A Permanent For Live free porn video

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A Permanent for life

A permanent wave leads to a permanent change of life.

It was very lonely in my room, but it had been lonely in all
of the rooms I had lived in. My Mother and Father had been killed
in a car, bus accident during my first semester at college, Since
I had no other relatives and no money of my own I had sold their
house and with the life insurance money and the settlement from
the bus company, I was relatively well off. I had decided to
continue at college and was able to live well and pay all of my
tuition. But now having graduated with a major in photographic
journalism, and minors in business and computer science, I had
barely over $ 250,000 left. I know that seems like a lot of money
but at the present low interest rates it only provides $ 17,000
annual income. I had sworn to myself not to spend any more of the
principle, so I needed some work real soon.

I was determined to make it as a photo journalist, but so
far had not been able to land a position in that field. I guess I
will take a look through the trade papers again, maybe something
quick will show up. "Hey here is one" I exclaimed.

"Leading Professional Beauty Magazine desires complete set of
photos, start to finish, of a patron receiving a machine
permanent wave. Photos needed to illustrate article on the
history of permanent waves. Fee $2000 will advance half on
receipt of signed contract. Contact Ms. Sybil Smythe,
Chicago, IL 312-32"

Wow, a little panic always livens things up! I have already
spent most of the advance, and after phoning 34 beauty shops I
haven't found any that still use machines to give permanent
waves. The last shop I called gave me the name of one that might
still use this method, and it is only a couple of blocks from
here. I guess I will go get some lunch and then walk on over
there and inquire. The sandwich wasn't too bad but the crowd of
middle aged businessmen sure gave me a fit about my shoulder
length blond hair. Some people really get uptight about anyone
that looks different from them. I don't suppose you could blame
them though, I am not very tall and do have a slender build.
I fact I am actually about the size, or a little smaller than
most of the women I know. Not that I know very many, I have
always been very shy, and have never even had a real date.
Somehow I have never had the courage to approach a girl for a
date. Of course I have been out to the clubs but only in a group.
I love to dance and usually the girls ask me to dance because of
my ability. The truth is I am still a virgin at 21. I really like
women, but maybe it is because I have always felt I wasn't man
enough for them, that has kept me from having a close

"The sisters" is really quite impressive. A large colonial
styled brick building with it's own parking lot. It certainly
looks prosperous, well here goes, I have never been in a real
beauty salon before. I always have my hair shaped and trimmed in
one of those Unisex places in the mall. Well I don't guess they
will bite.

"May I help you" said the very tall, very blond receptionist as she looked down at me.

I couldn't help staring as I stuttered and stammered trying to explain why I was there.

"I am sure we cannot be of any assistance to you, we do still use machines but only for a few special customers, and we don't hav sure we cannot be of any assistance to you, we do still use machines but only for a few special customers, and we don't have appointments for that service coming up."

"Oh, here is of the owners, she may know of something."

"Hi,I am Margaret Merrill, I'm sorry but at this time I'm afraid you are out of luck."

Boy this place is full of tall beautiful women, Ms. Merrill
was also tall and a very striking brunette.

"But Ms. Merrill" I tried to explain "I must get a set of
photos of someone, I have already spent my advance and must
mail the photos by the day after tomorrow. Maybe if I would
pay for the service one of your employees would agree to be
the subject."

Ms. Merrill replied,"I do sympathize with you young man, but
all of my operators wear their hair in certain styles to
promote current trends in hair fashion. None of them are in
need of a permanent wave at this time."--"But wait if
you are really as desperate as you say, why not let us give
you the permanent?"-

"Me" I gulped, "But I'm sure they want it to be a woman."--

"Young man, with the proper clothes and a little makeup no
one would know the difference. Besides, that is the only
solution for your problem that I can offer."

"But who would take the pictures" I offered weakly.

" I am sure you could show us how to operate your camera, it
doesn't look too complicated. But make up your mind, we will
have to start soon as it will take several hours to complete
this little project, and it is almost 2 o'clock now." Ms.
Merrill replied.

"Do you really think it would work? what can I do with
my hair after you finish? I mean can you put me back
like I am?" I nervously stammered.

"Yes" she laughed "it will work and if you don't like the
way you look when we finish we can always straighten your

Now if you will just go with Janice she will help you change
clothes and appearance so we can get started on our little

Janice, the operator who had just walked up conferred a few
moments with Ms. Merrill, then took me by the hand and led me
toward the rear of the establishment. Janice opened the door to
what appeared to be a dressing and bathroom area.

"Take off all of your clothes and I will obtain an outfit
for you" she instructed.

"All of them?"

"Yes all of them, you must wear the proper foundation
garments if you are to present a realistic appearance."

When I had finished stripping, Janice measured my chest,
waist, and hips and asked what size shoes I wore. She then
entered a large walk in closet and returned with several items.
As she instructed I managed to struggle into a cleverly padded
all in one garment. For some reason, as I was getting into this
garment, I was beginning to feel a strange exhilaration and I had
to place my erected member in an upright position. Janice told me
to suck in my stomach as she pulled the back zipper up. This
garment was padded in the hip, buttock, and breast areas so that
I now appeared to have a very feminine shape. Because of the
powerful restricting qualities of the garment I was required to
stand in a very erect manner. Of course this caused the padded
breasts and buttocks to be emphasized even more. Janice then
assisted me in donning a pair of stockings and showed me how to
attach them to the special tabs provided on the foundation
garment. I could not help blushing, as I was sure Janice was
aware of the strangely exciting effects the stockings were adding
to my already exhilarated state. Next was a beautiful beige
blouse of some soft and silky material that was decorated at the
cuffs and neck with delicate ruffles of lace. To this she added a
pair of brown pleated pants with a back zipper. On my feet she
placed a pair of brown shoes similar to penny loafers only with a
higher heel and more delicately styled.

"Come sit at the vanity so I can apply a little makeup."
instructed Janice. "Just lipstick should do for now, we will
do a complete make over later in the process. Now, if that
is where you would like to start your photo series, we can
return to the reception area."

The shoes Janice had provided were quite comfortable, but
the foundation garment was so restrictive I had to sway my hips
in a feminine way to walk. Ms. Merrill was waiting at the
reception desk when we returned. She greeted me in a manner that
seemed to increase my excitement even more.

"My, you look like a perfect young lady, and we haven't
even begun to change you." Ms. Merrill said.

Change me! Was there some hidden meaning in her statement?
But before I could question her or even think about it very much
Ms. Merrill had snapped several shots of me entering the door,
and Janice was leading me to the working area of the salon. At
this time I can not even remember agreeing to let them give me
the machine permanent, but it seemed the resistance I had
initially felt to this idea was rapidly vanishing. Although I had
not seen myself in a mirror yet, the clothing I was wearing was
having a definite effect on me. I seemed to feel very passive,
and was actually filled with anticipation for what was to come.
Janice led me into a room set off from the main salon. It
contained a mirrored wall with low cabinets in front of it, a
shampoo bowl and chair, a styling chair facing the mirrors, and a
hair dryer attached to a chair. In one corner was a large machine
on a stand that I assumed must be the permanent wave machine. It
had a large number of insulated wires, with clamps on the end of
each, dangling from what I thought must be a control head since
there were several dials, lights, and switches on the front of
the large round top. I had no idea at this time what part the
machine was to play in the waving process but it was most
imposing, maybe even frightening.

