Ms. Destiny free porn video

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Ms. Destiny By Heather Alexander © 2004 Isobel Hunt was sitting at her desk outside her boss's office she was typing away at the keyboard of her computer finishing off the dictation that he had given her earlier that day. When she felt and a pair of hands grab her around the shoulders; which was made her jump out of her skin she looked up and saw the smiling face of her boss looking down at her; his beady his had a glint in them which made her feel queasy. "How's my little doll getting on, is that too much work for poor little you," he said with a smile. Then he let her go and walked back into his office but before he closed the door he turned to her and said, "When you're done with that get me a cup of coffee," then the door closed. She stopped typing and stared hard at the door if she could she would have killed him with the stare that she was giving the door, she hated that guy he was rude and patronising and he treated her like his own private slave he liked to humiliate her in front of her co-workers especially the other bosses once he even made her cry when she did he just smiled and called her an emotional female and made some crack about her time of the month that really pissed her off. After work she stopped her car and walked down the street and she noticed the bar she had never seen it before but after the day she had she pushed open the door and entered the bar. It was quite dingy there were few people inside and she walked over and found a seat at the bar, the barman came over, "What can I get you?" he said. "Vodka straight," she replied, he walked over and poured her a glass and brought it over to her and placed it in front of her; she picked it up and downed it in one shot. "Another," she said, again she finished it in one shot she pointed at the glass and nodded again. "Wow there," a voice said from behind her and Isobel turned round to come face-to-face with a woman with piercing red hair and green eyes; she sat down on the chair next to Isobel and looked at her. "I've been watching you since you entered what's up?" she said. "What do you care," Isobel said turning and looking at her. "You seem troubled, so what is wrong?" she said. "I've got a bastard for a boss, he treats me like a some sort of eye candy even though I could do his job better than he can. He's an arrogant male chauvinist pig." "So do you think you could do better?" "Yes but not just me; it's this system that puts men unfairly in charge women could be a much better job than those walking penis's. We need to take over and force them to live the way we have for years treated like second class citizens; where our looks are more important than our brains and where the shorter the hem of our skirts the better we're treated. Oh yes have them wear these clothes," she said pointing to her short skirt and 4in high heeled shoes. "They're uncomfortable to wear and these shoes hurt like hell, let them spend some time having to deal with these clothes and the high maintenance that it takes to be a woman in this time. They wont like it, I can tell you that," she added as she drunk another vodka shot. The woman looked at Isobel and smiled, "That is a great idea," she said then she ordered another couple of vodka's for Isobel, how smiled at her and collapsed face down on the counter of the bar. Isobel woke up and found herself in an office she looked around and realised that she knew it. It was the corner office that her boss used. Then there was a knock on the office door. "Enter," she said, the door opened and a figure entered she focused and then she realised that she knew the figure it was Paul who worked in the office but this Paul was dressed in a white silk shirt, short tight chocolate brown skirt, light coloured tights and chocolate brown kitten heeled shoes. He also looked more feminine with small breasts peaking out of the shirt. "Yes Paul," she said. "Your three o'clock appointment is here," he said. "Well show them in" she said, he turned and left the office then returned with a women who looked very familiar to Isobel. "Would you like anything to drink," he said. "No," Isobel said. "I'm fine," said the woman. "You can go now Paul," Isobel said. "I know you from somewhere?" Isobel said to the woman. "Yes we met in a bar last night you had a little too much to drink and you wished that you could have your bosses job then you wished that men dressed and acted like women and that women were in control. I was so intrigued by your wish that I granted it," she said smiling. "Can I get it back?" she said. "Sure you can just wish it back to the way that it was and I'll turn it back but why would you want to do that. Why don't you give this a try and see how it feels to you," she said and handed Isobel a business card. "You can contact when with that at anytime and I'll change it back but look at this office it's yours instead of sitting out there and getting your bottom pinched by some man who is less intelligent than you. You can now do what you were meant to do and if you want you can do the butt pinching on your rather attractive secretary." She reached over and picked up a photo frame. "Just look at this," she said and handed it to her. It showed a picture of Isobel and a man she recognised "that's the male model that blow you off last month here he is you husband your stay at home husband" the woman said. Isobel looked at the card. "Okay I'll let it run for a while and see what my life will be like here," Isobel said. The woman laughed and got up and left the office. After a while she got up and left the office she walked past Paul who was sitting at his desk, a desk she had sat at everyday for the past three years. "Can I help you with something?" he said looking up from his typing. "No I was just taking a walk," she said and continued to walk through the office. As she looked around she noticed that all of the clerical staff were men and they were all young and attractive, one walked past her he was dressed in a very short black skirt and cropped white top that showed off a very attractive figure. "Hay Isobel," a voice said from behind her she tuned around and saw Laura walking along the floor. "Hay Laura what's up," she said. "Just came to see if you were still coming out tonight with the girls. We're going to Kane's tonight it should be a laugh what'd you say," she said. "Sure I'll come along," Isobel said and they walked back to her office. Isobel stepped out of the taxi and walked up the street along with the other girls from the office. They were heading for Kane's the themed restaurant. It had a large neon lights over it and the entered the double front doors. The noise