Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale shadow on the heart
- 4 years ago
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My mindset started to change when I was 21..I was goiing to university and came home for the summer. My family is a tight net family and we all get along well in most cases. My older sister who is older than me by 2 years was home for the summer as well. She actually stayed home looking for work. My sister was very self consious of her looks. She has black hair with a nice tan body..she stands 5" 2" around 115 pounds. Her and her friend have been trying to get into modeling for a clothing line. Believe me, my sister had the looks for it. One day I was home and my sister and her friend went up to the room...they had the door locked. After an hour or so they came back out and started to chat with one another about what they needed to change and the about colors. I was a bid courious and asked"what are you two on about?". My sisters friend said they are going to try out for a model shoot in two weeks and took pictures of each other naked to see what type of tan they wanted to go with and what areas to work out on. I replied and said "you girls are too superfical"..."you guys need to get out in the world and see whats going on." I walked and left to go to my room. I stared at the ceiling laying down on my bed. I was starting to get a little bored. After a while I heard the car start up and seen my sister and her friend drive off. I went to the my cd player to listen to the my favorite cd. It was gone. I knew my sister took it. I went into her room to get it back and looked through her drawers. When I opened the third drawer down I saw a camera. I froze for a second and thought of what my sisters friend had said about them taking pictures of themselves naked. I grabed the camera and sat on my sisters bed. I was not sure what I was doing but something inside my said "look at the pictures". I turned the camera on and on the screen saw some pictures of the desk...then bamm I saw my sister naked. Man did she look nice...she had small niples and some perky breasts...very curvey...she had a tight tight build...I click to the next picture and the next and then the next. It was the first time I saw my sister naked...and I was really turned on by it. I heard the doorbell ring and I panicked. I put the camera away and went downstairs to answer the door. It was some solicitor for vacums. I was pissed. After some time my mom came home and then my sister. I wanted to really badly look at those picures again.
My sister was a little annoying at times because she is too superficial and is a brat at times when she doesn"t get what she wants. She also spends way too much on stuff that she doesn"t need. She likes money but doesn"t have enough..her credit cards are always maxed and she"s always asking for some money from me. She wont ever ask mom becuase mom refuses. As for me I could not get those pictures out of my mind. I wanted to get my hands on that camera and see them again and again. I tried to sneak into her room but didn"t happen. That summer something came over me and I was into my sister...those pictures done something to me. I knew I had to get closer to my sister. I stayed up all night trying to find a way to get with her. After a few days had passed I planed on going on a little trip to the city. I asked my friend and booked the hotel for two days during the weekdays. I told my sister that I was going to be leaving to go hang out at the bars and do some sight seeing with Dave. She said " ok have fun". A few hours before we wore gonna leave I came into the house and said "this sucks". my sister said "what sucks". I said "Dave cancelled becuase he can"t go..I already booked the hotel and I don"t want to go by myself." My sister said "sucks for you." Those were the types of comments that pissed me off about my sister she was too much into herself. So I said"hey sis why don"t you go with me out there everythings already paid for?" She paused and said im too tired and don"t want to wait in a car for hours. I said "hey we can go shopping out there and I will buy you something". She said let mom know were going and lets go.
We headed out and started our drive. For the next few hours we talked about our lives and what had been going on with us. She started talking about getting into modeling and needed to get some money to set up some picture portfolio. I could not help myself and keep staring at her legs...she was wearing some shorts and her legs were nicely tanned and a red tank top. Everytime I turned and kept looking at her body...I had some feelings going through my sister and I had a hotel for a couple days and we were gonna hang out. I never went anywhere alone with her. We had time to kill and kept talking...she asked me about my girl friend, I told her "we broke up over 5 months ago." (since then I was on horny stage because I need to get laid). I asked her if she had been dating, she said "not since I broke up with Bryan". Bryan was her ex boyfriend and they had broke up over 1 year ago. We continued talking and listening the the radio. After 5 hours we got to our hotel. We checked in and rested for a little while. I told my sister "hey dress up were going to a nice place for dinner and"s really classy and all the high rollers go out there." She was excited.
