- 4 years ago
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Singer’s back was resting against Flan’s. Their rifles were raised, but both knew their weapons were useless against the mist.
“Disappear!” Flan silently ordered. “Like Jerome did!”
Singer closed his eyes briefly, his mind slipping into that nothingness he had felt from Jerome. ‘I’m not here.’ he repeated in his mind. He opened his eyes again. The mist was still there, but it wasn’t acting with the certainty it had been acting with a moment before. It was still waving in the air, searching for him, and it would find him soon. He may have bought a few minutes, but no more than that.
“Wow! It worked!” Singer told Flan, “but I think it only bought us a little time.”
“I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong, but it doesn’t seem to be slowing the mist coming from the sewer at all!” Flan answered, with a very brittle calm. “I’m not sure what else to do to stop it.”
“Throw a grenade in the sewer!” Singer suggested urgently, pressing back against Flans back harder as the tendril from the window waved closer. “They’ve got to be in the sewer and can see us to be able to direct it to trap us.”
Flan took a grenade from a pouch, pulled the pin, and threw it. He missed. Both men ducked when the grenade exploded in the street, close to the curb.
“Is that the best you can do, Flannigan?” Singer jibed, his thoughts shrill with anxiety.
Flan threw a second grenade, and it bounced into the sewer. A moment later, flame spouted from the sewer grate and the searching arms of mist collapsed. Both men rolled away from the window, just as its tendril of mist struck at Singer. It missed.
“We can’t use grenades against the drones in the warehouse because of the hostages!” Singer pointed out breathlessly. “Any ideas?”
“Yeah, but no good ones!” Flan replied.
“Well, I’m not going near that window again,” Singer stated with certainty. “How about we just start blowing a few doors off? At least then, the drones won’t know which one we’re coming through. There’s got to be a limit to how much mist these things can produce!”
“There’s danger to the hostages in that, too,” Flan pointed out.
“Top, did you bring that bomb robot with you?” Singer asked. “I’ve got an idea!”
“Oh, shit!” Flan commented.
“Yep,” the Master Sergeant replied. “Are you thinking of sending it in first?”
“Sort of!” Singer replied. “There’s danger to the hostages when we blow the doors. If we blow them all at once, and send the robot in one door immediately following the blast, we may give them too many things to react to. Men in full stealth going in another door a count after the robot will delay their response. We need an edge!”
Fifteen minutes later, all the doors had thin strips of explosive lining their edges. The robot was poised at a door with its speed set to high. The plan was for all the doors to be blown with a single command. The robot would go through one door a full count after the explosion, much like humans would attack after a door is blown. Singer would lead a team through a door at the opposite end of the warehouse on the second full count after the explosion, under full stealth. Singer’s team’s entrance was selected because it was nearest the last known location of the hostages.
“All ready?” Singer asked, and received affirmatives.
“Go!” Singer ordered.
Three personnel doors and two vehicle entrances exploded inward simultaneously.
“One thousand one!” Flan marked the time.
The robot raced through one of the vehicle entrances. A helmet was strapped on top and a police riot shield was on the front. It wouldn’t fool anyone into thinking it was a human, but in the darkness, smoke, and fire from the explosions, it would call for a second look.
“One thousand two!” Singer counted, and ten members of Ghost Two raced into the building from the opposite side.
The hostages were immediately visible to Singer. They were in an office with a large picture window overlooking the warehouse. An older woman was holding a boy and girl to her sides, and all three were screaming.
A man was standing behind the hostages, laughing maniacally. Black mist was pouring from the man’s mouth and hovering in the air above the mother and her children.
Singer raised his rifle, knowing it was a futile effort to save Jerome’s family. His stomach twisted as he acknowledged his failure even while his finger tightened on the trigger.
A primal scream suddenly ripped through Singer’s mind, and every other human/Companion pair on the operation! It didn’t stop, the way a dying man’s scream can be cut off. It didn’t fade, the way a man’s scream will as his last breath expires. The scream dwindled into an impossible distance, never losing its intensity or horror at its fate.
The black mist in the warehouse and in the office softly fell to the floor. The man standing behind the hostages was holding his head, and he was the one screaming, now. Two other screams could be heard, elsewhere in the warehouse.
Singer’s finger tightened a hair more on his trigger, and the man’s head exploded.
Shots rang out from Singer’s team, and the last two Soulless in the warehouse fell.
“Ghost Two! Hostages secure! Site secure!” Singer broadcast, breathing a deep sigh of relief.
“Ghost One,” Master Chief Marconi heard Caleb from their rooftop. “Attack, now!”
