Udmuristan free porn video

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My name is Andrew Parker. I work as a freelancer at the age of 33. My profession is a rather unusual one. In short, I purchase and sell mining licenses. Mainly in the third world. Mainly in areas not really high on anyone’s list of favorite travel destinations.

The job is not free of risk. There is a lot of money involved, a lot of dangerous guys, a lot of corruption, rivaling local war lords and so on. What usually is not involved is a working justice or police. Actually, the whole business tends to be quite dangerous. At least most of the more lucrative jobs.

So I have to rely on my contacts and on the honesty of my business partners. But I’m quite experienced and I’ve never been hurt or deceived so far. But I know that some of my competitors have died of unnatural causes, mostly involving lead poisoning.

The upside is that I’m rich. Very rich, indeed. My business is quite profitable. I’ve been able to avoid my premature death for almost ten years now. The result is a nice pile of money on my bank accounts. I could retire immediately without a problem, but I like my work. I get to know many countries and interesting people. And I’ve realized that even the most brutal warlords are often quite decent guys in private. And the job is quite exciting sometimes.

Of course, I see some rather disturbing things. Violence, slavery, war. My rule is not to try to change or criticize these people. They are living in a completely different world. I’m not in a position to judge them.

Today, my destination is Udmuristan. I’m going to meet Akmur Karimov. I would describe him as a local warlord, although there is currently no actual war going on in Udmuristan. But there certainly is no real government existing outside of the capital city Astura. The rest of the country is controlled by Akmur and four other warlords. I know three of them personally. Sometimes they fight each other, sometimes they are allies, you never know what to expect. The situation can change on a daily basis.

This time, I’m interested in buying the license for a potential copper mine from Akmur. This license has been issued by the government in Astura, so it’s officially valid and marketable. Akmur has gained it in some deal with the government. It’s better not to know too many details. Prospectors have already checked it and have come up with promising results, but I will check on my own, like I always do.

After landing in Astura in an old Tupolev and passing a weird immigration procedure, an endless and shaky ride in one of Akmur’s Land Cruisers begins. After we leave Astura, two other Toyotas join us, loaded with armed guys. Standard procedure.

After I’ve been jarred thoroughly, Akmur welcomes me to his “humble shack.” Which is, in fact, a medium sized palace. I like him and his sense of humor and I think he likes me too. We shake hands cordially. Hugging would be appropriate at this point in South America, but certainly not here. These guys cultivate a distinctive homophobia.

Of course, on the day of my arrival, speaking seriously about business would be impolite. It might be mentioned, but it is agreed that everything on the first day can not be taken seriously. Akmur makes a big show of wining and dining me. Hospitality is very important here, even if your host plans to kill you afterwards.

While we eat, local girls dance in various, mostly quite revealing outfits. I know that most of these girls are probably slaves. Slavery is quite common here.

Later in the evening, the dancer’s clothing gets even more sparse. After ten, they are nude altogether.

Obviously, the sly dog wants to distract me. While I watch the girls, he offers the license for 2 millions. I just laugh.

“Akmur, nice try. But you know, I’ve seen titties before. My brain is not completely bloodless now.”

He laughs. We’re just having fun.

I have a potential buyer for 3,2 million. But I don’t want to really start bargaining now, it would spoil the fun. The real negotiation will take place tomorrow. Today the guest has to be greeted and pampered, according to the local tradition.

Akmur claps his hands.

To my surprise, a stunning blonde European or American woman enters. She might be about 25 years old. She’s almost nude, has an outstandingly beautiful, aristocratic face and a killer body. She’d certainly qualify as a centerfold immediately. Now, this is something you rarely see here. I’m intrigued.

She calmly starts to dance in a very erotic way and slowly strips. She seems to be very confident and is taking her time. Wow, this is beyond hot. I’m totally captivated. I’m quite certain that this is the most erotic view I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Akmur notices and looks smug.

“Akmur, where did you get her?” I ask as casually as possible. Of course, he understands that I’m fascinated.

“I’ve bought her about a year ago. You like her?”

“She’s certainly pretty.”

“You want her to join you in your bed tonight?”

Oh my, this is more than tempting. But I don’t want to use a slave. Women should be in my bed out of their free will. It wouldn’t be enjoyable for both of us otherwise.

“No. But does she speak the local dialect?” Declining this offer took all of my available will power. She is really mouth-watering.

“Yes, she has learned it quite quickly. She’s smart. I think she’s been at an American college before she came here.”

