ConvergenceChapter 24: Crossroads free porn video

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JJ and Caleb had to hurry to reach the small cafeteria, before it closed for lunch. JJ had only bought enough food for one meal. Despite their vows to ‘live on love’ the night before, their stomachs drove them out, in search of food. They sat in a back corner to eat, speaking softly, and basking in the glow of Caleb’s homecoming.

JJ wasn’t even aware of the people moving around her. Every few moments, she would reach out and touch his arm, as if proving to herself that he was actually there. Her world was centered right in front of her, and she wasn’t going to let him go again.

Caleb was equally focused on JJ, but he remained aware of everyone around him: at least enough to ensure that they didn’t pose a danger. He knew when the mess staff had finished cleaning the kitchen, and left for the afternoon. He knew when the young men started filing in, and rearranging the chairs for a briefing. His mind acknowledged and dismissed the presence of men that swept the room for bugs, as a security measure. He was even dimly aware of Bran walking towards the building that housed the cafeteria. He noted a person walking with Bran, and how tightly that person was closed to probing for identification.

There was no apparent danger, so Caleb didn’t really care who they were, or what anyone else did, as long as they didn’t pose a danger. His wife had created an amazing bubble of peace and happiness, and he wasn’t ready for that bubble to pop. He knew that it inevitably would, but he was going to stretch it for as long as he could.

Caleb felt it when Bran entered the room, and turned in their direction. JJ was laughing softly at a ribald suggestion Caleb had made for supper, and was agreeing whole-heartedly with him, until she looked over his shoulder and stiffened.

“Blake, honey, what are you doing here?” JJ demanded. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”

Caleb turned, and saw Blake following Bran. Now he understood how the person following Bran could lock their mind so tight.

Blake’s body had been in its last throes of puberty when he received a Companion. Learning to shield his thoughts had been a necessary and very high priority to the young teen. His goal was to prevent himself from being embarrassed. His success was greeted by relief from the rest of the household! Everyone could get some sleep.

“Umm ... Volunteers for the space fighters were needed,” Blake answered with a guilty shrug. “My reaction times are in the top ten percent, even for hosts. I’ve worked with armor more than most Companion/host pairs. Mom, I got my Bachelors in Biomedical Engineering. They let me test out the last year, but I had to pay the price of the credits. It was easy. And ... I didn’t want to worry you. That’s why I didn’t tell you.”

“But ... But ... Don’t you have to get permission?” JJ sputtered. She didn’t wait for a reply, turning to Bran, demanding, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“JJ, he asked me not to tell you,” Bran explained gently. “Also, he’s over eighteen. He doesn’t need anyone’s permission. However, common courtesy to notify loved ones is still expected,” he added with a frown at Blake.

Caleb placed a hand on JJ’s arm, saying, “He’s right, honey. This is Blake’s decision to make.”

JJ’s face had a stricken look when she turned to Caleb and buried her face in his chest. Blake’s face looked just as bad.

“Bran, Blake, go on with your briefing,” Caleb silently instructed. “I’ll take care of her.”

Bran nodded before turning toward a chair beside the podium. Blake hesitated uncertainly, and then nodded forlornly before turning towards an empty seat.

“I’m sorry,” Blake silently apologized to Caleb.

“There’s no need to be,” Caleb reassured his step-son. “Mothers have gone through this since sons began going to war. I think it hit her particularly hard because I just got back.”

Blake only shrugged dejectedly as he settled himself into his seat, forcing his mind back to the briefing.

“Time to get started,” a Navy Commander ordered from the podium in a rough, gravelly voice. “I am Commander Ed Murphy, the wing leader for Space Fighter Wing One, also known as SFW1. My credentials are the reason I was placed in charge of SFW1. I am a certified test pilot and have flown test flights with three different prototype aircraft. Only one has made it to production. The other two were deemed too unsafe to transition to production. I have also trained in the astronaut program. I haven’t been selected for a space shot, but I do have the training. Now, I want to give you a brief overview of where we stand. Let me start by saying we have good news, and bad news.”

He paused a moment, allowing the prerequisite chuckles to run their course, before continuing. “First the good news; the armor upgrade seems to be a success. I’ll turn you over to Professor Hawthorn in a moment to discuss the armor and the upgrade process. It will be different than previous upgrades. The airframe of the fighter is finalized. Antigravity drives have been built, static-tested, and seem to meet our needs. We’ll find out how well during live testing. A rail gun weapons system has been tested and mounted to the airframe.”

