Class Of 92 free porn video

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Rachel Spenser was enjoying herself at the 10th reunion of the Class of '92. When she had first received the invitation to the celebration a few weeks back, the twenty-eight-year-old had tossed it aside with a mental note to send back the small "Will not be attending" card when she got a chance. Now she was glad it had gotten lost among the bills.

It had been a good number of years since Rachel had left East Monroe to go to school out in California. In that time, she had only been back to visit her hometown a handful of times. With her mother's funeral four years before, even those rare trips had stopped.

One of the reasons the tiny town she had spent her early life in occupied such a small place in her memory was the fact that few people in East Monroe ever made enough of an impression on her to be worth remembering. Or at least that was the way it had seemed to her at the time.

A feature reporter for the San Francisco Post for the last five years, Rachel had been trying to land a cover story in the weekend newsmagazine for the last nine months. Opportunity seemed to land in her lap when her Editor announced that he wanted to do a cover story on high school reunions. Never one to let a chance for advancement go by, Rachel had jumped on it, saying that she thought it was a great idea and then, remembering the invite sitting in the drawer at home, casually mentioning that she was already going to her own reunion in two weeks.

Her move had worked and instead of handing off the assignment to Wendy Thomas, as he had been planning to do, the Editor decided to give Rachel a shot at the cover instead. A switch that the younger reporter had been none too happy with. She saw Rachel as someone who'd passed her peak already and should just get out of the way of those younger and more capable.

Rachel had smiled at her younger competition when Wendy offered what the older woman was sure were false congratulations. Behind the twenty-four-year-old's smile, Rachel was certain, was the hope that the older woman would fall flat on her face with the assignment. Maybe even hard enough to see her tossed from the paper.

As she headed back to her own desk. Rachel considered the idea that might very well be a real possibility. It had been long years since she had talked to any of her own schoolmates and even then she had hardly been on the best of terms with many. What if she couldn't come up with a winning story about any of them?

To her great surprise, people who she had hardly paid any attention to back in school were overjoyed to welcome her back. From their perspective, she was one of the big success stories of the Class of '92. After all, she had moved away from the small town and now lived in San Francisco, working for one of the major newspapers. Compared to most of their lives, that was the big time indeed.

It was also interesting to see how some people had changed physically over the years. Rachel worked hard to keep herself in pretty much the same shape she'd been in during high school and college, but it quickly became obvious that not everyone had.

Jenny Wilson seemed the most extreme example. A cheerleader back in the day, she had become the stereotype of the bon-bon eating housewife, adding a hundred pounds to her frame. Almost the reverse was true for Michelle Berkey. Nicknamed Moose by some of the less kind high school boys, she had shed half her weight in the years since graduation.

Rachel had interviewed both of them and each seemed equally overjoyed to have, if not the proverbial fifteen minutes of fame, then their names in print. During the brief chats with the two of them and others, Rachel found herself answering almost as many questions as she asked.

What was life like in San Francisco? Did she like being a reporter? What famous people had she met? Did she have a lot of boyfriends?

It was only the last question that Rachel tired of answering. Her standard reply was that her career left little time for an active social life. The reaction of those she gave it to all seemed to be pretty much the same. It was too bad than she hadn't been able to find a man that could support her career plans as well. Then again, as a few pointed out, weren't a lot of the men in San Francisco the sort that didn't like women?

"Oh that is such a shame," Doris Lynch added as she expressed that very sentiment once more as she asked Rachel about her life on the West Coast.

Among the people she had interviewed so far, Rachel remembered Doris quite well. One of those girls who had to know everyone else's business, and then couldn't wait to share it with anyone else. Giving her set reply to the question, Rachel wondered how the gossip would react if she answered more honestly: pointing out that the large percentage of Gay men in San Francisco really didn't bother her because truth be told, she had never been the kind of woman who liked men either.

"She'd probably race for the microphone up on the stage so she could announce it over the public address system," Rachel thought, thinking that was the sort of hot gossip that Doris would be unable to keep secret for a minute.

That fact that she was a lesbian was something that Rachel normally never gave a second thought to back home. It was something she had come to realize back in high school, even though she hadn't done anything about it until college. It was simply who she was.

In the years since, she'd had three serious relationships, the last of which had ended a year before. She'd had a few dates since but nothing that seemed to be going anywhere.

