Let Rudy Toodle Do You
- 4 years ago
- 25
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I led Mary into the bedroom and shut the door behind us. I sat in a straight chair, but didn't tell Mary what to do. She pushed my knees apart and knelt there. She looked happy and ready to begin.
"I'm going to ask you some questions. Answer them honestly."
"All right," she said.
"Do you really want this agreement, Mary? I don't mean what the group wants, but what you want down deep in your gut?"
"Yes, Jack."
"Will you be faithful?"
"I'm not sure what faithful means, but I'll do anything you want."
"And obedient?"
"You know I will."
"You know I'll have each of you any time I want?"
"Yes, Jack."
"I'll want you to have sex with Becky and Monica."
She wrinkled her nose and grinned. "I don't mind, Jack. Really. I just don't get turned on by it like they do."
"You don't orgasm from it?"
"Oh, I orgasm, but not all orgasms are the same."
"I'll punish you if I think you need it."
"Oh, Jack, you're a marshmallow," she said. She flushed and covered her mouth. "Oops. That popped right out."
"All right. I'm easy going, but I'm tough, too. I can enforce the rules, and if you cheat on me, either I'm gone or you're gone."
"I'll never cheat so don't worry about that. As for punishment, well, if I need it, go ahead."
"Whose idea was it to ask me to move in with all of you?"
"Becky's. She's afraid of losing Monica and me to men. You know, breaking up the old trio and leaving her alone. Del and Monica married first. Del tried to subdue Becky like he had Monica, but Becky hated him and she never gave in. When I married Jim, he understood Becky would live with us, but Becky didn't like him either. She thought he was too wishy-washy. It was difficult and, believe me, none of us want to go through all that again."
"Go ahead."
"About two months after Jim left, Becky suggested that all of us live with one man. The idea never appealed to me because we'd have to find a man who turned on all three of us. When I met you, I knew you'd be perfect." She stopped and peered out the window to think for a few moments before looking at me again. "Jack, you need to understand women."
"I never claimed to do that," I joked, but I don't think she heard me because she was focused on her thoughts.
"We're bonded like glue. We love each other, but not like we love men or even our kids. It's complex. Maybe like sisters, but closer really. It's hard to explain, but they're a part of me and we've been through a lot together. I know this. We'll all be happier if we're together. Something else. Becky and I both want a big family. With three baby makers, we could be a big family, Jack."
"If I said I didn't want to do this, but I wanted you to come live with me, would you do it?"
"Yes, Jack. If I'm not already in love with you, I'm falling fast."
"Anything you want to tell me? Anything I need to know?"
"Becky told me she told you to discipline Monica and you didn't."
"That's right."
"Do you want her?"
"Yes, I do."
"You really need to discipline her, Jack. Look. I love you. Oops. I said it." She giggled and flushed pink. She sighed. "I may as well tell you the whole truth, Jack. I do love you. I mean deeply and desperately. I'd marry you or become your mistress or your little playtoy, whatever you want as long as I'm near you." She could tell from my expression that pleased me, and she was pleased that I was pleased. "Becky loves you, too. That frightens her because the other men she loved were cruel to her. But Monica's different than we are. She's crazy about you and wants you to take her, but she can't give herself. She has to be taken."
"Why are you telling me this? Don't you know that means you'll share me with other women?"
"Jack, you told me you'd never be faithful and I believe you. I'd rather share you with Becky and Monica than some woman I don't know. And the three of us really are pieces of the same puzzle. I don't want us to split up."
"I might still have other women," I said.
"Oh, Jack, if you live with three sex-crazed sluts, you won't have time for other women." She gave me that delightful grin. "But if you want to, go ahead. I'll be waiting at home with my legs spread and my mouth open."
"I want children," I said. "Will you..."
She launched herself into me, squealing and burying me in kisses. "I'll have as many as you want," she sighed.
Monica was next. Again I sat in the straight chair, and I didn't tell Monica what to do. She entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't say anything. She stood, took one step toward me, and waited. When I still didn't say anything, she sighed loudly and knelt, but not as Mary had, which was between my legs with her legs spread. Monica knelt by me with hers together.
I asked Monica the same questions. Yes, she wanted the arrangement, and, yes, she'd be faithful and obedient. Yes, she'd have sex with Mary and Becky, and she admitted she and Becky had sex once or twice a week anyway. Yes, she knew I'd punish her and she'd accept it. And, yes, she'd have my child.
