A Royal Pain - Chapter 2 free porn video

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The fallout from the attack attempt was swift and immediate, and completely useless. The foreign mercenary contractor hired to fly the drone containing the gun had been hired through multiple fake channels to perform a security breach test exercise of the Bressler airport security. The 100% official looking, correctly sealed, and completely fraudulent documents led to a bit of a witch hunt through the security forces for a leak, but ultimately nothing came of it. The remote control for the gun was relayed via a satellite phone, the account purchased via a fake Cayman island company. No one was killed or even seriously injured, though there was one minor casualty. I got shot in the ass. It was a grazing shot, and the investigators think it was intended to be a much more lethal round aimed at Stephanie rather than me. I didn't even feel it at first, until everyone started to get really excited about something on my skirt just after the all clear. So, my first 20 minutes in Bressler found me whisked away to a private military hospital surrounded by armed guards and an honest to goodness attack helicopter on station. A couple of stitches and a few days of sitting down awkwardly were the only real downsides other than the whole "someone is trying to kill me" thing. I think it was almost good for me in a way because it gave me an external foe to concentrate on and drew away from my own uncertainties and doubts about this whole thing. Tanya on the other hand took it very badly, and was alternately kicking herself for letting her principle responsibility, aka one Olivia Stadler, surrogate princess of Bressler, get herself shot in the hindquarters, or planning the brutal murder of everyone involved in the drone gun incident in disturbing levels of detail. She overcorrected to the point of becoming very, very protective of me at all times, something that we would have to work out later. I was swiftly discharged from my latest medical adventure though, and we soon found our way to the Bressler palace. Given Bressler's largely peaceful history, it was technically a castle, but much more open and less defensible than the kind you normally think of when you hear "castle" it was closer to a very very large stone house with turrets and pointy roofs. Almost like a Disney castle designer got a really big budget and was told "Go nuts" on the design. It turns out, that being a princess, I rated my own suite of rooms. Stephanie had arranged a bit of a surprise for me, and my rooms included a small workshop with a very nice set of tools and jewelry scale machine gear. There was also a pile of very old, very broken Bressler Heirloom artifacts that she said I could tinker with if I got bored. it would be nice to have a hobby, especially now given that I was likely going to be locked behind fortified walls for 9 months give or take to protect a future theoretical Heir. The rooms contained a nice bedroom with plenty of old-world luxury charm, a den with a very nice and modern media room setup and a sinfully large TV that I intended to thoroughly enjoy, the workshop, a bathing area with a tub that would double as a swimming pool in most areas, and my own dining table where I could host private, servant catered meetings of state. I was relatively certain there would be very few of those, but you never know. Tanya had a smaller bed in an open chamber just off my own. She insisted she didn't want her own real room when I tried to upgrade her accommodations, so I let the issue lie. I had a week to get used to my new surroundings before my internal biological clock of doom was going to chime "ready", so we took advantage of that time for me to see the sights, under disguised armored guard of course. I got to see the charming local markets, visit some of the tourist attractions and local scenery, try a few of the restaurants, etc. Bressler is apparently renowned for its Raisin Bread, and I deeply enjoyed the samples I was able to obtain. Seeking more of them would become a hobby of mine. On day 4 of my stay, there was an official public "coming out" presentation, where I was introduced as Princess Olivia, distant cousin to Queen Stephanie, and royal designated Surrogate. It was a nice, if rather silly, ceremony. I wore a full court dress for the first time in public, and had a nice platinum Tiara planted on my head. I was expected to wave to the cameras a bit, but luckily, I didn't have to make any speeches or anything along those lines. On day 5, I asked Stephanie if she had some time to visit with me. She nodded and we arranged for her to swing by around dinner. The excitement from the near shooting was starting to fade from my system, and the realization of what the next steps I was going to go through, that we were going to have to go through, and the involvement of her husband in that mix, well, it was starting to become more real than just a mental exercise. Stephanie arrived at my little suite, and I asked Tanya to wait outside somewhere. She looked like she was going to balk, but I assured her that if Stephanie was going to murder me, she probably would have done it by now. I did offer to let Tanya Frisk Stephanie, mostly because of the whole Pedro incident where I got frisked in my own mother's house, but Tanya declined with a horrified look. Stephanie just stuck her tongue out at me. We sat on the couch, a couple of takeout containers between us as we ate. We made small talk about the weather, and how the investigation was going. I think Stephanie could tell I was nervous about something, so she was patient. Finally, I sat my nearly empty teriyaki down, and looked her in the eye. I grabbed her hand. "Stephanie, I... I need to know. I know why we are doing this, and what it means for you, but me, and Roland...? I mean, can't they just use a turkey baster or something? I... I don't want to hurt you!" I blurted out in a rush, my face turning beet red. Stephanie's eyes widened slightly, and she looked down with a soft smile, before looking back up at me. "Olivia, honey, it means the world to me what you are putting yourself through, both for Bressler and for me. For us. Roland and I have a very strong marriage, and if he has to be with another woman for me to have a child, I'm happy it's going to be someone that I love and trust and respect. Bressler may be a stupid backwards hick town of a country when it comes to that, but do not worry about me or Roland when it comes to this." She hugged me briefly, then sat back. "Besides, it uh, won't be the first time I've shared him with another woman you know. We got kind of experimental in College, and one thing led to another... You remember Tina from that one Economics class I was in? She was at that party." I nodded, she continued. "Yeah, well, we had a bit of a thing going for a while, and I found it was kind of exciting to watch her and Roland go at it when I needed a break from the action." Stephanie smiled at the memory as she finished, and blushed. I blushed. finally, we both started giggling like what I imagine I would have giggled like if I had ever been a schoolgirl. After a long while briefly interrupted by Tanya returning to see what the hell we were laughing about, I calmed down, wiping tears of nervous laughter from my eyes. "Oh Stephanie, Thank you. I needed that. I was so worried about you... and us afterwards. And Roland is ok with this too?" I asked. Stephanie nodded. "Yeah, to be honest he, and I are both more worried about how you are going to handle this than we are about ourselves. Are you going to be ok with what has to happen in that room full of people?" she asked, worriedly. I thought about it for a while, then sighed. "Yeah, I think I might be. Remember Rose? I dated her right out of high school, before I found out she was also dating a bunch of other people I didn't know about. Turns out she had a bit of a thing for public exhibition. Turns out I uh, I might have a bit of a thing for that as well." It was my turn to blush first, as Stephanie started to giggle again, and then hugged me once more. "Oh, Olivia, aren't we a pair." She looked at me mischievously "You know, I am totally going to pump you for details about how he feels to you after though!" She grinned at me, while I stuck my tongue out at her. It felt good to get some of the awkwardness I was feeling out of the way. Now there was just literally everything else associated with the entire process to deal with in my mind. My biggest fear, was that I was going to have an extremely negative