DominiqueChapter 2 free porn video

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Inside the front door, Andrew put down my suitcase and picked up a remote control from a side table, pressing a series of buttons. "I'll give you the alarm codes later," he said, pointing the remote in different directions, pressing more buttons and bringing his home to life. "And I'll show you how to use this, too."

"Wow," I said softly, gazing in wonder as lights came up and soft music began playing.

"I'm glad you like it."

Tearing my eyes from the amazing home before me, I looked up at him. He seemed... I don't know... Relaxed? And yet, there was something else there. Anticipation maybe? The excitement in his eyes was intoxicating. He put down the remote and stepped close to me, taking my hands in his.

"I'll give you the guided tour, on one condition," he said softly.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Close your eyes and put your hands behind your back."

I swallowed. "Yes, S... Sir." I did as he asked, trembling almost uncontrollably as I closed my eyes. He stepped behind me and I felt his strong fingers lightly caressing my upper arms. Before he spoke, his breath on the side of my neck sent tingles down my spine. With his fingers he adjusted my hair, tucking the flow of it behind my ear, allowing him unobstructed access to the sensitive skin there.

His warm lips made contact, barely brushing against me as he whispered, "I am going to handcuff you now. Let the feelings flow through you. Don't hold them back. You are allowed to be a little frightened, but always remember my promise to keep you safe." Then he kissed my ear softly.

"Y... Yes, Sir," I managed, shaking with the strangest mix of dread and pure blinding excitement. I actually had to remember to breathe! Sensing he had stepped back a little, I felt the cold steel close around my wrists and ratchet closed.

I just had to test them. I separated my fingers and pulled gently outwards. A surge of pleasure rolled up my thighs, through my groin and tingled across my stomach, raising gooseflesh on my skin. I was not going to be able to free myself. Behind my closed eyes, I felt his movement as he walked around me slowly. Now and again he would touch me. Not somewhere intimate. First he touched my hip, then my shoulder. Then he was in front of me. His fingers caressed down the line of my jaw. I was shaking and my knees felt weak!

"Open your eyes," he said. "Do not speak."

Gazing up at him, I nodded in understanding. He was close to me, and again his hands held my upper arms. His touch was light, yet firm enough to be reassuring.

I had never done anything like this in my life. Dreaming and fantasising about it didn't hold a candle to this. I had never been bound in any way. I had imagined it to be very exciting, but actually being handcuffed was beyond surreal. My body tingled all over and I wondered what might happen next.

I wasn't sure if events were moving too quickly, or whether he was taking his time with me. I knew nothing about his methods or how fast things might happen. I only knew general information on the lifestyle and while there was plenty I could hardly wait to experience, there was also a lot that made me nervous, even afraid. I mean, my parents had never even spanked me!

God, I suddenly wondered, is he going to spank me? He had a small smile playing on his lips as he stared into my eyes. Was he reading my mind? I was handcuffed and at his mercy! I tried to suppress a nervous giggle at my thoughts by thinking about being spanked. It worked!

"Come on," he said playfully. "Let me show you around."

I nodded and smiled up at him. He took my elbow in his hand, guiding me from room to room, and I was so impressed. I couldn't help wondering what something like this must cost. It was like a home out of a modern decorating magazine. Soaring angled ceilings and high windows would light the entranceway during the day, and the white walls would reflect light around the rooms brightly. But in the evening, the character would change to what it was now, exuding class and designer perfection. Fish tanks much taller than they were wide flanked a split-level sunken lounge room. A minimalist effect was provided by the sparse décor, including floor-mounted sculptures, and white leather lounges. Large black cushions appeared in places they might in a professional photo shoot.

"I tidied up a bit," he said, winking at me. All I could do was beam!

The high walls were neatly adorned with small paintings under cleverly concealed spotlights, and as Andrew and I swung through the house, little surprises awaited like recessed nooks with soft lighting and small abstract sculptures. I wondered if he had a hobby in works of art. I paused for a moment in the dining room, with an amazing rectangular inlaid table before me. Without thinking I screwed up my nose at a horrible thought.

He had been talking about the artist who created the tiled abstract inlay and I couldn't help thinking Andrew had to have been one of the richest men I'd ever dated. Even the richest I'd ever met. I felt a tinge of discomfort, wishing I could bring my fair share into the equation. I had very little in comparison, and never really needed a lot. I thought I should tell him I would never take advantage of him.

He had been watching me carefully the whole time, much to my chagrin. I bit my lip when I realised he must have seen me screw up my nose.

"What is on your mind, Dominique?" he asked, his smile fading.

"I... I, um..." Oh my God, I thought. I can't lie now! "I... I was just... Oh, I'm sorry, Sir. I'm trying to find words!"

