Virgin Gold
- 4 years ago
- 31
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If anyone were trying to sleep just after midnight in Samantha's corridor at the university college block where she stayed, they would have been cursing her and her friends as they rolled in drunk and noisy after their evening in the college bar. There was Samantha with, of course, her best friend Eliza, Edward the Engineering student, and Sylvia and her fiancé Neil who both studied Information Technology. And they were giggling and shrieking and hooting and stumbling as they struggled up the narrow stair well and staggered down the corridor past Samantha's sleeping neighbours. Not that Samantha really gave a monkey's at that moment. A few beers and she was well past caring.
"Jeez! I'm bursting!" Edward moaned, grabbing his stomach.
"Flipping heck!" Samantha shouted back. "You can keep it in. I've held back too."
"And so have I!" yelled Eliza who was having some difficulty walking in a straight line.
"We've all been holding back, Eddie. You don't want to spoil the fun, do you, by peeing down your pants?" Sylvia remarked, squeezing Neil's hand.
"Cripes! Don't give me grief! I was just saying..." Edward replied defensively.
"Anyway, the waiting'll soon be over," Samantha remarked. "Look here we are!" She stood outside the door of the room she shared with Eliza and fumbled in the pockets of her jeans for her keys. The door was decorated by a cute poster of a cat and a few pages torn out of a movie magazine of some of the male film stars that had taken the fancy of either of the two roommates. Samantha liked her men to be tall and handsome. Well, they had to be tall. She didn't want to have to look down on them. Eliza, who was in comparison, let's be kind, a little vertically challenged, was rather less bothered about height. She liked her men to be cute.
Samantha pushed open the door to reveal a very tidy room with Physics and Mathematics textbooks stacked up on the two desks and, on the walls, an array of posters of more film stars, a couple of the better kempt pop stars and a selection of adorable puppies and pussy cats.
"I'll get the plastic sheets!" Eliza volunteered, running towards the wardrobe. "Unless you want to use the shower room."
"You got en suite?" asked a visibly impressed Sylvia. "What I wouldn't give for en suite!"
"I'll put on a video," volunteered Samantha. "Get us in the mood. What do you want?" She knelt down in front of the DVD player and portable TV where there was an orderly array of titles. "We've got 'Yellow Tears', 'Golden Show Time', 'Puddles in the Staff Room', 'Smelly Dinner',..."
"I don't fancy the last," Edward chuckled. "That's a scat title isn't it? That's a step too far for me. You're not into that scene are you, Sammie?"
Samantha smiled. "Bit too much cleaning up afterwards for me. No, if you can't drink it then it's no good. This vid came free with 'Lady in a Damp Dress'. We've only ever watched it once. But it made Lizzie ever so hot!"
"I wasn't!" denied Eliza, laying the plastic sheet over the two single beds that the two girls habitually pushed together. "But it wasn't all scat."
"Well, as long as it didn't have penetration or sperm, that's all right," remarked Sylvia. "I wouldn't want to see that kind of filth. Not, that is," she continued with a smile towards Neil who was pulling down his trousers and underpants to disclose a limp penis surrounded by a thick bush of black pubic hair, "until Neil and I are married."
"When'll that be?" wondered Samantha, pulling off her sweat shirt with the number '12' stitched in the fabric to reveal the full round breasts of which she was so proud. She was pleased to see Edward's eyes light up at the sight of them. He could lick them all night long if he wanted to.
"We've booked a date for the Summer Vacation," Neil explained. "It'll be a proper church wedding and our families are coming down from all over. We're really looking forward to it."
"And I bet you're looking forward to the night after," continued the now naked Samantha who was slipping in a DVD with the evocative title 'Yellow Rain and Golden Drizzle'.
"Absolutely!" Sylvia agreed. "After holding out so long, we just hope it's worth it."
"I'm sure it will be," continued Samantha, running the DVD forward past all the credits and trailers. "The waiting'll make it all the better. You don't want to lose your virginity before you're married do you? That wouldn't be right at all! What do you think, Lizzie?"