was loud, standing by the entrance was a woman dressed in teacher's robes and a mortarboard and she carried a cane. "Come on inside and enjoy the lesson," she said to the group, "I'll have one of our prefects show you the way to a table". She beckoned over a young man, he was dressed in a school uniform. Which consisted of a red blazer over a tight white shirt red tie, a short black skirt black thighs and stiletto heeled shoes. "Follow me," he said with a smile and led them down into the main area of the restaurant. He showed them to a free table, the place was very busy with women sitting around while young men without blazers waited on them. They sat down at the table and the prefect beckoned one of the waiters over. As well as not having a blazer the waiters wore short grey skirts and long grey socks and chunky heeled shoes. "My name is John and I'll be your waiter for this evening," he said handing out the menus to the six women seated around the table. They ordered a drink and sat back and watched. About 15 minutes later a spotlight illuminated the stage that sat at one end of the room and on stepped the women in the teachers gown. "Tonight for your entertainment the prefects will perform a number of dances." Behind her a group of about a dozen prefects appeared on the stage, they were dressed in cheerleader's uniforms. She turned and left then the music filled the room and the prefects started to dance then stepped off the stage and went over the main area that was left empty and approached tables at random and started to dance to the women at the table. One of the prefects approached the table where Isobel and the women were seated Laura grabbed him and pulled him down on to her. He straddled her lap. She slipped a ?5 note down the front of his short sleeveless sweater. Laura had quite a few drinks and slipped her hands up the inside of his skirt. He then tried to pull away she just grabbed on tighter. It was ended when one of the bouncers came over and pulled her off him. He slapped her on the face as he was led away by the bouncer. They were asked to keep it down. Which they did for the rest of the night, then they left a little after 10pm and headed for a nightclub. Isobel returned home just after 1am in the morning. She quietly walked up the stairs and into the bedroom her husband was sleeping she slipped into the bed beside him. She looked at him he was indeed that same model that had blown her off when she had plucked up the courage to ask him out. Now he lay there in her bed and he carried her last name she found that out when she came home and found a letter. It read Ms and Mr Hunt. She slipped off to sleep knowing now that she was in heaven, there was no way know that she was going to call that woman and get her to turn it back the way it was. No not know she was going to enjoy this to the full. The alarm on the bedside table woke her up; she reached over and switched it off. "Good morning dear," he said leaning over then kissed her then he throw back the covers and got out of bed. She looked at him he was gorgeous long red hair framed his face and he looked at her strangely with those beautiful green eyes that had so attracted her last mouth. "Is there something wrong?" he asked. "Why would you ask that," she replied still watching him intensely. "You're looking at me funny," he said. "Oh, sorry I just realised exactly how beautiful you are; I can't believe that you married me," she said. He started to smile and he padded back over to the bad and bent down and kissed her; "You always say the most wonderful things," he said. Isobel pulled him down and they started to kiss more passionately. "Do you want me to call and say your ill we could have a long weekend in bed," he said as he looked down with those beautiful green eyes. Oh how she wanted to scream yes but she wanted to get to know more about this world; also she wasn't even sure how to make love here did that change as well as everything else could she even perform; she wasn't that experience with sex in the normal world would he suspect something if she couldn't perform up to standard. "Sorry I have to get into the office," she said. He smiled but his eyes showed disappointment; he got up. "I'll make your breakfast if you want to grad a shower. I'll also get your suit ready what do you want to wear black or navy?" he asked as he opened a wardrobe. "Black I think," she said as she headed for the bathroom. She opened the shower cubicle and stepped inside after closing the door she turned on the hot water, which soon filled the cubicle with steam. Isobel stood there and let the water run over her; it was invigorating as she did that she started going over some of what happened. Part of her couldn't rally believe it, she met a strange woman in a bar bitch about her boss and the place of women in the world and she makes a wish that the boot was on the other foot to this woman who turns out to be some sort of witch and she grants it; so here she is in a world where women are in charge and men are seen as nothing more than sexual objects. This must be some kind of weird dream right; then she takes a look at her own reflection; its still the some face except for much shorter hair well her face is now she takes a long hard look less round and not so soft; now come to think of it so was Laura and other women from last night. It's not so noticeable but yes there faces are a lot harder and angular while the men were softer and rounder. More feminine then what she's used to. She switched off the water and climbed out of the cubicle and dried off and padded back into the bedroom; a black suit lay on the bed. It was just as she'd wished for the women wore the trousers. She was nearly dressed the physical changes included breasts that had almost disappeared so no need to wear a bra. She pulled on the white blouse and found that the button still fastened from the same side as before but ties were new to her she handed wore a tie since school and she had forgotten how to tie one. After all she had woken up with one on yesterday; she picked out a nice blue one that went well with the suit and tried several ties to get it tied eventually doing it up to her satisfaction; she picked up her jacket and went downstairs. She heard whistling coming from the kitchen and entered he was standing by the cooker whistling some sort of tune she didn't recognise it. He didn't see her enter; so she sneaked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his slim waist and kissed him on the neck, "My, my that smells good," she said. "Get off or I'll ruin your breakfast. Why don't you go and sit down at the table and read the newspaper," he said and kissed her back. She let go but before moving away