ConvergenceChapter 30: Convergence free porn video

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“Mac! Are you finished calibrating the gravity drives? Are they the best you can do, with the information and resources available?” Caleb inquired. The humor in his thoughts moments earlier had vanished.

“They are optimal for current resources and information,” the computer agreed, sounding smug.

“Are you completely integrated with me?” Caleb pressed. “Is there anything else needed for your ... umm ... optimum functionality?” he asked dryly.

“I believe so ... yes I am completely integrated with you,” Mac answered slowly. “Every nanobot has been assimilated, and mapped. All Star Hawk systems are assimilated, and mapped. Mapping is complete for all software. Your body has been mapped to the cellular level. I have fulfilled all installation instructions, and errors caused by system anomalies have been resolved. Resolving those errors was the reason I began communicating with you before completion.”

“I can see what you are thinking. Caleb, I’m not sure how to do that,” the computer added hesitantly.

“Why can’t I see what he’s thinking?” Al complained.

“Because he’s learned to block you from his private thoughts,” Mac answered. “He’ll learn to block me, eventually.”

“We’re going to mesh,” Caleb explained to Al, ignoring the byplay. “You, Mac, and me,” he added.

Al was quiet before admitting, “I’ve never tried to mesh with a machine before. No offence meant, Mac. I’m not sure how to do that, and I don’t know what it will do to us. Why is this important? If you didn’t block me so often, I would already know your reasons,” he accused.

“When I don’t block you, you start arguing with me about why it won’t work, before the idea is fleshed out,” Caleb explained, for the thousandth time, or possibly the ten-thousandth time. “Here’s my idea. You have memories stretching back damn near forever. You know things you don’t even know you know. In a mesh, all those memories are bare to the others in the mesh. Humans aren’t any better at sorting and cataloging information than Companions, so those memories are of limited use. Mac’s a computer, sentience and all. Computers excel at sorting and cataloging large amounts of data. I want him to store and sort as many of your memories, related to technology, as he can. Then, he will use that information to resolve our propulsion issues. We must find a way to get to the squadron quicker.”

“That’s brilliant,” Mac said softly.

“That’s crazy!” Al yelled.

“Do you think those kids can hold those Companions for hours?” Caleb demanded.

“I don’t know,” Al admitted. “Maybe they can, but that’s why I warned them the way I did. I didn’t want to demoralize them, but ... Caleb, those three Companions are dangerous!”

“Will you agree that we need to reach them quicker?” Caleb asked. “We’re going to lose more kids if we don’t. Unless you have a better idea, this is the best I can think of,” Caleb persuaded.

“This might burn both our brains out, too,” Al retaliated.

“What happens if the kids can’t hold them, and we have to face this triad, alone?” Caleb asked gently. “Can we take them down, alone? If they aren’t stopped, what happens to Earth, and the future of both humans and Companions?”

A frantic call from Karen interrupted their argument.

“The ship changed course!” Karen announced in a panic. “It turned around, heading back the way it came. We’re still on the ship’s surface, and Blake is still inside! What should I do?” she demanded anxiously.

“Don’t worry, Karen,” Caleb soothed. “I’m on my way, and I can stop them,” he assured her. “You’re on the ship’s surface, so you should be safe, for now. Help Blake mentally to hold those Companions until I get there,” he instructed.

To Al, he said, “The aliens can probably outrun us, at our current speed. What happens if they come back with an armada? What happens if they escape with Blake inside the ship and the other kids on the surface? They’ll run out of air and power eventually. Should we play it safe, or risk everything to save them?”

“You fight dirty!” Al complained bitterly.

He hesitated, and Caleb could feel his trepidation, indecision, and real fear of what they were about to do.

“Okay! Okay! Okay!” Al blurted, feeling Caleb’s urging. “You know, you’re crazy! I know I’ve told you that before, but I really mean it this time! Okay! Let’s do this! Right now! Don’t give me time to think about it! Mesh!” he babbled, deciding to do it before he had time to panic and back out.

Caleb and Al fell into the familiar melding, and both relaxed in the comfort of each other’s mind. Theirs was more complete than any group meld could ever be.

Al couldn’t help but to reflect back on how much he had changed in such a minuscule period of time. He was comfortable with Caleb in his mind. That would have been unthinkable, just a few Earth years ago. Now, he thought he was beginning to understand the human term, ‘love’. He treasured the times his host felt so close. They were an effective team, too! Al wondered which of them had learned more, since their bonding.

That didn’t mean he was okay with this idea. Melding with a machine scared him. Many of his prior hosts had artificial intelligence in their society. In many societies, AIs had been a boon. In others, AIs had been the society’s doom. Machines have a tendency to be very literal, which can lead to unexpected consequences. Still, Caleb was right. This was a chance, and even if it was a slim chance, they had to take it.

