Suicide Jane
- 3 years ago
- 35
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A Story Of Jane (In The First-Person Singular)
Chapter One
The most difficult aspect of the story I’m about to relate, its most unique feature, is one of tense. Now, don’t get me wrong, I realize that the first person singular past tense narrative style has been around since well before Homer. That’s not it at all. The problem is perspective.
I guess that doesn’t make any sense to you. No, of course it doesn’t. It’s just that ….
Well, if you read this through to the end, I’ll remind you of this paradox again. Then you’ll understand. It all makes perfect sense … once you can just understand the problem of tense.
And now, A TECHNICAL NOTE: Most of our modern-day Christian-based holidays share their roots with other celebrations based on pagan rituals. The word Easter is derived from ‘Eastre,’ the Great Mother Goddess of the all the northern Saxon tribes. The annual celebration in her name was held on the vernal equinox. Followers of Wicca (witches) also hold a great celebration during the evening of the equinox (or the night before), and there are at least five other religions that also share the equinox as a time of celebration. Easter is always the first Sunday following the first full moon following the vernal equinox (which falls on March 21st, in most cases). The earliest possible day to celebrate Easter, therefore, would be March 22nd, but this would mean that the equinox would have to fall sometime on a Saturday, and afterward, the full moon would have to occur on the same day. Rare, but it does happen. The Easter holiday has little bearing on this story. But, as it turns out, these dates were exceedingly important.
WEDNESDAY, the 18th of MARCH
I had seen her in the reading room before. It took me a moment to remember, but she had been there during the previous afternoon. I had thought when I saw her the first time that there was something profoundly familiar about her, and it struck me again now, as she approached me. The way her head and long neck turned as she slowed her purposeful stride, looking left and then right, seeing that we were alone in the large room, continuing toward me self-assuredly. It was that time of day when there were few people in the library at all, and it was not odd that there would be no one else in the main reading room. Later on a Wednesday afternoon, when the town’s west-side high school let out, business would normally pick up a bit. School was out today, however, for the start of the Easter break, so for now, it was just the two of us.
Suddenly, it dawned on me why I had noted the familiarity. In a sudden moment of clarity, I realized that I actually had seen her face before: every morning in the mirror. She looked like me. Well, not exactly like me, of course. She must have been fifteen years older, in her late thirties, at least, but I thought with a pang of self doubt, that I could only HOPE to look that good in another decade and a half. She was much more shapely than I, much better proportioned. I’m a cow, my breasts much too large for the rest of my frame, and a constant source of distraction, both to me and whoever I’m trying to carry on a conversation with. She, more mature and sure of herself, seemed perfect in body and spirit. She had my sharp facial features, my eyes and brow. Our ears were almost identical in size and spacing. But we most definitely parted company in the hair department. Hers was short, thick, straight and very, very black, mine was long, curly, and almost bright red, a strong trait of my ancestry.
‘May I help you?’ I asked automatically, trying hard not to stare.
‘Yes,’ she answered, lyrically. She paused, glancing about her again. ‘Are we alone here?’
‘Donna’s in the back,’ I answered, somehow disappointed that she might not want to speak to me. ‘She’s the head librarian. She’s back in the stacks. Did you want to talk to her instead?’
‘Oh, no,’ she smiled. ‘It’s you I want. I have something for you.’
She produced a single long-stemmed red rose from her purse. It’s a wonder I hadn’t noticed it before. The stem must have been protruding at least a foot. The head of the rose was encased in a clear zip-lock plastic bag, which she removed to thrust the flower forward, holding it just below my face.
‘Oh,’ I said, ‘it’s lov ….’ I choked into silence as I automatically inhaled the rose’s fragrance. It was horrid. There was a vague rose-like odor underlying a mixture of scents which included sulfur, alcohol, rotting wood, and several other things I could not guess at. ‘Ugh!’ I grunted. I tried to back up a step, but I couldn’t seem to make myself move.
‘Smell it again, please,’ she said, smiling.
I inhaled again. The smell was almost unbearable. ‘No, please,’ I whined. ‘It’s awful!’
‘Yes, I know,’ she agreed patiently. ‘It won’t last long, I promise. Now, once more, please.’
Again I breathed in the rancid fumes, shaking my head slightly, slowly in the negative.
‘That’s wonderful, my dear. Now, look directly into my eyes, please. Yes, that’s it. Right into my eyes. Yes, perfect. What’s your name, dear?’
‘Molly Mahone,’ I answered softly, trying desperately to talk without inhaling.
‘Who’d have guessed I’d finally find you and you’d be Irish,’ she said, wonderingly. ‘Now Molly, I’m going to say some things, and I’ll thank you not to interrupt. Just keep looking right into my eyes, like you’re doing now, and try to keep quiet. Okay? Do you understand?’
‘Yes,’ I squeaked.
