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Part 1


I’m exhausted most of the time since my husband and I went through the system. We were lucky, having only spent four days with Human Services. Our debt was low, and with minimal negotiations we were able to be purchased by a middle aged couple. Mr and Mrs Cooper live in a nice 4 bedroom apartment in downtown Central City. They both work from home, although Mr Cooper spends many late nights at the club they own. Mrs Cooper had been managing employees but now, with Scott’s help, has more free time.

I often think about our previous life, but that horrific day, September 17th 2062 always raises its ugly head. That’s the day Scott decided to try manually driving the car. He knew better, but when the navigation system failed he was sure he could get us home in manual mode. The accident left 3 other cars badly damaged, but at least nobody was badly hurt. Being newly married with few credits saved, we couldn’t pay the 100,000 credit fine, or the additional 160,000 credits for damages and medical bills. That one mistake is costing us 7 years of servitude.

It’s been 5 days, and we’re settling into a routine. Up at 6 most days, showering, then cleaning the house and getting breakfast ready before waking the Cooper’s at 7:30. We’re thankful for the culinary programming because neither of us cooked much before, and usually ate prepared meals, or ate out. Mr and Mrs Cooper pre-programmed both of us with their favorite meals after purchasing our debt.

Although I know more about cooking than ever, I find it hard getting used to the lack of information through my corneal implant. Where once the world data bank was only a thought away, now only my immediate surroundings, and what’s shared by Mr and Mrs Cooper are available to me.

My implant flashed the time. My daydreaming has put me behind, and I have five minutes before I wake up the Cooper’s. I hurry to finish prepping the ingredients for the omelets just as Scott steps into the kitchen and says...

“How’d you sleep Rebecca?”

“Good, you?”

“Good too, hurry with the coffees, I have to go.”

Scott finished pouring the cups and put them on the tray with the carafe, then he picked it up and held it for me. I wiped my hands and spun around, took the tray and gave Scott a peck on the cheek. As I walked out, Scott turned on the oven and continued breakfast where I had left off.

While walking down the hallway toward the master bedroom, my display flashed, and the two minute timer began its countdown. I pause at the door, peek in and see they’re both still asleep. I tiptoe into the room and stand next to the bed. I put the tray on the nightstand and wait patiently as my counter ticks down. I reach down and pull up my stockings, then tug the hem of my uniform down. I know trying to pull it down enough to cover my stocking tops is futile, but I’m still not used to wearing this little french outfit. Finally I adjust my lace cap and got ready.

At exactly 7:30 my implant flashed and I begin to whisper...

“Sir, Ma’am”

“Sir, Ma’am”

Then slightly louder I say...

“Sir, Ma’am!”

Mrs Cooper awoke, turned over and snuggled up to Mr Cooper, then closed her eyes and whispered...

“Five more minutes.”

I stood, just as I have twice before and waited. It’s amazing how slow time goes by when you’re watching the clock. I could smell bacon drifting in from the kitchen. It smells so good, and Mr Cooper stirred as if he noticed it too. With three minutes left I decide to bring up todays schedule. It comes up on my corneal display...

7:30 Wake up

10am Mr Cooper. Call advertising agency.

11am Mr Cooper. Meet Mr Taylor for a lunch meeting.

11:30am Mrs Cooper. Meet Julia Benson downtown.

2pm Mr and Mrs Cooper. Office.

4pm Begin prepping dinner.

5:30pm Dinner

8pm Mr Cooper. DJ interview.

The clock got my attention and I watched the seconds pass by. When it gets to exactly 7:35 I whisper...

“Sir, Ma’am.”

Then louder...

“Sir, Ma’am!”

Mr Cooper rolled over and stretched. He patted Mrs Cooper hip and pulled the covers back exposing his naked body. He swung his legs off the bed and sat up, then reached for his coffee and took a sip. He slowly woke up as I stood only a step away.

Mrs Cooper began stretching as she woke up. She sat up in bed, the sheet falling away, exposing her to the waist. Her breasts hung free as she raised her knees and bent forward. Mr Cooper stood with barely enough room to step past me, his cock brushing against me as he walked to the bathroom.

“Coffee” Mrs Cooper said.

I pick up the cup and leaned across the bed, holding the cup for her, saying...

“Your coffee Ma’am.”

She pushed her hair back over her shoulder and took the cup. Holding it with both hands, she sipped. I stood up and waited while she had several more sips of coffee. Then she held the cup toward me. I took the cup and placed it onto the tray. After a moment she said...

“Get my robe and slippers.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I said, and walked to the closet.

I got her favorite robe and slippers, and walk back to the bed and stand. When she’s ready, she scoots to the edge of the bed and stands. She is naked, and as I held the robe up, she turned around and sliped her arms into the robe. When she turns again, I slip down to my knees and tie her robe closed. I hold her slippers to her feet and she holds the top of my head for balance, and slips her feet into them. Then she sat down on the edge of the bed. She takes quite awhile to wake up, so while still kneeling, I pick up her coffee cup and hold it up for her. She took it and sipped again. Then while looking at me, she reached out, straightened my lace cap, then pulled some of my hair forward, twisting it around her fingers before letting it fall across my cheek.

I remain kneeling as she sips her coffee. Her robe hangs to the side of her thighs, and with her legs slightly parted I can see her pussy. I’m still not used to someone disregarding their nakedness in front of me, as if it didn’t matter, much like someone would ignore the presence of a pet.

A naked Mr Cooper comes back from the restroom and stands beteeen Mrs Cooper and myself. Each foot is straddling my left thigh where I kneel. His hip is almost touching my face and I’m staring directly at his cock. He sips his coffee, then puts it down on the tray and sits next to her on the edge of the bed. He puts his arm around her and pulls her close, and she rests her head on his shoulder.

I can see his coffee cup is almost empty. Often he refills the cup himself, but I decide to ask...

“Sir, may I refill your cup?”

He lifts his cup and sips, then holds it out, saying...

“Sure, both.”

“Yes Sir.”

I take the decanter and refill both his, and her cups as they held them. When I had finished I ask...

“Sir, Ma’am, if there’s nothing else, may I please be excused to help in the kitchen?”

“Sure, go, we’ll be in shortly.”

“Thank you Sir.”

