JezebelsChapter 3 free porn video

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I led Mary into the bedroom and shut the door behind us. I sat in a straight chair, but didn't tell Mary what to do. She pushed my knees apart and knelt there. She looked happy and ready to begin.

"I'm going to ask you some questions. Answer them honestly."

"All right," she said.

"Do you really want this agreement, Mary? I don't mean what the group wants, but what you want down deep in your gut?"

"Yes, Jack."

"Will you be faithful?"

"I'm not sure what faithful means, but I'll do anything you want."

"And obedient?"

"You know I will."

"You know I'll have each of you any time I want?"

"Yes, Jack."

"I'll want you to have sex with Becky and Monica."

She wrinkled her nose and grinned. "I don't mind, Jack. Really. I just don't get turned on by it like they do."

"You don't orgasm from it?"

"Oh, I orgasm, but not all orgasms are the same."

"I'll punish you if I think you need it."

"Oh, Jack, you're a marshmallow," she said. She flushed and covered her mouth. "Oops. That popped right out."

"All right. I'm easy going, but I'm tough, too. I can enforce the rules, and if you cheat on me, either I'm gone or you're gone."

"I'll never cheat so don't worry about that. As for punishment, well, if I need it, go ahead."

"Whose idea was it to ask me to move in with all of you?"

"Becky's. She's afraid of losing Monica and me to men. You know, breaking up the old trio and leaving her alone. Del and Monica married first. Del tried to subdue Becky like he had Monica, but Becky hated him and she never gave in. When I married Jim, he understood Becky would live with us, but Becky didn't like him either. She thought he was too wishy-washy. It was difficult and, believe me, none of us want to go through all that again."

"Go ahead."

"About two months after Jim left, Becky suggested that all of us live with one man. The idea never appealed to me because we'd have to find a man who turned on all three of us. When I met you, I knew you'd be perfect." She stopped and peered out the window to think for a few moments before looking at me again. "Jack, you need to understand women."

"I never claimed to do that," I joked, but I don't think she heard me because she was focused on her thoughts.

"We're bonded like glue. We love each other, but not like we love men or even our kids. It's complex. Maybe like sisters, but closer really. It's hard to explain, but they're a part of me and we've been through a lot together. I know this. We'll all be happier if we're together. Something else. Becky and I both want a big family. With three baby makers, we could be a big family, Jack."

"If I said I didn't want to do this, but I wanted you to come live with me, would you do it?"

"Yes, Jack. If I'm not already in love with you, I'm falling fast."

"Anything you want to tell me? Anything I need to know?"

"Becky told me she told you to discipline Monica and you didn't."

"That's right."

"Do you want her?"

"Yes, I do."

"You really need to discipline her, Jack. Look. I love you. Oops. I said it." She giggled and flushed pink. She sighed. "I may as well tell you the whole truth, Jack. I do love you. I mean deeply and desperately. I'd marry you or become your mistress or your little playtoy, whatever you want as long as I'm near you." She could tell from my expression that pleased me, and she was pleased that I was pleased. "Becky loves you, too. That frightens her because the other men she loved were cruel to her. But Monica's different than we are. She's crazy about you and wants you to take her, but she can't give herself. She has to be taken."

"Why are you telling me this? Don't you know that means you'll share me with other women?"

"Jack, you told me you'd never be faithful and I believe you. I'd rather share you with Becky and Monica than some woman I don't know. And the three of us really are pieces of the same puzzle. I don't want us to split up."

"I might still have other women," I said.

"Oh, Jack, if you live with three sex-crazed sluts, you won't have time for other women." She gave me that delightful grin. "But if you want to, go ahead. I'll be waiting at home with my legs spread and my mouth open."

"I want children," I said. "Will you..."

She launched herself into me, squealing and burying me in kisses. "I'll have as many as you want," she sighed.

Monica was next. Again I sat in the straight chair, and I didn't tell Monica what to do. She entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't say anything. She stood, took one step toward me, and waited. When I still didn't say anything, she sighed loudly and knelt, but not as Mary had, which was between my legs with her legs spread. Monica knelt by me with hers together.

I asked Monica the same questions. Yes, she wanted the arrangement, and, yes, she'd be faithful and obedient. Yes, she'd have sex with Mary and Becky, and she admitted she and Becky had sex once or twice a week anyway. Yes, she knew I'd punish her and she'd accept it. And, yes, she'd have my child.

But there was a big question mark hanging over the entire discussion. A question evidenced by her eyes, her coolness and her tone of voice, and by the way she studied me as we talked. I decided to meet it head on.

"Monica, I know you like a forceful man and I know you want to be taken."

Her eyes flared their challenge. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said haughtily. She stood and stepped away.

"So we'll do it your way," I said.

She twitched to the door, hesitated, and looked back at me. She strutted back, threw herself against me, and kissed me with all the heat a man could want. "Take me if you can," she hissed. She turned on her heel and swayed out the door.

