BethChapter 129 free porn video

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January 17, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

Dad and the three moms joined us for an early breakfast, partly because Inez was leaving today. We girls, even Celeste and Meka, each hugged Inez tightly before Carol took her to the airport this morning for her trip to visit Florida museums. She’ll be back next Saturday.

At lunch, Meka turned to Lana, saying, “You’re antsy. What’s with you?” When Lana widened her eyes at her, Meka came back with, “Oh. I know. Never mind ... although you’ve got only a bit more than two days to go. You should try to settle yourself, so you don’t vibrate yourself apart before then.”

Lana closed her eyes and breathed deeply trying to settle down.

She leaned over the table and whispered, “I don’t know if I can. I’m so excited.”

“Perhaps Beth should have waited until tomorrow to invite you.”

“Yeah, maybe, but I would have hated to miss out because Brett’s parents had planned something for us for the weekend.”

After gym work, Rhee and I rode with Meka to take everyone home.

As we pulled up to Brett’s house, Lana asked, “May I kiss everyone?”

When no one disagreed with her request, she surprised Meka when she stood from the seat behind her in the Suburban, leaned around, and planted a hot one on her. Meka twisted into it, kissing her back and wrapping her left arm around Lana, and rubbing her back.

About a minute later, Lana leaned away and inhaled deeply, saying, “Oh, my god. That was hot! I want to kiss you a lot more.”

“You really want to do more with me?”

“Why wouldn’t I? You’re hot and, damn, can you kiss!”

She worked around, giving and receiving an intense kiss from each of us, including Brett, who was nearly hyperventilating when she let him go.

“I can feel the ... sexual tension has risen tremendously with you, Girl!”

“Good,” Lana replied to Rhee. “I’ve been wanting this since I was ... oh ... nine, I think. I’ve almost crawled naked into Brett’s bed a bunch of times and as early as three years ago, but I was afraid of scaring him off. Thankfully, he asked me to help him learn how to deal with you gorgeous girls, so I at least got to kiss him a lot. Lately, I introduced him to French. Oh, god, is that ever fun! It does make me want to strip him and impale myself on him!”

“Wow! I told Beth the other day that you needed to get laid, but I underestimated how much you needed that.”

“Yeah, sorry. It’s sort of Brett’s fault, being around me so much, and looking so ... delicious! I promise, though, that we haven’t gone beyond kissing, although we did up the intensity of that.” She turned to Brett and added, “I think we’re gonna have to quit the French thing. That just gets me tooooo ... hot.”

“Damn! I may have to help the girls wear you out this weekend.”

Lana breathed deeply and slowly for a few breaths, then said in a saner manner, “That would be good. I know I’ve been scaring Brett since the gang invited me for the weekend. I’ll try to chill until Friday night. I gotta say, though, that every one of you turns me on. I was primed for liking you guys from what Brett had told me, but I really did not expect your whole gang ... and those other girls, the seniors, to be so ... so very hot. Please don’t be afraid of me. I’ve ... Since I met you, I can’t help but think about what Cera said about ... a big pile of girls in a bed. Thanks for being my friends. I know we don’t know each other all that well, but we will.”

She glanced at Rhee behind her, then at the rest of us, and said, “I’ll be good. I won’t scare Brett and I’ll chill on the wanton-slut thing.”

I took that opportunity to mention that we’d have company for dinner on Friday, and that Civia was spending the night that night, but that we’d have most of the rest of the weekend to wear her out.

“I do wonder, though, if even the eight or nine of us can wear you out.”

“Nine? Nine?!” Lana again breathed deeply and gathered herself, then quietly said, “Wow.”

“Maybe. We don’t know if Celeste will be involved, and Meka hasn’t committed, although she did say something about helping wear you out, so we’ll see. There will certainly be seven of us, at minimum.”

Cera said, “Oh, yeah. We’re looking forward to that. Once Civia’s parents pick her up on Saturday morning, we probably won’t put clothes on until we go home on Sunday afternoon. I am so looking forward to the big pile of girls in a bed.”

“That’s better than anything I could honestly tell myself before I moved here. We’ll let you get going so you can get home. Ready, Brett? I promise I’ll be good and not try to jump you.”

Brett turned to Brit next to him and asked, “May I hug you goodbye?”

She said, “Anytime we’re saying goodbye ... or even hello, and a hug would not cause any sort of problems, you need not ask. I give you permission to hug me in those situations, but please ask in any others.”

“You got it.”

While he hugged Brit, the rest of us told him the same parameters applied to us for hugging, so he hugged each of us, and followed Lana into their house.

As we were pulling away, Cera said, “Holy hell! You were right, Meka. That girl needs to get laid, and then laid like ... eight or nine more times. In succession! I thought I was anxious, but that girl is out of control!”

As we drove toward Cera’s and Brit’s neighborhood, Meka told us about a girl in their class back in their sophomore year that was something like Lana. She had been willing for a lot of guys, wound up pregnant, and eventually dropped out of school.

Rhee said, “Yeah, I’ve heard somewhat similar stories, although never about someone that the storyteller actually knew. We need to watch over Lana because even if those stories are ... a- ... apocryphal, I’d hate to see her prove that at least one of them is true. We also need some time this weekend to explain to Lana her new task.”

“True that,” Meka replied.

Kim’s car was in front of the J house when we got back, and she stepped out of it when we pulled into the very short driveway of the garage, a garage that will be replaced in its entirety as the last stage of the J house remodeling.

Kim joined us as we climbed the small set of stairs up to the deck, thence to the back door, although it’s really the side door.

Meka asked, “What’s up, pretty blonde girl?”

Kim seemed ... unsettled and didn’t answer right away, so I asked, “You okay?”

“I need to talk to you girls, particularly you freshmen, although I need Meka there, too.”

I looked at Meka, who gave me a mini-shrug, so she unlocked the door and we entered, with Meka asking, “What would be more comfortable for you? The dining room or the front room?”

When Kim responded, Meka led us to the living room, the room we’d been calling the front room since the first time hanging here. We’re just so used to the house in which we live facing north on the other street. The other girls came up from the basement and were surprised to see Kim.