Eliza blushed. Her short, slightly dumpy body was now completely unclothed and she hovered by the bedsheets while everyone else was divesting the last of their clothes. She had famously once succumbed to a boy while still at school, and hadn't been able to live it down. What was more serious, she was now damaged goods and her prospects, never that shining to start off with, were now substantially tarnished. And, as Samantha often reminded her when her fingers slid inside her broken crotch, she'd confessed she'd not even enjoyed it very much. Samantha was adamant she'd never ever ever make the same mistake as her best friend. The boys would just have to wait until Mr Right came along.
And then onto the bed, protected as always by the plastic sheet. Five naked bodies, all bursting with the excesses of alcohol and all ready to rip. To ensure that the flow would go on for more than a few minutes, Eliza cracked open a few extra cans of weak beer she'd selected from the small fridge and laid them out on the bedside cabinets. As always, it was Samantha who let forth first. She straddled the bed, her knees indenting the plastic sheet, her breasts free and swaying heavily, her fingers on either side of her trim crotch as she directed the flow of urine directly into Edward's face.
Everyone laughed, even Edward, as the hot, steaming piss splattered his nose, screwed up his eyes, dampened his fringe and streamed into his open mouth. Samantha was renowned as being able to keep the flow going for many minutes: something she'd gained from years of practise. It came out in bursts of five or ten seconds, trailing down Edward's chin, onto the scattered hairs of his chest and onto his own limp penis.
But Samantha had to be careful. This kind of fun could finish ever so quickly if you weren't. As it was, it was a good day if you could keep a session going for more than quarter of an hour. And everyone was ready to go.
It all became very confusing, as it usually did after a night out on the piss. Edward urinated on Eliza's face while she was letting loose her punctuated flow on Samantha's breasts, where they streamed over her full nipples and cascaded onto her belly. Eliza, as always, tried to get as much urine into her mouth as possible. She'd heard that it was good for you, and, although it had taken some time, she had acquired taste for it. Rather like blue cheese, bitter ale and fine wine. Indeed, people did have different tasting urine, and she fancied that she could tell male urine apart from the female equivalent.
And, of course, she had the opportunity to test her theory, as she and Neil put their heads close together to take the stream of piss to which Sylvia eventually gave vent. Not as voluminous as Edward's, but it lasted just as long. That was the thing about men. Lots of volume but not necessarily any better quality. Her hair was soaking from piss, as was Samantha's, but with her best friend's blonde hair being so much longer, right over her shoulders, it would take a lot longer for her to wash the smell out of it. But that was one of the penalties of an active social life.
Urine coursed down the legs, the arms and the breasts of the five friends. It drenched the pubic hairs, it streamed flat the hairs on Edward's chest and the even scantier ones on Neil's chest. Edward opened his mouth and drooled out a mixture of Eliza's and Samantha's urine down his cheek. Just as he never inhaled cigarette smoke, neither did he swallow the fruits of his passion. The five of them collapsed on the sheets, a mass of naked, stinking damp bodies, slightly chilled by the plastic underneath and clinging to each other for the warmth of their bodies, shivering from the cooling urine.
Samantha did what she could to keep it going a bit longer. She passed around the beers and the friends settled together, cross-legged or on top of each other, drinking quickly and making incoherent conversation. As always, Eliza rested her face on Samantha's damp bare thighs, while her best friend stroked her sodden dark brown hair. She smiled silently and contentedly. She dearly loved her best friend. Not the love she would feel for a man of course. That is, when the right man came along. One who would forgive her for her trespass into premarital sex and would understand that virginity wasn't everything. But until then she had her best friend, Samantha. So beautiful. So smart. Although this didn't necessarily reflect itself in the results of her Maths tests. She was so fortunate to count Samantha as her best friend. They went everywhere together. And whatever Samantha did, Eliza did too.
Finally, the beer top up did the job, and there was a brief reprise in the friends' fun. This hardly lasted more than five minutes, and Neil couldn't be persuaded to pee at all. But Eliza got to taste Samantha's pee again, as did Sylvia, while Edward contributed a spare and unremarkable trickle of his own. Eliza peed on Sylvia's breasts and Neil's penis, which he held up between the two small but perky mounds. The urine trickled down the canal in the bosom and over Neil's hairy, perhaps slightly tumescent, penis, his long foreskin still covering its end, and dampened the garden patch of Sylvia's crotch and gathered in a small pool in Sylvia's navel.