she gave him a playful out on the bottom, "Hay," he said turning and smiling at her. Pulling out the chair from the table she sat down at the table and picked up the newspaper and opened it at page one. Front page headline, "New crisis at the White House, President alleged to have joined mile high club with secretary at centre of scandal. She read on; President Laura Clarke has been alleged to have, had sex with White House secretary David Huston on board Air Force One; while flying back from a campaigning stop in Florida during her recent successful re-election campaign. White House sources close to the President have called this mud-slinging by her defeated opponent.' Isobel put down the paper and smiled, "Guess something's never really change," she though to herself. "What are you smiling about?" he asked. "Just the front page." "Oh that's disgraceful I really feel sorry for her husband and son, I mean having to put up with these lurid allegations day in, day out." He stood at the door and waved as Isobel drove off in her car and headed for the office. As she drove through the city she stopped at a set of traffic lights. She looked up at a set of billboards and she did a double take, it showed a picture of a very attractive young man dressed in a bikini laying seductively across the bonnet of a BMW, "Well I guess there isn't a men's lib movement in this world," she said out loud smiling. She parked her car in the car park she walked into the building where she headed straight for the bank of elevators. Stepping into an empty one; she pressed for the fourth floor. The doors were about to close; when a voice shouted, "Hold the doors." Isobel reached out and put her hand between the closing doors where the sensor opened then again. A young man stood in front of her. "Thank you," he said as stepped into the elevator. "What floor?" she asked. "Three, thank you," he said. She reached over and pressed the button for the third floor, the doors closed then the elevator moved up she couldn't stop herself she started to check him out. He was about 5ft 6ins tall though he stood taller due to his 3in heels, black silk, though she couldn't tell if they were stockings or tights, a short red skirt and a short red jacket over a black blouse and he was carrying a black shoulder bag. Isobel though that he could sense because he turned his head round and looked at her, she smiled back at him. The elevator stopped and the doors opened and he stepped out; she watched him go he had a rather cute butt. Then the doors closed again and moved up to the fourth floor, it stopped and the doors opened she stepped out then headed for her office. As she entered her office she found Paul sitting at his desk; he looked up and smiled, "Good morning I've left your messages on your desk," he said. "Thank you," she said and headed for his private office but as she opened the door she stopped and turned around, "Paul could you do me a favour and send me some flowers out to my husband. What do you think? Roses," she asked. "That's a good safe choice but what about Orchids as an unusual choice?" he replied. "Would he like them?" "I would." "Okay just bill it to me," she said then Isobel turned and entered the private office. Isobel was sitting at her desk working through the paperwork that she would normally have only typed up for that pig of a boss who used to say that this was hard work. She always knew that she was more intelligent than that scumbag. She heard a noise, looking up she saw Paul enter he was carrying a tray, on which was a cup. "Your coffee," he said and put the cup down on the desk in front of her. "Thanks Paul," she said. He smiled as he left the cup of the desk then turned around to leave. She noticed the dress he wore it was an Asian style dress in purple and gold it was tight to his body and accentuated every curve of his slim figure. Also she wore black 4in stiletto-heeled shoes. His dark hair hung loosely around his shoulders. "Oh Paul nice dress," she said. "Thank you," he replied with a hint of a blush. Isobel stepped out of the office, Paul immediately turned to her, "Can I help?" "No Paul I'm going out for a while so could you hold all me calls," she said then walked put heading for the elevators. Stepping out of the building she decided to walk into the centre of town, it was only a ten-minute walk. As she walked she immediately noticed that the streets were cleaner than she remembered them, and walking was easier than it was in 4in heels. She still remembered how they bit into her heels and the feeling that every step killed; she was now in a quandary. After all she felt sorry for the men now that they had to wear those killer heels but she also now saw the effect that they had on the figure of the men that she saw in the office and in the street. "So this must be what it's like to be a guy. I like it," she said to herself, just as two attractive young men walked past her. They were both wearing short skirts that showed off their long legs and ended in stiletto-heeled shoes, they looked back at her and burst out into a fit of giggles. Isobel stopped a little coffee shop she walked over and pushed the door open there was an electronic ?bing-bing' sound and she went over and found herself an empty table and sat down. She picked up the menu and started but was distracted but the glimpse of bare flesh that cot her eye; she raised her eyes and focused on that glimpse. It came from one of the waiters; he was dressed in a short black and green plaid mini-kilt, a tight black T-shirt and black shoes. His long black hair was tied back into a long ponytail that reached to his shoulders. "Can I take your order?" a voice said from her left. She turned and her head and found another waiter identically dressed as the last one except he had brown hair cut into a bob that hung below his jaw and he had brown eyes. "Ma'am can I take your order?" "Sure a cappuccino and a chocolate donut," Isobel said, great not to be on that constant diet, she though to herself as she exchanged smiles with the waiter; who turned and walked over to the kitchen and talked to someone there. Reaching over she picked up one of the newspapers lying there on a side table. She opened it up and was immediately drawn to the picture of the naked young man on page 3. The rest of the paper was light on news heavy on gossip. The President's supposed liaison with a White House Secretary in the bathroom of Air Force One was big news they even gave an illustrated diagram of how it could take place; it was quite graphic. There were other stories about which celebrity was sleeping with whom, the same people were doing the same things here but there were obvious differences about who were doing what