An Assumed InheritanceChapter 6 free porn video

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He found himself breathing easily. There was no sensation of breathing water - somehow the skin he'd borrowed let him breathe normally. It had been an odd sensation, feeling the skin roll over himself, and shaping to his form.

He had no complaints on how it felt to be swimming - the feeling was incredibly stimulating, the sensation of water sliding on his borrowed skin was amazingly sensual. He spared Debra a moment's thought, wondering if he could craft a similar skin for her to experience this without anyone requiring her giving anything dear away.

He followed the animal before him - the male of the original couple. Esfalan felt it was odd that he did not know the other's names, after expending so much magic so close to them, but the situation was what it was. Down they swam, only a few tenths of a mile from the shore, down to the floor of the ocean in the dark. Esfalan saw the silvery light of the surface of the water tinted through deep mustard water far overhead, and felt his ears and body pressed upon on all sides. Esfalan suddenly wondered how he would fare if he lost his guide through the deeps.

Banishing the thought, he gave a moment's reflection to how long he'd been under the waves, when the animal in front led him through a fissure in the undersea rock, into the side of a mountain.

Spots of luminescence limned the tunnel walls, lending a ghostly, eerie feel to the tunnel they swam through. Esfalan gave a mental shrug; tunnels into sides of mountains seemed to portend significant events in his experience. This one went on for hundreds of feet, until suddenly he was in a large underwater cavern - and the surface of the water in this cavern was both close and brilliant silver. Esfalan and his guide broached the surface, and pointed noses and whiskers left a tiny pair of bow waves across the otherwise still surface.

The cavern was so large it was hard to make out detail. Esfalan had the impression of hundreds of dwellings along the walls of the cavern, built into the rock, with terraces and ramps between levels. His guide was leading him to a small promontory in the water, made of the same dark granite as the rest of the rock by the shore had been. Esfalan wasn't sure, since he had not noticed any smell while in the animal skin, but the air here was sweet and fresh to his nose.

His guide coasted up a small ramp made of slick marble, leading to the door of the medium-sized hall on the promontory rock. Gracefully, he stood, and split the animal skin over his shoulders. By the time Esfalan had, somewhat less gracefully, begun the process, the other had finished.

At last, Esfalan stood, dry and unclothed, with a small bundle of animal fur in his hand. His guide tied it somehow to his hair - it was light, and rested on Esfalan's shoulderblades.

At the silent question in Esfalan's eye, the other laughed gently. "Where all are unclothed, none are unclothed." Esfalan gave a silent nod, and together they strode to the door.

As they entered, letting themselves in and shutting the door behind them, Esfalan wondered why, if this were the demesne of the King of the Reach, why it was that things were so informal, even casual.

His guide led him down a hall, to a room where a man was working behind a desk, and three others were attending him. Esfalan blushed slightly, and corrected himself - two men and a woman, slender of bust, but the curve of breast and hip was unmistakable.

It was a moment before the man behind the desk looked up, and saw Esfalan's guide. "One moment," he said, distractedly, and turned back to his work. A moment later, his eyes wide, he took in Esfalan, standing calmly by the door to the small room.

"By the Foam and the Sickle, an Elf is standing in my study." The comment caused the other three in the room to react sharply. Heads snapped up to stare at Esfalan.

"Why is an Elf in your study so unusual?" Esfalan managed to keep a level tone under the weight of the stares he was receiving. He saw that his guide was relaxed, and took his cue from the other.

"I have not seen any from above the waves in more years than you've been alive," the other began, then frowned. "You have a presence of great age, yet you do not look ancient. How is this possible?"

Esfalan gave his best enigmatic smile. "In the face of what is, perhaps it is better to accept what one's senses are telling one and act as if it were so." He recalled Avatharel saying much the same to a young fileman in the shock of his first battle, when he disbelieved the enemy could come at them again after the horrific losses the Elves had inflicted. His smile deepened to one of genuine affection for that long-ago boy-soldier, and then turned wry as he recalled the all the years that soldier had to have been dust for.

"Are all elves so wont to fountain forth their emotion?" This was from the female in the room.

"Nay, lady," Esfalan responded. "I'm not yet well-schooled in hiding my emotions from empaths. I know of none above the waves, you see, none as long as your father has been alive, elven kind has kept no record of one in some two thousand years." It had been a guess, but an accurate one. There was a resemblance between father and daughter, one not hidden by curves under the skin.

"You have scored a touch," the father said. Turning to Esfalan's guide, he demanded, "Well, Selkie, how did he negotiate an escort?"

The guide - a selkie, Esfalan now knew - straightened from where he had been leaning against a wall. "By magery and by honor, Sire. He demonstrated the most amazing control and ability with magic I have ever heard of, and fashioned a box that makes music - beautiful music - in under an hour from what appeared to be nothing at all. As near as I can tell, my people will be enchanted by it for a thousand years, it is built so well. For his honor, he had brought a human female for us to enjoy, but when he found there was a way that would not require him to enslave her to us, he followed the other way."