"Please remove your blouse, we don't want to spill any thing
on it."

Janice's words startled me back to attention, I must have
been staring at this machine longer than I realized.

"Put on this smock and lean back at the shampoo bowl."
Janice instructed.

Janice was very thorough and I really enjoyed the way she
shampooed my hair. Wrapping a towel around my hair like a turban
she told me to be seated in the styling chair. She removed the
towel and used it to dry my hair and then used a blow dryer and
brush until it was barely damp. While she was drying my hair I
was staring at myself in the mirrors and as she fluffed my hair
out the excitement I had been feeling seemed to grow even more.
Perhaps because of the excitement or maybe fear I had begun to
tremble and now was actually shaking. She began removing trays
of different items from the cabinets and placed them along the
top in convenient reach. We were now joined by Ms. Merrill, who
was carrying my camera, and another beautician whom she
introduced as Tara.

"Oh my, you are shaking like a leaf. said MS. Merrill.
"Tara,please bring some wine to help soothe her jitters."

As soon as I had drunk the wine a warm glow seemed to fill
me and soon my shaking had stopped. I did not drink normally but
if wine makes you feel this good I will certainly try it again.
Ms. Merrill noted that I had calmed down and told Janice to
proceed.Ms. Merrill began taking photos as Janice and Tara, one
on each side, started working on me. Beginning with a center part
each operator would section off a small amount of hair and pull
it through a slit in a rectangle of some sort of felt like
material. This piece was placed next to my scalp with the section
of hair extending through the center. They would then place a
clamp like device over the felt pad and secure it around the
hair. Next they applied a creamy looking lotion from a squeeze
bottle and combed it through the section of hair. After the
lotion had been applied they would place a metal roller at the
end of the hair section and roll it toward the scalp, securing
the roller to the clamp. Janice and Tara continued with this
procedure rapidly and soon had most of my head covered with these
roller devices. While Ms. Merrill took another photo of this
stage of the process she inquired--

"How do like your conversion so far?"

I was at a loss as to what reply I could give, I seemed to
be in a trance and all I could do was sit passively and watch the
amazing change in my appearance that was occurring. With the
rollers all over my head I looked just like a woman! Whether this
strange sense of passiveness was due to the fumes from the
lotion, which smelled very strongly of ammonia, or to the waves
of excitement that were coursing through me. I seemed to sense
some sort of ominous overtones in Ms. Merrill's question, what
could she mean by conversion? -- Although I could not remember
actually agreeing to have the permanent wave put in my hair,
things had happened so fast and progressed so far I was afraid to
back out now. I certainly could not just walk out in this
condition. I must admit that I was enjoying the great feelings of
excitement and anticipation that had come over me. Even though I
was beginning to suspect that Ms. Merrill had more in store for
me than just a permanent wave I seemed powerless to resist. The
restriction of the foundation garment constantly reminded me of
the huge erection I had, and it seemed to be growing by the
The two operators had finished securing the last roller and
all of my hair was now completely fastened up in these curling
devices. Such strangely exciting feelings coursed through me as I
stared at my reflection in this condition. Janice re-wet all of
my hair on the rollers with the same lotion, and asked me to
please be seated in the chair under the permanent waving machine.
As I arose from the styling chair I realized just how heavy and
uncomfortable these rollers were. Ms. Merrill had taken photos of
the completed rolling and now that I was seated in the chair was
taking more as Tara commenced placing a clamp over each roller.
These clamps were attached to insulated wires that hung from the
head of the machine. The clamps were cylindrical and completely
covered the hair wound on the roller. I watched my reflection in
the mirrored wall with fascination, each time Tara attached
another clamp my excitement and euphoric feeling seemed to mount
to a higher level. It was obvious to me now that any idea I might
have had about backing out was impossible. I was securely
fastened to the machine with so many wires and clamps, that only
one of the operators could free me. I sensed that Ms. Merrill had
no intention of allowing that to happen. My hair was going to be
permanently waved by these women and there was nothing I could do
now to stop it. Tara had now completed placing all of the clamps,
and was adjusting dials and switches on the control panel of the
machine above my head.

"Well since we have you safely secured I shall take some
photos now, and then I must attend to certain other details
of your conversion. Tara has set the controls to the proper
temperature and timing to give you a firm and long lasting
curl. You will be connected to the machine for about an
hour, so Janice will be able to do something about improving
your hands while you are processing. If your head becomes
too hot, or you think one of the clamps is burning your
scalp, let Janice know immediately." with that informative
but chilling statement Ms. Merrill left Janice to attend me
while I sat bound to this machine.

How did I get myself into this predicament?. It is almost as
if these women were just waiting for me so they could do this. No,
surely that is not true this is a business place, they make money
by fixing peoples hair, it must be my imagination. But it
certainly appears that they are enjoying themselves. What can I
possibly do when this ordeal is over? Obviously my hair is to be
firmly and permanently curled by this machine. Even though I
don't have any relatives or close friends, my landlady, and the
women at the grocery store, and the restaurant are bound to know
my hair has been curled. How can I face them? What if somebody
recognizes me from the pictures,- and "conversion" what does
Ms. Merrill mean by that?-- Is that just a figure of speech?

"Your other hand!" Janice said shocking me back from my
worries. She had set up a manicure table, attached some false
nails to my left hand, and now was proceeding to do the same to
my right hand.

"Why are you doing that to my hands, I just wanted pictures
of a hairdo." I asked.

"Ms. Merrill gave instructions that we are to make you
appear completely feminine and as beautiful as possible. She
wants the pictures to be as realistic as possible." Janice

Oh my, how will I ever get this all undone? As I worried
what was happening to me, Janice shaved both of my hands and
forearms with an electric razor. She filed the false fingernails
into long slender ovals and then applied a clear polish to each

"I will only apply the base coat now since I won't know what
color to use until your makeup is done." Janice told me.

While Janice was placing the manicure table by the hair
dryer I became aware of how uncomfortable I was. The weight of
all the steel rollers and clamps was making my neck tired,
especially since I could hardly turn my head because of all the
wires connecting me to the machine. At least the smell from the
lotion wasn't as strong as it had been, but the heat from the
machine clamps was really uncomfortable. I called to Janice
telling her how hot my head was becoming.

"That is to be expected". she replied. " This process
operates on the principle of increasing heat. The lotion we
applied softens the hair so it will assume the shape of the
curlers. The machine generates heat through the clamps
fastened over the curlers. The increasing heat causes the
lotion to steam out of the hair and hardens the hair into
the new shape on the curler. The machine will cut off in
a few more minutes so just be patient."

Janice rolled a cart in front of me that contained a TV
monitor and VCR. She started a tape and then brought a miniature
set of headphones and placed them in my ears. Janice left the
room as the tape began to play scenes of beautiful landscapes,
seashores and mountains. The sound to this tape was of some
strange New Age music that repeated itself periodically. As I
watched and listened a soothing, peaceful, and happy feeling came
over me. I did not seem to be any less excited, only less anxious
and fearful. Ms. Merrill returned to the room with Tara just as
the machine clicked off. Janice donned a pair of gloves and
removed the hot clamps from my head. Ms. Merrill snapped several
photos of this being done and said.