But there was a big question mark hanging over the entire discussion. A question evidenced by her eyes, her coolness and her tone of voice, and by the way she studied me as we talked. I decided to meet it head on.
"Monica, I know you like a forceful man and I know you want to be taken."
Her eyes flared their challenge. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said haughtily. She stood and stepped away.
"So we'll do it your way," I said.
She twitched to the door, hesitated, and looked back at me. She strutted back, threw herself against me, and kissed me with all the heat a man could want. "Take me if you can," she hissed. She turned on her heel and swayed out the door.
It was Becky's turn. For the third time, I sat in the chair to see where the woman would sit. Becky sat on the bed. To my first two questions - do you want this arrangement and will you be faithful - Becky emphatically answered yes. But when I asked if she'd be obedient, she replied, "Within reason," and my antennae went up.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"It means yes, but it gives me an out in case I'm not obedient." I gave her a dirty look. "I expect you to be reasonable, Jack, but people are unreasonable sometimes. I'll be obedient if you're reasonable."
I sat back and stared at her. She wasn't challenging. She was frightened. "You've always been the independent and dominant one. Giving that up scares you, doesn't it?" I said.
"Yes," she gasped.
"I don't blame you, but you'll have to give it up," I said.
"I know," she replied. "But that's easier said than done."
As she wiped away a few tears, I said softly, "I won't hurt you, Becky."
"I know you won't, Jack. It's not that."
"When you've been hurt badly, it takes a long time to heal," I said.
"Yes, it does, and it makes you afraid even when a new relationship feels right." She smiled like a sad little girl. "This does feel right, Jack. You feel right." She gave me a shy half-smile. "You've felt right since the minute I saw you, but brains and hearts don't always see eye-to-eye."
"I sure know that. Do you want to take a break?"
"No, thanks."
When I asked if she'd come live with me if the others did not, she said, "I don't know, Jack. I truly don't know. This whole thing was about keeping the three of us together. I know them, Jack. Mary would fall to the first man who excited her. Monica would fall to the first man who excited and dominated her. I want to keep us together, for me and for them. I told you I love them, but it's more than that. Women need other women and we three have been together a long time. Having one man - sharing one husband, if you will - is the best way to keep us together. That Wednesday you came into our lives, I knew if we were to stay together, you were the man."
Becky laughed. "You should've seen Mary. She stared out the kitchen window with her mouth hanging open. 'Look at that hunk, ' she said reverently. She trotted out to talk to you. When she returned, she went into the bedroom and masturbated. When she came out, she was dressed to seduce you."
"It worked," I said with a grin.
"Who seduced who?" she asked. Slowly that delightful, passive twinkle reappeared in her eyes. "You're a good man, Jack. Believe me, I want to do this, but it'll take time for me to give in all the way. Please be patient with me."
I didn't ask Becky if she'd have sex with Mary and Monica, but I did ask if she'd have my child and she agreed. Then she asked me a question.
"Are you going to do it, Jack?"
"My brain and heart are having the same battle yours are."
"It could be great for all of us, Jack. I'll help you get through it if you'll help me." Her eyes twinkled and that Mona Lisa smile appeared. She sat across my legs and put her arms around my neck. "What do you say, Jack? A home and kids. Warmth and coziness. Three women to love you, wait on you, warm your bed."
"Three women to have headaches and PMS," I quipped.
"I know it's going to be rough at times. I'll help you keep Mary and Monica in line."
"And who keeps you in line?"
"I'm the easy one because I want this to work more than anyone." She kissed me lovingly. "Please do it, Jack," she said.
I told Becky to join the others. After she left the room, I retrieved three pieces of stout nylon rope and stuck them in my rear pockets. They were sitting on the floor Indian style and whispering to each other when I rejoined them.
"So far, so good," I said. "But I want to ask this question one more time. Do each of you want this?"
"Yes, I do," Mary said firmly.
"Most definitely, Jack," Becky said.
We all looked at Monica.
"No," she said defiantly.
"Dammit it, no, Monica. It's all for one, and one for all," Mary snapped.
"Monica," Becky said forcefully, "I insist you do it."
"No," Monica replied more emphatically. She was looking at me, not at Becky.
"We told you to take her, Jack," Becky said accusingly. Panic was evident in her voice. "Please, Monica. Please," Becky begged. "Tell him yes."
Monica was distressed by Becky's response, but she had something to prove to me, and to herself about me. "No," Monica repeated.
