Converging Destinies Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 2.

Dreams, Deals and Destiny.

Part 1 of the Converging Destinies story covered the meeting of Bree and Michael. Michael, a college student in his sophomore year at San Diego State who is in a relationship with Veronica Chambers. Bree is a nurse who works for the doctor where Michael had to take a physical for his football eligibility. After the two meet they begin to have identical dreams about feral Scotland and two young lovers named Mungan and Ceana. Ceana has been married off to a horrible man named Eonan and has decided to give all of her ‘firsts’ to the man she loves. As the dreams continue the strange feeling Michael and Bree feel for one another build. At a party to celebrate one night Michael finds out that Veronica and Bree are friends and the two share a very romantic dance with one another and almost kiss. That night Bree sleeps with Jonathan Masters, a longtime friend of Michael’s out of sexual desperation and the thought of what Michael and Veronica are doing. Michael on the other hand takes Veronica forcefully because ‘she is his’ as he says. Veronica has no idea he is thinking about Bree with Jonathan. As they cum, they each see each other, instead of the ancient Scotland couple they had always seen.

This is Part 2.

-Part 2-

Therapy and couples therapy.

After the night at the bar and the events from that evening the dreams not only continue for both Michael and Bree but they seem to get more intense, more vivid and more crushing. Every night Bree and Michael dream of Ceana and Mungan and every night the Scottish lovers would do everything to and with one another. Mungan would lovingly lick Ceana’s sweet pussy and his beautiful scottish woman would return the favor to his uncut cock. The two would then make love and lay naked in one another’s arms until the sun was close to coming up.

The Dreams had begun to take their toll on the private lives of the two. Bree was late for work almost daily and had taken to picking up guys from the bar every night. She would pray they could give her what she needed, but no matter how great the sex, she asks them to leave and cries herself to sleep. Ceana’s emotions bleeding out into her now.

Michael on the other hand had been late to practice three times in the last week. He hadn’t made a single class since school started and he and his relationship with Veronica was suffering. After the events of the night of the party he couldn’t bring himself to sleep with Ronnie again. He kissed her and when he opened his eyes he saw Ceana or Bree. She tries to go down on him and he saw Ceana or Bree. Then there was Mungan’s emotions. Whenever faced with anyone looking at Veronica he would have this overwhelming need to hurt them. And he could barely stand to look at Jonathan. Knowing that he slept with Bree was killing him.

Michael was due in a calculus class when the door of his apartment rang. He was sitting on the couch wearing a pair of jeans and a white tank top and with his face in his hand. He had gotten up on time to go to class, but he was so tired and the thought of leaving the house, of not sleeping upset him now. ‘If you have a key come in….if not go away.’

That usually took care of most people but he heard the sound of a key in the door and was just about to

look up and greet Veronica when he heard a male voice say sourly. ‘My god, you look like shit brother.’

Michael looked up and found Jonathan standing in the door way. Jonathan was wearing a pair of ripped up black jeans, a pair of black boots and a Green Day T-Shirt. His short brown hair was nicely combed and his brown eyes were filled with concern. Michael’s chest welled up with rage and hate when he saw him, but a voice inside his head reminded him He is your best friend and you and Bree are not a couple. He didn’t do anything wrong. ‘Look Jon, it’s not a good time.’

‘The last few weeks it’s never been a good time.’ Jon said firmly. ‘And the last week? You won’t return my calls. You don’t ever want to hang. You barely talk to me. It is because of Bree?’

When her name came out of his mouth all Michael wanted to do was rip his throat out. Stop him from ever saying it again. ‘I has nothing do with with Bree Jonathan. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get to class.’ He said curtly.

‘Your already an hour late for that Mike.’ Jonathan said in a little hiss. ‘Look, you need to talk to me brother. Something is throwing you seriously off your rocker. Did something happen when you went back home?’

‘It had nothing to do with being back home.’ Michael snapped and then looked down and sighed. ‘It’s these damn dreams.’

‘What dreams?’ Jonathan asked as he crossed the room and sat down on the edge of the coffee table. For a bigger man, Jonathan was graceful.