"Now that your hair has been curled, we must cool it before
removing the curlers. If you will go back to the styling
chair Janice and Tara will start the cooling."

As I rose from the chair under the machine I almost fell. It
must have been the continuous excitement, the smell of the waving
lotion and the heat from the permanent wave machine that had made
me feel so weak. Ms. Merrill assisted me to the styling chair and

" I'm sure you will find the rest of your conversion will
not be so uncomfortable."

Janice and Tara each used a small blower to cool my hair,
and it certainly was a relief. They soon shut off the blowers and
started removing the rollers, clamps and pads. As they removed
each one a long golden ringlet would fall until soon my head was
a mass of golden curls. When the last roller had been removed,
Janice led me to the shampoo bowl and rinsed my hair. Ms. Merrill
snapped several more photos of these proceedings. After the rinse
I was returned to the styling chair, and with a towel around my
hair I placed a new roll of film in my camera. Janice combed some
liquid through my hair and started setting it on plastic rollers,
using clips to hold each roller in place. AS Ms. Merrill took
more pictures she said.

"She is setting your hair in a certain pattern so that we
will be able to arrange it in a suitable style."

As soon as this was completed another beautician, who
apparently was the makeup artist, looked my face over carefully
and after comparing some color samples with my face told Janice
what color nail enamel to use. As she left the room Janice placed
me under the hair dryer and Ms. Merrill took photos of me under
the hair dryer. While my hair was drying Janice applied a soft
pink color to my nails and then a coat of clear sealer. As she
finished one hand and then the other I was amazed at how feminine
my hands now were. Having finished my nails, Janice brought me
another glass of wine and repositioned the video cart and
started the tape before again leaving the room.

As the dryer droned on my mind began going over everything that
had been done to me. Never could I remember having been so
excited and for such a long period. My testicles were actually
beginning to ache. Glancing from my hands to my reflection in the
mirror I wondered why I was enjoying what these women were doing
to me. As they increasingly changed my appearance the strange
feelings within me became more overwhelming. I drank the wine and
began to look at the tape again since I had enjoyed it so much
the first time.

Ms. Merrill and Janice returned just as the dryer turned
off. Ms. Merrill took several pictures and then said.

"We will soon be through and I just know you will be
delighted with your new appearance."

Janice placed a satin bonnet over my curls and led me to the
makeup room. In the center of the alcove devoted to makeup was a
large padded bench over which was suspended a large light
fixture. Near one end were several machines with various dials
and switches that I assumed were for giving facial treatments.
Elaine, the makeup artist, told me to lie down on this bench.
After arranging a cloth over my clothing, she placed a dark pad
over each eye.

"It is necessary to shield your eyes from the bright light I
will be using. I will be shaping eyebrows to begin with. You
will feel a pricking sensation, but just remain absolutely
still until I have finished." Elaine advised.

It seemed forever before she removed the pads from my eyes,
the pricking sensation she had mentioned felt more like being
repeatedly stuck with a needle. She produced a hypodermic syringe
and told me she was going to deaden my earlobes so the earrings
wouldn't bother me. She said people who had not worn earrings
before found them uncomfortable. She Injected each ear and then
began applying makeup to my face, eyes and lips. As she attached
a gold loop to each ear I was glad she had deadened them. It felt
just like she had punched a hole in my earlobe. Ms. Merrill had
been taking photos while Elaine was working on me and she handed
me my camera so I could change the film again. Janice had me
remove the smock and replace it with the ruffled blouse I had
worn earlier. I was then brought back to the room where the
permanent wave had been given and seated in the styling chair.
Janice removed the satin bonnet and started taking the rollers
out. As she removed the rollers my hair stayed in the shape it
had been set in. Sitting in the chair wearing a feminine smock,
and with my set hair, I looked just like a woman, and I liked
looking like a woman! What was happening to me? My appearance had
been so drastically changed already and I was actually wanting
them to hurry so I could see myself when they finished! Janice
then began brushing and combing my hair. I could see while she
worked that she was arranging my curls in an updo. Ms. Merrill
had been taking pictures while Janice worked and as Janice
finished my hair style by applying hair spray Ms. Merrill said.

"With your fair skin I new it would be easy to complete
this first part in your conversion."

As I gazed at my reflection I saw a beautiful young lady! Piles
of artfully arranged golden curls, a beautiful face with long
dark eyelashes, sweepingly arched eyebrows, seductively pouting
pink lips, gold loop earrings dangling from pierced ears this was
me! ...I stared at what I had become until the mounting waves of
passion completely overcame me as I blissfully fainted.

" I believe that you have a new member for our little
family Ms. Merrill, he has fainted from excitement!"
exclaimed Janice. "Yes and the stain on the front of his
slacks is the proof. It seems our little photographer is to
willingly become a slave to his new found beauty. The proper
pharmaceuticals in the wine and that tape with the sublimnal
messages are quite effective in creating the desire to be
a woman. Please revive him at once as I have many more
surprises for our new girl to be."


By: Sandy Sullivan

Part two of the adventures of a young man who receives a
permanent wave and finds himself being led into permanent changes
in his life.

Wow , the sharp smell of ammonia burned my nose as I awakened, I
must have fainted. As my eyes cleared I could see a spreading
stain on the front of my pants and I blushed with embarrassment
as I realized I had ejaculated while looking at myself in the
mirror. I raised my eyes to the mirror, yes it was true and not a
dream, my hair had been permed, set, dried and arranged
beautifully, my eyebrows were highly arched, my face had been
made up, and as I reached up to touch the dangling earrings, I
saw my false polished nails and confirmed that my ears were
pierced. My eyes met those of Janice in the mirror as she watched
me stare at myself. Embarrassed or not I could not stop looking
at my beautiful new self. I am beautiful and I love it, what
in the world has happened to me. I should not be thinking this
way--before today I had never had any desire to look like a girl.
But, I could feel my excitement growing again and moved my hands
to hide the beginning of another erection!

"Don't be embarrassed!, obviously you have just had a
wonderfully exciting experience. I think it is just
terrific that you could climax while looking at your
new found beauty. If you think you have recovered enough
why don't you come over here and I will take some pictures
of you now that we have finished with the permanent wave
you wanted. Just d**** the jacket over your arm and that
will hide the spot in your pants." Said Janice.

As I got up out of the styling chair, I realized I was still a
little shaky. Since I had never fainted before in my whole life
I didn't know this was normal. Janice took several pictures of me
in the styling room . Standing by the permanent wave machine, and
by the styling chair. Then we walked through the salon to the
reception area and she took several of me at the reception desk
and waving as I went through the door. I was a lot less shaky now
and was actually enjoying the posing . While we were walking
through the salon I noticed there were no more patrons and
realized how late it was. I had been so engrossed in my now
beautiful self I hadn't even thought about what I was going to
do. Maybe I will be able to sneak into my room tonight without
being seen. Tomorrow I can worry about how I can cope with the
world. Ms. Merrill said they could straighten my hair if I did
not like it but what can I do about my arched eyebrows and
pierced ears. But wait, tomorrow will be soon enough, right now I
just want to enjoy how I look. Oh wow, did I really think that?
What am I doing I should not be thinking like that! I started out
today just to get some pictures and somehow all this happened and
now I look like a beautiful young woman. Janice had said they
were finished with the permanent wave I had wanted. I didn't come
here wanting a permanent wave, but now I am thrilled because they
did it to me. I can't go back to my normal life looking like
this, but oh God I love how I feel and look.