I stood and walked back to the kitchen where Scott is just finishing cutting up fresh fruit. He’s already prepped everything else and we only have to wait for Mr and Mrs Cooper to come in. Scott pours me a cup of coffee and tops his off while we wait.

Finally at 8:07 the Coopers walk into the breakfast room. I immediately pour each of them orange juice, then fill their cups with fresh coffee. They’re both wearing robes now and Mrs Cooper is thumbing through her epad. I go into the kitchen and bring their starters. A small bowl of mixed fruit with a little yogurt. Scott and I make their omelets together and plate it with bacon. After 15 minutes I clear their starter dishes and bring their breakfast. Scott and I relax in the kitchen and wait.

At 8:40 I’m messaged to run a bath for Mrs Cooper. I acknowledge, even though shes alerted that I’ve viewed it. I tell Scott I have to go, and go to the master bath. It’s quite large and takes 15 minutes to fill it up. I add her favorite bubbles and oils. No sooner than turning off the water I hear footsteps coming into the restroom. Mrs Cooper walks up to the tub and looks in. Then she steps out of her slippers. She pulls the tie on her robe, then lets it fall off her shoulders to the floor. As I’m picking up her robe and slippers, she steps to the toilet and sits. While I’m hanging the robe on a hook and the slippers out of the way, she sits naked on the toilet and pees. I hear her finish and after a few seconds she says...

“Ok, I’m done.”

I step to her and kneel in front of her. I pull several sheets of toilet paper off the roll, then, as she spreads I gently pat her dry. As soon as I drop the paper, she stands and walks to the tub. She steps into the bubble bath as I flush and stand up. While washing my hands the shower turns on which means Mr Cooper will be here momentarily. Just as I’m drying my hands he walks in. As he walks toward the shower he pulls his robe off. I try to catch up to him but it hits the floor before I can catch it. I pick it up just as I had Mrs Cooper’s and hang it next to hers.

I busy myself, or at least try to look busy while Mrs Cooper lies in the tub of bubbles relaxing. She takes the longest baths ever. In the last five days we’ve been with them I swear she’s spent ten hours bathing. Mr Cooper is quite different though. He’s in and out of the shower in ten minutes or less. But occasionally he climbs in the tub with his wife for an evening bath.

While waiting on the two bathing I wonder what Scott’s doing. I miss our marriage and just because we’re together, it’s not the same. I bring up his status...

CRP: Mr & Mrs Allan Cooper CRP Name: Bob EOT: 6-Y 11-M 26-D Gender: Male Age: 24 Weight: 174 Lbs Height: 5’11 Waist: 34 Marital Status: CRP Pause Location: Breakfast Room

Cock size: 6 Sexual Orientation: Hetero Other: Anal Virgin Switch: 29986756 Mode: Off (Options: Off-On-Lust)

Last Orgasm: 6-D 17-H 2-M Arousal Level: 1%

Triggers: Freeze, Heel, Follow, Kneel, Present, Masturbate, Suck, Lick, Fuck, Clean Options: Culinary

I’ll never get used to the extent of detail given for servants. All I really wanted was his location. I’ll have to spend some time going through the help menu. I used to call my mother at least twice a week. It’s been twelve days and I miss her so much. I try again to access her...

--------- History -------- Parents

Father: Andrew A Stevens Mother: Elizabeth R Stevens

Siblings: 2

*** Further Access Denied ***

Current Responsible Party

CRP: Allan / Janis Cooper CRP: Human Services CRP: Scott A. Burns (Paused) CRP: Andrew A. Stevens (N/A)

*** Further Access Denied *** ----------- End -----------

It’s ridiculous that everything’s blocked once you’re registered with Human Services. I hope Mr and Mrs Cooper understand and allow me some type of outside communication.

The shower shuts off and I immediately grab a towel off the heated rack. I open it and meet Mr Cooper as he steps out of the shower. He stands while I dry his back then his chest and arms. I run the towel through his hair drying it as best I can with a towel. Finally, while standing behind him I get down and begin drying his butt and legs. Then as I get to his ankles, he turns around and I start drying up his legs. When I get to his crotch I dry around his cock and balls. I push the towel between his legs drying under his balls and notice his cock twitch. As I kneel, I dry his cock, then his pubes, then begin drying his stomach. His cock is now hard and I try to pay no attention to it. A moment later I hear Mrs Cooper say...

“Allan? Did Becca get you hard?”

“Yeah, I guess she did. You know how it is with a kneeling bitch at your feet.” Laughing

I squirmed with them talking about me as if I couldn’t hear.

Mrs Cooper laughed and said...

“You may as well have her finish what she started. Laughing again.

Oh no, please just let me do my job and dry you off I think to myself. But in the time it takes to think it, Mr Cooper grabs a hand full of hair on each side of my head and pulls me into his crotch. I’m falling forward off balance and have to grab his thighs. As his cock pushes against my face just under my nose, he says...

“Suck it Becca!”

I open my mouth and he jabs a few times getting his cock into my mouth. I lock my lips around his cock and begin sucking. He finally eases up on his grasp and lets me begin sucking his cock. I’m still holding his thighs and sucking his cock in and out. I get a rhythm going and rock back and forth, his cock sliding in and out easily. Eventuality he’s only lightly holding my head and letting me suck him at my own pace. His cock is larger than Scott’s by both length and girth so it’s not as comfortable to suck as it tends to stretch my jaw open wider. As I suck him I hear him say...

“Who are you meeting with this afternoon?”

“Julia, she’s finally getting some time off so we’re going to do lunch and some shopping.” Mrs Cooper explained.

“Ah, that should be fun. When did she get back in town?” He asked.

“Last week, but she’s been busy till today.”

I could feel Mr Cooper’s cock getting harder and I use my tongue to help him. Hoping to hurry him along. But with them carrying on a conversation might delay him.

“Tell her I said hello. Is Dave with her?”

“Yeah, but like always, he’s working till late.” She said.

“Yeah, he needs help. He just doesn’t know it.”

“You’ve tried to tell him. How’s Becca doing there?”

“She’s ok, not as good as Ellie was. Ellie gave great head.”

Damn, I tried harder. Sucking harder and tightening my lips around his cock more. A little deeper. I think I give great blow jobs and nobody ever complained before I thought.

“Yeah, well Ellie sucked you about a thousand times too!”

“That’s true, but Ellie was good from the start!”

