiske doodh medium size ke the uski gaand chordi thi woh fit hai aur bohat...

1 year ago
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Classmate Ki Choot Chaati

Hello everybody I am ronit, age 25, wheatish color, height 5’11” with a lean built and dick is 6.5+ inches (I don’t like to fake my dick size). I am born and brought up in faridabad, haryana but currently I am working as an engineer in a fmcg company. The story I am going to narrate is of the incident happened between me and my coaching classmate anukriti. If you want to mail me, mail me on I should inform you beforehand that I am still a virgin but very much experienced in foreplay, pussy...

2 years ago
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Classmate While Studying MS In USA

Hello ISS readers, This is Bobby again, from USA. Hope you guys enjoyed a story I’ve submitted a few months ago “Divorced Indian Roommate In USA”. To tell again about myself I’ve been living in USA for over 6 years did Masters degree here, and now work in IT industry. I am a very good looking guy, very fair skin, good height (an inch shorter than Mahesh Babu), and I try to maintain my personality well. So, talking with girls was fairly easier for me. Just to let you guys know, the stories that...

2 years ago
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Classmate Ki Chudayi

Hi friends, ye meri pahli kahani hai.. Mera naam Raj hai. Baat aj se 4 saal pahle ki hai jab mai college me tha. Meri class me ek ladki padhti thi uska naam shruti tha. Suru me to mai shruti me jyada dhyan nahi diya karta tha. Par ek din ghar jate samay mai shruti ke paas hi baitha tha. Usne mujhse normal baat ki padhayi kaisi chal rahi hai.Fir usne mujhse kaha ki chal apan friends ban jate hai close friends, maine bola theek hai. Fir us din ke baad hamari kai ghanto tak baat hone lagi. Kuchh...

4 years ago
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Classmate Ko Friend Ke Marriage Main Fuck Kiya

Hi! Friends myself Sidhant main ISS ka bahut purana fan hun 18 years ke age se hi main Iss ke storiya padhte aa reha hun, abhi mere age 20 years hai and main Graduation 2nd year ka student hun, mere height 5.5” hai aur main ek Judo-Karate ka player hun so body just average hai. Ab siddha aata hun story main story start hoti hai 4 years phele se jab main 12th class main tha mere ek classmate the jiska naam. Anjali tha, waise to wo bahut innocent aur intelligent the, but uska affair ek aise ladke...

4 years ago
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hi dosto mai fir hazir hu apke samne apni nayi kahani lekar.plz ap apna comments jarur bhejna mai sabka reply jarur email story-i m sarvesh.mere lund ki lumbai 10 inch hai.mai suru se hi padhne me acha tha isliye mujhe kavi larkiyo ki kami na bat us samay ki hai jab mai class 10 me gaya.mere class me ek nayi larki ne adm liya jiska nam tha nam lete hi avi v mere lund me sansanahat ho jati hai.uske pahle din class me ate hi sare ladke use chodne ki firak me lag...

1 year ago
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Classmate of my sister

Hi, I am Saran, from Indore. M.P. I am 28 now. Let me describe how I was obsessed by a friend of my sis and eventually made love with her. I still remember the day I first met her. Then I was studying eighth standard and I was slowly getting used to all funny thoughts and feelings. That is the day I saw Maya a classmate of my sister. She was doing her +2 then. At that age, I was not even aware of sexual intercourse. It was the send of party of their batch; they dressed up in our house as it is...

4 years ago
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Class me chudai

Hi friends this is sagar from Pakistan. And this is my first story here. Yeh aaj se 1 saal pehlay ki baat he jab mein B.Com final year mein padhta tha. Hamare college mein bohat ladkian padhti thee aur hamare class me bhi kaafi ladkian thee. Lekin unn mein do 2 ladkian aisee thee k jin ko dekh ker mera land khada ho jata tha aur mein sirf unki taraf dekhta rehta tha. Aik ka naam sareena tha aur dusri Anee. Sareena mere saath ziada free thee jab k anee itni nhi thee. Mein hamesha unko chodnay ka...

3 years ago
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Class of 92

Rachel Spenser was enjoying herself at the 10th reunion of the Class of '92. When she had first received the invitation to the celebration a few weeks back, the twenty-eight-year-old had tossed it aside with a mental note to send back the small "Will not be attending" card when she got a chance. Now she was glad it had gotten lost among the bills. It had been a good number of years since Rachel had left East Monroe to go to school out in California. In that time, she had only been back to...

