Sister Act
- 4 years ago
- 30
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They say that everyone remembers their first time, for me this is especially true, it happened when I was fifteen and came about quite by accident, at least I think it did. Six years on we still have 'fun' together regularly. This is how it all came about.
My parents had gone away for five weeks; virtually the entire duration of the school summer holidays, and left me in the care of my older sister, Angie, who had just turned eighteen. Although I got on well enough with Angie I wasn't too pleased about her being 'in charge', after all how many boys like being bossed about by their sisters. During the first week there was an uneasy peace between us, she giving the minimum of orders which I reluctantly obeyed under protest, then things settled down and I found that things weren't as bad as I had expected, at least Angie allowed me a little more freedom than my parents did.
It was at the start of the third week that everything changed, for the better mind you, and all because of a magazine I'd found in the sideboard.
"What are you reading Rickey?" Angie asked as she barged into my room on that Sunday afternoon.
"Uh, nothing." I replied trying to hide the magazine under the covers.
"It's a lot of nothing you're trying to shove under the blankets then." She said, "Come on, hand it over."
I could feel myself blushing as I handed her the magazine, the naked woman on the cover seemingly screaming out the contents of the mag. Angie looked at the thing, her eyebrows rising towards her blonde hair, then she looked at me.
"Where on earth did you get this?" she asked.
"I found it in the sideboard." I muttered.
"Come on." Angie replied disbelievingly, "Where did you really get it?"
"I told you," I responded, "in the sideboard downstairs."
"Is it any good?" she asked.
To say I was stunned at her question would be an under statement, I'd been expecting a severe ticking off and a warning about the sins of reading such things.
"I don't know," I stammered, "I'd only just opened it when you came in."
"Well, let's look at it together then." Angie grinned, "Shove over."
I shuffled across the bed and she sat down beside me, her long legs stretching out on the covers beside mine. Opening the mag Angie held it between us while we looked at the pictures revealed, they left nothing to the imagination, the first picture we saw was a woman with a man's cock in her mouth and another in her fanny, the camera angle showed it all. The rest of the magazine was like that, very few words and lots of graphic pictures of men and women plus women and women together. As we slowly flicked through the pages I felt my cock gradually rising to the occasion, had I been alone I would have found it a pleasurably sensation, however with my sister beside me all I felt was embarrassed and uncomfortable.
"Were there any more where you found this?" Angie asked as we finished the magazine.
She seemed a little breathless and her face was slightly flushed, all signs of excitement to those who knew, I didn't know, then, and thought she was getting angry.
"Yes" I replied controlling my breathing, "and a videotape."
"What's on the video?" she asked.
"How do I know," I said, "there's no label on the thing."
"Come with me." Angie said swinging her legs off the bed.
Reluctantly I followed her downstairs into the living room where I pointed out the cupboard in which I'd found the magazine. Angie opened the cupboard and took out the five magazines inside, then she sat on the couch and patted the cushion next to her to indicate I should sit beside her, which I did. To my surprise she began to go through the top magazine, which was pretty much the same as the one she'd found me with, few words, lots of pictures. We sat there for the rest of the afternoon looking through the magazines, Angie turning the pages after we had both stared at the content. So engrossed were we that it was only as Angie closed the last mag that we noticed the time, six o'clock and it was starting to get dark.
"Looks like rain." Angie commented putting the magazines on the coffee table in front of us, "Come and help me with tea."
Confused, excited and frustrated all at the same time I followed her out to the kitchen where we prepared and ate tea. While we had been eating the rain had come down outside, a downpour that looked set to stay all night, it had become so dark we had drawn the curtains and switched on the lights. She had me help her with the washing up then took a bottle of wine from the fridge, two glasses from the cabinet and led the way back to the living room. Placing the wine and glasses on the coffee table Angie picked up the pile of magazines and put them back in the cupboard, as she stood up I saw that she had the video tape in her hand.
"Let's see what's on this." she grinned.
I must admit that Angie had surprised me so far, instead of being mad about the magazines she had sat down with me and looked through them, now it seemed she was going to let me watch the video and from the fact that she had brought in two glasses I was going to be allowed to have some wine, something my parents only did on special occasions. Angie turned on the TV and put the tape in the video machine while I sat on the couch and watched her, she picked up the remote controls and sat down beside me. Then suddenly she jumped up and headed for the door.
"Rick," she said over her shoulder, "pour us out some wine while I go and put the heating on."
It wasn't until she had mentioned the heating that I realised how chilly it had become. As she vanished from sight I opened the wine and poured it out filling the glasses to just below the rim, which was three times what I was normally allowed, but I was hoping that once it was poured out Angie would let me drink it. A few minutes later Angie came back in and sat down beside me again, she made no comment at all about the level of wine in the glasses and inwardly I grinned at having 'got away' with it.
"It'll warm up soon." Angie commented taking a sip of her drink.
"Did dad get the thermostat fixed?" I asked.
A few days before my parents had left the thermostat on the boiler had gone funny, now you had two choices either no heat at all or full blast, our father had intended having the thing fixed before they left.
"Not as far as I know." Angie replied, "Well I'd rather be too hot than freezing."
With that she started the video, picked up her glass and settled back to watch what was to appear on the screen.