The lines in Commander Murphy’s face grew deeper, and his visage morphed into a grim scowl. “The bad news is serious, and some of you may decide to not volunteer for this mission after hearing it. That is still your prerogative. Two issues have not been resolved. I’m told that suitable workarounds have been found, and work is continuing towards full solutions. The armor needs a specialized computer to manage the power requirements and armor manipulation. A quantum computer would be ideal, and should provide the same versatility and ease of movement as your current armor. What we have is a hybrid quantum computer. What does that means to us?” he asked rhetorically, shaking his head. “The star fighters will be less responsive, and less robust. We’ll have to live with it until more development is complete.”

He paused again, waiting for any comments. When none were made, he continued. “The other issue is power for the fighters. A fusion power supply is what we wanted. Capacitor power-packs that are easy to replace is what we’ve got! Think of a big battery, that charges and discharges very fast. Additional study of the fusion solution is continuing, but results are not promising at this time. The fusion power supply’s design will allow it to mount in the same space as the power-packs, if it gets finished. If the bugs can be worked out of the fusion power supplies before the aliens arrive, we’ll use them.”

He sighed before saying, “Last, for those of you that haven’t heard, we estimate it will be about four months before the aliens arrive.”

The Commander fell silent, looking at the twenty-five intent, young faces, both male and female. “Four months,” he repeated. “Normally, a project of this scale would take three to five years, and that would be pushing it. A resupply mission for the space station from NASA has a five year lead time! Four months is not enough time! Unfortunately, it’s all the time we have. Be ready for some long days and short nights. We have a lot of work to do. I’ll turn it over to Dr. Hawthorn to explain about the armor.”

“Each of you have armor, and have gone through several upgrades,” Bran began without preamble, as he stepped to the podium. “Past upgrades have been painless and simple. I assume this upgrade will also be painless, but it will not be simple. Past upgrades have been a one step process. This upgrade will be a three-step process. Our armor has always had a built in rudimentary AI. The AI ‘learns’ as you use it, and that knowledge has been passed on through each upgrade, as it will be with this upgrade. The extra steps are due to additional functionality requirements. The armor will have many more critical tasks than our traditional armor.”

Bran paused, waiting for questions or comments, and then continued. “The most obvious of the critical tasks for the armor is providing a closed environment for the host’s survival in space. It is also the exterior armor of the fighters. It must protect you from the harshest environment possible, from attacks from the aliens, and assist you in your fight against the aliens.”

“Specialized nanites programmed as a standalone AI computer is our solution to meeting all these needs. The computer will manage power for the vast number of nanites that will make up your space fighters. Currently, your bodies are essentially a battery powering your armor. Trying to handle all the nanites a fighter would need would be like setting a screw driver across the terminals of a twelve-volt battery. It would drain you! It would kill you instantly!”

Bran paused to allow them to absorb that bit of information. The young faces looking back at him varied from worried to determined. None of them showed a sign of backing out.

“Here’s the wild card,” Bran continued. “The memory of your current armor will integrate with the new armor and computer. Unlike previous upgrades, specialized programming will be included in the upgrade. The specialized programming must integrate with the ‘knowledge’ possessed by your current armor. That means each upgrade will be unique. We don’t believe that will cause a problem, but we don’t know that it won’t. Consider that before you take the final step to go through with the upgrade. Despite our need, we will still only use volunteers.”

Bran paused again, waiting for a comment. None came, so he continued with, “The computer is a quantum computer, but lacks the interface of a quantum computer. In practical terms, the computer will provide solutions faster than your armor can use them. Massive output buffers are used to prevent the computer from overloading the rest of the system with information. Doctor Kim Flannigan is working on completing the quantum computer interfaces. We hope to upgrade again prior to the aliens’ arrival. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know if she can finish in time. That is why we decided to proceed with the computer we have. All our tests show it is functional and effective. We believe a full upgrade will increase reaction time while in flight, and allow a direct interface between the computer and the Companion/host pair. Um ... I believe that’s all, for now. Commander Murphy, back to you. Would you like to give them their schedule?”

“Sir?” one of the volunteers questioned Bran. “Commander Murphy said that work is continuing on fusion power. Is there a chance it’ll be ready in four months? I would sure hate for my battery to die while I’m floating around in space.”