"Take your time."

"I... I just was thinking all this must cost a fortune. I was just feeling a little intimidated and inadequate, I guess. And um, I was also wanting to tell you I think your home is beautiful and I... oh, how do I say this! I'm sorry, Sir!"

"What is it?"

"I don't want you to ever think I'd want your money!" Fuck! That was hard! I hoped I wasn't in trouble already!

"Oh, Dominique. You are so delightful. Thank you for being forthright." He chuckled. "Please, give it no further thought. Enjoy being surrounded by beautiful things. I have no fear of you. You wouldn't dream of such a thing, I know that much about you already," he said, winking.

Suddenly images from some of my lurid dreams drifted across my mind and I flushed with confused pleasure. I wondered if I would have to tell him about them too. If my hands weren't cuffed together, I would have slapped my forehead. Of course, you dummy. You are going to have to tell him everything!

Remembering I might be in trouble, I asked, "Sir?"

"Dominique, in future, if you wish to ask a question, first ask if you may do so."

I was rocked from my train of thought and felt the heat rising in my cheeks. Nevertheless, I understood what he was asking. "Y... Yes, Sir. May I ask a question please, Sir?"

"Certainly. What would you like to know?"

"Well, I... I was just wondering a... are you going to spank me, Sir?"

"Have you been naughty, Dominique?"

"Oh! I don't know, Sir!"

"Well then, I would not spank you unless I told you that you had displeased me and I explained why. Then we would discuss a punishment and if we agree that a spanking was appropriate, it would proceed." He smiled a little before continuing. "Of course, on occasions I might simply want to spank you. You do have a lovely ass. Well, at least I think you do."

"Oh," I whispered. "Y... Yes, Sir. Um, thank you." God.

"And Dominique?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"In future, and until I decide otherwise, you will refer to yourself as 'this girl' or something similar, and not 'I', understood?"

"Yes, Sir. Um, th... this girl u... understands." I was so nervous. I just hoped I didn't make a mistake.


Dominique continued to delight. It was clear she had taken my requirement for honesty to heart. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Her shiny blue-black hair was smooth and lustrous against my lips. It shimmered when she moved and I thought it was one of her best features, along with her eyes. Dominique had lovely sky blue eyes. Hearing her breath shorten as I kissed her widened my smile. When I leaned back, I was pleased by her willingness to learn something new.

"Yes, Sir," she said, softly. "Um, this girl u... understands."


I took her arm again and continued leading her through the house, showing her the kitchen, then my den, then upstairs to the master bedroom. It was apparent she was very impressed and commented excitedly on things that caught her eye. I deliberately avoided unveiling my 'study'. Rebecca had called it my 'study' and the name stuck. She said it was because of all the studying and practicing I did in there when we first discovered the lifestyle. When the time was right I would show Dominique. I would have to talk to her about Rebecca too. Later. For now, I showed her to her room.

"May this one ask a question Sir?" she asked as we paused in the hallway outside the door.


She was blushing furiously now, and I was looking forward to what she was going to say. "Well, I... I was kind of hoping to sleep in bed with you, Sir. Is, um... Is this girl allowed to say that?"

"Yes, you are allowed to say that, Dominique. You may ask or say anything, as long as you express the question or statement honestly and with respect. I would have preferred you to say, 'This girl was kind of hoping... ' But yes, in essence your question was within the bounds of what you may ask."

"Um. Sorry, Sir. And th... thank you, Sir."

I smiled. "Relax, Dominique. This will be your room. You may keep changes of clothes and makeup here etcetera. You will be sleeping where I tell you to sleep." The disappointment on her face was obvious, but she brightened as I continued. "But I believe most nights you will be sleeping with me, if you earn the privilege." I winked at her. "And Dominique?"

"Yes, Sir?"

"I always want you to be honest with me. Always. It may feel awkward in the beginning, but our relationship depends on it. You should be candid and confess things without being grilled. It pleases me to hear the things you are thinking."

"This girl will try, Sir."

"You will succeed too, Dominique. Or your ass will be very red in the trying." I grinned at her and she trembled, smiling nervously. God, she was gorgeous.

Was it what he said, or the way he said it to me? Or maybe it was having a conversation with my wrists cuffed behind my back. Whatever it was, I was getting so wet it was ridiculous. I'd never been this turned on, ever! I felt light-headed and could feel my body swaying. When he talked about spanking me, I felt faint. I wanted to try it now!

"Are you all right, Dominique?" he asked.

"Y... Yes, Sir. Just..."

"Just what?"

"Um... Just, this girl is so horny, Sir. She's sorry. She doesn't know what's come over her!"

"Good," I said simply, smiling at her. She beamed at me, pleased with herself. "Dominique, I'm going to ask you the same question I asked you earlier."