Of course, she has been kidnapped. It’s no big deal here. Women are merchandise. But obviously she’s American. It’s rare that they abduct American or European women. It’s risky and it’s usually not Akmur’s style. He’s clever and avoids any unnecessary risks. So he probably has purchased her from someone else.

“I’d like her to accompany me tomorrow when I visit the mining site. Would that be acceptable for you?”

“Certainly, my friend. Certainly.” Yeah, sure, his friend. He’d sell or kill me in the blink of an eye if it would be an advantage for him. But still, he’s right. Somehow, we’re friends. Friendship, business and death are completely separated here.

I spend an uneasy night, mostly thinking about her. After breakfast, which has been served by other servants - probably also slaves - the blonde American joins me in the patio. Two Land Cruisers are parked there. One is packed with four armed guys - our bodyguards. Ours is empty - except for the driver and his AK-47.

“Good morning,” I greet her. Damn, she’s looking so beautiful and proud, even in the casual clothes she wears today. And even being a slave. She doesn’t reply, of course she doesn’t. She’s a slave and she knows the rules. I have to keep myself from boorishly staring at her in admiration.

We get into the back seats and both cars hit the road. If you are inclined to call this strip of dirt a road.

“So, I’m Andrew. Andrew Parker. Most people call me Andy.”

She looks incredulous at my outstretched hand. She’s between a rock and a hard place. If she rejects me, it would be rude and she might be in trouble. If she takes it and talks to me, she will break the slave rules too. It’s mean, but I need to break the ice.

“I’m Lela.” She shakes my hand briefly. Nice voice. I could get used to it. I realize that I’m quite fascinated.

“Is that your real name?”

She watches the driver fearfully and doesn’t respond. We continue the drive in silence. I don’t want to cause more trouble for her. Although the landscape is exceedingly boring, I look out of the window to avoid staring at her again.

We finally reach the potential mining site. I get off the car and just wander around. I regard the hills, the rocks, the landscape and take the whole scenery in. I see a small village about half a mile down the hill. I motion Lela to follow me and start to go towards it. The bodyguards want to follow us but I motion them to stay behind. Which they do, a little surprisingly.

Now Lela and I are finally alone for the first time.

“Okay, now you can speak. I need you as my interpreter. I want to talk to the people living in this village. Can you do that?”


“You can speak freely while we’re alone. Akmur will not know about it.”

She nods curtly but doesn’t answer. So she’s still cautious. Smart woman. She doesn’t know if she can trust me.

But in the village she serves just fine as an interpreter. She speaks the local dialect fluent. She seems to be quite intelligent. I enjoy watching her while she talks to the locals. She says that they are quite positive about the potential mine, enthusiastic even. I ask Lela if she thinks that they are sincere. She thinks they are. There’s not much work to have in this remote area. They hope for a better living. Of course, she could be lying because Akmur wants her to. It’s an important detail for the value of the mining license. If the local population supports it, the mine will run smoothly. I decide to trust her.

We leave the village and slowly walk towards the potential mining site. I need to take in the surroundings. I have a feeling for natural resources. I can almost sense them. That’s why the mining companies pay me the big bucks. My licenses are usually profitable. This time, I agree with the prospectors. This one is good, I will buy it.

After our return, I almost immediately meet Akmur. We drink tea and Lela serves it. Of course she does. Akmur wants to keep me distracted.

“So, Andy, what do you think.”

“Akmur, my friend, it’s hard to tell. These prospectors don’t know shit.”

“Right, but you usually do.”

“Yes, but I’m not sure about this one. There is some risk.”

“There always is some risk in life, Andy. Look, what about 1,8?”

This is a surprising turn of events. I’m almost shocked, although I manage not to show it. He needs money. He drops the price too quickly. He’s in trouble, I can sense it. If he really is, he’s already a dead man.

“Akmur, be serious. 1,8? For copper?”

“Make me an offer, Andy.” This will go on for hours, probably. I will start at 1 million. And after about 5 or 6 hours of haggling fun, arguing and having lunch breaks, we will agree on 1,3 or 1,4. But this time it’s different. To his and my own surprise, I decide to take a shortcut. I think I can get away with it because he’s as anxious to finalize this as I am. But we are for completely different reasons.

“Akmur, we both enjoy the haggling. I don’t want to be impolite, but I’d like to shorten it this time. I will make you a one-time offer. It will be very generous.”