She began reciting something in a foreign tongue. It took me a moment to realize that she was speaking in Latin. Each word seemed to end in ‘ia’ or ‘um’ or ‘o’.
‘I don’t understand Latin,’ I said, realizing immediately my indiscretion. She stopped abruptly. ‘I never took Latin,’ I muttered in a smaller voice, wishing I could undo the terrible sin of interruption. ‘I don’t understand,’ I mumbled softly, tears welling in my eyes.
She gave me a stern look, then a patient almost-smile. ‘You won’t interrupt again, will you Molly?’
‘No!’ I fervently promised, my voice weak and pleading.
She began again, and I at once realized that she was repeating, once more from the beginning, exactly what she had recited before. I felt absolutely terrible that I had caused her the inconvenience of repetition. In contrition, I decided I would breathe more deeply of the noxious flower being held under my nose, and I concentrated all my efforts to gaze exactly into the centers of her beautiful eyes. I wanted desperately to please her.
Suddenly, it was over. She stopped the recitation, stuffed the head of the flower back into its plastic bag, wrinkling her nose as she caught a whiff of her own weapon, sealed the thing up, and thrust it back into her purse. Then she looked back at me and smiled. I felt disoriented, to say the least. The whole thing was very strange to begin with, but the abruptness with which it ended left me staggered.
‘Now, Molly, you did that very well,’ she stated. I felt a flush of bashful accomplishment. I had done something to make her happy. ‘When do you take your lunch break, dear?’
A frown. ‘Oh, my. That’s almost another two hours.’
‘I could trade with Donna,’ I blurted. ‘She won’t mind, I know. She takes her lunch break at eleven!’
A smile. I felt that wonderful feeling of shy pleasure again. ‘That would be wonderful, dear. There’s a cafe right across the street. I’ll be in a booth in the back. There will be some other ladies there I want you to meet. Eleven o’clock sharp. Don’t be late, Molly.’ She spun around and walked toward the front door.
‘Who are you?’ I squeaked, before I could stop myself.
She halted and turned back to me, that awful look of smiling patience on her lips. A stern teacher placating a slow student. ‘I
‘m Josephine. You can call me Jo. All my good friends do.’ She turned again and walked out of the library.
Her good friend. I blushed crimson. I don’t think I’d ever been so happy.
I looked at the clock. Fifty minutes to go.
I rushed into the Pink Pig diner across the street from the small downtown library at precisely eleven o’clock. For once, I ignored the garish porcine decorations that smiled pinkly from every corner, and spotted Jo seated at a corner booth all the way in the back. As promised, there were others there, and as I rushed grinning to meet my new best friend, I drew up short. They were all alike. Well, once again, not exactly alike, but so alike as to leave little doubt that they were drawn together by blood. All dark, all sharply beautiful, all with that intense intelligence smoldering behind their eyes. And once again, that uneasy familiarity. They all looked vaguely like me.
I was just regaining my equilibrium and was in the process of pasting the smile back on my lips, when Jo thrust me right back into deep confusion by making introductions and playing musical chairs at the same time. I tried desperately to keep up.
‘Molly, I’d like you to meet my sister, Jan,’ she said, standing. Jan stood, too. They all stood. Jan shook my hand, trying to smile, but she was somehow gawking instead. As she shook, she sort of pulled me toward the booth. ‘You sit on the inside, next to the wall, dear, if you don’t mind,’ Jo continued. I slid into the booth as another black-haired beauty slid in next to me, this one probably the prettiest (and I guessed, the youngest) of the group. She gave me a dazzling smile as she took my hand.
‘I’m Jean, Molly,’ she cooed. ‘I’m very pleased to meet you.’
Jo had pulled a chair up to the end of the table as Jan slid in opposite me. The fourth sat beside her, and at first I supposed her to be Jan’s twin, but I began to notice subtle differences. Jan was older, I guessed, but not by much. This fourth sister had a small smattering of freckles on cheeks that were just a little higher. They dressed alike, though, and I got the impression that they liked to make people think they might be twins. Sisterly trickery.
‘This is Jill,’ Jo completed the introductions. The other three were studying me intensely.
I couldn’t help but laugh, if for no other reason than to try to draw attention in some other direction than myself. ‘Jo, Jill, Jan and Jean?’ I asked with a giggle. But they were not to be distracted.
‘Uncanny,’ Jill muttered. ‘Red hair and a little heavy up top, but my God! She’s a perfect match!’
Jan was staring at me open-mouthed. ‘Jo, she’s absolutely amazing! How in the world did you find her?’
I looked around at the faces without comprehension. Jo looked smug. Jill and Jan shook their heads in disbelief. ‘I don’t understand,’ I protested weakly.
‘It’s okay, dear,’ Jean said softly beside me. ‘You just remind us of someone, that’s all.’
‘Who?’ I asked.