At first there was a lot of static and a few squeaks, clicks then music blared from the TV speakers and a fully clothed woman, and two men crossed the screen to a bed. Sipping at my drink I watched as the men started kissing and striping the woman, then the men stripped while the woman wanked herself. In full colour and close up the woman sucked the men's cocks then lay back on the bed while one of the men fucked her while she continued to suck the other mans' cock. Just before cumming both men pulled away from the woman and shot their juices across her stomach and face at which point the sequence faded out. Angie stopped the tape, fifteen minutes had passed, my glass was empty, my cock was hard and the room felt stifling hot. Leaning forward my sister picked up the bottle of wine and refilled our glasses, filling them to the brim, to my joy.
"Well," Angie grinned, "that was something."
"I wonder if there's any more on the tape?" I mused.
Angie fanned herself and took a sip of her wine before replying.
"It's bloody hot in here." she said, "Excuse me while I undo a few buttons, then I'll restart the tape and we'll see if there is any more action on it."
"Feel free," I grinned, "in fact I'll join you, at least I can take my shirt off."
Why I made the comment I don't know, perhaps it was a combination of the wine and the excitement, but as the words left my mouth I looked at Angie and for the first time realised that she was more than just my sister, she was a woman. For the first time I looked at her as a woman, her shoulder length blonde hair, her deep blue eyes, her pert little nose and her full lips made her face beautiful, my eyes moved downwards to her shoulders, then down to her large tits. A little guiltily I turned my eyes away from my sisters body and busied myself taking off my shirt as her hands rose to open some of the buttons of her blouse.
"What do you mean?" Angie asked.
"What?" I replied puzzled.
"About at least being able to take your shirt off."
"Oh, that." I laughed, "Well, it's okay for men to take off their shirts in mixed company."
"Listen squirt," Angie grinned, "if I wanted to take off my blouse I would."
"Oh yeah?" I said, my mouth living a life of its own.
"Yeah!" she replied sharply.
With that she took of her blouse, picked up the video remote, started the video machine and sat back. For a brief moment I gazed at her tits barely contained in her lacy bra, then I turned my attention to the screen. There was more on the tape, this time it was two women having sex together, they used their mouths, fingers and tongues on each other before one of the women strapped on an artificial cock and fucked the other to a climax. Once again the scene faded out and Angie stopped the machine, another twenty minutes had passed, half my wine was gone and my legs were sticky with sweat.
"Jesus," Angie sighed, "I'm sweltering."
Grinning I stood up, feeling a little light headed as I did so, and took off my trousers, there was a revealing bulge in my Y fronts, but I never gave it a thought.
"That's better," I said to Angie, "pity you can't do the same."
"I can to." she declared poking her tongue out at me, "In fact I will."
Angie stood up and quickly removed her jeans before sitting down again, leaning forward she picked up the wine bottle and split the last of its contents evenly between our glasses then started the video again.
The third and final scene was an orgy involving six men and four women, the men had the women in all sorts of positions and in three ways, mouth, fanny and arse, one woman got fucked in all three ways at the same time before the scene came to an end and the tape ran out.
"Wow," Angie breathed, "that last one was a dilly."
"Interesting use of a wine bottle," I laughed, "though I'm not sure it was an ordinary bottle."
Beside me Angie, clad only in her lacy bra and equally lacy panties, laughed.
"Of course it was an ordinary bottle," she said, "you don't think they make one specially to fit a woman's cunt do you? Anyway, you are right for a change, it certainly did look interesting. I wonder..."
Her voice faded away and I saw her looking at the empty bottle on the table.
"What do you wonder?" I asked.
She grinned at me then looked at the bottle again.
"You can't be serious," I laughed, "you couldn't do it."
"Why not?" she asked, her voice not quite steady.
"For one thing you wouldn't dare while I was around." I responded.
"You reckon?" she laughed.
"I reckon." I grinned, "In fact I dare you."
Having called her bluff I sat back feeling smug with myself.
"Right." Angie replied.
Leaning forward she picked up the bottle, amazed and excited by her action I watched as she pulled one side of her panty gusset to one side (the side furthest from me) and tried to push the bottle into her fanny. Her panties and the hand holding them to one side meant I could see nothing, but I knew what she was trying to do from having just watched it on the video and it excited me. I felt my pulse begin to race as I thought of the wine bottle sliding into my sisters' pussy, the glass slipping along her flesh.
"Damn!" Angie's curse cut across my thoughts, "This isn't working."
"Told you." I grinned.
"We'll see." she replied.
Putting the bottle on the cushion beside her Angie stood up and quickly pulled off her panties, as she sat down again I caught a glimpse of her fair, neatly trimmed V of her pubic hairs and the hint of the swelling of the lips of her fanny. Picking up the bottle Angie opened her legs slightly, giving me a glimpse of her pink pussy flesh, then pressed the neck of the bottle to her fanny, this time I saw the bottle slide into her without any difficulty. As the cool glass entered her Angie gasped then sighed.
"See," she said in an unsteady voice, "I told you it could be done."
While she spoke Angie's hands were moving with a will of their own, pushing and pulling the bottle in and out of her fanny in a long slow rhythm that was obviously (even to me) giving her pleasure. Her breathing became fast and heavy as her hand moved faster, her eyes closed and it was as though she had forgotten that I was there, fascinated I moved to get a better view of the bottle moving in and out of her hole. Angie's free hand slid up her body to cup one of her boobs, her fingers pressing into the pliant flesh through the material of her bra, as she became more excited her fingers pressed more tightly into her flesh. Her hand moved across to her other boob and give it attention before sliding back to its starting point, in the second passing Angie somehow caught the clasp between the cups and the material flapped open on one side, the other side remaining in place only because of her hands squeezing her globe. I stared at the swell and shape of the revealed boob, the nipple, only a short distance away, swollen and seemingly begging for attention; a temptation that I found myself unable to resist, leaning forward I slowly took the bud of flesh into my mouth and sucked it, my tongue pressing and running around its hardness.