Again I doubled my efforts to suck him better. Adding some enthusiasm as best I could considering I was sucking a cock I didn’t want to suck at all.

“You can always take her back in for programming. They offered a oral package you know.”

I cringed at the thought and again tried harder to suck him different ways, trying to figure out what he’s looking for.

“I know, and I considered it but I thought, how bad could she be at sucking cock, hell, she was married and 24 yrs old.”

Now I’m sucking harder and faster than ever before. I’m trying my best to make him happy, what more could he want?

“If I was you I’d take her back. Besides, I wasn’t that impressed when she licked me off a few days ago either. Bob did a better job than she did.”

“I know what you mean.” He mumbled.

I am almost in tears. I’m not supposed to be an expert at this, I went to college for design not sucking cock, I thought!

“I’ll be downtown, want me to drop her off while I’m at lunch? I can pick her up on my way home after shopping.”

“How long does it take to add an oral package?” He asked.

“Only about 30 minutes. That’s what it took to add the culinary program.”

Again I sucked for all it was worth. I even added some light moaning trying to sound like I was enjoying it. And shit, Mrs Cooper is the first pussy I’ve ever licked, and I was kind of grossed out doing it, I thought...

“Well, she’s gotten better the last few minutes, but you know, it wouldn’t hurt to add the programming just to speed things up.” He said.

“Yep, couldn’t hurt. If she’s that bad at sucking cock, why don’t you just flip her switch and fuck her?”

“I probably should. Hey make sure throating is part of the package. Ellie was great at throating and Becca here hasn’t gotten half my cock in her mouth once!”

Oh no, is that what he wants. I’ll throw up, a guy pushed in too far once and I spit up. There’s no way that’s ever going to work.

“That’s part of the package.” Mrs Cooper said.

Oh no, I start sucking Mr Cooper’s cock deeper, trying to see how deep I can manage without gagging. Each time it hits the back of my throat I have to pull back not to choke.

Suddenly I gasp and feel dizzy. My nipples begin to sting and a wave of warmth flows through me. One of them had flipped my switch on. I force myself to suck Mr Cooper’s cock into my throat one last time when he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me off his cock. I’m still gasping as he spun me around, then pushed me over at the waist saying...

“Grab your ankles Becca!”

I reach down and grab my ankles as Mr Cooper grabs a hip and yanks the velcro tab at the back of my panties and they fall to the floor between my feet. I feel his cock slide between my slit, then as it lines up, it’s shoved into me. I’m already slippery wet and it doesn’t stop pushing in till he’s pressed against my ass. Then he starts thrusting in and out and I’m sure he’s only trying to finish off. While Mr Cooper’s fucking me, Mrs Cooper says...

“I’m sure she makes as good a wet hole as the next bitch!”

“Pretty much, but her heels need to be an inch or so higher to line up perfectly.”

“She’s shorter than Ellie, we’ll get her some 6 inch spikes. That should make up the difference.” She said.

He slammed into me hard, then ground it in. I felt his cock throb then pulse as he came. After a moment he pulled back a little and thrust again. After three series of thrusts he stays buried deep and I felt his slight jerks lessen each time. He finally pulled out and let go saying...

“Ok, go ahead and clean me up.”

I got down on my knees and turned to face him. His cock was already softening as I began licking it. I wrapped my hand around it at the base and milked it, seeing droplets of his cum ooze out of his little hole. I continued until nothing more came out, then licked his cock clean. When I felt he would be satisfied, I stood and walked to the sink, turned it on and wet a washcloth with warm water. As I washed Mr Cooper’s cock and wet pubes, he said...

“Yeah, go ahead and take Becca back in today for that oral package and whatever else you need.”

“I’ll call ahead and set it up so I can drop her off on my way.”

I felt my eyes watering and fought to keep myself from crying as I washed Mr Cooper’s cock. Then he said...

“How hard would it be to color her hair the same as Ellie’s? Oh, and get those heels you mentioned.”

Mrs Cooper chuckled and said...

“You know, you can make this one look more like Ellie, but she’s never going to be Ellie.”

“I know, but at least we can do what we can.”

“Well, let’s see how the new oral package works, you might like it even better. As far as the hair goes, I’ll talk to Jenna at the salon. She probably has Ellie’s color on file. I’m not sure if pink will look good with Becca’s skin tone. This one looks like she got more sun.” She said.

“Whatever, just do what you can do.” He said.

I finished wiping down Mr Cooper’s cock and crotch, picked up my panties off the floor and went back to the sink. As I rinsed the washcloth out I could feel his cum oozing from me. I glanced over and watched Mr Cooper walking out to the bedroom. I quickly reached under and wiped my pussy with the warm cloth, cleaning what’s already oozed out. As I looked toward Mrs Cooper, I saw her watching me. When me made eye contact she said...

“When your finished, you can bathe me. I’m done soaking.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

I kept wiping myself, but I was still so wet that my own juices kept flowing, washing Mr Cooper’s cum out as I stood. It was frustrating because he had left my libido switch on, and my body kept producing fluids as fast as I could wipe.

Finally I gave up and walked to the corner tub where Mrs Cooper was lying back in the built in lounge. The air bubbles were still coming up, but the bubble were beginning to disappear. She was relaxing with her eyes closed when I took a fresh washcloth and began washing her with body wash. She raised her leg and rested her foot on the side of the tub, making it easier for me. About halfway through bathing her, she finally spoke, saying...

“Don’t take what my husband said upset you. He had a crush on Ellie and misses her. You’ll be fine when he gets used to you.”

I couldn’t look at her and felt embarrassed. I was surprised she noticed I was upset, and still felt uncomfortable with how open I could be with her. I continued washing her but answered...

“Thank you Ma’am, I really I’m trying to please him.”

I looked at her briefly out of the corner of my eyes. She was looking me over and staring at my cleavage exposed from the low cut dress.

“Your nipples are still hard.”

“Yes Ma’am, I’m sorry.” I said.

She was quiet for a moment and I continued washing her feet. Suddenly I felt my libido switch turn off and took a deep breath. Then she said...

“I see my husband left your switch on. Becca, if that happens again, you may come to either of us and let us know. Just say, you’re tripped, we’ll know what you mean.”

I felt relieved, and that one comment helped relax me. She still petrified me, but maybe she would wouldn’t be as difficult as I had thought.

