Converging Destinies Ch 02
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Chapter 5.
Drugs, Traps and Death
Michael and Bree’s world is finally taking shape. They have made love and all is right with the universe that swirls around the, but trouble is brewing on the horizon. Ceana’s brutal and cruel husband Eonan has been reborn as well in the form of Charles McEntire and he has his sights set on Bree as well. Can the two overcome this new threat or will their past repeat itself?
-Part 5-
More than they bargained for.
The two months that followed the first time Bree and Michael shared a bed together for the first time were as starkly different from the three months that Veronica had that it was downright crazy. Bree and Michael spent the next three months playing weekly games of paint ball. It had become very special for them for obvious reasons. Bree was even able to form a friendship with Jonathan. To his credit, Jonathan never once put the moves on Bree. He knew Michael was happy and that was all that mattered to him.
Even Veronica had made her peace and begun hanging out with them again. They all noticed she had begun to look haggard, she had bruises around the tops of her breasts and was usually walking awkwardly, like her ass was very sore, but she was always friendly. She told them that she messed up and thats something she would have to live with.
Michael had all but moved out of his apartment and into Bree’s. He had given the apartment to Veronica, but he didn’t realize how little time she spent there. His school work had picked back up and his football games were turning into a huge success. Coach McKinley even joked that he might make it into the later rounds of the draft, if he wanted to go that way, but he didn’t. He was happy with his life just the way it was.
Before either of them knew it the summer had ended and even fall was crawling to a close. Bree had taken time off work to go home to Carson City, California and visit her family. She was packing a bag while Michael laid on the bed reading one of his favorite authors, a man named David Eddings. Michael looked up and watched her hum while she packed jeans and T-Shirts into the bag. She wiggled her hips to some unknown beat in her head and he smiled.
‘You are so sexy.’ He said softly and closed the book.
Bree turned and bit her lip. She always did that now when she looked as him. Bit her lip gently like the mere sight of him was a temptation. ‘You aren’t so bad yourself sexy.’
It was amazing how smoothly they had settled into a relationship. They click together like the final two pieces of a huge puzzle and ever since they fit together, the rest of the picture began to take perfect shape. Their jobs, his school and football, even their families. It all seemed to be clicking. ‘You know, I was thinking.’
‘Lair.’ She said affectionately and he laughed. She crossed the room and plopped down in his lap. Her arms crossed behind his head and after a single gentle kiss she smiled. ‘What were you thinking handsome?’
‘Your family is in Carson City.’ He said and she nodded. ‘And mine…is in Silver Springs which is less then an hour over the border….’
‘Yes?’ She whispered, but her eyes were shining. She had been waiting for this moment for almost a month. ‘Are you asking me to come with you for Thanksgiving?’
‘If you wouldn’t mind?’ He said a bit unsure.
‘Only if you agree to come with me to my family’s as well.’ She said matter of factly. ‘We can both meet the parents.’
Michael only smiled and began to pack himself. They decided to take her car and within the hour they were on the road. While in the car it reminded him of the only thing they disagreed about. Music. They fought playfully between smooth jazz/county and rock. They even turned it into a game, whoever could say word for word the next billboard first got to pick the next song.
They arrived in Carson City just before four and my breath was immediately caught in my throat. What Michael had imagined as a small gathering of immediate family, like at his house, he saw was a football stadium parking lot. There were cars parked all around the block.
‘This is a thanksgiving dinner?!’ Michael said in shock as she parked.
‘….i should have warned you.’ Bree said looking at her hands. ‘But I wasn’t sure you would come if you knew.’
‘How many people Bree?’ He did my best to recreate his father’s, I caught you in mid cookie jar, tone and the effect was noticeable. Her eyes looked down at the steering wheel and he repeated. ‘Bree, how many?’
‘Promise you won’t be mad at me baby?’ She whispered. She knew he hated large crowds of people he didn’t know. It made him nervous and fidgety.
‘How many!’ Michael repeated firmer.