He looks at me with an expectant look.

“1,5 and Lela.”

She gasps audibly. Akmur smiles. He knows that this is a good deal.

“Deal, Andy.” We shake hands to finalize the deal.

I look at Lela. She has tears in her eyes, I’m just not sure why. I have no idea how she feels about being sold.

“Akmur, I will transfer the money as usual. But I want to take her with me when I depart tomorrow. Is that okay for you?”

“Certainly, my friend. Certainly. A man has his needs.” He smiles. He seems to be very happy. He needs the money desperately. I pity him a little. He’s not a bad man, regarding the circumstances. I hope he enjoys his short remaining lifespan.

“Thank you, my friend. I will have to organize a private jet this time to avoid customs trouble in Astura. I don’t know how much time this will take.”

“Andy, you’re always welcome in my humble home. Stay as long as you want.”

He certainly means it, but I’m not feeling good about it. I always try to stay in these countries as shortly as possible to minimize the risk. Of course, my hosts must never know that. That would be a bad, maybe deadly insult.

“Lela, Andy is now your owner. Serve him well.”

“I understand, master. Master Andy, please accept me as your slave.”

Wow, this is weird and awkward. But I can’t avoid having a small boner. “You are accepted,” I answer in what I hope is regarded as a solemn tone. I’m not sure what else might be expected of me. I’ve never participated in a slave trading ceremony. She bows her head. I think I might detect a hint of a smile. I wish I knew what’s going on in that beautiful head.

I immediately try to organize a private jet and I’m able to get one for tomorrow. Great.

After we’ve retreated into my rooms, I’d really like to explain the true situation to her. But my rooms will be bugged with microphones and cameras, so I have to be cautious. Akmur certainly expects me to fuck her. For some reason, men in this part of the world really want to make sure that their business partners are not gay. But I’ve fucked some of Akmur’s girls in the past (for that very reason) and I’m quite safe in that regard.

So I just spend the time reading. She stays attentively at my side. I hate that but I have no choice right now. I wink at her once and she also winks, barely noticeable. Smart girl. We both understand the situation.

Finally, we are being driven to the airport in Astura. Lela is dressed casually and is carrying a surprisingly small bag with her belongings. Our private jet is already waiting. Without any customs check we enter and immediately depart.

The moment of truth has come.

“Okay Lela. We’re safe now. We’re heading for Los Angeles. That means you’re not a slave any more.”

She remains silent. Maybe she doesn’t know what to say. Maybe she’s still unsure about her situation. I need to break the ice a little.

“What’s your real name?”


Lela, Laura ... why had anyone bothered to change her name in the first place when they are that similar? Just because he could, I suppose. Maybe this is some kind of power demonstration or a tradition. I realize that I have no idea about the practical side of slavery. And that I don’t really need to find out.

“Okay, Laura. Please don’t call yourself Lela again. That part of your life is over. Do you have a family somewhere?”

“Yes, a sister and my parents. At least I hope so.”

Her impassive face begins to show some emotions finally.

“Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend?”


“How did you get into this mess anyway?”

“By being foolish. I wanted to travel into the Caucasus region on my own. Show everybody how strong and independent I am. That I don’t need a man to protect me.”

“Oh, wow. That’s foolish for sure. How long did you last?”

“Two days. I was kidnapped, sold and then sold again to Akmur. You know him?”

Good, this is the first time that she asks me something. That’s a good sign because it’s inappropriate behavior for a slave. “Yes, I know him. I’ve done some business with him in the past. And before you ask - yes, I know that these guys are involved in slavery. And violence, war. I don’t like it, but I can’t change it and I don’t criticize them.”

“Of course, I don’t blame you. I blame only myself.”

“How long have you been there?”

“About two years.”

“Do you need medical assistance?”

“No, I’ve been tested regularly. I’m healthy.”

“Okay, Laura. Maybe the U.S. immigration will have some questions about you. I will call my lawyer now. He can prepare our arrival. Please speak with him and give him some information about yourself.”

“Of course. Andy?”



“My pleasure.”

“Have you done such a thing before?”


“Why have you done it for me?”

“I’d prefer not to answer that right now.” She smiles a little. I blush. “And Laura, please promise me not to feel obligated to me. I did that for myself and you owe me nothing.”

“Sure.” But she winks suspiciously.