And then it was over. The five friends sat back on the damp, cold plastic sheet watching 'Yellow Rain and Golden Drizzle' on the small screen of Samantha's TV. They were soon more concerned with the mechanics of what they were seeing rather than the plot, which was characteristically rudimentary and predictable. The only thrills in this 'erotic thriller' were those when the cast pulled off their clothes and aimed their crotches at each other.
"I don't know why we watch this rubbish," commented Edward with a sniff. "The acting's dreadful. The plots are risible. And you know exactly when they're going to start peeing on each other. It's so flipping predictable!"
"But that's why we watch it," argued Neil. "It's to see how other people do it. Otherwise, we wouldn't know."
"But, I mean, does everyone pee on each other in real life?" Edward wondered. "I mean, when you're married, do you still pee on the other person? Or do you, you know, do the other things you're so supposed to do? You know, with stiffies and rubbing the privates together."
"We'll soon be finding out what it's like for married people ourselves," remarked Sylvia smugly.
"And anyway, they can't very well show that sort of stuff on film, can they?" snorted Samantha. "You've got to draw the line somewhere. I think that all the peeing is used as a sort of metaphor or something when you've got married people in a film. There'd be uproar if you were able to watch people, like, 'doing' it. It's private. And in any case, it'd be absolutely gross! I wouldn't want to see that sort of thing."
Eventually, when the film had finished after the inevitable scene where all the stars had gathered together to urinate on each other, Edward, Sylvia and Neil announced that they were tired and left. Eliza and Samantha tidied away the plastic sheet, which they let soak in the shower, while they washed themselves and their hair before getting into bed together. Eliza enjoyed the intimacy of washing Samantha in the shower rather more than the fun they'd had as a fivesome. Somehow, the time she spent alone with Samantha was worth more than the time spent together with all their friends. She sometimes wished that Samantha saw it that way.
The soap slid over Samantha's smooth skin, down the muscles of her thighs, around her rounded knees and with extra special attention to her breasts and vagina. This last took Eliza much longer to clean, longer than Samantha ever spent on Eliza's, as she fully lathered it up, washed it away, and then cleaned out every bit of it with her tongue. She loved the recesses and folds of Samantha's vagina. Somehow better in Eliza's eyes than Sylvia's or that of any other girl she'd ever washed or licked. She was so lucky to have a best friend like Samantha, she thought, as she briskly rubbed the towel over the bush of Samantha's pubic hair.
And then the two slipped under the sheets and duvet of their shared beds, Samantha's arm around Eliza's shoulders, and the only light coming in from the single lamp post in the quad outside. Eliza nuzzled her nose between one of Samantha's breasts and her arm. She sighed. She was so happy.
"I'm not going to the student bar with you, tomorrow," remarked Samantha dozily, breaking into Eliza's reverie. "I'm going out with a boy tomorrow night. A date, you know."
"A date? A boy?" wondered Eliza, horribly conscious of a feeling of jealousy. But she knew this was misplaced. The two girls often talked about boys together, comparing their qualities and discussing whom they'd go steady with. Samantha had had a couple of boyfriends at uni, although none had lasted more than a few weeks. Eliza hadn't had any boyfriends. In fact, she sometimes wondered whether there was something wrong with her. Or perhaps she was frightened about what a boy would think if he knew that she wasn't a virgin.
"Yes. A sweet boy. Navin he's called. It's a foreign name. Like 'Gavin' with an 'N'. He's a foreign student. But he's not got much of an accent at all."
"Which country does he come from?"
"I dunno. Somewhere hot, I guess. He's got brown skin, so I guess it must be warm. Though you never know. Maybe he's just got brown skin and it doesn't mean anything. But, yeah. Navin. He's very sweet. I'm sure you'll like him."
There was a pause while Eliza absorbed the news. Part of her was already actively hoping that this relationship would be as short lived as the one Samantha had had with Eric. Not that there was anything that wrong about Eric, but he was some kind of French Literature student. They weren't like Science and Engineering students. "Is he tall and handsome?" she asked.