“Well?” the meld asked the computer.

“What do I do?” Mac asked.

“WHAT?” the meld asked.

“I’ve never done this before,” Mac explained with patience only a machine could possess. “I can deduce required processes, if I have a starting point, and knowledge of the desired end result. I believe I understand the desired result. Current data indicates this deduction is eighty-seven percent positive, so I am using that for the end-point target. The problem is, I don’t know where to start!”

The moment stretched, as the combined intelligence of an ancient sentient entity, and a human, struggled to explain the process to a machine.

“Umm ... ah ... For me, the first few times I meshed, I had to use visualization, and Al to guide me,” the Caleb portion explained hesitantly. “I imagined what Al would look like, if he had a head. I think we were fighting at the time. I imagined his head was green. Then I imagined my head, and I merged the two. It was difficult, and Al laughed at me for it, but I made it work.”

“I laughed because it was funny,” Al pointed out. “I wasn’t laughing at you imagining my head was green. I don’t have a head! I’m using yours! I was laughing at what I was imagining you ... never mind.”

“It wasn’t funny to me,” Caleb enunciated. “And what do you mean by, ‘never mind?’” he asked heatedly.

“That proves how poor your sense of humor is!” Al announced triumphantly.

“That doesn’t even make sense!” Caleb protested aloud.

“I feel like I’m stepping from a towering cathedral of reason and logic, to a kindergarten of learning impaired children!” Mac complained to no one in particular, before composing himself.

Caleb and Al both sputtered in indignation, but Mac continued over their protests.

“I don’t know if I have an imagination,” Mac admitted, speaking to both of them, and ignoring the righteous anger of the pair sharing the body. “But I can encapsulate the data addresses, the portion of my processes ... my thoughts, that compose my central functions, and on the two of you, and your central functions,” he struggled to explain, resorting to using graphical imagery to explain his words/thoughts.

An imaginary wall of flashing lights appeared in their minds. A block of the wall where the lights were the thickest flared into radiant brilliance.

“Then I do the same for how I perceive each of your ... thoughts,” Mac continued, accompanied by two additional dense blocks of flashing lights on the wall of lights, each flaring like the first. The three highlighted blocks drifted across the wall, towards each other. “Then I’ll move the three encapsulated processes together like...”

Caleb’s body convulsed, but the cocoon-like cockpit restrained him. His brain was on fire! He tasted blood in his mouth! He felt the warm flow of blood on his lips, and knew something had seriously broken.

“Al ... sorry!” Caleb’s mind floundered, regretting letting his friend down by insisting on this course of action. His body convulsed again. His back arched in pain. He would have screamed, but his body wasn’t responding to the need.

“Not ... going ... to ... happen ... like ... this!” he grated, determined not to let them die like this. Too much depended on them!

His mind fought the fire, but it felt like a futile battle. He could feel the flames driving him back farther and farther into himself.

“Don’t fight it!” Al urged, straining to hold their mesh together. “Embrace it! Accept it!” he pleaded, feeling himself burning in those fires, too.

A good rule of battle: when you are losing, try something different. Al’s advice had usually been good, and Caleb was sure death was imminent. He accepted the flame, fully expecting to die. His mind and thoughts burned in the fire. At least the pain would be over.

The pain stopped! Caleb didn’t think he was dead, but wouldn’t have taken any bets on it. He quivered in the cockpit, panting, and not surprised he had pissed on himself. The armor would eliminate the waste, but he was usually more delicate about it.

“Wha wha wha...” he stopped, and swallowed. The coppery taste of blood was thick in his mouth. “What just happened? Caleb gasped in his mind, and the thought echoed. “Happened ... happened ... pened ... pened ... ed...”

“I ... don’t ... know,” Al mentally panted, trying to regain his mental equilibrium. His thoughts also echoed.

“Are we meshed?” Mac asked, also echoing, but less so.

“What ... did you ... do?” Caleb haltingly demanded of the computer, still gasping for breath. The echo had faded more, but was still present.

“I encapsulated the memory addresses for the three of us, and combined them at the quantum level,” Mac replied reasonably. “Are we meshed?” he asked again.

Caleb and Al examined themselves, surprised at what they found. The three of them were part of a mesh tighter than any they had experienced. There were no thoughts held back. There were no private places in their minds. Everything was exposed. There was no effort expended to be in the meld. They were just ... one. There was one individual, comprised of three entities.

Caleb was conscious of the massive job to organize Al’s memory, categorize those memories, and integrate the keys to those memories with their, as in singular, mind. It was a process running in the background ... and he shook himself. “I don’t think like that!” he blurted, stunned.

“Mac! How do you undo this?” Caleb demanded urgently.