So, Michael told him everything. The Physical, the dreams that followed, the details of the dreams. Everything. By the end of it Michael was crying and Jonathan looked more then a little awed. ‘Jon, you have to understand I am starting to feel Mungan’s emotions….and Bree….oh GOD…Bree.’ Michael almost sounded fanatic now. ‘There is a part of me that wants to make things work with Veronica. To be happy and content with my old life, but there is another part of me that screams for Bree. I think there is a part of that is in love with her.’

For a time Jon was silent and then he suddenly blurted out. ‘We slept together!’ Jon looked down at his hands and added. ‘She didn’t want any foreplay. She barely wanted to touch me. She just…did the deal and then had me drive her home.’

‘Jon.’ Michael’s lip actually quivered. Another man touched her. Little did he know that Bree was sleeping with one, sometimes two guys a day now. Usually without protection. Michael suddenly looked down and cried out. ‘Jon I need help. I feel like I will die without her. Please….if you really care about me, help me.’

‘Okay bro. Okay.’ Jon moved from the table to the couch next to him and put an arm around his shoulder. ‘Look, my aunt has an office. It’s about fifteen minutes from Campus. She’s a psychologist who specializes in hypnotherapy. Maybe she can help you.’

Before Michael could argue about seeing a shrink Jonathan had his cell phone open and to his ear. ‘Aunt Carol It’s Johnie. I am alright….yeah my mom and dad are fine….Listen I need…..what? Yes, I am taking school seriously. Listen Aunt Carol I need……no I didn’t know they remade Cats for

Broadway. Listen Aunt Carol I have a friend who really needs to get in to see you…..Carol please it needs to be right now….can you as a personal fa….thanks Aunt Carol.’

Jon hung up the phone and looked over at Michael with a smile. ‘Come on. I’ll drive.’

Ten minutes later they were in the car and on their way. They did very little talking on the drive down. Ten minutes later Michael was walking into a big office. A middle aged woman sat behind the desk with a smile on her lips. She had brown hair, like her nephew and the same mud colored brown eyes. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail and on her nose sat a pair of thin glasses. ‘You must be the friend Jon called me about. Please, sit down and tell me what’s going on.

Michael walked to one of the chairs sitting across from her desk and sat down. For a short time he just sat there staring at his hands and then began. ‘I went into a doctors office to get a physical done so I can play football. There was this blond nurse there, pretty, nice and funny. The second I saw her it was like I had known her my whole life. I couldn’t breath and thoughts began to run through my mind.’

‘Sexual thoughts? Carol asked him.

‘Yes.’ Michael said uncomfortably. ‘….but not thoughts though. More like memories. I could remember the sound of her moans. I could remember the feel of her flesh, the taste of her sweat.’

‘It is possible you two met at a party after you had been drinking and you have just forgotten?’ Carol asked.
‘It’s possible we both forgot, yes.’ Michael admitted. ‘But then the dreams began.’

‘Dreams?’ Carol inquired.

‘Yes. About a pair of Scottish teenagers who had fallen in love. Her father marries her off to a abusive idiot . A man who was abused of fathering a young girls child by force. The two teenagers then give all of their firsts to each other before she is married.’

‘How old are these teenagers?’ Carol askes intently.

‘Around 18? 19 maybe?’ Michael answers. ‘But now, I am starting to have emotions myself that the young man from these dreams has. I can’t sleep, I can’t concentrate at school. My whole life is coming apart.’

‘Well. As Jon no doubt told you, I specialize in Hypnotherapy. We can try and put you under and see what happens.’

All Michael could do was nod. Carol led him to a bed in the corner of the room and began to process. Within minutes Michael’s eyes were closed and his breathing was deep showing he was close to being in a deep sleep.

‘Can you hear me?’ Carol asked in a soothing calm tone.

‘Yes.’ Michael responded in a weak, sleepy voice.

‘What is your name?’ Carols shifted and crossed her legs at the knee.

‘Michael.’ Michael answered. ‘Ceana baby we have to be careful. Eonan’s men are out tonight.’

‘Will Eonan hurt Ceana?’ Carol asked.

‘I’ll kill him if he tries!’ Michael snapped and then sighed happily. ‘Okay baby I am calm. You know you can do anything you want baby. I am yours.’

‘Michael I need you to focus.’ Carol blushed a bit at the thought of what was going on in this boys head. ‘Do you know where you are?’

‘Oh god baby….’ Michael moaned and carol, with a blush quickly woke him up.