Again, they ignored me. ‘I’ll tell you about all the legwork later,’ Jo told the assembly. ‘The important thing is that I DID find her. Now, our time is limited. Unless Jean relents, we need to come up with a plan and do it soon. The girl only has an hour for lunch.’
As if on cue, a waiter in a grimy apron appeared. I hadn’t seen him coming, since I was facing the wall in the last booth of the diner.
‘Nothing for her right now,’ Jo said, waving him away. ‘We’ll order in awhile.’
‘Yes, Ma’am,’ the waiter said, actually bowing and backing away. I felt a little disappointed, and not a little hungry.
‘I’m not about to back down,’ Jean said, continuing the conversation. ‘We are not going to turn Black now, and what you’re proposing for this innocent is about as Black as it comes!’
‘How do you know she’s an innocent?’ Jan asked. I looked at her, dumbfounded.
‘Black side, White side! You sound like a Star Wars movie!’ Jill interjected. ‘Can’t magic be Gray?’
‘We don’t have time for this!’ Jo snapped. ‘We have to get her back! We only have an hour to figure out a strategy! We’re obviously not going to change Jean’s mind, and we can’t do anything unless we act together. Now, I need some ideas!’
‘I don’t understand,’ I said, trying to break into the strange conversation.
‘Dear, I need you to be quiet and let us talk, please,’ Jo said sternly. I felt terrible. I couldn’t believe I’d interrupted her again. Not even answering, I simply nodded, put my hands in my lap, and lowered my eyes, which were threatening to overflow.
‘Jean, what you’re proposing is insanity. It hasn’t been tried for hundreds of years, and even then it wasn’t successful,’ Jill said pleadingly across the table to her headstrong younger sister.
‘You’d sacrifice the life of your sister?’ Jan hissed.
‘I don’t want to sacrifice anybody!’ Jean said levelly.
‘Ladies!’ Jo said as loudly as she dared in the public place.
‘Okay, okay,’ Jill conceded. She paused, thinking. ‘It’s going to have to be some sort of exotic fantasy, of course. Something sexual. If it comes from her own background, it would be best.’ She looked across at me, and I looked up into her eyes, sensing a coming question. ‘Are you involved with someone, Molly?’
‘Do you have a lover?’
I flushed. Who did she think she was? ‘That’s none of your business!’
‘Molly!’ Jo chided.
My head snapped around toward her. ‘Oh!’ I exclaimed contritely. ‘No,’ I lowered my gaze, blushing. ‘I’m not seeing anyone right now. Not … for a long time….’
‘Molly, I want you to look at Jill, please,’ Jo said. I complied immediately. ‘She’s going to say something, and when she’s through, I want you to say ‘As with Jo, so with Jill.’ Do you understand?’
Of course I didn’t, but I nodded. Jo handed Jill a 3X5 card with some writing on it, which Jill studied for a moment, then read several words in Latin. When she finished, she looked up at me so I could gaze into her eyes. ‘As with Jo, so with Jill,’ I recited. I didn’t feel anything. A little foolish, perhaps.
‘And now Jan,’ Jo instructed, as Jill handed the card to the raven-haired sister beside her. ‘When she finishes, you’ll say ‘As with Jo, so with Jan,’ okay?’
I nodded, turned my eyes to Jan, and went through the little ritual again. When we were finished, I turned without being asked, and stared into Jean’s dark eyes. She smiled, ignored the card, and recited the words. ‘As with Jo, so with Jean,’ I said clearly. Jean’s soft smile was my reward.
‘Are you a virgin?’ Jill asked, without preamble.
I turned back to face her and blushed furiously. ‘No,’ I whispered.
‘When did you first make love?’ she continued cruelly.
‘In college. Toward the end of my junior year. About two years ago.’ I couldn’t force myself to meet their gazes. I looked down at the table helplessly.
‘Tell us about it.’
‘Oh, no!’ I pleaded. ‘Oh, please! It’s really embarrassing. Please?’ I looked frantically around the table.
Jean patted me on the leg. ‘Go ahead, dear. Just tell us. It’s okay,’ she assured.
I looked back down. This was terrible. I’d spent two years trying to forget this. ‘It was during Spring break,’ I started weakly.
‘Speak up, please,’ Jo chided.
‘Everybody was leaving for Spring break,’ I said, only a little stronger. ‘My dorm was going to have the floors redone, so we all had to be out. Everybody else was going home, but my folks were in Europe, so I didn’t really have anyplace to go.
‘My roommate, Gail … She was always trying to get me to do crazy things. She’d gotten me started on birth control pills, even though I wasn’t seeing anybody. She convinced me it would make my periods easier. Then she kept fixing me up with guys, and ‘suggesting’ that I should go all the way. She was always pushing me in that direction.