“I’m ... I’m not sure I can!” the Mac portion of their mind replied, sounding surprised at that fact.

The Caleb portion of their mind understood the surprise, because he could see the issues of reversing the process. Each encapsulated memory block had contained a value that equaled the essence of Caleb, or Al, or Mac. Once merged, there was no longer a memory block with a value equaling Caleb, or Al, or Mac! The longer they remained merged, the more the three encapsulated values blended into one.

“The echo,” he/they said softly. “It was our memories ... the very essence of who we are, were, being blended!” he surmised in shock.

“But ... I’m still me! But ... more! Everything that made Caleb Connor is still there! I am not Caleb, diluted! I am Caleb, with benefits. Al isn’t diluted either, but I understand his humor now, and the lessons he has learned in his billions of years of existence! Mac! I see what he did. He used the same process when absorbing my old armor! That was his concept of merging. I know what he was thinking, because they are my thoughts, now!”

He saw the physical damage caused by the melding, and with a thought, sent nanobots racing to the site of the damage, repairing broken arteries and veins. He examined the rest of their body, which now included the entirety of the Star Hawk, and ‘corrected’ areas of inconsistencies. The boundaries between his human body and his Star Hawk body became insignificant, because they were the same.

“They’re rounding the moon!” Karen reported anxiously. “I’ll lose line-of-sight with Earth in fifteen minutes! How soon will you be here?” she asked desperately.

“Soon, Karen,” the new Caleb replied soothingly. He extended soothing thoughts to the terrified girl, calming her.

He mentally glanced back at that imaginary wall of flashing lights. The three spheres of brilliance had merged into a single sphere. It pulsed, far outshining the three previous spheres. The mass of the blazing ball of light far surpassed what the three previous spheres could account for.

“Synergy!” he thought in awe.

“I’ll work on this later,” Caleb decided, aloud, purposefully turning his/their attention from what had happened to them, and focusing on the plight of the squadron.

“I think we can do better than this,” Caleb mused, referring to their speed toward the star-ship. “The gravity drives are fine for getting into space. Once out of atmosphere, we have a completely new set of resources. He glanced around him, using eyes not limited to the human spectrum. He noted the gale of photons that human scientists called the solar wind.

The analytical, number-crunching portion of his mind focused. It blasted through Al’s memories! The maelstrom of data surrendered bits of information from memories of hosts uncountable. Information shifted, like pieces of a huge puzzle, forming the picture of a plan.

There was a host, long ago. It was a species with wings, and he remembered the feel of the wind, slipping past his wings. He liked that.

Another host, in another time, had a sports hobby of riding a ... something like a surfboard from orbit. He wasn’t a host for long, but the memory of the experience had stayed with Al for eons. The surfboard was nothing more than a mass of super efficient solar cells collecting photons. The charged photons energized a reactor that powered a jet.

That ‘surfboard’ wouldn’t do what he needed, but the concept added to bits and pieces of other technology from a myriad other memories, both experienced with hosts, and learned from other Companions. The data combined into a massive puzzle that slowly resolved into a complete solution to his immediate problem: reaching the moon as quickly as possible.

“It can’t be that simple,” Caleb chided himself, smiling for the first time in days.

His armor thinned, and spread to each side. The cocoon around the cockpit engulfed the life support, which hung between the spreading black clouds like the body of a bug. The clouds of black began to take shape. Huge black wings formed, with the cockpit forming the center. They continued to spread, growing thinner in places, into a membrane just three nanobots thick. Each nanobot on the surface collected photons, and channeled them into reactors along the wing’s leading edge. Each ‘rib’ in the wings was a jet sweeping towards the back of the wings, and there were many of them. They resembled a bat’s wings, or the wings of a dragon more than those of a bird. He didn’t care. The simulations running in his mind indicated his projected speed, and he liked it.

Caleb flexed his wings, feeling the blast of radiation from the sun. He could feel the energy being absorbed, charging the reactors in the leading edge of the wings. He flexed them again, stretching them, turning them to catch the most energy as the solar wind washed over him. Each wing reached thousands of feet, but that could change, based on need and resources. His wings felt alive!

“I think it’s time,” Caleb said to himself, and he could hear the faint echoes of agreement.

His wings twitched, and he changed his heading slightly, to get a better angle on the solar wind. He rode it like a surfboard on a mile high wave, and it was just as chaotic. For a moment, he felt like a hang-glider flying in a hurricane. The solar wind churned after earth’s magnetic field forced it to bend around the planet.

“It’s like white water in a river, forced to change course to go around boulders!” Caleb noted in awe.

It was whitewater at the speed of light!