"Mary and Becky, I want you to watch what's going to happen. Watch, but don't participate. Understand?" I said.
"Yes, Jack," they each replied.
All three of them were on the floor. Mary, dressed in the shorts she wore when I first met her and a tee shirt, knelt and smiled up at me. Becky, in her baggy shorts and top, sat Indian style. As usual, Monica was dressed the most sexily of the three. She wore a cotton crop-top, which had long sleeves and a turtle neck. Like a second skin, its elastic bottom held it tight under her breasts and her hard nipples protruded under the cloth. Her shorts, which were also skin-tight, barely covered her tattoo and her pubis.
Monica was alive with anticipation as I held out my hand to her. She slapped it away. I sat down in the straight chair and said, "I'm going to spank you, Monica. Come get over my lap."
"Go to hell," she snapped.
"Being disobedient will only make it worse for you," I said in a calm and neutral tone.
"Are you deaf? I said go to hell."
I feigned standing. She squealed, rolled, and sprang to her feet. The carotid artery in her neck was throbbing rapidly. Her muscles were taught. Most importantly, her nipples were diamonds under her crop top.
"Let's get on the couch," Becky whispered to Mary. They eased onto the couch and watched us with big, bright eyes.
I stood and Monica stepped back. I didn't want to catch her immediately so I moved relatively slowly. I wanted to chase her first, to let me enjoy the wild expressions on her face, the heaving of her breasts, and her muscles flexing under her sweat-covered skin. We played cat and mouse, accompanied by squeals and sounds of flying feet on the carpet, until she was tired. By then, she thought it was easy to evade me. Becky thought so, too, and she was concerned I couldn't bring Monica into the fold, but Mary wanted to be the woman being chased and her arousal was evident.
"It's time, Monica. Come get over my lap so I can spank you," I said with a steely softness.
"That won't work, Jack," Becky said.
"Be quiet, Becky. He knows what he's doing," Mary chided.
From across the room, Monica smirked, yanked up her top to flash her breasts, and said, "Are these what you want?"
"No, Monica," I replied. She looked confused. "I want all of you, but I want your heart most of all." That was the first time I saw Monica's hard shell crack. I liked that expression. "Come to me," I said caringly.
Her warm smile and gently twinkling eyes morphed to a sneer and hard, hot eyes. She pulled off her top and threw it aside. She stepped out of her shorts, kicked them away, and put her hands on her hips. "No," she challenged.
I moved quickly. Amidst squeals and grunts, I wrestled her to the floor, bound her wrists behind her, and tied her ankles together. I lay down beside her on the carpet. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. "Are you mine now?" I asked.
"Maybe. Maybe not," she said coyly.
I stroked her hair back from her face and kissed her on the cheek. "Ready for a spanking?" I asked.
"Maybe. Maybe not," Monica said.
"You need to do it, Jack," Becky said.
"Stay out of it, Becky," Mary said forcefully.
When I stood to remove my belt, I saw her smile at her friends, who were still as church mice. I pulled upward on Monica's bound wrists, forcing her to squirm to her knees with her head buried in the carpet and her ass in the air. The first blow, which was by far the hardest, caught her full across both ass cheeks, but she screamed louder than the blow deserved. I landed the second swat right below the first.
When I released her to contort on the floor, I watched the two others who called themselves Jezebels. Mary was aroused. So was Becky, but her arousal was tempered by fear Monica would leave us.
"Mary," I called.
"Yes, sir," she whispered.
"Put your hands behind you so you won't play with yourself," I said. She moaned and complied. I stroked Monica's ass, which was hot from the belt, before pulling her to her knees again. The third stroke was across the middle of her thighs. "Do you want one?" I asked Mary as Monica sobbed and twisted.
"Not like that," she said. Her eyes were big and round as she grinned and said, "But I'd love ten from your hand."
"Becky?" I said.
"I'm a good girl, Jack. I don't need spankings." She looked supportive. "Don't weaken. You need to be demanding with her," she said quietly.
When I turned back to Monica, she begged, "No more, please, Jack."
"I'm only getting started," I said firmly, but not cruelly.
She had five on her ass and three across her thighs before I was through. The spanking probably wasn't as hard as my father gave me when I was a kid, but, hopefully, it was hard enough to let Monica surrender without reservation. She did sob, cry, and beg me to stop throughout her punishment, but I guessed that was as much play-acting as reality.
When I released her, I asked, "Have I made my point? Do you understand I am the man in your life?"