"I wonder if Doris is available?" Rachel laughed silently to herself as she poured herself a glass of punch and remembered what her former classmate had looked like in the showers after gym. From the way she filled out the dress she'd been wearing during their interview, she still looked pretty much the same.

With the material already filling half her notepad, Rachel was now confident she would be able to write the kind of article her Editor was looking for. Now she could relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.

Ten minutes later, Rachel had completed yet another interview that would add to her story. In her mind she could already see the completed product and it was going to be exactly the kind of uplifting story that the Post liked to run in its Sunday Magazine. If she was really lucky, the story might be picked up and run in syndication as many of the cover stories were.

Being from a small town, Rachel found it funny how many city people liked to read about their small town counterparts. Still, if it was going to advance her career, well that was fine with her.

"God, can you believe she had the nerve to show up here?" said a woman's voice from behind where Rachel was standing.

The comment had been spoken in a low voice to another woman standing next to the speaker, but had carried just far enough for the reporter to hear. Curious as to who had elicited such a reaction, Rachel moved so she could see whom it was the two women were talking about. To her surprise, not only was it someone she recognized, but it was also one of the few people in her class that she had considered a friend.

"Kelly O'Neil," Rachel said to herself as she recognized the blond haired woman in the blue dress, but then corrected herself that it had been Kelly Ryan for a number of years now. "Why in the world would anyone in this town have a bad word to say about her?"

Back in high school, Kelly O'Neil had been the proverbial most popular girl in school. Captain of the Cheerleader squad, Vice President of the Student Council, as well as valedictorian of the graduating class. She had been looked on as the girl who was going to do it all. Kelly had also been an assistant editor on the school paper, which was where Rachel knew her from, having been the editor herself.

From what Rachel had heard, Kelly had indeed fulfilled everyone's expectations, which included marrying Tom Ryan, the Captain of the football team. The last time Rachel had been home, Kelly had just been elected the youngest member of the town council. What could've happened since?

Timidity had never been one of Rachel's traits so she walked right past the two women who had been talking about Kelly and said hello to her old friend.

"Oh my God!" Kelly exclaimed in surprise, "I don't believe it. Rachel Spenser, what brings you back to this one-horse town?"

Rachel paused a breath before answering, taking the opportunity to look at her old friend. Kelly had always been one of the hottest girls in school, and she had certainly improved with age. Some women were like that, really reaching their peak as they got older.

Rachel quickly explained about her story and how she had come to the reunion for it. She added that she had been surprised at how nice everyone had been to her, seeing as how she was really not part of the in-crowd back in their school days.

"It's good to see you though," Rachel said, remembering that Kelly had been the only friend from school who had attended her mother's funeral.

"Well just don't say that too loud around some of these people," Kelly said with a strong touch of animosity in her voice. "Because they might have a real sudden change of heart about you. Guilt by association, that sort of thing."

"And what exactly are you guilty of?" Rachel asked.

Kelly took what seemed like a long time before answering. Her reply, when it came, was somewhat cryptic.

"Being different I guess," she said.

"I don't understand," Rachel replied.

"Look, my coming to this glorified sock hop was a mistake and I was just about to leave," Kelly said. "I really need a drink of something a little stronger than what they poured into the punch bowl. Why not come with me and have a drink. I'll tell you all about my scandalous behavior."

The party had already begun to wind down and, to put it mildly, Rachel was really intrigued by the mystery. She agreed and as per Kelly's request, gave her a five-minute head start and then, after saying a few good-byes, followed her out the door.

It actually took until the third drink before Kelly loosened up enough to tell her story. They had driven to Parson's Bar out by the county line. Not the sort of place you'd find the upper class of East Monroe, but the kind of bar where all they cared about was that you paid for your drinks up front.

"Did you see David Burke back at the reunion?" the long haired blond said after her empty glass hit the table.

Rachel had to think a moment to put a face to the name, then remembered the heavyset manager of the multiplex theater who had said a quick hello to her. She nodded to Kelly that she had seen him.

"Good old Dave, another fine upstanding member of the community," Kelly said sarcastically. "Well I don't know if he mentioned it, but Dave split up recently with his wife of seven years. It seems that the mother of his three kids wasn't really satisfying his needs. So to make up for her deficiencies, Dave had been taking time off during the matinees to screw the twenty-year-old who worked behind the snack bar."

Rachel took it in but didn't comment. Things like that happened both in big cities and small towns.