His Star Hawk, now truly a Star Hawk, twitched its wings again, aligning with the blast of solar energy. The reactors were fully charged. He soared, riding the light faster and faster. The wing ribs pulsed a brilliant white one time before fading back to the inky black of the wings. The trailing edge of his wings flashed with the eye-searing light of a star, and he blasted towards the moon on a wave of pure plasma.

The Captain listened to the Companion’s rage as it struggled to get free. The rant gradually subsided, but the struggle to escape did not. He could almost hear the Companion’s thought processes, when it turned its attention toward him.

“You must countermand that order!” the Companion ordered.

“No!” the Captain replied angrily. “What you are doing is wrong! My ship will not be a party to it! Your actions violate the host/Companion agreement! An agreement based on trust!”

“Evil has reappeared!” his Companion protested. “It must be destroyed!” it pleaded.

“Evil has reappeared!” the Captain roared aloud, as much as an alien of his species is capable of roaring. “That Evil is you! Your actions, and that of your triad, are EVIL!” the Captain enunciated.

“I am not Evil! You don’t realize what the Evil is capable of!”

“No I don’t,” the Captain conceded. “I do know that you are willing to destroy a near sentient species out of fear! I know that is evil! Give me back my body!”

“When I am free, and the Evil is stopped,” the Companion proclaimed, before renewing his rant and his struggles.

The Captain strained to use his legs, to no avail. His legs twitched, but that was the most response he could get. He had not attained captaincy of a star-ship by giving up, and he wasn’t about to give up now. He continued to fight the Companion that wanted control of his body.

“What’s he doing?” Karen asked the meld, knowing that no one had an answer.

She was part of the meld holding the Captain’s Companion.

“It feels like he’s getting slick!” she said, voicing everyone’s concern. “Blake, what’s he doing?”

“He isn’t getting slick,” Blake asserted grimly. “I think he’s creating the illusion that he is, to make us change the way we’re holding him. Holding him different, could give him an advantage. Think about it. He can’t be slick. There is nothing there to become slick. We are holding an ethereal entity, not a physical body.”

The meld reviewed their instructions from Al, and Blake continued leading with, “We need to convince him that struggling is uncomfortable.”

“Why is he twitching like that?” another portion of the meld asked.

“Probably another ploy,” the Blake portion of the meld responded. “Remember what Al said! These Companions are dangerous!”

“They’ve quit shooting at us!” the meld holding the Science Officer noticed.

“Why would they quit shooting at us?” the meld holding the Medical officer wondered.

“I don’t know, but this is getting harder” the Captain’s meld grated. They were struggling to maintain their shield around the Companion.

“Emotion! That’s what I used to stop them before!” the Blake portion of the meld noted.

“STOP FIGHTING!” the meld screamed into the shield, adding all their anger and fear for lost comrades to the order.

The alien’s body shuddered, and the tendrils of thought maintaining the shield shattered. It was still for a moment, before struggling upright to lunge towards the cannon.

“What happened?” Karen asked when their meld collapsed with the shield.

“I don’t know,” Blake answered, panic in his thought. “We need to meld! It’s going for the cannon again!”

The Captain continued to struggle against the Companion. He was not winning, but he wasn’t losing either, for now. The Companion was using his own vitality against him, and eventually he would become too weak to fight back.

Raw, primeval emotion slammed into his mind. The Captain was stunned, neglecting his battle for only a moment.

The ancient Companion didn’t need a better opportunity, and seized control of the Captain’s body. It used the Captain’s own momentum to sever the tendrils of thought binding him. The Companion erected its own shield as quickly as thought, once free of the Evil’s embrace.

He considered his next action before setting his shield to wildly fluctuating, mimicking mental signatures of hosts throughout the ages. It was much easier to prevent a blocking than it was to break one. Establishing a mental shield on another entity required synchronizing mental signatures, which was a straightforward process. It would take a very skilled mental operator to synchronize with him now. The Companion then created his own shield, within his host’s mind, and walled the Captain’s consciousness away. He would deal with the Captain after the battle. For now, he had an Evil one to kill!

The Captain was furious, and continued to fight for control, but he was fighting an unfamiliar battle. The Companion had eons of mental experience to draw upon.

The Companion ordered the legs to move again, and struggled upright. He awkwardly forced the body to lunge towards the cannon, and nearly fell again.

“Only two more steps and it will be over!” the Companion gritted, forcing another leg to move, even though he couldn’t feel it. His control of the host body was fragile. He steeled himself for the coming battle with his host ... forcing his arms and hands to aim and fire the cannon.

“Why can’t we shield him?” the meld asked, anxiety giving the thoughts a sharper edge.

“I’m almost there,” Caleb interjected calmly. “What’s wrong? What is happening?”

“He broke free, and he’s almost to the cannon!” the meld replied. “We can’t get a lock on him!”