We got to this place and my sister was dressed in this black dress..with the top cut off and you could see here clevage really well. Man she was looking good...she walked in front of me into the resturant and I saw her ass moving side to side. I wanted to lift her dress up and squeze her ass. We got inside and were seated...the place was really nice and expensive. We ordered our food and some drinks...after we finished our food...we headed towards the bar area. It was huge and there were not too many people there...I think becuase it was a weekday. We sat in a some chairs by the fireplace and ordered some drinks. My sister sat across from me and said "boy this place is really nice". I replied "yes it is". I could not help but starr at my sisters cleavage. She showed no sign of any interest of me. She was the stuck up type. After a few drinks we had a genteleman dressed in a really nice suit who was around 60 years old approch us and said "you mind if I join you guys for some drinks? wife is out sick and I needed some company?" This man had some nice jelewry on and you could tell he was well off. My sister replied "sure grab a seat". The man was warm and really nice. He started sharing with us that he is from Europe and owns his own company building ships. He said he has traveled and loves good company and food. He sat around and we talked for some time. He ordered us all some drinks and we talked. He was suprised that me and my sister were brother and sister. He told us that he had a sister that was older by 2 years just like my and my sister. He told us how he grew up in a small village in Europe and grew up coming up poor. After some time we were ready to head out. We had the next day planned out. We got up and my sister said " it was a great pleasure talking to you". We started off. After getting around 10 steps we heard to old man say "Hey I wanted to share something with you two". We turned around and walked back to him. He said "sit down....I gonna share something with you take it for what you want...I don"t want to offend anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable ok" " I wanted to let you two know that you guys remind me of when I was and my sister had a great relationship...we had on many occasions satisfied each others needs." My sister looked at me in the weirdest way I could tell she was feeling akward at this point. The man continued "We would enjoy each other bodies from time to time..she was the best lover I had..I felt so close to her". The man said "I am sharing this with you because I have a proposal for you two...I have been wanting to get back to those memories for a long time...I want to feel young 63 and rich...but those memories have 2 reminded me of that". I looked at my sister and then turned around and said to the man "sir what are you proposing?" He said " I will pay you two 10,000 dollars if you two will have sex with one another in front of me for a couple of hours" I looked at my sister and she said "lets get up and leave". I got up and said "im sorry sir". As we were walking he said you tell me what you two are willing to do. At this point me and my sister had a good buzz...I said "give me a minute". I took my sister to the side and said "listen sis forget you and I are brother sister here...this guys got some serious cash...what do you think? can get your modeling career going and still have plenty for shopping" She said "I mean this whole thing is wierd..your my brother then some old man watching us". " I would feel uncomfortable with anyone there watching". We walked back and told the man "we feel uncomfortable with the whole thing and you being there watching". The man reached into his pocked and pulled out 2,ooo dollars, he said "here is my last proposal..take this money and buy yourself 3 guys can have sex and record it...I will only watch the tapes in front of you two..after im done watching you can destroy the tapes....I am willing to pay you 20,000....I will want you 2 to have sex for over 2 hours...make is very kinky and good". " once you have finished call me and I will me you with the money and we will all be good". I took my sister to the side and said " Look you tell me what you want to do...he"s not gonna be there...were gonna get 20,000 dollars..I mean don"t think too hard about it" My sister replied " Ok but im telling you it"s gonna be weird". We shook on it and then told the man we will do it. He said "remember make it really kinky"