‘Somewhere around thirty.’ She said weakly and he cursed out loud. ‘I’m sorry! I just really wanted them to meet you!’
When he heard her sniffle all resolve seemed to fail. The last thing he wanted to do was make Bree feel bad about wanting him to meet her family. His arm went around her shoulder and gently squeezed. ‘It’s okay, we will survive this.’ He promised and she smiled. Though he said the words, and part of him actually believed the he could still feel the slickness of his palms and the breath trying to catch in his throat.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as he imagined it was going to be. Her family was great, and they adored him right away. Her aunt Meredith called him ‘pumtin’ whatever that meant and her little sister Bianca, a pretty little thing with dirty blond hair and big innocent green eyes, at all of ten years old announced to the whole table that when she got bigger she was going to take him away from her big sister.
Her mother, who was a kindly looking woman who stood 5’3 with short blond hair and a thick body, doted over him and more then once could be heard saying that she was happy she didn’t end up with
that good for nothing Chad. That made Michael smirk and commented that he agreed with that. He thanked god every night for Bree. The smile Bree’s mother gave him matched her own.
Michael and her father however got on the best of them all. Her father was a big man just a bit shorter then Michael with broad shoulders and short salt and pepper hair. After the dinner was over the two went outside and discussed football. It turned out that her father was a fan of the Aztecs and had seen Michael play, it wasn’t long before the conversation turned toward the topic Michael always knew it would.
‘So boy.’ Her father said as he stared out at the sunset. ‘I love my little Bree Bree dearly and she has never had the best taste in men.’
‘Sir?’ Michael asked unsure of where this was heading now.
‘We all knew that Chad was bad news the first time we saw him and the one before him, that took her to Prom? We all knew he only wanted one thing….but you?’ Her father turned to look at him and seemed to study him. ‘You, you worry me son.’
‘In what way Sir?’ Michael asked defensively. ‘I don’t understand what I have done wrong.’
‘You didn’t do anything.’ Her father said with a wave of his hand over his eyes. ‘It’s her….’
‘Her?’ Michael asked still not getting it.
‘She never looked at them the way she looks at you.’ Her father answered. ‘Total trust. Total faith. If you do what they do Son, she will never see it coming.’
Then Michael understood finally. This man was terrified that his little girl would get hurt and this time she wouldn’t be prepared for the pain. ‘Sir, I cannot explain this, so please don’t ask….but I have been waiting for Bree for a very, very long time. My life is devoted to your daughter. She is my world. My everything.’
Her father only nodded and clasped him on the shoulder. ‘When your older, god willing boy, you will understand my concern. Thank you, for putting an old man’s fears to rest. At least, partially to rest. You’re a good kid Michael.’
‘Thank you Sir.’ Michael said with a smile.
‘Tell your mom and dad, they raised a fine kid.’ And then her father walked back inside. By the time he was back inside Michael looked down and took a deep steadying breath. That was hard, but he knew that sometimes life’s most valuable gifts, don’t come easy.
Bree and Michael said goodbye. Bianca cried and hugged Michael around the leg. Bree’s mother told him he was welcome anytime and her father took his hand and just said ‘Your world’ and Michael just smiled and nodded his head. ‘My world’ he said back. The two of them drove away as her father watched on and smiled.
When they pulled back onto the highway Bree looked over at him and smiled a wide smile. ‘You did so
good! God I love you….but what did my father mean? Your world?’
‘We talked about you. And how you looked at me. With total trust and total faith. He asked me not to hurt you and I told him that I couldn’t if I wanted to. That I had been waiting for you for a long, long time. That you were my world, my everything.’
For a long time Bree said nothing and stared out the passenger window. She stared for so long he asked softly. ‘Did….I do something wrong?’ but she said nothing. In the reflection of the window he saw tears were rolling down her face smearing her make up. ‘Bree?!’ He said suddenly and grasped her shoulder. ‘Baby are you o….’