"If you will come with me we will get you cleaned up for
dinner with Ms. Merrill as she wants to speak to you."
Janice smiled and said to me.

I followed Janice back to the same dressing room where all of
this had started, where she instructed me to again remove all of
my clothes. She assisted me in removing the body shaper and then
after putting on a pair of surgical gloves she opened a foil pack
and removed a moist towelette. She began wiping my penis and
scrotum and all of the places my ejaculate had touched.

" Please excuse the gloves, nothing personal you understand,
we must be careful however until we have had your blood
tested."said Janice.

She then placed the soiled towelette and her gloves in a special
container that she said was an incinerator. I was already
embarrassed enough from ejaculating in my pants and fainting.
When she had me remove all my clothes and started washing me
like a baby I was really mortified. But obviously not
embarrassed too much. While she was washing me I couldn't bring
myself to watch and instead looked at my reflection in the
mirror. Oh no, I am starting to get another erection. What is she
talking about, a blood test? I understand her precautions
against AIDS but why will I need a blood test. After putting on
another pair of gloves she opened another pack and took out
another towelette, with this one she only wiped my penis and
scrotum. As soon as she started I could feel my penis and scrotal
sack going numb. Seeing the anxious look on my face Janice said..

" Don't worry, the numbing effect is only temporary. But
you won't be as likely to soil yourself, or more nice
clothing while these Things are under control.
Besides, I will be able to make your clothing fit better
with Them out of the way. I noticed that even in the air
conditioning you were sweating while we were working on
your conversion, please step into the bath and we will
get you all cleaned up. You really should be all fresh
and sweet for new clothes "

After placing the second towelette in the incinerator she removed
her gloves and placed them in also. I stepped into the bath as
she instructed and she began rubbing a strongly perfumed lotion
all over my body from the neck down, covering everything but the
palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. Janice told me to
just stand there for a few minutes while she selected a new
outfit for me. I started to ask her what the lotion was for but
she had already left the bath. As I waited for her to return, I
found myself hoping I didn't, mess up my hair or makeup while
bathing. The lotion was beginning to burn and itch and when
Janice finally returned I told her how uncomfortable it was.
She began running water and testing the temperature and then
told me....

" As soon as we rinse it off I am sure you will be delighted
with the results."

As she reached up to the shower head I then realized the shower
was a flexible hose like you see in motels for handicapped
people. She told me to look up and she began rinsing the lotion
off of my body. She accompanied the rinse by rubbing her other
hand all over my body. She was right, the numbing effect of the
towelette had my THINGS under control. She then took a large
towel,patted me dry and dusted me all over with a wonderful
smelling powder. She handed me another glass of that wonderful
wine and told me that might help my discomfort. Reaching
over to a pile of underclothing she had brought into the bath
she placed a pink corset around my waist as I watched in the
vanity mirror. It just seemed natural to automatically face the
mirror and check my hair and makeup as soon as possible. I
wonder why I did that? I can't remember ever doing that before.
As I gazed at my beautiful new appearance, Janice began pulling
the laces on the corset. When I protested at how tight she was
pulling them she told me....

"Your waist is a little too large you know, and if you
want to be beautiful you will have to be prepared to
suffer. Besides, you know by now that you really do
want to be as pretty as we can make you."

It was true for some unknown reason I wanted very badly to be
beautiful. And even though while they were working on me in the
salon everything they did to me was uncomfortable, even
painful I had been extremely excited by all that they did.
And OH!, the results were certainly worth all the suffering. As
Janice placed a lovely pink lace padded brassiere over my arms
and fastened it in the back. I realized I had never been so
happy. She reached inside the cups of the bra and pulled my flesh
up causing it to rest on the top of the pads. I was amazed at how
this made it look like I had breasts! Janice knelt down and began
squeezing my scrotum and I felt a sharp pain as she pushed my
testicles back up inside my body. Before I could get my breath
back she had secured them there with some tape.

"What are you doing! That really hurts." I cried.

"Ms. Merrill does not allow anyone with a male appearance
upstairs. Since she has been kind enough to invite you to
dine with us, I am helping make your appearance
acceptable. It is obvious that you enjoyed all the pain and
discomfort we put you through today. In fact I wouldn't be
surprised that before long you asked, maybe even begged
for more pain and suffering just so you could stay pretty
and feminine." Janice replied.

Janice took another piece of tape , and while looping it around
my penis told me to pull my butt cheeks apart. When I did she
pulled the ends of the tape back between my legs and pressed them
to my cheeks. Standing back up she handed me a mirror so I could
see what she had done. Oh my, everything seems to have
disappeared! Even the hair! I hadn't had much hair anyway just
some blonde fuzz right around my penis and some that was barely
visible on my legs. But now I was as bare as a cue ball.

"There isn't that much prettier now that we can't see those
ugly THINGS anymore. Of course if you need to urinate you
will have to remember to sit. Now turn around and sit on
the vanity stool and put on this pair of hose."Janice said.

I drank some more wine since it really had made me feel better
before. The pain from my testicles was subsiding somewhat, but I
still sat down very carefully. Surprise, it wasn't as
uncomfortable to sit on my penis as I had feared. Janice opened a
new pack of very sheer hose and reminded me how to put them on.
After I had fastened them properly to the corset tabs, she handed
me a pair of lacy pink panties to wear. Before I could pull them
all the way up she told me to wait as she unwrapped a sanitary

"This is in case you have another accident." she smiled.
" I really don't like to clean up that nasty stuff"

Next came a pair of medium heel pink pumps. I sat on the vanity
to put them on. Standing up as she brought out a pink dress I
found I was not too wobbly. But even the low height of the heels
was enough to make me stand more erect which enhanced the
illusion of breasts. Oh, I thought as I glanced in the mirror,
I hope I don't faint again. Those feelings of excitement I had
felt before were fast replacing my embarrassment. She carefully
lowered the dress over my hair and zipped it up the back. After
adjusting the fit here and there, she placed a diamond pendant
on a gold chain around my neck, and a gold bracelet on my left

"Now turn around and take a look, YOUNG LADY." Janice said.

There was a full length mirror on the opposite wall and I had
managed a few glances before, BUT NOW I WAS a vision of a perfect
young lady. The pushup bra, the tightly laced corset, the fitted
dress top and flaring skirt created an unbelievable image of
femininity. Janice, holding me by the shoulders quickly turned me
away from the mirror.

"Oh no young lady, we don't have time for another clean up.
We must hurry. It is almost time for dinner." Said Janice.

She must have seen me starting to tremble. Looking at myself in
the mirror had brought a rush of intense excitement again!
Janice held me by the hand and led me out of the bath.
I was having some difficulty walking in the heels until Janice
instructed me in how to place my feet so that my toes and heels
touched the floor at the same time. After a few steps like this
it seemed to come natural and was much easier to walk. We went
down a hall to an elevator where Janice pressed the button for
the third floor. We exited the elevator into another hall,
however this one was decorated very elegantly. Janice stopped
at a set of beautiful wooden doors and held one open for me to
enter. In the center of this very large room was a huge oval
table around which were seated many very lovely women. Janice led
me to the near end and had me stand behind the empty chair.
Janice seated herself in the chair to my right but indicated for
me to remain standing. Ms. Merrill was seated at the head of the
table and said --

"Ladies, this is James Sanders."