"Yes, Jack. Now I need to be fucked," she said hotly. I covered her mouth with my hand.
"I'm not playing your game. Yes, my cock's so hard it hurts, but you won't enjoy it. You see, Monica, I'm man enough to withstand your manipulation. Mary, did you bring any restraints that can keep her bound safely all night?"
"Yes, sir," Mary answered.
"Please, no," Monica whimpered.
"Go get them. Monica will sleep in here. Becky, open one of the sofa beds," I said. I turned back to my chastised woman. "If you make another sound, I'll gag you."
Monica quietly complied when I unbound her and told her to get on the sofa-bed. I tied her spread-eagle on her back, leaving some slack to let her move to ease her burning buns. Mary and Becky hovered like protective angels until I asked them to leave.
"Need anything?" I asked Monica.
"Not tonight. Anything else?"
"I want to be with you."
"Think about it tonight and tell me in the morning. Good night, Monica."
"I love you, Jack," she said in a needy voice. When I leaned down to kiss her, she struggled to raise her lips to mine. The kiss was long and hot. When I pulled away she whimpered, "Please fuck me." I smiled and walked away without replying.
Becky and Mary were grinning uncontrollably when I got to the bedroom. They both leaped on me and buried me in hugs and kisses.
"You did it, Jack. You did it," Becky proclaimed.
They babbled happily as we undressed. "Me first," Mary said as she flopped back on the bed.
"Mary first," Becky agreed.
I kissed Becky, who gave me that sexy smile as she pushed me back on the bed. Mary pounced on me, but I flipped her over. She was ready and I was readier. In seconds, she was emitting her patented little "ee, ee" until she exploded like an overloaded steam engine. I felt my legs trembling and a tug on my ball sac.
"Cum in her, stud," Becky whispered in my ear.
I didn't need the encouragement. As I came, Mary whispered in my ear, "I love you, Jack." When I collapsed on Mary, four hands caressed me. Then two hands gently pulled me aside.
Becky grinned. "I like the taste of cum, too," she said. She buried her face between Mary's legs. They rolled over together, which left Mary riding Becky's mouth. Since I liked pussy juice as much as they loved cum, I dove into Becky. Those strong but soft legs slipped over my shoulders and locked behind me.
The physical is easy to describe - a woman on her back with another woman over her mouth and a man's mouth on her pussy. An oral threesome. The metaphysical is harder to describe. We were a single creature with three organs and three mouths. Or maybe a wave. It felt like an undulating wave.
"Come on, Becky. I'm almost there. Almost there," Mary whined.
I could tell Becky was almost there, too. I wrapped my hands over her thighs to ease the pressure on my head, took a deep breath, and dove in for the finale. She came hard, spraying thick juice into my waiting mouth. Mary came at about the same time, bombarding my ears with squeaks caused by someone else.
I lay back with a woman on each side. Mary wrapped her fingers around my cock. "May I?" she asked.
"Let him rest," I said.
With Becky curled up on my left side and Mary on my right, I was asleep in no time. I awakened about two hours later, eased my way out of bed, and used the bathroom. Two of my three Jezebels were sound asleep as I slipped into the living room.
Monica was as I'd left her. When I untied the restraints, she awakened and smiled at me, but lay perfectly still. I picked her up, carried her to the bedroom, and laid her down on the bed.
"Your place is with us," I said quietly as to not wake the others.
"My place is under you," she said, grabbing for my cock. "Please, Jack. Let me show how much I love you."
This is the way I'd wanted Monica - hot, eager, and ready to take me on a wild ride. Her blue eyes sparkled with sexual need. But it wasn't time. I wrapped my fingers around her wrists, slowly pushed her back, and said, "You show how much you love me by being loving all the time, not by fucking me when you feel like it." I lay down beside her and pulled the covers over us.
"I know you want me," she whispered.
"That's obvious, but I'm not going to fuck you now," I replied. "You need to understand that I want all of you and not just the sexual parts."
"I understand that, Jack," she said, but her eyes told me she wasn't sure she believed it.
"We'll talk in the morning. Be quiet and go to sleep."
"Yes, Jack," she said obediently.
She turned her back to me, wiggled her ass to snug my cock between her thighs, and sighed. She was asleep in seconds. I felt breasts against my back and reassuring hands. Becky's arm went over my waist.
Light was filtering through the drapes when I felt the bed move. I feigned sleep as all three of them arose. I heard whispering and giggling, doors opening and closing.