“Thank you Ma’am.” I responded.

I felt my tension ease from being switched, even 10 minutes is enough to get your heart pounding unnecessarily. I finished washing Mrs Cooper almost everywhere, then she spread her knees and I washed between her thighs and crotch. When I finished and stood up in the tub and I used the sprayer to rinse her down. I was pleased she didn’t want her hair washed this morning. I had just helped her wash and dry it last night before they went to dinner.

After drying Mrs Cooper I followed her into the bedroom. Mr Cooper was dressed and sitting in a chair with Scott on the floor tying his shoes. She was naked and standing at her dresser rummaging through a drawer.

Scott finished and stood, he looked at me, and I knew he had seen or heard everything that had happened in the restroom. We both stood waiting as Mr Cooper stood and walked toward the bedroom door saying...

“Bob, come to my office and sit in on this conference call.”

“Yes Sir.” Scott responded.

Scott gave me a worried look then followed Mr Cooper. It’s 9:50 and the first business appointment is scheduled for 10:00. I went to the linen closet for clean sheets, and while Mrs Cooper dressed I busied myself making their bed. I’m not used to changing sheets daily, previously, I changed them weekly unless they needed it. I’ve been here five days and this is my fifth time changing their sheets.

When I finished the bed, I found Mrs Cooper sitting at her dressing table putting on her makeup. I asked her...

“Ma’am, if there is nothing else, may I please be excused?”

“Yes, but be ready to leave in forty five minutes. We’ll be going to HS so no need to dress.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I said, then walked to my room.

I sat on my bed thinking. I’ve tried hard to adjust to my new life but it’s so different than I imagined. After a short break I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water, then lean against the counter to drink it. I’ve been thinking about everything I heard Mr and Mrs Cooper saying.

Mr Cooper and Scott having finished the conference call were getting ready to go. I heard Mr Cooper tell Scott to meet him at the front door in five minutes. Scott made a quick bathroom trip, then I walked with him toward the front door. We stopped in the hallway short of the foyer. He said Mr Cooper had made plans for the entire day and wasn’t sure when he would be back. We tentatively made plans to eat together late. Scott abruptly turned and walked to the foyer. From down the hall we spoke until he knelt at his circles exactly five minutes after being told.

I knew Scott couldn’t speak once he knelt, but I stood for a moment to look at him. Just as I only have two styles to wear, it’s the same for him. He used to enjoy wearing some color and for the last few years kept a short beard, giving him a slightly rugged and masculine look. It was quite sexy really, or at least I thought so. Now, he only has the black slacks and white shirt, black shoes, socks and belt. Or an all white chefs outfit. Our laser hair removal has taken care of all except our head hair, Scott’s beard is now history and that once rugged and sexy face is now silky smooth.

With twenty minutes left I go to the bathroom, then make last minute checks of myself to get ready. It takes me some time to fix my hair where Mr Cooper had messed it up earlier. I take my panties from my little pocket and put them back on. I’ve never and would have never owned Lady Quick Lingerie. Only sluts and whores shop there. Who would ever need lingerie, even panties or thongs with quick release velcro straps. These panties hide less than my previous business card.

With one minute to go, I walk toward the front door. Scott is gone and I kneel in my circles next to his. I’ve learned to hate these circles even though you see them everywhere. The standard 5 inch ring with 27 inch spread is what you mostly see, but occasionally you see the wider 32 inch spread and some have arrows depicting direction. The ones I hate the most are the diamond shapes. Those have 4 diamond shaped markers for your knees, feet and forehead, and you must keep your hands behind your back. I’ve only seen those at government offices. I’ve seen a few 321 circles, but at least there’s somewhere to put your hands. My clock now reads exactly 11:07, so I look forward at the focus points across from me and wait.

I hear Mrs Cooper in the house milling about. The appointment to meet her friend is at 11:30, so we’ll be leaving soon.

At 11:15 Mrs Cooper still hasn’t come to leave. I can hear her talking on her phone now and then, so I assume something important came up.

Then at 11:23 a notification popped up with a calendar update. I immediately bring up the calendar.

7:30 Wake up

10am Mr Cooper. Call advertising agency.

11am Mr Cooper. Meet Mr Taylor for a lunch meeting.

12:15pm Mrs Cooper. Meet Julia Benson downtown.

2pm Mr and Mrs Cooper. Office.

4pm Begin prepping dinner.

5:30pm Dinner

8pm Mr Cooper. DJ interview.

I see the schedule has changed and now Mrs Cooper’s meeting has been pushed back by 45 minutes. That means we may not be leaving for another 30 minutes. With the change in schedule I begin to stand up. Before I get both knees off the floor the 5 second timer begins counting down. I quickly drop back into place, and swallow hard remembering what happens when the timer hits zero.

I knelt perfectly still and wait. I bring up Scott’s location and see he’s sitting inside Mr Cooper’s car in a restaurant parking lot, and Mr Cooper is inside for his lunch meeting.

Finally at 12:15 I hear Mrs Cooper coming. She has a very distinctive walk and the clicking of her heels are rhythmic. When she’s in the foyer she says...

“What are you doing?”

I wasn’t sure what she meant exactly, but answered...

“I am waiting to leave as directed, Ma’am.”

“I said we were going to Human Services, so there’s no reason to dress.”

“Yes, that’s why I didn’t change into the party dress, Ma’am.”

I was almost trembling, wondering what I had done wrong.

“Becca, have you not read the Human Services Handbook?”

“Sorry, not completely Ma’am.”

Mrs Cooper began mumbling to herself as she typed something on her phone. Then she said...

“You have 60 seconds to strip before we leave.”

It took a moment to sink in. I wasn’t sure I heard her right until the 5 second timer started. When it hit 3 seconds I glanced at Mrs Cooper. She gave me a knowing look, then smiled. At 2 seconds I panicked and began tearing at my clothes. My timer reset to 55 as I yanked at every velcro fastener and pulled the dress off, tossing it aside. My heels went flying across the floor and I tore one of my stockings as I pulled then off. I one handedly pulled at the velcro of my panties and ripped them off. As my knees dropped back onto their circles I was trembling. I looked back up at her as my timer ticked down to 4. Mrs Cooper glanced at my hair and I remembered my hat. I reached up and yanked it off my head and threw it to the side. I saw the timer switch to 0 as I knelt before her.