"Oh yes!" Angie gasped as I sucked her nipple.
Her hand moved away from her tit and moved to the back of my head, pulling me tighter to her flesh, the bra sliding down her back freeing her boobs completely. Reaching up I took her other nipple between my thumb and forefinger and squeezed it, rolling it between my fingers at the same time.
"Yes" she sighed and trembled.
As I played with Angie's nipples with mouth and fingers her free hand slid across my thigh onto the bulge of my cock, I gasped around the flesh in my mouth as she gently squeezed my erection. Then her hand was moving again, sliding up my underpants to push past the elastic, the thrill of her hand closing around the flesh of my erection was electric and I groaned with the pleasure she was giving me. Lost in pleasure I slid my free hand onto her stomach then down to her fanny, search for and finding the small bud of flesh I'd heard so much about, her clitoris, when I found it I pressed gently on it with a finger then rubbed it in a circular motion. Angie began to moan and her hand started sliding up and down my cock, I could feel her body trembling as she became more and more excited, her breathing coming in gasps. The bottle had fallen from Angie's pussy and, keeping my thumb pressed to her clit, I plunged two fingers into her moist hole, her flesh sliding and clutching at them as I moved them in and out.
"God yes!" Angie cried out, "Oh yes!"
Her hand tugged at my underpants and I raised my body slightly to let her slide them down to my knees, for one brief moment I released her fanny to push my last item of clothing to the floor, then I returned my attentions to my sister's pussy. Inside I knew what we were doing was wrong, but I could not stop, the pleasure I was feeling had taken control. Angie started shaking, her lower body thrusting up onto my probing fingers, her voice rising as she climaxed; so violent was her shaking that she slid from the couch to the floor dragging me with her, my fingers still buried in her pussy, my mouth still enclosing her nipple.
"God!" Angie cried, "Please suck me Roger!"
Her words made me realise that Angie thought I was her latest boyfriend Roger, in her excitement she was fantasising that he was doing the things I was doing. Nevertheless I slid my tongue down her body until it came to her clit, with the scent of my sisters' juices driving me on I rolled my tongue around the sensitive bud making her cry out again in pleasure. For a while I savoured the feel and taste of her clit with my tongue and mouth, my fingers still plunging in and out of her, then I moved my fingers away and let my tongue take their place. The taste of her juices in my mouth were sweet and sticky, eagerly I licked at her flesh, pushing my tongue as deep as I could to lap at her flow.
"Jesus!" Angie gasped and shuddered, "Oh God Roger that feels so good!"
A few minutes later Angie began to buck, her hands started pulling at my shoulders as she cried out.
"Fuck me!" she gasped, "For God's sake fuck me!"
I let Angie pull me up her body, knowing that as soon as she saw it was me the game would come to an end, but her eyes were tightly closed, her mouth open and inviting as she drew me down onto her body. Our lips met and I felt a spark of pleasure as I kissed my sister, I could feel my cock pressing along her pussy and raised my lower body slightly until I felt my knob pushing at her wet hole. Angie moaned into my mouth as I pressed forward, my stiff flesh sliding into her pussy easily, drawing out my pleasure I pushed into her slowly, the muscles of her fanny grasping my cock as it went deeper. Then I was inside her, my full length nestled within the warmth of her pussy, her juices flowing around my skin, for a moment I lay still to enjoy the sensations I was feeling for the first time, then I moved one of my hands up to a boob and began to slowly slide my cock out of her.
"Oh Christ!" Angie cried parting our lips.
Gradually I let my movements become faster, I could feel my excitement rising, my balls tightening as I drew closer to my own climax. Angie buried her head in my shoulder, cries of pleasure echoing around the room, her body twitching and shuddering beneath me as she began to climax. The squeezing of her cunt on my prick sent me over the edge and with a final thrust I felt my juices surge hotly along my shaft to spurt out into her womb. Gasping for breath I flopped forward, my head coming to rest on the carpet beside Angie's head, I could feel her pussy clutching at my cock which was still deep inside her and gradually felt my excitement mounting again and my flesh hardening inside her.
Slowly I moved my body, sliding my prick in and out, exciting us both with the movement, my sister began to gasp and sigh beneath me as she climbed to another climax, her body matching my thrusts. Raising myself I looked down at Angie's face as I plunged my cock into her, fucking her for the second time, her mouth opened in a gasp of pleasure, her eyelids shut as she enjoyed the moment. Once again I felt my balls tightening and my sister shuddering as we reached the point of climax, the point of no return.
"Oh God Roger, I'm cumming!" Angie cried, her eyes opening wide, "RICKY!"
Her discovery of who was fucking her came too late, with violent tremors a climax ripped through Angie's body, her cries filling my ears.
"No, Rick, no...yes, Jesus yes," Angie almost screamed as another climax tore through her, "fuck me Rick, fuck me!"
Our groins slapped together as I thrust harder and faster, my balls striking against her bum.
"God Rick," my sister cried, "don't stop! I want to feel you cum in me again!"
I looked into her eyes as another climax hit her, her eyelids half closing with the sheer pleasure, her excitement clearly visible. Then I felt the warmth of my juices rising as they surged along my shaft, with a groan I buried myself deep inside her pussy, my hot seed filling her.
