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It was 1988 and Laura and I had been married for almost two years. I was deputy head in Storton Middle School, while she led Home Economics in the Brandley High School, and doubtlessly, one of the reasons I married her was because of her cooking skills.

We met at a conference and my first sight of her, that exquisite figure and delicate nobility of her face framed in the shoulder-length tawny hair had me trapped immediately.

From the outset, she had let me know that she had little interest in the physical side of marriage. One bad experience too many, she told me. But her looks and her gentle demeanour had me prepared to accept any problems in that direction. Having proved to at least three disgruntled young ladies that I was no Lothario. Quick to rise, but always leading to swift expulsion.

So, our married life quickly fell into a matter of timing. Laura admitted, “to appease your male needs.” If it happened fortnightly, I was lucky. A cool, swift union. I tried to reassure her when, on occasion, she admitted something was missing. Other women friends would talk, and she’d heard how it might be.

But I was to discover how a series of seemingly unconnected circumstances can combine to create a life-changing situation.

The first significant event occurred on the Tuesday as I left school on my way to the car park. Where car park met public footpath, I spotted a small black box lying near the fence.

Picking it up I found it was a VHS tape inside the usual cardboard casing, but all black, which was strange. Clearly someone had dropped it and could come looking for it. I stuck it in my briefcase, handy if anyone enquired about it.

The week went on, and, tape forgotten, I looked forward to what had become my traditional Friday night drinks session. A three-pint evening of chat and laughter with Pete and Frank, old friends from college days, both now also in education. Laura often joked about the dubious fun of talking education when I’d lived it all week.

All washed, shaved and dressed, I had some minutes before my taxi was due, so with notebooks and my briefcase on the table, I set about an early preparation for Monday. I became so involved that I was surprised when the taxi arrived.

Hastily I began grabbing at the various tests to shove into my briefcase. Shaking her head, Laura put down the newspaper, and with a sweet smile, she said, “Leave it. I’ll clear your mess.”

I went and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, before dashing off for my taxi, unwittingly setting up another contributing event.

We always met at the ‘Jolly Stag’ pub and invariably we would exchange the woes of the week. Pete, tall, disgustingly handsome, with wavy fair hair, but unmarried always had a tale of how some female parent or other was lusting after his body. On this night it was a mid-thirties blond mother who had put her hand on his knee.

“I think I could be in there,” he crowed, when we were into our second pint.

Frank, of medium build, with premature thinning hair, shook his head with an applied sense of pity, “You, my friend, are going to wank yourself to death.”

Pete just laughed and shook his head. Late in the evening, Frank disclosed that his wife Pam was expecting their first child. After much bawdy laughter and cheering, Frank insisted on buying a celebratory whisky, and to that we each added a congratulatory shot. By the time I climbed into my taxi I knew I had had a touch above my alcohol threshold.

So, there was yet another contributory factor. Plus, sitting drearily in the back of the cab I was troubled by the way that evening’s conversation had seemed to centre around sex. Jokes, exploits, in which I did more listening.

Paying off the taxi driver, I saw that the living room curtains of our bungalow were as usual, dimly lit. Laura always had herself a glass of white wine before dimming the lights and going to bed. So, I was always quiet when opening the front door.

But as I stood in the porch, having turned the latch on the connection to the main hall I heard the sounds.

Something jumped inside me, and my breath caught up in my throat. That sound, the grunting of a male followed by the gasping, squeals of a female. On this night, spirit inflamed, there was only one explanation on my mind. Sex. Passionate sex at that. No room for error. Unthinking, our bedroom was the obvious destination for my troubled mind.

An empty unrumpled bed. No Laura. Into the second bedroom, and again, nothing. As my befuddled senses kicked in, I realised that whatever was happening, had to be in the living room.

Holding my breath, I slowly, silently pushed open the door. The grunts, gasps and squeals were here. And were there two women?

The bottle of white wine on the table, was one Laura and I had drunk one glass each from the previous evening. Now, I guessed there was scarcely a glassful left in the bottle, and no glass was visible. The sounds of mutual pleasuring intensified as I stepped into the room.

That brought me close to the high back of the sofa, wondering about Laura, yet immediately I caught the shocking scene on the TV screen. There, a naked man was parting the thighs of a young blond woman, to reveal her pink, tender parts, as he leaned to slide his tongue along the wide-open slit.

Laura? Where was she? How was I hearing two female groans? One more step, as my eyes remained on the sexual activity on the screen.