He couldn’t even finish the sentence. Bree unsnapped her seat belt and launched herself at him. Her lips mashed onto his own/ Her tongue didn’t wait for his lips to part. It forced them open. He kissed her back, groaning protests and tried to keep his eyes on the road. Thank god for the light traffic because of the holiday because he was swerving from one lane to the others as her body jerked the wheel.
‘Bree!’ He said muffled by her lips and continued to swerve. ‘VREE!’ The name came out wrong because of her lips. When he finally got her shoved off and got into the right lane he looked over at her. She was staring at him and breathing hard like she was angry, or horny. ‘Bree, what?!’
‘Your world.’ She breathed and the tears came down her beautiful face again.’Am I really Michael? Really your world?’
‘Yes Bree….after all these weeks how can you not realize that?’ Michael asked in shock. ‘I love you baby….more then that…’ He licked his lips gently and readied himself. If she recoiled from this he didn’t know what he would do but he took the plunge. ‘…I am head over heels IN love with you.’
‘Oh….baby….’ The next thing that he knew Bree had herself bent over her seat and was undoing the belt on his jeans. ‘I need you right now. I need to thank you….show you….prove….keep….’ she wasn’t making any sense now. ‘….Won’t let you leave….want it…mine….’
Michael realized that Bree was as deeply in love with him as he was with her, but her mind was already going to all the men who had thrown her aside or cheated on her. She felt like she needed to do something sexual to prove her devotion. So he grabbed a handful of her ascending blond hair and pulled her head up. ‘Bree, don’t. You don’t have to. I am not going anywhere baby. If you WANT to I won’t stop you, but don’t do this because you feel like you have to show me anything.’
Bree whimpered unhappily when he grabbed her hair, but when she heard his words her eyes seemed to refous and she smiled. ‘Michael James Laroux…get your hand off my hair right this second.’
‘Bree you don’t need….’ Michael started but Bree cut him off.
‘Michael.’ Bree purred. ‘It’s mine and I want it in my mouth.’ And then she threw the dagger, the one thing she knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. ‘Unless you don’t want me to make love to your magnificent cock with my mouth?’
Michael groaned, she had won, and released her hand. She made quick work of his belt and zipper. His cock sprang out and slapped the steering wheel. Michael looked up at the road as the rain began to fall gently all around the car. You have to love Northern California late fall. Just as he began to hear the
rain on the roof of the car the sound was matched by another, just as beautiful sound. Wet lips sucking greedily on a big cock.
Michael couldn’t take his eyes off the road, because of the added hazard of the rain on a dry street, but he felt every, single, agonizing moment of her oral ministrations. Bree had begun their relationship with a fiery need every time she did this, like if she took her time he would leave her, but lately that had changed. Now as Michael tried to drive Bree’s mouth slid up and down his cock at a tortuously slow pace. Like she was trying to taste every inch, every pore every vein and even though it felt like sexual torment, god he loved it.
Michael began to moan very gently above her, which made Bree moan around the length of his cock in her mouth. She pulled his cock from her mouth, moaning very gently and began to lick up and down the length. Michael reached one of his hands down and slid it into the neck of her shirt. Because of how she was bent her bra hung down leaving a space for his hand to slid into and he began to fondle her breasts. When his fingertips closed around and began to pinch her nipple she opened her mouth and kissed his cock, moaning around the flesh.
Her mouth moved back to the tip and slid back down. About this time a large truck drove by them in the right lane. The driver looked down and saw this. He grinned when he and Michael made eye contact and gave him a ‘fist bump’ motion before driving off. Michael had become all moans now and was finding it hard to keep his eyes open and on the road. ‘Bree….baby you have to stop. I am going to get into an accident.’
Bree pulled his cock from her mouth only long enough to purr. ‘Pour that delicious cum into my mouth and I will. Come on baby….you know I need my daily fix.’ Then she drove her head back down and began to bob in earnest. She didn’t wait for him to answer, she simply allowed her mouth and throat to do the talking for her, and she knew his weakness.