“See? Now you’re ready to go aren’t you.” She said.

My lower lip was quivering as I answered...

“Yes Ma’am, now I’m ready.”

She turned to the door, patted her thigh and said...

“Follow me.”

I stood as she opened the door. I followed her naked, just as I was when they brought Scott and I here five days ago. I walked behind her to the elevator, and stood behind her as she waited.

Mrs Cooper was wearing business casual. Her skirt hung a few inches above her knees and her blouse shimmered in the sunlight coming in through the window at the end of the hall.

The door opened, and a well dressed man stepped left to make room for us. Mrs Cooper stepped inside and I followed her in, then stepped to her right and slightly behind her. As the doors closed the man said...

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New in the office

My name is Jeremy and i am a 34 year old married guy. I have been working at that company for only about 6 months. I was not to excited at first with the job but i needed the money. We just moved cities, to a small house with a garden and both the garden and the house needed a ton of work. So i just took the first job that came around. It was a sales job for a big clothing company . Now i never figured myself to be much of a salesperson and after a couple of weeks that feeling was confirmed....

2 years ago
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I Wouldnt Have Guessed

I married raven haired Linda about eleven years ago. She had a son, Zachary from her first marriage. At thirty-six, she still turns heads like a twenty something year old, with her firm 36 C breasts with sensitive pencil eraser nipples, a tight little apple butt and long shapely dancer’s legs that she loves to show off. Our sex life was fantastic but I think due to her Pentecostal upbringing, Linda never really liked to suck cock. Blowjobs were few and far between and even less common when...

4 years ago
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Jordanian ConnectionChapter 13 Threesome at Home

On Friday afternoon, Nisreen went out to study with a friend of hers. I watched TV downstairs for an hour then went up to my room. I learned later that mom had felt horny, so she started to make out with dad and soon had him out of his clothes and was sucking lazily on his hardening cock. "How about a threesome with Naser?" mom suggested leaving his cock briefly. "What threesome?" dad asked, absent-minded. "I mean you and Naser having sex with me at the same time," she said...

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AbandonedChapter 7

When Jake arrived back home to Texas, everything seemed so empty. He opened the door to his parents' house and was immediately greeted by his mother. Sara Morgan stood up and ran to her son. Her hair was still in curlers and it seemed as if she had just gotten out of bed and her green eyes were puffy as if she had just finished crying. "Jake! I'm so glad you're finally home!" She squealed throwing her arms around Jake. Jake held her but his mind was elsewhere. "I missed you mom," he...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 12

In the library, Lynette and Tom attended their third period class remotely. After the class, Lynette had an idea. “Hey Tom--instead of staying in here for lunch, let’s try to see how you react to being with kids in the lunchroom.” Tom was very dubious. “I don’t know, sweetie. Look, there’s only about a week left where I have to deal with school nudity and...” “No, Tom, I think this is important ‘cause it’s not only at school. There must be other things that trigger your panic--I know it...

3 years ago
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Donnas Holidays

Donna went into the office at work to book some holidays, Steve and Richard were there doing the rota’s, she knocked on the door and Steve opened it, apparently when it shut it automatically locks. As she went over to the desk she asked if she could see the holiday rota, as Steve showed it to her it was obvious he had something else on his mind especially after the store room incident, and Donna would do virtually anything to get her holidays.She stood at the side of the desk as Steve showed...

3 years ago
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Rachel Bruce and Sylvia Experiment

''Enough, lover man, I want to finish the story about Bruce in high school. Just because you are HIV, doesn't mean you can't cum a geyser that stains the ceiling. I'm not supposed to taste it now, but I might anyway!''"Olay, lover, stop beating it off for a minute. Don't worry, You'll be jacking off so hard by the time I get finished. Did you ever jack off so hard that your arm and your hand just took control?"''Not since I was sixteen, Silkie...''" I want to see that, Denis, you jacking off so...

3 years ago
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RSOBChapter 3

Earl and I were into our fourth Dos Equis when the buzzer sounded. I checked the screen and saw Sally's face. "Hi Darlin', you're lookin' good." "Ok, try this." She backed up a couple steps and pulled her top off, flashing her tits for the camera. Actually, she didn't need to pull her top off. She was damp with sweat and her tits showed through her flimsy T-shirt. "Is that lookin' better, sweetie?" "You bet, is Bridget with you?" Just then Bridget stepped into view with...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Emma Hix Over And Over

This is an intense hookup sex tape with Emma Hix and I as we have sex for the first time. We make out and are instantly all over each others bodies with our hands and mouth. I take her clothes off and lick her pussy and ass and spank her a little. We have really natural chemistry and have sex in a bunch of positions. She cums multiple times while riding on top of me and while I fuck her and use a hitachi on her clit. There are POV shots during the blowjob and while she rides my cock facing away...

2 years ago
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Wife Does DogsChapter 11

There were two different paths down to the salt lick and Catherine, leaving her dog and her son both in a state of exhaustion from her insatiable sexual appetites, had by chance chosen the second one so that she did not happen upon her husband and the randy teenaged twins and the stout pony. If she had, it might well have been a different story, and every bit as interesting, but with a different cast playing the randy roles and linking up in the depraved combinations. As it was, Catherine...

4 years ago
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MILF Neighbourhood

Cynthia was on her hands and knees in front of George as he slowly plunged his stiff cock into her warm pussy. At her request he picked up the pace and the bedroom was filled with a loud slapping noise as his pelvis slapped against her big butt. George reached forward underneath Cynthia to grab each of her wonderful D cup tits and used them as handles to force her back onto his rod. Cynthia began to moan as she neared her orgasm, George didn't slow as her vaginal muscles began to constrict...

1 year ago
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I Am A Slut

I am a slut! But I am a very selective slut. If you think I am going to spread my legs for you just because you have come on to me, you will likely be disappointed. I guess I came to 'sluttiness' early and naturally. In my early teens, when I felt the first stirrings of sexuality, I found my mother’s store of sex toys hidden in a bedroom drawer, which was usually locked. She was out and I was prowling through her room when I came upon the unlocked drawer. I couldn’t then imagine the purpose of...