“On a two count,” Master Chief Marconi announced to the melded entity that had been Ghost One. The warning was meant for the drone handlers aboard the ship. “All together, now! One Thousand one. One Thousand two!”
Four hellfire missiles hissed from two drones, creating a virtual wall of flame when they hit buildings around the mosque. Eight more hellfire missiles flashed from four additional UAV’s, aimed at preselected targets around Ghost One.
Two mortars thumped, and every rifle in the platoon fired with three-round bursts. The awareness of the melded entity Ghost One had become, each mortar round and each burst fired found a target.
The battlefield awareness of the melded platoon was beyond anything Master Chief Marconi had imagined possible. He was aware of everything the men in the platoon were aware of, and able to react to all of it. Each movement of the enemy was available to his senses. Of particular interest was the black wave of mist growing from the surrounding neighborhoods.
Sources of the black arms of mist were identified and destroyed with an efficiency the Master Chief knew was far beyond the capabilities of a unit of this size. As sources were destroyed, ‘dead’ mist would settle to the ground. There was so much ‘dead’ mist, that it looked like a black snow storm, but the ‘live’ mist didn’t slow. The writhing mass rose above the walls, towering over the men on the rooftop.
The four UAV’s over the platoon, each fired their last two missiles into preselected secondary targets.
The wave crested, and began falling towards the platoon.
“NO WAY!!” Sal Marconi screamed in denial at the black mist from hell. Master Chief Marconi, formally a member of Seal Team Six, mentally grabbed the Adrenalin driven anger of the melded platoon. He faced that wall of falling death, coming at HIS platoon from all directions. He screamed in defiance, and released a white hot flash of pure WILL!
The leading edge of the black mist crystallized, and then shattered on the shield created by the power generated by the platoon. The wave of black mist continued falling, suffering the same fate as its leading edge. A cascade of black powder showered the streets around the building, unable to conquer the will of Master Chief Marconi! It seemed to last forever, but finally the wave shuddered to a stop and began withdrawing.
Chief Marconi shakily fell to one knee, his head in his hands. His brain felt like someone had scrubbed it with steel-wool. His body felt like it had been drained of energy. The platoon’s meld collapsed.
“Master Chief!” First Sergeant Benson called anxiously. “Are you okay? I think that mist is getting ready to come back again!”
“I ... I can’t do that ... again,” Master Chief Marconi gasped. “Top ... Benson! You’re up ... to bat! Get the platoon melded again. I need to ... rest...”
Master Chief Marconi collapsed.
“Oh, shit!” Top Benson exclaimed aloud. “Form up,” he mentally commanded, not knowing what other command to give. This melding business was brand new. He didn’t know what its capabilities were, but he knew that what the Master Chief just went through was a non-starter.
The minds of the platoon and their Companions flowed together in a mesh like they had been doing it all their lives.
“Good job!” Top Benson sent approvingly, marveling at the increase in battle situational awareness. “We know what to do now!” he continued, communicating his confidence in their ability to win this battle. “This time we’ll use a more focused defense, so we don’t have to expend so much energy. I think that spike, that the Master Chief focused alone, wore him out!”
The undulating sea of black gathered itself for another assault. It swelled, and began rising.
“The next wing of UAVs are inbound! ETA at your location is three minutes,” Command reported from the carrier. “The wing that just left will rearm at a Kurdish supply point. They will rearm and should return to your location in twenty minutes.”
“Thanks Command! We’ll see if we can hold things together here for three more minutes!” Top Benson replied. To the platoon he calmly considered, “We just need a shield from the mist. We don’t need to fight it. We only need to keep it away from us.”
Rifles and mortars continued targeting locations where soulless could be hiding, and ‘dead’ mist continued to fall. The rising wave was noticeably thinning, but there was no way Ghost could avoid another blow.
The mist crested, and then fell!
Top Benson held up his hand like a stop sign! He grunted from the pressure, as the brunt of the blow landed on his focus. The mist slid from the shield. It roiled briefly, trying to reach the men, and then flowed back over the edge of the building.
One man looked over the edge and called out, “It looks like it’s going to try again!”
“Persistent assholes!” Top Benson muttered, panting from the exertion. “Ghost One,” he mentally commanded. “I can handle one more like that. Gunny Bindle, you’re next up. As soon as it begins pulling back, you take over the meld. Meantime, keep taking shots when you have them.”
Mortars continued firing, and rifle bursts continued, targeted at any opening that seemed to be a source of black mist.
The mist began rising in a wave again, but it was noticeably thinner than when it started. Individual arms of the mist were clearly discernible. That didn’t mean the wave reaching for its crest was any less dangerous.