"Oh YES!" Angie cried, "YES, YES, YES!"
For a few minutes I continued to thrust, my cock slowly shrinking, until at last I pulled out of her juddering body and rolled over to lie beside her. We lay there in silence, the only noise being that of our breathing slowly returning to normal, in my mind I savoured the memory of fucking my sister, at the same time feeling a little guilty about the event and wondering what Angie would do or say once she had recovered. Beside me I felt my sister stir, I sat up and looked at her naked body, memorising every line and curve of her while I had the chance, Angie lay watching me.
"Rick," she said softly, "you know what we did was wrong."
"I know." I replied looking into her eyes and dreading what was to come.
"It has to be our secret," she said, "no-one, especially not mum and dad, must know about it."
"I know." I replied.
"We will have to be" Angie went on, "very careful."
Sitting gazing down at my sister's body I felt a stirring in my loins, with the resilience of youth my prick began to swell yet again, before long I would have to retreat to my room for a wank.
"Rick," Angie said, "do you understand?"
"I understand," I smiled sadly, "we have to be careful about what we've just done."
"And will do." Angie whispered, "Lie down."
Surprised I lay back as my sister sat up, she looked down at me and smiled, then she shuffled her body and her head dropped from my view.
"God!" I gasped as her tongue flicked across the flesh of my semi-erect cock.
Disbelievingly I lay there while my sister licked my prick, bringing it back to full life before enclosing it with her mouth. The feel of her lips and tongue sliding down my shaft had me moaning with pleasure and I gasped as her tongue began to circle the underside of my cap. Angie began to slide her mouth up and down on my prick, her tongue stroking the sides and underneath of my stiffness, occasionally her teeth would scrape on my skin sending chills of pleasure through me and when she pressed my flesh to the roof of her mouth I almost climaxed.
"Angie," I gasped, "that feels so good!"
She hummed around the flesh in her mouth, her head bobbing faster and faster as she sucked me to climax.
"Jesus Angie," I groaned as I felt the warmth start to rise in my shaft, "I'm cumming!"
In response Angie took as much of my cock into her mouth as she could, her hand filling the gap between her lips and my groin, her other hand closing around my balls. I could fell her tongue flicking quickly on my shaft as she sucked at me, her hands squeezing my cock and balls until with a cry I climaxed, my hot juices spurting stickily into her mouth. As my seed filled her mouth I could feel my sister swallowing, drinking my juices as fast as they flowed until at last the flow ended and she leant up to look at me.
"How was that?" she asked breathlessly.
"Fantastic!" I managed to gasp, "But I thought..."
"Rick," Angie smiled, "it's too late to turn back now. The first time was an accident, the second was a shock and a joy."
"Do you mean...?" I gasped.
"When you can get hard again," she grinned down at me, "I want you to fuck me again, only this time I'll know from the start who it is."
"I can't wait," I grinned, "I want to play with your body."
Angie laughed and tossed her head; with a sparkle in her eyes she leant forward and kissed me.
"I'll tell you what," she said parting our lips a few minutes later, "while mum and dad are away you can do what you want with me. In fact I'll teach you a thing or two, not that you seem to need much teaching, you are a natural."
"What exactly do you mean by 'what I want'?" I asked.
"As long as we can't be seen you can fuck me, or suck me, or handle me any time, any place, any where." she grinned.
"And after mum and dad get back?" I asked.
"We'll have to be more careful then," Angie grinned, "but I'm sure we'll find the opportunities. The only condition I'm making is that no-one, absolutely no-one must find out and I want no jealousy from you when I go out with my boyfriends."
"I agree to that," I smiled broadly thinking of the future, "in return you can do the same, whenever, wherever and so on. Now shut up and kiss me."
Laughing Angie leant forward, her boobs rubbing on my chest, and kissed me while I moved one hand to her boobs and the other to her fanny, in return my sister took my limp cock in her hand a began wanking it. It wasn't long before we were both excited yet again, under her ministrations my prick had become hard and erect, my hands had brought her near to climax by this time. In a sudden motion Angie straddled me, her pussy gliding down onto my stiffness with one long, slow motion. Soon her movements were hard and fast as she drove herself to a climax, which was quickly followed by another and then another as she rode me. Having climaxed three times already it took ages for me to cum again, but when at last I felt the surge of warmth along my shaft the sensations were indescribable.
"I'm going to be knackered by the time mum and dad get back." Angie sighed as we lay recovering some time later.
The same thought had crossed my mind, however I was not going to waste any of the three weeks we had before our parents' returned and I was sure my sister felt the same. Nevertheless, we would have to rest some time, so at half eleven, tired and satiated we crawled up to our beds, for me it was lights out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
The next day, Monday, I woke up late; the sun was shining outside making bright patterns on my curtains. For a while I lay looking up at the ceiling, wondering if the events of the day before had been real or a dream, the question was answered a few minutes later when the door opened and my sister walked into the room wearing nothing but a smile.
"Wakey, wakey," she grinned, "it's nearly ten."
Grinning I got out of bed, crossed the room to my sister and kissed her, turning her around I guided her towards my bed where I spent the next half an hour enjoying the feel of her body and the noises she made as I fucked her.
"Randy sod." Angie sighed while squeezing my cock gently as we recovered, "Come on, we have some shopping to do...ooh."
The last was caused by me caressing her clit with a finger; despite her words my sister lay there while I used my hands to bring her to another climax.