Once he was awake again and apologized profusely for the raging hard on he was sporting in his pants. ‘Michael, to tell you the truth I need to see this woman Bree before I make any kind of future progress.’

‘Why do you need to see Bree?’ Michael asked protectively.

‘Because I need to confirm that Bree is also having these strange dreams. If she isn’t this would be a form of Schizophrenia. Can you bring her here? Today?’ Carol asked.

‘I don’t know. The best I can do is go to her work and see if she is even working today.’ Michael answered.

‘Do that please. I will be waiting.’

Michael left the shrinks office then and found Jon in the parking lot waiting for him. After explaining what his aunt believes Jon agrees to drive him back to his apartment so he could get his truck. Jonathan wanted to argue that Mike didn’t need to be alone right now, but Michael didn’t want Jon to see him and Bree together right now.

Twenty minutes later Michael is walking into the office of the doctor who preformed his physical and found himself face to face with the receptionist, which caused him to grin. The little redhead grinned at him in return. ‘Well, if it isn’t mister football.’

‘You remember that after all these weeks?’ Michael asked with a chuckle.

‘What can I say, I remember the hot ones.’ The receptionist said with a giggle. ‘So, mister rock hard in the exam room, what can I do for you?’

Michael blinked that someone had told her about that, but seeing the way her eyes twinkled he grinned a bit down at her. ‘I need to see Bree.’

‘Another one?’ She grumbled and shook her head. ‘Your not her boyfriend are you?’

‘No, not her boyfriend.’ Michael assured her.

To his surprise the receptionist smiled happily and nodded. She almost looked relieved that he wasn’t her boyfriend. ‘That’s good, because to be honest with you she almost lost her job a few days ago . The Doctor found her with her head in a patients lap.’

‘SHE DID WHAT?!’ Michael yelled. When he saw how shocked she was at this and a little turned off he sighed. ‘Sorry, it’s just, that doesn’t strike me as Bree.’

‘I know right?’ She said finally. ‘She hasn’t been herself in weeks, but I hate to tell you that she isn’t here.’

Panic began to spread through Michael at this point. Bree was spiraling out of control worse then he was, and a part of him blames it all on himself. If he had never met her, she wouldn’t be acting like this. ‘C…ould you call her at home?’

‘…Look football star, I couldn’t do that.’ The receptionist now sounded annoyed. ‘That sounds a little stalkerish to me.’

Michael grinned a bit at that and nodded. Part of him thought that was her fear. Strange guy shows up and asks her to call an employee at home. That does sound a bit like a stalker. ‘Look, another doctor needs to talk to her. Doctor Carol Masters. I can give her number and you can verify if you want.’ When the woman still looked unsure he smiled and added. ‘I don’t want the number. I just want you to call her and tell her the guy from the physical is here and needs to speak to her about the dreams we discussed.’

‘Dreams?’ The Receptionist asked with a lifted brow.

‘Long story.’ Michael said with a chuckle. ‘Please? If she says no, I will leave peacefully…Consider it a….personal favor?’

Michael turned on the charm and gave the doe eyed receptionist his brightest smile and watched as the girl wilted. First she blushed and then she reached out a shaky hand for the phone. For a moment she said nothing as the phone rang and then she blushed bright red. ‘….Bree…It’s Nadine from Dr Andrew’s office? Sorry to bother you but there is a guy here asking about you.’

Michael watched in silence as the receptionists brown eyes lifted to him, as if sizing him up and then she answered Bree’s unspoken question. ‘Bout 6 foot 2, long black hair….kinda hot. He says he is here looking for you… will? Really? But I thought you said you were b….Sorry! I didn’t mean to talk about it in front of him….Fine! Sorry!’

The receptionist looked like she was prepared to cry when she slammed the phone down. When she looked up at Michael there was a clear hostility in her eyes and her lips were curled into a feral snarl. ‘You had better be worth it kid. She just bit my head off for calling her. So thanks for nothing!’

Knowing that he had been the cause of this woman getting chewed out and all because of him caused knots to form in his stomach. He didn’t mean for the girl to get into trouble. So, he leaned over and placed his forearms on the desk. ‘You know, you are right. I did nothing for you. So, what do you say I take you to dinner?’

‘I don’t think Bree would like it if I went to dinner with you. I don’t think she would let me live it down

if we went out on a date.’ The little red headed receptionist said sadly. Her tone said she truly wanted to go out with him but she was scared of offending Bree.