“UAV’s ETA; 20 seconds,” Command reported. “Targets identified. Preparing to fire.”
“Come on! Come on! Come on!” Top Benson said aloud, watching the mist crest, and then begin to fall.
“Ghost!” Top Benson screamed, thrusting his hand out again, commanding the mist to stop.
“Missiles fired,” Command reported.
Four more missiles slammed into the neighborhoods around the mosque, followed immediately by four more. One of the UAVs was hit just as its missiles were released. The programmed flight path changed and the pair of missiles hissed towards the mosque.
Eight missiles hit around the platoon, and eight more were in the air while the first group was still exploding.
The mist crashed into the shield Top Benson was creating with the power of the melded platoon. The mist’s attack had changed. The mist was thinner, but it had compensated. Instead of hammering at their whole perimeter, the mist was initiating focused attacks at multiple locations in their perimeter.
“HANG ON!” Top Benson screamed, desperately trying to adjust to the new attack, and losing ground badly. He could feel the shield weakening as the shielded area shrank. He could feel his body weakening as power flowed through him. He gritted his teeth and fell to one knee, refusing to quit fighting!
A sudden scream ripped through the minds of the men of Ghost One like barbed wire through flesh. The meld was shattered and men fell. Their shield dissipated, but it was no longer needed. The mist fell to the ground like dust.
The scream faded in a direction that had no relation to earth’s cardinal points. The men of Ghost One would remember the scream for a very long time, still reverberating in their minds, in their quiet times.
Top Benson was down, sprawled beside Master Chief Marconi. His nose and ears were bleeding, but the growing puddle of blood under him proved that he was still alive. Corpses don’t pump blood!
Explosions ripped through the city! The second wave of missiles hit and spewed smoke, fire, and the wreckage of untold lives into the air!
“Corpsman! Check Top Benson and the Master Chief,” Gunny Bindle ordered. “Command, cease fire! Cease fire! All enemy actions ceased with that weird scream!”
“What was that, Gunny?” Command asked.
“No idea,” Gunny Bindle answered, as he anxiously looked out over the city, searching for movement. That is when he saw part of the dome of the mosque collapse.
“Major Connor! Are you okay?” he mentally called, but he didn’t get an immediate answer.
A long moment later, another mental signature answered, saying, “I am Syon. The Major is knocked out, but he seems to be fine other than some internal trauma. A building fell on him. He may need some help digging himself out.”
“He’ll be fine, Gunny!” Al reported, sounding worried nonetheless. “His mind was protected in a meld. Getting hit in the head physically shouldn’t stop him for more than a few minutes. It’s the hardest part of him. I should know. I’ve been dealing with his hard head since I got stranded on this rock!”
Gunny Bindle breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured a silent prayer of thanks.
Everyone in the platoon was aware of the running battle between the Major and his Companion. They also knew the two were completely devoted to each other. If Al reported that his human counterpart was okay, then he was.
The Gunny chuckled to himself as he detailed a squad to begin digging the Major from the rubble.
The journey from the periphery of the planetary system had been tedious, but was a low risk journey. The giant outer planets had shielded their presence from their target, the third planet of the system. They were in a stationary orbit beside a moon circling the fifth planet, the last giant planet they could use to shield their approach. They would stay behind the moon, as it circled the giant planet, until they reached the closest position to make a dash to their next objective. The only screen they would have for the rest of the journey was the fourth planet, a small barren world.
An unknown danger awaited them at the third planet that had already claimed one of their ships. Regulations required the Captain to record the opinions of the other hosts on the ship, and of their Companions, prior to approaching possible danger.
The Captain had the final say in any decision, except if all three Companions disagreed with him. He could still issue orders in opposition. However, if he was wrong, the Captain would lose his command and his Companion, upon return to the nearest base. Politics was an inherent part of being a Captain, as was having a Companion. The Captain welcomed the burden. He was proud of being the Captain of an Exploration ship, but being selected to be a host for a Companion was an even greater honor.
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Two pretty, natural-breasted dolls — Alexis Tae and Mia Moore — wear matching lingerie and high heels. Tall, Alexis has a pretty face, a trim body and a hot butt. Tattooed brunette Mia has a fleshy, nice ass and a shaved-bald pussy. The girls tease, spread, booty-clap and share lesbian lust for porn stud Mick Blue. Alexis eats Mia’s snatch from behind; Mia rims Alexis and licks twat with a pierced tongue. Mick rims Mia, and the girls team up for a hot double blowjob....