“I would say slim to none,” Commander Murphy replied for Bran. “I do understand your sentiments, and we are taking steps to mitigate that risk! We’ve been prepositioning automated supply points for the last two days. Those supply points swap power modules, reload rail gun sabots and projectiles, and top off environmental needs. Each facility also has a room that can be pressurized. Those rooms can be used by any pilot that needs to stand down, or shelter if your ship is damaged. They can also be used as a staging point. We hope to have two hundred in place before we begin testing the fighters in space. Our plan is to have five hundred in orbit before the aliens arrive. We do have protocols in place that will mitigate the chances of your battery going dead,” he finished drily.

Someone in the crowd murmured, “I still hope my battery is made by the Energizer Bunny!” and someone else snickered.

Caleb leaned his head against JJ and whispered in her ear, “I don’t think I was EVER that young!”

He could have told her that telepathically, but some things are better delivered audibly, in a breathy voice, right behind her ear where she was most sensitive.

JJ shivered, punched him in the ribs, and leaned her head against Caleb’s chest. “I’m afraid for Blake,” she said softly.

“I know, honey,” Caleb told her silently, with gentle thoughts. “I am, too. I’m also a realist. Look at those kids,” he urged silently, gesturing towards the class following every word of their Commander. “This is what young men do! And women, too, I guess. They find a challenge, a wrong that needs to be righted, and jump to meet that challenge. Sometime they’re misguided, or influenced in a bad direction by someone they trust, but they always believe in it. These kids know! They really know that they may be all that stands between the human race having a future, or becoming extinct. There isn’t a larger challenge they could face. Even if you were able to stop Blake from doing this, you shouldn’t. He would never forgive you! This is his time, honey.”

JJ sighed, took a breath to steady herself, and sat up straight. “Thanks, lover,” she said, patting his arm. “I knew that, but it wasn’t registering around the shock of seeing him here. I’ll do better; and when I don’t, let me cry on your shoulder.”

“Tell you what,” Caleb offered. “I’ll even give you your choice of which shoulder to cry on,” he kidded her gently.

“If you’ll follow me,” Commander Murphy said in a raised voice, “We’ll form up in the attached hanger. A star fighter is prepped to accept a Companion/host. Let’s take a look at what you’re going to spend most of the next four months in.”

The young volunteers bolted from their chairs, eager for their first view of a star fighter.

“It looks like a giant praying mantis!” one of the young pilots exclaimed, as the group entered the hanger.

“I think it looks like a hawk, ready to spring into the air,” another volunteer said quietly, in awe of what he was seeing.

“THAT’S IT!” Commander Murphy thundered.

All the young men and women jumped, and moved back from the grizzled Commander. They had not been militarily indoctrinated, and knew better than to stay close to someone who is unstable.

“Hawks!” Commander Murphy shouted, looking expectantly at the young pilots.

The students looked at the crazy Navy Commander with some uncertainty.

Commander Murphy threw his hands in the air, and muttered, “Kids, nowadays!” A little louder he said, “We’ve been trying to figure out a good squadron name. Everything we’ve come up with sounds kind of ... forced. ‘Hawks’ sounds right.”

“Nooo,” one of the young women spoke thoughtfully. “That’s not right! Hawks don’t go into space. But ... Maybe ... How about Star Hawks?” she wondered aloud.

“Ya mean we’d be the Star Hawks?” one of the other pilots asked with a deep Georgia accent.

“Sure,” the girl replied with an unconcerned shrug. “If they’re looking for a name, and we find one we like, then that’s what we’ll be. Is ‘Star Hawks’ okay with the rest of you?” she asked a little louder, looking around.

Answers came as ‘Sure’, ‘Why not?’, ‘Sounds good’, and various other forms of agreement.

“I guess we’re ‘Star Hawks’,” the girl said with another shrug.

“Cool,” the boy said, nodding his head before hurrying to inspect the air-frame.

“That was ... unusual,” Caleb observed, standing next to the Commander.

“I think we just witnessed why mothers question ever letting kids out of the crib,” JJ added drily.

The Commander chuckled quietly before saying, “Working with non-military pilots is really going to be a learning experience.”

“These are the most qualified of current and prospective hosts,” Al interjected in the conversation. “Companions guided the selection process. Military experience was not one of the criteria, though men and women with military experience were considered.”

“Why not?” Caleb queried, seamlessly switching to mental conversation between the three humans and their Companions. He was curious why such a key trait, in his humble opinion, would not be in the selection criteria.