Esfalan frowned. "She is not a possession, and I did not bring her as such. She is a traveling companion, learning some skills from me and also from a friend of mine, trading her assistance for the knowledge. I daresay she is fast becoming a true companion."

At the knowing smile of the King's daughter, Esfalan flushed. Mercifully, the girl did not speak.

"And why have you come, then, Elf?" The King was, Esfalan saw, pragmatic.

"The sea-metal, the black hard metal that lies on the ocean floor. My people are facing a tide of human refugees fleeing from a collapsing Empire, and I suspect there is more driving this collapse. The peoples of Feldare, the ones who should protect and preserve, have forgotten much. Some of what they have forgotten is in metallurgy, and I have reason to believe this must be fixed first before all, lest the remainder be swept under. Those who protect that which may be saved shall need armor and blade." Esfalan paused, then frowning, he continued. "My race has forgotten much, Highness, and I must teach this at the least."

The king frowned in his turn. "Know that the law I laid down, and the other Kings of other Reaches have also, was to prevent humans from gaining any knowledge of the metals that may be alloyed from the metals you seek. Are you proposing wholesale mining of the ocean floor? For if so, I shall deny your request, and hold you hostage against the knowledge spreading. Better steels are the first step toward militarism that the world above cannot tolerate."

Deep breaths, Esfalan thought, calmly. As was usual, when he directed intense thoughts inward, his fey stirred. Suggest that only an elite few smiths, easily controlled, and an elite cadre of commanders sworn to a purpose can get arms made from this metal.

Esfalan was startled. Did Avatharel color you as well?

There was amusement coming back. I share your memories and his. What better way to make mischief than to make war? So, to let us get to it the faster, so give this one what he wants for what we want.

Esfalan focused on the King again, aware of the odd look the King's daughter was giving him. Without surprise, he concluded that she'd found an unexpected emotional exchange from within him. "Majesty, if I restricted the knowledge of metallurgy and alloy steels to a select few, an elite cadre of smiths and officers, who go about and stiffen local resistance to a descent into barbarism, would that serve your aims as well as mine?"

The King of the Reach studied Esfalan for a long while. Finally, he spoke. "You, then, would be the Marshall-General of the new Age? For I do not believe you would want to be Emperor."

Esfalan bowed his head. "Captain-Commander would suffice for me. I have no desire for higher rank, as I could not command so many men directly. I have a gift, however, that must be shared, and it falls to me to train those who would command whole Armies."

"Elf, I do not know how you are called. Yet, I think you do yourself an injustice. You are the most accomplished mage in ten generations, or so says my door-guard, the Selkie there. You make me believe you truly are destined to save this world or another. Show me the alloy you would make from my metal."

Esfalan sighed. "I would have to draw another few elements from my meager store for it, and I doubt that the Selkie would like me to put the iron under my skin for our return trip."

The King regarded him. "I would risk much to see you do this thing, and yet I will not press."

"Would you settle for an alloy that will not rust? One that knives may be made from? Though, I should say that metallurgy is only an avocation. My vocation..." Esfalan paused, "My vocation is war and tactics."

The elf concentrated for a moment, then shrugged. "Have you any iron close by? I cannot sense any and I would not remove the magery that protects this place simply to bring iron and nickel in."

"Magery?" The third member of the King's party spoke for the first time.

The elf regarded the other for a moment. "I do not think there is any shame in not having noticed. It is a vast and old magic, one that you perhaps have perceived as being in the background for your entire life. Yes, there is magery protecting this cavern, protecting it from the movements of Feldare's crust, and possibly from direct attack. I would not wish to disturb it."

The one Esfalan had guessed was the court mage nodded, thoughtful. Esfalan was relieved the other didn't see him as a threat to his position or right to hold it.

"I have no ready store of iron. It rusts." The king spoke simply.

"Hmmm," Esfalan mused. "I'd purchased a journey here by crafting a music box. Perhaps musical instruments?" At the shake of the daughter's head, he gave a short smile, and then tried, "Glass? A device to look over far distances? Navigational aids? Mapmaking equipment?" All were met with a frown and a slight smile from the daughter.

"Calculating machines? Looms?" Esfalan was running out of ideas that didn't involve iron or steel. He shrugged, and waited.

"Knowledge, sir Elf," she said clearly. "Knowledge to do all these things for our own."

Esfalan nodded, slowly. "I would not take all your father's advisors from him. Lore is found in libraries on the mainland, working knowledge is found in the smithies and workshops. Knowledge of mana - magery - is something I can impart for a while for one who travels with me. And yet, as I have said, there is strife and discord, a pestilence far away on the surface, and an agent of the Old Enemy loose upon Feldare. I move down a dangerous road."

The elf paused, looking intently at the King's daughter. "I can take you to where you may find the knowledge, and educate you enough in the world of the surface that you may later continue to make your journeys to where lore is kept, with others of your own kind.'