2 years ago
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Picking up good vibrations

After a couple of decades of partnership, lovemaking had settled into a not unpleasant routine; either late at night drifting into sleep, or a quickie early in the morning before heading off to work. With the children finally grown up and flown the nest, we were still adjusting to the idea of having the place to ourselves. I had the odd fantasy of sharing the wide bed with an extra person, male or female whatever Elaine would prefer. However the nearest we came to a threesome was when the...

4 years ago
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Wife gets a treat

After coming home from work early on a Thursday afternoon, I slip in the backdoor and as I’m putting my jacket on the hook I can hear some strange noises. I walk to the living room door and peer through the crack. To my surprise (a nice surprise at that), I see you lay on the floor naked, with porn playing on the TV. I get an instant solid erection. I notice on the floor around you there are 2 of your dildos. In your hands are another 2, a large clear one buzzing away and a smaller pink one. I...

Wife Lovers
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Terry and David

At nineteen and within two weeks of high school graduation, David was a virgin. If truth be told, he’d never seen—let alone touched—a real live, bare female breast. He’d gotten his hand just above the knee with a girl he had dated for a few weeks but she had arrested his progress by slamming her knees together and slapping his hand. He’d never gotten a blow job, hand job or any other kind of ‘job.’ He’d never had a girl touch his cock even through his jeans. The only things that kept him from...

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I live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. I have long accepted that my wife Julie was Bi-Sexual. A parade of young professional women like herself passed through her life. The long weekends away and two in the morning “dinners” with her lesbian friends did not bother me. She was fantastic in bed and I loved her so the fact she slept with other women didn’t bother me. One night she came home and I noticed some faded writing on her stomach. It looked like Julie had tried to remove it from her body...

1 year ago
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The Curious Transformation of MonaChapter 2

Pacing in her room, Mona thought long and hard. Her room may be paid for, and she received a stipend for groceries, but pocket money was another matter entirely. It would be nice to own a phonograph and a few records. She decided to try something. She felt a little nervous walking through the lobby. Nobody took notice of her, but old habits do die hard. Underpants in hand, she crossed the large room wearing absolutely nothing but the key around her neck, and her invisible knee-highs and...

2 years ago
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Fifth Discreet Meeting With Lynne

I was like a kid excited about opening a present when Lynne held my hand and walked through the living room and into her den. I entered her den. My eyes widened. Sitting on the couch was a naked PAWG with shoulder-length blonde hair. She was around my age and had a shaved pussy with saggy D-Cup tits. Nice large areola's with erect nipples. I could sense by her smile that she was so fucking ready to play. "Her name is Ashley," said Lynne. "She gets very little sex from her husband and...

3 years ago
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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 13

For the month following the events of the Thanksgiving Weekend, things picked up a steady routine. The Friday evenings at the porn shop ended after the auction and Susie and June were allowed to heal. The two still attended classes but their hearts weren't into it. Susie because she was totally humiliated having to walk around with the piercings and chains hanging off her. Quite a few of her classmates stopped and asked her why she had done something so outrageous. She didn't know what to...

1 year ago
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bad feeling

Introduction: this is my first story so dont be to harsh It was Monday morning, I was up out of bed and was geting ready to hit the park. I put on a running shirt, shorts and shoes then grabed my cell phone and went outside to head to the park. I started to jog down the side walk to get to the park. I put my bluetooth head set in my ear so I could call my friend Becka to come jog with me. I like to stay in good shape. I was 56 and I was about 130lbs but I didnt have a ounce of fat on me. I...

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my first taste of cock

For as long as I can remember,even in my early twenties I was always curious about what it would be like to have sex with another man.It was 1999, I was 40 years old when I finally gave in to my curiosity. There were two contributing factors which allowed me to do this.Firstly I was recently divorced and living alone and secondly home computers with access to the internet was the new, popular trend.I soon discovered lot's of gay chat rooms where you could chat and arrange to meet other guy's...

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my neighbors daughter

I was getting ready to have a few buds over for a party when i realized my ice chest was too small for all of the drinks i bought. I walk next door to my neighbor's house to see if i can borrow his. I knock on the door and his daughter answers. She is a beautiful girl. Sixteen years old, well technically 2 weeks away from her s*******nth birthday if you ask her. Well she is petite, about 5'-4" and if i had to guess 115 lbs. She has strawberry blonde hair and the prettiest green eyes I...

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Heart in Mouth

“Say it,” he instructed.A smile twitched in the corners of her lips. And her eyes — damn, those eyes — they twinkled when she looked at him that way. She glanced up at the straps that bound her. The way the light flickered and played off the curve of her jaw stoked a wave of desire in him.This woman who’d stolen his heart could awaken his body with only a wink. She was teasing him. It was working.But he still wanted to hear her say it, and he would have his way. With a coy bat of her lashes,...

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Saphira and Janie Pt I

Realizing her bladder to be full, Saphira pulled herself out of bed, stepped to the pleasently cool hardwood floor and began searching under her bed. Finding what she wanted, Saphira pulled a small bedpan out from under the bed and lay it on the floor. Crouching over it, all the while constantly thinking about Janie, about her short, blonde hair, her supple tits, her thick thighs and absolutely incredible ass, Saphira began to piss. The wine she had drank earlier ensured that her urine was...

3 years ago
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Trip Gone Wild 8211 Part 1

Hy readers…this is Alia. Ye story Sachi h or mere sath hui this. I am 5’3 tall, fair color with long black hair. Big boobs and bums. Hum family trip per bahar ja rhe the… Sirf meri family which included my papa mom my brother and me. Sab kuch decide hogya tha jab mere bhai be bola ki uska waha aakele maan nhi lagega. Iss per papa me suggest Kia ki vo apne dost Nitin ko bhi bula le. Nitin or bhai chote se hi bohot aache frnds the..more like brothers. Or vo humare ghar aata jata rehta tha or ek...

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Mistress StepDaughter Ch2

The events from that morning played heavily on Tim's mind all day. He had talked to his wife Cathy about giving her daughter Kassi back her freedom, and although she was a bit surprised, didn't question his motives. She simply told him she'd back whatever he decided, and was hoping that the decision would calm the tension between him and Kassi a bit. He had also thought a lot about what Kassi had made him do, and came to the conclusion it was a one time thing, and he wouldn't have to worry...