The meal had already begun, but everyone had focused their
attention on me when we entered the room. I wondered how she
knew my name ? I don't recall telling anyone my name. Ms. Merrill
began introducing me to the women around the table.

"James, she said looking to her right "This is the
Honorable Clarice Newman, United States Senator." Turning to her
left she introduced " and this is the Honorable Marsha Powers,
U.S. Representative; the second person on my right is Her Honor
Alicia Dumont, Judge of the state superior court." The second
person on my left is Adriana Covington, Doctor of Medicine; the
third person on my right is Erica Powell, Doctor of

And so it went from side to side of the table, at first I
wondered why Ms. Merrill did not just go around the table but
then I realized that those who seemed to be of greater importance
were seated closest to her. I was impressed, here I am seated at
a private dinner with some of the most important and powerful
women in the country. Ms. Merrill must think that there is
something about me that is worthy of such an honor. I was
extremely pleased to be here, especially since everyone was so
pleasant and seemed happy that I had joined them for the meal.
When Ms. Merrill had concluded the introductions she asked
everyone to continue eating and enjoy their evening. I was served
a salad by a maid in a classic maids outfit, black dress, white
apron, and cap. I noticed there were several more maids standing
around the room near the walls all of whom were watching very
closely the persons in front of them. From time to time they
would remove a plate, or fill a glass without anyone saying or
doing anything, obviously they were well trained. Janice advised
me to not eat too much after the salad since I would become very
uncomfortable while wearing the corset. During the meal many
conversations were going on around the table and everyone seemed
to be enjoying themselves and the company of the others. When
everyone had finished eating Ms. Merrill asked for everyone's
attention and said.

"James came to us this afternoon wanting pictures of a
machine permanent wave. Since no one else was available he
decided to have us give him the wave. I must say the results are
excellent, don't you agree ladies? " After much agreeable comment
such as lovely, adorable, etc. I was sure my face must be beet
red from blushing. Even though I was blushing I loved every word.
How strange, that I should enjoy being described in those terms.
However Ms. Merrill did not allow the comments to continue very
long and soon resumed.--

"The hour is growing late and I am sure James is tired
from all he has experienced today so I am going to excuse him at
this time. Charles since it is so late and it really would not be
safe for you to walk home at this late hour. A room has been
prepared for you. I would be pleased if you would be our guest
tonight and then you and I can talk about your future in the

Janice escorted me to the hall where she introduced me to a small
brunette wearing a maids uniform like those in the dining hall
except hers was pink.

"Charles this is Felicia, she has been assigned to take care
of you while you staying with us. She will provide for all
of your needs. I will see you again in the morning." With
those words Janice returned to the dining room.

Felicia led the way to the elevator and took us to the second
floor. The first thing I noticed was that the hall on the second
floor was not decorated at all like the third floor, in fact it
was very plain almost like a hospital. Felicia turned right as we
got off the elevator and went to the last door on the right side.
The interior of the room was much more pleasant, although there
was no carpet on the floor. The floors were very shiny vinyl and
there was a dresser, a full length mirror and a single bed.
As she started unzipping my dress Felicia said

"I must help you prepare for bed. I will help you remove
your clothing and your makeup."

I noticed Felicia had not said anything on the way here and that
she had a very strong accent when she did speak. While she was
helping me get undressed I asked her about where she was from and
how she came to be a maid. Her story was very interesting she
told me in how she came from the mountains in Central America
with her family to this country and how she got separated from
her family at the border. She said she was very fortunate to get
across and came here with a group of men who went to work as
gardeners for the landscape firm that worked the grounds of this
establishment. She said one day Ms. Merrill noticed her working
in the yard and brought her in and talked a long time to her and
that is how she came to work as a maid.
I told her I thought it strange that such a small pretty girl was
working as a gardener instead of domestic work. She had just
finished removing my corset when she totally shocked me by saying
that she was a boy when she worked in the garden. I was stunned
by that and had to think for a few minutes, during that time she
removed all of my makeup and rubbed a very soothing cream into
my face and neck. She was so gentle I nearly dozed off. Felicia
began to tell me how kind and generous Ms. Merrill had been to
her by taking her in and getting citizenship papers for her. She
said how hard her life had been living with the gardeners since
the work was very hard and the men were always harassing her
because she was small. She then had me stand naked in the bath
room while she rubbed a very nice smelling cream all over my
body. When she went to the closet to obtain clothing for me I
finally recovered somewhat from her bombshell of having been a
boy and began to ask questions.

"Do you mean you are dressing like a girl so you can work
as a maid?"

"No--" Felicia replied. "Ms. Merrill made me a girl so I
could work for her as a maid.

"You mean you are a girl now? I asked in surprise

"Yes,-- I am a real girl now, Ms. Merrill make me into real
girl, she is so good to me, she has made me very happy."

"I don't think I understand, Ms. Merrill forced you to
a girl? You mean you have been operated on?" I asked.

"Yes, I have had the operations, and no I was not forced, in
truth I beg her to make me a pretty girl. But now you must
put these things on to sleep, and no more questions.
Ms. Merrill will talk to you tomorrow and tell you every
thing".she replied as she wrapped a corset around my waist.

"Oh no, not another corset! How am I supposed to sleep in
that." I exclaimed.

"You must wear the corset at all times to have the little
waist. But don't worry this one is not nearly so tight. Now
put on this gown, you must sleep soon to be ready for your
big day tomorrow." Felicia said.

She was right the corset was not too uncomfortable, and the
lovely night gown was long and felt very good against my hairless
body. Felicia tucked me in and kissed me on the cheek. How sweet
I thought, but before I could thank her she smiled and said

"You are so beautiful, I think maybe you beg too very soon."

With that she turned off the light, closed the door and left the
room. A television screen in the wall that I had not noticed
before came on and began playing the very same program I had seen
in the beauty salon. I thought how am I supposed to sleep with
the television going? But I soon heard that lovely music again
and found myself becoming very drowsy. I must have had too much
of that great wine at dinner.-
What did she mean beg,-oh yes now I remember, Felicia said she
had begged Ms. Merrill to have her operated on. Me beg
to be operated on, how silly. I do love the way I look now,
and it was so exciting getting the permanent, but asking to be
castrated no way! You know as a photo journalist I work
alone ..... maybe I could keep wearing my hair like this. Gosh if
I wore makeup too, then it would look natural to wear some of
these nice clothes, hmmm my clients would probably never know if
I didn't tell them. I might have to do that anyway since they
arched my eyebrows and pierced my ears. At least until the
eyebrows grow back in, if I don't wear earrings the holes should
close up pretty soon. I'll just have to find somewhere to stay
until then, where nobody knows me.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. It is time to get ready to see
Ms. Merrill. You don't want to be late for your big day."