It was Becky's turn. For the third time, I sat in the chair to see where the woman would sit. Becky sat on the bed. To my first two questions - do you want this arrangement and will you be faithful - Becky emphatically answered yes. But when I asked if she'd be obedient, she replied, "Within reason," and my antennae went up.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means yes, but it gives me an out in case I'm not obedient." I gave her a dirty look. "I expect you to be reasonable, Jack, but people are unreasonable sometimes. I'll be obedient if you're reasonable."

I sat back and stared at her. She wasn't challenging. She was frightened. "You've always been the independent and dominant one. Giving that up scares you, doesn't it?" I said.

"Yes," she gasped.

"I don't blame you, but you'll have to give it up," I said.

"I know," she replied. "But that's easier said than done."

As she wiped away a few tears, I said softly, "I won't hurt you, Becky."

"I know you won't, Jack. It's not that."

"When you've been hurt badly, it takes a long time to heal," I said.

"Yes, it does, and it makes you afraid even when a new relationship feels right." She smiled like a sad little girl. "This does feel right, Jack. You feel right." She gave me a shy half-smile. "You've felt right since the minute I saw you, but brains and hearts don't always see eye-to-eye."

"I sure know that. Do you want to take a break?"

"No, thanks."

When I asked if she'd come live with me if the others did not, she said, "I don't know, Jack. I truly don't know. This whole thing was about keeping the three of us together. I know them, Jack. Mary would fall to the first man who excited her. Monica would fall to the first man who excited and dominated her. I want to keep us together, for me and for them. I told you I love them, but it's more than that. Women need other women and we three have been together a long time. Having one man - sharing one husband, if you will - is the best way to keep us together. That Wednesday you came into our lives, I knew if we were to stay together, you were the man."


Becky laughed. "You should've seen Mary. She stared out the kitchen window with her mouth hanging open. 'Look at that hunk, ' she said reverently. She trotted out to talk to you. When she returned, she went into the bedroom and masturbated. When she came out, she was dressed to seduce you."

"It worked," I said with a grin.

"Who seduced who?" she asked. Slowly that delightful, passive twinkle reappeared in her eyes. "You're a good man, Jack. Believe me, I want to do this, but it'll take time for me to give in all the way. Please be patient with me."

I didn't ask Becky if she'd have sex with Mary and Monica, but I did ask if she'd have my child and she agreed. Then she asked me a question.

"Are you going to do it, Jack?"

"My brain and heart are having the same battle yours are."

"It could be great for all of us, Jack. I'll help you get through it if you'll help me." Her eyes twinkled and that Mona Lisa smile appeared. She sat across my legs and put her arms around my neck. "What do you say, Jack? A home and kids. Warmth and coziness. Three women to love you, wait on you, warm your bed."

"Three women to have headaches and PMS," I quipped.

"I know it's going to be rough at times. I'll help you keep Mary and Monica in line."

"And who keeps you in line?"

"I'm the easy one because I want this to work more than anyone." She kissed me lovingly. "Please do it, Jack," she said.

I told Becky to join the others. After she left the room, I retrieved three pieces of stout nylon rope and stuck them in my rear pockets. They were sitting on the floor Indian style and whispering to each other when I rejoined them.

"So far, so good," I said. "But I want to ask this question one more time. Do each of you want this?"

"Yes, I do," Mary said firmly.

"Most definitely, Jack," Becky said.

We all looked at Monica.

"No," she said defiantly.

"Dammit it, no, Monica. It's all for one, and one for all," Mary snapped.

"Monica," Becky said forcefully, "I insist you do it."

"No," Monica replied more emphatically. She was looking at me, not at Becky.

"We told you to take her, Jack," Becky said accusingly. Panic was evident in her voice. "Please, Monica. Please," Becky begged. "Tell him yes."

Monica was distressed by Becky's response, but she had something to prove to me, and to herself about me. "No," Monica repeated.

"Mary and Becky, I want you to watch what's going to happen. Watch, but don't participate. Understand?" I said.

"Yes, Jack," they each replied.

All three of them were on the floor. Mary, dressed in the shorts she wore when I first met her and a tee shirt, knelt and smiled up at me. Becky, in her baggy shorts and top, sat Indian style. As usual, Monica was dressed the most sexily of the three. She wore a cotton crop-top, which had long sleeves and a turtle neck. Like a second skin, its elastic bottom held it tight under her breasts and her hard nipples protruded under the cloth. Her shorts, which were also skin-tight, barely covered her tattoo and her pubis.

Monica was alive with anticipation as I held out my hand to her. She slapped it away. I sat down in the straight chair and said, "I'm going to spank you, Monica. Come get over my lap."

"Go to hell," she snapped.

"Being disobedient will only make it worse for you," I said in a calm and neutral tone.

"Are you deaf? I said go to hell."

I feigned standing. She squealed, rolled, and sprang to her feet. The carotid artery in her neck was throbbing rapidly. Her muscles were taught. Most importantly, her nipples were diamonds under her crop top.