“He is a tricky one,” Caleb conceded grimly. “Blake, brace yourself! I’ll be coming through the hangar door in a moment. I haven’t slowed as much as I should have, so it might shake things up a bit. I’ll try not to depressurize the hangar.”

Karen wondered what Caleb was talking about, and looked towards the Earth in expectation.

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June 2004 - August 2004 Word came down from Battalion that the rest of Second Brigade would be deploying to Iraq soon. It was expected that they would show up sometime in July, but no dates were available. What they would do then was not known, or at least not known to us down at Camp Custer. Where exactly they would be positioned wasn’t known or might change before they got here. However, one interesting tidbit came out. Fourth of the Fourth was going to get some leave. Over the next few...

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FateChapter 15 The Aftermath

I hadn't been home for more than half an hour when the phone rang. I knew it was Peggy. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Suddenly it ran through my head, she had cheated on me for most of her adult life, had lied to me about it all. Yeah I was as happy as a guy could get during all of that, but she had promised, and now this. How the hell could I ever trust her on anything again? I sure wasn't with out fault, I had jumped on this band wagon eagerly. I had enjoyed the fucking others as...

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This Girls Place

I've got four months of teaching out of the way, and my new school is paradise. My students are between the ages of nineteen and thirty, all hungry to become the next generation of poets and thinkers. All except the boys in the back row, anyway. They're taking my class only because it will be an easy three credits. But the semester is almost over, so freedom is in sight.I hear the end of the boys' conversation as I enter the classroom. “I'm just saying,” Kyle says, “bitches should know their...

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David and the FreeUse Law

Another long day at work had finally come to a close. David was making his two-mile walk home from the coffee shop he worked at, his head hung low with a sigh escaping his lips. He was a college student, doing his best to work his way through classes and was barely keeping up with all of the bills. At 6'1 tall with an average build, he was able to score a job as a barista at the local coffee shop. He had black hair and brown eyes, and dressed well enough to be presentable most of the time....

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Meri Jivani 8211 Part 4

Hi…. I am Akky 5’10” height ksrati bdan. Pichli baar mene bataya tha ki kis trh mujhe kamli bhabhi n roka or fir apni choot ki bharpur chudai krwayi.M wapis aa gya.Aate hi pta chala ki manu bhaiya kanpur shift ho rhe h.. Kheir pinki n fir se aana shuru kr diya tha. Ek din leena ka mail meri yahoo id akshay.Wise pr aya ki wo milna chahti h.Pinki n ek baar bataya tha ki wo bigdi hui h 2 classmate se chudati h.Kheir m uske ghar pahuncha.Leena n ghutno tk ki skirt phni thi upar tshirt jisme se uske...

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Lost ToysChapter 7 Legacy of the Wizard

Carmen Dominguez - Thursday, June 19th, 2015 My cell phone vibrated. It was Matthew. I excused myself from the morning meeting; Olive had this under control. My job was keeping the taxes above board, especially when He had needed a withdrawal, this was fundraising. I could feel my whole skin tingling and my smile tugging up at my lips. God, I felt like a puppy hearing its owner's car pulling up. I wondered what he'd call us? I was so used to slut, to whore, to slave that these last few...

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My Fiancee and her Best Guy Friend

Well, I guess I should tell you guys about my fiancee, let's call her Shela. Now, Shela's a very sexy woman, long black hair, blue eyes, she's slim and works out, nice legs, a big pair of D cups, and a nice ass that I wish she'd let me fuck. And when you get her wet, she will not stop till you cum. I've had her suck me off in the shower, fucked her in front of a hotel window that was open, I even fingered her in a hotel pool and she always made me cum one way or another, and fuck does she love...

3 years ago
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Fun on a sunny day

I started writing this in the Forum section and then realized it was going to be to long. I’ve had sex a few time outside and have always loved it. One of my favorite happened a couple of years ago and I thought you may enjoy. It was the middle of the week and my husband was not traveling so we were having a good time just hanging out together. My husband decided he wanted to go visit this lake park/area about 40 minutes away. I really wasn’t interested but agreed to go. He smiled and asked me...

1 year ago
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At his service Ch 01

It is almost 6 pm and he will be home soon. Susan gets up from the kitchen table and walks up the stairs to her bedroom. She undresses in front of the mirror, kicks her clothes in… It is almost 6 pm and he will be home soon. Susan gets up from the kitchen table and walks up the stairs to her bedroom. She undresses in front of the mirror, kicks her clothes in a corner and she looks at her naked body. Her breasts are big and soft, her belly is just like she wants it to be and she is happy...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Fun 1

I closed the door grabbed her by the back of her neck and started kissing her, deeply passionately. We slid our tongues in each others mouths, I moved my hands down her back, one underneath her shirt and one into the back of her jeans. she was wearing her black satin panties, I knew the feel on my fingers. I picked her up by her ass and carried her to the bed. I laid her on her back and she stared up at me with her blueish green eyes. I jumped on top of her kissed her cheek and her jaw...