Felicia was shaking me, as I tried to crawl up out of the deep
sleep I had been in. She had brought a breakfast tray with her
and the coffee smell was wonderful. While I sat drinking the
coffee Felicia was puttering around in the bath and clothes
closet. I was just enjoying the coffee and thinking how nice it
felt to sit here in this lovely night gown when I remembered
everything that had happened yesterday. I stood and walked over
to the mirror to make sure I was not just dreaming. It was real,
my eyebrows are arched and the loop earrings are in my pierced
ears. Except for the satin sleep bonnet and no makeup I looked
just like I had yesterday. It is not a dream, and I could tell
the lotion Janice had rubbed on my penis was no longer effective.
I was getting another erection looking at my self, this is so
strange, but oh how good it feels. Felicia came back in the room
and said.

"You must hurry and eat, we must start getting you ready."

"I,m not hungry now I'll just drink the coffee." I said
turning toward her.

"Oh, you like yourself when you are pretty." she said.

I blushed as I realized she had seen my erection pushing against
the nightgown. Felicia led me into the bath and removed the satin
bonnet replacing it with a bouffant shower cap. After she had
removed the corset I stood in the shower while she bathed me.
(I could get to like this personal maid business.) Felicia dried
and powdered me all over and removed the shower cap. When I
stepped back into the room the operator who had done the makeup
yesterday was waiting. I hastily pulled my robe together as she
told me to be seated at the vanity. She immediately went to work
applying the various cosmetics. She carefully explained each item
and how to apply them Just as she was finishing Janice entered
the room and began refreshing my hairstyle. Soon only Felicia
remained and she quickly laced me into a lovely pale lavender
corset with pushup padding in the bra cups. Next she produced a
latex item similar to a condom but constructed of much stronger
and thicker material. Since I was already erect from watching
Janice fix my hair, she had no trouble slipping it on and rolling
it down. With a quick motion she shoved this sleeve further on,
allowing the head of my penis to pop out of the open end. Molded
into this sleeve was a long strip of sturdy latex hanging down.
Felicia produced a cold wet rag and applied it to the head of my
penis causing a rather quick droop. She quickly brought the end
of the latex strap back between my legs and fastened it to the
back of my corset. Since she had already replaced the tape
holding my testicles inside me, I once again had a very feminine
appearing groin. She explained that this device was much more
secure than the tape and would be more comfortable. Of course I
would have to sit to urinate. After putting on very sheer
lavender hose, she gave me a beautiful pair of very lacy nylon
panties. Again I was given a sanitary napkin to place in my
panties. The wrapper on this one said Overnighter with Wings and
was very thick. Felicia showed me how to fold the flaps around
the crotch of the panties. This pad completely covered me from
above the base of my penis to the top of my crack in the rear.
Inside the tight panties they were slightly uncomfortable, but
some how made me feel very secure and feminine. The dress Felicia
had picked was a scoop necked sundress, very light and was a pale
lavender and white flower print. Soon Felicia had the dress
fastened and adjusted to her satisfaction and led me to the
elevator. Again I was impressed by the richness of the decor on
the third floor. Felicia knocked on a door and after receiving
permission opened the door and closed it behind me. I was
standing in a very large room that was furnished as an office.
Ms. Merrill was seated behind a huge desk and asked me to please
be seated, motioning to a straight back chair right in front of
her desk.

"Well James, it was obvious yesterday that you liked the
permanent wave. I think you also like everything that has
happened to you since you came to us yesterday. Now we must
discuss where you go from here. Am I right in thinking you
are a little afraid to return to your place of residence?"

"Yes Ma'am, I do love the way I look and have been very
excited by everything that you have had done to me. But I
am not sure I can think of any explanation for my new
appearance. I am sure my landlady would not understand."
I replied.

MS. Merrill paused for a moment, as if in deep thought, and then

"We may be able to help you James, you see while you were in
the salon yesterday one of my employees went to your apartment

I started to express my surprise and anger, but Ms. Merrill
held her hand up and said

"Please hear me out James. I knew that you would be hesitant
to go home looking like you do now, so I sent one of my
employees to your apartment to help you. She told your
landlady she was a friend of yours and that you had asked
her to go there and pickup some things for you. You had
been called out of town for a job interview and would be
gone for a few days. She was going to meet you at the
airport with your clothes. So you see you don't have to
worry about anyone missing you for a while. However I had
also instructed my employee to look around so we might
learn more about you. I must say I was not too surprised
when she reported that you had numerous books and magazines
about lesbians in your apartment. I already had some
suspicions that you were deeply interested in women, if not
in a totally normal way. I didn't believe any totally
normal male would ever get up enough courage to attempt a
project such as you came to us with. I knew that you had to
have at least some type of identification with women
to not be afraid or embarrassed to come to a real beauty
salon. James I believe it is your fantasy and desire to be
a lesbian."

My emotions quickly changed from surprise and anger that she
would have invaded my apartment, to deep embarrassment. She had
learned my deepest secret! When I was eleven or twelve we had
moved to a new city and our next door neighbors daughter had
totally captivated me. Shirley was f******n, with long curly
brunette hair, and absolutely the most beautiful girl I had ever
seen. It wasn't long before she had taught me how to orally
satisfy her desires. She had been very skillful and had excited
me so much that I always ejaculated while satisfying her. When I
realized later how she had trained me at such an early age, it
was too late and my total sexual desire was to worship at the
fountain of woman. Later while at college I had been shared by
two lesbian seniors who used me to do menial tasks for them
Always controlling me by the reward of allowing me to perform
oral sex with them. When they had graduated, the fear of AIDS
had, prevented me from seeking another relationship of any kind.
Seeing my embarrassment and the beginning of tears Ms.
Merrill quickly said

"James there is no need for embarrassment! You are among
friends. Everyone in this building appreciates and has a
great respect for every thing feminine. We all understand
your orientation and desires. You see all of us are totally
committed to the female ideal and life-style. All of our
business interests are totally supportive of making people
beautiful, independent of the opinions of others, and in
control of their own destiny. James I believe that you also
might like to join our organization. Here you will be free
to express your delight in femininity. We have learned of
your degree and especially of your minor in computer
science. We have a need in our organization for someone to
manage a new computer project. Perhaps you could be just
the person we are looking for."

Ms. Merrill had all of my attention now, I had never met
anyone who could understand my feelings before. But now my mind
was full of questions. I began to ask, and then found myself
rushing to get the words out.

"I am not sure I understand everything you have said, but if
what you mean is that I could work for you and would not
have to have all of the beautiful things you have done to
me undone, -well I would at least like to examine the

"I can make arrangements for you to stay with us here for a
few days. During that time we will give you some tests to
be sure that you would fit in. I will meet with you some
more and explain all of the details to you, and answer any
question you might have. However since you are going to
stay with us, I will have to ask you to let Dr. Covington
give you a physical examination. Living with us in the same
building, makes it necessary to be sure that you are not
carrying some dangerous virus or disease. I am sure you
understand our precautions." Ms. Merrill informed me

" Yes Ma'am, thank you for being so understanding." I said.

"Very good. Felicia will escort you to Dr. Covington, and
will attend you during your stay with us. Please follow all
of her instructions and everything will go well."

With that Ms. Merrill pressed a button and Felicia entered
to take me to the Doctor.