Samantha smiled. "Tall, Dark and Handsome! Just as they're supposed to be."
Eliza got to see Navin briefly the following evening, when he came round to their room to pick up Samantha, who had gone as far as putting on a skirt and blouse just to look a bit smarter. He was dressed quite smartly too. Proper trousers. Not jeans. He had conservatively styled jet-black hair and a very broad white smile. And yes, he was brown. Eliza hadn't met many brown or black people before, so she wasn't sure what was the right thing to say. And yes, he was quite tall, though no taller than Samantha, and pretty handsome. Perhaps even a bit cute. Lucky Samantha!
After a quite lonely evening which Eliza spent watching a movie on TV, Samantha came in not long after midnight looking a little subdued. Eliza was disappointed. She'd hoped that Samantha might have persuaded Navin to come back so they could get the plastic sheet out and have a threesome on the bed. She'd even put out the provocatively entitled DVD 'It Began with a P' in case there was some action.
"How'd it go, Sammie?" Eliza asked while Samantha pulled off her clothes and slipped under the sheets next to her friend.
"Don't ask," Samantha sighed, lying flat on her back.
Eliza knew she'd find out soon enough, so she didn't ask. She cuddled up against Samantha, feeling the warmth of her bare skin radiating onto her own naked flesh.
Sure enough, Samantha couldn't hold out for long. "He doesn't like peeing."
"Peeing? Has he got a medical problem or something?"
"No. Not as far as I know. No, he just doesn't like doing it with other people. He says it's filthy and unhygienic and disgusting. Apparently, they don't do things like that in his country."
"So, what do they do?"
"Well, not that. Though they let you, you know, do 'it' before marriage. In his country. It's normal apparently. They even have movies where people 'do' it, although he says it's mostly faked. I suggested coming back here and getting out the plastic sheet. I thought he might enjoy having fun with you as well. But, he was dead set against it. In fact, it was almost as if I'd insulted him or something. I just don't really understand anything. They've just got a different way of doing things where he comes from."
More cultural differences became apparent over the next few weeks as Samantha and Navin continued going out together. Eliza could see their relationship was getting quite serious, but she could also see that Samantha wasn't happy about how it was progressing. Samantha was desperate that her relationship with Navin should become more physical, but so far the furthest they had got was to snogging each other. They had not even taken their clothes off together, let alone shared a bed. This was because the two lovers had very different ideas of what a physical relationship should entail. Samantha wasn't going to lose her virginity to anyone. And neither did Navin want to urinate on anyone. Nor did he want to be urinated on himself.
"Are you sure you can't get more physical without, you know, 'doing' it?" wondered Eliza. "You know, cuddle up and things like we do."
"That wouldn't be the same, would it?" sniffed Samantha. "And anyway if it's what two best friends do, it can't be what a boyfriend and girlfriend do." Eliza couldn't argue with the logic of that. "No, Navin wants sex. He's done it before as well. Not once, like you, but several times. And with different people!"
"Jeez! How disgusting!" Eliza snorted. "But I suppose it's alright for men, isn't it? When they lose their virginity, they don't bleed or anything. Do they?"
"I don't think so. But it's not hypocrisy. Not the way Navin describes it. Girls in his country do it as well. In fact, it's almost more unusual for someone to be a virgin when they marry."
"That sounds like the wrong way round to me. Surely it's wrong to lose your virginity to anyone except your husband."
Samantha laughed, despite herself. Eliza loved it when she did that. It lightened her up so much. "You can talk, Lizzie! Apparently not where Navin comes from. Just a different culture. He says it's because they have arranged marriages. People don't marry there because they love each other. Not like they do in this country. They marry whoever their parents decide they should. So, it's expected that people have sex before they marry. It's the only way they can be sure of ever having sex with someone they actually love. And even after marriage. It's not considered odd to have sex with someone you're not married to."
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Hai nanbargale, enathu peyar Ramya, vaythu 32 enaku thirumanam aagi irandu kuzhanthaigal irukirathu enathu kanvan teacheraaga pani purigiraan avan engal sontha uuril thindugalil veelai paarthu varugiraan. Naan Chennai software companyil velai seigiren maathathirku 60000 sambaathikiren athil enathu kanavanuku 30000 koduthu vittu meetham ulla panathil vaazhakaiyai enjoy seiven. Enathu veetiru maathathirku oru murai mattumthaan varuven vanthu enathu kuzhanthaigalai paarthuvittu kanavanai oothu...
