- 3 years ago
- 28
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(Brief summary of Part 1. Two members of the US Army in the mid-seventies, PFC Kelly Wooten and Lieutenant Mark Ashe find themselves attracted to each other, and then in bed together. We pick up the next morning.)
That morning I awoke to the smell of coffee. I sniffed it with appreciation. Rolling over, carefully because I was, after all, in a single bed, I looked at the clock on the nightstand. Goodness. I hadn’t slept that late since my last leave. I certainly hadn’t had this kind of fun on that leave though.
I did decide that, as appealing as was the aroma of coffee drifting into the bedroom, before I did anything else, I needed a shower. I got out of the bed, into the bathroom and turned on the water. As soon as the water was steaming I climbed in and let the water run over my body. I stuck my face in the warm water and sighed comfortably as it ran down my body.
I was still standing there with a happy smile on my face, when I got happier. I hadn’t heard the door open but I caught a cool breeze as the shower curtain was pulled back and a pair of already familiar hands touched me.
‘Need your back scrubbed?’ Mark whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I leaned back against him.
‘Think you can scrub my front too?’ I turned my head and met his lips with mine. His arms circled me and pulled me tightly against his body. I wiggled to get as close as I could, which was VERY close indeed, except that something rather hard was shoved against my ass. ‘Oh,’ I whispered back, ‘I think someone is happy to see me this morning.’ Deliberately I pushed back against him, bending forward ever so slightly.
Mark’s arms relaxed slightly, allowing his hands to creep up my tummy and over my breasts. His fingers began to toy with my nipples, tapping them lightly, then rolling them around in tiny circles. His breath on my neck was as warm as the water, although the water didn’t make goose bumps spring up. Of course those may have been caused by the rigid cock pressed right up between my ass cheeks.
I leaned farther forward, bracing my arms against the shower wall. His hips began to press and retreat, press and retreat, the length of his shaft sliding up and down along my cleft. I made no attempt to swallow a moan as I felt the head touch my anal opening. Indeed, I accompanied my gasp of excitement by allowing my ass to push back against him as my hands slipped down the way, forcing me back to him.
Mark’s hands had fallen from my breasts as I leaned away from him. Now they were on my hips, then on my ass cheeks, rubbing there in circles. He swallowed so hard I could hear it over the water and asked ‘Kelly, are you sure?’
I giggled momentarily, allowing the soap I still clenched in one hand to fall. ‘Oh myyyy,’ I purred. ‘I’ve dropped the soap.’ I bent over further, the water now beating on my back and scooped the errant bar up as I added. ‘I guess I should pick it up.’ I did and reached back, pressing it into his hand. By now my ass was really pushing back onto the head of his cock. He took the soap with one hand and directed the stream of water away from us with the other.
I turned my head and managed to twist far enough to meet his eyes. ‘Mark, I want you to have me in any position, any way you want.’ I didn’t tell him that my only experience with anal sex had been a disaster. One guy I had dated up in Indianapolis had attempted it without lubrication or wasting time by allowing me to adjust to him. He just tried to stuff it in there. Didn’t work.
This time I had confidence that it would. Mark rubbed the dripping bar against me. Thank goodness it was still fairly new and had softened nicely in the hot water. Then he must have rubbed it against himself, in more than one place as his fingertip replaced the head of his cock. he gently massaged my ring, around and around, allowing it to loosen, and, I must say, make me weak in the knees from his stimulation of the nerve endings bunched there. Then my opening gave way to his gentle pressure and his slick finger entered me.
Mark began to wiggle his finger, curling it to touch my anal walls and carefully prying me open more. By the time he had slipped a second finger inside me and began to spread them, twisting and turning his wrist, I was humping my ass back onto his fingers and begging him not to waste any more time but to take me and take me NOW.
He didn’t of course. Hell, I could sense the grin on his face as he drove me nuts. And rushing it would have spoiled it, although at the moment I didn’t care. Finally, in his own good time, I felt the head of his cock touch me, between the two crooked fingers holding me open. As he pressed slowly forward, he withdrew his fingers, allowing the head of his cock to replace them.