for example Brittany Spears a successful female singer is married to Justin Timberlake who had made his name as a pop prince with Baby hit me one more time, she found out. The waiter came over and put the cappuccino down in front of her with the muffin. She watched him walk away then she returned to the paper. She flipped to the back page and right away she noticed that it was women's football that was the big sport there was a big picture of star striker Julie Fleeting scoring for Scotland in there victory over England for qualification to the World Cup. Reading on she found a small paragraph on men's football in the inside pages. After drinking the coffee she opened her wallet and pulled out a bank note they were similar to the ones in the real world (as she still though of it) but they had pictures of famous women on them, women she'd never heard of before her wish it seems had changed the course of history as well. The woman on the ?5 note was Josephine Wentworth who it seems invented the telephone in the mid1800s. The waiter took the money and rung up the bill handing back her change, "Please come again," he said as she headed out of the door. Back on the streets she walked down along a row of shops, she spotted several young men pushing prams along the road she stopped and watched this one particular young man he couldn't have been more that twenty- years old yet he was pushing a double buggy down the street with two young children inside they were screaming and crying and he stopped to calm them down. ?Children are the same very where' she though to herself as she walked on. Stepping into the newsagents she took a look at the top shelf magazines and right enough instead of Playboy there was Playgirl there was also hustler but now there was a naked man on the front cover. She reached for the middle shelf magazine Cosmopolitan and on the front cover was a nearly naked man he was some young pop star he was dressed in a black see thru dress that hung of one shoulder, the shot was in black and white which she bet they still used the excuse that it was artistic rather than exploitive. She wanted to know something so she picked up a copy of GQ and flicked through it and its contents were more like the ones you would get in the Cosmopolitan in the real world, all fashion and how to keep a girl once you had her, it had a relationship quiz and a what women really mean section. She carried over the copy of Cosmopolitan and paid for it then she walked back to her office. Stepping back inside she saw Paul he was standing with his back to her he was bent over a filing cabinet. "What are you up to?" "Just though I'd get this filing done while you were out it's been needing done for a while now." "Where there any calls for me while I was out?" "Yes one from a Ms. Karen Purcell, she said it was about a problem with a marketing campaign." "Okay could you call her back." "Sure," he said and stood up and smoothed down the sides of his rumpled clothes and walked back over to his desk and sat down. She walked into her office and sat down behind her desk and waited the phone to ring. The call lasted a good five minutes, as they had to iron out some problems with this advertising campaign that the company were running and she seems to have been in charge, even though she had no idea what this woman was talking about. When she put the phone down on the desk she put her head in her hands and sighed, ?I'm an idiot to think that I can do this job what was I thinking when I made that wish. She must have though that I was an idiot not knowing what the hell she was talking about.' Getting up she walked over and opened the door. "Paul how many campaigns are we running right now?" "About three major campaigns and preparing two more for the seasonal period." Okay she though that was a lot of work and how could she keep all that information in her head, she felt relived at that. She returned to the desk and sat there she turned and turned to her computer and started to the read through its contents. There was a list of file folders she went through each of them and started to read through them, each file folder represented a campaign that she was in charge of, the one that the phone call represented was for the Christmas period and not due for another couple of months. She got home a little after six pm. Opening the door she stepped in and found her husband standing in the kitchen preparing dinner. "You look tired," he said as he came over and slipped his arms round her neck and gave her a kiss. "Yea it was bad." "Dinner's nearly ready, go and get a drink and I'll call you when dinners ready." She walked through to the living room and opened the drinks cabinet and started to go though its contents she picked up a bottle of whiskey and poured out a finger then drained it in one go. She stopped herself as she lifted the bottle and was about to fill the glass up again. "Oh I remembered to say I got a call this morning from my father he was wondering if we could take James for some time over the school holidays." "What?" He entered the room I said "could we take James during the holidays?" "Sure I don't see why not." "Great I'll call them tomorrow. Dinners ready." She put down the glass and turned and followed him into the dinning room where the table was set. After dinner she walked up stairs and into the bedroom where she took off her suit and laid down on the bed. Part two A few days later she was working in her office when Paul entered today he was wearing a dark green blouse and a short black skirt, black tights and black high heeled shoes his hair cascaded over his shoulders and he was carrying a large file folder. "What's that?" "It's just been sent down from Ms. Windsor's office," he said and laid it down on her desk. She picked it up and opened it up. She moaned. "Trouble?" he said. "No just a lot of paperwork to get through for the meeting on Monday." He smiled then he turned and left her alone with the paperwork. Which she started to read through it, she had to take it home that night. He was getting ready to go out with some of the other husbands and boyfriends of executives at the company, she was sitting at her desk working away at the paperwork when he knocked and entered her study. "Wow don't you look nice," she said as she stared at him he was wearing a short tight figure hugging light pink dress that showed that he had not lost any of his looks from his modelling days. "Thank you, now your dinner's in the oven and don't wait up you know what we boys are like when we get together." "No. You take care out there." "Sure babe." He walked over and bent down and gave her a kiss on her check then he walked out of the study and she returned to her paperwork.