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Star Trek Lonely Major Kira

I walked in to Quarks, the place was jam packed with people drinking and gambling. I had only just been reassigned to Deep Space Nine and didn't know anyone on the station. Walking over to the bar I took a seat next to a Bajoran woman. Her hair was dark red and her body thin with curves all over. I suddenly realised that the beautiful woman I was sitting next to was Kira Nerys, the new Commander of the station since Captain Sisko has disappeared on Bajor. She glanced over at me and smiled a...

2 years ago
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Smoking Visits

My mother would drag me along to many of her friends house's so she could have a drink and a catch up. This was a regular occurrence and boredom would always set in the minute i would had to sit there.Visiting Maureen was different though, Maureen was a smoker. Maureen was a petite loud carefree woman that didn't hold back in saying what was on her mind.She was a northern working class mother who was rough around the edges but naturally attractive. I would sit and wait patiently for her to grab...

4 years ago
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Family SagaChapter 3

Charity walked home in the midst of a group of chattering, giggling girls of her acquaintance; her head was in the clouds, and she was in contact with reality only intermittently as she talked excitedly with them hardly believing that it was true. She had stayed after school for the auditions for the annual school musical production. Her singing and acting had been outstanding, and she had been selected to sing the leading female role. She couldn't believe her ears when the final...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 25 Trouble

The next town meeting was a big one. For one thing, we had an extra eighty citizens to account for. I’d made some big decisions that week and they were going to learn about them. During the week, I’d watched carefully how the refugees interacted with my people and vice-versa. Kathy, Toby and I also hadn’t mentioned our change of status to anyone outside of my four girls. I didn’t have much choice in telling them. I had to ask Gale if she wouldn’t mind if Jina joining and me and her on...

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Living out my dream

Life has its ups and downs, especially my life. My name is Jeni. I am a 40 year old mother of two wonderful teenagers. While I don't think I am super gorgeous, but I do know that I look good enough to get a second glance, as I walk down the street. My body is slim, with a nice set of breasts, that I got enhanced about 9 years ago. My naturally blonde hair is cut short, almost boyish in style. It’s true that men take more than a passing glance, but it’s not a male that heats my core. I work at...

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The Peeping Cuckold

An attractive 42-year-old mom treats herself by giving a bj to a classmate of her son. Dad and son watch from the shadows. Without realizing it the shapely mom fulfilled the fantasy of all four, which included her own.Older attractive women are always hot topics for teenage boys, and Gary Darnell and his friends were certainly not exceptions. That the hot bodies were mothers, even their own, didn’t matter, if anything, it only served to fuel their fires of fantasy. Ever seen her naked? Seen her...

3 years ago
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Dark Lords part 1

Vraska was a major trade center, so even if he was lost Jin felt confident he could find the city easy enough. He did not feel shy or embarrassed to have to ask directions, after all he was not from these parts. Larger cities would be known to everyone from around here. At least he hoped. After walking for several hours Jin finally came to an end of the forest. The bright afternoon sun greeted him with warmth as he stepped from the trees. In the distance he could see two people...

5 years ago
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girls on film

If you’ve never had more than one naked pussy laid out in front of you to choose between, you probably can’t imagine the feeling in my cock as I looked down at the three naked girls on the bed in front of me. I told them to spread their legs wider for me as I stroked myself and thought about which one to fuck next. I’d spent weeks setting this up. Putting an ad online for new glamour models, emailing fake applications to the respondents and reeling them in until they’d each come over for an...

2 years ago
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Sam James part 5 Priya is back

I was unsettled, restless and horny as hell. It was driving me nuts. The reason for my condition was that Sam my new very exciting lover was away in Turin on a freelance trip. We had spoken last night on the phone and masturbated together. Our phones on speaker as I worked my cock and Sam fingered her pussy. We were good and we both came but it was deeply unsatisfying.I had the day off and I knew I wouldn’t be seeing Sam. The sexual frustration added to my unease. I got out of bed and headed to...

1 year ago
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Getting My Best Friend In Me

I didn't really realize that I was in love with my . We were watching a porno movie one time on TV while I was spending the night at his house. He was on the couch, and I was on the floor. I didn't actually see him beating off, but I could hear him; the quiet slapping noise I normally made while I was beating my cock and his fast, heavy breathing totally gave it away. I got totally turned on and started to beat off myself ( the straight porno hadn't really done it for me) and from that moment...