I couldn’t believe how wide he had stretched my anal ring, nor how good it felt. Now both hands were on my hips, holding me steady as he impaled me. By now, all he was doing was holding his position, I was using my arms and hips to push him deeper each time I had adjusted to the previous thrust. Bit by bit he filled me. I gathered my strength and my nerves and gave one tremendous buck of my body and slammed back onto his cock.
He may have screamed. I know that I did. It hurt, but at the same time I delighted in his cock buried all the way where no one had ever been. I wiggled, I ground myself against him. The pain disappeared and now I wanted him to fuck me.
‘Mark, damn you Mark, FUCK me.’
He cast any thoughts of going slow to the winds. His hands gripped my hips, still a bit generous, regardless of morning PT. He pulled back until only the head was still lodged in my ass. Then he rammed deeply into me. I squealed. He did it again. I squealed louder. Then he was pounding me, thrusting in and out of my near virgin ass.
Bent over as I was, all I could do was ride the waves each time his cock slide back and forth along my anal ring. I aided and abetted his ravishment of my ass by demanding more and more, something he was quite willing to supply. If I thought he had hammered me last night, I hadn’t felt anything yet. It seemed he got longer and thicker with each stroke, stretching my ass to a place I never dreamed it could go.
Harder and harder, faster and faster he went. I felt his balls slapping up under me and each time his cock bottomed in my ass he ground himself against my cheeks. Now I really did feel him swell. I was balancing myself with one hand against the lower shower wall while the fingers on the other hand frantically frigged my clit. I knew he was almost there and I wanted to be there with him when he did.
I managed to muffle a really big scream when he locked down inside me and I felt the cum almost scald the inside of my ass as it spurted from Mark’s cock. My hand was blurring as I rubbed myself and oh my GOD I was cumming and telling him about it and demanding he never stop.
Of course eventually he had to. If nothing else, there was a frantic scrambling to hastily wash each other off as the hot water disappeared. We had both taken cold showers in the field, obviously Mark much more than me, but neither of us had much enjoyed them. Even with a wonderful warm body scrubbing me, we were finally in a situation where we both wanted to be done and done immediately.
Almost shivering, we leaped out. Mark buried me in towels as he dried himself off quickly. He grinned, kissed me, and murmured he need to regain his strength and therefore breakfast would be available shortly. He donned a pair of jeans, pulled a colorful t-shirt over his head and closed the bedroom door behind as he left.
I dried off, carefully hanging the towels back inside the bathroom, including the one Mark had dropped on the floor. Men. Making myself right at home, I pulled one of his shirts from his closet and donned it. I noticed that my nipples showed through it, but really thought he wouldn’t mind. Then I heard voices from the common living area and realized that maybe I nee
ded to cover myself a bit more.
Of course, THEN I remembered my clothing was scattered around the couch in the main room. Just then the door cracked and a hand reached inside, holding my slacks as well as some of my other discarded apparel. I put my panties and slacks on. I started to take Mark’s shirt off only to discover that my bra wasn’t included in the bundle. Oh well. I looked in the mirror and grimaced. I managed to comb my short hair with my fingers but I still looked like the wrath of God. I shrugged. If seeing me like this didn’t drive him away then maybe he really was the one I had been dreaming about.
I took a deep breath and opened the door, to the sound and scent of bacon frying. That was nice. Mark was pouring coffee into two mugs as he stood by the stove. A nice looking guy, a bit shorter than Mark and with horn-rimmed glasses stood near him.
Mark caught sight of me and he smiled, a warm, caring smile, not a leer. I hesitantly came over to him. He handed me a mug of coffee and then put his arm around me.
‘Kelly, this is my roommate, David Glasgow. David, Kelly Wooten.’
‘Nice to meet you,’ we both chorused.
Nothing was said for a few minutes while we all ate breakfast around the small wooden table. Then David refilled all of our coffee cups and waved us to the couch, while he settled in an overstuffed arm chair, his gaze searching us both.
David looked at Mark. ‘Mark, Colonel Winston is staying here this weekend.’ I was to find out that the Colonel in question occupied the trailer on the other side of the shared parking pad. Mark looked confused about that statement, because David plowed on in explanation. ‘I’m afraid I have Kelly’s car blocked in. I parked mine right behind hers, with my front bumper basically touching her rear one.’ We both must have been sharing that look of confusion. David sighed and looked at the ceiling while he spoke.