"Let's get on the couch," Becky whispered to Mary. They eased onto the couch and watched us with big, bright eyes.

I stood and Monica stepped back. I didn't want to catch her immediately so I moved relatively slowly. I wanted to chase her first, to let me enjoy the wild expressions on her face, the heaving of her breasts, and her muscles flexing under her sweat-covered skin. We played cat and mouse, accompanied by squeals and sounds of flying feet on the carpet, until she was tired. By then, she thought it was easy to evade me. Becky thought so, too, and she was concerned I couldn't bring Monica into the fold, but Mary wanted to be the woman being chased and her arousal was evident.

"It's time, Monica. Come get over my lap so I can spank you," I said with a steely softness.

"That won't work, Jack," Becky said.

"Be quiet, Becky. He knows what he's doing," Mary chided.

From across the room, Monica smirked, yanked up her top to flash her breasts, and said, "Are these what you want?"

"No, Monica," I replied. She looked confused. "I want all of you, but I want your heart most of all." That was the first time I saw Monica's hard shell crack. I liked that expression. "Come to me," I said caringly.

Her warm smile and gently twinkling eyes morphed to a sneer and hard, hot eyes. She pulled off her top and threw it aside. She stepped out of her shorts, kicked them away, and put her hands on her hips. "No," she challenged.

I moved quickly. Amidst squeals and grunts, I wrestled her to the floor, bound her wrists behind her, and tied her ankles together. I lay down beside her on the carpet. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. "Are you mine now?" I asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not," she said coyly.

I stroked her hair back from her face and kissed her on the cheek. "Ready for a spanking?" I asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not," Monica said.

"You need to do it, Jack," Becky said.

"Stay out of it, Becky," Mary said forcefully.

When I stood to remove my belt, I saw her smile at her friends, who were still as church mice. I pulled upward on Monica's bound wrists, forcing her to squirm to her knees with her head buried in the carpet and her ass in the air. The first blow, which was by far the hardest, caught her full across both ass cheeks, but she screamed louder than the blow deserved. I landed the second swat right below the first.

When I released her to contort on the floor, I watched the two others who called themselves Jezebels. Mary was aroused. So was Becky, but her arousal was tempered by fear Monica would leave us.

"Mary," I called.

"Yes, sir," she whispered.

"Put your hands behind you so you won't play with yourself," I said. She moaned and complied. I stroked Monica's ass, which was hot from the belt, before pulling her to her knees again. The third stroke was across the middle of her thighs. "Do you want one?" I asked Mary as Monica sobbed and twisted.

"Not like that," she said. Her eyes were big and round as she grinned and said, "But I'd love ten from your hand."

"Becky?" I said.

"I'm a good girl, Jack. I don't need spankings." She looked supportive. "Don't weaken. You need to be demanding with her," she said quietly.

When I turned back to Monica, she begged, "No more, please, Jack."

"I'm only getting started," I said firmly, but not cruelly.

She had five on her ass and three across her thighs before I was through. The spanking probably wasn't as hard as my father gave me when I was a kid, but, hopefully, it was hard enough to let Monica surrender without reservation. She did sob, cry, and beg me to stop throughout her punishment, but I guessed that was as much play-acting as reality.

When I released her, I asked, "Have I made my point? Do you understand I am the man in your life?"

"Yes, Jack. Now I need to be fucked," she said hotly. I covered her mouth with my hand.

"I'm not playing your game. Yes, my cock's so hard it hurts, but you won't enjoy it. You see, Monica, I'm man enough to withstand your manipulation. Mary, did you bring any restraints that can keep her bound safely all night?"

"Yes, sir," Mary answered.

"Please, no," Monica whimpered.

"Go get them. Monica will sleep in here. Becky, open one of the sofa beds," I said. I turned back to my chastised woman. "If you make another sound, I'll gag you."

Monica quietly complied when I unbound her and told her to get on the sofa-bed. I tied her spread-eagle on her back, leaving some slack to let her move to ease her burning buns. Mary and Becky hovered like protective angels until I asked them to leave.

"Need anything?" I asked Monica.


"Not tonight. Anything else?"

"I want to be with you."

"Think about it tonight and tell me in the morning. Good night, Monica."

"I love you, Jack," she said in a needy voice. When I leaned down to kiss her, she struggled to raise her lips to mine. The kiss was long and hot. When I pulled away she whimpered, "Please fuck me." I smiled and walked away without replying.

Becky and Mary were grinning uncontrollably when I got to the bedroom. They both leaped on me and buried me in hugs and kisses.

"You did it, Jack. You did it," Becky proclaimed.

They babbled happily as we undressed. "Me first," Mary said as she flopped back on the bed.

"Mary first," Becky agreed.

I kissed Becky, who gave me that sexy smile as she pushed me back on the bed. Mary pounced on me, but I flipped her over. She was ready and I was readier. In seconds, she was emitting her patented little "ee, ee" until she exploded like an overloaded steam engine. I felt my legs trembling and a tug on my ball sac.