‘Now, I never a date.’ Michael said with a smile. ‘I am seeing someone….’

Michael said the rage flare in this girls eyes and he lifted his hands in his own defense. ‘Now wait. I am not leading you on. I merely meant dinner. As a way to apologize for causing you trouble.’

‘Just dinner?’ The receptionist asked suspiciously. ‘Guys have used that excuse before to get into my panties.’

For a moment Michael wanted to ask how many men she had allowed into her panties, but then thought better of it. He wanted to keep on this girl’s good side. Bree had begun acting strangely and he may need her to keep him posted on how she was doing. Finally, after a moment of silence he nodded and gave her his most charming smile. It’s effects were devastating. The Receptionist’s eyes went from narrowed to disarmed and vulnerable and she began to bit her lip a bit. ‘Just dinner I promise. We can go anywhere you like.’

‘I…am going to need your number?’ Nadine asked with a sudden shyness to her tone and I gave her the number while looking at the door.

He wasn’t discouraged. Bree must live close because the outside doors opened less then ten minutes after Nadine had hung up. Her blond hair was a bit disheveled but her make up was perfect, as if
she had put more on while in the car. She wore a pair of jeans that hugged her hips beautifully and a white shirt that clung to her form, molding itself to her braless breasts. Behind him Michael could hear the sudden hissing intake of breath and Nadine hiss. ‘Leaves another man in her bed and comes in looking like that? How are the rest of us suppose to compete?’

Michael wanted to chuckle at this woman’s thoughts and outburst. She couldn’t compare to this beautiful blond who had so very suddenly changed his whole life. He knew the moment their eyes met that she felt the same way. She was haunted, but there was a faint hope and a unmistakable yearning in her eyes. Her fingers seemed to twitch as if they longed to reach out and touch him, but she kept her distance. ‘Nadine said you wanted to see me.’

‘Yea….’ Again he felt that tightening in the front of his jeans and watched as her eyes drifted down and she bit her button lip with need. Seeing that very clearly sexual posture a lump formed in not only his jeans, but in his throat. Michael’s tongue felt thick in his mouth and his heart began to hammer in his chest. ‘Something is happening to us. I….saw a doctor….a head doctor and she asked me to bring you. If you will come.’

‘Why would I want to go anywhere with you?’ Bree snapped, but immediately raised her fingers to her mouth and her eyes welled up with tears. ‘I’m so sorry Michael I didn’t mean to snap at you. I….am just so frustrated. No one can seem to help. Do you think this doctor can make this stop?’

‘I don’t know Bree.’ Michael answered in truth. When He saw the hopeless expression on her face and the misery in her eyes he crossed the room and hugged her. Michael felt at the moment their bodies connected a sudden calmess wash over him. He felt Bree’s arms curl around him and grab the fabric of his shirt. She clung to it in desperation. ‘Shhh, It’s okay. We will get through this.’

‘I’m scared’ Bree whispered and held herself tighter to him. ‘I…am ashamed.’

‘Why are you ashamed.’ Michael whispered and pulled them apart so he could look into her eyes. She looked down at his chest in shame.

‘Not here…let’s go outside.’ She begged. ‘You drive….and I will tell you everything.’

With only a simple nod Michael took her hand and led her to his truck. He noticed how small her hand felt in his own. How delicate Bree was but there was a challenge in her grip. Like she dared him to pull away. He didn’t. When they climbed into his truck and he fired up the engine she stared out the window like she dreaded what she had to say. When she began her voice was wavering, on the verge of breaking. ‘Until the day you walked into my life Michael, I had only been with five men. Multiple times with each man, but only five and I prided myself on the fact that I loved all of them. Some of them…were after we had broken up and I felt desperate or lonely but I still loved them.’

‘…That is something to be proud of Bree.’ Michael said with a smile, but that smile faded when he considered something. Something that broke his heart. When he asked this question, he couldn’t hide the pain in his voice and worse yet, he didn’t understand why he felt it at all. ‘….So you and Jonathan…? You loved him in secret or something?’

‘Your friend.’ She looked out the passenger window and sighed. ‘He was the first who I didn’t. My number has quadrupled.’ Michael heard the sobs and looked over quickly to see Bree was crying hard now. ‘I have this….this strange longing now Michael. One that no matter how many men I take to my bed cannot be satisfied. I am…just so horny all the time!’