reaction to the act. I wasn't into guys, at all. They just didn't do anything for me, even now with estrogen coursing through my veins. I wasn't worried about performing per say, since as the lady in the coupling, it wasn't like I had to maintain an erection, or even really be more than just present. But this wasn't just any guy either. Roland, or Rodger as I knew him back then had been a fishing buddy. We spent weeks' worth of hours floating around in a small aluminum boat over the college years. You get to know someone really well in that amount of time, even though I later learned that he had been keeping a pretty damned big secret from me and almost everyone else except Stephanie, and he only told her once things got serious between them. We didn't run in the same social circles for the most part otherwise, but we both really enjoyed a fresh salmon dinner, and he was a good friend during a time when I didn't have all that many. He introduced me to my longest-term ex-girlfriend as well. So, there was definitely a connection there. I wasn't just doing this for Stephanie, or the people of Bressler, or the large pile of money, but that connection was a double-edged sword for me. I lay awake for a very long time that night, pondering things. I didn't have many answers by the time I fell asleep, but I felt a little better at least mulling it over in my mind. Tomorrow was going to be a very, very weird day. ________________________ Crown Prince Adrian Bressler, 2nd in line to the throne, protector of the blah blah blah who cares, was annoyed. It was not an infrequent condition for him, but it was one that tended to have rather... Unfortunate consequences for those who annoyed him. Or the messengers from those who annoyed him. Or people wearing yellow socks, or really any of a host of reasons. He really was a bit of a monster. Adrian's lips quirked at the thought, not the first time his brain had traveled that thought pathway. He glanced over at the half groveling target of his Ire, and brought a black gloved hand to his chin as he considered. He cocked his head to the side. Then he spoke, a thin reedy voice that annoyed himself most of all things about him. "You. Missed," Adrian said with a snarl. "You had one job, an unlimited budget, every advantage I could give you, and you MISSED!" His voice, mostly controlled as he delivered the sentence, raised sharply on the last word, drawing it out into almost a serpent hiss. Adrian shuddered, and held up a hand expectantly. A very large handgun appeared as if by magic, passed to him from the large, brooding silent man standing to his right. Boris was not much for conversation, but he did have his uses. The groveling man at his feet started redoubling his efforts, babbling mostly incoherencies. A small stain of yellow started running away from his trouser leg on the sloping foredeck of the very expensive yacht. The babbling soon resolved itself to something resembling "Pleasedon'tKillMePleasedon'tKillMePleasedon'tKillMe!" over and over again. Adrian looked at the stain on his deck with distaste, but then smiled a vile little smile at the man and spoke. "Relax! I'm not going to kill you! In fact, I'm going to give you a second chance. Now stand up. Yes, gooooood. Let's see now, A little that way, and back just a little bit. Perfect! Now don't move a muscle!" And with that Adrian shot him through the right femur. A scream rang out as bone shattered, and the stricken man fell into the water below, thrashing about as the giant hole in his leg turned the water pink. Adrian leaned over the side and shouted down, "See that island over there? if you make it to shore, there is a medical kit and a phone next to a briefcase with a million dollars in it, all waiting for you! If you get there, all is forgiven and I wish you well. Good luck! Oh... and do mind the wildlife on your way." Adrian cackled as he motioned the yacht forward. A servant was already hosing off the deck. Adrian pulled out his opera glasses to watch the failed minion's progress. Boris and he had a bet about how far out this one would make it. As it turns out, the former minion was a pretty good swimmer even sans one working leg, and he made it nearly 3/4 the way to the shore before the first large gray fin appeared. He didn't make it much further. Adrian watched eagerly as the juvenile great white sharks tore the man to pieces. he sighed, placing his opera glasses back into the elaborate waist pouch he habitually wore, and turned to Boris, presenting him with a crisp 1 Bressler Dollar note. "You win, I swore he wouldn't make it past the halfway marker, and a prince always pays his debts" Adrian said, as he presented Boris the note with a flourish. Boris nodded, folded it in half and placed it in his upper vest pocket without a word. Not that he could have said anything even if he wanted to. Adrian often idly wondered if Boris ever realized exactly how he came to have the misfortune of that paralyzed voice box years ago, just before his current offer of employ had arrived. He shivered at the thought of how brutally that particular revelation would have gone down. No matter, Boris had proven himself time and again since then. Adrian pondered the mess he was in. Curse the fucking Bressler founding fathers for their idiotic rules! Everything was very nearly in his grasp, if only that new bitch hadn't showed up and ruined everything. His once large fortune was nearly spent between paying off the North Korean agent to procure the genotoxin than had taken "Princess" Stephanie out of play and the bribes necessary to secure his plan long enough for the necessary changes to occur. The Bevvy of ministers, functionaries, UN oversight monitors, etc. that had to be paid off to make his plans possible had not come cheap, and his poor sap of a brother Roland would be very shocked if he knew exactly where all the Humanitarian aid, he had supposedly been donating for years had actually gone, but that well was starting to run dry. it all hadn't mattered when he was going to be King in a year, but then Only child, no female relatives princess suddenly sprouts a verified distant cousin out of nowhere! It was infuriating! He pondered how it had come to this. His Idiot older brother, product of the former King's first wife, could not have been more different than Adrian. He had certainly made a good effort to be a good older brother, but Adrian had never been interested in that. Not once he knew that the dimwitted moron was going to get all the power and prestige Adrian craved, and that he was just a spare. An afterthought! The rage at that discovery drove everything that he did, and he had vowed that he would see Bressler broken and burning under his iron fist if it was the last thing he did. In rare moments of lucidity, Adrian realized he was probably quite mad, but the knowledge never seemed to slow his resolve. The thought actually made him smile a little. An onlooker would have noted it was not a nice smile. No, not at all. After a few minutes, his thoughts turned to how best to handle this situation. The castle was a fortress, and he had no power there these days. But maybe... Hmmm. A ghost of a plan begins to form in his evil little mind. There might be a way to make this work after all. He turned to Boris, excitedly. "Boris! set a course for Greece! I have a plan!" Adrian began to chuckle to himself softly as his plan fleshed itself out in his mind. As the yacht moved out of range of the small island, a tiny explosive detonated in the discarded suitcase in the background. ________________________ Oliva was nervous. And with good reason. She awoke, and first thing was whisked into a medical room deep within the castle. normally reserved for medical emergencies, it currently held Stephanie in one bed, and Olivia in the other, side by side. Doctor Basset, who Oliva had just been officially introduced to for the first official time, was currently manipulating a very long and delicate tool up inside of Stephanie's vagina, seeking an elusive egg. The fact that she was doing so in a room containing no less than 10 members of Bressler's parliament and royal peerage, as well as at least one news camera, seemed to not be phasing anyone other than Olivia. If all went well with Doctor Basset's fishing expedition, Olivia would then soon be the recipient of said retrieved egg. Surreal was the understatement word of the year to describe exactly how she felt at this moment. After a fairly long and complicated process, a tiny egg was retrieved, and placed in a microscope for examination. It was quickly declared viable, and