We left the place and started off the the camera store...we picked up the cameras and Headed back to our hotel. I was racing with thoughts was this really going to happen...from a pictur on a camera that turned me on to actually filming me and my sister having sex. We arrived to our room...we walked in and I can sense tension from my sister. I started getting the cameras out and then placing them on each side of the bed...looking through them to get them adjusted. My sister says "I wanted to let you know that it"s been a while since I have had sex..over 1 year ago....And I don"t know if I can do this." I walked over to her and said "Listen trust me and I will get everything done...go to the mini bar and take some drinks out for us." She came back with some mini less than 4 minutes she took down two bottles straight. I told her "listen sis..once we get started there is no going back and we have to finish your brother your gonna have to trust me on matter what we have to keep that understood?".. my sister says "I trust you please be gentle". I turned the cameras on and walked away. I walked to my sister and took her in front of the camera. I walked behind her and knelt down and lifted her dress up. I took it compelelty off...I could see us on the screen of the camera in front of us. I had immediately got a hard on. I snapped her bra off. oh my god my sister was naked in front of me. I knelt back down and took off her panties. I turned her around and looked at her body...she was shy and scared her pussy hair were almost completly shaven but shaped in an upside down triangle. Her skin smelled like peaches. I got her to the bed and laid her down with her back on the bed. I got on my knees and opened her legs. I started to move towards my sisters pussy...the aroma of her fresh pussy got my cock even harder. I put my entire mouth on it and then started raming my tongue into her pussy. With one hand I was fondling her breast and with the other I was rubbing my sisters clit. After a few minutes I rose up and took off my clothes. I am not too gifted with too many things..but one thing is I had a really thick dick. It was around 8" long but it was almost 5" thick. I moved foreward and grabed on camera...I sat on my sister stomach and put my dick in between her tits...I squezed her tits tightly and started to moved back and my cock would go foreward it would touch my sisters lips. My sister was looking straight at me when my cock would touch her lips. I think she wanted to see what I do next. I moved forward with her arms underneath me pinned. I was sitting on her chest. I moved my the tip of my cock into her mouth.. with a little wieght I pushed my cock into my sisters mouth. I could barely get the tip of it into her mouth. her mouth would strecth everytime I put the tip in. I grabed her hair and started pulling back and forth with it..I got into a good motion and then got a little deepeer. I could feel her teeth and the side of her mouth walls on my dick..being on top on my sister and having my dick in her mouth was awesome. After a few motions my sister gaged really hard and said "I said be know that things too big it"s not gonna fit in my mouth!" I took my dick and slaped her face gently with it.
I got up and and stood on the floor. I opened her legs and put my cock on her pussy " She put her hand on her pussy and said "Put on a condom!". With all the excitment I forgot to get any condoms. I said "sis I don"t have any and we can"t stop now..I will be careful". She said "please be gentle". I took the tip and slowly started going in I could feel my sister getting tense... I slowly got more in about 3 inches into her she said "oh please go slow it hurts"....I didn"t pay any attention to her...I put more pressure and pushed foreward..I picked up the camera that was laying on the bed and started to film my cock going in up sisters pussy was being strected and I could feel her walls huging my dick they were twitching with sensatation....I felt great...I stoped and then pulled back out not all the way and then slowly went back inside my sisters tight pussy. After a few times I pulled all the way in leaving only 1 inch sister was squezing the bed sheets with both of her hands as if she was falling off a building. her eyes were close and her mouth clenched tight. I could tell she was in pain. I keep going for some time slowly it got easier and easier to get it in...her walls had gotten well lubricated with her jucies....I lifted her legs and then pushed them back to her head...her pussy was lifted up towards me..I put the camera on the bed I had her legs on my shoulders. My sister said "oh please go slow". I moved back and like a sling shot I started foreward and then back and then foreward...I was completely in her...she was screaming out load...she had her hands pushing me away...but they didn"t do much with my coming down on her. I was shaking all her insides up at this point. After a few minutes my sister cam..she cam really hard. I stopped for a coulple of seconds I moved back and then pulled out...I stood up on the floor and she said "I told you to be gentle" My sister was grabing her stomach and then I grabed her by her hair and lifted her up...I put my dick back into her mouth. I lifted her up and then fliped her over she was in the doggy position. I opened her legs and then started to penetrate her again...I was fucking her good I had my hands on the hips and then I was pulling her towards me....she kept putting her hands and pushing me back...I got up and then grabed my t-shirt...I said to her your gonna have to trust me on this one...she said what are you gonna do? I said "just trust me" I tied her hands behind her back...then I got another mini bottle of liquor..opened it and had her drink it...with her hands tied behind her back I started again in the doggy position.