“Engaging the aliens is much more complex than you may have considered. This will essentially be first contact between two species, if you don’t want to include the ship I was on,” Al explained. “Granted, we fear it will be a hostile first contact, and we must be ready to respond appropriately. These twenty-five humans, Companion/Hosts, are among the top in reaction time, spatial awareness, and a host of other physical attributes. They are quite capable of meeting hostility with equal or greater force. They are also the best representatives of the human race in our selection pool. A meld of Companions determined these twenty-five would have the greatest chance of a peaceful outcome, AND of survival if hostilities cannot be avoided.”

“What about me?” Commander Murphy asked. “Did I draw the short straw, or what?” he challenged.

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Good friends

Wayne and I have been good friends for as long as I can remember. He has always known that I played for the same team but that never stopped him for coming over at least once a week for the last 2 years. I have never even thought of Wayne in a sexual manner until the day I caught him jacking off behind the barn.We had been drinking and smoking weed next to the fire pit on a Friday night. It was only Wayne and myself for the evening and what a better way to spend it but by getting high and...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 35

Present – Samantha – Transporting Stacy I impatiently tap my foot and wait for Stacy to finish her business in the bushes. She has been one annoying as hell bitch to interview. I thought by now I had learned all the tricks and had control of the interviews, but Stacy keeps throwing me curves and sending me off balance. My loving husband Frank takes my hand and whispers, "Honey, don't worry. You're doing fine and we can edit out the parts you don't like." I complain back in a whisper,...

2 years ago
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On the Job

That damned Rachel Cooper was driving me crazy. I could see her sitting behind her L-shaped receptionist’s desk from my office and she’d let her skirt ride up again. What a great sight. I don’t guess she’s that good-looking objectively. She has mousy brown hair, pale blue eyes, and a so-so figure. She may be a little over-weight by fashion model or movie-star standards, I guess. Her best feature is her legs. They are just like I like them, shapely and long. Her ass is pretty good too,...

2 years ago
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New clothes

My wife bought a new bra on her trip last week. Today she walked into the room and flashed me with it. It wasn't long before she had sat me down and stripped for me. The feel of her hot kisses on my cock was amazing! When she laid down on the floor, she invited me to take off her thong and eat her dripping pussy. We ended with me pounding her pussy as she fingered herself.

4 years ago
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Fun with my Gyno

One of the things I had always wanted to do being such a mischievous person is pretend to have an orgasm while having a pap smear, I decided to go for it so booked an appointment with my local doctor who is also a gynaecologist. The appointment was for 3.30pm on a Tuesday, Tuesday morning was all pretty much normal but for this to work I needed to be as sexually aroused as possible, I had practised fake orgasms for at least a week leading up to this to get it JUST RIGHT. I never fake or need...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend With Testing Device 2 Hungover Like A Horse

Author's Note: This is part two of my smutty little romantic comedy series. This chapter is probably the smuttiest of the early chapters, but its also the shortest because I was still kind of finding my stride when I wrote it. If you'd like to see more chapters, please come check out me out at or . Please leave a comment! I love hearing from readers! A special Thank You to everyone who commented on part one! Its people...

2 years ago
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Discovering Irsquom a Cougar Part 12

The next several days seemed to add tension to all the drama that had been going on.Emily had announced that her parents had separated and would likely divorce. Her mom Bev called and we talked but she remained reluctant to end her issue with her husband even though they both wanted to have sex with Emily. Deep down she was terrified of her own sexual desires and what might happen.Then there was Nate's family and the problems only seemed to get worse; at least other than his father who was now...

4 years ago
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Emerson ServicesChapter 3 An Unexpected Romance

Bill and Jennifer Bill Winters and Jennifer Carrington met the following Wednesday at 10 am in an executive suite at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Pittsburg. Jennifer was dressed casually. She looked very much the engineering student that she was. Bill was wearing a dark suit that screamed accountant. They shook hands. “Jennifer,” Bill said, “Thank you for coming. I have a lot to go over with you. Don’t hesitate to interrupt or ask questions at any time.” Jennifer nodded. “Please call me...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Family Ki Chudai 8211 Part 12

Hi friends are you enjoying my story or not?Plz comment so lets come to the story. Mummy room me enter hui tab mai aur daddy totally nude the aur daddy mere boobs se khel rahe.Daddy ne mummy ko dekha to ek dum dar gaye aur uth khade hogaye.Unke mathe pe se pasina nikalne laga tha mummy ne mauke ka fayeda uthaya aur acting karne lagi ek gusse me seema ke daddy aap to boht kaminey nikle aap ko sharm nahi aayi apni beti ke sath aisa karne me Maine to aisa nahi kiya kabhi aapke sath itni nich...