4 years ago
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My First Experience Tamil

இது கதை அல்ல. என் வாழ்வில் நடந்த உண்மை சம்பவம். எனது சரியான இடம் மற்றும் பெயர்களை மட்டும் மாற்றி உள்ளேன். நான் திருமணமாகி குலைந்தைகளுடன் இன்பமாக இருக்கிறேன். எனது வாழ்க்கையில் பிரச்சனை வராமல் இருக்க இந்த மாற்றம். மன்னித்து கொள்ளுங்கள். நான் தமிழ்நாட்டை சேர்ந்த பெண். எனது பெயர் நிசா (பெயர் மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது) எனது பக்கத்து வீட்டு மாமியின் கணவர் வெளிநாட்டில் வேலை பார்த்து வந்தார். அந்த மாமியும் வேறு ஒருவனும் நிர்வாணமாக கட்டிபிடித்து புரள்வதை நான் பலமுறை பார்த்திருக்கிறேன். அப்போது நான் ஒன்பதாவது...

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A First Time For Everything

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… It was another steamy, humid summer day in August. I was 18, and my life was about to change forever. My family wasn’t rich. However, we were lucky enough to have an above ground pool. It was a...

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Erin Finally Gets Fucked Up Her Ass

Erin Finally Gets Fucked Up Her AssBy billy69boyErin’s bedroom window slid up silently in the dim pre-dawn light. The mysterious man quietly climbed into her bedroom, so as not to wake her, or her parents, who slept soundly in their upstairs bedroom. As he eyed her up, Tiger walked groggily toward him, and rubbed against his bare legs. He reached down and petted the orange tabby on his head as he purred softly.Erin knew the man would be there in her room this morning, but she didn’t expect...

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Disciplining the Milkmaid

Finn followed the road to the large dairy farm on the outskirts of Ellatar. With everyone busy with the preparations, he had offered to run a few errands for Hilda after lunch. He didn’t mind, really, since it gave him a chance to escape the chaos. And would be one less thing Hilda would have to worry about.Owned and operated by the same family for many generations, the farm not only produced milk, it was also one of the only farms in the kingdom of Nynasae breeding every single breed of cattle...

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Based on true events I awoke to the sound of my cell phone vibrating impatiently, I rolled over and snaked my hand out just enough to grab my phone and retreat back into the warm cocoon of covers. I answered the vibrating phone, my mind still hazy with sleep. “Hello?” I said not fully comprehending the name I had read on the caller id. “Hey babe” said Jacob. His musical voice cleared my foggy mind and put a smile on my face. “Hi” I said, “What made you call?” Half hoping and half knowing...

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I Made My Cousin Sister Pregnant

Hi everyone my name is Rahul(name change),I am from Bangalore, I am a big fan of ISS especially incest…I am a regular reader of this site.But this is my first story please share your feedback after reading the story. This is a real story that happened to me 3 months ago. I am Rahul, pretty fair enough and having a good body structure and a long penis of 6″ inches and love to fuck any girl or aunty who wants their pussy inserted with a cock. Coming to the story it happened to me finally a day...

2 years ago
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neighbor daddy p2

I woke up in his bed, remembering i slept with Mike my neighbor after he turn me into a cock lover''hey morning Alex, slept well?''''yeah i do''''i bet you did i came 3 time in your cute ass ''he took me in his arm and kissed me , i felt it hard , on my belly , his big cock , the thing i never thought i would love so much''mmmmm Alex ''my hands rubbing his balls then his cocki love his big cock, i love touching him and feel him getting bigger ''you gonna make me hard baby , you want daddy bbc...

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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 16 Seema8217s First Time Sex

THEN: Seema’s scholarship got rejected rendering her with no source to pay her college fees. Mr. Singh stumbled upon the footage of Seema and Irfan making out in his restaurant. However, instead of firing her, he makes her an offer. He asks her to join his friend’s brothel for the high society men. A chance to earn thousands of rupees in few hours. Initially reluctant, Seema soon accepts the offer. NOW: “Just do what they say, no questions asked,” instructed Mr. Singh as they drove through...

1 year ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 19 True Colors

I woke up and realized I no longer felt any pressure. The loss and Coach Lambert had taken that away. I actually felt tension leaving my body. I thought that, in a few weeks, I might even feel human again. Playing quarterback puts a pounding on you that compounded with each game you played. I saw now why professionals aged so quickly. Something else was different at home though, Sun was missing. I had gone to bed immediately and just assumed she was out. I actually got a parental twinge...

3 years ago
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The Reset ManifestoChapter 5

After taking a quick walk to stretch his legs, a bewildered George rejoined the family in the waiting room. He said, “There’s a ton of people out there. I don’t know where they all came from.” “Is everyone seated?” “Yes.” “Good. Maybe we’ll get started. This waiting is getting on my nerves.” The funeral director knocked on the door softly and then entered the room. Rebecca stood up and squared her shoulders ready to begin the ordeal. He said, “The Secret Service has arrived.” “Who?”...

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My Petite Mami

Hi, I am Ashish Nair aged 25 a Malayalee by birth, brought up in Gujarat so a Gujarati. This is my 3rd story a true episode in my life like the previous ones. My previous stories were 1. My first sex lessons 2. I teach my cousin sex For new readers an introduction of myself: I am a Malayalee by birth; we had our land and house in Kerala and both my father and my mother had their share of land in kerala. The ancestral house of my father was in his name. My grandmother used to stay there and...

4 years ago
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The Camp Out

We had been building the Fort for over 2 weeks gathering scrap wood from every where and piecing it together back behind Lynn’s house. Tonight we are going to camp out, I was so excited because I snuck a couple of Dads beers, Steven said he had some dirty magazines, Ricky had the Indian cigars and we was ready to have fun. Inside the fort we all had our sleeping bags spread out, Lynn Ricky Me then Steven. It was dimly light with an old kerosene lamp. Steven handed out the dirty magazines, a...

1 year ago
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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 7

Despite the forty year old French couple being the only remaining representatives of the family who resided in the Chateau, the middle of four generations, and the size of it, it couldn’t quite hold everyone who visited. Even with the large playroom transformed into a dormitory for the several kids. And Cheryl forgoing her room to be one of the women sleeping with Joe on the huge bed. Shawna and her partner, the last addition to the group, took it. Perhaps if Sandy’s group were intimate...