"Cum in her, stud," Becky whispered in my ear.

I didn't need the encouragement. As I came, Mary whispered in my ear, "I love you, Jack." When I collapsed on Mary, four hands caressed me. Then two hands gently pulled me aside.

Becky grinned. "I like the taste of cum, too," she said. She buried her face between Mary's legs. They rolled over together, which left Mary riding Becky's mouth. Since I liked pussy juice as much as they loved cum, I dove into Becky. Those strong but soft legs slipped over my shoulders and locked behind me.

The physical is easy to describe - a woman on her back with another woman over her mouth and a man's mouth on her pussy. An oral threesome. The metaphysical is harder to describe. We were a single creature with three organs and three mouths. Or maybe a wave. It felt like an undulating wave.

"Come on, Becky. I'm almost there. Almost there," Mary whined.

I could tell Becky was almost there, too. I wrapped my hands over her thighs to ease the pressure on my head, took a deep breath, and dove in for the finale. She came hard, spraying thick juice into my waiting mouth. Mary came at about the same time, bombarding my ears with squeaks caused by someone else.

I lay back with a woman on each side. Mary wrapped her fingers around my cock. "May I?" she asked.

"Let him rest," I said.

With Becky curled up on my left side and Mary on my right, I was asleep in no time. I awakened about two hours later, eased my way out of bed, and used the bathroom. Two of my three Jezebels were sound asleep as I slipped into the living room.

Monica was as I'd left her. When I untied the restraints, she awakened and smiled at me, but lay perfectly still. I picked her up, carried her to the bedroom, and laid her down on the bed.

"Your place is with us," I said quietly as to not wake the others.

"My place is under you," she said, grabbing for my cock. "Please, Jack. Let me show how much I love you."

This is the way I'd wanted Monica - hot, eager, and ready to take me on a wild ride. Her blue eyes sparkled with sexual need. But it wasn't time. I wrapped my fingers around her wrists, slowly pushed her back, and said, "You show how much you love me by being loving all the time, not by fucking me when you feel like it." I lay down beside her and pulled the covers over us.

"I know you want me," she whispered.

"That's obvious, but I'm not going to fuck you now," I replied. "You need to understand that I want all of you and not just the sexual parts."

"I understand that, Jack," she said, but her eyes told me she wasn't sure she believed it.

"We'll talk in the morning. Be quiet and go to sleep."

"Yes, Jack," she said obediently.

She turned her back to me, wiggled her ass to snug my cock between her thighs, and sighed. She was asleep in seconds. I felt breasts against my back and reassuring hands. Becky's arm went over my waist.

Light was filtering through the drapes when I felt the bed move. I feigned sleep as all three of them arose. I heard whispering and giggling, doors opening and closing.

"Wake up, sleepy head," Mary said loudly. "Breakfast will be ready shortly."

When I went into the tiny dining room, breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee was ready. We ate and visited before returning to the living room. Again I sat in the straight chair and they sat on the couch, holding hands with Becky in the middle, but this time we all were naked.

"Jack," Monica began. "Let me answer the questions again. I'll be faithful, whatever definition of that word you choose to give. I'll be obedient, loving, and I'll have your children, and yes, Jack, I very much want to do this. That's a strong yes."

"That's three unequivocal yeses from us, Jack," Mary said. "What's your answer?"

I didn't speak because the word caught in my throat.

"Well, Jack?" Becky said.

Monica leaned toward me and wrapped her hand over mine. "Please say yes," she mouthed.

"Yes," I gasped.

Mary leaped on me with the others right behind her. We ended in a pile on the floor, hugging and kissing and crying. Yes, even I shed a few tears, which, I presume, were for joy. I will say this. While the word yes hurt like hell coming out, it felt damn good now that I'd said it.

When we'd settled down, I said, "Now what?"

"We need to set the rules and finances before we finalize our arrangement," Becky said.

"And the basic rule is that Jack is the mighty pasha and we are his obedient and horny harem girls. Or is it all right to say that you're the husband and we're your wives?" Mary said with a wrinkled nose leer.

"Tell us the rules," Becky said.

"Rule one is that you're my obedient and horny wives. Any problems with that?"

"Not the horny part," Monica said.

"We like that. What else?" Becky asked.

"Rule two is communication. Every day, we'll sit and talk. It's more important than sex. We can talk about anything and everything - finances, work problems, children, sex, you name it - but we'll talk, and there won't be any lying."

"I like that."

"Me, too," the other two said.

"What's the third rule?"