"Wake up, sleepy head," Mary said loudly. "Breakfast will be ready shortly."
When I went into the tiny dining room, breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee was ready. We ate and visited before returning to the living room. Again I sat in the straight chair and they sat on the couch, holding hands with Becky in the middle, but this time we all were naked.
"Jack," Monica began. "Let me answer the questions again. I'll be faithful, whatever definition of that word you choose to give. I'll be obedient, loving, and I'll have your children, and yes, Jack, I very much want to do this. That's a strong yes."
"That's three unequivocal yeses from us, Jack," Mary said. "What's your answer?"
I didn't speak because the word caught in my throat.
"Well, Jack?" Becky said.
Monica leaned toward me and wrapped her hand over mine. "Please say yes," she mouthed.
"Yes," I gasped.
Mary leaped on me with the others right behind her. We ended in a pile on the floor, hugging and kissing and crying. Yes, even I shed a few tears, which, I presume, were for joy. I will say this. While the word yes hurt like hell coming out, it felt damn good now that I'd said it.
When we'd settled down, I said, "Now what?"
"We need to set the rules and finances before we finalize our arrangement," Becky said.
"And the basic rule is that Jack is the mighty pasha and we are his obedient and horny harem girls. Or is it all right to say that you're the husband and we're your wives?" Mary said with a wrinkled nose leer.
"Tell us the rules," Becky said.
"Rule one is that you're my obedient and horny wives. Any problems with that?"
"Not the horny part," Monica said.
"We like that. What else?" Becky asked.
"Rule two is communication. Every day, we'll sit and talk. It's more important than sex. We can talk about anything and everything - finances, work problems, children, sex, you name it - but we'll talk, and there won't be any lying."
"I like that."
"Me, too," the other two said.
"What's the third rule?"
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Straight SexThank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... (Theme tune by Robertlouis) Chapter 8 Becca I hated waiting at the bar. I felt like the whole restaurant was watching me. My recent haircut didn't help....
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The three teens froze like deer in headlights. Which they weren’t. They were two naked teenage twin sisters who seconds ago had been french kissing while their date fingered their slick wet cunnies frozen in headlights. Ryan pulled his hand away from the two girls. “Ah - get dressed!” He looked around, and in a fit of desperation, stuck his fingers into his mouth to lick them clean. He rushed to the door, looking back at the two girls. Both of them lay there, still slightly glassy eyed as...
Hi, this is Irfan from Pune age 27 married having a child. I am good qualified professional but girls/aunties give me more kick. This is my 1st sex story here. I am good massager having very nice experience of massage. Let me start real incidence happened with me in Jan 2015. Then heroin of this story in my friend name Nisha (name changed) age 29. She is hot and is fair in looks and chubby girl. Her vital stats are 34-30-36. I hope you are able to imagine. She is living in paying the guest...
Day by day I am becoming more feminine. I can now notice the changes when I look at myself in the mirror. A big step was getting my hair professionally done. Yes, it was a bit embarassing going into the salon, but the ladies treated me so nice, laughing and sharing stories, some telling me that they would like to fix me up with their husbands. But properly cut and colored and styled, it made me look so very feminine. And while I was there I had my fingernails done as well. A wonderful manicure...
And if you can believe this as well…I did come back the following day and as the day before she looked incredible. She wore a printed colorful dress which, to me, said it all. I couldn’t wait to hear more of her adventures about her and Max and what they done together, in bed, that would have me wondering about her and her lifestyle, desires, and let’s not forget her dreams as well. The woman, Cynthia, is for sure a charismatic woman. Her eyes alone, when she looks at you, you almost feel as if...
IncestIt was my Senior year. I was at Brad's house working on our Senior Science Project when it all started.Brad had run out to the local Big Box Emporium for some supplies and I had wandered into the bathroom to take care of some personal business.The laundry room was just off the bathroom and as I was sitting on the can I saw thru the open door that one of Brad's Mom's bras was hanging on a drying rack. You have to understand that Brad's Mom was the focus of a lot of gossip among Brad's chums....
For the next two days we sat and waited for the arrival of the marching column. Cato thought it would be sometime in the late afternoon, as the mill and factory workers would be setting off from Rochdale after finishing their Saturday morning shift. With all preparations complete I now had time to think of the implications of firing the cannon. Certainly the parliamentary reform supporters gathering in Manchester, and many of the town's inhabitants, would be enraged when it became known...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke with a start as Sheila was gently shaking my shoulder. "I'm afraid that we have to go Doctor Gance." She told me. "It appears that the town is being evacuated, I detected a message about an operation gas. It fits all the parameters that are taking place now. Please Doctor Gance we have to hurry!" I groaned as I rolled out of the cot that I was on. "How long?" I asked...