It was nearly midday by the time we left the house to do the shopping, as neither of us could drive we had to catch a bus into the shopping centre, luckily one came within minutes of us getting to the bus stop. We sat at the back of the bus, which was nearly empty, with Angie in the seat next to the window, looking down I gazed at her stocking clad legs and wondered what she would do if I slid a hand under her skirt. The answer was a smile, as my hand slid up her leg Angie looked at me, glanced around the bus then nodded at me, her lips curving into a smile of anticipation. Slowly I slid my hand up the material of her stocking, under the hem of her dress and onto the bare flesh of her upper thigh, my fingers moved through her pubic hair, after discovering that she had not worn panties, and began probing at her pussy as the bus stopped to pick up a passenger.
"Shit!" Angie swore at the same time moving my hand.
I looked down the bus and saw one of our mother's friends seating herself near the door; cursing mentally I looked at my sister and saw her watching the woman. To my surprise Angie took my hand and put it back where it had been, I knew the seat in front of us would hide what we were doing, but if the woman turned and saw us she would come and say 'hello'.
"If I tell you" Angie whispered, "to stop, get your hand out from under my skirt damned quickly."
For the rest of the trip I stroked Angie's pussy, teased her clit and finally finger fucked her to a climax while Angie watched the woman. As she climaxed Angie bit her lip and groaned quietly, her cunt squeezing and wriggling on my probing fingers.
"Rick!" Angie hissed.
Quickly I moved my hand and looked up, our mothers friend had turned in her seat and had of course seen us, as expected she got up and came over to us.
"Hello there," she grinned, "fancy meeting you."
"Fancy." Angie smiled sweetly.
"Are you alright dear," the woman asked peering at my sister, "You look a little flushed."
"I'm fine" Angie replied, "just a little hot."
For the rest of the trip we sat and listened to the woman twittering on, what she talked about I can't remember, but I do remember wishing she would go away. Unfortunately she stayed with us until the bus arrived at the shopping centre, only saying her farewells once we were all off the bus.
"God that was fantastic." Angie breathed as soon as the woman was out of earshot, "I wasn't sure you would make me cum before she saw us."
"It was a bit of a risk Ang," I grinned, "what if she'd moved while you were cumming?"
My sister laughed and led the way to the shops where we picked up the bits we needed before heading for home, the return trip was uneventful as the bus was crowded. Once the door was closed behind us I dropped the shopping bags and grabbed my sister, at the same time I opened my flies and pulled out my hard prick.
"Here?" she asked.
"And now." I grinned.
"Good." she laughed bending forward over the hall table and raising her skirt.
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Reddit NSFW ListSeries 7, Episode 19: Reece Payne (26) from Yeovil We open on a full length shot of this week’s guest. The first thing we notice is that she has a length of duct-tape wrapped stuck over her mouth. She’s slim and pale, no make-up, shoulder length, loose, blonde hair – fairly unkempt. Dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a baggy black sweatshirt bearing the legend “ANIMAL WRONGS”. She folds her arms across her chest and stands there, glaring into camera, her body language reads ‘anger’. She...
It's not easy to ask a woman, and a friend, to witness the humiliation of your husband, but it had to be done. I place a call to the only woman that I trust to get the job done, aside from the one who is already helping me on this task. "Hello, Mrs. Blanc." "Hello, Mrs. Riviera." "What's up, Cate." "I have a favor to ask and if you don't want to do it, you're the only one I trust to suggest someone else." "What do you need?" "I need an actress in a role play scenario. There wouldn't be much...
AnalIt was just a silly love story that I published on a smutty amateur erotica website, and it all went horribly wrong. It was based largely on the real-life redemption of my marriage, after infidelity almost ended it. But I used too much of my real life. Too many damning details made it traceable back to me, and now there is Hell to pay. My name is Marie, and if you haven't read the twelve parts of the Last Wives Club story, that's okay. I will briefly re-introduce the main characters and attempt...
LesbianClimbing off the bus the following morning, I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t let the excitement of my Aunt’s coming to visit that night take away from the John Travolta-like walk from the opening credits of Saturday Night Fever I had practiced since the girls fought over me. I had been right to think I would be the talk of the school today, especially since Becky and Regina were suspended for the remainder of the week. Both boys and girls peeled away as I strolled down the corridors...
Keep Practising By Nikkie Silk Chapter One "Oh, I thought you'd be a man." I sighed. It wasn't the first time, and it probably wouldn't be the last time I would hear those words. With my slight build, narrow face, long dark hair held in a ponytail as per Health and Safety regulations, and topped off with the Corby's Plumbing baseball cap, I looked, to say the least, androgynous. It wasn't unusual for me to be mistaken for a girl, so I flashed a smile at the woman and asked her if...
My sex life has really sucked since the night I took a pathetic victim of spousal abuse from his home to a safe house. Since then, Mr. Fuscia has come a long way toward recovering while I have been haunted by the things I witnessed and the things that I did to him on that night. I've since become his sponsor and he has become my second male protégé, having taken the oath after I convinced him that we had more to offer him if he committed to an alliance. I visited him at the safe house and...
Group SexStepsisterBy Sonya EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK - Monday Later AfternoonJames was out by the backyard. He was smoking a cigarette, oblivious to the fact that he was being watched!! His backyard faced a cliff, that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico. He lived in a big mansion, on the top of a hill, somewhere off the coast of Miami, Florida. He quickly threw away the cigarette, since he believed his parents would be home any moment!! James ...