Same as Jezebels
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Doodhwale ne doodh piya

I m atul.i m 33 years old married. Im live in mumbai. Yeh meri 2nd story hai, aap ise padiye aur enjoy kijiye mard apne lund pakadke hilaye aur lady apne chut me ungliyan dalke hilaye. Story pasand aye to mail kijiye, my id is im waiting your mail. Any lady widow lady. Couple ,bhabhi ,aunty , ko sex ka pura maza chahiye to muje call karen my no is 9987785002, yeh bante apne hi bich me rahegi. Ajay has to go on tours many a times for days during that times i have to use my fingers...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 2

Beep ... Beep ... Beep ... Beep... When I opened my eyes I recognized nothing except for that blasted beeping machine. I fantasized finding the person that invented it and doing to them all the things that had been done to me since my odyssey began. I Recognized Nothing... Not a thing... Not Even Me... So thrilled to wake up, it took me a little time to realize how unfamiliar everything was, then like a bolt of electricity, it hit me. I had no idea about anything. Where was I? What...

3 years ago
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Marked ndash Chastity Story

I woke up to a familiar situation, though not one I normally wake to find. My arms are restrained, as are my legs, and I am naked save for a collar and my ever present chastity device. I am no longer sure how long it has been. It is taken off once a week for cleaning, but never by my own hands. Indeed, it has been months since I have been able to touch myself, or had true release.My Goddess likes me horny and wanting. She likes me literally dripping with need… it used to be need to cum, and...

2 years ago
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Blue Eyed Country Boy

I guess we all have our demons... Mine just like to come out and play a little too often. Most people would probably classify me as a "good girl", someone who stays out of trouble, keeps her nose clean, doesn't test the waters too much. What they don't know is even "good girls" have a bad side, we're just better at hiding it than others.Last weekend a few of my girlfriends decided we needed girls night out, a night away from kids and our significant others. We all decided to meet up on Saturday...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 5

I stood in my room and pulled my hair. "Holy shit, Quinn is just driving me nuts," I moaned, pulling my hair really hard. "Of course, now my phone is buzzing," I said, reaching for it.A pulled up a new text. "'I can't wait to ride your giant cock again, step son. My pussy is begging me to let your schlong back inside it again. Do you think your dick would be willing to journey inside my twat again? Even better, with some more privacy? I have a surprise for you, Ted.' Oh, fuck me, I don't even...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 419 So Many Options Introduction

Friday, July 25, 2008 and on The Universe is a truly AMAZING place. It offers countless sources of beauty, wonder and excitement. It has a depth of ... I'm sorry, but you'll never understand; your minds are WAY too small. But take it from me, you're living in an awesome creation. You'll have to take it from me because I'm not letting you follow me. I've already adjusted the laws of physics so the W-Dimension synchronization process is weaker. Partly because I want the dimensions to be...

3 years ago
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Alabaster Purity with a Flaw

ONE The purity of a woman is like a diamond, an unmarked mirror of the perfect first flower of spring – something to be looked upon with pleasure, very deep pleasure that is so exquisitely deep. It’s an intrinsic pleasure that money can’t buy. Martin Church had that long-winded and self-righteous thought as he waited in the restuarant for his lunch order to arrive. Martin was low on the town’s unwritten listing of its VIPs, although Martin being Martin would have assumed he’d be highly...

2 years ago
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Rebirth Part One

Rebirth By JL Williams To: Kelly J. Robinson With all my love. My best friend, my true Confidant, my inspiration For finishing this book, my Emotional safety valve, and The person who has caused The best times in my life to Happen. A New Birth CHAPTER ONE: THE ACCIDENT AND THE AWAKENING Terence Hopkins stood quietly on the jetway waiting for his turn to board the flight home. It had been a particularly difficult week. He loved New York, but a week of "The Big Apple",...

3 years ago
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Franks RewardChapter 10 Their Final Farewell

Sharon woke up and realised that it was only 7am but there was no urgency about getting up this morning. Although it did take her a few moments before she realised who it was laying next to her. Tony stirred, yawned and then saw this gorgeous naked woman whom he had only met yesterday afternoon looking at him as if she was deciding what to do next. He saved her the bother by reaching out to her and taking her into his arms. She happily cuddled into him, accepted his good morning kiss and...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 3 Ill hum it for you Da dee da dee da dum

Tuesday evening of the following week I was in the den going over some of our financing when Vicky came in and informed me that some girl named Kitty was on the phone. "She asked for Dana but when I told her Dana wasn't home I asked her if she wanted to speak to you and she asked if you were the cop that had been with Dana and Candy. I told her yeah I think so and she said she'd talk to you. She's on the phone now." "Thanks Vic," I said getting up and then quickly making my way to...

4 years ago
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Legendary Shy

Legendary Shy Chapter 1 “Good Morning KEN!!!!” *bam* “dad when are you going to learn?” I looked down at my dad lying upside down on my bed with his back against the wall. “Son its time to get up” I look at him for a moment then yelled, “WHAT THE HELL DAD, if u want to get me up you didn’t have to attack me.” With that I slammed...