She nodded, speculatively. Esfalan turned to the King of the Reach, and waited.

The response from her father was not long in coming. "And how may I trust you, Elf? I have but one daughter, and would take it ill if she did not return to her heritance."

"By killing any who try for the sea-metal, of course," Esfalan answered. "Trade for it only on the surface, and trade it for knowledge. As for her personal safety, I will swear to make every attempt to keep her whole and unhurt, save for any activity she chooses to enter."

The King gave Esfalan an intense stare. "Will you swear on an heirloom? Such a thing should be done in formality, in front of my Court."

Esfalan shrugged again, a wry inward smile at how often he used the gesture of late. "Aye," he stated.

And so it was that Esfalan found himself, a scant hour later, with the Selkie by his side before the King's court, an assemblage of noble lords and ladies wearing little in the way of adornment or decoration. And yet, the air was solemn and ponderous, as an event of great interest and rarity was unfolding before the throne.

The word of the event, and the circumstance of the Elf's appearance into their isolated world had spread through the undersea city like wildfire, and the populace had lined the shore of the underground grotto. The Court was held out of doors, on the island where the King's domicile and offices were, but in plain view of the entire population hundreds of yards away on the shore of the sea-lake.

A brief proclamation was read, the court-mage acting to amplify the words of the Herald and carry them to every person on the shore. The agreement was made - all the metal Esfalan could carry for the escort of the King's Daughter to the outside world, in search of knowledge.

The King spoke quietly to Esfalan, the words were unamplified, and died in the heavy moist air before they traveled far. "Elf, this is the trident of my office. It has powers we no longer understand, but oaths taken on it are somehow binding. There is a tale told of a malfeasance taken once, where vengeance on the oath-breaker was delayed for years, until he set foot in salt water, and was somehow killed by some unseen power that burned him from within. Him alone, and he had been in a press of hundreds crossing a salt estuary. Discount it if you will, and yet I believe this has a power to enforce oaths."

Esfalan nodded, and took the proffered trident. In a loud, ringing voice, he declared, "I am Esfalan, and part of Avatharel, Captain-Commander of the Mindirrhim, I will escort this Daughter of the Reach to the surface, and keep her from harm she does not voluntarily enter fully apprised of the dangers as best as I may. I will put my life before hers." With a nod to the mage, Esfalan asked quietly of the King, "Will that suffice?"

The king and the mage were staring at the trident. Esfalan wondered what their concern was - the trident felt inert in his hand. With a start, he realized it was because the trident was inert in his hand.

Turning to the object he held, he tried to scan it, and felt... nothing active. Sighing, he drew forth mana from the surf crashing on the slope of the mountain far overhead, and fed a trickle into the trident. Esfalan felt the trident awaken, and felt the coursing of mana through ancient tiny paths in the crystalline object. And then he understood - it was, in a sense, a theravara, but meant to store mana or filter a flow of it into some pre-designed casting. Quickly, he determined there were battle-useful spells in it, to blast, to shield, to melt. And one that had some very strange effect that seemed to twist space and time at it's focus - adding the mana to that pathway, Esfalan felt something profound filling the air around him. Nodding, he understood.

He repeated the oath, this time quietly, and let the mana snap through the circuit within the trident. And he felt the oath settle around his shoulders, somehow a connection to that which was Feldare itself, and Esfalan wondered.

He committed the knowledge of the spell and the manner it was imbedded as mana-flow paths in the trident, incredibly intricate as it was, to memory.

Filling the trident to capacity with mana was the work of a moment's thought, and he handed it to the court mage. As it left Esfalan's hand, a strange light that had surrounded it faded, but the sense of its presence echoed in Esfalan's mind.

Esfalan saw the echo of the awareness in the court-mage's eyes. "You should find a mage to work with on the land," Esfalan told him.

Startled, the man nodded dumbly.

"You cast the spell on yourself?" the King asked, incredulously. "There was no need for you to have done that..."

The elf regarded him levelly. "There was need," he said.

"Goodbye, Father," the King's daughter said. "I shall return anon."

Esfalan approved of the short time, only a night, between decision and action, and approved of the quick farewells. Avatharel had endured many, and this was truly the best way.

The night before, the King had hosted Esfalan and the Selkie - whose name Esfalan still did not know - and discussed many things about the state of Feldare. The King of the Reach seemed satisfied with Esfalan's answers to questions about his personal life and ambitions.

As Esfalan unrolled the sea-animal skin over himself, the Selkie did as well; the half-pound lump of metal under his arm did not seem to cause a problem. The two of them slipped under the water in the cavern, and turned to wait for the King's daughter.

She simply walked into the water, carrying little save for an odd oilskin pack worn between her shoulders and her neck. She dove under the water, and Esfalan followed the Selkie as he dove after her.

As they swam, Esfalan noted the strong tail and flukes in place of the woman's legs, and considered his observation that the skin covering them was as pink as the rest of her. Esfalan felt that he now better understood much about the undersea kingdom they were leaving.