‘Its absolutely none of my business. As far as I’m concerned you are both adults and the smiles on your faces show me that last night was pretty darn good for you both. I’m Mark’s friend as well as his trailer mate. He’s happy, I’m happy. And Kelly, you seem very nice. But the Colonel’s quite Regular Army, a stickler for regulations and all that.’ He looked at Mark, and then me. ‘I didn’t want him to see the red sticker on the bumper of your car, Kelly.’
The light dawned on both of us. Of course. The red post stickers on the left front and right rear of my car marked it as a vehicle belonging to an enlisted soldier. The ones on Mark’s and David’s cars were blue, indicating an officer. Officers and enlisted personnel are not allow to socialize. The term is ‘fraternization’. And certainly male officers are not supposed to sleep with an enlisted woman assigned to their unit. We could be in so much trouble if anyone found out.
For anyone who thinks that those regulations are the usual governmental interference in people’s private lives, they’re not. The gulf that exists between officers and enlisted personnel is there for very good reasons. An officer has to order subordinates to do nasty, unpleasant and sometimes extremely dangerous things. Emotional ties lead not only to favoritism but can strain an entire unit. Nothing can panic a military unit faster than the belief that the officers aren’t cool and competent and in charge, and if they’re involved with the people under them that’s not going to be the case.
Additionally, regulations like that protect the lower grade personnel also. The days are long past when officers had batmen assigned to look after their creature comforts and polish their boots. Enlisted men and women are presumed to be adults and just as worthy of respect as the officers. Maybe I should mention that the salute exchanged between an enlisted soldier and an officer is not supposed to be a sign of servitude but rather a gesture of respect. That’s why a Colonel is as obligated to return a salute as an private is to give it.
Finally, the dividing line protects both groups from claims of sexual harassment, whether bona-fide or unfounded. Both claims have certainly happened as more and more women have entered the armed forces.
Mark and I looked at each other. David had stepped to the door as though to leave but stopped with his hand on the knob and turned back around.
‘Sit down you two,’ he said quietly.
Mark and I seated ourselves side by side on the couch. It didn’t occur to me not to do so, and I guess it didn’t to Mark either. David sat in a chair by the window and looked us both over for a minute.
‘Don’t,’ he finally said.
‘Don’t what?’ replied both of us.
‘Don’t give up.’ At my, correction, OUR startled looks, he smiled. ‘That’s what you are both thinking. You’re worried and unsure and scared because you’re breaking regulations. But, if neither of you has noticed, the attraction between you is very strong. I can tell,’ he laughed. ‘Its the way that the two of you are holding hands.’
Startled, I looked down. Our fingers were twined together. I blushed and started to pull my hand free, when David stepped over and put his hand on top of ours.
‘Don’t,’ he said again. ‘Accept it. Mark, you’re being transferred back to a line unit. I suggest you and Kelly either don’t see each other again until that happens or meet casually and don’t appear to be together. After that,’ he shrugged, ‘You’ll just have to careful and cautious.’
We were careful. We waited until Mark has settled in with his new unit before going out on an actual date. We kept in contact. That wasn’t easy either. Back then we didn’t have room phones in the WAC barracks. All that was available was a couple of communal phones which belonged to the government. I really didn’t think they would be monitored, but stranger things have happened. Besides the big signs beside the wall mounted phones that said ‘Caution, NOT a Secure Line’ didn’t do much for my confidence. So I would call Mark from a pay phone over by the MP Station.
We did manage to meet once at the post movie theatre. I can’t even recall what the picture was. We each drove ourselves and stood separately in line, pretending we didn’t recognize each other. I lingered by the concessions until I could follow Mark inside.
It seemed half the post was there. Everyone from the Colonel who was in overall charge of Personnel to my company clerk had shown up. We found a spot that was reasonably dark but not so secluded that it would appear suspicious that we were sitting together.
Whenever someone walked by we both jumped. I, at least, was unsettled the entire time. However, it was all worth while for the time that we held hands. Just held hands. The warmth of his fingers interlaced with mine, the occasional squeeze that we gave each other, these were enough to make for a wonderful night.