1 year ago
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Air Shark

I had learned to fly when I was fourteen. The war started a couple of years later and has slowly escalated. I wanted a change so when I joined at eighteen it was to be a Shark pilot. A Shark was a slim two man hover flyer. It had a mage engine and lift plates to keep it up and moving. It also had short stubby wings that held a single thirty round pod of missiles on each side or a pod of fifteen and another of pod of four heavier missiles for armor. Close to the end and inside the wing was a...

4 years ago
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Welcome home big brother

  It's been five years since I last saw him, but his image was fresh in my mind. My brother was just barely six feet tall. His light bluish gray eyes were deep and full of life. He had a small, feminine body, with smooth soft skin. His dark black hair went almost to his shoulder. That's how I always thought of him when his name was brought up.   When my brother was 18 he got in a fight with our dad which resulted in him running away and becoming a vagabond. I was only 15 at the time and cried...

2 years ago
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A Womens Regime in Canada

A Women's Regime in Canada By Katie Dale In the year 2000, I was born into the McDell family. My family was originally from Scotland but had been living in Canada for over a hundred years now. My father moved away when my mother was pregnant with me, and I never saw him. I was raised by my mother, Jill, a successful lawyer, and by my two older sisters ? one five years older than me, and one twin. Those were the years when the new feminist revolution was beginning....

2 years ago
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Fun on a hot summers day

The 3 of us were heading out to the cabin in the Jeep. It was hot so we all had shorts on, but I was wearing a small tiny strapped t-shirt. Since it is a few hours’ drive. We were learning allot about each other. What we liked, music, food, a****ls, etc.We finally arrive at the cabin and toss our things in the bedroom. You wanted to go fishing right away.So, off we go again heading to a remote spot on the river that you found. It was pretty, a lot of trees and shade and secluded. We baited our...

1 year ago
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Pantyhose Fetish Cop Story

I love pantyhose. 

 I love wearing pantyhose and I love having sex in pantyhose. 
 A boyfriend introduced me to joys of pantyhose about two years ago when he presented me with the best pantyhose there are: Wolford. Putting them on and wearing them is orgasmic. No other pantyhose in the world feel like Wolford. I had always worn pantyhose before getting my Wolfords, but it was because I had too. I work in an office where women are required to dress in business attire, and that meant pantyhose...

3 years ago
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Bahan Ne Bhae Ko Chodne Ko Diya Part 8211 1

Hi dosto mera nam ankit he aur me raipur ka rahne wala hu e mera life ka pahala story he jo ki mera aur meri didi bich ho gaya mera didi ke nam anita he actually me bahut kamina ladka hu . Kioki me hamesa bahar wala ladki se mere family ke ladkiyo ko jyada line marta hu . Mera age abhi 21 sal he . Me jab plus two me tha ,tab ae ghatana hue. Me jab 6th me tha tab se me mere didi ko ghurta hu tab se mera dil me mere didi ke lie pyar he. Tab se mere didi ke lie mera lund khada ho raha he. Me jab...

4 years ago
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A Somali Hijabi Falls In Love

As salam alaikum, people. My name is Hodan Qadir, and I’m a Somali Muslim sister living in the City of Gatineau, Quebec. I’m five-foot-ten, curvy and dark-skinned, with long black hair which I almost always tuck away under my modest Hijab. Just one of thousands of pious, Hijab-wearing Somali Muslim sisters living in the Ottawa/Gatineau Metropolitan Area. You see us every day. A lot of Somali sisters living in the vastness of Canada lead double lives, and I ought to know, because I used to be...

2 years ago
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Busted With My Online Porn 6

Donna had just left. I could still taste my own cum on my tongue. It really wasn’t so bad since I had been drinking so much juice and water lately. I read online that fruit juices tend to make your cum sweeter. I figured I might as well make things a little easier on myself by at least making my cum taste better. I can affirm that it does work!What was strange to me was that I felt myself beginning to think about having trouble with gagging as opposed to swallowing the cum. I didn’t want to...

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Inner Secrets

Six months have passed since I had found out my inner secret that I was half and half and six months since I had amazing sex with my mother and girlfriend, Alexia. But Alexia and I didnt work out after that, which I was pretty upset about but in the end I knew it wasnt going anywhere.I found myself a job in an office answering the phone for a newspaper called Holls - a news paper on the news locally. My boss, Sylvia, was a complete goddess even though she was about twenty years older than I...

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The Beach House5

Northern California Rough gray tree trunks grow awkwardly, intertwining with the spidery branches of others to form an almost cave like path. Green leaves gather at the tree tops, casting shadows upon a light brown dusty road. Golden rays shoot through parts in the leaves and onto the dusty road, constantly shifting as a warm breeze moves through. Golden blonde hair flows in wind as green eyes observe scenic surroundings, glazed over in boredom, the eyes of Abel McColluch—a seventeen year...

1 year ago
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MAtri 36

A toasterwave! story. 04.17.08 [email protected] I'm so nervous. This is my first story! While writing it I realized that not only can I not form a decent narrative, I am fiercely unable to describe anything to any degree, inable to establish different characters and characteristics; that I am a terrible author. Really atrocious. So if you have any writing tips, please send them to me! Also, please send me feedback on the story. I know it's not your typical shemale story.. in...