As they emerged from the water, Esfalan tried to seek out Debra, but was immediately stopped by the female Selkie who had lent him her skin. Esfalan very politely thanked her as he handed it back.

She smiled and told him he made a very beautiful female seal. Esfalan considered this for a moment, filing the name of the animal away. He cocked his head, as if listening to an inner voice, and nodded decisively.

"Madam. While I wore your skin, I was a female seal. You may expect offspring next summer," and he strode past the shocked Selkie to where Debra was seated.

Behind him, he heard the male Selkie gasping for air - first from laughter, and then from the blow the female had struck to his midsection.

Debra met his gaze with a certain cool welcome. She pointedly gave a flick of her eyes to his right, and he turned to see the still-nude Daughter of the Reach had followed him to stand before Debra.

He sighed. "Debra, this is..." Esfalan stopped, turned to his right, and queried the girl. "Do you know I still do not know your name, your father's name, nor the name of my guide?"

The other nodded. "I am Autonorë."

Esfalan waited for a moment, and when nothing more was forthcoming from Autonorë, turned back to Debra. "Autonorë and you have very much in common - for one, you are both princesses in search of mage-lore, and for another, you both made my acquaintance in need of clothing."

Almost involuntarily, Debra gave a twitch with the corner of her mouth, then she shook her head. "Well, elven-mage, just... manufacture some cloth." She accompanied 'manufacture' with a small twist of her fingers.

Giving her a slight smile, Esfalan explained, "Debra, there are hundreds of thousands of tiny fibers that make up a thread, and tens of thousands of threads in a yard of cloth. If I undertook this, we would be here come winter; this is why looms and spindles are used."

Autonorë had been listening, standing unconcerned with her lack of clothing. "Can you not make magical constructs that would then make the cloth?"

Esfalan was rocked, considering her words. After a few moments' thought, he mused, "This is something to try at our campfire tonight, with some beginning lessons in magery. Debra, I know your clothing store is minimal, and yet Autonorë is of similar build to you. If you will, please lend her clothing. She shall ride Nelaur and I shall trot."

The three made their goodbyes to the Selkie clan, and gave and received assurances that a return visit would be welcome. As they began to move away, Esfalan apologized to Autonorë for the need for her to ride, explaining that the lack of shoes would probably hurt Autonorë more than the saddle soreness would. She had looked at him with startlement, and asked, "Did you not know that horses are the gift of the God of the Sea to mankind? We have similar beasts under the waves. I can ride this horse."

For the hours they traveled that day, Esfalan pondered what her words meant, given the context of the origin of Feldare that Avatharel had learned from Hrosz.

The three had returned to Ehladriel, the introductions were made to Verothlen and Cormorlan, and Autonorë was given a room in the Citadel very near to Debra's. Together, the two women went off to find Autonorë clothing and gear.

Esfalan made his way back to the smithy where Eritsral was waiting. Together they discussed the differences in the coal steel and the steel that Esfalan was making.

"It's about making it supple and spreading the blow of impact while keeping it's shape." Esfalan was speaking of the steel for his armor. "The sword steel needs to be able to hold more of an edge, while flexing less since it shall be thicker, but this must be light enough to wear. What happens is the trace amounts of other elements dissolve into the molten metal, then when it cools, helps form metal crystals with different properties - the extra metals are made of little pieces, and the little pieces fit into the lattice the iron and coal particles make in the steel. They can be packed more closely than the big iron pieces can, and so act like small pivot points in the metallic crystals, letting the crystal deform further before shearing, and letting the crystal be bent further before it would not spring back."

The smith nodded. "A steel like that would make good springs, too, for carriages and lorries, and reduce the weight of the carriage so the same number of horses could haul more goods." Esfalan nodded, pleased to see the smith found practical advantage for non-military use so quickly.

"Very good, but the steel for spring-making needs to be soft and workable at lower temperature. Armor steel needs to be flexible and hard. The hard part of achieving this will be smelting the ore and making the steel. It must be done unexposed to air. I think, for the sake of speed today, I will do the smelting, but in the future, you shall either have to do it in a blanket of dead air or in the absence of air, and that shall require you to build a different type of forge."

The smith nodded, thoughtfully. "There is something in air that reduces the iron and can contaminate the steel with dross."

Esfalan smiled at him. "It's the part of air that we need to breathe. Remove that part, and the steel will be well-made."

The smith laughed. "I think it's time you showed me how you can make this steel." Esfalan picked out an air of expectation, tinged with minor doubt, carried by the other elf's words. Did you expect less?

He readied himself, and then Esfalan opened a long, large flow of mana to the surf at the ocean shore, and pulled a large amount. While he was waiting for the flow to arrive, he found the iron that the dwarves had delivered, in four large bins, and with some of the stream of mana, lifted four ingots of about twelve pounds each out of one bin.