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Class Project

"Was it worth it, Young Man?" The judge stared down at me from his raised desk, his gaunt face reminding me of some of the monsters on the old Friday night creature features. I knew what I had to do. Lord knows, I'd had enough practice. Just let my face go slack and slowly drop my head until I was looking at my toes. Fidget a little, scuff my right foot a couple times, then say "No, sir," letting my voice break a little between words. It had been a pretty normal day....

2 years ago
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Classroom Cocksucker

With that, he turned off the lights and started the long and boring film. I sighed. This was going to be a stupid class. I sat in the back row in the corner of the room at the last of the two-person lab tables so not only could I not see the screen very well, but the darkness of the room and my tired brain soon came to the conclusion without me to fall asleep. In my half-sleep state, I dreamed I was having sex with some hot chick, I don't know who just some faceless girl, so naturally, to my...

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Classroom Demonstration

Classroom Demonstration Wind swirled around the campus grounds. A few leaves crackled, their dry cores rubbing against the brick sidewalk. Greg shivered, having only worn his dress shirt outside. The cooler weather had come out of nowhere. His hands rubbed against his arms in order to try to warm them up. His backpack dug into his shoulders, the books leaning backwards. He'd gone this way to his classes before, but decided to take a turn through one of the outer buildings in order to...

1 year ago
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Class Distraction Part 2

Ok, so here’s more stuff that happened.So, I’m in English class again with Ms. D. No yellow dress anymore, it’s too cold now. But she has this really tight top, and it’s low cut. OMG. I swear, I just stare most of the class. It’s been a while since our last… encounter?... and I’ve felt so weird in class ever since. She glares at me sometimes, but never really says anything to me.But today was different. I don’t know why. I had tried wearing cute little outfits and I even tried being a model...

4 years ago
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Class is in session

It was near the end of a long senior year. Jenna was the cheerleader right out of central casting from Hollywood. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, and long, long legs. She was smart, put played the role of a dumb blonde in order to please her cliq. Nikki was a stunner, but a brain. She was a brunette nerd who hid behind glasses. She was a c cup, but it fit her tanned body well. And then there was Miss. Nielson. Nielson was the object of much effect (and erections) of the boys in the class....

4 years ago
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Class Me Classmate Fansayi

Ye baat bhot purani hai. Main 12th class me tha. Ek ladki padhti thi mere saath Anushree. Wo mere aage baithti thi. Kai baar uski mast gori gori taangein dikha karti thi. Wo bilkul gori thi. Aawaz thodi si karkash but sexy thi. Wo chashma lagati thi aur Anushree ke uroj bhare hue the aur uske nitamb bhi sahi the. Thodi hi moti thi. Zada nahi. Ek baar drawing class mein wo monitor banke idhar udhar ghum rahi thi. Hum sab neeche carpet pe baithe the us din uski saari tangen dekhi. Usne white...

4 years ago
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Classroom Fun

I hopped in the shower but kept thinking about the dreams as I started soaping up my body. I was standing facing the shower faucet rinsing my face as the warm water made its way down my neck over my tits and down to my pussy I felt my nipples getting hard and the tingling sensation in my pussy when my nipples were hard. My clit was still engorged and swelled more as the sensation made my pussy hot and pulsate. I started rubbing my nipples with the palms of my hands in a circular motion and...

2 years ago
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Lets b bad...cum to the classroom of mr higgins. He aint there...its located at the back of the school...noone will c us. I wanna have yah on that desk,ur cute dress a lil up. Reavealing ur beautifull behind. Ill cover ur mouth with my hand as i give it to u. We dont want no spectators. As ill fuck u like that i can allready feel ur pussy tighten around my cock....ur gonna cum on it! After u came,ill pull my dick out. Like evry good girl u instantly drop on ur knees to clean me up. Loving the...

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Classroom To Bedroom

Hello friends, My name is Kiran ( name changed ). As my name suggests am too naughty in the bed and I respect women. They are the most beautiful in this world according to me. Any desperate girl or woman contact me if you want to have fun ;) . This is my first story to post here so please support me, give your feedback my email id is About me, am a 23-year-old guy doing my engineering in Mysore. I have a good physique but not muscular but can satisfy any girl with my 6″ tool. Coming to the...

1 year ago
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Classroom Sissy

Classroom Sissy By Cassandra Morgan I did it! I got in! Me! Geeky Brad Hollins. I'm one of the 10! I'm finally accepted! I'm finally one of the chosen few! I never thought I had a chance. After all, more than 200 students apply for the 10 every year, and 190 of them go away disappointed. Only the finest minds at Calvin Coolidge Community College (CCCC) get a Golden Ticket. And I'm Willie Wonka! Whee! You've heard of the 10, haven't you? It's a secret honor society at CCCC,...