then placed back into a tool for implantation into Olivia's own waiting womb. A cocktail of drugs and serums designed to aid in the implantation was added, and the whole cocktail was loaded into something very much resembling a turkey baster, then the implantation process was started. It was painless, but it was very, very weird having something shoved up ones fairly new vagina with an entire herd of strangers watching. Olivia sighed. It was sure to get much much weirder in the days to follow. Stephanie looked over, and gave Olivia a big thumbs up and a grin. Somewhere Tanya had acquired a small easter balloon with a big egg on it that she waved in the background with her own grin. Olivia just shook her head and smiled at them both. The next few days were filled with near constant monitoring. Multiple ultrasounds, blood tests, vitamin tweaks, pokes and prods of all sorts. It appeared that the Egg had indeed found its new home to be to its liking, and it seemed like this whole crazy scheme just might possibly work. It almost felt like a countdown to the inevitable had started with that action, and Olivia found herself increasingly uncertain as D day as she thought of it, approached. The D had a very specific connotation in this regard for her future. Her nights were filled with tossing and turning and lack of sleep. Finally, the fateful day arrived. I dressed simply. Luckily in Bressler there was a traditional outfit for a surrogacy impregnation, because of course there was, so choice of outfit was not something I had to worry about. A long skirt with two long slits in the front to allow the front pleats to be shifted aside easily was topped with an elaborate silk top with a high collar and short sleeves. A small ring tiara with a veil completed the effect. I thought to myself that I looked a little silly, but still kind of cute. I had on the barest of makeup. Tanya declared that I looked very nice, and surprised me with a quick hug before withdrawing to her station. I started the long walk down the hallway to the ludicrously named conception suite. In my arms I carried a very nice bottle of wine, the traditional gift the would be surrogate was to bring to the chamber. I privately thought it was more to just have something to occupy the virgin sacrifice's hands as I walked to meet my fate. I came to two castle large doors, where a pair of liveried servants bashed a gong, then opened the chamber. Inside, my eyes were drawn to the very large, very round bed in the middle of the room. It looked comfy, with large oversized pillows around one edge. The chamber was draped in blue and gold finery, Bressler colors and crests throughout. A silver tray with ice and two glasses waited near the bed. I placed my burden in the ice to chill, then took my designated place next to Stephanie, who was already in the room, her royal finery resplendent as she sat on the purposefully placed throne eying the bed. The same crowd of 10 ministers and royals was seated in a viewing gallery. I noted that the gallery benches looked to be designed to be particularly uncomfortable. The camera was thankfully nowhere to be seen. And then the Gong sounded again Roland entered the room in his own traditional vestments, which looked even more ridiculous than Olivia felt her own did. Again, done in silk, he wore a silver half shirt cut at the bottom to show off Abs, with long poufy silver sleeves. Poufy blue pants with their own front breech flap completed the outfit, aside from the simple crown he wore. I managed not to laugh or even have my face twitch at the sight, which I was later very proud of. A brief ceremony followed his arrival, as he deposited the tray of chocolates he bore as his own gift next to the wine. Stephanie spoke first. "Husband, it being necessary for the succession of the realm, We present to you a surrogate vessel of Our Blood in accordance with the first laws. We require and request that you and she embrace before Us and these witnesses, so that We may be blessed with a Child of our body. Do you accept this charge with grace and joy?" Roland Nodded, and stated, "My Queen, I shall do as you charge if the vessel is willing." Stephanie turned to me. "Princess Olivia, sister of Our Heart, blood of Our line, it being necessary for the succession of the realm, will you undertake the sacred duty to become surrogate of Our hope?" she asked. My legs quivered a bit, but my reply was loud and strong. "I will, my Queen, with honor and joy," I spoke, echoing the lines in the script. Queen Stephanie stood, then walked to Roland. She led him by the hand to stand in front of me. She kissed him chastely on the lips, and placed his hand in mine. She then turned and kissed me on the lips as well to my surprise. She whispered in my ear "Go get him, tiger!" with a soft giggle before withdrawing regally to her throne perch. Roland smiled and led me over to the wine, where he poured us both a large crystal goblet full. He lifted my veil and fed me a chocolate, blueberry nougat with milk chocolate coating. It was delicious. I in turn fed him what turned out to be a strawberry bon bon. We sipped our wine deeply, the heady liquid giving us both a bit of a buzz. We set our goblets down, and Roland led me by the hand to the bed. He scooped me up to my surprise, and deposited me squarely in the middle of the round bed. He grinned a wry, slightly worried grin at me. I smiled back. Then he mounted the bed as well. Per the script, I was to "take his seed" in the most ladylike and dignified manner possible, so it was expected that I would basically lay there and quietly assist with a minimal amount of movement, so as to not scandalize the lecherous fools seated on the viewing gallery benches. I was half tempted to try and put on a show just to scandalize them, but I figured the fallout wouldn't be worth it. Roland swung over me, his face over mine. He kissed me softly on the forehead, and whispered, "are you ready for this?" I nodded slightly and whispered back, "Yes." I could see the Queen give me a wink out of the corner of her eye as I got my first look at what Roland was packing under those poufy pants. Roland was quite frankly enormous. I immediately started having 6th or 7th thoughts as I noted that the entire 12 inches of that thing was going to be in me shortly, and then we were off. I later discovered that Stephanie had spent considerable time prepping Roland for his performance immediately before he entered. That and the Viagra meant that he was likely to have no issues with his part of the task, regardless of what I was up to. He locked eyes with me, and slowly started to insert the tip of his penis in my vulva. I let out a soft gasp as he slid into me. The filling sensation already was completely foreign to anything I had experienced up until now, and I was surprised at how good it felt as he slowly started to work in and out. I felt my Kegel muscles twitch as his penis slid in and out of me, slow and insistent at first, but building with need. I felt my hips respond to his movements, subtly but letting him know that I was feeling things too. We persisted in mostly silence. I could feel his breath hotter and faster as he thrust away, to match my own harder breathing. I knew in other circumstances either of us would be much more demonstrative in another place and another time. The feelings and sensations I was feeling were overriding my inhibitions at the situation, and I found myself deeply conflicted. I was really enjoying the sensations. Roland was an obviously skilled and gentile lover, and though doing a duty he was also not stinting on his skill. I was deeply enjoying the ride, but I couldn't help but wish it was being delivered by someone who looked quite a bit different. A few minutes in, Roland whispered into my ear "I'm very near, are you ready?" I nodded, and said "yes, do it, put a baby in me!" in my own whisper. That was all he needed. I felt a warm rush of liquid deep within me, as Roland came inside of me. We lay together, panting for a few minutes as the last of the twitching from his cock subsided, and he started to soften. I found myself missing the sensation as he pulled out of me. I noted in passing how strange it was that I was already missing the very thing I had been dreading so much. Roland kissed my forehead softly once more, then rolled off of me and went to stand near Stephanie. He kissed her once more chastely on the lips. I noticed that she was looking fairly flushed with excitement. The Gong sounded once more, and Doctor Basset entered the room. I had been warned about this part in advance, as