Kim said, “I’m glad you’re all here. I must tell Brit and Cera this, too, but you six are the most important.”

When I, again, began to ask if she was okay, she held up a hand to stop me, paused, then began talking.

“I’ve been thinking hard ever since the winter break sleepover. I’ve ... I’ve been confused and sad and I’ve found myself missing something that I used to have and really wish I still did.”

She was looking at the floor, so didn’t see Meka or me grimace at each other. I assumed that Meka thought the same as I did, that Kim was going to try to get back together with James, so my eyes flew open with her next words.

“I wish I could have allowed myself more time with Meka, Katie, Hope, and Rachel before I started spending so much time with boyfriends, particularly my recent ex-boyfriend. We girls were really close when we were 14 going on 15 like you girls are. Then boys happened, and we’re no longer that close, and I miss it. I miss it so much that I’m now hanging out with girls three or more years younger than me because they have something that I almost had, and I get some of the same satisfaction being with them that I used to get with my gang.”

She sniffled as she looked up, found my face, looked into my eyes, and said, “I’ve been feeling like a fifth wheel, being around you girls, but not really being part of what you girls have.” As she looked around at the others, she added, “I’ve spent two weeks trying to figure out how to say this ... say these things, some to you five, some to Meka.

“I was the first to get caught up in boys. It was really fun, but not in the same way that hanging with my best-ever friends was. I doubt that we ever reached the extreme closeness that you five have, and we certainly never shared sex among us. I don’t know that we’d have gone down that path even if some of us hadn’t begun spending so much time with boys, me first, then Hope, with Rachel later agreeing to go on a date with Seamus. She’s never looked back ... until now. Oh, I don’t believe they’re having problems, I just think that Rachel might be feeling a little of what I’m feeling, that she pulled away from an incredible group of friends.”

She turned to Meka and said, “I’m sorry I mostly shut out you and my other good friends. You convinced us to visit the freshman girls at lunch, at least occasionally. I found myself being pulled there more and more often. I began really listening to the talk at the table, not only what was said, but how it was said. It reminded me so much of sitting with my four best friends in the lunchroom at a table not far from the one you freshmen made yours.”

She wiped her eyes, sniffled, turned to pass her attention across the rest of us, then continued with, “That and you girls got me thinking hard about my life, what I wanted. The first truly concrete aspect of my life that I changed after you girls got me thinking was the love life that seemed not as interesting and fun and surprising and thoroughly enjoyable as I found the conversation among what became the LTG. It took me weeks to get up the backbone to break up with James, but I felt such relief when I got home from that ordeal. While I’m still not at all sure what I want to do with most of the rest of my life, one thing about which I’m absolutely positive is that I want to have incredibly close friends again. One other thing about which I’m positive is that I want to see if I can have a male, a boy, as a good friend. Unfortunately, I don’t see many options for those desires, other than glomming onto my new friends and the boy that my new friends have.”

None of us responded verbally to that, but we did glance around at each other, at Meka, and at the crown of Kim’s head as she looked through her knees at her feet.

“I don’t mean that I want your boyfriend, but I would really like to see if he and I can be good friends, but I’d want that only if you girls and I could also be good friends.” She almost lost it as she said, “I miss having really good friends.”

I began to stand from the floor, but she caught the motion and held her hand up at me, then turned to Meka, breathed very deeply and slowly, then spoke.

“You and I had a moment in the spring of our freshman year. It was in your room in your house. We talked about something while lying side-by-side on your bed, both of us looking at the ceiling. I don’t recall the subject, but I do recall that the discussion was ... intense, but we found that we agreed with each other about ... whatever it was. What I remember most vividly from that time, Meka, was the two of us turning to look at each other. I have no recollection of how long that moment lasted, but I’ve always remembered it as both brief and incredibly, and wonderfully long.

“Over the years, every time I remembered that moment, I remembered what I was thinking, that moment in which I was looking directly into you through your eyes, and you were doing the same with me. Meka, did we both pull away from becoming ... intimate with each other?”

I whipped my head the short distance around to look at Meka, who was wearing the oddest expression I’d ever seen on her face. It was a mix of a couple of things I thought I could identify and others I could not. And then her face crumpled a bit.

“Oh, god,” she exclaimed. “Oh-hh-hh, FUCK!” She closed her eyes, breathed deeply, opened her eyes, and replied, “Yes, I think so. I remember that ... now. I think I’ve tried to forget it.”

“Yeah,” Kim responded. “I think you and I were never the same after that. I feared what I was feeling, and I’m sure I pulled back from you somewhat. Of course, I couldn’t do so obviously, as the others would have asked what the problem was, and I certainly couldn’t tell them that I was afraid that I’d want to have sex with you. Oh, Meka. I don’t know where we’d be now had we not run away from each other, but I wonder occasionally if it would have been better than what I wound up having. I certainly threw myself into boys.”

As I looked around, the other girls were staring at the two of them, but I quickly looked back at Kim when she spoke again.

“Meka, I know you’ve thrown in with these girls. I don’t know if sex is involved, and I don’t need to know, don’t have a right to know. However, I’d really like to see if we can get back to the friendship, the incredibly close friendship we used to have. I’d like to be good friends with these girls, too, but I don’t know that I could do that if I couldn’t get back at least some of the friendship you and I used to have. We were always the closest of the five of us, and ... I... [her voice got more and more liquid as she finished] really ... miss that.”

She dropped her head to her knees and cried quietly for a little bit. Meka put her left hand on her back and rubbed it lightly around. Gracey was also sitting on that couch, so added her right hand to Meka’s left. She calmed, picked her head off her knees, and turned her tear-streaked face to Meka.

“Can we...” She inhaled and exhaled, then restarted, “Can we be real friends again? I would understand if you felt we can’t possibly get back to anything like what we used to have, but if we could get some of that back...” She sniffled and wiped her eyes, then restated, “If we could get some of that back, I’d really, really like it.”

I think she was trying to look at Meka with as blank an expression as she could manage, but even I, with my side view, could see the longing. When Meka opened her mouth, I saw it out of the corner of my eye, so quickly refocused on her. She had a tear running down her right cheek.