Then from beyond the sofa a pair of bare knees jutted up from the floor, and flexed, wide apart accompanied by a low moan, the source of which I had no doubt. I felt my cock twitch as the man’s tongue tickled at the sprouted female clit, before slithering through her petals to her wide entry.

I staggered to one end of the sofa, to slump into a chair as I looked down on Laura’s near-naked form, lying flat on her back, her head turned so that the action on screen was her sole intent. That was the moment my eyes noticed the empty black box on the coffee table.

The significance of that only slowly became clear as my whole attention moved to looking into Laura’s pink folds, where her own fingers played with some desperation, blocking my view of an aspect of her anatomy which had, rarely, if ever, been in my line of vision. But as of that moment, it became the most thrilling experience in my life.

Drunkenly, I unzipped my pants, eased up to lower them, and took my quickly hardened shaft in my fist, while Laura had two fingers lost inside her delicate entry. Seeing the fluid on her upper thighs was a puzzle to me. I had never seen that on her, but then, I had rarely had the opportunity.

A glance at the screen showed, close-up, the supine blonde having her breasts fondled by hands appearing from off-shot. An image that had my hand jerking on my hardness more keenly, while, at the same time, Laura, emitting another low moan, was running her free hand over her own breast, with her thin robe almost off her, and an empty wine glass near her head. Had I ever seen her in such an abandoned state? I hadn’t.

My hand frigged madly on my shaft as her lovely lips gaped, her breath quickened, and her eyes never left the screen, where hands had appeared on either side parting the blonde’s thighs even wider. A finger began twiddling around the flowering clit. Matching that, Laura’s fingers moved out of her hole and copied exactly what was happening on the screen.

“Ooh,” and, “Mmm,” sounds burst from her lips, and there was no doubt that her wildly thrashing hips and thighs were getting more of my attention. She began to make whimpering noises as her own finger flicked and fluttered at her clit. Her mouth gaped. My hand hauled on my rod.

My balls threatened, as I lost any interest in the on-screen events as Laura’s eyes closed, her mouth gaped on an almost anguished squeal, both hands grabbed into her crotch as her hips heaved up as though to accept some unavailable intrusion.

Watching that, I hadn’t realised how my own hand had tugged vigorously on my avid hard cock, and as Laura calmed, my own balls released, and spurts of uncontrolled cream shot across the carpet. Oh, God, that had been so satisfying, seeing her like that, and having that release.


Her cry brought me back to earth, I looked up and saw her sitting completely naked, on the floor, pointing, “My good carpet.”

I looked at the white streaks, looked back at her reddened face, and she started giggling. Was that the wine or what she had just experienced? Whatever, I couldn’t help myself joining in her giggling and we sat like two naughty kids.

“How long have you been there?” she asked, getting to her feet, and did she stagger just a little? She had never stood naked in front of me before. Was I drunk? Or was my cock really flickering at the sight of her luscious body?

“Long enough.”

“I can see that,” she chuckled, and hurried into the kitchen, to return with two cloths and a spray can. “Come on, clean up your mess you dirty boy.”

Was this really my Laura? As we bent to the cleaning task, I was fascinated by the wiggle of her breasts. As she scrubbed, she told me of having her usual glass of wine, and searching for a decent television programme. Finding nothing appealing, she’d had a bath and, dressed only in her thin robe had come back, realising she hadn’t cleared up my papers.

“When that tape slipped out of your brief-case. I was curious. Nothing else on TV I put the tape in the player and poured myself another wine.”

She stood up as she went on, “What I saw disgusted me - at first. Had you brought it home for me to see? I gulped down another wine and became more and more curious. Then I felt my wetness—touched myself—and was gone.”

She nodded towards the newly cleaned carpet, “You obviously enjoyed it.”

I stood and kissed her on the nose, “No, that was your influence.”

“At my high point I did wonder what it would be like with your fingers there,” she said with another uncharacteristic giggle.

I told her about finding the tape and not having any idea of the content.

“Like advice from the gods?” she suggested, sitting down on the sofa.

Settling myself beside her, I couldn’t help recalling the unconnected events that had led to me sitting there, naked beside my own wife, also naked. Yes, an unusual event. Indeed, it was like some god-like interference.

Laura broke into my thoughts, “Mark, will you think me terrible if I say it was exciting, seeing you spurt like that.”

“Not the porn?”

“Was that porn? Well, that started it, but—”

On-screen, the action had continued with the blonde clutching and frigging a large cock, and Laura went on, “– I want it to be me who makes you fountain like that.”