‘Anyway, the day we were all finishing up ou
r mid-terms and packing to leave, she came into the room and told me there was this guy I just had to meet. He wasn’t even a student there, but he was house-sitting for a Prof. All excited like, she drug me downstairs to meet this guy. He was waiting in the coffee house across from the dorm. And right away, I fell for him. Hard. He said he was a poet. No kidding. That’s what he did. He said he worked odd jobs, wrote at night, and had actually gotten a few things published. He was working on a book, but needed a new agent, he said.
‘He wanted to go get something to eat, and I said I couldn’t, that I had to pack and find a motel. But he insisted and said there’d be plenty of time that night. We ate burgers and he read some of his poems to me. I thought they were really good. We talked for a couple hours – there, and later as we walked through the park. He wanted to get a beer, and we wound up in a little bar. I didn’t like to drink much, but he said there was a special drink he wanted to make me. He left me in a booth while he talked to the bartender, and when he came back, he gave me a drink that tasted a lot like lemonade. Well, the more of it I drank, the more drunk I felt, even though it was just that one glass. By the time we left, I could hardly walk.
‘He had his arm around me, and I leaned against him and giggled almost continuously. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I just let him lead me, and of course, we wound up at this house he was staying at. As he was unlocking the door, I said ‘You’re trying to seduce me!’ and he said ‘Trying, hell! I’m doing it!’ and I stopped giggling and thought: I can’t resist him! He’s really going to do it! This is it! I’m not going to be a virgin anymore!
‘And then I just stood there as he finished unlocking the door. He took my hand and I let him lead me inside. As soon as we were in, he spun me around and kissed me. Kissed me hard. I didn’t know what to do with my hands. I put them awkwardly on his arms, but he reached up and grabbed my wrists and lifted my hands up and around his neck. I left them there, and his hands roamed up and down my back as we kissed again, then my sides, and then my back again. As if by magic, the clasp of my bra let go. He put his tongue in my mouth, and I moaned. When one of his hands found my breast, my knees buckled. He laughed, then scooped me up as if I were Scarlet O’Hara and carried me off to the bedroom. I just buried my face in his shoulder, my arms still around his neck where he’d put them. I felt really weird, very drunk, and yet amazingly aware of what was happening to me. And God, I was turned on!
‘I was only wearing a tee-shirt and shorts, and as soon as he put me back down, still shaky on my feet with my arms around his neck, he grabbed the lower part of my shirt, and in one easy movement I was naked above the waist. As the shirt and bra came free, I tried to lower my arms to cover myself, but again he grabbed my wrists and put them back around his neck. His hands moved over my body like his pen moved across a page, I was one of his compositions. He paid special attention to my breasts, which he’d been staring at all afternoon. His hands moved lower, and the snap of my shorts came undone. He was kissing me again, then a zip and a tug, and I was totally bare except for the sandals, which he took care of after he picked me up and threw me on my back on the bed.
‘Then he was all over me! Touching and petting and licking and sucking and pinching and nibbling. The room seemed to be spinning, but I could feel everything! Everything he did! I gasped and moaned and tried to tell him that I hadn’t done this before, that I wanted it to be good for him, to be special. I mumbled and groaned and stammered, and was really surprised when I found myself with my legs over his shoulders, his arms wrapped around the outside of my legs, his hands pinching and squeezing my nipples, and his tongue lapping wildly between my legs. No one had ever done that before. I’d never even been touched down there by anyone except – except – well … me, and this feeling was an amazingly new experience. The orgasm hit me without warning. I didn’t even feel it coming. I think I might have screamed.
This story is total fiction and dedicated to a wonderful member here janebbw54. I was finishing off a story to publish on Xhamster when I took a break to see if there were any new stories of interest. I noticed I had a message. It turned out the message was from a very nice woman named Jane commenting on one of my stories. She was still on line so I thanked her for her comment and we started talking. As it turns out we had a lot in common we are both married. We are only a year apart in age,...
It was the hottest day in town for the past twenty years. Jane was watching the weather forecast from the living room of her grandmother's house, fanning herself and grimacing as the swamp cooler strained to keep the temperature in the house below 80 degrees. Jane glanced at her watch and groaned in disgust. Her mom had wheedled her into watching the house so the handy man wouldn't steal anything and now he was almost thirty minutes late. And there was nothing to do in this old house! Before...
Jane 2 by Waldo 2 All rights reserved by Author. Not to be read by minors or sold without explicit written permission of the author Chapter 1 - Home life 2 Chapter 2 - The Lost City Legend 15 Chapter 3 - Nasroi's Tall Tales 28 Chapter 4 - Kill the bastard! 45 Chapter 5 - The Waterfall 61 Chapter 6 - Acceptance of the new identity 74 Chapter 7 - Home at last 89 Chapter 8 - The barn 102 Chapter 9 - The letter 111 Jane by Waldo Chapter 1 - Home life From the upper...