she approached me with a speculum. A quick examination later, and she stood up and stated "The Insemination is complete. Does any witness require additional proof?" She asked, in a ritual challenge. The witnesses remained silent, and filed out of the room. I was to remain laying in place for another 30 minutes to give the sperm the best chances of finding its way through my fancy new plumbing. Once the doors were closed again and the room clear of all but myself and the royal couple, Stephanie broke character and rushed over to my side. "Oh my god, that was so hot to watch! How are you, are you ok? How are you handling this?" she asked in a rush. I blushed and grinned, and said, "Well, er, it was certainly different, but it was kind of fun too, you know?" I looked at them both, and asked, "Are you both ok after that too?" I asked with a hint of worry. Stephanie laughed and grabbed Roland through his poufy pants and said, "More than fine. That display got my motor running, so I'm afraid I will need to borrow your new toy here for the rest of the day!" She kissed Roland, substantially more tongue in the effort this time than earlier. I giggled. They made their daring escape to the royal bed chamber, while I eventually made my way back to my own chambers. I sat down on a couch, looking out an armored glass window over the Bressler countryside below. I had stolen the rest of the chocolates and the wine. I figured if this whole thing had worked, I wasn't going to be having any of the latter for a while, so what the hell. It was very good wine. After a short while, Tanya joined me in the room. I think she heard my alternating giggling and soft crying as I pondered what I was, what I had become for the millionth time. She sat down on the couch next to me, and snagged a chocolate in a most un-guard like move. As she savored the bon bon, she said "do you want to talk about it?" I shrugged. After a short silence she said, "tell you what, how about I tell you a story instead." Tanya proceeded to tell me a story, about a little immigrant girl growing up on a Bressler farm. Except this little girl didn't look like a little girl yet. She told me of how her life had changed when she discovered that about then himself, and how it had shattered his world. She told me about his, then her loving parents, but the struggles of growing up that way, until the Bressler royal guard finally offered her a way to become herself. I looked up at her in wonder from my perch on the couch. She nodded. "Yep, so you see, we have a bit in common. Bressler gave me a way to be who I truly am, while this same place has taken that same certainty from you." She looked me in the eyes, then softly kissed me on the cheek. She continued "So when I say I know what you are going through, and that I know what you sacrificed for us, you can take it to heart that I do. And I'm here to talk or anything else that you might ... want." She finished, as she smiled at me and blushed a bit red. I sniffed, then hugged her, and started bawling on her shoulder. She hugged me back, tentatively at first, then hugged me tightly and petted my head as she whispered, "It will be ok, you'll see." We sat there on that couch like that for hours. We talked of struggles in the past. I told her about my fears for the future, what would happen after all this was over, would I ever find someone for myself like this? Would I be strong enough to handle labor? All the future uncertainties seemed to swirls around me like a cloud of unease. Tanya answered my first question by turning me face to hers, and kissing me deeply on the lips. It felt much more natural and sweeter to me than my experience with Roland. I kissed her back hungerly, but then I stopped. I told her that I didn't want to take advantage of her since she was part of my guard detail. She just shushed me, and told me that we would figure it out together. I made love again that day, this time in my own bed, soft and sweet with Tanya smiling at me as she helped me discover new things about my new body that I had never even dreamed about. It almost made me forget about the life I might be carrying within me now. It helped that she was an amazing kisser too. I learned many things that night, and we drifted off to a wonderful sleep together, my first nightmare free night in a long time. The next morning, Tanya the palace guard was back on duty. She told me that we would find a way to be together, and once the baby was born, she would see about being with me full time and getting transferred to another position if I would have her, but in the mean time we would try to be good. She did kiss me deeply though on her way to her station. I was on cloud 9. The days started to pass much more quickly for me, as I felt I had things in my future to look forward to. Tanya and I did occasionally engage in perhaps slightly illicit doings, and I don't think either of us minded, whatever the rules might say. We were both kind of the personification of breaking rules at this point. A couple weeks later, Doctor Basset was able to detect a pregnancy had indeed occurred. It looked to be a viable cell division, but it was far too early to tell anything else. I started a crash course of learning everything I could about pregnancy, and how everything about it worked. All the things your typical 16-year-old girl would have learned in school, plus what an expectant mother might want to know. My hormones started to do even weirder things to me, and I started craving odd foods at odd hours. I was fairly trim from all my training with Tanya, both security and ...other, so I started to show a little bit of belly fairly early. Life was good, and things were progressing very well. I tried to involve Stephanie in every aspect of my pregnancy since I could tell she was really quite baby mad, all things considered and despite the face she was putting on, I could tell it was killing her a little to not be the one bearing Roland's child, but I think it helped that she got to be there for every test and every milestone. Weeks flew by, and became months. I found my feet swelling to odd sizes sometimes, and there seemed to be something sitting on my bladder at all times. Before I knew it, I felt a weird sensation like someone lightly brushed something against the inside of me. Apparently, that was my first baby movement. Things were really starting to take an interesting turn. ________________________ It turned out to be surprisingly easy to smuggle a simple bunny rabbit into the palace. The entire foundation was riddled with drain holes and small openings. A simple harmless rabbit was never going to set off any alarm though. What possible threat could a rabbit pose? If anyone had noticed, they might have wondered why the rabbit seemed to be sniffing for something constantly, and moving around with an obvious search intent. Adrian was proud of his accomplishment. Training a rabbit to seek a particular smell out and go to it for a treat had taken months, and getting a sample of her smell had taken months more, but he finally had his plain sight weapon. The poor hapless rabbit had no idea that it was already doomed, and intended to bring more doom to its target when it jumped as trained to retrieve its treat. The jumping motion would unfortunately tear open the two embedded plastic tubes of a particularly nasty binary explosive that would then detonate seconds later. Elegant, nothing to trace back to him, it was the perfect plan. Adrian cackled with glee, his only regret that he wouldn't be able to witness the death of this "Olivia" himself. It was only a matter of time now. ________________________ The rabbit was eager for its tasty food. The nice man had always had such delicious sugary treats if it followed the scent, and at long last the rabbit thought it might be on the right track. It made its way towards an opening that a person would have recognized as a doorway, and entered the castle. Minutes turned to hours, and the rabbit was beginning to feel fatigue, when it finally found its scent. It leapt with joy into the startled torso of one Tanya, Secret Service Agent of the realm, who was standing about 16 feet in front of Olivia. The poor rabbit would never know it ceased existing as it became fire personified and expanded in a ball of flame, instantly killing it. Olivia watched in horror as Tanya was engulfed in this fire, shooting up towards the roof only to fall back down and crumple, unmoving, before the blast wave knocked Olivia herself off her feet and back into the room with a crash. Then she knew only darkness. ... To be concluded.