Finally the transfer was complete, there came a Friday night and we went out. That was part of it, we wanted to go out. We didn’t just want to run over to his place and make love, although heaven knows I wanted that. We wanted to be a couple. We wanted to be able to hold hands in public instead of under the table. We knew we couldn’t go to the local clubs or the family restaurants though. But Mark had found a small place outside of the nearby city that seemed to be mostly frequented by the local people. It had a dining area separated by the bar from the real gathering place, a pool room.
Picking me up wasn’t simply a matter of Mark knocking on the front door and waiting for whoever answered to come get me. He parked several buildings away and at a pre-arranged time I met him there.
Thank goodness he hadn’t parked under a street light. As soon as he had closed my door and scampered around to the driver’s side we were in each other’s arms. Before we got to the restaurant I had to reapply my lipstick as it was all over Mark’s face.
It was a lovely little place. The side we were on was quiet, although laughter drifted from the area on
the other side of the bar. Small tables were scattered about the room. With delight we occupied a small two person table near to the dancing flames of the large fireplace that filled most of the front wall.
‘This is perfect,’ I smiled as I sat down, Mark pushing the chair forward that he had held for me. Sitting down on the other side, he reached across and took my hands.
‘Yes, you are.’
‘Flatterer,’ I smiled again. ‘I’m too short, too wide and too muscular. And, Mark,’ I hesitated, then plunged ahead, ‘I have a secret that I need to tell you.’ I had decided that this night would be the night I told him about Jeremy. The more I saw of Mark, the more I talked to him, the more we made love, each little thing made me realize I was falling in love with him. Not just lust. Mark was in my dreams at night. I had no choice but to be honest with him if I hoped one day that he might feel the same way about me.
‘Good Lord, so serious Kelly?’ He tightened his grip on my hands. ‘I hope this secret is NOT that you’ve fallen for some other guy.’
‘Oh My God no. But Mark, before I came in the Army, I, well, you see…’
‘Kelly?’ Mark interrupted. ‘Is this about your son?’
I must have looked like an idiot. I KNOW I sat there with my mouth open. When I tried to ask him how he knew, nothing came out.
Mark rolled his eyes. ‘Honey, I was the company XO (executive officer). I’ve seen your service abstract. And of course your record of emergency data at the unit. You told me you were divorced and you had taken back your maiden name. When I saw the beneficiary of your life insurance was one ‘Jeremy Strang’, age 2, who has the same address as your parents, well, it didn’t take a genius to figure it out.’
I buried my face in my hands. He reached out and carefully lifted them away.
‘I’m so sorry Mark. Its not like I’m ashamed of Jeremy. I love him to death. I just couldn’t figure out when to tell you. At first I wasn’t sure where we were going, and then I was falling in love with you and I didn’t want to scare you off by telling you about him and…’ Thank God Mark stopped my babbling with a kiss.
‘Its okay.’ His eyes sparkled and he grinned. ‘Confession is good. Its certainly made you tell me one thing you hadn’t before, something I’ve been waiting to hear.’ When I looked puzzled her added, ‘Its about time you admitted you’re falling in love with me. I sure am in love with you.’
My heart leaped, and then I’m afraid the waterworks started again. I drenched Mark’s handkerchief and finally gave up and went off to the Ladies’ Room to repair my face. I bounded back out, as happy as I had ever been in my life, and then jumped back through the door and peeked through the crack. For standing besides our table was my section sergeant. What in the world brought him there? Well, that was simple, he had his family with him and they were there to eat dinner too.
I saw Mark smiling and nodding. When the waiter came back there was a conversation that I couldn’t hear. The waiter shrugged, smiled when Mark tipped him and gathered up the stuff from our table. I slipped out of the door and slid along the wall until I reached the bar. When Mark nodded I dashed around the bar and exited through the pool room area, meeting him in the parking lot.
I almost giggled when Mark joined me. The lights in the parking lot showed he had a hang-dog expression to end all such expressions. I suppose the reason I didn’t laugh was because I was pretty sure my face looked exactly the same.
Well, we did manage to eat out that night, but chili-dogs from the Diary Queen were not even close to the steak we had planned for. Still, the after dinner desert was wonderful, even if soft-serve ice cream is still very cold when its dripped up and down your body.