“I’d like that. I’ve had several talks with Beth recently about me, what I like, whom I like. I hadn’t remembered that moment until you took me back there just now. I’ve told Beth that I realized that I was interested in you ... sexually, I mean. Now, having had you remind me of that moment, I understand more fully what I’ve been trying to say to her. I was interested in you then and I’m ... either still interested in you or I’m interested in you anew.”

Meka looked at me and the others and mouthed, “May I?” I understood immediately and nodded, but I had the advantage of having these talks with her about the girls in which she was interested. The others quickly figured out what she was asking and also nodded.

“Kim, today is the second full day that I’ve been fully a part of this gang. I’d been putting off committing to them until I figured out some things in my life, but make no mistake, I’ve been wanting all of them for a while.” Kim lifted her head quickly and looked back at Meka with a sad expression, but Meka added, “But, I’ve also told Beth that I’m interested in you. I, too, would like to get back at least some of the relationship you and I used to have, although it can’t help but be different this time around since we’ve both admitted to ourselves and to each other that we had a mutual sexual interest. I’m not mad at you for turning away. How could I be, when I also turned away? It was scary for me, too. In fact, Beth and I have had several conversations that touched on you, that I ... wanted you.

Kim lunged into Meka’s arms, put her head on Meka’s left shoulder, and virtually curled into her. Meka put her arms around Kim. Gracey scootched over a bit and began rubbing Kim’s back. However, that lasted less than a minute, as Kim pulled back and sat up, glanced at Gracey, then looked at me.

“I suspected that Meka was going to be part of your gang, so I had to talk to her first. I’ve done that and gotten a ... more-positive response than I had any real expectation of getting. So, now, I come to you ... Beth and Rhee and Gracey and Liya and Heather. I had been pondering this action for some time, but your voting me into the gang made me realize that I had to come clean with Meka before I could tell you girls, ‘Thank you.’ Thanks for being friendly to me, inviting me, and encouraging me. Thanks for being who you girls are, the girls that, without meaning to do so, got me thinking carefully and deeply about my life, and what I wanted out of it. While I’m still not sure of what I want out of it, I do know that I want you girls in it. I want me in your lives. I want the chance to again feel what I used to feel about my four best friends. I don’t know that I can get that with you, but you’re the only possibility for that I can see.”

Again, she sniffled and wiped her eyes, “I don’t know how things will work, but if you’ll really have me in your gang, fully in your gang, I vow to give back as much as possible. I really like all of you. Well, I haven’t really had much time to get to know Lana, but I certainly really like the five of you, as well as Brit, Cera, and Brett. Oh, and Civia. I still can’t believe she’s only 12.” She shook her head, then said, “I’m all in. I don’t necessarily need the sex, but I might well be interested. However, what I want most is the friendship, the camaraderie, the ... closeness.”

Ah, Ms. Diary, you might well guess what happened next. We swamped her. I hit her first, knocking her onto her back and between the back of the couch, and Meka, who began petting her hair. I wormed my way partly between her and the back of the couch, primarily to allow the others space. The other four piled on as they could. Our hands roamed her extensively, patting, rubbing, although nothing particularly sexual.

[Added January 17]

After a while, various growling stomachs got us thinking of dinner.

Liya asked Kim, “Do you want to stay ... for dinner and/or the night?”

Kim nodded, saying, “I am hungry, suddenly. I don’t know about the night, although I’d like to. I don’t have anything with me.”

Heather replied, “That’s not a problem. We’ve got spare toothbrushes. You’re also just about the same shape as Beth, and I know she’d be willing to lend you some clothes for tomorrow. Also, I don’t want to overload you right off the bat, but if you’re gonna be here often, you should stash some clothes here.”

Rhee interrupted somewhat, saying, “Kim, don’t be scared. We’re excited that you truly want in with us. We didn’t know how you’d take being officially invited into the gang, but we were sincere about the offer. Don’t let us scare you away by being gung-ho, because we have come to really like you, else we’d never have proposed you for membership. We think you’re very pretty and quite sexy but lay down the law with us if you ever feel pressured. Kim, you’re a full member of the Gang of Twelve ... and the Gang of Ten if you want in on the sex. You’re welcome here anytime. Things here will be a little goofy until the remodel is complete, but once it is, we’ll have tons of space. Bring as much of your life here as you feel comfortable bringing ... or at least as much as your parents allow you to bring here. I’m serious. There will always be bed space for you here, enough so that you wouldn’t have to share if you didn’t want to do so.”

“No! I want to share. When we were your age, we had lots of slumber parties ... sleepovers. Yes, I’ve gotten a bit out of practice at sharing a bed with friends, but... [her face took on a more serious expression and her voice went that direction, too] that night I slept in the ... Monstrosity with Beth and Heather and Liya and Brett was what sold me on you. I was making changes in my life, but I hadn’t decided whether I would ... or even should ... commit to you. Then you invited me, and the others, yes, but you invited me again for the winter-break sleepover and even gave me another night with you when I virtually begged for it. I’m all in. I may forget at times, but please believe me that I’m all in, although I’d like to take it slowly, at first, with the sex.”

I said, “You never have to do sex with any of us. Civia doesn’t. Brett doesn’t, although we sure wish we could with him. You never have to sleep alone if you don’t want, and you never have to do sex if you don’t want. We’re all horny bitches, so I doubt any of us would ever turn you down, ‘cause god are you pretty and sexy!”

Meka held up a hand as Kim began to respond, then looked at me and said, “Can we get Celeste to deliver some pizzas?”

“Oh, yeah. I forgot about dinner again.” I looked at Kim and said, “See what you do to me!”

She rolled her eyes at me. I was going to say something about dinner when Heather said, “I’ll call for pizzas.”

I thanked her and then looked seriously at Meka. I swear I could almost feel her understanding my thought. Of course, she’s at least as smart as I am, so she probably came to the same conclusion before I did.

Meka said, “You have a need to know a couple of things, a couple of ... secrets ... if you’re going to be here a lot. I believe you can deal with them, but please consider the ramifications on a lot of people we love if you let this knowledge out.”