"So Dave, who's screwing the hired help is welcomed at the reunion, while I'm treated like I was taking on truckers five at a time. But then again, Dave is one of the guys so that makes it okay."

It was obvious to Rachel that Kelly had an affair, or at least had been caught screwing someone other than her husband. Yet, even in a small town like East Monroe, something like that shouldn't generate a reaction like Kelly described.

"Oh God," Rachel thought, "could it have been someone underage?"

Back in Frisco, there had been a woman in her apartment building that got busted for having sex with minors. In her mid 60's, the woman had reminded Rachel of the woman who played the Aunt on that old TV show on cable about the small town sheriff. Who would've ever thought the grandmother was screwing half the teenage boys on the block. It took a lot to make a scandal in San Francisco, but that had done it. Rachel could only imagine how something like that would play out here.

"Donna Franklin was there too," Kelly said, "I know you remember Donna."

Rachel nodded that she did. Donna had also been on the Student Council with Kelly.

"She finally married Clark Lange, whose father you might remember was the minister at Blessed Heart, as well as being part of the Langes who owned the drug store. Of course old Clark never would've walked down the aisle with her if she hadn't been able to swear on a stack of bibles that she was a virgin and that no man had passed between her pearly gates. Well it was a good thing he didn't ask her to also swear that no man had ever had his cock in her mouth as well. Donna might've had a little problem with that, giving the rather large number that had."

That little piece of knowledge greatly surprised Rachel. Back in school, Donna was always going on about how she was going to save herself for marriage. Sometimes to the point of being obnoxious, looking down on those who didn't value it as highly as she professed to. Evidently, she agreed with the former President in what actually defined sexual relations.

"But I guess it was okay for Dave and Donna for another reason," Kelly was still going on, even though Rachel had become distracted by what she'd just been told. "At least they were doing it with the right sex."

"What?" Rachel said, realizing she had just missed something.

"No, you heard right," Kelly said, not knowing that her friend hadn't heard at all. "When Tom came home unexpectedly from a hunting trip with the boys, he walked right in on me and Susan."

"Susan?" Rachel repeated.

"Susan Lauro, she was a few years older than us and a waitress at the Golden Dove diner," she explained. "You didn't know her. She moved here after you left and took off after the story got all over town."

"You were having sex with another woman?" Rachel asked, just to be sure that the few drinks they'd both put away hadn't distorted what she had heard.

"Yes," Kelly said, "so feel free to express the disgust that almost everyone else in town that knows seems to have."

"Was this a one time thing or have you always been attracted to other women?" Rachel asked instead, thinking that disgust was the last thing she would find in the situation.

"Well it would be easy to say it was a one time thing," Kelly answered. "That it sort of just happened, that maybe I was drunk and things got out of hand. That's the answer I think I'd tell other people if they cared enough to ask. But you were my friend and you haven't suddenly felt an urge to run away lest I contaminate you, so I'll give you an honest answer."

Rachel was now hanging on every word, glad that they had taken a booth in the back of the bar where no one else could hear.

"The honest answer is that I've felt attracted to other women since back in high school," Kelly said, the sense of relief in the way she said it suggesting that it was the first time she had actually said it to anyone. "It wasn't something I could deal with so I just buried what I was feeling and made sure no one would ever even think that I had feelings like that. Could you imagine how the girls in our class would've reacted if they knew that I was getting turned on looking at them in the locker room and showers?"

"I think I could," Rachel said softly, but now it was Kelly who really wasn't listening.

"It got so that I'd rather have a reputation as a slut than people thinking I was a dyke," she added.

Thinking back, Rachel remembered that there was a short period during junior year during which Kelly was the topic of a considerable amount of conversation in the boy's locker room. Her brother, Chip, only a year older than Rachel, had told her that her friend was beginning to acquire a reputation as being pretty easy. He had been considerate enough to leave out the fact that it was a subject that he had first hand knowledge of. Rachel remembered the conversation quite clearly because, despite the fact that neither of the girls having been virgins, it had been such a sudden change in the way the seventeen year old normally acted around guys.

The locker room stories and Kelly's exploits with other guys abruptly ended when she started dating Tom Ryan. Now Rachel understood why. No one was ever going to think that the girl who was sleeping with the Team Captain was more interested in her fellow cheerleaders.

"In fact," Kelly said as she brought her story to a close, "I even had the biggest crush on you. I was so afraid that you were going to catch me staring at you one day."