"Yes Sir?" she asked, looking puzzled.

"Have you been naughty?" I chuckled.

"Ummm... Oh, Sir," she whined, a mischievous look leaping to her eyes. "Yes?"

"Why, Dominique?"

"Ummm... Well..." she began, blushing fiercely, "Well... Because I..."

"'This girl'..."

"Um, because... this girl... ummm... has enjoyed what has happened to her... and... um, her imagination is racing about what might happen in the future, Sir."

"Are you turned on, Dominique?"

"God yes, Sir."

"How can you tell?"

"My... I mean... This girl's p... pussy is wet... and this g... girl is so hot, Sir. It's so exciting t... talking like this with my hands bound, Sir."

"Very good, Dominique. I hope you won't be too disappointed if I remove them." Taking her into my arms, she melted against me as I reached behind her and removed the cuffs. She looked up at me and I kissed her lips gently, whispering, "Take a shower and come down to dinner. You'll find a change of clothes in the wardrobe. Wear nothing but what I have provided for you."

"Thank you, Sir." She rubbed her wrists as I turned and started to walk away.

"And Dominique?" I said, over my shoulder.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Do not masturbate, okay?"

"Um... N... No, Sir."

I stripped off and had a cold shower. I hadn't had one in years, and honestly, I doubt I would have even considered masturbating until Andrew told me I couldn't. The strangest desire to finger myself to a writhing cum washed over me as soon as he said I wasn't allowed. And if I couldn't cum, then I needed a cold shower, and fast! I quickly washed myself thoroughly and jumped shivering from the stall. I wrapped a plush towel around myself, and another atop my head and sat in front of the beautiful, glossy white vanity. On its top were some basic cosmetics and a hair dryer. Supplemented by what I had in my handbag, it was only a few minutes later that I looked at myself and hoped he liked what he saw. I stood and finished drying my body, then pulled back the wardrobe door and gasped.

There was nothing in there!

I looked down, and on the floor were a pair of black pumps, a black leather collar and a note. Pulling open the other door of the wardrobe, I found it empty as well. I crouched down to pick up the things, then sat back down at the vanity and read the note.

Dominique, this is your training collar. Do not put it on. Bring it downstairs with you. There is some jewellery in the drawer on your right. Pick out what you want. It is yours. Remember, to me you are beautiful. Walk tall.


My nipples sprung to attention and I could feel the butterflies in my tummy. I hadn't been here an hour and already I was going to be naked in front of him! I looked at myself in the mirror and was greeted with a stupid grin and I giggled. I slipped on the pumps and stood up. Perfect fit, of course. How could he know? Picking up the collar, I inspected the small silver disk hanging from the front ring. 'Dominique' was engraved across it in a beautiful flowing style. It felt strange holding it in my hands. He must have had such faith in me. I wondered when he had it made and I got a little choked up. I was amazed by the thinness and softness of the leather. I had to see what it looked like and held it up to my neck. Damn, I looked sexy. I opened the drawer and found a small jewellery box. When I placed it on the vanity and lifted the lid, my tear-filled eyes bugged out.

I delved into the half-full box, not knowing what to think. I felt like a pirate finding hidden treasure! Choosing a silver waist chain, I fastened the clasp with trembling fingers. Wow! There were rings and bracelets and some anklets and beautiful jewelled earrings. There were also some things I didn't even know what to do with. I picked up one piece that looked like a brooch. It was a silver star with slivers of green stone swirled through the metal. But from what I could see, there was no way to attach it. For a moment I pondered the pretty piece. Then it dawned on me.

It was nipple jewellery! Adjusting the spring on the back, I fitted it over my hard nipple and let go of the spring. Whoa! I thought, my mouth dropping open. "Mmmmmm!" I moaned aloud at the tightness. Gritting my teeth, I pulled my nipple further through it. What the hell am I doing? Maybe another day I could wear something like that, but not today. I took it off and replaced it, choosing instead some pretty dangling silver earrings and put them on.

I rushed into the bathroom to look in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. Hmmmm... I thought, quickly scanning myself up and down. Opening the bathroom cabinet, I smiled at his forethought. Shaking my head, I wondered how many 'firsts' I would end up having today.

A further fifteen minutes later, I again modelled in the full-length mirror. I blushed and a tingle of excitement rippled across my skin. I raced back out to the vanity and lifted the collar to my neck again.

God, I mustn't prove him wrong.