Kim’s expression sobered immediately as she firmed her lips, looked up at Meka, and responded, “I’ve only just gotten a bit of something back that I really want back. Your secrets are safe with me.”

Meka screwed up her courage and said, “I’ve been having a sexual affair for two years with ... my dad.”

Kim’s eyes flew wide, her eyebrows threatened to jump off her forehead, and it was obvious when she remembered something else.

“Oh, my god. You’re not just losing your dad, you’re losing...”

“Yes. My lover.”

As she stood and then crashed her body into Meka’s, she whined, “Meee-ka.”

She held Meka tightly for a while as I heard Heather finish up her conversation with Celeste at the pizza place. Something else obviously struck Kim, as she abruptly leaned her head back and looked up at Meka.

“I hope you’ll take this okay, but I feel the need to come clean.” She stared until Meka nodded, then said, “I’ve always thought Jim was hot. You’re so lucky to have him.” When Meka raised her right eyebrow at her, she added, “Yes, I’ve fantasized about him.”

Kim looked surprised when Meka tilted her head back and began laughing loudly. She laughed for only a few seconds, then looked back at Kim.

“Then you might not think it too weird that in one of my serious talks with Beth about Dad, and sex, and girls, that I told her something that involves you. During that conversation, which was sort of about blondes, but really about my life with Dad, I told her that I might have handled Dad’s situation better if I’d just gone for it with you way back when. If you’d been my lover, we might both have become Dad’s lovers, and with your help, I might have dealt with the whole thing more sanely.”

Kim whirled her head to look at me, a question on her face.

“Yes, we truly did have that conversation. The last bit of it was that if you and she were still together along with Jim, she might not have become interested in me ... and Heather and the rest of the gang.”

Kim stared at me for ten seconds or more, then turned back to Meka and looked into her eyes.

“You really meant that? You really were interested in me?”

“Yes. I had ... not really forgotten that I’d wanted a sexual relationship with you. It’s more like I didn’t allow myself to remember that, think about it.”

“Oh, Meka.”

Kim went up on her toes and planted a soft kiss on Meka’s lips, then rocked back down onto her soles.

“If I’d been in a sexual relationship with you, I’d have been more than happy to have added Jim to it. He certainly would have been better for me than James was and my ... first try at ... intercourse would certainly have been much, much better.” Suddenly, her eyes and eyebrows flared, and she said, “Oh, my god! I wonder if some of my attraction to James was his name! I’ve never thought about that before, but I do recall a slight feeling of comfort when we first started dating. Fu-ucckkk!”

Kim and Meka held each other for a little longer, but Meka said, “Then, there’s the other thing.”

Kim looked up at her and asked, “What other thing?”

Meka moved Kim around to face me, so I said, “That other thing involves me ... and the rest of the freshmen girls here.”

“Oh, I suppose you’ve got a thing going with that hunk of a ... Oh, my god. You’re kidding me.” When I shook my head at her, she asked, “All five of you?”

I nodded.

She fell out of Meka’s arms and put her tush on the couch and stared at me, then said a long, drawn-out, “Fu-ucccccckkkk.” She shook her head rapidly, looked at me, then up at Meka, and said, “This is fucking crazy. The two hottest dads I know and they’re both doing the nasty with ... their various daughters.” She shook her whole body, looked at me, then asked, “I cannot think that his wives don’t know. They do. Right?”

“They were who got it going, although we all had the hots for him before we had any inkling our mothers wanted him with us.”


Rhee replied, “Oh, yeah. Big time.”

“Did you tell Brit and Cera?”

“No,” I answered. “Brit told us.”

“She figured it out?”

“Apparently. From her reaction, Cera didn’t. Char did, though.”

Kim shook her head rapidly, then said, “I’ve heard tales of dads having things with their daughters, but, you know, it’s just stories that are told ... or read online. But both hottest dads I know are having sex with their daughters, who are all friends of mine. That’s just crazy!” She looked more seriously at me and added, “I’ll keep your secret.” She shook her head rapidly again, then added, “If you girls had known about how often I’ve fantasized about both your dads. Of course, I’ve known Jim a lot longer, so he’s starred in more fantasies, but Charlie may well be the most gorgeous man I’ve ever met, and he just seems so ... so freaking nice.”

Liya responded, “That’s one of the reasons we love him. He’s spectacular in bed, but we love him because he’s a wonderful person that cares for us, loves us. Granted, he loves us as both daughters and lovers, but we like that.”

Kim’s eyebrows crawled rapidly up her forehead again as she said, “That’s the problem you’ve been trying to figure out.” When I nodded, she nodded back and responded, “Yeah, I can see that as a problem. If you girls just wanted to get some nookie from a hottie at school, you could just keep ol’ Dad tucked in your back pockets. But that’s not what you want. Is it? You want ... the whole thing with Brett. Love, sex, life. Yes?” When I nodded again, she said, “I sympathize with you. I don’t know that I could choose between the two, particularly when you’re sharing with others, anyway.” Something must have crossed my face that enabled her to figure something else out, as her eyes went wide, again, and she said, “Oh, my god. You want them both!”

I closed my eyes and before I had opened them, I began saying, “I hope that’s not a problem for you, particularly now that you’ve agreed to be in the gang.”

“No. And I will keep these secrets.” She breathed deeply, exhaling through her nose, looked around at the Go5 as we waited, then said, “I doubt I can be of any help to you with that problem, but if I can be, I’ll willingly help. Also, I promise that I don’t think you’re horrible, either for having sex with your dad or for wanting both Brett and your dad. I do feel a little ... umm ... jealous, though. May I ... umm ... ask one question?”

I nodded without looking around, after which she asked, “Is Charlie ... umm ... as spectacular as Liya said?”

Heather groaned, then answered, “Oh, godyes! [Run-on intended] Granted, none of us has ever been with any other guy, but he’s got incredible stamina and he makes all of us, all nine of us, cum a lot. In fact, on more than one occasion, he’s made seven of us cum almost in succession.”