I was really hard and then pushed her down where my sister way laying down on her face and I was behind her fucking her in her tight pussy. I had both my hands on the side in a push up position and I was pounding my sister underneath me....I was jamming into my sister really hard...then all of a sudden I pushed into her and she let out a scream I never heard before....I accidentally pushed into her ass. I could feel my dick get stuck. I only got about 1 or 2 inches into her ass and she was in pain. She started to cry a little and said "that fucking hurts". I pulled out and got in front of her standing on the floor. I said it was a mistake..then with out her saying anything I put my cock into her mouth....I had my sisters hands still tied behind her back and now was face fucking her I had each hand on her head pulling her towards me...she keep gaging butTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...
Chapter 5 Mom? Bastogne winter unknown date I moved through the snow my black hair flying loose in the wind behind me while covering the girl in my arms with my body. It was freezing outside and the snowstorm reduced the sight to a mere few meters. I decided we would need some cover and I knew that the best way to find some was to walk to the towards the enemy lines. Howitzer were always build in some kind of trenches. Moving towards the rumpling sound of the ongoing bombardment I...
Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...
Chapter 9 A new wardrobe and a Day at work After Sara and I managed to comfort Dr. Otto that I wasn't a threat, I finally was allowed to go back home. My clothes however didn't fit any longer and Sara seemed to understand what bugged me. "You know we should do something about your clothes Melanie." "Ain't no way around that?" I winced. "Don't you worry I happen to know the best tailor in Dunwich. Do you already have your school uniform ready?" I had not and I was pretty...
Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...
Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...
Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...
Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...
Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...
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Hi my name is rohit aur meri age 19 saal hai ye kahani ek saal pehle ki hai jisme 2 family hai ek meri aur dusri hamare family friend prakash uncle, meri family meh 5 log hai me , mom dad aur do behne, jo abhi pad rahi hai,aur prakash uncle ki family me 6 log hai wo unki wife aur 3 bête aur ek beti jo 18 saal ki hai abhi pad rahi hai… Ek din prakash uncle aur unki wife hamare ghar aayi aur papa aur mummy se baat kar rahe thy wo log kahi bahar jane ki planning kar rahe thy , Wo log chutti manane...
Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out. NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...
Hello mera nam Nikhil hai. Main Mumbai se hu mera age 24 hain. Main iss ka fan hu. Aur yeah meri 2nd story hain. Yeh story meri sister ki sagai se shuru ho gayi. Jab meri age 20 thi. Ghar me bada hone ke karan sab arrangements mere pas thi ladkevale hamare ghar aaye hua the aur main kam me laga tha. Phir main nahane ke liye apne room me chala gaya. Room ka darvaja khoola tha aur main bathroom me naha raha tha. Nahakar main bahar aaya aur dekha to kya ek lady mere room me kapade change kar rahi...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...
A social whirl enveloped Gwen after her coming out party. Several times a week she was invited to visit one neighbor or another. She sometimes accompanied her parents, and other times she and her brother went together. Still other times she went alone. Always, though, she returned home with her slit well lubricated and her sexual fires quieted for a few hours. Gwen and Thad were popular socially, for between them they could satisfy the most lascivious and rampant desires of men or women....
Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip! He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power? most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania Or if you want to input...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
My apologies for the long delay! Here is the next chapter. With luck I'll be able to get another chapter posted this next week. I have some real world problems that may prevent that, but hopefully won't! This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction,...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...
Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley Settles in Whateley and deals with some of her inner demons NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a...