2 years ago
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A Mothers LoveChapter 9

They invited us to have breakfast with them the following morning, so after our usual morning love making session I pulled on my shorts and mum wore just one of the minuscule bikini bottoms that she'd bought the previous day. We found them in the kitchen, Shannon standing next to the grill with Garry beside her one hand down the back of her panties, they were all she wore and I had to admit she looked good, she giggled when I coughed politely and her brother removed his hand. "Dammit" he...

3 years ago
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Sex Slave Kayla

I was tied up, completely exposed to the world. Well, the people auctioning. I have long black hair and violet eyes, and I'm pale. Very pale. I have DD breasts and I'm tight in every hole. I'm only 4' and I am very shy. But they have trained me not to be. Suddenly, something grasps my breasts. He pinches them tightly and tugs my nipples. I yelped and a nearby guard whacked me super hard on the ass with a cane, leaving a bloody welt. I started crying. I wanted to get away. I hate these people....

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aunty and my mom

I am 20 years old. This story happened when I was 11. My mother was 36 years old then. She is a tall woman with a slightly bulky body and average looks. Her name is Mini. She is a loyal wife and a conservative lady. Her figure is 36-32-34. she always wears saree and that too above the navel covering her belly properly.Once my moms sister, Smitha paid us a visit. They decided to go for an English movie. We booked tickets for the 6. 30 pm show. Saying about Smitha aunty. She is a 29 year old...

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Virgin Boy Forcing Aunty For Sex

Hey I am Akarshit Saxena from Bareilly and I was 19 years old I am 5 feet11inc tall guys having athletic physic. This is story year back in October aunty living in my house on rent with family named Sonia but she said don’t call me aunty call me bhabhi. She is always smile and she was of 32 years with 2 kids her breast was very huge like big watermelons with full of juice and her hips also well round and big though. She was slim and her body size was 40, waist 45 hips 49 and her thighs were so...

2 years ago
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Late Night Arousal Dont Move

She was already asleep when he got home… she was always asleep by the time he got home – it was one of the drawbacks to working the same shift-based job: their schedules never aligned. They’d long since come up with a way to alleviate the sexual frustration that naturally accompanied only being home together long enough to sleep by developing a silent, clothing-based communication system. If she went to bed in desperate need of his cock deep inside her, she’d go to bed stark naked. If she was...

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EvilAngel Brittany Andrews Slutty Anal MILF

Long-legged MILF Brittany Andrews brings co-worker Jake Adams home for some off-the-clock fraternization in a swinging threesome with her husband, Mark Wood. He whips out his stiff schlong, and Brittany sucks both dicks as spit drips from her luscious lips. The guys spitroast her, one cock fucking her cunt as she gives a blowjob to the other. The hotwife crouches on hands and knees as Mark’s thick cock fills her asshole. Brittany screams in orgasmic anal reverie! She bounces on...

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Would You Like Ketchup

She had the sweetest voice. Cheerful and friendly; not the kind that’s drilled into you by managers, but sincere sounding. It’s hard to tell by a voice, but I guessed her to be young, probably college age, since the university was just down the street.“Fries, please. And a diet Pepsi.”I smiled as she repeated it back, putting a little pop into the ‘p’s.“Will there be anything else?” she asked, her voice not losing any of its allure despite issuing from the metal box just left of the menu...

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MomDrips Christy Love Goodbye My Young Fuck Buddy

Christy Love has some important news to tell her young fuck buddy. When they first started hooking up, she was lonely and her husband was not around. But things seem to be changing quickly. Now, her husband wants a family, and this stud is going to be left out in the cold. You cannot help but feel a little sorry for this sucker as she ends things with him. He puts on the puppy dog eyes while asking for one last farewell fuck, and Christy falls for it. They make it to her room and he pulls down...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Classmate At Home

Hi this my first story in ISS. I am sharing my real experience which happened two months back. First of all I introduce myself. I am Sam 21 years of age, average body build and quite attractive living in Chennai. Let us move on to the story. My classmate name is Priya. She has a very good figure of 34-28-36. First it all started in fb then aft few days started chatting in mobile. This was going for some days. After some days our way of chatting changed we use to make dirty jokes and started sex...

4 years ago
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A fantasy before my eyes

My name is Sophie. I'm a senior in college, am 22 and 5-foot-2, and have large D-cup breasts. This is a true story, though the names I give you aren't. It was a windy day, and on the open campus of Stanford it felt even windier. I hurried into my dorm, where I knew I could find a jacket to put on. I pulled on a San Francisco sweater and ran down the hall, outside again. Before I made it very far, my boyfriend, Derek, stopped me. Derek is 5-foot-6, a football player, and is 23. He pulled me into...