I shuddered and dropped my arms to my sides. I looked again at myself, naked and holding his collar loosely in my hand, wondering for the first time what the hell was I doing there. I looked at my face and watched the blush creep up my cheeks. My lips looked sexy and I ran my pink tongue over them. I giggled at myself and shook my hair. I look like a slut! I smiled and thought, No, no! 'This girl' looks like a slut! My eyes danced in my reflection as I hastily reassessed my situation. This girl has met a man she is overpowered by. Well, not physically... yet. My smile in the mirror caught my eye. And um, the whole thing, everything that's happened, is like a dream. She's doing things she never thought of doing and she can't stop. And she doesn't WANT to stop. She's horny and she likes the challenge of pleasing him... of knowing that maybe she CAN please him... of giving everything to him... of beaming with delight at his gorgeous fucking smile... of being his to do with as he pleases... of being his... of 'being'... just 'being'... just being ME!

My heart was pounding and my skin prickled and tingled with excitement. There was a full blush in my cheeks and across my chest. My breath was short and my nipples were pointy and crinkled hard. My newly shaved pussy was warm, swollen and wet. The muscles in my body felt like they were humming with adrenalin. Looking down at my feet, I was amazed that the shoes fit so well. My reflection mocked me with a sly smile as I realised I was squeezing my thighs together without even thinking about it. Naked, I came into this world... I thought.

"This girl wants to be seen like this!" I gasped aloud. With barely a hint of hesitation, I turned on my heels, heading for the stairs before I could change my mind.

I was seated when I heard Dominique's heels clicking down the stairs. I stood as she slowly and gracefully entered, not unlike a model on a catwalk. My breath caught in my chest as she came closer, her shoulders back and breasts thrusting, her eyes boring into mine. When she was almost in front of me I gestured for her to stop, and I looked her body up and down, smiling. "Very nice, Dominique." I directed her to the large black cushion beside me on the floor. "Kneel."

"Thank you, S... Sir," she replied, doing as I asked.

"Eyes down, Dominique. Move your thighs a little apart. Your treasures are for my eyes. Do not be afraid to present them to me." I sat down at the table and swung my knees under it.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you for telling this girl, Sir," she said, her hands trembling.

Nodding, I returned to my meal. I had spent a fair bit of time on it today and I was sure that she would appreciate what I had in mind. But I liked making her wait. So, for the next few minutes no words passed between us, but I did wonder what she was thinking.

I hope he likes how I look... God, my pussy is so wet I think I might stain this comfy cushion... Surely he would have known I would... Mmmmm, dinner smells good... I'm so hungry... I wonder if he will feed me... What are we going to do after this? I hope I get to cum tonight... Should I say something? Just be quiet, he told me to relax... Just breathe, girl...

"Pinch your nipples for me, Dominique," I said with a mouthful.

She raised her hands to her breasts and did so without hesitation. "Th... Thank you, Sir," she whispered, gripping them tightly.

"Are you hungry, Dominique?"

"Mmmmm. Yes, Sir."

"Release them," I said, smiling down on her.

"Thank you, Sir." Even with her head down, I could see her grinning as she placed her hands on her thighs, palms down.

"You may look at me now," I said, and she did. "You mentioned before that you were afraid of making a mistake..."

She nodded. "Yes, Sir."

"And I told you I was a patient teacher." I couldn't help but smile. "But I am impatient to begin. So, while I feed you, I want you to listen. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay. When you know no better, you are not in trouble. When you do know better, you are. If I have told you something once before, then 'you know better', so I suggest you always tune in when I am speaking to you. When we talk, you may look wherever you wish unless I direct you to do otherwise. Okay?"

"I've got it. Thank you, Sir."

"Good girl. Whenever I choose to teach you something, grab a cushion and kneel before me, listening as you are right now." I glanced down her body and she blushed. "However, I would like you to turn your hands over, palms up, and I will tell you why."

"Yes, Sir," she said, immediately turning them over.

"Open hands turned toward the one to whom you submit harks back to a time long past and these days is basically symbolic. It symbolises the fact that your submission is voluntary and that you hide no weapons of self defence in your hands."

Dominique nodded, looking down at herself and checking her appearance. I adjusted myself in my Levi's when she did. Spearing another small piece of fish with my fork, I brought it down in front of her to regain her attention. She noticed and leaned forward, capturing the morsel in her open mouth, then closing her lips and drawing it off the fork. She sat back on her heels and chewed slowly while gazing intently up at me.

"Your posture is excellent. Always remain attentive when on your knees. Straight back, and be still. Beyond these requirements, you may kneel in a way that reflects your mood." God, my cock was starting to get quite hard in my pants. "In other words, you may arch your back or spread your legs more or less, depending on what is going through your mind, what thoughts, what feelings..." I smiled down on her as another wave of redness flushed her cheeks. Her eyes danced as she adjusted her posture, opening her legs a little further and drawing back her shoulders. "You are beautiful, Dominique."