Fate, or two friends anyway, came to our rescue. One day I found a message to call a certain familiar number. When Mark picked me up we went off-post to a new house in one of the sub-divisions that were springing up all over. He knocked at the door and we were welcomed by a woman in her late twenties who introduced herself as Martha. She hugged Mark and then hugged me.
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A Grand Plan By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Three "Oh this sucks!" said Devin sarcastically. "But what about us Trisha. Maybe we could try again?" "You mean a second chance?" said Trisha, smiling at him. "Sure, that would be great!" said Devin. "It's funny you mention that, because I was just talking about that with Kendra," said Trisha. "I'd love a second chance," said Devin, smiling. "Good, then this will all work out perfectly, as I was just about to...
Please read my previous posts with Kelly for a background on our lifes.After Kelly was brought back into my life and our both going through numerous episodes of psychological therapy as well as plastic surgery for her we decided as much as we loved where we were living decided it was time to start new somewhere else.We moved out of SoCal for somewhere else that nobody knew except for some really close friends. We sold the house in SoCal and was able to not only but a really nice house with a...
hi,friends...its really awesome to share my personal experience with you all and in the same feeling i am forced to share a new story for all of was friday when i came back to my home suddenly i came to know that my friend George is comming to my u guys know i stay alone...i was very scared that what he will be going to do with me as he warned me not to go outside the house ....bell rang George was drunk and he was in mood to fuck me....He pushed me to the wall held me in my hips...
Lucy Tennyson folded the last of her silk panties and placed them in the right hand side of the drawer, next to her lace brassieres. She sighed happily. This was the third week of her new job. She felt quite satisfied with the progress she had made. Marc Connelly seemed happy with his new researcher. The lot she put together had sold well. Pleasing Mr. Connelly pleased her immensely. She decided to wear the new lavender lace set under the mint green silk suit. Her salary was disappearing as...
SeductionI was a teenage lad, 15. I'm white with short brown hair. I'm not built nor fat, just a plane average lad. I live not far off London. I was generally straight, on the odd occurrence I'd find myself turned on about men on me , but had never engaged in it... Until it was decided for me. It was winter time, about mid-December and the night came early. There was the odd pile of snow from all that remained from the downfall during the week. I had broke up from school and arranged to meet my...
Jazmura De'an, First Fleshmaker of the Celesti, woke with a fresh appreciation of being corporeal. That she appreciated it at all made her a bit of an outcast among her people. The Celesti had transcended the flesh when this galaxy was still a dimly-glowing cloud, living a life of the pure mind for countless aeons. They contemplated the secrets of the universe and the very nature of being, some focusing on a single question for a billion years, others investigating matters that might or might...
First I want to apologize to any of the parts that offended anyone; in the first story I tried to reach the interests of various readers. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, all was quiet and I thought this might finally be the best and only chance for my escape. I heard snoring in a bedroom next to where I was and as I slowly crawled off the bed I prayed that the floorboards wouldn’t creak and that “pa & jr.” were sound sleepers. I pulled the sheet from the bed to wrap...
DIRTY LITTLE SECRETSBy The Marquis Facade CHAPTER SIX Angie awoke suddenly and sat up on the bed. Mark was already gone to work apparently, as she was alone in the single apartment bedroom. She tossed the sheets and blanket back and twisted to hang her legs off over the side, but she didn’t quite have the energy to get up yet, so she sat, unmoving for a while, rolling thoughts of previous events around in her mind. In the last twenty four hours, she’d discovered that her husband had a...
Introduction: Read the first part if you already havent My hands were covered in his cum and he was also exhausted after that handjob. I wanted to continue so that I have a chance to earn more but he stopped me and said it was enough for the day. But I had grown addicted to earning that money and enjoying at the same time. That day I nagged him and asked him if we can do it again. But he refused and said we will do it again tomorrow. That day I decided to sleep along with him in his bed. He...
Twelve years into her career, Julia was still focusing on advancement. She was determined to make partner by the age of 35. She’d been working hard to learn everything there was to know about international law and that final step to partner was very close. She had been so focused on her career, her love life had been lacking. Sure there was the occasional fling… like the yacht… mmm that was fun, or her induction into the mile high club, but she was finally ready for more. The difficult part was...