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Unusual Thanksgiving

The weekend before thanksgiving each year, four Scandinavia moms and along with their daughters, get together to make lefse, a Norwegian tortilla like bread. The moms are all around 40 to 45, while the daughters are in their early twenties. One of the daughters, Anne, is a lesbian, and she was bringing home her new girlfriend today to help make lefsa. We were all looking forward to meeting this new girl as lesbians, except for Anne, were foreign to our little group of women. Anne was...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 7 Think A Little Less

Peggy woke me up and made me run with her. I was in charge of pushing the boys in their running stroller. Duke must have been growing up because we saw three squirrels and he decided to let them live. Either that or Peggy had been getting through to him that dragging her across someone’s front lawn while she had the boys was not in his best interest. We went into breakfast and found that Mom had made sausage and eggs with hash browns. I was a happy boy because there was hot sauce. It was...

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Blonde Voodoo QueenChapter 4

Gene Di Fazio was smoking a cigarette contentedly as the big jet began circling the open field lined with flares. He was checked out in this plane, but this kind of hairy bush landing required the unique skills of the fag pilot. His impulse to accompany the ten mil in cash to the exchange with Borget had been readily approved by the bosses, it made them nervous as hell to put that much coin on a plane without someone they trusted. He knew that the final payment would be wired to the...

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My son got seriously hot

Well, life sucked after divorcing my little sheboy, he was everything to me, but I had to let him go see the world, he went to college, after leaving his job as a freelance babysitter to find himself, he was very good at his job, he worked as a babysitter for a filthy rich family, he used to make over £400 in 6 hours spread over a whole week, sometimes he takes overtime, however this overtime was more like parentsitting than else.He would stay for a further hour to take care of the parents by...

1 year ago
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Diary Of Sex With Cousin Sister

Hey everyone, this is Diganth. I am a regular reader and fan of ISS. I hope everyone is safe and fine. Please do follow the precautions during this pandemic and be safe. I am 24 years of age with a fair complexion and 5’11” and a 6” dick. I just finished my engineering and am working in a reputed company. Describing my cousin sister, her name is Usha. She is 23 years of age pursuing MTech. Usha is 5’10” tall, with curves just at the right places, and her figure is 32c-28-32. She has a fair...

4 years ago
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1. MIDWINTER Thespa wept behind the black rock, her sword discarded on the icy ground. There were too many. She was too late. She knelt on the fern, hands grasping her leather jerkin, shaking with unvoiced rage. Smoke and steam billowed from the thatched roof of the cottage. Riders cried to each other as they remounted, horses slipping on the packed snow. The unconscious body of a fur-draped woman hung across the saddle of an Aroth raider. It was Penoa, Thespa’s mother. The riders circled...

3 years ago
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Just Out For A Drink

The bar was packed wall to wall. I found myself wondering how I ended up surrounded by so many sexy men and women. The DJ was spinning house and everyone was dancing. I ordered a shot of tequila and a rye and ginger. A man walked up to the bar beside me, “you're much too gorgeous to be drinking alone” he said before ordering 3 more shots of tequila. “May I join you?” he continued, “my name is Steve”. Steve was divine. Short chestnut hair, green eyes, straight pearly white teeth, square jaw...

2 years ago
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The Fuming Entrance

So this was the big night, and Heather looked so tasty and fuckable I was walking around with a permanent hard-on. I wanted to ravage her right then and there but no, she was for the party. She had her hair and make-up done professionally so she had a very sophisticated yet totally sexy look that was almost intimidating. But when you see a girl like that lose her composure, and make a total slut of herself with shameless abandon, there’s nothing hotter. This was gonna be a night to remember....

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TimeChapter 23

I woke up the next morning in sweat. It was not from a dream but the fact that I had both Helen and Laura holding me tight to them. Besides the heat, the position would have been quite comfortable. The bathroom was my goal and I got there first this time and was out soon. The long procession started and I saw the Linda had not recovered as much as I hoped; even Valerie seemed to be suffering more than usual. Over our breakfast I saw that the others had seen the problem themselves. I managed...

4 years ago
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intro to pain

I’ve been asked to share this encounter I had. Am I proud of it. But as my wife says, while I remain locked in chastity, there will be many times it does not matter at all what I desire. Except my desire to serve and OBEY.I told my wife it hurts being locked in chastity. She said stop your whining. You’re a male. You don’t know what pain is. I bet, under the right circumstances, that you can handle much more than you could ever imagine.Later on she decided to prove her point. She contacted my...

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Kalluri Kathaliyai Kathal Seithu Oothen

Hai friends, indru kathaiyil en kathaliyai eppadi kalluriyil vaithe sex seithen enbathai ungaludan pagirugiren. En peyar Ragul, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, aanal innum entha pennaiyum oru murai kuda matter seiya mudiyaamal thavithu varugiren, yaraiyaavathu kathal seiya vendum endru yosithu irunthen. Appozhuthu thaan en kathaliyai naan paarthen, aval peyar meena en vayathu thaan agugirathu. Aanal aval kalluri mundram varudam padithu vanthu irunthaal, naan...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 39 The Boy with the Bow Beside You

The child skipped ahead of her father, dancing further and further from his side. "Take care, Christine, do not wander! You may become lost in the fog." The child spun to look back at her father and the impish smile froze on her mouth. Her eyes darted about and her lips fell into a pouting frown. "Papa? Please, do not hide. I do not care for this jest. Papa?" She thought she heard his voice faintly calling her name, but she could not decide where to look. The fog deadened the sound,...

3 years ago
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My Japanese love

My family thought I was nuts for going to school and majoring in History. After all I really didn’t have good grades in history while in high school. I passed the classes but I was mostly bored. That and I thought of myself as a natural in history so why should I study. I never studied and I was pulling C+ or B- easily. So here I am a freshman in college. A chance to start over as it were. Except that I could only get into a college that was 30 minutes from my house. I probably should...

4 years ago
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my favorite partner from AFF

my best sex story is definately with my 8th sex partner that i met on aff. when imet him at a bar for a drink in a calgary bar he was very funny and cool but when we hit the room he tore off my bra like a mad man and attacked my tits.i wrestled off his pants and was shocked by his thick 9 inch cock.we tore off the rest of our clothing and i promptly deepthroated his veiny tool as he pulled at my thick erect nipples. as hard as i tried i coud not get even one ball in my mouth, his rod was just...

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