Same as Dominique
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"I can hardly wait. You know Daisy, when I first learned aboutTom's desires, I was hurt, confused, wanted a divorce, I reallywanted to kill him. But after I talked with Dr. More, and now you,I feel much better, in fact, it could be fun. "Ann, don't worry, Robin has been a complete baby for over ayear now, and there are moments, but for the most part it is fun.Bob's a P.E. teacher. I haven't yet done anything to him at work,but then you never know. All those cute little tiny bopper's,...

3 years ago
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The Hanging Tree

*~*~*                                                                                                                          *$* I O THE HANGING TREE Written and Narratedby Billy Mack It was on a Friday (Thats why I Love Fridays) when one of the ranch workers, a guy named Joe, came to the house at about 8 o/c in the morning, and said that he had found a man Hanging from a branch of a tree, down by the river, not far from our house, My father asked him if the guy was still alive,Joe said:...

2 years ago
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Mom Bani Dost Ki Sex Girl

Hi. Its my first story so if there are any mistakes please ignore it. So mein start karta hoon story apni mom ka description dekar her name is natasha, 46 years ki hai aur apni age ki womens se slim hai . Normally suit and saree hi pehenti hai except at night, when she wears maxi. Gori chiti hai aur figure size 36 32 34 hai. Make up jyada nahi karti aur hamesha ban thankar rehti hai. Is kahani mein 3 characters hai me,my mom and my friend. Meri mom ka nam to jan hi chuke hai aaplog so let me...

4 years ago
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Roll the Die 1 of 2

The girl was gone.Rolling the plastic die in the crook of his hand, Jesse’s gaze rested on the cocoa skinned beauty tending bar in Roxanne’s absence. Her deltoids flexed as she shook the ice and liquid in the shaker. She uncapped it to pour the watermelon colored liquid in a dainty martini glass and glanced across the bar at him.Jesse focused on his book. A discussion of poetry and prose. Always the English teacher. It was a beautiful book, one his fingers had tattered the edges of over the...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Hot Girlfriend

Hello dosto, keso aap sab log. Mera naam sandip hai me gujarat se hu. Ye jo story hai vo mene dost ki girlfriend aur meri hai. Baat undino ki hai jab hum college me padh rahe the tab mene kisi k sath sex bhi nahi kiya tha. Mera dost 5 saal se mere sath hi padh raha tha hamari bahut achi dosti ho gai thi mere dost naam hai sagar ( name change ) vo ek relationship me tha jiska naam hai monika ( name change ) monika aur hum ek hi collage me padhte the monika aur sagar bahut hi long time se...

3 years ago
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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi Part 8211 2

Hi, guys, this is arav again sharing my further true experience with my horny neighbour mansi.I thank you, people, for the mixed review of my previous story, this is the continuation of that. So please read the first part if someone missed it…   …So that same evening I called her twice but she didn’t pick my call I messaged her but no response.Then after 1 hour she called me asked me “How are u?”   Fine, I said, I asked the reason why she was not responding my call& msg so she said she was...

3 years ago
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Pookulomoddalu 2

Hi, im gopika, elavunnaru, memanta bagunnamu,attayya,kumarbava,kalpanavadina,anandannaya,mamayya andarambagunnamu, andariki dengudu anubavam bagundi, vadinanu,kumarbava,mamayya tukku tukku dengutunte,attayya,anandannayyato ante swanta alludito tukku tukku dengichukunedi, naa pooku inka pokkabadaledukada,ante nenu peddamanishini kaledukada inka anduku nenemo valla moddalu, valla pookulu nakada cheekadam tone saripotundi, naakemo dengichukovalani balesarada, naa pooku inkapagalledu emicheyali,oka...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jillian Janson The Perfect Gift

Damon Dice has gotten his girlfriend a gift, and Jillian Janson can’t wait to see what it is! She takes her time in opening the box, first stopping to give long kisses to Damon as he lifts her skirt to feel her ass. When she finally undoes the bow and lifts the lid, she is greeted by a big dildo, which is just what she has always wanted! Jillian is definitely interested in trying out her new toy right away. As Damon watches, she licks the tip while rubbing her own pussy over her panties....

3 years ago
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A shared couple got more than they desired

Ed and Susan were your average middle age couple. Ed 45 had a good sales job while Susan 42 worked for a large conglomerate. They were a very happy couple and had been married 17 years. Ed had been wanting Susan to sleep with another man for the past year or so. Susan was somewhat on the conservative side and didn’t want anything to do with the idea. She was extremely happy with her life. Ed never gave up as he tried everything possible to see Susan with another man. Then by luck one day Ed...