Sheriff David Chamese returned to the cell where I had willingly waited while the EMT's removed the deputies and said," Open holding one!" The lock popped and he pulled the heavy door open. He motioned for me to follow him as he turned and walked away. If he was afraid of me it didn't show. He led me to his office and pointed to a chair in front of his desk. He entered a large closet and returned carrying a plaster cast of a footprint and some Polaroids. He dropped the cast and the...
Holly and I had been friends for about 18 months. We'd been introduced by a mutual friend and the three of us got on really well. Holly and Si lived a few minutes apart and on the same bus route, so they used to make the twenty minute bus ride and the ten minute walk to my house together, usually two or three nights a week. We'd sit and eat ice cream and watch television or we'd go and sit out in the back garden where we could smoke and watch the sunset while we talked about university, jobs,...
BisexualMonday we took Bobbie to the doctor, and although she had not gained any more weight she was in good shape. The doctor told her that she needed to slow down a little for the last two months. After that we went to lunch and waited for Doug and Michelle to get into town. After lunch the all three women went looking for dresses for Michelle and Doug's wedding while Doug and I returned to the ranch. Doug and I spent the rest of the day visiting the new property. I was shown what had been done...
Hey, guys, I’m here with another story. A car ride with my cousins to the beach ended up with me fucking my younger cousin sister in my uncle’s house. Talking about me, I’m 21 years old. A typical light brown Indian color having a 6-inch dick. I’m a Mallu. So this happened on last Christmas, There was a family get-together. Late night after having food I and my cousins planned to go to the beach and have a shake or ice cream. My elder cousin sister’s husband said he will take the car. It was a...
IncestThere was a stiff wind coming down from the mountains that chilled the bones and made Harry push his collar up to his already chapped ears. He was standing in a darkened doorway not far from the hotel watching the front and the side entrances. He had been there almost two hours already and was ready to call it quits and head back to the warmth of the room. This was the sort of thing that had to be done just to keep your tracks hidden. He told Olga "The Dancer" to stay in the room and watch...
Two months ago, after years of living in a cramped apartment in a large, noisy city, I decided to move to the peace and quiet of the suburbs. I found a cute ranch-style house on Long Island and settled in, happy to be free of city life and its attendant aggravations. Everyone was so nice, especially my next-door neighbors, Alex, a gregarious guy with charisma to spare, and his stunningly beautiful wife, Kim. They made me feel at home right from the start, and last week their friendliness...
Monica had been pursuing her new career in porn films for nearly six months when she got that phone call she'd longed for, but now that it arrived, she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to him or not. Bill had disavowed any connections with her after their sexy activities had become known but now that Monica had established a national reputation as a very sexy woman and a very accomplished porn film actress, Bill couldn't resist trying to make contact again. "Hello, Monica," Bill said...
Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...
Tiffany woke the following day and stepped out of bed. As her foot hit the ground she gasped and hobbled a little; she could feel the pain still resonating from the previous night’s assault. Her tits and nipples were bruised and swollen and the top of her legs were bruised and battered. She instinctively went to grab her silk dressing gown that she meticulously laid on her bed each night. However, as she picked it up the cold reality of her situation came crashing back down around her, as she...
Early Experiences - Following 2nd session flogging For several days afterward I kept wondering when and what the next adventure would entail ; at work all Stu would say was we had to wait until his wife had arranged things ;my mind conjuring up all sorts of things , so it was a great relief the next Thursday to be told they would collect me from my digs on Saturday at 5.30pm and I should be freshly bathed and shaved , prepared for a possible overnight stay. They were punctual to the minute ;...
I was naked, except for a pair of white socks and a thick charm bracelet around my waist. The bracelet had a Miraculous Medal the size of a throw pillow hanging from one side, I remember, and a pink plastic horse hanging from the other. I was leaning on Sister Margaret’s arm, and she walked me slowly up and down the aisles. The kids all had their hands folded and their eyes on the front of the room. They didn’t look at me. Sister warned them there’d be trouble if they did. Nobody said...