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Ghosts of the PastChapter 10

Bobby Joe Hutchins sat handcuffed to an interrogation table in a Los Angeles police station Thursday evening, February 7, 1957. "This is bullshit! I haven't done anything! You can't hold me here! Lemme go!" he ranted at the two-way mirror on the wall. "I know you bastards are watchin' me! Somebody get in here and tell me what the hell's goin' on!" Agents Charles Richards and Tom Seldon, L.A.P.D. Detective Jonathan North, Officer Rick Estevez and Hutchins' friend, Billy Green, stood...

2 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 07

Sean stood in the vestibule of the Detention Center watching the rain outside while waiting for Mickey to finish her meetings. He thought it was always interesting to observe the natural wonder of the weather from a dry, comfortable location. A person seldom had the same appreciation for thunderstorms while exposed to their elements directly, so Sean used the varying intensity of the rain as cloud cells moved past in the sky to focus his thoughts on the events of the day. He wanted to...

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Gang Fucked

"I'm coming for you..." The raspy voice on the other end told me.I hung up the phone. I was getting used to the prank calls by this time since they had been happening for at least a month or longer. Nothing ever came of it. Some nights I didn't even get the calls. My husband wasn't concerned either. He just figured it was teens making prank calls. Unfortunately neither of us knew at the time how wrong we were.Another month had passed another month of more prank calls, only they were getting...

3 years ago
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How to get satisfy secretely

I am a 20-year-old college boy and live in hyderabad in a colony. In the neighboring house there was a newly married women. She was sexy with a slim body and curvy boobs. She usually stared at me while I passed by in front of her house. Her husband was a businessman and always used to be out of the station. I understood that she was a sexually unsatisfied woman but I could do nothing except stare at her from a safe distance. One evening when I was passing by she ask me for help. I went eagerly...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Angie Lynx Got Fired

Angie Lynx treats you to hot onscreen blowjobs as she wraps the dick with her fine lips to start the scene with a hot foreplay. A visibly horny guy takes Angie on a bumpy ride as he drills her wet pussy. The drilling fills her perfect ass hole, where she receives additional stoking that nearly pushes her to the limit. She moans unceasingly as streams of squirts gush out of her wet pussy while the big cock pounds her asshole. She receives a memorable fuck that she won’t easily forget and...

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A Small Gift

A Small GiftWhy had the mail man winked so suggestively as he handed her the parcel! He had pointed to the store label prominent on the packaging. Vicky certainly wasn't expecting a delivery and didn't recognize the store name.In the house she located the letter opener and slit open the wrapping. Inside was a nondescript small black box devoid of any hint as to its contents.With anticipation the lid was eased open; Vicky peering through the tiniest of opening trying to anticipate the contents....

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Von Grossendicken Manor chapter one

The lawyer had told Robert Dickens that although named a manor, the sitting ground of his european relatives was more akin to a castle. He certainly was of a mind to agree, as he ran the bell of the massive door. The taxi had left him with his luggage after a three hours ride in Germany's mountains, in a secluded valley only accessible from three way point, that the driver had called The Pussy, The Mouth, and The Asshole.The door finally opened to show an old portly man, in a classic black...

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Mormon Part 1

Fast forward a few months, i had to move out, the family had a room that they were willing to give to me, as i was mostly late due to my apartment being far away. It was a win win since i didnt have to pay rent to them. Now the people involved in this story is the house owner, Eric, He was in his 50s, Bald head and a big dad bod. He was married with 3 kids. Another is his brother, Martin, who was 45, He was not married, had a hunky body. Lastly is Erics father, Jack, He was an old man in his...

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 2

She meant it, too. At that moment, still on a high from the long edging session capped off by her nephew’s hard fuck, she was willing to do anything to keep the experience going. Crawling to him, she pressed her cheek to his thigh as she hugged his legs, desperate to show her devotion. Feeling his hand in her hair, she smiled and kissed his thigh with a quick, open-mouthed swirl of her tongue on his skin. “You really are a whore, aren’t you?” the boy marveled. “Is there anything a slut...