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Royal Couplings Ch 01

1. The Queen’s Boudoir The King of Verdanland sat quietly chewing viciously on an unlit cigar. Thoughts of recent setbacks in the war with Sardinia plagued his peace. The frontline retreated with each encounter as the enemy army slowly approached pressing toward his capitol. His armaments and soldiers were vastly superior to that of Sardinia, but their numbers were unmanageable. Even his introduction of a new weapon, the gun, only delayed the approaching swarm. His blacksmiths, working day and...

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Royal Wears

Author's note: There is a lot of identity jumping that happens in this older story of mine and back then when I was still writing for myself, I came up with the convention of using the first syllable of the wearer's name as a prefix to the victim's name as a way of keeping track of who was who. For example, the main character, "Warren" wearing a skin of the character "Fialla" would, after donning the skin would be referred to in narrative as "WaFialla:" that is, Warren inside...

2 years ago
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Today I offer you a story about a rich young man who will taste all the pleasures of life! In these times of illness, I wish you and your loved ones good health! Do not hesitate to write down my story and criticize it in the comments area so that I can improve myself. Thank you ! Good reading ! ThePrince59 _______________________________________________________________ It all started when during the summer of my sixteenth birthday, while I was outside my phone rang and when I picked...

4 years ago
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Royal Incest of Karlova

Frame story and character Introduction You are the Prince of the Ancient Kingdom of Karlova, Karlova is a small kingdom that lies somewhere between Rome and Greece and surrounded by similar small kingdoms. you live in the Royal Palace which is in the Capital city called Lechberga, along with other family members. Characters: You - CASSIUS: The prince of Karlova, Charming and not so muscular but strong. Brought up with good Education as you are the legal heir of the Kingdom, tried your hands in...

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Royal Crush

The one thing more potent than her zesty juices that rained over my face to soak my dirty blonde locks, was the way she cussed.There was something about the manner in which Minty swore that turned me on. When driven by desire alone, there was no pretence. No aristocratic role to fulfil. Nobody to impress except me, grinding her perfectly smooth, wet sex against my mouth as if pleasure was the only thing in the world that mattered.Disturbed dust particles from the floor of the hayloft danced in...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIV Doctor Paine

Alice blinked, surprised to find herself sitting on an uncomfortably hard wooden chair in front of a very large desk, behind which sat a very large man with an incredibly bushy mustache and sideburns and very little hair on top of his head. He looked very official, as did the room he inhabited. He also sounded very official (in other words, quite pompous).“So, these adventures you had. You believe them to be real? That you really were captured by…” he paused, glancing down at an open notebook....

3 years ago
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The Imperium has conquered more than half of the world. The Empress is their leader, their matriarchal society is the most advanced of the world, with tamed dragons as pets and weapons they govern all the free world. With the Royals at the top of society and slaves at the bottom, several intermediate chastes do their best to survive. But that doesn't mean that The Goddesses have abandoned them, on the contrary their very much present in the daily lives of the people of this world, they take...

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The Slave of Paine

“Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY like it.” I thought to myself and giggled somewhat naughtily. Laying back my head I said to myself and scratching behind my ears I thought, “Ooooh, it’s driving me crazy just thinking about it!” as I closed my shockingly ice-like blue eyes and my petite paw-hands wandered to my high, perky, firm, round tits around a C1/2-cup, fondling them, playing with the fur, and...