Michael reached down and adjusted that mass of cock in his jeans at her exclamation that she was so horny. He tried to do it discreetly but Bree had noticed and began to whimper. Her hand reached out and touched his thigh, fingernails dragging along the fabric. ‘….Bree….Veronica is your friend….’

‘I know….’ She whimpered, and a single fingertip touched his cock. ‘The only time I didn’t feel this way was when we were dancing. When you held me so tightly to you.’ Her hand slid over and her palm slid back and forth over that length. She let out a little moan of need. ‘Your so hard…oh god Michael is this for me?’

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(note from Author? (note from Author?.. This is my first attempt at writing a story?feedback is welcome. Thank you. )   It began simply enough, a dream, a wish, nothing more than a reoccurring fantasy. That simple beginning has plummeted into a mass of complex feelings and emotions, leaving me in this current situation. I steal a quick glance into my rear- view mirror and I take stalk of the reflection I see staring back at me. Strong, yet feminine features, warm brown eyes...

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Cassandras Destiny

Well, here’s the deal, I entered this story in a contest, unfortunately for me it wasn’t selected as a finalist. Luckily for you guys you get to read it before the contest begins since the rights have been released back to me now. I ask that you accept it as a slightly rewritten version of the original (which I found much too short for my style of writing) and send your comments and votes to let me know how I’d have done if it had been chosen. For this I give you my heart felt thanks. So, here...

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Your alarm interupts yet another deep and peaceful dream. You frantically search for your phone on your wooden bedside table to switch off the repetitive alarm sound blasting into your ear. You turn it off and sit up in your bed, the sunshine seeping through the curtains, nearly blinding you. You stand up and stretch your muscles, still half asleep. You get ready for your boring office job as you usually would, take a shower, get dressed, breakfast, brush your teeth and out the door for 8am. As...

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Guardian Of Destiny

On a day like any other you are walking out of your home to buy something in a hurry. On the sidewalk is a strange glistening surface floating in the air. Humanity didn't end up where it is now by ignoring things that stimulate its natural curiosity. You do the only sensible thing and touch it to see what it is. To your surprise what you had taken for a surface is a hole! As soon as you put a finger in it you are sucked into it to reappear in the dark immensity of space. A large figure,...

4 years ago
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Nerd learns of his space bound destiny

"You're joking... Please tell me you're joking!""Jacob, I'm sorry," said a mildly sympathetic voice from the opposite end of the phone, the owner of the voice's attention firmly on the last minute touches of her up-do hairstyle. "No, Courtney, you're not. You call me an hour before prom to tell me you're going with your ex instead? You know what? Fuck off!" As Jacob put up a strong front he was broken on the inside.He threw his phone across his bedroom and ran downstairs. In his moment of rage,...

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Dancing With Destiny

To many I am quite mild mannered and sort of quiet, but my friends on the Internet see a different side of me and this is what inspired this story so I'd like to thank my dear friends for this story. Conrad Lee Dedicated To: Michael one of my friends in the darkness. Dancing With Destiny By Conrad Lee Tara sat quietly at home awaiting the arrival of her husband Martin from work. He was late as usual so she decided to take in a little television while she waited, all she...

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Nisha8217s Tryst With Destiny

Hello friends, am back with another story which of my friend Nisha. Well I am a beginner right now so would appreciate your feedback and inputs to improve. You can email me at Well Nisha is a high society woman, married to a rich business tycoon and lives in Delhi. She got gorgeous figure and do what every rich woman do to be fit and slim. She’s 29 years old, 5’10 height, 36C boobs size, and always wear a tight fit dress to show her well maintained figure over the dress. Rajeev (her husband)...

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Nisha8217s Tryst With Destiny

48 saal ki hotel manager aunty ne choodvaya Hi friend, how are you??? May be all are fine, mera naam rohit he aur me ek privet company me job karta hu, me aapko meri ek ajibo garib hakikat batana chahta hu, muje ek 48 saal ki hotel malkin ne blackmail kiya aur jordar hardcore aur pussy sex karvaya, meri age 26 he aur yeh kissa 2 sal pehle ka hai jab my pehli baar chandigarh aya tha kafi raat ho chuki thi sayad 10 baje the, is liye mene thyan nahi diya ke who kounsi hotel thi, Maine counter par...