3 years ago
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Guess Ill let you suck my dick

I pulled into a rest area with a full bladder, and drove into the picnic area. I did not want to go into the rest rooms dressed as slutty as I was, and not really passable, at close range anyway.I'd been driving dressed for hours and loving the attention of onlooking truckers checking out my legs. I'd been listening to their comments on a portable cb radio, and having a blast. So, i figured a quick pee in private in the picnic area and then I'd be back on the road for more fun. As I finished...

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The Italiano

An Italian man enters his favorite ritzy restaurant and while sitting at his regular table, he notices a gorgeous woman sitting at a nearby table. ...Alone. He calls the waiter over and asks for the most expensive bottle of Merlot to be sent over to her, knowing that if she accepts it, she will be his. The waiter gets the bottle and quickly takes it to her saying who it came from. She looks at the bottle and decides to send a note over to the man. The note said "For me to accept this bottle,...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 5

Whoa! What is going on? We need to talk!?!? When I composed myself, I asked, "Where would you like to talk?" "Someplace safe. Someplace I can talk to you without there being a scene made," she said. "Hmmm... someplace like Denny's or some secluded but public place?" I responded. "Denny's is fine," she said. I started the engine and proceeded to a Denny's that was in a neighborhood rather than one by a freeway. There was an eerie silence all the way there. We went in and sat...

1 year ago
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Persona 5 Choose your Confidant

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. It's been two years since you and the phantom thieves last defeated Yaldaboth. You now find yourself back in the velvet room. You are greeted by the twins who somehow have been separated from their true form. Petite, both velvet room assistants are dressed in their blue guard uniform with matching black cap and tie. They each stare at you with their yellow tint eyes that they cover with matching eyepatches. Their platinum blonde hair shine...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 25

It was fun. Rebecca and I played 'Doctor' but not right away. I told her that I'd need a nurse to help me out. We called Melody in to join us. We had our conversation first and like Rebecca, Melody felt a sense of loss at not being able to get pregnant right away like all the other women. She understood why, but she wasn't happy. Playing 'Doctor' helped her get over it. I was elected the 'Doctor'. I got to wear a white smock and a stethoscope. Melody played the nurse. That left...

2 years ago
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A Young Tween

A Young Tween I was always dragged along to go shopping with my mother and older sister. I hated it. One time my sister caught me looking at her "things," so I was never left alone in the house again! Sara, 16, my only sister, was a real "hottie." Cute, sexy, and with an attitude. Little me, 14, was small in every way: body size, demure, and "equipment," if you know what I mean. "Come on Alan, keep up with us. We have a lot of shopping to do today," echoed my mom as I...

4 years ago
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Born to SuckChapter 14

Sven started to withdraw from inside me and I felt the stretched walls of my rectum closing down on the empty void as he retreated. My bum felt sore and bruised but it was also tingling deliciously from the fucking he'd just given it. I couldn't believe how hard I'd cum while his massive hard knob was tearing back and forth across my prostate. Every time he stroked forward, as soon as the engorged head rubbed against it, a long rope of cum had spewed forth from the end of my cock. He'd...

1 year ago
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I Fucked My Girlfriend In A Theatre

Hello ISS readers. My name is Jaggs. I am from Bangalore. A normal guy with a normal physique. One of these days I met my junior. Her name is Amitha. She had hot looks. She was a little dark with a little bit of chocolate color. With medium tan colored skin. With a hot pair of 34 big breasts having dark brown nipples. Her ass was to die for. It was soft as it was plumpy. It was about 36 loved its fatty and soft nature. She is about 5 ft tall. I liked her nature. But couldn’t get her to open up....

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Becoming Sarah Part 3

The latex maid was doing her best to set up a tray next to a hospital bed, which was covered in restraints. The oriental woman walked me over and told me to lie down, and with her threat of surgery still ringing in my ears I quickly did as I was told. “Apply the gel, I’ll warm up the machine. We do the front first and then the back” she told her maid, who began mixing something in a bowl. “This gel will coat your body, and the machine will kill all of your hairs off. If you cause problems I’ll...

2 years ago
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A Good Cure For Boredom

A Good Cure For BoredomJill was bored, bored of her life as Wife and Mother. Bored of her two Daughters and a Husband who’s idea of a life was watching TV and screwing her once a week if she was lucky, and that was ten minutes of him grunting on her before he came and rolled over, if she was lucky. Her needs never entered his head, never cumming ever, she had to resort to playing with herself when she was alone to satisfy her needs.She...

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How I Gave My FatherInLaw A Perfect Farewell Gift

Hi it’s me Ayesha again…I told you how my Father-In-Law(FIL) took advantage of me during my husband’s absence and made me his slut in the my first submission. For the next three months, it was just passionate animal sex every day and night…..We used to download online books about Kama sutra and try different positions. We did all over the house- living room, shower, garden, garage, inside the car. Anyway, my servant Philomena used to come every afternoon and wash our utensils, clothes and sweep...