Her education at Gracely House unleashed desires that Gwen had never known. Shortly after returning home to Markham Hall, she felt alone and increasingly horny. She tried to satisfy herself with her fingers in bed or in the woods, but that was only a temporary solution. Her desire for the hard thrusting of a man between her legs was growing. Thus it was with surging hormones and above-average curiosity that she knocked at her mother's bedroom door. "Come to my room at 10 o'clock," Mrs....
Author’s note: This is my own retelling of a very common story, that of Hades and Persephone. This is my most favorite mythological love story. I’ve always identified with the transformation from innocent girl, Kore, to dark queen of the underworld, Persephone, and Hades is the ultimate strong male-love that. It’s more about passionate burning love than sex, though I plan on inserting more erotica into any further installments if there is an interest. Please feel free to let me know what you...
Persephone gently pushed Hades away and stepped back, his hands reluctantly sliding from her flesh. She turned and walked toward the gate behind her. Still on his knees, he stared enthralled at the coxinant twists of her retreating buttocks. His callipygian captor paused and looked back at him and gave one word. "Follow." Hades scrambled to his feet and was fast on her heels, even as she retreated into a long, unlit tunnel. He followed her into darkness so thick he couldn't see his own hands,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWhateley: "Survival" [A Whateley Universe FanFic] By Zapper Synopsis: Kate's parents are both mutants and she's grown up knowing that there is a good chance she might become a mutant someday. But now sixteen she's dealing with the normal teen problems, puberty, boys, and her band. Then everything changes when she's kidnapped. Kate's now trying to survive long enough to be reunited with her parents. Note: This is a Whateley FanFic and has a little more violence than most...
This is a work if fan fiction set in the Whateley Universe. Knowledge of the universe may be helpful to fully appreciate the story but may not be necessary. The setting and any previously established characters belong to their respective creators. A Bit of Bass Chapter 1: Indy Punk Chase Price sat on the weight bench in his room, doing curls with a 40 pound dumb bell. His massive arms swelled on each raise and the veins pop up from the skin. He did 20 quick pulls then switched...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Currently there are 13 chapters written -...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
Gifts of every decadent form began arriving at the estate of Kore’s foster family that morning. Fragrant floral arrangements, statues in effigy of the soon-to-be betrothed, sweets filled with nectar and honey and nuts, pastries piled high on Long tables, silk fabrics of every jewel tone hue imaginable. All of these had been streaming in for days, trumpeting the arrival of the prosperous Certese family. The servants worked for days cleaning, cooking and creating a fitting house to greet the...
Hi friends its Sumit Bang back with a new series of stories for you. After overwhelming support by all the ISS readers I owe a ton of thanks to them. This series is a story of a part of my sex life and as the story is little bit long so it will be presented in parts. I’m also thankful to ISS for providing such platform which helped me to get in contact fuck many girls and aunties. So coming to the story this story is about my friend vrush (name changed). Being in an engineering college I met...
Hades gritted his teeth, fingers twitching at his side. He was panting, drips of sweat running down his bare back, his shoulders, his forehead, soaking the blindfold. It annoyed him, though it was fine silk, he fought the impulse to take it off. He had been preparing for this night, deep in the caves that span the foundations of the Alsitor mountain range, and his role as [prisoner/guest/slave/student] was not one he had volunteered for without heavy consideration. He didn't blame his beloved...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAuthor’s Note: Thank you to everyone that read, posted comments and voted on Hades Ch 1. For those that have not read Hades Ch 1, chapter two may not be able to fill you in on the tale thus far. Please bear in mind, it is my own unique retelling of the love affair between Hades and Kore/Persephone and I have taken some serious liberties with the characters and story- hopefully not offending any mythology buffs out there. As always, hope you enjoy it and I consider myself a very lucky girl when...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...