That Friday, for the first time Roger invited Allison back to his place, apparently his roommate was gone for the night doing something with his family… she couldn’t really think of a polite way to turn him down since he told her he wanted to skip the movie so that they could finally make love on his bed. At least she managed to get out of spending the night, telling him that she’d promised Diana some girl time after their date… she had a feeling that she’d be desperately needing that girl time...
?Kelly, are you sure you want to do this?? Sarah asked me for the fourth time.?Yes,? I replied for the fourth time.?OK. Take your clothes off and stand in the circle.?I stripped off my clothes and kicked them into a corner. I stood in the center of the pentagram on the floor and gazed into the full-length mirror hung on the wall. I had short red hair, C-cup breasts, very pale skin, and a thin frame. I tried to capture the image of my naked body in my mind.After all, I wasn’t going to see it...
Normally, I push this media interview stuff off on someone from my PR department, but since I had personally taken the call when you first contacted us, and because you sounded so darn sexy, I decided to do it myself. A cloud of dust announced your arrival to the ranch office. When I first caught glimpse of you through the office window, I was even happier that I had made the decision to personally show you around. You parked your Benz in the shade of a massive oak tree. I watched intently as...
Straight SexHello everyone.. Shravan here, for some of you who missed my first story, here is the link : Kindly read that and catch up. After a year or so dating, we got hooked up and the best part was, it was only the end of second year. We had four more years till college finished. The thought of abundance amount of time we were gonna have together made us very happy but at the same time we also knew that coming years will be academically very tough on us, after all becoming docs isn’t easy, is it now?...
Omar, the caretaker, smiled. "You are some dirty little teenagers aren't you?" Sheila was defiant. She said, "What the fuck do you want?" "the same as you apparently," he replied. He continued, "You like sex with animals? Let's do some more." "Fuck you," screamed Sheila, "I am not doing anything." Omar calmly said, "I think you both will, or I will tell your parents what little perverts you are. You will do exactly what I say. Do you understand?" John and Sheila had a look...
Mark I must remember the combination and timing of meals that I had, pills that I took, and what I drank, because I had just completed my seventh orgasm of the night deep inside Brita’s sweet pussy as we made love on my large bed. Beside us, Mike and Izzy were also having some kind of fabulous hurrah. Elsa had set up the other bed in the open space next to our large bed – basically another king-size bed. Edie and Amber were stretched out like the living dead on that bed holding hands. Up...
Over breakfast, I broached the question of her coming into the labs for an examination. She wasn't keen. "Sorry, Jack. With our family history, I've spent too much of my time lying on my back with my legs apart while people poke around inside me. Why should I do it just to satisfy your workmates' curiosity?" "There could be something unusual going on inside you," I said. I explained about the cells I'd taken from her, which should have been purple the following morning but weren't....
I sat sipping coffee on the patio of my suite in my favorite resort. I was watching some young lovers through their inadequately closed curtains. Their room was across from mine and from all I could see; they were very much in love. We had visited a time or two from our patios and when I would meet them "out and about". I remembered when my ex wife and I acted the way they were and wondered how our love could have withered and died. I wondered where we went wrong and hoped their marriage...
I drove up here last Wednesday wearing my outfit....I drive mostly motorways so had my tits hanging over the top of the material...I drove kinda slow so that cars would have to overtake me...I got quite a few beeps on horns and some long looks.... there is a parking place where you can stop and have a rest. there were 2 cars and a truck pulled in. .I drove in slowly looking to see who was in the cars.....there was 1 guy in each car. I had pulled up my top....I stopped the car and got out I...
Chapter 1: Fall From Grace Sister Caroline was troubled. It was late Friday night, and she lay in bed, unable to shake the multitude of thoughts running through her head. She had been a nun, and a teacher, for fourteen years now, and until recently it was all she ever wanted to be. She loved the church. She loved the children she taught at St. Mathews. Lately though, she began to think she had missed something. Six months earlier, as she sat in her favorite coffee shop as she did every...
Mina Moon has been making shady deals behind her agency’s back, so they send in a ringer to catch her in the act. Soon enough, Mina offers him a deal, and he threatens to call the agency an expose her. Mina has a better idea for exposure, and unbuttons her blouse. Her perky tits convince the ringer not to make the call, and she drops to her knees to reward him with a blowjob. Climbing onto her knees, Mina strips off her skirt and panties and shakes her ass for Tony the Ringer, who pounds...
xmoviesforyouHappy and horny reading.After all the meetings, I came to know that she liked me. At the same time, I also knew that if this somehow happened, then my studies are going to be in grave danger. However, I couldn’t do anything about it as she didn’t say anything directly to me and was just playing along with the ‘friend’ game. But little did I know that it was the play that was going to cost me a lot.So, one fine day, I was just relaxing in the park with her sitting by my side and suddenly, out of...