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Hello everybody. I am Rahul from Andhra Pradesh. This is my first sex story in Indian Sex Stories. I have read quite a few stories on this site and found many of them fictional. But still, interesting. Well, I have my own. But not fictional. It really happened with my dream girl Ishika. I found Ishika from an online sex chat website. I got to know about it through my friend Ajay. He used to chat with some hot girls online when he used to stay with me in the hostel. I used to wonder, how could...
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I’d like to start with a sensual massage, me blindfolded, you in the corner watching... We are in a large private room with a massage table in the center and a chair off to the side on a slightly raised platform, and a large window with a nature view on another wall. As I undress, and before you put the blindfold on me, I peeked at the items on the table nearby and touched a bowl of warm stones, a bottle of massage oil, a hot wet towel, and a light linen cloth covering what could be a selection...
Chapter IIINext afternoon, after seeing that everything was in working order in the Snuggery, I threw open both doors as if carelessly, and taking off my coat as if not expecting any visitors, I proceeded to putter about the room, keeping a vigilant eye on the stairs. Before long, I heard footsteps on the landing but pretended not to know that any one was there till Alice tapped merrily on the door saying, "May we come in, Jack?""Good Heavens! Alice?" I exclaimed in pretended surprise as I...
Gwen awoke the next morning to find Jessica in the kitchen fixing breakfast. A bit timid, Gwen, wearing only a robe followed the inviting ‘come here’ finger of Jessica and fell into her arms. “Morning beautiful,” said Jessica untying Gwen’s sash and letting the robe fall open as she pulled the lovely petite woman to her. “ ... Good Morning...” but the words were no more than uttered before Jessica leaned down and kissed her deeply. “I want you Gwen. I want you to be mine,” she...
Hey guys, I am Mahi (Maheshwari) back with a on ISS. If you guys are new to my stories and want to read my first story, . I am a government school teacher teaching maths to high school students in Hyderabad, India. I am 47 years old now. The first part of my story goes 9 years back, so I was 39 back then. My stats are 36-34-38. Let’s get into the story straight away. After my first threesome encounter on my birthday, my hubby and my neighbour were both tired and slept on me. I was sandwiched...
She stood there….her heart thumping in her chest, as he watched her, his eyes looking straight into hers. He wanted so badly to be strong, to not melt and tell her how much he missed her. And at the same time, he was so angry with her, for giving up on what they had. Amber was completely overwhelmed, and caught off guard, guys at a table across from John yelling out at her for more drinks, bass thumping as the DJ played music in between stage shows, and the man who had her heart, sitting in...
For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story I Warned You, I'm here to let you know that I did not go gently into that good night. For those of you who did not read that story, I'll give you a short synopsis. I work too damn hard and too damn many hours on my job. My home life sucks because I'm too damn tired from the job to give my wife the attention I want to give and get too many honey do lists finished. The stress was getting to me so I decided to treat myself to...
It was two hours later before JJ had the winter cover secured properly. It took twice as long because he was unfamiliar with the structure, especially the adjustors for the doors to fit secure, and the various locking devices to stabilize the frame to keep it from shifting and moving. Everything was in its respective place when he completed the job, the gas container returned to the safe area, as Hilda referred to the storage area for the flammables. JJ walked into the house and Hilda was...
Monday, September 18, 2028... I’m not a heavy drinker, but I do enjoy sipping a single small glass of Bourbon on the Rocks in the evening; sometimes I’ll add some Ginger Ale. Saturday night I had polished off the last of my bottle of Ancient Age, and I had forgotten to replace it when I was out Sunday. I was on my way home from work when I decided to stop at my usual liquor store, and buy another bottle. It was just a normal purchase, but I did notice the projected size of the Power Ball...
I really can’t explain what the attraction to my mother- in- law is, just that it’s there. She is a foul mouthed woman, who married an older man for money. Although I could never tell my wife how I desired her mother, Ginas’ heavier and thicker build held a sexual plumpness that left me wanting her. She isn’t what I’d consider obese but her fifty plus inch fat ass made the rest of her seem a little smaller. That combined with her long black hair made it easy to overlook the few grays and extra...
Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter Rick surprises Nora on Sunday morning in her room. Carol wraps up her time with Jill and Millie on Sunday. The following week Dave calls on Millie for her...