With that, Rachel suddenly lost it and began to laugh loudly enough for people in the front of the bar to hear her. Her reaction was definitely not what Kelly had expected.

"I didn't think it was that funny," Kelly said, her tone reflecting a realization that maybe Rachel wasn't all that different than her other one time friends after all.

"Oh yes it is," Rachel replied, barely able to get out the words because she was laughing so hard. "You have no idea how funny it really is."

Anything Rachel said after that fell on deaf ears as Kelly grabbed her bag and got up to leave. The last thing the blond haired woman needed was yet another ignorant asshole that found her life a subject of amusement.

"Kelly wait," Rachel said, regaining control of herself when she saw her old friend stand up and start to leave.

It was only the press of Rachel's hand around her wrist as the newspaper reporter attempted to physically stop her that made Kelly pause. But it was a pause that only lasted long enough for Rachel to get in a few more words.

"Kelly, I wasn't laughing at you," she quickly said. "Believe me, that's the last thing that I'd ever do. Just give me a minute to explain and I'm sure you'll understand."

"You've got thirty seconds," a now angry Kelly said, pulling her arm away.

"Kelly," Rachel simply said, "I'm gay."

Kelly froze in mid-motion. She looked at Rachel for a long moment, then sat back down without saying another word.

"That's why I found what you said so funny," Rachel quickly went on. "You were so worried that I was going to notice that you were checking me out, and I spent half my time doing the same thing."

"Oh my God!" Kelly said as it all finally hit her. "You and I were both..."

"It seems so," Rachel said, completing Kelly's thought. "Although it seems that neither of us knew it at the time."

"It seems like such a waste," Kelly said.

"A waste?" Rachel repeated.

"That we didn't know," Kelly replied. "Our lives could've been so different."

"I suppose," Rachel said as she looked deep into Kelly's blue eyes, knowing that she was imagining just what that life might've been like.

"Do you have..." Kelly started to ask, then rephrased her question. "Are you with someone now?"

"No, not really," Rachel answered. "I guess my social life has been taking a back seat to my career for a while now."

No sooner did Rachel answer one question, then Kelly asked another. She seemed quite curious about life back in San Francisco, especially the fact that her friend had come out a few years back and no one seemed to care.

"Your life sounds great," Kelly said as Rachel answered her last question.

"Well like anything else, it has its ups and downs," Rachel replied.

"Well at least it's better than anything you would've had around here," Kelly added, emphasizing her point with a wave of her hand in the direction of the town beyond.

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One November Night

I’m not sure about posting this ‘story’ as it’s something that actually happened to me just over five years ago. It isn’t a work of fiction, it’s a true story.I suppose it started with a lady at work.  I’ll call her Sandra (not her real name).  Sandra and I worked for the same company and we soon became very good friends – in fact, we still are very good friends.  We would often go for a drink together after work or go to the pictures or go for a meal. I’d never regarded Sandra as anything...

3 years ago
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Island Girls Part 2 A Walk Raspberries and a Kiss

Island Girls Part 2 When I woke up and threw back the blankets, the fragrance of our loving the night before wafted up to my nose. Is there a better smell in the world? Not many as far as I’m concerned. It was cool and a little damp, and we naturally slept naked, so I had to pull on my robe. I put on a pot of coffee and went back to the bedroom. Sarah was still sound asleep. I threw myself on her and wrestled her awake, tickling her in the process. She squealed and squirmed like a kid. “Vicki!...

3 years ago
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My sexual fantasies

I got in trouble with the law and wound up spending a year in boys home when I was 17. There were 6 of us all together and my roommate Andrew introduced me to gay sex. I was sent to a boys home in 1983 when I was 16. My roommate was Sam and he informed me that if I like I can be a part of the boys club. There were 6 of us altogether and the boys club he talked about was sex. He pointed his 6inch at me and I thought why not. So I went over to his bed and this was at 1am and the home counselor...

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The Birthday Present

When Sarah first decided to go away for university she had no intention of maintaining her relationship with her boyfriend. Coming from a family of over protective parents, she wanted a chance to spread her wings and try being independent. This included being single. However, when the time came to break up with her boyfriend, Carl, she couldn't do it. They had been together for a year and a half and had done a lot as a couple such as: lost their virginities to one another, fallen in love,...