It was a hot spring day. Jim Smitherson sat at his desk impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.All he could think about was how much he wants to go home.Jim stands at 5'9 with red hair and blue eyes. He has an 8-½ inch cock.He wasn't paying much attention to the teacher. Instead, he was too busy looking out the window at the cheerleaders.He noticed his sister Jane, practicing her routine. He watched her as she did a perfect cartwheel. He then suddenly felt his cock come to life in his...
Jane knew she had made a mistake as soon as she got home when she picked up the pile of her clean underwear from the ironing board in the utility room. Her panties, bras, slips and suspender belts were all there except one, her new red panties. They had been on top of her pile. What had she done with them? She had been in a rush before she went out to work at a hair salon in town and only had time to take Benjie’s pile of clean clothes upstairs. She must have split the piles in the wrong...
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Chapter 1 It was summer vacation. Dick and Jane helped Mommy and Daddy pack up the car. Then they sat in the back seat of the car. They had their seatbelts on. Their little sister Sally sat in a car seat between them. Daddy drove the car. Mommy sat next to Daddy in the front seat. Daddy drove down a country road. Everybody sang. Daddy parked in front of a cabin. The cabin was beside a pretty lake. Mommy took Sally into the cabin. Dick and Jane helped Daddy unpack the car. There were other...
It was three days since their adventure, three days of Jane constantly thinking of what had happened, three days of her picturing herself naked in front of three strangers, sucking their cocks, she could still feel their cum on her breasts and face. Three days of seeing herself laid out on the pool table, Brendan between her thighs, pumping his seed into her. Three days of thinking how her husband had calmly walked over, using her mouth while Brendan used her cunt.During that three days she had...
POSTING SOMEONE'S ELSE'S STORY The story herein is told as best as I can recall it. It occurredduring 1948-49-50. There are continued incidents that occurred 1952-58.Over the years I have relived these events countless times, carefullyreconstructing in my mind many forgotten details and conversations -- atone point undergoing hypnosis to recall details or events that lay buriedunder a lifetime of other thoughts and concerns.What follows is presented as clearly as I can remember... The single...
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Jane was going to make something of herself. At age 24, she was determined to get through law school and become a corporate lawyer. Nothing else matter to her. Other people were merely puppets that existed only to help her reach her goal. Her beauty was merely a tool that she used to get others, especially men, to do her bidding. Unfortunately for Jane, the tables were just about to turn on her. Jane was like a hellcat around the law school library. She would make impossible demands on the...
Jane was going to make something of herself. At age 24, she was determined to get through law school and become a corporate lawyer. Nothing else matter to her. Other people were merely puppets that existed only to help her reach her goal. Her beauty was merely a tool that she used to get others, especially men, to do her bidding. Unfortunately for Jane, the tables were just about to turn on her. Jane was like a hellcat around the law school library. She would make impossible demands on the...
Jane was going to make something of herself. At age 24, she was determined to get through law school and become a corporate lawyer. Nothing else matter to her. Other people were merely puppets that existed only to help her reach her goal. Her beauty was merely a tool that she used to get others, especially men, to do her bidding. Unfortunately for Jane, the tables were just about to turn on her. Jane was like a hellcat around the law school library. She would make impossible demands on the...
JaneMy wife, Jane and I, David, have been married for 21 years and she is 40 years old, while I am 45 years old. We met when she was 18 years old and I was 23 years old, at the same factory. We have 2 k**s, both have moved on with their lives and we have regular contact with them. She is still as good a looking woman as she was when I first met her, all those years ago. But sex between us has become a bit stale over the past few years, and even she admits to that. Jane stands 5 feet tall and...
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Union A proud Sheriff McCalister held the hand of Jane Harrison and led her to the beaming groom. David Cunningham took her hand and smiled at his veiled bride, dressed all in white. At the altar of a small, quiet church that David frequented with his parents, the reverend began the wedding ceremony. Jane was the deputy of Sheriff McCalister. They were from the tiny town of Junkerville. Orphaned at the age of five, Jane was the ward of the sheriff ever since her parents were killed in a road...
Jane was on a expedition deep in an African jungle. She studied lions, rhinos, apes, etc. She crossed nearly half of the safari and decided to search the deep wooded areas of the jungle. She came across a river flowing with pure clear water. The water algea matched the green in her eyes. Jane was a strong woman. Not muscled but fit and athletic. You have to be exploring terrain where you must constantly move. Jane prepared for the heat, by wearing short khaki booty shorts, and a sleeveless...
I'm not really a writer but this is a true story so it compensates for the lack of flowery words.I was 18 that summer some 10 yrs ago when I answere to a newspaper ad for a Thai English translator. The job travels with the Variety show to a province in Thailand.I expected it to be in an upper class subdivision but the address brought me to a 3 bedroom house in the poorer section of the city. I ring the door bell. At first a man in his 30's appeared, he was sleepy and he called on his wife or...