I awoke to Vee's soft hand stroking my hair gently. Her fingers felt so good gliding through my soft brown mane. Her body was still wrapped in my arms and pulled close to me. I slowly opened my eyes and her blue ones were staring back at me.Vee smiled and said, "Good Morning," with a light pitch that was all her own.Was it morning already? There could not have been any way that we could have slept that long together. It was just morning when she knocked on my dorm room door. Was our time...
LesbianThis was around the first of October me and my girlfriend had got together and we'd been together for 1 month now and we had now made the relationship sexual, I went round hers to see her and she had the tightest shirt on you could see her 34 Es and those perfect nipples through the shirt, we went out for a walk and both me and her we're getting Hornier and horniier eventually we got back to hers and we got to her bedroom and she starts grinding on me and my dick gets harder and harder starting...
You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this...
Every dog has his day Conventional wisdom “Look,” Jack told the block-club meeting. “Yeti’s a friendly dog. It’s not like he’s threatening anyone. I try to keep him quiet, and he’s getting better at that.” “The noise statutes don’t say anything about friendliness,” old Mr. Verrano said. “They give limits on how much noise your dog can make and when. Your dog is breaking those limits. And they don’t say anything about getting better. They say that when your dog breaks those limits once,...
"Are your parents coming?" Greg asked. "I don't think so," Sarah replied matter-of-factly. She had given up on her dad long ago, but she still had hope for her mother – there were a few, strained conversations over the phone, but Sarah wasn't holding her breath expecting a "welcome back" any time soon. It had been eleven years since her parents threw her out of their house and their lives for being "a freak" - at least that's what they called her. Sarah paused for a moment as she...
The plans to stay in Chicago with Chris Reeve and Eva Vega changed. Alice explained to them in a phone call over a week earlier that there’d been many changes in Circle attendance. While the Convention of the Circle Fan Club that Chris and Eva had arranged was still at the Wrigley Convention Center, there were more and more people from the Circle attending than Chris and Eva could possibly fit in their apartment, so they’d arranged for several suites at the Marriott – Downtown. Dave liked...
all of the kids in the school are ages 14-18 years old . A few 18 year olds are here that failed. I am 29 years old and well-built. I played sports all through grade school and college I love that I know many young girls have a crush on me and I constantly hear them giggle with one another when they look at me as I walk by them. I look back at them with a smile because I have always liked young girls. It has always been a fantasy to make love to one. Sasha is a beautiful 16 year old...
Part 3- Conclusion Michelle sat at the bar of the Electric Raven nursing a Mike’s Hard Lemonade. She was wearing a mini-skirt and a belly-baring crop top with a good deal of exposed cleavage. It was about the only thing she could wear and still be able to function. She still felt a low ebb of intense arousal and her hips wriggled unconsciously, but she was able to think at least semi-clearly. Michelle was finally coming to terms with her condition. She was for all intents and purposes trapped...
A drop dead gorgeous blonde enters our studio this week. She saw our “MODELS WANTED” ad and was curious to give it a try. After the usual “self intro” for the agencies, our new Model strikes poses after poses. When our Photographer, who is attracted to blondes, gets an erection in his pants, he asks her if she likes hard cocks. She replies YES. “Do you like to ride them?” YES “Do you like to cum on them?” YES. So, she proceeds to wrap her lips around the stiff cock and begins sucking on it. She...
xmoviesforyouyour need , My whip by Midnytedreams I enter the shop and see that two woman are by themselves looking at the novelties and lingerie in the store, with the lone female cashier behind her counter. I walk up to the counter and tell her My name and ask "Has My package arrived yet , I special ordered it"?. She looks on the computer and says. "Yes Sir, if you will wait one moment I will get it". She walks walks around the counter and into the back, and goes to gets it. I wait and I feel the two...
Diana Richards was barely listening to Ed Hood’s voice drone on about how they could save each other if only she’d walk away from her husband and come to him. She was fighting the waves of nausea that kept washing over her every time the bastard would intimate that he knew they’d be good together if only she’d give him a chance. Suddenly, a feeling of calm settled in the pit of her stomach and there was a prickling sensation on the back of her head. She almost gasped aloud when she heard...