Carmelita eyed Mark’s stiff cock with lust. She knew the devilish glint in her dark eyes told him better than words that his new Stepmother was more eat-hungry now than fuck-hungry. She was standing before him, naked from the waist down, baiting him with her cunt, while her wet pink tongue licked still another invitation across her plush red lips. Suddenly her heart was pounding faster when a wicked little smile creased his lips. Without waiting another second, she dropped to her knees...
sisterly love.It was a weekend in the middle of summer. I didn't have much planned since I had to work early in the morning so I headed to bed early. What a bummer right? Well I was awoken in the middle of the night around 2am. I received a call from my brother in law to pick up my sister. She had been to the club and she was drunk. She only went there because the drive as well was drunk. They had nowhere else to go! So I got dressed and headed over to pick up my sister. My brother was working...
I take a deep breath, self-consciously adjust my mask, cinch up the belt on my trenchcoat and prepare to walk into the roomful of women. I'm wearing little else and the room is uncomfortably warm. But the trenchcoat is only a prop. I won't be wearing it long. I'm about to embark on a new phase of my association with the sisterhood. Barbie Malibu is introducing me. "When I try to come up with a sister who has come further, accomplished more, and shared more of herself with us than our guest...
Exhibitionism"For a few minutes, we've had seven members on our Red Council. What you do now determines whether we'll still have seven, or even whether you will still be able to honestly count yourself as a sister. Your coat and mask were bought at our expense. If necessary we'll be able to find a black card sister who would wear them, to carry on the legacy of Cate Blanc. If you fail to redeem yourself, you will leave here with neither of them." The prospect of losing my mask really hurts me. They must...
LesbianSeveral long minutes later, the three of us were sprawled out on the bed, but strangely no one was touching anyone else. Candy was still nude, but Stephie had donned a black lace bra and flesh colored undies along with high topped stockings. Stephie gently touched my shoulder. “Howie, we need to talk.” “Not now, Stephie. Not now.” “Howie!” “Not now, Sis!” “Look it’s not as bad as you think, Howie.” “What ... what makes you think I feel bad, Sis?” “I know you, Howie. I--I just want to...
My name is Bruce McCoy. This is my story. Seventeen years ago when the Darjee announced the coming of the Sa'arm to selected humans, my parents had not even met. They both grew up in California and met in college. They were in the last days of their wedding plans when Average Joe's XV was running. They married several days before the President's announcement. My dad and mom took the CAP test and scored 8.6 and 8.5 respectively. They initially wanted to wait until they graduated before...
Tribune William Whitefeather stood in the middle of the Washington, DC restaurant, having just given more-or-less the same lecture as his underling Sub-Decurion Anthony Chan had given to his charges in Florida and at approximately that same moment Major James MacAllistor was giving his lecture to the audience at the school concert in England. A quick survey by the AI had assured him that he didn't have any extractable volunteers aside from his old friend Henry Hollister. At his feet, three...
Sisterly LovePart One - Lily A couple of months ago I would never have thought I’d be in this situation. Naked, blindfolded with my Hands bound above my head in the middle of a large group of Friends and Strangers. To top it off I was happy to be here. Excited by the prospect of what this evening held. I knew I would be in pain, humiliated and used before the evening came to an end but that just heightened my arousal further. I wasn’t always like this. Less than a month ago I had...
In the year after I turned 18, three incredible things happened to me. The first two sucked. I guess the third did too, but you’ll get that joke later. The first thing was that I hit puberty. Like a brick wall. One day I was a normal kid, a decent second-baseman in the school softball games, no problem bigger than sweating out whether I’d get a C- or a D+ in penmanship from Sister Mary Margaret. Sister Margaret had taught penmanship, and nothing but penmanship, for it seemed like a...
Sister Ellen - Order of Saint Silenus (*) Part 2 by [email protected] (*) Saint Silenus does not exist. Silenus was a mythical Satyr, appropriate for a name of a mythical holy order created by Transgenders under the auspices of the Church. If you aren't old enough, or live in a place where erotic fiction is banned, or are offended by stories involving transgenders having sex with men and boys, you should stop reading now. When I was 18, I officially joined the Order. I...
I live in a town (Richland) of just over 3,000. There are 3 other small towns around us. Being the biggest of the 4, we have the post office and school house, for the area. The school houses all the grades K-12. Being a small town everyone knows what everyone else is doing. My name is Jimmy Parsons, I'm 13 years old. I live just out of town with my dad and 2 sisters. We get up early to help out around the house, then catch the bus to go to school. I've just started to look at girls. But...
welcome to Secure Contain [Redacted]. the only rule is that whatever stories and/or chapters you submit must be related to the SCP foundation in some way. and if you use characters from a webseries or comic that is about the SCP foundation you must credit the original creators.
"It's official. Cate's dead." Kyra hangs up the sat-phone as I hang my head. We were celebrating the triumph of my first-ever moose kill when Kyra called Liz and got the news. She drops her robe and steps naked into the spa with Celine, Marta and me. We are in the sisterhood's bush country retreat for a too-long postponed moose hunt. Kyra doesn't hunt, but she's been enjoying the walleye, pike, and trout fishing while Celine and I each bagged a moose. We impressed our guides by gutting our own...