She turned those wide gorgeous eyes to me. Part of my mind was telling me that this had to be the drink talking, yet another part was thrilling at the prospect. And that thrill showed because Laura glanced down, and said, “Oh, yes, things are looking up.”

I saw that my hardness was returning, and her immediate touch lifted it a further notch. Drawing a breath which was a mix of surprise and anticipation, I tentatively said, “If my fingers can pleasure you.”

Her smile was so uncharacteristically lascivious, as she said, “That’s what I thought.” She glanced at the screen as the large cock, in the hands of the blonde began pumping its white across her breasts and belly.

“More room on the floor, don’t you think,” I asked, as her fingers became more ambitious in pulling back my foreskin, and her thumb stroked the shining head. As we slid to the floor I whispered, “Where did you learn that?”

Her head flicked towards the screen, “Dirty pictures,” she grunted, as she lay back and my own fingers slid along her already wet channel, wonderfully mushy.

We kissed, and while tongues waltzed together, our hands gave a treatment that we had wasted two years ignoring. Her hand gripped my shaft, and jerked it before letting go and her fingertips, so gently, trailed and explored the whole length,

Her uneven breathing showed that patrolling among her petals was having an effect. I slid my middle finger into her deep wetness. Lovely to hear her groan, and feel her fingers squeeze my balls.

But it was my fingers tickling at her clit that really got to her. I stroked around the growing seedling of it, flicked it and every movement was bringing jerks from her hips and thighs.

Then, in her ecstasy, her hand clutched my balls and I was sure that I would cum. “Oh, Mark!” she gasped as I spread my hand to leave my thumb on her clit while my little finger slid back to touch her tiny wrinkled anus.

Laura squealed my name again and she gave a vigorous series of tugs on my shaft. All too much. And I called out in desperation, “Laura.”

Grunting, gasping she managed to utter, “I must see. I must.” And she raised her head while her own hips and thighs flexed and shifted around my own fingers.

As I hit the wonderful spasm of my ejaculation and my cream spurted across her belly and thighs, she sighed. “I did it.” Then her voice shuddered in her throat as her thighs clamped around my hand and she mouthed a long, “Mmmm. Ooooh.”

We lay still for a while, skin on skin, my mouth pressed to her left breast. At last, I could see a way forward. Was it too much wine, or the porn images? I’ll never be sure. But something had moved Laura, and in doing that, moved me, into a different pattern of thinking.

It wasn’t an immediate success. But mutual masturbation led us into greater confidence leading us to take those gradual steps until, after just a few months, my hardness was welcomed wildly into the core of her femininity. We both agree that circumstances had led us to our joyous fulfilment.

One night, many years later, we played the tape (never claimed) and Laura cried contemptuously at the screen:


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***I can’t believe how much people liked this story! I had just planned on having the one part, but since so many people said it felt like it was unfinished, I have added more. I will try to work on more chapters for this story and have something new in maybe 10-14 business days. Thank you to all who liked it for the feedback*** * Emily-Jane strolled into the dining room and almost groaned. After last night’s activities, she was so sore and tired she just wanted to go back to bed. It helped...

1 year ago
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Private Shona River Heat Of The Night

Today, the sexy Shona River returns to in Private Specials, A Rooftop Romance and this cheeky high-end slut is on the prowl as she lures in an unsuspecting Sam Bourne before even reaching the front door! So watch all the action right here as this sexy star strips off and reveals her hot body before offering up her wet pussy for a taste. Then enjoy Shona in heat as she spreads her legs for the fuck of a life time, riding, grinding and getting pounded all the way until her hairy...

3 years ago
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Going To The Dogs in Suburbia

My Cousin's Pet or Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Categories: Ff, Non-consent/reluctance, humiliation Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It portrays two young women in a human-dog / owner relationship. This story is not real and should not be used as anything but fuel for fantasies. The author in no way, form, or fashion condones the sexual abuse of minors. Consent is an essential element for any sex act and, while this story depicts otherwise,...

1 year ago
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Just before the wedding

Me and my friend have been best friends for many years. We shared everything. But After he started going out with his girlfriend seema, things were different. When they decided to get married I was the first one to know. I was close to seema as well. If they ever had trouble between them, she would always bring it up to me. But before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. I am married and my wife is amazingly good looking. I am 5'9 decent built and my wife is 5'7 36 A...

Cheating Wifes
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I was walking about a mile from my house and a van that I had seen before stopped beside me. A leggy brunette opened the door and said,"You want to come with us and have some fun?"Now her voice and body posture told me what kind of fun it would be so I said, "Sure. I just need to be back here before morning."There were three men and three women in the van and one of the men asked, "Are you gay or straight?""I'll go either way. One of my girlfriends is a shemale."We drove on for about eight or...