This work took a little bit longer hiatus than I planned due to the demands of real life, but not to worry I'm back at it again! There is a cue of three other completed chapters after this and I'm pretty sure if my energy holds up there will be another two or three done by next week. I hopefully will be able to post one a week for a while here. Right now I'm guessing there are right around 10-15 chapters remaining here. This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes...
This will be the last chapter before I have to take a break for a trip and then company coming in. Most likely my next post will be in the first or second week of the New Year. (It would probably be sooner if I have some comments :-) ) This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity,...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...
Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. this is just a run into new line of seeing what she would do in the marvel universe at large just a side trip for Vantier, and this will not be 'canon' for her. Just me having fun! --none of this is my trademark for marvel characters Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or...
Hi friends my self jazz living in raipur ma aapna bara ma btata hu ma dikhna ma gora hu mera dost mujha boucher khata ha kyu ki ma boucher jasa dikhta hu aapka time na barbad karta hua sidha story ma aata hu mana 12 ka exam ka baad ghar ma free baitha tha bas subah subah jaldi uthta or gaym jata hu uska baad dudh lana phir ghar ma aaram karta hu par ek din jb ma dudh lana gaya to aabhi aaya nahi tha to ma vha baitha uska ghar ma uska ghar ka samne ek khubsurat si pyarri si ldki rahti thi usko...
Hi friends I’m from Surat that’s my story yaar me apne friend k shddi me rajsthan me udaipur gaya tha ab aage ki baat Mai aap ko ek sachhi kahaani batata hoo mere frnd k sis ki shadi thi per ap jante hi he ki shaddii me kaam kitna hota he per 1din mere kapde lene k liye 1 ladki aay meaz wo naukrani thi wo ghar me to boli sahab aapka sab de do me bola kya wo saare kapde me ne de diya ab usske baare me kehta hun shaddi k din k 7 din pale hi pahuch gaya taha me uska naam babita tha umar kareeb 26...
Hi dost mera naam rehan hai mai yaha ki har kahani padhai karta hu aur maza leta hu aaj maine socha ke apni bhi ek real kahani aap logo se share kardu….Agar aapko meri kahani achi lage to plz mujhe mail karke batao ya koi bhabi ya aunty mujhse aur koi sawal karna ya kuch aur kaam se kuch baat karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar sakte hai mera mail address hai” Mai kolkata se hu aur mai waha ek hospital me as a manager kaam karta hu.Meri ghar me sirf ham 3 hi log hai mammi papa aur mai.. Mammi...
by Philip Johnson As the category indicates, this is a non-erotic story, so don’t get mad at me when you don’t find much sex in the following story. Chapter One The name Paradise Found sounded somewhere between somewhat cheesy to plastic luxury. But the first thing a person noticed when they pulled up to the front entrance was true luxury. Not over the top luxury, but quality everywhere. The construction made it look like an old mansion that had survived the ravages of time in nearly...
This story is a Fan-Fiction saddled in the Whateley Academy Universe created by Maggie Finson and other Authors. Please notice that English isn't my native language and I'm still working on my grammar. First of all I want to thank the Canon Authors for their incredible inspiring tales as well as my editors and collaborative Authors Nuuan & Shadowsblades check out their stories if you have time for it. Thanks also for reading this little introduction, I hope you have fun...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. As I begin posting this I have about...
This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please keep in mind this story is a work of...
The Hideaway was an old bar in Redwood City. It was located between the Mexican barrio and an industrial area of mostly small shops. The owner at the time was a friendly Latino, rumored to be a gangster of sorts.The Hideaway catered to a very diverse bunch. Mostly men, though there were usually some women there. About half the patrons were Mexicans, mostly legal and mostly employed in the area. The other half were mainly Caucasian small business owners, like myself, and their employees.There...