"Do you have ingot molds?" he inquired of the dumbstruck smith. The man shook his head 'no', but went inside to fetch something. He came out a moment later with four large crucibles balanced in a stack.

"Would it not be easier to draw wire from rods?"

The smith looked a little wild-eyed, but answered gamely enough. "It would, but if you can do what you seem to be about to do, I will saw and hammer the rods from the crucible form, and then draw the wire."

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In less than a minute, his dick got firm and hard. Now she could only go down on him a little over half way. He had to be at least 8 or nine inches long. It was his thickness and girth that surprised me and my wife. He was as wide as a beer can. My wife’s fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around his dick. Suddenly Joey reached under my wife’s chest and started groping and squeezing her tits. Heidi loves having her tits rubbed down, so I wasn’t surprised by her reaction. She was in...

4 years ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 13 Monday 7th July 1969Part Three

Roger and Doris were standing outside the theatre as the people began to file out. Eventually they spotted the four people they were waiting to meet. Danielle Pierce was the first to speak as she spotted them standing there holding hands. With a grin she said, "Does this mean what I think it mean? Is this who I think it is?" "Yes and yes. Dani, Frannie, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend Roger Thompson." She turned to Roger. "Roger, I'd like you to meet my cabin mates Francis,...

1 year ago
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A Weekend Away Part 2 Room Service

As she slowly opens her eyes, she wonders how long she has been asleep as she notices the sun has set and the room is dark with just a single light on. She can’t believe she fell asleep, she is never able to actually sleep with a man their first time together and very rarely in a hotel room. Maybe it was the long cross country flight, or the amazing sex, or maybe just maybe she finally met someone who was right for her. She sits up and she notices him gazing at her. He tells her she is...

Oral Sex
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Trying to Control the Urge to Suck Cock

My name is Ed, and my wife Joan and I have lived in the Atlanta area for many years, ever since moving here after graduation from college. We are now 45 years old and live in a nice suburb, and both of our kids are in college. Joan and I met when we were both freshmen in college, and we have had a great sex life, at least up until the last six months. Joan was almost insatiable, and usually wanted sex every day. I of course had no complaints, and was all too happy getting all of the pussy that...

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Chinese Balls

Me and my husband Tony were going to a party at a friend's house, to celebrate his wife's birthday, and I decided to be naughty again. I put on a short black dress with a swishy skirt to it, and decided to forgo putting on panties. Instead I decided to put in my recently purchased Chinese balls. For those who don’t know what Chinese balls are- they are two balls, about an inch in diameter, that are connected with a string. They are made of smooth plastic and coated in a layer of silicone. They...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 258

I'd sigh for you, I'd cry for you, I'd tear the stars down from the sky for you, If that isn't love, it'll have to do, Until the real thing comes along... Laura hummed to herself, gathering some papers together from her desk, putting them in an orange manila file folder and labeling the folder carefully. She was a little troubled about love, having in sequence slept with Dawn and Deshona, both of whom she 'loved' to the ends of the earth. She melted with love at the thought of...

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Delivering whats needed

You wake up to find yourself alone in the house. Your husband has already left for work despite the early hour. He’ll be home much later, because his boss demands unreasonable hours. You’ll never complain; one look around the luxurious house shows just how much he’s done to provide for you. You step into your kitchen, the one you wanted with the new appliances and marble countertops just like you’d requested when you were building the new house together. Despite your comfort, you find...

3 years ago
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Impregnating Sarah Part 8

Introduction: Sarah demonstrates her willingness. After a few seconds, Sarahs breathing had begun to return to normal and she managed to struggle into a semi-upright position. Oh my God, she exclaimed, what did you do to me? Is that what its going to be like all weekend? Charlie stared hard at her highly desirable and essentially nude body slumped in the chair. His erection ached for relief and he knew the other guys were getting anxious to have their turn at this young white woman, too....

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Checkout Chatup

"Well, you seem to have catered for the heat wave!"The petite supermarket checkout girl nimbly slid my eight items across her scanner. A litre bottle of vodka, two giant tonics, three lemons, a packet of crisps and a bottle of Prosecco. "You forgot the sun oil.""I'm going for an all-over tan this summer.""Nice." She gave a playful grin as I handed her my credit card. "Wifey away, by any chance?""However did you come to that conclusion?"She glanced down at my finger ring. "When married men buy...

3 years ago
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My WayChapter 8

Victoria knew the crush story was lame, but telling a guy’s mom that you love him, before you tell him was just wrong. “Why don’t you talk to Jamie about all this in the morning, and I’m sure he will tell you the same thing I just did. Are you ok, now?” “Yes, thank you, for everything.” Elizabeth turned out the light as she left the room. Victoria lay in the dark for a long time before she decided to go see Jamie. It was late, and he was probably asleep, but she needed to talk to him now...