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Last part of BBC and white guy for Sasha

Hit the wrong key that stopped the story short SORRY.........hahaSo here is the rest of my fun with BBC and white guy.After white guy damn near drowned me in cum, I kept him hard with a hj.BBC was working my pussy over but good and I was really loving it. BBC had me soaked with pussy juice and precum. He was only able to get about 3/4 of his pole in my pussy that first time. White guy was hard and resting while rubbin my clit and sucking my puffy nipples. I was working his dick with my...

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The Art of Good Fishing

The Art of Good Fishing, © Spitman October 2000 It was a fine sunny afternoon in May, and the beach was pretty crowded fora day so early in the season, but it was rather warm for the time of year,with very little wind and a cloudless sky. Donna lay on her beach towel with her bikini top unfastened, enjoying thefeel of the sun on her back. Others more adventurous, dispensed with theirskimpy bikini tops, offering an impressive display of breasts proudly bared,to the warm rays of the sun, not to...

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The Heist0

Most of the dozen or so mothers were also in swimsuits, congregated in the same area of the patio. There were several clustered around Melissa’s baby, six month old Tyler, asleep on one of the chaise lounges, while the rest exchanged chitchat and sipped their drinks, nibbled hors d’ouvres, and kept an eye on the pool The kids were splashing and playing, totally oblivious of their parents, though there were several furtive glances cast in the direction of Carrie’s birthday cake. “Hey,...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 4

2076 a.d. – Winter Recovery 'NO!' Béla awoke with a start. The curtained canopy overhead told her she was in her own bed at the manor. She looked down at herself. Her belly was smooth with fresh, new skin. Remembering what she looked like before, Béla realized that someone had done a really good job of cleaning her up. She felt squeaky-clean, except perhaps between her legs. There, she definitely felt sticky. 'I think I've been fucked... ' That thought caused her to feel annoyed....

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Arlene and JeffChapter 153

..."No, Cindy. You can't..." "I love you, Uncle Q," Cindy said as she dropped, screamed out, and just as quickly slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle the scream. She sat rigidly upright as pain seemed to consume her. Rachel rolled to the side and off her uncle's face. Tears flowed down Cindy's cheeks as she took a shaking breath. "I didn't expect it to hurt this much," she whispered, mostly to herself. "Oh, Baby. What have you done?" the big man sighed out. "What you should...

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The Music Festival

It was a pleasant June day as we all drove out to the festival grounds. There were four of us in the car. Me, Steffie, Susan, and Sally. Me being Steve made up the last part of the four S's. We had been friends since high school and all went to the same college together, and now we were headed out to my first music festival. The other three S's had been before, but I always had some other obligation which prevented me from going. But this year I was finally free, and we had picked up some...

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Sienna and Tony fuck Felicity in pantyhose

I woke with a start. What had woken me? There was movement in the bed beside me. I opened my eyes and looked to my left. There was Felicity, legs wide open and Sienna with her tongue buried deep in her pussy. It all came back to me. The three of us in our pantyhose and Sienna fucking Felicity deep and hard, licking Sienna's cum out of Felicity's pussy and the three of us in a circle, licking and sucking each other till we all came again. My cock began to rise as I watched Sienna licking my...

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The Caning of Gina Part II

Gina sipped her coffee as Jim looked on. As on her previous visit to his home she was very nervous. There was no feeling of nervous anticipation this time because she knew what to expect, but she was going to experience pain and, of course, someone else would be present. It had been an ordeal letting Jim see her nakedness last time and it was going to be a bigger ordeal letting another stranger see her intimately. “Well let’s get it over with then” Gina said as she stood up. Jim smiled. “Is...

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The Chosen One

(Warning: Story will feature heavy Homosexual Themes and Explicit Content.) "Come on the field" Coach shouted at the group of college students. "There is no way you lil' bitches are gonna make regionals with the sloppy behavior I saw last night." Coach was a bit of a drill sergeant. All the team began to file onto the field when suddenly coach puts a hand in front of you. "I'm keeping an eye on you boy. You may be new to the team, but we don't have any time for cold feet. Got it." "Got it sir."...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo part 26

Cockatoo Part 26 Shane stuck out an enormous hand and I instinctively shook it, hoping for the first time in my life that my handshake would be a little limp. "G'day girls. What a coincidence," he said. "I thought it was you on the dock but I couldn't be sure. I know you said you were leaving today, but who would have guessed we would be on the same ferry. I didn't know myself until this morning. Had an urgent call to get back to Bangkok. All the flights are full, so I had to...