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How Jim Discovered Destiny

How Jim Discovered Destiny By Jill Tice (send comments to [email protected] thanx!) Jim was a good fellow, very amiable and kind to all he sees, but yet his life, however, was a living hell of crestfallen, dolorous misery on account of the cruel way all the puerile, immature kids at Jim's school treated him. They always insisted on laughing at him and teasing him at school, never seeing his true self deep within which was brutally evil and unkind of them to ignore. "This blows!"...

2 years ago
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Ms Destiny

Ms. Destiny By Heather Alexander © 2004 Isobel Hunt was sitting at her desk outside her boss's office she was typing away at the keyboard of her computer finishing off the dictation that he had given her earlier that day. When she felt and a pair of hands grab her around the shoulders; which was made her jump out of her skin she looked up and saw the smiling face of her boss looking down at her; his beady his had a glint in them which made her feel queasy. "How's my little...

4 years ago
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By the Personnel Book Pattis Destiny

By the (Personnel) Book - Chapter 5 By some aggressive flirting and a little luck, I had succeeded in pushing by my encounter with Ken Anderson to the next day, but I knew that the respite was only temporary. The best thing I had going for me was that the changes forced upon me - the porn star breasts, lips and other plastic surgery, combined with dramatic makeup and clothing -- had an unintended effect. To put it crudely, my appearance made men go hard and women get wet. And...

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Michaels Destiny

MICHAEL'S DESTINY By Betty Noone We have all read stories about a girl trapped in his boy's body. He knows he should be and is a girl. But what of the very rare instances where one is born a boy, wants to be a boy, is a boy, but has the physical appearance of a girl? This is the story of Michael. Christopher (Chris) and Velma Ingersen were delighted when Michael was born. They already had a daughter who is now four and one half years old and they wanted a boy. And what a...

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Bond of Destiny

????? BOND OF DESTINY??????????? by YamiNoHikari written: April 17th 2006  Genre: RPGFrom : Crossover Anime-Game DICLAIMER: I don't have anything to do when using the characters from animes and games. I do have all the original characters, but the anime-game characters belong to their respective owners. updates for chapter 05:- new original characters Miscellanious Things 1. Original Characters ????? a. Hikaru -Original-????? S/he is a human with two forms, one as a male and another as a...

2 years ago
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She tapped her pen on her desktop for just a few seconds, then twirled the blunt tip against her lips for a moment. A slow smile spread over her face. Heading out of the office, she lets her assistant know she’s going to be taking a long lunch. She leaves the gallery and it’s only a short drive to her destination. She smooths down her skirt and raps shortly on the door. The door opened and a man leans against the frame, holding the door braced against one arm. ‘Staccato, had to be you.’ She...

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ConvergenceChapter 2 State of the Union

President Scott McGowan marched through the wide, double doors, into the House chamber. Politicians from both sides of the political aisle lined his path, waiting to shake his hand. They were all smiling, but very few smiles reached their eyes. Scotty sighed, as he began shaking hands and thanking men for their false well wishes. It looked like most of the Congressmen had read the advance copy of his speech, and they weren't happy about it. That was okay. They weren't meant to be happy...

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ConvergenceChapter 3 Strike Back

“We will not be successful in preventing attacks every time,” Scotty remarked grimly, leaning forward to emphasize his words. He was speaking to his inner circle, in the first family’s private quarters. Scotty and his wife, Belinda, were sitting on a leather loveseat. JJ was seated on an overstuffed chair with her son, Noah, sitting on one knee, and Mike, her twenty-four month old grandson, on her other knee. The two babies were laughing quietly as JJ bounced them. JJ held the position of...

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ConvergenceChapter 4 First Step to Liftoff

"I'm nervous!" Kim mentally blurted to Ryan. "What's to be nervous about?" Ryan asked calmly, as he leaned back on the comfortable leather couch, nonchalantly surveying the room. "She's nervous because this guy has always been one of her heroes," Alice, Kim's Companion informed him. "Don't let him fool you, Kim," Ed, Ryan's Companion comforted. "He is one of Ryan's heroes, too. The only reason Ryan named me after Ed White, the first American space walker, is that Ed is...