Group Sex
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Daddys girl has been naughty

        This is a TABOO story. It is a true story, as ALL of mine are. They are just me writing about that weeks experiences. The young lady in this story is actually 11 days OLDER than me. Her pics are below. She has daddy issues, as ALOT of you ladies do. Nothing wrong with that, just be safe, respectful, and communicate well; all will be good. Enjoy the read, and any ladies that do a cum tribute while their partner reads them my story, (AKA long distance Cuck), I will give access to HUNDREDS...

2 years ago
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Helen joins the mile high club

Once in the air she whispered to me “Fred, have you ever joined the mile-high club.” “Yes. Sure. Why?” “Because I haven't and I want to.” I beckoned the hostess, slipped her $100 and asked “Can we use your galley area for 10 minutes.” “Sure. Do you want me to keep watch for you?” “Yes please.” We slipped unobtrusively into the galley area and the hostess pulled the curtain to give us privacy. Helen hitched her skirt up around her waist and I undid my zip and slid into her pussy. I reached...

3 years ago
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Prodigious CollectionChapter 12

3 Section 50 -- Godwin orgy Rob and Allison were stretched out on the bed, taking in each other's visage, gently kissing and whispering endearments to each other. They completely ignored the mass of spectators, all vying for comfortable positions on the fifty-yard line. Beth, last to arrive, had parked the lubricant and washrag on the headboard before climbing up in front of Diane, whose arms quickly encircled her sister. The twins shrieked when Martin walked in, followed by Jack. "They...

2 years ago
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At the Lake

CHAPTER 1 Cleaning Services Corporation reported record revenues to stockholders for the past financial years at the annual meeting. The chairman heaped praise on the operations manager Ben Shaw for the way in which the 3710 commercial cleaning contracts had been managed under his direction. After the meeting the company president sent Ben on his way for a two-week rest. ‘You’re looking rather jaded Ben, some time off will remedy that.’ The job had cost Ben his marriage and his two children...

2 years ago
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How my wife became a slut

I could see the 4th of July sweat glistening on Molly's skin and her wry grin of pleasure, as I rolled off of her. The pool of fluid oozing from her tight little hole was spreading on the cushion between her legs. We were both panting heavily and gloriously as we reveled in our mutual satisfaction. I couldn't remember the last time we both had cum so hard. This night had been a long time in coming. No pun intended.I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the...

Wife Lovers
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Beccarsquos sister Dances Striptease For Us

Becca’s sister Dances Striptease For UsA couple weeks ago, our live-in housekeeper/babysitter Becca asked if her younger sister Vicki could come visit for a week. We told her that would great and we promised to behave ourselves while Vicki was here and Becca said that would be very kind of us. She asked if Vicki could stay in the guest room and we said that would be fine. Becca is 22 and her sister Vicki is 19. The two were close growing up but after Becca graduated high school and moved away...

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Sylvia my girlfriends mother teaches me

Sylvia, My First Pussy Part 2 Sylvia was Linda’s mom, and she said she thought highly of me as a kid who had promise. She was heavily involved in the youth movement at the State level, so I guess when I was elected President of the State organization, her positive opinion of me was pretty much solidified. She chauffeured me to numerous state conferences, so we got to know each other quite well. She was a big woman, very attractive even though she was 45 or so. She was wealthy and looked...

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My True Thing

My first Blowjob was with 45+ aged man and its was forceful against my wish. That was first time I touched PENIS and after that incident was feeling so sinful, which made me to watch PORN in my free time and been to xHamster.After being here got a desire to catch thick white man's penis, so was searching for safe man locally and got one Australian in FaceBook, who use to stay in India working as Network engineer. He dint knew that I was 18 and used to send lots of erected penis snaps to me, and...

2 years ago
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Their First Time

My friend Mary and I had decided to go for walk thru the woods-maybe a mile or so from our neighbor hood back to a secluded swimming hole where we were hoping to skinny dip and catch some sun. It was a very nice summer day. We are both in our late thirties and in good shape but we are not in our twenties any more. When we got to the swimming hole there were about ten boys already there swimming. We thought that since we had walked that far we might as well sit by the water and get some sun on...

4 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 14 The first threesome

That Saturday night, while the kids were having fun at Laurie's party, Roger and Lucy Parker were trying something new. New for both of them. It was Lucy's first threesome. And Roger's first, too. Lucy was the first woman who knew and accepted his secret. Also, she was the one who accepted a threesome. And the chosen guy was Larry Harper, the only person in the whole world that both Roger and Lucy had fucked. It was important, for them, to be with someone they knew. Somehow, it made...

4 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 30

Steve I had just discussed the medical laboratory plant with Sue and we agreed that this was an important project. We both wanted to continue to assist Chuck in helping vets any way we could. It was past time to run into work, so I went to see how the company was functioning. A walkthrough of all the shops is always the best way to get a feel for what's going on. I saw Hank in the rear of the motor shop, painting one of Shawna's chopper creations. He was doing it from a chair with his...

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