He was just about to argue that this was getting dangerous when a sound echoed through the car that made his cock jump and his hips lift off the seat. The sound of his beautiful blond gagging. He groaned and tried to look down and ask her not to do it again but that didn’t help. Bree was throat fucking herself on his cock. Her back was in a constant state of spasm as she choked again and again and again.
Then Bree got what she wanted. His ass lifted off the seat and launched a torrent of cum into her waiting stomach. It had nowhere else to go with his cock being lodged in her throat when he came. After she drank it down greedily she lovingly licked him clean, kissed the tip of his cock happily, replaced it in his jeans and re buckled his belt. She slid back into her seat and re buckled her seatbelt and not a second to soon.
As she re buckled her seatbelt a member of the illustrious California Highway Patrol appeared over the rise sitting on a hill clocking cars. He was up high enough too that he would have seen into the car to what she was doing. As he disappeared into the distance he noticed Bree fidgeting and lifted a brow. ‘You okay baby?’
‘I can’t meet your family like this!’ She moaned. ‘I need to be collected….sorry lover….’ And then he watched her unbutton her jeans and slid out of them leaving her sitting on the seat next to him in nothing but her nice dress white and gray blouse and his favorite bright neon purple silk boy shorts. He loved them most, because they were a half a size too small and that showed off a generous amount of her abnormally fat, yet tight ass to hang out the bottoms.
‘Bree, what are you doing?’ Michael asked with a shocked laugh, but then his eyes widened and he bit his lip with a whimpering groan as he watched her pull those panties to the side and plunge two fingers deep into her dripping wet pussy. ‘Baby, I am trying to drive!’
Bree threw her head back and arched her back as she moaned loudly when tho
se two fingers drove in to the knuckles. ‘Oh GOD! You only need one hand to drive baby.’ She looked over at him then and moaned out something that got him every time. ‘Michael….baby Kitty needs you. Please…don’t make me meet them like this. Kitty needs you Calli!’
Michael let out a moan. Kitty, the name that had stuck and she adored it. Calli was something she started calling him two months before. When he asked her what it meant she said it was short for Excalibur. When he asked her why, she simply said ‘everyone has a knight in shining armor but only I have the one thing that will protect me against anything’ She knew how to ask him.
He kept one hand on the steering wheel and reached his right hand over to her seat. Bree scooted over until she was sitting on the edge of the seat with her ass hanging over and one her legs braced up on the center console. She didn’t care. He swatted her hand away and she moaned happily, then let out a whimpering hungry moan as he pushed in two fingers to the knuckle.
He knew they were running out of time, so unlike Bree, he didn’t waste time. He began to hammer those fingers in and out of her tight opening. Bree’s fingernails began to drag up and down the passenger seat of her car. The whole car smelled like her pussy, sweet with just the hint of tart and the overwhelming smell of lavender and roses. She smelled, and tasted wonderful. Soon the only sounds in the car were the rain on the roof, her pleasure filled screams and the wet sound of her tight pussy gripping his fingers.
‘That’s it baby.’ Bree moaned out with fervor. ‘Please make me cum. I need to cum so badly…please baby….please!’
He wasn’t about to deny her now. Those fingers continued to hammer in and out of her tight little hole until he felt it began to spasm around his fingers. When that happened he slammed them in as hard as he could and began to rub her clit down right rough with his thumb. He watched with one eye on the road as Bree’s eyes rolled back in her head then she let out a pleasure filled scream an coated his hand, the seats and her panties with a huge explosion of fluid.
Bree regained her composure and pulled her jeans back on just as they passed the Silver Springs sign. They had just enough time for her to straighten her clothes and reapply a quick round of make-up to make up for all that she had cried off. They pulled up to a two story nice house in the middle of a nice street. There were five cars parked in the driveway and on the street total.
When they parked Bree walked around the car with a spring in her step and gave him a quick kiss. He wanted more but she told him not until she had met and won over his mom, dad and sister. He had to admit that quickly in the car had been a great idea. He was in a better mood then he had been all day and his beautiful Bree was absolutely glowing.