4 years ago
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Journey Of Indian Wife To Whore Part 8211 1

The heroine of the story Priya is a 26yr old Indian wife married to Arjun. They were married for a year now. They had a very wonderful one year. Priya was a bomb. She’s a show stealer right from her college days. The guys always use to imagine what it feels like to see her nude and touch those 34D firm breasts of her. She’s a modern and outgoing girl, so the jeans and t-shirts she used to wear only enhanced her 34-28-36 body size. Her height of 5ft 6in only added to her beauty. She had a few...

3 years ago
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Avril O’Connor was like a sister to me.  I was an only child and, when I met her at boarding school for the first time, I absolutely loathed her.  We were both sixteen, she, tall and skinny, I, short and dumpy.  She had long, slightly wavy and very glossy blonde hair, mine was reddish, and unmanageable.  She was also clever, routinely coming first in any tests we were subjected to. You probably think that the cause of my loathing was simple jealousy, but the truth was that I had worked out,...

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Smoking Habit

Smoking Habit By Suzanne It all began on a lonely stretch of roadway South of Fort Nelson. I was headed South to Chicago from Alaska. I had been traveling the Alcan for about 36 hours now, and I was damn tired. I had made it through Yukon and now I think I was in Alberta. Some damned province in Canada was about all I knew. I sped along at about 100, and that was Miles, not Kilometers like the signs had posted. I figured if I got pulled over I would play the ignorant American...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi K Sath Poori Raat

Hello dosto mera name sam hai. Meri age 20 hai . Hieght 5.5 hai . Mera lun sirf 4 inch ka hai. Mai punjab ka rehne wala hu. Ye baat 1 saal purani hai. Hamare pados mai family rehti thi. Jisme bhayia ki umar 38 saal thi aur bhabhi 40 saal ki thi. Wo bhayia se 2 saal badi thi. Unke 2 ladke v hai. Apko bhabhi k bare mai bta du. Bhabhi ka name kamal hai. Bhabhi ki hieght 5.6 feet hai. Par thodi si moti hai. Lekin bahut sunder hai. Sabse ache unke mumme hai. Bahut badde bade hai unke mumme. Unka...

2 years ago
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Married guys start fucking

He said he likes to get fucked. Like, to have a dick fucking him in the ass.“You gotta be fuckin k**ding me, man,” I said. The beer bottle was cold in my hand - we’d just cracked our fourth, which is I guess about the time that people start admitting they like to get fucked in the ass.But this was my buddy, and we’re both married. To women. And while I haven’t known him too long I just never would’ve suspected. But I guess nobody would ever suspect that I’ve had my dick in more than a couple...

4 years ago
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My First Time With A Hooker

My name is Mark Woods and the story I'm about to tell you is true. It happened about five years ago now... I was twenty years old and fresh out of a two-year technical college with a brand new Associates Degree in Computer Sciences.I was in Philadelphia on a job interview–my professor told me of a new company opening up and put in a good word for me, so I was following up on it. I wanted to get into the whole computer security field as my professor told me that was where the good money was and...

3 years ago
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Moms Panties

I can still remember the day when I first got my hands on Mom's panties. I was 11 and on school holidays while Mom was at work. Like every typical boy that age I was just getting curious about girls and didn't really understand what was happening to my body. Although I had erections I had never masturbated or cum but that was all about to change. I was wondering around the house, bored and looking for something to do. Wondering into my parents room I noticed that in her hurry to get to work Mom...

4 years ago
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My new babysitter

When I was a little boy, mom had just been mom, but recently I had begun to notice that she was also a gorgeous female and I checked out her amazing body whenever I figured I could do so unnoticed. Since my parents really weren’t really very prude, I had even managed to get a couple of glimpses of my mom in partial or full state of undress, in the bathroom for instance. Being a horny young teenage boy, I of course jacked off all the time and the images that were burned in my mind of my nude mom...

2 years ago
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Eileen and David a Generational Romance

May 2017 I dislike driving. I much prefer my motorcycle, but even that is getting frustrating. Anyway. When I travel, I try to do so at times, and on routes, which are less boring and less frustrating. When that can’t be avoided, I try to break the journey with visits to museums, country parks, or whatever. On the M11, it’s the Imperial War Museum, Duxford, a former sector airfield in the Battle of Britain, subsequently used by the Americans. I pulled in shortly after opening time (ten am)...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Whitney Wright Paige Owens Victoria Voxxx A Test Of Loyalty

Nadia (Paige Owens) chats with her fiancee, Tara (Victoria Voxxx), who is browsing on her phone like always. Because Tara is so sociable, it’s often cause for arguments, and today is no exception. Nadia is suspicious that Tara is cheating but Tara assures her for the millionth time that she can trust her. They’re going to be MARRIED soon and Tara claims she’d NEVER hurt Nadia like that. Even so, Nadia’s insecurities nag at her as her imagination runs wild… A few...