4 years ago
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The Slave of Paine

Introduction: I have posted this before but never after I got more experience, reread, and corrected a lot. So heres my uber Master/Slave story. They are furries so dont read on if youre not into that. Dont give it a bad rating just cuz you dont like furries. Secondly, yes I know my story ravishing her starts almost the same. I copied it for a whole new story. ***TRIXIE*** Finally! So close to being with her! All alone for as long as we please. I can imagine how this will turn out and I REALLY...

4 years ago
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Royal Sucession

Exoplanet colonization had begun long before Alany was born, but as mankind’s expansion into the stars continued, it faced the same challenges it did in its infancy. Supply lines were expensive to maintain, and many of the planets, like Aquarrii-B2, were too barren for conventional agriculture, and local plant life was inedible. Myrm-tech’s solution was innovative: it promised to convert local biomass to a usable form, without requiring workers to go and gather plant life. Alany was one of...

3 years ago
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Royal Justice

At that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...

2 years ago
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Royal Moon

“I got it!” George shouted through the tiny flat to his new bride, Nina.In January 1982 the University of Hawai’i signed off a plan to support the continued development of scientific facilities at the site. They wanted someone neutral to observe the setting up of scientific projects and how they interacted with the local environment, including the indigenous people. At the end of the year, the observer would produce a report to give everyone a guide to move forward. As a professor of Natural...

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Royal Flush

Prince William looked around his room nervously; the sexy Lucinda had draped her sexy body over the chair at the corner of the room. Even though he was just a couple of days away from being crowned king of Britain, at the mere age of 19, he was still nervous around women. He coughed nervously and asked Lucinda meekly if she would like a drink. “A glass of whiskey please” she answered politely. He rang the bell and his butler was at the door immediately, Prince William ordered for him to bring...

2 years ago
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Royal Palace Town My Sore 8211 Part II

HI Everyone This is a story of a “ROYAL PALACE TOWN MYSORE” two weeks ago.let me tel u about myself Myself Punithgowda living in mysore doing my BE in one of the top reputed college. i am a big fan of ISS wenever i get a time ill sit infront of ISS and spend time in reading the stories in it.it has been coming awesome in tese days,nd i lov it. i’m 5.8inches in hight,slim and some wat a perfect guy.let me come to the story this happened two weeks ago between me and my moms friend. Her name is...

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Royal Jewel Casino

Kushina Uzumaki a 38-year old jonin woman who didn’t look any older than 20 despite having a 16-year old son and daughter was wearing a simple but elegant navy blue strapless dress that hugged her well endowed figure and showed off her shapely legs, her long red hair followed freely with strands framing the sides of her face. As she strolled through the luxurious and elegant casino followed by her fellow Kunoichi Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi, Mikoto Uchiha, and Hitomi Hyuuga. They were also...

Mind Control
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Royal Exchange

My name is Leopold Sar Urr Nas Liious sar Istaban and I am eighteen. I guess I am like my father in a lot of ways. Samuel sar Istaban is human though and I am Kaire. My mother is Caris Sar Nas Urr Liious and one of the few in the Liious clan still alive. When the assassins came for the emperor they took almost the whole clan. All except those fathered by prince Roger Sar Urr Nas Liious and mother Sasha and some cousins. That was why my older sib Serg was chosen to become the new emperor by...

4 years ago
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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 4

I turned off the TV and headed into my room. I stripped down and put on boxers and a tee shirt for sleeping. I lay down on the bed and composed my mind for sleep. I thought a little about Alice but decided that I really wasn’t interested. Her personality was too toxic. It was quiet and I slept the night through. I woke at my usual early hour. Padding out to the kitchen, I turned on the coffee maker and went back to my room. In there, I washed up and dressed. Since it was Sunday, I was...

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Nude Paintball Target

Nude Paintball Target That Monday at work when Charlotte asked me why I was walking funny I told her that I was sore all over. She asked me what I had been doing so I told her that I had played paintball all weekend. Finally I just took her into the lady’s room and took off my loose fitting dress. I didn’t have any underwear on either. Charlotte saw the big black and blue bruises on my tits, pussy, and my inner thighs. She said that they looked gross but at the time it seemed to excite...

3 years ago
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My wife and the black painters at home

Saturday morning I was reading the newspaper at home after having breakfast. Ana showed up; she kissed me and said we needed to go buy paint for the painting job at the living room.Then she made a phone call and lined up for a couple of painters to come over and start the job on Monday. Suddenly I felt getting a little aroused. I grabbed my wife’s boobs from behind and kissed the soft skin at her neck. She twisted her sexy body and pushed my hands off of her sweet tits…Ana laughed and told me...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 7 Painkiller

Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...

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Royal deviancy

King Adrian sighed, his head hanging shamefully as he sat at the foot of his bed. The had just set, it was nearly time for his nightly routine to begin. For the last 12 years of his marriage the king had hidden his filthy affair until his impetuous queen barged in on him in the late hours of the night. He couldn’t let the spoiled wench expose him so he had her burned at the stake for witchcraft. Now he was left a widowed father wallowing in remorse. He jolted upright as the...

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Royal sex with beauty

Hello everybody, I am regular reader of this site. After thinking a lot I thought I will post my story also. I am Abhi and living in Bangalore, I am working in Software Company and had made good for myself. As I am from north India, I did not have any friends so I was looking for time pass. I am young so I was looking for making some girl friend. But as you guys might know if you are outsider it’s so difficult. Since I am horny I started looking for girl to fuck. Through one site I meet one...

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The Painter

I remember so well that late Autumn, in the heart of Italy, with the musicsurrounding us like blown leaves. The air was cool and sweet. The calamattaolives were ripe and rich and the sweet tastes of gelato pure upon the tongue.All these memories still come to my mind's eye as if it were yesterday. I remember sitting on the plaza, a breeze circlinground us endlessly as we drank the steaming espressos outside the small café.The looming landscape of Rome silhouetted behind her head was a regal...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 24

The next day was our last full day in Landers. We were in another television broadcast. This time, American news people were present though they were not allowed cameras. Madame Fierro, the King’s personal secretary, told me that many cameras were distracting. Televised interviews were not frequent and the press in Landers had to be truthful plus was not allowed to engage in speculation. Three more or less American news services had correspondents present, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. The King went...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 8

Roger said, “You drink beer?” “That’s right. I like the taste and it’s a better deal financially. At one time, that was more important than it is now. When I played in college, we would have a beer after most games.” “Jar, I’m surprised you don’t have a steady guy or are married.” “That hasn’t and isn’t my interest. I like my independence and haven’t found a guy who can stay with me.” “What qualities does this super guy have?” “He was to be smart, a gentleman, physically able, have a...