When they got inside he was mobbed by his family. It was small, but they loved him. His mother was a tall slender woman with shoulder length brown hair and a kind face. His father was shorter then his mother with short black hair and Michael’s blue eyes, he had a serious face but Bree noticed
immediately that he had a large amount of laugh lines around his eyes. When Bree saw his sister though her heart stopped. She was beautiful, like someone seen in a modeling magazine beautiful. Her hair was black and naturally curled. Her lips were full and pouty and her body seemed to curve with her breasts, large and firm and her hips wide, but tight.
After he introduced them they ate for the second time and Bree got to watch the man she loved with his family. He seemed so at ease, so happy and to make matters that much better so did she. Before long she was laughing and joking with the lot of them.
Michael was lost in a conversation with his uncle, his father’s brother, then his sister motioned for her to follow him. They walked outside and Natalie pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered her one. Bree turned it down and warned her against smoking, she was a nurse after all. Natalie just smiled and lit up anyway. After she blew the smoke from her nose she looked over at Bree.
Chapter 4. Dinner, Deadlines and Trouble Michael and Bree have gone to the moon and back with one another, except a single act. They have still not felt the feeling of being one with each other. They made a bet over a game of paint ball that if Bree won, they would move the date up and midnight that night they would make love for the first time, but Michael’s Ex found them on the way out. She asked Michael for one dinner to discuss their relationship. Bree convinced him to go and if he still...
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DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to any anime or anime characters mentioned, especially Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, the character of Nene Romanova (Both property of Studio AIC), or Evangelion's Misato Katsuragi (Property of GAINAX) or their voice actors. The Ken character however, is based loosely on me. May contain traces of OOC, and slight 2040 and EVA spoilers. KENS DESTINY By Apsm My name is Ken. Well, it used to be, but it's the events of why it used to be that way,...
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(note from Author? (note from Author?.. This is my first attempt at writing a story?feedback is welcome. Thank you. ) It began simply enough, a dream, a wish, nothing more than a reoccurring fantasy. That simple beginning has plummeted into a mass of complex feelings and emotions, leaving me in this current situation. I steal a quick glance into my rear- view mirror and I take stalk of the reflection I see staring back at me. Strong, yet feminine features, warm brown eyes...
Well, here’s the deal, I entered this story in a contest, unfortunately for me it wasn’t selected as a finalist. Luckily for you guys you get to read it before the contest begins since the rights have been released back to me now. I ask that you accept it as a slightly rewritten version of the original (which I found much too short for my style of writing) and send your comments and votes to let me know how I’d have done if it had been chosen. For this I give you my heart felt thanks. So, here...
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"You're joking... Please tell me you're joking!""Jacob, I'm sorry," said a mildly sympathetic voice from the opposite end of the phone, the owner of the voice's attention firmly on the last minute touches of her up-do hairstyle. "No, Courtney, you're not. You call me an hour before prom to tell me you're going with your ex instead? You know what? Fuck off!" As Jacob put up a strong front he was broken on the inside.He threw his phone across his bedroom and ran downstairs. In his moment of rage,...
To many I am quite mild mannered and sort of quiet, but my friends on the Internet see a different side of me and this is what inspired this story so I'd like to thank my dear friends for this story. Conrad Lee Dedicated To: Michael one of my friends in the darkness. Dancing With Destiny By Conrad Lee Tara sat quietly at home awaiting the arrival of her husband Martin from work. He was late as usual so she decided to take in a little television while she waited, all she...
Hello friends, am back with another story which of my friend Nisha. Well I am a beginner right now so would appreciate your feedback and inputs to improve. You can email me at Well Nisha is a high society woman, married to a rich business tycoon and lives in Delhi. She got gorgeous figure and do what every rich woman do to be fit and slim. She’s 29 years old, 5’10 height, 36C boobs size, and always wear a tight fit dress to show her well maintained figure over the dress. Rajeev (her husband)...