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ConvergenceChapter 5 Boot Camp

"AAATEN-HUT," thundered through the room, and four hundred Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and even a few members of Air Force Special Operations Command snapped to their feet, and came to attention. Brigadier General Benjamin Handel, Commanding General of the Marine Air Ground Combat Center, strode to the center of the stage and barked, "At ease. Sit." He waited until the rustling ceased before saying, "The four hundred men in this room have each volunteered for this program. Just so we...

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ConvergenceChapter 6 Revelations

Caleb left the training hall with the four-man fire team behind him. He entered a conference room that had been selected for its interior building location, and its sound proofing. When the doors were closed, the silence was nearly absolute. Three rooms had been prepared for this process. Everyone selected a seat, and Caleb asked, "So, were you impressed with the armor?" Master Chief Sal Marconi answered with, "That is probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen. The fact that it's...

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ConvergenceChapter 7 Espionage

Kent Sorenson was escorting Ryan on a tour of the Black Mesa Research Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Kent was the president of the company responsible for the facility, which was in turn owned by the parent company controlled by Élan Dahl. This particular facility was trying to come up with better material and manufacturing processes for exhaust nozzles. This was critical for the rapid turn-around of launch vehicles. Kent was completely unaware of Ryan's true purpose at the facility....

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ConvergenceChapter 8 Ghost Busters

Captain Stan Sloan shifted in his seat, trying to get more comfortable. Accepting the futility of the effort like a good soldier, he leaned his head back against the hard side of the airplane, and closed his eyes. The canvas-slung seats running down both sides of the aircraft were not designed for comfort. He let his mind wander over the memories of the last three months. The next stop was a remote airstrip in Iraq where forty-two men would be left with enough rations and equipment to last a...

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ConvergenceChapter 9 Teacher

A car was waiting when the plane taxied to a stop at the Andrews Air Force Base Flight Operations. Ryan quickly walked down the stairs, with Kim close behind. Syon trailed at a more leisurely pace, his lips slightly curved in a smile. Syon had enjoyed the trip much more than he believed he would. Ryan had raised his curiosity. He knew the young man had lied, yet could feel no deceit from him. That had never happened before. Finding three spies, in his facility, operating right under his...

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ConvergenceChapter 10 Baghdad Blues

Caleb sullenly watched the mud-and-straw brick buildings slide past. Their lifeless, bedraggled sameness matched his mood. He was riding in a truck full of supplies being taken to the ISIS troops besieging Baghdad. The platoon had hitched a ride on the ISIS convoy, and was spread through the trucks. The buildings they were passing weren't the cause of his foul mood. His second guessing of his actions and decisions were the cause of his anger. Their attack on ISIS was no longer the lark that...

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ConvergenceChapter 11 Tots

Syon Chao's mind emerged from his morning meditation with all the grace and beauty of a swan floating on a quiet, moonlit pond. Meditation had been the way he had solved difficult problems since his Grandfather had taught him how to meditate. He was very young, at the time, and the peaceful habit had formed the character behind the mind. The habit of meditating each morning helped resolve issues that had been left to the magic of sleep. Meditation also ensured his day would be productive, no...

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ConvergenceChapter 12 Embassy

Colonel Allen Murphy strode purposefully through the dimly lit halls of the American Embassy. Even in these times, he didn't normally get a summons from the Ambassador in the middle of the night. His eyes were constantly moving, noting every nook and cranny in the shadow-draped halls. He stopped to swipe his card through a card reader that gave him access to the courtyard leading to the residential wing of the Embassy. Goose-bumps rippled up his arms, and a chill ran down his spine, as he...

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ConvergenceChapter 13 Baghdad Cleansing

The Iraqi Council of Representatives consisted of three-hundred and twenty-five members. Seventeen of those members were identified by Ambassador Lee and Colonel Murphy as supporters of Iranian involvement in Iraq. Ghost One spent the next thirty-six hours gathering intelligence on the structure and depth of penetration by Iranian hardliners in Iraqi politics. The brush of an unseen hand was enough to gather the mental signatures needed to read the men from short distances. It also allowed...

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ConvergenceChapter 14 Aliens

"The only fact we've determined, so far, is that they communicate at much lower frequencies than we do," the Science Officer mused aloud. If a human had been in the room, the human would not have heard the words. The alien's analogy to a human's voice box produced a sound so high that even Earth dogs would have to strain to hear it. The human wouldn't hear anything, but the human would see the face on the bulbous, leathery head contort as it spoke. The alien's thin body was leaning...