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Slimming Pills

Wife Watcher Copyright© 2003 My wife Paula had decided she needed to slim up. I don't know why, she sure looked good to me. Her 5 foot nothing figure was nicely rounded where a good looking woman should be. But as a mere male, who am I to argue? After several weeks of jogging and gym workouts she didn't seem to be getting anywhere. A friend had recommended some slimming pills which she got on the day we were going out to dinner for our 5th wedding anniversary. It was only later that I found...

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The Red DoorChapter 14

My time with Titan was screwing up my schedule, he typically let me leave after six to eight hours, after which I was fit for nothing but sleep, No matter how I arranged it, my time training Prince or my time with Sue was going to suffer. It took a while to work things out so everyone was happy. Sue accepted my times with Titan, but his name still put her on edge, so I took to referring to him as ‘The Randy Skandie’ on the basis that Danes are from Denmark and thus Scandinavian. (The k is a...

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B wititched

Based on true story * Aunt Kim beckoned to me as she licked her lips moaning. ‘Come here now... kassandra. ‘ ..I turned to her .. ‘yes Kim..’ ? I whispered. Purring... her hands immediately grabbed my breasts. I . Felt her down my legs massaging...rubbing.. gently.stroking my vagina slowly.. tugging my vagina.’I want this..’ she moaned,twisting. And rubbing softly my vagina. And kissing my breast nipple as she squeezed my breasts tightly.kissing...them.tenderly. Falling to...

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Friend Turned Sex Partner

Hi, guys and gals, this is Ansh and I come back with an experience which I had with a friend of mine. I am Delhi guy, 26 years old with average looks. Whatever I lack in looks is compensated with my wild thoughts and sex drive I guess. I am reachable on for any females for fun time and for feedback for the story as well. Coming back to the story, I have a friend Niyati(name changed) who’s about 28 and we have been friends for about 2 years now. She’s a bit on the heavier side and is dusky but...

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Rekindling An Old Taboo Ch 02

I would never have imagined I would run into Jack at that family reunion in a million years. My life had been such a total shambles in the past two years that, I had almost completely given up on anything good ever happening in my life again. Then, there he was, my closest childhood friend, there in the flesh, all grown up and not twenty feet away. He was looking at me with that sly smile that I knew from all those years ago! Our conversation that day had covered so much lost ground, his...

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The 3 Megans

My first story begins with Val, the story of how he lost his virginity. Believe it or not, but this is what he said... There were three Megans: Megan M., Megan H., and Megan W., Each a different personality, clique and look. Megan M. was a tall, slender, attractive girl; she had a light brown hair that went to just below her shoulders and light brown eyes. She was very athletic, Varsity Soccer and Volleyball. She was a shy girl who had the kindest of voices. She was the kind of girl...

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Love Making At The Hotel Room

Hi, I am a lusty soul from Nagpur pursuing my BTech final year. This story is about me and my ex-gf whom I love a lot but she left me. This is a true story so it is a bit lengthy and forgive me for any mistakes as it is my first story. Hope you enjoy. The story goes back in time when I was in 11th std I fell in love with a girl named taniya. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. at first, we don’t use to meet much because it was our 12th boards and we both were from different...

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At the mercy of a North Korean She Devil

Summary: Secret operatives know only as She Devils use, sex, blackmail and torture to steal United States. PREFACE He'd never given much thought to how important his defense work reallywas, or to what lengths someone would go to steal it. He'd been so stupidabout that. Even careless, but now it was too late. Too late to change what was about to happen. . . He stared without breathing at the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen;into the black eyes of a true She-Devil, and she looked...

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Pleasure Cove

Melaine spent ages dressing up for her big date with Johnny, it had been a while since she had dated and her anxiety resulted in her applying every beauty technique known to man in order to make sure she looked absolutely fabulous. Johnny on the other hand was a player and after slapping on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and some aftershave before setting off for the seaside pub where they had agreed to meet. An hour later found Johnny bumming a couple of fags off mike while sipping a cool Bud...

2 years ago
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English Teacher Teaches Me Oral Grammar

Hi Friends… This is Karthik from Chennai… this is my second story of my episode… for people who had missed my first story here is the title you can check it out any time – BOTANY TEACHERS NECTAR OOZING OUT This incident happened to me at the age of 18.With accordance to the title this incident happened between our English teacher and me. Coming to the story the heroine of the story named Vasuki is a fair booby unmarried women with so much of beauty aged 27. She is the first glamour women of...

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Ma8217am Wants It Every Fucking Time

Hello, guys, I am Ranveer as you read my stories earlier this time I brought you something different and bolder story of my life. I am an average looking guy, I work out a lot so my physic talk on my behalf. I cock is 6.5 inches long and 2 inches thick and ladies loves it. Well, I am available for sex seeking ladies and girl, marries a woman and especially woman looking for crazy hardcore as well as love making type sex. So coming back to the story. This incident happen when I was in class...

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