48 saal ki hotel manager aunty ne choodvaya Hi friend, how are you??? May be all are fine, mera naam rohit he aur me ek privet company me job karta hu, me aapko meri ek ajibo garib hakikat batana chahta hu, muje ek 48 saal ki hotel malkin ne blackmail kiya aur jordar hardcore aur pussy sex karvaya, meri age 26 he aur yeh kissa 2 sal pehle ka hai jab my pehli baar chandigarh aya tha kafi raat ho chuki thi sayad 10 baje the, is liye mene thyan nahi diya ke who kounsi hotel thi, Maine counter par...
How Jim Discovered Destiny By Jill Tice (send comments to [email protected] thanx!) Jim was a good fellow, very amiable and kind to all he sees, but yet his life, however, was a living hell of crestfallen, dolorous misery on account of the cruel way all the puerile, immature kids at Jim's school treated him. They always insisted on laughing at him and teasing him at school, never seeing his true self deep within which was brutally evil and unkind of them to ignore. "This blows!"...
Ms. Destiny By Heather Alexander © 2004 Isobel Hunt was sitting at her desk outside her boss's office she was typing away at the keyboard of her computer finishing off the dictation that he had given her earlier that day. When she felt and a pair of hands grab her around the shoulders; which was made her jump out of her skin she looked up and saw the smiling face of her boss looking down at her; his beady his had a glint in them which made her feel queasy. "How's my little...
By the (Personnel) Book - Chapter 5 By some aggressive flirting and a little luck, I had succeeded in pushing by my encounter with Ken Anderson to the next day, but I knew that the respite was only temporary. The best thing I had going for me was that the changes forced upon me - the porn star breasts, lips and other plastic surgery, combined with dramatic makeup and clothing -- had an unintended effect. To put it crudely, my appearance made men go hard and women get wet. And...
MICHAEL'S DESTINY By Betty Noone We have all read stories about a girl trapped in his boy's body. He knows he should be and is a girl. But what of the very rare instances where one is born a boy, wants to be a boy, is a boy, but has the physical appearance of a girl? This is the story of Michael. Christopher (Chris) and Velma Ingersen were delighted when Michael was born. They already had a daughter who is now four and one half years old and they wanted a boy. And what a...
????? BOND OF DESTINY??????????? by YamiNoHikari written: April 17th 2006 Genre: RPGFrom : Crossover Anime-Game DICLAIMER: I don't have anything to do when using the characters from animes and games. I do have all the original characters, but the anime-game characters belong to their respective owners. updates for chapter 05:- new original characters Miscellanious Things 1. Original Characters ????? a. Hikaru -Original-????? S/he is a human with two forms, one as a male and another as a...
She tapped her pen on her desktop for just a few seconds, then twirled the blunt tip against her lips for a moment. A slow smile spread over her face. Heading out of the office, she lets her assistant know she’s going to be taking a long lunch. She leaves the gallery and it’s only a short drive to her destination. She smooths down her skirt and raps shortly on the door. The door opened and a man leans against the frame, holding the door braced against one arm. ‘Staccato, had to be you.’ She...
President Scott McGowan marched through the wide, double doors, into the House chamber. Politicians from both sides of the political aisle lined his path, waiting to shake his hand. They were all smiling, but very few smiles reached their eyes. Scotty sighed, as he began shaking hands and thanking men for their false well wishes. It looked like most of the Congressmen had read the advance copy of his speech, and they weren't happy about it. That was okay. They weren't meant to be happy...
“We will not be successful in preventing attacks every time,” Scotty remarked grimly, leaning forward to emphasize his words. He was speaking to his inner circle, in the first family’s private quarters. Scotty and his wife, Belinda, were sitting on a leather loveseat. JJ was seated on an overstuffed chair with her son, Noah, sitting on one knee, and Mike, her twenty-four month old grandson, on her other knee. The two babies were laughing quietly as JJ bounced them. JJ held the position of...
"I'm nervous!" Kim mentally blurted to Ryan. "What's to be nervous about?" Ryan asked calmly, as he leaned back on the comfortable leather couch, nonchalantly surveying the room. "She's nervous because this guy has always been one of her heroes," Alice, Kim's Companion informed him. "Don't let him fool you, Kim," Ed, Ryan's Companion comforted. "He is one of Ryan's heroes, too. The only reason Ryan named me after Ed White, the first American space walker, is that Ed is...