“Wait a minute! All nine of you? All seven of you?”

Gracey answered, “Our four moms are also his lovers, although Sandy and Carol are married to him. The rest of us are just girlfriends.”

For a second, I thought we might have broken Kim, as she stared, mouth open, at Gracey for a long time.

“Holy fuck! And you all have like ... big sex parties?”

Same as Beth
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Ten minutes later, I went out with the orchestra. They tuned up. Coming out next, were Charles and Peter. “What’s wrong, Charles?” “It’s embarrassing.” “Come on, you can tell us?” “All of my closest friends have or are getting married,” Charles responded. That got a reasonably nice applause. “Is that the only reason you are so upset, Buddy?” Peter said. “You have got a Hot wife, so does Michael, as well as Stuart.” “You have got a pretty girl in Shirley. Wait a few years, then you...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 129

Just inside the entrance to the ski lodge, Jeff and Kayla stood talking to Lieutenant Mayfield (the security Lieutenant) and a training Sergeant from the base. To a casual observer, the check-in office of the once ski lodge would not appear to have changed very much. Someone who knew what they were looking for, however, would notice that the profusion of floor to ceiling glass of the office had been replaced with armor glass, and there were now extra monitors behind the counter. The command...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 129

Laura didn't know whether she was happy or not that things had, temporarily at least, been patched up with Sholandra. They had had spectacular sex, which left them both exhausted and fulfilled, though sore. But Sholandra was not likely to make any fewer demands going into the future. And Laura was left with scratch wounds that made it impossible for her to see Trina for a week at least. She had no idea what excuses she would make. Trina would be very suspicious, since she worried about...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 129

Say thanks to dorsetmike‎ for this group! There was a young man in Australia who painted his arse like a dahlia 10 cents a smell was all very well but a dollar a lick was a failure There was a young girl from the Cape who had an affair with an ape the result was most horrid all bum and no forehead and one hairless ball like a grape There once was a bishop from Birmingham who seduced young girls while confirming ‘em as they knelt on a hassock he lifted his cassock and shived the...

3 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 129

I went to bed and listened to Mel and Wilson again. How the hell can those two do it three nights in a row. Especially Wilson, surely his heart is being damaged, I thought. Then I laughed. Probably good cardio. Mel never ran and look at her flitting all over the pier tonight. Maybe I really should try it, but not tonight. I was in the canary when I got The Brit's call. "So where are you?" he asked. "About five miles from the old light house," I said. "Surely there is more than one...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 129

I had to depart for my afternoon workout session with Kim as soon as the call ended. We were almost to the end when Liz appeared in the room. “Come back to the office when you’re finished here, please,” she said. I grunted my assent since I was in the middle of forcing my arm outward with a stick and it wasn’t the most pleasant feeling I’d ever experienced. Liz stood and watched for a moment before smiling sadly and heading back to work. “Is she mad?” Kim asked from the...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 129

The family was waiting at Morton along with two little boys and I was glad to see all of them. I hugged every one of my mates and kissed them. I knelt down so I could hug them. I picked them both up for a double hug. “Can you take us backed to the fort for more treasure hunting?” RJ asked. “Yes tomorrow afternoon after I go goose hunting with friends and I will take you on Sunday too if you want, unless we find something more fun to do,” I said. We went home even though there were...

4 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 129

“Now I close my eyes and the notes are black ribbons spooling from my fingertips, reminding me of Wildgirl’s hair.” —Leanne Hall, Queen of the Night 29 NOVEMBER 2020 Em was home for a total of seven days and I had to spend three of them in school. And the equivalent of another rehearsing. It makes me mad that all of a sudden, our lives can be ripped up again and we ‘children’ have no choice but blind obedience to the ones with authority. When I was an old man, I’d have told them...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 129

Present – Jens (Dasha), Ben (Valentin), Ira and Mira – On the mission The pilot comes on the intercom and announces, “Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we will be landing at Almaty International Airport in a few minutes.” I am soooo thankful this long trip is finally over. I was lucky and slept some while Valentin appears to have slept great. We exit the airplane and head to the luggage claim. I know what’s coming once we get our luggage and I’m dreading it. Even though...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 129

It took a few minutes for Adam to explain what he had learned about bondage videos during his most recent shoot. Celina didn't really see how the two situations were similar but she let it go. "In some states, you have to be 21 to see pornographic movies," she explained. "In most states 18 is old enough. In some states you can get a learner's permit at 14 or 15. Most states start at 16. I'm sure it's the same thing. Some states have decency laws that extend to those situations. Most...

3 years ago
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Meri Bhen Ki Chadi Jawani Padi Bahari 8211 Part III

Dost mein Karan mittal phr hazir hu apke samne apni kahani meri bhen ki chadi jawani padi bahari-2 ka ses bhag leke.Jo na jante ho to phele phela bhag jarur padhe. Mera naam Karan age 20 years lund 8.5 inch lamba 3 inch mota aur mere kuch dost meri hi umar ke Suraj 8 inch lamba 3 inch mota Rajiv 9 inch lamba 3.5 inch mota. Nishant 9 inch lamba 3inch mota aur Subhash 8 inch lamba 3inch mota aur meri bhen Radha age 18 years 34 28 36 Jesa ki mein bata chuka hu kese mere friend ne mujhe meri bhen...

3 years ago
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We meet a stunnig women on vacation

Cindi, my wife, and I were both ready for a week in the sun. We checked into a secluded resort on the Yucatan Peninsula that promised luxury and serenity. Cindi is 5’6”, 110 lbs., mid length blond hair and firm smallish titties. I’m 6’2”, 195 and dark hair. We’re both athletic and Cindi sports a beautiful muscular butt.We finished lunch on the veranda and gathered our things for the pool. This resort features a pool for the general public and one listed as an adult pool. I followed Cindi as she...

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The Swing Series

On Saturday night my wife, Sue, invited her sister, Pat, and Pat’s new boyfriend over for drinks and to watch a couple of rented movies. We had never met Joe, but Pat had a lot of good to say about him so he had to be okay. Sue and I are 38 and try to keep ourselves in good shape, although the years do take their toll in places. I am six-foot-two, and about 210 pounds. Sue is five- foot-seven, 128 pounds, and has long blonde hair that flows to her waist. Sue’s measurements are...