Just before my 9th birthday my godmother and great-aunt Francesbought me a new dark brown suit and new shoes for my Confirmationceremony at St. Mary's Catholic School. It was a dim, cloudySunday afternoon outside; but inside the ornate, high-ceilingGothic church hundreds of banks of candles cast a warm gloriouslight over everyone in the church. Mom and Aunt Frances and mydeceased father's mother, Grandma Rose, drove me to the front en-trance and let me out on the sidewalk while Aunt Frances...
© 2002 I first met my wife Jane on the day I came home from college for the Christmas holidays. I hadn't felt homesick but when I was back I realised how much I had missed the place. When I came across Jane sitting in the park as I strolled around the town, my heart almost stopped. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I walked around the park for a while until eventually I built up the courage to go and talk to her. She was new in town, lived with her parents and didn't know...
JaneI have been friends with a guy from work (Dan) for a long time he and his wife (Jane) have been swingers for years we used to talk about some of the places they would go on their vacation . My wife would never do anything remotely like the things they were doing . So after my divorce I got to know them much better . I have been invited over to their house about a month after my divorce (no k**s) because Dan said that I looked depressed at work which I was . My regular supply of pussy when...
I have been invited over to my friend’s house to meet his wife for the first time, just a few drinks and a chat, hopefully will be a good evening as my mate K is always a good laugh so hopefully his wife will be as well.Once I got to their house K let me in, after taking off my shoes and coat he led me into the living room. He introduced me to his wife Jane, to say I was amazed is an understatement, she is a gorgeous looking lady, I guess late forties, red hair wonderful figure and legs you...
(this is the continuing adventures that were begun in "Gee Spot Run." In that story, Jane and I meet in the park and talk about Jane's disappointing sex life. We both end up at my home, where I teach Jane how to truly enjoy the fine art of masturbation) I didn't hear from Jane for a week, and I wasn't sure how to interpret her silence: was she boggled and speechless by the turbulence of her newly awakened lust;.... or was she beginning to think about publicly branding her neighbor as...
Jane Peppers is 28yrs just got a new job as a check out girl at Rudy's Food Mart. She just moved here from her parents house. Moving out on her own she needed every thing for a home but her money was tight. She window shopped a lot and the shoes at Ginger's shoes were the best she had to have them, but at *0 dollars they would have to wait if she wanted to eat. The shoes were to good though so she bought them. Now hungry at work she stole a meal and drink and Wendy saw her. Wendy is the...
I had a bikini for her to use. A hot pink bikini that tied up at the sides and back. A little revealing but she thought she guess it would have to do since she didn't have hers. She went into my bathroom to change and we went downstairs to the Jacuzzi. We got in and talked some more. Then I pull out my hard penis from my swim trunks. Jane is shocked and cries " No." I put it away and backed off. She decided it is time for her to leave. She got out to return to my room to change and leave....
Rich had endured a long dry spell after he and his wife decided to end their marriage, having finally realized that they didn’t have much in common or anything to talk about when they weren’t fucking each other senseless. After two years of nearly continuous sex, divorce left him horny as a busboy in a titty bar. His happily married friends, Pete and Diane were tired of hearing him whine about it. One day Diane handed him a slip of paper with a phone number and said, ‘Call my friend Jane....
Rich had endured a long dry spell after he and his wife decided to end their marriage, having finally realized that they didn't have much in common or anything to talk about when they weren't fucking each other senseless. After two years of nearly continuous sex, divorce left him horny as a busboy in a titty bar. His happily married friends, Pete and Diane were tired of hearing him whine about it. One day Diane handed him a slip of paper with a phone number and said, "Call my friend Jane....
Straight SexIt was after dad left us that mom went a little crazy. Dad running off on her tore out her heart. She experimented with yoga, Eastern Religions and then settled on nudism. I immediately said I would have no part in nudism! My sister Jane just said no to mom. Mom joined and started going to nudist parks to meet folks and even joined a nudist church. Mom was always on Jane about participating, telling her if that if she joined then I would follow. The nudist minster was a creepy guy. I saw how...
Jane – S.L.U.T. As John enters her home Jane is dressed like a whore, her skirt very short, almost to her stocking tops, her face and hair as beautiful and made up as only such a girl who is confident in her mission can get away with, sensual yet seductive, private yet open, knowing very well that her visitor would struggle to decide whether to cast his eyes on her glowing face or perfect nylon clad thighs.Before introductions were barely satisfactorily over, and without asking...
My wife and I occasionally see my Aunt Jane. She has been a widow for several years and lives in an apartment by herself. We think she is a very nice lady and always thoughtful to do something for others. When I was a little boy and my parents and I stopped in to visit her, she would pat me on top of my head and give me a cookie. Now, on occasions while I'm on my way home from work, I stop in to see if I can do anything for her. Friday evening while I was out running errands, I stopped by to...