"AAATEN-HUT," thundered through the room, and four hundred Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and even a few members of Air Force Special Operations Command snapped to their feet, and came to attention. Brigadier General Benjamin Handel, Commanding General of the Marine Air Ground Combat Center, strode to the center of the stage and barked, "At ease. Sit." He waited until the rustling ceased before saying, "The four hundred men in this room have each volunteered for this program. Just so we...
Caleb left the training hall with the four-man fire team behind him. He entered a conference room that had been selected for its interior building location, and its sound proofing. When the doors were closed, the silence was nearly absolute. Three rooms had been prepared for this process. Everyone selected a seat, and Caleb asked, "So, were you impressed with the armor?" Master Chief Sal Marconi answered with, "That is probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen. The fact that it's...
Kent Sorenson was escorting Ryan on a tour of the Black Mesa Research Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Kent was the president of the company responsible for the facility, which was in turn owned by the parent company controlled by Élan Dahl. This particular facility was trying to come up with better material and manufacturing processes for exhaust nozzles. This was critical for the rapid turn-around of launch vehicles. Kent was completely unaware of Ryan's true purpose at the facility....
Captain Stan Sloan shifted in his seat, trying to get more comfortable. Accepting the futility of the effort like a good soldier, he leaned his head back against the hard side of the airplane, and closed his eyes. The canvas-slung seats running down both sides of the aircraft were not designed for comfort. He let his mind wander over the memories of the last three months. The next stop was a remote airstrip in Iraq where forty-two men would be left with enough rations and equipment to last a...
A car was waiting when the plane taxied to a stop at the Andrews Air Force Base Flight Operations. Ryan quickly walked down the stairs, with Kim close behind. Syon trailed at a more leisurely pace, his lips slightly curved in a smile. Syon had enjoyed the trip much more than he believed he would. Ryan had raised his curiosity. He knew the young man had lied, yet could feel no deceit from him. That had never happened before. Finding three spies, in his facility, operating right under his...
Caleb sullenly watched the mud-and-straw brick buildings slide past. Their lifeless, bedraggled sameness matched his mood. He was riding in a truck full of supplies being taken to the ISIS troops besieging Baghdad. The platoon had hitched a ride on the ISIS convoy, and was spread through the trucks. The buildings they were passing weren't the cause of his foul mood. His second guessing of his actions and decisions were the cause of his anger. Their attack on ISIS was no longer the lark that...
Syon Chao's mind emerged from his morning meditation with all the grace and beauty of a swan floating on a quiet, moonlit pond. Meditation had been the way he had solved difficult problems since his Grandfather had taught him how to meditate. He was very young, at the time, and the peaceful habit had formed the character behind the mind. The habit of meditating each morning helped resolve issues that had been left to the magic of sleep. Meditation also ensured his day would be productive, no...
Colonel Allen Murphy strode purposefully through the dimly lit halls of the American Embassy. Even in these times, he didn't normally get a summons from the Ambassador in the middle of the night. His eyes were constantly moving, noting every nook and cranny in the shadow-draped halls. He stopped to swipe his card through a card reader that gave him access to the courtyard leading to the residential wing of the Embassy. Goose-bumps rippled up his arms, and a chill ran down his spine, as he...
The Iraqi Council of Representatives consisted of three-hundred and twenty-five members. Seventeen of those members were identified by Ambassador Lee and Colonel Murphy as supporters of Iranian involvement in Iraq. Ghost One spent the next thirty-six hours gathering intelligence on the structure and depth of penetration by Iranian hardliners in Iraqi politics. The brush of an unseen hand was enough to gather the mental signatures needed to read the men from short distances. It also allowed...