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Gift From A God Ch 05

Carlos’ voice crawled out of the phone, heavy with sleep. ‘Carlos, its Steve. Sorry I’m calling so early, but I needed to ask you something.’ ‘No problem man. What’s up?’ ‘Are you and Brandon doing anything today?’ ‘Not that I’m aware of,’ he said. ‘Why?’ ‘Can you meet me at Gameworks this afternoon, about four?’ ‘Ummmm….yeah I think so. I’ll check with Brandon when he wakes up. I’m broke right now though, so I can’t be spending any money.’ ‘Oh, hey man, don’t worry about it. It’s all on...

2 years ago
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My Lifes True Incidents 8211 Chapter I Arrange Money For Business

Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names is fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...

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Too Much LoveChapter 14

Jazz found herself staring at Nick Coyle’s ass. As asses went, it wasn’t bad. Nick wasn’t a model or a weightlifter or someone who would have any reason to develop finely-chiseled glutes, but he was a healthy young man who kept himself in good shape. His pants fit, too - and that was really half the battle. Besides, she wasn’t staring at his ass for its aesthetic value or more prurient reasons. She was staring because it was sticking out from under a leather recliner, currently in the fully...

3 years ago
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Naughty Story Part 1

Hello, sex story readers, hope you all are having enough feel-good adventures with your love tool and love hole. With a KINKY NEW EPISODE, I am here to further harden your dick and help you get wet underneath. I am CaptainYours from Kerala, 25 years old and I don’t know whether all the stories here starting with the prelude of “This happened to me.” is true, but I am assured of that 99% of the stories are created by frustrated minds, pouring in their naughty side. Well, I don’t aim to assert...

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22 And Still Virgin

Hi, guys, this is raxxx(name changed) since the people I know are regular visitors of this site. I have been reading stories from ISS since 5 years. But this is the first time I am sharing my experience so if there are any mistakes please excuse. Before I begin with my sex story let me tell you about myself, I hail from North Karnataka with a dick size 5inch. I am currently doing my Masters in Bangalore. Without wasting your time I will come to the sex story.This is a real sex story which is...

2 years ago
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25 August 2007Chapter 3

“Now that was completely unexpected,” Dan commented as they enjoyed their evening walk. “I am being rather naughty for the way we’re celebrating our honeymoon. I can’t help being sexy for you, my love.” “I can’t imagine what’ll happen to us next,” he anticipated. “Then you should walk me to Club Rouge so we can enjoy some more sexy fun.” Dan’s eyes took in the beauty of his love, and so did almost every eye, along the way. At the entrance to Club Rouge, Dan mentioned he had reserved the...

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Mistress Roulette Part 1

I started to lose track of time. I wasn't sure anymore how long I'd been tied to the bed. An hour? Maybe it had been only twenty minutes. I adjusted myself, trying to get a bit more comfortable, but quickly felt the pull of the leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles. It was warm in the room, luckily for me because I was completely naked; except for my belt. Being blindfolded didn't help me keep track of things either. Time never seems more vague than when you're alone in darkness. I shifted...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 2 A ColdHearted Bastard

June 19, 1992, Iron Mountain, Michigan “I’ll go to the grocery store,” I said after we unpacked. “I’ll come along,” Kara offered. “If it’s OK with Jessica and Elyse.” “Go!” Jessica said. “I just had some time with him on the drive up.” “Sure,” Elyse said. “We’ll get the kids outside to play. They’ve been cooped up in the cars all morning.” I kissed and hugged both Jessica and Elyse, and Kara and I got into my BMW for the drive to the small grocery store. “How are you?” Kara asked as we...

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Niece on a BoatChapter 7 Photo

“So she really wanted to?” Sean asked. He could hardly believe how fast their niece had been with his brother. “All set,” Freddie nodded. He was at the helm, about to take over as they sailed through the night towards Brest. The others were all below, asleep. “Another few seconds and she’d have impaled herself. I hadn’t done anything, apart from fondling her pussy.” “Oh is that all?” Sean smiled. “She was the one who stripped, asked me to strip, found the place to do it, everything. Then...

4 years ago
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Buried Pleasures

“I’m not gay. I’m not even ashamed to admit I don’t want to be gay, but….” Ally McBeal said as she sat in her office at Cage, Fish and Associates. “… you’re curious.” the young beautiful Asian woman sitting across from Ally said as she finished her sentence. Her name was Ling Woo, and like Ally, she was a lawyer at the Boston firm. Originally she had been a client of another of the firms lawyers, Nelle Porter, and had eventually...

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The Girl Stories Mission 6

The night was calm, and Lilly got a good rest. In the morning, she was woken by one of the man, who decided to relive his morning wood in her pussy. "Ready for use" thought Lilly as the man unceremoniously shoved his dick inside her dry hole. By the time the camp was waking up, another man was raping her. She heard a commotion near one truck, as one of the men woke the three who passed out drunk beside the mattress, where Maryanne laid. --- "Idiots!" --- the man said in Spanish --- "Get...