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Classy Lady loves BBC

Classy Lady loves BBC“Let’s go to my house” he whispered. “We have a pool where we keep the water pleasantly warm”.“But I do not have a bathing suit” I mouthed quietly.“Don’t worry, we’ll find something. Besides, the pool has very high walls and no one will see us.” He answered and took care of the bill by simply telling the waiter to put it on his account.We drove up the La Jolla hills and I realized that his house was not a house, it was a mansion. As we entered the atrium, “I’m here” he said...

4 years ago
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Classy women but filthy

The first time I went to Starbucks in Stratford I saw this older beautiful busty lady with amazing curves. She looked classy and I saw she had a wedding ring on her finger. I was in front of her and I ordered my large luxury hot chocolate. She look at me and said "that's what I get every morning", I replied and said "that's the way to start the day". But the truth is I meant fucking her is the way to start your day. So I left and and so did she going different ways, but being the man I am I...

1 year ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 7

Melissa was sitting in the break-room, talking with Margaret, Candy and Helen, and eating chicken-fried rice, when David walked back into the room. He had asked Margaret to retrieve the young woman from Holding while he went to see what he could do about a spit. There was no doubt about her status or the status of her company. Orange rings were now prominently displayed around Helen’s neck, along with the one that Candy also wore. Carol and Liz had been down for their lunch already and were...

3 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 12

Thursday Morning. Waking up in Candy’s arms was an interesting experience for David. He had not woken up in a strange place with a different woman in almost twenty years. He and Margaret always woke up together. But seeing the note that Candy gave him from Margaret last night convinced him that he might as well stay here. There was also the fact that Margaret had the car and left him here when she went home. She did promise to bring him clean clothes when she came in to work. The light...

1 year ago
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Classy Slut Maria Part 2

My wife and I drove down to London the following week. Banba had grudgingly assured Maria over the telephone that he was impatiently awaiting our return. Saturday was the soonest that we were both available. The Ugandan had sounded quite intense. Understandably, as Sahri and the kids needed to be out the whole afternoon. He felt that he had been rushed on our last meeting so this time he was determined to hand out a harder and longer session. I watched with fascination as he pounded Maria...

3 years ago
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Class Dismissed by loyalsock

"Class dismissed," Dr. Monica Gutierrez announced with a smile and gathered up her papers. "James," she called to one of her students before he could leave. "Stay after, please, I have to discuss something with you." The sandy haired biology major took a seat on the nearest desktop and waited for the rest of the students to file out of the small lecture hall. Monica took her time putting away her things and clearing off the desk."Professor" James prompted nervously. "Is there something...

1 year ago
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Class Teacher Saranya

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil maanavan karupu naatu katai teacherai eppadi oothan enbathai paarkalam. En peyar Kavin, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, ippozhuthu naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, enaku oru class teacher irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya parka karupaaga miga sexiyaaga naatu katai pondru irupaal. Karupaaga irunthaalum mulai perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, aval mulai azhagai paarthu rasithu konde irukalam endru thondrum. Avalavu perithaaga vaithu irunthaal mulaiyai, soothum thukalaaga...

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Class Mates

Class MatesAfter our first orgy in July, we had our first threesome in august.It was Lucy's last day in College and she was going for a drink at dinner time with the rest of her class, she had told me that she wouldn't be back until the afternoon, she finally came home just after six absolutely sozzled, with her was one of her classmates Alan.I was a bit put out to say the least not because of Alan, but because she was so late, anyway I calmed down a bit and made them both a brew. Lucy got me...

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CLASS My wife touched her lips to mine and slipped her slender hand onto the back of my neck. "This is the most romantic thing James," she whispered, "You've excelled yourself. You excel yourself every time." I smiled and pretended to blush. "It's a pleasure for someone as beautiful as you." Theresa's smile broadened and she hugged me even closer, pressing her cheek to mine. I wished for a moment that she were a little more passionate but that thought disappeared very quickly....

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Class Fellow Ki Seal Tori

By : Shaitan_chodu Mera naam ali hai aur main 29 saal ka hoon aur Belgium main rehta hoon, main nay ISS ki bohaut kahania perhi hain aur bohaut passand bhi hain mujhe isi liye socha k ajj apni kahani bhi app sab doston se share keroon yeh kahani mere class fellow k bare main hai jis ka naam sania hai ab kahani shurow kerta hoon. Sania aur main 9th class main saath perh rahay thay aur main us ko bohaut pasand kerta tha lakin kabhi kaha nahin tha us se. Us ka figure us waqt 36 24 30 tha jo k...

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