Straight Sex
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A New Slut Visits part 1

August 2017: I was feeling excited, horny, and a little apprehensive, as I had just hit send on another email to a 'new slut' who had contacted me recently about my stories and experiences, and how they had affected her. A very sexual woman, we shall call her Jenna in this re-telling, had shared her intimate fantasies with me over a series of emails, igniting the dark lust in me. She made me want to stray from my more vanilla 'normal' life and once again taste that excitement of being so damn...

3 years ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 32

Stoney's turn: I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but life with Johanna had turned me quite a bit more optimistic, even if some bozo broke my leg. Yeah, I can drive again. Insurance popped for a replacement of my SUV, mostly. By this stage of the game I could be mobile if I needed to be, on my own. Bumping around the apartment was not a problem. If I started getting messages from my leg, I just eased it straight on the sofa or in the recliner. Walking out to my parking spot,...

4 years ago
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Forced Sex With Mami

Ye story hai mere pehle sex ki, jo maine meri mami ke sath kiya. Meri mami varsha, very seducing dikhti hai. Uska age 30 ke near about hai. Unka figure dekh ke, to koi bhi uske liye pagal ho jaye. Near about uska figure 32-28-36 hai. Isse apko pata hi chal gaya hoga, ki uski gand bahut adhi hai. Jab bhi main use matak te hue dekhta, mera lund to out of control ho jata. Ab mai meri real life story ko start karata hoon. Un dino mere ghar wale tirth yatra pe gaye the. Lekin college ke karan main...

4 years ago
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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 3

We had very much fun hanging out in the evening. Gayatri had put on her favorite light blue salwar kameez, looking gorgeous. Her hair is done in a thick, silky braid reaching her waist. Kavita was well dressed, with her hair done in a monstrous braid-bun. Most people don’t even get one girl. Here I was, roaming with two beautiful ladies I was going to fuck in the night. We went to a restaurant for dinner where I could see many people staring at that monstrous bun of Kavita. I didn’t like men...

3 years ago
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Mrs Abernathy Goes To Florida

Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida By Cheryl Lynn This fiction story is for personal download only. Any other use forbidden unless approved by the author. Nothing in this story should occur in real life as it contains forced feminization, nonconsensual sex and severe humiliation. It's not for the sweet/sentimental reader or for those underage. Comments/suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to [email protected] Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida Mrs. Abernathy went into...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 127 The Giant Against the Great Man End

(All eyes on Hiko and Fuji, who assume battle stances but remain motionless.) Misao:... They stopped? Kaoru: It's their range... Misao: Huh? Kaoru (thinking): Probably Fuji's standing just a step outside of Hiko's range. And Hiko's a master, his range will be the very limits of the sword. He isn't going to make any foolish leap. Fuji can't move in any further... (aloud) This stalemate could go on for a while. Okina: Yes, but the match itself will be over in an instant. (thinking)...

1 year ago
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Big Man on Campus

My name is Dwayne Dexter. I'm an 18-year old African-American male from a major southern US city. All my life I've have been surrounded by despair and deprivation: too many friends and family on drugs, in gangs or in jail. But I'm lucky: I have phenomenal athletic ability, and can run, jump, catch and throw like no one else I know. I spent high school working out and playing sports. It kept me clean and kept me alive. In high school I led my team to the state finals in basketball and football....

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Skate park quickie Wife with skater boy

We were out enjoying the beautiful weather and doing some shopping. Having dressed for the weather, and being naughty, Erin wore a short summer dress with no bra or panties and with her hair tied back. She looked delicious as always. We made a few stops and as usual I caught men sneaking peeks at her when they thought no one was looking. It was getting very hot out and we were getting hungry so we decided to grab some food to go to a local park area to enjoy our picnic. While we ate we started...

4 years ago
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English ButlerChapter 4

Lady C (Dolly) whispered to Lady Dorran (Denise), "Oh, My. The last time I saw her she weighted 80 pounds, had missing teeth and was eight years old. I can't believe what six years has done for her." They were standing on the porch as Dolly's distant relatives were escorting their daughter up the steps. I was still holding the carriage door and not knowing quite what to make of the procession. All I could think of was that was a stunning little girl with real class. I, of course, had...

2 years ago
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Learning Out of School

NOT MY WORK A found tale which have edited and hopefully improved. One of my best friends was a girl named Kim. She’s of unusual parentage being half Iraqi, her dad and half Vietnamese, her mother. She and I had been in the same year since she moved into the area. We had often been seated in class together because of the alphabetizing of our names, and therefore were often project partners. One year we had a particularly complicated science project to accomplish and we decided it would be...