Hello, boys and girls. Arjun here. Thank you so many guys for liking my previous sex story. Big thanks to you all. My hangout ID is Rohan was Amisha’s brother. Amisha was a super slim, fair, extremely cute girl. Her hair covered her sexy white neck so beautifully and her ass was so slim n small it Could be pressed with just one hand. And her small developing tits OMG, was a treat for every boy’s tooth. Every boy lusted her, wanted to fuck her bad day and night She was so cute and fair that...
IncestIntroduction: The old pervert is back, after a few months of being way too busy… Heres the start of the story of a man who finds himself alone with a young, virgin girl…. Want more – let me know. Leave a comment, a PM,! I suppose the only excuse Ive got is that I was horny. I cant say what it was that day that made me so hot. I swear I had a hard-on all day. I even jacked-off that morning, twice, once before getting out of bed and again in the shower. I was so horny that even though she wasnt...
She was all over me the minute I started talking to her. Looking back, I realize she didn’t have any idea what she was getting herself into. I’m sure that if she had a clue as to what I was going to do to her, she’d never have come to my room with me. But she did. All it took was a couple kisses and a few dishonest compliments to get her to follow me upstairs. She was a horrible kisser, but I didn’t care. Up in my room, we sat on my bed and kissed some more. That’s when she told me...
Hi friends, indru tamil kathaiyil ilamaiyaana virgin pennai eppadi oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Iyapan, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vitu ippozhuthu veetil thaan irukiren. Padithu kondu irukum pozhuthe ne kai suma irukathu ippozhuthu velaiyum illai eppadi kai suma irukum. Thinamum kama kathai matrum kama padangal paarthu kai adipathaiye oru velaiyaaga vaithu irunthen. En veetin arugil thaan oru kalluri irukirathu, en veetil irunthu thinamum pengalai...
My True Story.Non American writer, please excuse grammar. Story is about me (Lee), I was 21 and I had a fling with a girl name Mary Lou, she was in her early 30’sI was still a virgin at the age of 21 (not a joke) I worked at a pizza restaurant and been kinda 'playing' with Mary Lou, she's in her early 30's, very light skin for an Asian girl, about 5'3 tall, 140 lbs, she has a boyfriend that also work at pizza shop, Mary Lou and I never had sex, however she let me played with her tits from...
Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at I am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a feminine body touch which I am missing from...
Julie felt the vehicle come to a stop, then she was rolled to the pavement. The next several minutes were spent on what felt like an elevator. She shivered as her body was moved towards a gaggle of music and voices, becoming louder and louder. A door opened and she was thrust into the sound. The music was turned down, then after a hush, she could hear the sound of feet surrounding her, then the familiar voice of Rob: "Welcome. Welcome,' he announced, "We decided as a token of your...
The Virgin Tease Ch. 01 (F/M, F/F, tease, denial)First Clinician Jenny called Rob from the waiting room and ledhim to a treatment room. As he followed her, his eyes focused onthe slender beauty with light brown hair and a crisp uniformdress that settled a few inches above her knees. Her bare legsand white sneakers, as well as her walk, had an innocent teasingquality. Her smile conveyed a sensual depth that almostcontradicted her age of 19."Please take off all your clothes," Jenny instructed....
“Stay off the cliff, now,” Mrs. Campbell warned me as I left her inn. “Try to climb that cliff and you’ll wind up on Virgin Rock.” Well, I hadn’t come to Scotland for the rock climbing. That was a peculiarly British fad. I took myself to the pub. A young man served my beer. “Not busy,” I noted. I was his only customer. “They’ll come in at dinner time. ‘Lunchtime’ for a Yank. My parents couldn’t afford to pay someone to tend bar for the solitary visitor, but our universities are off now,...
I was up late one humid british summer night camming with one hand on the mouse and the other on my hairy thick bulging 19 year old virgin cock. I had a lot of interest with several guys chatting with me but none of whom really got me going enough to start any sort of show with. I am a straight guy normally but online my type becomes the older guy who becomes really attached in trying to get me to show and do more. The night remained pretty boring until I was about to log off when a guy starts...