Lesbian"Hello, Sir. My name is Cate, and I'm here to play a game called 'Earn an Orgasm' with you. Your role is to make me earn an orgasm. To do that, I must keep this chastity belt on for three hours while you try to get me to take it off. If I take it off early you get to punish me. Until the time expires or until I remove it, I will be at your mercy. For the punishment, how about we agree that you can give me fifteen hard bare-bottom bare-handed spanks and then fuck me any way you like? If that...
Straight SexOn the way to Mr. F's home, I return the chastity belt key to the young woman who has just spent a week fucking my husband and me, but I tell her that if she doesn't want to stay with him, she only has to ask and I will bring her back and start looking for another opportunity for her. I assure Chelsea that I will check in on her frequently for a while to make sure that she adjusts okay. Mr. Fuscia is waiting for us when we arrive and shows us right into the house, into the same room where I had...
VoyeurHello ISS readers I’m very new to this site. I found this site just when I accidentally searched for a blog to post my stories. I found this site very excellent. So I decided to post my story here. First I will tell you about my self. My name is Amruth. I’m a boy of 18 years. This story happened on 12 11 2010 that means last year. I will tell you about my family. My family consists of 4 members my dad, my mom and my sister and me. We live in Bangalore and we are well settled family and had god...
My older sister thought that she had the house to herself for the weekend. This was an entirely reasonable assumption: our parents were away on a 10-day cruise in the Caribbean, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, which left only me – and I was supposed to be spending the weekend at a Girl Scouts camp in the mountains. It was a three-hour drive to get to this, and we were more than halfway there when news came through that because of a forest fire in the area the camp site was...
Sister Ellen - Order of Saint Silenus (*) by [email protected] If you aren't old enough, or live in a place where erotic fiction is banned, or are offended by stories involving transgenders having sex with men and boys, you should stop reading now. This story is a sequel to "Sister Ellen, Part I", written by David Smith. With his permission, I've stolen his two major characters and created a "fork" in their history. David promises a Part II, which I'm sure will be quite hot,...
Introduction: Okay I went and rewrote Chapter 9 since I got bad reviews on the previous one. No more parents will be involved, as well as no pregnancies so quit asking for it. Let me know what you think. Read on and enjoy. If youre new to this series, please read the previous chapters first. After Tim walked in on a threeway, lesbian sexfest, mom suddenly had second thoughts, but the younger girls werent done yet, and Tim wanted a little more action too. But his stepsister and her friend may be...
Vespers could not end soon enough, Sister Mary Margaret and my self informed Mother Superior that we were going to go visit Cheryl, the new PE teacher, after giving her the address we left. The rule is we had to return by 9:30 PM. It was only 6:45, so we had all kinds of time. On the way over Sister asked me what she should do when we got there. I told her we would just play it by ear. I had no idea, and I did not know what Cheryl had in mind. All I knew was, we were going over to have the...
Saturday, June 24, 1995Heather was pissed. Really pissed. Pissed off at her now ex-boyfriend Jimmy, pissed off at her father, pissed off at Katie Donovan, pissed off at the whole damn world.She slammed on the brakes of the beat-up, old Chevy work pickup she was driving. It skidded to a halt on the dirty, dusty road. She turned the key and let the pickup die. Heather gazed out at the field of wheat stubble off to her left. Varying shades of yellow and brown cascaded over the landscape as the...
TrueMy mindset started to change when I was 21..I was goiing to university and came home for the summer. My family is a tight net family and we all get along well in most cases. My older sister who is older than me by 2 years was home for the summer as well. She actually stayed home looking for work. My sister was very self consious of her looks. She has black hair with a nice tan body..she stands 5" 2" around 115 pounds. Her and her friend have been trying to get into modeling for a clothing line....
Incestsister, brother, Summer Lover by SizeXIntroduction: It is fair to say that in many ways Gary and Jan were sister, brother, Summer Lover -------------------Prologue - RISE-------------------If you had asked him how it had started, he wouldn't have been able totell you.That was partly because Gary didn't understand exactly what hadhappened... but mostly because he was distracted, gazing down at hissister's moist red lips sliding up and down his teenage prick.The feeling was like nothing he'd ever...
Hi friends, I am back with another story and this story is of my sister who would have sex with any random guy once she is attracted to them or fascinated to them by the size of the dick they possess. I am sure my sister is definitely used to huge dicks, that’s why she would peep people peeing beside the road or even anywhere where she could get the view of their dick. This story is about my younger sister and I along with my mom and dad and two sisters, Sharda and Sarita live in a village in...
Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I Pravinvin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc.And I am basically a submissive character. Here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This sex story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I badly need it to be real. And sorry everyone I changed my email id. New one is Please I suggest you to read my previous story to...
On the train ride into the city there were two good-looking women in the same car as me. I gave them both a warm smile and must have also sent other, more silent vibes their way, for they both went out of their way to return the smile and brushed past me on several occasions before and after we arrived in the city. They seemed disappointed when I didn’t rise to their fairly obvious flirtations, but I did have more important matters on my mind. It was eleven AM when I arrived at Stephanie’s...
I began lifting her nightie trying to get it over her head we broke from our kiss she slipped the flimsy gown over her head, l rolled Tina onto her back and kissed my way down to her tits, she had marvellous nipples, while sucking one nipple l squeezed and moulded her other tit, she pulled my head against her and gasped, my fingers were between her pussy lips gently massaging her clitoris, Tina started to sigh and forced herself onto my fingers. She had a firm grip of my now erect cock and...