4 years ago
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Ashley8217s warm pee

I just got my discharge paper and go on the plane to go home. I loved the guard with all my heart, and didn’t want to go. But it was that go do life. I was walking the last two blocks to my house when I saw her. Long black her, C cups, long thin legs, and an ass to die for. I put the key in the door and walked to my room and sat my stuff down and went to bed. The next day I got up at seven and went for five mile run. When I got back I saw her again. She was walking down the street in a short...

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Wifes Photography Class

My wife Adele and I were married 17 years ago. We got married just out of High School after we found out she was pregnant from our fooling around on the night of our senior prom. Adele is a very attractive brunette with perky C cup breasts and an ass to die for. She teaches aerobics at a nearby club and is a budding amateur photographer. Our daughter Stephanie is a very pretty athletic girl. She plays soccer and lacrosse and works out frequently. She is very fun and has become quite the tease...

1 year ago
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My Times with Ijaz

I lay there on the couch, naked and sweating, with Ijaz biting me neck as he fucked me gradually. I grabbed his shoulder blades and let out a moan as he hit the right spot, sensed it and increased his tempo just a little.”Oh Ijaz… This…. Is…so….good.” I moaned as he kept going. Ijaz stopped biting my neck and kissed me as he put my legs on his shoulder and penetrated me even deeper. My moan now turned into a holler as I sensed my orgasm approaching. The first ever orgasm while being fucked....

3 years ago
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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 15

The following narrative is from Grace Darling told at a meeting of The Elderly Wives Club of Long Learey the day after the event Present: Grace Tabitha Gladys Maureen Jane Joy Joan Title: The Longest Tie Contest Dan, the bouncer/security guard, when asked by me, said the journey would take about an hour. As soon as we had moved out of the town’s limits blinds came down so I had no idea what direction we were heading. When asked by me where we were going I was told to a private...

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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 27

I was dozing, lulled by the steady roar of the plane's engines, trying not to think of the next five hours in a coach class seat. Folded like a grasshopper in a too-small box I let my mind drift to a more comfortable time, at the mall, in the front window of Alphonse's Minute Spa, not all scrunched up but sprawling in a chair more appropriate for a gynecologist's examination room than a display window. It was the Saturday after graduation, variously known as "Primp Day" or "Makeover...

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The Last Escort Part Seven Chapters 2428

Chapter Twenty-FourFor the remainder of their time in Paris, Mac and Grace could hardly keep their hands off each other. She attended every meeting and meal so that they could spend more time together.On their last day, when McKinley was checking out of the hotel, he spotted Julien, the bartender. Julien smiled politely when Mac approached him."Ah, monsieur, Le Bristol Hotel will miss you and your lovely companion," Julien said. "It's been a pleasure having you here.""Thank you for being a...

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DemandChapter 4

Mandi smiled to herself as we drove to her house and finally she began to talk about her days in college, before David, with her friends Wendy and Sue, "Easy Sue", as she was known. "I had just arrived for my freshman year and I eager to experience college life to its fullest. A sorority accepted me so I moved into a dorm where I was assigned a room with Wendy and Sue. We became instant friends. Wendy was quiet and reserve while Sue was outrageous. She was always over the top in everything...

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Service SocietyChapter 8 The Escort

Amber stood at the door looking at Dexter. She tried not to let her tears show, but it was a hopeless cause. Sniffling, she said, “It’s hard to believe the week is over.” “I know,” Dexter said. He was standing two paces away from her shifting uneasily from one leg to the other. “I’m going to miss you,” Amber said. Dexter said, “Me too you. It’s going to be awful quiet around here, without you.” “I think you’ll manage all right now,” Amber said. “I hope so,” Dexter said. “Do you need me...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Juliett Lopez Horny Step Mom Squirts

Johnny The Kid wants to play video games after school. His Step Mom Juliett Lopez has other plans for him when she gets off work. Since Johnny’s Dad is out of town she’s been taking advantage of his big cock. He continues playing video games instead of helping his mom get off, so she decides to take his controller and the only way he can get it back is by fucking her. He fucks her hard like she asks and even sneaks in some game time while she’s cumming repeatedly. The couch...

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My Son In Law

Though I don't apologise, I warn you now, it may be a little long for some of you...I hope not and for those who do take the time and trouble to read my efforts, I hope you find these thoughts, if not arousing, then at least an enjoyable read. As always, I will look forward to receiving your comments. All I ask, be they negative or positive, you do please at least keep them constructive. My name is Cathy, I'm fifty one years of age and thought I would write and tell you about...

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Over the next few years I found out that I liked social-psychology and declared that as my major. With the help of Devon I passed all of my research classes. Some of the experiments occurred in our room and I found him to be great person to test new things; plus I loved the intamacy it allowed us without us betraying our feeling for Keith. One afternoon he allowed me to use a dildo on him while I sucked him to an explosion. Another time I let him put his dick between my legs and fuck my nut...

4 years ago
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Body Work

Introduction: A couple spends the day at the shop where they work doing the naughty. Hey Greg, would you mind watching the phones while I go to lunch and run a few errands? Jerrys not coming in today at all apparently, said Veronica as she walked out of the office. An older, petite woman with gray hair and glasses, Veronica was the shops receptionist and the last of the three company employees. Sure no problem Veronica, said Greg casually. I kind of figured Jerry wasnt coming in today, not like...