STARTING YOUNGGoldilocks, yes she had hair like that, absolutely right, down to her navel. But who was she really?Photographing her, painting her. Reaching under her short little Catholic skirt and touching the silk of her naked thighs, I thought of all that, too, I have to admit. I thought of kissing her, seeing if her face was as soft as it looked - baby flesh.Yes, it was there from the start, especially once she gave me the age-old inviting smile and her eyes became, for a moment, a woman’s...
Moving to Glendale this last spring really hurt me, I was starting tenth grade this year and I was not looking forward to starting all over again. I was one of the people that everyone wanted to be around, I had my 5 girl friends and we ruled the school; Junior High was fun and I was president of our class. When my mother got transferred to Hollywood I was sick and excited all at the same time. Excited that we were going to California yet I did not want to go through all the school junk...
The dog sprang up, launching himself by his powerful hindquarters and wrapping his front legs around the girl's hips. Rachel gave a little cry of alarm when she felt the dog's weight pressing her down. As her ass went down, her head came up, her lips slurping as they left Marylou's cunt. A creamy trickle of cunt juice ran down her chin and flecks of the stuff glistened on her lips. She looked back over her shoulder and saw that the big brute was clinging to her haunches tightly, his paws...
Amelia woke from her sleep noticing that something was very wrong; the bed that she was on wasn’t her own. Her bed was very soft and had a sweet scent of flowers coming off of it, but the one she was on now was hard and had a pungy odor. Amelia was the virgin queen that ruled over Femdara, a land that the humans mostly inhabited. She was a part of a strict religious order that bond people to a moral code that they must follow. More than five hundred years ago, a new religion was formed by some...
Fantasy & Sci-FiVirgin Used by the River.Just turned 16 and still looking to lose my virginity. As a healthy male I watch all the girls like a hungry wolf after it’s pray. Like wolves I hunt in a pack. Today, however my mates are on holiday. My family not being as affluent as theirs, means I couldn’t afford to go with them. They were all virgins when they left and plan on losing it to some lucky Italian beauties. Well that’s their plan! The only rod I’m likely to use is of the fishing variety. It’s a glorious...
When Sharon got pregnant at the end of the school year Jason and his sick friends lost their little moneymaker. They needed another cash cow. Cindy's little enterprise had made him and his friend's lots of money and the most sought after boy at school to be friends with but never his girlfriend. This little game of theirs was something they were going to keep doing right into college. His looks helped a lot along with Cindy's dirty mind mixed in. All rolled in to real hard cash and as a...
by Zvogel For my last birthday Maggie surprised me by telling me she will fulfil one of my fantasies, she’s arranged a for a portfolio of studio photos of her, you know the usual type, given a makeover, dressed in a sexy dress and posed in provocative poses. As it 's my birthday treat, if she has the bottle, some topless pics as well, I dropped her off at the studio. “Pick you up in an hour, enjoy your self, Love you .” I say. She smiles back at me and blows a kiss. The first...
I was given the name Candice and I'm happy with it. Anyone who calls me Candy gets what's coming to her. Unless it's a boy. Boys I forgive everything.I love boys. I knew it long before I left St Ursula's, even though I'd hardly spoken to one and had never seen one at school. If the teachers had their way, we'd be taught there was no such thing as a boy. But I just knew, lying in bed, that the cosy, tingly sensations and honey moisture I woke up to had something to do with boys. After all, the...
WatersportsAs America expanded Westward, there was rapid change. The new frontier brought with it new challenges, new hardships and new possibilities. Away from refined "polite" society, where anyone looking for a new start could try to make something of themselves, a thousand thousand stories were written. Most of these stories were lost amongst the chaos of the time. Your name is Linda Hart, a.k.a. the Lonesome Kid. This is your story. Born as the only daughter to Texas ranchers, you've been around men...