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BackroomCastingCouch Asia Shy Asian Opens Up All 3 Holes

Welcome back folks! This week we’ve got yet another hot young slut ready to please. Meet Asia, 21 years old and a leasing consultant. She’s young, she’s petite, she’s really really slutty. With those creditials, you know thinks are gonna go just fine today. We get her on the couch and she seems just slightly reserved, and that’s okay, we’re gonna get her out of that shell. Rick gets to know her a little better on the couch before we have her standing in her little red panties. I don’t think she...

4 years ago
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Love Spell

This is a story for the Valentine’s Day contest. I would really appreciate if you would vote at the end of the story. Thank you and enjoy! ————————————————- ‘I am not going to do that!’ Jenny Marshall declared, drawing a number of curious stares from people sitting at nearby tables. ‘Well you said you were desperate,’ her friend Hannah Randall said from across the table. ‘Besides it worked for me.’ ‘I am not going to your herbalist to ask for a love potion,’ Jenny said in a lowered voice....

1 year ago
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My Sons Whore Part 2

Introduction: Continuing story of my experiences with my aggressive son. After that first day when my son Steve decided to make me suck his cock and then fucked me up the ass later that night, I thought that the days following would be awkward at home. This had to be some sort of fluke and hed probably feel weird around me knowing what he instigated and followed-through with. Well, was I wrong! He got even worse! Apparently, he began to assume the role of the man of the house and I was still...

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GirlsWay Riley Reid Lana Rhoades Art Of Foreplay Erotic Zones

Adorable Riley Reid is wrapping up her getaway at the cabin. She books a massage with sultry Lana Rhoades to pass the time before her flight. And since Riley loves the cabin’s bed, she tells Lana not to bring her massage table. Once Lana arrives in a sexy midriff top and turquoise stretch pants, Riley takes off her lingerie and lies naked on her tummy on top of a luxurious blanket. She bashfully compliments Lana’s dark haired, cream skinned beauty, and then Lana proposes to give her...

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Betrayal Thy Name is Brother

“Erm, I don’t know if I can Dr. Sanderson...” “Come now, how do you expect me to help you if you don’t tell me anything?” “Well it’s just... it might get to me...” “I’m sure it’s not that bad!” “Trust me, it is!” “Very well; just start off with your name...” “Alright, erm... here goes...” Jamie Landers, 15, born in Madeira, Portugal. Twin brother called Scott. 5 foot 8. My parents died shortly after we were born, too soon for us to be named. Fostered and eventually named by an English...

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Having Sex With The Town Whore

I’m the town whore and enjoy sex. Last week, I had the police over here and this week I wanted to have fun with the firemen. I really enjoy men in uniforms.My idea was to call the fire department and tell them I was handcuffed to my bed. I would say my boyfriend and I had a fight and he didn't use the key to release me before he left. I unfortunately couldn't reach the key and needed help.I was hot and excited thinking about this little scenario. I got myself all dressed up in my lingerie. I...

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LoveHerFeet London River Kinky Milf Feet

London browses the dating sites in her sexy, tight red dress with platinum blonde hair, looking like a modern-day Marilyn Monroe. She steps over to the window overlooking her pool, with her large, perky tits, bouncing beautifully in the gorgeous bathroom as she admires herself gracefully in the mirror. This young stud struts into her house in the Hills, greeting her with absolute admiration as she guides him over to the kitchen, serving him some delicious coffee in her total babe MILF getup....

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Fun Sex

I had sex with two boys during my first semester of college. I’m not even sure it could be called sex. Even growing up in small town Texas in a very conservative family, I had an idea of how sex should be, and that’s what I expected. Boy was I wrong. The two boys I’d let fuck me were both so anxious to fuck, there was almost no foreplay and no variety. Both times, it was pretty much, ‘wham bam, go get me a beer.’ Neither of them went down on me, and even though I was perfectly willing to give...

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Sorority House Scavenger Hunt

As always: this is a work of fiction, any names used are NOT REAL, and if it is similar to any other stories found on the net, well, thank god there are more people like me. Sorority House Scavenger Hunt By Catherine Steward PART 1 One night while on a scavenger hunt for my fraternity, the other pledges and I had to find several items that would require breaking into a girl's dorm or apartment. I suggested to my brothers that we could easily acquire most of the items at a...

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Blacked Evelyn Claire Our Little Secret

For as long as Evelyn has been with her boyfriend she has always had the same fantasy, and today it was finally going to become a reality. After finishing he coffee she makes her way down the hallway to the room of her boyfriend’s housemate. Little does he know that she has a rude awakening planned for him. When he wakes, he is shocked at first, and questions her whether she is sure this is what she wants. But it doesn’t take much to persuade him to keep their little secret just between them....

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Beckys Marine chapter 9

We arrived back at the house around 2:30 AM, some more drunk than others. Carl was the first to get to the door, practically falling on it as he fumbled for his keys. We all laughed at the events unfolding before us and I couldn't help but shake my head. Having known Carl for so long meant that I had a good idea of what was to come, being as drunk as he seemed. If she took him straight to bed, he would pass out before anything could happen or get sick and then pass out before finishing...

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