1 year ago
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Are you the kind of waifu-addicted weeb that turns his nose up at the sight of a real slut getting railed? I can’t say I get it, but I’ve heard you incels argue about it enough to get a general idea. You want hot animated babes that can do anything and everything. Real girls are flawed and limited by dumb shit like, you know, the human anatomy. Your waifus can do so much more kinky shit since you don’t have to worry about getting sued for trying to shove an 8-foot long gyrating horse cock up...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Chinese student hypnotizes her college lecturer. Her voice seems to link directly to my mind. Her words sound ridiculous, impossible, outrageous. I reply, ‘Yes, Cayla.’ I hear her fingers click. I feel like I’ve just woken up. I’m in the classroom. The hard floor tells me that I am kneeling. Looking down in horror, I see my manhood standing erect. I am naked! Standing before me, Cayla laughs cruelly. Her dark eyes fix me with a sadistically knowing stare. She knows something I don’t. ‘I...

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Busty Jessicas Gang Shag Ch 02

They lay like that for a few minutes, while Sam and Melissa waited patiently for their turns with Busty Jessica again. Frank was the first to move, sliding over to the edge of the heart-shaped bed and sitting there. George backed away a few seconds later, gently pulling his softening cock from Busty Jessica’s ass, but continuing to kneel between Steve’s legs. With him gone, she pulled her pussy away from Steve’s cock, got to her knees, smiled at him, and turned to smile at George, who had...

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Daffy Finally finally some BBC

I was under orders from my Master G to become a BBC slut that very same day. I was heading to the gym for my yoga class, some laps in the pool and a nice sweat in the steam room. My part of the world isn't exactly full of black men, and the two I'd sucked off in my life had pretty small cocks. But my gym usually had a few ebony gods making their bodies even more perfect. It turned out that the only black guys were in the steam room, and I stumbled on them mostly by chance. One was skinny...

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During the first couple days on her makeshift raft, she had been able to stay alert and awake. Now, it was nearly impossible to keep her eyes open. She drifted in and out of sleep, finding that each time she opened her eyes, the sun had crept higher into the sky. Her mind drifted and she dreamt of hearing voices. She laughed softly as she dreamt of being rescued and placed in a big feather bed. Men came to her and waited upon her, pampered her. She could almost taste the fresh water on her...

4 years ago
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Samantha Just the TipChapter 2 Three Months Later

Samantha and Aaron walk into Samantha's parent's house and find her mother glued to the computer monitor again. "Um, we've got news." Aaron began uncertainly. Samantha finished, "I got that baby of Aaron's that I've been craving ever since my little experiment." "That's nice." Both Samantha and Aaron looked at each other uncertain if her mother was actually paying attention. "The bad news is that my grades are down over a full point. I, um, was too busy doing other things to...

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Passionate Love Making To Professional Love Maker

Hi this is Max Cooper an Anglo-Indian presently staying in Bangalore. You can reach me at . I am 28 years old now with a good height and slim fit. I have a very good dick size which is a bit bent down, enough to satisfy any women who come around. I don’t look good enough but the best advantage is I work like a drilling machine and stay long on bed. While coming to the story, I would like to advise everyone it is all about pure love making without brutality. This all started with a lady named...

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Cherrys New Explorations

It all started with a flip answer about how I did not know how much punishment my big tits could handle. I thought the exchange of information would be like all my other virtual relationships. My other relationships had been some fun and a cum on occasion. This one was not like any other I had experienced before. Each day in the next four would be an exploration of my limits and giving over myself over to him. Day one: My work alarm had not even gone off yet. I was awoken with a chirp of a...

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Stephanie part 12

"Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?" Becca, Adeola, Kayla and I sing into our microphones, trying our hardest not to grin as we're almost drowned out by several thousand screaming fans. "Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth... They say in heaven, love comes first, we'll make heaven a place on Earth, ooh, heaven is a place on Earth!" For the next three minutes, I let the wave of euphoria generated by the screaming fans wash over me as we finish our concert- and our entire tour- with...

4 years ago
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awesome threesome

Hii everyone i am shiv..this is my first story pls pardon if any mistake..and reply me at [email protected] any reply will be appreciated. Let me describe you about myself i am 5"5 height 60 kg 21 year old boy..i am athletic in look and i have a monster cock of 7 lets start the story it was a normal day for me i was coming back from my tution in metro(kolkata ) a hot aunty was beside me in red saree and her perfume was making me horny.i was staring at her continuesly through out...

3 years ago
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Typical Hollywood types

I’d never visited such a big city like Los Angeles before. It was huge and full of life. People were everywhere and traffic was horrendous. It was like I was surrounded by these concrete buildings that were continually growing high up into the sky. Their shadows rained down on me wherever I turned. People were everywhere but almost seemed to look right through me as we passed. At least almost every one did except for the occasional sleazy jerk that would never fail to practically accost me....

Straight Sex
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We are classy gals that now love black men

I own a firm with a dozen employees. One of my employees , Wendy always comes to work once a month exhausted after she takes a three day weekend. She has marks on her arms and legs that she tries to hide with makeup. She always is in a good mood after her long weekend and I don’t think twice about it. Wendy is a looker for 40 . Tall, short blonde hair, a little heavy , but a “solid” heavy…don’t see any cellulite on her. She measures about 36c-26-36 and 150 lbs.Two other girls in the...

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A Nocturnal Discovery

to be true it wasn't the first time Michcs teenage hormones had gotten the better of his prudence when it came to spying on his cousins, but this time it was different. For starters, she wasn't alone like previous times. She had a man with him who, with his back turned towards him, seemed to be about his age, and was evidently on quite intimate terms with her. She even seemed to be seducing him with her stare and the gentle curves she drew on his broad back with her long nails. Yes, he was...