I call Tom, my lawyer, and explain the situation. He’s used to some strange bullshit from me, but this is on a new level even for my standard. He asks Laura a lot of questions. I learn that she’s 27 years old, was at a Boston college, her last name is Stephens and that her parents live in a small town in the midwest. After she hangs up, she gives the phone back to me.

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Curiosity and Questions A Sons Perspective Part 2

Monday after school, Tommy stopped by a friends house to hang out for a little bit before heading home. He was tempted to tell someone what happened over the weekend with Susan but he knew he needed to keep it a secret. When he got home and walked in, his mom and step dad were in the kitchen. His mom had already changed from work, now wearing a curve hugging pair of black leggings and a cutoff sweatshirt. He heard his mom laughing as he walked in and she said, ‘Maybe, we’ll see.” to my stepdad...

4 years ago
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In my early twenties, I made some poor choices and ended up in jail facing up to ten years in prison. Now just to clarify, I lived in a small Midwestern town, so it's not like I was headed off to pelican bay or Chino, but prison is prison. As a youth, I had been a bit of a malcontent and spent time in mental institutions but nothing like adult prison.Growing up, I found myself confused about my sexuality. This was in part because my dad ridiculed me and made nasty comments about me being gay....

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 30 Two DestiniesAoshi

Sanosuke: Aoshi's gone?! Chief: There's no windows... and no one's gone in or out the doors. Sanosuke: He's really gone!? How'd you let him escape?! Chief: Don't be foolish! We have every exit covered. It's impossible that anyone could have gone in or out without our noticing. The perimeter of the mansion is also secured. Yahiko: Well, then he really is a spy. He disappeared like smoke... Kenshin: No... there's another entrance below us. Megumi: Kanryuu's secret passage! While...

2 years ago
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Uncle Ash Part 2

Their new found closeness was only interrupted again when Ashton got a new coworker. Nancy was a blonde woman with thick rimmed glasses who was assigned to the cubicle next to Ashton’s. On her first day she commented how lucky she was to be seated next to someone her age and attractive. She admitted she normally does not flirt at work but just one look at him made her change her mind. Shelly caught wind of this quickly and of course confronted Nancy, giving her the same line about Ashton...

4 years ago
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Bua ki mast chudai

Hello I’m rahul 28 years old but I love to fuck mature ladies having massive body. Any aunty of age 35-55 want sex please email at Now I’m start my story how my dream come true to I’ m a student of engg. After my sem I’m going to my bua home my bua is 51 years old she is so sexy. She has a voluptuous body her breast and buttock both are massive aur jab wo chalti hain to unki gaan hilti hai meri bua bilkul south ki blue film ki herone lagti hai.mujhe aise hi aunty pasand hain ab mein aapko...

4 years ago
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The capture and domination of Helena Bertinelli Part One

Introduction: The Huntress, Helena Bertinelli in her civilian disguise of a School Teacher is tutoring one of her students. When the student decides to tutor the teacher, unveiling a plot schemed by herself and a few of her friends to rape and humiliate their teacher. It had been a long day for Randy and his little group of conspirators. Today was the day. Randy, his friend Erwin, his girlfriend Daniella and her step sister Lori, had been wanting to do this forever. Especially since Ms....

3 years ago
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I Met Her At The Petrol Station

I had met her once before, at the Service Station.She was 5'6, blonde, size 36DD boobs. She turned me on. Big timeI was 5'7, brunette, size 20E boobs. I turned her on. Big time.The first time I met Karen, I knew I would make love to her. I stopped off at the Petrol Station to fill up my Mazda. She walked out wearing very short denim shorts and a white t-Shirt with a black lace bra. As she bent down to pick up a coin I 'dropped' I stole a glimpse of her tight ass. It was basically begging for my...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Letter to My ExWife

Letter to My Ex-Wife I suppose by now you really don't care what I look like, or what I have to say, but I do need to get this off my chest. First let me show you a couple of pictures of me. No, I'm not the guy getting his dick sucked... No, I'm not the guy fucking that girl's ass so hard she's screaming... Look a little closer... That girl on her knees with the cock in her mouth... Doesn't she have the same eyes as me? And the girl getting fucked in the ass... Doesn't she have...

2 years ago
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My Anger

My Anger Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was a stupid bet and we all knew it, but I was the dumbest one of the bunch, since I took the bet. It was easy. All I had to do was find out the password for the Registrar at school. With that password we could get in, change grades, give ourselves perfect attendance and so on. But my buddies wanted to make it worthwhile for whoever took the bet. If, whoever got the password, got away with it, we would keep him in gas for six...