CuckoldHello friend main pallavi hu main Nagpur ki rahne wali ladki hu. Meri cast Rajput kshatriya hai. Sabhi log jaante hai Rajput kshatriya ke ladke aur ladkiya kaisi hoti hai. Main 20 saal ki hu aur main BCA kar rahi hu main 2nd year me padh rahi hu. Meri figure 30 28 32 hai main thodi slim type ki ladki hu. Main ye sochti thi ki ISS par ladkiya story send nahi karti hogi par kuch ladkiyo ki story padhi hai isliye main bhi story send karna chahti hu. Main apne mummy papa ki akeli ladki hu. Isliye...
Hello friends, main mera naam Manish Singh hai, main indore ka rahne wala hu meri age 18 years hai, main aaj aaplogo ko ek kahani sunane ja raha hu ye ek incest sex story hai jisme maine apni ek bua ke sath sex kiya tha ye ghatna tab ki hai. Mujko sex ke bare main lagbhag kuch-kuch pata tha bachpan main mere gaon ke dosto ne bataya tha aur tabse mujko chudai karne ki iccha thi main jab bhi kisi aurat ke saath sota(mom,bua,any other ladies) tab jab wo so jati thi to main dheere-dheere unki saree...
(an unfinished story i once wrote for a girl i was having the occasional phone fling with..the '90s was a strange time, lol)The hesitant feeling of your motor was the first warning sign, but it didn't give you much time to reach before you felt the power drop off as the engine gave out completely. You turned the wheel, coasting to a stop along the shoulder, as you muttered a curse under your breath.You sat in your seat for a moment, attempting to turn the engine over to no avail. The moon was...
Where was the magnificence, the glitter and glamour of Pleorran's throne room? Where had all of its romance gone? No longed did it seem vast and mysterious, its high ceiling and shadowed walls whispering of pomp and intrigue. Now, it was just another room, Pete thought to himself. Large, but not that much larger than the main room of Markoth's residence. Poor Markoth, and poor skeptical Zallin, whose bones lay somewhere beneath the tumbled ruins of Dron's fort. The throne room's wide...
Danny had just sealed the Ghosts back into the Ghost Zone and then his parents shot him in his Phantom form with their Weapon. He was now lying in the Forest of Amity Park when he suddenly began to notice that he was shrouded in a golden glowing aura. A clock appeared in front of him he saw the appeared Clockwork from it. "Do you know what the glowing means Clockwork??" Danny wondered at Clockwork. "You surpassed your Limits and broke the Limiter Daniel," Clockwork explained. Clockwork was the...
It's not easy to ask a woman, and a friend, to witness the humiliation of your husband, but it had to be done. I place a call to the only woman that I trust to get the job done, aside from the one who is already helping me on this task. "Hello, Mrs. Blanc." "Hello, Mrs. Riviera." "What's up, Cate." "I have a favor to ask and if you don't want to do it, you're the only one I trust to suggest someone else." "What do you need?" "I need an actress in a role play scenario. There wouldn't be much...
AnalIt was just a silly love story that I published on a smutty amateur erotica website, and it all went horribly wrong. It was based largely on the real-life redemption of my marriage, after infidelity almost ended it. But I used too much of my real life. Too many damning details made it traceable back to me, and now there is Hell to pay. My name is Marie, and if you haven't read the twelve parts of the Last Wives Club story, that's okay. I will briefly re-introduce the main characters and attempt...
LesbianClimbing off the bus the following morning, I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t let the excitement of my Aunt’s coming to visit that night take away from the John Travolta-like walk from the opening credits of Saturday Night Fever I had practiced since the girls fought over me. I had been right to think I would be the talk of the school today, especially since Becky and Regina were suspended for the remainder of the week. Both boys and girls peeled away as I strolled down the corridors...
SRU: Chad's Story By Bashful Chad walked into the mall and looked around. He needed some girls to come to the frat party tonight. So far he had struck out. Last year he had come up with the idea to bring back the party committee and party fund. He had been appointed party chairman as a result. This was to be the first big party of the new school year. Chad was a senior and he wanted to make this last year of college a memorable one. Chad stopped and stared at a little...