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A Train Ride to Love Ch 02

The weather was cooling… It was the beginning of September and the weather was definitely cooling. It was four weeks ago that Sarah had met Sam, met Sam and her life had somehow seemed empty ever since. By the time she had emerged from the train there had been no sign of him, he had disappeared into the crowd and that had been that. Every Friday since then Sarah had arrived at waterloo station at ten to three and her heart would do a little skip as she scanned the crowd looking for the tall,...

2 years ago
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holloween 2013

Betty Thorn 29yrs mother of two boys one eight and one six both loving the fact that Betty was taking they trick-or-treating this year dressed as a sexy vampire. They went from door to door and the women thought what a slut she looks like the men loved her get up. After about fifteen houses the six year one was tired so they headed back home. Passing our house Kat opens the door calling then over Betty tried to call them back but the two were already at our door getting loads of candy from...

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From an Outie to an InnieChapter 2

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. The first thing I did, upon waking up, was to reach down to my morning wood. That’s when I remembered last night. There was no morning wood and never again would be. Learning that your best friend has disappeared, forever, is traumatic. How I kept from screaming in terror is beyond my understanding. I sure wanted to, but nothing came out. It took me about five minutes to calm down. I may not have had morning wood, but I still had a bladder, and it...

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My wife goes off roading

My wife and I have a off road vehicle, its used for rock crawling. One weekend we took it to Tennessee to ride a popular off road park. It was extremely hot that day so wife decided to wear a very short pair of cutoff jeans shorts. The pockets hung down from the very short legs. The white cotton fabric stood out next to her tanned thigh. On top she wore a small bikini top. It covered her thirty four b cup tits just enough to be classy yet sexy. Every chance I got I would watch her tits bounch...

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Becoming friends with benefits

This story involves one of the first friends I met, named Layla. We both met at a college orientation in a January and became good friends, despite many differences, as I am… This story involves one of the first friends I met, named Layla. We both met at a college orientation in a January and became good friends, despite many differences, as I am a staunch conservative type who voted for Bush (this was in January of 2005 when we met) and her a bleeding heart hippie liberal. We were...

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Khade land pe dhoka phir

Dosto main hothbs ek baar phir aapko entertain karne ke liye ek anokhi story pes kar raha hoon ye aaj se teen saal pehle ki baat hai. Mere pados mein ek ladki rahti thi bano uske sharir mein boobs hi to dikhta tha to jo itni patli ho aur 5kilo ka boobs latka ho to jahir si baat hai aise ladkiyon ki boobs pe to budho ka bhi dhyan uspe laa deta hai to aise hi ek din wo mere ghar ke paas se gujar rahi thi to mera sara dhyan uske boobs pe hi laga tha aur to mujhe kuch mujhe kuch dikh nahi raha tha...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 18 Meddling in Primitive Societies

Jason enjoyed his time at university. He had the opportunity to spend more time with his group, but the impending duels were always at the back of his mind. He trained ferociously and planned for potential assassins. His security detachment was increased with Rover ensuring that there were dogs with him daily, largely hidden. Jason was surprised that he could always see dogs or boars while others could not. Aylot had returned and spent a lot of time with Jason. Jason enjoyed his company very...

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A Dark Desire

The number of cars clustered in the parking lot is a little surprising. Sure I knew there would be a few volunteers who'd answer the request for assistance at the library, but I didn't expect quite this many. It's an impressive turnout for a weekday morning, and before 8:00 a.m. to boot.With my husband Roger being away for the first week of a two week business trip, the novelty of solo shopping and doing whatever I please has worn a bit thin. I'm feeling just a little proud that I'm actually...

4 years ago
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Vampires Slave 3 YEARS LATER

How it all began"Sylvia and Danny were neighbors. Danny lived next door to Sylvia with his parents and went to the local college. For the past six months Danny had known that his strange, beautiful neighbor was in fact a vampire.The two of them had come to a rather unconventional arrangement. In return for Danny providing a regular, if somewhat unsatisfying, supply of fresh blood, Sylvia gave Danny regular, and completely satisfying, supply of oral sex."Danny's heart beat faster and he sucked...

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Dinner for Two

I stretched my arms up high over my head as I turned, posing in front of the full length mirror. My new yellow waspie and thong looked so good against my golden tan. My dark, brownish-pink nipples and newly waxed pussy were both clearly visible through my underwear. I sighed in satisfaction, poor Chris wouldn’t stand a chance when he got a look at this little vision of pure sexuality. I heard my mobile do a short ring, it was the taxi driver texting me to say he was outside. I quickly wriggled...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 47

Tom no longer attended the college, preferring to spend his time dealing with the information exchange the he had set up. It took some time to realize that by the time that the students graduated they wouldn't have as much knowledge as he did, before he arrived. With little practical experience, and armed with only what they learned from the medical books he saw them as a sorry excuse for being a doctor that people trusted. He decided that he could call himself a doctor just as easily as...

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I flick it and suck

While i’m no spring chicken i was 10 years younger than lupe when we met. I was 42 years old and she was 52 years old. I was doing some side work for a friend of mine when he called and asked me if i was free wednesday afternoon to do a repair for him. I told him sure and got the address. I went to the “other side of town” and met lupe. He a.c. had stopped working and she was hot literally. It was the middle of august in sunny calif. I asked where her unit was and she smiled then said, oh the...

2 years ago
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All in a Days Work

All in a Day’s Work Jessica stepped out of the shower and slowly dried herself. Back in the bedroom she inspected herself in the full-length mirror. God, she looked good. Her long black hair was tied in a tight bun at the back of her head exposing the full length of her slender neck. Her breasts were firm and full and her waist went in sharply from her chest before spreading out towards her hips. A true hour-glass figure. Her stomach was flat and toned and showed how well she looked after her...

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E3 Educating Natalie DP BBC Cuc

E3 – Educating Natalie – DP, BBC, & CuckoldBy billy69boyChapter ThreeAfter Uncle Roger finished his shower, he was greeted by his angry girlfriend. How dare he? Such a young girl! How could he? My uncle had no answers. I heard Sandy tell him he could make it up to her by doing what she said. He nodded eagerly. She told him he would take her out Friday night to Black Mack’s tavern, around the corner from their apartment. He would invite two men of her choosing back to their place. He would...