1 year ago
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Dr Alyssa Carson Meets Ken The Soccer Hunk

A 18-year-old, male patient was sitting on the examination table with his injured ankle up on the table as well. He was a cute guy with light brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a t-shirt and soccer shorts, because he came straight from playing a game with a soccer team called the Knights. I, Dr. Alyssa Carson, came in with his x-rays in hand. I examined the x-rays and said, "Well, Ken. It looks you have a really bad sprain on your ankle. I'm afraid you might have to sit out this...

2 years ago
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I Want You to Seduce My Husband Ch 05

Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt.Madeline felt, rather than heard the soft buzzing, as her phone vibrated quietly. An incoming text! The three of them - herself, her son Tommy and her mother - were on their way back home after an afternoon of hiking and playing at the party. Tommy was in the back seat, eyelids heavy and his head just starting to nod sleepily.'Finally,' she thought. Glancing at her Mom in the driver's seat, to make sure she wasn't watching - Mother had already commented on how frequently...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 38

I finished my second year and decided that I needed to get away, but because I thought it was important, I stayed to attend Shannon's graduation. She was doing so well in her own business that the job offers she was getting were just a few steps up in pay and she had to answer to the man. She and I sat down and came up with a business plan. She would offer cleaning and laundry services at universities and colleges. Her goal was two percent of the students for laundry and one-half percent for...

2 years ago
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Me a friend and his polish girlfriend

After chatting to my friend on xhamster (who i shall call Martin to protect his identity) about our sex lives ,fantasies etc he decided that we should meet up at his house. Martins gf had just returned from a trip back from her native Poland and he wanted to make his fantasy come true. So i packed my things and caught the train to York !It was late evening by the time i arrived and Martin met me at the station and took me to his house. In the car we came up with a story that i was an old...

1 year ago
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Gathering Fallen RocksChapter 2

"When my marriage failed, I didn't make a very good choice the second time. If I had learned something, wouldn't I have done better? You need to read the letter about that failure, too." "Okay, while I put the steaks on, go get the letter." "Okay," Gail turned to leave the kitchen area and as she walked across the old adobe tile floor, she told Howard, "And the same rule applies, you have to read it out loud to see if there's anything I want to change." Ricky, You will notice...

3 years ago
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Grace Is A Scat Girl PT 2

"Thank you Michael, this is amazing." "No problem honey. I'm glad you are enjoying it!" Grace smiled to herself before pressing her lips against his shit-hole, she gave it a long sloppy smooch. As she passionately kissed his sensitive anus another rush of blood went to Michael's cock, his head fell back against the seat again. Her mouth started sucking directly on his rosebud to moisten and relax the muscles, the taste was driving Grace so she made some moans and groans to show her...

1 year ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Brooklyn Gray 25637

Before going on a road trip, Brooklyn Gray has her friend’s dad check out her car. While he works on the car in the garage, Brooklyn waits in the living room and finds a gift. Curiosity hits her and she scopes it out, finding sexy lingerie. Her friend’s dad comes in and explains its for his wife but she’ll probably not wear it since she’s a prude. Brooklyn, on the other-hand, embraces sexuality and tries on the lingerie to show him how sexy it looks, eventually turning...

2 years ago
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Kimberly Steeles Horror OrdealChapter 6

Kim was having a strange dream!! She was having sex with Craig, with his lying on his back and she on top of him!! His big cock was impaling Kim's tight pussy!! As she was riding him, his hands were groping both her breasts and she sometime covered he eyes, putting her hands behind her head, making moaning sounds, growing louder and louder by the second!! The strangest part about the dream was that she recognised which apartment bedroom this was!! This was happening in her current bedroom,...

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A Good ManChapter 28 A Plan Proposed

Of all the boy’s toys I treated myself to after getting my inheritance, my favourite was definitely my smartphone. It was one of those cool touch-screen ones that let you browse the internet and pick up your e-mails, download all sorts of weird and wonderful apps and take great photos, as well as make and receive calls, texts and picture messages. The trouble was the battery life was terrible. It only just made it through the day—and sometimes not even that long. I’d taken to switching it off...

4 years ago
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An Admirers Tale Part 2

I know that the fun was just started.Soon I stood up, I look into Michelle eyes, and our lips touched, and our tongues started to play, my mouth with the taste of her cum, the tip of tongue playing around my lipsMy cock so hard and stiff, almost painful full of lust and desire , ready to be mounted.My hands on her hips, just make her turn around and her lovey and perfect ass, facing my rod, she starting to tease me rubbing her ass cheeks against it.I so full of desire I was being kept way with...

3 years ago
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Money Helps

All participants in this story are 18 years of age or older It seems I've always been horny, but until I reached my twenties I lacked the nerve to do something about it. Truth be told, I got the nerve when an aunt died and left me $255,000. I had a decent job, that paid well, and with the windfall I decided to try some experiments with the opposite sex. I didn't really give it much thought, and looking back realize I could have done it better, but what the fuck, if I hadn't done what I...