Hello readers! I am not a usual reader of iss but used to read whenever I am so free and also used to enjoy some real stories shared by some authors here. Let me tell about myself am Paul from Kerala. Single with average built. And fair in complexion. The incident happened on my way to Bangalore on a Volvo bus. Usually I used to go to Bangalore by my own vehicle as am running business here in Kerala and I usually have to buy lot of things from whole sale shop at Bangalore and will take it in my...
a reintroduction of the characters: Kelly- my 18 year old daughter. Amy's BFF, 5'4”, 110 pounds with a perky B cup Amy- my daughter's 18 year old BFF 5'7”, 125 pounds, 36B's She has experimented sexually with my daughter. Which kind of got me into this mess. Julia- Kelly and Amy's close friend. Almost a BFF but you can't have 2 BFF's apparently. My daughter 'spared' her virginity in the last chapter. I don't know much about her...yet Mr. Paul Trainer- their geography...
After her internship, Annie was offered a position at the UC Davis Hospital. Moving back to Davis worked out well for me. We found a nice three bedroom, two bath house in a good area in Vacaville, just a twenty minute drive from the hospital. The distance for my work wasn't bad; it was maybe a half-hour drive to Napa. When I needed to drive to western or northern Sonoma County, I'd just stay overnight at my folks place. I usually did this every other week or so. I'd generally stay for two...
I scrawled my signature in the allocated spaces. I felt oddly relieved, knowing that this was the end of a very long, and very bad marriage, but at the same time was frightened about what lay ahead of me. It had taken a child for me to realise that I had been in denial for years about the state of my marriage and after eighteen years realised things weren't going to get any better. I had to get out of the bad relationship not only for myself, but for my infant son, Bobby. Sure Mark, had been a...
LesbianMy name is David, and the main events in this story began when I was thirty-five years old, and my beautiful wife, Kate, was thirty-four. We are still living in a middle-class suburb of Hartford, Connecticut, where our daughter is in the fifth grade. Kate and I met in college, when I was a senior and she was a junior, and we got married when she graduated.I was thirty years old before we could afford to move to the suburbs, and we were lucky to have such good neighbors in our cul-de-sac. We...
Cuckoldyour head hums with a dull roar of pain as you blearily open your eyes... seeing only gray and brown, then closing your eyes against the sudden light... you try to shut out the room you see revealed as the curtain over the window above your bed(it IS a bed isnl't it ?) is pulled back and you wake to the ache of a dull medicated sleep... only to feel your chin gripped in a strong hand and a chiding voice telling you to" open your eyes so the gents could see them... " you feel the weight of...
I was at my friends place and I found him masturbating – he didn’t hear me come in and got a shock when he saw me. Once he realised it was me it was ok as he thought it might have been one of his parents. Once I saw him I was happy to do it with him as we had often masturbated together and had even done it for each other. I dropped my pants and started to stroke myself and it felt great as usual. As I wanked myself I was watching him and I became fascinated with the way he was doing it which...
Hi Guys, Girls & Hot Couples, I am Santosh 32 M from Bangalore Married & working in a software mnc. My Sandhya is 33 years old. The incidents I am going to narrate are true facts which happened from last 15 years. This is not a hardcore sex story.It is more of a slow romantic please excuse me if you don’t like it. Also please don’t forget to give your encouraging feedback to [santubng2 at gmail dot com]. I try to recall the moments happened between me and my Sandhya and recent...
IncestBy Larry Malone I don’t ever remember not being “chubby.” I even think I was born that way. Growing up I took a lot of teasing about it and it got worse in middle school. Of course, I was never into sports but I did have a group of guys who let me hang out with them, mainly because I would help them with their studies. Everything changed one summer after puberty hit all of us about the same time. We were starting to all get boners for no reasons, all the time. We jerked off as much as...
I was mowing my yard when Sherry, my neighbor, came over and asked if I could mow her yard as well. Sherry had been our neighbor for several years and while we knew each other only in passing, I had secretly admired her without every saying a word. Sherry was a single mom having gone through a nasty divorce several years earlier. Sherry had flaming red hair and a bodacious body. She was about thirty and she always wore the skimpiest of attire. Even her running shorts and sports bra seemed...
ReluctanceIt was a normal looking non-descript house in a normal looking neighborhood but the address on the door matched up with the directions he had been given. James pulled into the curb at the side of the road and put the car into park. The radio cut off and he was surrounded by the silence. He felt a small knot of tension in his back and a growing mix of excitement and apprehension. He swallowed and pulled the key out of the ignition. Opening up the door he climbed out of the car and started...
The planes tires squealed as we touched down on the runway. I sighed with relief. It was so good to be getting back home, I couldn't wait to be back in my darlin's arms. It had been a grueling trip and I was exhausted. I collected my carryon bag and made my way out of the plane. As soon as I got into the terminal I made a quick call on my cell phone to be sure she was on her way to pick me up. Her sweet, sexy voice crackled in my ear, "I'm on the expressway. Traffic is terrible so I may be...