3 years ago
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I am not a student of psychology and have no affectations of being knowledgeable on this subject. Everything I am about to tell you based on my subjectivity. Hopefully, therefore, I do not piss off readers who are well versed in this topic.To me, one of the most guarded subjects in the world is male homosexuality activity. With the biblical abhorrence to this phenomenon that we were all raised on, I suppose this comes expectedly, and any statistical evidence, therefore, can never be accurately...

Gay Male
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Two plus one is four

So that's what I meant when I said all my dreams came true. I got to be with Cait's dad and I got to be with Lucy, and Cait still loved me, and Cait and I realized we were going to be together forever and we both wanted Lucy to be a part of that and we both moved on from that thing with her dad and it wasn't like I fell out of love with him but more like it just wasn't that important anymore or maybe I just learned what love really is and so now he was just Cait's dad and maybe that helped when...

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Virgin to Slut in 2 point ZeroChapter 4 The Plan in the Making

When Sharon got pregnant at the end of the school year Jason and his sick friends lost their little moneymaker. They needed another cash cow. Cindy's little enterprise had made him and his friend's lots of money and the most sought after boy at school to be friends with but never his girlfriend. This little game of theirs was something they were going to keep doing right into college. His looks helped a lot along with Cindy's dirty mind mixed in. All rolled in to real hard cash and as a...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 7

I went to Suki as fast as I could and grabbed her by her arms and almost shouted, but before I did I quietly said, “Tell me what is going on. Did you talk to Chris?” Suki nodded, looked around and whispered, “We’re getting too much attention. Let’s continue this conversation at home.” I nervously laughed and accidentally said, “I thought you enjoyed the attention. Especially from the guys. Didn’t you have like 20 or 50 boyfriends last year alone?” She looked hurt then laughed as she said,...

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Part 6 Puppy love

I was about 9 when I had my first boyfriend. His name was Tyler. A white boy from my class, that would always try to get behind me in physical education. I talked to him a little bit, but didn't have an interest in him. One morning, Tyler and his mom came into class with flowers, chocolates, and a teddy bear. I didn't realice it was Valentine's day, and didn't really care about it. I had seen some of the girls waking around with flowers and cards and those kind of things on previous...

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The Cheerleaders Panties Pt 03

Days later, I was lying on my bed with a towel around me after a shower. The fresh air got to my loins, and soon my cock was rampant. I leaned down and reached down under the bed for my stash of porn magazines. Under the bed, surely no one could possibly look there in an illicit search for sexual contraband. They had belonged to my older brother who had left them to me years ago as his wife to be, didn't want them in her new house. They were all left to me, in pristine condition and in...

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The Girl in a Country Song Ch4 The Abduction

Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days… Jessie was overcome with joy realizing she had finally made it to the end of her work week. She had imagined and worked hard for this weekend, for so long. A couple of romantic days and nights with her man, and lover Lukah. As a hard working woman and mother, she deserved some down time. It was her ex's...

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Slave Henrys Restaurant Shaving Show

My nude restaurant opened with me as the maitre d' and slave Henry as the waiter. The guests keep their clothes on but the restaurant staff: slave Henry, myself and the kitchen staff of one Asian man and white women, are all nude and can be touched and groped by the guests. All the guests like slave Henry because he is so pleasant and has such a great, lean body. Each month, on Saturday afternoon, there is a special shaving party for slave Henry. The guests come around 2PM and...

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100 temperature

i slowly walked over to the lattice and closed the window i climbed into my soft bed drifting away to sleep the next morning i woke up with two girls, asking myself if i was dreaming and to my surprise my zipper was down and my cock was out. i got out of bed immediately asking what the fuck was going on the girl's laughed and giggled and broke of a whisper we want you i thought about trying to escape from the mysterious two but then thought to myself i was going to get laid now or...

3 years ago
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Big Bouncy Babe

Freda was fidgeting in the shabby living room as she talked with Tom about renting a room from him. She had already pleaded poverty but he couldn’t reduce his modest rent any further, he said. She changed the tone of the conversation a bit, “Do you have a girlfriend?” When he said he didn’t she asked if he liked girls. When he affirmed that, she asked, “Do you think I’m attractive?” Tom reacted to that by telling her he wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. When she inquired further he said he...

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In Search of the Final Freedom Ch 02

In Search of the Final Freedom: An Erotic Socio-Political Novel Chapter TWO Cooper had been shooting nude photos of Bonnie since before their daughter Misty was born, but only recently had he began caring several of them in his wallet for his own pleasure and to ‘accidentally’ flash them when opening his wallet. One day in early June he was out to lunch with Adam, an accountant in his company, he opened his wallet to get his American Express card and a photo of Bonnie sunning nude by their...

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I love halloween

Its the perect night to go out dress up sexy and meet nice married daddyi went home after school and took some time shaving in the shower , getting my body all smooth with the girly shower gelmaking sure iam pretty before getting out of the shower sliding on my favority pink crotchless panty and bra before getting my little kitty costume outmy kitten ear and furry costume on me , putting make up my littlle candy bag full of condoms , walking out watching daddies look at my pretty pink kitten...

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The Chuffing the Royal Jelly

The Chuffing and the Royal JellyBy Denuded Man-berriesStanding side by side, Queen Agress Maulalot and Sister No-Man survey the underground dungeon. The drones, nude but for leather gimp masks, loincloths, and Birkenstocks, have just finished tying Jimmy, the heavy-set hit man, naked to a large board by his wrists and ankles.“Wow, look at that gut and those fat balls!” Sister No-Man admires Jimmy’s parts, reaching out and hefting his belly up to see more of his genitals. “We’re going to kill...

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Teaching Taryn

Eighteen year old Taryn yawned and flopped back on the couch. Finally the little brats were asleep! She idly flipped through the TV channels, finding nothing at all that interested her, and stood to begin walking around the house. The man she babysat for was a police officer, and his wife had left him over a year ago, leaving him with two young children. His name was Brandon, about thirty two years old, and one of the hottest men Taryn had met. Tall, lean body, jet-black hair and dark green...

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