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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut pt 1

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

2 years ago
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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

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Supergirl Painslut

Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...

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Ahmedabadi Painter Painted Me

Hello Readers, This is my second story after I received an overwhelming response for my first story named “ Awesome babes of Ahmedabad”. Introducing myself I am engaged in serving females of Ahmedabad, specially from upper middle class and esteem class , who have unsatisfied erotic desires. Currently I am into their service and they are really satisfied with me. Today I am going to share one of my real experience, with ISS readers…I am 30 years old guy with 5’10 height, fair complexion,...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 31

The King’s secretary, Madam Fierro, was at the portal. The orchestra joined the organ as all people in the church stood. Trumpets played a fanfare and Anna started across the back to the center aisle and made her walk down the aisle to the altar. When she arrived, the trumpets played another though different fanfare and I was started on my way. When I arrived and took my place, there was long seconds of music followed by still another fanfare by the trumpets. I heard a collective “wow” from...

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Royally Screwed

The Duke's manservant gently rapped on the large chamber door and entered. Lord Cornholis, the Duke of Worstershire groggily sat up in his bed. He turned to his manservant and told him he was hungry and will eat in bed this morning..."have Marie bring it" he said with a sly grin. Today was the 15th of May and it was the 16th birthday of his chambermaid Marie. For her birthday the Duke decided to reward her service and allow her to be deflowered by royalty. She was a beautiful young girl, her...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 20

In the morning, I woke, showered, and dressed for the morning. I was wearing a similar outfit to what I wore last night. I thought this would be a somber day and more formal clothing would be appropriate. Jam knocked as he came in the open door from the hall. He was wearing a different shirt but was also dressed more formally like he was yesterday. Holding hands, we went to breakfast. I was carrying the pad and pencil from last night. We worked on my statement to make it from both of us and...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 33

It’s Saturday and I’m marrying a Duke! Most importantly, I’m marrying the brave, handsome man I love and who loves me. I left my bed to shower and then dress. I had packed my case for my honeymoon and put it in the trunk with my dress and another smaller case in the back seat. I got in my car and drove to meet the others at a restaurant where reservations had been made. We would be Angela, Anna, Mo, Missus Madison, and me. I talked with Berthold this morning and he knew of no creditable...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 27

In the kitchen, we grabbed food from the refrigerator and set all of it on the counter. We started to prepare a meat loaf with salad and a baked potato. It was a simple but a good meal. “Jar, what do you want to talk about?” “Us, of course. Jam, we don’t much about each other in some ways. We need to tell each other more so we can understand each other better.” “Jar, I knew quite a bit about you from Mason. He’s a fan of yours though it’s not romantic for him. He respects your business...

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Royal Affairs

While under the rule of Duke Gabrius III, Aethasia has become a prosperous country. Homelessness is nearly nonexistent, and there hasn't been a famine in decades. The duke is a very well respected man, so the talk of his declining health has been kept to a mere whisper amongst the people. None of them care to admit it, but in his old age, they know he won't be fit to rule for much longer. Luckily for him, his heir to the throne had already taken command of the military, and would be ready to do...

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Royal Solitude

Before we begin, we need to settle one important factor: Do we follow a prince or a princess? (Note: This story is moderated and open to other writers. Additions welcomed happily.) (Note: Fair warning-- sometimes my edits will literally be one word or a missing punctuation. I get a little OCD over editing things...) (Cover image: Empty Throne (3D) by Alex Rennie. Credit where it's due.)

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Royal enjoiment with widow

I am a regular reader of ISS stories.I enjoyed them lot. But the story i am going to share with you is different. I am 58 years old widower. I was knowing a couple staying in our coloney for last one year. Suddenly one day the husband died due to heart attack.one day after two months of the death i met that lady name Lolita in the market. I asked her how are the things going on?How is her married batchlers life? she replied fine enjoing as I am enjoing my batchler life and ferther asked me...

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Royal Legacy

WARNING! This story will feature non-con, forced impregnation, misogyny and some other dark elements. If you are not a fan, then you should turn back right now. Please remember this is just a fantasy, I don't condone rape. For the Lady of Montano, looking good was simply expected of you by your subjects and the other lords and ladies. You are a young woman called Tylin of House Ruthven, the new Lady of Montano. You have a tall, lean figure with fair skin, beautiful, regal face and golden...

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Royal Reception

“You look beautiful, princess,” Harper said, standing in the mirror behind Amelia. Her shoulder-length hair hooked behind her left ear, but the majority swooped over in a voluminous cascade to the right. A simple, subdued red dress hung off her small frame. Bunches of excess fabric clumped up where she didn’t quite fill the article.Amelia tore her eyes off Harper and gave herself another once-over. The plunging neckline of the forest green dress drooped, tailored for someone with a more than...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 2

I went to the back and loaded up with groceries. I walked to the kitchen door with her following me. She wasn’t carrying anything. Once inside, I put my load on the counter and went out for more. She sat at the table and shivered in her wet clothes. It took a total of three trips. I went to my coffee maker and started it. I wasn’t as wet as her but had gotten damp during all this in addition to a slight chill. It was the middle of spring and could be cool with the clouds and rain. I pulled...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 3

Once back at the house, I pulled a beer from the refrigerator and looked at her. “I’m going to watch baseball. I’m having a beer. Do you want one?” “Yes.” Her tone of voice had an imperious sound to it. “It’s proper to say, please.” I waited. “Please.” I pulled another beer out and handed it to her. I went into my den where the TV was located and flipped it on. The Braves game was about to come on and I liked that team. As it came on, I sat straight for the anthem before going back to my...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 5

“Well, Alice, your car has been found. The local sheriff’s office was there with three carloads of bodyguards. Their chief was unhappy. He wanted to come up here to search my house. I did my outraged citizen thing and threatened to have him arrested. The local deputies are not on his side. “I would suggest that you stay inside in case one of your people trespasses and comes to look. I’ll address that if it happens. I do have sensors deployed around.” Alice said, “That’s not very...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 6