"The only fact we've determined, so far, is that they communicate at much lower frequencies than we do," the Science Officer mused aloud. If a human had been in the room, the human would not have heard the words. The alien's analogy to a human's voice box produced a sound so high that even Earth dogs would have to strain to hear it. The human wouldn't hear anything, but the human would see the face on the bulbous, leathery head contort as it spoke. The alien's thin body was leaning...
Abdul Jamal Al-Fayed, also known as Jerome Parsons, was in a quandary. Everything had been going so well in the months since his escape from his rooftop sniping 'stand', and the Washington, D.C. dragnet that followed it. Within a week after his escape, his life changed for the better. He was offered a fulltime job with benefits. Furthermore, his military service was counted as part of his seniority, taking him to within a week of his first pay raise. He only needed to pass a security check...
First Sergeant Ted Benson, US Marine Corps, Force Recon, picked his way carefully through the rubble. The second squad had point today, the point of the spear, and Ted was following the lead fire-team. The team was working their way through the broken city of Bazwala, an eastern suburb of Mosul. A Navy Seal was leading the fire-team, and he moved like smoke. So did his team. Through the magic of linking their minds, the other three members of the team were as stealthy as their team leader,...
A nervous looking security guard was standing on the edge of the delivery dock. It seemed like his only purpose was to guard the seven refrigerators lined up in the middle of the dock. They were obviously used, but would still be a welcome addition to any home that Syon had ever been in. The guard was the only person they could see. “There is something wrong, here, ” the Noah persona of the children’s meld stated. They were linked to Syon, ready to feed him power, if he needed it. Quietly...
Caleb raced up the stairs to the second story roof. He was trying to focus on the danger to his men and himself, but the events in Washington, D.C kept pulling at his attention. “Are you okay, honey?” Caleb telepathically asked his wife anxiously, while taking the steps two at a time. “I’m fine,” JJ answered with a kiss ... or at least, the emotional aspect of the kiss. “We’ll take care of business, here. You need to take care of business there. We can talk when we can relax. Let me know...
Jerome Parsons had been snatched from the cement floor of the loading dock by an invisible hand. Then everything went black. He had still been conscious. He knew that because he was aware of the blackness, the absolute silence that surrounded him, and the fact that he was being led by someone. Jerome was frightened, but not in the same way he had been frightened by the men who had kidnapped him and his family. He was also worried about his family. He needed to find a way to rescue them. “I...
“Connor, I hope to hell you know what you’re doing,” Scotty grated from Washington DC. “So do I,” Caleb replied fervently, his footsteps dragging, while following the drone down the dilapidated building’s stairs in Iraq. “Right now, I’m trying to buy time and stay alive! We can sense too many of the drones to kill them all before they overwhelm us with this damn mist. We can’t try to wait them out, either. This constant, nagging, sense of dread will eventually wear us down. An airstrike may...
Singer’s back was resting against Flan’s. Their rifles were raised, but both knew their weapons were useless against the mist. “Disappear!” Flan silently ordered. “Like Jerome did!” Singer closed his eyes briefly, his mind slipping into that nothingness he had felt from Jerome. ‘I’m not here.’ he repeated in his mind. He opened his eyes again. The mist was still there, but it wasn’t acting with the certainty it had been acting with a moment before. It was still waving in the air, searching...
Caleb blearily opened his eyes. At least, he thought he did. He couldn’t see anything. He tried to move his hands to wipe at his face, but he couldn’t move either arm. Panic began to bleed through the fog that shrouded his mind. “You’re buried and trapped!” a mental voice informed him. “Your men are digging you out. Just relax until they get to you.” “What happened?” Caleb wondered, not sure if the question was rhetorical, or if he were actually trying to gather information. He wasn’t sure...
JJ and Caleb had to hurry to reach the small cafeteria, before it closed for lunch. JJ had only bought enough food for one meal. Despite their vows to ‘live on love’ the night before, their stomachs drove them out, in search of food. They sat in a back corner to eat, speaking softly, and basking in the glow of Caleb’s homecoming. JJ wasn’t even aware of the people moving around her. Every few moments, she would reach out and touch his arm, as if proving to herself that he was actually there....