Matilda, she much preferred “Matty”, was a solid, no nonsense farm widow. Her husband had been killed in a tractor accident about three years ago. The life insurance paid off the mortgage and she sold the farm equipment to settle other debts. There was some income from renting their land but she needed more. Keeping small animals like chickens and rabbits and pigs she could handle. It gave her a purpose and brought money at the Farmer’s Market. If course it fed her too. Matty was about 5’4”...
This one is compliments of Jerry President Barack Obama, surrounded by his normal retinue of Secret Service agents, walks into the Chicago branch office of a regional bank to cash a check. "Good morning, ma'am," he says to the cashier. "I'd like to cash this check." "Of course, sir," she replies. "Do you have your drivers license?" "Actually, no," Obama says. "I didn't drive myself and, honestly, I didn't think I'd need to show any ID. I mean, I am the...
"This is," Danielle's papa commented, "the last harvest of the nineteenth century. When everything's green and new again, it will be really new. The twentieth century, the Christian Century. Isn't this an exciting time, Nellie?" Danielle didn't feel excited; being new wasn't -- pardon her -- very new for her. Tomorrow, she was going to be the new girl in class once again. She'd be starting the tenth grade in her ninth school. (They'd stayed in Fort Plain two years.) School was a...
Background: I (at the time) was 19 years old. My mother had me when she was very young. She is (at the time) 34. I am 5' 10", 190lbs, muscular and athletic. My mom is 5' 7", 120lbs, tanned skin, athletic, about a 34C. We have a good relationship just somewhat distant. I am an only c***d and live with both of my parents. Story: My mother and i have a pretty normal relationship. We have our times where we got into arguments and it caused us to be somewhat distant. My father was a pilot so he was...
Just thinking I'd book the room and wait. Before get room e promise that from start we're just going fuck each other, no talking, just straight to it. Always chat afterwards lol. As you get room I open door when you knock, you look amazing and have little cheeky smile on your face haha. You just say hello and start kissing me, feels fucking good! As we're kissing, we walk towards the bed, you've got your back to it, you fall on the bed with me on top off you. You start undoing my jeans as I...
The wedding was the first Saturday in August. Amy looked wonderful in an ivory dress that seemed somehow to flow round her. She was 'given away' – for the second time – by her father, Alan Gardiner while her mother, Sarah, sat with tears streaming down her cheeks. When Alan sat next to her, she whispered, "I was such a fool before..." "Hush," he replied, "water under the bridge. You're here this time ... just enjoy it." It would be a toss-up who was the more nervous among the men....
I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother’s dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some ‘adult time.’ I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...
So I was 19 I dropped by a friend's place to chill. He was not back when I got there but I came in anyway. Nothing unusual. I walked into the kitchen and there I saw her. My buddy's step mom climbing out of the pool. She was wearing thing skin tight black bikini. Her long blonde hair soaked but still perfect. But best of all her model body. Slim very fit with perfect c cup tits. My god is she a stunner. She looked right at me. I thought she would have covered up but no. She dryed herself and...
Introduction: Heres the part two. Its got a little more sex-related stuff, but no full on sex. I hope you like it. Please leave comments, I love to read them! His lips against mine, kissing me deep and slow as I straddle his waist, gently grinding against him. He pulls back and his lips brush along my jawline, moving down my neck. His breath against my neck and in my ear, as he whispers I want you. He bites my earlobe, gently, sending chills down my spine. His hands are roaming all over my...
This is a continuation from my previous story "MILF & Young Teen Boy"In that story, Jerry spent the afternoon with his best friend Brads Mother, and a very heated afternoon at that, in this story Jerry is about to meet another member of his best friends family, his younger sister! read on to hear what happens, Jerry is also a lot more confident in the end.Jerry had been thinking about Miss Anderson ever since they had spent the afternoon together, and now he had to return to the house to...
"I just don't get it! Why doesn't the courier let me sign for stuff?""He has documents that require my signature only, Alice!""Yeah, I understand that, but the other courier let me do it anyway.""Don't worry about it, he's new on the job and is just being over-cautious,I guess. Besides, it's not a problem anyhow. I really don't mind theinterruption since it's been at the end of the day anyhow.""So you want me just to let him in when he comes by every Friday?""Well, buzz me first in case I...