She came padding into the kitchen. I said, “Okay. First lesson is to wear shoes or at least socks. Nasty things can find feet and be very painful.” She blushed. “If your shoes are still too wet, let’s get you in a pair of socks.” She smiled. “Follow me.” We went into my bedroom and I pulled an older pair of athletic socks from a drawer and handed them to her. She sat on a chair in the room and pulled them on. They were “tube” socks so worked though she had smaller feet than I did. “Sam,...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 7

She was alive but seriously wounded from a bullet from one of her bodyguards. I went back out and said, “One of the bad guys shot her when they were shooting into my house. She’s alive but needs expert attention immediately.” The first ambulance took her away. The second ambulance took Duke Albert and the one I had winged. The rest were bundled into the back of two cars and hauled off in handcuffs. Captain Avery asked, “Sam, will you prefer charges?” “Yes. I was going to be driving her to...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 8

“Are you okay? I heard a shot.” “I’m fine. I winged one thinking he was going for a gun. He was going to show me his credentials. They’re worthless on private property.” “As long as you’re okay. There are people to care about. Free-lance photographers and paparazzi aren’t on that list.” I said, “I’m hungry. Would you like some lunch?” “Please. Breakfast was a while ago and hospital food isn’t that good. You’re a great cook.” She smiled. “I’m going to cheat. I have a store-bought,...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 9

When we got to the gate, Alice ducked down and even pulled a jacket of mine over her. I got out of the truck with my pistol on my hip and was watched from a distance. I pulled up and one of my watchers started running toward the truck. I pulled my pistol and said loudly, “Stop or I’ll shoot.” The man stopped. “You are trespassing on private property. The edge of the highway right-of-way is clearly marked and you are beyond it. Raise your hands and back up or I will shoot to protect my body...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 10

Once inside, I said, “Alice, I think they’re losing interest. Between not getting any pictures and being pushed by the deputies and me, life just isn’t working out for them here.” Alice smiled. She said, “I have noticed that you and the people around this area do take a direct approach. Those folks are used to being tolerated. Here, they are challenged and get more trouble than they ever do elsewhere except for Cardena. Taking pictures of me the way they do gets them put in jail for years...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 11

I knew it wasn’t over neither of us spoke of it. We passed the evening quietly watching some TV. We went to our separate rooms and slept. In the morning, I rose and went into the kitchen to start coffee. Alice was there and poured me a fresh cup. “Good morning, Sam.” “Thank you, Alice, and good morning to you.” I smiled and left for my bathroom with my coffee. As I went in there, I thought to myself that this is different from our first meeting. I also realized that I needed to examine my...

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Royal Mess With a RedheadChapter 12

We were met in the terminal by a group of men who were obviously bodyguards and Duke Albert. As I expected, he was barely cordial to me. He obviously adored Alice though. He seemed troubled. The only reason that I was still close to her was that she had grabbed and held on tightly to my hand as the bodyguards tried to separate us. She shouted, “Arreter!” Everyone stopped moving. She then harangued all of them in French. Even Duke Albert looked abashed. She continued to speak angrily. Then...

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PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEXWhen I was sixteen my parents hired a painter to paint rooms on the first floor of our house. The night before he was to paint I had gotten an insane migraine. The next morning, at 6:00 a.m., when I should be getting up for school, Mom told me to stay home and rest because I still looked a little off. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t hear my parents leave or let the painter in.I’m not sure when the painter arrived but at approximately 9:45–10:00 a.m....

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A Painter And His Muse 8211 Part 2

Hi! I’m Anand, back with the next part of my story’ A Painter And His Muse’. For those who haven’t read the first part, please do so. Now coming to the story. Ananya was still in splits with the request made by Kailash. She was giving it a hard thought but was unable to fathom the fact that if she agrees to it then she’ll have to sit in front of her brother-in-law ‘nude’.  In her bedroom when she was going through this over and over again. At the same time, Aditya came home and wanted to have...

5 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 26

I left at five and freshened up a bit. I didn’t change clothes. I was ready when Jam drove up. I went out and got in his SUV. I leaned toward him and we kissed. He drove to his parents’ home. When we arrived and went inside, Jam’s mother welcomed me happily. We hugged and kissed. Mister Madison gave me a hug. “Jar, it’s good to see you. I understand the two of you have been busy.” “Yes, Sir. More than we would have preferred in some instances.” He nodded. We all sat down on facing love...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 28

Things were quiet at my office. I did have a visit from Roger. He was there to talk about Angela and to advise me that dates for both his wedding and his sister’s wedding had been set. He and Ange would be married in two weeks. As soon as she was finished with her school and apartment, they would leave for Landers. He wanted the six of us to get together over the weekend. I told him that I thought that would work but would need to talk to Jam tonight. Mason and Anna had also set their date...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 34

The flight was long. It’s only redeeming feature was the reclining chairs that allowed Jam and I to lie together. With my boss, Mo, and Anna and Mason all in the same area, nothing was going to happen. I still liked to snuggle with Jam! We landed and took the short flight to the Landers field. Upon our arrival, we were conveyed to the castle. Jam and I were given my old bedroom. Mo was given Angela’s room in the suite while Mason was in his prior room. Jam and I pulled our cases in and set...

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Royally Never AfterChapter 35

We went over positions for everyone and the order of our entrances. It was somewhat like Angela’s and Roger’s wedding with much “pomp and circumstance.” It would be a pretty wedding. I noticed a good contingent of the Royal Guard covering the entrance. King Marcus would escort his daughter down the aisle. He and I were standing together for a moment. “Jar, it’s a little more elaborate than yours but not by much. I hope it will go off as well.” He looked at the bulge at my back. “I see that...

1 year ago
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Hookup with a Freelance Painter An Artistic Sex Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a 35 years old man who has a beautiful wife, and a 4 year old daughter. Things were good between me and my wife. We used to be happy. But lately she’s this cranky bitch all the time who always rants about everything going on at her work. She always yells at me, at our child. Obviously our sex life is getting affected because of this more than ever. I wanted peace. One of my colleagues suggested me a dating app one evening. He showed me how to use it, told, “You just gotta right...

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