John sat on his porch, smoking a joint as he watched the young girls walk by. Friday meant the teenage disco down the road and a bit of idle purving. He reckoned they were all around sixteen or s*******n, and the parade of tight asses and young tits was better than watching the news. He wondered why girls didn’t dress like that when he was young, but then everyone thinks that.He was really waiting for his sister Anna, who was going to the disco and planned to change in his house. His parents...
Jenna watched her mom leave the room, not noticing how her mom was acting. She quickly sat up, looking at her stepbrother's fat member hanging there. "That means this is all ours now Anna," she exclaimed, wrapping her tiny hand around Tim's shaft. Tim watched his stepmom leave, wondering why she had just suddenly got up and left. It seemed to him that she must be having second thoughts about what she was doing now. Kelly walked back to her room, knowing she should have told Tim to...
Hi this is chandu from bang lore i am regular reader of the indian sex stories in the net and especially the incest story,this is the real story happening between my sister and me. My sister got married when i was studying the 10th class before her marriage i had not had any sexual feelings on her After one year of her marriage when she came to our house on the diwali occasion that time her personality was so sexy she started wearing BRA and her rumps become fat and with big and stiff breast by...
IncestIntroduction: CAW 13 Entry – How horrifying Art Can Be. Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13 Entry. This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth...
It was summer, school just got out. I was the youngest in the family. I was 18, my sister Monica 20, and then Evelyn 25. Monica and I stayed home with mom, while Evelyn moved away for her career. We were brought up in a strict household. Monica and I had just finished school and had the summer off. We had been planning on going on a little trip with some friends. We had told mom that we were going to visit some campuses for me to decide on where to...
IncestThis was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...
The evening before she was to begin her teaching career by taking over Sister Delores' eight grade class at Saint Agnes parochial school, Sister Ellen Marie examined the files of each of her students so she would be familiar with their backgrounds and be able to prepare her lesson plans to their abilities. After carefully reading each file she realized that there were a few very bright students, some that were middle of the road B and C students and then there was Shawn Miller who seemed...
Outside the door sister Aquinata carefully adjusted her nun's habit. It just would not do for a woman of her station in life to look careless – ever. The priest/monk in the deep sleep of sexual afterglow was her sixth far. "One never knows when one might meet her next victim, does one?" she thought to herself, subconsciously sneering.A little unsteady from such a hard fucking sister Aquinata walked down the open hotel corridor gazing at the moon slowly blinking past the stone...
I waited in the car for my sister, wondering how I was going to get the smell of piss out of my car.An hour passed.I still waited.Two hours and the bar had closed 15 minutes ago.I couldn't believe her. My little sister, her first week at UT, her first night out on sixth street and she goes and pees her pants in front of everyone. Then she accidentally pees on my girlfriend, well my ex-girlfriend now thanks to Becky, my brat of a sister.I also couldn't believe what I had done. I spent the next...
My place may have been a mess but l’d rather put up with that then listen to my sister and Rik arguing, finally the builders finished. One evening l was watching a box set with a few Vodka’s when there was a knock at the door and who was standing there, but my sister Theresa with 2 suitcases, she calmly informed me that her and Rik had split, so l invited her in and showed Theresa to my spare room. When she came into the lounge l poured us both a vodka, Theresa joined me on the sofa and...
Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I am Pravin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc. and I am basically a submissive character. here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I want to happen in my life. The sex story starts on 2007 my 12th annual leave. I am going to Bangalore for enjoying holidays and also...
For some reason my parents had my sister and me far apart. I was now thirty-three and Abby was twenty-two. I guess you could say there was a mistake along the way. I also didn't see my sister very often. That was about to change. Abby called me recently and asked if she could visit. I thought it might be a good idea to get a little closer to my younger sister, so I told her to come and stay.My sister arrived at my door and gave me a big hug."I really missed you Tom," she said to me.I missed...
Hello Mridula is here to entertain you all. Here is a hot story of a horny brother who spices his sex life with his wife when his sister comes to stay. You may send your comments at I’ am Alok Verma, aged 25, height 5 feet 10 inches, fair complexioned muscular body with an eight inch cock. I am extremely horny. I’ve been married to my wife Shilpa for 3 months. My wife is excellent in bed, I mean she’s would do everything in bed as an excellent sex partner and she loves talking dirty when I ma...
IncestHi, this is between me and my loving sister who is now my wife. We are from India. Many might think this story not only as i****t but also something very sick. But let me tell you that this is my real life story and I am not only living with it, rather enjoying every bit of it.Currently I am 28 and she is 26. We have been having sex since 4 years now. It was very difficult to achieve this. It took me years to make her fall in love with me. Today I am recounting all this, because we got married...
sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away from her...
sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away...
The SecretKurt hadn't heard from Nicole for several weeks after their torrid night together. That was a good news, bad news situation. Although he hadn't gotten a message from her, apparently Nicole wasn't pregnant. He had been anxious about that possibility during the whole time he hadn't heard from her.Like most people in that town, Kurt was at the high school stadium to watch the Fourth of July fireworks. Everyone was there including Nicole. She spotted him and waved. He walked toward her...
Seduction"Did we do anything wrong, Beth?" I'm standing naked in the basement of the new local Sapphire Club as Bethany and Marta, one of the members of her black team that helped with the rescue of Chelsea, are searching through my trunk, trenchcoat, mask, and even my hair to make sure no tracking devices were planted on me during the session. They find nothing and I dress in clothing that stayed in Bethany's care while I exposed myself to the students and burqa babes. "I don't think so. I think we...