Group Sex
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Monkey WrenchChapter 18

I took Suzi to the shower some time later. It probably wasn’t the ten minutes we had joked about but it could have been. Keeping time in the box was practically impossible. We didn’t even know if we were working on twenty four hour days or not. It was always the amount of time I spent asleep each night back home. That was never exactly 11:30 pm to 8:00 am. It generally did feel like a full day from waking until bed. We had wiped each other down with the towels before we climbed out from...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Anna Bell Peaks Iris Rose 08012016

Busty MILF Anna Belle Peaks is a bad influence. Just look at her, dragging 19-year-old Iris Rose into an adult bookstore on a hot, summer day. Anna Belle and Iris gawk and giggle at the sex toys, dirty magazines and XXX DVD’s before Anna Belle really starts in on Iris’s corruption: the back-store video arcade! Iris can’t believe her eyes! Almost 20 booths where horny men watch adult movies! Once inside, two things catch Iris’s fancy: the dirty movie playing on the TV,...

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And So Begins Another Day in Paradise

My awakening begins as I climb out of the depths of sleep. Daylight is creeping softly through the blinds and falls upon my face like the kiss of a young maiden. I hear the songs of a dozen different birds as they announce the sun, and the new day's arrival. My love is beside me, and I turn and gently stroke her cheek as her eyes flutter open and she smiles at me. I spoon behind her and gaze out our large glass doors, in our bedroom, at the beauty of Mother Nature. This is the fulfillment of...

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The ResearcherChapter 10 Miranda

Tom arrived and after greeting Jen and hearing her news he took Kim and hurried her off to Miranda's house, first taking her to his house for a change of clothing and to examine what had been bought for her. Before leaving his house he had removed her training reins ('these should have been left at the school' he said. 'You only wear them there!') and her corset and dressed her as a schoolgirl again. Miranda had an old house in town and had been eagerly expecting Kim. Tom had said she...

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Dating Kelly Part VISpring Break Part 2

My eyes slowly opened and I blinked in the harsh caribbean sun. I glanced around and remembered things the way you do after waking up from a deep sleep. I was in a hammock slung between two palm trees near the beach of the resort my family was staying at. I gradually noticed that my arm was asleep and I looked down to see that my girlfriend Kelly was sleeping next to me, her petite body nestled into my bulkier one and wedged on top of my arm. Still somewhat asleep, I enjoyed the peaceful scene:...

Love Stories
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What a WeekChapter 2

All day at school the ramifications of what was occurring between Mom and me ran round and round in my head - what was all this leading up to and was I getting the right answers to the questions that Mom's actions were asking? Did she in fact want to have sex with me and if so why? I was only an inexperienced boy and she seemed more that satisfied with what she and Dad had done. Maybe what we were doing was completely normal and happened between all mothers and sons as part of growing up....

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Getting Married Tomorrow Chapter 3

We walked across the lounge, Joy had wrapped her robe back around her, but there were several couples ogling her, as they had seen what we had been doing. It was also pretty obvious we were away to find some privacy for more of the same. We went to the back massage room, and as we entered the room, Ivan and I pushed the massage table up against the wall, and then took the mattress off the bed and placed it on the floor. It was obvious that we were not all going to fit on the bed. I turned...

Group Sex
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Growing Together Part Five

THE BUNTING FAMILY - GROWING TOGETHER Part Five - Chapters 12 and 13 Chapter 12 - Jenny Remembers As Doug and Laura, Carl and Liz celebrated their love for each other, Jenny lay in her bed thinking of the deliciously intimate smell of Liz on her brother’s fingers. There was an all too familiar tug low in her tummy. Then the warmth as her flow responded to her imagination of the brother and sister together. Her fingers drifted to her hairs and she teased herself as her mind flew...

First Time
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Bake ShopChapter 9

With the girls finishing up preparations for the Christmas party at Shatto Enterprises in the company’s banquet hall, Chance finds himself up on the top floor, handing over the invoice to Mr. Shatto’s secretary, Lenore. He had brought with him a small box of chocolate-caramel sandwich cookies as a pre-party gift for her. Needless to say, the cookies were a hit, and what was supposed to be a quick and simple business transaction quickly turns into something else entirely. “Is it just me or...