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Unexpected Visitor3

Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...

1 year ago
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A Better Body

A Better Body By Mister Double-U I can tell that they're staring at me. Watching my breasts as I pull down on the arm bar. And why shouldn't they? I am the hottest looking babe at the gym. I shake my head and move the long red hair out of my eyes. The sweat glistening off my perfectly formed legs. It's a wonderful sensation. One of the guys just moved to the machine next to me. He's kind of cute. I can almost see his erection through his shorts. I bend over to lower the...

4 years ago
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Severance Pay Chapters 25 through 30 of 78

SEVERANCE PAY CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE She said I didn't need to come back once I returned the van to the rental company but I had to see how she was doing. I had my doubts about the whole thing but Patricia was right about everything ... so far. Cruz did exactly as she told him, stay low and tight to the parked cars, ease in at about ten miles per hour, then just keep ahead of the men at the gate as they chase him. He was the first diversion and I was the second. I had rented the van...

3 years ago
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The Rape of Maya

Introduction: A 40 yr old attractive Indian woman with a dull sex life and a husband with little interest in her, finds more sexual excitement than she could ever imagine! The Rape of Maya Chapter 1 Things Like This just do not Happen to Married Women in India The woman in this story is a 40 yr old attractive Indian woman. She was educated in the states and married to what she thinks is a conservative Indian man. They had met while attending college together. They have been married for...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Chris and Marissa

Hello I've submitted stories before as Lisa, Alyssa's Magic, Strings, and the Gift of Dreams here is a story that has been on Jennifer's site for a long time and I'm finally submitting it here, It is an Altered Fates Story. Altered Fates: Chris and Marissa By Rena Marissa Moore was having a bad week. She had just been laid off from her job as a receptionist for a small software company. It wasn't a great job, but it paid the bills. The company had been purchased by a slightly...

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Sister Ki Shadi Se Pehle Uski Nanand Ke Sath Suhagrat

Hello mera nam Nikhil hai. Main Mumbai se hu mera age 24 hain. Main iss ka fan hu. Aur yeah meri 2nd story hain. Yeh story meri sister ki sagai se shuru ho gayi. Jab meri age 20 thi. Ghar me bada hone ke karan sab arrangements mere pas thi ladkevale hamare ghar aaye hua the aur main kam me laga tha. Phir main nahane ke liye apne room me chala gaya. Room ka darvaja khoola tha aur main bathroom me naha raha tha. Nahakar main bahar aaya aur dekha to kya ek lady mere room me kapade change kar rahi...

2 years ago
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College Days 1

You know that liberating feeling of being the upperclassman of your school?Being the senior. Being the alpha dog. Being the guy with the bigger gun.That sweet excitement of feeling better than everyone else, or at least better than those underclassmen. I have a bit of an addiction to that feeling back in high school and I still do now in college.I'm not going to lie to you, I'm still in college and I'm 19.Next year I'll be graduating at the age of 20 and maybe become a programmer.That's how...

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WHC The Date Rape

WHC - The Date Rape by Jennifer Allison Lesley received an urgent call from Chris, one the private detectives. That works with the Woman's Help Corporation, or the WHC, for short. Lesley along with Chris and Sharon, Chris's partner and two doctors help formed the WHC. Lesley's mother helped finance at first, but after the first couple of clients the WHC started paying for itself. "Lesley, I need the help of WHC. Or I should say my sister and my niece does." "If you think...

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The Neighborhood Lady

Hey, guys. This is your writer again, with one more story up his sleeve.This would be long but I’m sure you’d be entertained, so don’t hesitate to put your hands down your pants right now and wait for the good part. So to y’all folks who asked where I am from, I’d just squeeze a little anonymity out of my sleeve. I’m a guy, aged 20 and I live in Chennai. The rest of the story, the characters, the places and everything would be anonymous. So let’s get into the story now. This happened like 6...

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Jake and I have an amazing first time

Hi I’m Megan, this is the story of my first time. I will be writing the story in the present tense even though at the time I was 16 and I am now 19. I hope you enjoy! I should give you a little back ground info. I am 5’5 with longish brown hair with light sun highlights. I have chocolate brown eyes and slight freckles. I have a very petite body with nice full hips and a set of 32 B’s to match. I have a flat stomach. My boyfriend’s name is Jake. He is 17 and is 5’10 and has the ‘flipped’ blond...