4 years ago
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Crossing the Horizon Part 2

  Rachel was sitting at her desk, fidgeting, uncomfortable. She had been on edge a bit since her visit to the club a week ago, but today – a rainy Wednesday morning, she was especially anxious. She had masturbated only once since her afternoon with Max. She felt immediately guilty afterwards, as if she was cheating on him even though it was a perfectly natural thing to do. So that pent up frustration was sitting with her as she sipped on her coffee and went over last night’s accounting...

4 years ago
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Fucked Maid

This incident happened in during last (2004) December, when I tookthree weeks leave from office and reached home on 16 to celebrate bothChristmas and New Year. This is for the first time I came to homeafter getting my job. I was a virgin at that time and was dying tofuck someone. Even though I had a girl friend for more than one year Inever fucked a girl. Once or twice I had kissed my girl friend. Shenever allowed me to do any thing after that (She was a typicalKeralite girl. May be due to this...

4 years ago
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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 16 Is It Destiny

As you know, I sung in the choir in high school and in college. In my last year of high school, this tale happened...It was a day when our school was hosting the state choral competitions. We already performed. I walked in on a table of eight people playing a not-so-innocent game of Truth or Dare. I had no experience playing it. So, I shrugged and said to myself: "Fuck it.""Y'all playing Truth or Dare? I'm playing."I took my seat. At that moment, I instantly thought up of some of the most...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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The Dress

The Dress Janet Stickney To admit our desire is the first step To deny them, our last I watched all of my sisters as we grew up, watching them as they dressed in the frilly dresses, heels, wore makeup and had their hair done. All of them were beautiful, and in my heart I wanted to be just like them. The scent of the makeup and perfume, the crinkly satin and taffeta dresses, the shoes, all combining to make me ache inside with the desire to be just like...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Lena Paul Thick Lena Paul Serves It Up To Dredd

Sexy schoolgirl Lena Paul opens her ass for Dredd’s giant cock! Lena’s wearing a plaid mini-skirt with knee high boots, her school sweater and sexy lingerie that’s holding her perfect tits in place as she shows off her amazing curves. She teases you with her furry bush then pulls out her juggs and jiggles them while pinching her nipples. It doesn’t take long for Dredd to join her and after making out, Lena gets on her knees to service his thick dick. She teases Dredd by rubbing her perky lips...

3 years ago
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The IRoom II

Prologue: Once again, picture a windowless room, twelve feet by twelve feet, Spartan in appearance and in accommodations. A plain wooden chair, a small refrigerator and a queen sized bed…a small shower alcove and nothing else. A steel door locked from outside. In short, a room with no escape, save through enlightenment. Many have and will call me insane, mad, a twisted pervert. Perhaps…or perhaps I am simply a teacher…an illuminator in the darkness…a guide to allowing one to reach and achieve...

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Jackson and Catalina

This is a second version of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dumont and their wild adventures. Jackson and Catalina had celebrated with one another in the locker room. Drinking champagne, taking pictures with friends and teammates, laughing and joking around. After the locker room celebration, the happy couple went back to the hotel to have their private celebration. After walking in and getting settled, Catalina went into the bathroom to change while Jackson kicked back and watched highlights on ESPN of...

4 years ago
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Sex After Marriage Life

Hi everyone I am Appu and I am back with another fantasy and sex story of mine and I am ready to seduce you all. You can reach out to me at I am Appu, an normal Indian husband, manager, who goes to work in an IT company from morn 9 to 6 in the evening, mine is an arranged marriage and I have a wife who is sweet and looks beautiful, we live in an apartment of 2bhk in the seventh floor. Today my work day was against me, the project was not finished on time and the all the senior managers were...

4 years ago
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On Impulse

Well, it’s not so much a date as a…. what did he call it? A casual meeting. Two people attracted to each other for very different reasons. His posts made me smile and laugh, although they were never for me or even directed towards me. Still, I was interested in the man, the mind. By chance, a post he made had me thinking of a story. An erotic thriller, if you will. It stayed on my mind for a few days, before the basis of the story came to me. I sent him a private message. He responded in...

1 year ago
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PTA Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Harmon Brubaker, having been awakened his alarm clock on schedule, knew what to do next. Robin Cawdor, the sultry schoolteacher he had met earlier that evening at the PTA meeting, was there waiting for him to fuck her hard. "Alright, remember, I am in charge. I am going to fuck you hard, and I'm gonna spank you as well. Think you can handle it?" "Yes!" "Good, so put your cute, naked ass over my lap so I can spank it hard." She gladly complied with his...