I slowly exhale. Lips pursed directing the long cool draft hat escapes my mouth. Delighted by the result, I quietly fill my lungs and repeat the process. This time, I allow my head to bob slightly up and down.Again, the result is instantaneous and so pleasing to the eye.Just one more, I decide, maybe a little harder. I blow again, slowly releasing the longest coolest stream yet.I watch in fascination as the delicate brown-tinged ring of flesh quivers in response. I watch as her body tightens,...
ReluctanceInside the car, Jane inhaled his male scent as she cuddled affectionately in the warm arms of her lover; her glassy eyes gazed at his handsome face. She replayed in her dreamlike state of mind how her life had changed. It was about a month ago, she was a happy-go-lucky Sheriff's Deputy, counting her days in a small town she called home. Despair A month ago... David Cunningham and Linda Vanier Cunningham departed Cancun, Mexico on Continental Flight 765/47 at 3.15pm. They were...
As Dee suckled at her mother's breast, there was no barrier between herself and the visions entering her head. She was not wearing the choker charm, and her mother was pure demon. It had been years since Dee's mind had been free of the choker charm's strange influence. Dee began to see into the past, into Jane's past. Dee felt herself becoming Jane, as if she could see, hear, feel, and even think, everything that had been Jane, but still looking on, a spectator. Jane had been in Gynt...
June 1977: It is probably plainly obvious this is 100% true, but just in case: ‘ The following is 100% true’ I used to work on Broad Street in Birmingham, in a building that is now a Travel Lodge. It was mostly drinking, sl**ping and shagging that went on there, when it was our office, so it was probably a logical step. Over the road was a pub, named at various timed the Granville and The Westward Ho, but it is now O’Neills. This was the place that the staff drank at lunchtimes, and after...
Timidly, she knocked on the door, praying that, somehow, her knock would go unnoticed and she could leave and return home. She knew, though, that the knock would be answered, and she would have no choice but to go in. Jane’s mind careened wildly between deep resentment and attempts at forgiveness for her husband Luke. It wasn’t his fault, she knew; he had run out of options, but she couldn’t help but despise him in her deepest heart for allowing this to happen. She had watched his business...
ReluctanceJune 1977:It is probably plainly obvious this is 100% true, but just in case: " The following is 100% true"I used to work on Broad Street in Birmingham, in a building that is now a Travel Lodge. It was mostlydrinking, sleeping and shagging that went on there, when it was our office, so it was probably a logical step.Over the road was a pub, named at various timed the Granville and The Westward Ho, but it is now O'Neills. This was the place that the staff drank at lunchtimes, and after work....
It's a terrible thing to lose your parents at a young age.When my mother, father and uncle were killed by a drunk driver, I believe I went insane, for a while.At 17, I was a tall, muscular lad, with a certain brutal handsomeness that many girls, and older women, found attractive. I was also a hard bastard, and took out my pain and fear on other men, fighting in pool halls and back alleys, welcoming the pain, the crunch of fist on bone, the feel of driving my knee into an opponents balls or...
A month had past since my encounter with my mother in law at the New Year’s Eve party and I have not heard a word from her until today, she sent a rather long text, late last night and another this morning.Hi Tim. I’m sorry to bother you; I said to myself, it’s not fair on my daughter’s marriage to have anything to do with you so soon, after what we did. But I cannot stop thinking about the passion you have rekindled in me. I’ve dressed sexually and tried seduction on my husband, but he is not...
Walking into the room, J noticed a woman more beautiful than any he had seen in a long time. She turned and instantly noticed him and sent a gesture for him to walk over to her table and take a seat. The mysterious woman was, in appearance, at least in her upper thirties, but it only showed in beauty. Getting up from the table that she sat at, the woman walked toward J before he could make a move, for J had already taken a seat at an empty table before noticing her. “Hello, I couldn’t help but...
EroticHere is another fantastic story involving my hot sexy wife, Kay, and a very sexy friend Jane. Jane is average in height, with a sexy ass, perky tits, and short blonde hair.I come home from work earlier than expected and find Jane’s car parked in front of the house. This is nothing unusual as either she comes to our house when I am at work or Kay goes over there to her house. In my mind I am thinking oh great, the girls will be talking for the rest of the afternoon. I go into the house and I do...
ThreesomesGranny Jane, what would be the best way to describe her? She was a beautiful woman in her late forties. She had beautiful blonde shoulder length hair and sharp grey-blue eyes. Her small nose sat above a thin glossy lipped mouth with pearly white teeth. She was a picture of beauty. Granny Jane wasn’t really anyone’s granny; in fact, she wasn’t even married. She started getting the nickname 'Granny Jane' when she was in her thirties, it was a term of endearment, and everyone loved her. For years...