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A New Day

It was still cool as he stepped outside the house. The heat would come later when the sun was up higher in the sky. Now it was just a hint of orange on the horizon, the dawn light enough for him to see his way to the vegetable patch. He liked to get out into the garden early. He had his routine. Some would accuse him of being set in his ways, but he found it just made his life easier. Life wasn’t real easy these days. He was in almost constant pain and some days even the simplest things were...

3 years ago
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A Certain Sort of SisterChapter 2

Shelia vaguely realised there was a crystal chandelier above her where before there was sky! The female voice belonged to an attractive young lady with dark hair the same as Guy. “Well she’s a sexy little thing Guy,” “Yes; but she went down like a ninepin having shied Romeo.” “My god Guy! She’s wearing my old clothes! Who is she anyway?” asked Pamela, “She’s mother’s foster-girl from London; she seems to be accident prone.” Shelia then mumbled, “ I’m so sorry I ran into you Mr...

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She stood alone at the rail, enjoying the solitude for the first time in her life. It was always the company of others that brought her security but at this moment, she knew the impending visit was the most dangerous act of her whole life. The sky was the color of a lightly bruised peach, ranging through corals, reds and fading out above her to a deep purple. The sea before her blended seamlessly into the sky on the horizon, calm as far as she could see except for the narrow frothy fringe that...

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My Very True Public Toilet Experience

Please allow for grammar errors and spelling mistakes as it is not my strong point. Anyway.... I didn't go looking for sex, i didn't go looking for anything. Well apart from a piss. it was my lunch break from work. The toilets that this happened in are underground down a "L Shaped" staircase. as you reach the halfway point of the stairs the cold and the smell of the poorly ventilated underground cesspit hits you(i'm sure you know what i mean).But that was OK i wasn't going to be there...

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Sissy Stepson Part 4 Stepmothers Test

Part 4 - Stepmother's Test She crossed her legs and began dangling her high heel again and Carl became excited. His sissy stick started to stick up as he watch the dangling show and fashion models prancing on the run way. He had no where to escape and his stepmother noticed her panties bulging with his sissy cock. She nonchalantly let the shoe fall on the carpet and said, "Well, missy are you going to pick my shoe up and place back on my toes or can't you get up!" "Yes, ma'am, I...

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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 20

We all have places we can go, people we can count on. Some inspire us, others comfort us, a few are crucibles in which we build the tools that define us. Sonshi was one of my crucibles. When I was younger, I had admired my Aunt Serenity's twin swords and wished that I had my own. Sonshi was where that yearning took me. Here I found the Shiru, hunters, warriors, philosophers and poets. Sonshi was metal poor, as facets went. The people who lived there had weapons mostly made of wood and...

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The Heavenly Agony of Denial

[ For ComeControl2000! ]As I sat facing 'Walter', his big, thick cock in one hand, and his equally nice-sized balls in my other, I could see that he was growing ever more desperate to finally be given his orgasm. Though I knew I'd pushed him this time quite a bit further along than I'd ever done before, and it was obvious that he was so in need of that long awaited orgasm, I wanted to push him just a little bit further before that occurred.So, I let go of Walter's fat cock shaft and balls, and...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Night With My Cousins Wife

Hey guys! This is Shiva again from down south with a recent sexual experience which happened a few weeks before. This story may sound stereotypical or cliche type. But seriously guys, when it happened I too couldn’t believe it myself. About myself: I am 24 years young, 172 cm tall, well-built, medium dark skin tone, bearded guy, football player, and gym fit average guy. Now coming to the incident. It had been a year since I had been with any girl because of my busy schedule and studies. Having...

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The Wedding Ch 04

When Ted Davis got back from his morning run, his phone was ringing. He picked it up. ‘Ted Davis,’ he said. ‘I love you.’ The soft, feminine voice caressing Ted’s ear belonged to Lori Salter, a young woman who worked for him. She was also the woman he hoped to marry someday. ‘Madam,’ he said, chuckling, ‘I get a lot calls from women who tell me that. You’ll have to identify yourself.’ ‘You nut!’ Lori laughed, ‘I need a cup of coffee. Do you have any made?’ ‘I will, by the time you get...