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ConvergenceChapter 15 Menace Unchecked

Abdul Jamal Al-Fayed, also known as Jerome Parsons, was in a quandary. Everything had been going so well in the months since his escape from his rooftop sniping 'stand', and the Washington, D.C. dragnet that followed it. Within a week after his escape, his life changed for the better. He was offered a fulltime job with benefits. Furthermore, his military service was counted as part of his seniority, taking him to within a week of his first pay raise. He only needed to pass a security check...

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ConvergenceChapter 16 Soulless

First Sergeant Ted Benson, US Marine Corps, Force Recon, picked his way carefully through the rubble. The second squad had point today, the point of the spear, and Ted was following the lead fire-team. The team was working their way through the broken city of Bazwala, an eastern suburb of Mosul. A Navy Seal was leading the fire-team, and he moved like smoke. So did his team. Through the magic of linking their minds, the other three members of the team were as stealthy as their team leader,...

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ConvergenceChapter 17 Upping the Game

A nervous looking security guard was standing on the edge of the delivery dock. It seemed like his only purpose was to guard the seven refrigerators lined up in the middle of the dock. They were obviously used, but would still be a welcome addition to any home that Syon had ever been in. The guard was the only person they could see. “There is something wrong, here, ” the Noah persona of the children’s meld stated. They were linked to Syon, ready to feed him power, if he needed it. Quietly...

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ConvergenceChapter 18 Demonrsquos Trap

Caleb raced up the stairs to the second story roof. He was trying to focus on the danger to his men and himself, but the events in Washington, D.C kept pulling at his attention. “Are you okay, honey?” Caleb telepathically asked his wife anxiously, while taking the steps two at a time. “I’m fine,” JJ answered with a kiss ... or at least, the emotional aspect of the kiss. “We’ll take care of business, here. You need to take care of business there. We can talk when we can relax. Let me know...

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ConvergenceChapter 20 Rescue

Jerome Parsons had been snatched from the cement floor of the loading dock by an invisible hand. Then everything went black. He had still been conscious. He knew that because he was aware of the blackness, the absolute silence that surrounded him, and the fact that he was being led by someone. Jerome was frightened, but not in the same way he had been frightened by the men who had kidnapped him and his family. He was also worried about his family. He needed to find a way to rescue them. “I...

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ConvergenceChapter 21 Demonrsquos Lair

“Connor, I hope to hell you know what you’re doing,” Scotty grated from Washington DC. “So do I,” Caleb replied fervently, his footsteps dragging, while following the drone down the dilapidated building’s stairs in Iraq. “Right now, I’m trying to buy time and stay alive! We can sense too many of the drones to kill them all before they overwhelm us with this damn mist. We can’t try to wait them out, either. This constant, nagging, sense of dread will eventually wear us down. An airstrike may...

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ConvergenceChapter 22 Condemnation

Singer’s back was resting against Flan’s. Their rifles were raised, but both knew their weapons were useless against the mist. “Disappear!” Flan silently ordered. “Like Jerome did!” Singer closed his eyes briefly, his mind slipping into that nothingness he had felt from Jerome. ‘I’m not here.’ he repeated in his mind. He opened his eyes again. The mist was still there, but it wasn’t acting with the certainty it had been acting with a moment before. It was still waving in the air, searching...

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ConvergenceChapter 23 Beyond the Terror

Caleb blearily opened his eyes. At least, he thought he did. He couldn’t see anything. He tried to move his hands to wipe at his face, but he couldn’t move either arm. Panic began to bleed through the fog that shrouded his mind. “You’re buried and trapped!” a mental voice informed him. “Your men are digging you out. Just relax until they get to you.” “What happened?” Caleb wondered, not sure if the question was rhetorical, or if he were actually trying to gather information. He wasn’t sure...

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ConvergenceChapter 24 Crossroads

JJ and Caleb had to hurry to reach the small cafeteria, before it closed for lunch. JJ had only bought enough food for one meal. Despite their vows to ‘live on love’ the night before, their stomachs drove them out, in search of food. They sat in a back corner to eat, speaking softly, and basking in the glow of Caleb’s homecoming. JJ wasn’t even aware of the people moving around her. Every few moments, she would reach out and touch his arm, as if proving to herself that he was actually there....

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