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Surprise Massage

I hurt my back a few weeks ago at work and decided I would seek out a massage. When I finally found a nice woman, Katherine, I sent her a message and we set a time and date.This was my very first massage and I really didn't know what to expect, so I was really nervous. All I was hoping for was some relief from my back pain. The day finally came and I was super nervous as I knocked on her door. Again this is my first massage and really don't know what to expect. She answer the door and my chin...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 72

Everything took longer than I thought it should. It was two weeks till Christmas when I got the message from Eddie. I had aimed for being finished with the screen play before Eddie called. I had worried every day during the two previous weeks that I wouldn’t get it done before he called, but somehow we managed it. There were even a couple of days between helping Janet finish Tory the cop, and the call from Eddie the criminal. “So Mica, I got a drug wholesaler who wants out, what can we do...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 3

The reporter showed up about three hours later. Her name was Janet Edwards, and she seemed nice, but she asked a ton of questions, most of them several times. The next day both the story and the picture were on the front page. Local Hero For those of you who think there is no hope for the younger generation, meet fourteen-year-old Tony Sims. Tony the quarterback led his middle school football team to their best season in ten years. Tony the shortstop led his baseball team to their best...

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Highwaymen Ch 14

As she scurried after him, Celeste’s mind was in turmoil. What had prompted her to offer herself to him so unconditionally? Yet … it had come to her naturally, driven by the power of his action and her reaction to it. Yes, she had meant it, she would be his slave. She wanted him to use her in whatever manner he saw fit. Although in the back of her mind she was aware that this feeling would not last, right now it was where she had arrived. She was his, and it felt right to be possessed. She...

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Luck and Love V

“What’s up Zoë?” Her smile was cute, perfect teeth hiding behind lips shining with lip-gloss. She looked down at the leaf she was toying with and began a bit nervously. “Well… You were over here all by yourself and I just thought maybe you might want some company. I did, also… you know want to ask you if you could help me with the math homework later tonight. I understand if you cant but I really need to pull my grade up.” She glanced up at him every little bit as she talked, talking faster...

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One Backpage! A website where you can buy anything. From a motorcycle to the hottest female escorts in town. Yes, this place has it all, and it’s called, though we’re probably going to focus on the adult part of the website here. I know that you guys are here to fuck some chicks and not to look for restaurants to dine in, and you know that I always work in favor of my wonderful audience. And when I say wonderful, I mean you bunch of greasy fat bastards.All sorts of escorts and...

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Delta OriginalChapter 8 A Visit to Queland

The cave-in at the mine had turned out to be more serious than Allan had first thought. He had to spend two weeks, sorting out the mess. He also had to promote a new foreman and console Glenda. Ferris, the numpty had gone and gotten himself killed. They had been here for nearly four years, and the planet had finally got even and claimed one of them. The fool had gotten the workers out and then went back in to inspect the area. They had cut into a gas pocket, and one of the workers had...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 11

Jessica’s turn: “And Barry?” “Yes, little one?” he replied. “Don’t call me ‘Spinetti’ any more. I have a piece of paper and a ring and everything, you know.” “I did that?” “Yes you did. That’s two things you need to work on.” “Two?” “Yes. Two. First, you tell me EVERYTHING. You told me you were gonna start carrying, but you didn’t tell me you WERE carrying. Second, I am YOUR wife. You are MY husband. Get used to it. I am yours as long as you want me and if you stop loving me, I shall...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 765

These are compliments of John B. Volunteer Fire Brigade A fire started on some grassland near a farm. The county fire department was called to put out the fire. The fire was more than the county fire department could handle. Someone suggested that a nearby volunteer bunch be called. Despite some doubt that the volunteer outfit would be of any assistance, the call was made. The volunteers arrived in a dilapidated old fire truck. They rumbled straight towards the fire, drove right into the...

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Just Let it Happen Harry

THE SETTING is New Zealand, errors and grammar are copyright to the author. * CHAPTER 1 Bored stiff and facing another weekend home alone and not being asked to parties because it was known she was currently without a guy, Chelsea Rhodes was passing the reception desk late Friday when a tall guy in a blue shirt and yellow jeans for goodness sake was being turned away. ‘As I said sir we don’t hire executives here. Our agency is Executive Search International and here is their card.’ Chelsea...

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Elizabeth Returns

Sitting on the grassy bank alongside the railway line, I pulled back the ring-pull on my can of beer. The satisfying hiss and gurgle as the creamy foam appeared briefly before I took a sip. The cold liquid running down my throat, I looked at my watch. We had agreed 10 AM, once she had gotten the kids to school she would get a taxi straight over and we'd get a good few hours in each other's company. It was five minutes to when I heard the sound of a car on the road above and behind me. The sound...

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