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A Legal Trap Chapter 5

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction. After Chapter 4, I was biting at trying to get this next chapter done. So many things in focus and hiding in the background for this story - I got on a roll and put this chapter together. Hope you enjoy! As always, interested in your thoughts. Keep going or wrap this one up in a nice pretty bow and move on? Thank You!!! XOXO Rachel... March 10th 5:12 AM I had managed to catch ten minutes of sleep on the way to the...

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BecChapter 14 Thursday at school

Dad took me straight to the reception desk. He must have made an appointment for a meeting because Miss Webster and Mr Shankie were waiting for us. We went into Miss Webster’s office and sat around the table; me and Dad and Miss Webster and Mr Shankie. Habit tried to make me slouch down in the chair and stare at the table but I decided a normal person wouldn’t do that. I made myself sit upright and watch my dad and Miss Webster. I figured I could safely ignore Mr Shankie unless he asked me a...

4 years ago
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Awakening the Slut Ch 2

It had been a half-hour since the girls had left and they still had not returned. I had been unaware of the time, as I had been busily ogling the bevy of hot chicks that were at the club. I was really getting horny and could not wait to bury my big slab inside Donna’s cunt. The girls finally appeared and slid into the booth on each side of me. I was just about to say, “where the hell…” when Donna reached under the table and began stroking my cock through my pants. Lisa purred in my ear, “Let’s...

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Surprise Surprise

Surprise! Surprise! Chapter 1: The Game Begins Jane Collins sat expectantly in the coffee shop. It was a beautiful, warmSpring morning and she had been half-tempted to take one of the outside tableson the sidewalk. But Emily had told her that she would meet her inside. SoJane sat inside and gazed at the park across the street. Deep inside, Jane knew that it would have been find if she had taken an outsidetable. But, out of respect, she sat inside and watched the lattes and cappuccinosand...

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People of the TigerPart 13

March 25th, 2155 Five days later. Tika had gone to the spring to bathe after a strenuous hunting session with Jena and Jela after supper, and was toweling her hair as she approached the clearing in the darkness. She heard sounds of combat, and crouched in the underbrush to observe. She was now fight trainer to everyone else in the Green Band, and wanted to see if her students performed any different when not under their instructor's eye. Though they had trained hard at fighting most of...

1 year ago
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Sex Ed in Miss Kinnys Class Chpt I resubmit

I’m Adam, and I am 6’4, 180 lbs. and fairly muscular. I attend a catholic high school, and live in Canada. This is my story about a teacher giving “sex ed” classes. She walked in, the 24 year-old goddess, Miss Kinny, the LA teacher for my school. Her long red hair and D-cup breasts made every boy in the school want her, not to mention some of the girls. So when she walked into class that day, in a low cut top, mini-skirt and black leather boots that went up to her knees, most mouths in the...

Group Sex
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Unexpected encounter

I truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to travelling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place. It was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would consider constructive. I hadn't really wanted to go on this stupid training course but my boss had nagged at me to go on this thing. I'm convinced he felt that sending me on one of these things was to do me good and not just for the good of the business. The rooms we were given were really plush,...

Straight Sex
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Abducted Part 2

"So this is her?" "Yep." He said with a smug smile on his face. "She's a fighter most definitely." They both were feeling apparently gentlemanly as one carried my stuff to the door and the other, being Mark, held firmly onto my arm and led me to the door. "My name is John by the way." He said with a smile that almost looked sincere to me. Unfortunately for him it didn't matter to me how sincere and nice he was, I was pissed. "Nice to know. Not that I care really."...

4 years ago
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Vendettas Diary

Vendetta's Diary (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Detective Frank Sturgess scratched his thick gray hair as he studied the report in his hand. He shook his head several times as he read it through. When he was finished, he added it to the mountain of papers strewn across his desktop and fished around until he found a small black cassette. Sturgess thought he had seen everything in his eighteen years with the New York Police Department, rising from beat cop to homicide detective. The...

2 years ago
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Sexy Elder Sister 8211 My First Ever

Hi guys! This is my first story on ISS. Let me start off by telling you all a little bit about my sister and me. I’m a 20 year old guy (Rob) with a slim build and I am 170 cm tall. My sister (Alisha) is four years elder to me. She is 24, very fair with an erection-causing figure of 34D; 26; 36. She has done a course of Fashion Designing and Technology from NIFT and she usually dresses up in westerns (formals with heels for day and top and skirts with usually high heels for the night/evening)....

2 years ago
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NikkiChapter 10

"Snuggle" is one of many things that works wonderfully with Nikki. We watched TV for a while, her rounded hip in my lap, her face next to mine, and the cat was perched on the arm of the chair, making our strange family unit complete. Came time for bed. We went to bed together. Unusual for us, Nikki was wearing panties, a concession to her period. I didn't put on anything, and once in bed, my caresses avoided her pussy, but I lavished love on everything else, just because she was mine and...

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