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Blond Boy Gets Lucky in Puerto Rico Part Three T

This the rest of the story of the story, Part Three.There is a lot more to this which I can write later if there is enough interest, please comment and let me know. “Of course I am not alone, silly, am I Roger?” Miller placed his cell phone between him and Norris.“No, you are not, Daddy Bear.” Roger's voice sounded soft, as if he was ten years younger. Which would still be older than the Big Bear.“I am so happy for you Bhuda Bear” Sean said, smiling broadly.“Roger only lives a few hours away...

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Hommes et Femmes

Dane is a young man and Paris is an old place. It is a city built of skeletons and ghosts and memories, and so is Dane. He’s come here to listen for the ghosts, to pace their haunts, to rattle their bones. A voyeuristic student, he’s come to look behind the curtain, to catch a glimpse of the secret lessons that can only be taught here, and what a lot of wisdom there is to be found along the Boulevard De Rochechouart at four o’clock in the morning. The whores are all out in force tonight and...

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The first time with Helen

This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We chatted...

1 year ago
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Black cock school for girls

Carla Scott sat stiffly upright in one of the several straight back chairs that ringed the front of headmistress, Marion Elder's large imposing desk. "Now let me make sure that I understand exactly what you're saying, Mz. Elder," Carla said sternly, "you're guaranteeing that my erection etiquette?!?" "That is exactly what I'm saying," the headmistress replied smoothly, "in fact we guarantee that your daughter will get at least two hard fuckings a day by black erections that are at least nine...

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After Christmas Party

Sitting watching late afternoon football, with a beer, saw a black Merc pull up outside the house. Wife climbed out the rear wearing black, leather skin tight pants to the ankles, button up the front leather waistcoat, open toed 6 inch sling back pumps, her hair pulled back into a short pony, black mascara red toes and fingers. The mild weather allowing her to walk from the car bare armed with her black leather jacket over her shoulder, the waist coat straining to keep her tits controlled the...

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Colby and the 120 Club

My name is Scott, and I have a smoking fetish. My girl- friend’s name is Colby; she’s an artist who has a bit of a local name, and we’ve been going out for almost a year and a half. We met at a nightclub: Colby had just moved to town and was being shown around the neighborhood by her roommate, while I was watching one of the bands I manage. As a part-time extra income job, it’s perfect for a fetishist because, in essence, I get paid to look at many lovely women as they...

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Young WolvesChapter 2

Jenifer was worried. Everything was going terribly wrong. Biting Cameron Reed was a colossal fuck up. Her decision not to tell Tyler might be an even bigger fuck up. Then her parents sprang a weekend trip to the lake house on her. Tyler wasn't happy that she couldn't spend the day with the pack, but the only thing he hated more than disobedience was the possibility of discovery. She couldn't defy her parents without some sort of explanation, so Tyler excused her from the den meet. She...

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A question and answer session

what have you enjoyed doing the most with someoneelse with me in the room?****I 'd have to say sucking the black man's cock asyou fucked me. Or fucking with the loud blonde, rightin front of my face. Though if I could includeanytime---I'd say, being with Tiffany.what do you think is the sluttiest thing you've donewhile i was there?**I think, you would say the black man. I would say,having all the people smacking my ass and touching mytits.which of the things you've done do you look forwardto...

3 years ago
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Mechanical Issues

Mechanical issues...Susan didn’t move a muscle, nor did she make a sound. Her eyes were locked on mine, the look of confusion and shock on her face as one of the men carried her slowly to a table in the middle of the room. As he laid her down, the others bound her feet and hands. She was now grasping the magnitude of the situation. I had told her countless times if she was going to act like a whore I would personally make sure she was treated like one. It was obvious this was not what she...

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Loves Strange Course

Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It's like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you're going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January; it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...

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B6 Chapter 15 Summer Transformed Summers R

Chapter 15: Summer Transformed - Summer's Release Summer showed no tenderness or compunction in what she did next. The now much larger girl stood up, her assets shuddering delightfully before Rayleena's awestruck eyes, as the huge shaft of her new cock jerked to slap heavily between her breasts repeatedly. Summer turned to Vantha lying upon the bed, her massive cock stretching out over Vantha like a tree limb from her new body. Summer's powerful new form quivered and rippled in anticipation...

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Blackfeather10 Kissing a Girl

“RAMIE? RAMIE?” Kyle was standing right in front of me. I started out of my reverie. “What?” “You’re asleep on your feet. You didn’t even look up when I pulled in.” “Kyle, I was...” I couldn’t tell him. He claimed to not be time traveling, even though I’d seen him twice. Still, the last time I’d seen that corporal, Kyle certainly was not there. And how did I go off time-traveling if I wasn’t listening to him and Aubrey making love? I looked over and the raven had his head tucked under his...

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