FetishNote from Enbreeze, the creator of the story's universe. - Yes, this is another universe I'm setting up. There are so many authors with new universes nowadays. None of 'em are ever going to live up to Spells R Us of course, but they make a valiant attempt trying. You can take this story or leave it; I'm going to continue writing for Hero Ine and her flower girls for as much as I need it, regardless. But if you ever want to write for it, you are welcome if you can follow...
Standing before me silently stroking your erection to life with one hand and guiding my mouth to you with the other I begin a course of kisses at your navel meeting your swollen dick rising over your belly competing for my attention. I linger slowly over the glistening head and a deep pleasurable sigh escapes you while you penetrate my mouth and watch me swallow the shaft on the cushion of my tongue, wetting the entire length sliding it easily between my lips. I look up into your eyes then...
Straight Sex“Well, here we go, I thought,” as we headed out for another day’s walk. I grabbed a light jacket and a leash. My canine companion, Buddy, needs his morning walks. Buddy is a rescue, a 6 year old 75 pound American Staffordshire Terrier. You’ve seen the bumper stickers: “Who rescued Who”. It really is a good question. Oh, I’m Dave Jacobs, 65 and retired. (You might remember reading about me being involved with some idiots who shot up a local mall). It was beautiful spring day here in Peachtree...
“Stop!” Iden shouted, the Paladins turning to look back at him. He had arrived just in time, one of the knights was pointing some kind of ornate spear at Isabelle, her massive body entangled in a shimmering net that looked as if it was woven from fine silk. They hadn’t been exaggerating their capabilities, they had defeated the dragon handily. Her burning eyes met his, but it was hard to gauge what she was feeling. There were two knights with crossbows standing near the entrance to the...
Hello, friends. I am Ajay Sinha from Bihar. I was brought up in a conservative family and just talking about sex in my family was a taboo. Hope, you have seen many families where the people would change the channel whenever there is a scene about sex or if there was any kissing scene. Well, I was in a typical family like that. Since I was put up in a small town, I had not seen any hot chicks walking around. So, I have seen only women wearing salwar or sari. Deep inside my mind, I had the desire...
Sillu was about 19 years old teen when I had first met with her widow Mausi (mother’s sister) who was working in my residence. After the death of her mother at delivery she was since living with her Mama (mother’s brother) village and used to visit Mausi once or twice a month for a day or two. Jayasreeth was doing everything from cooking, cleaning, washing to gardening for me. I must admit she was very dependable and trusty lady. My visiting friends thought that I’m living with my Bua...
Dear iss readers, gooday! This your juicy cunt sudha gopal again wishing you all a happy sensuous fucky life. I am sorry i could not give you any of my own experience. Within a couple of days i am going to submit an exciting episode to my dear readers. So hold your breath for the same. Now i am going to give one of the best episodes of my colleague who joined my company recently. He is a young man of 24 or so and also in my team.. Very quickly we became close friends and started sharing many...
IncestHi its dr zahid again with a new incident after a long time. Lot of people specially girls emailed me and insist me to tell them my experiences with the girls. I like to share but i was busy with my new job. That’s why i was not able to write my incidents. This is a real incident that happened some years back. Read and enjoy. The following story is a true one and it happened in february 2000, when my cousin family planned an overnight picnic at their farm house which is almost two hours drive...
IncestYou are heading home from school, cutting across old man Peterson's fields as you always do when you look up in time to see the glowing meteorite plummet towards you. Then darkness swallows you. You wake in a seemingly strange room, but your wits soon recover and realize that you're in a hospital and fumble for the nurses call button. The nurse who answers your call is Cyndi, or so the ID badge over her 36CC breasts reads. "Oh my goodness you're awake!" "How long?" You ask, your voice sounding...
Mind ControlNoch vor drei Jahren haben mein Mann, mit dem ich damals noch nicht verheiratet war, und ich in einer kleinen Mietwohnung in Bahnhofsnähe gewohnt. Wir beide hatten miese Jobs und konnten uns nichts besseres leisten. Aber mit viel harter Arbeit ein bisschen Hilfe des Schicksals, habe ich es geschafft mit meinem eigenen Unternehmen ein kleines Vermögen zu verdienen und so dürfen wir heute eine Villa am Stadtrand unser eigen nennen. Dahin bin ich gerade auch unterwegs. Ich habe es geschafft, einen...