The changes continue, but how far will he go to keep his new
hairstyle? Ms. Merrill puts him to the test.

BY: Sandy Sullivan

Felicia and I went back to the elevator and returned to the
second floor. She led me to the opposite end of the hall and
opened a door for me. As I entered a nurse stood up from behind
a desk and said-

"Ah, you must be James. You really are as pretty as I had
heard. Please follow me James."

I turned to look but Felicia was already closing the door on her
way out. I had hoped she would be staying with me because I was a
little frightened and wanted to cling to someone familiar.

"I am Miriam and I will be with you throughout your
examination. Please remove all your clothing as this will
be a very complete examination." the nurse said handing me
a paper gown.

I did as she said and the followed her to the bath. The nurse
removed the tape holding my testicles inside me and then told me
to bend over and put my hands on top of the commode. She reached
up a took a hose from the wall and before I could protest,
inserted it in my rectum.

"Why are you giving me an enema?' I asked.

"Because you are going to have a rectal exam, surely you
don't expect the Doctor to examine you without you having
been cleaned out do you? Now take a deep breath and relax
your stomach muscles we have a lot more water to get in
you yet." She replied.

Bent over like I was the only thing I was seeing was the commode.
I looked back under myself and almost laughed at how strange my
penis looked in that latex sleeve. I began to notice my stomach
growing larger. Every time I took a deep breath and relaxed my
stomach muscles as Miriam directed, my stomach would distend
more. Finally Miriam told me I could straighten up. It was time
because I did not know how much more pressure I could stand. My
stomach was so cramped I was almost unable to stand. When I
turned around I saw myself in the mirror and was shocked at my
appearance. With my stomach distended so much under the paper
gown, I looked just like a pregnant woman. Miriam told me to
squat and pulled the nozzle out. What a relief it was when my
bowels released. In a few minutes everything had been evacuated
and Miriam washed my rear while I bent over and held my ankles.
I was beginning to realize that this was going to be a very
humiliating day. Miriam brought me back into the examination room
and began to draw blood samples. Thankfully she did this while I
sat in the chair, since I was very weak from the enema. She told
me to remain seated while she went to the lab. Taking the four
vials of blood and the urine and stool samples she had obtained
earlier she left me alone in the room to fill out the
questionnaires she had given me..
What have I gotten myself into, I should have left yesterday
as soon as they finished the permanent wave. I should have taken
my chances of being seen by my landlady. But somehow I seemed to
have been confused and was really enjoying the way they had made
me look. But in the last few minutes this morning I think I am
realizing I am in over my head. I don't understand what is
happening to me. Why am I so readily accepting everything they
want to do. I should refuse and just leave. But when Ms. Merrill
had talked to me it seemed that everything she said was right and
I wanted to do just as she said. Miriam returned and took my
blood pressure, pulse rate, weighed me and checked my height,
then took my measurements. I had decided to go through with this
physical exam but as soon as it was over I was going to go tell
Ms. Merrill I was leaving. I somehow have to get my life back to
normal. I love my permed hair and the makeup but everything else
that is going on around here is really frightening me. As I was
making these plans, Miriam and Dr. Covington entered the room
and the Dr. immediately began her exam. Dr. Covington had me
stand up and listened to my heart and chest. Without saying any
thing to me she pulled the latex sleeve off of my penis and
manipulated my penis and balls giving them a very close look.
Dropping the paper gown back in place she picked up the chart
Miriam had brought back with her, read for a few minutes and
then for the first time looked me in the eyes and said--

"Please lay face down on the table, I need to check your
prostrate gland. Your blood tests suggest there may be
some congestion."

I had noticed that this was a very strange looking table but
then I had not been in a doctors office in several years. There
was a place for my face to fit that left my nose and mouth clear
Miriam took my hands and placed them on handles near my head and
then quickly moved to the other end of the table. She made some
adjustments to the table which lowered my legs to a position
similar to that of kneeling down. I felt some sort of lubricant
being applied to my rectum and then Dr. Covington inserted her
finger. As she began to move her finger around it did not feel
bad at all but all of a sudden a very bad pain hit me and I
screamed. Dr. Covington removed her finger while I tried to catch
my breath. She said

"Just as I suspected your prostrate is very large and
congested. This is a very dangerous condition, I am
surprised that you have not had trouble urinating. But
I am sure we have caught it in time and can clear up
this trouble in just a few days."

Miriam had returned the table to its original position and helped
me to stand up while Dr. Covington was talking to me.
Dr. Covington looked at me and said-

"Your tests show that you are free from any communicable
diseases, however you are slightly anemic and are somewhat
deficient in several other vitamins. The congested
prostrate is a serious condition and I suggest you begin
treatment immediately. You should go to your personal
physician right away. I would be happy to treat you if you
want. If you would like for me to treat you just sign the
authorization form Miriam has and we can start

What in the world is a congested prostrate, I wondered. But since
I didn't have a personal physician in this town I signed the form
Miriam was holding out to me. Any thing that hurts that bad must
be serious.

"Very good," smiled Dr. Covington, please take him to
treatment room one and begin these treatments."

Dr. Covington handed Miriam a list of instructions and left the
room. Miriam showed me into another room through a connecting
door. She led me to a chair situated in the middle of the room
and helped me get situated in it properly. At first I thought it
resembled a dentists chair without padding. It was made
completely of stainless steel. As soon as I had sat down Miriam
fastened a strap arou

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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Mr Forrester

"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...

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The Foremans Foreskin

I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...

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Meeting at Bedford Mills

Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

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Permanent Farm Help

Permanent Farm Help----------As I entered my office I could see the backs of two heads sitting opposite my dad; they appeared to be in an intense conversation, hands were animatedly waving and gesturing. The door was closed and I could not quite hear what the discussion was. I tossed my daily paperwork down on the desk, picked up my water bottle and took a drink, continuing to look into the other office. Dad seeing me waved for me to come into his office. I stood up, straightened my clothing,...

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Permanent Reassignment Part 17

Permanent Reasignment - Part 17 by Kerrin Campbell Once again I would like to extend a big thank you to Cynthia and Shadhow Blonde for some great comments during the writing of this part. Chapter 40 ---------- The alarm on my phone jolted me out of a deep slumber but I had no desire to move, or even open my eyes. I was exhausted and just wanted to go back to sleep. Groggily, I reached out to pick up my phone and squinted at the brightness as I unlocked it. It was only 4:15am....

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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Meeting Clive

So how did it all begin? I hear you scream out at me. Well to be honest I don’t know, it all happened so fast and now I’m in a really odd place in my life – but I’ll get to that later. First I have to explain what has happened, maybe it’ll help me clear it all up in my head. Maybe it won’t. I got to work at half nine and settled in with a coffee for a slow day with lots of gossiping with the three other people on with me. I work in a large complex with about thirty shops scattered about. We...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 9 A Trip to Milford Part I

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Friday was routine until lunchtime. Afternoon classes had been canceled for both Elyse and me because of the Labor Day weekend, so I drove back to the apartment instead of having lunch on campus. Elyse and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Kathy and Bethany, who arrived as planned, and we left Chicago just before 4:00pm. It was my goal to make the trip to Milford in just under five and a half hours, which I could do if we grabbed fast food on the way...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 13

It was the electronic chirp of a cellphone text message that first stirred Peggy Sanford from a state of excessive alcohol and strenuous sexual activity induced sleep to a state of semi-conscious awareness. The first thing she recognized was that she was not the only one lying in the bed. She felt the warm embrace of a delicate arm draped across her chest, a set of soft full breasts pressing up against her back, a smooth hairless pelvis nuzzled up against her buttocks and a tone fit leg...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 01

Author’s Note: These stories are a continuation of member/author Walterio’s excellent 12 part series, Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman and his extra story Peggy Sanford and the Secret Society. After I read his stories all I could think was ‘That was hot! I wish I was her.’ Walterio wrote these in response to member/author Peggy46’s invitation to anyone to continue or add to the stories that she wrote about herself and her wild sex life. I tried to fill in enough background information to make this...