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Mistress and Boi 1Feeling Mean

Mistress and Boi #1 Feeling mean. She waited. Arms crossed over her ample chest, leg rocking. She was in a mean mood, and would soon receive relief. She heard her Boi's truck pull into the drive, and she smiled wickedly. She had waited for this all day long. She had some aggression to abate, and it would be tonight. When he stepped into her bedroom, he knew something was amiss. She was dressed in her black silk and lace negligee, had her long hair up under a silver comb and her eyes were cold....

Quickie Sex
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Race day with my firends mom

Race day with my firends mom...My friend and I always go to motorcycle races. You simply have to love that mean machines and hot girls that come with it.So I came the other day to my friends house for a beer and we talked about going to next race. Then his mom came. She was at hairdresser, wearing black track suit which perfectly fit her body, showing her curves...and awesome hair, of course.As we were talking she said that she would also like to go to race because she never went on one before,...

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How I Fucked My Mom For The First Time

My family consists of my father Ravi, my mom Shradha, my sister Pooja and myself Harish.My father is 51 and my mother is 38. My age is 20.I was a normal guy until I started watching porn videos.My mind got corrupted and I started fantasizing about women around me – my teachers my aunties . Slowly I dived into the world of incest taboo porn especially the mother-son genre.It simply blew my mind I started imagining myself and my mom.My mom was a hot lady she was fair in color with nice juicy...

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Rocky Mountain High

FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Hey, dude, your luck’s changing. Didn’t I see you out at MacMurdo’s Friday night with some hottie? FROM: Mike Olson TO: Paul Mason Nope, no hotties in sight. Friday night I took my little sister out for a burger and a movie. She’s a great kid, but I wouldn’t call that a change of luck. FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Wait, that angelic brunette in the white sun dress was your sister? My God, man, you’ve been holding out on me! FROM: Mike Olson ...

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Hot sweet aunty in Hyderabad

Hi I am Karthik living in Hyderabad. I am a regular reader of sex stories and finally decided to tell one of my own experiences. My aunt chandan is a pure bomb she had a body to die for and perfect 38-28-36 figure. But none of the boys in the family dared to look at her indecently since she was very strict. I am an employee in Hyderabad and I am staying in apartment since my parents where against putting me in a hostel. They asked my then newly married aunt and uncle to take me. When I reached...

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Cheri Pulls A Train and much more part 1

So it has been awhile since I have updated everyone on Cheri and her new life. Cheri has become a slut wife which is has been great for me. She continues to be Barbs very personal assistant at work. I recommend that you read my previous post about how Cheri got her raise. On to the next chapter.As you know Cheri came from a conservative back round. To say things have changed is an understatement! Cheri has become a full blown whore!Cheri has been earning her raise by being available to Barb...

1 year ago
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Two can play the gamethe dance

As I sat before my computer keys stroking, I recall my few encounters with a hot young white doctor. it was a friday night and being single it gives me the many chances to explore the club scene. being 24 years old, tall, black with a well toned body, derived from spending 6-7 days at the gym, I decided to head down town the beautiful city of montreal. After getting all dressed up, making sure my dreadlocks were perfectly styled, I hit the train, thinking of what the night was going to offer....

2 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter Two

2 ((((Another chapter re-written...))))              The next morning in the kitchen Jason was all over me as soon as we heard the water running for his dad's shower. He was developing a real knack for deep kisses that was beyond his years. His hands were definitely attached to a teenager though as I found my tits and ass pawed and squeezed. When he broke our kiss long enough to ask if he could stay home again today I was finally able to get control of his hands and holding them away had to...

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A SPECIAL FIELD HOCKEY GAME (A LESBIAN TALE)The tension was high as the two top Lesbian field hockey teams met in a closed arena which used to be a basketball court. This meant that there were boards to keep the ball into the arena but also that spectators had a closer view of the action on the floor.The rules were the same as field hockey, but the women played with a tennis ball. The players had ice hockey gloves, a sweatshirt with the team logo, and sneakers. They were naked from the waist...

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DeAnns Birthday Trip Part Two

DeAnn's Birthday Trip Part TwoSo I was all packed and waiting for the Limo to arrive. Finally it did. A white stretch Limo carrying my closest girlfriends inside.Mark carried my luggage out to the Limo and the driver opened the trunk and put my stuff inside. Turns out the driver was also the stewardess on the private flight. A beautiful Asian lady named Joey who was there to do anything needed to insure I had a memorible trip. She was dressed in a dark blazer and a cute little red hat and...

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