MatureAfter coming home from a long day at the office, she’d found Ray looking like the cat that ate the canary. He was dressed to the nines, looking very handsome in a charcoal French-cuff button up and black slacks, fresh haircut, and a grin that showed where a lot of his parents’ money went in his teen years. Jane smiled, shocked to see him anywhere but his normal spot at 7 in the evening, which was usually on the couch in sweats and a t-shirt, hand resting on his dick Al Bundy-style. “Don’t you...
Wife LoversIsland Paradise for Jane I hope you enjoy this latest tale. I just sit and write in one go before I turn myself on too much! Hopefully it all hangs together and you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I was about to get onto the small twin engine plane for the last leg of my journey to the overseas conference. My best work mate, Clark, was boarding with me and the only other body on board was the pilot and captain who went by the name of Johnny. Clark and he could have...
Singles - Diary of Jane Author's Notes: This story is inspired by the Breaking Benjamin's song "Diary of Jane." I will be rewording some of the lyrics in the story and want to give songwriter, Benjamin Burnley, credit. I also hope that I give his work the respect it deserves. ************ Derrick drove over to his best friend's apartment for he was so sick of not hearing back from George. George wanting to spend time alone was normal, and Derrick respected his best friend's choice...
As some of you know i have a flat which i rent to an african guy called Dedryk and i love going round to see him,he`s a dirty bugger and always has his fill of women,some of the photos he shows me are filthy but we have a good laugh about his exploits.One day at work id heard it was Jane`s birthday (Jane`s my sex mad boss) and id wondered what to get her but i didn`t have a clue,me and Jane had a sneaky shag once a month or so,or when her fella just didn`t cut the mustard and it was that night...
Following on from the last story about my first wife Emma i thought you might like to hear about a friend of hers named Jane, a good looking girl a couple of years younger than Emma (who was 22 at the time) who despite getting loads of attention from guys always seemed to be single. I can't really remember how we first met Jane but she and Emma were inseparable for about a two year period, best friends and confidants. Emma had told me that Jane was always asking about our sex life, wanting to...
My wife, Maureen and I decided to go to our 35th High school get together. We live in the same small town we grew up in and normally, our High School reunion is boring and held in town during homecoming weekend. This year, it was suggested that we all do a get together weekend at a resort in Virginia. So, Maureen said that it sounded like fun and made the hotel arrangements. As the weekend approached, she told me that she had invited Jane to go along and share a suite with us. If you recall...
The Last Hours of Jane The Last Hours of Jane Jane did not ordinarily go out clubbing alone, but this week it seemed that all her friends were busy, or out of town. It was Friday night, damn it, and she was a big girl. Ignoring caution, she took a cab into the city. Twenty three years old, she was a petite 4 foot 10 inches tall and weighed in at about 89 pounds. Her 32C figure didn't give her the largest boobs on the planet, but her slender frame made them seem larger than life. Long,...
Mary Jane and May Jane get owned again (humiliation ending)By [email protected] and Felicity have a sleepover with their teens and their victimsAuthor NoteIt been a while since Felicia Hardy ended her rivalry with Mary Jane Watson by completely humiliated her and making her a slave. Her daughter Felicity Hardy got in on the act by dominated Mary Jane daughter May Day Parker. Both of the Watson’s were beautiful red heads with super models looks. Mary was hot enough to be Felicia rival for...
Nurse Jane By Cheryl Lynn A forced feminization tale but I think more of a horror story. The usual disclaimers apply and unauthorized use strictly forbidden. Not for the sweet sentimental reader so be warned. Constructive comments are always welcome at [email protected]. Nurse Jane David Samuels was driving down the farm road in the middle of nowhere in a torrential rainstorm. The windshield wipers were thump-thwacking loudly on high and not helping all that much. He...
Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes...
Part 1 – The Beginning Plain Jane Got the main Interest down Under her gown. -Tony Tiger© 2017 It wasn’t quite that bad for little Jane, but she’d gotten close to her best male friend long before looks were even noticed. Even before hormones kicked in, just simple curiosity about bodily differences was enough. She and Joseph spent a lot of time together since early childhood because their neighbor mothers home schooled a passel of their marital issue. Being the same age, they often worked...
I jumped in the back seat and Jane slid in next to me. I told the driver where we were going and we took off. Before I even had the address complete Jane had undone my zip, pulled my cock out and started wanking me. My pre-cum was oozing again. Jane whispered in my ear ‘I want to suck you and lick you clean.’ I had been seeing Jane for about 6 months and our relationship was pretty solid. She was 43 and she lived in a city apartment with her teenage daughter Lisa. I enjoyed the freedom in this...
StraightMy name is Jane Reilly! Well maybe it is not, I can't tell you my real name because our government does not know I exist, so they say. Just this week they said that females will now be able to be in front line fighting along with the men, I have been in that role for years! I joined the marines years ago to get an education and see the world. Boot camp was a joke! The other girls just could not keep up but they got a pass because we are the weaker sex. My father taught...