3 years ago
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Getting Hoodwinked by two Girls

Getting hoodwinked and sodomisedhaving my innocence brutally taken from meThere was nothing really untoward or special about the rainy Saturday evening in question, it started like many other before it, but ended like no other since!I was out for an evening on the town, specifically looking to find a nice young woman and to get laid before the end of the night. I was sitting in a night club surveying the "talent" when I noticed not one but two lovely specimens looking over to me and then...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 1

The darkness held me like a vice. I drifted in nowhere for such a long time that I wondered if this was eternity, and my soul would linger forever without sight, sound, feeling of any kind, or substance until everything changed. "Governor?" I heard the voice before I opened my eyes. With sound came a terrible headache. The voice was nearby, and by the words he spoke, I suspected I had been hijacked into the body of some kind of political appointee or assistant, but that was just a quick...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Requests 05

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

3 years ago
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Anna on Memory Lane

Sunday was her new favorite day, Anna decided as she drove down the winding highway. She had the windows of her brown Ford Taurus open and the wind was whipping her auburn curls loose from the carefree ponytail at the back of her head. She felt better about life than she had in some time. Early morning birds fluttering overhead seemed to echo her jovial mood. The stereo was blasting Prince's "Raspberry Beret" and she was singing along with gusto. It felt good to be alive in June. She...

3 years ago
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Me My mom and My Aunt

This is part III of my storyThey didnt want to sleep next to each other because it would be weird. So i was in the middle of them Cherly who was asleep when my aunt D came into the room and wispered “ Allasay? Dan? are you awake?” Allasay said “Yes mom what is it?” She said she needed us in the living room for a min. It was dark when i came down the steps so allasay clung to my bare back. We got down the steps. There was a light coming from the bathroom, I knock it was my mom. She said aunt D...

1 year ago
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Naughty Natalie Male Perspective Part Two

Naughty Natalie Part 2. It was around four in the afternoon, hearing a slight knock at the door I get up and walk to the wooden frame, shuffling my feet slightly tired due to the intense night before. Opening it and seeing her, long blonde locks in a messy bun, small yawns escape her lips. " Well, good afternoon you." I exclaim moving out of her way letting her slip past me. Her hips sway back and forth under the tight fabric, almost forgetting to shut the door. " What brings you over...

4 years ago
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Transition-The process in which something changes in stage, form or activity to another. I got the idea for this story from one I read on the internet, by a guy named, Mike Holt, in which, the wife went all the way to Thailand to take violent revenge on her husband for leaving her. I couldn't sleep well after I read it. The story had no resolution, so I wrote this. My story takes place in the USA. It continues from where Mike stopped. It was a sunny Florida day when I heard her knock on my...

3 years ago
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Working For The FBI

He's standing there, looking me in the eyes, sniffing my panties in his one hand, the other one still holding a bloody knife. I feel the burning of the wounds he inflicted on me, a cross going above my belly button all the way to my breasts carved with the very knife he's holding. I can't even scream... *BEEP BEEP BEEP* For the first time in a long period of time I open my eyes, happy to wake up to my alarm. What has become of me. This psycho has gotten under my skin without me even seeing him....

3 years ago
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UpgradeChapter 4 Pam and Trish meet Jon Amy and Reese

Tuesday morning, we repeated how we’d started Monday. The three of us got up earlier than need be, and we made love before we agreed to meet after work at my condo in Sarasota, and then go to dinner downtown. I got a solid day’s work in, still thinking almost continuously about Pam and Trish. I also got some good news from the previous client I’d had dinner in L.A. with just before getting on the red eye back home the week before. He decided he did need some upgrades to the security of his...

4 years ago
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The Willing Voyeur Part 3

The problem with our next planned meeting was that Friday is my busiest day of the week. Now I don’t have any real problem customers, but you just never know how some people will react to a beautiful exhibitionist, especially in close quarters. I knew that she would probably be quite happy with just staying in the office as other customers came and went, but I was hoping to get Anne out of the office for this occurrence. I really wanted her to ‘stretch her legs’ this time.I’m good friends with...

3 years ago
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The Cleaners Dilemma Part 1

It all started one Friday morning. I had travelled down to my weekend retreat on the Cornish cost the night before so that I could confront my cleaner who only worked for me on Friday mornings. I had incontrovertible evidence that she had been stealing bottles of wine from my collection kept at the apartment. If it had been a few bottles of plonk I would probably have not pursued the matter but these were expensive vintage bottles of Chateauneuf Du Pape that I stored at the apartment to be out...