*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Five: The Red Room.***(Dear Reader)***You are about to make your first choice at the end of this part. (Or both)This is the first time I have created a multiple path piece of written work and it may go to shit and I'll stop, that being said though. I will try to keep everything smooth and consistent. Well... some things may seem odd if you make one decision in part one where you burn a characters cloths but in part two they still have...
The saucy blonde Cherry Kiss has some extra learning after class with her professor Vince Carter however this horny college girl is about to get a lot more than she was expecting! To her surprise and delight Cherry is given a mouthful of not just one but two big cocks as Clarke Kent joins the party for a hardcore threesome. Watch Cherry show off her deepthroat skills before opening up her pussy and ass for a real pounding as she enjoys some intense anal and DP action all the way to two facial...
xmoviesforyouChapter 25 I Will Sam was far more in tune with everything than I'd ever realized. For awhile I worried that he was just another confused kid. It was pure serendipity that we found each other all those years ago, albeit in a playpen with him wrestling me to the ground as often as not. I grew to love all the more the person that he was becoming. His strength of purpose, his sense of being, everything about him were things to admire. Sunday morning...
JANICE'S WAY By Jasmine Lee It all started in early December. Janice, the woman across the street, called after Terry as he walked up his front steps. "Scuse me, Terry? Could you do me a favor?" "Sure, Janice, what do you need?" "Could you carry my Xmas tree up the steps for me?" "Be glad to," Terry replied, wondering why she couldn't ask her husband to do it. Terry hated getting involved with the neighbors. He preferred to keep to himself and felt very ill at ease...
It had been a month since Makaela’s mother had found out that she had failed a class and to make it worse found weed in her room. She had been spanked, then spanked every Saturday for the last month. To set her daughter straight she sent Makaela to a Finishing School for girls. A special school for especially bad girls, that lasted for a month unless renewed. Each student was given a special teacher, who, at the slightest infraction, the girl would be punished with a hard spanking. Makaela...
She lies there listening to him breathe in his sleep. He is in a deep sleep, his breathing is deep and loud. As she lies there his breathing reminds her of past sexual encounters they have had. As she lies there her mind starts working. Thinking of his hands and his lips working over her body. She lifts her hips a little as she thinks of their love making. She looks over at him and feels her desire for him growing. Lying on her back she grabs his hand and places it on her stomach. He doesn’t...
The ringing of the phone did not wake Kelly up Thursday morning. The poking in her ribs by someone in bed with her did. "Are you going to answer that fucking thing?" Laura asked. "My head is going to explode." Glancing down at their nude bodies, seeing the partial glass of wine on the nightstand, and feeling the dried remains of last night's multiple orgasms brought back a rush of memories. Kelly blushed slightly and peeled her sticky body off the bed, untangled herself from Laura and...
maa aur beti majburi main chudwaya Name : san Mera name san ha, apsabhi iss reader ne meri reail storie bin sadi ka patna ko kafi pasand kiya Ye aur ek storie hai jo mai aap logon k sath shear karna chata hoon,, Ab may 20ka hoon, me bacpan se ek ladki ko janta tha dikhne me achhi thi par thodi saoli thi par achhi thi, uski papa ka bachpan mai hi death ho chuki tha, uski ghar me wo do behan aur uski maa rehti thi. Uski didi bahut pehle hi jhagra karke ghar se chali gayi thi. To wo ghar pe ab...
IN THIS CROSS-OVER Western arching 120 years, be prepared for a little humor and even satire, sex, romance and obnoxious attitudes. The setting is Clyde, a city of 27,600 servicing a hinterland of small productive farm units on the grassy and water restricted plains and on to large ranches on rolling drier hills to rise up mountainous slopes. In pioneering days the Jefferson family arrived first followed shortly by the Elliot’s. They cross-married but within this generation the two families...
Larry never went a day since he met Sunny without thinking about her. He understood why people didn’t believe in love at first sight, but he wasn’t one of them. At 5’6′ 190lbs with Green eyes and shoulder length brunette hair, she was his image of perfection and nobody could ever tell him different. Her perfect smile with the dimples that made his heart melt. Her ample 38DD breasts always seemed to get his heart racing. At 6’3′ 160 with green eyes and medium length brown hair he had been told...