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Earths CoreChapter 36 Formations

“Thank you ... Zax”. A middle aged woman with a combed black hair and a bit of weight around her waist walked toward him with hands down and holding one another. “You shouldn’t, Mrs. Inoki “. Zax shook his head. The woman was the mother of his childhood friends, Weysey Inoki. Mrs. Inoki came to stand beside him, but her view was on the large group of children having the time of their life fighting the living snowmen. “Our home is at the periphery of us, newcomers’ huts. The hut next to us...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

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CynthiaChapter 15 Bradford

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

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Being a slut Thetford forest

This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...

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Many came to The Monastery of Repentance because they were sent there,to receive punishment for some wrong doing;however there were those who came to the monastery to experience what it is like to be beaten,those people often made up excuses so that they would receive a spanking. One such boy was Oliver.Oliver had a fascination ,at least he thought, with being spanked hard,it was this fascination that led him to pay a visit to the Monastery of Repentance.He cycled along the long,country lane...

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A white rich bitch falls for a well endowed black forklift operator who works at one of her husband8217s warehouses

Hello, my name is Charlotte. I know you won’t believe this and normally I wouldn’t admit to it, but I am Otis’ cock slave. There really isn’t any other way to put it. And the really strange part, the really, really strange part, is that I come from a straight-laced New England family and Otis is barely educated and was just a worker in one of my husband’s warehouses. This is a strange tale, one that I find hard to believe even though I am living it. I first met...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E02 Chelsea Ferguson 34 from Chelmsford

This week, we start the show with establishing shots of the most boring suburban estate you could ever hope to see. Lots of ‘nice’ double story semi-detached homes, each with their own little square of grass and concrete driveway out front, separated from the public footpath by low brick walls. We can see a chunky, out of breath looking man walking along the street toward us, perky, elegant and mean-looking Doberman by his side ... This week’s host – the love-him-or-hate-him Cockney geezer –...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 07

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 01

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and you can see Peggy’s profile and photo under...

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Businessman is Forcibily Transformed Into a Sissy

Businessman Is Forcibly Transformed Into A Sissy By Sissycuckold It was a warm summer's day when it all began; I was a successful 34 year old, businessman man, with a large house, flash car, and a beautiful wife. As it was a Sunday I was out for any early morning walk, having just finished making love to my 27 year old wife Lorna, when suddenly a large black car screeched to a halt just before me. In a flash 4 burly men jumped out and I was unceremoniously...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e3 Madeline 31 housewife from Liverpool

Series 3, Episode 3: Madeline So far in this series we’ve had a skinny emo teenager with big boobs, and a slightly overstuffed punky blonde ... We’re due a good looking lady – and here she is... We focus on a married couple walking hand-in-hand along the Albert Dock in Liverpool. She’s short and very pretty without being stunning. The kind of lady who looks good in the street but would disappear if you stood her next to a model. Her long and thick reddish brown hair hangs way below her...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 2

and shorts; his cock and balls swaying in front of him. Mary smiled, leaned forward again and nuzzled Carol's silky cunt-hair, flattening it out to the sides and exposing her sensuous pink slit to their view. Then she stuck her tongue up inside it. Carol groaned happily and bucked her hips. John was standing over them now, stroking his thick cock while he gazed dreamily down at his sister's inviting pussy. Pushing a finger back up inside Carol's dewy cunt, Mary explored its...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 3

"My parents are celebrating their anniversary this weekend, and they're planning a family party. I'd like to take tomorrow off and fly down - if it's alright with you, of course." Lucy Parsons came around the desk and stood close to him. He caught a flash of tanned thigh as her skirt flap parted. "This must be a first. A new lawyer showing consideration for the firm." "Isn't that the way it's done?" "Not usually. Young lawyers are a fairly arrogant lot, and favors...

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It8217s Not Just Love Making 8211 The Foremost Foreplays

Hello Everyone This is pradeep back again with the continuation of my first submission(IT’s NOT JUST LOVE MAKING),And people who does not read my first story please I request you to read my previous submission which was the first part,so that you can have a great brief introduction of the my story which im gonna share you all. So to say about me,I am Pradeep (Name Changed),From (Vadapalani) Chennai.Iam 21 years old and i am living in a private home.I am 5.9 with athlete body and average in...

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Sheriffs Forester

I was young for my post but I had been doing it as a deputy it for several years with the old sheriff's forester. My father was a baron but I was only a younger son so I was not going to inherit. I carried the heavy stag into kitchen and ignored the quiet that fell. I shifted it off my shoulder and onto the large butcher table, "I took this from a poacher Anna." She wiped her hands as she crossed the kitchen, "how long..." I snorted as headed into the Keep, "a half day." When I...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 10 A Trip to Milford Part II

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Kara came into the living room when the dishes were done and took my hand and led me to the den. We sat in our chairs, as her father insisted. “Did you put your mom up to that ice cream date?” I asked. “No! I was just as surprised as you were. I could tell that dad was really upset at her. And when you stepped in, I thought he was going to blow a gasket. You agreed with him and made him look bad at the same time. And then, when mom did that thing with the...

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Beat the Forfeit

The studio lights go up, the audience cheers and applauds. Max Weinman, the slick studio host, launches into his well-rehearsed patter. "Welcome, welcome, welcome to another game of Beat the Forfeit. As always, we have two couples competing for tonight's jackpot of one hundred thousand pounds. First, in the studio, we have Jim and Russell. Let's meet them." Two men stand behind smart game-show lecterns each displaying a score of zero. Max touches the collar of his open necked shirt, tugs...

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Positive Reinforcement

Lisa's head swam. She was so damn horny it was difficult for her to think straight. Every inch of her skin felt alive and sensitive. Her puffy and extended nipples even more so. Her cock ached with pleasure even as permanently limp as it now was. Even her balls, shriveled and atrophied as they now were, also ached with pleasure. Her ass was even worse. It felt empty now that Master Carl had removed the plug. Not that the plug helped much with that horniness. Oh, it filled her up...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e2 Denise Zhang 33 from Bedford

We’re in the boring, flat, concrete car park, surrounded by boring family cars, looking at the boring red-brick buildings that combine to form the Beddingham International School. But here comes the excitement... She’s sexy, with a fuck-me-but-don’t-fuck-with-me face and long blonde hair is swept around to the side of her head and hangs infront of one shoulder. Her accent, friendly southern English but with a distinct Eastern European edge. “Hello, and welcome to a new series of ‘The...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

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