3 years ago
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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 7

I woke late and lingered over my campfire and my breakfast. It would take only a half day's riding to get to where I was going, and anytime today would be a fine time with me. The skies had cleared again and it was nice to wait for the chill of the night to abate before setting out. Deak seemed to appreciate it, along with the relaxed pace. He tossed his head now and then and nickered at me softly when he did. Perhaps, like me, he was chasing Vulkai cobwebs out of his mind. Remembering my...

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Friend8217s Drunk Wife Shabana Fucked For Dessert

I was invited by my friend, Arif for dinner at his house while I was in Hyderabad. He was a well-to-do, living in an independent house in a gated community. His wife Shabana was a woman with a modern outlook. Arif and I have had several escapades with women and are open with each other. Once while we were drinking, he had let it slip that Shabana was a highly spirited woman with excessive sex drive. They were in the small garden in the backyard of their house, they had a small barbeque pit and...

4 years ago
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Alone In My Room

We were upstairs in my room, and I was admiring the trees outside my window when our conversation subsided. Ryan looked at me with his flat brown eyes and short, oil black hair. He wore glasses, but you really didn't notice them unless you looked hard enough at him. I usually felt like a midget standing 5'2" beside his 5'9". Even though we were both 19 I felt that I wouldn't be growing anymore, while he just kept getting taller. Lucky.We were sitting on my bed next to each other and I hadn't...

First Time
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 327

125,175 views all-time "Now let's see yours," Sylvia demanded. "I assure you that it won't look anything like that," I admitted. The dress was well designed and would have been a knockout on someone who could have done it justice. The neckline had a deep scoop in the front to show off my scars and an even deeper one in the rear for the same purpose. It was very short of course, which showed off the scars on my legs. It was also a very bright shade of red. Like Sylvia's, my dress...

3 years ago
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Malayan Plantation Boy

SAILING TO MALAYA: DANIEL Life was changing so quickly for me, I thought. I was standing by the rail of our great sailing vessel as we floated down the African coast to round the Horn and cross the Indian Ocean in the summer of 1904 to reach my family’s plantation home in Malaya—to the home where I had been told I had spent my earlier life but that I could barely remember. I was barely fourteen now, but I had only been three when my father had died on the plantation in Malaya and my mother...

3 years ago
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Seduced By The Hot Aunty

Hi My Name is Kiran( Name changed obviously ), the heroine of the story is Sumathi Aunty, aged around 30 years in age. I live in Kansas, USA, getting our home made food is bit difficult in here and I work for an MNC with a decent pay grade. I have met Sumathi when I first moved to Kansas on my new assignment through a common friend and he asked her if she could look after my food for the initial days and she have accepted for it and it is being continued like that since that time, she was...

5 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 118 Baby Come Back

The Plummer house had a sun deck on the second floor, over the kitchen area. Lately, it hadn't been used much since the house's occupants were usually in a state of semi-nudity or nudity, or probably expected to soon be in that state. Even though the sun deck was really an unenclosed part of the upper floor, there was much more danger of being seen there. But that's where Suzanne and Xania now stood, fully clothed. Suzanne had asked Xania to meet on the sun deck wearing something...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 15

Part of my discomfort carried over into our plane ride. My head hurt very badly, and I was having difficulty remaining completely alert. Fred was busy talking to his bosses, and I was struggling to remain awake. It got worse by the minute. Fred was on the phone most of the time, but did find a moment to share something very important with me, between calls. “I have not had a chance to bring you up to speed, Ross. When Calen Arthur demanded a private meeting with you, I seriously doubted he...

4 years ago
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How I Became A Homo

I was never homophobic. I had a laidback attitude to life as a young man and had a 'que sera, sera,' attitude to life. After I turned sixteen, I did have a few sexual encounters with girls and had even indulged in a few wanking gatherings with other guys as we watched porn as naughty teenagers. During those tugging episodes, there was no physical contact between the guys, although I have to admit to checking out their cocks as we lustfully tugged on our dicks. Something about the communal...

Gay Male
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Secret Society in School part 1

“Hey, Chris! Anything we need to catch up on?” “No. I’m getting the new scores back in a couple of weeks. I got like three tests tomorrow, so I’m gonna go study for awhile. Thanks.” “Okay! E-mail me for anything!” I walked back, but the lunch room was full. So, I got a sandwich and water, and sat at a low table. The table had three seats, none of which were used. I sat down, pulled out one of the notebooks I needed, and started eating and studying. I had like thirty minutes of lunch...

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