4 years ago
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Honey and CreamDay 2

When she woke just before dawn, Sir Bogud had rolled over and she was able to rise, don her shift and slip down to the kitchens for hot water for his bath. She left a fresh towel by his washbasin and returned to her own room to fully dress for the day. Her normal chores for the day had her running about with laundry, cleaning and other household duties. She found herself distant - often waking from a reverie to find overflowing buckets or other careless error as if she had forgotten her tasks...

3 years ago
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Toys For Us

It's time to enter his first writing competition. The Airbook was open and the fingers poised. The trouble was that the story was about toys, and as a bloke he didn’t really have any experience with toys. Yes, he had watched some masturbation porn where girls used them on themselves and each other, but that was it.Small ideas ran through his head. Maybe a straight masturbation story, a straight first time story, some with a lesbian slant or even a good old fashioned Sybian tale.Then in a...

3 years ago
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The interview

I couldn’t believe I had been offered an interview for the job but I am well qualified and a quick learner so will have to accentuate my positives and distract him with my great tits.I dressed to impress, a little slutty but professional, a suit topped with heels and a red satin blouse, suitably unbuttoned to showcase my cleavage. I gathered up my portfolio and the data stick with my presentation on it, checked myself in the mirror and went to the car. I tuned in to a dance station on the way...

2 years ago
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Ethereal Cupid

I pulled open a door in the ether and stepped out onto Lakeside road. Well, stepped out and down and landed in a crumpled heap on the asphalt; always a risk over such a long distance. To be honest, opening an ethereal doorway, three feet above the ground, smack in the middle of the road you were aiming for, from over three thousand miles away, was pretty damn close. I picked myself up and dusted off my clothes. Habit. I couldn’t get dust on me in my ethereal form. As I stood in the road a...

3 years ago
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B wititched

Based on true story * Aunt Kim beckoned to me as she licked her lips moaning. ‘Come here now... kassandra. ‘ ..I turned to her .. ‘yes Kim..’ ? I whispered. Purring... her hands immediately grabbed my breasts. I . Felt her down my legs massaging...rubbing.. gently.stroking my vagina slowly.. tugging my vagina.’I want this..’ she moaned,twisting. And rubbing softly my vagina. And kissing my breast softly..stroking...my nipple as she squeezed my breasts tightly.kissing...them.tenderly. Falling to...

1 year ago
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Shopping at the mall

I am at work now trying to get done cause I feel like going to the mall to buy some shoes and have my glass of wine and I thought about the guys that fucked my pussy and I felt my pussy getting wet as it been a while since I had some sex so I get done at about 4 pm and I leave and as I am walking into the mall I look around and not to many people around so I walk and buy a few things and I go to my favorite place for my glass of wine and as I am sitting there I look up and there is Kenny and...

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Revengeis It Worth ItChapter 3

Hell, I had no idea that being a bounty hunter was going to be so easy or so profitable. I had more money than I knew what to do with. An Indian could easily live in complete comfort for five or more years with this much money. My conscience began to gnaw at me a little bit—here I was a rich man and couldn't spend so much money and my family back at the village needed some things that the money could easily supply. There was no question about it, I had to go home a give some of my riches to...

4 years ago
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Working wife to prostitute 2

As the door open Shalini was shocked to see the person who was his customer he is none other the sabjiwala Raghu who comes in his area for selling Vegetables. “You” Shalini Cried. As Shalini suddenly goes under the sheet and tries to hide his body under the sheet. Raghu closed the door and said “Hmmm, what a piece, yes madam it’s me I don’t know that it’s going to be you here. I always wanted to make love with you from day one when I see you”. Get out from here.” Shalini said. But driver was in...

2 years ago
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The Ace

Diese Geschichte spielt in einer zukünfigen Welt 200 Jahre nach einem weltweiten Krieg. Der Krieg dauerte nur 3 Jahre, doch kurz vor Ende war eine Partei so verzweifelt, dass sie mit Wundermitteln experementierte. Bei einem Fehlschlag wurde ein Biologischesmittel freigesetzt. Erst 3 Jahre nach Ende des Konflikts traten die Auswirkungen auf. Das Mittel veränderte Gene. Es wurde damals für Soldaten entwickelt und reagiert speziell auf das männliche Genom. Frauen sind davon nicht befallen. Die...

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